Search results for: net fee and commission income
822 Investigating the Pedestrian Willingness to Pay to Choose Appropriate Policies for Improving the Safety of Pedestrian Facilities
Authors: Babak Mirbaha, Mahmoud Saffarzadeh, Fatemeh Mohajeri
Road traffic accidents lead to a higher rate of death and injury, especially in vulnerable road users such as pedestrians. Improving the safety of facilities for pedestrians is a major concern for policymakers because of the high number of pedestrian fatalities and direct and indirect costs which are imposed to the society. This study focuses on the idea of determining the willingness to pay of pedestrians for increasing their safety while crossing the street. In this study, three different scenarios including crossing the street with zebra crossing facilities, crossing the street with zebra crossing facilities and installing a pedestrian traffic light and constructing a pedestrian bridge with escalator are presented. The research was conducted based on stated preferences method. The required data were collected from a questionnaire that consisted of three parts: pedestrian’s demographic characteristics, travel characteristics and scenarios. Four different payment amounts are presented for each scenario and a logit model has been built for each proposed payment. The results show that sex, age, education, average household income and individual salary have significant effect on choosing a scenario. Among the policies that have been mentioned through the questionnaire scenarios, the scenario of crossing the street with zebra crossing facilities and installing a traffic lights is the most frequent, with willingness to pay 10,000 Rials and the scenario of crossing the street with a zebra crossing with a willingness to pay 100,000 Rials having the least frequency. For all scenarios, as the payment is increasing, the willingness to pay decreases.Keywords: pedestrians, willingness to pay, safety, immunization
Procedia PDF Downloads 157821 Protecting Labor Rights in the Platform Economy: Legal Challenges and Innovative Explorations
Authors: Ruwen Pei
In the rapidly evolving landscape of the digital economy, platform employment has emerged as a transformative labor force, fundamentally altering the traditional paradigms of the employer-employee relationship. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the unique dynamics and intricate legal challenges associated with platform work, where workers often navigate precarious labor conditions without the robust safety nets typically afforded in traditional industries. It underscores the limitations of current labor regulations, particularly in addressing pressing concerns such as income volatility and disparate benefits. By drawing insights from diverse global case studies, this study emphasizes the compelling need for platform companies to shoulder their social welfare responsibilities, ensuring fair treatment and security for their workers. Moreover, it critically examines the profound influence of socio-cultural factors and educational awareness on the platform economy, shedding light on the complexities of this emerging labor landscape. Advocating for a harmonious equilibrium between flexibility and security, this paper calls for substantial legal reforms and innovative policy initiatives that can adapt to the evolving nature of work in the digital age. Finally, it anticipates forthcoming trends in the digital economy and platform labor relations, underscoring the significance of proactive adaptation to foster equitable and inclusive employment practices.Keywords: platform employment, labor protections, social welfare, legal reforms, digital economy
Procedia PDF Downloads 75820 The Role of Asset Recovery in Combatting Organized Crime
Authors: Tamas Bezsenyi, Noemi Katona
Fighting Human Trafficking is a highly important issue worldwide that states need to deal with in international politics. In the EU combatting human trafficking is emphasized in international policy making and also in the work of international law enforcement, thus in the work of the EUROPOL. While the EU Directive against Human Trafficking prescribes how states should fight this transnational crime and also how victims should be assisted, the EUROPOL focuses on the effective cooperation between national law enforcement agencies. However, despite the aims of the common fight, human trafficking is regulated differently in the punitive law of various nation states. This deeply defines the work and possibilities of national law enforcement organizations. Among the manifold differences in this paper, we focus on the role of regulating asset recovery. We highlight that money, and the regulation and practice how the law enforcement deals with income gained from criminal activities, play essential role in combatting human trafficking. While doing research on the investigation of transnational human trafficking by the Hungarian Law Enforcement Agencies, we have found that the unfortunate regulation of asset recovery determines the lower effectiveness of eliminating criminal organizations. While i.e. in the Netherlands confiscation of property takes place in an early stage of the criminal procedure, in Hungary it can be conducted only if money laundering is also assumed. Our presentation builds on the comparison of criminal procedures which we analyse based on criminal files and interviews with coworkers of the National Bureau of Investigation.Keywords: human trafficking, law enforcement, asset recovery, organized crime
Procedia PDF Downloads 284819 Plastic Pollution: Analysis of the Current Legal Framework and Perspectives on Future Governance
Authors: Giorgia Carratta
Since the beginning of mass production, plastic items have been crucial in our daily lives. Thanks to their physical and chemical properties, plastic materials have proven almost irreplaceable in a number of economic sectors such as packaging, automotive, building and construction, textile, and many others. At the same time, the disruptive consequences of plastic pollution have been progressively brought to light in all environmental compartments. The overaccumulation of plastics in the environment, and its adverse effects on habitats, wildlife, and (most likely) human health, represents a call for action to decision-makers around the globe. From a regulatory perspective, plastic production is an unprecedented challenge at all levels of governance. At the international level, the design of new legal instruments, the amendment of existing ones, and the coordination among the several relevant policy areas requires considerable effort. Under the pressure of both increasing scientific evidence and a concerned public opinion, countries seem to slowly move towards the discussion of a new international ‘plastic treaty.’ However, whether, how, and with which scopes such instrument would be adopted is still to be seen. Additionally, governments are establishing regional-basedstrategies, prone to consider the specificities of the plastic issue in a certain geographical area. Thanks to the new Circular Economy Action Plan, approved in March 2020 by the European Commission, EU countries are slowly but steadily shifting to a carbon neutral, circular economy in the attempt to reduce the pressure on natural resources and, parallelly, facilitate sustainable economic growth. In this context, the EU Plastic Strategy is promising to change the way plastic is designed, produced, used, and treated after consumption. In fact, only in the EU27 Member States, almost 26 million tons of plastic waste are generated herein every year, whose 24,9% is still destined to landfill. Positive effects of the Strategy also include a more effective protection of our environment, especially the marine one, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, a reduced need for imported fossil energy sources, more sustainable production and consumption patterns. As promising as it may sound, the road ahead is still long. The need to implement these measures in domestic legislations makes their outcome difficult to predict at the moment. An analysis of the current international and European Union legal framework on plastic pollution, binding, and voluntary instruments included, could serve to detect ‘blind spots’ in the current governance as well as to facilitate the development of policy interventions along the plastic value chain, where it appears more needed.Keywords: environmental law, European union, governance, plastic pollution, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 109818 The Role of Multinational Enterprises' Investments in Emerging Country's Economic Development, Case of Georgia
