Search results for: learning Maltese as a second language
8365 Masked Candlestick Model: A Pre-Trained Model for Trading Prediction
Authors: Ling Qi, Matloob Khushi, Josiah Poon
This paper introduces a pre-trained Masked Candlestick Model (MCM) for trading time-series data. The pre-trained model is based on three core designs. First, we convert trading price data at each data point as a set of normalized elements and produce embeddings of each element. Second, we generate a masked sequence of such embedded elements as inputs for self-supervised learning. Third, we use the encoder mechanism from the transformer to train the inputs. The masked model learns the contextual relations among the sequence of embedded elements, which can aid downstream classification tasks. To evaluate the performance of the pre-trained model, we fine-tune MCM for three different downstream classification tasks to predict future price trends. The fine-tuned models achieved better accuracy rates for all three tasks than the baseline models. To better analyze the effectiveness of MCM, we test the same architecture for three currency pairs, namely EUR/GBP, AUD/USD, and EUR/JPY. The experimentation results demonstrate MCM’s effectiveness on all three currency pairs and indicate the MCM’s capability for signal extraction from trading data.Keywords: masked language model, transformer, time series prediction, trading prediction, embedding, transfer learning, self-supervised learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1298364 Immersive Learning in University Classrooms
Authors: Raminder Kaur
This paper considers the emerging area of integrating Virtual Reality (VR) technologies into the teaching of Visual Anthropology, Research Methods, and the Anthropology of Contemporary India in the University of Sussex. If deployed in a critical and self-reflexive manner, there are several advantages to VR-based immersive learning: (i) Based on data available for British schools, it has been noted that ‘Learning through experience can boost knowledge retention by up to 75%’. (ii) It can tutor students to learn with and from virtual worlds, devising new collaborative methods where suited. (iii) It can foster inclusive learning by aiding students with SEN and disabilities who may not be able to explore such areas in the physical world. (iv) It can inspire and instill confidence in students with anxieties about approaching new subjects, realms, or regions. (v) It augments our provision of ‘smart classrooms’ synchronised to the kinds of emerging immersive learning environments that students come from in schools.Keywords: virtual reality, anthropology, immersive learning, university
Procedia PDF Downloads 838363 Transformative Pedagogy and Online Adult Education
Authors: Glenn A. Palmer, Lorenzo Bowman, Juanita Johnson-Bailey
The ubiquitous economic upheaval that has gripped the global environment in the past few years displaced many workers through unemployment or underemployment. Globally, this disruption has caused many adult workers to seek additional education or skills to remain competitive, and acquire the ability and options to find gainful employment. While many learners have availed themselves of some opportunities to be retrained and retooled at locations within their communities, others have explored those options through the online learning environment. This paper examines the empirical research that explores the various strategies that are used in the adult online learning community that could also foster transformative learning.Keywords: online learning, transformational learning, adult education, economic crisis, unemployment
Procedia PDF Downloads 4658362 A Dynamic Analysis of the Facts of Language and Communication: The Case of French in Algeria
Authors: Farouk A. N. Bouhadiba
This work explores some sociolinguistic and educational aspects concerning the place and the role of French in Algeria. The observation of facts on language and communication in Algeria is analyzed from a dynamic perspective of Language at work. The question raised is to highlight the positive and negative aspects of a local adaptation of French in Algeria compared to the standard form of French in France. Some utilitarian and vehicular aspects of French in Algeria are presented and explained. The issue at stake here is to highlight the convergences and divergences that the cohabitation of languages of different genetic and political statuses (Arabic / French) entails, while these two languages are characterized by geographical proximity and historical bonds. The question of the programs of foreign language teaching in Algeria and of that of French in particular is raised and discussed.Keywords: French, Algeria, cohabitation, nativization, teaching, communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 288361 Models of Bilingual Education in Majority Language Contexts: An Exploratory Study of Bilingual Programmes in Qatari Primary Schools
Authors: Fatma Al-Maadheed
Following an ethnographic approach this study explored bilingual programmes offered by two types of primary schools in Qatar: international and Independent schools. Qatar with its unique linguistic and socio-economic situation launched a new initiative for educatiobnal development in 2001 but with hardly any research linked to theses changes. The study reveals that the Qatari bilingual schools context was one of heteroglossia, with three codes in operation: Modern Standard Arabic, Colloquial Arabic dialects and English. The two schools adopted different models of bilingualism. The international school adopted a strict separation policy between the two languages following a monoglossic belief. The independent school was found to apply a flexible language policy. The study also highlighted the daily challnges produced from the diglossia situation in Qatar, the difference between students and teacher dialect as well as acquiring literacy in the formal language. In addition to an abscence of a clear language policy in Schools, the study brought attention to the instructional methods utilised in language teaching which are mostly associated with successful bilingual education.Keywords: diglossia, instructional methods, language policy, qatari primary schools
Procedia PDF Downloads 4738360 English Language Proficiency and Use as Determinants of Transactional Success in Gbagi Market, Ibadan, Nigeria
Authors: A. Robbin
