Search results for: fractals dimensions
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Paper Count: 2046

Search results for: fractals dimensions

876 Academic Entitlement And Grade Negotiation Styles Among Ug Students: A Correlation Study

Authors: Athira M., Prakasha G. S.


The rising prevalence of academic entitlement among school and college students necessitates a comprehensive investigation. This study focuses on discovering gender differentials in academic entitlement and their nexus with diverse grade negotiation behaviors within the undergraduate (UG) student cohort. Grade negotiation behaviors, encompassing a range from amicable discussions to more assertive tactics, are influenced by students' perceptions of their academic entitlement. The research delves into the broader significance of academic entitlement, considering its implications for student-teacher conflicts and the dynamics it introduces into the educational field. Employing a quantitative research approach, data from UG students is meticulously analyzed. Mann-Whitney U tests unveil pronounced gender difference in academic entitlement, with females demonstrating higher entitlement levels. Furthermore, the study unearths significant correlations between academic entitlement and specific negotiation styles, notably yielding and forcing strategies, albeit with minimal impact on academic performance. These findings provide a foundational understanding for educators and institutions to foster equitable learning environments and formulate effective conflict resolution strategies, ultimately elevating the quality of the educational experience. Moreover, this study opens avenues for future research, exploring interventions to enhance negotiation skills and diving deeper into the intricate dimensions of academic entitlement within academic life.

Keywords: academic entitlement, grade negotiation, negotiation styles, student-teacher conflict

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875 Partnership Brokering as a Driver of Social Business

Authors: Lani Fraizer, Faiz Shah


Extreme poverty continues to plague the world. Forty-seven million people live well-below the poverty line in Bangladesh, enduring poor quality of life, often with no access to basic human needs like shelter and healthcare. It is not surprising that poverty eradication is central to the mission of social change makers, such as Muhammad Yunus, who have demonstrated how enterprise-led development initiatives empower individuals at the grassroots, and can galvanize entire communities to emerge out of poverty. Such strategies call for system-wide change, and like a number of systems leaders, social business champions have typically challenged the status quo, and broken out of silos to catalyze vibrant multi-stakeholder partnerships across sectors. Apart from individual charisma, social change makers succeed because they garner collaborative impact through socially beneficial partnerships. So while enterprise-led social development evolves in scope and complexity, in step with the need to create and sustain partnerships, Partnership Brokering is emerging as an approach to facilitate collaborative processes. As such, it may now be possible for anyone motivated by the idea of social business to acquire the skills and sophistication necessary for building enriching partnerships that harness the power of the market to address poverty. This paper examines dimensions of partnership brokering in the context of social business, and explores the implications of this emerging approach on fostering poverty eradication.

Keywords: poverty, social business, partnership brokering, social entrepreneurship, systems change, enterprise-led development, change making

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874 Improvement of Microstructure, Wear and Mechanical Properties of Modified G38NiCrMo8-4-4 Steel Used in Mining Industry

Authors: Mustafa Col, Funda Gul Koc, Merve Yangaz, Eylem Subasi, Can Akbasoglu


G38NiCrMo8-4-4 steel is widely used in mining industries, machine parts, gears due to its high strength and toughness properties. In this study, microstructure, wear and mechanical properties of G38NiCrMo8-4-4 steel modified with boron used in the mining industry were investigated. For this purpose, cast materials were alloyed by melting in an induction furnace to include boron with the rates of 0 ppm, 15 ppm, and 50 ppm (wt.) and were formed in the dimensions of 150x200x150 mm by casting into the sand mould. Homogenization heat treatment was applied to the specimens at 1150˚C for 7 hours. Then all specimens were austenitized at 930˚C for 1 hour, quenched in the polymer solution and tempered at 650˚C for 1 hour. Microstructures of the specimens were investigated by using light microscope and SEM to determine the effect of boron and heat treatment conditions. Changes in microstructure properties and material hardness were obtained due to increasing boron content and heat treatment conditions after microstructure investigations and hardness tests. Wear tests were carried out using a pin-on-disc tribometer under dry sliding conditions. Charpy V notch impact test was performed to determine the toughness properties of the specimens. Fracture and worn surfaces were investigated with scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results show that boron element has a positive effect on the hardness and wear properties of G38NiCrMo8-4-4 steel.

Keywords: G38NiCrMo8-4-4 steel, boron, heat treatment, microstructure, wear, mechanical properties

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873 Artificial Intelligence Approach to Water Treatment Processes: Case Study of Daspoort Treatment Plant, South Africa

Authors: Olumuyiwa Ojo, Masengo Ilunga


Artificial neural network (ANN) has broken the bounds of the convention programming, which is actually a function of garbage in garbage out by its ability to mimic the human brain. Its ability to adopt, adapt, adjust, evaluate, learn and recognize the relationship, behavior, and pattern of a series of data set administered to it, is tailored after the human reasoning and learning mechanism. Thus, the study aimed at modeling wastewater treatment process in order to accurately diagnose water control problems for effective treatment. For this study, a stage ANN model development and evaluation methodology were employed. The source data analysis stage involved a statistical analysis of the data used in modeling in the model development stage, candidate ANN architecture development and then evaluated using a historical data set. The model was developed using historical data obtained from Daspoort Wastewater Treatment plant South Africa. The resultant designed dimensions and model for wastewater treatment plant provided good results. Parameters considered were temperature, pH value, colour, turbidity, amount of solids and acidity. Others are total hardness, Ca hardness, Mg hardness, and chloride. This enables the ANN to handle and represent more complex problems that conventional programming is incapable of performing.

