Search results for: tropical karst island
443 The Analysis of Priority Flood Control Management Using Analysis Hierarchy Process
Authors: Pravira Rizki Suwarno, Fanny Aliza Savitri, Priseyola Ayunda Prima, Pipin Surahman, Mahelga Levina Amran, Khoirunisa Ulya Nur Utari, Nora Permatasari
The Bogowonto River or commonly called the Bhagawanta River, is one of the rivers on Java Island. It is located in Central Java, Indonesia. Its watershed area is 35 km² with 57 km long. This river covers three regencies, namely Wonosobo Regency and Magelang Regency in the upstream and Purworejo Regency in the south and downstream. The Bogowonto River experiences channel narrowing and silting. It is caused by garbage along the river that comes from livestock and household waste. The narrowing channel and siltation cause a capacity reduction of the river to drain flood discharge. Comprehensive and sustainable actions are needed in dealing with current and future floods. Based on these current conditions, a priority scale is required. Therefore, this study aims to determine the priority scale of flood management in Purworejo Regency using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. This method will determine the appropriate actions based on the rating. In addition, there will be field observations through distributing questionnaires to several parties, including the stakeholders and the community. The results of this study will be in 2 (two) forms of actions, both structurally covering water structures and non-structural, including social, environmental, and law enforcement.Keywords: analytical hierarchy process, bogowonto, flood control, management
Procedia PDF Downloads 210442 Species Distribution Modelling for Assessing the Effect of Land Use Changes on the Habitat of Endangered Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus) in Kalimantan, Indonesia
Authors: Wardatutthoyyibah, Satyawan Pudyatmoko, Sena Adi Subrata, Muhammad Ali Imron
The proboscis monkey is an endemic species to the island of Borneo with conservation status IUCN (The International Union for Conservation of Nature) of endangered. The population of the monkey has a specific habitat and sensitive to habitat disturbances. As a consequence of increasing rates of land-use change in the last four decades, its population was reported significantly decreased. We quantified the effect of land use change on the proboscis monkey’s habitat through the species distribution modeling (SDM) approach with Maxent Software. We collected presence data and environmental variables, i.e., land cover, topography, bioclimate, distance to the river, distance to the road, and distance to the anthropogenic disturbance to generate predictive distribution maps of the monkeys. We compared two prediction maps for 2000 and 2015 data to represent the current habitat of the monkey. We overlaid the monkey’s predictive distribution map with the existing protected areas to investigate whether the habitat of the monkey is protected under the protected areas networks. The results showed that almost 50% of the monkey’s habitat reduced as the effect of land use change. And only 9% of the current proboscis monkey’s habitat within protected areas. These results are important for the master plan of conservation of the endangered proboscis monkey and provide scientific guidance for the future development incorporating biodiversity issue.Keywords: endemic species, land use change, maximum entropy, spatial distribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 159441 Utilization of Developed Single Sequence Repeats Markers for Dalmatian Pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) in Preliminary Genetic Diversity Study on Natural Populations
Authors: F. Varga, Z. Liber, J. Jakše, A. Turudić, Z. Šatović, I. Radosavljević, N. Jeran, M. Grdiša
Dalmatian pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Sch. Bip.; Asteraceae), a source of the commercially dominant plant insecticide pyrethrin, is a species endemic to the eastern Adriatic. Genetic diversity of T. cinerariifolium was previously studied using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. However, microsatellite markers (single sequence repeats - SSRs) are more informative because they are codominant, highly polymorphic, locus-specific, and more reproducible, and thus are most often used to assess the genetic diversity of plant species. Dalmatian pyrethrum is an outcrossing diploid (2n = 18) whose large genome size and high repeatability have prevented the success of the traditional approach to SSR markers development. The advent of next-generation sequencing combined with the specifically developed method recently enabled the development of, to the author's best knowledge, the first set of SSRs for genomic characterization of Dalmatian pyrethrum, which is essential from the perspective of plant genetic resources conservation. To evaluate the effectiveness of the developed SSR markers in genetic differentiation of Dalmatian pyrethrum populations, a preliminary genetic diversity study was conducted on 30 individuals from three geographically distinct natural populations in Croatia (northern Adriatic island of Mali Lošinj, southern Adriatic island of Čiovo, and Mount Biokovo) based on 12 SSR loci. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) by randomization test with 10,000 permutations was performed in Arlequin 3.5. The average number of alleles per locus, observed and expected heterozygosity, probability of deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and inbreeding coefficient was calculated using GENEPOP 4.4. Genetic distance based on the proportion of common alleles (DPSA) was calculated using MICROSAT. Cluster analysis using the neighbor-joining method with 1,000 bootstraps was performed with PHYLIP to generate a dendrogram. The results of the AMOVA analysis showed that the total SSR diversity was 23% within and 77% between the three populations. A slight deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed in the Mali Lošinj population. Allele richness ranged from 2.92 to 3.92, with the highest number of private alleles observed in the Mali Lošinj population (17). The average observed DPSA between 30 individuals was 0.557. The highest DPSA (0.875) was observed between several pairs of Dalmatian pyrethrum individuals from the Mali Lošinj and Mt. Biokovo populations, and the lowest between two individuals from the Čiovo population. Neighbor-joining trees, based on DPSA, grouped individuals into clusters according to their population affiliation. The separation of Mt. Biokovo clade was supported (bootstrap value 58%), which is consistent with the previous study on AFLP markers, where isolated populations from Mt. Biokovo differed from the rest of the populations. The developed SSR markers are an effective tool for assessing the genetic diversity and structure of natural Dalmatian pyrethrum populations. These preliminary results are encouraging for a future comprehensive study with a larger sample size across the species' range. Combined with the biochemical data, these highly informative markers could help identify potential genotypes of interest for future development of breeding lines and cultivars that are both resistant to environmental stress and high in pyrethrins. Acknowledgment: This work has been supported by the Croatian Science Foundation under the project ‘Genetic background of Dalmatian pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium /Trevir./ Sch. Bip.) insecticidal potential’- (PyrDiv) (IP-06-2016-9034) and by project KK., Biodiversity and Molecular Plant Breeding, at the Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity and Molecular Plant Breeding (CoE CroP-BioDiv), Zagreb, Croatia.Keywords: Asteraceae, genetic diversity, genomic SSRs, NGS, pyrethrum, Tanacetum cinerariifolium