Language selection can be an efficient negotiation strategy employed by both service or product providers and their customers to achieve transactional success. The transactional scenario in Gbagi Market, Ibadan, Nigeria provides an appropriate setting for the exploration of the Nigerian multilingual situation with its own interesting linguistic peculiarities which questions the functionality of the ‘Lingua Franca’ in trade situations. This study examined English Language proficiency among Yoruba Traders in Gbagi Market, Ibadan and its use as determinants of transactional success during service encounters. Randomly selected Yoruba-English bilingual traders and customers were administered questionnaires and the data subjected to statistical and descriptive analysis using Giles Communication Accommodation Theory. Findings reveal that only fifty percent of the traders used for the study were proficient in speaking English language. Traders with minimal proficiency in Standard English, however, resulted in the use of the Nigerian Pidgin English. Both traders and customers select the Mother Tongue, which is the Yoruba Language during service encounters but are quick to converge to the other’s preferred language as the transactional exchange demands. The English language selection is not so much for the prestige or lingua franca status of the language as it is for its functions, which include ease of communication, negotiation, and increased sales. The use of English during service encounters is mostly determined by customer’s linguistic preference which the trader accommodates to for better negotiation and never as a first choice. This convergence is found to be beneficial as it ensures sales and return patronage. Although the English language is not a preferred code choice in Gbagi Market, it serves a functional trade strategy for transactional success during service encounters in the market.Keywords: communication accommodation theory, language selection, proficiency, service encounter, transaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1608359 Early Childhood Education and Learning Outcomes in Lower Primary Schools, Uganda
Authors: John Acire, Wilfred Lajul, Ogwang Tom
Using a qualitative research technique, this study investigates the influence of Early Childhood Education (ECE) on learning outcomes in lower primary schools in Gulu City, Uganda. The study, which is based on Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of human learning, fills gaps in the current literature on the influence of ECE on learning outcomes. The aims of the study include analyzing the state of learning outcomes, investigating ECE practices, and determining the influence of these practices on learning outcomes in lower primary schools. The findings highlight the critical significance of ECE in promoting children's overall development. Nursery education helps children improve their handwriting, reading abilities, and general cognitive development. Children who have received nursery education have improved their abilities to handle pencils, form letters, and engage in social interactions, highlighting the significance of fine motor skills and socializing. Despite the good elements, difficulties in implementing ECE practices were found, such as differences in teaching styles, financial limits, and potential weariness due to prolonged school hours. The study suggests focused interventions to improve the effectiveness of ECE practices, ensure their connection with educational goals and maximize their influence on children's development. The study's findings show that respondents agree on the importance of nursery education in supporting holistic development, socialization, language competency, and conceptual comprehension. Challenges in nursery education, such as differences in teaching techniques and insufficient resources, highlight the need for comprehensive measures to address these challenges. Furthermore, parental engagement in home learning activities was revealed as an important factor affecting early education outcomes. Children who were engaged at home performed better in lower primary, emphasizing the value of a supportive family environment. Finally, the report suggests measures to enhance parental participation, changes in teaching methods through retraining, and age-appropriate enrolment. Future studies might concentrate on the involvement of parents, ECE policy practice, and the influence of ECE teachers on lower primary school learning results. These ideas are intended to help create a more favorable learning environment by encouraging holistic development and preparing children for success in succeeding academic levels.Keywords: early childhood education, learning outcomes in lower primary schools, early childhood education practices, how ECE practices influence learning outcomes in lower primary schools
Procedia PDF Downloads 458358 A System Dynamics Approach to Technological Learning Impact for Cost Estimation of Solar Photovoltaics
Authors: Rong Wang, Sandra Hasanefendic, Elizabeth von Hauff, Bart Bossink
Technological learning and learning curve models have been continuously used to estimate the photovoltaics (PV) cost development over time for the climate mitigation targets. They can integrate a number of technological learning sources which influence the learning process. Yet the accuracy and realistic predictions for cost estimations of PV development are still difficult to achieve. This paper develops four hypothetical-alternative learning curve models by proposing different combinations of technological learning sources, including both local and global technology experience and the knowledge stock. This paper specifically focuses on the non-linear relationship between the costs and technological learning source and their dynamic interaction and uses the system dynamics approach to predict a more accurate PV cost estimation for future development. As the case study, the data from China is gathered and drawn to illustrate that the learning curve model that incorporates both the global and local experience is more accurate and realistic than the other three models for PV cost estimation. Further, absorbing and integrating the global experience into the local industry has a positive impact on PV cost reduction. Although the learning curve model incorporating knowledge stock is not realistic for current PV cost deployment in China, it still plays an effective positive role in future PV cost reduction.Keywords: photovoltaic, system dynamics, technological learning, learning curve
Procedia PDF Downloads 978357 A Student Centered Learning Environment in Engineering Education: Design and a Longitudinal Study of Impact
Authors: Tom O'Mahony
