Abstracts | Computer and Information Engineering
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 3647

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

[Computer and Information Engineering]

Online ISSN : 1307-6892

3617 Open-Source YOLO CV For Detection of Dust on Solar PV Surface

Authors: Jeewan Rai, Kinzang, Yeshi Jigme Choden


Accumulation of dust on solar panels impacts the overall efficiency and the amount of energy they produce. While various techniques exist for detecting dust to schedule cleaning, many of these methods use MATLAB image processing tools and other licensed software, which can be financially burdensome. This study will investigate the efficiency of a free open-source computer vision library using the YOLO algorithm. The proposed approach has been tested on images of solar panels with varying dust levels through an experiment setup. The experimental findings illustrated the effectiveness of using the YOLO-based image classification method and the overall dust detection approach with an accuracy of 90% in distinguishing between clean and dusty panels. This open-source solution provides a cost effective and accessible alternative to commercial image processing tools, offering solutions for optimizing solar panel maintenance and enhancing energy production.

Keywords: YOLO, openCV, dust detection, solar panels, computer vision, image processing

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3616 Enhancing Code Security with AI-Powered Vulnerability Detection

Authors: Zzibu Mark Brian


As software systems become increasingly complex, ensuring code security is a growing concern. Traditional vulnerability detection methods often rely on manual code reviews or static analysis tools, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. This paper presents a distinct approach to enhancing code security by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques. Our proposed system utilizes a combination of natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning algorithms to identify and classify vulnerabilities in real-world codebases. By analyzing vast amounts of open-source code data, our AI-powered tool learns to recognize patterns and anomalies indicative of security weaknesses. We evaluated our system on a dataset of over 10,000 open-source projects, achieving an accuracy rate of 92% in detecting known vulnerabilities. Furthermore, our tool identified previously unknown vulnerabilities in popular libraries and frameworks, demonstrating its potential for improving software security.

Keywords: AI, machine language, cord security, machine leaning

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3615 The Impact of the Application of Blockchain Technology in Accounting and Auditing

Authors: Yusuf Adebayo Oduwole


The evaluation of blockchain technology's potential effects on the accounting and auditing fields is the main objective of this essay. It also adds to the existing body of work by examining how these practices alter technological concerns, including cryptocurrency accounting, regulation, governance, accounting practices, and technical challenges. Examples of this advancement include the growth of the concept of blockchain and its application in accounting. This technology is being considered one of the digital revolutions that could disrupt the world and civilization as it can transfer large volumes of virtual currencies like cryptocurrencies with the help of a third party. The basis for this research is a systematic review of the articles using Vosviewer to display and reflect on the bibliometric information of the articles accessible on the Scopus database. Also, as the practice of using blockchain technology in the field of accounting and auditing is still in its infancy, it may be useful to carry out a more thorough analysis of any implications for accounting and auditing regarding aspects of governance, regulation, and cryptocurrency that have not yet been discussed or addressed to any significant extent. The main findings on the relationship between blockchain and accounting show that the application of smart contracts, such as triple-entry accounting, has increased the quality of accounting records as well as reliance on the information available. This results in fewer cyclical assignments, no need for resolution, and real-time accounting, among others. Thereby, to integrate blockchain through a computer system, one must continuously learn and remain naive when using blockchain-integrated accounting software. This includes learning about how cryptocurrencies are accounted for and regulated. In this study, three original and contributed efforts are presented. To offer a transparent view of the state of previous relevant studies and research works in accounting and auditing that focus on blockchain, it begins by using bibliographic visibility analysis and a Scopus narrative analysis. Second, it highlights legislative, governance, and ethical concerns, such as education, where it tackles the use of blockchain in accounting and auditing. Lastly, it examines the impact of blockchain technologies on the accounting recognition of cryptocurrencies. Users of the technology should, therefore, take their time and learn how it works, as well as keep abreast of the different developments. In addition, the accounting industry must integrate blockchain certification and practice, most likely offline or as part of university education for those intending to become auditors or accountants.

Keywords: blockchain, crypto assets, governance, regulation & smart contracts

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3614 Delivery Service and Online-and-Offline Purchasing for Collaborative Recommendations on Retail Cross-Channels

Authors: S. H. Liao, J. M. Huang


The delivery service business model is the final link in logistics for both online-and-offline businesses. The online-and-offline business model focuses on the entire customer purchasing process online and offline, placing greater emphasis on the importance of data to optimize overall retail operations. For the retail industry, it is an important task of information and management to strengthen the collection and investigation of consumers' online and offline purchasing data to better understand customers and then recommend products. This study implements two-stage data mining analytics for clustering and association rules analysis to investigate Taiwanese consumers' (n=2,209) preferences for delivery service. This process clarifies online-and-offline purchasing behaviors and preferences to find knowledge profiles/patterns/rules for cross-channel collaborative recommendations. Finally, theoretical and practical implications for methodology and enterprise are presented.

