Search results for: Open Science Philosophy
1342 The Feasibility of Ratification of the United Nation Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods by Islamic Countries, Saudi Arabia as a Case
Authors: Ibrahim M. Alwehaibi
Recently the windows of globalization weirdly open, which increase the trade between the Western countries and Muslim nations. Sales of goods contracts are one of the most common business transaction in the world. This commercial exchange has faced many obstacles. One of the most concerned obstacles is the conflicts between laws. Thus, United Nation created a Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). Some of Islamic countries have ratified the CISG, while other Islamic countries have concerns about the feasibility of ratification of the CISG, and many businessmen have a concern of application of the convention. The concerns related to the conflict between CISG and Sharia, and the long debate about the success, ambiguity, and stability of the CISG. Therefore, this research will examine the feasibility of Muslim countries and Muslim businessmen to adopt the CISG by following steps: First, this research will introduce sharia Law (Islamic contracts law) and CISG and provide backgrounds of both laws. Second, this research will compare the provisions of CISG and Sharia and figuring out the conflicts and provide possible solutions for the conflicts. Third, this study will examine the advantages and disadvantages of adopting the CISG and examining the success of the CISG. Fourth, this study will explore the current situation in Islamic countries by taking Saudi Arabia as a case and explore how the application of Sharia law works and the possibility to enforce the CISG and explore the current practice of foreign Sales in Saudi Arabia. The research finds that there are some conflicts between CISG and Sharia Law. The most notable conflicts are interest and uncertainty in considerations. Also, this research finds that it seems that ratification of CISG is not beneficial for Muslim countries because the convention has not reached its goal which is uniformity of laws. Moreover, the CISG has been excluded and ignored by businessmen and some courts. Additionally, this research finds that it could be possible to enforce CISG in Saudi Arabia, provided that no conflict between the enforced provision and Sharia Law. This study is following the competitive and analysis methodologies to reach its findings. The researcher analyzes the provision of CISG and compares them with Sharia rules and finds the conflicts and compatibilities. In fact, CISG has 101 articles, so a comprehensive comparison of all articles in CISG with Sharia is difficult. Thus, in order to deeply analyze all aspects of this issue, this study will exclude some areas of contract which have been discussed by other researchers such as deliver of goods, conformity, and mirror image rules. The comparative section of this study will focus on the most concerned articles that conflict or doubtful of conflict with Sharia, which are interest, uncertainty, statute of limitation, specific performance, and pass of risk.Keywords: Sharia, CISG, Contracts for International Sale of Goods, contracts, sale of goods, Saudi Arabia
Procedia PDF Downloads 1521341 Thin Films of Glassy Carbon Prepared by Cluster Deposition
Authors: Hatem Diaf, Patrice Melinon, Antonio Pereira, Bernard Moine, Nicholas Blanchard, Florent Bourquard, Florence Garrelie, Christophe Donnet
Glassy carbon exhibits excellent biological compatibility with live tissues meaning it has high potential for applications in life science. Moreover, glassy carbon has interesting properties including 'high temperature resistance', hardness, low density, low electrical resistance, low friction, and low thermal resistance. The structure of glassy carbon has long been a subject of debate. It is now admitted that glassy carbon is 100% sp2. This term is a little bit confusing as long sp2 hybridization defined from quantum chemistry is related to both properties: threefold configuration and pi bonding (parallel pz orbitals). Using plasma laser deposition of carbon clusters combined with pulsed nano/femto laser annealing, we are able to synthesize thin films of glassy carbon of good quality (probed by G band/ D disorder band ratio in Raman spectroscopy) without thermal post annealing. A careful inspecting of Raman signal, plasmon losses and structure performed by HRTEM (High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy) reveals that both properties (threefold and pi orbitals) cannot coexist together. The structure of the films is compared to models including schwarzites based from negatively curved surfaces at the opposite of onions or fullerene-like structures with positively curved surfaces. This study shows that a huge collection of porous carbon named vitreous carbon with different structures can coexist.Keywords: glassy carbon, cluster deposition, coating, electronic structure
Procedia PDF Downloads 3211340 Nutrition Strategy Using Traditional Tibetan Medicine in the Preventive Measurement
Authors: Ngawang Tsering
Traditional Tibetan medicine is primarily focused on promoting health and keeping away diseases from its unique in prescribing specific diet and lifestyle. The prevalence of chronic diseases has been rising day by day and kills a number of people due to the lack of proper nutritional design in modern times. According to traditional Tibetan medicine, chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, and arthritis are heavily associated with an unwholesome diet and inappropriate lifestyles. Diet and lifestyles are the two main conditions of diseases and healthy life. The prevalence of chronic diseases is one of the challenges, with massive economic impact and expensive health issues. Though chronic diseases are challenges, it has a solution in the preventive measurements by using proper nutrition design based on traditional Tibetan medicine. Until today, it is hard to evaluate whether traditional Tibetan medicine nutrition strategy could play a major role in preventive measurement as of the lack of current research evidence. However, compared with modern nutrition, it has an exclusive valuable concept, such as a holistic way and diet or nutrition recommendation based on different aspects. Traditional Tibetan medicine is one of the oldest ancient existing medical systems known as Sowa Rigpa (Science of Healing) highlights different aspects of dietetics and nutrition, namely geographical, seasonal, age, personality, emotional, food combination, the process of individual metabolism, potency, and amount of food. This article offers a critical perspective on the preventive measurement against chronic diseases through nutrition design using traditional Tibetan medicine and also needs attention for a deeper understanding of traditional Tibetan medicine in the modern world.Keywords: traditional Tibetan medicine, nutrition, chronic diseases, preventive measurement, holistic approach, integrative
Procedia PDF Downloads 1581339 Entrepreneurship Education and Student Entrepreneurial Intention: A Comprehensive Review, Synthesis of Empirical Findings, and Strategic Insights for Future Research Advancements
Authors: Abdul Waris Jalili, Yanqing Wang, Som Suor
This research paper explores the relationship between entrepreneurship education and students' entrepreneurial intentions. It aims to determine if entrepreneurship education reliably predicts students' intention to become entrepreneurs and how and when this relationship occurs. This study aims to investigate the predictive relationship between entrepreneurship education and student entrepreneurial intentions. The goal is to understand the factors that influence this relationship and to identify any mediating or moderating factors. A thorough and systematic search and review of empirical articles published between 2013 and 2023 were conducted. Three databases, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and PubMed, were explored to gather relevant studies. Criteria such as reporting empirical results, publication in English, and addressing the research questions were used to select 35 papers for analysis. The collective findings of the reviewed studies suggest a generally positive relationship between entrepreneurship education and student entrepreneurial intentions. However, recent findings indicate that this relationship may be more complex than previously thought. Mediators and moderators have been identified, highlighting instances where entrepreneurship education indirectly influences student entrepreneurial intentions. The review also emphasizes the need for more robust research designs to establish causality in this field. This research adds to the existing literature by providing a comprehensive review of the relationship between entrepreneurship education and student entrepreneurial intentions. It highlights the complexity of this relationship and the importance of considering mediators and moderators. The study also calls for future research to explore different facets of entrepreneurship education independently and examine complex relationships more comprehensively.Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial self-efficacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 681338 Urban Waste Management for Health and Well-Being in Lagos, Nigeria
