Search results for: frequency domain
1323 Analysis of the Cutting Force with Ultrasonic Assisted Manufacturing of Steel (S235JR)
Authors: Philipp Zopf, Franz Haas
Manufacturing of very hard and refractory materials like ceramics, glass or carbide poses particular challenges on tools and machines. The company Sauer GmbH developed especially for this application area ultrasonic tool holders working in a frequency range from 15 to 60 kHz and superimpose the common tool movement in the vertical axis. This technique causes a structural weakening in the contact area and facilitates the machining. The possibility of the force reduction for these special materials especially in drilling of carbide with diamond tools up to 30 percent made the authors try to expand the application range of this method. To make the results evaluable, the authors decide to start with existing processes in which the positive influence of the ultrasonic assistance is proven to understand the mechanism. The comparison of a grinding process the Institute use to machine materials mentioned in the beginning and steel could not be more different. In the first case, the authors use tools with geometrically undefined edges. In the second case, the edges are geometrically defined. To get valid results of the tests, the authors decide to investigate two manufacturing methods, drilling and milling. The main target of the investigation is to reduce the cutting force measured with a force measurement platform underneath the workpiece. Concerning to the direction of the ultrasonic assistance, the authors expect lower cutting forces and longer endurance of the tool in the drilling process. To verify the frequencies and the amplitudes an FFT-analysis is performed. It shows the increasing damping depending on the infeed rate of the tool. The reducing of amplitude of the cutting force comes along.Keywords: drilling, machining, milling, ultrasonic
Procedia PDF Downloads 2741322 Studying the Establishment of Knowledge Management Background Factors at Islamic Azad University, Behshahr Branch
Authors: Mohammad Reza Bagherzadeh, Mohammad Hossein Taheri
Knowledge management serves as one of the great breakthroughs in information and knowledge era and given its outstanding features, successful organizations tends to adopt it. Therefore, to deal with knowledge management establishment in universities is of special importance. In this regard, the present research aims to shed lights on factors background knowledge management establishment at Islamic Azad University, Behshahr Branch (Northern Iran). Considering three factors information technology system, knowledge process system and organizational culture as a fundamental of knowledge management infrastructure, foregoing factors were evaluated individually. The present research was conducted in descriptive-survey manner and participants included all staffs and faculty members, so that according to Krejcie & Morgan table a sample size proportional to the population size was considered. The measurement tools included survey questionnaire whose reliability was calculated to 0.83 according to Cronbachs alpha. To data analysis, descriptive statistics such as frequency and its percentage tables, column charts, mean, standard deviation and as for inferential statistics Kolomogrov- Smirnov test and single T-test were used. The findings show that despite the good corporate culture as one of the three factors background the establishment of the knowledge management at Islamic Azad University Behshahr Branch, other two ones, including IT systems, and knowledge processes systems are characterized with adverse status. As a result, these factors have caused no necessary conditions for the establishment of Knowledge Management in the university provided.Keywords: knowledge management, information technology, knowledge processes, organizational culture, educational institutions
Procedia PDF Downloads 5231321 Analysis of Network Connectivity for Ship-To-Ship Maritime Communication Using IEEE 802.11 on Maritime Environment of Tanjung Perak, Indonesia
Authors: Ahmad Fauzi Makarim, Okkie Puspitorini, Hani'ah Mahmudah, Nur Adi Siswandari, Ari Wijayanti
As a maritime country, Indonesia needs a solution in maritime connectivity which can assist the maritime communication system which including communication from harbor to the ship or ship to ship. The needs of many application services for maritime communication, whether for safety reasons until voyage service to help the process of voyage activity needs connection with a high bandwith. To support the government efforts in handling that kind of problem, a research is conducted in maritime communication issue by applying the new developed technology in Indonesia, namely IEEE 802.11. In this research, 3 outdoor WiFi devices are used in which have a frequency of 5.8 GHz. Maritime of Tanjung Perak harbor in Surabaya until Karang Jamuang Island are used as the location of the research with defining permission of ship node spreading by Navigation District Class 1. That maritime area formed by state 1 and state 2 areas which are the narrow area with average wave height of 0.7 meter based on the data from BMKG S urabaya. After that, wave height used as one of the parameters which are used in analyzing characteristic of signal propagation at sea surface, so it can be determined on the coverage area of transmitter system. In this research has been used three samples of outdoor wifi, there is the coverage of device A can be determined about 2256 meter, device B 4000 meter, and device C 1174 meter. Then to analyze of network connectivity for the ship to ship is used AODV routing algorithm system based on the value of the power transmit was smallest of all nodes within the transmitter coverage.Keywords: maritime of Indonesia, maritime communications, outdoor wifi, coverage, AODV
Procedia PDF Downloads 3511320 Heating of the Ions by Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Waves Using Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Satellite Observation
Authors: A. A. Abid
The magnetospheric multiscale (MMS) satellite observations in the inner magnetosphere were used to detect the proton band of the electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves on December 14, 2015, which have been significantly contributing to the dynamics of the magnetosphere. It has been examined that the intensity of EMIC waves gradually increases by decreasing the L shell. The waves are triggered by hot proton thermal anisotropy. The low-energy cold protons (ions) can be activated by the EMIC waves when the EMIC wave intensity is high. As a result, these previously invisible protons are now visible. As a result, the EMC waves also excite the helium ions. The EMIC waves, whose frequency in the magnetosphere of the Earth ranges from 0.001 Hz to 5 Hz, have drawn a lot of attention for their ability to carry energy. Since these waves act as a mechanism for the loss of energetic electrons from the Van Allen radiation belt to the atmosphere, therefore, it is necessary to understand how and where they can be produced, as well as the direction of waves along the magnetic field lines. This work examines how the excitation of EMIC waves is affected by the energy of hot proton temperature anisotropy, and It has a minimum resonance energy of 6.9 keV and a range of 7 to 26 keV. On the hot protons, however, the reverse effect can be seen for energies below the minimum resonance energy. It is demonstrated that throughout the energy range of 1 eV to 100 eV, the number density and temperature anisotropy of the protons likewise rise as the intensity of the EMIC waves increases. Key Points: 1. The analysis of EMIC waves produced by hot proton temperature anisotropy using MMS data. 2. The number density and temperature anisotropy of the cold protons increases owing to high-intensity EMIC waves. 3. The cold protons with an energy range of 1-100eV are energized by EMIC waves using the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) satellite not been discussed beforeKeywords: EMIC waves, temperature anisotropy of hot protons, energization of the cold proton, magnetospheric multiscale (MMS) satellite observations