Procedia PDF Downloads 115440 Evaluation of Drought Tolerant Sunflower Hybrids Indicated Their Broad Adaptability Under Stress Environment
Authors: Saeed Rauf
Purpose: Drought stress is a major production constraint in sunflowers and causes yield losses under tropical and subtropical environments having high evapo-tranpirational losses. Given the consequences, three trials were designed to evaluate drought-resistant sunflower hybrids. Research Methods: Field trials were conducted under a split-plot arrangement with 17 hybrids and two contrasting regimes at Sargodha, Pakistan and 7 hybrids at Karj, Iran. Water stress condition was simulated by holding water in a stress regime. Hybrids were also screened against five levels of osmotic-ally induced stress, i.e. 0-15%, under a completely randomized design with 3 replications. Findings: Hybrids H1 (C.112.× RH.344) and H3 (C.112.× RSIN.82) showed the highest seed yield ha-1 and early flowering at Karj Iran. Commercial hybrid had the highest CTD (18.2°C) followed by C112 × RH.344 (17.29 °C). Hybrid C.250 × R.SIN.82 had the highest seed yield (m-2), followed by C.112 × RH.365 and C.124 × RSIN.82 under both stress and non-stress regimes at Sargodha, Pakistan. Seedling trial results showed that 6 hybrids only germinated in 5 and 7.5% PEG-induced osmotic stress, respectively. H1 (C.112 × RH.344) and H2 (C.112 × RH.347) had the highest germination% at 5% and 7.5% osmotic stress (OS). Seedling vigor index (SVI) was the highest in H1 (C.112 × RH.344) hybrids at 5% OS, H2 had the highest SVI under 7.5% OS, followed by H3 (C112 × RH344) and H4 (C116 × RH344). Originality/Value: In view of above results, it was concluded that hybrid combination H1 had the highest seed yield under stress conditions in both environments. High seed yield may be due to its better germination and vigor index under stress conditions.Keywords: climate change, CTD, genetic variability, osmotic stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 67439 Biohydrogen Production Derived from Banana Pseudo Stem of Agricultural Residues by Dark Fermentation
Authors: Kholik
Nowadays, the demand of renewable energy in general is increasing due to the crisis of fossil fuels. Biohydrogen is an alternative fuel with zero emission derived from renewable resources such as banana pseudo stem of agricultural residues. Banana plant can be easily found in tropical and subtropical areas, so the resource is abundant and readily available as a biohydrogen substrate. Banana pseudo stem has not been utilised as a resource or substrate of biohydrogen production and it mainly contains 45-65% cellulose (α-cellulose), 5-15% hemicellulose and 20-30% Lignin, which indicates that banana pseudo stem will be renewable, sustainable and promising resource as lignocellulosic biomass. In this research, biohydrogen is derived from banana pseudo stem by dark fermentation. Dark fermentation is the most suitable approach for practical biohydrogen production from organic solid wastes. The process has several advantages including a fast reaction rate, no need of light, and a smaller footprint. 321 million metric tonnes banana pseudo stem of 428 million metric tonnes banana plantation residues in worldwide for 2013 and 22.5 million metric tonnes banana pseudo stem of 30 million metric tonnes banana plantation residues in Indonesia for 2015 will be able to generate 810.60 million tonne mol H2 and 56.819 million tonne mol H2, respectively. In this paper, we will show that the banana pseudo stem is the renewable, sustainable and promising resource to be utilised and to produce biohydrogen as energy generation with high yield and high contain of cellulose in comparison with the other substrates.Keywords: banana pseudo stem, biohydrogen, dark fermentation, lignocellulosic
Procedia PDF Downloads 352438 A Review On Traditional Agroforestry Systems In Europe Revisited: Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, And Future Perspectives
Authors: Thuy Hang Le
Traditional agroforestry systems are land-use practices still widespread in tropical and subtropical countries, while in Europe have significantly decreased due to land-use intensification, land abandonment, and urbanization. Nevertheless, scientific evidence reveals that traditional agroforestry systems significantly support biodiversity and ecosystem services and may positively contribute to socioeconomic rural regional development. We worked out a review that follows the PRISMA approach and compiled comprehensive information on traditional agroforestry systems in Europe. Based on the differentiation of different land-use systems, also considering the agricultural as well as forestry components, we compiled information regarding current distribution, management (agrodiversity), biodiversity and agrobiodiversity, ecosystem and landscape services, threats, and restoration initiatives. From a total of 3,304 studies that dealt with agroforestry systems in Europe, both “modern” (e.g., buffer strip) and “traditional” (e.g., meadow orchards), we filtered out 158 studies from 35 European countries which represent the basis for in-depth investigation. We found, for example, that the traditional pastoral agroforestry system in the Mediterranean region, the so-called Dehesa, can harbor up to 300 plant species as well as 238 bird species, of which 134 are breeding birds. With regard to carbon storage, the traditional orchard agroforestry system in Germany stocks ranged between 6.5 and 9.8 Mg C ha−1, showing significantly higher values compared to an intensively used grassland with around 3.4 to 6.7 Mg C ha−1. With the remarkably high benefit for biodiversity and ecosystem services provided, the important role and multifunctionality of traditional agroforestry systems in Europe should be acknowledged and promoted.Keywords: biodiversity, ecosystem services, landscape services, traditional agroforestry systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 76437 Risk Assessment of Oil Spill Pollution by Integration of Gnome, Aloha and Gis in Bandar Abbas Coast, Iran
Authors: Mehrnaz Farzingohar, Mehran Yasemi, Ahmad Savari
