Search results for: game load
2039 Structural Behaviour of Small-Scale Fibre-Filled Steel Tubular Planar Frames
Authors: Sadaf Karkoodi, Hassan Karampour
There is a growing interest in the construction industry towards hybrid systems. The hybrid systems use construction materials such as timber, steel, and concrete smartly, can be prefabricated, and are cost-effective and sustainable solutions to an industry targeting reduced carbon footprint. Moreover, in case of periodical shortage in timber resources, reusable and waste wood such as fibres can be used in the hybrid modules, which facilitates the circular economy. In this research, a hybrid frame is proposed and experimentally validated by introducing dried wood fibre products inside cold-formed steel square hollow sections without using any adhesives. As such, fibre-filled steel tubular (FFST) columns, beams, and 2D frames are manufactured and tested. The results show that the FFST columns have stiffness and strength 44% and 55% higher than cold-formed steel columns, respectively. The bearing strength of the FFST beams shows an increase of 39.5% compared to steel only. The flexural stiffness and strength of the FFST beams are 8.5% and 28% higher than the bare steel beams, respectively. The FFST frame depicted an 18.4% higher ultimate load capacity than the steel-only frame under a mid-point concentrated load. Moreover, the FFST beam-to-column bolted connection showed high ductile performance. The initial results and the proposed simple manufacturing process suggest that the proposed FFST concept can be upscaled and used in real structures.Keywords: wood fibre, reusing wood, fibre-filled steel, hybrid construction
Procedia PDF Downloads 792038 Compromised Sexual Territoriality under Reflexive Cosmopolitanism: From Coffee Bean to Gay Bean in South Korea
Authors: Robert Christopher Hamilton
This research examined the effects of reflexive cosmopolitanism on the competition for sexual territoriality. By adopting Michel De Certeau’s (1984) spatial didactic model, the article maps out the key elements at play and the dynamics explaining how gays gay place in the backdrop of rapid modernization. It found that heterosexual space and heteronormative assumptions helped to create temporal and spatial opportunities that allow for sexual performativity of gay males. Moreover, using data collected from multiple semi-controlled one-on-one interviews over 13 months, this article illustrates how spatial competition culminates in non-zero sum game outcomes and particularly to compromise of sexual territoriality while further demonstrating the need to understand the sexual coping tactics used in cultures with similar backgrounds. The findings enable researchers to better understand how gay men gay space, and how space performatively embodies gay men.Keywords: South Korea, coffee bean, sexual territoriality, reflexive cosmopolitanism
Procedia PDF Downloads 3282037 The Next Game Changer: 3-D Printed Musical Instruments
Authors: Leonardo Ko
In an era marked by rapid technological innovation, the classical instrument industry nonetheless has not seen significant change. Is this a matter of stubborn traditionalism, or do old, conventional instruments really sound better? Because of the widespread use of 3-D printing, it seems feasible to produce modern, 3-D printed instruments that adhere to the basic conventions of standard construction. This study aimed to design and create a practical, effective 3-D printed acoustic violin. A cost-benefit analysis of materials and design is presented in addition to a report on sound tests in which a pool of professional musicians compared the traditional violin to its synthetic counterpart with regard to acoustic properties. With a low-cost yet functional instrument, musicians of all levels would be able to afford instruments with much greater ease; the present study thus hopes to contribute to efforts to increase the accessibility of classical music education.Keywords: acoustic musical instrument, classical musical education, low-cost, 3-D printing
Procedia PDF Downloads 2292036 Monitoring of Quantitative and Qualitative Changes in Combustible Material in the Białowieża Forest
Authors: Damian Czubak
The Białowieża Forest is a very valuable natural area, included in the World Natural Heritage at UNESCO, where, due to infestation by the bark beetle (Ips typographus), norway spruce (Picea abies) have deteriorated. This catastrophic scenario led to an increase in fire danger. This was due to the occurrence of large amounts of dead wood and grass cover, as light penetrated to the bottom of the stands. These factors in a dry state are materials that favour the possibility of fire and the rapid spread of fire. One of the objectives of the study was to monitor the quantitative and qualitative changes of combustible material on the permanent decay plots of spruce stands from 2012-2022. In addition, the size of the area with highly flammable vegetation was monitored and a classification of the stands of the Białowieża Forest by flammability classes was made. The key factor that determines the potential fire hazard of a forest is combustible material. Primarily its type, quantity, moisture content, size and spatial structure. Based on the inventory data on the areas of forest districts in the Białowieża Forest, the average fire load and its changes over the years were calculated. The analysis was carried out taking into account the changes in the health status of the stands and sanitary operations. The quantitative and qualitative assessment of fallen timber and fire load of ground cover used the results of the 2019 and 2021 inventories. Approximately 9,000 circular plots were used for the study. An assessment was made of the amount of potential fuel, understood as ground cover vegetation and dead wood debris. In addition, monitoring of areas with vegetation that poses a high fire risk was conducted using data from 2019 and 2021. All sub-areas were inventoried where vegetation posing a specific fire hazard represented at least 10% of the area with species characteristic of that cover. In addition to the size of the area with fire-prone vegetation, a very important element is the size of the fire load on the indicated plots. On representative plots, the biomass of the land cover was measured on an area of 10 m2 and then the amount of biomass of each component was determined. The resulting element of variability of ground covers in stands was their flammability classification. The classification developed made it possible to track changes in the flammability classes of stands over the period covered by the measurements.Keywords: classification, combustible material, flammable vegetation, Norway spruce
Procedia PDF Downloads 932035 Application Reliability Method for Concrete Dams
Authors: Mustapha Kamel Mihoubi, Mohamed Essadik Kerkar
