Search results for: cross cultural
6497 Preventable Stress and Trauma, and Menstrual Health Management: Experiences of Adolescent Girls from India
Authors: Daisy Dutta, Chhanda Chakraborti
Background and significance of the study: Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) is poor in many Lower and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC) such as India. Poor and inadequate menstrual hygiene has an adverse effect on the health and social life of adolescent girls and women. There are many well-known barriers to adequate Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM); e.g., lack of awareness, lack of WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) facilities, lack of affordable menstrual absorbents, etc. But, there is a unique barrier which is very much avoidable; i.e., lack of proper guidance and counseling about menstruation. Menstruation is associated with various social and cultural restrictions and taboos and being a taboo topic; often there is no discussion in the society on this topic. Thus, many adolescent girls encounter the menarche with a lot of unnecessary and avoidable trauma, stress and awkwardness. This trauma, stress, and anxiety are even more prevalent among adolescent girls residing in rural areas. This study argues that this unnecessary stress and anxiety of the adolescent girls can be alleviated by reinforcing social support and adequate information and guidance about MHM and eliminating the futile socio-cultural restrictions during menstruation. Methodology: A qualitative study was conducted in a North-eastern State of India where 45 adolescent girls were interviewed both from rural and urban areas. The adolescent girls were asked about their experiences of stress and anxiety on their first menstruation, their preparedness for menarche, their source of information and guidance, their hygiene-practices, and the various restrictions they follow. Findings: Maximum number of girls did not receive any information about menstruation before menarche. Most of them reported that they were terrified about their first menstruation as they were unprepared. Among those who were aware before menarche, reported that they did not receive proper guidance to manage their menstruation in a hygienic manner. Hygiene-related practices are also influenced by their knowledge about MHM. In maximum cases, girls are bound to follow certain cultural and religious restrictions even if they don’t want to follow which created additional stress in managing their menstruation with dignity. Conclusion: Lack of proper guidance and counseling about menstruation and MHM along with an array of socio-cultural restrictions can enhance a negative attitude in adolescent girls towards menstruation due to which they have to go through an extra and unnecessary burden of stress and trauma. This stress and trauma is preventable by improving the provisions of proper guidance and counseling about menstruation in a supportive environment.Keywords: adolescent girls, menstrual hygiene management, socio-cultural restrictions, stress, trauma
Procedia PDF Downloads 1806496 12-Week Comparative Clinical Trial with Low Dose Phentermine/Topiramate with Liraglutide on Obesity in Korea
Authors: Kyu Rae Lee
The aim of the study is to investigate the clinical efficacy of combination therapeutic modalities using liraglutide (1.2mg/d) add on low-dose phentermine (7.5 mg/d)/topiramate (50mg/d) medication on the obese patient in the bariatric clinic. We assessed the retrospective cohort clinical analyses to the clinical efficacy of medication and combination in the patients who visited the bariatric clinic. We measured all participants’ body fat (bioelectric impedance analysis), weight, height, and the cross-sectional areas of adipose tissues (umbilicus level) after keep fasting for 8 hours at 0, 4, 12 weeks. The design of the study was opened, paired t-test and Wilcoxon test were performed using SPSS for windows (ver.18, IL, USA) for comparison of weight, body fat, and adipose tissues. The participants were one hundred twenty-eight subjects aged 44.67 (1.18) years, 28.95 (0.39) kg/m², and female (82.7%). Their body fat was 40.57 (2.23%), and waist to hip ratio was 0.96 (0.01). The mean cross-sectional area of visceral adipose tissue was 142.59 (7.06) mm², and that of subcutaneous adipose was 274.37 (9.18) mm². 73 of them (57.5%) took medication only, 54 of them took medication with liraglutide for 12 weeks. The subjects in the medication group lost 5.4165 kg, 6.8069%, and those of the combination group did 6.2481 kg, 3.564%. The mean cross-sectional areas of visceral, subcutaneous adipose tissue in the medication group significantly decreased (p=.043), even more in the combination group. (p=.028). Further controlled clinical trials should be considered in the future. We conclude that the low dose of phentermine/topiramate with liraglutide therapeutic modalities would be more effective than phentermine/topiramate medication only in obesity treatment for 12 weeks.Keywords: low dose phentermine, topiramate, liraglutide, obesity, efficacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1586495 Hybrid Model of Strategic and Contextual Leadership in Pluralistic Organizations- A Qualitative Multiple Case Study
Authors: Ergham Al Bachir
This study adopts strategic leadership (Upper Echelons) as the core theory and contextual leadership theory as the research lens. This research asks how the external context impacts strategic leadership effectiveness to achieve the outcomes in pluralistic organizations (PO). The study explores how the context influences the selection of CEOs, top management teams (TMT), and their leadership effectiveness. POs are characterized by the multiple objectives of their top management teams, divergent objectives, multiple strategies, and multiple governing authorities. The research question is explored by means of a qualitative multiple-case study focusing on healthcare, real estate, and financial services organizations. The data sources are semi-structured interviews, documents, and direct observations. The data analysis strategy is inductive and deploys thematic analysis and cross-case synthesis. The findings differentiate between national and international CEOs' delegation of authority and relationship with the Board of Directors. The findings identify the elements of the dynamic context that influence TMT and PO outcomes. The emergent hybrid strategic and contextual leadership framework shows how the different contextual factors influence strategic direction, PO context, selection of CEOs and TMT, and the outcomes in four pluralistic organizations. The study offers seven theoretical contributions to Upper Echelons, strategic leadership, and contextual leadership research. (1) The integration of two theories revealed how CEO’s impact on the organization is complementary to the contextual impact. (2) Conducting this study in the Middle East contributes to strategic leadership and contextual leadership research. (3) The demonstration of the significant contextual effects on the selection of CEOs. (4 and 5) Two contributions revealed new links between the context, the Board role, internal versus external CEOs, and national versus international CEOs. (6 and 7) This study offered two definitions: what accounts for CEO leadership effectiveness and organizational outcomes. Two methodological contributions were also identified: (1) Previous strategic leadership and Upper Echelons research are mainly quantitative, while this study adopts qualitative multiple-case research with face-to-face interviews. (2) The extrication of the CEO from the TMT advanced the data analysis in strategic leadership research. Four contributions are offered to practice: (1) The CEO's leadership effectiveness inside and outside the organization. (2) Rapid turnover of predecessor CEOs signifies the need for a strategic and contextual approach to CEOs' succession. (3) TMT composition and education impact on TMT-CEO and TMT-TMT interface. (4) Multilevel strategic contextual leadership development framework.Keywords: strategic leadership, contextual leadership, upper echelons, pluralistic organizations, cross-cultural leadership