The oil products are imported and exported via Rajaee’s tanker terminal. Within loading and discharging in several cases the oil is released into the berths and made oil spills. The spills are distributed within short time and seriously affected Rajaee port’s environment and even extended areas. The trajectory and fate of oil spills investigated by modeling and parted by three risk levels base on the modeling results. First GNOME (General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment) applied to trajectory the liquid oil. Second, ALOHA (Areal Location Of Hazardous Atmosphere) air quality model, is integrated to predict the oil evaporation path within the air. Base on the identified zones the high risk areas are signed by colored dots which their densities calculated and clarified on a map which displayed the harm places. Wind and water circulation moved the pollution to the East of Rajaee Port that accumulated about 12 km of coastline. Approximately 20 km of north east of Qeshm Island shore is covered by the three levels of risky areas. Since the main wind direction is SSW the pollution pushed to the east and the highest risk zones formed on the crests edges hence the low risk appeared on the concavities. This assessment help the management and emergency systems to monitor the exposure places base on the priority factors and find the best approaches to protect the environment.Keywords: oil spill, modeling, pollution, risk assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 388436 3D Seismic Acquisition Challenges in the NW Ghadames Basin Libya, an Integrated Geophysical Sedimentological and Subsurface Studies Approach as a Solution
Authors: S. Sharma, Gaballa Aqeelah, Tawfig Alghbaili, Ali Elmessmari
There were abrupt discontinuities in the Brute Stack in the northernmost locations during the acquisition of 2D (2007) and 3D (2021) seismic data in the northwest region of the Ghadames Basin, Libya. In both campaigns, complete fluid circulation loss was seen in these regions during up-hole drilling. Geophysics, sedimentology and shallow subsurface geology were all integrated to look into what was causing the seismic signal to disappear at shallow depths. The Upper Cretaceous Nalut Formation is the near-surface or surface formation in the studied area. It is distinguished by abnormally high resistivity in all the neighboring wells. The Nalut Formation in all the nearby wells from the present study and previous outcrop study suggests lithology of dolomite and chert/flint in nodular or layered forms. There are also reports of karstic caverns, vugs, and thick cracks, which all work together to produce the high resistivity. Four up-hole samples that were analyzed for microfacies revealed a near-coastal to tidal environment. Algal (Chara) infested deposits up to 30 feet thick and monotonous, very porous, are seen in two up-hole sediments; these deposits are interpreted to be scattered, continental algal travertine mounds. Chert/flint, dolomite, and calcite in varying amounts are confirmed by XRD analysis. Regional tracking of the high resistivity of the Nalut Formation, which is thought to be connected to the sea level drop that created the paleokarst layer, is possible. It is abruptly overlain by a blanket marine transgressive deposit caused by rapid sea level rise, which is a regional, relatively high radioactive layer of argillaceous limestone. The examined area's close proximity to the mountainous, E-W trending ridges of northern Libya made it easier for recent freshwater circulation, which later enhanced cavern development and mineralization in the paleokarst layer. Seismic signal loss at shallow depth is caused by extremely heterogeneous mineralogy of pore- filling or lack thereof. Scattering effect of shallow karstic layer on seismic signal has been well documented. Higher velocity inflection points at shallower depths in the northern part and deeper intervals in the southern part, in both cases at Nalut level, demonstrate the layer's influence on the seismic signal. During the Permian-Carboniferous, the Ghadames Basin underwent uplift and extensive erosion, which resulted in this karstic layer of the Nalut Formation uplifted to a shallow depth in the northern part of the studied area weakening the acoustic signal, whereas in the southern part of the 3D acquisition area the Nalut Formation remained at the deeper interval without affecting the seismic signal. Results from actions taken during seismic processing to deal with this signal loss are visible and have improved. This study recommends using denser spacing or dynamite to circumvent the karst layer in a comparable geographic area in order to prevent signal loss at lesser depths.Keywords: well logging, seismic data acquisition, sesimic data processing, up-holes
Procedia PDF Downloads 86435 Nutritional Evaluation and the Importance of Traditional Vegetables That Sustain the Indigenous People of Malaysia
Authors: Rachel Thomas Tharmabalan
The growing unease over the matter of food security in the world is the result of a maturing realization that the genetic base of most human caloric intake from plants is dangerously narrow. Malaysia’s tropical rainforests have the potential to contribute to diet diversification and provide a source of nutrient-rich food as the Orang Asli communities in Malaysia have relied almost entirely on the jungle for food, fodder, medicine and fuel antithetical to what is happening today. This segregation of the Orang Asli from traditional lands and resources leads to severe loss of knowledge of biodiversity. In order to preserve these wild edibles, four different types of vegetables that are frequently consumed by the Orang Asli which consists of Rebu, Meranti, Saya and Pama were selected. These vegetables were then analysed to determine its proximate and mineral content to help ascertain claims and reaffirm the impact it can play in ensuring food and nutrition security, in addition to combating chronic diseases. From the results obtained, the Meranti had the highest crude fiber, iron and calcium content. Other minerals such as potassium, magnesium and copper were also found in varying content. These wild edibles could also contribute to education and bring awareness to younger generations as well as urban populations to start consuming more of these in their daily life as it could prevent various chronic diseases in Malaysia.Keywords: food and nutrition security, Orang Asli, underutilized plants, wild edible food systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 157434 The History of Sambipitu Formation Temperature during the Early Miocene Epooch at Kali Ngalang, Nglipar, Gunung Kidul Regency
Authors: R. Harman Dwi, Ryan Avirsa, P. Abraham Ivan
Understanding of temperatures in the past, present, and future temperatures can be possible to do by analysis abundance of fossil foraminifera. This research was conducted in Sambipitu Formation, Ngalang River, Nglipar, Gunung Kidul Regency. The research method is divided into 3 stages: 1) study of literature, research based on previous researchers, 2) spatial, observation and sampling every 5-10 meters, 3) descriptive, analyzing samples consisting of a 10-gram sample weight, washing sample using 30% peroxide, biostratigraphy analysis, paleotemperature analysis using abundance of fossil, diversity analysis using Simpson diversity index method, and comparing current temperature data. There are two phases based on the appearance of Globorotalia menardii and Pulleniatina obliqueculata pointed to Phase Tropical Area, and the appearance of fossil Globigerinoides ruber and Orbulina universa fossil shows the phase of Subtropical Area. Paleotemperatur based on the appearance of Globorotalia menardii, Globigerinoides trilobus, Globigerinoides ruber, Orbulina universa, and Pulleniatina obliqueculata pointed to Warm Water Area and Warm Water Area (average surface water approximate 25°C).Keywords: abundance, biostratigraphy, Simpson diversity index method, paleotemperature