Probabilistic risk analysis models are used to provide a better understanding of the reliability and structural failure of works, including when calculating the stability of large structures to a major risk in the event of an accident or breakdown. This work is interested in the study of the probability of failure of concrete dams through the application of reliability analysis methods including the methods used in engineering. It is in our case, the use of level 2 methods via the study limit state. Hence, the probability of product failures is estimated by analytical methods of the type first order risk method (FORM) and the second order risk method (SORM). By way of comparison, a level three method was used which generates a full analysis of the problem and involves an integration of the probability density function of random variables extended to the field of security using the Monte Carlo simulation method. Taking into account the change in stress following load combinations: normal, exceptional and extreme acting on the dam, calculation of the results obtained have provided acceptable failure probability values which largely corroborate the theory, in fact, the probability of failure tends to increase with increasing load intensities, thus causing a significant decrease in strength, shear forces then induce a shift that threatens the reliability of the structure by intolerable values of the probability of product failures. Especially, in case the increase of uplift in a hypothetical default of the drainage system.Keywords: dam, failure, limit-state, monte-carlo, reliability, probability, simulation, sliding, taylor
Procedia PDF Downloads 3262034 Competitive Advantages of a Firm without Fundamental Technology: A Case Study of Sony, Casio and Nintendo
Authors: Kiyohiro Yamazaki
A purpose of this study is to examine how a firm without fundamental technology is able to gain the competitive advantage. This paper examines three case studies, Sony in the flat display TV industry, Casio in the digital camera industry and Nintendo in the home game machine industry. This paper maintain the firms without fundamental technology construct two advantages, economic advantage and organizational advantage. An economic advantage involves the firm can select either high-tech or cheap devices out of several device makers, and change the alternatives cheaply and quickly. In addition, organizational advantage means that a firm without fundamental technology is not restricted by organizational inertia and cognitive restraints, and exercises the characteristic of strength.Keywords: firm without fundamental technology, economic advantage, organizational advantage, Sony, Casio, Nintendo
Procedia PDF Downloads 2882033 Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Geogrid-Reinforced Piled Embankments on Soft Clay
Authors: Mahmoud Y. Shokry, Rami M. El-Sherbiny
This paper aims to highlight the role of some parameters that may be of a noticeable impact on numerical analysis/design of embankments. It presents the results of a three-dimensional (3-D) finite element analysis of a monitored earth embankment that was constructed on soft clay formation stabilized by cast in-situ piles using software PLAXIS 3D. A comparison between the predicted and the monitored responses is presented to assess the adequacy of the adopted numerical model. The model was used in the targeted parametric study. Moreover, a comparison was performed between the results of the 3-D analyses and the analytical solutions. This paper concluded that the effect of using mono pile caps led to decrease both the total and differential settlement and increased the efficiency of the piled embankment system. The study of using geogrids revealed that it can contribute in decreasing the settlement and maximizing the part of the embankment load transferred to piles. Moreover, it was found that increasing the stiffness of the geogrids provides higher values of tensile forces and hence has more effective influence on embankment load carried by piles rather than using multi-number of layers with low values of geogrid stiffness. The efficiency of the piled embankments system was also found to be greater when higher embankments are used rather than the low height embankments. The comparison between the numerical 3-D model and the theoretical design methods revealed that many analytical solutions are conservative and non-accurate rather than the 3-D finite element numerical models.Keywords: efficiency, embankment, geogrids, soft clay
Procedia PDF Downloads 3232032 Further Development of Offshore Floating Solar and Its Design Requirements
Authors: Madjid Karimirad
Floating solar was not very well-known in the renewable energy field a decade ago; however, there has been tremendous growth internationally with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of nearly 30% in recent years. To reach the goal of global net-zero emission by 2050, all renewable energy sources including solar should be used. Considering that 40% of the world’s population lives within 100 kilometres of the coasts, floating solar in coastal waters is an obvious energy solution. However, this requires more robust floating solar solutions. This paper tries to enlighten the fundamental requirements in the design of floating solar for offshore installations from the hydrodynamic and offshore engineering points of view. In this regard, a closer look at dynamic characteristics, stochastic behaviour and nonlinear phenomena appearing in this kind of structure is a major focus of the current article. Floating solar structures are alternative and very attractive green energy installations with (a) Less strain on land usage for densely populated areas; (b) Natural cooling effect with efficiency gain; and (c) Increased irradiance from the reflectivity of water. Also, floating solar in conjunction with the hydroelectric plants can optimise energy efficiency and improve system reliability. The co-locating of floating solar units with other types such as offshore wind, wave energy, tidal turbines as well as aquaculture (fish farming) can result in better ocean space usage and increase the synergies. Floating solar technology has seen considerable developments in installed capacities in the past decade. Development of design standards and codes of practice for floating solar technologies deployed on both inland water-bodies and offshore is required to ensure robust and reliable systems that do not have detrimental impacts on the hosting water body. Floating solar will account for 17% of all PV energy produced worldwide by 2030. To enhance the development, further research in this area is needed. This paper aims to discuss the main critical design aspects in light of the load and load effects that the floating solar platforms are subjected to. The key considerations in hydrodynamics, aerodynamics and simultaneous effects from the wind and wave load actions will be discussed. The link of dynamic nonlinear loading, limit states and design space considering the environmental conditions is set to enable a better understanding of the design requirements of fast-evolving floating solar technology.Keywords: floating solar, offshore renewable energy, wind and wave loading, design space
Procedia PDF Downloads 802031 Neural Network Supervisory Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control of the Pressurized Water Reactor Core Power Load Following Operation
