Search results for: beam columns
823 Bismuth Telluride Topological Insulator: Physical Vapor Transport vs Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Authors: Omar Concepcion, Osvaldo De Melo, Arturo Escobosa
Topological insulator (TI) materials are insulating in the bulk and conducting in the surface. The unique electronic properties associated with these surface states make them strong candidates for exploring innovative quantum phenomena and as practical applications for quantum computing, spintronic and nanodevices. Many materials, including Bi₂Te₃, have been proposed as TIs and, in some cases, it has been demonstrated experimentally by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STM) and/or magnetotransport measurements. A clean surface is necessary in order to make any of this measurements. Several techniques have been used to produce films and different kinds of nanostructures. Growth and characterization in situ is usually the best option although cleaving the films can be an alternative to have a suitable surface. In the present work, we report a comparison of Bi₂Te₃ grown by physical vapor transport (PVT) and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and ARPES. The Bi₂Te₃ samples grown by PVT, were cleaved in the ultra-high vacuum in order to obtain a surface free of contaminants. In both cases, the XRD shows a c-axis orientation and the pole diagrams proved the epitaxial relationship between film and substrate. The ARPES image shows the linear dispersion characteristic of the surface states of the TI materials. The samples grown by PVT, a relatively simple and cost-effective technique shows the same high quality and TI properties than the grown by MBE.Keywords: Bismuth telluride, molecular beam epitaxy, physical vapor transport, topological insulator
Procedia PDF Downloads 192822 Chemical Fingerprinting of Complex Samples With the Aid of Parallel Outlet Flow Chromatography
Authors: Xavier A. Conlan
Speed of analysis is a significant limitation to current high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) and ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC)/MS systems both of which are used in many forensic investigations. The flow rate limitations of MS detection require a compromise in the chromatographic flow rate, which in turn reduces throughput, and when using modern columns, a reduction in separation efficiency. Commonly, this restriction is combated through the post-column splitting of flow prior to entry into the mass spectrometer. However, this results in a loss of sensitivity and a loss in efficiency due to the post-extra column dead volume. A new chromatographic column format known as 'parallel segmented flow' involves the splitting of eluent flow within the column outlet end fitting, and in this study we present its application in order to interrogate the provenience of methamphetamine samples with mass spectrometry detection. Using parallel segmented flow, column flow rates as high as 3 mL/min were employed in the analysis of amino acids without post-column splitting to the mass spectrometer. Furthermore, when parallel segmented flow chromatography columns were employed, the sensitivity was more than twice that of conventional systems with post-column splitting when the same volume of mobile phase was passed through the detector. These finding suggest that this type of column technology will particularly enhance the capabilities of modern LC/MS enabling both high-throughput and sensitive mass spectral detection.Keywords: chromatography, mass spectrometry methamphetamine, parallel segmented outlet flow column, forensic sciences
Procedia PDF Downloads 492821 Relocation of Plastic Hinge of Interior Beam Column Connections with Intermediate Bars in Reinforced Concrete and T-Section Steel Inserts in Precast Concrete Frames
Authors: P. Wongmatar, C. Hansapinyo, C. Buachart
Failure of typical seismic frames has been found by plastic hinge occurring on beams section near column faces. Past researches shown that the seismic capacity of the frames can be enhanced if the plastic hinges of the beams are shifted away from the column faces. This paper presents detailing of reinforcements in the interior beam–column connections aiming to relocate the plastic hinge of reinforced concrete and precast concrete frames. Four specimens were tested under quasi-static cyclic load including two monolithic specimens and two precast specimens. For one monolithic specimen, typical seismic reinforcement was provided and considered as a reference specimen named M1. The other reinforced concrete frame M2 contained additional intermediate steel in the connection area compared with the specimen M1. For the precast specimens, embedded T-section steels in joint were provided, with and without diagonal bars in the connection area for specimen P1 and P2, respectively. The test results indicated the ductile failure with beam flexural failure in monolithic specimen M1 and the intermediate steel increased strength and improved joint performance of specimen M2. For the precast specimens, cracks generated at the end of the steel inserts. However, slipping of reinforcing steel lapped in top of the beams was seen before yielding of the main bars leading to the brittle failure. The diagonal bars in precast specimens P2 improved the connection stiffness and the energy dissipation capacity.Keywords: relocation, plastic hinge, intermediate bar, T-section steel, precast concrete frame
Procedia PDF Downloads 274820 Improving Inelastic Capacity of Cold-Formed Steel Beams Using Slotted Blotted Connection
Authors: Marzie Shahini, Alireza Bagheri Sabbagh, Rasoul Mirghaderi, Paul C. Davidson
The focus of this paper is to incorporating the slotted bolted connection into the cold-formed steel (CFS) beams with aim of increasing inelastic bending capacity through bolt slip. An extensive finite element analysis was conducted on the through plate CFS bolted connections which are equipped with the slotted hole. The studied parameters in this paper included the following: CFS beam section geometry, the value of slip force, CFS beam thickness. The numerical results indicate that CFS slotted bolted connection exhibit higher inelastic capacity in terms of ductility compare to connection with standards holes. Moreover, the effect of slip force was analysed by comparing the moment-rotation curves of different models with different slip force value. As a result, as the slip force became lower, there was a tendency for the plastic strain to extend from the CFS member to the connection region.Keywords: slip-critical bolted connection, inelastic capacity, slotted holes, cold-formed steel, bolt slippage, slip force