Procedia PDF Downloads 172433 Buddhism and Society: The History and Contribution of Buddhist Education in Taiwan
Authors: Meilee Shen
Buddhist monks and nuns have changed within the dynamic culture of Taiwan that they find themselves in. The diverse cultures, economic development, and advanced educational levels of the island are all part of this. Buddhist education has become an interesting aspect in the history of Taiwanese Buddhism. In recent years, Buddhists in Taiwan have made significant contributions to both academic and religious studies. This paper will focus on the following questions: What is Buddhist education? How does a Buddhist education change monastic role in Taiwanese Buddhism? Finally, how has Buddhist education benefited Taiwanese society? Research indicates that Buddhist education in Taiwan possesses four features: 1. Master teaching disciple: Buddhist masters teach monastic rules to monastic disciples only. 2. Monastic education: It is mainly focused on Buddhist doctrines and sangha rules. 3. From Buddhist education to secular education: Buddhist studies were introduced into secular educational environments that were the beginning for outsiders to study Buddhism. It also opened a door to recruit young college students to enter the monastery. 4. Academic Buddhist training: Buddhist monks and nuns have begun to study at secular colleges in various programs besides Buddhist studies. In recent years, Buddhist colleges and secular universities’ religious studies programs have begun to admit overseas students due to the low birth-rate in Taiwan. Therefore, the relationship between Buddhism and Taiwanese society is dynamic.Keywords: Buddhist college and university in Taiwan, Buddhist education, institutionalization in Taiwanese Buddhism, monastic and secular education, Taiwanese Buddhist monks and nuns
Procedia PDF Downloads 171432 Assessing Psycho-Social Stressors for Chronically Infected Hepatitis C Virus Patients in Egypt
Authors: Ammal M. Metwally, Dalia M. Elmosalami, Walaa A. Fouad, Abla G. Khalifa, Lobna A. El Etreby, Mohamed AbdelRahman
People with hepatitis C are likely to experience psychological distress related to adjustment issues following diagnosis. Objective: The study was conducted to determine the psycho-social stressors accompanying Hepatitis C virus (HCV) chronic infection. The study focused on immediate and later on reactions to being diagnosed as infected HCV patients. Effect of HCV on disruption of patients’ relationships in term of family relationship and friendship, employment and financial status was assessed. The magnitude and causes of the social stigma and its relation to awareness about illness, level of education were also assessed. Methods: During this study the subjective experiences of people having HCV was explored through a designed questionnaire targeted 540 cases; 359 males and 181 females from ten out of 21 National Treatment Reference Centers of National Hepatology and Tropical Medicine Research Institutes of Ministry of Health (MOH) hospitals. The study was conducted along a period of six months from September 2011 to March 2012. Results: The study revealed that the financial problems are the commonest problems faced by 75.5 % of the cases. More than 70% of the cases suffered from immediate sadness versus 67.4% suffered from worry. Social stigma was reported by 13 % of HCV +patients, the majority of which were females. Conclusions: Exploring the psychosocial consequences of HCV infection can act as pressing motivators for behavior change needed for limiting HCV endemicity in Egypt.Keywords: Egypt, HCV infection, psycho-social adjustment, stigma
Procedia PDF Downloads 369431 Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of an Extensive Green Roof with a Traditional Gravel-Asphalted Roof: An Application for the Lebanese Context
Authors: Makram El Bachawati, Rima Manneh, Thomas Dandres, Carla Nassab, Henri El Zakhem, Rafik Belarbi
A vegetative roof, also called a garden roof, is a "roofing system that endorses the growth of plants on a rooftop". Garden roofs serve several purposes for a building, such as embellishing the roofing system, enhancing the water management, and reducing the energy consumption and heat island effects. Lebanon is a Middle East country that lacks the use of a sustainable energy system. It imports 98% of its non-renewable energy from neighboring countries and suffers flooding during heavy rains. The objective of this paper is to determine if the implementation of vegetative roofs is effectively better than the traditional roofs for the Lebanese context. A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is performed in order to compare an existing extensive green roof to a traditional gravel-asphalted roof. The life cycle inventory (LCI) was established and modeled using the SimaPro 8.0 software, while the environmental impacts were classified using the IMPACT 2002+ methodology. Results indicated that, for the existing extensive green roof, the waterproofing membrane and the growing medium were the highest contributors to the potential environmental impacts. When comparing the vegetative to the traditional roof, results showed that, for all impact categories, the extensive green roof had the less environmental impacts.Keywords: life cycle assessment, green roofs, vegatative roof, environmental impact
Procedia PDF Downloads 465430 Theoretical Study of Electronic Structure of Erbium (Er), Fermium (Fm), and Nobelium (No)
Authors: Saleh O. Allehabi, V. A. Dzubaa, V. V. Flambaum, Jiguang Li, A. V. Afanasjev, S. E. Agbemava
Recently developed versions of the configuration method for open shells, configuration interaction with perturbation theory (CIPT), and configuration interaction with many-body perturbation theory (CI+MBPT) techniques are used to study the electronic structure of Er, Fm, and No atoms. Excitation energies of odd states connected to the even ground state by electric dipole transitions, the corresponding transition rates, isotope shift, hyperfine structure, ionization potentials, and static scalar polarizabilities are calculated. The way of extracting parameters of nuclear charge distribution beyond nuclear root mean square (RMS) radius, e.g., a parameter of quadrupole deformation β, is demonstrated. In nuclei with spin > 1/2, parameter β is extracted from the quadrupole hyperfine structure. With zero nuclear spin or spin 1/2, it is impossible since quadrupole zero, so a different method was developed. The measurements of at least two atomic transitions are needed to disentangle the contributions of the changes in deformation and nuclear RMS radius into field isotopic shift. This is important for testing nuclear theory and for searching for the hypothetical island of stability. Fm and No are heavy elements approaching the superheavy region, for which the experimental data are very poor, only seven lines for the Fm element and one line for the No element. Since Er and Fm have similar electronic structures, calculations for Er serve as a guide to the accuracy of the calculations. Twenty-eight new levels of Fm atom are reported.Keywords: atomic spectra, electronic transitions, isotope effect, electron correlation calculations for atoms
