Search results for: vehicle tracking
673 Ultrasound Assisted Cooling Crystallization of Lactose Monohydrate
Authors: Sanjaykumar R. Patel, Parth R. Kayastha
α-lactose monohydrate is widely used in the pharmaceutical industries as an inactive substance that acts as a vehicle or a medium for a drug or other active substance. It is a byproduct of dairy industries, and the recovery of lactose from whey not only boosts the improvement of the economics of whey utilization but also causes a reduction in pollution as lactose recovery can reduce the BOD of whey by more than 80%. In the present study, levels of process parameters were kept as initial lactose concentration (30-50% w/w), sonication amplitude (20-40%), sonication time (2-6 hours), and crystallization temperature (10-20 oC) for the recovery of lactose in ultrasound assisted cooling crystallization. In comparison with cooling crystallization, the use of ultrasound enhanced the lactose recovery by 39.17% (w/w). The parameters were optimized for the lactose recovery using Taguchi Method. The optimum conditions found were initial lactose concentration at level 3 (50% w/w), amplitude of sonication at level 2 (40%), the sonication time at level 3 (6 hours), and crystallization temperature at level 1 (10 °C). The maximum recovery was found to be 85.85% at the optimum conditions. Sonication time and the initial lactose concentration were found to be significant parameters for the lactose recovery.Keywords: crystallization, lactose, Taguchi method, ultrasound
Procedia PDF Downloads 214672 Efficient Energy Management: A Novel Technique for Prolonged and Persistent Automotive Engine
Authors: Chakshu Baweja, Ishaan Prakash, Deepak Giri, Prithwish Mukherjee, Herambraj Ashok Nalawade
The need to prevent and control rampant and indiscriminate usage of energy in present-day realm on earth has motivated active research efforts aimed at understanding of controlling mechanisms leading to sustained energy. Although much has been done but complexity of the problem has prevented a complete understanding due to nonlinear interaction between flow, heat and mass transfer in terrestrial environment. Therefore, there is need for a systematic study to clearly understand mechanisms controlling energy-spreading phenomena to increase a system’s efficiency. The present work addresses the issue of sustaining energy and proposes a devoted technique of optimizing energy in the automotive domain. The proposed method focus on utilization of the mechanical and thermal energy of an automobile IC engine by converting and storing energy due to motion of a piston in form of electrical energy. The suggested technique utilizes piston motion of the engine to generate high potential difference capable of working as a secondary power source. This is achieved by the use of a gear mechanism and a flywheel.Keywords: internal combustion engine, energy, electromagnetic induction, efficiency, gear ratio, hybrid vehicle, engine shaft
Procedia PDF Downloads 477671 Integration of Hybrid PV-Wind in Three Phase Grid System Using Fuzzy MPPT without Battery Storage for Remote Area
Authors: Thohaku Abdul Hadi, Hadyan Perdana Putra, Nugroho Wicaksono, Adhika Prajna Nandiwardhana, Onang Surya Nugroho, Heri Suryoatmojo, Soedibjo
Access to electricity is now a basic requirement of mankind. Unfortunately, there are still many places around the world which have no access to electricity, such as small islands, where there could potentially be a factory, a plantation, a residential area, or resorts. Many of these places might have substantial potential for energy generation such us Photovoltaic (PV) and Wind turbine (WT), which can be used to generate electricity independently for themselves. Solar energy and wind power are renewable energy sources which are mostly found in nature and also kinds of alternative energy that are still developing in a rapid speed to help and meet the demand of electricity. PV and Wind has a characteristic of power depend on solar irradiation and wind speed based on geographical these areas. This paper presented a control methodology of hybrid small scale PV/Wind energy system that use a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) to extract the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) in different solar irradiation and wind speed. This paper discusses simulation and analysis of the generation process of hybrid resources in MPP and power conditioning unit (PCU) of Photovoltaic (PV) and Wind Turbine (WT) that is connected to the three-phase low voltage electricity grid system (380V) without battery storage. The capacity of the sources used is 2.2 kWp PV and 2.5 kW PMSG (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator) -WT power rating. The Modeling of hybrid PV/Wind, as well as integrated power electronics components in grid connected system, are simulated using MATLAB/Simulink.Keywords: fuzzy MPPT, grid connected inverter, photovoltaic (PV), PMSG wind turbine
Procedia PDF Downloads 355670 Solar Collectors for Northern Countries
Authors: Ilze Pelece, Imants Ziemelis, Henriks Putans
Traditionally the solar energy has been used in southern countries, but it has been used also in northern ones. Most popular kind of use of solar energy in Latvia is solar collector for water heating. Traditionally flat-plate solar collectors are used because of simplicity of manufacturing. However, some peculiarities in use of solar energy in northern countries must be taken into account. In northern countries, there is lower irradiance, but longer day and longer path of the sun during summer. Therefore traditional flat-plate solar collectors are not appropriate enough in northern countries, but new forms must be developed. There are two forms of solar collectors - cylindrical and semi-spherical – proposed in this work. Such collectors can be made both for water or air heating. Theoretical calculations and measurements of energy gain from those two collectors have been done. Results show that daily energy sum received by the semi-spherical collector from the sun at the middle of summer is 1.43 times more than that of the flat one, but for the cylindrical collector, it is 1.74 times more than that of the flat one or equal to that of the tracking to sun flat-plate collector. The resulting difference in energy gain from collector will be not so large because of the difference in heat loses. Heat can be decreased by switching off the water circulation pump when the sun is covered by clouds. For this purpose solar batteries, powered pump can be used instead of complicated and expensive automatics. Even more important than overall energy gain is the fact that semi-spherical and cylindrical collectors work all day (17 hours in the middle of summer at 57 northern latitudes), while flat-plate collector only about 11 hours. Yearly energy sum received by the collector from the sun is 1.5 and 1.9 times larger for the semi-spherical and cylindrical collector respectively as for the flat one. The cylindrical solar collector is easier to manufacture, but semi-spherical one is more aesthetical and durable against the impact of the wind. Although solar collectors for water and air heating are studied in this article, main ideas are applicable also for solar batteries.Keywords: cylindric, semi-spherical, solar collector, solar energy, water heating
