Search results for: flexible modular design
13386 Applications for Additive Manufacturing Technology for Reducing the Weight of Body Parts of Gas Turbine Engines
Authors: Liubov Magerramova, Mikhail Petrov, Vladimir Isakov, Liana Shcherbinina, Suren Gukasyan, Daniil Povalyukhin, Olga Klimova-Korsmik, Darya Volosevich
Aircraft engines are developing along the path of increasing resource, strength, reliability, and safety. The building of gas turbine engine body parts is a complex design and technological task. Particularly complex in the design and manufacturing are the casings of the input stages of helicopter gearboxes and central drives of aircraft engines. Traditional technologies, such as precision casting or isothermal forging, are characterized by significant limitations in parts production. For parts like housing, additive technologies guarantee spatial freedom and limitless or flexible design. This article presents the results of computational and experimental studies. These investigations justify the applicability of additive technologies (AT) to reduce the weight of aircraft housing gearbox parts by up to 32%. This is possible due to geometrical optimization compared to the classical, less flexible manufacturing methods and as-casted aircraft parts with over-insured values of safety factors. Using an example of the body of the input stage of an aircraft gearbox, visualization of the layer-by-layer manufacturing of a part based on thermal deformation was demonstrated.Keywords: additive technologies, gas turbine engines, topological optimization, synthesis process
Procedia PDF Downloads 11813385 A Memetic Algorithm for an Energy-Costs-Aware Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem
Authors: Christian Böning, Henrik Prinzhorn, Eric C. Hund, Malte Stonis
In this article, the flexible job-shop scheduling problem is extended by consideration of energy costs which arise owing to the power peak, and further decision variables such as work in process and throughput time are incorporated into the objective function. This enables a production plan to be simultaneously optimized in respect of the real arising energy and logistics costs. The energy-costs-aware flexible job-shop scheduling problem (EFJSP) which arises is described mathematically, and a memetic algorithm (MA) is presented as a solution. In the MA, the evolutionary process is supplemented with a local search. Furthermore, repair procedures are used in order to rectify any infeasible solutions that have arisen in the evolutionary process. The potential for lowering the real arising costs of a production plan through consideration of energy consumption levels is highlighted.Keywords: energy costs, flexible job-shop scheduling, memetic algorithm, power peak
Procedia PDF Downloads 34613384 Multithreading/Multiprocessing Simulation of The International Space Station Multibody System Using A Divide and Conquer Dynamics Formulation with Flexible Bodies
Authors: Luong A. Nguyen, Elihu Deneke, Thomas L. Harman
This paper describes a multibody dynamics algorithm formulated for parallel implementation on multiprocessor computing platforms using the divide-and-conquer approach. The system of interest is a general topology of rigid and elastic articulated bodies with or without loops. The algorithm is an extension of Featherstone’s divide and conquer approach to include the flexible-body dynamics formulation. The equations of motion, configured for the International Space Station (ISS) with its robotic manipulator arm as a system of articulated flexible bodies, are implemented in separate computer processors. The performance of this divide-and-conquer algorithm implementation in multiple processors is compared with an existing method implemented on a single processor.Keywords: multibody dynamics, multiple processors, multithreading, divide-and-conquer algorithm, computational efficiency, flexible body dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 33713383 Implementation of a Web-Based Wireless ECG Measuring and Recording System
Authors: Onder Yakut, Serdar Solak, Emine Dogru Bolat
Measuring the Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is an essential process for the diagnosis of the heart diseases. The ECG signal has the information of the degree of how much the heart performs its functions. In medical diagnosis and treatment systems, Decision Support Systems processing the ECG signal are being developed for the use of clinicians while medical examination. In this study, a modular wireless ECG (WECG) measuring and recording system using a single board computer and e-Health sensor platform is developed. In this designed modular system, after the ECG signal is taken from the body surface by the electrodes first, it is filtered and converted to digital form. Then, it is recorded to the health database using Wi-Fi communication technology. The real time access of the ECG data is provided through the internet utilizing the developed web interface.Keywords: ECG, e-health sensor shield, Raspberry Pi, wiFi technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 40213382 Behavior of GRS Abutment Facing under Variable Cycles of Lateral Excitation through Physical Model Tests
Authors: Ashutosh Verma, Satyendra Mittal