Keywords: delivery service, online-and-offline purchasing, retail cross-channel, collaborative recommendations, data mining analytics

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3613 AI-Powered Models for Real-Time Fraud Detection in Financial Transactions to Improve Financial Security

Authors: Shanshan Zhu, Mohammad Nasim


Financial fraud continues to be a major threat to financial institutions across the world, causing colossal money losses and undermining public trust. Fraud prevention techniques, based on hard rules, have become ineffective due to evolving patterns of fraud in recent times. Against such a background, the present study probes into distinct methodologies that exploit emergent AI-driven techniques to further strengthen fraud detection. We would like to compare the performance of generative adversarial networks and graph neural networks with other popular techniques, like gradient boosting, random forests, and neural networks. To this end, we would recommend integrating all these state-of-the-art models into one robust, flexible, and smart system for real-time anomaly and fraud detection. To overcome the challenge, we designed synthetic data and then conducted pattern recognition and unsupervised and supervised learning analyses on the transaction data to identify which activities were fishy. With the use of actual financial statistics, we compare the performance of our model in accuracy, speed, and adaptability versus conventional models. The results of this study illustrate a strong signal and need to integrate state-of-the-art, AI-driven fraud detection solutions into frameworks that are highly relevant to the financial domain. It alerts one to the great urgency that banks and related financial institutions must rapidly implement these most advanced technologies to continue to have a high level of security.

Keywords: AI-driven fraud detection, financial security, machine learning, anomaly detection, real-time fraud detection

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3612 Leveraging Deep Q Networks in Portfolio Optimization

Authors: Peng Liu


Deep Q networks (DQNs) represent a significant advancement in reinforcement learning, utilizing neural networks to approximate the optimal Q-value for guiding sequential decision processes. This paper presents a comprehensive introduction to reinforcement learning principles, delves into the mechanics of DQNs, and explores its application in portfolio optimization. By evaluating the performance of DQNs against traditional benchmark portfolios, we demonstrate its potential to enhance investment strategies. Our results underscore the advantages of DQNs in dynamically adjusting asset allocations, offering a robust portfolio management framework.

Keywords: deep reinforcement learning, deep Q networks, portfolio optimization, multi-period optimization

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3611 Developing VR-Based Neurorehabilitation Support Tools: A Step-by-Step Approach for Cognitive Rehabilitation and Pain Distraction during Invasive Techniques in Hospital Settings

Authors: Alba Prats-Bisbe, Jaume López-Carballo, David Leno-Colorado, Alberto García Molina, Alicia Romero Marquez, Elena Hernández Pena, Eloy Opisso Salleras, Raimon Jané Campos


Neurological disorders are a leading cause of disability and premature mortality worldwide. Neurorehabilitation (NRHB) is a clinical process aimed at reducing functional impairment, promoting societal participation, and improving the quality of life for affected individuals. Virtual reality (VR) technology is emerging as a promising NRHB support tool. Its immersive nature fosters a strong sense of agency and embodiment, motivating patients to engage in meaningful tasks and increasing adherence to therapy. However, the clinical benefits of VR interventions are challenging to determine due to the high heterogeneity among health applications. This study explores a stepwise development approach for creating VR-based tools to assist individuals with neurological disorders in medical practice, aiming to enhance reproducibility, facilitate comparison, and promote the generalization of findings. Building on previous research, the step-by-step methodology encompasses: Needs Identification– conducting cross-disciplinary meetings to brainstorm problems, solutions, and address barriers. Intervention Definition– target population, set goals, and conceptualize the VR system (equipment and environments). Material Selection and Placement– choose appropriate hardware and software, place the device within the hospital setting, and test equipment. Co-design– collaboratively create VR environments, user interfaces, and data management strategies. Prototyping– develop VR prototypes, conduct user testing, and make iterative redesigns. Usability and Feasibility Assessment– design protocols and conduct trials with stakeholders in the hospital setting. Efficacy Assessment– conduct clinical trials to evaluate outcomes and long-term effects. Cost-Effectiveness Validation– assess reproducibility, sustainability, and balance between costs and benefits. NRHB is complex due to the multifaceted needs of patients and the interdisciplinary healthcare architecture. VR has the potential to support various applications, such as motor skill training, cognitive tasks, pain management, unilateral spatial neglect (diagnosis and treatment), mirror therapy, and ecologically valid activities of daily living. Following this methodology was crucial for launching a VR-based system in a real hospital environment. Collaboration with neuropsychologists lead to develop A) a VR-based tool for cognitive rehabilitation in patients with acquired brain injury (ABI). The system comprises a head-mounted display (HTC Vive Pro Eye) and 7 tasks targeting attention, memory, and executive functions. A desktop application facilitates session configuration, while database records in-game variables. The VR tool's usability and feasibility were demonstrated in proof-of-concept trials with 20 patients, and effectiveness is being tested through a clinical protocol with 12 patients completing 24-session treatment. Another case involved collaboration with nurses and paediatric physiatrists to create B) a VR-based distraction tool during invasive techniques. The goal is to alleviate pain and anxiety associated with botulinum toxin (BTX) injections, blood tests, or intravenous placements. An all-in-one headset (HTC Vive Focus 3) deploys 360º videos to improve the experience for paediatric patients and their families. This study presents a framework for developing clinically relevant and technologically feasible VR-based support tools for hospital settings. Despite differences in patient type, intervention purpose, and VR system, the methodology demonstrates usability, viability, reproducibility and preliminary clinical benefits. It highlights the importance approach centred on clinician and patient needs for any aspect of NRHB within a real hospital setting.