Procedia PDF Downloads 431819 Study of the Buckling of Sandwich Beams Consider Stretching Effect
Authors: R. Bennai, H. Ait Atmane, H. Fourne, B. Ayache
In this work, an analytical approach using a refined theory of hyperbolic shear deformation of a beam was developed to study the buckling of graduated sandwiches beams under different boundary conditions. The effects of transverse shear strains and the transverse normal deformation are considered. The constituent materials of the beam are supposed gradually variable depending on the height direction based on a simple power distribution law in terms of the volume fractions of the constituents; the two materials with which we worked are metals and ceramics. The core layer is taken homogeneous and made of an isotropic material; while the banks layers consist of functionally graded materials with a homogeneous fraction compared to the middle layer. In the end, illustrative examples are presented to show the effects of changes in different parameters such as (material graduation, the stretching effect of the thickness, boundary conditions and thickness ratio-length) on the vibration free of an FGM sandwich beams.Keywords: FGM materials, refined shear deformation theory, stretching effect, buckling
Procedia PDF Downloads 178818 Drying Shrinkage of Concrete: Scale Effect and Influence of Reinforcement
Authors: Qier Wu, Issam Takla, Thomas Rougelot, Nicolas Burlion
In the framework of French underground disposal of intermediate level radioactive wastes, concrete is widely used as a construction material for containers and tunnels. Drying shrinkage is one of the most disadvantageous phenomena of concrete structures. Cracks generated by differential shrinkage could impair the mechanical behavior, increase the permeability of concrete and act as a preferential path for aggressive species, hence leading to an overall decrease in durability and serviceability. It is of great interest to understand the drying shrinkage phenomenon in order to predict and even to control the strains of concrete. The question is whether the results obtained from laboratory samples are in accordance with the measurements on a real structure. Another question concerns the influence of reinforcement on drying shrinkage of concrete. As part of a global project with Andra (French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency), the present study aims to experimentally investigate the scale effect as well as the influence of reinforcement on the development of drying shrinkage of two high performance concretes (based on CEM I and CEM V cements, according to European standards). Various sizes of samples are chosen, from ordinary laboratory specimens up to real-scale specimens: prismatic specimens with different volume-to-surface (V/S) ratios, thin slices (thickness of 2 mm), cylinders with different sizes (37 and 160 mm in diameter), hollow cylinders, cylindrical columns (height of 1000 mm) and square columns (320×320×1000 mm). The square columns have been manufactured with different reinforcement rates and can be considered as mini-structures, to approximate the behavior of a real voussoir from the waste disposal facility. All the samples are kept, in a first stage, at 20°C and 50% of relative humidity (initial conditions in the tunnel) in a specific climatic chamber developed by the Laboratory of Mechanics of Lille. The mass evolution and the drying shrinkage are monitored regularly. The obtained results show that the specimen size has a great impact on water loss and drying shrinkage of concrete. The specimens with a smaller V/S ratio and a smaller size have a bigger drying shrinkage. The correlation between mass variation and drying shrinkage follows the same tendency for all specimens in spite of the size difference. However, the influence of reinforcement rate on drying shrinkage is not clear based on the present results. The second stage of conservation (50°C and 30% of relative humidity) could give additional results on these influences.Keywords: concrete, drying shrinkage, mass evolution, reinforcement, scale effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 185817 Evaluation of the End Effect Impact on the Torsion Test for Determining the Shear Modulus of a Timber Beam through a Photogrammetry Approach
Authors: Niaz Gharavi, Hexin Zhang, Yanjun Xie
The timber beam end effect in the torsion test is evaluated using binocular stereo vision system. It is recommended by BS EN 408:2010+A1:2012 to exclude a distance of two to three times of cross-sectional thickness (b) from ends to avoid the end effect; whereas, this study indicates that this distance is not sufficiently far enough to remove this effect in slender cross-sections. The shear modulus of six timber beams with different aspect ratios is determined at the various angles and cross-sections. The result of this experiment shows that the end affected span of each specimen varies depending on their aspect ratios. It is concluded that by increasing the aspect ratio this span will increase. However, by increasing the distance from the ends to the values greater than 6b, the shear modulus trend becomes constant and end effect will be negligible. Moreover, it is concluded that end affected span is preferred to be depth-dependent rather than thickness-dependant.Keywords: end clamp effect, full-size timber test, shear properties, torsion test, wood engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 282816 Transforming Identities and Relations: A Case of Taliban Peace Talks in the Pakistani Press
Authors: Zil e Huma
