Search results for: durability properties
8758 The Effects of Applied Negative Bias Voltage on Structure and Optical Properties of a-C:H Films
Authors: X. L. Zhou, S. Tunmee, I. Toda, K. Komatsu, S. Ohshio, H. Saitoh
Hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H) films have been synthesized by a radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (rf-PECVD) technique with different bias voltage from 0.0 to -0.5 kV. The Raman spectra displayed the polymer-like hydrogenated amorphous carbon (PLCH) film with 0.0 to -0.1 and a-C:H films with -0.2 to -0.5 kV of bias voltages. The surface chemical information of all films were studied by X-ray photo electron spectroscopy (XPS) technique, presented to C-C (sp2 and sp3) and C-O bonds, and relative carbon (C) and oxygen (O) atomics contents. The O contamination had affected on structure and optical properties. The true density of PLCH and a-C:H films were characterized by X-ray refractivity (XRR) method, showed the result as in the range of 1.16-1.73 g/cm3 that depending on an increasing of bias voltage. The hardness was proportional to the true density of films. In addition, the optical properties i.e. refractive index (n) and extinction coefficient (k) of these films were determined by a spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) method that give formation to in 1.62-2.10 (n) and 0.04-0.15 (k) respectively. These results indicated that the optical properties confirmed the Raman results as presenting the structure changed with applied bias voltage increased.Keywords: negative bias voltage, a-C:H film, oxygen contamination, optical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 4858757 Micromechanical Investigation on the Influence of Thermal Stress on Elastic Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Composites
Authors: Arber Sejdiji, Jan Schmitz-Huebsch, Christian Mittelstedt
Due to its use in a broad range of temperatures, the prediction of elastic properties of fiber composite materials under thermal load is significant. Especially the transversal stiffness dominates the potential of use for fiber-reinforced composites (FRC). A numerical study on the influence of thermal stress on transversal stiffness of fiber-reinforced composites is presented. In the numerical study, a representative volume element (RVE) is used to estimate the elastic properties of a unidirectional ply with finite element method (FEM). For the investigation, periodic boundary conditions are applied to the RVE. Firstly, the elastic properties under pure mechanical load are derived numerically and compared to results, which are obtained by analytical methods. Thereupon thermo-mechanical load is implemented into the model to investigate the influence of temperature change with low temperature as a key aspect. Regarding low temperatures, the transversal stiffness increases intensely, especially when thermal stress is dominant over mechanical stress. This paper outlines the employed numerical methods as well as the derived results.Keywords: elastic properties, micromechanics, thermal stress, representative volume element
Procedia PDF Downloads 1108756 Particleboard Production from Atmospheric Plasma Treated Wheat Straw Particles
Authors: Štěpán Hýsek, Milan Podlena, Miloš Pavelek, Matěj Hodoušek, Martin Böhm, Petra Gajdačová
Particle boards have being used in the civil engineering as a decking for load bearing and non-load bearing vertical walls and horizontal panels (e. g. floors, ceiling, roofs) in a large scale. When the straw is used as non-wood material for manufacturing of lignocellulosic panels, problems with wax layer on the surface of the material can occur. Higher percentage of silica and wax cause the problems with the adhesion of the adhesive and this is the reason why it is necessary to break the surface layer for the better bonding effect. Surface treatment of the particles cause better mechanical properties, physical properties and the overall better results of the composite material are reached. Plasma application is one possibility how to modify the surface layer. The aim of this research is to modify the surface of straw particles by using cold plasma treatment. Surface properties of lignocellulosic materials were observed before and after cold plasma treatment. Cold plasma does not cause any structural changes deeply in the material. There are only changes in surface layers, which are required. Results proved that the plasma application influenced the properties of surface layers and the properties of composite material.Keywords: composite, lignocellulosic materials, straw, cold plasma, surface treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 3308755 Influence of the Granular Mixture Properties on the Rheological Properties of Concrete: Yield Stress Determination Using Modified Chateau et al. Model
Authors: Rachid Zentar, Mokrane Bala, Pascal Boustingorry