Authors: Bolawole F. Ogunbodede, Mokolade Johnson, Adetunji Adejumo
High population growth rate, reactive infrastructure provision, inability of physical planning to cope with developmental pace are responsible for waste water crisis in the Lagos Metropolis. Septic tank is still the most prevalent waste-water holding system. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of septage treatment infrastructure. Public waste-water treatment system statistics relative to the 23 million people in Lagos State is worrisome. 1.85 billion Cubic meters of wastewater is generated on daily basis and only 5% of the 26 million population is connected to public sewerage system. This is compounded by inadequate budgetary allocation and erratic power supply in the last two decades. This paper explored community participatory waste-water management alternative at Oworonshoki Municipality in Lagos. The study is underpinned by decentralized Waste-water Management systems in built-up areas. The initiative accommodates 5 step waste-water issue including generation, storage, collection, processing and disposal through participatory decision making in two Oworonshoki Community Development Association (CDA) areas. Drone assisted mapping highlighted building footage. Structured interviews and focused group discussion of land lord associations in the CDA areas provided collaborator platform for decision-making. Water stagnation in primary open drainage channels and natural retention ponds in framing wetlands is traceable to frequent of climate change induced tidal influences in recent decades. Rise in water table resulting in septic-tank leakage and water pollution is reported to be responsible for the increase in the water born infirmities documented in primary health centers. This is in addition to unhealthy dumping of solid wastes in the drainage channels. The effect of uncontrolled disposal system renders surface waters and underground water systems unsafe for human and recreational use; destroys biotic life; and poisons the fragile sand barrier-lagoon urban ecosystems. Cluster decentralized system was conceptualized to service 255 households. Stakeholders agreed on public-private partnership initiative for efficient wastewater service delivery.Keywords: health, infrastructure, management, septage, well-being
Procedia PDF Downloads 1771337 Accurate Binding Energy of Ytterbium Dimer from Ab Initio Calculations and Ultracold Photoassociation Spectroscopy
Authors: Giorgio Visentin, Alexei A. Buchachenko
Recent proposals to use Yb dimer as an optical clock and as a sensor for non-Newtonian gravity imply the knowledge of its interaction potential. Here, the ground-state Born-Oppenheimer Yb₂ potential energy curve is represented by a semi-analytical function, consisting of short- and long-range contributions. For the former, the systematic ab initio all-electron exact 2-component scalar-relativistic CCSD(T) calculations are carried out. Special care is taken to saturate diffuse basis set component with the atom- and bond-centered primitives and reach the complete basis set limit through n = D, T, Q sequence of the correlation-consistent polarized n-zeta basis sets. Similar approaches are used to the long-range dipole and quadrupole dispersion terms by implementing the CCSD(3) polarization propagator method for dynamic polarizabilities. Dispersion coefficients are then computed through Casimir-Polder integration. The semiclassical constraint on the number of the bound vibrational levels known for the ¹⁷⁴Yb isotope is used to scale the potential function. The scaling, based on the most accurate ab initio results, bounds the interaction energy of two Yb atoms within the narrow 734 ± 4 cm⁻¹ range, in reasonable agreement with the previous ab initio-based estimations. The resulting potentials can be used as the reference for more sophisticated models that go beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation and provide the means of their uncertainty estimations. The work is supported by Russian Science Foundation grant # 17-13-01466.Keywords: ab initio coupled cluster methods, interaction potential, semi-analytical function, ytterbium dimer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1551336 Early Influences on Teacher Identity: Perspectives from the USA and Northern Ireland
Authors: Martin Hagan
Teacher identity has been recognised as a crucial field of research which supports understanding of the ways in which teachers navigate the complexities of professional life in order to grow in competence, knowledge and practice. As a field of study, teacher identity is concerned with understanding: how identity is defined; how it develops; how teachers make sense of their emerging identity; and how the act of teaching is mediated through the individual teacher’s values, beliefs and sense of professional self. By comparing two particular, socially constructed learning contexts or ‘learning milieu’, one in Northern Ireland and the other in the United States of America, this study aims specifically, to gain better understanding of how teacher identity develops during the initial phase of teacher education. The comparative approach was adopted on the premise that experiences are constructed through interactive, socio-historical and cultural negotiations with others within particular environments, situations and contexts. As such, whilst the common goal is to ‘become’ a teacher, the nuances emerging from the different learning milieu highlight variance in discourse, priorities, practice and influence. A qualitative, interpretative research design was employed to understand the world-constructions of the participants through asking open-ended questions, seeking views and perspectives, examining contexts and eventually deducing meaning. Data were collected using semi structured interviews from a purposive sample of student teachers (n14) in either the first or second year of study in their respective institutions. In addition, a sample of teacher educators (n5) responsible for the design, organisation and management of the programmes were also interviewed. Inductive thematic analysis was then conducted, which highlighted issues related to: the participants’ personal dispositions, prior learning experiences and motivation; the influence of the teacher education programme on the participants’ emerging professional identity; and the extent to which the experiences of working with teachers and pupils in schools in the context of the practicum, challenged and changed perspectives on teaching as a professional activity. The study also highlights the varying degrees of influence exercised by the different roles (tutor, host teacher/mentor, student) within the teacher-learning process across the two contexts. The findings of the study contribute to the understanding of teacher identity development in the early stages of professional learning. By so doing, the research makes a valid contribution to the discourse on initial teacher preparation and can help to better inform teacher educators and policy makers in relation to appropriate strategies, approaches and programmes to support professional learning and positive teacher identity formation.Keywords: initial teacher education, professional learning, professional growth, teacher identity
Procedia PDF Downloads 731335 Bio-Inspired Design Approach Analysis: A Case Study of Antoni Gaudi and Santiago Calatrava
Authors: Marzieh Imani