Procedia PDF Downloads 268669 Investigating the Road Maintenance Performance in Developing Countries
Authors: Jamaa Salih, Francis Edum-Fotwe, Andrew Price
One of the most critical aspects of the management of road infrastructure is the type and scale of maintenance systems adopted and the consequences of their inadequacy. The performance of road maintenance systems can be assessed by a number of important indicators such as: cost, safety, environmental impact, and level of complaints by users. A review of practice reveals that insufficient level of expenditure or poor management of the road network often has serious consequences for the economic and social life of a country in terms of vehicle operating costs (VOC), travel time costs, accident costs and environmental impact. Despite an increase in the attention paid by global road agencies to the environmental and the road users’ satisfaction, the overwhelming evidence from the available literature agree on the lack of similar levels of attention for the two factors in many developing countries. While many sources agree that the road maintenance backlog is caused by either the shortage of expenditures or lack of proper management or both, it appears that managing the available assets particularly in the developing countries is the main issue. To address this subject, this paper will concentrate on exposing the various issues related to this field.Keywords: environmental impact, performance indicators, road maintenance, users’ satisfaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 357668 Design of an Energy Efficient Electric Auto Rickshaw
Authors: Muhammad Asghar, Aamer Iqbal Bhatti, Qadeer Ahmed, Tahir Izhar
Three wheeler auto Rickshaw, often termed as ‘auto rickshaw’ is very common in Pakistan and is considered as the most affordable means of transportation to the local people. Problems caused by the gasoline engine on the environment and people, the researchers and the automotive industry have turned to the hybrid electric vehicles and electrical powered vehicle. The research in this paper explains the design of energy efficient Electric auto Rickshaw. An electric auto rickshaw is being developed at Center for Energy Research and Development, (Lahore), which is running on the roads of Lahore city. Energy storage capacity of batteries is at least 25 times heavier than fossil fuel and having volume 10 times in comparison to fuel, resulting an increase of the Rickshaw weight. A set of specifications is derived according to the mobility requirements of the electric auto rickshaw. The design choices considering the power-train and component selection are explained in detail. It was concluded that electric auto rickshaw has many advantages and benefits over the conventional auto rickshaw. It is cleaner and much more energy efficient but limited to the distance it can travel before recharging of battery. In addition, a brief future view of the battery technology is given.Keywords: conventional auto rickshaw, energy efficiency, electric auto rickshaw, internal combustion engine, environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 290667 Analysis of Traffic Crashes on Rural Roads in Oman
Authors: Mohammed Bakhit Kashoob, Mohammed Salim Al-Maashani, Ahmed Abdullah Al-Marhoon
Fatalities of Road Traffic Crashes (RTCs) on rural roads are usually higher than that on urban roads. The likelihood of traffic accidents may increase with the presence of factors that are associated with the rural type of community such as long-distance, road type, road geometry (e.g., curves and steepens), poor lighting, terrain, obstacles (e.g., animals crossing, boulders or tree branches), heavy truck traffic, weather conditions, and road flaws. Most of these factors are present on the rural roads of Oman. As many cities in Oman are surrounded by mountains and connected by rural roads, this is of great concern. In this paper, the causes of traffic crashes on rural roads in Oman are analyzed. The fatality rate of traffic deaths on rural roads is compared with the fatality rate on urban roads for different regions in Oman. Statistical data and police reports show that the leading cause of RTCs and deaths on rural roads is vehicle speeding, especially on long-distance roads. It is shown that crashes on rural roads result in higher fatalities than crashes on urban roads. In comparison to speed, the numbers of RTCs and deaths that resulted from other causes are small.Keywords: causes of traffic crashes, road safety, road traffic crash, rural roads
Procedia PDF Downloads 171666 Quality Evaluation of Bread Enriched with Red Sweet Pepper Powder (Capsicum annuum)
Authors: Ramandeep Kaur, Kamaljit Kaur, Preeti Ahluwalia, Poonam A. Sachdev
Bread is an ideal vehicle to impart bioactive compounds to the consumers in a convenient manner. This study evaluated bread enriched with red sweet pepper powder (RSP) at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10% and compared to control bread (without RSP). The bread crumbs were assayed for bioactive, physical, nutritional, textural, color, and sensory properties. Bread supplemented with RSP improved its color, nutritional, and bioactive properties. The low moisture content and increased hardness were observed at higher levels of RSP. Color intensity (expressed as L*, a*, b* values) of bread with 2 and 4% RSP were lower than those of high levels, and the same trend was observed for protein, fibre and ash content of bread. Significant (p < 0.05) increases were recorded for bioactive compounds such as total phenols (0.145 to 235 mg GAE/g), antioxidant activity (56% to 78%) and flavonoids (0.112 to 0.379 mg/g) as the level of powder increased. Bread enriched with 8% RSP showed improved sensory profile as compared to control, whereas a further increase in RSP decreased the sensory and textural properties. Thus, RSP act as a natural colorant and functional food that enhanced the functional and nutritional properties of bread and can be used to customize bread for specific health needs.Keywords: breads, bioactive compounds, red sweet pepper powder, sensory scores