The prediction of the rheological behavior of concrete is at the center of current concerns of the concrete industry for different reasons. The shortage of good quality standard materials combined with variable properties of available materials imposes to improve existing models to take into account these variations at the design stage of concrete. The main reasons for improving the predictive models are, of course, saving time and cost at the design stage as well as to optimize concrete performances. In this study, we will highlight the different properties of the granular mixtures that affect the rheological properties of concrete. Our objective is to identify the intrinsic parameters of the aggregates which make it possible to predict the yield stress of concrete. The work was done using two typologies of grains: crushed and rolled aggregates. The experimental results have shown that the rheology of concrete is improved by increasing the packing density of the granular mixture using rolled aggregates. The experimental program realized allowed to model the yield stress of concrete by a modified model of Chateau et al. through a dimensionless parameter following Krieger-Dougherty law. The modelling confirms that the yield stress of concrete depends not only on the properties of cement paste but also on the packing density of the granular skeleton and the shape of grains.Keywords: crushed aggregates, intrinsic viscosity, packing density, rolled aggregates, slump, yield stress of concrete
Procedia PDF Downloads 1288754 Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Daucus Gracilis Extracts
Authors: El Kolli Meriem, Laouer Hocine, Sahli Farida, Akkal Salah, El Kolli Hayet
The aerial parts of Daucus gracilis (Apiaceae) were subjected to hydrodistillation by a Clevenger apparatus to obtain the essential oil (EO) which has been analyzed by Gas Chromatography (GC) and GC coupled with mass spectrometry. The antioxidant properties of this EO and D. gracilis methanolic extract were studied by both of the free diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging and the reducing power techniques. The dominant constituents of the EO were the elemicin (35.3 %) and the geranyl acetate (26.8 %). Both of EO and methanolic extract showed important antioxidant properties with respectively IC50 of 0,002 mg/ml and 0.06 mg/ml. They showed also a reducing power dose-dependent.Keywords: daucus gracilis, apiaceae, essential oil, antioxidant activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3468753 Discovering New Organic Materials through Computational Methods
Authors: Lucas Viani, Benedetta Mennucci, Soo Young Park, Johannes Gierschner
Organic semiconductors have attracted the attention of the scientific community in the past decades due to their unique physicochemical properties, allowing new designs and alternative device fabrication methods. Until today, organic electronic devices are largely based on conjugated polymers mainly due to their easy processability. In the recent years, due to moderate ET and CT efficiencies and the ill-defined nature of polymeric systems the focus has been shifting to small conjugated molecules with well-defined chemical structure, easier control of intermolecular packing, and enhanced CT and ET properties. It has led to the synthesis of new small molecules, followed by the growth of their crystalline structure and ultimately by the device preparation. This workflow is commonly followed without a clear knowledge of the ET and CT properties related mainly to the macroscopic systems, which may lead to financial and time losses, since not all materials will deliver the properties and efficiencies demanded by the current standards. In this work, we present a theoretical workflow designed to predict the key properties of ET of these new materials prior synthesis, thus speeding up the discovery of new promising materials. It is based on quantum mechanical, hybrid, and classical methodologies, starting from a single molecule structure, finishing with the prediction of its packing structure, and prediction of properties of interest such as static and averaged excitonic couplings, and exciton diffusion length.Keywords: organic semiconductor, organic crystals, energy transport, excitonic couplings
Procedia PDF Downloads 2538752 Estimation of Aquifer Properties Using Pumping Tests: Case Study of Pydibhimavaram Industrial Area, Srikakulam, India
Authors: G. Venkata Rao, P. Kalpana, R. Srinivasa Rao
Adequate and reliable estimates of aquifer parameters are of utmost importance for proper management of vital groundwater resources. At present scenario the ground water is polluted because of industrial waste disposed over the land and the contaminants are transported in the aquifer from one area to another area which is depending on the characteristics of the aquifer and contaminants. To know the contaminant transport, the accurate estimation of aquifer properties is highly needed. Conventionally, these properties are estimated through pumping tests carried out on water wells. The occurrence and movement of ground water in the aquifer are characteristically defined by the aquifer parameters. The pumping (aquifer) test is the standard technique for estimating various hydraulic properties of aquifer systems, viz, transmissivity (T), hydraulic conductivity (K), storage coefficient (S) etc., for which the graphical method is widely used. The study area for conducting pumping test is Pydibheemavaram Industrial area near the coastal belt of Srikulam, AP, India. The main objective of the present work is to estimate the aquifer properties for developing contaminant transport model for the study area.Keywords: aquifer, contaminant transport, hydraulic conductivity, industrial waste, pumping test
Procedia PDF Downloads 4478751 Influence of Post Weld Heat Treatment on Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties of TIG Welded Aluminium Alloy Joints
Authors: Gurmeet Singh Cheema, Navjotinder Singh, Gurjinder Singh, Amardeep Singh