This study explores the role of Pakistani conventional print media in edging peace talks between the Taliban and the Government of Pakistan from 1st January 2015 till 1st July 2015. The study examines the role of Pakistan's print media during the efforts for peace talks in the context of a Low-Intensity Conflict (LIC). This quantitative research study utilizes content analysis to examine how Pakistan's print media framed the peace negotiations between the government and the TTP. Editorials and columns from two English newspapers, Dawn and The News, were analyzed. The findings reveal that during the peace talks, the print media in Pakistan did not actively contribute to fostering constructive dialogue to support the peace process. Instead, the media failed to provide the necessary communicative space for the political negotiations to move forward, with narratives of fear and despair being dominant. This study offers insight into the psychology of newspapers, showing how they frame news, columns, and articles on complex issues such as the Taliban peace talks. Additionally, it highlights the importance of understanding the role of newspapers in shaping identities and relationships. By examining how Pakistan's print media framed peace initiatives, this research contributes to the existing literature on conflict resolution between the Taliban and the government of Pakistan. Furthermore, it explores the connection between media framing of the peace talks and the actual trajectory of the negotiations, questioning whether the Pakistani print media acted as a facilitator or portrayed the peace process as an inevitable risk of further violence.Keywords: changing identities, low-intensity, peace journalism, terrorism, the conflict, taliban peace talks, pakistani press
Procedia PDF Downloads 23815 Static and Dynamic Analysis of Microcantilever Beam
Authors: S. B. Kerur, B. S. Murgayya
The development of micro and nano particle is challenging task and the study of the behavior of material at the micro level is gaining importance as their behavior at micro/nano level is different. These micro particle are being used as a sensing element to measure and detects the hazardous chemical, gases, explosives and biological agents. In the present study, finite element method is used for static and dynamic analysis of simple and composite cantilever beams of different shapes. The present FE model is validated with available analytical results and various parameters like shape, materials properties, damped and undamped conditions are considered for the numerical study. The results show the effects of shape change on the natural frequency and as these are used with fluid for chemical applications, the effect of damping due to viscous nature of fluid are simulated by considering different damping coefficient effect on the dynamic behavior of cantilever beams. The obtained results show the effect of these parameters can be effectively utilized based on system requirements.Keywords: micro, FEM, dynamic, cantilever beam
Procedia PDF Downloads 384814 Numerical Simulation of the Effect of 1 Mev Electron Beam on the Performance of a Solar Cell of Type n+/p GaAs
Authors: Waleed Alsaidy, Mourad Mbarki
In this work, it have investigated the effect of electron irradiation on the output characteristics of n+/p GaAs solar cell. The studied solar cell is exposed to an electron beam with kinetic energy of 1 MeV under AM0 illumination. In this work, it have used our own software to calculate the damage caused by these energetic particles. Indeed, these particles produce severe degradation on the performances of the solar cells. The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of electronic irradiation on the J(V) characteristics upon the fluence of particles φ (electron/cm2). Thereafter, we have evaluated the degradation of its performances such as the short circuit current J_sc, the open circuit voltage V_oc the efficiency η with respect to the fluence φ of electrons. it have shown that the variation of these parameters decrease linearly with the logarithm of the fluence φ, and their degradation begins from a threshold value φ_m. To validate our calculation, we have compared our results with other theoretical and experimental results available in the literature and we have found a good agreement between them.Keywords: solar cells, GaAs, short circuit current, open circuit voltage, fluence, degradation
Procedia PDF Downloads 28813 Multi-Disciplinary Optimisation Methodology for Aircraft Load Prediction
Authors: Sudhir Kumar Tiwari
The paper demonstrates a methodology that can be used at an early design stage of any conventional aircraft. This research activity assesses the feasibility derivation of methodology for aircraft loads estimation during the various phases of design for a transport category aircraft by utilizing potential of using commercial finite element analysis software, which may drive significant time saving. Early Design phase have limited data and quick changing configuration results in handling of large number of load cases. It is useful to idealize the aircraft as a connection of beams, which can be very accurately modelled using finite element analysis (beam elements). This research explores the correct approach towards idealizing an aircraft using beam elements. FEM Techniques like inertia relief were studied for implementation during course of work. The correct boundary condition technique envisaged for generation of shear force, bending moment and torque diagrams for the aircraft. The possible applications of this approach are the aircraft design process, which have been investigated.Keywords: multi-disciplinary optimization, aircraft load, finite element analysis, stick model
Procedia PDF Downloads 355812 The Role of Vibro-Stone Column for Enhancing the Soft Soil Properties
Authors: Mohsen Ramezan Shirazi, Orod Zarrin, Komeil Valipourian
This study investigated the behavior of improved soft soils through the vibro replacement technique by considering their settlements and consolidation rates and the applicability of this technique in various types of soils and settlement and bearing capacity calculations.Keywords: bearing capacity, expansive clay, stone columns, vibro techniques
Procedia PDF Downloads 586811 Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM)-Repaired Corroded Reinforced Concrete (RC) Beams under Monotonic and Fatigue Loads
Authors: Mohammed Elghazy, Ahmed El Refai, Usama Ebead, Antonio Nanni
