Search results for: algorithm symbol recognition
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 5240

Search results for: algorithm symbol recognition

950 Clinical Efficacy of Indigenous Software for Automatic Detection of Stages of Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)

Authors: Joshi Manisha, Shivaram, Anand Vinekar, Tanya Susan Mathews, Yeshaswini Nagaraj


Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is abnormal blood vessel development in the retina of the eye in a premature infant. The principal object of the invention is to provide a technique for detecting demarcation line and ridge detection for a given ROP image that facilitates early detection of ROP in stage 1 and stage 2. The demarcation line is an indicator of Stage 1 of the ROP and the ridge is the hallmark of typically Stage 2 ROP. Thirty Retcam images of Asian Indian infants obtained during routine ROP screening have been used for the analysis. A graphical user interface has been developed to detect demarcation line/ridge and to extract ground truth. This novel algorithm uses multilevel vessel enhancement to enhance tubular structures in the digital ROP images. It has been observed that the orientation of the demarcation line/ridge is normal to the direction of the blood vessels, which is used for the identification of the ridge/ demarcation line. Quantitative analysis has been presented based on gold standard images marked by expert ophthalmologist. Image based analysis has been based on the length and the position of the detected ridge. In image based evaluation, average sensitivity and positive predictive value was found to be 92.30% and 85.71% respectively. In pixel based evaluation, average sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value achieved were 60.38%, 99.66%, 52.77% and 99.75% respectively.

Keywords: ROP, ridge, multilevel vessel enhancement, biomedical

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949 Bayesian Analysis of Topp-Leone Generalized Exponential Distribution

Authors: Najrullah Khan, Athar Ali Khan


The Topp-Leone distribution was introduced by Topp- Leone in 1955. In this paper, an attempt has been made to fit Topp-Leone Generalized exponential (TPGE) distribution. A real survival data set is used for illustrations. Implementation is done using R and JAGS and appropriate illustrations are made. R and JAGS codes have been provided to implement censoring mechanism using both optimization and simulation tools. The main aim of this paper is to describe and illustrate the Bayesian modelling approach to the analysis of survival data. Emphasis is placed on the modeling of data and the interpretation of the results. Crucial to this is an understanding of the nature of the incomplete or 'censored' data encountered. Analytic approximation and simulation tools are covered here, but most of the emphasis is on Markov chain based Monte Carlo method including independent Metropolis algorithm, which is currently the most popular technique. For analytic approximation, among various optimization algorithms and trust region method is found to be the best. In this paper, TPGE model is also used to analyze the lifetime data in Bayesian paradigm. Results are evaluated from the above mentioned real survival data set. The analytic approximation and simulation methods are implemented using some software packages. It is clear from our findings that simulation tools provide better results as compared to those obtained by asymptotic approximation.

Keywords: Bayesian Inference, JAGS, Laplace Approximation, LaplacesDemon, posterior, R Software, simulation

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948 Numerical Investigation of Beam-Columns Subjected to Non-Proportional Loadings under Ambient Temperature Conditions

Authors: George Adomako Kumi


The response of structural members, when subjected to various forms of non-proportional loading, plays a major role in the overall stability and integrity of a structure. This research seeks to present the outcome of a finite element investigation conducted by the use of finite element programming software ABAQUS to validate the experimental results of elastic and inelastic behavior and strength of beam-columns subjected to axial loading, biaxial bending, and torsion under ambient temperature conditions. The application of the rigorous and highly complicated ABAQUS finite element software will seek to account for material, non-linear geometry, deformations, and, more specifically, the contact behavior between the beam-columns and support surfaces. Comparisons of the three-dimensional model with the results of actual tests conducted and results from a solution algorithm developed through the use of the finite difference method will be established in order to authenticate the veracity of the developed model. The results of this research will seek to provide structural engineers with much-needed knowledge about the behavior of steel beam columns and their response to various non-proportional loading conditions under ambient temperature conditions.

Keywords: beam-columns, axial loading, biaxial bending, torsion, ABAQUS, finite difference method

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947 Numerical Analysis of a Pilot Solar Chimney Power Plant

Authors: Ehsan Gholamalizadeh, Jae Dong Chung


Solar chimney power plant is a feasible solar thermal system which produces electricity from the Sun. The objective of this study is to investigate buoyancy-driven flow and heat transfer through a built pilot solar chimney system called 'Kerman Project'. The system has a chimney with the height and diameter of 60 m and 3 m, respectively, and the average radius of its solar collector is about 20 m, and also its average collector height is about 2 m. A three-dimensional simulation was conducted to analyze the system, using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). In this model, radiative transfer equation was solved using the discrete ordinates (DO) radiation model taking into account a non-gray radiation behavior. In order to modelling solar irradiation from the sun’s rays, the solar ray tracing algorithm was coupled to the computation via a source term in the energy equation. The model was validated with comparing to the experimental data of the Manzanares prototype and also the performance of the built pilot system. Then, based on the numerical simulations, velocity and temperature distributions through the system, the temperature profile of the ground surface and the system performance were presented. The analysis accurately shows the flow and heat transfer characteristics through the pilot system and predicts its performance.

Keywords: buoyancy-driven flow, computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer, renewable energy, solar chimney power plant

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946 Fault Detection and Isolation in Sensors and Actuators of Wind Turbines

Authors: Shahrokh Barati, Reza Ramezani


Due to the countries growing attention to the renewable energy producing, the demand for energy from renewable energy has gone up among the renewable energy sources; wind energy is the fastest growth in recent years. In this regard, in order to increase the availability of wind turbines, using of Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) system is necessary. Wind turbines include of various faults such as sensors fault, actuator faults, network connection fault, mechanical faults and faults in the generator subsystem. Although, sensors and actuators have a large number of faults in wind turbine but have discussed fewer in the literature. Therefore, in this work, we focus our attention to design a sensor and actuator fault detection and isolation algorithm and Fault-tolerant control systems (FTCS) for Wind Turbine. The aim of this research is to propose a comprehensive fault detection and isolation system for sensors and actuators of wind turbine based on data-driven approaches. To achieve this goal, the features of measurable signals in real wind turbine extract in any condition. The next step is the feature selection among the extract in any condition. The next step is the feature selection among the extracted features. Features are selected that led to maximum separation networks that implemented in parallel and results of classifiers fused together. In order to maximize the reliability of decision on fault, the property of fault repeatability is used.