Aluminium and its alloys play have excellent corrosion resistant properties, ease of fabrication and high specific strength to weight ratio. In this investigation an attempt has been made to study the effect of different post weld heat treatment methods on the mechanical and metallurgical properties of TIG welded joints of the commercial aluminium alloy. Three different methods of post weld heat treatments are, solution heat treatment, artificial aged and combination of solution heat treatment and artificial aging are given to TIG welded aluminium joints. Mechanical and metallurgical properties of as welded and post weld treated joints of the aluminium alloys was examined.Keywords: aluminium alloys, TIG welding, post weld heat treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 5788750 First-Principles Calculations and Thermo-Calc Study of the Elastic and Thermodynamic Properties of Ti-Nb-ZR-Ta Alloy for Biomedical Applications
Authors: M. Madigoe, R. Modiba
High alloyed beta (β) phase-stabilized titanium alloys are known to have a low elastic modulus comparable to that of the human bone (≈30 GPa). The β phase in titanium alloys exhibits an elastic Young’s modulus of about 60-80 GPa, which is nearly half that of α-phase (100-120 GPa). In this work, a theoretical investigation of structural stability and thermodynamic stability, as well as the elastic properties of a quaternary Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr alloy, will be presented with an attempt to lower Young’s modulus. The structural stability and elastic properties of the alloy were evaluated using the first-principles approach within the density functional theory (DFT) framework implemented in the CASTEP code. The elastic properties include bulk modulus B, elastic Young’s modulus E, shear modulus cʹ and Poisson’s ratio v. Thermodynamic stability, as well as the fraction of β phase in the alloy, was evaluated using the Thermo-Calc software package. Thermodynamic properties such as Gibbs free energy (Δ?⁰?) and enthalpy of formation will be presented in addition to phase proportion diagrams. The stoichiometric compositions of the alloy is Ti-Nbx-Ta5-Zr5 (x = 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 at.%). An optimum alloy composition must satisfy the Born stability criteria and also possess low elastic Young’s modulus. In addition, the alloy must be thermodynamically stable, i.e., Δ?⁰? < 0.Keywords: elastic modulus, phase proportion diagram, thermo-calc, titanium alloys
Procedia PDF Downloads 1878749 A Comparison for Some Elastic and Mechanical Properties of Neptunium Dioxide
We report some elastic quantities of cubic fluorite type plutonium dioxide (PuO2) with a recent EAM type interatomic potential through geometry optimization calculations. Typical cubic elastic constants, bulk modulus, shear modulus, young modulus and other related elastic quantities were calculated during present research. After present calculations, we have compared our results with the existing theoretical data of literature. Our results are consistent with previous theoretical findings of the considered parameters of PuO2.Keywords: PuO2, elastic properties, bulk modulus, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 3108748 Layer-By-Layer Deposition of Poly(Ethylene Imine) Nanolayers on Polypropylene Nonwoven Fabric: Electrostatic and Thermal Properties
Authors: Dawid Stawski, Silviya Halacheva, Dorota Zielińska
The surface properties of many materials can be readily and predictably modified by the controlled deposition of thin layers containing appropriate functional groups and this research area is now a subject of widespread interest. The layer-by-layer (lbl) method involves depositing oppositely charged layers of polyelectrolytes onto the substrate material which are stabilized due to strong electrostatic forces between adjacent layers. This type of modification affords products that combine the properties of the original material with the superficial parameters of the new external layers. Through an appropriate selection of the deposited layers, the surface properties can be precisely controlled and readily adjusted in order to meet the requirements of the intended application. In the presented paper a variety of anionic (poly(acrylic acid)) and cationic (linear poly(ethylene imine), polymers were successfully deposited onto the polypropylene nonwoven using the lbl technique. The chemical structure of the surface before and after modification was confirmed by reflectance FTIR spectroscopy, volumetric analysis and selective dyeing tests. As a direct result of this work, new materials with greatly improved properties have been produced. For example, following a modification process significant changes in the electrostatic activity of a range of novel nanocomposite materials were observed. The deposition of polyelectrolyte nanolayers was found to strongly accelerate the loss of electrostatically generated charges and to increase considerably the thermal resistance properties of the modified fabric (the difference in T50% is over 20°C). From our results, a clear relationship between the type of polyelectrolyte layer deposited onto the flat fabric surface and the properties of the modified fabric was identified.Keywords: layer-by-layer technique, polypropylene nonwoven, surface modification, surface properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 4388747 Mechanical Properties of Fibre Reinforced High Performance Concrete
Authors: Laura Dembovska, Diana Bajare, Vitalijs Lusis, Genadijs Sahmenko, Aleksandrs Korjakins