Numerous geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) abutment failures over the years have been attributed to the loss of strength at the facing-reinforcement interface due to seasonal thermal expansion/contraction of the bridge deck. This causes excessive settlement below the bridge seat, causing bridge bumps along the approach road which reduces the design life of any abutment. Before designers while choosing the type of facing, a broad range of facing configurations are undoubtedly available. Generally speaking, these configurations can be divided into three groups: modular (panels/block), continuous, and full height rigid (FHR). The purpose of the current study is to use 1g physical model tests under serviceable cyclic lateral displacements to experimentally investigate the behaviour of these three facing classifications. To simulate field behaviour, a field instrumented GRS abutment prototype was modeled into a N scaled down 1g physical model (N = 5) with adjustable facing arrangements to represent these three facing classifications. For cyclic lateral displacement (d/H) of top facing at loading rate of 1mm/min, the peak earth pressure coefficient (K) on the facing and vertical settlement of the footing (s/B) at 25, 50, 75 and 100 cycles have been measured. For a constant footing offset of x/H = 0.1, three forms of cyclic displacements have been performed to simulate active condition (CA), passive condition (CP), and active-passive condition (CAP). The findings showed that when reinforcements are integrated into the wall along with presence of gravel gabions i.e. FHR design, a rather substantial earth pressure occurs over the facing. Despite this, the FHR facing's continuous nature works in conjunction with the reinforcements' membrane resilience to reduce footing settlement. On the other hand, the pressure over the wall is released upon lateral excitation by the relative displacement between the panels in modular facing reducing the connection strength at the interface and leading to greater settlements below footing. On the contrary, continuous facing do not exhibit relative displacement along the depth of facing rather fails through rotation about the base, which extends the zone of active failure in the backfill leading to large depressions in the backfill region around the bridge seat. Conservatively, FHR facing shows relatively stable responses under lateral cyclic excitations as compared to modular or continuous type of abutment facing.Keywords: GRS abutments, 1g physical model, full height rigid, cyclic lateral displacement
Procedia PDF Downloads 8413381 Analysis of Reinforced Granular Pile in Soft Soil
Authors: G. Nitesh
Stone column or granular pile is a proven technique to mitigate settlement in soft soil. Granular pile increases both rate of consolidation and stiffness of the ground. In this paper, a method to analyze further reduction in settlement of granular column reinforced with lime pile is presented treating the system as a unit cell and considering one-dimensional compression approach. The core of the granular pile is stiffened with a steel rod or lime column. Influence of a wide range of parameters such as area ratio of granular pile-soft soil, area ratio of lime pile-granular pile, modular ratio of granular pile and modular ratio of lime pile with respect to granular pile on settlement reduction factor, etc. are obtained and presented.Keywords: lime pile, granular pile, soft soil, settlement
Procedia PDF Downloads 41013380 The Importance of Contemporary Interior Design in today's Day and Age
Authors: Rabab Bamboat, Reenu Singh
Today, contemporary modular interior design components provide us the ease to rethink or change our spaces with flexibility. Specifically, contemporary design is perfect for all those people who feel the need to “change” to feel at home again. The variables such as color, furniture, furnishings, fixtures are some of the elements that are changed and re-furnished at periodic intervals. With contemporary interior design, one can customize the interiors to suit the respective personality and passions. A questionnaire survey was conducted to understand how contemporary interior design and its variables play an important role and should be applied while designing an interior space in today's time. Thus, helping us understand better the needs of people and what they would prefer whilst one keeps practicality and functionality in mind. Based on the analysis and extensive literature review, the study develops an understanding of how contemporary interior design should be applied in today's day and age, making living more practical easy but also stylish. The findings provide a more sustainable, functional, simple, and classy way of living while having customed furniture, color, art in an interior space. These variables provided solutions for effective ideation to support the functionality in a minimal and contemporary interior space. This concludes in providing a better understanding to the designers to incorporate a minimalist or contemporary lifestyle while keeping their requirements and other factors in mind.Keywords: contemporary, minimal, practicality, personality
Procedia PDF Downloads 17713379 A Study on the Correlation Analysis between the Pre-Sale Competition Rate and the Apartment Unit Plan Factor through Machine Learning
Authors: Seongjun Kim, Jinwooung Kim, Sung-Ah Kim
The development of information and communication technology also affects human cognition and thinking, especially in the field of design, new techniques are being tried. In architecture, new design methodologies such as machine learning or data-driven design are being applied. In particular, these methodologies are used in analyzing the factors related to the value of real estate or analyzing the feasibility in the early planning stage of the apartment housing. However, since the value of apartment buildings is often determined by external factors such as location and traffic conditions, rather than the interior elements of buildings, data is rarely used in the design process. Therefore, although the technical conditions are provided, the internal elements of the apartment are difficult to apply the data-driven design in the design process of the apartment. As a result, the designers of apartment housing were forced to rely on designer experience or modular design alternatives rather than data-driven design at the design stage, resulting in a uniform