Rehabilitating corrosion-damaged reinforced concrete (RC) structures has been accomplished using various techniques such as steel plating, external post-tensioning, and external bonding of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. This paper reports on the use of an innovative technique to strengthen corrosion-damaged RC structures using fabric-reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM) composites. FRCM consists of dry-fiber fabric embedded in cement-based matrix. Twelve large-scale RC beams were constructed and tested in flexural monotonic and fatigue loads. Prior to testing, ten specimens were subjected to accelerated corrosion process for 140 days leading to an average mass loss in the tensile steel bars of 18.8 %. Corrosion was restricted to the main reinforcement located in the middle third of the beam span. Eight corroded specimens were repaired and strengthened while two virgin and two corroded-unrepaired/unstrengthened beams were used as benchmarks for comparison purpose. The test parameters included the FRCM materials (Carbon-FRCM, PBO-FRCM), the number of FRCM plies, the strengthening scheme, and the type of loading (monotonic and fatigue). The effects of the pervious parameters on the flexural response, the mode of failure, and the fatigue life were reported. Test results showed that corrosion reduced the yield and ultimate strength of the beams. The corroded-unrepaired specimen failed to meet the provisions of the ACI-318 code for crack width criteria. The use of FRCM significantly increased the ultimate strength of the corroded specimen by 21% and 65% more than that of the corroded-unrepaired specimen. Corrosion significantly decreased the fatigue life of the corroded-unrepaired beam by 77% of that of the virgin beam. The fatigue life of the FRCM repaired-corroded beams increased to 1.5 to 3.8 times that of the corroded-unrepaired beam but was lower than that of the virgin specimen. The specimens repaired with U-wrapped PBO-FRCM strips showed higher fatigue life than those repaired with the end-anchored bottom strips having similar number of PBO-FRCM-layers. PBO-FRCM was more effective than Carbon-FRCM in restoring the fatigue life of the corroded specimens.Keywords: corrosion, concrete, fabric-reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM), fatigue, flexure, repair
Procedia PDF Downloads 296810 Investigate and Solving Analytic of Nonlinear Differential at Vibrations (Earthquake)and Beam-Column, by New Approach “AGM”
Authors: Mohammadreza Akbari, Pooya Soleimani Besheli, Reza Khalili, Sara Akbari
In this study, we investigate building structures nonlinear behavior also solving analytic of nonlinear differential at vibrations. As we know most of engineering systems behavior in practical are non- linear process (especial at structural) and analytical solving (no numerical) these problems are complex, difficult and sometimes impossible (of course at form of analytical solving). In this symposium, we are going to exposure one method in engineering, that can solve sets of nonlinear differential equations with high accuracy and simple solution and so this issue will emerge after comparing the achieved solutions by Numerical Method (Runge-Kutte 4th) and exact solutions. Finally, we can proof AGM method could be created huge evolution for researcher and student (engineering and basic science) in whole over the world, because of AGM coding system, so by using this software, we can analytical solve all complicated linear and nonlinear differential equations, with help of that there is no difficulty for solving nonlinear differential equations.Keywords: new method AGM, vibrations, beam-column, angular frequency, energy dissipated, critical load
Procedia PDF Downloads 392809 Load Maximization of Two-Link Flexible Manipulator Using Suppression Vibration with Piezoelectric Transducer
Authors: Hamidreza Heidari, Abdollah Malmir Nasab
In this paper, the energy equations of a two-link flexible manipulator were extracted using the Euler-Bernoulli beam hypotheses. Applying Assumed mode and considering some finite degrees of freedom, we could obtain dynamic motions of each manipulator using Euler-Lagrange equations. Using its claws, the robots can carry a certain load with the ached control of vibrations for robot flexible links during the travelling path using the piezoceramics transducer; dynamic load carrying capacity increase. The traveling path of flexible robot claw has been taken from that of equivalent rigid manipulator and coupled; therefore to avoid the role of Euler-Bernoulli beam assumptions and linear strains, material and physical characteristics selection of robot cause deflection of link ends not exceed 5% of link length. To do so, the maximum load carrying capacity of robot is calculated at the horizontal plan. The increasing of robot load carrying capacity with vibration control is 53%.Keywords: flexible link, DLCC, active control vibration, assumed mode method
Procedia PDF Downloads 399808 Performance Evaluation of a Millimeter-Wave Phased Array Antenna Using Circularly Polarized Elements
Authors: Rawad Asfour, Salam Khamas, Edward A. Ball
This paper is focused on the design of an mm-wave phased array. To date, linear polarization is adapted in the reported designs of phased arrays. However, linear polarization faces several well-known challenges. As such, an advanced design for phased array antennas is required that offers circularly polarized (CP) radiation. A feasible solution for achieving CP phased array antennas is proposed using open-circular loop antennas. To this end, a 3-element circular loop phased array antenna is designed to operate at 28GHz. In addition, the array ability to control the direction of the main lobe is investigated. The results show that the highest achievable field of view (FOV) is 100°, i.e., 50° to the left and 50° to the right-hand side directions. The results are achieved with a CP bandwidth of 15%. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that a high broadside gain of circa 11 dBi can be achieved for the steered beam. Besides, a radiation efficiency of 97 % can also be achieved based on the proposed design.Keywords: loop antenna, phased array, beam steering, wide bandwidth, circular polarization, CST
Procedia PDF Downloads 303807 Utilizing Fiber-Based Modeling to Explore the Presence of a Soft Storey in Masonry-Infilled Reinforced Concrete Structures