This study focused on the mechanical properties of the fibre reinforced High Performance Concrete. The most important benefits of addition of fibres to the concrete mix are the hindrance of the development of microcracks, the delay of the propagation of microcracks to macroscopic cracks and the better ductility after microcracks have been occurred. This work presents an extensive comparative experimental study on six different types of fibres (alkali resistant glass, polyvinyl alcohol fibres, polypropylene fibres and carbon fibres) with the same binding High Performance Concrete matrix. The purpose was to assess the influence of the type of fibre on the mechanical properties of Fibre Reinforced High Performance Concrete. Therefore, in this study three main objectives have been chosen: 1) analyze the structure of the bulk cementitious matrix, 2) determine the influence of fibres and distribution in the matrix on the mechanical properties of fibre reinforced High Performance Concrete and 3) characterize the microstructure of the fibre-matrix interface. Acknowledgement: This study was partially funded by European Regional Development Fund project Nr. “A New Concept for Sustainable and Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings” and COST Action TU1404 Conference grants project.Keywords: high performance concrete, fibres, mechanical properties, microstructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 2848746 Effect of Knowledge of Bubble Point Pressure on Estimating PVT Properties from Correlations
Authors: Ahmed El-Banbi, Ahmed El-Maraghi
PVT properties are needed as input data in all reservoir, production, and surface facilities engineering calculations. In the absence of PVT reports on valid reservoir fluid samples, engineers rely on PVT correlations to generate the required PVT data. The accuracy of PVT correlations varies, and no correlation group has been found to provide accurate results for all oil types. The effect of inaccurate PVT data can be significant in engineering calculations and is well documented in the literature. Bubble point pressure can sometimes be obtained from external sources. In this paper, we show how to utilize the known bubble point pressure to improve the accuracy of calculated PVT properties from correlations. We conducted a systematic study using around 250 reservoir oil samples to quantify the effect of pre-knowledge of bubble point pressure. The samples spanned a wide range of oils, from very volatile oils to black oils and all the way to low-GOR oils. A method for shifting both undersaturated and saturated sections of the PVT properties curves to the correct bubble point is explained. Seven PVT correlation families were used in this study. All PVT properties (e.g., solution gas-oil ratio, formation volume factor, density, viscosity, and compressibility) were calculated using the correct bubble point pressure and the correlation estimated bubble point pressure. Comparisons between the calculated PVT properties and actual laboratory-measured values were made. It was found that pre-knowledge of bubble point pressure and using the shifting technique presented in the paper improved the correlation-estimated values by 10% to more than 30%. The most improvement was seen in the solution gas-oil ratio and formation volume factor.Keywords: PVT data, PVT properties, PVT correlations, bubble point pressure
Procedia PDF Downloads 658745 A Review on the Use of Salt in Building Construction
Authors: Vesna Pungercar, Florian Musso
Identifying materials that can substitute rare or expensive natural resources is one of the key challenges for improving resource efficiency in the building sector. With a growing world population and rising living standards, more and more salt is produced as waste through seawater desalination and potash mining processes. Unfortunately, most of the salt is directly disposed of into nature, where it causes environmental pollution. On the other hand, salt is affordable, is used therapeutically in various respiratory treatments, and can store humidity and heat. It was, therefore, necessary to determine salt materials already in use in building construction and their hygrothermal properties. This research aims to identify salt materials from different scientific branches and historically, to investigate their properties and prioritize the most promising salt materials for indoor applications in a thermal envelope. This was realized through literature review and classification of salt materials into three groups (raw salt materials, composite salt materials, and processed salt materials). The outcome of this research shows that salt has already been used as a building material for centuries and has a potential for future applications due to its hygrothermal properties in a thermal envelope.Keywords: salt, building material, hygrothermal properties, environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1698744 Impact of Syngenetic Elements on the Physico-Chemical Properties of Lignocellulosic Biochar
Authors: Edita Baltrėnaitė, Pranas Baltrėnas, Eglė MarčIulaitienė, Mantas PranskevičIus, Valeriia Chemerys