Antoni Gaudi and Santiago Calatrava have reputation for designing bio-inspired creative and technical buildings. Even though they have followed different independent approaches towards design, the source of bio-inspiration seems to be common. Taking a closer look at their projects reveals that Calatrava has been influenced by Gaudi in terms of interpreting nature and applying natural principles into the design process. This research firstly discusses the dialogue between Biomimicry and architecture. This review also explores human/nature discourse during the history by focusing on how nature revealed itself to the fine arts. This is explained by introducing naturalism and romantic style in architecture as the outcome of designers’ inclination towards nature. Reviewing the literature, theoretical background and practical illustration of nature have been included. The most dominant practical aspects of imitating nature are form and function. Nature has been reflected in architectural science resulted in shaping different architectural styles such as organic, green, sustainable, bionic, and biomorphic. By defining a set of common aspects of Gaudi and Calatrava‘s design approach and by considering biomimetic design categories (organism, ecosystem, and behaviour as the main division and form, function, process, material, and construction as subdivisions), Gaudi’s and Calatrava’s project have been analysed. This analysis explores if their design approaches are equivalent or different. Based on this analysis, Gaudi’s architecture can be recognised as biomorphic while Calatrava’s projects are literally biomimetic. Referring to these architects, this review suggests a new set of principles by which a bio-inspired project can be determined either biomorphic or biomimetic.Keywords: biomimicry, Calatrava, Gaudi, nature
Procedia PDF Downloads 2881334 Investigations of Effective Marketing Metric Strategies: The Case of St. George Brewery Factory, Ethiopia
Authors: Mekdes Getu Chekol, Biniam Tedros Kahsay, Rahwa Berihu Haile
The main objective of this study is to investigate the marketing strategy practice in the Case of St. George Brewery Factory in Addis Ababa. One of the core activities in a Business Company to stay in business is having a well-developed marketing strategy. It assessed how the marketing strategies were practiced in the company to achieve its goals aligned with segmentation, target market, positioning, and the marketing mix elements to satisfy customer requirements. Using primary and secondary data, the study is conducted by using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The primary data was collected through open and closed-ended questionnaires. Considering the size of the population is small, the selection of the respondents was carried out by using a census. The finding shows that the company used all the 4 Ps of the marketing mix elements in its marketing strategies and provided quality products at affordable prices by promoting its products by using high and effective advertising mechanisms. The product availability and accessibility are admirable with the practices of both direct and indirect distribution channels. On the other hand, the company has identified its target customers, and the company’s market segmentation practice is geographical location. Communication effectiveness between the marketing department and other departments is very good. The adjusted R2 model explains 61.6% of the marketing strategy practice variance by product, price, promotion, and place. The remaining 38.4% of variation in the dependent variable was explained by other factors not included in this study. The result reveals that all four independent variables, product, price, promotion, and place, have a positive beta sign, proving that predictor variables have a positive effect on that of the predicting dependent variable marketing strategy practice. Even though the marketing strategies of the company are effectively practiced, there are some problems that the company faces while implementing them. These are infrastructure problems, economic problems, intensive competition in the market, shortage of raw materials, seasonality of consumption, socio-cultural problems, and the time and cost of awareness creation for the customers. Finally, the authors suggest that the company better develop a long-range view and try to implement a more structured approach to attain information about potential customers, competitor’s actions, and market intelligence within the industry. In addition, we recommend conducting the study by increasing the sample size and including different marketing factors.Keywords: marketing strategy, market segmentation, target marketing, market positioning, marketing mix
Procedia PDF Downloads 611333 Strategies for Improving and Sustaining Quality in Higher Education
Authors: Anshu Radha Aggarwal
Higher Education (HE) in the India has experienced a series of remarkable changes over the last fifteen years as successive governments have sought to make the sector more efficient and more accountable for investment of public funds. Rapid expansion in student numbers and pressures to widen Participation amongst non-traditional students are key challenges facing HE. Learning outcomes can act as a benchmark for assuring quality and efficiency in HE and they also enable universities to describe courses in an unambiguous way so as to demystify (and open up) education to a wider audience. This paper examines how learning outcomes are used in HE and evaluates the implications for curriculum design and student learning. There has been huge expansion in the field of higher education, both technical and non-technical, in India during the last two decades, and this trend is continuing. It is expected that another about 400 colleges and 300 universities will be created by the end of the 13th Plan Period. This has lead to many concerns about the quality of education and training of our students. Many studies have brought the issues ailing our curricula, delivery, monitoring and assessment. Govt. of India, (via MHRD, UGC, NBA,…) has initiated several steps to bring improvement in quality of higher education and training, such as National Skills Qualification Framework, making accreditation of institutions mandatory in order to receive Govt. grants, and so on. Moreover, Outcome-based Education and Training (OBET) has also been mandated and encouraged in the teaching/learning institutions. MHRD, UGC and NBAhas made accreditation of schools, colleges and universities mandatory w.e.f Jan 2014. Outcome-based Education and Training (OBET) approach is learner-centric, whereas the traditional approach has been teacher-centric. OBET is a process which involves the re-orientation/restructuring the curriculum, implementation, assessment/measurements of educational goals, and achievement of higher order learning, rather than merely clearing/passing the university examinations. OBET aims to bring about these desired changes within the students, by increasing knowledge, developing skills, influencing attitudes and creating social-connect mind-set. This approach has been adopted by several leading universities and institutions around the world in advanced countries. Objectives of this paper is to highlight the issues concerning quality in higher education and quality frameworks, to deliberate on the various education and training models, to explain the outcome-based education and assessment processes, to provide an understanding of the NAAC and outcome-based accreditation criteria and processes and to share best-practice outcomes-based accreditation system and process.Keywords: learning outcomes, curriculum development, pedagogy, outcome based education
Procedia PDF Downloads 5261332 Modelling the Antecedents of Supply Chain Enablers in Online Groceries Using Interpretive Structural Modelling and MICMAC Analysis
Authors: Rose Antony, Vivekanand B. Khanapuri, Karuna Jain
Online groceries have transformed the way the supply chains are managed. These are facing numerous challenges in terms of product wastages, low margins, long breakeven to achieve and low market penetration to mention a few. The e-grocery chains need to overcome these challenges in order to survive the competition. The purpose of this paper is to carry out a structural analysis of the enablers in e-grocery chains by applying Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) and MICMAC analysis in the Indian context. The research design is descriptive-explanatory in nature. The enablers have been identified from the literature and through semi-structured interviews conducted among the managers having relevant experience in e-grocery supply chains. The experts have been contacted through professional/social networks by adopting a purposive snowball sampling technique. The interviews have been transcribed, and manual coding is carried using open and axial coding method. The key enablers are categorized into themes, and the contextual relationship between these and the performance measures is sought from the Industry veterans. Using ISM, the hierarchical model of the enablers is developed and MICMAC analysis identifies the driver and dependence powers. Based on the driver-dependence power the enablers are categorized into four clusters namely independent, autonomous, dependent and linkage. The analysis found that information technology (IT) and manpower training acts as key enablers towards reducing the lead time and enhancing the online service quality. Many of the enablers fall under the linkage cluster viz., frequent software updating, branding, the number of delivery boys, order processing, benchmarking, product freshness and customized applications for different stakeholders, depicting these as critical in online food/grocery supply chains. Considering the perishability nature of the product being handled, the impact of the enablers on the product quality is also identified. Hence, study aids as a tool to identify and prioritize the vital enablers in the e-grocery supply chain. The work is perhaps unique, which identifies the complex relationships among the supply chain enablers in fresh food for e-groceries and linking them to the performance measures. It contributes to the knowledge of supply chain management in general and e-retailing in particular. The approach focus on the fresh food supply chains in the Indian context and hence will be applicable in developing economies context, where supply chains are evolving.Keywords: interpretive structural modelling (ISM), India, online grocery, retail operations, supply chain management