Procedia PDF Downloads 156429 Black Shales Outcrops in Malaysia: Occurrence and Geological Setting
Authors: Hassan Baioumy, Yuniarti Ulfa, Mohd Nawawi, Mohammad Noor Akmal Anuar
Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic black shales that can be a potential source of energy and precious metals are widely distributed in Malaysia Peninsula, Sarawak and Sabah. Two Paleozoic black shales outcrops were reported in the Langkawi Island belonging to the Cambrian fluvial Machinchang Formation and the Silurian glaciomarine Singa Formation. More the seventeen occurrences of Paleozoic black shales outcrops have been found in the Peninsular Malaysia that range in age from Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian in the Terengganu, Perlis, Pahang, and Perak States. Mesozoic black shales outcrops occur in several places in both the Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak. In the Peninsular Malaysia, Triassic black shales occur in the Nami area, Northern Kedah and in the Pahang area. In Sarawak, Triassic black shales have been reported in the Bau area. Cenozoic black shales outcrops were reported in both Sarawak at Miri area and Sabah at the Ranau and Tenom areas. Preliminary mineralogical and geochemical investigations on some of these black shales outcrops showed distinct compositional variations among these black shales outcrops probably due to variations in their source area composition and/or depositional and diagenetic settings of these shales. Some of these shalese also subjected to post-depositional hydrothermal mineralization that enriched these shales with Au-bearing minerals such as pyrite, calchopyrite, and arsenopyrite. Many of the studied black shales outcrops look rich in organic matter, which increase the possibility of using these black shales as an unconventional energy resource.Keywords: black shales, energy, mineralization, Malaysia
Procedia PDF Downloads 534428 Evaluate the Possibility of Using ArcGIS Basemaps as GCP for Large Scale Maps
Authors: Jali Octariady, Ida Herliningsih, Ade K. Mulyana, Annisa Fitria, Diaz C. K. Yuwana
Awareness of the importance large-scale maps for development of a country is growing in all walks of life, especially for governments in Indonesia. Various parties, especially local governments throughout Indonesia demanded for immediate availability the large-scale maps of 1:5000 for regional development. But in fact, the large-scale maps of 1:5000 is only available less than 5% of the entire territory of Indonesia. Unavailability precise GCP at the entire territory of Indonesia is one of causes of slow availability the large scale maps of 1:5000. This research was conducted to find an alternative solution to this problem. This study was conducted to assess the accuracy of ArcGIS base maps coordinate when it shall be used as GCP for creating a map scale of 1:5000. The study was conducted by comparing the GCP coordinate from Field survey using GPS Geodetic than the coordinate from ArcGIS basemaps in various locations in Indonesia. Some areas are used as a study area are Lombok Island, Kupang City, Surabaya City and Kediri District. The differences value of the coordinates serve as the basis for assessing the accuracy of ArcGIS basemaps coordinates. The results of the study at various study area show the variation of the amount of the coordinates value given. Differences coordinate value in the range of millimeters (mm) to meters (m) in the entire study area. This is shown the inconsistency quality of ArcGIS base maps coordinates. This inconsistency shows that the coordinate value from ArcGIS Basemaps is careless. The Careless coordinate from ArcGIS Basemaps indicates that its cannot be used as GCP for large-scale mapping on the entire territory of Indonesia.Keywords: accuracy, ArcGIS base maps, GCP, large scale maps
Procedia PDF Downloads 374427 A New Assessment of the Chronology of the Vouni Palace
Authors: Seren Sevim Öğmen, Ömer Özyiğit
Vouni Palace is a Persian palace built on a rocky hill in the Lefke district of Cyprus. The palace is one of the limited number of architectures identified, which prove the existence of a Persian period on the island. Since the excavations on the palace were held a very long time ago, there is a need to re-date the cultural layers within the palace using new archaeological evidence and recent studies. The existing chronology has been reviewed and a new chronology has been created according to its architectural structure, floor findings such as ceramics and sculptures and the stratigraphic layer of Room 59 where the Vouni Treasure was found. This work dates the palace in Vouni between the periods of c. 520 BC, deduced from the early period sculptures, and c. 330 BC by the late period floor ceramics. Some earlier dated archaic sculptures are identified in Room 122 – which takes part in the temenos area of the palace, and correspondingly the construction of the palace is dated c. 520 BC. The comparison between Vouni Palace and Persian palaces built in Iran, shows similarities with palaces built during the rule of Darius. It is evident that two main building periods of the palace which are previously identified, represent Persian influence according to its architectural structure and findings. Several floor potteries show that there must be other layer or layers after Vouni Treasure dated 390/380 BC, which was considered as the destruction date of the palace. At this point the forenamed date can indicate the end of a stage, not the end of the period because the palace was still in use until c. 330 BC. The results of the study, in addition to dating the layers of Vouni Palace, enlightens the administrative function of the Palace within the Persian rule in Cyprus.Keywords: administrative, chronology, cyprus, persian rule, vouni palace
Procedia PDF Downloads 117426 The Economic Impact of the Elimination of Preferential Trade Arrangements in the Organization of the Eastern Caribbean States
Authors: Natasha Lalla
The impact of free trade on growth has been highly debated and studies have generated varying results. Since the 1970s the Caribbean has engaged in asymmetrical trade with some European states characterized by the Lomé Conventions (1975-1999). These agreements allowed for Caribbean products such as sugar and banana to enter some European countries duty-free and above market prices. With the onset of the World Trade Organization by the mid-1990s, the EU’s banana trade regime was considered illegitimate. Lomé was replaced by the Cotonou agreement (2000-2007), in order to phase out preferences and ensure that the Caribbean trade arrangements were consistent with the international economic environment of trade liberalization. This agreement facilitated signing of the Economic Partnership Agreement in 2008 by both trade blocs whereby Caribbean states must implement freer trade by 2033. The current study is an exploration of how the Organization of the Eastern Caribbean States, the smallest, economically and ecologically vulnerable states of the Caribbean have restructured their trade policies towards the end of preferences and what has been the economic developmental impact of this. This is done by analyzing key reports to understand how these states restructured policies towards freer trade. Secondly, to determine the impact of this, data collected for specific economic indicators were analyzed in a fixed effects panel data framework for the period 1979-2016 on six states of the Organization of the Eastern Caribbean States. The study, therefore, found that freer trade has resulted in negative growth in these states.Keywords: free trade, growth, OECS, small island developing states