arrangement of space in the apartment house. The purpose of this study is to propose a methodology to support the designers to design the apartment unit plan with high consumer preference by deriving the correlation and importance of the floor plan elements of the apartment preferred by the consumers through the machine learning and reflecting this information from the early design process. The data on the pre-sale competition rate and the elements of the floor plan are collected as data, and the correlation between pre-sale competition rate and independent variables is analyzed through machine learning. This analytical model can be used to review the apartment unit plan produced by the designer and to assist the designer. Therefore, it is possible to make a floor plan of apartment housing with high preference because it is possible to feedback apartment unit plan by using trained model when it is used in floor plan design of apartment housing.Keywords: apartment unit plan, data-driven design, design methodology, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 26913378 Field Performance of Cement Treated Bases as a Reflective Crack Mitigation Technique for Flexible Pavements
Authors: Mohammad R. Bhuyan, Mohammad J. Khattak
Deterioration of flexible pavements due to crack reflection from its soil-cement base layer is a major concern around the globe. The service life of flexible pavement diminishes significantly because of the reflective cracks. Highway agencies are struggling for decades to prevent or mitigate these cracks in order to increase pavement service lives. The root cause of reflective cracks is the shrinkage crack which occurs in the soil-cement bases during the cement hydration process. The primary factor that causes the shrinkage is the cement content of the soil-cement mixture. With the increase of cement content, the soil-cement base gains strength and durability, which is necessary to withstand the traffic loads. But at the same time, higher cement content creates more shrinkage resulting in more reflective cracks in pavements. Historically, various states of USA have used the soil-cement bases for constructing flexile pavements. State of Louisiana (USA) had been using 8 to 10 percent of cement content to manufacture the soil-cement bases. Such traditional soil-cement bases yield 2.0 MPa (300 psi) 7-day compressive strength and are termed as cement stabilized design (CSD). As these CSD bases generate significant reflective cracks, another design of soil-cement base has been utilized by adding 4 to 6 percent of cement content called cement treated design (CTD), which yields 1.0 MPa (150 psi) 7-day compressive strength. The reduction of cement content in the CTD base is expected to minimize shrinkage cracks thus increasing pavement service lives. Hence, this research study evaluates the long-term field performance of CTD bases with respect to CSD bases used in flexible pavements. Pavement Management System of the state of Louisiana was utilized to select flexible pavement projects with CSD and CTD bases that had good historical record and time-series distress performance data. It should be noted that the state collects roughness and distress data for 1/10th mile section every 2-year period. In total, 120 CSD and CTD projects were analyzed in this research, where more than 145 miles (CTD) and 175 miles (CSD) of roadways data were accepted for performance evaluation and benefit-cost analyses. Here, the service life extension and area based on distress performance were considered as benefits. It was found that CTD bases increased 1 to 5 years of pavement service lives based on transverse cracking as compared to CSD bases. On the other hand, the service lives based on longitudinal and alligator cracking, rutting and roughness index remain the same. Hence, CTD bases provide some service life extension (2.6 years, on average) to the controlling distress; transverse cracking, but it was inexpensive due to its lesser cement content. Consequently, CTD bases become 20% more cost-effective than the traditional CSD bases, when both bases were compared by net benefit-cost ratio obtained from all distress types.Keywords: cement treated base, cement stabilized base, reflective cracking , service life, flexible pavement
Procedia PDF Downloads 16913377 Design and Control of an Integrated Plant for Simultaneous Production of γ-Butyrolactone and 2-Methyl Furan
Authors: Ahtesham Javaid, Costin S. Bildea
The design and plantwide control of an integrated plant where the endothermic 1,4-butanediol dehydrogenation and the exothermic furfural hydrogenation is simultaneously performed in a single reactor is studied. The reactions can be carried out in an adiabatic reactor using small hydrogen excess and with reduced parameter sensitivity. The plant is robust and flexible enough to allow different production rates of γ-butyrolactone and 2-methyl furan, keeping high product purities. Rigorous steady state and dynamic simulations performed in AspenPlus and AspenDynamics to support the conclusions.Keywords: dehydrogenation and hydrogenation, reaction coupling, design and control, process integration
Procedia PDF Downloads 34013376 To Study the Performance of FMS under Different Manufacturing Strategies
Authors: Mohammed Ali
A flexible manufacturing system has been studied under different manufacturing strategies. The aim of this paper is to test the impact of number of pallets and routing flexibility (design strategy) on system performance operating at different sequencing and dispatching rules (control strategies) at unbalanced load condition (planning strategies). A computer simulation model is developed to evaluate the effects of aforementioned strategies on the make-span time, which is taken as the system performance measure. The impact of number of pallets is shown with the different levels of routing flexibility. In this paper, the same manufacturing system is modeled under different combination of sequencing and dispatching rules. The result of the simulation shows that there is definite range of pallets for each level of routing flexibility at which the systems performs satisfactorily.Keywords: flexible manufacturing system, manufacturing, strategy, makespan
