Search results for: industrial smart grids
3571 Water Injection in order to Enhanced Oil Recovery
Authors: Hooman Fallah, Fatemeh Karampour
Low salinity water (LSW) has been proved to be efficacious because of low cost and ability to change properties of reservoir rock and fluids and their interactions toward desired condition. These include change in capillary pressure, interfacial tension, wettability tendency, permeability and pore sizing. This enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method has been studied so far for evaluating capability of inducing recent mentioned parameters and the mechanisms of its operation and applicabi-lity in different fields. This study investigates the effect of three types of salts (including Ca2+, Mg2+, and SO42-) on wettability and final oil recovery in labratory.Keywords: low salinity water, smart water, wettability alteration, carbonated reservoir
Procedia PDF Downloads 3113570 Appropriate Legal System for Protection of Plant Innovations in Afghanistan
Authors: Mohammad Reza Fooladi
Because of the importance and effect of plant innovations on economy, industry, and especially agriculture, they have been on the core attention of legislators at the national level, and have been a topic of international documents related to intellectual innovations in the recent decades. For protection of plant innovations, two legal systems (i.e. particular system based on International Convention for protection of new variety of plants, and the patent system) have been considered. Ease of access to the support and the level of support in each of these systems are different. Our attempt in this paper, in addition to describing and analyzing the characteristics of each system, is to suggest the compatible system to the industry and agriculture of Afghanistan. Due to the lack of sufficient industrial infrastructure and academic research, the particular system based on the International Convention on the protection of new variety of plants is suggested. At the same time, appropriate industrial and legal infrastructures, as well as laboratories and research centers should be provided in order that plant innovations under the patent system could also be supported.Keywords: new varieties of plant, patent, agriculture, Afghanistan
Procedia PDF Downloads 3323569 Column Studies on Chromium(VI) Adsorption onto Kala Jamun (Syzygium cumini L.) Seed Powder
Authors: Sumi Deka, Krishna Gopal Bhattacharyya
This paper evaluate the industrial use of Kala Jamun (Syzygiumcumini L.) Seed powder (KSP) for the continuous adsorption of Cr(VI) in a column adsorption process. Adsorption of Cr(VI) onto Kala jamun (Syzygiumcumini L.) Seed Powder have been examined with the variation of (a) bed depth of the adsorbents, (b) flow rate of the adsorbents and (c) Cr(VI) concentration. The results showed that both the adsorption and the regeneration of the Cr(VI) onto Kala Jamun (Syzygiumcumini L.) seed Powder (KSP) can effectively occur in the column mode of adsorption. On increasing the bed depth, the adsorption of Cr(VI) onto KSP increases whereas on increasing the flow rate and the Cr(VI) concentration of KSP adsorption decreases. The results of the column studies were also fitted to Bed Depth Service Time (BDST) model. The BDST model was appropriate for designing the column for industrial purpose.Keywords: bed-depth-service-time, continuous adsorption, Cr(VI), KSP
Procedia PDF Downloads 2563568 A Preliminary Analysis of Sustainable Development in the Belgrade Metropolitan Area
Authors: Slavka Zeković, Miodrag Vujošević, Tamara Maričić
The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the sustainable development in the Belgrade Metropolitan Region - BMA (level NUTS 2) preliminary evaluating the three chosen components: 1) economic growth and developmental changes; 2) competitiveness; and 3) territorial concentration and industrial specialization. First, we identified the main results of development changes and economic growth by applying Shift-share analysis on the metropolitan level. Second, the empirical evaluation of competitiveness in the BMA is based on the analysis of absolute and relative values of eight indicators by Spider method. Paper shows that the consideration of the national share, industrial mix and metropolitan/regional share in total Shift share of the BMA, as well as economic/functional specialization of the BMA indicate very strong process of deindustrialization. Allocative component of the BMA economic growth has positive value, reflecting the above-average sector productivity compared to the national average. Third, the important positive role of metropolitan/regional component in decomposition of the BMA economic growth is highlighted as one of the key results. Finally, comparative analysis of the industrial territorial concentration in the BMA in relation to Serbia is based on location quotient (LQ) or Balassa index as a valid measure. The results indicate absolute and relative differences in decrease of industry territorial concentration as well as inefficiency of utilizing territorial capital in the BMA. Results are important for the increase of regional competitiveness and territorial distribution in this area as well as for improvement of sustainable metropolitan and sector policies, planning and governance on this level.Keywords: Belgrade Metropolitan Area (BMA), comprehensive analysis / evaluation, economic growth, competitiveness, sustainable development
Procedia PDF Downloads 4453567 Health Risk Assessment and Source Apportionment of Elemental Particulate Contents from a South Asian Future Megacity
Authors: Afifa Aslam, Muhammad Ibrahim, Abid Mahmood, Muhammad Usman Alvi, Fariha Jabeen, Umara Tabassum