Authors: Akram Khelaifia, Salah Guettala, Nesreddine Djafar Henni, Rachid Chebili
Recent seismic events have underscored the significant influence of masonry infill walls on the resilience of structures. The irregular positioning of these walls exacerbates their adverse effects, resulting in substantial material and human losses. Research and post-earthquake evaluations emphasize the necessity of considering infill walls in both the design and assessment phases. This study delves into the presence of soft stories in reinforced concrete structures with infill walls. Employing an approximate method relying on pushover analysis results, fiber-section-based macro-modeling is utilized to simulate the behavior of infill walls. The findings shed light on the presence of soft first stories, revealing a notable 240% enhancement in resistance for weak column—strong beam-designed frames due to infill walls. Conversely, the effect is more moderate at 38% for strong column—weak beam-designed frames. Interestingly, the uniform distribution of infill walls throughout the structure's height does not influence soft-story emergence in the same seismic zone, irrespective of column-beam strength. In regions with low seismic intensity, infill walls dissipate energy, resulting in consistent seismic behavior regardless of column configuration. Despite column strength, structures with open-ground stories remain vulnerable to soft first-story emergence, underscoring the crucial role of infill walls in reinforced concrete structural design.Keywords: masonry infill walls, soft Storey, pushover analysis, fiber section, macro-modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 67806 Evaluating the Dosimetric Performance for 3D Treatment Planning System for Wedged and Off-Axis Fields
Authors: Nashaat A. Deiab, Aida Radwan, Mohamed S. Yahiya, Mohamed Elnagdy, Rasha Moustafa
This study is to evaluate the dosimetric performance of our institution's 3D treatment planning system for wedged and off-axis 6MV photon beams, guided by the recommended QA tests documented in the AAPM TG53; NCS report 15 test packages, IAEA TRS 430 and ESTRO booklet no.7. The study was performed for Elekta Precise linear accelerator designed for clinical range of 4, 6 and 15 MV photon beams with asymmetric jaws and fully integrated multileaf collimator that enables high conformance to target with sharp field edges. Ten tests were applied on solid water equivalent phantom along with 2D array dose detection system. The calculated doses using 3D treatment planning system PrecisePLAN were compared with measured doses to make sure that the dose calculations are accurate for simple situations such as square and elongated fields, different SSD, beam modifiers e.g. wedges, blocks, MLC-shaped fields and asymmetric collimator settings. The QA results showed dosimetric accuracy of the TPS within the specified tolerance limits. Except for large elongated wedged field, the central axis and outside central axis have errors of 0.2% and 0.5%, respectively, and off- planned and off-axis elongated fields the region outside the central axis of the beam errors are 0.2% and 1.1%, respectively. The dosimetric investigated results yielded differences within the accepted tolerance level as recommended. Differences between dose values predicted by the TPS and measured values at the same point are the result from limitations of the dose calculation, uncertainties in the measurement procedure, or fluctuations in the output of the accelerator.Keywords: quality assurance, dose calculation, wedged fields, off-axis fields, 3D treatment planning system, photon beam
Procedia PDF Downloads 446805 Comparison of Effect of Pre-Stressed Strand Diameters Providing Beamm to Column Connection
Authors: Mustafa Kaya
In this study, the effect of pre-stressed strand diameters, providing the beam-to-column connections, was investigated from both experimental, and analytical aspects. In the experimental studies, the strength, stiffness, and energy dissipation capacities of the precast specimens comprising two pre-stressed strand samples of 12.70 mm, and 15.24 mm diameters, were compared with the reference specimen. The precast specimen with strands of 15.24 mm reached 96% of the maximum strength of the reference specimen; the amount of energy dissipated by this specimen until end of the test reached 48% of the amount of energy dissipated by the reference sample, and the stiffness of the same specimen at a 1.5% drift of reached 77% of the stiffness of the reference specimen at this drift. Parallel results were obtained during the analytical studies from the aspects of strength, and behavior, but the initial stiffness of the analytical models was lower than that of the test specimen.Keywords: precast beam to column connection, moment resisting connection, post tensioned connections, finite element method
Procedia PDF Downloads 552804 Effects of Two Cross Focused Intense Laser Beams On THz Generation in Rippled Plasma
Authors: Sandeep Kumar, Naveen Gupta
Terahertz (THz) generation has been investigated by beating two cosh-Gaussian laser beams of the same amplitude but different wavenumbers and frequencies through rippled collisionless plasma. The ponderomotive force is operative which is induced due to the intensity gradient of the laser beam over the cross-section area of the wavefront. The electrons evacuate towards a low-intensity regime, which modifies the dielectric function of the medium and results in cross focusing of cosh-Gaussian laser beams. The evolution of spot size of laser beams has been studied by solving nonlinear Schrodinger wave equation (NLSE) with variational technique. The laser beams impart oscillations to electrons which are enhanced with ripple density. The nonlinear oscillatory motion of electrons gives rise to a nonlinear current density driving THz radiation. It has been observed that the periodicity of the ripple density helps to enhance the THz radiation.Keywords: rippled collisionless plasma, cosh-gaussian laser beam, ponderomotive force, variational technique, nonlinear current density
Procedia PDF Downloads 201803 Experimental and Simulation Analysis of an Innovative Steel Shear Wall with Semi-Rigid Beam-to-Column Connections