Procedia PDF Downloads 66813375 Performance Evaluations of Lap Spliced Joint of Decked Bulb-Tee Type Modular Bridge
Authors: Sang-Yoon Lee, Jae-Joon Song
Precast decked bulb-tee girder or precast deck generally adopts in-situ connections of loop joints. Loop joint could be an effective method to connect precast concrete members where the width of joint is not wide sufficiently to allow the lap splice length of reinforcing bars. However, the regulation for the minimum bend diameter of looped rebar gives limitation not to reduce the thickness of precast concrete member; thus, in-situ connection adopting loop joint place a constraint on improving the structural efficiency of precast concrete member. Ultra high strength concrete (UHSC) is effective on reduce the development and lap splice length of reinforcing bar. In-situ connection with UHSC gives a merit to reduce connection width. This study intends to investigate the details of the longitudinal joint to be applied in the precast modular bridge using decked bulb-tee girder that has been recently developed in Korea. This paper presents the details applying UHSC and lap splices of straight reinforcement and results of tests. Several tests were performed on flexural specimens with longitudinal joints to verify the length of the lap splices and amount of transverse reinforcement, and to examine the flexural strength of the longitudinal joint.Keywords: precast structure, decked bulb-tee girder, in-situ connection, UHSC, modular bridge
Procedia PDF Downloads 46213374 Scheduling Flexibility and Employee Health Outcomes: A Meta-Analytic Review
Authors: Nicole V. Shifrin
Scheduling flexibility is becoming an increasingly available option for employees struggling to balance their work and life responsibilities, allowing employees to coordinate work schedules with their additional roles. The goal of such opportunities is to help employees manage the demands they face across domains of life by allowing employees to work from home, design their own work hours, take time off when necessary, along with various other scheduling accommodations. Organizations are also turning to utilizing scheduling flexibility to facilitate employee health and wellbeing through the reduction of stress and maximization of efficiency. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of scheduling flexibility on employee health-related behaviors and outcomes through a synthesis of research. The current meta-analytic review of 19 samples within 16 studies with a total sample size of 20,707 employees examines the relationship between the degree of scheduling flexibility available to employees and the resulting health outcomes and exercise habits. The results demonstrate that reduced scheduling flexibility is associated with poorer health status, suggesting that schedule inflexibility can hinder employees’ ability to maintain and support their health. These findings hold practical implications for developing work schedules to promote employee health and health-related behaviors, such as eating well and exercising. Additionally, there was a positive association between increased scheduling flexibility and engagement in exercise, suggesting that employees with more flexible schedules exercise more frequently than those with less flexible schedules. A potential explanation for the resulting relationship is that flexible schedules leave employees more time due to shorter work days, shorter or eliminated commutes, etc. with which they can use to engage in healthy behaviors. These findings stress the importance of promoting job designs that facilitate employee engagement in healthy behaviors, which directly impact their overall health status. Implications for practice are discussed as well as future directions in examining the link between job design and employee health and well-being.Keywords: exercise, health, meta-analysis, job design, scheduling flexibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 13813373 Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem
Authors: Guilherme Baldo Carlos
The flexible job-shop scheduling problem (FJSP) is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem, which can be applied to model several applications in a wide array of industries. This problem will have its importance increase due to the shift in the production mode that modern society is going through. The demands are increasing and for products personalized and customized. This work aims to apply a meta-heuristic called a genetic algorithm (GA) to solve this problem. A GA is a meta-heuristic inspired by the natural selection of Charles Darwin; it produces a population of individuals (solutions) and selects, mutates, and mates the individuals through generations in order to find a good solution for the problem. The results found indicate that the GA is suitable for FJSP solving.Keywords: genetic algorithm, evolutionary algorithm, scheduling, flexible job-shop scheduling
Procedia PDF Downloads 14713372 Encapsulation of Flexible OLED with an Auxiliary Sealing Line
Authors: Hanjun Yun, Gun Bae, Nabin Paul, Cheolhee Moon
