Search results for: perception of graduate students
6219 Nursing Professionals’ Perception of the Work Environment, Safety Climate and Job Satisfaction in the Brazilian Hospitals during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: Ana Claudia de Souza Costa, Beatriz de Cássia Pinheiro Goulart, Karine de Cássia Cavalari, Henrique Ceretta Oliveira, Edineis de Brito Guirardello
Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, nursing represents the largest category of health professionals who were on the front line. Thus, investigating the practice environment and the job satisfaction of nursing professionals during the pandemic becomes fundamental since it reflects on the quality of care and the safety climate. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the nursing professionals' perception of the work environment, job satisfaction, and safety climate of the different hospitals and work shifts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: This is a cross-sectional survey with 130 nursing professionals from public, private and mixed hospitals in Brazil. For data collection, was used an electronic form containing the personal and occupational variables, work environment, job satisfaction, and safety climate. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis tests according to the data distribution. The distribution was evaluated by means of the Shapiro-Wilk test. The analysis was done in the SPSS 23 software, and it was considered a significance level of 5%. Results: The mean age of the participants was 35 years (±9.8), with a mean time of 6.4 years (±6.7) of working experience in the institution. Overall, the nursing professionals evaluated the work environment as favorable; they were dissatisfied with their job in terms of pay, promotion, benefits, contingent rewards, operating procedures and satisfied with coworkers, nature of work, supervision, and communication, and had a negative perception of the safety climate. When comparing the hospitals, it was found that they did not differ in their perception of the work environment and safety climate. However, they differed with regard to job satisfaction, demonstrating that nursing professionals from public hospitals were more dissatisfied with their work with regard to promotion when compared to professionals from private (p=0.02) and mixed hospitals (p< 0.01) and nursing professionals from mixed hospitals were more satisfied than those from private hospitals (p= 0.04) with regard to supervision. Participants working in night shifts had the worst perception of the work environment related to nurse participation in hospital affairs (p= 0.02), nursing foundations for quality care (p= 0.01), nurse manager ability, leadership and support (p= 0.02), safety climate (p< 0.01), job satisfaction related to contingent rewards (p= 0.04), nature of work (p= 0.03) and supervision (p< 0.01). Conclusion: The nursing professionals had a favorable perception of the environment and safety climate but differed among hospitals regarding job satisfaction for the promotion and supervision domains. There was also a difference between the participants regarding the work shifts, being the night shifts, those with the lowest scores, except for satisfaction with operational conditions.Keywords: health facility environment, job satisfaction, patient safety, nursing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1586218 The Conceptualization of the Term “Feeling Stressed” Among Polyvalent Nursing Students at ISPITS of Rabat-Morocco
Authors: Ktiri Fouad
Objectives: The present study examined how the polyvalent nursing students of the Higher Institute of Nursing Professions and Health Techniques (ISPITS-Rabat-Morocco) conceived the term "feeling stressed.” We checked whether they were referring to a specific type of sensation (emotional, mental, physical) or both or all of them when they said they were stressed at the time they felt it. Materials and methods: A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted among students of the three years of polyvalent nursing courses. Using a 7-Likert scale, the students were asked to assess their states of stress and the emotional, mental and physical sensations they were experiencing before and after carrying out a mental arithmetic task. An ordinal logistic regression method was used to investigate the association between the states of stress and the 3 types of sensations. Results: 222 polyvalent nursing students out of 307 were included in the experience. Their increased perceived states of stress after carrying out the mental task were found to be significantly associated with emotional distress and mental fatigue and not with physical tiredness. The mental sensation (mental fatigue) was found to have more effects in predicting the likelihood of feeling stressed. In addition, the lower the intensity of emotional or mental sensation, the more likely the students were to experience stress, given that one of both sensations is held constant, whatever the intensity of the physical sensation. We conclude that the polyvalent nursing students refer to mental fatigue and emotional distress and not to physical tiredness when they say they felt stressed, the mental fatigue having more effects. The implications of the study are discussed.Keywords: feeling stressed”, emotional sensation, mental sensation, physical sensation
Procedia PDF Downloads 836217 Assessment on Communication Students’ Internship Performances from the Employers’ Perspective
Authors: Yesuselvi Manickam, Tan Soon Chin
Internship is a supervised and structured learning experience related to one’s field of study or career goal. Internship allows students to obtain work experience and the opportunity to apply skills learned during university. Internship is a valuable learning experience for students; however, literature on employer assessment is scarce on Malaysian student’s internship experience. This study focuses on employer’s perspective on student’s performances during their three months of internship. The results are based on the descriptive analysis of 45 sets of question gathered from the on-site supervisors of the interns. The survey of 45 on-site supervisor’s feedback was collected through postal mail. It was found that, interns have not met their on-site supervisor’s expectations in many areas. The significance of this study is employer’s assessment on the internship shall be used as feedback to improve on ways how to prepare students for their internship and employments in future.Keywords: employers perspective, internship, structured learning, student’s performances
Procedia PDF Downloads 2956216 Teaching Method for a Classroom of Students at Different Language Proficiency Levels: Content and Language Integrated Learning in a Japanese Culture Classroom
Authors: Yukiko Fujiwara