Many factors cause air pollution in Pakistan, which poses a significant threat to human health. Diesel fuel and gasoline motor vehicles, as well as industrial companies, pollute the air in Pakistan's cities. The study's goal is to determine the level of air pollution in a Pakistani industrial city and to establish risk levels for the health of the population. We measured the intensity of air pollution by chemical characterization and examination of air samples collected at stationary remark sites. The PM10 levels observed at all sampling sites, including residential, commercial, high-traffic, and industrial areas were well above the limits imposed by Pakistan EPA, the United States EPA, and WHO. We assessed the health risk via chemical factors using a methodology approved for risk assessment. All Igeo index values greater than one were considered moderately contaminated or moderately to severely contaminated. Heavy metals have a substantial risk of acute adverse effects. In Faisalabad, Pakistan, there was an enormously high risk of chronic effects produced by a heavy metal acquaintance. Concerning specified toxic metals, intolerable levels of carcinogenic risks have been determined for the entire population. As a result, in most of the investigated areas of Faisalabad, the indices and hazard quotients for chronic and acute exposure exceeded the permissible level of 1.0. In the current study, re-suspended roadside mineral dust, anthropogenic exhaust emissions from traffic and industry, and industrial dust were identified as major emission sources of elemental particulate contents. Because of the unacceptable levels of risk in the research area, it is strongly suggested that a comprehensive study of the population's health status as a result of air pollution should be conducted for policies to be developed against these risks.Keywords: elemental composition, particulate pollution, Igeo index, health risk assessment, hazard quotient
Procedia PDF Downloads 913566 An Intrusion Detection Systems Based on K-Means, K-Medoids and Support Vector Clustering Using Ensemble
Authors: A. Mohammadpour, Ebrahim Najafi Kajabad, Ghazale Ipakchi
Presently, computer networks’ security rise in importance and many studies have also been conducted in this field. By the penetration of the internet networks in different fields, many things need to be done to provide a secure industrial and non-industrial network. Fire walls, appropriate Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), encryption protocols for information sending and receiving, and use of authentication certificated are among things, which should be considered for system security. The aim of the present study is to use the outcome of several algorithms, which cause decline in IDS errors, in the way that improves system security and prevents additional overload to the system. Finally, regarding the obtained result we can also detect the amount and percentage of more sub attacks. By running the proposed system, which is based on the use of multi-algorithmic outcome and comparing that by the proposed single algorithmic methods, we observed a 78.64% result in attack detection that is improved by 3.14% than the proposed algorithms.Keywords: intrusion detection systems, clustering, k-means, k-medoids, SV clustering, ensemble
Procedia PDF Downloads 2223565 Connecting Lives Inside and Outside the Classroom: Why and How to Implement Technology in the Language Learning Classroom
Authors: Geoffrey Sinha
This paper is primarily addressed to teachers who stand on the threshold of bringing technology and new media into their classrooms. Technology and new media, such as smart phones and tablets have changed the face of communication in general and of language teaching more specifically. New media has widespread appeal among young people in particular, so it is in the teacher’s best interests to bring new media into their lessons. It is the author’s firm belief that technology will never replace the teacher, but it is without question that the twenty-first century teacher must employ technology and new media in some form, or run the risk of failure. The level that one chooses to incorporate new media within their class is entirely in their hands.Keywords: new media, social media, technology, education, language learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 3343564 Large Eddy Simulation Approach for Unsteady Analysis of the Flow Behavior inside a Dual Counter Rotating Axial Swirler
Authors: Foad Vashahi, Shahnaz Rezaei, Jeekeun Lee
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) was performed on a dual counter rotating axial swirler in a confined rectangular configuration. Grids were constructed based on a primary Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulation and then were refined based on the Kolmogorov length scale. Water as cold flow condition was applied and results were compared via Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) experimental results. The focus was to investigate the flow behavior within the region before the flare and very close to the exit of the swirler. This region contributes to a highly unsteady flow behavior and requires great attention to enhancing the flame stability in gas turbine combustor and swirl burners. The PVC formation within the central core flow is strongly related to the peaks of pressure or axial velocity spectrum and up to two distinct peaks at the swirler mouth could be observed. Here, spectra analysis in iso-thermal condition inside the swirler where the inner swirler dominates the flow, showed a higher potential of instabilities with three to four distinct peaks where moving forward to the exit of swirler the number of peaks is decreased. In addition to this, the central axis corresponds to no peaks of instabilities while further away in the radial direction, several peaks exist.Keywords: axial counter rotating swirler, large eddy simulation (LES), precessing vortex core (PVC), power spectral density (PSD)
Procedia PDF Downloads 2813563 A Game Theory Analysis of the Effectiveness of Passenger Profiling for Transportation Security
Authors: Yael Deutsch, Arieh Gavious
The threat of aviation terrorism and its potential damage became significant after the 9/11 terror attacks. These attacks have led authorities and leaders to suggest that security personnel should overcome politically correct scruples about profiling and use it openly. However, there is a lack of knowledge about the smart usage of profiling and its advantages. We analyze game models that are suitable to specific real-world scenarios, focusing on profiling as a tool to detect potential violators, such as terrorists and smugglers. We provide analytical and clear answers to difficult questions, and by that help fighting against harmful violation acts.Keywords: game theory, profiling, security, nash equilibrium