Keywords: FDI, wind turbines, sensors and actuators faults, renewable energy

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945 Human Rights Legislations and Evolution Effect on Attitudes

Authors: Sherin Kamal Zaki Kallini


The ratification of an global human rights prison instrument affords signatory States with an opportunity to count on a hard and fast of obligations and rights for the gain of their residents, imparting expanded possibilities, possibilities, and manner to access an improved best of existence – to be, to appear, and to become. developed countries commonly experience cultural, political, social, monetary, prison, and regulatory alterations in reaction to this transition. In a methodologically proactive technique, mechanisms undergo a visible and understandable manner of qualitative and quantitative exchange. Conversely, in countries undergoing improvement, the response to such ratification varies. some display high quality coverage modifications, whilst others stay stagnant or regress. Cameroon falls into the second one category, no matter efforts, as it legally prohibits 50% of its populace with disabilities from obtaining the reputation of a person with a incapacity. The overarching goal of this communique is to spotlight those deficiencies and their adverse outcomes on various components of existence, fostering recognition among beneficiaries and advocating for extra inclusive alterations within the united states. Our task employs a popular and participatory methodological approach by related to beneficiaries and their groups in its training. it is also inclusive, representing the diversity of disabilities and tasty natural and criminal folks from numerous backgrounds. active consultations occur at all tiers of the sports. anticipated consequences include raising focus globally among countries, worldwide cooperation businesses, NGOs, and other inclusive improvement actors. We are looking for their support for nearby advocacy efforts to absolutely enforce the United countries convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities (CRPD). concurrently, we hope they specific harmony with the sufferers in Cameroon who have been left behind and endorse legal reforms to align domestic and global rules with the promotion and safety of incapacity rights.

Keywords: sustainable development, human rights, the right to development, the human rights-based approach to development, environmental rights, economic development, social sustainability human rights protection, human rights violations, workers’ rights, justice, security.

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944 Current Aspects of 21st Century Primary School Music Education in South Korea: Zoltán Kodály Concept

Authors: Kyung Hwa Shin


Primary school music education plays a crucial role in nurturing students' musical abilities and fostering a lifelong appreciation for music. As we embark on the 21st century, it becomes imperative to explore advanced approaches that can effectively engage and empower students in the realm of music. This study aims to shed light on the aspects of primary school music education in South Korea, with a specific focus on the incorporation of the Zoltán Kodály Concept. The Zoltán Kodály Concept, developed by Hungarian composer and educator Zoltán Kodály (Kodály, 1974) advocates for a holistic music education that integrates singing, movement, and music literacy. This concept has gained recognition worldwide for its effectiveness in developing musicianship and enhancing music learning experiences. This study will delve into the ways in which the Zoltán Kodály Concept has been adapted and implemented in the context of South Korean primary school music education. It will highlight the benefits of this approach in nurturing students' musical skills, fostering creativity, and promoting cultural understanding through music. Furthermore, it will enhance the delivery of the Kodály-based curriculum challenges posed by the 21st-century digital age. Drawing on this research, pedagogical practices, and case studies, this study will provide valuable insights into the practical applications of the Zoltán Kodály Concept in South Korean primary school music education. It will discuss the impact of this approach on student engagement, motivation, and achievement, as well as the role of teachers in facilitating effective implementation. Additionally, it will address the professional development opportunities available to music educators to enhance their pedagogical skills in line with the Kodály philosophy. Ultimately, it aims to inspire and empower educators, policymakers, and researchers to embrace the Zoltán Kodály Concept as a transformative and forward-thinking approach to primary school music education in the 21st century. By embracing current aspects and progressive methodologies, South Korea can continue to strengthen its music education system and cultivate a generation of musically literate and culturally enriched individuals.

Keywords: primary school music education, Zoltán Kodály concept, 21st century, South Korea, music literacy, pedagogy, curriculum

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943 Prosodic Realization of Focus in the Public Speeches Delivered by Spanish Learners of English and English Native Speakers

Authors: Raúl Jiménez Vilches


Native (L1) speakers can mark prosodically one part of an utterance and make it more relevant as opposed to the rest of the constituents. Conversely, non-native (L2) speakers encounter problems when it comes to marking prosodically information structure in English. In fact, the L2 speaker’s choice for the prosodic realization of focus is not so clear and often obscures the intended pragmatic meaning and the communicative value in general. This paper reports some of the findings obtained in an L2 prosodic training course for Spanish learners of English within the context of public speaking. More specifically, it analyses the effects of the course experiment in relation to the non-native production of the tonic syllable to mark focus and compares it with the public speeches delivered by native English speakers. The whole experimental training was executed throughout eighteen input sessions (1,440 minutes total time) and all the sessions took place in the classroom. In particular, the first part of the course provided explicit instruction on the recognition and production of the tonic syllable and how the tonic syllable is used to express focus. The non-native and native oral presentations were acoustically analyzed using Praat software for speech analysis (7,356 words in total). The investigation adopted mixed and embedded methodologies. Quantitative information is needed when measuring acoustically the phonetic realization of focus. Qualitative data such as questionnaires, interviews, and observations were also used to interpret the quantitative data. The embedded experiment design was implemented through the analysis of the public speeches before and after the intervention. Results indicate that, even after the L2 prosodic training course, Spanish learners of English still show some major inconsistencies in marking focus effectively. Although there was occasional improvement regarding the choice for location and word classes, Spanish learners were, in general, far from achieving similar results to the ones obtained by the English native speakers in the two types of focus. The prosodic realization of focus seems to be one of the hardest areas of the English prosodic system to be mastered by Spanish learners. A funded research project is in the process of moving the present classroom-based experiment to an online environment (mobile app) and determining whether there is a more effective focus usage through CAPT (Computer-Assisted Pronunciation) tools.