Procedia PDF Downloads 195425 A Study of the Establishment of the Evaluation Index System for Tourist Attraction Disaster Resilience
Authors: Chung-Hung Tsai, Ya-Ping Li
Tourism industry is highly depended on the natural environment and climate. Compared to other industries, it is more susceptible to environment and climate. Taiwan belongs to a sea island country and located in the subtropical monsoon zone. The events of climate variability, frequency of typhoons and rainfalls raged are caused regularly serious disaster. In traditional disaster assessment, it usually focuses on the disaster damage and risk assessment, which is short of the features from different industries to understand the impact of the restoring force in post-disaster resilience and the main factors that constitute resilience. The object of this study is based on disaster recovery experience of tourism area and to understand the main factors affecting the tourist area of disaster resilience. The combinations of literature review and interviews with experts are prepared an early indicator system of the disaster resilience. Then, it is screened through a Fuzzy Delphi Method and Analytic Network Process for weight analysis. Finally, this study will establish the tourism disaster resilience evaluation index system considering the Taiwan's tourism industry characteristics. We hope that be able to enhance disaster resilience after tourist areas and increases the sustainability of industrial development. It is expected to provide government departments the tourism industry as the future owner of the assets in extreme climates responses.Keywords: resilience, Fuzzy Delphi Method, Analytic Network Process, industrial development
Procedia PDF Downloads 408424 Assessing the Feasibility of Incorporating Green Infrastructure into Colonial-Era Buildings in the Caribbean
Authors: Luz-Marina Roberts, Ancil Kirk, Aisha Donaldson, Anya Seepaul, Jade Lakhan, Shianna Tikasingh
Climate change has produced a crisis that particularly threatens small island states in the Caribbean. Developers and climate enthusiasts alike are now forced to find new and sustainable ways of building. Focus on existing buildings is particularly needed in Trinidad and Tobago, like other islands, especially as these countries are vulnerable to climate threats and geographic locations with close proximity to a hurricane. Additionally, since many colonial-era style buildings still exist, the idea that they are energy inefficient is at the forefront of the work of policy-makers. The question that remains is can these buildings be retrofitted to reflect the modern era while considering climate resilience. This paper aims to investigate the energy efficiency of colonial-era buildings in Port of Spain and whether these buildings in Trinidad and Tobago, if found to be energy inefficient, can be more energy efficient and sustainable. This involves collecting surveys from building management in colonial-era buildings and researching literature on colonial architecture in the Caribbean and modern innovations in green building designs. Additionally, the data and experiences from the Town and Country Planning Division in the Ministry of Planning and Development of Trinidad and Tobago will inform the paper. This research will aid in re-envisioning how green infrastructure can be applied to urban environments with older buildings and help inform planning policy as it relates to sustainability and energy efficiency.Keywords: spatial planning, climate resilience, energy efficiency, sustainable development
Procedia PDF Downloads 68423 The Potential of Hybrid Microgrids for Mitigating Power Outage in Lebanon
Lebanon electricity crisis continues to escalate. Rationing hours still apply across the country but with different rates. The capital Beirut is subjected to 3 hours cut while other cities, town and villages may endure 9 to 14 hours of power shortage. To mitigate this situation, private diesel generators distributed illegally all over the country are being used to bridge the gap in power supply. Almost each building in large cities has its own generator and individual villages may have more than one generator supplying their loads. These generators together with their private networks form incomplete and ill-designed and managed microgrids (MG) but can be further developed to become renewable energy-based MG operating in island- or grid-connected modes. This paper will analyze the potential of introducing MG to help resolve the energy crisis in Lebanon. It will investigate the usefulness of developing MG under the prevailing situation of existing private power supply service providers and in light of the developed national energy policy that supports renewable energy development. A case study on a distribution feeder in a rural area will be analyzed using HOMER software to demonstrate the usefulness of introducing photovoltaic (PV) arrays along the existing diesel generators for all the stakeholders; namely, the developers, the customers, the utility and the community at large. Policy recommendations regarding MG development in Lebanon will be presented on the basis of the accumulated experience in private generation and the privatization and public-private partnership laws.Keywords: decentralized systems, distributed generation, microgrids, renewable energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 136422 Studying the Impact of Architectural Styles on Student Satisfaction in University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani
Authors: Frimpong Gyamfi Marious
At the University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) in Sunyani, Ghana, this study investigates the connection between architectural styles and student satisfaction. The study investigates how various architectural components, such as building layout, lighting, ventilation, and aesthetics, affect students' comfort, educational experience, and general contentment with campus amenities. Data was gathered using a mixed-methods approach that included physical inspections of school facilities, in-depth interviews with students, working and none working staff. According to the results, modern designs that incorporate flexible learning areas, sufficient natural lighting, and appropriate ventilation greatly raise student satisfaction. Nonetheless, it was discovered that certain traditional architectural features included in campus structures enhanced students' feelings of cultural kinship. The study also identifies key architectural challenges affecting student comfort, including inadequate thermal control and limited social interaction spaces. Based on these findings, the research proposes design recommendations for future campus development that balance modern functionality with cultural sensitivity. This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge on educational architecture and provides practical insights for improving campus design to enhance student experience in tropical climates.Keywords: architecture, architectural styles, impact of architectural styles, impacts of architectural styles on students satisfaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 11421 Physicochemical Characterization of Coastal Aerosols over the Mediterranean Comparison with Weather Research and Forecasting-Chem Simulations