Procedia PDF Downloads 159665 Controlled Release of Curcumin from a Thermoresponsive Polypeptide Hydrogel for Anti-Tumor Therapy
Authors: Chieh-Nan Chen, Ji-Yu Lin, I-Ming Chu
Polypeptide thermosensitive hydrogel is an excellent candidate as a smart device to deliver drugs and cells due to its remarkable biocompatibility, low gelation concentration, and respond to temperature stimuli, it can be easily injected as a polymer solution into the patient’s body where it undergoes gelation due to an elevation in temperature. Poly (ethylene glycol) monomethyl ether-poly (ethyl-l-glutamate) (mPEG-PELG) contains a hydrophobic side chain –C2H5 which is useful in encapsulating and stabilizing hydrophobic drugs. In this study, we plan to focus on the hydrophobic anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory drug curcumin, which due its insolubility in water, requires a proper carrier for delivery into the body. Our main concept is to use mPEG-PELG to stabilize curcumin, inject the curcumin-loaded hydrogel into the tumor site, and allow the enzymatically-sensitive hydrogel to be degraded by bodily fluids and release the drug. The polymers of interest have been successfully synthesized and characterized by 1H-NMR, FT-IR, SEM, and CMC. Curcumin loading content and drug release were assayed using HPLC. Preliminary results show that these materials have potential as a delivery vehicle for poorly soluble drugs.Keywords: curcumin, drug release, hydrogel, polypeptide material
Procedia PDF Downloads 294664 Modeling Sustainable Truck Rental Operations Using Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network
Authors: Khaled S. Abdallah, Abdel-Aziz M. Mohamed
Moving industries consume numerous resources and dispose masses of used packaging materials. Proper sorting, recycling and disposing the packaging materials is necessary to avoid a sever pollution disaster. This research paper presents a conceptual model to propose sustainable truck rental operations instead of the regular one. An optimization model was developed to select the locations of truck rental centers, collection sites, maintenance and repair sites, and identify the rental fees to be charged for all routes that maximize the total closed supply chain profits. Fixed costs of vehicle purchasing, costs of constructing collection centers and repair centers, as well as the fixed costs paid to use disposal and recycling centers are considered. Operating costs include the truck maintenance, repair costs as well as the cost of recycling and disposing the packing materials, and the costs of relocating the truck are presented in the model. A mixed integer model is developed followed by a simulation model to examine the factors affecting the operation of the model.Keywords: modeling, truck rental, supply chains management.
Procedia PDF Downloads 228663 Implementation of Autologous Adipose Graft from the Abdomen for Complete Fat Pad Loss of the Heel Following a Traumatic Open Fracture Secondary to a Motor Vehicle Accident: A Case Study
Authors: Ahmad Saad, Shuja Abbas, Breanna Marine
Introduction: This study explores the potential applications of autologous pedal fat pad grafting as a minimally invasive therapeutic strategy for addressing pedal fat pad loss. Without adequate shock absorbing tissue, a patient can experience functional deficits, ulcerations, loss of quality of life, and significant limitations with ambulation. This study details a novel technique involving autologous adipose grafting from the abdomen to enhance plantar fat pad thickness in a patient involved in a severe motor vehicle accident which resulted in total fat pad loss of the heel. Autologous adipose grafting (AAG) was used following adipose allografting in an effort to recreate a normal shock absorbing surface to allow return to activities of daily living and painless ambulation. Methods: A 46-year-old male sustained multiple open pedal fractures and necrosis to the heel fat pad after a motorcycle accident, which resulted in complete loss of the calcaneal fat pad. The patient underwent serial debridement’s, utilization of wound vac therapy and split thickness skin grafting to accomplish complete closure, despite complete loss of adipose to area. Patient presented with complaints of pain on ambulation, inability to bear weight on the heel, recurrent ulcerations, admitted had not been ambulating for two years. Clinical exam demonstrated complete loss of the plantar fat pad with a thin layer of epithelial tissue overlying the calcaneal bone, allowing visibility of the osseous contour of the calcaneus. Scar tissue had formed in place of the fat pad, with thickened epithelial tissue extending from the midfoot to the calcaneus. After conservative measures were exhausted, the patient opted for initial management by adipose allograft matrix (AAM) injections. Post operative X-ray imaging revealed noticeable improvement in calcaneal fat pad thickness. At 1 year follow up, the patient was able to ambulate without assistive devices. The fat pad at this point was significantly thicker than it was pre-operatively, but the thickness did not restore to pre-accident thickness. In order to compare the take of allograft versus autografting of adipose tissue, the decision to use adipose autograft through abdominal liposuction harvesting was deemed suitable. A general surgeon completed harvesting of adipose cells from the patient’s abdomen via liposuction, and a podiatric surgeon performed the AAG injection into the heel. Total of 15 cc’s of autologous adipose tissue injected to the calcaneus. Results: There was a visual increase in the calcaneal fat pad thickness both clinically and radiographically. At the 6-week follow up, imaging revealed retention of the calcaneal fat pad thickness. Three months postop, patient returned to activities of daily living and increased quality of life due to their increased ability to ambulate. Discussion: AAG is a novel treatment for pedal fat pad loss. These treatments may be viable and reproducible therapeutic choices for patients suffering from fat pad atrophy, fat pad loss, and/or plantar ulcerations. Both treatments of AAM and AAG exhibited similar therapeutic results by providing pain relief for ambulation and allowing for patients to return to their quality of life.Keywords: podiatry, wound, adipose, allograft, autograft, wound care, limb reconstruction, injection, limb salvage
Procedia PDF Downloads 82662 Advancements in Autonomous Drones for Enhanced Healthcare Logistics
Authors: Bhaargav Gupta P., Vignesh N., Nithish Kumar R., Rahul J., Nivetha Ruvah D.