Keywords: ANN, artificial neural network, wastewater treatment, model, development

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872 Investigation on 3D Printing of Calcium silicate Bioceramic Slurry for Bone Tissue Engineering

Authors: Amin Jabbari


The state of the art in major 3D printing technologies, such as powder-based and slurry based, has led researchers to investigate the ability to fabricate bone scaffolds for bone tissue engineering using biomaterials. In addition, 3D printing technology can simulate mechanical and biological surface properties and print with high precision complex internal and external structures that match their functional properties. Polymer matrix composites reinforced with particulate bioceramics, hydrogels reinforced with particulate bioceramics, polymers coated with bioceramics, and non-porous bioceramics are among the materials that can be investigated for bone scaffold printing. Furthermore, it was shown that the introduction of high-density micropores into the sparingly dissolvable CSiMg10 and dissolvable CSiMg4 shell layer inevitably leads to a nearly 30% reduction in compressive strength, but such micropores can easily influence the ion release behavior of the scaffolds. Also, biocompatibility tests such as cytotoxicity, hemocompatibility and genotoxicity were tested on printed parts. The printed part was tested in vitro, and after 24-26 h for cytotoxicity, and 4h for hemocompatibility test, the CSiMg4@CSiMg10-p scaffolds were found to have significantly higher osteogenic capability than the other scaffolds of implantation. Overall, these experimental studies demonstrate that 3D printed, additively-manufactured bioceramic calcium (Ca)-silicate scaffolds with appropriate pore dimensions are promising to guide new bone ingrowth.

Keywords: AM, 3D printed implants, bioceramic, tissue engineering

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871 Exploring the Association between Personality Traits and Adolescent Wellbeing in Online Education: A Systematic Review

Authors: Rashmi Motwani, Ritu Raj


The emergence of online educational environments has changed the way adolescents learn, which has benefits and drawbacks for their development. This review has as its goal the examination of how personality traits and adolescents’ well-being are associated in the setting of online education. This review analyses the effects of a variety of personality traits on the mental, emotional, and social health of online school-going adolescents by looking at a wide range of previous research. This research explores the mechanisms that mediate or regulate the connection between one's personality traits and well-being in an online educational environment. The elements can be broken down into two categories: technological, like internet availability and digital literacy, and social, including social support, peer interaction, and teacher-student connections. To improve the well-being of adolescents in online learning environments, it is essential to understand factors that moderate the effects of interventions and support systems. This review concludes by emphasising the complex nature of the association between individual differences in personality and the success of online students aged 13 to 18. This review contributes to the development of evidence-based strategies for promoting positive mental health and overall well-being among adolescents engaged in online educational settings by shedding light on the impact of personality traits on various dimensions of well-being and by identifying the mediating or moderating factors. Educators, governments, and parents can use the findings of this review to create an online learning environment that is safe and well-being for adolescents.

Keywords: personality traits, adolescent, wellbeing, online education

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870 Resilience Assessment for Power Distribution Systems

Authors: Berna Eren Tokgoz, Mahdi Safa, Seokyon Hwang


Power distribution systems are essential and crucial infrastructures for the development and maintenance of a sustainable society. These systems are extremely vulnerable to various types of natural and man-made disasters. The assessment of resilience focuses on preparedness and mitigation actions under pre-disaster conditions. It also concentrates on response and recovery actions under post-disaster situations. The aim of this study is to present a methodology to assess the resilience of electric power distribution poles against wind-related events. The proposed methodology can improve the accuracy and rapidity of the evaluation of the conditions and the assessment of the resilience of poles. The methodology provides a metric for the evaluation of the resilience of poles under pre-disaster and post-disaster conditions. The metric was developed using mathematical expressions for physical forces that involve various variables, such as physical dimensions of the pole, the inclination of the pole, and wind speed. A three-dimensional imaging technology (photogrammetry) was used to determine the inclination of poles. Based on expert opinion, the proposed metric was used to define zones to visualize resilience. Visual representation of resilience is helpful for decision makers to prioritize their resources before and after experiencing a wind-related disaster. Multiple electric poles in the City of Beaumont, TX were used in a case study to evaluate the proposed methodology.  

Keywords: photogrammetry, power distribution systems, resilience metric, system resilience, wind-related disasters

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869 The Term ‘The West’: Origins, Backgrounds, and Implications

Authors: Saleh Alharbi


This study investigates the term "The West" as a linguistic and cultural construct, delving into its historical origins and the racial and religious contexts that have shaped its meaning over time. It highlights how the term functions as a rhetorical device imbued with cultural and civilizational biases, reinforcing Western dominance in intellectual, political, and social spheres. The research traces the historical evolution of "The West," from its early references in classical and Greco-Roman literature as a geographic distinction between East and West to its transformation into a political and religious identity linked to the Western Church and European Christian heritage. The analysis then explores the racial and religious underpinnings of the term, emphasizing its role in constructing collective and individual identities through a dichotomy of "us" versus "the other." Furthermore, the study underscores the colonial dimensions of "The West," where it served to legitimize colonialism and propagate Western values as universal benchmarks for progress and civilization. Attention is also given to the implications of the uncritical use of the term in academic and media contexts, demonstrating how it perpetuates stereotypes and sustains Western hegemony. Examples from contemporary political and media narratives are examined to illustrate these dynamics. The paper concludes with recommendations for critically engaging with the term "The West" in scholarly and cultural discussions, advocating for a reexamination of its usage to promote a more inclusive and equitable understanding of cultural and civilizational diversity.