This article considers the design of a student-centered learning environment in engineering education. The learning environment integrates a number of components, including project-based learning, collaborative learning, two-stage assignments, active learning lectures, and a flipped-classroom. Together these elements place the individual learner and their learning at the center of the environment by focusing on understanding, enhancing relevance, applying learning, obtaining rich feedback, making choices, and taking responsibility. The evolution of this environment from 2014 to the present day is outlined. The impact of this environment on learners and their learning is evaluated via student questionnaires that consist of both open and closed-ended questions. The closed questions indicate that students found the learning environment to be really interesting and enjoyable (rated as 4.7 on a 5 point scale) and encouraged students to adopt a deep approach towards studying the course materials (rated as 4.0 on a 5 point scale). A content analysis of the open-ended questions provides evidence that the project, active learning lectures, and flipped classroom all contribute to the success of this environment. Furthermore, this analysis indicates that the two-stage assessment process, in which feedback is provided between a draft and final assignment, is the key component and the dominant theme. A limitation of the study is the small class size (less than 20 learners per year), but, to some degree, this is compensated for by the longitudinal nature of the study.Keywords: deep approaches, formative assessment, project-based learning, student-centered learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1128356 Navigating Government Finance Statistics: Effortless Retrieval and Comparative Analysis through Data Science and Machine Learning
Authors: Kwaku Damoah
This paper presents a methodology and software application (App) designed to empower users in accessing, retrieving, and comparatively exploring data within the hierarchical network framework of the Government Finance Statistics (GFS) system. It explores the ease of navigating the GFS system and identifies the gaps filled by the new methodology and App. The GFS, embodies a complex Hierarchical Network Classification (HNC) structure, encapsulating institutional units, revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities, and economic activities. Navigating this structure demands specialized knowledge, experience, and skill, posing a significant challenge for effective analytics and fiscal policy decision-making. Many professionals encounter difficulties deciphering these classifications, hindering confident utilization of the system. This accessibility barrier obstructs a vast number of professionals, students, policymakers, and the public from leveraging the abundant data and information within the GFS. Leveraging R programming language, Data Science Analytics and Machine Learning, an efficient methodology enabling users to access, navigate, and conduct exploratory comparisons was developed. The machine learning Fiscal Analytics App (FLOWZZ) democratizes access to advanced analytics through its user-friendly interface, breaking down expertise barriers.Keywords: data science, data wrangling, drilldown analytics, government finance statistics, hierarchical network classification, machine learning, web application.
Procedia PDF Downloads 718355 Efficacy of Technology for Successful Learning Experience; Technology Supported Model for Distance Learning: Case Study of Botho University, Botswana
Authors: Ivy Rose Mathew
The purpose of this study is to outline the efficacy of technology and the opportunities it can bring to implement a successful delivery model in Distance Learning. Distance Learning has proliferated over the past few years across the world. Some of the current challenges faced by current students of distance education include lack of motivation, a sense of isolation and a need for greater and improved communication. Hence the author proposes a creative technology supported model for distance learning exactly mirrored on the traditional face to face learning that can be adopted by distance learning providers. This model suggests the usage of a range of technologies and social networking facilities, with the aim of creating a more engaging and sustaining learning environment to help overcome the isolation often noted by distance learners. While discussing the possibilities, the author also highlights the complexity and practical challenges of implementing such a model. Design/methodology/approach: Theoretical issues from previous research related to successful models for distance learning providers will be considered. And also the analysis of a case study from one of the largest private tertiary institution in Botswana, Botho University will be included. This case study illustrates important aspects of the distance learning delivery model and provides insights on how curriculum development is planned, quality assurance is done, and learner support is assured for successful distance learning experience. Research limitations/implications: While some of the aspects of this study may not be applicable to other contexts, a number of new providers of distance learning can adapt the key principles of this delivery model.Keywords: distance learning, efficacy, learning experience, technology supported model
Procedia PDF Downloads 2478354 Teaching Writing in the Virtual Classroom: Challenges and the Way Forward
Authors: Upeksha Jayasuriya
The sudden transition from onsite to online teaching/learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic called for a need to incorporate feasible as well as effective methods of online teaching in most developing countries like Sri Lanka. The English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom faces specific challenges in this adaptation, and teaching writing can be identified as the most challenging task compared to teaching the other three skills. This study was therefore carried out to explore the challenges of teaching writing online and to provide effective means of overcoming them while taking into consideration the attitudes of students and teachers with regard to learning/teaching English writing via online platforms. A survey questionnaire was distributed (electronically) among 60 students from the University of Colombo, the University of Kelaniya, and The Open University in order to find out the challenges faced by students, while in-depth interviews were conducted with 12 lecturers from the mentioned universities. The findings reveal that the inability to observe students’ writing and to receive real-time feedback discourage students from engaging in writing activities when taught online. It was also discovered that both students and teachers increasingly prefer Google Slides over other platforms such as Padlet, Linoit, and Jam Board as it boosts learner autonomy and student-teacher interaction, which in turn allows real-time formative feedback, observation of student work, and assessment. Accordingly, it can be recommended that teaching writing online can be better facilitated by using interactive platforms such as Google Slides, for it promotes active learning and student engagement in the ESL class.Keywords: ESL, teaching writing, online teaching, active learning, student engagement