Flexible OLED is an important technology for the next generation display over various kinds of applications. However, the organic materials of OLEDs degrade rapidly under the invasion of oxygen and water moisture. The degradation causes the formation of non-emitting areas which gradually suppress the device brightness, ultimately the lifetime of the device decreasing rapidly. Until now, the most suitable sealing process of the flexible OLED devices is a thin film encapsulation (TFE). However, TFE consists of a multilayer thin-film structure with organic-inorganic materials, so the cost is expensive and the process time is long. Another problem is that the blocking characteristics from the moisture and oxygen are not perfect. Therefore, the encapsulation of the flexible OLED device is a still key technical issue for the successful market entry. In this study, we are to introduce an auxiliary sealing line between the two flexible substrates. The electrode lines were formed on the substrates which have a SiNx barrier coating layer. To induce the solid phase diffusion process between the SiNx layer and the electrode lines, the electrode materials were determined as Al-Si composition. Thermal energy was supplied for both the SiNx layer and Al-Si electrode lines within the furnace to induce the interfacial bonding through the solid phase diffusion of Si. We printed a test pattern for the edge of the flexible PET substrate of 3cm*3cm size. Experimental conditions such as heating temperature, heating time were optimized to get enough adhesion strength which was estimated through the competitive bending test. Finally, OLED devices with flexible PET substrate of 3cm*3cm size were manufactured to investigate the blocking characteristics as an encapsulation layer.Keywords: barrier, encapsulation, OLED, solid phase diffusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 23813371 Implementation of Quality Function Development to Incorporate Customer’s Value in the Conceptual Design Stage of a Construction Projects
Authors: Ayedh Alqahtani
Many construction firms in Saudi Arabia dedicated to building projects agree that the most important factor in the real estate market is the value that they can give to their customer. These firms understand the value of their client in different ways. Value can be defined as the size of the building project in relationship to the cost or the design quality of the materials utilized in finish work or any other features of building rooms such as the bathroom. Value can also be understood as something suitable for the money the client is investing for the new property. A quality tool is required to support companies to achieve a solution for the building project and to understand and manage the customer’s needs. Quality Function Development (QFD) method will be able to play this role since the main difference between QFD and other conventional quality management tools is QFD a valuable and very flexible tool for design and taking into the account the VOC. Currently, organizations and agencies are seeking suitable models able to deal better with uncertainty, and that is flexible and easy to use. The primary aim of this research project is to incorporate customer’s requirements in the conceptual design of construction projects. Towards this goal, QFD is selected due to its capability to integrate the design requirements to meet the customer’s needs. To develop QFD, this research focused upon the contribution of the different (significantly weighted) input factors that represent the main variables influencing QFD and subsequent analysis of the techniques used to measure them. First of all, this research will review the literature to determine the current practice of QFD in construction projects. Then, the researcher will review the literature to define the current customers of residential projects and gather information on customers’ requirements for the design of the residential building. After that, qualitative survey research will be conducted to rank customer’s needs and provide the views of stakeholder practitioners about how these needs can affect their satisfy. Moreover, a qualitative focus group with the members of the design team will be conducted to determine the improvements level and technical details for the design of residential buildings. Finally, the QFD will be developed to establish the degree of significance of the design’s solution.Keywords: quality function development, construction projects, Saudi Arabia, quality tools
Procedia PDF Downloads 12413370 Taguchi Method for Analyzing a Flexible Integrated Logistics Network
Authors: E. Behmanesh, J. Pannek
Logistics network design is known as one of the strategic decision problems. As these kinds of problems belong to the category of NP-hard problems, traditional ways are failed to find an optimal solution in short time. In this study, we attempt to involve reverse flow through an integrated design of forward/reverse supply chain network that formulated into a mixed integer linear programming. This Integrated, multi-stages model is enriched by three different delivery path which makes the problem more complex. To tackle with such an NP-hard problem a revised random path direct encoding method based memetic algorithm is considered as the solution methodology. Each algorithm has some parameters that need to be investigate to reveal the best performance. In this regard, Taguchi method is adapted to identify the optimum operating condition of the proposed memetic algorithm to improve the results. In this study, four factors namely, population size, crossover rate, local search iteration and a number of iteration are considered. Analyzing the parameters and improvement in results are the outlook of this research.Keywords: integrated logistics network, flexible path, memetic algorithm, Taguchi method
Procedia PDF Downloads 19113369 Main Chaos-Based Image Encryption Algorithm
Authors: Ibtissem Talbi