As a language learning methodology, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has become increasingly prevalent in Japan. Most CLIL classroom practice and its research are conducted in EFL fields. However, much less research has been done in the Japanese language learning setting. Therefore, there are still many issues to work out using CLIL in the Japanese language teaching (JLT) setting. it is expected that more research will be conducted on both authentically and academically. Under such circumstances, this is one of the few classroom-based CLIL researches experiments in JLT and aims to find an effective course design for a class with students at different proficiency levels. The class was called ‘Japanese culture A’. This class was offered as one of the elective classes for International exchange students at a Japanese university. The Japanese proficiency level of the class was above the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level N3. Since the CLIL approach places importance on ‘authenticity’, the class was designed with materials and activities; such as books, magazines, a film and TV show and a field trip to Kyoto. On the field trip, students experienced making traditional Japanese desserts, by receiving guidance directly from a Japanese artisan. Through the course, designated task sheets were used so the teacher could get feedback from each student to grasp what the class proficiency gap was. After reading an article on Japanese culture, students were asked to write down the words they did not understand and what they thought they needed to learn. It helped both students and teachers to set learning goals and work together for it. Using questionnaires and interviews with students, this research examined whether the attempt was effective or not. Essays they wrote in class were also analyzed. The results from the students were positive. They were motivated by learning authentic, natural Japanese, and they thrived setting their own personal goals. Some students were motivated to learn Japanese by studying the language and others were motivated by studying the cultural context. Most of them said they learned better this way; by setting their own Japanese language and culture goals. These results will provide teachers with new insight towards designing class materials and activities that support students in a multilevel CLIL class.Keywords: authenticity, CLIL, Japanese language and culture, multilevel class
Procedia PDF Downloads 2536215 Correlation Between Political Awareness and Political Participation for University Students: An Applied Study
Authors: Rana Mohamed Abd El Aal
This is an exploratory study that aims to answer the question of whether and to what extent the prevailing political culture with a special focus to the factor of political awareness for Egyptian university students is influential in shaping their participatory behavior; more precisely in four main Universities ;(Cairo University- BaniSwif University- BUE University- Suez Canal University). To ensure the validity of my results, I deployed a number of different data collection methods: the collection, analysis, integration of both quantitative and qualitative methods; for investigating two main hypothesis H1: There is a positive relation between the political awareness level and political participation for university students, H2: There is a positive relation between political values in the society and the level of political participation of university students. The study reveals that though the sample represented the portion of political science students in different Universities, the level of political awareness and political participation was low with a statistically significant relationship; also, the patterns of values in Egyptian culture affects significantly the level of participation in the different universities. Therefore; the study using SWOT analysis recommends some policies for increasing the level of awareness and integrating youth in the political process.Keywords: political awareness, political participation, civic culture, citizenship, egyptian universities, political knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 2436214 Understanding Evolutionary Algorithms through Interactive Graphical Applications
Authors: Javier Barrachina, Piedad Garrido, Manuel Fogue, Julio A. Sanguesa, Francisco J. Martinez
It is very common to observe, especially in Computer Science studies that students have difficulties to correctly understand how some mechanisms based on Artificial Intelligence work. In addition, the scope and limitations of most of these mechanisms are usually presented by professors only in a theoretical way, which does not help students to understand them adequately. In this work, we focus on the problems found when teaching Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs), which imitate the principles of natural evolution, as a method to solve parameter optimization problems. Although this kind of algorithms can be very powerful to solve relatively complex problems, students often have difficulties to understand how they work, and how to apply them to solve problems in real cases. In this paper, we present two interactive graphical applications which have been specially designed with the aim of making Evolutionary Algorithms easy to be understood by students. Specifically, we present: (i) TSPS, an application able to solve the ”Traveling Salesman Problem”, and (ii) FotEvol, an application able to reconstruct a given image by using Evolution Strategies. The main objective is that students learn how these techniques can be implemented, and the great possibilities they offer.Keywords: education, evolutionary algorithms, evolution strategies, interactive learning applications
Procedia PDF Downloads 3386213 Moral Reasoning among Croatian Adolescents with Different Levels of Education
Authors: Nataša Šimić, Ljiljana Gregov, Matilda Nikolić, Andrea Tokić, Ana Proroković
Moral development takes place in six phases which can be divided in a pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional level. Moral reasoning, as a key concept of moral development theories, involves a process of discernment/inference in doubtful situations. In research to date, education has proved to be a significant predictor of moral reasoning. The aim of this study was to investigate differences in moral reasoning and Kohlberg's phases of moral development between Croatian adolescents with different levels of education. In Study 1 comparisons between the group of secondary school students aged 17-18 (N=192) and the group of university students aged 21-25 (N=383) were made. Study 2 included comparison between university students group (N=69) and non-students group (N=43) aged from 21 to 24 (these two groups did not differ in age). In both studies, the Croatian Test of Moral Reasoning by Proroković was applied. As a measure of moral reasoning, the Index of Moral Reasoning (IMR) was calculated. This measure has some advantages compared to other measures of moral reasoning, and includes individual assessments of deviations from the ‘optimal profile’. Results of the Study 1 did not show differences in the IMR between secondary school students and university students. Both groups gave higher assessments to the arguments that correspond to higher phases of moral development. However, group differences were found for pre-conventional and conventional phases. As expected, secondary school students gave significantly higher assessments to the arguments that correspond to lower phases of moral development. Results of the Study 2 showed that university students, in relation to non-students, have higher IMR. Respecting to phases of moral development, both groups of participants gave higher assessments to the arguments that correspond to the post-conventional phase. Consistent with expectations and previous findings, results of both studies did not confirm gender differences in moral reasoning.Keywords: education, index of moral reasoning, Kohlberg's theory of moral development, moral reasoning