Procedia PDF Downloads 956494 Historic Fire Occurrence in Hemi-Boreal Forests: Exploring Natural and Cultural Scots Pine Multi-Cohort Fire Regimes in Lithuania
Authors: Charles Ruffner, Michael Manton, Gintautas Kibirkstis, Gediminas Brazaitas, Vitas Marozas, Ekaterine Makrickiene, Rutile Pukiene, Per Angelstam
In dynamic boreal forests, fire is an important natural disturbance, which drives regeneration and mortality of living and dead trees, and thus successional trajectories. However, current forest management practices focusing on wood production only have effectively eliminated fire as a stand-level disturbance. While this is generally well studied across much of Europe, in Lithuania, little is known about the historic fire regime and the role fire plays as a management tool towards the sustainable management of future landscapes. Focusing on Scots pine forests, we explore; i) the relevance of fire disturbance regimes on forestlands of Lithuania; ii) fire occurrence in the Dzukija landscape for dry upland and peatland forest sites, and iii) correlate tree-ring data with climate variables to ascertain climatic influences on growth and fire occurrence. We sampled and cross-dated 132 Scots pine samples with fire scars from 4 dry pine forest stands and 4 peatland forest stands, respectively. The fire history of each sample was analyzed using standard dendrochronological methods and presented in FHAES format. Analyses of soil moisture and nutrient conditions revealed a strong probability of finding forests that have a high fire frequency in Scots pine forests (59%), which cover 34.5% of Lithuania’s current forestland. The fire history analysis revealed 455 fire scars and 213 fire events during the period 1742-2019. Within the Dzukija landscape, the mean fire interval was 4.3 years for the dry Scots pine forest and 8.7 years for the peatland Scots pine forest. However, our comparison of fire frequency before and after 1950 shows a marked decrease in mean fire interval. Our data suggest that hemi-boreal forest landscapes of Lithuania provide strong evidence that fire, both human and lightning-ignited fires, has been and should be a natural phenomenon and that the examination of biological archives can be used to guide sustainable forest management into the future. Currently, fire use is prohibited by law as a tool for forest management in Lithuania. We recommend introducing trials that use low-intensity prescribed burning of Scots pine stands as a regeneration tool towards mimicking natural forest disturbance regimes.Keywords: biodiversity conservation, cultural burning, dendrochronology, forest dynamics, forest management, succession
Procedia PDF Downloads 2026493 Regulation of Cultural Relationship between Russia and Ukraine after Crimea’s Annexation: A Comparative Socio-Legal Study
Authors: Elena Sherstoboeva, Elena Karzanova
This paper explores the impact of the annexation of Crimea on the regulation of live performances and tour management of Russian pop music performers in Ukraine and of Ukrainian performers in Russia. Without a doubt, the cultural relationship between Russia and Ukraine is not limited to this issue. Yet concert markets tend to respond particularly rapidly to political, economic, and social changes, especially in Russia and Ukraine, where the high level of digital piracy means that the music businesses mainly depend upon income from performances rather than from digital rights sales. This paper argues that the rules formed in both countries after Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 have contributed to the separation of a single cultural space that had existed in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia and Ukraine before the annexation. These rules have also facilitated performers’ self-censorship and increased the politicisation of the music businesses in the two neighbouring countries. This study applies a comparative socio-legal approach to study Russian and Ukrainian live events and tour regulation. A qualitative analysis of Russian and Ukrainian national and intergovernmental legal frameworks is applied to examine formal regulations. Soviet and early post-Soviet laws and policies are also studied, but only to the extent that they help to track the changes in the Russian–Ukrainian cultural relationship. To identify and analyse the current informal rules, the study design includes in-depth semi-structured interviews with 30 live event or tour managers working in Russia and Ukraine. A case study is used to examine how the Eurovision Song Contest, an annual international competition, has played out within the Russian–Ukrainian conflict. The study suggests that modern Russian and Ukrainian frameworks for live events and tours have developed Soviet regulatory traditions when cultural policies served as a means of ideological control. At the same time, contemporary regulations mark a considerable perspective shift, as the previous rules have been aimed at maintaining close cultural connections between the Russian and Ukrainian nations. Instead of collaboration, their current frameworks mostly serve as forms of repression, implying that performers must choose only one national market in which to work. The regulatory instruments vary and often impose limitations that typically exist in non-democratic regimes to restrict foreign journalism, such as visa barriers or bans on entry. The more unexpected finding is that, in comparison with Russian law, Ukrainian regulations have created more obstacles to the organisation of live tours and performances by Russian artists in Ukraine. Yet this stems from commercial rather than political factors. This study predicts that the more economic challenges the Russian or Ukrainian music businesses face, the harsher the regulations will be regarding the organisation of live events or tours in the other country. This study recommends that international human rights organisations and non-governmental organisations develop and promote specific standards for artistic rights and freedoms, given the negative effects of the increasing politicisation of the entertainment business and cultural spheres to freedom of expression and cultural rights and pluralism.Keywords: annexation of Crimea, artistic freedom, censorship, cultural policy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1186492 The Experiences of Hong Kong Chinese Divorced Wives in Facing the Cancer Death of Their Ex-Husbands
Authors: M. L. Yeung