During the last decade, a variety of chaos-based cryptosystems have been investigated. Most of them are based on the structure of Fridrich, which is based on the traditional confusion-diffusion architecture proposed by Shannon. Compared with traditional cryptosystems (DES, 3DES, AES, etc.), the chaos-based cryptosystems are more flexible, more modular and easier to be implemented, which make them suitable for large scale-data encyption, such as images and videos. The heart of any chaos-based cryptosystem is the chaotic generator and so, a part of the efficiency (robustness, speed) of the system depends greatly on it. In this talk, we give an overview of the state of the art of chaos-based block ciphers and we describe some of our schemes already proposed. Also we will focus on the essential characteristics of the digital chaotic generator, The needed performance of a chaos-based block cipher in terms of security level and speed of calculus depends on the considered application. There is a compromise between the security and the speed of the calculation. The security of these block block ciphers will be analyzed.Keywords: chaos-based cryptosystems, chaotic generator, security analysis, structure of Fridrich
Procedia PDF Downloads 68413368 Flexible Laser Reduced Graphene Oxide/MnO2 Electrode for Supercapacitor Applications
Authors: Ingy N. Bkrey, Ahmed A. Moniem
We succeeded to produce a high performance and flexible graphene/Manganese dioxide (G/MnO2) electrode coated on flexible polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrate. The graphene film is initially synthesized by drop-casting the graphene oxide (GO) solution on the PET substrate, followed by simultaneous reduction and patterning of the dried film using carbon dioxide (CO2) laser beam with power of 1.8 W. Potentiostatic Anodic Deposition method was used to deposit thin film of MnO2 with different loading mass 10 – 50 and 100 μ on the pre-prepared graphene film. The electrodes were fully characterized in terms of structure, morphology, and electrochemical performance. A maximum specific capacitance of 973 F.g-1 was attributed when depositing 50 μ MnO2 on the laser reduced graphene oxide rGO (or G/50MnO2) and over 92% of its initial capacitance was retained after 1000 cycles. The good electrochemical performance and long-term cycling stability make our proposed approach a promising candidate in the supercapacitor applications.Keywords: electrode deposition, flexible, graphene oxide, graphene, high power CO2 Laser, MnO2
Procedia PDF Downloads 31813367 Architectural Advancements: Lightweight Structures and Future Applications in Ultra-High-Performance Concrete, Fabrics, and Flexible Photovoltaics
Authors: Pratik Pankaj Pawar
Lightweight structures - structures with reduced weight, which otherwise retain the qualities necessary for the building performance, ensuring proper durability and strength, safety, indoor environmental quality, and energy efficiency; structures that strive for the optimization of structural systems - are in tune with current trends and socio-economic, environmental, and technological factors. The growing interest in lightweight structures design makes them an ever more significant field of research. This article focuses on the architectural aspects of lightweight structures and on their contemporary and future applications. The selected advanced building technologies - i.e., Ultra-High-Performance Concrete, fabrics, and flexible photovoltaics.Keywords: light weight building, carbyne, aerographite, geopolymer reinforced wood particles aggregate
Procedia PDF Downloads 6013366 Experimental Assessment of Polypropylene Plastic Aggregates(PPA) for Pavement Construction: Their Mechanical Properties via Marshall Test
Authors: Samiullah Bhatti, Safdar Abbas Zaidi, Syed Murtaza Ali Jafri
This research paper presents the results of using plastic aggregate in flexible pavement. Plastic aggregates have been prepared with polypropylene (PP) recycled products and have been tested with Marshall apparatus. Grade 60/70 bitumen has been chosen for this research with a total content of 2.5 %, 3 % and 3.5 %. Plastic aggregates are mixed with natural aggregates with different proportions and it ranges from 10 % to 100 % with an increment of 10 %. Therefore, a total of 10 Marshall cakes were prepared with plastic aggregates in addition to a standard pavement sample. In total 33 samples have been tested for Marshall stability, flow and voids in mineral aggregates. The results show an increase in the value when it changes from 2.5 % bitumen to 3 % and after then it goes again toward declination. Thus, 3 % bitumen content has been found as the most optimum value for flexible pavements. Among all the samples, 20 % PP aggregates sample has been found satisfactory with respect to all the standards provided by ASTM. Therefore, it is suggested to use 20 plastic aggregates in flexible pavement construction. A comparison of bearing capacity and skid resistance is also observed.Keywords: marshall test, polypropylene plastic, plastic aggregates, flexible pavement alternative, recycling of plastic waste
Procedia PDF Downloads 14513365 A Modular Framework for Enabling Analysis for Educators with Different Levels of Data Mining Skills
Authors: Kyle De Freitas, Margaret Bernard
Enabling data mining analysis among a wider audience of educators is an active area of research within the educational data mining (EDM) community. The paper proposes a framework for developing an environment that caters for educators who have little technical data mining skills as well as for more advanced users with some data mining expertise. This framework architecture was developed through the review of the strengths and weaknesses of existing models in the literature. The proposed framework provides a modular architecture for future researchers to focus on the development of specific areas within the EDM process. Finally, the paper also highlights a strategy of enabling analysis through either the use of predefined questions or a guided data mining process and highlights how the developed questions and analysis conducted can be reused and extended over time.Keywords: educational data mining, learning management system, learning analytics, EDM framework