Authors: Derjew Ayele Ejigu, Houde Song, Xiaojing Liu
This work presents the particle swarm optimization trained neural network (PSO-NN) supervisory proportional integral derivative (PID) control method to monitor the pressurized water reactor (PWR) core power for safe operation. The proposed control approach is implemented on the transfer function of the PWR core, which is computed from the state-space model. The PWR core state-space model is designed from the neutronics, thermal-hydraulics, and reactivity models using perturbation around the equilibrium value. The proposed control approach computes the control rod speed to maneuver the core power to track the reference in a closed-loop scheme. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to train the neural network (NN) and to tune the PID simultaneously. The controller performance is examined using integral absolute error, integral time absolute error, integral square error, and integral time square error functions, and the stability of the system is analyzed by using the Bode diagram. The simulation results indicated that the controller shows satisfactory performance to control and track the load power effectively and smoothly as compared to the PSO-PID control technique. This study will give benefit to design a supervisory controller for nuclear engineering research fields for control application.Keywords: machine learning, neural network, pressurized water reactor, supervisory controller
Procedia PDF Downloads 1572030 Plastic Behavior of Steel Frames Using Different Concentric Bracing Configurations
Authors: Madan Chandra Maurya, A. R. Dar
Among the entire natural calamities earthquake is the one which is most devastating. If the losses due to all other calamities are added still it will be very less than the losses due to earthquakes. So it means we must be ready to face such a situation, which is only possible if we make our structures earthquake resistant. A review of structural damages to the braced frame systems after several major earthquakes—including recent earthquakes—has identified some anticipated and unanticipated damage. This damage has prompted many engineers and researchers around the world to consider new approaches to improve the behavior of braced frame systems. Extensive experimental studies over the last fourty years of conventional buckling brace components and several braced frame specimens have been briefly reviewed, highlighting that the number of studies on the full-scale concentric braced frames is still limited. So for this reason the study surrounds the words plastic behavior, steel structure, brace frame system. In this study, there are two different analytical approaches which have been used to predict the behavior and strength of an un-braced frame. The first is referred as incremental elasto-plastic analysis a plastic approach. This method gives a complete load-deflection history of the structure until collapse. It is based on the plastic hinge concept for fully plastic cross sections in a structure under increasing proportional loading. In this, the incremental elasto-plastic analysis- hinge by hinge method is used in this study because of its simplicity to know the complete load- deformation history of two storey un-braced scaled model. After that the experiments were conducted on two storey scaled building model with and without bracing system to know the true or experimental load deformation curve of scaled model. Only way, is to understand and analyze these techniques and adopt these techniques in our structures. The study named as Plastic Behavior of Steel Frames using Different Concentric Bracing Configurations deals with all this. This study aimed at improving the already practiced traditional systems and to check the behavior and its usefulness with respect to X-braced system as reference model i.e. is how plastically it is different from X-braced. Laboratory tests involved determination of plastic behavior of these models (with and without brace) in terms of load-deformation curve. Thus, the aim of this study is to improve the lateral displacement resistance capacity by using new configuration of brace member in concentric manner which is different from conventional concentric brace. Once the experimental and manual results (using plastic approach) compared, simultaneously the results from both approach were also compared with nonlinear static analysis (pushover analysis) approach using ETABS i.e how both the previous results closely depicts the behavior in pushover curve and upto what limit. Tests results shows that all the three approaches behaves somewhat in similar manner upto yield point and also the applicability of elasto-plastic analysis (hinge by hinge method) to know the plastic behavior. Finally the outcome from three approaches shows that the newer one configuration which is chosen for study behaves in-between the plane frame (without brace or reference frame) and the conventional X-brace frame.Keywords: elasto-plastic analysis, concentric steel braced frame, pushover analysis, ETABS
Procedia PDF Downloads 2302029 FACTS Based Stabilization for Smart Grid Applications
Authors: Adel. M. Sharaf, Foad H. Gandoman
Nowadays, Photovoltaic-PV Farms/ Parks and large PV-Smart Grid Interface Schemes are emerging and commonly utilized in Renewable Energy distributed generation. However, PV-hybrid-Dc-Ac Schemes using interface power electronic converters usually has negative impact on power quality and stabilization of modern electrical network under load excursions and network fault conditions in smart grid. Consequently, robust FACTS based interface schemes are required to ensure efficient energy utilization and stabilization of bus voltages as well as limiting switching/fault onrush current condition. FACTS devices are also used in smart grid-Battery Interface and Storage Schemes with PV-Battery Storage hybrid systems as an elegant alternative to renewable energy utilization with backup battery storage for electric utility energy and demand side management to provide needed energy and power capacity under heavy load conditions. The paper presents a robust interface PV-Li-Ion Battery Storage Interface Scheme for Distribution/Utilization Low Voltage Interface using FACTS stabilization enhancement and dynamic maximum PV power tracking controllers. Digital simulation and validation of the proposed scheme is done using MATLAB/Simulink software environment for Low Voltage- Distribution/Utilization system feeding a hybrid Linear-Motorized inrush and nonlinear type loads from a DC-AC Interface VSC-6-pulse Inverter Fed from the PV Park/Farm with a back-up Li-Ion Storage Battery.Keywords: AC FACTS, smart grid, stabilization, PV-battery storage, Switched Filter-Compensation (SFC)
Procedia PDF Downloads 4132028 Evaluation of Fracture Resistance and Moisture Damage of Hot Mix Asphalt Using Plastic Coated Aggregates
Authors: Malleshappa Japagal, Srinivas Chitragar