Procedia PDF Downloads 908353 Pragmatic Language Characteristics of Individuals with Asperger Syndrome: Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis
Authors: Sadeq Alyaari, Muhammad Alkhunayn, Montaha Al Yaari, Ayman Al Yaari, Ayah Al Yaari, Adham Al Yaari, Sajedah Al Yaari, Fatehi Eissa
Introduction. The purpose of this Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis ((SLR & Meta-analysis) was to examine the differences between Asperger syndrome (AS) individuals and typically developing and achieving individuals (TD) regarding language competence and how these differences related to AS individuals’ age and the significance such differences add to our knowledge of understanding their language performance as issues that are still underdiagnosed and ill-treated entities. Methods. The study followed SLR & Meta-analysis protocol and was armed with data of 456 AS subjects and controls (231 and 225, respectively) abstracted from 14 studies that have been collected from different electronic bibliographic databases including web of science, Scopus, EMBASE, Cochrane library, PubMed, PsycInfo and google scholar along with unpublished literature. Results. Outlined results show deterioration in language competence of AS subjects in comparison to TD controls. Such deterioration impairs conversational implicature more than it does conventional maxims of AS individuals’ pragmatic language and has no relationship with their age. Results also show that the difference in intelligence features of the mental reality in the language competence becomes smaller with increasing age and that the difference in representational content features becomes larger. Conclusions. These findings help experts in the field not only predict pragmatic language impairments in AS individuals but also enable AS individuals themselves to decode and/or interpret speech inputs; therefore, perceive the world around them and interact with their community members. Outcomes should be considered to lay out a path for further exploration of genetics, etiology, and response to treatment of all these premises that are currently unsearched in AS individuals.Keywords: pragmatic language characteristics, language competence, mental faculty, mental reality, features, language performance, pragmatics, conventional maxims
Procedia PDF Downloads 368352 Reviewing the Relation of Language and Minorities' Rights
Authors: Mohsen Davarzani, Ehsan Lame, Mohammad Taghi Hassan Zadeh
Language is considered as a powerful and outstanding feature of ethnicity. However, humiliating and prohibiting using human language is one the most heinous and brutal acts in the form of racism. In other words, racism can be a product of physiological humiliations and discrimination, such as skin color, and can also be resulted from ethnic humiliation and discrimination such as language, customs and so on. Ethnic and racial discrimination is one of the main problems of the world that minorities and occasionally the majority have suffered from. Nowadays, few states can be found in which all individuals and its citizens are of the same race and ethnicity, culture and language. In these countries, referred to as the multinational states, (eg, Iran, Switzerland, India, etc.), there are the communities and groups which have their own linguistic, cultural and historical characteristics. Characteristics of human rights issues, diversity of issues and plurality of meanings indicate that they appear in various aspects. The states are obliged to respect, as per national and international obligations, the rights of all citizens from different angles, especially different groups that require special attention in order of the particular aspects such as ethnicity, religious and political minorities, children, women, workers, unions and in case the states are in breach of any of these items, they are faced with challenges in local, regional or international fields.Keywords: law, language, minorities, ethnicity
Procedia PDF Downloads 4198351 Experiential Learning: A Case Study for Teaching Operating System Using C and Unix
Authors: Shamshuddin K., Nagaraj Vannal, Diwakar Kulkarni, Raghavendra Nakod
In most of the universities and colleges Operating System (OS) course is treated as theoretical and usually taught in a classroom using conventional teaching methods. In this paper we are presenting a new approach of teaching OS through experiential learning, the course is designed to suit the requirement of undergraduate engineering program of Instrumentation Technology. This new approach has benefited us to improve our student’s programming skills, presentation skills and understanding of the operating system concepts.Keywords: pedagogy, interactive learning, experiential learning, OS, C, UNIX
Procedia PDF Downloads 6078350 The Impact of E-Learning on the Performance of History Learners in Eswatini General Certificate of Secondary Education
Authors: Joseph Osodo, Motsa Thobekani Phila