Procedia PDF Downloads 1113562 The Development of a Precision Irrigation System for Durian
Authors: Chatrabhuti Pipop, Visessri Supattra, Charinpanitkul Tawatchai
Durian is one of the top agricultural products exported by Thailand. There is the massive market potential for the durian industry. While the global demand for Thai durians, especially the demand from China, is very high, Thailand's durian supply is far from satisfying strong demand. Poor agricultural practices result in low yields and poor quality of fruit. Most irrigation systems currently used by the farmers are fixed schedule or fixed rates that ignore actual weather conditions and crop water requirements. In addition, the technologies emerging are too difficult and complex and prices are too high for the farmers to adopt and afford. Many farmers leave the durian trees to grow naturally. With improper irrigation and nutrient management system, durians are vulnerable to a variety of issues, including stunted growth, not flowering, diseases, and death. Technical development or research for durian is much needed to support the wellbeing of the farmers and the economic development of the country. However, there are a limited number of studies or development projects for durian because durian is a perennial crop requiring a long time to obtain the results to report. This study, therefore, aims to address the problem of durian production by developing an autonomous and precision irrigation system. The system is designed and equipped with an industrial programmable controller, a weather station, and a digital flow meter. Daily water requirements are computed based on weather data such as rainfall and evapotranspiration for daily irrigation with variable flow rates. A prediction model is also designed as a part of the system to enhance the irrigation schedule. Before the system was installed in the field, a simulation model was built and tested in a laboratory setting to ensure its accuracy. Water consumption was measured daily before and after the experiment for further analysis. With this system, the crop water requirement is precisely estimated and optimized based on the data from the weather station. Durian will be irrigated at the right amount and at the right time, offering the opportunity for higher yield and higher income to the farmers.Keywords: Durian, precision irrigation, precision agriculture, smart farm
Procedia PDF Downloads 1183561 Tensile and Flexural Behavior of Particulate Filled/Polymer Matrix Composites
Authors: M. Alsaadi, A. Erkliğ, M. Bulut
This paper experimentally investigates the flexural and tensile properties of the industrial wastes sewage sludge ash (SSA) and fly ash (FA), and conventional ceramic powder silicon carbide (SiC) filled polyester composites. Four weight fractions (5, 10, 15 and 20 wt%) for each micro filler were used for production of composites. Then, test samples were produced according to ASTM. The resulting degree of particle dispersion in the polymer matrix was visualized by using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results from this study showed that the tensile strength increased up to its maximum value at filler content 5 wt% of SSA, FA and SiC. Flexural strength increased with addition of particulate filler up to its maximum value at filler content 5 wt% of SSA and FA while for SiC decreased for all weight fractions gradually. The addition of SSA, FA and SiC fillers resulted in increase of tensile and flexural modulus for all the particulate composites. Industrial waste SSA can be used as an additive with polymer to produce composite materials.Keywords: particle-reinforcement, sewage sludge ash, polymer matrix composites, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 3723560 Real-Time Inventory Management and Operational Efficiency in Manufacturing
Authors: Tom Wanyama
We have developed a weight-based parts inventory monitoring system utilizing the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to enhance operational efficiencies in manufacturing. The system addresses various challenges, including eliminating downtimes caused by stock-outs, preventing human errors in parts delivery and product assembly, and minimizing motion waste by reducing unnecessary worker movements. The system incorporates custom QR codes for simplified inventory tracking and retrieval processes. The generated data serves a dual purpose by enabling real-time optimization of parts flow within manufacturing facilities and facilitating retroactive optimization of stock levels for informed decision-making in inventory management. The pilot implementation at SEPT Learning Factory successfully eradicated data entry errors, optimized parts delivery, and minimized workstation downtimes, resulting in a remarkable increase of over 10% in overall equipment efficiency across all workstations. Leveraging the IIoT features, the system seamlessly integrates information into the process control system, contributing to the enhancement of product quality. This approach underscores the importance of effective tracking of parts inventory in manufacturing to achieve transparency, improved inventory control, and overall profitability. In the broader context, our inventory monitoring system aligns with the evolving focus on optimizing supply chains and maintaining well-managed warehouses to ensure maximum efficiency in the manufacturing industry.Keywords: industrial Internet of things, industrial systems integration, inventory monitoring, inventory control in manufacturing
Procedia PDF Downloads 373559 Harmonic Mitigation and Total Harmonic Distortion Reduction in Grid-Connected PV Systems: A Case Study Using Real-Time Data and Filtering Techniques
Authors: Atena Tazikeh Lemeski, Ismail Ozdamar