Authors: V. Charaia
From the strategic point of view, not all Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) are always positively benefiting the host economy, i.e. not all Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) are promoting local/host economies. FDI could have different impact on different sectors of the economy, based not only on annual investment amount, but MNE motivations and peculiarities of the host economy in particular. FDI analysis based only on its amount can lead to incorrect decisions, it is much more important to understand the essence of investment. Consequently, our research is oriented on MNE’s motivations, answering which sectors are most popular among international investors and why, what motivated them to invest into one or another business. Georgian economy for the last period of time is attracting more and more efficiency seeking investments, which could be translated as - concentrating production in a limited number of locations to supply various markets, while benefiting local economy with: new technologies, employment, exports diversification, increased income for the local economy and so on. Foreign investors and MNEs in particular are no longer and not so much interested in the resource seeking investments, which was the case for Georgia in the last decade of XX century. Despite the fact of huge progress for the Georgian economy, still there is a room for foreign investors to make a local market oriented investments. The local market is still rich in imported products, which should be replaced by local ones. And the last but not the least important issue is that approximately 30% of all FDIs in Georgia according to this research are “efficiency seeking” investments, which is an enormous progress and a hope for future Georgian success.Keywords: investments, MNE, FDI motivations, Georgian economy
Procedia PDF Downloads 336817 Female’s Involvement in Real Estate Business in Nigeria: A Case Study of Lagos State
Authors: Osaretin Rosemary Uyi, A. O. Ogungbemi
Female involvement in policy making and partnership in a man-driven-world is fast gaining international recognition. The Nigeria commercial real estate is one of the sectors of the economy that has a significant number of the male in the business. This study was conducted to assess the participation of females in estate management in Lagos state, Nigeria. Lagos is the commercial nerve center of Nigeria having the highest number of real estate practitioners and investors. The population due to the daily influx of people has made real estate business to continue to grow in this part of Nigeria. A structured questionnaire duly pre-tested and validated was used to elicit information from the respondents. The data collected were presented using tables and charts and were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools such as frequency counts, percentages, were used to test the hypothesis. The results also indicated that most females that participated in commercial real estate business are educated (80%), fell within 31-40 years of age (75%) and of high income status (88%) earn above ₦800,000 per year, while 10% are real estate investors and 82% of the female in the sector are employee. The study concluded that the number of female participating in various aspect of commercial real estate business in the study area was moderate while the numbers of female investors are low when compared to male. This might be due to the problems associated with rent collection, land disputes and other issues that are associated with property management in Nigeria. It is therefore recommended that females in real estate should be empowered and encouraged to match with their male counterpart.Keywords: commercial real estate, empowerment, female, participation, property management
Procedia PDF Downloads 333816 Governance of Social Media Using the Principles of Community Radio
Authors: Ken Zakreski
Regulating Canadian Facebook Groups, of a size and type, when they reach a threshold of audio video content. Consider the evolution of the Streaming Act, Parl GC Bill C-11 (44-1) and the regulations that will certainly follow. The Canadian Heritage Minister's office stipulates, "the Broadcasting Act only applies to audio and audiovisual content, not written journalism.” Governance— After 10 years, a community radio station for Gabriola Island, BC – Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (“CRTC”) was approved but never started – became a Facebook Group “Community Bulletin Board - Life on Gabriola“ referred to as CBBlog. After CBBlog started and began to gather real traction, a member of the Group cloned the membership and ran their competing Facebook group under the banner of "free speech”. Here we see an inflection point [change of cultural stewardship] with two different mathematical results [engagement and membership growth]. Canada's telecommunication history of “portability” and “interoperability” made that Facebook Group CBBlog the better option, over broadcast FM radio for a community pandemic information sharing service for Gabriola Island, BC. A culture of ignorance flourishes in social media. Often people do not understand their own experience, or the experience of others because they do not have the concepts needed for understanding. It is thus important they are not denied concepts required for their full understanding. For example, Legislators need to know something about gay culture before they can make any decisions about it. Community Media policies and CRTC regulations are known and regulators can use that history to forge forward with regulations for internet platforms of a size and content type that reach a threshold of audio / video content. Mostly volunteer run media services, provide order of magnitude lower costs over commercial media. (Treating) Facebook Groups as new media.? Cathy Edwards, executive director of the Canadian Association of Community Television Users and Stations (“CACTUS”), calls it new media in that the distribution platform is not the issue. What does make community groups community media? Cathy responded, "... it's bylaws, articles of incorporation that state they are community media, they have accessibility, commitments to skills training, any member of the community can be a member, and there is accountability to a board of directors". Eligibility for funding through CACTUS requires these same commitments. It is risky for a community to invest into a platform as ownership has not been litigated. Is a FaceBook Group an asset of a not for profit society? The memo, from law student, Jared Hubbard summarizes, “Rights and interests in a Facebook group could, in theory, be transferred as property... This theory is currently unconfirmed by Canadian courts. “Keywords: social media, governance, community media, Canadian radio