Keywords: The West, cultural discourse, hegemony, bias, colonialism, identity

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868 Sustainability in Hospitality: An Inevitable Necessity in New Age with Big Environmental Challenges

Authors: Majid Alizadeh, Sina Nematizadeh, Hassan Esmailpour


The mutual effects of hospitality and the environment are undeniable, so that the tourism industry has major harmful effects on the environment. Hotels, as one of the most important pillars of the hospitality industry, have significant effects on the environment. Green marketing is a promising strategy in response to the growing concerns about the environment. A green hotel marketing model was proposed using a grounded theory approach in the hotel industry. The study was carried out as a mixed method study. Data gathering in the qualitative phase was done through literature review and In-depth, semi-structured interviews with 10 experts in green marketing using snowball technique. Following primary analysis, open, axial, and selective coding was done on the data, which yielded 69 concepts, 18 categories and six dimensions. Green hotel (green product) was adopted as the core phenomenon. In the quantitative phase, data were gleaned using 384 questionnaires filled-out by hotel guests and descriptive statistics and Structural equation modeling (SEM) were used for data analysis. The results indicated that the mediating role of behavioral response between the ecological literacy, trust, marketing mix and performance was significant. The green marketing mix, as a strategy, had a significant and positive effect on guests’ behavioral response, corporate green image, and financial and environmental performance of hotels.

Keywords: green marketing, sustainable development, hospitality, grounded theory, structural equations model

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867 MOOCs (E-Learning) Project Personnel Competency Analysis

Authors: Shang-Hua Wu, Rong-Chi Chang, Horng–Twu Liaw


Nowadays, competencies of e-learning project personnel are very important in assisting them in offering courses, serving students in an effective way, leveraging advantages, strengthen their relationships with potential students, etc. among e-learning platforms, MOOCs has recently attracted increasing focuses in distance education since it can be conducted for a large numbers of virtual learners. Nonetheless, since MOOCs is a relatively new e-learning platform, top concerns have been paid to what competencies are important for e-learning personnel to consider. Taking this need, this research aimed to carry out an in-depth exploration of competency requirements of MOOCs (e-learning) project personnel in Taiwan vocational schools. Data were collected through thorough literature reviews and discussions and competency analysis was carried out using Delphi technique questionnaires. The results show that that MOOCs (e-learning) project personnel’ professional competency lie in three main dimensions, among which ‘demand analysis competency’ (i.e., containing 10 major competences and 48 subordinate capabilities) is the most important competency, followed by ‘project management competency’ (i.e., comprising 6 major competences and 31 secondary capabilities), and finally ‘digital content production competency’ (i.e., including 12 major competences and 79 secondary capabilities). As such, in Taiwan context with different organizational scales and market sizes, the e-learning competency items and unique experience/ achievements throughout the promotion process obtained in this research will provide useful references for academic institutions in promoting e-learning.

Keywords: competency analysis, Delphi technique questionnaire, e-learning, massive open online courses

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866 Urban Development Criteria with a Focus on Resilience to Pandemics: A Case Study of Corona Virus (Covid-19)

Authors: Elham Zabetian Targhi, Niusha Fardnava, Saba Saghafi


Urban resilience to Corona Virus has become a major concern for cities these days. Our country also has not been safe from the destructive effects of this virus in social, economic, physical, governance, and management dimensions; and according to official statistics, hundreds of thousands of people in Iran have been infected with this virus and tens of thousands have died so far. Therefore, to measure urban resilience to this pandemic, some criteria and sub-criteria were developed based on the authors’ documentary and field studies, and their significance or weights were determined using analytical-comparative research method using a questionnaire of paired or L-Saati comparisons from the viewpoint of experts in urban sciences and urban development using AHP hierarchical analysis in EXPERT CHOICE software. Then, designing a questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale, the satisfaction of Tehran residents with the extracted criteria and sub-criteria was measured and the correlation between the important criteria in each dimension was assessed using correlation tests in SPSS16 software. According to the obtained results of AHP analysis and the scores of each sub-criterion, the weight of all criteria was normal. In the next stage, according to the pairwise correlation tests between the important criteria in each dimension from the viewpoint of urban science experts and Tehran residents, it was concluded that the reliability of the correlation between the criteria is 99%. In all the cases, the P-value or the same significance level was less than 0.05, which indicated the significance of the pairwise relations between the variables.

Keywords: Urban Resilience, Pandemics, Corona Virus (Covid-19), Criteria.

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865 Digital Innovation and Business Transformation

Authors: Bisola Stella Sonde


Digital innovation has emerged as a pivotal driver of business transformation in the contemporary landscape. This case study research explores the dynamic interplay between digital innovation and the profound metamorphosis of businesses across industries. It delves into the multifaceted dimensions of digital innovation, elucidating its impact on organizational structures, customer experiences, and operational paradigms. The study investigates real-world instances of businesses harnessing digital technologies to enhance their competitiveness, agility, and sustainability. It scrutinizes the strategic adoption of digital platforms, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and emerging technologies as catalysts for transformative change. The cases encompass a diverse spectrum of industries, spanning from traditional enterprises to disruptive startups, offering insights into the universal relevance of digital innovation. Moreover, the research scrutinizes the challenges and opportunities posed by the digital era, shedding light on the intricacies of managing cultural shifts, data privacy, and cybersecurity concerns in the pursuit of innovation. It unveils the strategies that organizations employ to adapt, thrive, and lead in the era of digital disruption. In summary, this case study research underscores the imperative of embracing digital innovation as a cornerstone of business transformation. It offers a comprehensive exploration of the contemporary digital landscape, offering valuable lessons for organizations striving to navigate the ever-evolving terrain of the digital age.