Procedia PDF Downloads 2051331 Mapping Forest Biodiversity Using Remote Sensing and Field Data in the National Park of Tlemcen (Algeria)
Authors: Bencherif Kada
In forest management practice, landscape and Mediterranean forest are never posed as linked objects. But sustainable forestry requires the valorization of the forest landscape and this aim involves assessing the spatial distribution of biodiversity by mapping forest landscaped units and subunits and by monitoring the environmental trends. This contribution aims to highlight, through object-oriented classifications, the landscaped biodiversity of the National Park of Tlemcen (Algeria). The methodology used is based on ground data and on the basic processing units of object-oriented classification that are segments, so-called image-objects, representing a relatively homogenous units on the ground. The classification of Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) imagery is performed on image objects, and not on pixels. Advantages of object-oriented classification are to make full use of meaningful statistic and texture calculation, uncorrelated shape information (e.g., length-to-width ratio, direction and area of an object, etc.) and topological features (neighbor, super-object, etc.), and the close relation between real-world objects and image objects. The results show that per object classification using the k-nearest neighbor’s method is more efficient than per pixel one. It permits to simplify the content of the image while preserving spectrally and spatially homogeneous types of land covers such as Aleppo pine stands, cork oak groves, mixed groves of cork oak, holm oak and zen oak, mixed groves of holm oak and thuja, water plan, dense and open shrub-lands of oaks, vegetable crops or orchard, herbaceous plants and bare soils. Texture attributes seem to provide no useful information while spatial attributes of shape, compactness seem to be performant for all the dominant features, such as pure stands of Aleppo pine and/or cork oak and bare soils. Landscaped sub-units are individualized while conserving the spatial information. Continuously dominant dense stands over a large area were formed into a single class, such as dense, fragmented stands with clear stands. Low shrublands formations and high wooded shrublands are well individualized but with some confusion with enclaves for the former. Overall, a visual evaluation of the classification shows that the classification reflects the actual spatial state of the study area at the landscape level.Keywords: forest, oaks, remote sensing, biodiversity, shrublands
Procedia PDF Downloads 331330 Endoscopic Stenting of the Main Pancreatic Duct in Patients With Pancreatic Fluid Collections After Pancreas Transplantation
Authors: Y. Teterin, S. Suleymanova, I. Dmitriev, P. Yartcev
Introduction: One of the most common complications after pancreas transplantation are pancreatic fluid collections (PFCs), which are often complicated not only by infection and subsequent disfunction of the pancreatoduodenal graft (PDG), but also with a rather high mortality rate of recipients. Drainage is not always effective and often requires repeated open surgical interventions, which worsens the outcome of the surgery. Percutaneous drainage of PFCs combined with endoscopic stenting of the main pancreatic duct of the pancreatoduodenal graft (MPDPDG) showed high efficiency in the treatment of PFCs. Aims & Methods: From 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2021 at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine were performed 64 transplantations of PDG. In 11 cases (17.2%), the early postoperative period was complicated by the formation of PFCs. Of these, 7 patients underwent percutaneous drainage of pancreonecrosis with high efficiency and did not required additional methods of treatment. In the remaining 4 patients, drainage was ineffective and was an indication for endoscopic stenting of the MPDPDG. They were the ones who made up the study group. Among them were 3 men and 1 woman. The mean age of the patients was 36,4 years.PFCs in these patients formed on days 1, 12, 18, and 47 after PDG transplantation. We used a gastroscope to stent the MPDPDG, due to anatomical features of the location of the duodenoduodenal anastomosis after PDG transplantation. Through the endoscope channel was performed selective catheterization of the MPDPDG, using a catheter and a guidewire, followed by its contrasting with a water-soluble contrast agent. Due to the extravasation of the contrast, was determined the localization of the defect in the PDG duct system. After that, a plastic pancreatic stent with a diameter of 7 Fr. and a length of 7 cm. was installed along guidewire. The stent was installed in such a way that its proximal edge completely covered the defect zone, and the distal one was determined in the intestinal lumen. Results: In all patients PDG pancreaticography revealed extravasation of a contrast in the area of the isthmus and body of the pancreas, which required stenting of the MPDPDG. In 1 (25%) case, the patient had a dislocation of the stent into the intestinal lumen (III degree according to Clavien-Dindo (2009)). This patient underwent repeated endoscopic stenting of the MPDPDG. On average 23 days after endoscopic stenting of the MPDPDG, the drainage tubes were removed and after approximately 40 days all patients were discharged in a satisfactory condition with follow-up endocrinologist and surgeon consultation. Pancreatic stents were removed after 6 months ± 7 days. Conclusion: Endoscopic stenting of the main pancreatic duct of the donor pancreas is by far the most highly effective and minimally invasive method in the treatment of PFCs after transplantation of the pancreatoduodenal complex.Keywords: pancreas transplantation, endoscopy surgery, diabetes, stenting, main pancreatic duct
Procedia PDF Downloads 871329 Suicide Prevention through Spiritual Practice
Authors: Jayant Balaji Athavale, Sean Clarke
Background: According to the WHO, every year, more than 700,000 people die by suicide, which is one person around every 45 seconds. Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15 to 29-year-olds globally. The most common situations or life events that might cause suicidal thoughts are financial problems/unemployment, rejections, relationship breakups, sexual/substance abuse and mental illnesses. Mental/psychological weakness caused due to defects in one’s personality is one of the main reasons why people feel they cannot cope in such situations and contemplate suicide. A WHO Mental Health Action Plan 2013–2020 lists a 4-point strategy to enhance mental health by ‘implementing strategies for promotion and prevention in mental health.’ Methodology: With 40 years of spiritual research background, the team at the Maharshi University of Spirituality has studied the spiritual root causes that can significantly affect one’s mental health and the solutions to improve it. Results/Findings: According to spiritual science, the time and nature of death are mostly due to spiritual reasons. A person would mostly contemplate and attempt suicide when he is spiritually most vulnerable. Spiritual practice, as per universal principles, helps in protecting a person spiritually and prevents him from getting such thoughts of self-harm or acting upon them by controlling such impulses. The University has had much success in helping people to overcome the defects in their personalities, including those with suicidal thoughts, through spiritual practices such as chanting the Name of God and the Personality Defect Removal (PDR) process developed by the Author. Conclusion: If such techniques were taught in educational institutions, they could be simple yet effective self-help tools to prevent thoughts of suicide and enhance mental health and well-being.Keywords: suicide, mental health, abuse, suicide prevention, personality defect removal