With the surge of divorce rate and male cancer onset/death rates, the phenomenon of divorced wives in the facing cancer death of their ex-husbands is not uncommon in Hong Kong. Yet, there is a dearth of study on the experiences of bereaved-divorced wives in the Hong Kong cultural context. This project fills the knowledge gap by conducting a qualitative study for having interviewed four bereaved ex-wives, who returned to ex-husbands’ end-of-life caregiving and eventually grieved for the ex-spousal’s death. From the perspectives of attachment theory and disenfranchised grief in the Hong Kong cultural context, a ‘double-loss’ experience is found in which interviewees suffer from the first loss of divorce and the second loss of ex-husbands’ death. Traumatic childhood experiences, attachment needs, role ambiguity, unresolved emotions and unrecognized grief are found significant in their lived experiences which alert the ‘double-loss’ is worthy of attention. Extending a family-centered end-of-life and bereavement care services to divorced couples is called for, in which validation on the attachment needs, ex-couple reconciliation, and acknowledgement on the disenfranchised grief are essential for social work practice on this group of clienteles specifically in Hong Kong cultural context.Keywords: changing family, disenfranchised grief, divorce, ex-spousal death, marriage
Procedia PDF Downloads 3216491 Evolutions of Structural Properties of Native Phospho Casein (NPC) Powder during Storage
Authors: Sarah Nasser, Anne Moreau, Alain Hedoux, Romain Jeantet, Guillaume Delaplace
Background: Spray dryed powders containing some caseins are commonly produced in dairy industry. It is widely admitted that the structure of casein evolves during powder storage, inducing a loss of solubility. However few studies evaluate accurately the destabilization mechanisms at molecular and mesoscopic level, in particular for Native Phospho Casein powder (NPC). Consequently, at the state of the art, it is very difficult to assess which secondary structure change or crosslinks initiate insolubility during storage. To address this issue, controlled ageing conditions have been applied to a NPC powder (which was obtained by spray drying a concentrate containing a higher content of casein (90%), whey protein (8%) and lactose (few %)). Evolution of structure and loss of solubility, with the effects of temperature and time of storage were systematically reported. Methods: FTIR spectroscopy, Raman and Circular Dichroism were used to monitor changes of secondary structure in dry powder and in solution after rehydration. Besides, proteomic tools and electrophoresis have been performed after varying storage conditions for evaluating aggregation and post translational modifications, like lactosylation or phosphorylation. Finally, Tof Sims and MEB were used to follow in parallel evolution of structure in surface and skin formation due to storage. Results + conclusion: These results highlight the important role of storage temperature in the stability of NPC. It is shown that this is not lactosylation at the heart of formation of aggregates, as advanced in others publications This is almost the rise of multitude post translational modifications (chemical cross link), added to disulphide bridges (physical cross link) wich contribute to the destabilisation of structure and aggregation of casein. A relative quantification of each kind of cross link, source of aggregates, is proposed. In addition, it has been proved that migration of lipids and formation of skin in surface during the ageing also explains the evolution of structure casein and thus the alterations of functional properties of NPC powder.Keywords: casein, cross link, powder, storage
Procedia PDF Downloads 3796490 Madame Bovary in Transit: from Novel to Graphic Novel
Authors: Hania Pasandi
Since its publication in 1856, Madame Bovary has established itself as one of the most adapted texts of French literature. Some eighteen film adaptations and twenty-seven rewritings of Madame Bovary in fiction to date shows a great enthusiasm for recreating Flaubert’s masterpiece in a variety of mediums. Posy Simmonds’ 1999 graphic novel, Gemma Bovery stands out among these adaptations as the graphic novel with its visual and narrative structure offers a new reading experience of Madame Bovary, while combining Emma Bovary’s elements with contemporary social, cultural, and artistic discourses. This paper studies the transposition of Flaubert’s Madame Bovary (1857) to late twentieth-century Britain in Posy Simmonds’ 1999 graphic novel, Gemma Bovery by exploring how it borrows the essential flaubertian themes, from its source text to incorporate it with contemporary cultural trends.Keywords: graphic novel, Gemma Bovery, Madame Bovary, transposition
Procedia PDF Downloads 1536489 Exploring Open Process Innovation: Insights from a Systematic Review and Framework Development
Authors: Saeed Nayeri
This paper explores the feasibility of openness within firms' boundaries during process innovation and identifies the key determinants of open process innovation (OPI). Through a systematic review of 78 research studies published between 2001 and 2024, the author synthesized diverse findings into a comprehensive framework detailing OPI attributes and pillars. The identified OPI attributes encompass themes such as technology intensity, significance, magnitude, and locus of exploitation, while the OPI pillars include mechanisms, partners, achievements, and antecedents. Additionally, the author critically analysed gaps in the literature, proposing future research directions that advocate for a broader methodological approach, increased emphasis on theory development and testing, and more cross-national and cross-sectoral studies to advance understanding in this field.Keywords: open innovation, process innovation, OPI attributes, systematic literature review, organizational openness
Procedia PDF Downloads 686488 Modelling Volatility Spillovers and Cross Hedging among Major Agricultural Commodity Futures
Authors: Roengchai Tansuchat, Woraphon Yamaka, Paravee Maneejuk
From the past recent, the global financial crisis, economic instability, and large fluctuation in agricultural commodity price have led to increased concerns about the volatility transmission among them. The problem is further exacerbated by commodities volatility caused by other commodity price fluctuations, hence the decision on hedging strategy has become both costly and useless. Thus, this paper is conducted to analysis the volatility spillover effect among major agriculture including corn, soybeans, wheat and rice, to help the commodity suppliers hedge their portfolios, and manage the risk and co-volatility of them. We provide a switching regime approach to analyzing the issue of volatility spillovers in different economic conditions, namely upturn and downturn economic. In particular, we investigate relationships and volatility transmissions between these commodities in different economic conditions. We purposed a Copula-based multivariate Markov Switching GARCH model with two regimes that depend on an economic conditions and perform simulation study to check the accuracy of our proposed model. In this study, the correlation term in the cross-hedge ratio is obtained from six copula families – two elliptical copulas (Gaussian and Student-t) and four Archimedean copulas (Clayton, Gumbel, Frank, and Joe). We use one-step maximum likelihood estimation techniques to estimate our models and compare the performance of these copula using Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criteria (BIC). In the application study of agriculture commodities, the weekly data used are conducted from 4 January 2005 to 1 September 2016, covering 612 observations. The empirical results indicate that the volatility spillover effects among cereal futures are different, as response of different economic condition. In addition, the results of hedge effectiveness will also suggest the optimal cross hedge strategies in different economic condition especially upturn and downturn economic.Keywords: agricultural commodity futures, cereal, cross-hedge, spillover effect, switching regime approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 2026487 Connecting African Ubuntu and Social Work Practices for Human Rights: The Value of Dignity and Worth of a Person