Keywords: business transformation, digital innovation, emerging technologies, organizational structures

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864 Investigation of the Effect of Preschool Sex Education Program on Parents' Level of Sexual Development Knowledge, Attitude, Communication and Sexual Abuse Awareness

Authors: Sila Uzkul, Ayse Dilek Ogreti̇r Ozceli̇k


Sexual development, which starts from fertilization, gainssocial, cultural and psychological dimensions with birth and becomes a lifelongpart of human life. Inorderforchildrentogrowup as healthyindividuals, alldevelopmentalareasneedto be supportedcorrectly, but when it comestosexualdevelopmentandeducation, studiesshowthateducatorsandparentsareinsufficient in terms of information on this subject, andtheyareworried, inadequate In, In restless, In uncomfortableandexcited in In terms In of communication. With this research, it is aimedtoincreasetheknowledgelevel of the parents, theirpositiveattitudetowardssexualeducation, positivecommunicationduringsexualeducationandawareness of sexualabusebyprovidingsexualeducationtotheparents of childrenreceivingpre-schooleducation. The study group of this research, which was designed in quantitativeresearchtype, experimental design, and Solomon four-group model, will be composed of parents of childrenattendingpre-schooleducationinstitutions. In the preparation of the Preschool SexEducation Program to be applied to parents, primaryandsecondarydatasourceswill be used, literaturereviewandarchivescanningmethodswill be used. In the content of the program, theeight main topics (our body, sexuality, emotions, relationships, health, norms, reproductionandrights) thatthe World HealthOrganizationstatesshould be addressed in sexualeducation how toteachthesesubjectstotheirchildren, how toanswerquestionsfromthechild, childsexualdevelopmentandsexualabusetopicswill be included. Theparentsexualeducation program is plannedto be held online (byzoom) for about 45 minutesonce a weekfor 11 weeks. Data will be collectedusingtheSexualCommunicationScale, theSexualEducationAttitudeScale, the sexual Development Knowledge Level andtheAbuse Information/AttitudeScaleforParents. Demographic information of the the parents will be collectedwiththePersonal Information Form to be preparedbytheresearchers. Appropriatestatisticalmethodswill be used in theanalysis of thedata. Studyfindingswill be given in an oral presentation.

Keywords: preschool, sexual development, sexuality education, sexual communication, early childhood, parents' sex education

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863 Multidimensional Poverty and Child Cognitive Development

Authors: Bidyadhar Dehury, Sanjay Kumar Mohanty


According to the Right to Education Act of India, education is the fundamental right of all children of age group 6-14 year irrespective of their status. Using the unit level data from India Human Development Survey (IHDS), we tried to understand the inter-relationship between the level of poverty and the academic performance of the children aged 8-11 years. The level of multidimensional poverty is measured using five dimensions and 10 indicators using Alkire-Foster approach. The weighted deprivation score was obtained by giving equal weight to each dimension and indicators within the dimension. The weighted deprivation score varies from 0 to 1 and grouped into four categories as non-poor, vulnerable, multidimensional poor and sever multidimensional poor. The academic performance index was measured using three variables reading skills, math skills and writing skills using PCA. The bivariate and multivariate analysis was used in the analysis. The outcome variable was ordinal. So the predicted probabilities were calculated using the ordinal logistic regression. The predicted probabilities of good academic performance index was 0.202 if the child was sever multidimensional poor, 0.235 if the child was multidimensional poor, 0.264 if the child was vulnerable, and 0.316 if the child was non-poor. Hence, if the level of poverty among the children decreases from sever multidimensional poor to non-poor, the probability of good academic performance increases.

Keywords: multidimensional poverty, academic performance index, reading skills, math skills, writing skills, India

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862 A Mathematical Analysis of a Model in Capillary Formation: The Roles of Endothelial, Pericyte and Macrophages in the Initiation of Angiogenesis

Authors: Serdal Pamuk, Irem Cay


Our model is based on the theory of reinforced random walks coupled with Michealis-Menten mechanisms which view endothelial cell receptors as the catalysts for transforming both tumor and macrophage derived tumor angiogenesis factor (TAF) into proteolytic enzyme which in turn degrade the basal lamina. The model consists of two main parts. First part has seven differential equations (DE’s) in one space dimension over the capillary, whereas the second part has the same number of DE’s in two space dimensions in the extra cellular matrix (ECM). We connect these two parts via some boundary conditions to move the cells into the ECM in order to initiate capillary formation. But, when does this movement begin? To address this question we estimate the thresholds that activate the transport equations in the capillary. We do this by using steady-state analysis of TAF equation under some assumptions. Once these equations are activated endothelial, pericyte and macrophage cells begin to move into the ECM for the initiation of angiogenesis. We do believe that our results play an important role for the mechanisms of cell migration which are crucial for tumor angiogenesis. Furthermore, we estimate the long time tendency of these three cells, and find that they tend to the transition probability functions as time evolves. We provide our numerical solutions which are in good agreement with our theoretical results.