Procedia PDF Downloads 2526212 The Influence of Students’ Learning Factor and Parents’ Involvement in Their Learning and Suspension: The Application of Big Data Analysis of Internet of Things Technology
Authors: Chih Ming Kung
This study is an empirical study examining the enrollment rate and dropout rate of students from the perspectives of students’ learning, parents’ involvement and the learning process. Methods: Using the data collected from the entry website of Internet of Things (IoT), parents’ participation and the installation pattern of exit poll website, an investigation was conducted. Results: This study discovered that in the aspect of the degree of involvement, the attractiveness of courses, self-performance and departmental loyalty exerts significant influences on the four aspects: psychological benefits, physical benefits, social benefits and educational benefits of learning benefits. Parents’ participation also exerts a significant influence on the learning benefits. A suitable tool on the cloud was designed to collect the dynamic big data of students’ learning process. Conclusion: This research’s results can be valuable references for the government when making and promoting related policies, with more macro view and consideration. It is also expected to be contributory to schools for the practical study of promotion for enrollment.Keywords: students’ learning factor, parents’ involvement, involvement, technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 1476211 Fostering Students' Engagement with Historical Issues Surrounding the Field of Graphic Design
Authors: Sara Corvino
The aim of this study is to explore the potential of inclusive learning and assessment strategies to foster students' engagement with historical debates surrounding the field of graphic design. The goal is to respond to the diversity of L4 Graphic Design students, at Nottingham Trent University, in a way that instead of 'lowering standards' can benefit everyone. This research tests, measures, and evaluates the impact of a specific intervention, an assessment task, to develop students' critical visual analysis skills and stimulate a deeper engagement with the subject matter. Within the action research approach, this work has followed a case study research method to understand students' views and perceptions of a specific project. The primary methods of data collection have been: anonymous electronic questionnaire and a paper-based anonymous critical incident questionnaire. NTU College of Business Law and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee granted the Ethical approval for this research in November 2019. Other methods used to evaluate the impact of this assessment task have been Evasys's report and students' performance. In line with the constructivist paradigm, this study embraces an interpretative and contextualized analysis of the collected data within the triangulation analytical framework. The evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative data demonstrates that active learning strategies and the disruption of thinking patterns can foster greater students' engagement and can lead to meaningful learning.Keywords: active learning, assessment for learning, graphic design, higher education, student engagement
Procedia PDF Downloads 1816210 The Negative Relational Outcomes Bullying Has On Youth with Disabilities
Authors: Kaycee Bills
Studies have demonstrated that middle and high school students with disabilities are more likely to experience bullying than other student groups. The high rates of bullying victimization observed among youth with disabilities can result in severe socio-emotional consequences. These socio-emotional consequences often manifest in detrimental impacts on the students’ personal relationships. Past studies have indicated that participating in extracurricular athletic activities can have several socio-emotional benefits for students with disabilities. Given the findings of past studies demonstrating the positive relationship between mental health and participation in sports among students with disabilities, it is possible that participating in athletics could have a moderating relationship on the severity of the impact that bullying has on a student’s relationships with family and friends. Using the National Crime Victimization Survey/School Crime Supplement (NCVS/SCS), this study employs an ordinal logistic regression to determine if participation in extracurricular athletic activities mitigates the damaging impact bullying has on the personal relationships with friends and family among students who have disabilities. This study identified statistically significant results suggesting that students with disabilities who participate in athletics reported reduced levels of negative personal relationships resulting from bullying compared to their peers who did not participate in athletics.Keywords: disability, inclusion, bullying, relationships
Procedia PDF Downloads 1726209 Fu Hao From the East: Between Chinese Traditions and Western Pop Cultures
Having been studied and worked in North America and Europe, we, two Chinese art educators, have been enormously influenced by eastern and western cultures. Thus, we aim to enhance students’ learning experiences by exploring and amalgamating both cultures for art creating. This text draws on our action research study of students’ visual literacy practices in a foundation sketching course in a major Chinese university, exploring art forms by cross-utilizing various cultural aspects. Instead of relying on the predominant western observational drawing skills in our classroom, we taught students about ancient Chinese art in the provincial museum, using Fu Hao owl-shaped vessel, a Shang Dynasty national treasure, as the final sketch project of this course. We took up multimodal literacy, which emphasized students’ critical use of creativity to exploit the semiotic potentials of communicative modes to address diverse cultural issues through their multimodal design. We used the Hong Kong-based artist Tik Ka’s artworks to demonstrate the cultural amalgamation of Chinese traditions and western pop cultures. Collectively, these approaches create a dialogical space for students to experience, analyze, and negotiate with complex modes and potentially transform their understanding of both cultures by redesigning Fu Hao.Keywords: Chinese traditions, western pop cultures, Fu Hao, arts education, design sketch