Keywords: focus, prosody, public speaking, Spanish learners of English

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942 The Use of Videos: Effects on Children's Language and Literacy Skills

Authors: Rahimah Saimin


Previous research has shown that young children can learn from educational television programmes, videos or other technological media. However, the blending of any of these with traditional printed-based text appears to be omitted. Repeated viewing is an important factor in children's ability to comprehend the content or plot. The present study combined videos with traditional printed-based text and required repeated viewing and is original and distinctive. The first study was a pilot study to explore whether the intervention is implementable in ordinary classrooms. The second study explored whether the curricular embedding is important or whether the video with curricular embedding is effective. The third study explored the effect of “dosage”, i.e. whether a longer/ more intense intervention has a proportionately greater effect on outcomes. Both measured outcomes (comprehension, word sounds, and early word recognition) and unmeasured outcomes (engagement to reading traditional printed-based texts or/and multimodal texts) were obtained from this study. Observation indicated degree of engagement in reading. The theoretical framework was multimodality theory combined with Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s learning theories. An experimental design was used with 4-5-year-old children in nursery schools and primary schools. Six links to video clips exploring non-fiction science content were provided to teachers. The first session is whole-class and subsequent sessions small-group. The teacher then engaged the children in dialogue using supplementary materials. About half of each class was selected randomly for pre-post assessments. Two assessments were used the British Picture Vocabulary Scale (BPVSIII) and the York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension (YARC): Early Reading. Different programme fidelity means were deployed- observations, teacher self-reports attendance logs and post-delivery interviews. Data collection is in progress and results will be available shortly. If this multiphase study show effectiveness in one or other application, then teachers will have other tools which they can use to enhance vocabulary, letter knowledge and word reading. This would be a valuable addition to their repertoire.

Keywords: language skills, literacy skills, multimodality, video

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941 Deep Reinforcement Learning Model for Autonomous Driving

Authors: Boumaraf Malak


The development of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and artificial intelligence (AI) are spurring us to pave the way for the widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles (AVs). This is open again opportunities for smart roads, smart traffic safety, and mobility comfort. A highly intelligent decision-making system is essential for autonomous driving around dense, dynamic objects. It must be able to handle complex road geometry and topology, as well as complex multiagent interactions, and closely follow higher-level commands such as routing information. Autonomous vehicles have become a very hot research topic in recent years due to their significant ability to reduce traffic accidents and personal injuries. Using new artificial intelligence-based technologies handles important functions in scene understanding, motion planning, decision making, vehicle control, social behavior, and communication for AV. This paper focuses only on deep reinforcement learning-based methods; it does not include traditional (flat) planar techniques, which have been the subject of extensive research in the past because reinforcement learning (RL) has become a powerful learning framework now capable of learning complex policies in high dimensional environments. The DRL algorithm used so far found solutions to the four main problems of autonomous driving; in our paper, we highlight the challenges and point to possible future research directions.

Keywords: deep reinforcement learning, autonomous driving, deep deterministic policy gradient, deep Q-learning

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940 Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Time-To-Event Data with Latent Variable

Authors: Xinyuan Y. Song, Kai Kang


Joint models for analyzing longitudinal and survival data are widely used to investigate the relationship between a failure time process and time-variant predictors. A common assumption in conventional joint models in the survival analysis literature is that all predictors are observable. However, this assumption may not always be supported because unobservable traits, namely, latent variables, which are indirectly observable and should be measured through multiple observed variables, are commonly encountered in the medical, behavioral, and financial research settings. In this study, a joint modeling approach to deal with this feature is proposed. The proposed model comprises three parts. The first part is a dynamic factor analysis model for characterizing latent variables through multiple observed indicators over time. The second part is a random coefficient trajectory model for describing the individual trajectories of latent variables. The third part is a proportional hazard model for examining the effects of time-invariant predictors and the longitudinal trajectories of time-variant latent risk factors on hazards of interest. A Bayesian approach coupled with a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to perform statistical inference. An application of the proposed joint model to a study on the Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging Initiative is presented.

Keywords: Bayesian analysis, joint model, longitudinal data, time-to-event data

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939 Going beyond Elementary Algebraic Identities: The Expectation of a Gifted Child, an Indian Scenario