Keywords: angiogenesis, capillary formation, mathematical analysis, steady-state, transition probability function

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861 Performance Management in Serbian Banks: Balanced Scorecard Approach

Authors: Nela Milosevic, Sladjana Barjaktarovic Rakocevic, Sladjana Benkovic, Nemanja Milanovic


Nowadays, performance measurement systems play a key role in evaluating the strategic performances of an organization. On the other hand, there has been a shift towards the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), which has been recognized as a valuable managerial approach. The main goal of this paper is to analyze the main performances of Serbian banks measured at the branches level, through the usage of the Balanced Scorecard framework. Although an extensive number of practitioners have an interest in the Balanced Scorecard approach, little empirical research has been conducted on the implementation of its concept in the service sector like banks, especially within developing countries. From the beginning of August till the end of September 2015, authors have been conducting in-depth interviews among a number of experts from the most successful banks in Serbia. The results show that the non-financial measures, especially, customer oriented indicators and product/ service oriented indicators, seem to be very important factors for improving not only the financial situation within the bank, but also overall business performances. Additionally, the findings prove that there is the cause-effect relationship between non-financial and financial dimensions of the Balanced Scorecard. Having in mind that the banks are still using outdated performance evaluation systems, such as annual, quarterly and monthly reports, we hope that this paper will contribute to the knowledge of how banks in Serbia may apply the Balanced Scorecard approach to evaluate their performance on the most efficient and effective way.

Keywords: balanced scorecard approach, bank management, performance measurement systems, strategic performances

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860 Encapsulated Rennin Enzyme in Nano and Micro Tubular Cellulose/Starch Gel Composite for Milk Coagulation

Authors: Eleftheria Barouni, Theano Petsi, Argyro Bekatorou, Dionysos Kolliopoulos, Dimitrios Vasileiou, Panayiotis Panas, Maria Kanellaki, Athanasios A. Koutinas


The aim of the present work was the production and use of a composite filter (TC/starch), containing rennin enzyme, in continuous system and in successive fermentation batches (SFB) for milk coagulation in order to compare the operational stability of both systems and cheese production cost. Tubular cellulose (TC) was produced after removal of lignin from lignocellulosic biomass using several procedures, e.g. alkaline treatment [1] and starch gel was added for the reduction of TC tubes dimensions to micro- and nano- range[2]. Four immobilized biocatalysts were prepared using different ways of the enzyme entrapment. 1) TC/ rennin (rennin entrapped in the tubes of TC), 2) TC/SG-rennin (rennin entrapped in the tubes of the composite), 3) TC-SG/rennin (rennin entrapped into the layer of starch gel) and 4) TC/rennin- SG/rennin (rennin is entrapped both in the tubes of the TC and into the layer of starch gel). Firstly these immobilized biocatalysts were examined in ten SFB regarding the coagulation time and their activity All the above immobilized biocatalysts remained active and the coagulation time was ranged from 90 to 480, 120-480, 330-510, and 270-540 min for (1), (2), (3), and (4) respectively. The quality of the cheese was examined through the determination of volatile compounds by SPME GC/MS analysis. These results encouraged us to study a continuous coagulation system of milk. Even though the (1) immobilized biocatalyst gave lower coagulation time, we used the (2) immobilized biocatalyst in the continuous system. The results were promising.

Keywords: tubular cellulose, starch gel, composite biocatalyst, Rennin, milk coagulation

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859 Perceived Self-Efficacy of Children with Characteristics of Giftedness

Authors: Cristina Costa-Lobo, Ana Medeiros, Ana Campina


This study refers to the appropriateness of the psychopedagogical intervention programs focused on the adjustment and psychological well-being of children with characteristics of giftedness and the interests of promoting specialized and permanent follow-up to these children. It was intended to find out the impact on perceived self-efficacy in children with characteristics of giftedness after the frequency of a psychopedagogical intervention program. For this was applied to Multidimensional Scale Perceived Self-Efficacy, in two times (pre and post program frequency), in a quasi-experimental design. Innovative data are presented in reports to the relationship of perceived self-efficacy with giftedness, highlighting the evidence of this program focusing on the development of personal, social and emotional skills, applied to 20 children with characteristics of giftedness, in Northern Portugal, in the 2014-2015 school year, have no influence on perceived self-efficacy of children with characteristics of giftedness. The main implication of this research is congruent with the conclusions of studies that point that the greatest challenge in the education of children with characteristics of giftedness is to extend the traditional investment in intellectual production and creative capital to include an equal investment in social capital and the development of competencies of executive functions, dimensions that development programs stimulate. This study appeals to the need of children with characteristics of giftedness to be targets of psychopedagogical intervention programs with the constant specialization and constant updating of the knowledge of the professionals who work with them, motivated by being individuals with such specific and ever-changing characteristics reflecting an inclusive school life.