Authors: Meinrad Haule Lembuka
Social work profession one of its primary mission is to restore and maintain human rights where social workers recognise all humanity as equal, and so too the philosophies that have developed across the world’s regions. Ubuntu means African Humanism, where realization of human rights has been a primary role for every member of community to protect other member. Before Universal declaration of human rights, African societies had a long history of embracing human rights through Ubuntu approach model. The article used Ubuntu theory to guide the review process of existing literature since Ubuntu theory since is grounded in African cultural values and ecology, and it was thought that application of Ubuntu theory was relevant to reflect reality of Ubuntu model and indigenization of social work in African context. Results have shown that in realization of human rights, Ubuntu was practiced is termed as model, philosophy, cultural values, way of life or framework originated in sub-sahara Africa and some of remarkably practice model in several African communities such as Angola, (gimuntu), Botswana (muthu), Burkina Faso (maaya), Ghana (biako ye), Malawi (umunthu), Mali (maaya/hadama de ya), Namibia (omundu), Nigeria (mutunchi/iwa/agwa), (bantu), Sierra Leonne (maaya), South Africa (ubuntu/botho) and Tanzania (utu/obuntu/bumuntu). Collective and holistic mechanism of Ubuntu is found through an Ubuntu framework that is contributed by individual, family, community and spirit that is characterised by interconnectedness of all things and beings. Each society has its own name but the practice remained the same and realization of human rights in Africa context was centred through human dignity, Ubuntu is built under cultural values of humanism that brings implications for African social worker to integrate this indigenous model into social work practice in restoring and maintain human rights. Social workers should promote policies and practices that demonstrate respect for human life, difference, support and expansion of cultural knowledge and resources, advocate for programmes and institutions that demonstrate cultural competence and promote policies that safeguard the rights and confirm equity and social justice for all people.Keywords: African ubuntu, indigenous practice, African humanism, African human rights, social work and human rights
Procedia PDF Downloads 736486 Evaluation of Seismic Behavior of Steel Shear Wall with Opening with Hardener and Beam with Reduced Cross Section under Cycle Loading with Finite Element Analysis Method
Authors: Masoud Mahdavi
During an earthquake, the structure is subjected to seismic loads that cause tension in the members of the building. The use of energy dissipation elements in the structure reduces the percentage of seismic forces on the main members of the building (especially the columns). Steel plate shear wall, as one of the most widely used types of energy dissipation element, has evolved today, and regular drilling of its inner plate is one of the common cases. In the present study, using a finite element method, the shear wall of the steel plate is designed as a floor (with dimensions of 447 × 6/246 cm) with Abacus software and in three different modes on which a cyclic load has been applied. The steel shear wall has a horizontal element (beam) with a reduced beam section (RBS). The hole in the interior plate of the models is created in such a way that it has the process of increasing the area, which makes the effect of increasing the surface area of the hole on the seismic performance of the steel shear wall completely clear. In the end, it was found that with increasing the opening level in the steel shear wall (with reduced cross-section beam), total displacement and plastic strain indicators increased, structural capacity and total energy indicators decreased and the Mises Monson stress index did not change much.Keywords: steel plate shear wall with opening, cyclic loading, reduced cross-section beam, finite element method, Abaqus software
Procedia PDF Downloads 1236485 Complementary Child-Care by Grandparents: Comparisons of Zambia and the Netherlands
Authors: Francis Sichimba
Literature has increasingly acknowledged the important role that grandparents play in child care with evidence highlighting differences in grand-parental investment between countries and cultures. However, there are very few systematic cross cultural studies on grandparents’ participation in child care. Thus, we decided to conduct this study in Zambia and the Netherlands because the two countries differ rather drastically socially and culturally. The objective of this study was to investigate grand-parental involvement in child care in Zambia and the Netherlands. In line with the general objective, four hypotheses were formulated using nationality, family size, social economic status (SES), attachment security as independent variables. The study sample consisted of 411 undergraduate students from the University of Zambia and the University of Leiden. A questionnaire was used to measure grand-parental involvement in child care. Results indicated that grandparent involvement in child care was prevalent in both Zambia and Netherlands. However, as predicted it was found that Zambian grandparents (M = 9.69, SD=2.40) provided more care for their grandchildren compared to their Dutch counterparts (M = 7.80, SD=3.31) even after controlling for parents being alive. Using hierarchical logistic regression analysis the study revealed that nationality and attachment-related avoidance were significant predictors of grand-parental involvement in child care. It was concluded that grand-parental care is a great resource in offering complementary care in both countries.Keywords: attachment, care, grand-parenting involvement, social economic status
Procedia PDF Downloads 7216484 Branding a Powerful Catalyst for Rural Economic Development
Authors: Mojtaba Borhani
By employing the unique characteristics of a region, its economy, climate, geography, and culture, rural communities can create distinctive products. This approach not only boosts economic opportunities but also promotes sustainable growth and preserves cultural heritage. A strategic focus on branding and intellectual property (IP) is essential. By developing strong brands, rural areas can differentiate their products, increase their market value, and build consumer loyalty. Moreover, IP protection safeguards the creative and innovative output of rural communities, incentivizing further development. Rural branding can serve as a cornerstone for community empowerment. It can help to prevent rural exodus by providing economic incentives and a strong sense of place. Additionally, by protecting traditional knowledge and cultural expressions, branding contributes to the long-term sustainability of rural livelihoods.Keywords: intellectual property, regional branding, sustainable development, rural economy