The study investigated the impact of e-learning on the performance of history learners in Eswatini general certificate of secondary education in the Manzini region of Eswatini. The study was guided by the theory of connectivism. The study had three objectives which were to find out the significance of e-learning during the COVID-19 era in learning History subject; challenges faced by history teachers’ and learners’ in e-learning; and how the challenges were mitigated. The study used a qualitative research approach and descriptive research design. Purposive sampling was used to select eight History teachers and eight History learners from four secondary schools in the Manzini region. Data were collected using face to face interviews. The collected data were analyzed and presented in thematically. The findings showed that history teachers had good knowledge on what e-learning was, while students had little understanding of e-learning. Some of the forms of e-learning that were used during the pandemic in teaching history in secondary schools included TV, radio, computer, projectors, and social media especially WhatsApp. E-learning enabled the continuity of teaching and learning of history subject. The use of e-learning through the social media was more convenient to the teacher and the learners. It was concluded that in some secondary school in the Manzini region, history teacher and learners encountered challenges such as lack of finances to purchase e-learning gadgets and data bundles, lack of skills as well as access to the Internet. It was recommended that History teachers should create more time to offer additional learning support to students whose performance was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic effects.Keywords: e-learning, performance, COVID-19, history, connectivism
Procedia PDF Downloads 778349 Using Facebook as an Alternative Learning Tools in Malaysian Higher Learning Institutions: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach
Authors: Ahasanul Haque, Abdullah Sarwar, Khaliq Ahmed
Networking is important among students to achieve better understanding. Social networking plays an important role in the education. Realizing its huge potential, various organizations, including institutions of higher learning have moved to the area of social networks to interact with their students especially through Facebook. Therefore, measuring the effectiveness of Facebook as a learning tool has become an area of interest to academicians and researchers. Therefore, this study tried to integrate and propose new theoretical and empirical evidences by linking the western idea of adopting Facebook as an alternative learning platform from a Malaysian perspective. This study, thus, aimed to fill a gap by being among the pioneering research that tries to study the effectiveness of adopting Facebook as a learning platform across other cultural settings, namely Malaysia. Structural equation modelling was employed for data analysis and hypothesis testing. This study findings have provided some insights that would likely affect students’ awareness towards using Facebook as an alternative learning platform in the Malaysian higher learning institutions. At the end, future direction is proposed.Keywords: Learning Management Tool, social networking, education, Malaysia
Procedia PDF Downloads 4278348 Graph Based Traffic Analysis and Delay Prediction Using a Custom Built Dataset
Authors: Gabriele Borg, Alexei Debono, Charlie Abela
There on a constant rise in the availability of high volumes of data gathered from multiple sources, resulting in an abundance of unprocessed information that can be used to monitor patterns and trends in user behaviour. Similarly, year after year, Malta is also constantly experiencing ongoing population growth and an increase in mobilization demand. This research takes advantage of data which is continuously being sourced and converting it into useful information related to the traffic problem on the Maltese roads. The scope of this paper is to provide a methodology to create a custom dataset (MalTra - Malta Traffic) compiled from multiple participants from various locations across the island to identify the most common routes taken to expose the main areas of activity. This use of big data is seen being used in various technologies and is referred to as ITSs (Intelligent Transportation Systems), which has been concluded that there is significant potential in utilising such sources of data on a nationwide scale. Furthermore, a series of traffic prediction graph neural network models are conducted to compare MalTra to large-scale traffic datasets.Keywords: graph neural networks, traffic management, big data, mobile data patterns
Procedia PDF Downloads 1338347 A Context Aware Mobile Learning System with a Cognitive Recommendation Engine
Authors: Jalal Maqbool, Gyu Myoung Lee
Using smart devices for context aware mobile learning is becoming increasingly popular. This has led to mobile learning technology becoming an indispensable part of today’s learning environment and platforms. However, some fundamental issues remain - namely, mobile learning still lacks the ability to truly understand human reaction and user behaviour. This is due to the fact that current mobile learning systems are passive and not aware of learners’ changing contextual situations. They rely on static information about mobile learners. In addition, current mobile learning platforms lack the capability to incorporate dynamic contextual situations into learners’ preferences. Thus, this thesis aims to address these issues highlighted by designing a context aware framework which is able to sense learner’s contextual situations, handle data dynamically, and which can use contextual information to suggest bespoke learning content according to a learner’s preferences. This is to be underpinned by a robust recommendation system, which has the capability to perform these functions, thus providing learners with a truly context-aware mobile learning experience, delivering learning contents using smart devices and adapting to learning preferences as and when it is required. In addition, part of designing an algorithm for the recommendation engine has to be based on learner and application needs, personal characteristics and circumstances, as well as being able to comprehend human cognitive processes which would enable the technology to interact effectively and deliver mobile learning content which is relevant, according to the learner’s contextual situations. The concept of this proposed project is to provide a new method of smart learning, based on a capable recommendation engine for providing an intuitive mobile learning model based on learner actions.Keywords: aware, context, learning, mobile
Procedia PDF Downloads 2458346 A Less Complexity Deep Learning Method for Drones Detection
Authors: Mohamad Kassab, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Frederic Barbaresco, Raed Abu Zitar