Delivering essential medical supplies to rural and underserved areas is challenging due to infrastructure limitations and logistical barriers, often resulting in inefficiencies and delays. Traditional delivery methods are hindered by poor road networks, long distances, and difficult terrains, compromising timely access to vital resources, especially in emergencies. This paper introduces an autonomous drone system engineered to optimize last-mile delivery. By utilizing advanced navigation and object-detection algorithms, such as region-based convolutional neural networks (R-CNN), our drones efficiently avoid obstacles, identify safe landing zones, and adapt dynamically to varying environments. Equipped with high-precision GPS and autonomous capabilities, the drones effectively navigate complex, remote areas with minimal dependence on established infrastructure. The system includes a dedicated mobile application for secure order placement and real-time tracking, and a secure payload box with OTP verification ensures tamper-resistant delivery to authorized recipients. This project demonstrates the potential of automated drone technology in healthcare logistics, offering a scalable and eco-friendly approach to enhance accessibility and service delivery in underserved regions. By addressing logistical gaps through advanced automation, this system represents a significant advancement toward sustainable, accessible healthcare in remote areas.Keywords: region-based convolutional neural network, one time password, global positioning system, autonomous drones, healthcare logistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 16661 Stationary Methanol Steam Reforming to Hydrogen Fuel for Fuel-Cell Filling Stations
Authors: Athanasios A. Tountas, Geoffrey A. Ozin, Mohini M. Sain
Renewable hydrogen (H₂) carriers such as methanol (MeOH), dimethyl ether (DME), oxymethylene dimethyl ethers (OMEs), and conceivably ammonia (NH₃) can be reformed back into H₂ and are fundamental chemical conversions for the long-term viability of the H₂ economy due to their higher densities and ease of transportability compared to H₂. MeOH is an especially important carrier as it is a simple C1 chemical that can be produced from green solar-PV-generated H₂ and direct-air-captured CO₂ with a current commercially practical solar-to-fuel efficiency of 10% from renewable solar energy. MeOH steam reforming (MSR) in stationary systems next to H₂ fuel-cell filling stations can eliminate the need for onboard mobile reformers, and the former systems can be more robust in terms of attaining strict H₂ product specifications, and MeOH is a safe, lossless, and compact medium for long-term H₂ storage. Both thermal- and photo-catalysts are viable options for achieving the stable, long-term performance of stationary MSR systems.Keywords: fuel-cell vehicle filling stations, methanol steam reforming, hydrogen transport and storage, stationary reformer, liquid hydrogen carriers
Procedia PDF Downloads 102660 Study on Construction of 3D Topography by UAV-Based Images
Authors: Yun-Yao Chi, Chieh-Kai Tsai, Dai-Ling Li
In this paper, a method of fast 3D topography modeling using the high-resolution camera images is studied based on the characteristics of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) system for low altitude aerial photogrammetry and the need of three dimensional (3D) urban landscape modeling. Firstly, the existing high-resolution digital camera with special design of overlap images is designed by reconstructing and analyzing the auto-flying paths of UAVs, which improves the self-calibration function to achieve the high precision imaging by software, and further increased the resolution of the imaging system. Secondly, several-angle images including vertical images and oblique images gotten by the UAV system are used for the detail measure of urban land surfaces and the texture extraction. Finally, the aerial photography and 3D topography construction are both developed in campus of Chang-Jung University and in Guerin district area in Tainan, Taiwan, provide authentication model for construction of 3D topography based on combined UAV-based camera images from system. The results demonstrated that the UAV system for low altitude aerial photogrammetry can be used in the construction of 3D topography production, and the technology solution in this paper offers a new, fast, and technical plan for the 3D expression of the city landscape, fine modeling and visualization.Keywords: 3D, topography, UAV, images
Procedia PDF Downloads 304659 Estimating Leaf Area and Biomass of Wheat Using UAS Multispectral Remote Sensing
Authors: Jackson Parker Galvan, Wenxuan Guo
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology is being increasingly adopted in high-throughput plant phenotyping for applications in plant breeding and precision agriculture. Winter wheat is an important cover crop for reducing soil erosion and protecting the environment in the Southern High Plains. Efficiently quantifying plant leaf area and biomass provides critical information for producers to practice site-specific management of crop inputs, such as water and fertilizers. The objective of this study was to estimate wheat biomass and leaf area index using UAV images. This study was conducted in an irrigated field in Garza County, Texas. High-resolution images were acquired on three dates (February 18, March 25, and May 15th ) using a multispectral sensor onboard a Matrice 600 UAV. On each data of image acquisition, 10 random plant samples were collected and measured for biomass and leaf area. Images were stitched using Pix4D, and ArcGIS was applied to overlay sampling locations and derive data for sampling locations.Keywords: precision agriculture, UAV plant phenotyping, biomass, leaf area index, winter wheat, southern high plains
Procedia PDF Downloads 95658 Screen Method of Distributed Cooperative Navigation Factors for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Swarm
Authors: Can Zhang, Qun Li, Yonglin Lei, Zhi Zhu, Dong Guo