Procedia PDF Downloads 1241319 Prevalence of Life Style Diseases and Physical Activities among Older in India
Authors: Vaishali Chaurasia
Ageing is the universal phenomenon that is associated with deteriorating health status. As the human becomes old, certain changes take place in an organism leading to morbidities, disabilities, and event death. Furthermore, older people are more vulnerable for the various kinds of diseases and health problem. Due to the some unhealthy conventions like smoking, drinking and unhealthy foods is the genesis of the lifestyle diseases. These diseases associated with the way a person or group of people lives. The main purpose of the study is to determine the prevalence of lifestyle diseases and its association with physical activity as well as the risk factors associated with it among the adult population in India. Longitudinal Aging Study in India and Study on Global Aging and Adult Health in India were used in the study. We will take population aged 50 and older, began in 1935, and regularly refreshed at younger ages with new birth cohorts. Life style diseases are more prominent in 65+ age group. The study finds an association between prevalence of life style diseases and life style risk factors. The lifestyle disease prevalence is more among higher age group people, female, richest quintile, and doing lesser physical activity. A higher prevalence of lifestyle diseases associated with the multiple risk factors. The occurrence of three and four risk factors was more prevalent in India. The frequency of different type of life style disease is higher among those who hardly or never do any physical activity as compare to those who do physical activity every day. The pattern remains the same in Moderate as well as vigorous physical activity. Those who are regularly doing physical activities have lesser percentage of having any disease and those who hardly ever or never do any physical activities and equally involve with some risk factors have higher percentage of having all type of diseases.Keywords: lifestyle disease, morbidity, disability, physical activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3461318 Prediction of Covid-19 Cases and Current Situation of Italy and Its Different Regions Using Machine Learning Algorithm
Authors: Shafait Hussain Ali
Since its outbreak in China, the Covid_19 19 disease has been caused by the corona virus SARS N coyote 2. Italy was the first Western country to be severely affected, and the first country to take drastic measures to control the disease. In start of December 2019, the sudden outbreaks of the Coronary Virus Disease was caused by a new Corona 2 virus (SARS-CO2) of acute respiratory syndrome in china city Wuhan. The World Health Organization declared the epidemic a public health emergency of international concern on January 30, 2020,. On February 14, 2020, 49,053 laboratory-confirmed deaths and 1481 deaths have been reported worldwide. The threat of the disease has forced most of the governments to implement various control measures. Therefore it becomes necessary to analyze the Italian data very carefully, in particular to investigates and to find out the present condition and the number of infected persons in the form of positive cases, death, hospitalized or some other features of infected persons will clear in simple form. So used such a model that will clearly shows the real facts and figures and also understandable to every readable person which can get some real benefit after reading it. The model used must includes(total positive cases, current positive cases, hospitalized patients, death, recovered peoples frequency rates ) all features that explains and clear the wide range facts in very simple form and helpful to administration of that country.Keywords: machine learning tools and techniques, rapid miner tool, Naive-Bayes algorithm, predictions
Procedia PDF Downloads 1081317 Critical Factors Influencing Effective Communication Among Stakeholders on Construction Project Delivery in Jigawa State, Nigeria
Authors: Shazali Abdulahi
Project planning is the first phase in project life cycle which relates to the use of schedules such as Gantt charts to plan and subsequently report the project progress within the project environment. Likewise, project execution is the third phase in project lifecycle, is the phase where the work of the project must get done correctly and it’s the longest phase in the project lifecycle therefore, they must be effectively communicated, now today Communication has become the crucial element of every organization. During construction project delivery, information needs to be accurately and timely communicating among project stakeholders in order to realize the project objective. Effective communication among stakeholders during construction project delivery is one of the major factors that impact construction project delivery. Therefore, the aim of the research work is to examine the critical factors influencing effective communication among stakeholders on construction project delivery from the perspective of construction professionals (Architects, Builders, Quantity surveyors, and Civil engineers). A quantitative approach was adopted. This entailed the used of structured questionnaire to one (108) construction professionals in public and private organization within dutse metropolis. Frequency, mean, ranking and multiple linear regression using SPSS vision 25 software were used to analyses the data. The results show that Leadership, Trust, Communication tools, Communication skills, Stakeholders involvement, Cultural differences, and Communication technology were the most critical factors influencing effective communication among stakeholders on construction project delivery. The hypothesis revealed that, effective communication among stakeholders has significant effects on construction project delivery. This research work will profit the construction stakeholders in construction industry, by providing adequate knowledge regarding the factors influencing effective communication among stakeholders, so that necessary steps to be taken to improve project performance. Also, it will provide knowledge about the appropriate strategies to employ in order to improve communication among stakeholders.Keywords: effetive communication, ineffective communication, stakeholders, project delivery
Procedia PDF Downloads 531316 Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS1) and Transcription Factor 7-Like 2 (TCF7L2) Gene Polymorphisms Associated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Eritreans
Authors: Mengistu G. Woldu, Hani Y. Zaki, Areeg Faggad, Badreldin E. Abdalla
Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a complex, degenerative, and multi-factorial disease, which is culpable for huge mortality and morbidity worldwide. Even though relatively significant numbers of studies are conducted on the genetics domain of this disease in the developed world, there is huge information gap in the sub-Saharan Africa region in general and in Eritrea in particular. Objective: The principal aim of this study was to investigate the association of common variants of the Insulin Receptor Substrate 1 (IRS1) and Transcription Factor 7-Like 2 (TCF7L2) genes with T2DM in the Eritrean population. Method: In this cross-sectional case control study 200 T2DM patients and 112 non-diabetes subjects were participated and genotyping of the IRS1 (rs13431179, rs16822615, 16822644rs, rs1801123) and TCF7L2 (rs7092484) tag SNPs were carries out using PCR-RFLP method of analysis. Haplotype analyses were carried out using Plink version 1.07, and Haploview 4.2 software. Linkage disequilibrium (LD), and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) analyses were performed using the Plink software. All descriptive statistical data analyses were carried out using SPSS (Version-20) software. Throughout the analysis p-value ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. Result: Significant association was found between rs13431179 SNP of the IRS1 gene and T2DM under the recessive model