Procedia PDF Downloads 1226208 Assessment of Tourist and Community Perception with Regard to Tourism Sustainability Indicators: A Case Study of Sinharaja World Heritage Rainforest, Sri Lanka
Authors: L. P. K. Liyanage, N. R. P. Withana, A. L. Sandika
The purpose of this study was to determine tourist and community perception-based sustainable tourism indicators as well as Human Pressure Index (HPI) and Tourist Activity Index (TAI). Study was carried out in Sinharaja forest which is considered as one of the major eco-tourism destination in Sri Lanka. Data were gathered using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire as well as records from Forest department. Convenient sampling technique was applied. For the majority of issues, the responses were obtained on multi-point Likert-type scales. Visual portrayal was used for display analyzed data. The study revealed that the host community of the Kudawa gets many benefits from tourism. Also, tourism has caused negative impacts upon the environment and community. The study further revealed the need of proper waste management and involvement of local cultural events for the tourism business in the Kudawa conservation center. The TAI, which accounted to be 1.27 and monthly evolution of HPI revealed that congestion can be occurred in the Sinharaja rainforest during peak season. The results provide useful information to any party involved with tourism planning anywhere, since such attempts would be more effective once the people’s perceptions on these aspects are taken into account.Keywords: Kudawa Conservation Center, Sinharaja World Heritage Rainforest, sustainability indicators, community perception
Procedia PDF Downloads 1536207 AI-Assisted Business Chinese Writing: Comparing the Textual Performances Between Independent Writing and Collaborative Writing
Authors: Stephanie Liu Lu
With the proliferation of artificial intelligence tools in the field of education, it is crucial to explore their impact on language learning outcomes. This paper examines the use of AI tools, such as ChatGPT, in practical writing within business Chinese teaching to investigate how AI can enhance practical writing skills and teaching effectiveness. The study involved third and fourth-year university students majoring in accounting and finance from a university in Hong Kong within the context of a business correspondence writing class. Students were randomly assigned to a control group, who completed business letter writing independently, and an experimental group, who completed the writing with the assistance of AI. In the latter, the AI-assisted business letters were initially drafted by the students issuing commands and interacting with the AI tool, followed by the students' revisions of the draft. The paper assesses the performance of both groups in terms of grammatical expression, communicative effect, and situational awareness. Additionally, the study collected dialogue texts from interactions between students and the AI tool to explore factors that affect text generation and the potential impact of AI on enhancing students' communicative and identity awareness. By collecting and comparing textual performances, it was found that students assisted by AI showed better situational awareness, as well as more skilled organization and grammar. However, the research also revealed that AI-generated articles frequently lacked a proper balance of identity and writing purpose due to limitations in students' communicative awareness and expression during the instruction and interaction process. Furthermore, the revision of drafts also tested the students' linguistic foundation, logical thinking abilities, and practical workplace experience. Therefore, integrating AI tools and related teaching into the curriculum is key to the future of business Chinese teaching.Keywords: AI-assistance, business Chinese, textual analysis, language education
Procedia PDF Downloads 586206 'Coping with Workplace Violence' Workshop: A Commendable Addition to the Curriculum for BA in Nursing
Authors: Ilana Margalith, Adaya Meirowitz, Sigalit Cohavi
Violence against health professionals by patients and their families have recently become a disturbing phenomenon worldwide, exacting psychological as well as economic tolls. Health workplaces in Israel (e.g. hospitals and H.M.O clinics) provide workshops for their employees, supplying them with coping strategies. However, these workshops do not focus on nursing students, who are also subjected to this violence. Their learning environment is no longer as protective as it used to be. Furthermore, coping with violence was not part of the curriculum for Israeli nursing students. Thus, based on human aggression theories which depict the pivotal role of the professional's correct response in preventing the onset of an aggressive response or the escalation of violence, a workshop was developed for undergraduate nursing students at the Clalit Nursing Academy, Rabin Campus (Dina), Israel. The workshop aimed at reducing students' anxiety vis a vis the aggressive patient or family in addition to strengthening their ability to cope with such situations. The students practiced interpersonal skills, especially relevant to early detection of potential violence, as well as ‘a correct response’ reaction to the violence, thus developing the necessary steps to be implemented when encountering violence in the workplace. In order to assess the efficiency of the workshop, the participants filled out a questionnaire comprising knowledge and self-efficacy scales. Moreover, the replies of the 23 participants in this workshop were compared with those of 24 students who attended a standard course on interpersonal communication. Students' self-efficacy and knowledge were measured in both groups before and after the course. A statistically significant interaction was found between group (workshop/standard course) and time (before/after) as to the influence on students' self-efficacy (p=0.004) and knowledge (p=0.007). Nursing students, who participated in this ‘coping with workplace violence’ workshop, gained knowledge, confidence and a sense of self-efficacy with regard to workplace violence. Early detection of signs of imminent violence amongst patients or families and the prevention of its escalation, as well as the ability to manage the threatening situation when occurring, are acquired skills. Encouraging nursing students to learn and practice these skills may enhance their ability to cope with these unfortunate occurrences.Keywords: early detection of violence, nursing students, patient aggression, self-efficacy, workplace violence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1386205 4P-Model of Information Terrorism