Procedia PDF Downloads 1981328 Educational Tours as a Learning Tool to the Third Years Tourism Students of De La Salle University, Dasmarinas
Authors: Jackqueline Uy, Hannah Miriam Verano, Crysler Luis Verbo, Irene Gueco
Educational tours are part of the curriculum of the College of Tourism and Hospitality Management, De La Salle University-Dasmarinas. They are highly significant to the students, especially Tourism students. The purpose of this study was to determine how effective educational tours were as a learning tool using the Experiential Learning Theory by David Kolb. This study determined the demographic profile of the third year tourism students in terms of gender, section, educational tours joined, and monthly family income and lastly, this study determined if there is a significant difference between the demographic profile of the respondents and their assessment of educational tours as a learning tool. The researchers used a historical research design with the third-year students of the bachelor of science in tourism management as the population size and used a random sampling method. The researchers made a survey questionnaire and utilized statistical tools such as weighted mean, frequency distribution, percentage, standard deviation, T-test, and ANOVA. The result of the study answered the profile of the respondents such as the gender, section, educational tour/s joined, and family monthly income. The findings of the study showed that the 3rd year tourism management students strongly agree that educational tours are a highly effective learning tool in terms of active experimentation, concrete experience, reflective observation, and abstract conceptualisation based on the data gathered from the respondents.Keywords: CTHM, educational tours, experiential learning theory, De La Salle University Dasmarinas, tourism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1761327 Groupthink: The Dark Side of Team Cohesion
Authors: Farhad Eizakshiri
The potential for groupthink to explain the issues contributing to deterioration of decision-making ability within the unitary team and so to cause poor outcomes attracted a great deal of attention from a variety of disciplines, including psychology, social and organizational studies, political science, and others. Yet what remains unclear is how and why the team members’ strivings for unanimity and cohesion override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action. In this paper, the findings of a sequential explanatory mixed-methods research containing an experiment with thirty groups of three persons each and interviews with all experimental groups to investigate this issue is reported. The experiment sought to examine how individuals aggregate their views in order to reach a consensual group decision concerning the completion time of a task. The results indicated that groups made better estimates when they had no interaction between members in comparison with the situation that groups collectively agreed on time estimates. To understand the reasons, the qualitative data and informal observations collected during the task were analyzed through conversation analysis, thus leading to four reasons that caused teams to neglect divergent viewpoints and reduce the number of ideas being considered. Reasons found were the concurrence-seeking tendency, pressure on dissenters, self-censorship, and the illusion of invulnerability. It is suggested that understanding the dynamics behind the aforementioned reasons of groupthink will help project teams to avoid making premature group decisions by enhancing careful evaluation of available information and analysis of available decision alternatives and choices.Keywords: groupthink, group decision, cohesiveness, project teams, mixed-methods research
Procedia PDF Downloads 3961326 Low-Cost Reusable Thermal Energy Storage Particle for Concentrating Solar Power
Authors: Kyu Bum Han, Eunjin Jeon, Kimberly Watts, Brenda Payan Medina
Gen3 Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) high-temperature thermal systems have the potential to lower the cost of a CSP system. When compared to the other systems (chloride salt blends and supercritical fluids), the particle transport system can avoid many of the issues associated with high fluid temperature systems at high temperature because of its ability to operate at ambient pressure with limited corrosion or thermal stability risk. Furthermore, identifying and demonstrating low-cost particles that have excellent optical properties and durability can significantly reduce the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of particle receivers. The currently available thermal transfer particle in the study and market is oxidized at about 700oC, which reduces its durability, generates particle loss by high friction loads, and causes the color change. To meet the CSP SunShot goal, the durability of particles must be improved by identifying particles that are less abrasive to other structural materials. Furthermore, the particles must be economically affordable and the solar absorptance of the particles must be increased while minimizing thermal emittance. We are studying a novel thermal transfer particle, which has low cost, high durability, and high solar absorptance at high temperatures. The particle minimizes thermal emittance and will be less abrasive to other structural materials. Additionally, the particle demonstrates reusability, which significantly lowers the LCOE. This study will contribute to two principal disciplines of energy science: materials synthesis and manufacturing. Developing this particle for thermal transfer will have a positive impact on the ceramic study and industry as well as the society.Keywords: concentrating solar power, thermal energy storage, particle, reusability, economics
Procedia PDF Downloads 2251325 Drawings Reveal Beliefs of Japanese University Students
Authors: Sakae Suzuki
Although Japanese students study English for six years in secondary schools, they demonstrate little success with it when they enter higher education. Learners’ beliefs can predict the future behavior of students, so it may be effective to investigate how learners’ beliefs limit their success and how beliefs might be nudged in a positive direction. While many researchers still depend on a questionnaire called BALLI to reveal explicit beliefs, alternative approaches, especially those designed to reveal implicit beliefs, might be helpful for promoting learning. The present study seeks to identify beliefs with a discursive approach using visual metaphors and narratives. Employing a sociocultural framework, this study investigates how students’ beliefs are revealed by drawings of themselves and their surrounding environments and artifacts while they are engaged in language learning. Research questions are: (1) Can we identify beliefs through an analysis of students’ visual narratives? (2) What environments and artifacts can be found in students’ drawings, and what do they mean? (3) To what extent do students see language learning as a solitary, rather than a social, activity? Participants are university students majoring in science and technology in Japan. The questionnaire was administered to 70 entering students in April, 2014. Data included students drawings of themselves as learners of English as well as written descriptions of students’ backgrounds, English-learning experiences, and analogies and metaphors that they used in written descriptions of themselves as learners. Data will be analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Anticipated results include students’ perceptions of themselves as language learners, including their sense of agency, awareness of artifacts, and social contexts of language learning. Comments will be made on implications for teaching, as well as the use of visual narratives as research tools, and recommended further research.Keywords: drawings, learners' beliefs, metaphors, BALLI
Procedia PDF Downloads 4921324 The Effect of Oil Pollution on Marine Microbial Populations in Israeli Coastal Waters
Authors: Yael Shai, Dror L. Angel, Dror Zurel, Peleg Astrahan, Maxim Rubin-Blum, Eyal Rahav