Procedia PDF Downloads 72815 Fintech Credit and Bank Efficiency Two-way Relationship: A Comparison Study Across Country Groupings
Authors: Tan Swee Liang
This paper studies the two-way relationship between fintech credit and banking efficiency using the Generalized panel Method of Moment (GMM) estimation in structural equation modeling (SEM). Banking system efficiency, defined as its ability to produce the existing level of outputs with minimal inputs, is measured using input-oriented data envelopment analysis (DEA), where the whole banking system of an economy is treated as a single DMU. Banks are considered an intermediary between depositors and borrowers, utilizing inputs (deposits and overhead costs) to provide outputs (increase credits to the private sector and its earnings). Analysis of the interrelationship between fintech credit and bank efficiency is conducted to determine the impact in different country groupings (ASEAN, Asia and OECD), in particular the banking system response to fintech credit platforms. Our preliminary results show that banks do respond to the greater pressure caused by fintech platforms to enhance their efficiency, but differently across the different groups. The author’s earlier research on ASEAN-5 high bank overhead costs (as a share of total assets) as the determinant of economic growth suggests that expenses may not have been channeled efficiently to income-generating activities. One practical implication of the findings is that policymakers should enable alternative financing, such as fintech credit, as a warning or encouragement for banks to improve their efficiency.Keywords: fintech lending, banking efficiency, data envelopment analysis, structural equation modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 94814 Household Water Source Substitution and Demand for Water Connections
Authors: Elizabeth Spink
The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 6 sets a target for safe and affordable drinking water for all. Developing country governments aiming to achieve this goal often face significant challenges when trying to service last mile customers, particularly those in peri-urban and rural areas. Expansion of water networks often requires high connection fees from households, and demand for connections may be low if there are cheaper substitute sources of water available. This research studies the effect of the availability of substitute sources of water on demand for individual water connections in Livingstone, Zambia, using an event study analysis of metering campaigns. Metering campaigns reduce the share of a household's neighbors that can provide free water to the household if their water connection becomes disconnected due to nonpayment. The results show that household payments in newly metered regions increase by 10 percentage points in the months following metering events, with a decrease in disconnections of 6 percentage points for low-income households. To isolate the effect of changes in a household's substitution possibilities, a similar analysis is conducted among households that neighbor the metered region. These results show mixed evidence of the impact of substitutes on payment behavior and disconnections. The results suggest that metering may be effective in increasing household demand for individual water connections primarily through a lower monthly cost burden for newly metered households.Keywords: piped-water access, water demand, water utilities, water sharing
Procedia PDF Downloads 199813 Ways of Life of Undergraduate Students Based On Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
Authors: Phusit Phukamchanoad
This study aimed to analyse the application of sufficiency economy in students’ ways of life on campus at Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. Data was gathered through 394 questionnaires. The study results found that the majority of students were confident that “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Overall, the students applied the sufficiency economy at a great level, along with being people who do not exploit others, were satisfied with living their lives moderately, according to the sufficiency economy. Importance was also given to kindness and generosity. Importantly, students were happy with living according to their individual circumstances and status at the present. They saw the importance of joint life planning, self-development, and self-dependence, always learning to be satisfied with “adequate”. As for their practices and ways of life, socially relational activities rated highly, especially initiation activities for underclassmen at the university and the seniority system, which are suitable for activities on campus. Furthermore, the students knew how to build a career and find supplemental income, knew how to earnestly work according to convention to finish work, and preferred to study elective subjects which directly benefit career-wise. The students’ application of sufficiency economy philosophy principles depended on their lives in their hometowns. The students from the provinces regularly applied sufficiency economy philosophy to their lives, for example, by being frugal, steadfast, determined, avoiding negligence, and making economical spending plans; more so than the students from the capital.Keywords: application of sufficiency economy philosophy, way of living, undergraduate students, spending plan
Procedia PDF Downloads 215812 Geo-spatial Analysis: The Impact of Drought and Productivity to the Poverty in East Java, Indonesia
Authors: Yessi Rahmawati, Andiga Kusuma Nur Ichsan, Fitria Nur Anggraeni
Climate change is one of the focus studies that many researchers focus on in the present world, either in the emerging countries or developed countries which is one of the main pillars on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There is on-going discussion that climate change can affect natural disaster, namely drought, storm, flood, and many others; and also the impact on human life. East Java is the best performances and has economic potential that should be utilized. Despite the economic performance and high agriculture productivity, East Java has the highest number of people under the poverty line. The present study is to measuring the contribution of drought and productivity of agriculture to the poverty in East Java, Indonesia, using spatial econometrics analysis. The authors collect data from 2008 – 2015 from Indonesia’s Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), and Official Statistic (BPS). First, the result shows the existence of spatial autocorrelation between drought and poverty. Second, the present research confirms that there is strong relationship between drought and poverty. the majority of farmer in East Java are still relies on the rainfall and traditional irrigation system. When the drought strikes, mostly the farmer will lose their income; make them become more vulnerable household, and trap them into poverty line. The present research will give empirical studies regarding drought and poverty in the academics world.Keywords: SDGs, drought, poverty, Indonesia, spatial econometrics, spatial autocorrelation
Procedia PDF Downloads 155811 Corporate Life Cycle and Corporate Social Responsibility Performance: Empirical Evidence from Pharmaceutical Industry in China
Authors: Jing (Claire) LI