of inheritance (OR=9.00, 95%CI=1.17-69.07, p=0.035), and marginally significant association found in the genotypic model (OR=7.50, 95%CI=0.94-60.06, p=0.058). The rs7092484 SNP of the TCF7L2 gene also showed markedly significant association with T2DM in the recessive (OR=3.61, 95%CI=1.70-7.67, p=0.001); and allelic (OR=1.80, 95%CI=1.23-2.62, p=0.002) models. Moreover, eight haplotypes of the IRS1 gene found to have significant association withT2DM (p=0.013 to 0.049). Assessments made on the interactions of genotypes of the rs13431179 and rs7092484 SNPs with various parameters demonstrated that high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), waist circumference (WC), and systolic blood pressure (SBP) are the best T2DM onset predicting models. Furthermore, genotypes of the rs7092484 SNP showed significant association with various atherogenic indexes (Atherogenic index of plasma, LDL/HDL, and CHLO/HDL); and Eritreans carrying the GG or GA genotypes were predicted to be more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases onset. Conclusions: Results of this study suggest that IRS1 (rs13431179) and TCF7L2 (rs7092484) gene polymorphisms are associated with increased risk of T2DM in Eritreans.Keywords: IRS1, SNP, TCF7L2, type 2 diabetes
Procedia PDF Downloads 2251315 Design of Bacterial Pathogens Identification System Based on Scattering of Laser Beam Light and Classification of Binned Plots
Authors: Mubashir Hussain, Mu Lv, Xiaohan Dong, Zhiyang Li, Bin Liu, Nongyue He
Detection and classification of microbes have a vast range of applications in biomedical engineering especially in detection, characterization, and quantification of bacterial contaminants. For identification of pathogens, different techniques are emerging in the field of biomedical engineering. Latest technology uses light scattering, capable of identifying different pathogens without any need for biochemical processing. Bacterial Pathogens Identification System (BPIS) which uses a laser beam, passes through the sample and light scatters off. An assembly of photodetectors surrounded by the sample at different angles to detect the scattering of light. The algorithm of the system consists of two parts: (a) Library files, and (b) Comparator. Library files contain data of known species of bacterial microbes in the form of binned plots, while comparator compares data of unknown sample with library files. Using collected data of unknown bacterial species, highest voltage values stored in the form of peaks and arranged in 3D histograms to find the frequency of occurrence. Resulting data compared with library files of known bacterial species. If sample data matching with any library file of known bacterial species, sample identified as a matched microbe. An experiment performed to identify three different bacteria particles: Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli. By applying algorithm using library files of given samples, results were compromising. This system is potentially applicable to several biomedical areas, especially those related to cell morphology.Keywords: microbial identification, laser scattering, peak identification, binned plots classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 1501314 Knowledge-Driven Integration of Meat Storage and Safety Practices among College of Science Undergraduate Students of Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Sta. Mesa
Authors: Erwin L. Descallar
Food safety is crucial in protecting the health of consumers, maintaining integrity in the entire food industry, and ensuring regulatory compliance. Food is a universal need for survival, and everyone is at risk of engaging in improper food handling, which increases vulnerability to foodborne illnesses. The level of knowledge or awareness and meat storage practices of students are behaviors influenced by various demographic factors. The Health Belief Model examines the relationship of such demographic factors towards the attitude, perception, and actions of individuals on perceived risk. This study aims to analyze and understand the correlation of said behaviors with course programs, prior food poisoning experience, and food handling of university students. The study employed randomized responses from 89 university students (n=89) under the College of Science at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines–Sta. Mesa (Manila). The results were subjected to measures of central tendency for score ranking and inferential statistics. The statistics were compared using Pearson ‘r’ Product Moment Correlation to determine the degree of relationship between the knowledge and practices on meat storage and safety. No statistically significant differences were found between the course program of students, food poisoning experiences, level of knowledge, and awareness regarding proper meat storage practices. However, increased frequency and involvement in meat handling have shown a positive correlation, indicating that there is a correlation between food handling and proper meat storage practices of university students.Keywords: meat storage practices, food handling, food safety, meat science and technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 111313 Disability and Sexuality: A Human Right Approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health of the Hearing Impaired Adolescents In Developing Countries
Authors: Doctor Akanle Florence Foluso
Access to health care and people’s ability to having a responsible, satisfying and safe sexual life is clearly a defined human right of people with hearing impairment and others with disabilities this paper looks at disability and sexuality: a human right approach to sexual and reproductive health of the hearing impaired adolescents in developing countries. This paper investigates the extent to which the hearing impaired has a satisfying, safe sexual life and whether their human right in regards to information education is violated. The study population consists of all hearing impaired adolescents and young adults aged 10-24 years who are currently enrolled in the primary and secondary schools in Nigeria. A sample of 389 hearing impaired adolescents was selected, an adapted version of the illustrative questionnaire for interview – survey by Johncleland was used to collect the data. A correlation of 0.80 was obtained at p<0.05 level of significance. Teachers in the schools of the deaf who used sign language were used in the administration of the questionnaire. The data generated were analyzed using Frequency Counts, Percentages, Means and Standard Deviation to give a Summary on responses on access to information, education, voluntary testing and counselling and other reproductive services. This is to investigate if the sexual and reproductive right violated or protected. Findings show that a gap exists in the level of knowledge of SRH services, voluntary counselling because more than half the respondents are not aware of these services in their community. Access to information, education and health services are rights denied the hearing impaired. So their SRH rights are violated.Keywords: sexual right diability, family planning, pregnancy, diability
Procedia PDF Downloads 671312 The Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Residents of Saudi Arabia
Authors: Khaleel Alyahya, Faizah Alotaibi
The coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused an increase in general fear and anxiety around the globe. With the public health measures, including lockdown and travel restrictions, the COVID-19 period further resulted in a sudden increase in the vulnerability of people too ill mental health. This becomes greater among individuals who have a history of mental illness or are undergoing treatment and do not have easy access to medication and medical consultations. The study aims to measure the impact of COVID-19 and the degree of distress with the DASS scale on the mental health of residents living in Saudi Arabia. The study is a quantitative, observational, and cross-sectional conducted in Saudi Arabia to measure the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of both citizens and residents of Saudi Arabia during pandemics. The study ran from February 2021 to June 2021, and a validated questionnaire was used. The targeted population of the study was Saudi citizens and non-Saudi residents. A sample size of 800 participants was calculated with a single proportion formula at 95% level of significance and 5% allowable error. The result revealed that participants who were always doing exercise experienced the lowest level of depression, anxiety, and stress. The highest prevalence of severe and extremely severe depression was among participants who sometimes do exercise at 53.2% for each. Similar results were obtained for anxiety and stress, where the extremely severe form was reported by those who sometimes did exercise at 54.8% and 72.2%, respectively. There was an inverse association between physical activity levels and levels of depression, anxiety, and stress during the COVID-19. Similarly, the levels of depression, anxiety, and stress differed significantly according to the exercise frequency during COVID-19.Keywords: mental, COVID-19, pandemic, lockdown, depression, anxiety, stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 1041311 Estimating the Relationship between Education and Political Polarization over Immigration across Europe
Authors: Ben Tappin, Ryan McKay
The political left and right appear to disagree not only over questions of value but, also, over questions of fact—over what is true “out there” in society and the world. Alarmingly, a large body of survey data collected during the past decade suggests that this disagreement tends to be greatest among the most educated and most cognitively sophisticated opposing partisans. In other words, the data show that these individuals display the widest political polarization in their reported factual beliefs. Explanations of this polarization pattern draw heavily on cultural and political factors; yet, the large majority of the evidence originates from one cultural and political context—the United States, a country with a rather unique cultural and political history. One consequence is that widening political polarization conditional on education and cognitive sophistication may be due to idiosyncratic cultural, political or historical factors endogenous to US society—rather than a more general, international phenomenon. We examined widening political polarization conditional on education across Europe, over a topic that is culturally and politically contested; immigration. To do so, we analyzed data from the European Social Survey, a premier survey of countries in and around the European area conducted biennially since 2002. Our main results are threefold. First, we see widening political polarization conditional on education over beliefs about the economic impact of immigration. The foremost countries showing this pattern are the most influential in Europe: Germany and France. However, we also see heterogeneity across countries, with some—such as Belgium—showing no evidence of such polarization. Second, we find that widening political polarization conditional on education is a product of sorting. That is, highly educated partisans exhibit stronger within-group consensus in their beliefs about immigration—the data do not support the view that the more educated partisans are more polarized simply because the less educated fail to adopt a position on the question. Third, and finally, we find some evidence that shocks to the political climate of countries in the European area—for example, the “refugee crisis” of summer 2015—were associated with a subsequent increase in political polarization over immigration conditional on education. The largest increase was observed in Germany, which was at the centre of the so-called refugee crisis in 2015. These results reveal numerous insights: they show that widening political polarization conditional on education is not restricted to the US or native English-speaking culture; that such polarization emerges in the domain of immigration; that it is a product of within-group consensus among the more educated; and, finally, that exogenous shocks to the political climate may be associated with subsequent increases in political polarization conditional on education.Keywords: beliefs, Europe, immigration, political polarization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1471310 Subsurface Structures Related to the Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation in the Afghan Tajik Basin, Northern Afghanistan: Insights from Seismic Attribute Analysis
Authors: Samim Khair Mohammad, Takeshi Tsuji, Chanmaly Chhun
The Afghan Tajik (foreland) basin, located in the depression zone between mountain axes, is under compression and deformation during the collision of India with the Eurasian plate. The southern part of the Afghan Tajik basin in the Northern part of Afghanistan has not been well studied and explored, but considered for the significant potential for oil and gas resources. The Afghan Tajik basin depositional environments (< 8km) resulted from mixing terrestrial and marine systems, which has potential prospects of Jurrasic (deep) and Tertiary (shallow) petroleum systems. We used 2D regional seismic profiles with a total length of 674.8 km (or over an area of 2500 km²) in the southern part of the basin. To characterize hydrocarbon systems and structures in this study area, we applied advanced seismic attributes such as spectral decomposition (10 - 60Hz) based on time-frequency analysis with continuous wavelet transform. The spectral decomposition results yield the (averaging 20 - 30Hz group) spectral amplitude anomaly. Based on this anomaly result, seismic, and structural interpretation, the potential hydrocarbon accumulations were inferred around the main thrust folds in the tertiary (Paleogene+Neogene) petroleum systems, which appeared to be accumulated around the central study area. Furthermore, it seems that hydrocarbons dominantly migrated along the main thrusts and then concentrated around anticline fold systems which could be sealed by mudstone/carbonate rocks.Keywords: The Afghan Tajik basin, seismic lines, spectral decomposition, thrust folds, hydrocarbon reservoirs
Procedia PDF Downloads 1151309 Nutritional Importance and Functional Properties of Baobab Leaves
Authors: Khadijat Ayanpeju Abdulsalam, Bolanle Mary Olawoye, Paul Babatunde Ayoola
The potential of Baobab leaves is understudied and not yet fully documented. The purpose of this work is to highlight the important nutritional value and practical qualities of baobab leaves. In this research, proximate analysis was studied to determine the macronutrient quantitative analysis in baobab leaves. Studies were also conducted on other characteristics, such as moisture content, which is significant to the food business since it affects food quality, preservation, and resistance to deterioration. Dietary fiber, which was also studied, has important health benefits, such as lowering blood cholesterol levels by lowering low-density lipoprotein or "bad" cholesterol. It functions as an anti-obesity and anti-diabetic agent, lowering the likelihood of haemorrhoids developing. Additionally, increasing face bulk and short-chain fatty acid synthesis improves gastrointestinal health and overall wellness. Baobab leaves had a moisture content of 6.4%, fat of 16.1%, ash of 3.2%, protein of 18.7%, carbohydrate 57.2% and crude fiber of 4.1%. The minerals determined in the sample of baobab leaves are Ca, Fe, Mg, K, Na, P, and Zn with Potassium (347.6±0.70) as the most abundant mineral while Zn (9.31±0.60) is the least abundant. The functional properties studied include pH, gelation temperature, bulk density, water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity, foaming property, emulsifying property, and stability and swelling capacity, which are 8.72, 29, 0.39, 138, 98.20, 0.80, 72.80, and 73.50 respectively. The Fourier Transform InfraRed absorption spectra show bands like C=O, C-Cl and N-H. Baobab leaves are edible, nutritious, and non-toxic, as the mineral contents are within the required range.Keywords: dietary fibre, proximate analysis, macronutrients, minerals, baobab leaves, frequency range