The growing demand for organic products in the market promotes their use in various fields. One of such products is biochar. Among the innovative environmental applications, biochar has the potential as an adsorbent for retaining contaminants in environmental engineering and agrotechnical systems. Artificial modification of biochar can improve its adsorption capacity. However, indirect/natural change of biochar composition (e.g., contaminated biomass) based on syngenetic elements provides prospects for new applications of biochar as well as decreases the modification costs. Natural lignocellulosic and biochar composition variations would lead to a new field of application of biochar and reduce resources for biochar modifications. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of syngenetic elements of biochar’s feedstock on the physicochemical properties of lignocellulosic biochar. Syngenetic elements (e.g., Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Mg) and other intrinsic properties (e.g., lignin, COHN, moisture, ash) of indifferent types of lignocellulosic feedstock on the physicochemical characteristics of biochar are discussed.Keywords: adsorption, lignocellulosic biochar, instrinsic properties, syngenetic elements
Procedia PDF Downloads 2008743 Stoner Impurity Model in Nickel Hydride
Authors: Andrea Leon, J. M. Florez, P. Vargas
The effect of hydrogen adsorption on the magnetic properties of fcc Ni has been calculated using the linear-muffin-tin-orbital formalism and using the local-density approximation for the exchange y correlation. The calculations for the ground state show that the sequential addition of hydrogen atoms is found to monotonically reduce the total magnetic moment of the Ni fcc structure, as a result of changes in the exchange-splitting parameter and in the Fermi energy. In order to physically explain the effect of magnetization reduction as the Hydrogen concentration increases, we propose a Stoner impurity model to describe the influence of H impurity on the magnetic properties of Nickel.Keywords: electronic structure, magnetic properties, Nickel hydride, stoner model
Procedia PDF Downloads 4608742 Chebyshev Wavelets and Applications
Authors: Emanuel Guariglia
In this paper we deal with Chebyshev wavelets. We analyze their properties computing their Fourier transform. Moreover, we discuss the differential properties of Chebyshev wavelets due the connection coefficients. The differential properties of Chebyshev wavelets, expressed by the connection coefficients (also called refinable integrals), are given by finite series in terms of the Kronecker delta. Moreover, we treat the p-order derivative of Chebyshev wavelets and compute its Fourier transform. Finally, we expand the mother wavelet in Taylor series with an application both in fractional calculus and fractal geometry.Keywords: Chebyshev wavelets, Fourier transform, connection coefficients, Taylor series, local fractional derivative, Cantor set
Procedia PDF Downloads 1238741 Study of Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Alloys on Normal Friction Stir Welding and Underwater Friction Stir Welding for Structural Applications
Authors: Lingaraju Dumpala, Laxmi Mohan Kumar Chintada, Devadas Deepu, Pravin Kumar Yadav
Friction stir welding is the new-fangled and cutting-edge technique in welding applications; it is widely used in the fields of transportation, aerospace, defense, etc. For thriving significant welding joints and properties of friction stir welded components, it is essential to carry out this advanced process in a prescribed systematic procedure. At this moment, Underwater Friction Stir Welding (UFSW) Process is the field of interest to do research work. In the continuous assessment, the study of UFSW process is to comprehend problems occurred in the past and the structure through which the mechanical properties of the welded joints can be value-added and contributes to conclude results an acceptable and resourceful joint. A meticulous criticism is given on how to modify the experimental setup from NFSW to UFSW. It can discern the influence of tool materials, feeds, spindle angle, load, rotational speeds and mechanical properties. By expending the DEFORM-3D simulation software, the achieved outcomes are validated.Keywords: Underwater Friction Stir Welding(UFSW), Al alloys, mechanical properties, Normal Friction Stir Welding(NFSW)
Procedia PDF Downloads 2898740 Electronic, Optical, and Thermodynamic Properties of a Quantum Spin Liquid Candidate NaRuO₂: Ab-initio Investigation
Authors: A. Bouhmouche, I. Rhrissi, A. Jabar, R. Moubah
Quantum spin liquids (QSLs), known for their competing interactions that prevent conventional ordering, exhibit emergent phenomena and exotic properties resulting from quantum correlations. Despite these recent advancements in QSLs, a significant portion of the optical and thermodynamic properties in the Kagome lattice remains unknown. In addition, the thermodynamic phenomenology of NaRuO₂ bears a resemblance to that of highly frustrated magnets. Here, we employed ab-initio calculations to explore the electronic, optical and thermodynamic properties of NaRuO₂, a new QSL candidate. NaRuO₂ was identified as a semiconductor with a small bandgap energy of 0.69 eV. Our results reveal huge anisotropic optical properties, in which a distinct refractive index within the ab-plane indicating an impressive birefringent character of the NaRuO₂ system and a significant enhancement of the optical absorption coefficient and optical conductivity in the in-plane with respect to the c-axis. The investigation also examines the electronic anisotropy of the gap energy; by applying strain, the gap energy displays significant variations in the ab-plane compared to the out-of-plane direction. Conversely, calculations of the thermodynamic properties reveal a low thermal conductivity (2.5-0.5 W.m-¹. K-¹) and specific heat, which suggests the existence of strong interactions among the NaRuO₂ quantum spins. The linear specific heat behavior observed in NaRuO₂ suggests the fractionalization of electrons and the presence of a spinons Fermi surface. These findings hold promising potential for future quantum applications.Keywords: quantum spin liquids, anisotropy, hybrid-DFT, applied strain, optoelectronic and thermodynamic properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 218739 Multiscale Process Modeling of Ceramic Matrix Composites