Authors: E. Faizan, Wahab Abdul Ghafar, Tao Zhong
Steel plate shear walls (SPSWs) are a robust lateral load resistance structure because of their high flexibility and efficient energy dissipation when subjected to seismic loads. This research investigates the seismic performance of an innovative infill web strip (IWS-SPSW) and a typical unstiffened steel plate shear wall (USPSW). As a result, two 1:3 scale specimens of an IWS-SPSW and USPSW with a single story and a single bay were built and subjected to a cyclic lateral loading methodology. In the prototype, the beam-to-column connections were accomplished with the assistance of semi-rigid end-plate connectors. IWS-SPSW demonstrated exceptional ductility and shear load-bearing capacity during the testing process, with no cracks or other damage occurring. In addition, the IWS-SPSW could effectively dissipate energy without causing a significant amount of beam-column connection distortion. The shear load-bearing capacity of the USPSW was exceptional. However, it exhibited low ductility, severe infill plate corner ripping, and huge infill web plate cracks. The FE models were created and then confirmed using the experimental data. It has been demonstrated that the infill web strips of an SPSW system can affect the system's high performance and total energy dissipation. In addition, a parametric analysis was carried out to evaluate the material qualities of the IWS, which can considerably improve the system's seismic performances. These properties include the steel's strength as well as its thickness.Keywords: steel shear walls, seismic performance, failure mode, hysteresis response, nonlinear finite element analysis, parametric study
Procedia PDF Downloads 76802 Modelling and Optimization of Laser Cutting Operations
Authors: Hany Mohamed Abdu, Mohamed Hassan Gadallah, El-Giushi Mokhtar, Yehia Mahmoud Ismail
Laser beam cutting is one nontraditional machining process. This paper optimizes the parameters of Laser beam cutting machining parameters of Stainless steel (316L) by considering the effect of input parameters viz. power, oxygen pressure, frequency and cutting speed. Statistical design of experiments are carried in three different levels and process responses such as 'Average kerf taper (Ta)' and 'Surface Roughness (Ra)' are measured accordingly. A quadratic mathematical model (RSM) for each of the responses is developed as a function of the process parameters. Responses predicted by the models (as per Taguchi’s L27 OA) are employed to search for an optimal parametric combination to achieve desired yield of the process. RSM models are developed for mean responses, S/N ratio, and standard deviation of responses. Optimization models are formulated as single objective problem subject to process constraints. Models are formulated based on Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using MATLAB environment. Optimum solutions are compared with Taguchi Methodology results.Keywords: optimization, laser cutting, robust design, kerf width, Taguchi method, RSM and DOE
Procedia PDF Downloads 622801 The Effect of Jet Grouting on the Behavior of Strip Footing Adjacent to Slope Crest
Authors: Ahmed M. El-Tuhami, Ahmed A. Mohamed
This paper studies the behavior of strip footing adjacent to slope crest and the effect of jet grouting under the footing. This problem is investigated numerically in the present study. Two dimensional plane strain program PLAXIS is used in this study. 15 nodes triangular element is used to idealize soil with hardening soil model. Five nodes isoperimetric beam element is used to idealize stripe footing. Interface element is used to represent the contact between beam element and soil. Two parameters were studied, the first is the foundation depth and the second is the Stripe footing distance from the slope crest. Settlement and horizontal displacement of strip footing were obtained and studied from the analyzed finite element model results. The reduction influence of jet grouting on footing displacement were studied and investigated. The results indicate that the inclusion of jet grouting under strip footing adjacent to slope crest has significant effect in improving the response of the strip footing and the slope.Keywords: strip footing, jet grouting, slope, PLAXIS, relative distance
Procedia PDF Downloads 475800 In situ Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Study of Permalloy Thin Film Growth on Nanorippled Si
Authors: Sarathlal Koyiloth Vayalil, Stephan V. Roth, Gonzalo Santoro, Peng Zhang, Matthias Schwartzkopf, Bjoern Beyersdorff
Nanostructured magnetic thin films have gained significant relevance due to its applications in magnetic storage and recording media. Self-organized arrays of nanoparticles and nanowires can be produced by depositing metal thin films on nano-rippled substrates. The substrate topography strongly affects the film growth giving rise to anisotropic properties (optical, magnetic, electronic transport). Ion-beam erosion (IBE) method can provide large-area patterned substrates with the valuable possibility to widely modify pattern length scale by simply acting on ion beam parameters (i.e. energy, ions, geometry, etc.). In this work, investigation of the growth mechanism of Permalloy thin films on such nano-rippled Si (100) substrates using in situ grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering measurements (GISAXS) have been done. In situ GISAXS measurements during the deposition of thin films have been carried out at the P03/MiNaXS beam line of PETRA III storage ring of DESY, Hamburg. Nanorippled Si substrates prepared by low energy ion beam sputtering with an average wavelength of 33 nm and 1 nm have been used as templates. It has been found that the film replicates the morphology up to larger thickness regimes and also the growth is highly anisotropic along and normal to the ripple wave vectors. Various growth regimes have been observed. Further, magnetic measurements have been done using magneto-optical Kerr effect by rotating the sample in the azimuthal direction. Strong uniaxial magnetic anisotropy with its easy axis in a direction normal to the ripple wave vector has been observed. The strength of the magnetic anisotropy is found to be decreasing with increasing thin film thickness values. The mechanism of the observed strong uniaxial magnetic anisotropy and its depends on the thickness of the film has been explained by correlating it with the GISAXS results. In conclusion, we have done a detailed growth analysis of Permalloy thin films deposited on nanorippled Si templates and tried to explain the correlation between structure, morphology to the observed magnetic properties.Keywords: grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering, magnetic thin films, magnetic anisotropy, nanoripples