The topic of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is significant for pharmaceutical companies in China at this current stage. This is because, as a rapid growth industry in China in recent years, the pharmaceutical industry in China has been undergone continuous and terrible incidents relating to CSR. However, there is limited research and practice of CSR in Chinese pharmaceutical companies. Also, there is an urgent call for more research in an international context to understand the implications of corporate life cycle on CSR performance. To respond to the research need and research call, this study examines the relationship between corporate life cycle and CSR performance of Chinese listed companies in pharmaceutical industry. This research studies Chinese listed companies in pharmaceutical industry for the period of 2010-2017, where the data is available in database. Following the literature, this study divides CSR performance with regards to CSR dimensions, including shareholders, creditors, employees, customers, suppliers, the government, and the society. This study uses CSR scores of HEXUN database and financial measures of these CSR dimensions to measure the CSR performance. This study performed regression analysis to examine the relationship between corporate life cycle stages and CSR performance with regards to CSR dimensions for pharmaceutical listed companies in China. Using cash flow pattern as proxy of corporate life cycle to classify corporate life cycle stages, this study found that most (least) pharmaceutical companies in China are in maturity (decline) stage. This study found that CSR performance for most dimensions are highest (lowest) in maturity (decline) stage as well. Among these CSR dimensions, performing responsibilities for shareholder is the most important among all CSR responsibilities for pharmaceutical companies. This study is the first to provide important empirical evidence from Chinese pharmaceutical industry on the association between life cycle and CSR performance, supporting that corporate life cycle is a key factor in CSR performance. The study expands corporate life cycle and CSR literatures and has both empirical and theoretical contributions to the literature. From perspective of empirical contributions, the findings contribute to the argument that whether there is a relationship between CSR performance and various corporate life cycle stages in the literature. This study also provides empirical evidence that companies in different corporate life cycles have difference in CSR performance. From perspective of theoretical contributions, this study relates CSR and stakeholders to corporate life cycle stages and complements the corporate life cycle and CSR literature. This study has important implications for managers and policy makers. First, the results will be helpful for managers to have an understanding in the essence of CSR, and their company’s current and future CSR focus over corporate life cycle. This study provides a reference for their actions and may help them make more wise resources allocation decisions of CSR investment. Second, policy makers (in the government, stock exchanges, and securities commission) may consider corporate life cycle as an important factor in formulating future regulations for companies. Future research can explore the "process-based" differences in CSR performance and more industries.Keywords: China, corporate life cycle, corporate social responsibility, pharmaceutical industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 106810 Catastrophic Burden and Impoverishment Effect of WASH Diseases: A Ground Analysis of Bhadohi District Uttar Pradesh, India
Authors: Jyoti Pandey, Rajiv Kumar Bhatt
In the absence of proper sanitation, people suffered from high levels of infectious diseases leading to high incidences of morbidity and mortality. This directly affected the ability of a country to maintain an efficient economy and implied great personal suffering among infected individuals and their families. This paper aims to estimate the catastrophic expenditure of households in terms of direct and indirect losses which a person has to face due to the illness of WASH diseases; the severity of the scenario is answered by finding out the impoverishment effect. We used the primary data survey for the objective outlined. Descriptive and analytical research types are used. The survey is done with the questionnaire formulated precisely, taking care of the inclusion of all the variables and probable outcomes. A total of 300 households is covered under this study. In order to pursue the objectives outlined, multistage random sampling of households is used. In this study, the cost of illness approach is followed for accessing economic impact. The study brought out the attention that a significant portion of the total consumption expenditure is going lost for the treatment of water and sanitation related diseases. The infectious and water vector-borne disease can be checked by providing sufficient required sanitation facility, and that 2.02% loss in income can be gained if the mechanisms of the pathogen is checked.Keywords: water, sanitation, impoverishment, catastrophic expenditure
Procedia PDF Downloads 85809 Molecular Epidemiology of Rotavirus in Post-Vaccination Era in Pediatric Patients with Acute Gastroenteritis in Thailand
Authors: Nutthawadee Jampanil, Kattareeya Kumthip, Niwat Maneekarn, Pattara Khamrin
Rotavirus A is one of the leading causes of acute gastroenteritis in children younger than five years of age, especially in low-income countries in Africa and South Asia. Two live-attenuated oral rotavirus vaccines, Rotarix and RotaTeq, have been introduced into routine immunization programs in many countries and have proven highly effective in reducing the burden of rotavirus-associated morbidity and mortality. In Thailand, Rotarix and RotaTeq vaccines have been included in the national childhood immunization program since 2020. The objectives of this research are to conduct a molecular epidemiological study and to characterize rotavirus genotypes circulating in pediatric patients with acute diarrhea in Chiang Mai, Thailand, from 2020-2022 after the implementation of rotavirus vaccines. Out of 858 stool specimens, 26 (3.0%) were positive for rotavirus A. G3P[8] (23.0%) was detected as the most predominant genotype, followed by G1P[8] (19.2%), G8P[8] (19.2%), G9P[8] (15.3%), G2P[4] (7.7%), G1P[6] (3.9%), G9P[4] (3.9%), and G8P[X] (3.9%). In addition, the uncommon rotavirus strain G3P[23] (3.9%) was also detected in this study, and this G3P[23] strain displayed a genetic background similar to the porcine rotavirus. In conclusion, there was a dramatic change in the prevalence of rotavirus A infection and the diversity of rotavirus A genotypes in pediatric patients in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand, in the rotavirus post-vaccination period. The finding obtained from this research contributes to a better understanding of rotavirus epidemiology after rotavirus vaccine introduction. Furthermore, the identification of unusual G and P genotype combination strains provides significant evidence for the potential interspecies transmission between human and animal rotaviruses.Keywords: rotavirus, infectious disease, gastroenteritis, Thailand
Procedia PDF Downloads 68808 Ceramic Employees’ Occupational Health and Safety Training Expectations in Turkey
Authors: Erol Karaca