Keywords: giftedness, perceived self-efficacy, EMAEP, psychopedagogical intervention programs

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858 A Case Study for User Rating Prediction on Automobile Recommendation System Using Mapreduce

Authors: Jiao Sun, Li Pan, Shijun Liu


Recommender systems have been widely used in contemporary industry, and plenty of work has been done in this field to help users to identify items of interest. Collaborative Filtering (CF, for short) algorithm is an important technology in recommender systems. However, less work has been done in automobile recommendation system with the sharp increase of the amount of automobiles. What’s more, the computational speed is a major weakness for collaborative filtering technology. Therefore, using MapReduce framework to optimize the CF algorithm is a vital solution to this performance problem. In this paper, we present a recommendation of the users’ comment on industrial automobiles with various properties based on real world industrial datasets of user-automobile comment data collection, and provide recommendation for automobile providers and help them predict users’ comment on automobiles with new-coming property. Firstly, we solve the sparseness of matrix using previous construction of score matrix. Secondly, we solve the data normalization problem by removing dimensional effects from the raw data of automobiles, where different dimensions of automobile properties bring great error to the calculation of CF. Finally, we use the MapReduce framework to optimize the CF algorithm, and the computational speed has been improved times. UV decomposition used in this paper is an often used matrix factorization technology in CF algorithm, without calculating the interpolation weight of neighbors, which will be more convenient in industry.

Keywords: collaborative filtering, recommendation, data normalization, mapreduce

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857 Citizens’ Expectations, Motivations, and Evaluation of Participatory Use of Social Media Tools for Civic Engagement in Oman

Authors: Ali S. Al-Aufi, Ibrahim S. Al-Harthi, Yousuf S. AlHinai, Ali H.S. Al-Badi, Zahran S. Al-Salti


Social media tools have currently been leading a major change in the flow and use of information for different life aspects within people and between people and their governments. They represent powerful channels for direct exchanges of information, ideas, and suggestions for purposes of civic participation. The current study aims at investigating Omani citizens’ perceptions, expectations, and motivations of their uses of social media tools to interact with the government for civic participation. A quantitative methodology was used to collect data through self-administered questionnaires from a random sample of university students and staff drawn from Sultan Qaboos University, considering them as well-informed and typically active users of social media. The literature was comprehensively reviewed to retrieve relevant empirical studies that particularly investigated the use of social media for civic engagement which provided a basis for the construct of the questionnaire; taken into consideration the delineated dimensions of perceptions, expectations, and motivations. The findings of the study offer practical and useful recommendations for governmental units in Oman and similar contexts in the region to inform better and efficient use of social media tools to interact with citizens in issues related to civic engagement; particularly to make best use of these tools for improving services and developing existing and newer initiatives, and hence, encouraging and strengthening citizens’ involvement for civic engagement.

Keywords: social media, social networking sites, web 2.0, civic engagement, civic participation, oman

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856 Rural Education in Saudi Arabia School Leaders’ and Teachers’ Experiences and Perceptions

Authors: Emad Matar Alotaibi


In line with other Arabic countries, Saudi Arabia is currently undergoing large scale school reform in response to key factors brought about by globalization. While there is a growing body of research exploring these systemic changes in urban environments, there is very little published research regarding rural schools. In fact, rural schools are still under-examined globally comparing to their urban and suburban counterparts over a range of reform dimensions. In Saudi Arabia, there are around 1128 rural areas that contain about 3200 schools. Several challenges face rural schools, especially in relation to recruitment, retention, and professional development opportunities for teachers and school leaders. However, there is very little in depth research which explores these issues “on the ground”. The aim of this research is fill this knowledge gap and explore teachers’ and leaders’ perceptions and experiences of working in rural schools in KSA. In Saudi Arabia, there is a growing body of research into school leadership. However, there is very little published research specifically exploring rural schools. By using an in-depth case study approach and adopting an analytical framework based on the interlinking concepts of leadership practices, culture, and CPD, this study offers and significant and original contribution to knowledge in this area. This study also will adopt a qualitative multiple case studies, which is going to employ semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and documentary analysis.

Keywords: leadership practice, school culture, continuing professional development, rural school

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855 Entrepreneurial Leadership in Malaysian Public University: Competency and Behavior in the Face of Institutional Adversity

Authors: Noorlizawati Abd Rahim, Zainai Mohamed, Zaidatun Tasir, Astuty Amrin, Haliyana Khalid, Nina Diana Nawi


Entrepreneurial leaders have been sought as in-demand talents to lead profit-driven organizations during turbulent and unprecedented times. However, research regarding the pertinence of their roles in the public sector has been limited. This paper examined the characteristics of the challenging experiences encountered by senior leaders in public universities that require them to embrace entrepreneurialism in their leadership. Through a focus group interview with five Malaysian university top senior leaders with experience being Vice-Chancellor, we explored and developed a framework of institutional adversity characteristics and exemplary entrepreneurial leadership competency in the face of adversity. Complexity of diverse stakeholders, multiplicity of academic disciplines, unfamiliarity to lead different and broader roles, leading new directions, and creating change in high velocity and uncertain environment are among the dimensions that characterise institutional adversities. Our findings revealed that learning agility, opportunity recognition capacity, and bridging capability are among the characteristics of entrepreneurial university leaders. The findings reinforced that the presence of specific attributes in institutional adversity and experiences in overcoming those challenges may contribute to the development of entrepreneurial leadership capabilities.