Authors: S. R. Santhanam


A gifted child is one who gives evidence of creativity, good memory, rapid learning. In mathematics, a teacher often comes across some gifted children and they exhibit the following characteristics: unusual alertness, enjoying solving problems, getting bored on repetitions, self-taught, going beyond what teacher taught, ask probing questions, connecting unconnected concepts, vivid imagination, readiness for research work, perseverance of a topic. There are two main areas of research carried out on them: 1)identifying gifted children, 2) interacting and channelizing them. A lack of appropriate recognition will lead the gifted child demotivated. One of the main findings is if proper attention and nourishment are not given then it leads a gifted child to become depressed, underachieving, fail to reach their full potential and sometimes develop negative attitude towards school and study. After identifying them, a mathematics teacher has to develop them into a fall fledged achiever. The responsibility of the teacher is enormous. The teacher has to be resourceful and patient. But interacting with them one finds a lot of surprises and awesomeness. The elementary algebraic identities like (a+b)(a-b)=a²-b², expansion of like (a+b)²(a-b)² and others are taught to students, of age group 13-15 in India. An average child will be satisfied with a single proof and immediate application of these identities. But a gifted child expects more from the teacher and at one stage after a little training will surpass the teacher also. In this short paper, the author shares his experience regarding teaching algebraic identities to gifted children. The following problem was given to a set of 10 gifted children of the specified age group: If a natural number ‘n’ to expressed as the sum of the two squares, will 2n also be expressed as the sum of two squares? An investigation has been done on what multiples of n satisfying the criterion. The attempts of the gifted children were consolidated and conclusion was drawn. A second problem was given to them as: can two natural numbers be found such that the difference of their square is 3? After a successful solution, more situations were analysed. As a third question, the finding of the sign of an algebraic expression in three variables was analysed. As an example: if a,b,c are real and unequal what will be sign of a²+4b²+9c²-4ab-12bc-6ca? Apart from an expression as a perfect square what other methods can be employed to prove an algebraic expression as positive negative or non negative has been analysed. Expressions like 4x²+2y²+13y²-2xy-4yz-6zx were given, and the children were asked to find the sign of the expression for all real values of x,y and z. In all investigations, only basic algebraic identities were used. As a next probe, a divisibility problem was initiated. When a,b,c are natural numbers such that a+b+c is at least 6, and if a+b+c is divisible by 6 then will 6 divide a³+b³+c³. The gifted children solved it in two different ways.

Keywords: algebraic identities, gifted children, Indian scenario, research

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938 Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Coupling in Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Challenges and Opportunities

Authors: Esmael Makarian, Ayub Elyasi, Fatemeh Saberi, Olusegun Stanley Tomomewo


Geothermal reservoirs (GTRs) have garnered global recognition as a sustainable energy source. The Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) integration coupling proves to be a practical and effective method for optimizing production in GTRs. The study outcomes demonstrate that THMC coupling serves as a versatile and valuable tool, offering in-depth insights into GTRs and enhancing their operational efficiency. This is achieved through temperature analysis and pressure changes and their impacts on mechanical properties, structural integrity, fracture aperture, permeability, and heat extraction efficiency. Moreover, THMC coupling facilitates potential benefits assessment and risks associated with different geothermal technologies, considering the complex thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical interactions within the reservoirs. However, THMC-coupling utilization in GTRs presents a multitude of challenges. These challenges include accurately modeling and predicting behavior due to the interconnected nature of processes, limited data availability leading to uncertainties, induced seismic events risks to nearby communities, scaling and mineral deposition reducing operational efficiency, and reservoirs' long-term sustainability. In addition, material degradation, environmental impacts, technical challenges in monitoring and control, accurate assessment of resource potential, and regulatory and social acceptance further complicate geothermal projects. Addressing these multifaceted challenges is crucial for successful geothermal energy resources sustainable utilization. This paper aims to illuminate the challenges and opportunities associated with THMC coupling in enhanced geothermal systems. Practical solutions and strategies for mitigating these challenges are discussed, emphasizing the need for interdisciplinary approaches, improved data collection and modeling techniques, and advanced monitoring and control systems. Overcoming these challenges is imperative for unlocking the full potential of geothermal energy making a substantial contribution to the global energy transition and sustainable development.

Keywords: geothermal reservoirs, THMC coupling, interdisciplinary approaches, challenges and opportunities, sustainable utilization

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937 Teaching Tools for Web Processing Services

Authors: Rashid Javed, Hardy Lehmkuehler, Franz Josef-Behr


Web Processing Services (WPS) have up growing concern in geoinformation research. However, teaching about them is difficult because of the generally complex circumstances of their use. They limit the possibilities for hands- on- exercises on Web Processing Services. To support understanding however a Training Tools Collection was brought on the way at University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart (HFT). It is limited to the scope of Geostatistical Interpolation of sample point data where different algorithms can be used like IDW, Nearest Neighbor etc. The Tools Collection aims to support understanding of the scope, definition and deployment of Web Processing Services. For example it is necessary to characterize the input of Interpolation by the data set, the parameters for the algorithm and the interpolation results (here a grid of interpolated values is assumed). This paper reports on first experiences using a pilot installation. This was intended to find suitable software interfaces for later full implementations and conclude on potential user interface characteristics. Experiences were made with Deegree software, one of several Services Suites (Collections). Being strictly programmed in Java, Deegree offers several OGC compliant Service Implementations that also promise to be of benefit for the project. The mentioned parameters for a WPS were formalized following the paradigm that any meaningful component will be defined in terms of suitable standards. E.g. the data output can be defined as a GML file. But, the choice of meaningful information pieces and user interactions is not free but partially determined by the selected WPS Processing Suite.

Keywords: deegree, interpolation, IDW, web processing service (WPS)

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936 Multi-Objective Evolutionary Computation Based Feature Selection Applied to Behaviour Assessment of Children

Authors: F. Jiménez, R. Jódar, M. Martín, G. Sánchez, G. Sciavicco


Abstract—Attribute or feature selection is one of the basic strategies to improve the performances of data classification tasks, and, at the same time, to reduce the complexity of classifiers, and it is a particularly fundamental one when the number of attributes is relatively high. Its application to unsupervised classification is restricted to a limited number of experiments in the literature. Evolutionary computation has already proven itself to be a very effective choice to consistently reduce the number of attributes towards a better classification rate and a simpler semantic interpretation of the inferred classifiers. We present a feature selection wrapper model composed by a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, the clustering method Expectation-Maximization (EM), and the classifier C4.5 for the unsupervised classification of data extracted from a psychological test named BASC-II (Behavior Assessment System for Children - II ed.) with two objectives: Maximizing the likelihood of the clustering model and maximizing the accuracy of the obtained classifier. We present a methodology to integrate feature selection for unsupervised classification, model evaluation, decision making (to choose the most satisfactory model according to a a posteriori process in a multi-objective context), and testing. We compare the performance of the classifier obtained by the multi-objective evolutionary algorithms ENORA and NSGA-II, and the best solution is then validated by the psychologists that collected the data.