This study aims to analyze ceramic employees’ occupational health and safety training expectations. To that general objective, the study tries to examine whether occupational health and safety training expectations of ceramic employees meaningfully differentiate depending on demographic features and professional, social and economic conditions. For this purpose, the research data was collected through “Questionnaire of Occupational Health and Safety Training Expectation” (QSOHSTE) consisting of 25 open and close-ended questions developed by the researcher on the base of the literature review. QSOHSTE was applied to 125 ceramic employees working in Kutahya, Turkey. Data obtained from questionnaires were analyzed via SPSS 21. The findings, obtained from the study, revealed that employees’ agreement level to occupational health and safety training expectation statements is generally high-level. These findings also reveals that employees have various expectations about occupational health and safety training. These expectations are increasing sensitivity towards occupational health and safety training about the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases, contributing occupational health and safety training in establishing healthy and safe working environment, requiring occupational health and safety training before starting work, in case of changing working equipment and new technological applications, necessity of measurement and evaluation after occupational health and safety training. Besides these findings, employees’ agreement level to occupational health and safety training expectation statements also varies in terms of educational level, professional seniority, income level and perception of economic condition.Keywords: occupational health and safety, occupational training, occupational expectation, professional seniority
Procedia PDF Downloads 448807 Determinants of Extra Charges for Container Shipments: A Case Study of Nexus Zone Logistics
Authors: Zety Shakila Binti Mohd Yusof, Muhammad Adib Bin Ishak, Hajah Fatimah Binti Hussein
The international shipping business is related to numerous controls or regulations of export and import shipments. It is costly and time consuming, and when something goes wrong or when the buyer or seller fails to comply with the regulations, it can result in penalties, delays, and unexpected costs etc. For the focus of this study, the researchers have selected a local forwarder that provides forwarding and clearance services, Nexus Zone Logistics. It was identified that this company currently has many extra costs to be paid including local and detention charges, which negatively impacts the flow of income and reduces overall stability. Two variables have been identified as factors of extra charges; loaded containers entering the port by exceeded closing time and late delivery of empty containers to the container yard. This study is a qualitative in nature and the secondary data collected was analyzed using self-administered observation. The findings of this study were covered by one selected case for each export and import shipment between July and December 2014. The data were analyzed using frequency analysis based on tables and graphs. The researcher recommends Nexus Zone Logistics impose a 1% deposit payment per container for each shipment (export and import) to its customers.Keywords: international shipping, export and import, detention charges, container shipment
Procedia PDF Downloads 384806 Analysing Representations of ‘Leftover’ Women in Chinese Media: Taking the Film ‘The Last Woman Standing’ and ‘I Do’ as Examples
Authors: Ting Li Liu
‘Leftover woman’ or ‘3S’ woman is the term used to describe a well-educated, high income, independent woman who is single and never married around 30 years in Chinese society. With the naming of this demographic of ‘leftover women’, their family, dating culture, mate selection and marriage attract public concern. Massive media representations of ‘leftover women’ occur daily; the research aims to present several media representations of women’s anxiety about their singlehood and related marital issues around thirty. The research triangulates two areas of media representation of ‘leftover women’: films and audience reviews on ‘Douban Movie’ website. Drawing on traditional media studies, Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis combined with multimodal techniques is applied to the research to analyze the representations of ‘leftover women’ and their implications for marital culture in China, in conjunction with a feminist perspective. The conference paper will discuss two case studies: the film ‘The last woman standing’ and ‘I Do’. Paying attention to different aspects of ‘leftover women’, the research aims to re-examine the representations of ‘leftover women’ in selected scenes, such as their age anxiety, family, marriage, dating process, careers, etc. The paper also includes public beliefs about ‘leftover women’ from online audience reviews. In conclusion, the emergence of ‘leftover women’ is a reflection of Chinese tradition’s impact on people’s lives and new changes in Chinese families and their attitude to marriage.Keywords: leftover women, marriage, family, media culture, China
Procedia PDF Downloads 256805 Extrapulmonary Gastrointestinal Small Cell Carcinoma: A Single Institute Experience of 14 Patients from a Low Middle Income Country
Authors: Awais Naeem, Osama Shakeel, Faizan Ullah, Abdul Wahid Anwer
Introduction: To study the clinic-pathological factors, diagnostic factors and survival of extra-pulmonary small cell carcinoma. Methodology: From 1995 to 2017 all patients with a diagnosis of extra-pulmonary small cell carcinoma were included in the study. Demographic variables and clinic-pathological factors were collected. Management of disease was recorded. Short and long term oncological outcomes were recorded. All data was entered and analyzed in SPSS version 21. Results: A total of 14 patients were included in the study. Median age was 53.42 +/- 16.1 years. There were 5 male and 9 female patients. Most common presentation was dysphagia in 16 patient among esophageal small cell carcinoma and while other patient had pain in abdomen. Mean duration of symptoms was 4.23+/-2.91 months .Most common site is esophagus (n=6) followed by gall bladder(n=3). Almost all of the patients received chemo-radiotherapy. Majority of the patient presented with extensive disease. Five patients (35.7%) died during the follow up period, two (14.3%) were alive and rest of the patients were lost to follow up. Mean follow up period was 22.92 months and median follow up was 15 months. Conclusion: Extra-pulmonary small cell carcinoma is rare and needs to be managed aggressively. All patients should be treated with both systemic and local therapies.Keywords: small cell carcinoma of esophagus, extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma of gall bladder, small cell carcinoma of rectum, small cell carcinoma of stomach
Procedia PDF Downloads 158804 Food Insecurity and Quality of Life among the Poor Elderly in South Korea
Authors: Jayoung Cho
Poverty has become a social problem in South Korea, given that seven out of ten elderly experience multidimensional poverty. As quality of life is a major social welfare measure of a society, verifying the major factors affecting the quality of life among the elderly in poverty can be used as baseline data for the promotion of welfare. This study aims to investigate the longitudinal relationships between food insecurity and quality of life among the elderly in poverty. In this study, panel regression analysis using 5-year longitudinal panel data were derived from Korea Welfare Panel Study (KWPS, 2011-2015) were used to identify the research question. A total of 1,327 elderly people aged 65 or older with less than 60% of median income was analyzed. The main results of the study are as follows; first, the level of quality of life of the poor elderly was on average of 5, and repeated the increase and decrease over time. Second, food insecurity and quality of life of the elderly in poverty had a longitudinal causal relationship. Furthermore, the statistical significance of food insecurity was the highest despite controlling for major variables affecting the quality of life among the poor elderly. Therefore, political and practical approaches are strongly suggested and considered regarding the food insecurity for the quality of life among the elderly in poverty. In practical intervention, it is necessary to pay attention to food insecurity when assessing the poor elderly. Also, there is a need to build a new delivery system that incorporates segmented health and nutrition-related services. This study has an academic significance in that it brought out the issue of food insecurity of the poor elderly and confirmed the longitudinal relationship between food insecurity and quality of life.Keywords: food insecurity, longitudinal panel analysis, poor elderly, quality of life