Keywords: neurological disorders, neurorehabilitation, stepwise development approach, virtual reality

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3610 Stakeholder Voices in Digital Evolution: Challenges Faced by SMEs in Automotive Supply Chain

Authors: Mohammed Sharaf, Alireza Shokri, Adrian Small, Toby Bridges


This paper investigates digital transformation challenges in SMEs within the automotive supply chain. A case study approach and participant observation revealed significant data management and process optimization barriers, corroborated by a conceptual model. Stakeholder feedback, visualized through a pie chart, emphasized data management and process efficiency as primary concerns. Recommended strategies include implementing advanced data systems, process simplification, and enhancing digital skills. Despite the single-case study limitation, the findings offer actionable insights for SMEs to leverage Industry 4.0 technologies effectively. This research contributes to the strategic roadmap necessary for SMEs to achieve competitive digital transformation.

Keywords: automotive supply chain, digital transformation, industry 4.0

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3609 Social Media and Internet Celebrity for Social Commerce Intentional and Behavioral Recommendations

Authors: Shu-Hsien Liao, Yao-Hsuan Yang


Social media is a virtual community and online platform that people use to create, share, and exchange opinions/experiences. Internet celebrities are people who become famous on the Internet, increasing their popularity through their social networking or video websites. Social commerce (s-ecommerce) is the combination of social relations and commercial transaction activities. The combination of social media and Internet celebrities is an emerging model for the development of s-ecommerce. With recent advances in system sciences, recommendation systems are gradually moving to develop intentional and behavioral recommendations. This background leads to the research issues regarding digital and social media in enterprises. Thus, this study implements data mining analytics, including clustering analysis and association rules, to investigate Taiwanese users (n=2,102) to investigate social media and Internet celebrities’ preferences to find knowledge profiles/patterns/rules for s-ecommerce intentional and behavioral recommendations.

Keywords: social media, internet celebrity, social commerce (s-ecommerce), data mining analytics, intentional and behavioral recommendations

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3608 Use of Segmentation and Color Adjustment for Skin Tone Classification in Dermatological Images

Authors: Fernando Duarte


The work aims to evaluate the use of classical image processing methodologies towards skin tone classification in dermatological images. The skin tone is an important attribute when considering several factor for skin cancer diagnosis. Currently, there is a lack of clear methodologies to classify the skin tone based only on the dermatological image. In this work, a recent released dataset with the label for skin tone was used as reference for the evaluation of classical methodologies for segmentation and adjustment of color space for classification of skin tone in dermatological images. It was noticed that even though the classical methodologies can work fine for segmentation and color adjustment, classifying the skin tone without proper control of the aquisition of the sample images ended being very unreliable.

Keywords: segmentation, classification, color space, skin tone, Fitzpatrick

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3607 Enhancing Quality Management Systems through Automated Controls and Neural Networks

Authors: Shara Toibayeva, Irbulat Utepbergenov, Lyazzat Issabekova, Aidana Bodesova


The article discusses the importance of quality assessment as a strategic tool in business and emphasizes the significance of the effectiveness of quality management systems (QMS) for enterprises. The evaluation of these systems takes into account the specificity of quality indicators, the multilevel nature of the system, and the need for optimal selection of the number of indicators and evaluation of the system state, which is critical for making rational management decisions. Methods and models of automated enterprise quality management are proposed, including an intelligent automated quality management system integrated with the Management Information and Control System. These systems make it possible to automate the implementation and support of QMS, increasing the validity, efficiency, and effectiveness of management decisions by automating the functions performed by decision makers and personnel. The paper also emphasizes the use of recurrent neural networks to improve automated quality management. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are used to analyze and process sequences of data, which is particularly useful in the context of document quality assessment and non-conformance detection in quality management systems. These networks are able to account for temporal dependencies and complex relationships between different data elements, which improves the accuracy and efficiency of automated decisions. The project was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the Zhas Galym project No. AR 13268939, dedicated to research and development of digital technologies to ensure consistency of QMS regulatory documents.