Authors: Marianna Maiaru, Gregory M. Odegard, Josh Kemppainen, Ivan Gallegos, Michael Olaya
Ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) are typically used in applications that require long-term mechanical integrity at elevated temperatures. CMCs are usually fabricated using a polymer precursor that is initially polymerized in situ with fiber reinforcement, followed by a series of cycles of pyrolysis to transform the polymer matrix into a rigid glass or ceramic. The pyrolysis step typically generates volatile gasses, which creates porosity within the polymer matrix phase of the composite. Subsequent cycles of monomer infusion, polymerization, and pyrolysis are often used to reduce the porosity and thus increase the durability of the composite. Because of the significant expense of such iterative processing cycles, new generations of CMCs with improved durability and manufacturability are difficult and expensive to develop using standard Edisonian approaches. The goal of this research is to develop a computational process-modeling-based approach that can be used to design the next generation of CMC materials with optimized material and processing parameters for maximum strength and efficient manufacturing. The process modeling incorporates computational modeling tools, including molecular dynamics (MD), to simulate the material at multiple length scales. Results from MD simulation are used to inform the continuum-level models to link molecular-level characteristics (material structure, temperature) to bulk-level performance (strength, residual stresses). Processing parameters are optimized such that process-induced residual stresses are minimized and laminate strength is maximized. The multiscale process modeling method developed with this research can play a key role in the development of future CMCs for high-temperature and high-strength applications. By combining multiscale computational tools and process modeling, new manufacturing parameters can be established for optimal fabrication and performance of CMCs for a wide range of applications.Keywords: digital engineering, finite elements, manufacturing, molecular dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 998738 Effect of Amine-Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes on the Properties of CNT-PAN Composite Nanofibers
Authors: O. Eren, N. Ucar, A. Onen, N. Kızıldag, O. F. Vurur, N. Demirsoy, I. Karacan
PAN nanofibers reinforced with amine functionalized carbon nanotubes. The effect of amine functionalization and the effect of concentration of CNT on the conductivity and mechanical and morphological properties of composite nanofibers were examined. 1%CNT-NH2 loaded PAN/CNT nanofiber showed the best mechanical properties. Conductivity increased with the incorporation of carbon nanotubes. While an increase of the concentration of CNT increases the diameter of nanofiber, the use of functionalized CNT results to a decrease of diameter of nanofiber.Keywords: amine functionalized carbon nanotube, electrospinning, nanofiber, polyacrylonitrile
Procedia PDF Downloads 3128737 Preparation of Essential Oil Capsule (Carum Copticum) In Chitosan Nanoparticles and Investigation of Its Biological Properties
Authors: Akbar Esmaeili, Azadeh Asgari
Essential oils’ unique and practical properties have been widely reported in recent years. Still, the sensitivity of critical oils to environmental factors and their poor solubility in aqueous solutions have limited their use in industries. Therefore, we encapsulated C. copticum essential oil in chitosan nanoparticles by emulsion-ionic gelation with sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium hexametaphosphate cross-linkers. The nanoparticles showed a round shape with an average size of 30-80 nm and a regular distribution. The release profile in the laboratory environment showed a burst in the initial release and then a stable release of C. copticum essential oil from chitosan nanoparticles at different pH. Antioxidant and antibacterial properties of C. copticum essential oil before and after the encapsulation process were evaluated by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical and disc diffusion methods, respectively. The results showed that the encapsulation of C. copticum essential oil in chitosan nanoparticles could protect its quality and bioactive compounds and improve the properties of the crucial oil.Keywords: essential oils, Carum copticum, biological activities, nanotechnology
Procedia PDF Downloads 888736 Development of an Ecological Binder by Geopolymerization of Untreated Dredged Sediments
Authors: Lisa Monteiro, Jacqueline Saliba, Nadia Saiyouri, Humberto Y. Godoy