The high demand for oil and its by-products is symptomatic of the 21st century and occasionally leads to oil spills and pollution of coastal waters. Marine oil pollution may originate from a variety of sources -urban runoff, tanker cleaning, drilling activities, and oil spills. These events may release large amounts of highly toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other pollutants to coastal water, thereby threatening local marine life. Here, we investigated the effects of crude oil on the temporal dynamics of phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria in Israeli coastal waters. To this end, we added crude oil (500 µm thick layer, with and without additional nutrients; NO₃ and PO₄) to mesocosms (1m³ bags) containing oligotrophic surface coastal water collected near Haifa during summer and winter. Changes in phytoplankton biomass, activity and diversity were monitored daily for 5-6 days. Our results demonstrate that crude oil addition resulted in a pronounced decrease in phytoplankton biomass and production rates, while heterotrophic bacterial production increased significantly. Importantly, a few days post addition we found that the oil-degrading bacteria, Oleibacter sp. and Oleispira sp. appeared in the mesocosms and that the addition of nutrients (along with the crude oil) further increased this trend. This suggests that oil-degrading bacteria may be NO₃ and PO₄ limited in Israeli coastal waters. The results of this study should enable us to establish improved science-based environmental policy with respect to handling crude oil pollution in this region.Keywords: heterotrophic bacteria, nutrients, mesocosm, oil pollution, oligotrophic, phytoplankton
Procedia PDF Downloads 1591323 Becoming a Teacher in Kazakhstan
Authors: D. Shamatov
Becoming a teacher is a journey with significant learning experiences. Exploring teachers’ lives and experiences can provide much-needed insights into the multiple realities of teaching. Teachers’ stories through qualitative narrative studies help understand and appreciate the complexities of the socio-political, economic and practical realities facing teachers. Events and experiences, both past and present, that take place at home, school, and in the broader social sphere help to shape these teachers’ lives and careers. Researchers and educators share the responsibility of listening to these teachers’ stories and life experiences and being sensitive to their voices in order to develop effective models for teacher development. A better understanding of how teachers learn to become teachers can help teacher educators prepare more effective teacher education programs. This paper is based on qualitative research which includes individual and focus group interviews, as well as auto-biography stories of Master of Science in School Leadership students at Graduate School of Education of Nazarbayev University. Twenty five MSc students from across Kazakhstan reflected on their professional journey and wrote their professional autobiographies as teachers. Their autobiographies capture the richness of their experiences and beliefs as a teacher, but also serve as window to understand broader socio-economic and political contexts where these teachers live and work. The study also provides an understanding of the systemic and socio-economic challenges of teachers in the context of post-Soviet Kazakhstan. It helps the reader better understand how wider societal forces interact and frame the development of teachers. The paper presents the findings from these stories of MSc students and offers some practical and policy implications for teacher preparation and teacher development.Keywords: becoming a teacher, Kazakhstan, teacher stories, teacher development
Procedia PDF Downloads 4341322 Evaluation of National Research Motivation Evolution with Improved Social Influence Network Theory Model: A Case Study of Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Yating Yang, Xue Zhang, Chengli Zhao
In the increasingly interconnected global environment brought about by globalization, it is crucial for countries to timely grasp the development motivations in relevant research fields of other countries and seize development opportunities. Motivation, as the intrinsic driving force behind actions, is abstract in nature, making it difficult to directly measure and evaluate. Drawing on the ideas of social influence network theory, the research motivations of a country can be understood as the driving force behind the development of its science and technology sector, which is simultaneously influenced by both the country itself and other countries/regions. In response to this issue, this paper improves upon Friedkin's social influence network theory and applies it to motivation description, constructing a dynamic alliance network and hostile network centered around the United States and China, as well as a sensitivity matrix, to remotely assess the changes in national research motivations under the influence of international relations. Taking artificial intelligence as a case study, the research reveals that the motivations of most countries/regions are declining, gradually shifting from a neutral attitude to a negative one. The motivation of the United States is hardly influenced by other countries/regions and remains at a high level, while the motivation of China has been consistently increasing in recent years. By comparing the results with real data, it is found that this model can reflect, to some extent, the trends in national motivations.Keywords: influence network theory, remote assessment, relation matrix, dynamic sensitivity matrix
Procedia PDF Downloads 681321 Multi-Stage Classification for Lung Lesion Detection on CT Scan Images Applying Medical Image Processing Technique
Authors: Behnaz Sohani, Sahand Shahalinezhad, Amir Rahmani, Aliyu Aliyu
Recently, medical imaging and specifically medical image processing is becoming one of the most dynamically developing areas of medical science. It has led to the emergence of new approaches in terms of the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of various diseases. In the process of diagnosis of lung cancer, medical professionals rely on computed tomography (CT) scans, in which failure to correctly identify masses can lead to incorrect diagnosis or sampling of lung tissue. Identification and demarcation of masses in terms of detecting cancer within lung tissue are critical challenges in diagnosis. In this work, a segmentation system in image processing techniques has been applied for detection purposes. Particularly, the use and validation of a novel lung cancer detection algorithm have been presented through simulation. This has been performed employing CT images based on multilevel thresholding. The proposed technique consists of segmentation, feature extraction, and feature selection and classification. More in detail, the features with useful information are selected after featuring extraction. Eventually, the output image of lung cancer is obtained with 96.3% accuracy and 87.25%. The purpose of feature extraction applying the proposed approach is to transform the raw data into a more usable form for subsequent statistical processing. Future steps will involve employing the current feature extraction method to achieve more accurate resulting images, including further details available to machine vision systems to recognise objects in lung CT scan images.Keywords: lung cancer detection, image segmentation, lung computed tomography (CT) images, medical image processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1011320 Cessna Citation X Business Aircraft Stability Analysis Using Linear Fractional Representation LFRs Model
Authors: Yamina Boughari, Ruxandra Mihaela Botez, Florian Theel, Georges Ghazi
Clearance of flight control laws of a civil aircraft is a long and expensive process in the Aerospace industry. Thousands of flight combinations in terms of speeds, altitudes, gross weights, centers of gravity and angles of attack have to be investigated, and proved to be safe. Nonetheless, in this method, a worst flight condition can be easily missed, and its missing would lead to a critical situation. Definitively, it would be impossible to analyze a model because of the infinite number of cases contained within its flight envelope, that might require more time, and therefore more design cost. Therefore, in industry, the technique of the flight envelope mesh is commonly used. For each point of the flight envelope, the simulation of the associated model ensures the satisfaction or not of specifications. In order to perform fast, comprehensive and effective analysis, other varying parameters models were developed by incorporating variations, or uncertainties in the nominal models, known as Linear Fractional Representation LFR models; these LFR models were able to describe the aircraft dynamics by taking into account uncertainties over the flight envelope. In this paper, the LFRs models are developed using the speeds and altitudes as varying parameters; The LFR models were built using several flying conditions expressed in terms of speeds and altitudes. The use of such a method