This study presents a detailed analysis of harmonic distortion in a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system using real-time data captured from a solar power plant. Harmonics introduced by inverters in PV systems can degrade power quality and lead to increased Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), which poses challenges such as transformer overheating, increased power losses, and potential grid instability. This research addresses these issues by applying Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to identify significant harmonic components and employing notch filters to target specific frequencies, particularly the 3rd harmonic (150 Hz), which was identified as the largest contributor to THD. Initial analysis of the unfiltered voltage signal revealed a THD of 21.15%, with prominent harmonic peaks at 150 Hz, 250 Hz and 350 Hz, corresponding to the 3rd, 5th, and 7th harmonics, respectively. After implementing the notch filters, the THD was reduced to 5.72%, demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach in mitigating harmonic distortion without affecting the fundamental frequency. This paper provides practical insights into the application of real-time filtering techniques in PV systems and their role in improving overall grid stability and power quality. The results indicate that targeted harmonic mitigation is crucial for the sustainable integration of renewable energy sources into modern electrical grids.Keywords: grid-connected photovoltaic systems, fast Fourier transform, harmonic filtering, inverter-induced harmonics
Procedia PDF Downloads 413558 Biological Treatment of a Mixture of Iodine-Containing Aromatic Compounds from Industrial Wastewaster
Authors: A. Elain, M. Le Fellic, A. Le Pemp, N. Hachet
Iodinated Compounds (IC) are widely detected contaminants in most aquatic environments including sewage treatment plant, surface water, ground water and even drinking water, up to the µg.L-1 range. As IC contribute in the adsorbable organic halides (AOX) level, their removal or dehalogenation is expected. We report here on the biodegradability of a mixture of IC from an industrial effluent using a microbial consortium adapted to grow on IC as well as the native microorganisms. Both aerobic and anaerobic treatments were studied during batch experiments in 500-mL flasks. The degree of mineralization and recovery of iodide were monitored by HPLC-UV, TOC analysis and potentiometric titration. Providing ethanol as an electron acceptor was found to stimulate anaerobic reductive deiodination of IC while sodium chloride even at high concentration (22 g.l-1) had no influence on the degradation rates nor on the microbial viability. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S RNA gene sequence (MicroSeq®) was applied to provide a better understanding of the degradative microbial community.Keywords: iodinated compounds, biodegradability, deiodination, electron-accepting conditions, microbial consortium
Procedia PDF Downloads 3303557 Solid Waste Generation, Composition and Potentiality of Waste to Resource Recovery in Narayanganj City Corporation
Authors: Md. Jisan Ahmed, M. A. Taher
One of the cities in Bangladesh that is developing the fastest is Narayanganj City Corporation. In 2011, the municipality of Narayanganj was transformed into a city corporation, with 27 wards combining Kadamrasul Municipality, Siddhirganj Municipality, and Narayanganj Town. It is also one of Bangladesh's most important industrial centers in Bangladesh. Narayanganj City Corporation (NCC), which has had high development growth, is also generating more solid waste on a high per-capita basis. Because of the increasing rate of population expansion, business activity, industrial development, and fast urbanization, NCC is today creating more waste than ever before. The enormous amount of solid garbage produced in NCC is currently causing air pollution, soil contamination, water pollution, drainage system blockages, and an unpleasant urban environment. The study aimed to find out the amount of solid waste produced per day in NCC by exploring the waste composition and potentiality of resource recovery from the produced solid waste. This study considered household surveys, polythene bag surveys, questionnaire surveys in commercial and industrial sectors, KIIs, FGDs, and lab tests to identify the total amount of waste generated in NCC with waste composition and potentiality for energy recovery from the generated waste. This study has explored that NCC is producing about 922 tons of solid waste per day from households, commercial activities, and industrial sectors where the existing waste collection rate by NCC authority is only about 50% of total generated waste. This study has also explored that about 75% of daily-produced solid waste is perishable with comparatively high moisture content whereas 18 % and 7% are non-perishable and hazardous. It is also explored that there is no resource recovery plant for solid waste management in NCC. On the other hand, this study has explored that the calorific value of the produced solid waste favors resource recovery like waste to electricity. The generated solid waste composition is also in favor of waste-to-biogas, and waste-to-compost fertilizer production. This study has advocated that initiatives need to develop a solid waste management plant in NCC for resource recovery from solid waste. This research may provide a quick overview of the rate of solid waste generation, its composition, and the potential for resource recovery from solid waste in Bangladesh's metropolitan regions. It can also provide information and knowledge to other trash departments in different cities and municipalities in Bangladesh.Keywords: solid waste, waste composition, waste management, resource recovery from solid waste
Procedia PDF Downloads 243556 Measuring Investigation and Computational Simulation of Cavitation Phenomenon Effects on the Industrial Centrifugal Pump Vibration
Authors: Mahdi Hamzehei, Homan Alimoradzadeh, Mahdi Shahriyari
In this paper, vibration of the industrial centrifugal pumps studied by measuring analysis and computational simulation. Effects of different parameters on pump vibration were investigated. Also, simulation of cavitation in the centrifugal pump was down. First, via CF-TURBO software, the pump impeller and the fluid passing through the pump is modelled and finally, the phenomenon of cavitation in the impeller has been modelled by Ansys software. Also, the effects of changes in the amount of NPSH and bubbles generation in the pump impeller were investigated. By simulation of piping with pipe flow software, effect of fluid velocity and pressure on hydraulics and vibration were studied computationally by applying Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) techniques, fluent software and experimentally. Furthermore, this comparison showed that the model can predict hydraulics and vibration behaviour.Keywords: cavitation, vibration, centrifugal pumps, performance curves, NPSH