Procedia PDF Downloads 266483 Attitudes toward Cultural Diversity: A Study of Russian Teachers
Authors: Rezeda Khairutdinova, Chulpan Gromova, Dina Birman
The paper presents results of an exploratory study of teachers’ social attitudes toward ethnic and religious diversity, and variables influencing such attitudes. The study was conducted in Russia and is focused on school teachers, given their special role in culturally diverse modern societies. Using the social distance scale (adapted from Bogardus, 1926), we sampled 355 school teachers from two Russian regions known for their high cultural diversity: Moscow and Moscow region, Kazan and Republic of Tatarstan, and measured teacher attitudes toward large religious and ethnic groups (including migrants). The findings showed that teachers hold mostly tolerant attitudes with respect to members belonging to culturally and religiously diverse groups. The social distance between respondents and native residents of their region was minimal. Social distance was larger with respect to such ethnic groups as migrants from the Caucasian and Central Asian countries. The analysis of perception of different religious groups also showed positive attitudes toward these groups and readiness to interact with them. Teacher attitudes were not related to their age or ethnicity. The findings indicated that there was a significant correlation between social distance and the region of residence on the one hand, and between social distance and the degree of social interaction on the other. The results of this study will be used to develop a large-scale study to contribute to a better understanding of teacher attitudes toward immigrant students in public schools.Keywords: attitudes of teachers, cultural diversity, migrants, social distance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1356482 Adaptation in Translation of 'Christmas Every Day' Short Story by William Dean Howells
Authors: Mohsine Khazrouni
The present study is an attempt to highlight the importance of adaptation in translation. To convey the message, the translator needs to take into account not only the text but also extra-linguistic factors such as the target audience. The present paper claims that adaptation is an unavoidable translation strategy when dealing with texts that are heavy with religious and cultural themes. The translation task becomes even more challenging when dealing with children’s literature as the audience are children whose comprehension, experience and world knowledge are limited. The study uses the Arabic translation of the short story ‘Christmas Every Day’ as a case study. The short story will be translated, and the pragmatic problems involved will be discussed. The focus will be on the issue of adaptation. i.e., the source text should be adapted to the target language audience`s social and cultural environment.Keywords: pragmatic adaptation, Arabic translation, children's literature, equivalence
Procedia PDF Downloads 2166481 Assessing the Values and Destruction Degree of Archaeological Sites in Taiwan
Authors: Yung-Chung Chuang
Current situation and accumulated development of archaeological sites have very high impacts on the preservation value of the site. This research set 3 archaeological sites in Taiwan as study areas. Assessment of the degree of destruction of cultural layers due to land use change and geomorphological change were conducted with aerial photographs (1976-1978; 2016-2017) and digital aerial survey technology on 2D and 3D geographic information system platforms. The results showed that the archaeological sites were all seriously influenced due to the high land use intensity between 1976-2017. Geomorphological changes caused by human cultivation and engineering construction were main causes of site destruction, especially in private lands. Therefore, urban planning methods for land acquisition or land regulation are necessary.Keywords: archaeological sites, accumulated development, destruction of cultural layers, geomorphological changes
Procedia PDF Downloads 2106480 The Impact of Different Extra-Linguistic and Intro–Linguistic Factors of Contemporary Albanian Technical Terminology
Authors: Gani Pllana, Sadete Pllana, Albulena Pllana Breznica
The history of appearance and development of technical fields in our country sheds light on the relationships they have entered into with social factors indicating what kinds of factors have prevailed in their appearance and development. Thus, for instance, at the end of the 19th century, a number of knowledge fields were stipulated by political factors, cultural and linguistic factors that are inextricably linked to our nation's efforts to arouse national consciousness through the growth of educational and cultural level of the people. Some sciences, through their fundamental special fields probably would be one of those factors that would accomplish this objective. Other factors were the opening of schools and the drafting of relevant textbooks thereby their accomplishment is to be achieved by means of written language. Therefore the first fundamental knowledge fields were embodied with them, such as mathematics, linguistics, geography.Keywords: Albanian language, development of terminology, standardization of terminology, technical fields
Procedia PDF Downloads 1726479 Analyzing the Representations of Afro-Peruvians in National TV Comedy Shows: The Construction of Parody and the Contradictory Responses to Afro-Peruvian TV Characters
Authors: Ana Lucia Mosquera Rosado
Media is believed to be the reflection of Peruvian society. However, the context in which media content is generated not always respond to an accurate representation of its cultural diversity, since many of the contents portray images of cultural minorities (indigenous and Afro-Peruvian) that contribute to the reproduction of negative stereotypes, having an impact on society. The current research paper aims to discuss the use of parody as a way of representing Afro-Peruvian population in the national television, through the reproduction of negative stereotypes and the construction of the black body, specifically relating the analysis to El Negro Mama, a very popular character in Peruvian television thought to be a portrait of the Afro-Peruvian men. In order to analyze these representations, the research will use the theory of simulation and simulacra, explained by James Baudrillard to understand the replacement of reality as a consequence of both of these concepts. This research paper will also focus on the social reaction to the existence of this character, in order to construct a hypothesis based on the theory of cultural hegemony, conceived by Jackson Lears as a legitimized group of patterns and behaviors that shape social interaction. This theoretical framework will be used to explain the popularity of this character among Peruvian society and the reactions caused by the controversy generated by the demands of civil society to remove the character from national television.Keywords: media representation, media, race and ethnicity, racist discourse, afro-descendants in the media