Procedia PDF Downloads 731308 Design and Analysis of a Piezoelectric Linear Motor Based on Rigid Clamping
Authors: Chao Yi, Cunyue Lu, Lingwei Quan
Piezoelectric linear motors have the characteristics of great electromagnetic compatibility, high positioning accuracy, compact structure and no deceleration mechanism, which make it promising to applicate in micro-miniature precision drive systems. However, most piezoelectric motors are employed by flexible clamping, which has insufficient rigidity and is difficult to use in rapid positioning. Another problem is that this clamping method seriously affects the vibration efficiency of the vibrating unit. In order to solve these problems, this paper proposes a piezoelectric stack linear motor based on double-end rigid clamping. First, a piezoelectric linear motor with a length of only 35.5 mm is designed. This motor is mainly composed of a motor stator, a driving foot, a ceramic friction strip, a linear guide, a pre-tightening mechanism and a base. This structure is much simpler and smaller than most similar motors, and it is easy to assemble as well as to realize precise control. In addition, the properties of piezoelectric stack are reviewed and in order to obtain the elliptic motion trajectory of the driving head, a driving scheme of the longitudinal-shear composite stack is innovatively proposed. Finally, impedance analysis and speed performance testing were performed on the piezoelectric linear motor prototype. The motor can measure speed up to 25.5 mm/s under the excitation of signal voltage of 120 V and frequency of 390 Hz. The result shows that the proposed piezoelectric stacked linear motor obtains great performance. It can run smoothly in a large speed range, which is suitable for various precision control in medical images, aerospace, precision machinery and many other fields.Keywords: piezoelectric stack, linear motor, rigid clamping, elliptical trajectory
Procedia PDF Downloads 1531307 A Linguistic Product of K-Pop: A Corpus-Based Study on the Korean-Originated Chinese Neologism Simida
Authors: Hui Shi
This article examines the online popularity of Chinese neologism simida, which is a loanword derived from Korean declarative sentence-final suffix seumnida. Facilitated by corpus data obtained from Weibo, the Chinese counterpart of Twitter, this study analyzes the morphological and syntactical processes behind simida’s coinage, as well as the causes of its prevalence on Chinese social media. The findings show that simida is used by Weibo bloggers in two manners: (1) as an alternative word of 'Korea' and 'Korean'; (2) as a redundant sentence-final particle which adds a Korean-like speech style to a statement. Additionally, Weibo user profile analysis further reveals demographical distribution patterns concerning this neologism and highlights young Weibo users in the third-tier cities as the leading adopters of simida. These results are accounted for under the theoretical framework of social indexicality, especially how variations generate style in the indexical field. This article argues that the creation of such an ethnically-targeted neologism is a linguistic demonstration of Chinese netizen’s two-sided attitudes toward the previously heated Korean-wave. The exotic suffix seumnida is borrowed to Chinese as simida due to its high-frequency in Korean cultural exports. Therefore, it gradually becomes a replacement of Korea-related lexical items due to markedness, regardless of semantic prosody. Its innovative implantation to Chinese syntax, on the other hand, reflects Chinese netizens’ active manipulation of language for their online identity building. This study has implications for research on the linguistic construction of identity and style and lays the groundwork for linguistic creativity in the Chinese new media.Keywords: Chinese neologism, loanword, humor, new media
Procedia PDF Downloads 1751306 Laser Registration and Supervisory Control of neuroArm Robotic Surgical System
Authors: Hamidreza Hoshyarmanesh, Hosein Madieh, Sanju Lama, Yaser Maddahi, Garnette R. Sutherland, Kourosh Zareinia
This paper illustrates the concept of an algorithm to register specified markers on the neuroArm surgical manipulators, an image-guided MR-compatible tele-operated robot for microsurgery and stereotaxy. Two range-finding algorithms, namely time-of-flight and phase-shift, are evaluated for registration and supervisory control. The time-of-flight approach is implemented in a semi-field experiment to determine the precise position of a tiny retro-reflective moving object. The moving object simulates a surgical tool tip. The tool is a target that would be connected to the neuroArm end-effector during surgery inside the magnet bore of the MR imaging system. In order to apply flight approach, a 905-nm pulsed laser diode and an avalanche photodiode are utilized as the transmitter and receiver, respectively. For the experiment, a high frequency time to digital converter was designed using a field-programmable gate arrays. In the phase-shift approach, a continuous green laser beam with a wavelength of 530 nm was used as the transmitter. Results showed that a positioning error of 0.1 mm occurred when the scanner-target point distance was set in the range of 2.5 to 3 meters. The effectiveness of this non-contact approach exhibited that the method could be employed as an alternative for conventional mechanical registration arm. Furthermore, the approach is not limited by physical contact and extension of joint angles.Keywords: 3D laser scanner, intraoperative MR imaging, neuroArm, real time registration, robot-assisted surgery, supervisory control
Procedia PDF Downloads 2871305 In vivo Antidiarrheal and ex-vivo Spasmolytic Activities of the Aqueous Extract of the Roots of Echinops kebericho Mesfin in Rodents and Isolated Guinea-Pig Ileum
Authors: Fisseha Shiferie (Bpharm, Mpharm)
Diarrhea is a common gastrointestinal disorder characterized by an increase in stool frequency and a change in stool consistency. Inspite of the availability of many drugs as antidiarrheal agents, the search for a drug with affordable cost and better efficacy is essential to overcome diarrheal problems. The root extract of Echinops kebericho, is used by traditional practitioners for the treatment of diarrhea. However, the scientific basis for this usage has not been yet established. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the antidiarrheal and spasmolytic activities of the aqueous extract of the roots of E. kebericho in rodents and isolated guinea-pig ileum preparations. In the castor oil induced intestinal transit test, E. kebericho produced a significant (p < 0.01) dose dependent decrease in propulsion with peristaltic index values of 45.05±3.3, 42.71±2.25 and 33.17±3.3%, respectively at doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg compared with 63.43±7.3% for control. In the castor oil-induced diarrhea test, the mean defecation was reduced from 1.81±0.18 to 0.99 ± 0.21 compared with 2.59 ±0.81 for control. The extract (at doses stated above) significantly decreased the volume of intestinal fluid secretion induced by castor oil (2.31±0.1 to 2.01±0.2) in relation to 3.28±0.3 for control. When tested on a guinea-pig ileum, root extract of Echinops kebericho exhibited a dose dependent spasmolytic effect, 23.07 % being its highest inhibitory effect. The results obtained in this study give some scientific support to the use of Echinops kebericho as an antidiarrheal agent due to its inhibitory effects on the different diarrheal parameters used in this study.Keywords: antidiarrheal activity, E. kebericho, traditional medicine, diarrhea, enteropooling, and intestinal transit
Procedia PDF Downloads 3191304 Consumers of Counterfeit Goods and the Role of Context: A Behavioral Perspective of the Process
Authors: Carla S. C. da Silva, Cristiano Coelho, Junio Souza