Procedia PDF Downloads 5433555 Assessment of Pollution of the Rustavi City’s Atmosphere with Microaerosols
Authors: Natia Gigauri, Aleksandre Surmava
According to observational data, experimental measurements, and numerical modeling, is assessed pollution of one of the industrial centers of Georgia, Rustavi city’s atmosphere with microaerosols. Monthly, daily and hourly changes of the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 in the city atmosphere are analyzed. It is accepted that PM2.5 concentrations are always lower than PM10 concentrations, but their change curve is the same. In addition, it has been noted that the maximum concentrations of particles in the atmosphere of Rustavi city will be reached at any part of the day, which is determined by the total impact of the traffic flow and industrial facilities. By numerical modeling has calculated the influence of background western light air and gentle and fresh breeze on the distribution of PM particles in the atmosphere. Calculations showed that background light air and gentle breeze lead to an increase the concentrations of microaerosols in the city's atmosphere, while fresh breeze contribute to the dispersion of dusty clouds. As a result, the level of dust in the city is decreasing, but the distribution area is expanding.Keywords: pollution, modelling, PM2.5, PM10, experimental measurement
Procedia PDF Downloads 893554 Design and Integration of a Renewable Energy Based Polygeneration System with Desalination for an Industrial Plant
Authors: Lucero Luciano, Cesar Celis, Jose Ramos
Polygeneration improves energy efficiency and reduce both energy consumption and pollutant emissions compared to conventional generation technologies. A polygeneration system is a variation of a cogeneration one, in which more than two outputs, i.e., heat, power, cooling, water, energy or fuels, are accounted for. In particular, polygeneration systems integrating solar energy and water desalination represent promising technologies for energy production and water supply. They are therefore interesting options for coastal regions with a high solar potential, such as those located in southern Peru and northern Chile. Notice that most of the Peruvian and Chilean mining industry operations intensive in electricity and water consumption are located in these particular regions. Accordingly, this work focus on the design and integration of a polygeneration system producing industrial heating, cooling, electrical power and water for an industrial plant. The design procedure followed in this work involves integer linear programming modeling (MILP), operational planning and dynamic operating conditions. The technical and economic feasibility of integrating renewable energy technologies (photovoltaic and solar thermal, PV+CPS), thermal energy store, power and thermal exchange, absorption chillers, cogeneration heat engines and desalination technologies is particularly assessed. The polygeneration system integration carried out seek to minimize the system total annual cost subject to CO2 emissions restrictions. Particular economic aspects accounted for include investment, maintenance and operating costs.Keywords: desalination, design and integration, polygeneration systems, renewable energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1263553 Dental Fluorosis in Domestic Animals Inhabiting Industrial Area of Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
Authors: Lalita Panchal, Zulfiya Sheikh
Fluoride is essential for teeth and bones development not only for human beings but also for animals. But excess intake of fluoride causes harmful effects on health. Fluorosis is a worldwide health hazard and India is also one of the endemic countries. Udaipur district of Rajasthan is also prone to fluorosis and superphosphate industries are aggravating fluoride toxicity in this area. Grazing fields for animals in the close vicinity of the industries, fodder and water are fluoride contaminated. Fluoride toxicity in the form of dental fluorosis was observed in domestic animals, inhabiting industrial area near Udaipur, where superphosphate fertilizer plants are functioning and releasing fluoride and fumes and effluents into the surroundings. These fumes and gases directly affect the vegetation of grazing field, thus allowing entry of fluoride into the food chain. A survey was conducted in this area to assess the severity of fluorosis, in 2015-16. It was a house to house survey and animal owners were asked for their fodder and water supply. Anterior teeth of the animal were observed. Domestic animals exhibited mild to severe signs of dental fluorosis. Teeth showed deep brown staining, patches, lines and abrasions. Even immature animals were affected badly. Most of the domestic animals were affected, but goats of this area showed chronic symptoms of fluorosis. Due to abrasion of teeth and paining teeth their chewing or grazing capacity and appetite reduced. Eventually, it reduced the life span of animals and increased the mortality rate.Keywords: domestic animals, fluoride toxicity, industrial fluorosis, superphosphate fertilizers
Procedia PDF Downloads 2953552 Essential Elements and Trace Metals on a Continuously Cultivated and Fertilised Field
Authors: Pholosho M. Kgopa, Phatu W. Mashela