Keywords: automated control system, quality management, document structure, formal language

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3606 Cyber Attacks Management in IoT Networks Using Deep Learning and Edge Computing

Authors: Asmaa El Harat, Toumi Hicham, Youssef Baddi


This survey delves into the complex realm of Internet of Things (IoT) security, highlighting the urgent need for effective cybersecurity measures as IoT devices become increasingly common. It explores a wide array of cyber threats targeting IoT devices and focuses on mitigating these attacks through the combined use of deep learning and machine learning algorithms, as well as edge and cloud computing paradigms. The survey starts with an overview of the IoT landscape and the various types of attacks that IoT devices face. It then reviews key machine learning and deep learning algorithms employed in IoT cybersecurity, providing a detailed comparison to assist in selecting the most suitable algorithms. Finally, the survey provides valuable insights for cybersecurity professionals and researchers aiming to enhance security in the intricate world of IoT.

Keywords: internet of things (IoT), cybersecurity, machine learning, deep learning

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3605 Prediction of Disability-Adjustment Mental Illness Using Machine

Authors: R. M. Krishna Sureddi, V. Kamakshi Prasad, R. Santosh


Machine learning techniques are applied for the analysis of the impact of mental illness on the burden of disease. It is calculated using the disability-adjusted life year (DALY). One DALY represents the loss of the equivalent of one year of full health. DALYs for a disease or health condition are the sum of years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLLs) and years of healthy life lost due to disability (YLDs) due to prevalent cases of the disease or health condition in a population. The critical analysis is done based on the Data sources, machine learning techniques and feature extraction method. The reviewing is done based on major databases. The extracted data is examined using statistical analysis and machine learning techniques were applied. The prediction of the impact of mental illness on the population using machine learning techniques is an alternative approach to the old traditional strategies, which are time-consuming and may not be reliable. The approach makes it necessary for a comprehensive adoption, innovative algorithms, and an understanding of the limitations and challenges. The obtained prediction is a way of understanding the underlying impact of mental illness on the health of the people and it enables us to get a healthy life expectancy. The growing impact of mental illness and the challenges associated with the detection and treatment of mental disorders make it necessary for us to understand the complete effect of it on the majority of the population.

Keywords: ML, DALY, BD, DL

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3604 Smart Disassembly of Waste Printed Circuit Boards: The Role of IoT and Edge Computing

Authors: Muhammad Mohsin, Fawad Ahmad, Fatima Batool, Muhammad Kaab Zarrar


The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing devices offers a transformative approach to electronic waste management, particularly in the dismantling of printed circuit boards (PCBs). This paper explores how these technologies optimize operational efficiency and improve environmental sustainability by addressing challenges such as data security, interoperability, scalability, and real-time data processing. Proposed solutions include advanced machine learning algorithms for predictive maintenance, robust encryption protocols, and scalable architectures that incorporate edge computing. Case studies from leading e-waste management facilities illustrate benefits such as improved material recovery efficiency, reduced environmental impact, improved worker safety, and optimized resource utilization. The findings highlight the potential of IoT and edge computing to revolutionize e-waste dismantling and make the case for a collaborative approach between policymakers, waste management professionals, and technology developers. This research provides important insights into the use of IoT and edge computing to make significant progress in the sustainable management of electronic waste

Keywords: internet of Things, edge computing, waste PCB disassembly, electronic waste management, data security, interoperability, machine learning, predictive maintenance, sustainable development

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3603 Integrating AI in Education: Enhancing Learning Processes and Personalization

Authors: Waleed Afandi


Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed various sectors, including education. This paper explores the integration of AI in education, emphasizing its potential to revolutionize learning processes, enhance teaching methodologies, and personalize education. We examine the historical context of AI in education, current applications, and the potential challenges and ethical considerations associated with its implementation. By reviewing a wide range of literature, this study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how AI can be leveraged to improve educational outcomes and the future directions of AI-driven educational innovations. Additionally, the paper discusses the impact of AI on student engagement, teacher support, and administrative efficiency. Case studies highlighting successful AI applications in diverse educational settings are presented, showcasing the practical benefits and real-world implications. The analysis also addresses potential disparities in access to AI technologies and suggests strategies to ensure equitable implementation. Through a balanced examination of the promises and pitfalls of AI in education, this study seeks to inform educators, policymakers, and technologists about the optimal pathways for integrating AI to foster an inclusive, effective, and innovative educational environment.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, education, personalized learning, teaching methodologies, educational outcomes, AI applications, student engagement, teacher support, administrative efficiency, equity in education

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3602 Challenges in Achieving Profitability for MRO Companies in the Aviation Industry: An Analytical Approach