Keywords: bridging capability, entrepreneurial leadership, leadership development, learning agility, opportunity recognition, university leaders

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854 The Ethics of Organ Donation and Transplantation: Philosophical Perspectives

Authors: Elijah Ojochonu Okpanachi


This paper explores the ethical dimensions of organ donation and transplantation through various philosophical lenses, including utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. As advancements in medical technology increase the possibilities for life-saving transplants, ethical dilemmas surrounding consent, allocation, and the commodification of human organs have become increasingly pertinent. Utilitarian perspectives emphasize maximizing overall well-being, raising questions about how to equitably allocate limited resources. Deontological approaches focus on the moral obligations of individuals and institutions, particularly regarding informed consent and the sanctity of the human body. Virtue ethics encourages a consideration of the character and intentions of donors and medical professionals, fostering a holistic understanding of the ethical landscape. By analyzing real-world case studies and ethical frameworks, this study highlights the complexities in decision-making processes related to organ donation. It addresses issues such as presumed consent, living donations, and the societal implications of organ markets. Ultimately, this paper aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on organ donation ethics, advocating for policies that respect individual rights while promoting altruism and social responsibility. Through a philosophical lens, we seek to propose a balanced approach that honors both the dignity of individuals and the urgent need for organ transplants in modern medicine.

Keywords: organ donation, medical technology, virtue ethics, Altruism

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853 Effect of Different FRP Wrapping and Thickness of Concrete Cover on Fatigue Bond Strength of Spliced Concrete Beam

Authors: Rayed Alyousef, Tim Topper, Adil Al-Mayah


This paper presents results of an ongoing research program at University of Waterloo to study the effect of external FRP sheet wrap confinement along a lap splice of reinforced concrete (RC) beams on their fatigue bond strength. Fatigue loading of RC beams containing a lap splice resulted in an increase in the number and width of cracks, an increase in deflection and a decrease of the bond strength between the steel rebar and the surrounding concrete. The phase of the research described here consists of monotonic and fatigue tests of thirty two reinforced concrete beam with dimensions 2200⨉350⨉250 mm. Each beam was reinforced with two 20M bars lap spliced in the constant moment region of the tension zone and two 10M bars in the compression zone outside the constant moment region. The test variables were the presence or absence of a FRP wrapping, the type of the FRP wrapping (GFRP or CFRP), the type of loading and the fatigue load range. The test results for monotonic loading showed that the stiffness of all beams was almost same, but that the FRP sheet wrapping increased the bond strength and the deflection at ultimate load. All beams tested under fatigue loading failed by a bond failure except one CFRP wrapped beam that failed by fatigue of the main reinforcement. The FRP sheet increased the bond strength for all specimens under fatigue loading.

Keywords: lap splice, bond strength, fatigue loading, FRP

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852 A Model of Empowerment Evaluation of Knowledge Management in Private Banks Using Fuzzy Inference System

Authors: Nazanin Pilevari, Kamyar Mahmoodi


The purpose of this research is to provide a model based on fuzzy inference system for evaluating empowerment of Knowledge management. The first prototype of the research was developed based on the study of literature. In the next step, experts were provided with these models and after implementing consensus-based reform, the views of Fuzzy Delphi experts and techniques, components and Index research model were finalized. Culture, structure, IT and leadership were considered as dimensions of empowerment. Then, In order to collect and extract data for fuzzy inference system based on knowledge and Experience, the experts were interviewed. The values obtained from designed fuzzy inference system, made review and assessment of the organization's empowerment of Knowledge management possible. After the design and validation of systems to measure indexes ,empowerment of Knowledge management and inputs into fuzzy inference) in the AYANDEH Bank, a questionnaire was used. In the case of this bank, the system output indicates that the status of empowerment of Knowledge management, culture, organizational structure and leadership are at the moderate level and information technology empowerment are relatively high. Based on these results, the status of knowledge management empowerment in AYANDE Bank, was moderate. Eventually, some suggestions for improving the current situation of banks were provided. According to studies of research history, the use of powerful tools in Fuzzy Inference System for assessment of Knowledge management and knowledge management empowerment such an assessment in the field of banking, are the innovation of this Research.

Keywords: knowledge management, knowledge management empowerment, fuzzy inference system, fuzzy Delphi

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851 An Experimental Study on the Influence of Mineral Admixtures on the Fire Resistance of High-Strength Concrete

Authors: Ki-seok Kwon, Dong-woo Ryu, Heung-Youl Kim


Although high-strength concrete has many advantages over generic concrete at normal temperatures (around 20℃), it undergoes spalling at high temperatures, which constitutes its structurally fatal drawback. In this study, fire resistance tests were conducted for 3 hours in accordance with ASTM E119 on bearing wall specimens which were 3,000mm x 3,000mm x 300mm in dimensions to investigate the influence the type of admixtures would exert on the fire resistance performance of high-strength concrete. Portland cement, blast furnace slag, fly ash and silica fume were used as admixtures, among which 2 or 3 components were combined to make 7 types of mixtures. In 56MPa specimens, the severity of spalling was in order of SF5 > F25 > S65SF5 > S50. Specimen S50 where an admixture consisting of 2 components was added did not undergo spalling. In 70MPa specimens, the severity of spalling was in order of SF5 > F25SF5 > S45SF5 and the result was similar to that observed in 56MPa specimens. Acknowledgements— This study was conducted by the support of the project, “Development of performance-based fire safety design of the building and improvement of fire safety” (18AUDP-B100356-04) which is under the management of Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement as part of the urban architecture research project for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, for which we extend our deep thanks.