Keywords: evolutionary computation, feature selection, classification, clustering

Procedia PDF Downloads 372
935 Segmentation of the Liver and Spleen From Abdominal CT Images Using Watershed Approach

Authors: Belgherbi Aicha, Hadjidj Ismahen, Bessaid Abdelhafid


The phase of segmentation is an important step in the processing and interpretation of medical images. In this paper, we focus on the segmentation of liver and spleen from the abdomen computed tomography (CT) images. The importance of our study comes from the fact that the segmentation of ROI from CT images is usually a difficult task. This difficulty is the gray’s level of which is similar to the other organ also the ROI are connected to the ribs, heart, kidneys, etc. Our proposed method is based on the anatomical information and mathematical morphology tools used in the image processing field. At first, we try to remove the surrounding and connected organs and tissues by applying morphological filters. This first step makes the extraction of interest regions easier. The second step consists of improving the quality of the image gradient. In this step, we propose a method for improving the image gradient to reduce these deficiencies by applying the spatial filters followed by the morphological filters. Thereafter we proceed to the segmentation of the liver, spleen. To validate the segmentation technique proposed, we have tested it on several images. Our segmentation approach is evaluated by comparing our results with the manual segmentation performed by an expert. The experimental results are described in the last part of this work.The system has been evaluated by computing the sensitivity and specificity between the semi-automatically segmented (liver and spleen) contour and the manually contour traced by radiological experts.

Keywords: CT images, liver and spleen segmentation, anisotropic diffusion filter, morphological filters, watershed algorithm

Procedia PDF Downloads 496
934 Using Machine Learning to Classify Human Fetal Health and Analyze Feature Importance

Authors: Yash Bingi, Yiqiao Yin


Reduction of child mortality is an ongoing struggle and a commonly used factor in determining progress in the medical field. The under-5 mortality number is around 5 million around the world, with many of the deaths being preventable. In light of this issue, Cardiotocograms (CTGs) have emerged as a leading tool to determine fetal health. By using ultrasound pulses and reading the responses, CTGs help healthcare professionals assess the overall health of the fetus to determine the risk of child mortality. However, interpreting the results of the CTGs is time-consuming and inefficient, especially in underdeveloped areas where an expert obstetrician is hard to come by. Using a support vector machine (SVM) and oversampling, this paper proposed a model that classifies fetal health with an accuracy of 99.59%. To further explain the CTG measurements, an algorithm based on Randomized Input Sampling for Explanation ((RISE) of Black-box Models was created, called Feature Alteration for explanation of Black Box Models (FAB), and compared the findings to Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP) and Local Interpretable Model Agnostic Explanations (LIME). This allows doctors and medical professionals to classify fetal health with high accuracy and determine which features were most influential in the process.

Keywords: machine learning, fetal health, gradient boosting, support vector machine, Shapley values, local interpretable model agnostic explanations

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933 Religious Fundamentalism Prescribes Requirements for Marriage and Reproduction

Authors: Steven M. Graham, Anne V. Magee


Most world religions have sacred texts and traditions that provide instruction about and definitions of marriage, family, and family duties and responsibilities. Given that religious fundamentalism (RF) is defined as the belief that these sacred texts and traditions are literally and completely true to the exclusion of other teachings, RF should be predictive of the attitudes one holds about these topics. The goals of the present research were to: (1) explore the extent to which people think that men and women can be happy without marriage, a significant sexual relationship, a long-term romantic relationship, and having children; (2) determine the extent to which RF is associated with these beliefs; and, (3) to determine how RF is associated with considering certain elements of a relationship to be necessary for thinking of that relationship as a marriage. In Study 1, participants completed a reliable and valid measure of RF and answered questions about the necessity of various elements for a happy life. Higher RF scores were associated with the belief that both men and women require marriage, a sexual relationship, a long-term romantic relationship, and children in order to have a happy life. In Study 2, participants completed these same measures and the pattern of results replicated when controlling for overall religiosity. That is, RF predicted these beliefs over and above religiosity. Additionally, participants indicated the extent to which a variety of characteristics were necessary to consider a particular relationship to be a marriage. Controlling for overall religiosity, higher RF scores were associated with the belief that the following were required to consider a relationship a marriage: religious sanctification, a sexual component, sexual monogamy, emotional monogamy, family approval, children (or the intent to have them), cohabitation, and shared finances. Interestingly, and unexpectedly, higher RF scores were correlated with less importance placed on mutual consent in order to consider a relationship a marriage. RF scores were uncorrelated with the importance placed on legal recognition or lifelong commitment and these null findings do not appear to be attributable to ceiling effects or lack of variability. These results suggest that RF constrains views about both the importance of marriage and family in one’s life and also the characteristics required to consider a relationship a proper marriage. This could have implications for the mental and physical health of believers high in RF, either positive or negative, depending upon the extent to which their lives correspond to these templates prescribed by RF. Additionally, some of these correlations with RF were substantial enough (> .70) that the relevant items could serve as a brief, unobtrusive measure of RF. Future research will investigate these possibilities.