Authors: Nur Sahver Uslu, Ali̇ Hakan Büyüklü


Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) costs are significant in the aviation industry. On the other hand, companies that provide MRO services to the aviation industry but are not dominant in the sector, need to determine the right strategies for sustainable profitability in a competitive environment. This study examined the operational real data of a small medium enterprise (SME) MRO company where analytical methods are not widely applied. The company's customers were divided into two categories: airline companies and non-airline companies, and the variables that best explained profitability were analyzed with Logistic Regression for each category and the results were compared. First, data reduction was applied to the transformed variables that went through the data cleaning and preparation stages, and the variables to be included in the model were decided. The misclassification rates for the logistic regression results concerning both customer categories are similar, indicating consistent model performance across different segments. Less profit margin is obtained from airline customers, which can be explained by the variables part description, time to quotation (TTQ), turnaround time (TAT), manager, part cost, and labour cost. The higher profit margin obtained from non-airline customers is explained only by the variables part description, part cost, and labour cost. Based on the two models, it can be stated that it is significantly more challenging for the MRO company, which is the subject of our study, to achieve profitability from Airline customers. While operational processes and organizational structure also affect the profit from airline customers, only the type of parts and costs determine the profit for non-airlines.

Keywords: aircraft, aircraft components, aviation, data analytics, data science, gini index, maintenance, repair, and overhaul, MRO, logistic regression, profit, variable clustering, variable reduction

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3601 Empirical Analysis of the Global Impact of Cybercrime Laws on Cyber Attacks and Malware Types

Authors: Essang Anwana Onuntuei, Chinyere Blessing Azunwoke


The study focused on probing the effectiveness of online consumer privacy and protection laws, electronic transaction laws, privacy and data protection laws, and cybercrime legislation amid frequent cyber-attacks and malware types worldwide. An empirical analysis was engaged to uncover ties and causations between the stringency and implementation of these legal structures and the prevalence of cyber threats. A deliberate sample of seventy-eight countries (thirteen countries each from six continents) was chosen as sample size to study the challenges linked with trending regulations and possible panoramas for improving cybersecurity through refined legal approaches. Findings establish if the frequency of cyber-attacks and malware types vary significantly. Also, the result proved that various cybercrime laws differ statistically, and electronic transactions law does not statistically impact the frequency of cyber-attacks. The result also statistically revealed that the online Consumer Privacy and Protection law does not influence the total number of cyber-attacks. In addition, the results implied that Privacy and Data Protection laws do not statistically impact the total number of cyber-attacks worldwide. The calculated value also proved that cybercrime law does not statistically impact the total number of cyber-attacks. Finally, the computed value concludes that combined multiple cyber laws do not significantly impact the total number of cyber-attacks worldwide. Suggestions were produced based on findings from the study, contributing to the ongoing debate on the validity of legal approaches in battling cybercrime and shielding consumers in the digital age.

Keywords: cybercrime legislation, cyber attacks, consumer privacy and protection law, detection, electronic transaction law, prevention, privacy and data protection law, prohibition, prosecution

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3600 A Comprehensive Framework for Fraud Prevention and Customer Feedback Classification in E-Commerce

Authors: Samhita Mummadi, Sree Divya Nagalli, Harshini Vemuri, Saketh Charan Nakka, Sumesh K. J.


One of the most significant challenges faced by people in today’s digital era is an alarming increase in fraudulent activities on online platforms. The fascination with online shopping to avoid long queues in shopping malls, the availability of a variety of products, and home delivery of goods have paved the way for a rapid increase in vast online shopping platforms. This has had a major impact on increasing fraudulent activities as well. This loop of online shopping and transactions has paved the way for fraudulent users to commit fraud. For instance, consider a store that orders thousands of products all at once, but what’s fishy about this is the massive number of items purchased and their transactions turning out to be fraud, leading to a huge loss for the seller. Considering scenarios like these underscores the urgent need to introduce machine learning approaches to combat fraud in online shopping. By leveraging robust algorithms, namely KNN, Decision Trees, and Random Forest, which are highly effective in generating accurate results, this research endeavors to discern patterns indicative of fraudulent behavior within transactional data. Introducing a comprehensive solution to this problem in order to empower e-commerce administrators in timely fraud detection and prevention is the primary motive and the main focus. In addition to that, sentiment analysis is harnessed in the model so that the e-commerce admin can tailor to the customer’s and consumer’s concerns, feedback, and comments, allowing the admin to improve the user’s experience. The ultimate objective of this study is to ramp up online shopping platforms against fraud and ensure a safer shopping experience. This paper underscores a model accuracy of 84%. All the findings and observations that were noted during our work lay the groundwork for future advancements in the development of more resilient and adaptive fraud detection systems, which will become crucial as technologies continue to evolve.