Aiming at the problem of factor screen in distributed collaborative navigation of dense UAV swarm, an efficient distributed collaborative navigation factor screen method is proposed. The method considered the balance between computing load and positioning accuracy. The proposed algorithm utilized the factor graph model to implement a distributed collaborative navigation algorithm. The GNSS information of the UAV itself and the ranging information between the UAVs are used as the positioning factors. In this distributed scheme, a local factor graph is established for each UAV. The positioning factors of nodes with good geometric position distribution and small variance are selected to participate in the navigation calculation. To demonstrate and verify the proposed methods, the simulation and experiments in different scenarios are performed in this research. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme achieves a good balance between the computing load and positioning accuracy in the distributed cooperative navigation calculation of UAV swarm. This proposed algorithm has important theoretical and practical value for both industry and academic areas.Keywords: screen method, cooperative positioning system, UAV swarm, factor graph, cooperative navigation
Procedia PDF Downloads 81657 A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Bus Rapid Transit Project from Gazipur to Airport at Dhaka Focusing on Environmental Impacts
Authors: Swapna Begum, Higano Yoshiro
Dhaka is the capital city of Bangladesh. It is considered as one of the traffic congested cities in the world. The growth of the population of this city is increasing day by day. The land use pattern and the increased socio-economic characteristics increase the motor vehicle ownership of this city. The rapid unplanned urbanization and poor transportation planning have deteriorated the transport environment of this city. Also, the huge travel demand with non-motorized traffics on streets is accounted for enormous traffic congestion in this city. The land transport sector in Dhaka is mainly dependent on road transport comprised of both motorized and non-motorized modes of travel. This improper modal mix and the un-integrated system have resulted in huge traffic congestion in this city. Moreover, this city has no well-organized public transport system and any Mass Transit System to cope with this ever increasing demand. Traffic congestion causes serious air pollution and adverse impact on the economy by deteriorating the accessibility, level of service, safety, comfort and operational efficiency. Therefore, there is an imperative need to introduce a well-organized, properly scheduled mass transit system like (Bus Rapid Transit) BRT minimizing the existing problems.Keywords: air pollution, BRT, mass transit, traffic congestion
Procedia PDF Downloads 407656 Concomitant Exposure of Bacoside A and Bromelain Relieves Dichlorvos Toxicity in Mice Serum
Authors: Sonam Agarwal, Renu Bist
Current study emphasizes the toxic effects of dichlorvos on serum in terms of oxidative stress. Meanwhile, a protective action of bacoside A and bromelain was investigated against the biochemical alterations in serum. The experimental design included six groups of mice: saline was given as a vehicle to the control mice (group I). Mice belonging to groups II, III and IV, were administered with dichlorvos (40 mg/kg b.w.), bromelain and bacoside A, respectively. The fifth group received a combination of bromelain and bacoside A. In group VI, Bacoside A, and bromelain were administered 20 minutes prior to exposure of dichlorvos. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), protein carbonyl content (PCC), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and reduced glutathione (GSH) level were used as biochemical test of toxic action for dichlorvos intoxication. Significantly increased TBARS and PCC level in second group suggests that dichlorvos enhances the production of free radicals in serum of mice (p< 0.05). Antioxidants treatment significantly decreased the levels of TBARS and PCC (p< 0.05). Dichlorvos administration causes a significant reduction in the level of CAT, SOD, GPx and GSH (p< 0.05) which was restored significantly by co-administration of bromelain and Bacoside A in dichlorvos exposed mice (p< 0.05). Treatment of bromelain and Bacoside A in combination served as better scavengers of toxicity induced by dichlorvos.Keywords: bacoside A, bromelain, dichlorvos, serum
Procedia PDF Downloads 352655 MAGNI Dynamics: A Vision-Based Kinematic and Dynamic Upper-Limb Model for Intelligent Robotic Rehabilitation
Authors: Alexandros Lioulemes, Michail Theofanidis, Varun Kanal, Konstantinos Tsiakas, Maher Abujelala, Chris Collander, William B. Townsend, Angie Boisselle, Fillia Makedon
This paper presents a home-based robot-rehabilitation instrument, called ”MAGNI Dynamics”, that utilized a vision-based kinematic/dynamic module and an adaptive haptic feedback controller. The system is expected to provide personalized rehabilitation by adjusting its resistive and supportive behavior according to a fuzzy intelligence controller that acts as an inference system, which correlates the user’s performance to different stiffness factors. The vision module uses the Kinect’s skeletal tracking to monitor the user’s effort in an unobtrusive and safe way, by estimating the torque that affects the user’s arm. The system’s torque estimations are justified by capturing electromyographic data from primitive hand motions (Shoulder Abduction and Shoulder Forward Flexion). Moreover, we present and analyze how the Barrett WAM generates a force-field with a haptic controller to support or challenge the users. Experiments show that by shifting the proportional value, that corresponds to different stiffness factors of the haptic path, can potentially help the user to improve his/her motor skills. Finally, potential areas for future research are discussed, that address how a rehabilitation robotic framework may include multisensing data, to improve the user’s recovery process.Keywords: human-robot interaction, kinect, kinematics, dynamics, haptic control, rehabilitation robotics, artificial intelligence