Keywords: attitudes about marriage, fertility intentions, measurement, religious fundamentalism

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932 Implementing Simulation-Based Education as a Transformative Learning Strategy in Nursing and Midwifery Curricula in Resource-Constrained Countries: The Case of Malawi

Authors: Patrick Mapulanga, Chisomo Petros Ganya


Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the integration of Simulation-Based Education (SBE) into nursing and midwifery curricula in resource-constrained countries using Malawi as a case study. The purpose of this study is to assess the extent to which SBE is mentioned in curricula and explore the associated content, assessment criteria, and guidelines. Methodology: The research methodology involved a desk study of nursing and midwifery curricula in Malawi. A comprehensive review was conducted to identify references to SBE by examining documents such as official curriculum guides, syllabi, and educational policies. The focus is on understanding the prevalence of SBE without delving into the specific content or assessment details. Findings: The findings revealed that SBE is indeed mentioned in the nursing and midwifery curricula in Malawi; however, there is a notable absence of detailed content and assessment criteria. While acknowledgement of SBE is a positive step, the lack of specific guidelines poses a challenge to its effective implementation and assessment within the educational framework. Conclusion: The study concludes that although the recognition of SBE in Malawian nursing and midwifery curricula signifies a potential openness to innovative learning strategies, the absence of detailed content and assessment criteria raises concerns about the practical application of SBE. Addressing this gap is crucial for harnessing the full transformative potential of SBE in resource-constrained environments. Areas for Further Research: Future research endeavours should focus on a more in-depth exploration of the content and assessment criteria related to SBE in nursing and midwifery curricula. Investigating faculty perspectives and students’ experiences with SBE could provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with its implementation. Study Limitations and Implications: The study's limitations include reliance on desk-based analysis, which limits the depth of understanding regarding SBE implementation. Despite this constraint, the implications of the findings underscore the need for curriculum developers, educators, and policymakers to collaboratively address the gaps in SBE integration and ensure a comprehensive and effective learning experience for nursing and midwifery students in resource-constrained countries.

Keywords: simulation based education, transformative learning, nursing and midwifery, curricula, Malawi

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931 Multimodal Content: Fostering Students’ Language and Communication Competences

Authors: Victoria L. Malakhova


The research is devoted to multimodal content and its effectiveness in developing students’ linguistic and intercultural communicative competences as an indefeasible constituent of their future professional activity. Description of multimodal content both as a linguistic and didactic phenomenon makes the study relevant. The objective of the article is the analysis of creolized texts and the effect they have on fostering higher education students’ skills and their productivity. The main methods used are linguistic text analysis, qualitative and quantitative methods, deduction, generalization. The author studies texts with full and partial creolization, their features and role in composing multimodal textual space. The main verbal and non-verbal markers and paralinguistic means that enhance the linguo-pragmatic potential of creolized texts are covered. To reveal the efficiency of multimodal content application in English teaching, the author conducts an experiment among both undergraduate students and teachers. This allows specifying main functions of creolized texts in the process of language learning, detecting ways of enhancing students’ competences, and increasing their motivation. The described stages of using creolized texts can serve as an algorithm for work with multimodal content in teaching English as a foreign language. The findings contribute to improving the efficiency of the academic process.

Keywords: creolized text, English language learning, higher education, language and communication competences, multimodal content

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930 Exploring Public Opinions Toward the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence Chatbot in Higher Education: An Insight from Topic Modelling and Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Samer Muthana Sarsam, Abdul Samad Shibghatullah, Chit Su Mon, Abd Aziz Alias, Hosam Al-Samarraie


Generative Artificial Intelligence chatbots (GAI chatbots) have emerged as promising tools in various domains, including higher education. However, their specific role within the educational context and the level of legal support for their implementation remain unclear. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the role of Bard, a newly developed GAI chatbot, in higher education. To achieve this objective, English tweets were collected from Twitter's free streaming Application Programming Interface (API). The Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm was applied to extract latent topics from the collected tweets. User sentiments, including disgust, surprise, sadness, anger, fear, joy, anticipation, and trust, as well as positive and negative sentiments, were extracted using the NRC Affect Intensity Lexicon and SentiStrength tools. This study explored the benefits, challenges, and future implications of integrating GAI chatbots in higher education. The findings shed light on the potential power of such tools, exemplified by Bard, in enhancing the learning process and providing support to students throughout their educational journey.

Keywords: generative artificial intelligence chatbots, bard, higher education, topic modelling, sentiment analysis

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929 Interval Bilevel Linear Fractional Programming

Authors: F. Hamidi, N. Amiri, H. Mishmast Nehi


The Bilevel Programming (BP) model has been presented for a decision making process that consists of two decision makers in a hierarchical structure. In fact, BP is a model for a static two person game (the leader player in the upper level and the follower player in the lower level) wherein each player tries to optimize his/her personal objective function under dependent constraints; this game is sequential and non-cooperative. The decision making variables are divided between the two players and one’s choice affects the other’s benefit and choices. In other words, BP consists of two nested optimization problems with two objective functions (upper and lower) where the constraint region of the upper level problem is implicitly determined by the lower level problem. In real cases, the coefficients of an optimization problem may not be precise, i.e. they may be interval. In this paper we develop an algorithm for solving interval bilevel linear fractional programming problems. That is to say, bilevel problems in which both objective functions are linear fractional, the coefficients are interval and the common constraint region is a polyhedron. From the original problem, the best and the worst bilevel linear fractional problems have been derived and then, using the extended Charnes and Cooper transformation, each fractional problem can be reduced to a linear problem. Then we can find the best and the worst optimal values of the leader objective function by two algorithms.