Keywords: behavior analysis, feature selection, Fraudulent pattern recognition, imbalanced classification, transactional anomalies

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3599 Unsupervised Learning with Self-Organizing Maps for Named Entity Recognition in the CONLL2003 Dataset

Authors: Assel Jaxylykova, Alexnder Pak


This study utilized a Self-Organizing Map (SOM) for unsupervised learning on the CONLL-2003 dataset for Named Entity Recognition (NER). The process involved encoding words into 300-dimensional vectors using FastText. These vectors were input into a SOM grid, where training adjusted node weights to minimize distances. The SOM provided a topological representation for identifying and clustering named entities, demonstrating its efficacy without labeled examples. Results showed an F1-measure of 0.86, highlighting SOM's viability. Although some methods achieve higher F1 measures, SOM eliminates the need for labeled data, offering a scalable and efficient alternative. The SOM's ability to uncover hidden patterns provides insights that could enhance existing supervised methods. Further investigation into potential limitations and optimization strategies is suggested to maximize benefits.

Keywords: named entity recognition, natural language processing, self-organizing map, CONLL-2003, semantics

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3598 Orbiting Intelligence: A Comprehensive Survey of AI Applications and Advancements in Space Exploration

Authors: Somoshree Datta, Chithra A. V., Sandeep Nithyanandan, Smitha K. K.


Space exploration has always been at the forefront of technological innovation, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and capabilities. In recent years, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the field, offering unprecedented opportunities to enhance the efficiency, autonomy and intelligence of space missions. This survey paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the multifaceted applications of AI in space exploration, exploring the evolution of this synergy and its impact on mission success, scientific discovery, and the future of space endeavors. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has achieved great feats in the recent moon mission (Chandrayaan-3) and sun mission (Aditya L1) by using artificial intelligence to enhance moon navigation as well as help young scientists to study the Sun even before the launch by creating AI-generated image visualizations. Throughout this survey, we will review key advancements, challenges and prospects in the intersection of AI and space exploration. As humanity continues its quest to explore the cosmos, the integration of AI promises to unlock new frontiers, reshape mission architectures, and redefine our understanding of the universe. This survey aims to serve as a comprehensive resource for researchers, engineers and enthusiasts interested in the dynamic and evolving landscape of AI applications in space exploration.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, space exploration, space missions, deep learning

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3597 Healthcare-SignNet: Advanced Video Classification for Medical Sign Language Recognition Using CNN and RNN Models

Authors: Chithra A. V., Somoshree Datta, Sandeep Nithyanandan


Sign Language Recognition (SLR) is the process of interpreting and translating sign language into spoken or written language using technological systems. It involves recognizing hand gestures, facial expressions, and body movements that makeup sign language communication. The primary goal of SLR is to facilitate communication between hearing- and speech-impaired communities and those who do not understand sign language. Due to the increased awareness and greater recognition of the rights and needs of the hearing- and speech-impaired community, sign language recognition has gained significant importance over the past 10 years. Technological advancements in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have made it more practical and feasible to create accurate SLR systems. This paper presents a distinct approach to SLR by framing it as a video classification problem using Deep Learning (DL), whereby a combination of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) has been used. This research targets the integration of sign language recognition into healthcare settings, aiming to improve communication between medical professionals and patients with hearing impairments. The spatial features from each video frame are extracted using a CNN, which captures essential elements such as hand shapes, movements, and facial expressions. These features are then fed into an RNN network that learns the temporal dependencies and patterns inherent in sign language sequences. The INCLUDE dataset has been enhanced with more videos from the healthcare domain and the model is evaluated on the same. Our model achieves 91% accuracy, representing state-of-the-art performance in this domain. The results highlight the effectiveness of treating SLR as a video classification task with the CNN-RNN architecture. This approach not only improves recognition accuracy but also offers a scalable solution for real-time SLR applications, significantly advancing the field of accessible communication technologies.

Keywords: sign language recognition, deep learning, convolution neural network, recurrent neural network

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3596 Quality is the Matter of All

Authors: Mohamed Hamza, Alex Ohoussou


At JAWDA, our primary focus is on ensuring the satisfaction of our clients worldwide. We are committed to delivering new features on our SaaS platform as quickly as possible while maintaining high-quality standards. In this paper, we highlight two key aspects of testing that represent an evolution of current methods and a potential trend for the future, which have enabled us to uphold our commitment effectively. These aspects are: "One Sandbox per Pull Request" (dynamic test environments instead of static ones) and "QA for All.".