Procedia PDF Downloads 32713364 Theoretical Study of Flexible Edge Seals for Vacuum Glazing
Authors: Farid Arya, Trevor Hyde
The development of vacuum glazing represents a significant advancement in the area of low heat loss glazing systems with the potential to substantially reduce building heating and cooling loads. Vacuum glazing consists of two or more glass panes hermetically sealed together around the edge with a vacuum gap between the panes. To avoid the glass panes from collapsing and touching each other under the influence of atmospheric pressure an array of support pillars is provided between the glass panes. A high level of thermal insulation is achieved by evacuating the spaces between the glass panes to a very low pressure which greatly reduces conduction and convection within the space; therefore heat transfer through this kind of glazing is significantly lower when compared with conventional insulating glazing. However, vacuum glazing is subject to inherent stresses due to atmospheric pressure and temperature differentials which can lead to fracture of the glass panes and failure of the edge seal. A flexible edge seal has been proposed to minimise the impact of these issues. In this paper, vacuum glazing system with rigid and flexible edge seals is theoretically studied and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed.Keywords: flexible edge seal, stress, support pillar, vacuum glazing
Procedia PDF Downloads 23413363 Highly Stretchable, Intelligent and Conductive PEDOT/PU Nanofibers Based on Electrospinning and in situ Polymerization
Authors: Kun Qi, Yuman Zhou, Jianxin He
A facile fabrication strategy via electrospinning and followed by in situ polymerization to fabricate a highly stretchable and conductive Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/Polyurethane (PEDOT/PU) nanofibrous membrane is reported. PU nanofibers were prepared by electrospinning and then PEDOT was coated on the plasma modified PU nanofiber surface via in-situ polymerization to form flexible PEDOT/PU composite nanofibers with conductivity. The results show PEDOT is successfully synthesized on the surface of PU nanofiber and PEDOT/PU composite nanofibers possess skin-core structure. Furthermore, the experiments indicate the optimal technological parameters of the polymerization process are as follow: The concentration of EDOT monomers is 50 mmol/L, the polymerization time is 24 h and the temperature is 25℃. The PEDOT/PU nanofibers exhibit excellent electrical conductivity ( 27.4 S/cm). In addition, flexible sensor made from conductive PEDOT/PU nanofibers shows highly sensitive response towards tensile strain and also can be used to detect finger motion. The results demonstrate promising application of the as-obtained nanofibrous membrane in flexible wearable electronic fields.Keywords: electrospinning, polyurethane, PEDOT, conductive nanofiber, flexible senor
Procedia PDF Downloads 35913362 Technology Blending as an Innovative Construction Mechanism in the Global South
Authors: Janet Kaningen, Richard N. Kaningen, Jonas Kaningen
This paper aims to discover the best ways to improve production efficiency, cost efficiency, community cohesion, and long-term sustainability in Ghana's housing delivery. Advanced Construction Technologies (ACTs) are set to become the sustainable mainstay of the construction industry due to the demand for innovative housing solutions. Advances in material science, building component production, and assembly technologies are leading to the development of next-generation materials such as polymeric-fiber-based products, light-metal alloys, and eco-materials. Modular housing construction has become more efficient and cost-effective than traditional building methods and is becoming increasingly popular for commercial, industrial, and residential projects. Effective project management and logistics will be imperative in the future speed and cost of modular construction housing.Keywords: technology blending, sustainability, housing, Ghana
Procedia PDF Downloads 8813361 Design Procedure of Cold Bitumen Emulsion Mixtures
Authors: Hayder Shanbara, Felicite Ruddock, William Atherton, Ali Al-Rifaie
In highways construction, Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) is used predominantly as a paving material from many years. Around 90 percent of the world road network is laid by flexible pavements. However, there are some restrictions on paving hot mix asphalt such as immoderate greenhouse gas emission, rainy season difficulties, fuel and energy consumption and cost. Therefore, Cold Bitumen Emulsion Mixture (CBEM) is considered an alternative mix to the HMA. CBEM is the popular type of Cold Mix Asphalt (CMA). It is unheated emulsion, aggregate and filler mixtures, which can be prepared and mixed at ambient temperature. This research presents a simple and more practicable design procedure of CBEM and discusses limitations of this design. CBEM is a mixture of bitumen emulsion and aggregates that mixed and produced at ambient temperature. It is relatively easy to produce, but the design procedure that provided by Asphalt Institute (Manual Series 14 (1989)) pose some issues in its practical application.Keywords: cold bitumen, emulsion mixture, design procedure, pavement
Procedia PDF Downloads 25113360 Swift Rising Pattern of Emerging Construction Technology Trends in the Construction Management
Authors: Gayatri Mahajan