Keywords: best and worst optimal solutions, bilevel programming, fractional, interval coefficients

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928 Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Optimal Control of Industrial Smart Grids

Authors: Niklas Panten, Eberhard Abele


This paper presents a novel approach for real-time and near-optimal control of industrial smart grids by deep reinforcement learning (DRL). To achieve highly energy-efficient factory systems, the energetic linkage of machines, technical building equipment and the building itself is desirable. However, the increased complexity of the interacting sub-systems, multiple time-variant target values and stochastic influences by the production environment, weather and energy markets make it difficult to efficiently control the energy production, storage and consumption in the hybrid industrial smart grids. The studied deep reinforcement learning approach allows to explore the solution space for proper control policies which minimize a cost function. The deep neural network of the DRL agent is based on a multilayer perceptron (MLP), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and convolutional layers. The agent is trained within multiple Modelica-based factory simulation environments by the Advantage Actor Critic algorithm (A2C). The DRL controller is evaluated by means of the simulation and then compared to a conventional, rule-based approach. Finally, the results indicate that the DRL approach is able to improve the control performance and significantly reduce energy respectively operating costs of industrial smart grids.

Keywords: industrial smart grids, energy efficiency, deep reinforcement learning, optimal control

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927 Detection of Powdery Mildew Disease in Strawberry Using Image Texture and Supervised Classifiers

Authors: Sultan Mahmud, Qamar Zaman, Travis Esau, Young Chang


Strawberry powdery mildew (PM) is a serious disease that has a significant impact on strawberry production. Field scouting is still a major way to find PM disease, which is not only labor intensive but also almost impossible to monitor disease severity. To reduce the loss caused by PM disease and achieve faster automatic detection of the disease, this paper proposes an approach for detection of the disease, based on image texture and classified with support vector machines (SVMs) and k-nearest neighbors (kNNs). The methodology of the proposed study is based on image processing which is composed of five main steps including image acquisition, pre-processing, segmentation, features extraction and classification. Two strawberry fields were used in this study. Images of healthy leaves and leaves infected with PM (Sphaerotheca macularis) disease under artificial cloud lighting condition. Colour thresholding was utilized to segment all images before textural analysis. Colour co-occurrence matrix (CCM) was introduced for extraction of textural features. Forty textural features, related to a physiological parameter of leaves were extracted from CCM of National television system committee (NTSC) luminance, hue, saturation and intensity (HSI) images. The normalized feature data were utilized for training and validation, respectively, using developed classifiers. The classifiers have experimented with internal, external and cross-validations. The best classifier was selected based on their performance and accuracy. Experimental results suggested that SVMs classifier showed 98.33%, 85.33%, 87.33%, 93.33% and 95.0% of accuracy on internal, external-I, external-II, 4-fold cross and 5-fold cross-validation, respectively. Whereas, kNNs results represented 90.0%, 72.00%, 74.66%, 89.33% and 90.3% of classification accuracy, respectively. The outcome of this study demonstrated that SVMs classified PM disease with a highest overall accuracy of 91.86% and 1.1211 seconds of processing time. Therefore, overall results concluded that the proposed study can significantly support an accurate and automatic identification and recognition of strawberry PM disease with SVMs classifier.

Keywords: powdery mildew, image processing, textural analysis, color co-occurrence matrix, support vector machines, k-nearest neighbors

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926 Model Updating Based on Modal Parameters Using Hybrid Pattern Search Technique

Authors: N. Guo, C. Xu, Z. C. Yang


In order to ensure the high reliability of an aircraft, the accurate structural dynamics analysis has become an indispensable part in the design of an aircraft structure. Therefore, the structural finite element model which can be used to accurately calculate the structural dynamics and their transfer relations is the prerequisite in structural dynamic design. A dynamic finite element model updating method is presented to correct the uncertain parameters of the finite element model of a structure using measured modal parameters. The coordinate modal assurance criterion is used to evaluate the correlation level at each coordinate over the experimental and the analytical mode shapes. Then, the weighted summation of the natural frequency residual and the coordinate modal assurance criterion residual is used as the objective function. Moreover, the hybrid pattern search (HPS) optimization technique, which synthesizes the advantages of pattern search (PS) optimization technique and genetic algorithm (GA), is introduced to solve the dynamic FE model updating problem. A numerical simulation and a model updating experiment for GARTEUR aircraft model are performed to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the present dynamic model updating method, respectively. The updated results show that the proposed method can be successfully used to modify the incorrect parameters with good robustness.

Keywords: model updating, modal parameter, coordinate modal assurance criterion, hybrid genetic/pattern search

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925 Efficacy of Knowledge Management Practices in Selected Public Libraries in the Province of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

Authors: Petros Dlamini, Bethiweli Malambo, Maggie Masenya


Knowledge management practices are very important in public libraries, especial in the era of the information society. The success of public libraries depends on the recognition and application of knowledge management practices. The study investigates the value and challenges of knowledge management practices in public libraries. Three research objectives informed the study: to identify knowledge management practices in public libraries, understand the value of knowledge management practices in public libraries, and determine the factors hampering knowledge management practices in public libraries. The study was informed by the interpretivism research paradigm, which is associated with qualitative studies. In that light, the study collected data from eight librarians and or library heads, who were purposively selected from public libraries. The study adopted a social anthropological approach, which thoroughly evaluated each participant's response. Data was collected from the respondents through telephonic semi-structured interviews and assessed accordingly. Furthermore, the study used the latest content concept for data interpretation. The chosen data analysis method allowed the study to achieve its main purpose with concrete and valid information. The study's findings showed that all six (100%) selected public libraries apply knowledge management practices. The findings of the study revealed that public libraries have knowledge sharing as the main knowledge management practice. It was noted that public libraries employ many practices, but each library employed its practices of choice depending on their knowledge management practices structure. The findings further showed that knowledge management practices in public libraries are employed through meetings, training, information sessions, and awareness, to mention a few. The findings revealed that knowledge management practices make the libraries usable. Furthermore, it has been asserted that knowledge management practices in public libraries meet users’ needs and expectations and equip them with skills. It was discovered that all participating public libraries from Umkhanyakude district municipality valued their knowledge management practices as the pillar and foundation of services. Noticeably, knowledge management practices improve users ‘standard of living and build an information society. The findings of the study showed that librarians should be responsible for the value of knowledge management practices as they are qualified personnel. The results also showed that 83.35% of public libraries had factors hampering knowledge management practices. The factors are not limited to shortage of funds, resources and space, and political interference. Several suggestions were made to improve knowledge management practices in public libraries. These suggestions include improving the library budget, increasing libraries’ building sizes, and conducting more staff training.