Procedia PDF Downloads 314799 An Experimental and Numerical Study on the Pultruded GFRP I-Sections Beams
Authors: Parinaz Arashnia, Farzad Hatami, Saeed Ghaffarpour Jahromi
Using steel in bridges’ construction because of their desired tensile and compressive strength and light weight especially in large spans was widely popular. Disadvantages of steel such as corrosion, buckling and weaknesses in high temperature and unsuitable weld could be solve with using Fibres Reinforced Polymer (FRP) profiles. The FRP is a remarkable class of composite polymers that can improve structural elements behaviour like corrosion resistance, fir resistance with good proofing and electricity and magnetic non-conductor. Nowadays except FRP reinforced bars and laminates, FRP I-beams are made and studied. The main reason for using FRP profiles is, prevent of corrosion and increase the load carrying capacity and durability, especially in large spans in bridges’ deck. In this paper, behaviour of I-section glass fibres reinforced polymer (GFRP) beam is discussed under point loads with numerical models and results has been compared and verified with experimental tests.Keywords: glass fibres reinforced polymer, composite, I-section beam, durability, finite element method, numerical model
Procedia PDF Downloads 257798 Comparison of Adsorbents for Ammonia Removal from Mining Wastewater
Authors: F. Al-Sheikh, C. Moralejo, M. Pritzker, W. A. Anderson, A. Elkamel
Ammonia in mining wastewater is a significant problem, and treatment can be especially difficult in cold climates where biological treatment is not feasible. An adsorption process is one of the alternative processes that can be used to reduce ammonia concentrations to acceptable limits, and therefore a LEWATIT resin strongly acidic H+ form ion exchange resin and a Bowie Chabazite Na form AZLB-Na zeolite were tested to assess their effectiveness. For these adsorption tests, two packed bed columns (a mini-column constructed from a 32-cm long x 1-cm diameter piece of glass tubing, and a 60-cm long x 2.5-cm diameter Ace Glass chromatography column) were used containing varying quantities of the adsorbents. A mining wastewater with ammonia concentrations of 22.7 mg/L was fed through the columns at controlled flowrates. In the experimental work, maximum capacities of the LEWATIT ion exchange resin were 0.438, 0.448, and 1.472 mg/g for 3, 6, and 9 g respectively in a mini column and 1.739 mg/g for 141.5 g in a larger Ace column while the capacities for the AZLB-Na zeolite were 0.424, and 0.784 mg/g for 3, and 6 g respectively in the mini column and 1.1636 mg/g for 38.5 g in the Ace column. In the theoretical work, Thomas, Adams-Bohart, and Yoon-Nelson models were constructed to describe a breakthrough curve of the adsorption process and find the constants of the above-mentioned models. In the regeneration tests, 5% hydrochloric acid, HCl (v/v) and 10% sodium hydroxide, NaOH (w/v) were used to regenerate the LEWATIT resin and AZLB-Na zeolite with 44 and 63.8% recovery, respectively. In conclusion, continuous flow adsorption using a LEWATIT ion exchange resin and an AZLB-Na zeolite is efficient when using a co-flow technique for removal of the ammonia from wastewater. Thomas, Adams-Bohart, and Yoon-Nelson models satisfactorily fit the data with R2 closer to 1 in all cases.Keywords: AZLB-Na zeolite, continuous adsorption, Lewatit resin, models, regeneration
Procedia PDF Downloads 391797 Compact Low Loss Design of SOI 1x2 Y-Branch Optical Power Splitter with S-Bend Waveguide and Study on the Variation of Transmitted Power with Various Waveguide Parameters
Authors: Nagaraju Pendam, C. P. Vardhani
A simple technology–compatible design of silicon-on-insulator based 1×2 optical power splitter is proposed. For developing large area Opto-electronic Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) devices, the power splitter is a key passive device. The SOI rib- waveguide dimensions (height, width, and etching depth, refractive indices, length of waveguide) leading simultaneously to single mode propagation. In this paper a low loss optical power splitter is designed by using R Soft cad tool and simulated by Beam propagation method, here s-bend waveguides proposed. We concentrate changing the refractive index difference, branching angle, width of the waveguide, free space wavelength of the waveguide and observing transmitted power, effective refractive index in the designed waveguide, and choosing the best simulated results to be fabricated on silicon-on insulator platform. In this design 1550 nm free spacing are used.Keywords: beam propagation method, insertion loss, optical power splitter, rib waveguide, transmitted power
Procedia PDF Downloads 664796 A Mixed Finite Element Formulation for Functionally Graded Micro-Beam Resting on Two-Parameter Elastic Foundation
Authors: Cagri Mollamahmutoglu, Aykut Levent, Ali Mercan