Authors: Nataliya Venelinova
The paper proposes a new interdisciplinary model of reconsidering the role of mass communication effects by coverage of terrorism. The idea of 4P model is based on the synergy, created by the information strategy of threat, predominantly used by terrorist groups, the effects of mediating the symbolic action of the terrorist attacks or the taking of responsibility of any attacks, and the reshaped public perception for security after the attacks being mass communicated. The paper defines the mass communication cycle of terrorism, which leads not only to re-agenda setting of the societies, but also spirally amplifying the effect of propagating fears by over-informing on terrorism attacks. This finally results in the outlining of the so called 4P-model of information terrorism: mass propaganda, panic, paranoia and pandemic.Keywords: information terrorism, mass communication cycle, public perception, security
Procedia PDF Downloads 1746204 Relative Influence of Self-Regulation, Emotional Intelligence, Self-Efficacy, and Goal Orientation on School Engagement among Public Secondary School Students in Ibadan, Nigeria
Authors: Ogunremi Beatrice, Oluwole David Adebayo
Public secondary school students are face with some challenges from the parents, government and teachers in school. Some of the challenges that arises from the parents are lack of attention and adequate communication. From the government are unavailability of useful instructional materials, competent and professionally trained teachers for each subject the students do in school. The challenges that arise from the teachers most often are mismanagement of time, inability to understand the capacity of the student and lack class management and follow up. This study investigated self-regulation, emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and goal orientation as predictors of school engagement among public secondary school students in Ibadan. A structured questionnaire was administered on 258 students from six mixed secondary schools in Ibadan. Pearson Product Moment Correlation method was used for data analysis. Four hypothesis were raised and answered, the results showed there is positive and significant relationships between school engagement among public secondary school students and each of the independent variable: Self-regulation, Emotional intelligence, Self-efficacy, Goal orientation. On the basis of these findings, it was recommended that the parents have to encourage their children on how to be goal oriented ,build their self-efficacy skill, to be self-regulated and emotionally intelligent in order to be effective in school and be able to increase their intellectual ability.Keywords: emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, goal orientation, school engagement, self-regulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4876203 Student-Created Videos to Foster Active Learning in Heat Transfer Course
Authors: W.Appamana, S. Jantasee, P. Siwarasak, T. Mueansichai, C. Kaewbuddee
Heat transfer is important in chemical engineering field. We have to know how to predict rates of heat transfer in a variety of process situations. Therefore, heat transfer learning is one of the greatest challenges for undergraduate students in chemical engineering. To enhance student learning in classroom, active-learning method was proposed in a single classroom, using problems based on videos and creating video, think-pair-share and jigsaw technique. The result shows that active learning method can prevent copying of the solutions manual for students and improve average examination scores about 5% when comparing with students in traditional section. Overall, this project represents an effective type of class that motivates student-centric learning while enhancing self-motivation, creative thinking and critical analysis among students.Keywords: active learning, student-created video, self-motivation, creative thinking
Procedia PDF Downloads 2356202 Learning on the Go: Practicing Vocabulary with Mobile Apps
Authors: Shoba Bandi-Rao
The lack of college readiness is one of the major contributors to low graduation rates at community colleges, especially among educationally and financially disadvantaged students. About 45% of underprepared high school graduates are required to complete ‘remedial’ reading/writing courses before they can begin taking college-level courses. Mobile apps present ‘bite-size’ learning materials that can be useful for practicing certain literacy skills, such as vocabulary learning. The convenience of mobile phones is ideal for a majority of students at community colleges who hold full or part-time jobs. Mobile apps allow students to learn during small ‘chunks’ of time available to them outside of the class—during subway commute, between classes, etc. Learning with mobile apps is a relatively new area in research, and their effectiveness for learning new words has been inconclusive. Using Mishra & Koehler’s TPCK theoretical framework, this study explored the effectiveness of the mobile app (Quizlet) for learning one hundred common college-level words in ‘remedial’ writing class over one semester. Each week, before coming to class, students studied a list of 10-15 words presented in context within sentences. Students came across these words in the article they read in class making their learning more meaningful. A pre and post-test measured the number of words students knew, learned and remembered. Statistical analysis shows that students performed better by 41% on the post-test indicating that the mobile app was helpful for learning words. Students also completed a short survey each week that sought to determine the amount of time students spent on the vocabulary app. A positive correlation was found between the amount of time spent on the mobile app and the number of words learned. The goal of this research is to capitalize on the convenience of smartphones to (1) better prepare them for college-level course work, and (2) contribute to current literature on mobile learning.Keywords: mobile learning, vocabulary learning, literacy skills, Quizlet
Procedia PDF Downloads 2246201 The Developmental of Ethical Behavior of Nursing Students in Borommarajonani College of Nursing, Suratthani, Thailand
Authors: Ubonrattan Phophatanachai, Phensri Thongphet, Weerawan Kerdtong