The universe of luxury has charmed and seduced consumers for centuries. Since the middle ages, their symbols are displayed as objects of power and status, arousing desire and provoking social covetousness. In this way, the counterfeit market is growing every day, offering a group of consumers the opportunity to enter into a distinct social position, where the beautiful and shiny brand logo signals an inclusion passport to everything this group wants. This work sought to investigate how the context and the social environment can influence consumers to choose products of symbolic brands even if they are not legitimate and how this behavior is accepted in society. The study proposed: a) to evaluate the measures of knowledge and quality of a set of marks presented in the manipulation of two contexts (luxury x academic) between buyers and non-buyers of forgeries, both for original products and their correspondence with counterfeit products; b) measure the effect of layout on the verbal responses of buyers and non-buyers in relation to their assessment of the behavior of buyers of counterfeits. The present study, in addition to measuring the level of knowledge and quality attributed to each brand investigated, also verified the willingness of consumers to pay for a falsified good of the brands of predilection compared to the original study. This data can serve as a parameter for luxury brand managers in their counterfeit coping strategies. The investigation into the frequency of purchase has shown that those who buy counterfeit goods do so regularly, and there is a propensity to repeat the purchase. It was noted that a significant majority of buyers of counterfeits are prone to invest in illegality to meet their expectations of being in line with the standards of their interest groups.Keywords: luxury, consumers, counterfeits, context, behaviorism
Procedia PDF Downloads 3011303 Educational Tours as a Learning Tool to the Third Years Tourism Students of De La Salle University, Dasmarinas
Authors: Jackqueline Uy, Hannah Miriam Verano, Crysler Luis Verbo, Irene Gueco
Educational tours are part of the curriculum of the College of Tourism and Hospitality Management, De La Salle University-Dasmarinas. They are highly significant to the students, especially Tourism students. The purpose of this study was to determine how effective educational tours were as a learning tool using the Experiential Learning Theory by David Kolb. This study determined the demographic profile of the third year tourism students in terms of gender, section, educational tours joined, and monthly family income and lastly, this study determined if there is a significant difference between the demographic profile of the respondents and their assessment of educational tours as a learning tool. The researchers used a historical research design with the third-year students of the bachelor of science in tourism management as the population size and used a random sampling method. The researchers made a survey questionnaire and utilized statistical tools such as weighted mean, frequency distribution, percentage, standard deviation, T-test, and ANOVA. The result of the study answered the profile of the respondents such as the gender, section, educational tour/s joined, and family monthly income. The findings of the study showed that the 3rd year tourism management students strongly agree that educational tours are a highly effective learning tool in terms of active experimentation, concrete experience, reflective observation, and abstract conceptualisation based on the data gathered from the respondents.Keywords: CTHM, educational tours, experiential learning theory, De La Salle University Dasmarinas, tourism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1761302 The Structure and Composition of Plant Communities in Ajluon Forest Reserve in Jordan
Authors: Maher J. Tadros, Yaseen Ananbeh
The study area is located in Ajluon Forest Reserve northern part of Jordan. It consists of Mediterranean hills dominated by open woodlands of oak and pistachio. The aims of the study were to investigate the positive and negative relationships between the locals and the protected area and how it can affect the long-term forest conservation. The main research objectives are to review the impact of establishing Ajloun Forest Reserve on nature conservation and on the livelihood level of local communities around the reserve. The Ajloun forest reserve plays a fundamental role in Ajloun area development. The existence of initiatives of nature conservation in the area supports various socio-economic activities around the reserve that contribute towards the development of local communities in Ajloun area. A part of this research was to conduct a survey to study the impact of Ajloun forest reserve on biodiversity composition. Also, studying the biodiversity content especially for vegetation to determine the economic impacts of Ajloun forest reserve on its surroundings was studied. In this study, several methods were used to fill the objectives including point-centered quarter method which involves selecting randomly 50 plots at the study site. The collected data from the field showed that the absolute density was (1031.24 plant per hectare). Density was recorded and found to be the highest for Quecus coccifera, and relative density of (73.7%), this was followed by Arbutus andrachne and relative density (7.1%), Pistacia palaestina and relative density (10.5%) and Crataegus azarulus (82.5 p/ha) and relative density (5.1%),Keywords: composition, density, frequency, importance value, point-centered quarter, structure, tree cover
Procedia PDF Downloads 2791301 Array Type Miniaturized Ultrasonic Sensors for Detecting Sinkhole in the City
Authors: Won Young Choi, Kwan Kyu Park
Recently, the road depression happening in the urban area is different from the cause of the sink hole and the generation mechanism occurring in the limestone area. The main cause of sinkholes occurring in the city center is the loss of soil due to the damage of old underground buried materials and groundwater discharge due to large underground excavation works. The method of detecting the sinkhole in the urban area is mostly using the Ground Penetration Radar (GPR). However, it is challenging to implement compact system and detecting watery state since it is based on electromagnetic waves. Although many ultrasonic underground detection studies have been conducted, near-ground detection (several tens of cm to several meters) has been developed for bulk systems using geophones as a receiver. The goal of this work is to fabricate a miniaturized sinkhole detecting system based on low-cost ultrasonic transducers of 40 kHz resonant frequency with high transmission pressure and receiving sensitivity. Motived by biomedical ultrasonic imaging methods, we detect air layers below the ground such as asphalt through the pulse-echo method. To improve image quality using multi-channel, linear array system is implemented, and image is acquired by classical synthetic aperture imaging method. We present the successful feasibility test of multi-channel sinkhole detector based on ultrasonic transducer. In this work, we presented and analyzed image results which are imaged by single channel pulse-echo imaging, synthetic aperture imaging.Keywords: road depression, sinkhole, synthetic aperture imaging, ultrasonic transducer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1441300 Poultry in Motion: Text Mining Social Media Data for Avian Influenza Surveillance in the UK
Authors: Samuel Munaf, Kevin Swingler, Franz Brülisauer, Anthony O’Hare, George Gunn, Aaron Reeves