has gained a great interest by the aeronautical companies that have seen a promising future in the modeling, and particularly in the design and certification of control laws. In this research paper, we will focus on the Cessna Citation X open loop stability analysis. The data are provided by a Research Aircraft Flight Simulator of Level D, that corresponds to the highest level flight dynamics certification; this simulator was developed by CAE Inc. and its development was based on the requirements of research at the LARCASE laboratory. The acquisition of these data was used to develop a linear model of the airplane in its longitudinal and lateral motions, and was further used to create the LFR’s models for 12 XCG /weights conditions, and thus the whole flight envelope using a friendly Graphical User Interface developed during this study. Then, the LFR’s models are analyzed using Interval Analysis method based upon Lyapunov function, and also the ‘stability and robustness analysis’ toolbox. The results were presented under the form of graphs, thus they have offered good readability, and were easily exploitable. The weakness of this method stays in a relatively long calculation, equal to about four hours for the entire flight envelope.Keywords: flight control clearance, LFR, stability analysis, robustness analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3521319 Exploring the Practices of Global Citizenship Education in Finland and Scotland
Authors: Elisavet Anastasiadou
Global citizenship refers to an economic, social, political, and cultural interconnectedness, and it is inextricably intertwined with social justice, respect for human rights, peace, and a sense of responsibility to act on a local and global level. It aims to be transformative, enhance critical thinking and participation with pedagogical approaches based on social justice and democracy. The purpose of this study is to explore how Global Citizenship Education (GCE) is presented and implemented in two educational contexts, specifically in the curricula and pedagogical practices of primary education in Finland and Scotland. The impact of GCE is recognized as means for further development by institution such as and Finnish and Scottish curricula acknowledge the significance of GCE, emphasizing the student's ability to act and succeed in diverse and global communities. This comparative study should provide a good basis for further developing teaching practices based on informed understanding of how GCE is constrained or enabled from two different perspectives, extend the methodological applications of Practice Architectures and provide critical insights into GCE as a theoretical notion adopted by national and international educational policy. The study is directly connected with global citizenship aiming at future and societal change. The empirical work employs a multiple case study approach, including interviews and analysis of existing documents (textbook, curriculum). The data consists of the Finnish and Scottish curriculum. A systematic analysis of the curriculum in relation to GCE will offer insights into how the aims of GCE are presented and framed within the two contexts. This will be achieved using the theory of Practice Architectures. Curricula are official policy documentations (texts) that frame and envisage pedagogical practices. Practices, according to the theory of practice architectures, consist of sayings, doings, and relatings. Hence, even if the text analysis includes the semantic space (sayings) that are prefigured by the cultural-discursive arrangements and the relating prefigured by the socio-political arrangements, they will inevitably reveal information on the (doings) prefigured by the material-economic arrangements, as they hang together in practices. The results will assist educators in making changes to their teaching and enhance their self-conscious understanding of the history-making significance of their practices. It will also have a potential reform and focus on educationally relevant to such issues. Thus, the study will be able to open the ground for interventions and further research while it will consider the societal demands of a world in change.Keywords: citizenhsip, curriculum, democracy, practices
Procedia PDF Downloads 2071318 Making Beehives More 'Intelligent'- The Case of Capturing, Reducing, and Managing Bee Pest Infestation in Hives through Modification of Hive Entrance Holes and the Installation of Multiple In-Hive Bee Pest Traps
Authors: Prince Amartey
Bees are clever creatures, thus, capturing bees implies that the hives are intelligent in the sense that they have all of the required circumstances to attract and trap the bees. If the hive goes above and beyond to keep the bees in the hive and to keep the activities of in-hive pests to a minimal in order for the bees to develop to their maximum potential, the hive is becoming or is more 'intelligent'. Some bee pests, such as tiny beehive beetles, are endemic to Africa; however, the way we now extract honey by cutting off the combs and pressing for honey prevents the spread of these bees' insect enemies. However, when we explore entering the commercialization. When freshly collected combs are returned to the hives following the adoption of the frame and other systems, there is a need to consider putting in strategies to manage the accompanying pest concerns that arise with unprotected combs.The techniques for making hives more'intelligent' are thus more important presently, given that the African apicultural business does not wish to encourage the use of pesticides in the hives. This include changing the hive's entrance holes in order to improve the bees' own mechanism for defending the entry sites, as well as collecting pests by setting exterior and in-hive traps to prevent pest infiltration into hives by any means feasible. Material and Methods: The following five (5) mechanisms are proposed to make the hives more 'intelligent.' i. The usage of modified frames with five (5) beetle traps positioned horizontally on the vertical 'legs' to catch the beetle along the combs' surfaces-multiple bee ii. Baited bioelectric frame traps, which has both vertical sections of frame covered with a 3mm mesh that allows pest entry but not bees. The pest is attracted by strips of combs of honey, open brood, pollen on metal plates inserted horizontally on the vertical ‘legs’ of the frames. An electrical ‘mine’ system in place that electrocutes the pests as they step on the wires in the trap to enter the frame trap iii. The ten rounded hive entry holes are adapted as the bees are able to police the entrance to prevent entry of pest. The holes are arranged in two rows, with one on top of the other What Are the Main Contributions of Your Research?-Results Discussions and Conclusions The techniques implemented decrease pest ingress, while in-hive traps capture those that escape entry into the hives. Furthermore, the stand alteration traps larvae and stops their growth into adults. As beekeeping commercialization grows throughout Africa, these initiatives will minimize insect infestation in hives and necessarily enhance honey output.Keywords: bee pests, modified frames, multiple beetle trap, Baited bioelectric frame traps
Procedia PDF Downloads 791317 Evaluating the Satisfaction of Chinese Consumers toward Influencers at TikTok
Authors: Noriyuki Suyama
The progress and spread of digitalization have led to the provision of a variety of new services. The recent progress in digitization can be attributed to rapid developments in science and technology. First, the research and diffusion of artificial intelligence (AI) has made dramatic progress. Around 2000, the third wave of AI research, which had been underway for about 50 years, arrived. Specifically, machine learning and deep learning were made possible in AI, and the ability of AI to acquire knowledge, define the knowledge, and update its own knowledge in a quantitative manner made the use of big data practical even for commercial PCs. On the other hand, with the spread of social media, information exchange has become more common in our daily lives, and the lending and borrowing of goods and services, in other words, the sharing economy, has become widespread. The scope of this trend is not limited to any industry, and its momentum is growing as the SDGs take root. In addition, the Social Network Service (SNS), a part of social media, has brought about the evolution of the retail business. In the past few years, social network services (SNS) involving users or companies have especially flourished. The People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "China") is a country that is stimulating enormous consumption through its own unique SNS, which is different from the SNS used in developed countries around the world. This paper focuses on the effectiveness and challenges of influencer marketing by focusing on the influence of influencers on users' behavior and satisfaction with Chinese SNSs. Specifically, Conducted was the quantitative survey of Tik Tok users living in China, with the aim of gaining new insights from the analysis and discussions. As a result, we found several important findings and knowledge.Keywords: customer satisfaction, social networking services, influencer marketing, Chinese consumers’ behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 891316 Representation of Dalits and Tribal Communities in Psychological Autopsy in India: A Systematic Scoping Review