The use of waste plastic in pavement is becoming important alternative worldwide for disposal of plastic as well as to improve the stability of pavement and to meet out environmental issues. However, there are still concerns on fatigue and fracture resistance of Hot Mix Asphalt with the addition of plastic waste, (HMA-Plastic mixes) and moisture damage potential. The present study was undertaken to evaluate fracture resistance of HMA-Plastic mixes using semi-circular bending (SCB) test and moisture damage potential by Indirect Tensile strength (ITS) test using retained tensile strength (TSR). In this study, a dense graded asphalt mix with 19 mm nominal maximum aggregate size was designed in the laboratory using Marshall Mix design method. Aggregates were coated with different percentages of waste plastic (0%, 2%, 3% and 4%) by weight of aggregate and performance evaluation of fracture resistance and Moisture damage was carried out. The following parameters were estimated for the mixes: J-Integral or Jc, strain energy at failure, peak load at failure, and deformation at failure. It was found that the strain energy and peak load of all the mixes decrease with an increase in notch depth, indicating that increased percentage of plastic waste gave better fracture resistance. The moisture damage potential was evaluated by Tensile strength ratio (TSR). The experimental results shown increased TRS value up to 3% addition of waste plastic in HMA mix which gives better performance hence the use of waste plastic in road construction is favorable.Keywords: hot mix asphalt, semi circular bending, marshall mix design, tensile strength ratio
Procedia PDF Downloads 3082027 Cryptographic Resource Allocation Algorithm Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
Authors: Xu Jie
As a key network security method, cryptographic services must fully cope with problems such as the wide variety of cryptographic algorithms, high concurrency requirements, random job crossovers, and instantaneous surges in workloads. Its complexity and dynamics also make it difficult for traditional static security policies to cope with the ever-changing situation. Cyber Threats and Environment. Traditional resource scheduling algorithms are inadequate when facing complex decision-making problems in dynamic environments. A network cryptographic resource allocation algorithm based on reinforcement learning is proposed, aiming to optimize task energy consumption, migration cost, and fitness of differentiated services (including user, data, and task security) by modeling the multi-job collaborative cryptographic service scheduling problem as a multi-objective optimized job flow scheduling problem and using a multi-agent reinforcement learning method, efficient scheduling and optimal configuration of cryptographic service resources are achieved. By introducing reinforcement learning, resource allocation strategies can be adjusted in real-time in a dynamic environment, improving resource utilization and achieving load balancing. Experimental results show that this algorithm has significant advantages in path planning length, system delay and network load balancing and effectively solves the problem of complex resource scheduling in cryptographic services.Keywords: cloud computing, cryptography on-demand service, reinforcement learning, workflow scheduling
Procedia PDF Downloads 182026 Analysis of Splicing Methods for High Speed Automated Fibre Placement Applications
Authors: Phillip Kearney, Constantina Lekakou, Stephen Belcher, Alessandro Sordon
The focus in the automotive industry is to reduce human operator and machine interaction, so manufacturing becomes more automated and safer. The aim is to lower part cost and construction time as well as defects in the parts, sometimes occurring due to the physical limitations of human operators. A move to automate the layup of reinforcement material in composites manufacturing has resulted in the use of tapes that are placed in position by a robotic deposition head, also described as Automated Fibre Placement (AFP). The process of AFP is limited with respect to the finite amount of material that can be loaded into the machine at any one time. Joining two batches of tape material together involves a splice to secure the ends of the finishing tape to the starting edge of the new tape. The splicing method of choice for the majority of prepreg applications is a hand stich method, and as the name suggests requires human input to achieve. This investigation explores three methods for automated splicing, namely, adhesive, binding and stitching. The adhesive technique uses an additional adhesive placed on the tape ends to be joined. Binding uses the binding agent that is already impregnated onto the tape through the application of heat. The stitching method is used as a baseline to compare the new splicing methods to the traditional technique currently in use. As the methods will be used within a High Speed Automated Fibre Placement (HSAFP) process, this meant the parameters of the splices have to meet certain specifications: (a) the splice must be able to endure a load of 50 N in tension applied at a rate of 1 mm/s; (b) the splice must be created in less than 6 seconds, dictated by the capacity of the tape accumulator within the system. The samples for experimentation were manufactured with controlled overlaps, alignment and splicing parameters, these were then tested in tension using a tensile testing machine. Initial analysis explored the use of the impregnated binding agent present on the tape, as in the binding splicing technique. It analysed the effect of temperature and overlap on the strength of the splice. It was found that the optimum splicing temperature was at the higher end of the activation range of the binding agent, 100 °C. The optimum overlap was found to be 25 mm; it was found that there was no improvement in bond strength from 25 mm to 30 mm overlap. The final analysis compared the different splicing methods to the baseline of a stitched bond. It was found that the addition of an adhesive was the best splicing method, achieving a maximum load of over 500 N compared to the 26 N load achieved by a stitching splice and 94 N by the binding method.Keywords: analysis, automated fibre placement, high speed, splicing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1562025 Using Learning Apps in the Classroom
Authors: Janet C. Read
UClan set collaboration with Lingokids to assess the Lingokids learning app's impact on learning outcomes in classrooms in the UK for children with ages ranging from 3 to 5 years. Data gathered during the controlled study with 69 children includes attitudinal data, engagement, and learning scores. Data shows that children enjoyment while learning was higher among those children using the game-based app compared to those children using other traditional methods. It’s worth pointing out that engagement when using the learning app was significantly higher than other traditional methods among older children. According to existing literature, there is a direct correlation between engagement, motivation, and learning. Therefore, this study provides relevant data points to conclude that Lingokids learning app serves its purpose of encouraging learning through playful and interactive content. That being said, we believe that learning outcomes should be assessed with a wider range of methods in further studies. Likewise, it would be beneficial to assess the level of usability and playability of the app in order to evaluate the learning app from other angles.Keywords: learning app, learning outcomes, rapid test activity, Smileyometer, early childhood education, innovative pedagogy