Procedia PDF Downloads 2556478 The Digital Living Archive and the Construction of a Participatory Cultural Memory in the DARE-UIA Project: Digital Environment for Collaborative Alliances to Regenerate Urban Ecosystems in Middle-Sized Cities
Authors: Giulia Cardoni, Francesca Fabbrii
Living archives perform a function of social memory sharing, which contributes to building social bonds, communities, and identities. This potential lies in the ability to live archives to put together an archival function, which allows the conservation and transmission of memory with an artistic, performative and creative function linked to the present. As part of the DARE-UIA (Digital environment for collaborative alliances to regenerate urban ecosystems in middle-sized cities) project the creation of a living digital archive made it possible to create a narrative that would consolidate the cultural memory of the Darsena district of the city of Ravenna. The aim of the project is to stimulate the urban regeneration of a suburban area of a city, enhancing its cultural memory and identity heritage through digital heritage tools. The methodology used involves various digital storytelling actions necessary for the overall narrative using georeferencing systems (GIS), storymaps and 3D reconstructions for a transversal narration of historical content such as personal and institutional historical photos and to enhance the industrial archeology heritage of the neighborhood. The aim is the creation of an interactive and replicable narrative in similar contexts to the Darsena district in Ravenna. The living archive, in which all the digital contents are inserted, finds its manifestation towards the outside in the form of a museum spread throughout the neighborhood, making the contents usable on smartphones via QR codes and totems inserted on-site, creating thematic itineraries spread around the neighborhood. The construction of an interactive and engaging digital narrative has made it possible to enhance the material and immaterial heritage of the neighborhood by recreating the community that has historically always distinguished it.Keywords: digital living archive, digital storytelling, GIS, 3D, open-air museum, urban regeneration, cultural memory
Procedia PDF Downloads 1076477 The World Heritage List: A Big Data Spatial Econometrics Approach to Sites Promoting the Brand
Authors: David Wuepper, Marc Patry
UNESCO’s World Heritage program requests the inscribed locations to promote the World Heritage brand by clearly presenting information about it on-site. Based on feedback from over 319,000 visitors at 791 locations, we create an index that shows how much the World Heritage sites actually brand themselves as such. We find great heterogeneity throughout the list and explain this econometrically mostly with the economic benefit for the sites but also with cultural brand preferences, which are highest in Asia, followed by Europe and North America. We also find a positive relationship between World Heritage branding and conservation status and a U-shaped relationship between visitor numbers and WH branding. Based on our findings, we recommend to make clear World Heritage branding mandatory for all sites.Keywords: UNESCO World Heritage, collective brand, cultural tourism, heritage conservation, brand equity, spatial econometrics
Procedia PDF Downloads 5886476 Communication Anxiety in Nigerian Students Studying English as a Foreign Language: Evidence from Colleges of Education Sector
Authors: Yasàlu Haruna
In every transaction, the use of language is central regardless of form or complexity if any meaning is expected to be harvested therefrom. Students constituting a population group in the learning landscape of Nigeria occupy a central position with a propensity to excel or otherwise in the context of communication, especially in the learning process and social interaction. The nature or quantum of anxiety or confidence in speaking a second language is not only peculiar to societies where the second language is not an official language but to a degree, the linguistic gap created by adoption and adaptation syndrome manifests in created anxiety or lack of confidence especially where mastery of a spoken language becomes a major challenge. This paper explores the manner in which linguistic complexity and cultural barriers combine to widen the adaptation and adoption gap. In much the same way, typical issues of pronouncement, intonation and accent difficulties are vital variables that explain the root cause of anxiety. Using a combination of primary and secondary sources of data expressed in questionnaires, key informant interviews and other available data, the paper concludes that the non-integration of anxiety possibility into the education delivery framework has left a lot to be needed in cultivating second language speakers among students of Nigerian Colleges of Education. In addition, cultural barriers and the absence of integration interfaces in the course of learning within and outside the classroom contribute to further widening the gap. Again, colleagues/mates/conversation partners' mastery of a second language remains a contributory factor largely due to the quality of the preparatory school system in many parts of the country. The paper recommends that national policies and frameworks must be reviewed to consider integration windows where culture and conversation partner deficiencies can be remedied through educational events such as debates, quizzes and symposia; improvements can be attained while commercial advertisements are tailored towards seeking for adoption of second language in commerce and major cultural activities.Keywords: cultural barriers, integration, college of education and adaptation, second language
Procedia PDF Downloads 946475 Health Tourists in Iran and Cultural Prejudices
Authors: Naeemeh Silvari
The tourism industry is important for different nations in two ways. Apart from economic benefits, it provides a basis for getting acquainted with the culture of different regions of the world. Depending on the capacities and contexts of their geography, countries try to attract more people to their country in different ways. Health tourism has been an important branch of the tourism industry in recent years, and many countries around the world are trying to make progress in this field and attract many tourists from around the world. Iran, like many developing countries in the Middle East and East Asia, is trying to improve and develop tourist attractions in the field of health. Due to the cheapness of providing medical services to tourists, many people have traveled to Iran for medical and health care. However, there is a long way to go before recognizing and reaching the desired position in this field. Due to the direct relationship between tourism and culture, the negative attitude towards the context of Iran has caused foreign travelers not to choose this country as their tourist destination. In this article, we tried to study the change in their attitude towards Iran by using semi-structured interviews of foreign travelers who traveled to Iran for treatment and medical services. The text of the interviews was coded and analyzed by MAX QDA software. Many of the people in the sample were from Middle Eastern and Arabic-speaking countries. Influenced by the media, they felt rejected by the Iranians before the trip. During their stay in Iran and in connection with the health care staff, in the first stage, they pointed out that many of their anxieties about the kind of treatment of Iranians have been allayed. In addition to the satisfaction with the medical services provided, they considered the atmosphere of Iranians' interaction with foreign travelers to be relatively appropriate, and some stated that Iran would be the destination of their leisure trip in the future. At the end of the research, policymakers were suggested that in order to resolve cultural contradictions rooted in values, they should first be recognized and seek to use other opportunities to resolve contradictions and form interactions with other cultures.Keywords: cultural conflict, health tourism, cultural prejudice, advertising and media