Keywords: QA for all, dynamic sandboxes, QAOPS, CICD, continuous testing, all testers, QA matters for all, 1 sandbox per PR, utilization rate, coverage rate

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3595 The Role of Leadership in Enhancing Health Information Systems to Improve Patient Outcomes in China

Authors: Nisar Ahmad, Xuyi, Ali Akbar


As healthcare systems worldwide strive for improvement, the integration of advanced health information systems (HIS) has emerged as a pivotal strategy. This study aims to investigate the critical role of leadership in the implementation and enhancement of HIS in Chinese hospitals and how such leadership can drive improvements in patient outcomes and overall healthcare satisfaction. We propose a comprehensive study to be conducted across various hospitals in China, targeting healthcare professionals as the primary population. The research will leverage established theories of transformational leadership and technology acceptance to underpin the analysis. In our approach, data will be meticulously gathered through surveys and interviews, focusing on the experiences and perceptions of healthcare professionals regarding HIS implementation and its impact on patient care. The study will utilize SPSS and SmartPLS software for robust data analysis, ensuring precise and comprehensive insights into the correlation between leadership effectiveness and HIS success. We hypothesize that strong, visionary leadership is essential for the successful adoption and optimization of HIS, leading to enhanced patient outcomes and increased satisfaction with healthcare services. By applying advanced statistical methods, we aim to identify key leadership traits and practices that significantly contribute to these improvements. Our research will provide actionable insights for policymakers and healthcare administrators in China, offering evidence-based recommendations to foster leadership that champions HIS and drives continuous improvement in healthcare delivery. This study will contribute to the global discourse on health information systems, emphasizing the future role of leadership in transforming healthcare environments and outcomes.

Keywords: health information systems, leadership, patient outcomes, healthcare satisfaction

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3594 Methods to Measure the Quality of 2D Image Compression Techniques

Authors: Mohammed H. Rasheed, Hussein Nadhem Fadhel, Mohammed M. Siddeq


In this paper we suggested image quality measuring metrics tools that can provide an accurate and close to the perceived quality sense of the tested images. Such tools give metrics that can be used to compare the performance of image compression algorithms. In this paper, two new metrics to measure the quality of decompressed images are proposed. The metric measurement based on combined data (CD) between an originals and decompressed images. Compared with other e.g., PSNR and RMSE, the proposed metrics gives values with the closest reflection of image quality perception by the human eye.

Keywords: RMSE, PSNR, image quality metrics, image compression

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3593 Bring Your Own Device Security Model in a Financial Institution of South Africa

Authors: Michael Nthabiseng Moeti, Makhulu Relebogile Langa, Joey Jansen van Vuuren


This paper examines the utilization of personal electronic devices like laptops, tablets, and smartphones for professional duties within a financial organization. This phenomenon is known as bring your own device (BYOD). BYOD accords employees the freedom to use their personal devices to access corporate resources from anywhere in the world with Internet access. BYOD arrangements introduce significant security risks for both organizations and users. These setups change the threat landscape for enterprises and demand unique security strategies, as conventional tools tailored for safeguarding managed devices fall short in adequately protecting enterprise assets without active user cooperation. This paper applies protection motivation theory (PMT) to highlight behavioral risks from BYOD users that may impact the security of financial institutions. Thematic analysis was applied to gain a comprehensive understanding of how users perceive this phenomenon. These findings demonstrates that the existence of a security policy does not ensure that all employees will take measures to protect their personal devices. Active promotion of BYOD security policies is crucial for financial institution employees and management. This paper developed a BYOD security model which is useful for understanding compliant behaviors. Given that BYOD security is becoming a major concern across financial sector, it is important. The paper recommends that future research could expand the number of universities from which data is collected.

Keywords: BYOD, information security, protection motivation theory, security risks, thematic analysis

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3592 AI as a Tool Hindering Digital Education

Authors: Justyna Żywiołek, Marek Matulewski


The article presents the results of a survey conducted among students from various European countries. The aim of the study was to understand how artificial intelligence (AI) affects educational processes in a digital environment. The survey covered a wide range of topics, including students' understanding and use of AI, its impact on motivation and engagement, interaction and support issues, accessibility and equity, and data security and privacy concerns. Most respondents admitted having difficulties comprehending the advanced functions of AI in educational tools. Many students believe that excessive use of AI in education can decrease their motivation for self-study and active participation in classes. Additionally, students reported that interaction with AI-based tools is often less satisfying compared to direct contact with teachers. Furthermore, the survey highlighted inequalities in access to advanced AI tools, which can widen the educational gap between students from different economic backgrounds. Students also expressed concerns about the security and privacy of their personal data collected and processed by AI systems. The findings suggest that while AI has the potential to support digital education, significant challenges need to be addressed to make these tools more effective and acceptable for students. Recommendations include increasing training for students and teachers on using AI, providing more interactive and engaging forms of education, and implementing stricter regulations on data protection.