Keywords: knowledge management, knowledge management practices, storage, dissemination

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924 Real-Time Multi-Vehicle Tracking Application at Intersections Based on Feature Selection in Combination with Color Attribution

Authors: Qiang Zhang, Xiaojian Hu


In multi-vehicle tracking, based on feature selection, the tracking system efficiently tracks vehicles in a video with minimal error in combination with color attribution, which focuses on presenting a simple and fast, yet accurate and robust solution to the problem such as inaccurately and untimely responses of statistics-based adaptive traffic control system in the intersection scenario. In this study, a real-time tracking system is proposed for multi-vehicle tracking in the intersection scene. Considering the complexity and application feasibility of the algorithm, in the object detection step, the detection result provided by virtual loops were post-processed and then used as the input for the tracker. For the tracker, lightweight methods were designed to extract and select features and incorporate them into the adaptive color tracking (ACT) framework. And the approbatory online feature selection algorithms are integrated on the mature ACT system with good compatibility. The proposed feature selection methods and multi-vehicle tracking method are evaluated on KITTI datasets and show efficient vehicle tracking performance when compared to the other state-of-the-art approaches in the same category. And the system performs excellently on the video sequences recorded at the intersection. Furthermore, the presented vehicle tracking system is suitable for surveillance applications.

Keywords: real-time, multi-vehicle tracking, feature selection, color attribution

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923 Data Mining Approach: Classification Model Evaluation

Authors: Lubabatu Sada Sodangi


The rapid growth in exchange and accessibility of information via the internet makes many organisations acquire data on their own operation. The aim of data mining is to analyse the different behaviour of a dataset using observation. Although, the subset of the dataset being analysed may not display all the behaviours and relationships of the entire data and, therefore, may not represent other parts that exist in the dataset. There is a range of techniques used in data mining to determine the hidden or unknown information in datasets. In this paper, the performance of two algorithms Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) and multilayer perceptron (MLP) would be matched using an Adult dataset to find out the percentage of an/the adults that earn > 50k and those that earn <= 50k per year. The two algorithms were studied and compared using IBM SPSS statistics software. The result for CHAID shows that the most important predictors are relationship and education. The algorithm shows that those are married (husband) and have qualification: Bachelor, Masters, Doctorate or Prof-school whose their age is > 41<57 earn > 50k. Also, multilayer perceptron displays marital status and capital gain as the most important predictors of the income. It also shows that individuals that their capital gain is less than 6,849 and are single, separated or widow, earn <= 50K, whereas individuals with their capital gain is > 6,849, work > 35 hrs/wk, and > 27yrs their income will be > 50k. By comparing the two algorithms, it is observed that both algorithms are reliable but there is strong reliability in CHAID which clearly shows that relation and education contribute to the prediction as displayed in the data visualisation.

Keywords: data mining, CHAID, multi-layer perceptron, SPSS, Adult dataset

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922 Optimal Simultaneous Sizing and Siting of DGs and Smart Meters Considering Voltage Profile Improvement in Active Distribution Networks

Authors: T. Sattarpour, D. Nazarpour


This paper investigates the effect of simultaneous placement of DGs and smart meters (SMs), on voltage profile improvement in active distribution networks (ADNs). A substantial center of attention has recently been on responsive loads initiated in power system problem studies such as distributed generations (DGs). Existence of responsive loads in active distribution networks (ADNs) would have undeniable effect on sizing and siting of DGs. For this reason, an optimal framework is proposed for sizing and siting of DGs and SMs in ADNs. SMs are taken into consideration for the sake of successful implementing of demand response programs (DRPs) such as direct load control (DLC) with end-side consumers. Looking for voltage profile improvement, the optimization procedure is solved by genetic algorithm (GA) and tested on IEEE 33-bus distribution test system. Different scenarios with variations in the number of DG units, individual or simultaneous placing of DGs and SMs, and adaptive power factor (APF) mode for DGs to support reactive power have been established. The obtained results confirm the significant effect of DRPs and APF mode in determining the optimal size and site of DGs to be connected in ADN resulting to the improvement of voltage profile as well.

Keywords: active distribution network (ADN), distributed generations (DGs), smart meters (SMs), demand response programs (DRPs), adaptive power factor (APF)

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921 Unstructured-Data Content Search Based on Optimized EEG Signal Processing and Multi-Objective Feature Extraction

Authors: Qais M. Yousef, Yasmeen A. Alshaer


Over the last few years, the amount of data available on the globe has been increased rapidly. This came up with the emergence of recent concepts, such as the big data and the Internet of Things, which have furnished a suitable solution for the availability of data all over the world. However, managing this massive amount of data remains a challenge due to their large verity of types and distribution. Therefore, locating the required file particularly from the first trial turned to be a not easy task, due to the large similarities of names for different files distributed on the web. Consequently, the accuracy and speed of search have been negatively affected. This work presents a method using Electroencephalography signals to locate the files based on their contents. Giving the concept of natural mind waves processing, this work analyses the mind wave signals of different people, analyzing them and extracting their most appropriate features using multi-objective metaheuristic algorithm, and then classifying them using artificial neural network to distinguish among files with similar names. The aim of this work is to provide the ability to find the files based on their contents using human thoughts only. Implementing this approach and testing it on real people proved its ability to find the desired files accurately within noticeably shorter time and retrieve them as a first choice for the user.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, data contents search, human active memory, mind wave, multi-objective optimization

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