Procedia PDF Downloads 243803 Evaluation of Risk and the Beneficial Effects of Synthesized Nano Silver-Based Disinfectant on Poultry Mortality and Health
Authors: Indrajeet Kumar, Jayanta Bhattacharya
This study was evaluated for the potential use of nanosilver (nAg) as a disinfectant and antimicrobial growth promoter supplement for the poultry. The experiments were conducted in the Kangsabati river basin region, in West Medinipur district, West Bengal, India for six months. Two poultry farms were adopted for the experiment. The rural economy of this region from Jhargram to Barkola is heavily dependent on contract poultry farming. The water samples were collected from the water source of poultry farm which has been used for poultry drinking purpose. The bacteriological analysis of water sample revealed that the total bacterial count (total coliform and E. coli) were higher than the acceptable standards. The bacterial loads badly affected the growth performance and health of the poultry. For disinfection, a number of chemical compounds (like formaldehyde, calcium hypochloride, sodium hypochloride, and sodium bicarbonate) have been used in typical commercial formulations. However, the effects of all these chemical compounds have not been significant over time. As a part of our research-to-market initiative, we used nanosilver (nAg) formulation as a disinfectant. The nAg formulation was synthesized by hydrothermal technique and characterized by UV-visible, TEM, SEM, and EDX. The obtained results revealed that the mortality rate of poultry was reduced due to nAg formulation compared to the mortality rate of the negative control. Moreover, the income of the farmer family was increased by 10-20% due to less mortality and better health of the poultry.Keywords: farm water, nanosilver, field application, and poultry performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 163802 Nexus Between Agricultural Insurance Scheme and Performance of Agribusiness in Nigeria
Authors: Festus Epetimehin
Agriculture remains the dominant sector in the rural areas where over 70% of Nigerian reside and it’s still the backbone of our economy. The observed poor performance of farmers in agricultural productivity is due to the nature of risks and uncertainties in agriculture.Agricultural insurance is one of the mechanisms by which farmers can stabilize farm income and investment. The study examined the relationship between agricultural insurance scheme (AIS) and performance of agribusiness in Nigeria. The study adopted exploratory research design which is an ex-ante research approach. One hundred copies of structured questionnaire were administered for the purpose of the study. Correlation analysis and regression analysis were employed for the study. The correlation analysis of the finding revealed that the independent variable; agricultural insurance scheme (AIS) is positively and significantly correlated with the set of dependent variables; where turnover (ABT)=0.582**, profitability (ABP)=0.321**, solvency (ABS)=0.418**and cost of production (ABC)=0.23** respectively. The regression analysis result also revealed the degree of relationship between the independent variable (AIS) and set of dependent variables where one(1%) percent increase in independent variable will lead to 33.9% (ABT), 9.7% (ABP), 17.5%(ABS) and 1.5%(ABC).The study recommended that the Federal Government in collaboration with the participating Agricultural insurers embark on awareness campaign through to the length and breadth of Nigeria on government support and insurance scheme for farmers. Government should also ensure that the loan and insurance scheme should extend beyond the mechanized farmers and include the intensive subsistence farmers in view of the fact that they are the dominants in most of the farm produce markets.Keywords: agribusiness, agricultural insurance, performance, turnover, solvency, agricultural risks
Procedia PDF Downloads 97801 Panel Application for Determining Impact of Real Exchange Rate and Security on Tourism Revenues: Countries with Middle and High Level Tourism Income
Authors: M. Koray Cetin, Mehmet Mert
The purpose of the study is to examine impacts on tourism revenues of the exchange rate and country overall security level. There are numerous studies that examine the bidirectional relation between macroeconomic factors and tourism revenues and tourism demand. Most of the studies support the existence of impact of tourism revenues on growth rate but not vice versa. Few studies examine the impact of factors like real exchange rate or purchasing power parity on the tourism revenues. In this context, firstly impact of real exchange rate on tourism revenues examination is aimed. Because exchange rate is one of the main determinants of international tourism services price in guests currency unit. Another determinant of tourism demand for a country is country’s overall security level. This issue can be handled in the context of the relationship between tourism revenues and overall security including turmoil, terrorism, border problem, political violence. In this study, factors are handled for several countries which have tourism revenues on a certain level. With this structure, it is a panel data, and it is evaluated with panel data analysis techniques. Panel data have at least two dimensions, and one of them is time dimensions. The panel data analysis techniques are applied to data gathered from Worldbank data web page. In this study, it is expected to find impacts of real exchange rate and security factors on tourism revenues for the countries that have noteworthy tourism revenues.Keywords: exchange rate, panel data analysis, security, tourism revenues
Procedia PDF Downloads 351800 Exploring the Intricate Microbiology of Street Cuisine: Delving into Potential Dangers in Order to Enhance Safety and Quality
Authors: Raana Babadi Fathipour
Street foods hold a significant place in the tapestry of socioeconomic and cultural norms, beloved across the globe. Serving as a convenient and affordable option for city dwellers seeking nourishment, these culinary delights also serve as a vital source of income for vendors, particularly women. Additionally, street food acts as a mirror reflecting traditional local customs and practices, an element that draws tourists to experience the authenticity of a culture firsthand. Despite its many virtues, concerns have emerged regarding the microbiological safety of street food worldwide. Often prepared and sold in subpar conditions without proper oversight or regulation, street food has become synonymous with potential health risks. The presence of elevated levels of fecal indicator bacteria and various pathogens in these unregulated delicacies further perpetuates anxieties surrounding their consumption. This analysis delves into the intricate microbiological intricacies inherent in street food, shedding light on the pertinent safety concerns and prevalent pathogens. Additionally, it elaborates on the worldwide standing of this vital economic endeavor. Moreover, it advocates for the adoption of molecular detection techniques over conventional culture-based methods to gain a more comprehensive grasp of the true microbial risks posed by street cuisine. Acknowledgment marks the initial step towards resolving any given issue.Keywords: foodborne pathogens, microbiological safety, street food, viruses