Modern Construction Technology (CT) includes a broad range of advanced techniques and practices that bound the recent developments in material technology, design methods, quantity surveying, facility management, services, structural analysis and design, and other management education. Adoption of recent digital transformation technology is the need of today to speed up the business and is also the basis of construction improvement. Incorporating and practicing the technologies such as cloud-based communication and collaboration solution, Mobile Apps and 5G,3D printing, BIM and Digital Twins, CAD / CAM, AR/ VR, Big Data, IoT, Wearables, Blockchain, Modular Construction, Offsite Manifesting, Prefabrication, Robotic, Drones and GPS controlled equipment expedite the progress in the Construction industry (CI). Resources used are journaled research articles, web/net surfing, books, thesis, reports/surveys, magazines, etc. The outline of the research organization for this study is framed at four distinct levels in context to conceptualization, resources, innovative and emerging trends in CI, and better methods for completion of the construction projects. The present study conducted during 2020-2022 reveals that implementing these technologies improves the level of standards, planning, security, well-being, sustainability, and economics too. Application uses, benefits, impact, advantages/disadvantages, limitations and challenges, and policies are dealt with to provide information to architects and builders for smooth completion of the project. Results explain that construction technology trends vary from 4 to 15 for CI, and eventually, it reaches 27 for Civil Engineering (CE). The perspective of the most recent innovations, trends, tools, challenges, and solutions is highly embraced in the field of construction. The incorporation of the above said technologies in the pandemic Covid -19 and post-pandemic might lead to a focus on finding out effective ways to adopt new-age technologies for CI.Keywords: BIM, drones, GPS, mobile apps, 5G, modular construction, robotics, 3D printing
Procedia PDF Downloads 10513359 A Variable Structural Control for a Flexible Lamina
Authors: Xuezhang Hou
A control problem of a flexible Lamina formulated by partial differential equations with viscoelastic boundary conditions is studied in this paper. The problem is written in standard form of linear infinite dimensional system in an appropriate energy Hilbert space. The semigroup approach of linear operators is adopted in investigating wellposedness of the closed loop system. A variable structural control for the system is proposed, and meanwhile an equivalent control method is applied to the thin plate system. A significant result on control theory that the thin plate can be approximated by ideal sliding mode in any accuracy in terms of semigroup approach is obtained.Keywords: partial differential equations, flexible lamina, variable structural control, semigroup of linear operators
Procedia PDF Downloads 8713358 A View of Flexible Housing in China
Authors: L. I. Shanshan
Beginning with the debate of concept, this essay explains the historical source and development of flexible housing in China. In the former part, the flexibility contained in traditional house is explored. While in the latter, the relevant practices in modern times are systematically analyzed as three phases–the Embryonic Period (1949 - 1980), the Systematic Practice (1981 - 2000), as well as the Integrated Trend and Prosperity (2001 - present). As a conclusion, the generalized flexibility is tentatively discussed.Keywords: flexibility, long-term effectiveness, variety, social background
Procedia PDF Downloads 28413357 Height of Highway Embankment for Tolerable Residual Settlement of Loose Cohesionless Subsoil Overlain by Stronger Soil
Authors: Sharifullah Ahmed
Residual settlement of cohesionless or non-plastic soil of different strength underlying highway embankment overlain by stronger soil layer highway embankment is studied. A parametric study is carried out for different height of embankment and for different ESAL factor. The sum of elastic settlements of cohesionless subsoil due to axle induced stress and due to self-weight of pavement layers is termed as the residual settlement. The values of residual settlement (Sr) for different heights of road embankment (He) are obtained and presented as design charts for different SPT Value (N60) and ESAL factor. For rigid pavement and flexible pavement in approach to bridge or culvert, the tolerable residual settlement is 0.100m. This limit is taken as 0.200m for flexible pavement in general sections of highway without approach to bridge or culvert. A simplified guideline is developed for design of highway embankment underlain by very loose to loose cohesionless subsoil overlain by a stronger soil layer for limiting value of the residual settlement. In the current research study range of ESAL factor is 1-10 and range of SPT value (N60) is 1-10. That is found that, ground improvement is not required if the overlying stronger layer is minimum 1.5m and 4.0m for general road section of flexible pavement except bridge or culvert approach and for rigid pavement or flexible pavement in bridge or culvert approach. Tables and charts are included in the prepared guideline to obtain minimum allowable height of highway embankment to limit the residual settlement with in mentioned tolerable limit. Allowable values of the embankment height (He) are obtained corresponding to tolerable or limiting level of the residual settlement of loose subsoil for different SPT value, thickness of stronger layer (d) and ESAL factor. The developed guideline is may be issued to be used in assessment of the necessity of ground improvement in case of cohesionless subsoil underlying highway embankment overlain by stronger subsoil layer for limiting residual settlement. The ground improvement is only to be required if the residual settlement of subsoil is more than tolerable limit.Keywords: axle pressure, equivalent single axle load, ground improvement, highway embankment, tolerable residual settlement
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