Due to high incidents of marginal land in Limpopo Province, South Africa, and increasing demand for arable land, small-holder farmers tend to continuously cultivate the same fields and at the same time, applying fertilisers to improve yields for meeting local food security. These practices might have an impact on the distribution of trace and essential elements. Therefore, the objective of this investigation was to assess the distribution of essential elements and trace metals in a continuously cultivated and fertilised field, at the University of Limpopo Experimental Farm. Three fields, 3 ha each were identified as continuously cultivated (CC), moderately cultivated (MC) and virgin fields (VF). Each field was divided into 12 equal grids of 50 m × 50 m for sampling. A soil profile was opened in each grid, where soil samples were collected from 0-20; 20-40 and 40-60; 60-80 and 80-100 cm depths for analysis. Samples were analysed for soil texture, pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter content, selected essential elements (Ca, P and Mg), Na and trace elements (Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn). Results suggested that most of the variables were vertically different, with high concentrations of the test elements except for magnesium. Soil pH in depth 0-20 cm was high (6.44) in CC when compared to that in VF (5.29), but lower than that of MC (7.84). There were no distinctive vertical trends of the variables, except for Mg, Na, and K which displayed a declining trend at 40-60 cm depth when compared to the 0-20 cm depth. Concentrations of Fe, Cu, Zn, and Ni were generally low which might be due to their indirect relationship with soil pH. Continuous cultivation and fertilisation altered soil chemical properties; which could explain the unproductivity of such fields.Keywords: over-cultivation, soil chemical properties, vertical distribution, spatial distribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 1913551 Crude Oil Electrostatic Mathematical Modelling on an Existing Industrial Plant
Authors: Fatemeh Yazdanmehr, Iulian Nistor
The scope of the current study is the prediction of water separation in a two-stage industrial crude oil desalting plant. This research study was focused on developing a desalting operation in an existing production unit of one Iranian heavy oil field with 75 MBPD capacity. Because of some operational issues, such as oil dehydration at high temperatures, the optimization of the desalter operational parameters was essential. The mathematical desalting is modeled based on the population balance method. The existing operational data is used for tuning and validation of the accuracy of the modeling. The inlet oil temperature to desalter used was decreased from 110°C to 80°C, and the desalted electrical field was increased from 0.75 kv to 2.5 kv. The proposed condition for the desalter also meets the water oil specification. Based on these conditions of desalter, the oil recovery is increased by 574 BBL/D, and the gas flaring decrease by 2.8 MMSCF/D. Depending on the oil price, the additional production of oil can increase the annual income by about $15 MM and reduces greenhouse gas production caused by gas flaring.Keywords: desalter, demulsification, modelling, water-oil separation, crude oil emulsion
Procedia PDF Downloads 793550 Industrial Practical Training for Mechanical Engineering Students: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Authors: Bashiru Olayinka Adisa, Najeem Lateef
The integrated knowledge in the application of mechanical engineering, microprocessor and electronic sensor technologies is becoming the basic skill of a modern engineer in machinery based processes. To meet this objective, we have developed a cross-disciplinary industrial training to teach essential hard technical and soft project skills to the mechanical engineering students in mid-curriculum. Ten groups of students were selected to participate in a 150 hour program. The students were required to design and build a robot with ability to follow tracks and pick/place target blocks in specific locations. The students were trained to integrate the knowledge of computer aid design, electronics, sensor theories and motor technology to fabricate a workable robot as a major outcome of this course. On completion of the project, students competed for top robot honors by demonstrating their robots' movements and performance in pick/place to a panel of judges.Keywords: electronics, sensor theories and motor, robot, technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 2813549 Educase–Intelligent System for Pedagogical Advising Using Case-Based Reasoning
Authors: Elionai Moura, José A. Cunha, César Analide
This work introduces a proposal scheme for an Intelligent System applied to Pedagogical Advising using Case-Based Reasoning, to find consolidated solutions before used for the new problems, making easier the task of advising students to the pedagogical staff. We do intend, through this work, introduce the motivation behind the choices for this system structure, justifying the development of an incremental and smart web system who learns bests solutions for new cases when it’s used, showing technics and technology.Keywords: case-based reasoning, pedagogical advising, educational data-mining (EDM), machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 4213548 The Impact of the Application of Blockchain Technology in Accounting and Auditing
Authors: Yusuf Adebayo Oduwole
The evaluation of blockchain technology's potential effects on the accounting and auditing fields is the main objective of this essay. It also adds to the existing body of work by examining how these practices alter technological concerns, including cryptocurrency accounting, regulation, governance, accounting practices, and technical challenges. Examples of this advancement include the growth of the concept of blockchain and its application in accounting. This technology is being considered one of the digital revolutions that could disrupt the world and civilization as it can transfer large volumes of virtual currencies like cryptocurrencies with the help of a third party. The basis for this research is a systematic review of the articles using Vosviewer to display and reflect on the bibliometric information of the articles accessible on the Scopus database. Also, as the practice of using blockchain technology in the field of accounting and auditing is still in its infancy, it may be useful to carry out a more thorough analysis of any implications for accounting and auditing regarding aspects of governance, regulation, and cryptocurrency that have not yet been discussed or addressed to any significant extent. The main findings on the relationship between