Authors: Stephane Laussac, Jacques Piazzola, Gilles Tedeschi
Estimation of the impact of atmospheric aerosols on the climate evolution is an important scientific challenge. One of a major source of particles is constituted by the oceans through the generation of sea-spray aerosols. In coastal areas, marine aerosols can affect air quality through their ability to interact chemically and physically with other aerosol species and gases. The integration of accurate sea-spray emission terms in modeling studies is then required. However, it was found that sea-spray concentrations are not represented with the necessary accuracy in some situations, more particularly at short fetch. In this study, the WRF-Chem model was implemented on a North-Western Mediterranean coastal region. WRF-Chem is the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model online-coupled with chemistry for investigation of regional-scale air quality which simulates the emission, transport, mixing, and chemical transformation of trace gases and aerosols simultaneously with the meteorology. One of the objectives was to test the ability of the WRF-Chem model to represent the fine details of the coastal geography to provide accurate predictions of sea spray evolution for different fetches and the anthropogenic aerosols. To assess the performance of the model, a comparison between the model predictions using a local emission inventory and the physicochemical analysis of aerosol concentrations measured for different wind direction on the island of Porquerolles located 10 km south of the French Riviera is proposed.Keywords: sea-spray aerosols, coastal areas, sea-spray concentrations, short fetch, WRF-Chem model
Procedia PDF Downloads 196420 Evolving Mango Metaphor In Diaspora Literature: Maintaining Immigrant Identity Through Foodways
Authors: Constance Kirker
This paper examines examples of the shared use of mango references as a culinary metaphor powerful in maintaining immigrant identity in the works of diaspora authors from a variety of regions of the world, including South Asia, the Caribbean, and Africa, and across a variety of genres, including novels, culinary memoirs, and children’s books. There has been past criticism of so-called sari-mango literature, suggesting that use of the image of mango is a cliché, even “lazy,” attempt to “exoticize” and sentimentalize South Asia in particular. A broader review across national boundaries reveals that diaspora authors, including those beyond South Asia, write nostalgically about mango as much about the messy “full body” tactile experience of eating a mango as about the “exotic” quality of mango representing the “otherness” of their home country. Many of the narratives detail universal childhood food experiences that are more shared than exotic, such as a desire to subvert the adult societal rules of neatness and get very messy, or memories of small but memorable childhood transgressions such as stealing mangoes from a neighbor’s tree. In recent years, food technology has evolved, and mangoes have become more familiar and readily available in Europe and America, from smoothies and baby food to dried fruit snacks. The meaning associated with the imagery of mangoes for both writers and readers in diaspora literature evolves as well, and authors do not have to heed Salman Rushdie’s command, “There must be no tropical fruits in the title. No mangoes.”Keywords: identity, immigrant diaspora, culinary metaphor, food studies
Procedia PDF Downloads 111419 Bayesian Inference of Physicochemical Quality Elements of Tropical Lagoon Nokoué (Benin)
Authors: Hounyèmè Romuald, Maxime Logez, Mama Daouda, Argillier Christine
In view of the very strong degradation of aquatic ecosystems, it is urgent to set up monitoring systems that are best able to report on the effects of the stresses they undergo. This is particularly true in developing countries, where specific and relevant quality standards and funding for monitoring programs are lacking. The objective of this study was to make a relevant and objective choice of physicochemical parameters informative of the main stressors occurring on African lakes and to identify their alteration thresholds. Based on statistical analyses of the relationship between several driving forces and the physicochemical parameters of the Nokoué lagoon, relevant Physico-chemical parameters were selected for its monitoring. An innovative method based on Bayesian statistical modeling was used. Eleven Physico-chemical parameters were selected for their response to at least one stressor and their threshold quality standards were also established: Total Phosphorus (<4.5mg/L), Orthophosphates (<0.2mg/L), Nitrates (<0.5 mg/L), TKN (<1.85 mg/L), Dry Organic Matter (<5 mg/L), Dissolved Oxygen (>4 mg/L), BOD (<11.6 mg/L), Salinity (7.6 .), Water Temperature (<28.7 °C), pH (>6.2), and Transparency (>0.9 m). According to the System for the Evaluation of Coastal Water Quality, these thresholds correspond to” good to medium” suitability classes, except for total phosphorus. One of the original features of this study is the use of the bounds of the credibility interval of the fixed-effect coefficients as local weathering standards for the characterization of the Physico-chemical status of this anthropized African ecosystem.Keywords: driving forces, alteration thresholds, acadjas, monitoring, modeling, human activities
Procedia PDF Downloads 97418 Luminescence Dating of Ancient Agricultural Terraced Landscapes: Prospects for Heritage Protection
Authors: Lisa Snape, Andreas Lang, Tony Brown, Dan Fallu, Ben Pears
Agricultural terraced landscapes are widespread in mountainous areas in a variety of climatic zones around the World. The most famous are those found associated with the famous Inca site of Machu Pichu in the Andes, the arid lands in upland areas of Yemen, and the abundant rice terraces covering the hilltops in tropical areas such as Thailand, Vietnam, and China and also Bali. Terraces were designed using advanced engineered techniques, requiring specialist knowledge of bedrock geology, soil cultivation and maintenance, and ecosystem management to grow a variety of crops in specific environmental conditions. These enigmatic landscapes were often overlooked in the past but have now received widespread attention to further understand their age, origins, and evolution as the landscapes and environment changed over time. By understanding the age and chronologies of agricultural terrace technology, we can enhance our understanding of these unique features considered widely as important ecosystem services in the present day. We present distinct luminescence dating evidence from a variety of terraced systems found in different European environmental settings, such as the UK, Italy and Belgium, as part of the wider ERC-funded TerrACE Project. Our research aims to better understand their history and advocate for their protection and effective management as important cultural, heritage and environmental assets, creating new avenues for future scientific research.Keywords: terraces, agriculture, luminescence dating, heritage protection