Procedia PDF Downloads 331654 Using Finite Element to Predict Failure of Light Weight Bridges Due to Vehicles Impact: Case Study
Authors: Amin H. Almasria, Rajai Z. Alrousanb, Al-Harith Manasrah
The collapse of a light weight pedestrian bridges due to vehicle collision is investigated and studied in detail using a dynamic nonlinear finite element analysis. Typical bridge widely used in Jordan is studied and modeled under truck collision using one dimensional beam finite element in order to minimize analysis time due to the dynamic nature of the problem. Truck collision with the bridge is simulated at different speeds and locations of collisions using dynamic explicit finite element scheme with material nonlinearity taken into account. Energy absorption of bridge is investigated through principle of energy conservation, where truck kinetic energy is assumed to be stored in the bridge as strain energy. Weak failure points in the bridges were identified, and modifications are proposed in order to strengthen the bridge structure and prevent total collapse. The proposed design modifications on bridge structure were successful in allowing the bridge to fail locally rather than globally and expected to help in saving lives.Keywords: finite element method, dynamic impact, pedestrian bridges, strain energy, collapse failure
Procedia PDF Downloads 624653 Nanopharmaceutical: A Comprehensive Appearance of Drug Delivery System
Authors: Mahsa Fathollahzadeh
The various nanoparticles employed in drug delivery applications include micelles, liposomes, solid lipid nanoparticles, polymeric nanoparticles, functionalized nanoparticles, nanocrystals, cyclodextrins, dendrimers, and nanotubes. Micelles, composed of amphiphilic block copolymers, can encapsulate hydrophobic molecules, allowing for targeted delivery. Liposomes, vesicular structures made up of phospholipids, can encapsulate both hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules, providing a flexible platform for delivering therapeutic agents. Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) and nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) are designed to improve the stability and bioavailability of lipophilic drugs. Polymeric nanoparticles, such as poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA), are biodegradable and can be engineered to release drugs in a controlled manner. Functionalized nanoparticles, coated with targeting ligands or antibodies, can specifically target diseased cells or tissues. Nanocrystals, engineered to have specific surface properties, can enhance the solubility and bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs. Cyclodextrins, doughnut-shaped molecules with hydrophobic cavities, can be complex with hydrophobic molecules, allowing for improved solubility and bioavailability. Dendrimers, branched polymers with a central core, can be designed to deliver multiple therapeutic agents simultaneously. Nanotubes and metallic nanoparticles, such as gold nanoparticles, offer real-time tracking capabilities and can be used to detect biomolecular interactions. The use of these nanoparticles has revolutionized the field of drug delivery, enabling targeted and controlled release of therapeutic agents, reduced toxicity, and improved patient outcomes.Keywords: nanotechnology, nanopharmaceuticals, drug-delivery, proteins, ligands, nanoparticles, chemistry
Procedia PDF Downloads 55652 Development of K-Factor for Road Geometric Design: A Case Study of North Coast Road in Java
Authors: Edwin Hidayat, Redi Yulianto, Disi Hanafiah
On the one hand, parameters which are used for determining the number of lane on the new road construction are average annual average daily traffic (AADT) and peak hour factor (K-factor). On the other hand, the value of K-factor listed in the guidelines and manual for road planning in Indonesia is a value of adoption or adaptation from foreign guidelines or manuals. Thus, the value is less suitable for Indonesian condition due to differences in road conditions, vehicle type, and driving behavior. The purpose of this study is to provide an example on how to determine k-factor values at a road segment with particular conditions in north coast road, West Java. The methodology is started with collecting traffic volume data for 24 hours over 365 days using PLATO (Automated Traffic Counter) with the approach of video image processing. Then, the traffic volume data is divided into per hour and analyzed by comparing the peak traffic volume in the 30th hour (or other) with the AADT in the same year. The analysis has resulted that for the 30th peak hour the K-factor is 0.97. This value can be used for planning road geometry or evaluating the road capacity performance for the 4/2D interurban road.Keywords: road geometry, K-factor, annual average daily traffic, north coast road
Procedia PDF Downloads 161651 Design and Thermal Analysis of Power Harvesting System of a Hexagonal Shaped Small Spacecraft
Authors: Mansa Radhakrishnan, Anwar Ali, Muhammad Rizwan Mughal