Procedia PDF Downloads 722024 Distributed Cost-Based Scheduling in Cloud Computing Environment
Authors: Rupali, Anil Kumar Jaiswal
Cloud computing can be defined as one of the prominent technologies that lets a user change, configure and access the services online. it can be said that this is a prototype of computing that helps in saving cost and time of a user practically the use of cloud computing can be found in various fields like education, health, banking etc. Cloud computing is an internet dependent technology thus it is the major responsibility of Cloud Service Providers(CSPs) to care of data stored by user at data centers. Scheduling in cloud computing environment plays a vital role as to achieve maximum utilization and user satisfaction cloud providers need to schedule resources effectively. Job scheduling for cloud computing is analyzed in the following work. To complete, recreate the task calculation, and conveyed scheduling methods CloudSim3.0.3 is utilized. This research work discusses the job scheduling for circulated processing condition also by exploring on this issue we find it works with minimum time and less cost. In this work two load balancing techniques have been employed: ‘Throttled stack adjustment policy’ and ‘Active VM load balancing policy’ with two brokerage services ‘Advanced Response Time’ and ‘Reconfigure Dynamically’ to evaluate the VM_Cost, DC_Cost, Response Time, and Data Processing Time. The proposed techniques are compared with Round Robin scheduling policy.Keywords: physical machines, virtual machines, support for repetition, self-healing, highly scalable programming model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1692023 Appraisal of Maintenance Practices in Selected Tourist Attraction in Bauchi State, Nigeria
Authors: Eldah Ephraim Buba, Amina Bata Zoaka, Aishatu Ibrahim
This study appraised maintenance practices in selected tourist attractions in Bauchi state, Nigeria. Four tourist attractions were used for the research. Checklists were used to assess operations and repairs maintenance practices in the different attractions. The study carried out personal assessment thrice in six months without prior knowledge of the staff in charge for operational maintenance. Records of repairs maintenance from the attractions maintenance unit for a period of ten years were assessed using the checklists. The findings of the study show that operations maintenance was not adequately carried out in the four tourists attractions. Repairs maintenance was carried out in Yankari game reserve and safari, but repairs maintenance was poor in the other three attractions. The study therefore, recommends that adequate maintenance should be practiced in tourist attractions to expand the lifespan of the facilities and also encourage tourist patronage.Keywords: appraisal, maintenance, practices, tourist attraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 3012022 Nonlinear Vibration of FGM Plates Subjected to Acoustic Load in Thermal Environment Using Finite Element Modal Reduction Method
Authors: Hassan Parandvar, Mehrdad Farid
In this paper, a finite element modeling is presented for large amplitude vibration of functionally graded material (FGM) plates subjected to combined random pressure and thermal load. The material properties of the plates are assumed to vary continuously in the thickness direction by a simple power law distribution in terms of the volume fractions of the constituents. The material properties depend on the temperature whose distribution along the thickness can be expressed explicitly. The von Karman large deflection strain displacement and extended Hamilton's principle are used to obtain the governing system of equations of motion in structural node degrees of freedom (DOF) using finite element method. Three-node triangular Mindlin plate element with shear correction factor is used. The nonlinear equations of motion in structural degrees of freedom are reduced by using modal reduction method. The reduced equations of motion are solved numerically by 4th order Runge-Kutta scheme. In this study, the random pressure is generated using Monte Carlo method. The modeling is verified and the nonlinear dynamic response of FGM plates is studied for various values of volume fraction and sound pressure level under different thermal loads. Snap-through type behavior of FGM plates is studied too.Keywords: nonlinear vibration, finite element method, functionally graded material (FGM) plates, snap-through, random vibration, thermal effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 2632021 Design of an Automated Deep Learning Recurrent Neural Networks System Integrated with IoT for Anomaly Detection in Residential Electric Vehicle Charging in Smart Cities
Authors: Wanchalerm Patanacharoenwong, Panaya Sudta, Prachya Bumrungkun
The paper focuses on the development of a system that combines Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and deep learning algorithms for anomaly detection in residential Electric Vehicle (EV) charging in smart cities. With the increasing number of EVs, ensuring efficient and reliable charging systems has become crucial. The aim of this research is to develop an integrated IoT and deep learning system for detecting anomalies in residential EV charging and enhancing EV load profiling and event detection in smart cities. This approach utilizes IoT devices equipped with infrared cameras to collect thermal images and household EV charging profiles from the database of Thailand utility, subsequently transmitting this data to a cloud database for comprehensive analysis. The methodology includes the use of advanced deep learning techniques such as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) algorithms. IoT devices equipped with infrared cameras are used to collect thermal images and EV charging profiles. The data is transmitted to a cloud database for comprehensive analysis. The researchers also utilize feature-based Gaussian mixture models for EV load profiling and event detection. Moreover, the research findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed system in detecting anomalies and critical profiles in EV charging behavior. The system provides timely alarms to users regarding potential issues and categorizes the severity of detected problems based on a health index for each charging device. The system also outperforms existing models in event detection accuracy. This research contributes to the field by showcasing the potential of integrating IoT and deep learning techniques in managing residential EV charging in smart cities. The system ensures operational safety and efficiency while also promoting sustainable energy management. The data is collected using IoT devices equipped with infrared cameras and is stored in a cloud database for analysis. The collected data is then analyzed using RNN, LSTM, and feature-based Gaussian mixture models. The approach includes both EV load profiling and event detection, utilizing a feature-based Gaussian mixture model. This comprehensive method aids in identifying unique power consumption patterns among EV owners and outperforms existing models in event detection accuracy. In summary, the research concludes that integrating IoT and deep learning techniques can effectively detect anomalies in residential EV charging and enhance EV load profiling and event detection accuracy. The developed system ensures operational safety and efficiency, contributing to sustainable energy management in smart cities.Keywords: cloud computing framework, recurrent neural networks, long short-term memory, Iot, EV charging, smart grids