Detecting objects such as drones is a challenging task as their relative size and maneuvering capabilities deceive machine learning models and cause them to misclassify drones as birds or other objects. In this work, we investigate applying several deep learning techniques to benchmark real data sets of flying drones. A deep learning paradigm is proposed for the purpose of mitigating the complexity of those systems. The proposed paradigm consists of a hybrid between the AdderNet deep learning paradigm and the Single Shot Detector (SSD) paradigm. The goal was to minimize multiplication operations numbers in the filtering layers within the proposed system and, hence, reduce complexity. Some standard machine learning technique, such as SVM, is also tested and compared to other deep learning systems. The data sets used for training and testing were either complete or filtered in order to remove the images with mall objects. The types of data were RGB or IR data. Comparisons were made between all these types, and conclusions were presented.Keywords: drones detection, deep learning, birds versus drones, precision of detection, AdderNet
Procedia PDF Downloads 1838345 Deep learning with Noisy Labels : Learning True Labels as Discrete Latent Variable
Authors: Azeddine El-Hassouny, Chandrashekhar Meshram, Geraldin Nanfack
In recent years, learning from data with noisy labels (Label Noise) has been a major concern in supervised learning. This problem has become even more worrying in Deep Learning, where the generalization capabilities have been questioned lately. Indeed, deep learning requires a large amount of data that is generally collected by search engines, which frequently return data with unreliable labels. In this paper, we investigate the Label Noise in Deep Learning using variational inference. Our contributions are : (1) exploiting Label Noise concept where the true labels are learnt using reparameterization variational inference, while observed labels are learnt discriminatively. (2) the noise transition matrix is learnt during the training without any particular process, neither heuristic nor preliminary phases. The theoretical results shows how true label distribution can be learned by variational inference in any discriminate neural network, and the effectiveness of our approach is proved in several target datasets, such as MNIST and CIFAR32.Keywords: label noise, deep learning, discrete latent variable, variational inference, MNIST, CIFAR32
Procedia PDF Downloads 1298344 Effect of Distance Education Students Motivation with the Turkish Language and Literature Course
Authors: Meva Apaydin, Fatih Apaydin
Role of education in the development of society is great. Teaching and training started with the beginning of the history and different methods and techniques which have been applied as the time passed and changed everything with the aim of raising the level of learning. In addition to the traditional teaching methods, technology has been used in recent years. With the beginning of the use of internet in education, some problems which could not be soluted till that time has been dealt and it is inferred that it is possible to educate the learners by using contemporary methods as well as traditional methods. As an advantage of technological developments, distance education is a system which paves the way for the students to be educated individually wherever and whenever they like without the needs of physical school environment. Distance education has become prevalent because of the physical inadequacies in education institutions, as a result; disadvantageous circumstances such as social complexities, individual differences and especially geographical distance disappear. What’s more, the high-speed of the feedbacks between teachers and learners, improvement in student motivation because there is no limitation of time, low-cost, the objective measuring and evaluation are on foreground. In spite of the fact that there is teaching beneficences in distance education, there are also limitations. Some of the most important problems are that : Some problems which are highly possible to come across may not be solved in time, lack of eye-contact between the teacher and the learner, so trust-worthy feedback cannot be got or the problems stemming from the inadequate technological background are merely some of them. Courses are conducted via distance education in many departments of the universities in our country. In recent years, giving lectures such as Turkish Language, English, and History in the first grades of the academic departments in the universities is an application which is constantly becoming prevalent. In this study, the application of Turkish Language course via distance education system by analyzing advantages and disadvantages of the distance education system which is based on internet.Keywords: distance education, Turkish language, motivation, benefits
Procedia PDF Downloads 4378343 Language Skills in the Emergent Literacy of Spanish-Speaking Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Authors: Adriana Salgado, Sandra Castaneda, Ivan Perez
Learning to read and write is a complex process involving several cognitive skills, contextual, and cultural environments. The basis of this development is linguistic skills, such as the ability to name and understand vocabulary, retell a story, phonological awareness, letter knowledge, among others. In children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), one of the main concerns is related to language disorders. Nevertheless, most of the children with ASD are able to decode written information but have difficulties in reading comprehension. The research of these processes in the Spanish-speaking population is limited. However, the increasing prevalence of this diagnosis (1 in 115 children) in Mexico has implications at different levels. Educational research is an important area of interest in ASD children, such as emergent literacy. Reading and writing expand the possibilities of academic, cultural, and social information access. Taking this information into account, the objective of this research was to identify the relationship between language skills, alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, and early reading and writing in ASD Spanish-speaking children. The method used for this research was based on tasks that were selected, adapted and in some cases designed to measure initial reading and writing, as well as language skills (naming, receptive vocabulary, and narrative skills), phonological awareness (similar phonological word pairs, beginning sound awareness and spelling) and letter knowledge, in a sample of 45 children (38 boys and 7 girls) with prior diagnosis of ASD. Descriptive analyses, as well as bivariate correlations, cluster analysis, and canonical correspondence, were obtained for the data results. Results showed that variability was large; however, it was possible to characterize the sample in low, medium, and high score groups regarding children performance. The low score group (46.7% of