Theevolution of the global environmental context incites companies to reduce their impact by reusing local materials and promoting circular economy. Dredged sediments represent a potential source of materials due to their large volume. Indeed, the dredging operations carried out in Gironde alone generated an annual volume of sediment of approximately 9 million m³. Moreover, on the eve of the evolution of laws concerning dredging practices, the recovery of sediments is necessary to create a viable economy for their management. This thesis work is oriented towards the development of an ecological binder from the fine fraction of untreated dredged sediments. In fact, their physico-chemical properties make them favorable for the synthesis of geopolymer, current competitor of cement, thanks to its lower carbon footprint and environmental impact. However, several obstacles must be overcome before implementing this new family of materials: the use of sediments without thermal or chemical treatment, the absence of a formulation approach, ignorance of the reactions produced, etc. During the first year of the thesis, a physico-chemical characterization of the sediments made it possible to validate their use as precursors forgeopolymerization according to three criteria: their fineness, their mineralogical composition, and the percentage of amorphous phase. Following these results, several formulations have been defined, taking into account the environmental impact. The sediments were activated with an alkaline solution of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate. Two other formulations with cement and blast furnace slag have been defined for comparison. The results highlighted the possibility of forming geopolymers from untreated and still wet dredged sediments. The development of structural bonds through the formation of hydrated sodium aluminosilicate thus leads to higher strengths at 90 days (4.78 MPa) than a mixture with cement (0.75 MPa). A 30% gain in CO₂ emissions has also been obtained compared to cement. In order to reduce the uncertainties linked to the absence of a formulation approach, to optimize the number of experiments to be carried out in the laboratory, and to obtain an optimal formulation, an analysis by mixing plan was conducted in order to frame the responses according to the proportions of the constituents. Following the obtaining of an optimal binder, the work will focus on the study of the durability and the interspecific variability of the sediments on the mechanical properties by testing the binder developed with different sediments dredged from the Bordeaux estuary. , the Grand Port Maritime of Bayonne, La Rochelle, and the Bassinsd'Arcachon.Keywords: compressive strength, dredged sediments, ecological binder, geopolymers
Procedia PDF Downloads 1008735 Effect of Spatially Correlated Disorder on Electronic Transport Properties of Aperiodic Superlattices (GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs)
Authors: F. Bendahma, S. Bentata, S. Cherid, A. Zitouni, S. Terkhi, T. Lantri, Y. Sefir, Z. F. Meghoufel
We examine the electronic transport properties in AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs superlattices. Using the transfer-matrix technique and the exact Airy function formalism, we investigate theoretically the effect of structural parameters on the electronic energy spectra of trimer thickness barrier (TTB). Our numerical calculations showed that the localization length of the states becomes more extended when the disorder is correlated (trimer case). We have also found that the resonant tunneling time (RTT) is of the order of several femtoseconds.Keywords: electronic transport properties, structural parameters, superlattices, transfer-matrix technique
Procedia PDF Downloads 2858734 The Joint Properties for Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium Tubes
Authors: Ahbdelfattah M. Khourshid, T. Elabeidi
Friction Stir Welding (FSW), a solid state joining technique, is widely being used for joining Al alloys for aerospace, marine automotive and many other applications of commercial importance. FSW were carried out using a vertical milling machine on Al 5083 alloy pipe. These pipe sections are relatively small in diameter, 5mm, and relatively thin walled, 2mm. In this study, 5083 aluminum alloy pipe were welded as similar alloy joints using (FSW) process in order to investigate mechanical and microstructural properties .rotation speed 1400 r.p.m and weld speed 10,40,70 mm/min. In order to investigate the effect of welding speeds on mechanical properties, metallographic and mechanical tests were carried out on the welded areas. Vickers hardness profile and tensile tests of the joints as a metallurgical investigation, Optic Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were used for base and weld zones.Keywords: friction stir welding (FSW), Al alloys, mechanical properties, microstructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 5378733 Impact of the Xanthan Gum on Rheological Properties of Ceramic Slip
Authors: Souad Hassene Daouadji, Larbi Hammadi, Abdelkrim Hazzab
The slips intended for the manufacture of ceramics must have rheological properties well-defined in order to bring together the qualities required for the casting step (good fluidity for feeding the molds easily settles while generating a regular settling of the dough and for the dehydration phase of the dough in the mold a setting time relatively short is required to have a sufficient refinement which allows demolding both easy and fast). Many additives haveadded in slip of ceramic in order to improve their rheological properties. In this study, we investigated the impact of xanthan gumon rheological properties of ceramic Slip. The modified Cross model is used to fit the stationary flow curves of ceramic slip at different concentration of xanthan added. The thixotropic behavior studied of mixture ceramic slip-xanthan gumat constant temperature is analyzed by using a structural kinetic model (SKM) in order to account for time dependent effect.Keywords: ceramic slip, xanthan gum, modified cross model, thixotropy, viscosity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1948732 Investigation of Moisture Management Properties of Cotton and Blended Knitted Fabrics