Procedia PDF Downloads 682020 Technical and Economic Analysis of Smart Micro-Grid Renewable Energy Systems: An Applicable Case Study
Authors: M. A. Fouad, M. A. Badr, Z. S. Abd El-Rehim, Taher Halawa, Mahmoud Bayoumi, M. M. Ibrahim
Renewable energy-based micro-grids are presently attracting significant consideration. The smart grid system is presently considered a reliable solution for the expected deficiency in the power required from future power systems. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal components sizes of a micro-grid, investigating technical and economic performance with the environmental impacts. The micro grid load is divided into two small factories with electricity, both on-grid and off-grid modes are considered. The micro-grid includes photovoltaic cells, back-up diesel generator wind turbines, and battery bank. The estimated load pattern is 76 kW peak. The system is modeled and simulated by MATLAB/Simulink tool to identify the technical issues based on renewable power generation units. To evaluate system economy, two criteria are used: the net present cost and the cost of generated electricity. The most feasible system components for the selected application are obtained, based on required parameters, using HOMER simulation package. The results showed that a Wind/Photovoltaic (W/PV) on-grid system is more economical than a Wind/Photovoltaic/Diesel/Battery (W/PV/D/B) off-grid system as the cost of generated electricity (COE) is 0.266 $/kWh and 0.316 $/kWh, respectively. Considering the cost of carbon dioxide emissions, the off-grid will be competitive to the on-grid system as COE is found to be (0.256 $/kWh, 0.266 $/kWh), for on and off grid systems.Keywords: renewable energy sources, micro-grid system, modeling and simulation, on/off grid system, environmental impacts
Procedia PDF Downloads 2702019 The Relationship between Lithological and Geomechanical Properties of Carbonate Rocks. Case study: Arab-D Reservoir Outcrop Carbonate, Central Saudi Arabia
Authors: Ammar Juma Abdlmutalib, Osman Abdullatif
Upper Jurrasic Arab-D Reservoir is considered as the largest oil reservoir in Saudi Arabia. The equivalent outcrop is exposed near Riyadh. The study investigates the relationships between lithofacies properties changes and geomechanical properties of Arab-D Reservoir in the outcrop scale. The methods used included integrated field observations and laboratory measurements. Schmidt Hammer Rebound Hardness, Point Load Index tests were carried out to estimate the strength of the samples, ultrasonic wave velocity test also was applied to measure P-wave, S-wave, and dynamic Poisson's ratio. Thin sections have been analyzed and described. The results show that there is a variation in geomechanical properties between the Arab-D member and Upper Jubaila Formation at outcrop scale, the change in texture or grain size has no or little effect on these properties. This is because of the clear effect of diagenesis which changes the strength of the samples. The result also shows the negative or inverse correlation between porosity and geomechanical properties. As for the strength, dolomitic mudstone and wackestone within Upper Jubaila Formation has higher Schmidt hammer values, wavy rippled sandy grainstone which is rich in quarts has the greater point load index values. While laminated mudstone and breccias, facies has lower strength. This emphasizes the role of mineral content in the geomechanical properties of Arab-D reservoir lithofacies.Keywords: geomechanical properties, Arab-D reservoir, lithofacies changes, Poisson's ratio, diageneis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4002018 Experimental Characterization of the AA7075 Aluminum Alloy Using Hot Shear Tensile Test
Authors: Trunal Bhujangrao, Catherine Froustey, Fernando Veiga, Philippe Darnis, Franck Girot Mata
The understanding of the material behavior under shear loading has great importance for a researcher in manufacturing processes like cutting, machining, milling, turning, friction stir welding, etc. where the material experiences large deformation at high temperature. For such material behavior analysis, hot shear tests provide a useful means to investigate the evolution of the microstructure at a wide range of temperature and to improve the material behavior model. Shear tests can be performed by direct shear loading (e.g. torsion of thin-walled tubular samples), or appropriate specimen design to convert a tensile or compressive load into shear (e.g. simple shear tests). The simple shear tests are straightforward and designed to obtained very large deformation. However, many of these shear tests are concerned only with the elastic response of the material. It is becoming increasingly important to capture a plastic response of the material. Plastic deformation is significantly more complex and is known to depend more heavily on the strain rate, temperature, deformation, etc. Besides, there is not enough work is done on high-temperature shear loading, because of geometrical instability occurred during the plastic deformation. The aim of this study is to design a new shear tensile specimen geometry to convert the tensile load into dominant shear loading under plastic deformation. Design of the specimen geometry is based on FEM. The material used in this paper is AA7075 alloy, tested quasi statically under elevated temperature. Finally, the microstructural changes taking place duringKeywords: AA7075 alloy, dynamic recrystallization, edge effect, large strain, shear tensile test
Procedia PDF Downloads 1492017 Bracing Applications for Improving the Earthquake Performance of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Authors: Diyar Yousif Ali