Procedia PDF Downloads 786474 The Coexistence of Creativity and Information in Convergence Journalism: Pakistan's Evolving Media Landscape
Authors: Misha Mirza
In recent years, the definition of journalism in Pakistan has changed, so has the mindset of people and their approach towards a news story. For the audience, news has become more interesting than a drama or a film. This research thus provides an insight into Pakistan’s evolving media landscape. It tries not only to bring forth the outcomes of cross-platform cooperation among print and broadcast journalism but also gives an insight into the interactive data visualization techniques being used. The storytelling in journalism in Pakistan has evolved from depicting merely the truth to tweaking, fabricating and producing docu-dramas. It aims to look into how news is translated to a visual. Pakistan acquires a diverse cultural heritage and by engaging audience through media, this history translates into the storytelling platform today. The paper explains how journalists are thriving in a converging media environment and provides an analysis of the narratives in television talk shows today.’ Jack of all, master of none’ is being challenged by the journalists today. One has to be a quality information gatherer and an effective storyteller at the same time. Are journalists really looking more into what sells rather than what matters? Express Tribune is a very popular news platform among the youth. Not only is their newspaper more attractive than the competitors but also their style of narrative and interactive web stories lead to well-rounded news. Interviews are used as the basic methodology to get an insight into how data visualization is compassed. The quest for finding out the difference between visualization of information versus the visualization of knowledge has led the author to delve into the work of David McCandless in his book ‘Knowledge is beautiful’. Journalism in Pakistan has evolved from information to combining knowledge, infotainment and comedy. What is being criticized the most by the society most often becomes the breaking news. Circulation in today’s world is carried out in cultural and social networks. In recent times, we have come across many examples where people have gained overnight popularity by releasing songs with substandard lyrics or senseless videos perhaps because creativity has taken over information. This paper thus discusses the various platforms of convergence journalism from Pakistan’s perspective. The study concludes with proving how Pakistani pop culture Truck art is coexisting with all the platforms in convergent journalism. The changing media landscape thus challenges the basic rules of journalism. The slapstick humor and ‘jhatka’ in Pakistani talk shows has evolved from the Pakistani truck art poetry. Mobile journalism has taken over all the other mediums of journalism; however, the Pakistani culture coexists with the converging landscape.Keywords: convergence journalism in Pakistan, data visualization, interactive narrative in Pakistani news, mobile journalism, Pakistan's truck art culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 2856473 Displacement and Cultural Capital in East Harlem: Use of Community Space in Affordable Artist Housing
Authors: Jun Ha Whang
As New York City weathers a swelling 'affordability crisis' marked by rapid transformation in land development and urban culture, much of the associated scholarly debate has turned to questions of the underlying mechanisms of gentrification. Though classically approached from the point of view of urban planning, increasingly these questions have been addressed with an eye to understanding the role of cultural capital in neighborhood valuation. This paper will examine the construction of an artist-specific affordable housing development in the Spanish Harlem neighborhood of Manhattan in order to identify and discuss several cultural parameters of gentrification. This study’s goal is not to argue that the development in question, named Art space PS 109, straightforwardly increases or decreases the rate of gentrification in Spanish Harlem, but rather to study dynamics present in the construction of Art space PS 109 as a case study considered against the broader landscape of gentrification in New York, particularly with respect to the impact of artist communities on housing supply. In the end, what Art space PS 109 most valuably offers us is a reference point for a comparative analysis of affordable housing strategies currently being pursued within municipal government. Our study of Art space PS 109 has allowed us to examine a microcosm of the city’s response and evaluate its overall strategy accordingly. As a base line, the city must aggressively pursue an affordability strategy specifically suited to the needs of each of its neighborhoods. It must also conduct this in such a way so as not to undermine its own efforts by rendering them susceptible to the exploitative involvement of real estate developers seeking to identify successive waves of trendy neighborhoods. Though Art space PS 109 offers an invaluable resource for the city’s legitimate aim of preserving its artist communities, with such a high inclusion rate of artists from outside of the community the project risks additional displacement, strongly suggesting the need for further study of the implications of sites of cultural capital for neighborhood planning.Keywords: artist housing, displacement, east Harlem, urban planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1636472 Listening to Circles, Playing Lights: A Study of Cross-Modal Perception in Music
Authors: Roni Granot, Erica Polini