Many universities around the world are working on modular and low budget architecture of small spacecraft to reduce the development cost of the overall system. This paper focuses on the design of a modular solar power harvesting system for a hexagonal-shaped small satellite. The designed solar power harvesting systems are composed of solar panels and power converter subsystems. The solar panel is composed of solar cells mounted on the external face of the printed circuit board (PCB), while the electronic components of power conversion are mounted on the interior side of the same PCB. The solar panel with dimensions 16.5cm × 99cm is composed of 36 solar cells (each solar cell is 4cm × 7cm) divided into four parallel banks where each bank consists of 9 solar cells. The output voltage of a single solar cell is 2.14V, and the combined output voltage of 9 series connected solar cells is around 19.3V. The output voltage of the solar panel is boosted to the satellite power distribution bus voltage level (28V) by a boost converter working on a constant voltage maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique. The solar panel module is an eight-layer PCB having embedded coil in 4 internal layers. This coil is used to control the attitude of the spacecraft, which consumes power to generate a magnetic field and rotate the spacecraft. As power converter and distribution subsystem components are mounted on the PCB internal layer, therefore it is mandatory to do thermal analysis in order to ensure that the overall module temperature is within thermal safety limits. The main focus of the overall design is on compactness, miniaturization, and efficiency enhancement.Keywords: small satellites, power subsystem, efficiency, MPPT
Procedia PDF Downloads 77650 Artificial Neural Network and Statistical Method
Authors: Tomas Berhanu Bekele
Traffic congestion is one of the main problems related to transportation in developed as well as developing countries. Traffic control systems are based on the idea of avoiding traffic instabilities and homogenizing traffic flow in such a way that the risk of accidents is minimized and traffic flow is maximized. Lately, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) has become an important area of research to solve such road traffic-related issues for making smart decisions. It links people, roads and vehicles together using communication technologies to increase safety and mobility. Moreover, accurate prediction of road traffic is important to manage traffic congestion. The aim of this study is to develop an ANN model for the prediction of traffic flow and to compare the ANN model with the linear regression model of traffic flow predictions. Data extraction was carried out in intervals of 15 minutes from the video player. Video of mixed traffic flow was taken and then counted during office work in order to determine the traffic volume. Vehicles were classified into six categories, namely Car, Motorcycle, Minibus, mid-bus, Bus, and Truck vehicles. The average time taken by each vehicle type to travel the trap length was measured by time displayed on a video screen.Keywords: intelligent transport system (ITS), traffic flow prediction, artificial neural network (ANN), linear regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 69649 Design of a Fuzzy Expert System for the Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on Cardiac and Renal Impediments
Authors: E. Rama Devi Jothilingam
Diabetes mellitus is now one of the most common non communicable diseases globally. India leads the world with largest number of diabetic subjects earning the title "diabetes capital of the world". In order to reduce the mortality rate, a fuzzy expert system is designed to predict the severity of cardiac and renal problems of diabetic patients using fuzzy logic. Since uncertainty is inherent in medicine, fuzzy logic is used in this research work to remove the inherent fuzziness of linguistic concepts and uncertain status in diabetes mellitus which is the prime cause for the cardiac arrest and renal failure. In this work, the controllable risk factors "blood sugar, insulin, ketones, lipids, obesity, blood pressure and protein/creatinine ratio" are considered as input parameters and the "the stages of cardiac" (SOC)" and the stages of renal" (SORD) are considered as the output parameters. The triangular membership functions are used to model the input and output parameters. The rule base is constructed for the proposed expert system based on the knowledge from the medical experts. Mamdani inference engine is used to infer the information based on the rule base to take major decision in diagnosis. Mean of maximum is used to get a non fuzzy control action that best represent possibility distribution of an inferred fuzzy control action. The proposed system also classifies the patients with high risk and low risk using fuzzy c means clustering techniques so that the patients with high risk are treated immediately. The system is validated with Matlab and is used as a tracking system with accuracy and robustness.Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, fuzzy expert system, Mamdani, MATLAB
Procedia PDF Downloads 294648 Managing Truck Drivers’ Fatigue: A Critical Review of the Literature and Recommended Remedies
Authors: Mozhgan Aliakbari, Sara Moridpour
In recent years, much attention has been given to truck drivers’ fatigue management. Long working hours negatively influence truck drivers’ physiology, health, and safety. However, there is little empirical research in the heavy vehicle transport sector in Australia to identify the influence of working hours’ management on drivers’ fatigue and consequently, on the risk of crashes and injuries. There is no national legislation regulating the number of hours or kilometres travelled by truck drivers. Consequently, it is almost impossible to define a standard number of hours or kilometres for truck drivers in a safety management system. This paper reviews the existing studies concerning safe system interventions such as tachographs in relation to fatigue caused by long working hours. This paper also reviews the literature to identify the influence of frequency of rest breaks on the reduction of work-related road transport accidents involving trucks. A framework is presented to manage truck drivers’ fatigue, which may result in the reduction of injuries and fatalities involving heavy vehicles.Keywords: fatigue, time management, trucks, traffic safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 290647 Exploratory Data Analysis of Passenger Movement on Delhi Urban Bus Route
Authors: Sourabh Jain, Sukhvir Singh Jain, Gaurav V. Jain