Keywords: high strength concrete, mineral admixture, fire resistance, social disaster

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850 Green Windows of Opportunity in Latin American Countries

Authors: Fabianna Bacil, Zenathan Hasannundin, Clovis Freire


The green transition opens green windows of opportunity – temporary moments in which there are lower barriers and shorter learning periods for developing countries to enter emerging technologies and catch-up. However, taking advantage of these windows requires capabilities in national sectoral systems to adopt and develop technologies linked to green sectors as well as strong responses to build the required knowledge, skills, and infrastructure and foster the growth of targeted sectors. This paper uses UNCTAD’s frontier technology readiness index to analyse the current position of Latin America and the Caribbean to use, adopt, and adapt frontier technologies, examining the preconditions in the region to take up windows of opportunity that arise with the green transition. The index highlights the inequality across countries in the region, as well as gaps in capabilities dimensions, especially in terms of R&D. Moving to responses, it highlights industrial policies implemented to foster the growth of green technologies, emphasising the essential role played by the state to build and strengthen capabilities and provide infant industry protection that enables the growth of these sectors. Overall, while there are exceptions, especially in the Brazilian case, countries in Latin America and the Caribbean should focus on strengthening their capabilities to be better positioned, especially in terms of knowledge creation, infrastructure, and financing availability.

Keywords: Green technologies, Industrial policy, Latin America, windows of opportunity

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849 Humanitarianism as the New Face of Religious Practice in Nigeria

Authors: Nicholas Okpe


The world is no more innocent as previously, as it gets more and more engulfed in both man-made and natural disasters and the call for religious intervention becomes intrinsically louder to the extent that any religious inclination that does not devolve into societal or humanitarian adventures makes no meaning. Issues such as wars, conflicts of different dimensions, natural and man made discomforts in form of environmental disturbances have thrown new challenges hitherto unknown to the doorsteps of religious groups especially faith based organizations. In the last two decades, the above speaks volumes in Nigeria such that Chunua Achebe's "things fallen apart" is real today all over Nigeria. An estimated five million people live in internally displaced camps all over the country as a consequence of various forms of social unrest as well as natural disasters. These incidences have brought to the fore the signifance of religion in societal affairs as many groups who through their interventions have often shown to be the hope of the people. The crux of this paper is to examine the role of religion in not only making people to cope with difficult situations they find themselves in, but also giving hope to the many who otherwise are feeling despondent and at the edge of life. Many religious groups have well developed strategies of interventions in various humanitarian situations. Thus, this paper assesses efforts of religions such as christianity, Islam and the indigenous African religion in this respect. It is discovered that the most potent and effective means of attending to humanitarian crisis today in Nigeria is through the various religious and cultural organizations as governments at various levels have lost credibility in such exercises.

Keywords: humanitarianism, religion, practice, nigeria

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848 X-Ray Dosimetry by a Low-Cost Current Mode Ion Chamber

Authors: Ava Zarif Sanayei, Mustafa Farjad-Fard, Mohammad-Reza Mohammadian-Behbahani, Leyli Ebrahimi, Sedigheh Sina


The fabrication and testing of a low-cost air-filled ion chamber for X-ray dosimetry is studied. The chamber is made of a metal cylinder, a central wire, a BC517 Darlington transistor, a 9V DC battery, and a voltmeter in order to have a cost-effective means to measure the dose. The output current of the dosimeter is amplified by the transistor and then fed to the large internal resistance of the voltmeter, producing a readable voltage signal. The dose-response linearity of the ion chamber is evaluated for different exposure scenarios by the X-ray tube. kVp values 70, 90, and 120, and mAs up to 20 are considered. In all experiments, a solid-state dosimeter (Solidose 400, Elimpex Medizintechnik) is used as a reference device for chamber calibration. Each case of exposure is repeated three times, the voltmeter and Solidose readings are recorded, and the mean and standard deviation values are calculated. Then, the calibration curve, derived by plotting voltmeter readings against Solidose readings, provided a linear fit result for all tube kVps of 70, 90, and 120. A 99, 98, and 100% linear relationship, respectively, for kVp values 70, 90, and 120 are demonstrated. The study shows the feasibility of achieving acceptable dose measurements with a simplified setup. Further enhancements to the proposed setup include solutions for limiting the leakage current, optimizing chamber dimensions, utilizing electronic microcontrollers for dedicated data readout, and minimizing the impact of stray electromagnetic fields on the system.

Keywords: dosimetry, ion chamber, radiation detection, X-ray

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847 Effects of Main Contractors’ Service Quality on Subcontractors’ Behaviours and Project Outcomes

Authors: Zhuoyuan Wang, Benson T. H. Lim, Imriyas Kamardeen


Effective service quality management has long been touted as a means of improving project and organisational performance. Particularly, in construction projects, main contractors are often seen as a broker between clients and subcontractors, and their service quality is thus associated with the overall project affinity and outcomes. While a considerable amount of research has focused on the aspect of clients-main contractors, very little research has been done to explore the effect of contractors’ service quality on subcontractors’ behaviours and so project outcomes. In addressing this gap, this study surveyed 97 subcontractors in the Chinese Construction industry and data was analysed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique. The overall findings reveal that subcontractors categorised main contractors’ service quality into three dimensions: assurance; responsiveness; reliability and empathy. Of these, it is found that main contractors’ ‘assurance’ and ‘responsiveness’ positively influence subcontractors’ intention to engage in contractual behaviours. The results further show that the subcontractors’ intention to engage in organizational citizenship behaviours is associated with how flexible and committed the main contractors are in reliability and empathy. Collectively, both subcontractors’ contractual and organizational citizenship behaviours positively influence the overall project outcomes. In conclusion, the findings inform contractors different strategies towards managing and gaining subcontractors’ behaviour commitment in a socially connected, yet complex and uncertain, business environment.

Keywords: construction firms, organisational citizenship behaviour, service quality, social exchange theory

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