Background: Avian influenza, more commonly known as Bird flu, is a viral zoonotic respiratory disease stemming from various species of poultry, including pets and migratory birds. Researchers have purported that the accessibility of health information online, in addition to the low-cost data collection methods the internet provides, has revolutionized the methods in which epidemiological and disease surveillance data is utilized. This paper examines the feasibility of using internet data sources, such as Twitter and livestock forums, for the early detection of the avian flu outbreak, through the use of text mining algorithms and social network analysis. Methods: Social media mining was conducted on Twitter between the period of 01/01/2021 to 31/12/2021 via the Twitter API in Python. The results were filtered firstly by hashtags (#avianflu, #birdflu), word occurrences (avian flu, bird flu, H5N1), and then refined further by location to include only those results from within the UK. Analysis was conducted on this text in a time-series manner to determine keyword frequencies and topic modeling to uncover insights in the text prior to a confirmed outbreak. Further analysis was performed by examining clinical signs (e.g., swollen head, blue comb, dullness) within the time series prior to the confirmed avian flu outbreak by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). Results: The increased search results in Google and avian flu-related tweets showed a correlation in time with the confirmed cases. Topic modeling uncovered clusters of word occurrences relating to livestock biosecurity, disposal of dead birds, and prevention measures. Conclusions: Text mining social media data can prove to be useful in relation to analysing discussed topics for epidemiological surveillance purposes, especially given the lack of applied research in the veterinary domain. The small sample size of tweets for certain weekly time periods makes it difficult to provide statistically plausible results, in addition to a great amount of textual noise in the data.Keywords: veterinary epidemiology, disease surveillance, infodemiology, infoveillance, avian influenza, social media
Procedia PDF Downloads 1061299 Copyright Clearance for Artificial Intelligence Training Data: Challenges and Solutions
Authors: Erva Akin
– The use of copyrighted material for machine learning purposes is a challenging issue in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). While machine learning algorithms require large amounts of data to train and improve their accuracy and creativity, the use of copyrighted material without permission from the authors may infringe on their intellectual property rights. In order to overcome copyright legal hurdle against the data sharing, access and re-use of data, the use of copyrighted material for machine learning purposes may be considered permissible under certain circumstances. For example, if the copyright holder has given permission to use the data through a licensing agreement, then the use for machine learning purposes may be lawful. It is also argued that copying for non-expressive purposes that do not involve conveying expressive elements to the public, such as automated data extraction, should not be seen as infringing. The focus of such ‘copy-reliant technologies’ is on understanding language rules, styles, and syntax and no creative ideas are being used. However, the non-expressive use defense is within the framework of the fair use doctrine, which allows the use of copyrighted material for research or educational purposes. The questions arise because the fair use doctrine is not available in EU law, instead, the InfoSoc Directive provides for a rigid system of exclusive rights with a list of exceptions and limitations. One could only argue that non-expressive uses of copyrighted material for machine learning purposes do not constitute a ‘reproduction’ in the first place. Nevertheless, the use of machine learning with copyrighted material is difficult because EU copyright law applies to the mere use of the works. Two solutions can be proposed to address the problem of copyright clearance for AI training data. The first is to introduce a broad exception for text and data mining, either mandatorily or for commercial and scientific purposes, or to permit the reproduction of works for non-expressive purposes. The second is that copyright laws should permit the reproduction of works for non-expressive purposes, which opens the door to discussions regarding the transposition of the fair use principle from the US into EU law. Both solutions aim to provide more space for AI developers to operate and encourage greater freedom, which could lead to more rapid innovation in the field. The Data Governance Act presents a significant opportunity to advance these debates. Finally, issues concerning the balance of general public interests and legitimate private interests in machine learning training data must be addressed. In my opinion, it is crucial that robot-creation output should fall into the public domain. Machines depend on human creativity, innovation, and expression. To encourage technological advancement and innovation, freedom of expression and business operation must be prioritised.Keywords: artificial intelligence, copyright, data governance, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 851298 Cross-Cultural Experiences of South Asian Students in Chinese Universities: Predictors of the Students' Social-Media Engagements
Authors: Nadeem Akhtar, An Ran, Cornelius B. Pratt
China’s President Xi' vision of Belt and Road Initiative, an infrastructural project of development and connectivity, is attracting international students to Chinese universities, with Pakistan and India among the top-10 countries of origin of those students (Ministry of Education China, 2018). An additional factor in international students’ interest in Chinese universities is their improving global rankings of Chinese universities. Against that backdrop, this study addresses two overarching questions: (a) What factors explain South Asian students’ study-away experiences, particularly in their multicultural environments? and (b) What role do new media play in their adaptation to that environment? This study is guided by Stephen’s (2011) theoretical model, which suggests that social networks influence immigrants’ interactions with host and home culture. The present study used a structured questionnaire distributed through both WeChat and other online platforms to international students studying in Chinese universities. Preliminary results are threefold: (a) that the frequency of use of social media is a predictor of the level of adjustment of the students to their multicultural environment; (b) that social engagement with their international-student peers is a moderating factor in their experiential outcomes; and (c) length of stay in Chinese universities, surprisingly, was not a predictor of adaptation. A major implication of these findings is that, even though social media tend to be criticized for contributing to anomie and to diminishing social capital among youths and millennials, they can be poignant tools for cultural adaptation, particularly among international students in China. It remains to be seen if such outcomes occur among international students in other countries or world regions.Keywords: adaptation, China's Belt and Road Initiative, international students, social media
Procedia PDF Downloads 1271297 Legume and Nuts Consumption in Relation to Depression and Anxiety in Iranian Adults
Authors: Ahmad Esmaillzadeh, Javad Anjom-Shoae, Omid Sadeghi,
Background: Although considerable research has been devoted to the link between consumption of legume and nuts and metabolic abnormalities, few studies have examined legume and nuts consumption in relation to psychological disorders. Objective: The current study aimed to examine the association of legume and nuts consumption with depression, anxiety and psychological distress in Iranian adults. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out among 3172 adult participants aged 18-55 years. Assessment of legume and nuts consumption was conducted using a validated dish-based 106-item semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. The Iranian validated version of Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used to examine psychological health. Scores of 8 or more on either subscale in the questionnaire were considered to indicate the presence of depression or anxiety. Data on psychological distress were collected through the use of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), in which the score of 4 or more was considered as having psychological distress. Results: Mean age of participants was 36.5±7.9 years. Compared with the lowest quintile, men in the highest quintile of legume and nuts consumption had lower odds of anxiety; such that after adjusting for potential confounding variables, men in the top quintile of legume and nuts consumption were 66% less likely to be anxious than those in the bottom quintile (OR: 0.34; 95% CI: 0.14-0.82). Such relationship was not observed among women. We failed to find any significant association between legume plus nuts consumption and depression or psychological distress after adjustment for potential confounders. Conclusion: We found that consumption of legume and nuts was associated with lower odds of anxiety in men, but not in women. No significant association was seen between consumption of legume and nuts and odds of depression or psychological disorder. Further prospective studies are required to confirm these findings.Keywords: anxiety, depression, legumes, nuts, psychological distress