The purposes of this study were to compare the ethical behavior regarding responsibility and polite manners of nursing students of Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Suratthani, Thailand before and after providing the activity session of ethical behavior development. The samples consisted of 103 sophomores in the academic year 2006. The tools were tested for reliability and content validity. The reliability of the Ethical Behavior Questionnaire measured by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.94. Data were analyzed using means, standard deviations, and dependent t-test. The findings were as follows: a) after the activity session, the mean scores of ethical behavior regarding responsibility and polite manners of nursing students increased from middle level to high level; b) mean scores of responsibilities and polite manners after the activity session were significantly higher than those before the session (t =28.36, p < .001; t =23.9, p < .001, respectively).Keywords: development of ethical behavior, nursing students, health, nursing informatics
Procedia PDF Downloads 2976200 The Development of Student Core Competencies through the STEM Education Opportunities in Classroom
Authors: Z. Dedovets, M. Rodionov
The goal of the modern education system is to prepare students to be able to adapt to ever-changing life situations. They must be able to acquire required knowledge independently; apply such knowledge in practice to solve various problems by using modern technologies; think critically and creatively; competently use information; be communicative, work in a team; and develop their own moral values, intellect and cultural awareness. As a result, the status of education significantly increases; new requirements to its quality have been formed. In recent years, the competency-based approach in education has become of significant interest. This approach is a strengthening of applied and practical characteristics of a school education and leads to the forming of the key students’ competencies which define their success in future life. In this article, the authors’ attention focuses on a range of key competencies, educational, informational and communicative and on the possibility to develop such competencies via STEM education. This research shows the change in students’ attitude towards scientific disciplines such as mathematics, general science, technology and engineering as a result of STEM education. Two-staged analyzes questionnaires completed by students of forms II to IV in the republic of Trinidad and Tobago allowed the authors to categorize students between two levels that represent students’ attitude to various disciplines. The significance of differences between selected levels was confirmed with the use of Pearsons’ chi-squared test. In summary, the analysis of obtained data makes it possible to conclude that STEM education has a great potential for development of core students’ competencies and encourages the development of positive student attitude towards the above mentioned above scientific disciplines.Keywords: STEM, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, students’ competency, Pearson's chi-squared test
Procedia PDF Downloads 3876199 A Study of Student Satisfaction of the University TV Station
Authors: Prapoj Na Bangchang
This research aimed to study the satisfaction of university students on the Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University television station. The sample were 250 undergraduate students from Year 1 to Year 4. The tool used to collect data was a questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results showed that student satisfaction on the University's television station location received high score, followed by the number of devices, and the content presented received the lowest score. Most students want the content of the programs to be improved especially entertainment content, followed by sports content.Keywords: student satisfaction, university TV channel, media, broadcasting
Procedia PDF Downloads 3866198 Relationship between Interest, Attitude and Academic Performance among N.C.E Primary Education Studies of College of Education, Azare Bauchi State
Authors: Fatima Ibrahim
The Study assessed the relationship between interest, attitude and academic performance among N.C.E Primary Education Studies of College of Education, Azare Bauchi State. Stratified random sampling was used to select 234 respondents from N.C.E 100, 200 and 300 levels students with the total population of 552. Structured Questionnaire and students academic records were used for data collection. Four scale format was used for the respondents to indicate their degree of satisfaction on a four point scale. Four null hypothesis were formulated from research questions at tested at 0.05 level of significance. The data collected from the study were analyzed using descriptive statistics, pearson product moment correlation coefficient and independent test. The result of tested Null hypotheses revealed that: there was significant relationship between student’s interest and their academic performance since calculated p value of 0.000 is less than the 0.05 alpha level of significance at a correlation index level of .986 hence the Null hypothesis was rejected. There was significant relationship between student’s attitude and their academic performance in the study of P.E.S. Findings also revealed that majority of the students were interested in the study of P.E.S which helped them perform well. It was concluded that significant relationship exists between students interest, attitudinal academic performance among P.E.S students in College of Education Azare.Keywords: Attitude, Academic Performance, College of Education Azare, Interest, Students
Procedia PDF Downloads 2206197 An Application of E-Learning Technology for Students with Deafness and Hearing Impairment
Authors: Eyup Bayram Guzel
There have been growing awareness that technology offers unique and promising advantages by offering up-to-data educational materials in promoting teaching and learning materials, new strategies for building enhanced communication environment for people with disabilities and specifically for this study concentrated on the students with deafness and hearing impairments. Creating e-learning environment where teachers and students work in collaboration to develop better educational outcomes is the foremost reason of conducting this research. This study examined the perspectives of special education teachers’ regarding an application of e-learning software called Multimedia Builder on the students with deafness and hearing impairments. Initial and follow up interviews were conducted with 15 special education teachers around the scope of qualitative case study. Grounded approach has been used to analyse and interpret the data. The research results revealed that application of Multimedia Builder software were influential on reading, sign language, vocabulary improvements, computer and ICT usage developments and on audio-visual learning achievements for the advantages of students with deafness and hearing impairments. The implications of the study encouraged the ways of using e-learning tools and strategies to promote unique and comprehensive learning experiences for the targeted students and their teachers.Keywords: e-learning, special education, deafness and hearing impairment, computer-ICT usage.