Authors: Anagha Pavithran Vattamparambil, Niranjana Regimon
Dalit and tribal communities in India have the largest suicide rate; however, the current literature does not reflect this reality. While existing research acknowledges socio-cultural risk factors, it fails to discuss structural issues pertaining to marginalized communities in India. Furthermore, the language is framed in an individualistic manner which denies room for recognizing systemic violence and injustice among causative agents of suicide. We aim to examine the representation of Dalit and tribal identities and their experiences of marginalisation as a contributive factor of suicide, as well as discuss the epistemic injustice involved in its exclusion. Electronic searches of PubMed, PsychInfo, and Web of Science databases will be carried out from inception till January 2023 to conduct a systematic scoping review of peer-reviewed articles; it will include all studies involving psychological autopsy in India. A narrative synthesis will be performed to gain insight into the inclusion of the experiences of Dalits and Tribals, the absence of which indicates a lacking understanding of suicide in India. It is also expected to highlight the alienation of lived experiences and narratives of marginalisation from mainstream discourse on suicide that constitutes epistemic injustice. There is a complex interplay of psychological, socio-cultural, economic, and political factors for suicide in the Indian setting. But, political and systemic issues are often downplayed in suicide etiology, including casteist assault, rape, violence, public humiliation, and discrimination which deserves more research attention.Keywords: dalits, marginalisation, psychological autopsy, suicide, tribals
Procedia PDF Downloads 901315 Challenging Heteronormativity and Mononormativity in Academia: Incorporating Consensual Non-Monogamy into Psychological Romantic Relationship Research
Authors: Jessica Wood, Serge Desmarais
There has been recent resurgence in the popular and academic interest of consensual non-monogamous (CNM) relationships- an umbrella term that defines relationships in which each partner has openly agreed to engage in additional romantic and/or sexual relationships outside of their primary partnership. Despite an increase in the academic study of CNM, little psychological attention has been paid to the study of CNM, with the consideration of these relationships commonly occurring within related social science disciplines such as sociology or anthropology. As a discipline, psychology has a history of conducting research in the area of intimate relationships, and psychologists have amassed a wealth of theoretical knowledge in this field. However, historically individuals who engage in "alternative" sexual and romantic behaviours, such as non-heterosexual sex or sex with multiple partners have been pathologized within psychological research. Individuals in CNM relationships or individuals identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or queer have often been excluded from research or “othered” in psychological interpretations of what healthy relationships entail. Thus, our current theoretical understandings of romantic relationships are limited to heterosexual, monogamous relationships. The goal of this presentation is to examine commonly cited components of relationship satisfaction (e.g., commitment, communication) and to critically assess how CNM experiences are presented in, or missing from, the psychological literature on romantic relationships. Additionally, the presentation will also consider how CNM relationships may add to our understanding or enhancement of traditional psychological theories and address issues related to heteronormativity and mononormativity within the discipline. Finally, we will close with a consideration of additional theoretical perspectives that may aid in our understanding of CNM relationships and suggest directions for future research.Keywords: heteronormativity, mononormativity, psychological research, diverse relationships, gender, sexuality, feminism, queer theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 3831314 Inactivation and Stress Response of Salmonella enterica Serotype Typhimurium lt21 upon Cold Gas-Phase Plasma Treatment
Authors: Zoran Herceg, Tomislava Vukušić, Anet Režek Jambrak, Višnja Stulić
Today one of the greatest challenges are directed to the safety of food supply. If food pathogens are ingested they can cause human illnesses. Because of that new technologies that are effective in microbial reduction are developing to be used in food industries. One of such technology is cold gas phase plasma. Salmonella enterica was studied as one of the pathogenes that can be found in food. The aim of this work was to examine the inactivation rate and stress response of plasma treated cells of Salmonella enterica inoculated in apple juice. After the treatment cellular leakage, phenotypic changes in plasma treated cells-biofilm formation and degree of recovery were conducted. Sample volume was inoculated with 5 mL of pure culture of Salmonella enterica and 15 mL of apple juice. Statgraphics Centurion software (StatPoint Technologies, Inc., VA, USA) was used for experimental design and statistical analyses. Treatment time (1, 3, 5 min) and gas flow (40, 60, 80 L/min) were changed. Complete inactivation and 0 % of recovery after the 48 h was observed at these experimental treatments: 3 min; 40 L/min, 3 min; 80 L/min, 5 min; 40 L/min. Biofilm reduction was observed at all treated samples. Also, there was an increase in cellular leakage with a longer plasma treatment. Although there were a significant reduction and 0 % of recovery after the plasma treatments further investigation of the method is needed to clarify whether there are sensorial, physical and chemical changes in juices after the plasma treatment. Acknowledgments: The authors would like to acknowledge the support by Croatian Science Foundation and research project 'Application of electrical discharge plasma for the preservation of liquid foods'.Keywords: salmonella enterica serotype typhimurium lt21, gas-phase plasma treatment, inactivation, stress response
Procedia PDF Downloads 3151313 Text Mining of Veterinary Forums for Epidemiological Surveillance Supplementation
Authors: Samuel Munaf, Kevin Swingler, Franz Brülisauer, Anthony O’Hare, George Gunn, Aaron Reeves
Web scraping and text mining are popular computer science methods deployed by public health researchers to augment traditional epidemiological surveillance. However, within veterinary disease surveillance, such techniques are still in the early stages of development and have not yet been fully utilised. This study presents an exploration into the utility of incorporating internet-based data to better understand the smallholder farming communities within Scotland by using online text extraction and the subsequent mining of this data. Web scraping of the livestock fora was conducted in conjunction with text mining of the data in search of common themes, words, and topics found within the text. Results from bi-grams and topic modelling uncover four main topics of interest within the data pertaining to aspects of livestock husbandry: feeding, breeding, slaughter, and disposal. These topics were found amongst both the poultry and pig sub-forums. Topic modeling appears to be a useful method of unsupervised classification regarding this form of data, as it has produced clusters that relate to biosecurity and animal welfare. Internet data can be a very effective tool in aiding traditional veterinary surveillance methods, but the requirement for human validation of said data is crucial. This opens avenues of research via the incorporation of other dynamic social media data, namely Twitter and Facebook/Meta, in addition to time series analysis to highlight temporal patterns.Keywords: veterinary epidemiology, disease surveillance, infodemiology, infoveillance, smallholding, social media, web scraping, sentiment analysis, geolocation, text mining, NLP
Procedia PDF Downloads 101