Procedia PDF Downloads 1821296 Determination of Optimal Stress Locations in 2D–9 Noded Element in Finite Element Technique
Authors: Nishant Shrivastava, D. K. Sehgal
In Finite Element Technique nodal stresses are calculated through displacement as nodes. In this process, the displacement calculated at nodes is sufficiently good enough but stresses calculated at nodes are not sufficiently accurate. Therefore, the accuracy in the stress computation in FEM models based on the displacement technique is obviously matter of concern for computational time in shape optimization of engineering problems. In the present work same is focused to find out unique points within the element as well as the boundary of the element so, that good accuracy in stress computation can be achieved. Generally, major optimal stress points are located in domain of the element some points have been also located at boundary of the element where stresses are fairly accurate as compared to nodal values. Then, it is subsequently concluded that there is an existence of unique points within the element, where stresses have higher accuracy than other points in the elements. Therefore, it is main aim is to evolve a generalized procedure for the determination of the optimal stress location inside the element as well as at the boundaries of the element and verify the same with results from numerical experimentation. The results of quadratic 9 noded serendipity elements are presented and the location of distinct optimal stress points is determined inside the element, as well as at the boundaries. The theoretical results indicate various optimal stress locations are in local coordinates at origin and at a distance of 0.577 in both directions from origin. Also, at the boundaries optimal stress locations are at the midpoints of the element boundary and the locations are at a distance of 0.577 from the origin in both directions. The above findings were verified through experimentation and findings were authenticated. For numerical experimentation five engineering problems were identified and the numerical results of 9-noded element were compared to those obtained by using the same order of 25-noded quadratic Lagrangian elements, which are considered as standard. Then root mean square errors are plotted with respect to various locations within the elements as well as the boundaries and conclusions were drawn. After numerical verification it is noted that in a 9-noded element, origin and locations at a distance of 0.577 from origin in both directions are the best sampling points for the stresses. It was also noted that stresses calculated within line at boundary enclosed by 0.577 midpoints are also very good and the error found is very less. When sampling points move away from these points, then it causes line zone error to increase rapidly. Thus, it is established that there are unique points at boundary of element where stresses are accurate, which can be utilized in solving various engineering problems and are also useful in shape optimizations.Keywords: finite elements, Lagrangian, optimal stress location, serendipity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1061295 Beam Spatio-Temporal Multiplexing Approach for Improving Control Accuracy of High Contrast Pulse
Authors: Ping Li, Bing Feng, Junpu Zhao, Xudong Xie, Dangpeng Xu, Kuixing Zheng, Qihua Zhu, Xiaofeng Wei
In laser driven inertial confinement fusion (ICF), the control of the temporal shape of the laser pulse is a key point to ensure an optimal interaction of laser-target. One of the main difficulties in controlling the temporal shape is the foot part control accuracy of high contrast pulse. Based on the analysis of pulse perturbation in the process of amplification and frequency conversion in high power lasers, an approach of beam spatio-temporal multiplexing is proposed to improve the control precision of high contrast pulse. In the approach, the foot and peak part of high contrast pulse are controlled independently, which propagate separately in the near field, and combine together in the far field to form the required pulse shape. For high contrast pulse, the beam area ratio of the two parts is optimized, and then beam fluence and intensity of the foot part are increased, which brings great convenience to the control of pulse. Meanwhile, the near field distribution of the two parts is also carefully designed to make sure their F-numbers are the same, which is another important parameter for laser-target interaction. The integrated calculation results show that for a pulse with a contrast of up to 500, the deviation of foot part can be improved from 20% to 5% by using beam spatio-temporal multiplexing approach with beam area ratio of 1/20, which is almost the same as that of peak part. The research results are expected to bring a breakthrough in power balance of high power laser facility.Keywords: inertial confinement fusion, laser pulse control, beam spatio-temporal multiplexing, power balance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1481294 Healthcare Workers’ Knowledge and Attitude Toward Telemedicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Global Survey
Authors: Saman Naqvi
Introduction: Telemedicine is the practise of providing remote healthcare to patients via the utilisation of communication technologies. Its application has become increasingly important since the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. It is essential to determine the knowledge and attitudes of healthcare professionals concerning its use in order to maximise its application. Purpose: We aim to examine and evaluate the current understanding and perceptions of medical staff toward the use of telemedicine. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we surveyed 1091 healthcare professionals worldwide. Following an extensive review of the literature, data were gathered using a questionnaire. To depict the participant profile, frequency, percentages, and cumulative percentages were determined. Results: The majority of respondents had either heard of (90.9%), seen (65.3%), or were familiar with (74.6%) how telemedicine is implemented in practice. 72.2% of people were familiar with the tools that could be applied to this technology. Those with a medical degree and experience of under five years were found to be more familiar with telemedicine. Additionally, opinions on providing healthcare remotely were largely favorable, with 80% of respondents stating that it reduced staff burden and 80.6% thinking that it eliminated unnecessary transportation costs. Furthermore, 83% expressed that it saves clinicians' time. However, 20% of participants believed telemedicine adds to staff workload and 40% of healthcare professionals felt it compromises patient privacy and information confidentiality. Conclusion: Despite being a new and developing practice in many countries, telemedicine appears to have a bright future. This is crucial during a pandemic as it provides effective healthcare while maintaining social isolation measures. Moreover, the majority of the participants in this study demonstrated a good understanding and a favorable attitude toward telemedicine.Keywords: healthcare system, global survey, knowledge, attitude, covid 19, telemedicine
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