Procedia PDF Downloads 4406196 Developing Problem Solving Skills through a Project-Based Course as Part of a Lifelong Learning for Engineering Students
Authors: Robin Lok Wang Ma
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how engineering students’ motivation and interests are maintained in their journeys. In recent years, different pedagogies of teaching, including entrepreneurship, experiential and lifelong learning, as well as dream builder, etc., have been widely used for education purposes. University advocates hands-on practice, learning by experiencing and experimenting throughout different courses. Students are not limited to gaining knowledge via traditional lectures, laboratory demonstrations, tutorials, and so on. The capability to identify both complex problems and their corresponding solutions in daily life are one of the criteria/skill sets required for graduates to obtain their careers at professional organizations and companies. A project-based course, namely Mechatronic Design and Prototyping, was developed for students to design and build a physical prototype for solving existing problems in their daily lives, thereby encouraging them as an entrepreneur to explore further possibilities to commercialize their designed prototypes and launch them to the market. Feedbacks from students show that they are keen to propose their own ideas freely with guidance from the instructor instead of using either suggested or assigned topics. Proposed ideas of the prototypes reflect that if students’ interests are maintained, they acquire the knowledge and skills they need, including essential communication, logical thinking, and, more importantly, problem solving for their lifelong learning journey.Keywords: problem solving, lifelong learning, entrepreneurship, engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 936195 Investigating Students' Understanding about Mathematical Concept through Concept Map
Authors: Rizky Oktaviana
The main purpose of studying lies in improving students’ understanding. Teachers usually use written test to measure students’ understanding about learning material especially mathematical learning material. This common method actually has a lack point, such that in mathematics content, written test only show procedural steps to solve mathematical problems. Therefore, teachers unable to see whether students actually understand about mathematical concepts and the relation between concepts or not. One of the best tools to observe students’ understanding about the mathematical concepts is concept map. The goal of this research is to describe junior high school students understanding about mathematical concepts through Concept Maps based on the difference of mathematical ability. There were three steps in this research; the first step was choosing the research subjects by giving mathematical ability test to students. The subjects of this research are three students with difference mathematical ability, high, intermediate and low mathematical ability. The second step was giving concept mapping training to the chosen subjects. The last step was giving concept mapping task about the function to the subjects. Nodes which are the representation of concepts of function were provided in concept mapping task. The subjects had to use the nodes in concept mapping. Based on data analysis, the result of this research shows that subject with high mathematical ability has formal understanding, due to that subject could see the connection between concepts of function and arranged the concepts become concept map with valid hierarchy. Subject with intermediate mathematical ability has relational understanding, because subject could arranged all the given concepts and gave appropriate label between concepts though it did not represent the connection specifically yet. Whereas subject with low mathematical ability has poor understanding about function, it can be seen from the concept map which is only used few of the given concepts because subject could not see the connection between concepts. All subjects have instrumental understanding for the relation between linear function concept, quadratic function concept and domain, co domain, range.Keywords: concept map, concept mapping, mathematical concepts, understanding
Procedia PDF Downloads 2716194 Students' Errors in Translating Algebra Word Problems to Mathematical Structure
Authors: Ledeza Jordan Babiano
Translating statements into mathematical notations is one of the processes in word problem-solving. However, based on the literature, students still have difficulties with this skill. The purpose of this study was to investigate the translation errors of the students when they translate algebraic word problems into mathematical structures and locate the errors via the lens of the Translation-Verification Model. Moreover, this qualitative research study employed content analysis. During the data-gathering process, the students were asked to answer a six-item algebra word problem questionnaire, and their answers were analyzed by experts through blind coding using the Translation-Verification Model to determine their translation errors. After this, a focus group discussion was conducted, and the data gathered was analyzed through thematic analysis to determine the causes of the students’ translation errors. It was found out that students’ prevalent error in translation was the interpretation error, which was situated in the Attribute construct. The emerging themes during the FGD were: (1) The procedure of translation is strategically incorrect; (2) Lack of comprehension; (3) Algebra concepts related to difficulty; (4) Lack of spatial skills; (5) Unprepared for independent learning; and (6) The content of the problem is developmentally inappropriate. These themes boiled down to the major concept of independent learning preparedness in solving mathematical problems. This concept has subcomponents, which include contextual and conceptual factors in translation. Consequently, the results provided implications for instructors and professors in Mathematics to innovate their teaching pedagogies and strategies to address translation gaps among students.Keywords: mathematical structure, algebra word problems, translation, errors
Procedia PDF Downloads 506193 Impact of Instructional Mode and Medium of Instruction on the Learning Outcomes of Secondary Level School Children
Authors: Dipti Parida, Atasi Mohanty
The focus of this research is to examine the interaction effect of flipped teaching and traditional teaching mode across two different medium (English and Odia) of instructional groups. Both Science and History subjects were taken to be taught in the Class- VIII in two different instructional mode/s. In total, 180 students of Class-VIII of both Odia and English medium schools were taken as the samples of this study; 90 participants (each group) were from both English and Odia medium schools ; 45 participants of each of these two groups were again assigned either to flip or traditional teaching method. We have two independent variables and each independent variable with two levels. Medium and mode of instruction are the two independent variables. Medium of instruction has two levels of Odia medium and English medium groups. The mode of instruction has also two levels of flip and traditional teaching method. Here we get 4 different groups, such as Odia medium students with traditional mode of teaching (O.M.T), Odia medium students with flipped mode of teaching (O.M.F), English medium students with traditional mode of teaching (E.M.T) and English medium students with flipped mode of teaching (E.M.F). Before the instructional administration, these four groups were given a test on the concerned topic to be taught. Based on this result, a one-way ANOVA was computed and the obtained result showed that these four groups don’t differ significantly from each other at the beginning. Then they were taught the concerned topic either in traditional or flip mode of teaching method. After that a 2×2×2 repeated measures ANOVA was done to analyze the group differences as well as the learning outcome before and after the teaching. The result table also shows that in post-test the learning outcome is highest in case of English medium students with flip mode of instruction. From the statistical analysis it is clear that the flipped mode of teaching is as effective for Odia medium students as it is for English medium students.Keywords: medium of instruction, mode of instruction, test mode, vernacular medium