Keywords: AI, digital education, education tools, motivation and engagement

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3591 Design and Development of Bar Graph Data Visualization in 2D and 3D Space Using Front-End Technologies

Authors: Sourabh Yaduvanshi, Varsha Namdeo, Namrata Yaduvanshi


This study delves into the design and development intricacies of crafting detailed 2D bar charts via d3.js, recognizing its limitations in generating 3D visuals within the Document Object Model (DOM). The study combines three.js with d3.js, facilitating a smooth evolution from 2D to immersive 3D representations. This fusion epitomizes the synergy between front-end technologies, expanding horizons in data visualization. Beyond technical expertise, it symbolizes a creative convergence, pushing boundaries in visual representation. The abstract illuminates methodologies, unraveling the intricate integration of this fusion and guiding enthusiasts. It narrates a compelling story of transcending 2D constraints, propelling data visualization into captivating three-dimensional realms, and igniting creativity in front-end visualization endeavors.

Keywords: design, development, front-end technologies, visualization

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3590 Understanding Non-Utilization of AI Tools for Research and Academic Writing among Academic Staff in Nigerian Universities: A Paradigm Shift

Authors: Abubakar Abdulkareem, Nasir Haruna Soba


This study investigates the non-utilization of AI tools for research and academic writing among academic staff in Nigerian universities using the perceived attribute of innovation theory by Rogers as a theoretical framework to guide the investigation. This study was framed in an interpretative research paradigm. A qualitative methodology and case study research design was adopted. Interviews were conducted with 20 academic staff. The study used a thematic analysis process to identify 115 narratives. The narratives are organized into five major categories and further collapsed into five theoretical constructs explaining the non-use of AI tools for research and academic writing. Findings from this study revealed some of the reasons for the non-utilization of AI tools for research and academic writing as lack of Awareness, perceived Complexity, trust and Reliability Concerns, cost and accessibility, ethical and Privacy concerns and, cultural and institutional factors, etc.

Keywords: non-utilization, AI tools, research and academic writing, academic staff

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3589 Adaptive Energy-Aware Routing (AEAR) for Optimized Performance in Resource-Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks

Authors: Innocent Uzougbo Onwuegbuzie


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are crucial for numerous applications, yet they face significant challenges due to resource constraints such as limited power and memory. Traditional routing algorithms like Dijkstra, Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), and Bellman-Ford, while effective in path establishment and discovery, are not optimized for the unique demands of WSNs due to their large memory footprint and power consumption. This paper introduces the Adaptive Energy-Aware Routing (AEAR) model, a solution designed to address these limitations. AEAR integrates reactive route discovery, localized decision-making using geographic information, energy-aware metrics, and dynamic adaptation to provide a robust and efficient routing strategy. We present a detailed comparative analysis using a dataset of 50 sensor nodes, evaluating power consumption, memory footprint, and path cost across AEAR, Dijkstra, AODV, and Bellman-Ford algorithms. Our results demonstrate that AEAR significantly reduces power consumption and memory usage while optimizing path weight. This improvement is achieved through adaptive mechanisms that balance energy efficiency and link quality, ensuring prolonged network lifespan and reliable communication. The AEAR model's superior performance underlines its potential as a viable routing solution for energy-constrained WSN environments, paving the way for more sustainable and resilient sensor network deployments.

Keywords: wireless sensor networks (WSNs), adaptive energy-aware routing (AEAR), routing algorithms, energy, efficiency, network lifespan

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3588 Enhancing Healthcare Delivery in Low-Income Markets: An Exploration of Wireless Sensor Network Applications

Authors: Innocent Uzougbo Onwuegbuzie


Healthcare delivery in low-income markets is fraught with numerous challenges, including limited access to essential medical resources, inadequate healthcare infrastructure, and a significant shortage of trained healthcare professionals. These constraints lead to suboptimal health outcomes and a higher incidence of preventable diseases. This paper explores the application of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) as a transformative solution to enhance healthcare delivery in these underserved regions. WSNs, comprising spatially distributed sensor nodes that collect and transmit health-related data, present opportunities to address critical healthcare needs. Leveraging WSN technology facilitates real-time health monitoring and remote diagnostics, enabling continuous patient observation and early detection of medical issues, especially in areas with limited healthcare facilities and professionals. The implementation of WSNs can enhance the overall efficiency of healthcare systems by enabling timely interventions, reducing the strain on healthcare facilities, and optimizing resource allocation. This paper highlights the potential benefits of WSNs in low-income markets, such as cost-effectiveness, increased accessibility, and data-driven decision-making. However, deploying WSNs involves significant challenges, including technical barriers like limited internet connectivity and power supply, alongside concerns about data privacy and security. Moreover, robust infrastructure and adequate training for local healthcare providers are essential for successful implementation. It further examines future directions for WSNs, emphasizing innovation, scalable solutions, and public-private partnerships. By addressing these challenges and harnessing the potential of WSNs, it is possible to revolutionize healthcare delivery and improve health outcomes in low-income markets.

Keywords: wireless sensor networks (WSNs), healthcare delivery, low-Income markets, remote patient monitoring, health data security

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