Micro-beams are one of the most common components of Nano-Electromechanical Systems (NEMS) and Micro Electromechanical Systems (MEMS). For this reason, static bending, buckling, and free vibration analysis of micro-beams have been the subject of many studies. In addition, micro-beams restrained with elastic type foundations have been of particular interest. In the analysis of microstructures, closed-form solutions are proposed when available, but most of the time solutions are based on numerical methods due to the complex nature of the resulting differential equations. Thus, a robust and efficient solution method has great importance. In this study, a mixed finite element formulation is obtained for a functionally graded Timoshenko micro-beam resting on two-parameter elastic foundation. In the formulation modified couple stress theory is utilized for the micro-scale effects. The equation of motion and boundary conditions are derived according to Hamilton’s principle. A functional, derived through a scientific procedure based on Gateaux Differential, is proposed for the bending and buckling analysis which is equivalent to the governing equations and boundary conditions. Most important advantage of the formulation is that the mixed finite element formulation allows usage of C₀ type continuous shape functions. Thus shear-locking is avoided in a built-in manner. Also, element matrices are sparsely populated and can be easily calculated with closed-form integration. In this framework results concerning the effects of micro-scale length parameter, power-law parameter, aspect ratio and coefficients of partially or fully continuous elastic foundation over the static bending, buckling, and free vibration response of FG-micro-beam under various boundary conditions are presented and compared with existing literature. Performance characteristics of the presented formulation were evaluated concerning other numerical methods such as generalized differential quadrature method (GDQM). It is found that with less computational burden similar convergence characteristics were obtained. Moreover, formulation also includes a direct calculation of the micro-scale related contributions to the structural response as well.Keywords: micro-beam, functionally graded materials, two-paramater elastic foundation, mixed finite element method
Procedia PDF Downloads 163795 Meta Model for Optimum Design Objective Function of Steel Frames Subjected to Seismic Loads
Authors: Salah R. Al Zaidee, Ali S. Mahdi
Except for simple problems of statically determinate structures, optimum design problems in structural engineering have implicit objective functions where structural analysis and design are essential within each searching loop. With these implicit functions, the structural engineer is usually enforced to write his/her own computer code for analysis, design, and searching for optimum design among many feasible candidates and cannot take advantage of available software for structural analysis, design, and searching for the optimum solution. The meta-model is a regression model used to transform an implicit objective function into objective one and leads in turn to decouple the structural analysis and design processes from the optimum searching process. With the meta-model, well-known software for structural analysis and design can be used in sequence with optimum searching software. In this paper, the meta-model has been used to develop an explicit objective function for plane steel frames subjected to dead, live, and seismic forces. Frame topology is assumed as predefined based on architectural and functional requirements. Columns and beams sections and different connections details are the main design variables in this study. Columns and beams are grouped to reduce the number of design variables and to make the problem similar to that adopted in engineering practice. Data for the implicit objective function have been generated based on analysis and assessment for many design proposals with CSI SAP software. These data have been used later in SPSS software to develop a pure quadratic nonlinear regression model for the explicit objective function. Good correlations with a coefficient, R2, in the range from 0.88 to 0.99 have been noted between the original implicit functions and the corresponding explicit functions generated with meta-model.Keywords: meta-modal, objective function, steel frames, seismic analysis, design
Procedia PDF Downloads 245794 Impact of Boundary Conditions on the Behavior of Thin-Walled Laminated Column with L-Profile under Uniform Shortening
Authors: Jaroslaw Gawryluk, Andrzej Teter
Simply supported angle columns subjected to uniform shortening are tested. The experimental studies are conducted on a testing machine using additional Aramis and the acoustic emission system. The laminate samples are subjected to axial uniform shortening. The tested columns are loaded with the force values from zero to the maximal load destroying the L-shaped column, which allowed one to observe the column post-buckling behavior until its collapse. Laboratory tests are performed at a constant velocity of the cross-bar equal to 1 mm/min. In order to eliminate stress concentrations between sample and support, flexible pads are used. Analyzed samples are made with carbon-epoxy laminate using the autoclave method. The configurations of laminate layers are: [60,0₂,-60₂,60₃,-60₂,0₃,-60₂,0,60₂]T, where direction 0 is along the length of the profile. Material parameters of laminate are: Young’s modulus along the fiber direction - 170GPa, Young’s modulus along the fiber transverse direction - 7.6GPa, shear modulus in-plane - 3.52GPa, Poisson’s ratio in-plane - 0.36. The dimensions of all columns are: length-300 mm, thickness-0.81mm, width of the flanges-40mm. Next, two numerical models of the column with and without flexible pads are developed using the finite element method in Abaqus software. The L-profile laminate column is modeled using the S8R shell elements. The layup-ply technique is used to define the sequence of the laminate layers. However, the model of grips is made of the R3D4 discrete rigid elements. The flexible pad is consists of the C3D20R type solid elements. In order to estimate the moment of the first laminate layer damage, the following initiation criteria were applied: maximum stress criterion, Tsai-Hill, Tsai-Wu, Azzi-Tsai-Hill, and Hashin criteria. The best compliance of results was observed for the Hashin criterion. It was found that the use of the pad in the numerical model significantly influences the damage mechanism. The model without pads characterized a much more stiffness, as evidenced by a greater bifurcation load and damage initiation load in all analyzed criteria, lower shortening, and less deflection of the column in its center than the model with flexible pads. Acknowledgment: The project/research was financed in the framework of the project Lublin University of Technology-Regional Excellence Initiative, funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (contract no. 030/RID/2018/19).Keywords: angle column, compression, experiment, FEM
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