the sample), had a null or deficient performance in language skills and phonological awareness, some could identify up to five letters of the alphabet, showed no early reading skills but they could scribble. The middle score group was characterized by a highly variable performance in different tasks, with better language skills in receptive and naming vocabulary, some narrative, letter knowledge, and phonological awareness (beginning sound awareness) skills. The high score group, (24.4% of the sample) had the best performance in language skills in relation to the sample data, as well as in the rest of the measured skills. Finally, scores were canonically correlated between naming, receptive vocabulary, narrative, phonological awareness, letter knowledge and initial learning of reading and writing skills for the high score group and letter knowledge, naming and receptive vocabulary for the lower score group, which is consistent with previous research in typical and ASD children. In conclusion, the obtained data is consistent with previous studies. Despite large variability, it was possible to identify performance profiles and relations based on linguistic, phonological awareness, and letter knowledge skills. These skills were predictor variables of the initial development of reading and writing. The above has implications for a future program and strategies development that may benefit the acquisition of reading and writing in ASD children.Keywords: autism, autism spectrum disorders, early literacy, emergent literacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1458342 The Impact of Blended Learning on Developing the students' Writing Skills and the Perception of Instructors and Students: Hawassa University in Focus
Authors: Mulu G. Gencha, Gebremedhin Simon, Menna Olango
This study was conducted at Hawassa University (HwU) in the Southern Nation Nationalities Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS) of Ethiopia. The prime concern of this study was to examine the writing performances of experimental and control group students, perception of experimental group students, and subject instructors. The course was blended learning (BL). Blended learning is a hybrid of classroom and on-line learning. Participants were eighty students from the School of Computer Science. Forty students attended the BL delivery involved using Face-to-Face (FTF) and campus-based online instruction. All instructors, fifty, of School of Language and Communication Studies along with 10 FGD members participated in the study. The experimental group went to the computer lab two times a week for four months, March-June, 2012, using the local area network (LAN), and software (MOODLE) writing program. On the other hand, the control group, forty students, took the FTF writing course five times a week for four months in similar academic calendar. The three instruments, the attitude questionnaire, tests and FGD were designed to identify views of students, instructors, and FGD participants on BL. At the end of the study, students’ final course scores were evaluated. Data were analyzed using independent samples t-tests. A statistically, significant difference was found between the FTF and BL (p<0.05). The analysis showed that the BL group was more successful than the conventional group. Besides, both instructors and students had positive attitude towards BL. The final section of the thesis showed the potential benefits and challenges, considering the pedagogical implications for the BL, and recommended possible avenues for further works.Keywords: blended learning, computer attitudes, computer usefulness, computer liking, computer confidence, computer phobia
Procedia PDF Downloads 4118341 Introducing Transcending Pedagogies
Authors: Wajeehah Aayeshah, Joy Higgs
The term “transcending pedagogies” has been created to refer to teaching and learning strategies that transcend the mode of student enrolment, the needs of different students, and different learning spaces. The value of such pedagogies in the current arena when learning spaces, technologies and preferences are more volatile than ever before, is a key focus of this paper. The paper will examine current and emerging pedagogies that transcend the learning spaces and enrollment modes of on campus, distance, virtual and workplace learning contexts. A further point of interest is how academics in professional and higher education settings interpret and implement pedagogies in the current global conversation space and re-creation of higher education. This study questioned how the notion and practice of transcending pedagogies enables us to re-imagine and reshape university curricula. It explored the nature of teaching and learning spaces and those professional and higher education (current and emerging) pedagogies that can be implemented across these spaces. We set out to identify how transcending pedagogies can assist students in learning to deal with complexity, uncertainty and change in the practice worlds and better appeal to students who are making decisions on where to enrol. The data for this study was collected through in-depth interviews and focus groups with academics and policy makers within academia.Keywords: Transcending Pedagogies, teaching and learning strategies, learning spaces, pedagogies
Procedia PDF Downloads 5398340 The Effect of Written Corrective Feedback on the Accurate Use of Grammatical Forms by Japanese Low-Intermediate EFL Learners
Authors: Ayako Hasegawa, Ken Ubukata
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether corrective feedback has any significant effect on Japanese low-intermediate EFL learners’ performance on a specific set of linguistic features. The subjects are Japanese college students majoring in English. They have studied English for about 7 years, but their inter-language seems to fossilize because non-target like errors is frequently observed in traditional deductive teacher-fronted approach. It has been reported that corrective feedback plays an important role in diminishing or overcoming inter-language fossilization and achieving TL competency. Therefore, it was examined how the corrective feedback (the focus of this study was metalinguistic feedback) and self-correction raised the students’ awareness and helped them notice the gaps between their inter-language and the TL.Keywords: written corrective feedback, fossilized error, grammar teaching, language teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 3618339 Investigating Universals of Rhetoric
Authors: Nasreddin Ahmed