Braced frames, besides other structural systems, such as shear walls or moment resisting frames, have been a valuable and effective technique to increase structures against seismic loads. In wind or seismic excitations, diagonal members react as truss web elements which would afford tension or compression stresses. This study proposes to consider the effect of bracing diagonal configuration on values of base shear and displacement of building. Two models were created, and nonlinear pushover analysis was implemented. Results show that bracing members enhance the lateral load performance of the Concentric Braced Frame (CBF) considerably. The purpose of this article is to study the nonlinear response of reinforced concrete structures which contain hollow pipe steel braces as the major structural elements against earthquake loads. A five-storey reinforced concrete structure was selected in this study; two different reinforced concrete frames were considered. The first system was an un-braced frame, while the last one was a braced frame with diagonal bracing. Analytical modelings of the bare frame and braced frame were realized by means of SAP 2000. The performances of all structures were evaluated using nonlinear static analyses. From these analyses, the base shear and displacements were compared. Results are plotted in diagrams and discussed extensively, and the results of the analyses showed that the braced frame was seemed to capable of more lateral load carrying and had a high value for stiffness and lower roof displacement in comparison with the bare frame.Keywords: reinforced concrete structures, pushover analysis, base shear, steel bracing
Procedia PDF Downloads 902016 Accuracy of VCCT for Calculating Stress Intensity Factor in Metal Specimens Subjected to Bending Load
Authors: Sanjin Kršćanski, Josip Brnić
Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT) is a method used for calculating stress intensity factor (SIF) of a cracked body that is easily implemented on top of basic finite element (FE) codes and as such can be applied on the various component geometries. It is a relatively simple method that does not require any special finite elements to be used and is usually used for calculating stress intensity factors at the crack tip for components made of brittle materials. This paper studies applicability and accuracy of VCCT applied on standard metal specimens containing trough thickness crack, subjected to an in-plane bending load. Finite element analyses were performed using regular 4-node, regular 8-node and a modified quarter-point 8-node 2D elements. Stress intensity factor was calculated from the FE model results for a given crack length, using data available from FE analysis and a custom programmed algorithm based on virtual crack closure technique. Influence of the finite element size on the accuracy of calculated SIF was also studied. The final part of this paper includes a comparison of calculated stress intensity factors with results obtained from analytical expressions found in available literature and in ASTM standard. Results calculated by this algorithm based on VCCT were found to be in good correlation with results obtained with mentioned analytical expressions.Keywords: VCCT, stress intensity factor, finite element analysis, 2D finite elements, bending
Procedia PDF Downloads 3062015 Concept of a Pseudo-Lower Bound Solution for Reinforced Concrete Slabs
Authors: M. De Filippo, J. S. Kuang
In construction industry, reinforced concrete (RC) slabs represent fundamental elements of buildings and bridges. Different methods are available for analysing the structural behaviour of slabs. In the early ages of last century, the yield-line method has been proposed to attempt to solve such problem. Simple geometry problems could easily be solved by using traditional hand analyses which include plasticity theories. Nowadays, advanced finite element (FE) analyses have mainly found their way into applications of many engineering fields due to the wide range of geometries to which they can be applied. In such cases, the application of an elastic or a plastic constitutive model would completely change the approach of the analysis itself. Elastic methods are popular due to their easy applicability to automated computations. However, elastic analyses are limited since they do not consider any aspect of the material behaviour beyond its yield limit, which turns to be an essential aspect of RC structural performance. Furthermore, their applicability to non-linear analysis for modeling plastic behaviour gives very reliable results. Per contra, this type of analysis is computationally quite expensive, i.e. not well suited for solving daily engineering problems. In the past years, many researchers have worked on filling this gap between easy-to-implement elastic methods and computationally complex plastic analyses. This paper aims at proposing a numerical procedure, through which a pseudo-lower bound solution, not violating the yield criterion, is achieved. The advantages of moment distribution are taken into account, hence the increase in strength provided by plastic behaviour is considered. The lower bound solution is improved by detecting over-yielded moments, which are used to artificially rule the moment distribution among the rest of the non-yielded elements. The proposed technique obeys Nielsen’s yield criterion. The outcome of this analysis provides a simple, yet accurate, and non-time-consuming tool of predicting the lower-bound solution of the collapse load of RC slabs. By using this method, structural engineers can find the fracture patterns and ultimate load bearing capacity. The collapse triggering mechanism is found by detecting yield-lines. An application to the simple case of a square clamped slab is shown, and a good match was found with the exact values of collapse load.Keywords: computational mechanics, lower bound method, reinforced concrete slabs, yield-line
Procedia PDF Downloads 1792014 Performance Evaluation of Filtration System for Groundwater Recharging Well in the Presence of Medium Sand-Mixed Storm Water
Authors: Krishna Kumar Singh, Praveen Jain
The collection of storm water runoff and forcing it into the groundwater is the need of the hour to sustain the ground water table. However, the runoff entraps various types of sediments and other floating objects whose removal are essential to avoid pollution of ground water and blocking of pores of aquifer. However, it requires regular cleaning and maintenance due to the problem of clogging. To evaluate the performance of filter system consisting of coarse sand (CS), gravel (G) and pebble (P) layers, a laboratory experiment was conducted in a rectangular column. The effect of variable thickness of CS, G and P layers of the filtration unit of the recharge shaft on the recharge rate and the sediment concentration of effluent water were evaluated. Medium sand (MS) of three particle sizes, viz. 0.150–0.300 mm (T1), 0.300–0.425 mm (T2) and 0.425–0.600 mm of thickness 25 cm, 30 cm, and 35 cm respectively in the top layer of the filter system and having seven influent sediment concentrations of 250–3,000 mg/l were used for the experimental study. The performance was evaluated in terms of recharge rates and clogging time. The results indicated that 100 % suspended solids were entrapped in the upper 10 cm layer of MS, the recharge rates declined sharply for influent concentrations of more than 1,000 mg/l. All treatments with a higher thickness of MS media indicated recharge rate slightly more than that of all treatment with a lower thickness of MS media respectively. The performance of storm water infiltration systems was highly dependent on the formation of a clogging layer at the filter. An empirical relationship has been derived between recharge rates, inflow sediment load, size of MS and thickness of MS with using MLR.Keywords: groundwater, medium sand-mixed storm water filter, inflow sediment load