blockchain and accounting show that the application of smart contracts, such as triple-entry accounting, has increased the quality of accounting records as well as reliance on the information available. This results in fewer cyclical assignments, no need for resolution, and real-time accounting, among others. Thereby, to integrate blockchain through a computer system, one must continuously learn and remain naive when using blockchain-integrated accounting software. This includes learning about how cryptocurrencies are accounted for and regulated. In this study, three original and contributed efforts are presented. To offer a transparent view of the state of previous relevant studies and research works in accounting and auditing that focus on blockchain, it begins by using bibliographic visibility analysis and a Scopus narrative analysis. Second, it highlights legislative, governance, and ethical concerns, such as education, where it tackles the use of blockchain in accounting and auditing. Lastly, it examines the impact of blockchain technologies on the accounting recognition of cryptocurrencies. Users of the technology should, therefore, take their time and learn how it works, as well as keep abreast of the different developments. In addition, the accounting industry must integrate blockchain certification and practice, most likely offline or as part of university education for those intending to become auditors or accountants.Keywords: blockchain, crypto assets, governance, regulation & smart contracts
Procedia PDF Downloads 303547 Research on Eco-Sustainable Recycling of Industrial Wastes
Authors: Liliana Crăc, Nicolae Giorgi, Gheorghe Fometescu
In Romania, billions of tonnes of wastes are generated yearly, an important amount being stored within industrial dumps that covers high soil areas and affects the environment quality, especially of ground and surface waters. Landfill represents in Romania the most important way for wastes removal, over 75% being generated every year, the costs with the dumps construction being considerable. In most of the cases, the wastes generated mainly by the energy industry, oil exploitation and metallurgy, are still considered wastes with NO-use, and their removal and neutralization represent for transport, handling and storing, high non-productive expenses which raise the cost of the useful products obtained. The paper presents a recycling idea of three types of wastes in order to use them for building materials manufacturing, by promoting ECOWASTES LIFE+ project, whose aim is to demonstrate that the recycling of waste from energy industry (coal combustion waste), petroleum extraction (drilling mud) and metallurgy (steelmaking slag) is technically feasible.Keywords: fly ash, drilled solid wastes, metallurgical slag, recycling, building materials
Procedia PDF Downloads 3123546 CFD Modeling and Optimization of Gas Cyclone Separator for Performance Improvement
Authors: N. Beit Saeid
Cyclones are used in the field of air industrial gases pollution and control the pollution with centrifugal forces that is generated with spatial geometry of the cyclone. Their simple design, low capital and maintenance costs and adaptability to a wide range of operating conditions have made cyclones one of the most widely used industrial dust collectors. Their cost of operation is proportional to the fan energy required to overcome their pressure drop. Optimized geometry of outlet diffuser of the cyclones potentially could reduce exit pressure losses without affecting collection efficiency. Three rectangular outlets and a radial outlet with a variable opening had been analyzed on two cyclones. Pressure drop was investigated for inlet velocities from about 10 to 20 m s−1. The radial outlet reduced cyclone pressure drop by between 8.7 and 11.9 percent when its exit area was equal to the flow area of the cyclone vortex finder or gas exit. A simple payback based on avoided energy costs was estimated to be between 3600 and 5000 h, not including installation cost.Keywords: cyclone, CFD, optimization, genetic algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 3823545 Concept Mapping to Reach Consensus on an Antibiotic Smart Use Strategy Model to Promote and Support Appropriate Antibiotic Prescribing in a Hospital, Thailand
Authors: Phenphak Horadee, Rodchares Hanrinth, Saithip Suttiruksa
Inappropriate use of antibiotics has happened in several hospitals, Thailand. Drug use evaluation (DUE) is one strategy to overcome this difficulty. However, most community hospitals still encounter incomplete evaluation resulting overuse of antibiotics with high cost. Consequently, drug-resistant bacteria have been rising due to inappropriate antibiotic use. The aim of this study was to involve stakeholders in conceptualizing, developing, and prioritizing a feasible intervention strategy to promote and support appropriate antibiotic prescribing in a community hospital, Thailand. Study antibiotics included four antibiotics such as Meropenem, Piperacillin/tazobactam, Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, and Vancomycin. The study was conducted for the 1-year period between March 1, 2018, and March 31, 2019, in a community hospital in the northeastern part of Thailand. Concept mapping was used in a purposive sample, including doctors (one was an administrator), pharmacists, and nurses who involving drug use evaluation of antibiotics. In-depth interviews for each participant and survey research were conducted to seek the problems for inappropriate use of antibiotics based on drug use evaluation system. Seventy-seven percent of DUE reported appropriate antibiotic prescribing, which still did not reach the goal of 80 percent appropriateness. Meropenem led other antibiotics for inappropriate prescribing. The causes of the unsuccessful DUE program were classified into three themes such as personnel, lack of public relation and communication, and unsupported policy and impractical regulations. During the first meeting, stakeholders (n = 21) expressed the generation of interventions. During the second meeting, participants who were almost the same group of people in the first meeting (n = 21) were requested to independently rate the feasibility and importance