Despite the ostensible extant differences amongst world languages’ structures that have culminated in the divergence in orthographic, phonological, morphological, and syntactic systems that each language has, research in cognitive linguistic strives to establish the claim that such differences are merely prima facie of a totalized universal system of signification.Linguists , since Chomsky, have never given up on the attempt to establish linguistic descriptive model that espouses a perspective in which every human language has a slot . Concurring with claim that the so-called rhetorical devices are pervasive phenomena and not literary-specific , the present paper aspires to voice the claim that rhetorical devices not only ubiquitous in all levels of a particular language but also a universal linguistic phenomena. Using illustrations from Arabic and Englishthe paper intend to provide data-supported evidence that human beings are universally using similar rhetorical, albeit given different appellations.Keywords: language, rhetoric, syntax, stylistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 968338 Investigating The Use Of Socially Assistive Robots To Support Learner Engagement For Students With Learning Disabilities In One-to-one Instructional Settings
Authors: Jennifer Fane, Mike Gray, Melissa Sager
Children with diagnosed or suspected learning disabilities frequently experience significant skill gaps in foundational learning areas such as reading, writing, and math. Remedial one-to-one instruction is a highly effective means of supporting children with learning differences in building these foundational skills and closing the learning gap between them and their same-age peers. However, due to the learning challenges children with learning disabilities face, and ensuing challenges with self-confidence, many children with learning differences struggle with motivation and self-regulation within remedial one-to-one learning environments - despite the benefits of these sessions. Socially Assistive Robots (SARs) are an innovative educational technology tool that has been trialled in a range of educational settings to support diverse learning needs. Yet, little is known about the impact of SARs on the learning of children with learning differences in a one-to-one remedial instructional setting. This study sought to explore the impact of SARs on the engagement of children (n=9) with learning differences attending one-to-one remedial instruction sessions at a non-profit remedial education provider. The study used a mixed-methods design to explore learner engagement during learning tasks both with and without the use of a SAR to investigate how the use of SARs impacts student learning. The study took place over five weeks, with each session within the study followed the same procedure with the SAR acting as a teaching assistant when in use. Data from the study included analysis of time-sample video segments of the instructional sessions, instructor recorded information about the student’s progress towards their session learning goal and student self-reported mood and energy levels before and after the session. Analysis of the findings indicates that the use of SARs resulted in fewer instances of off-task behaviour and less need for instructor re-direction during learning tasks, allowing students to work in more sustained ways towards their learning goals. This initial research indicates that the use of SARs does have a material and measurable impact on learner engagement for children with learning differences and that further exploration of the impact of SARs during one-to-one remedial instruction is warranted.Keywords: engagement, learning differences, learning disabilities, instruction, social robotics.
Procedia PDF Downloads 2148337 An Approximation Technique to Automate Tron
Authors: P. Jayashree, S. Rajkumar
With the trend of virtual and augmented reality environments booming to provide a life like experience, gaming is a major tool in supporting such learning environments. In this work, a variant of Voronoi heuristics, employing supervised learning for the TRON game is proposed. The paper discusses the features that would be really useful when a machine learning bot is to be used as an opponent against a human player. Various game scenarios, nature of the bot and the experimental results are provided for the proposed variant to prove that the approach is better than those that are currently followed.Keywords: artificial Intelligence, automation, machine learning, TRON game, Voronoi heuristics
Procedia PDF Downloads 4698336 Using Artificial Intelligence Technology to Build the User-Oriented Platform for Integrated Archival Service
Authors: Lai Wenfang
Tthis study will describe how to use artificial intelligence (AI) technology to build the user-oriented platform for integrated archival service. The platform will be launched in 2020 by the National Archives Administration (NAA) in Taiwan. With the progression of information communication technology (ICT) the NAA has built many systems to provide archival service. In order to cope with new challenges, such as new ICT, artificial intelligence or blockchain etc. the NAA will try to use the natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) skill to build a training model and propose suggestions based on the data sent to the platform. NAA expects the platform not only can automatically inform the sending agencies’ staffs which records catalogues are against the transfer or destroy rules, but also can use the model to find the details hidden in the catalogues and suggest NAA’s staff whether the records should be or not to be, to shorten the auditing time. The platform keeps all the users’ browse trails; so that the platform can predict what kinds of archives user could be interested and recommend the search terms by visualization, moreover, inform them the new coming archives. In addition, according to the Archives Act, the NAA’s staff must spend a lot of time to mark or remove the personal data, classified data, etc. before archives provided. To upgrade the archives access service process, the platform will use some text recognition pattern to black out automatically, the staff only need to adjust the error and upload the correct one, when the platform has learned the accuracy will be getting higher. In short, the purpose of the platform is to deduct the government digital transformation and implement the vision of a service-oriented smart government.Keywords: artificial intelligence, natural language processing, machine learning, visualization
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