Procedia PDF Downloads 54799 Examining the European Central Bank's Marginal Attention to Human Rights Concerns during the Eurozone Crisis through the Lens of Organizational Culture
Authors: Hila Levi
Respect for human rights is a fundamental element of the European Union's (EU) identity and law. Surprisingly, however, the protection of human rights has been significantly restricted in the austerity programs ordered by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission (EC) (often labeled 'the Troika') in return for financial aid to the crisis-hit countries. This paper focuses on the role of the ECB in the crisis management. While other international financial institutions, such as the IMF or the World Bank, may opt to neglect human rights obligations, one might expect a greater respect of human rights from the ECB, which is bound by the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. However, this paper argues that ECB officials made no significant effort to protect human rights or strike an adequate balance between competing financial and human rights needs while coping with the crisis. ECB officials were preoccupied with the need to stabilize the economy and prevent a collapse of the Eurozone, and paid only marginal attention to human rights concerns in the design and implementation of Troikas' programs. This paper explores the role of Organizational Culture (OC) in explaining this marginalization. While International Relations (IR) research on Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) behavior has traditionally focused on external interests of powerful member states, and on national and economic considerations, this study focuses on particular institutions' internal factors and independent processes. OC characteristics have been identified in OC literature as an important determinant of organizational behavior. This paper suggests that cultural characteristics are also vital for the examination of IGOs, and particularly for understanding the ECB's behavior during the crisis. In order to assess the OC of the ECB and the impact it had on its policies and decisions during the Eurozone crisis, the paper uses the results of numerous qualitative interviews conducted with high-ranking officials and staff members of the ECB involved in the crisis management. It further reviews primary sources of the ECB (such as ECB statutes, and the Memoranda of Understanding signed between the crisis countries and the Troika), and secondary sources (such as the report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Austerity measures and economic, social, and cultural rights). It thus analyzes the interaction between the ECBs culture and the almost complete absence of human rights considerations in the Eurozone crisis resolution scheme. This paper highlights the importance and influence of internal ideational factors on IGOs behavior. From a more practical perspective, this paper may contribute to understanding one of the obstacles in the process of human rights implementation in international organizations, and provide instruments for better protection of social and economic rights.Keywords: European central bank, eurozone crisis, intergovernmental organizations, organizational culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 155798 A 20 Year Comparison of Australian Childhood Bicycle Injuries – Have We Made a Difference?
Authors: Bronwyn Griffin, Caroline Acton, Tona Gillen, Roy Kimble
Background: Bicycle riding is a common recreational activity enjoyed by many children throughout Australia that has been associated with the usual caveat of benefits related to exercise and recreation. Given Australia was the first country in the world to introduce cyclist helmet laws in 1991, very few publications have reviewed paediatric cycling injuries (fatal or non-fatal) since. Objectives: To identify trends in children (0-16 years) who required admission for greater than 24 hours following a bicycle-related injury (fatal and non-fatal) in Queensland. Further, to discuss changes that have occurred in paediatric cycling injury trends in Queensland since a prominent local study/publication in 1995. This paper aims to establish evidence to inform interventions promoting safer riding to parents, children and communities. Methods: Data on paediatric (0-16 years) cycling injuries in Queensland resulting in hospital admission more than 24 hours across three tertiary paediatric hospitals in Brisbane between November 2008-June 2015 was compiled by the Paediatric Trauma Data Registry for non-fatal injuries. The Child Death Review Team at the Queensland Families and Childhood Commission provided data on fatalities in children <17years from (June 2004 –June 2015). Comparing trends to a local study published in 1995 Results: Between 2008-2015 there were 197 patients admitted for greater than 24 hours following a cycling injury. The median age was 11 years, with males more frequently involved (n=139, 87%) compared to females. Mean length of stay was three days, with 47 (28%) children admitted to PICU, location of injury was most often the street (n=63, 37%). Between 2004 –2015 there were 15 fatalities (Incidence rate 0.25/100,000); all were male, 14/15 occurred on the street, with eight stated to have not been wearing a helmet, 11/15 children came from the least advantaged socio-economic group (SEIFA) compared to a local publication in 1995, finding of 94 fatalities between (1981-1992). Conclusions: There has been a notable decrease in incidence of fatalities between the two time periods with incidence rates dropping from 1.75-0.25/100,000. More statistics need to be run to ascertain if this is a true reduction or perhaps a decrease in children riding bicycles. Injuries that occur on the street that come in contact with a car remain of serious concern. The purpose of this paper is not to discourage bicycle riding among child and adolescent populations, rather, inform parents and the wider community about the risks associated with cycling in order to reduce injuries associated with this sport, whilst promoting safe cycling.Keywords: paediatric, cycling, trauma, prevention, emergency
Procedia PDF Downloads 250797 Student Debt Loans and Labor Market Outcomes: A Lesson in Unintended Consequences
Authors: Sun-Ki Choi
The U.S. student loan policy was initiated to improve the equality of educational opportunity and help low-income families to provide higher education opportunities for their children. However, with the increase in the average student loan amount, college graduates with student loans experience problems and restrictions in their early-career choices. This study examines the early career labor market choices of college graduates who obtained student loans to finance their higher education. In this study, National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG) data for 2017 and 2019 was used to estimate the effects of student loans on the employment status and current job wages of graduates with student loans. In the analysis, two groups of workers, those with student loans and those without loans, were compared. Using basic models and Mahalanobis distance matching, it was found that graduates who rely on student loans to finance their education are more likely to participate in the labor market than those who do not. Moreover, in entry-level jobs, graduates with student loans receive lower salaries than those without student loans. College graduates make job-related decisions based on their current and future wages and fringe benefits. Graduates with student loans tend to demonstrate risk-averse behaviors due to their financial restrictions. Thus, student loan debt creates inequity in the early-career labor market for college graduates. Furthermore, this study has implications for policymakers and researchers in terms of the student loan policy.Keywords: student loan, wage differential, unintended consequences, mahalanobis distance matching