Procedia PDF Downloads 3566192 Integrated Education at Jazan University: Budding Hope for Employability
Authors: Jayanthi Rajendran
Experience is what makes a man perfect. Though we tend to learn many a different things in life through practice still we need to go an extra mile to gain experience which would be profitable only when it is integrated with regular practice. A clear phenomenal idea is that every teacher is a learner. The centralized idea of this paper would focus on the integrated practices carried out among the students of Jizan University which enhances learning through experiences. Integrated practices like student-directed activities, balanced curriculum, phonological based activities and use of consistent language would enlarge the vision and mission of students to earn experience through learning. Students who receive explicit instruction and guidance could practice the skills and strategies through student-directed activities such as peer tutoring and cooperative learning. The second effective practice is to use consistent language. Consistent language provides students a model for talking about the new concepts which also enables them to communicate without hindrances. Phonological awareness is an important early reading skill for all students. Students generally have phonemic awareness in their home language can often transfer that knowledge to a second language. And also a balanced curriculum requires instruction in all the elements of reading. Reading is the most effective skill when both basic and higher-order skills are included on a daily basis. Computer based reading and listening skills will empower students to understand a language in a better way. English language learners can benefit from sound reading instruction even before they are fully proficient in English as long as the instruction is comprehensible. Thus, if students have to be well equipped in learning they should foreground themselves in various integrated practices through multifarious experience for which teachers are moderators and trainers. This type of learning prepares the students for a constantly changing society which helps them to meet the competitive world around them for better employability fulfilling the vision and mission of the institution.Keywords: consistent language, employability, phonological awareness, balanced curriculum
Procedia PDF Downloads 4016191 Evaluation of Cultural Landscape Perception in Waterfront Historic Districts Based on Multi-source Data - Taking Venice and Suzhou as Examples
Authors: Shuyu Zhang
The waterfront historical district, as a type of historical districts on the verge of waters such as the sea, lake, and river, have a relatively special urban form. In the past preservation and renewal of traditional historic districts, there have been many discussions on the land range, and the waterfront and marginal spaces are easily overlooked. However, the waterfront space of the historic districts, as a cultural landscape heritage combining historical buildings and landscape elements, has strong ecological and sustainable values. At the same time, Suzhou and Venice, as sister water cities in history, have more waterfront spaces that can be compared in urban form and other levels. Therefore, this paper focuses on the waterfront historic districts in Venice and Suzhou, establishes quantitative evaluation indicators for environmental perception, makes analogies, and promotes the renewal and activation of the entire historical district by improving the spatial quality and vitality of the waterfront area. First, this paper uses multi-source data for analysis, such as Baidu Maps and Google Maps API to crawl the street view of the waterfront historic districts, uses machine learning algorithms to analyze the proportion of cultural landscape elements such as green viewing rate in the street view pictures, and uses space syntax software to make quantitative selectivity analysis, so as to establish environmental perception evaluation indicators for the waterfront historic districts. Finally, by comparing and summarizing the waterfront historic districts in Venice and Suzhou, it reveals their similarities and differences, characteristics and conclusions, and hopes to provide a reference for the heritage preservation and renewal of other waterfront historic districts.Keywords: waterfront historical district, cultural landscape, perception, multi-source Data
Procedia PDF Downloads 1996190 Quality Assurance Practices in the Universities of Pakistan: Physical Facilities as Encouragement
Authors: Ijaz Ahamad Tatlah
The justification of this study was to identify about physical facilities as encouragement to Quality Assurance Practices (QAP) in the Universities of Pakistan concerning the views of students, teachers and Directors of Quality Enhancement Cells’ (QEC’s) and to differentiate the views of students, teachers and Directors of QECs in relation to physical facilities about quality assurance practices in the universities of Pakistan. It was a quantitative and qualitative research study. This study was conducted on a sample of 28 universities (public and private sector) of Pakistan by using random and purposive sampling technique. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were planned to gather information from students, teachers and Directors of QECs in relation to physical facilities about quality assurance practices in the universities of Pakistan. The data was analyzed by using Descriptive, inferential statistics, and thematic coding. The study revealed that students, teachers and Directors of QEC’s faced a lot of problems and issues without physical facilities. Quality assurance Agency (QAA), Quality Assurance Department (QAD) and Higher Education commission (HEC) all are relevant Pakistani Agencies, which are working consistently of both sectors i.e. public and private to supervise, guide and facilitate the universities of Pakistan for developing quality assurance practices. Majority of the students teachers and Directors’ of QECs opined that books, research journals, manuals for use of science laboratories, equipment for experiments and update computers were available for teachers and students’ in the universities. It was suggested by the students teachers and Directors of QECs of universities that Quality Assurance Practices (QAP) can be accelerated by thinking the following steps: provision of sufficient resources, add the latest software for computers laboratories and new edition of books.Keywords: physical facilities, quality assurance practices, library, laboratory
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