Procedia PDF Downloads 54417 Surface Temperature of Asphalt Pavements with Colored Cement-Based Grouting Materials Containing Ceramic Waste Powder and Zeolite
Authors: H. Higashiyama, M. Sano, F. Nakanishi, M. Sugiyama, M. Kawanishi, S. Tsukuma
The heat island phenomenon and extremely hot summer climate are becoming environmental problems in Japan. Cool pavements reduce the surface temperature compared to conventional asphalt pavements in the hot summer climate and improve the thermal environment in the urban area. The authors have studied cement–based grouting materials poured into voids in porous asphalt pavements to reduce the road surface temperature. For the cement–based grouting material, cement, ceramic waste powder, and natural zeolite were used. This cement–based grouting material developed reduced the road surface temperature by 20 °C or more in the hot summer season. Considering the urban landscape, this study investigates the effect of surface temperature reduction of colored cement–based grouting materials containing pigments poured into voids in porous asphalt pavements by measuring the surface temperature of asphalt pavements outdoors. The yellow color performed the same as the original cement–based grouting material containing no pigment and was thermally better performance than the other color. However, all the tested cement–based grouting materials performed well for reducing the surface temperature and for creating the urban landscape.Keywords: ceramic waste powder, natural zeolite, road surface temperature, asphalt pavement, urban landscape
Procedia PDF Downloads 316416 Dietary Effect of Probiotic Bacteria, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens JFP-2 Isolate from Jeju Island`s Traditional Fermented Food, on Innate Immune Response of Oplegnathus fasciatus Challenged with Vibrio anguillarum
Authors: Dong Hwi Kim, Dharaneedharan Subramanian, So Hyun Park, Ha-Ri Choi, Ji-Hyung Kim, Dong-Hoon Lee, Moon Soo Heo
The present study was performed to evaluate the use of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens JFP-2 isolated from a traditional fermented sea food, as probiotic bacteria in the diets for Rock-bream, Oplegnathus faciatus. A total of 180 fish (187.4 ± 2.7 g) were divided into two groups, control (C) and probiotic (P) group (90 fish per group) in triplicate. C group was fed with basal diet without probiotic, while P group was fed with B. amyloliquefaciens spores at concentration of 1.4 x 106 colony forming units per gram (CFU/g) of feed. After two months of feeding experiments, P group fish showed significant improvements in body weight (BW), weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR) and food conversion ratio (FCR) compared with C group. Also, bi-weekly assessment of serum protein, glucose, fatty acid profile showed a significant increase in probiotic fed fish than that of control fish group. Similar increase in serum antioxidant and lysozyme activity was found in probiotic fed fish group. Twenty days challenge experiment shows decrease mortality in probiotic fed fish group when compared with that of control group. Hence, these results indicate that the use of B. amyloliquefaciens JFP-2 as a feed supplement, is beneficial to improve the health status of Oplegnathus fasciatus challenged with Vibrio anguillarum.Keywords: Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Oplegnathus fasciatus, probiotic feed, rock bream
Procedia PDF Downloads 259415 Secret Agents in the Azores during the Second World War and the Impact of Espionage on Portuguese-British Relations
Authors: Marisa Galiza Filipe
In 1942, at the height of the Second World War, Roosevelt and Churchill planned to occupy the Azores to establish air and naval bases. The islands' privileged position in the middle of the Atlantic made them a strategic location for both the Axis and the Allies. For the Germans, the occupation of the island was also a strategic place to launch an attack on the United States of America, and for the British and Americans, the islands were the perfect spot to counterattack the German sinking of British boats and submarines. Salazar avoided the concession of the islands until 1943, claiming, on the one hand, the policy of neutrality, a decision made in agreement with England, and on the other hand, the reaffirmation of Portuguese sovereignty over the territory. Aware of the constant changes and supported by a network of informers on the islands, the German and British spies played a crucial role in the negotiations between Portugal and the Allies and the ceding of the bases by Salazar, which prevented their forced occupation. The espionage caused several diplomatic tensions, and the large number of German spies denounced by the British, operating on the islands under the watchful eye of the PVDE and Salazar, weakened the Portuguese-British alliance. Using primary source documents in the Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros (MNE) archives, this paper introduces the spies that operated on the islands, their missions and motives, organizations, and modus operandi. As a chess game, any move was careful thinking and the spies were valuable assets to control and use information that could lead to the occupation of the islands and, ultimately, change the tide of the war.Keywords: espionage, Azores, WWI, neutrality
Procedia PDF Downloads 66414 Effect of Pre Harvest Application of Amino Acids on Fruit Development of Sub-Tropical Peach
Authors: Manjot Kaur, Harminder Singh, S. K. Jawandha
The present investigations were carried out at Fruit Research Farm, Department of Fruit Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during the years 2016 and 2017, with the aim of assessing the effect of amino acids on fruit development, shoot growth and yield of peach. The six-year-old peach trees of cv. Florida Prince were sprayed with 0.25 % and 0.50 % concentrations of amino acids (Peptone P1 023), 7 and 14 days after full bloom and the sprays were repeated after 15 and 30 days. Experimental findings showed that all the amino acid treatments increased fruit growth, shoot growth, fruit retention and yield and decreased fruit drop as compared to control during both the years. Maximum fruit retention (89.29 %) and minimum fruit drop (10.71 %) was observed in T8 (2 sprays @ 0.50%). Highest mean shoot growth (113.89 cm) was recorded in T12 (3 sprays @ 0.50%) while the minimum was in control plants (88.23 cm). Fruit yield was also found to be maximum (53.92 kg/tree) under double spray treatment T8 (2 sprays @ 0.50%) of amino acids and minimum in plants sprayed with triple spray of amino acids. Fruit maturity was advanced by 3-4 days by double spray treatments of amino acids as compared to control. In brief, the application of double spray of amino acids @ 0.50% (applied 14 days after full bloom and 15 days later), was found to be best to improve the fruit growth, fruit retention and yield of Florida Prince peach under Punjab conditions.Keywords: amino acids, fruit growth, maturity, peach, shoot growth
Procedia PDF Downloads 188