Authors: N. S. Achour, M. Hamdaoui, S. Ben Nasrallah, A. Perwuelz
The main idea of this work is to investigate the effect of knitted fabrics characteristics on moisture management properties. Wetting and transport properties of single jersey, Rib 1&1 and English Rib fabrics made out of cotton and blended Cotton/Polyester yarns were studied. The dynamic water sorption of fabrics was investigated under same isothermal and terrestrial conditions at 20±2°C-65±2% by using the Moisture Management Tester (MMT) which can be used to quantitatively measure liquid moisture transfer in one step in a fabric in multi directions: Absorption rate, moisture absorbing time of the fabric's inner and outer surfaces, one-way transportation capability, the spreading/drying rate, the speed of liquid moisture spreading on fabric's inner and outer surfaces are measured, recorded and discussed. The results show that fabric’s composition and knit’s structure have a significant influence on those phenomena.Keywords: knitted fabrics characteristics, moisture management properties, multi directions, the moisture management tester
Procedia PDF Downloads 4898731 Effects of Interfacial Modification Techniques on the Mechanical Properties of Natural Particle Based Polymer Composites
Authors: Bahar Basturk, Secil Celik Erbas, Sevket Can Sarikaya
Composites combining the particulates and polymer components have attracted great interest in various application areas such as packaging, furniture, electronics and automotive industries. For strengthening the plastic matrices, the utilization of natural fillers instead of traditional reinforcement materials has received increased attention. The properties of natural filler based polymer composites (NFPC) may be improved by applying proper surface modification techniques to the powder phase of the structures. In this study, acorn powder-epoxy and pine corn powder-epoxy composites containing up to 45% weight percent particulates were prepared by casting method. Alkali treatment and acetylation techniques were carried out to the natural particulates for investigating their influences under mechanical forces. The effects of filler type and content on the tensile properties of the composites were compared with neat epoxy. According to the quasi-static tensile tests, the pine cone based composites showed slightly higher rigidity and strength properties compared to the acorn reinforced samples. Furthermore, the structures independent of powder type and surface modification technique, showed higher tensile properties with increasing the particle content.Keywords: natural fillers, polymer composites, surface modifications, tensile properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 4698730 Physical and Rheological Properties of Asphalt Modified with Cellulose Date Palm Fibers
Authors: Howaidi M. Al-Otaibi, Abdulrahman S. Al-Suhaibani, Hamad A. Alsoliman
Fibers are extensively used in civil engineering applications for many years. In this study, empty fruit bunch of date palm trees were used to produce cellulose fiber that were used as additives in the asphalt binder. Two sizes (coarse and fine) of cellulose fibers were pre-blended in PG64-22 binder with various contents of 1.5%, 3%, 4.5%, 6%, and 7.5% by weight of asphalt binder. The physical and rheological properties of fiber modified asphalt binders were tested by using conventional tests such as penetration, softening point and viscosity; and SHRP test such as dynamic shear rheometer. The results indicated that the fiber modified asphalt binders were higher in softening point, viscosity, and complex shear modulus, and lower in penetration compared to pure asphalt. The fiber modified binders showed an improvement in rheological properties since it was possible to raise the control binder (pure asphalt) PG from 64 to 70 by adding 6% (by weight) of either fine or coarse fibers. Such improvement in stiffness of fiber modified binder is expected to improve pavement resistance to rutting.Keywords: cellulose date palm fiber, fiber modified asphalt, physical properties, rheological properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 3338729 Theoretical Investigation on Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Cubic PrMnO3 Perovskite
Authors: B. Bouadjemi, S. Bentata, W. Benstaali, A. Abbad, T. Lantri, A. Zitouni
The purpose of this study was to investigate the structural,electronic and magnetic properties of the cubic praseodymium oxides perovskites PrMnO3. It includes our calculations based on the use of the density functional theory (DFT) with both generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and GGA+U approaches, The spin polarized electronic band structures and densities of states as well as the integer value of the magnetic moment of the unit cell (6 μB) illustrate that PrMnO3 is half-metallic ferromagnetic. The study prove that the compound is half-metallic ferromagnetic however the results obtained, make the cubic PrMnO3 a promising candidate for application in spintronics.Keywords: cubic, DFT, electronic properties, magnetic moment, spintronics
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