of each idea and to categorize them into relevant clusters to facilitate multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis. The outputs of analysis included the idealist, cluster list, point map, point rating map, cluster map, and cluster rating map. All of these were distributed to participants (n = 21) during the third meeting to reach consensus on an intervention model. The final proposed intervention strategy included 29 feasible and crucial interventions in seven clusters: development of information technology system, establishing policy and taking it into the action plan, proactive public relations of the policy, action plan and workflow, in cooperation of multidisciplinary teams in drug use evaluation, work review and evaluation with performance reporting, promoting and developing professional and clinical skill for staff with training programs, and developing practical drug use evaluation guideline for antibiotics. These interventions are relevant and fit to several intervention strategies for antibiotic stewardship program in many international organizations such as participation of the multidisciplinary team, developing information technology to support antibiotic smart use, and communication. These interventions were prioritized for implementation over a 1-year period. Once the possibility of each activity or plan is set up, the proposed program could be applied and integrated into hospital policy after evaluating plans. Effectiveness of each intervention could be promoted to other community hospitals to promote and support antibiotic smart use.Keywords: antibiotic, concept mapping, drug use evaluation, multidisciplinary teams
Procedia PDF Downloads 1213544 Real-Time Demonstration of Visible Light Communication Based on Frequency-Shift Keying Employing a Smartphone as the Receiver
Authors: Fumin Wang, Jiaqi Yin, Lajun Wang, Nan Chi
In this article, we demonstrate a visible light communication (VLC) system over 8 meters free space transmission based on a commercial LED and a receiver in connection with an audio interface of a smart phone. The signal is in FSK modulation format. The successful experimental demonstration validates the feasibility of the proposed system in future wireless communication network.Keywords: visible light communication, smartphone communication, frequency shift keying, wireless communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 3933543 Electrospun Fibre Networks Loaded with Hydroxyapatite and Barium Titanate as Smart Scaffolds for Tissue Regeneration
Authors: C. Busuioc, I. Stancu, A. Nicoara, A. Zamfirescu, A. Evanghelidis
The field of tissue engineering has expanded its potential due to the use of composite biomaterials belonging to increasingly complex systems, leading to bone substitutes with properties that are continuously improving to meet the patient's specific needs. Furthermore, the development of biomaterials based on ceramic and polymeric phases is an unlimited resource for future scientific research, with the final aim of restoring the original tissue functionality. Thus, in the first stage, composite scaffolds based on polycaprolactone (PCL) or polylactic acid (PLA) and inorganic powders were prepared by employing the electrospinning technique. The targeted powders were: commercial and laboratory synthesized hydroxyapatite (HAp), as well as barium titanate (BT). By controlling the concentration of the powder within the precursor solution, together with the processing parameters, different types of three-dimensional architectures were achieved. In the second stage, both the mineral powders and hybrid composites were investigated in terms of composition, crystalline structure, and microstructure so that to demonstrate their suitability for tissue engineering applications. Regarding the scaffolds, these were proven to be homogeneous on large areas and loaded with mineral particles in different proportions. The biological assays demonstrated that the addition of inorganic powders leads to modified responses in the presence of simulated body fluid (SBF) or cell cultures. Through SBF immersion, the biodegradability coupled with bioactivity were highlighted, with fiber fragmentation and surface degradation, as well as apatite layer formation within the testing period. Moreover, the final composites represent supports accepted by the cells, favoring implant integration. Concluding, the purposed fibrous materials based on bioresorbable polymers and mineral powders, produced by the electrospinning technique, represent candidates with considerable potential in the field of tissue engineering. Future improvements can be attained by optimizing the synthesis process or by simultaneous incorporation of multiple inorganic phases with well-defined biological action in order to fabricate multifunctional composites.Keywords: barium titanate, electrospinning, fibre networks, hydroxyapatite, smart scaffolds
Procedia PDF Downloads 1123542 Agricultural Waste Recovery For Industrial Effluent Treatment And Environmental Protection
Authors: Salim Ahmed
In many countries, water pollution from industrial effluents is a real problem. It may have a negative impact on the environment. To minimize the adverse effects of these contaminants, various methods are used to improve effluent purification, including physico-chemical processes such as adsorption.The present study focuses on applying a naturally biodegradable adsorbent based on argan (southern Morocco) in a physico-chemical adsorption process to reduce the harmful effects of pollutants on the environment. Tests were carried out with the cationic dye methylene blue (MB) and revealed that removal is significantly higher within the first 15 minutes. The parameters studied in this study are adsorbent mass and concentration. The Freundlich model provides an excellent example of the adsorption phenomenon of BMs over argan powder. The results of this study show that argan kernels are a highly beneficial alternative for local communities, as they help to achieve a triple objective: pollution reduction, waste recovery and water recycling.Keywords: environmental protection, activated carbon, water treatment, adsorption
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