Music is often described in terms of non-auditory adjectives such as a rising melody, a bright sound, or a zigzagged contour. Such cross modal associations have been studied with simple isolated musical parameters, but only rarely in rich musical contexts. The current study probes cross sensory associations with polarity based dimensions by means of pairings of 10 adjectives: blunt-sharp, relaxed-tense, heavy-light, low (in space)-high, low (pitch)-high, big-small, hard-soft, active-passive, bright-dark, sad-happy. 30 participants (randomly assigned to one of two groups) were asked to rate one of 27 short saxophone improvisations on a 1 to 6 scale where 1 and six correspond to the opposite pole of each dimension. The 27 improvisations included three exemplars for each of three dimensions (size, brightness, sharpness), played by three different players. Here we focus on the question of whether ratings of scales corresponding with the musical dimension were consistently rated as such (e.g. music improvised to represent a white circle rated as bright in contrast with music improvised to represent a dark circle rated as dark). Overall the average scores by dimension showed an upward trend in the equivalent verbal scale, with a low rating for small, bright and sharp musical improvisations and higher scores for large, dark and blunt improvisations. Friedman tests indicate a statistically significant difference for brightness (χ2 (2) = 19.704, p = .000) and sharpness dimensions (χ2 (2) = 15.750, p = .000), but not for size (χ2 (2) = 1.444, p = .486). Post hoc analysis with Wilcoxon signed-rank tests within the brightness dimension, show significant differences among all possible parings resulted in significant differences: the rankings of 'bright' and 'dark' (Z = -3.310, p = .001), of 'bright' and 'medium' (Z = -2.438, p = .015) and of 'dark' and 'medium' music (Z = -2.714, p = .007); but only differences between the extreme contrasts within the sharpness dimension : 'sharp' and 'blunt' music (Z = -3.147, p = .002) and between 'sharp' and 'medium' music rated on the sharpness scale (Z = - 3.054, p = .002), but not between 'medium' and 'blunt' music (Z = -.982, p = .326). In summary our study suggests a privileged link between music and the perceptual and semantic domain of brightness. In contrast, size seems to be very difficult to convey in music, whereas sharpness seems to be mapped onto the two extremes (sharp vs. blunt) rather than continuously. This is nicely reflected in the musical literature in titles and texts which stress the association between music and concepts of light or darkness rather than sharpness or size.Keywords: audiovisual, brightness, cross-modal perception, cross-sensory correspondences, size, visual angularity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2226471 Pharmacy Practice Research's Future
Authors: Ragy Raafat Gaber Attaalla
Background: The research begins with a summary of the state of pharmacy practice research, both now and in the future. The concerns that are relevant to practice research are then covered in this research to set the stage. These concerns include shifts in the demography of the population, technological advancements, the institutional function of pharmacies, consumer behavior, and the pharmacy profession itself. It also describes the significant changes in pharmacy practice research, such as interprofessional collaboration and patient teaming, the description and measurement of intervention results, and the cultural diversity of patients. Methods: It would be most frequently employed in the next pharmacy practice research are highlighted in the conclusion. They cover the cultural diversity of patients, documenting and assessing the results of interventions, and interdisciplinary communication and partnership with patients. Results: The rise of large and complicated data sets, the handling of electronic health records, and the use of a wide range of mixed techniques by pharmacy practice researchers are a few potential future methodological obstacles.Keywords: pharmacy, practice, research, significant changes
Procedia PDF Downloads 136470 Theatre, Tea-Time and Harpsichords: Women’s Entertainment and Sensibility in Eighteenth-Century England
Authors: Ayako Otomo
This paper will examines the rise of a feminine orientation regarding arts and culture associated with the notion of Sensibility during the early part of the English long eighteenth century. As is widely known, the prosperous modernisation that occurred in this period was a significant factor in the nation taking a leading role in the emergent Enlightenment via the social, political and scientific advancement of Britain. As a result, this prompted the relaxing of the strictures of class and gender hierarchies in line with the new consumerism and cosmopolitanism of the nation. Accordingly, there was a significant increase of female involvement in artistic and cultural consumption. This can be understood in terms of the notion of Sensibility, associating it further with the fields of physiology, psychology and aesthetics, indebted in their turn to British Empiricism. This paper first traces the background of how women were recognisably involved in artistic and cultural circulation within an historical perspective that is articulated by the notion of Sensibility. Then, the discussion turns to the confluence of the issues of female association, creativity and the feminisation of the aesthetic of the arts and culture employing an interdisciplinary perspective. Arts and culture can also classified by public and private social spheres and gender according to Jürgen Habermas. The relationship between women and the theatre became a public issue. Music-making such as playing the harpsichord, reading, and conversation within the ritualistic teatime space dominated many of the artistic and cultural activities within the domestic private sphere.Keywords: theatre, arts, sensibility, 18th century England
Procedia PDF Downloads 3656469 Design, Development and Evaluation of Ketoconazole Loaded Nanosponges in Hydrogel for the Management of Topical Fungal Infections
Authors: Nagasamy Venkatesh Dhandapani
This work aims at investigating the use of β-Cyclodextrin as a cross linker, in an attempt to formulate nanosponges containing ketoconazole. The nanosponges were prepared by cross-linking method. The excipients used in this study did not alter the physicochemical properties of a drug as revealed by FTIR spectroscopy. Studies on various formulation variables revealed that all the variables are inter-related with the formulation. The ideal batch among the formulation was selected based on the higher entrapment efficiency and drug loading. The in vitro release studies of ketoconazole nanosponges in hydrogel exhibited a sustained release over a period of 24 hours. Mathematical analysis of drug release from the formulation followed non-Fickian diffusion obeying first order kinetics. The anti-fungal activity of the formulation exhibited better zone of inhibition when compared to pure drug (ketoconazole) against Tinea corporis.Keywords: nanosponges, beta-cyclodextrin, ketoconazole, tinea corporis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1586468 Electric Field Analysis of XLPE, Cross-Linked Polyethylene Covered Aerial Line and Insulator Lashing
Authors: Jyh-Cherng Gu, Ming-Ta Yang, Dai-Ling Tsai
Both sparse lashing and dense lashing are applied to secure overhead XLPE (cross-linked polyethylene) covered power lines on ceramic insulators or HDPE polymer insulators. The distribution of electric field in and among the lashing wires, the XLPE power lines and insulators in normal clean condition and when conducting materials such as salt, metal particles, dust, smoke or acidic smog are present is studied in this paper. The ANSYS Maxwell commercial software is used in this study for electric field analysis. Although the simulation analysis is performed assuming ideal conditions due to the constraints of the simulation software, the result may not be the same as in real situation but still be of sufficient practical values.Keywords: electric field intensity, insulator, XLPE covered aerial line, empty
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