Intelligent Transportation System is an integrated application of communication, control and monitoring and display process technologies for developing a user–friendly transportation system for urban areas in developing countries. In fact, the development of a country and the progress of its transportation system are complementary to each other. Urban traffic has been growing vigorously due to population growth as well as escalation of vehicle ownership causing congestion, delays, pollution, accidents, high-energy consumption and low productivity of resources. The development and management of urban transport in developing countries like India however, is at tryout stage with very few accumulations. Under the umbrella of ITS, urban corridor management strategy have proven to be one of the most successful system in accomplishing these objectives. The present study interprets and figures out the performance of the 27.4 km long Urban Bus route having six intersections, five flyovers and 29 bus stops that covers significant area of the city by causality analysis. Performance interpretations incorporate Passenger Boarding and Alighting, Dwell time, Distance between Bus Stops and Total trip time taken by bus on selected urban route.Keywords: congestion, dwell time, passengers boarding alighting, travel time
Procedia PDF Downloads 338646 Stereo Camera Based Speed-Hump Detection Process for Real Time Driving Assistance System in the Daytime
Authors: Hyun-Koo Kim, Yong-Hun Kim, Soo-Young Suk, Ju H. Park, Ho-Youl Jung
This paper presents an effective speed hump detection process at the day-time. we focus only on round types of speed humps in the day-time dynamic road environment. The proposed speed hump detection scheme consists mainly of two process as stereo matching and speed hump detection process. Our proposed process focuses to speed hump detection process. Speed hump detection process consist of noise reduction step, data fusion step, and speed hemp detection step. The proposed system is tested on Intel Core CPU with 2.80 GHz and 4 GB RAM tested in the urban road environments. The frame rate of test videos is 30 frames per second and the size of each frame of grabbed image sequences is 1280 pixels by 670 pixels. Using object-marked sequences acquired with an on-vehicle camera, we recorded speed humps and non-speed humps samples. Result of the tests, our proposed method can be applied in real-time systems by computation time is 13 ms. For instance; our proposed method reaches 96.1 %.Keywords: data fusion, round types speed hump, speed hump detection, surface filter
Procedia PDF Downloads 513645 A Study of Traditional Mode in the Framework of Sustainable Urban Transportation
Authors: Juanita, B. Kombaitan, Iwan Pratoyo Kusumantoro
The traditional mode is a non-motorized vehicle powered by human or animal power. The objective of the study was to define the strategy of using traditional modes by the framework of sustainable urban transport in support of urban tourism activities. The study of the traditional mode does not include a modified mode using the engine power as motor tricycles are often called ‘bentor ‘in Indonesia. The use of non-motorized traditional mode in Indonesia has begun to shift, and its use began to be eliminated by the change of propulsion using the machine. In an effort to push back the use of traditional mode one of them with tourism activities. Strategies for the use of traditional modes within the framework of sustainable urban transport are seen from three dimensions: social, economic and environmental. The social dimension related to accessibility and livability, an economic dimension related to traditional modes can promote products and tourist attractions, while the environmental dimension related to the needs of the users/groups with respect to safety, comfort. The traditional mode is rarely noticed by the policy makers, and public opinion in its use needs attention. The involvement of policy-making between stakeholders and the community is needed in the development of sustainable traditional mode strategies in support of urban tourism activities.Keywords: traditional mode, sustainable, urban, transportation
Procedia PDF Downloads 267644 Staying Cool in the Heat: How Tropical Finches Behaviorally Adjust to Extreme Heat in the Wild
Authors: Mara F. Müller, Simon C. Griffith, Tara L. Crewe, Mirjam Kaestli, Sydney J. Collett, Ian J. Radford, Hamish A. Campbell
The intensity and frequency of heat waves have been progressively increasing because of climate change. Passerines that inhabit very hot regions are already close to their physiological thermal limit and are thus considered highly susceptible to increased ambient temperatures. However, the extent by which passerines behaviorally compensate for extreme heat in their natural habitat has rarely been assessed due to monitoring challenges. To address this knowledge gap, coded VHF-nano transmitters were attached to a tropical passerine (Gouldian finch, Chloebia gouldiae). Fine-scale activity and movement were monitored throughout the hottest and driest period of the year using an array of static VHF-receivers. The finches were found to typically show a peak activity for a few hours at sunrise and remained relatively quiescent for the rest of the day. However, on extremely hot days (max temperature >38ºC), finches showed higher activity levels earlier in the morning and presented a second peak in the afternoon. Gouldian finches are physiologically challenged when ambient temperatures exceed 38ºC, suggesting the shift in movement activity reflects a behavioral mitigation strategy to extreme heat. These tropical finches already exist on an energetic knife-edge during this time of the year due to resource scarcity. Hence, the increased energetic expenditure to mitigate thermal stress may be detrimental. The study demonstrates the value of VHF-telemetry technology in monitoring the impact of global change on the biology of small-bodied mobile species.Keywords: animal tracking, biotelemetry, climate change, extreme heat, movement activity, radiotelemetry, VHF-telemetry
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