Procedia PDF Downloads 121796 Effect of Farmers Field School on Vegetables Production in District Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan
Authors: Muhammad Zafarullah Khan, Sumeera Abbasi
The Farmers Field School (FFS) aims at benefiting poor farmers by improving their knowledge of existing agricultural technologies and integrated crop management to become independent and confident in their decision. The study on effect of farmer’s field school on vegetables production before and after FFS implementation in district Peshawar in four selected villages on each crop in 2011 was conducted from 80 farmers. The results were compared by using paired t-test. It was observed that 80% of the respondents were satisfied with FFS approach as there was a significant increase in vegetable production. The seed rate of tomato and cucumber decreased from 0.185kg/kanal to 0.1 kg/ kanal and 0.120kg/kanal to 0.01kg/kanal while production of tomato and cucumber were increased from 8158.75kgs/kanal to 1030.25kgs/kanal and 3230kgs/kanal to 5340kgs/kanal, respectively after the activities of FFS. FFS brought a positive effect on vegetable production and technology adoption improving their income, skills and knowledge ultimately lead farmers towards empowerment. The input cost including seed, crop management, FYM, and weedicides for tomato were reduced by Rs.28, Rs. 3170 and Rs.658 and cucumber reduced by Rs.35, Rs.570 and Rs.430. Only fertilizers cost was increased by Rs. 2200 in case of tomato and 465 in case of cucumber. FFS facilitator and coordinator should be more skilled and practical oriented to facilitate poor farmers. In light of the above study, more FFS should be planned so that the more farmers should be benefited.Keywords: effect, farmer field school, vegetables production, integrated crop management
Procedia PDF Downloads 395795 Investigating the Determinants and Growth of Financial Technology Depth of Penetration among the Heterogeneous Africa Economies
Authors: Tochukwu Timothy Okoli, Devi Datt Tewari
The high rate of Fintech adoption has not transmitted to greater financial inclusion and development in Africa. This problem is attributed to poor Fintech diversification and usefulness in the continent. This concept is referred to as the Fintech depth of penetration in this study. The study, therefore, assessed its determinants and growth process in a panel of three emergings, twenty-four frontiers and five fragile African economies disaggregated with dummies over the period 2004-2018 to allow for heterogeneity between groups. The System Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) technique reveals that the average depth of Mobile banking and automated teller machine (ATM) is a dynamic heterogeneity process. Moreover, users' previous experiences/compatibility, trial-ability/income, and financial development were the major factors that raise its usefulness, whereas perceived risk, financial openness, and inflation rate significantly limit its usefulness. The growth rate of Mobile banking, ATM, and Internet banking in 2018 is, on average 41.82, 0.4, and 20.8 per cent respectively greater than its average rates in 2004. These greater averages after the 2009 financial crisis suggest that countries resort to Fintech as a risk-mitigating tool. This study, therefore, recommends greater Fintech diversification through improved literacy, institutional development, financial liberalization, and continuous innovation.Keywords: depth of fintech, emerging Africa, financial technology, internet banking, mobile banking
Procedia PDF Downloads 131794 Formal Sector Employment, Economic Capital and Human Capacity Development: Voices of Single Mothers from South Africa and Germany
Authors: Tanusha Raniga, Michael Boecker, Maud Mthembu
This paper considers the formal employment sector, human capacity development and economic capital of single-mother households’ as they strive to sustain livelihoods. This paper advances empirical data in the field of economic and social development policy. The correlation between educational level, human capacity development and economic self-reliance of single-mother households is considered. This paper presents empirical evidence obtained from qualitative in-depth interviews conducted with twenty-five single mothers who were working in the formal work sector in Hagen, Germany and two provinces, namely KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng in South Africa. This is an underexplored research area as most of the international literature focuses on pathology and victimhood related to single-mother households. Instead, this paper presents the biographic profiles and discusses two key themes that emerged from the data analysis namely; formal and informal streams of income enhanced human capital development through access to further education and training opportunities. The women perceived these themes as facilitating factors which helped them sustain their households. The paper presents some suggestions for policymakers and social work practitioners to consider to improve support systems and avoid economic exclusion of single mothers who work within the first economy.Keywords: single mothers, formal work sector, economic capital, human capital
Procedia PDF Downloads 149793 An Explanatory Study into the Information-Seeking Behaviour of Egyptian Beggars
Authors: Essam Mansour
The key purpose of this study is to provide first-hand information about beggars in Egypt, especially from the perspective of their information seeking behaviour including their information needs. The researcher tries to investigate the information-seeking behaviour of Egyptian beggars with regard to their thoughts, perceptions, motivations, attitudes, habits, preferences as well as challenges that may impede their use of information. The research methods used were an adapted form of snowball sampling of a heterogeneous demographic group of participants in the beggary activity in Egypt. This sampling was used to select focus groups to explore a range of relevant issues. Data on the demographic characteristics of the Egyptian beggars showed that they tend to be men, mostly with no formal education, with an average age around 30s, labeled as low-income persons, mostly single and mostly Muslims. A large number of Egyptian beggars were seeking for information to meet their basic needs as well as their daily needs, although some of them were not able to identify their information needs clearly. The information-seeking behaviour profile of a very large number of Egyptian beggars indicated a preference for informal sources of information over formal ones to solve different problems and meet the challenges they face during their beggary activity depending on assistive devices, such as mobile phones. The high degree of illiteracy and the lack of awareness about the basic rights of information as well as information needs were the most important problems Egyptian beggars face during accessing information. The study recommended further research to be conducted about the role of the library in the education of beggars. It also recommended that beggars’ awareness about their information rights should be promoted through educational programs that help them value the role of information in their life.Keywords: user studies, information-seeking behaviour, information needs, information sources, beggars, Egypt
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