Procedia PDF Downloads 3922013 Introduction to Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient
Authors: Xu Jie
As a key network security method, cryptographic services must fully cope with problems such as the wide variety of cryptographic algorithms, high concurrency requirements, random job crossovers, and instantaneous surges in workloads. Its complexity and dynamics also make it difficult for traditional static security policies to cope with the ever-changing situation. Cyber Threats and Environment. Traditional resource scheduling algorithms are inadequate when facing complex decisionmaking problems in dynamic environments. A network cryptographic resource allocation algorithm based on reinforcement learning is proposed, aiming to optimize task energy consumption, migration cost, and fitness of differentiated services (including user, data, and task security). By modeling the multi-job collaborative cryptographic service scheduling problem as a multiobjective optimized job flow scheduling problem, and using a multi-agent reinforcement learning method, efficient scheduling and optimal configuration of cryptographic service resources are achieved. By introducing reinforcement learning, resource allocation strategies can be adjusted in real time in a dynamic environment, improving resource utilization and achieving load balancing. Experimental results show that this algorithm has significant advantages in path planning length, system delay and network load balancing, and effectively solves the problem of complex resource scheduling in cryptographic services.Keywords: multi-agent reinforcement learning, non-stationary dynamics, multi-agent systems, cooperative and competitive agents
Procedia PDF Downloads 262012 Gamification of a Business Intelligence Tool
Authors: Stephen Miller
The act of applying game mechanics and dynamics (which have been traditionally used in video games) into business applications is being widely trialed in an effort to make conventional business software a bit more participative, fun and engaging. This new trend, named ‘gamification’ has its believers and of course, its critics who still need convincing that the concept is an effective and beneficial business tool worthy of investment. The literature reveals that user engagement of business intelligence (BI) tools is much lower than expected and investors are failing to get a good return on their investment (ROI). So, a software prototype will be designed and developed to add gamification to a BI tool to determine its effect upon the user engagement levels of test participants. The experimental study will be evaluated using the comprehensive User Engagement Scale (UES) to see if there are improvements in areas such as; aesthetics, perceived usability, endurability, novelty, felt involvement and focused attention. The results of this unique study should demonstrate whether or not ‘gamifying’ a BI tool has the potential to increase an individual’s motivation to use BI software more often.Keywords: business intelligence, gamification, human computer interaction, user engagement
Procedia PDF Downloads 5852011 Integrating Explicit Instruction and Problem-Solving Approaches for Efficient Learning
Authors: Slava Kalyuga
There are two opposing major points of view on the optimal degree of initial instructional guidance that is usually discussed in the literature by the advocates of the corresponding learning approaches. Using unguided or minimally guided problem-solving tasks prior to explicit instruction has been suggested by productive failure and several other instructional theories, whereas an alternative approach - using fully guided worked examples followed by problem solving - has been demonstrated as the most effective strategy within the framework of cognitive load theory. An integrated approach discussed in this paper could combine the above frameworks within a broader theoretical perspective which would allow bringing together their best features and advantages in the design of learning tasks for STEM education. This paper represents a systematic review of the available empirical studies comparing the above alternative sequences of instructional methods to explore effects of several possible moderating factors. The paper concludes that different approaches and instructional sequences should coexist within complex learning environments. Selecting optimal sequences depends on such factors as specific goals of learner activities, types of knowledge to learn, levels of element interactivity (task complexity), and levels of learner prior knowledge. This paper offers an outline of a theoretical framework for the design of complex learning tasks in STEM education that would integrate explicit instruction and inquiry (exploratory, discovery) learning approaches in ways that depend on a set of defined specific factors.Keywords: cognitive load, explicit instruction, exploratory learning, worked examples
Procedia PDF Downloads 1272010 Design and Construction of a Device to Facilitate the Stretching of a Plantiflexors Muscles in the Therapy of Rehabilitation for Patients with Spastic Hemiplegia
Authors: Nathalia Andrea Calderon Lesmes, Eduardo Barragan Parada, Diego Fernando Villegas Bermudez
Spasticity in the plantiflexor muscles as a product of stroke (CVA-Cerebrovascular accident) restricts the mobility and independence of the affected people. Commonly, physiotherapists are in charge of manually performing the rehabilitation therapy known as Sustained Mechanical Stretching, rotating the affected foot of the patient in the sagittal plane. However, this causes a physical wear on the professional because it is a fatiguing movement. In this article, a mechanical device is developed to implement this rehabilitation therapy more efficiently. The device consists of a worm-crown mechanism that is driven by a crank to gradually rotate a platform in the sagittal plane of the affected foot, in order to achieve dorsiflexion. The device has a range of sagittal rotation up to 150° and has velcro located on the footplate that secures the foot. The design of this device was modeled by using CAD software and was checked structurally with a general purpose finite element software to be sure that the device is safe for human use. As a measurement system, a goniometer is used in the lateral part of the device and load cells are used to measure the force in order to determine the opposing torque exerted by the muscle. Load cells sensitivity is 1.8 ± 0.002 and has a repeatability of 0.03. Validation of the effectiveness of the device is measured by reducing the opposition torque and increasing mobility for a given patient. In this way, with a more efficient therapy, an improvement in the recovery of the patient's mobility and therefore in their quality of life can be achieved.Keywords: biomechanics, mechanical device, plantiflexor muscles, rehabilitation, spastic hemiplegia, sustained mechanical stretching
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