Search results for: location quotients model
17466 Model Order Reduction for Frequency Response and Effect of Order of Method for Matching Condition
Authors: Aref Ghafouri, Mohammad javad Mollakazemi, Farhad Asadi
In this paper, model order reduction method is used for approximation in linear and nonlinearity aspects in some experimental data. This method can be used for obtaining offline reduced model for approximation of experimental data and can produce and follow the data and order of system and also it can match to experimental data in some frequency ratios. In this study, the method is compared in different experimental data and influence of choosing of order of the model reduction for obtaining the best and sufficient matching condition for following the data is investigated in format of imaginary and reality part of the frequency response curve and finally the effect and important parameter of number of order reduction in nonlinear experimental data is explained further.Keywords: frequency response, order of model reduction, frequency matching condition, nonlinear experimental data
Procedia PDF Downloads 40417465 Nonlinear Modeling of the PEMFC Based on NNARX Approach
Authors: Shan-Jen Cheng, Te-Jen Chang, Kuang-Hsiung Tan, Shou-Ling Kuo
Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) is such a time-vary nonlinear dynamic system. The traditional linear modeling approach is hard to estimate structure correctly of PEMFC system. From this reason, this paper presents a nonlinear modeling of the PEMFC using Neural Network Auto-regressive model with eXogenous inputs (NNARX) approach. The multilayer perception (MLP) network is applied to evaluate the structure of the NNARX model of PEMFC. The validity and accuracy of NNARX model are tested by one step ahead relating output voltage to input current from measured experimental of PEMFC. The results show that the obtained nonlinear NNARX model can efficiently approximate the dynamic mode of the PEMFC and model output and system measured output consistently.Keywords: PEMFC, neural network, nonlinear modeling, NNARX
Procedia PDF Downloads 38217464 The Profit Trend of Cosmetics Products Using Bootstrap Edgeworth Approximation
Authors: Edlira Donefski, Lorenc Ekonomi, Tina Donefski
Edgeworth approximation is one of the most important statistical methods that has a considered contribution in the reduction of the sum of standard deviation of the independent variables’ coefficients in a Quantile Regression Model. This model estimates the conditional median or other quantiles. In this paper, we have applied approximating statistical methods in an economical problem. We have created and generated a quantile regression model to see how the profit gained is connected with the realized sales of the cosmetic products in a real data, taken from a local business. The Linear Regression of the generated profit and the realized sales was not free of autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity, so this is the reason that we have used this model instead of Linear Regression. Our aim is to analyze in more details the relation between the variables taken into study: the profit and the finalized sales and how to minimize the standard errors of the independent variable involved in this study, the level of realized sales. The statistical methods that we have applied in our work are Edgeworth Approximation for Independent and Identical distributed (IID) cases, Bootstrap version of the Model and the Edgeworth approximation for Bootstrap Quantile Regression Model. The graphics and the results that we have presented here identify the best approximating model of our study.Keywords: bootstrap, edgeworth approximation, IID, quantile
Procedia PDF Downloads 15917463 Efficient Frequent Itemset Mining Methods over Real-Time Spatial Big Data
Authors: Hamdi Sana, Emna Bouazizi, Sami Faiz
In recent years, there is a huge increase in the use of spatio-temporal applications where data and queries are continuously moving. As a result, the need to process real-time spatio-temporal data seems clear and real-time stream data management becomes a hot topic. Sliding window model and frequent itemset mining over dynamic data are the most important problems in the context of data mining. Thus, sliding window model for frequent itemset mining is a widely used model for data stream mining due to its emphasis on recent data and its bounded memory requirement. These methods use the traditional transaction-based sliding window model where the window size is based on a fixed number of transactions. Actually, this model supposes that all transactions have a constant rate which is not suited for real-time applications. And the use of this model in such applications endangers their performance. Based on these observations, this paper relaxes the notion of window size and proposes the use of a timestamp-based sliding window model. In our proposed frequent itemset mining algorithm, support conditions are used to differentiate frequents and infrequent patterns. Thereafter, a tree is developed to incrementally maintain the essential information. We evaluate our contribution. The preliminary results are quite promising.Keywords: real-time spatial big data, frequent itemset, transaction-based sliding window model, timestamp-based sliding window model, weighted frequent patterns, tree, stream query
Procedia PDF Downloads 16517462 Masked Candlestick Model: A Pre-Trained Model for Trading Prediction
Authors: Ling Qi, Matloob Khushi, Josiah Poon
This paper introduces a pre-trained Masked Candlestick Model (MCM) for trading time-series data. The pre-trained model is based on three core designs. First, we convert trading price data at each data point as a set of normalized elements and produce embeddings of each element. Second, we generate a masked sequence of such embedded elements as inputs for self-supervised learning. Third, we use the encoder mechanism from the transformer to train the inputs. The masked model learns the contextual relations among the sequence of embedded elements, which can aid downstream classification tasks. To evaluate the performance of the pre-trained model, we fine-tune MCM for three different downstream classification tasks to predict future price trends. The fine-tuned models achieved better accuracy rates for all three tasks than the baseline models. To better analyze the effectiveness of MCM, we test the same architecture for three currency pairs, namely EUR/GBP, AUD/USD, and EUR/JPY. The experimentation results demonstrate MCM’s effectiveness on all three currency pairs and indicate the MCM’s capability for signal extraction from trading data.Keywords: masked language model, transformer, time series prediction, trading prediction, embedding, transfer learning, self-supervised learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 12917461 Conditions for Model Matching of Switched Asynchronous Sequential Machines with Output Feedback
Authors: Jung–Min Yang
Solvability of the model matching problem for input/output switched asynchronous sequential machines is discussed in this paper. The control objective is to determine the existence condition and design algorithm for a corrective controller that can match the stable-state behavior of the closed-loop system to that of a reference model. Switching operations and correction procedures are incorporated using output feedback so that the controlled switched machine can show the desired input/output behavior. A matrix expression is presented to address reachability of switched asynchronous sequential machines with output equivalence with respect to a model. The presented reachability condition for the controller design is validated in a simple example.Keywords: asynchronous sequential machines, corrective control, model matching, input/output control
Procedia PDF Downloads 34417460 Defining a Holistic Approach for Model-Based System Engineering: Paradigm and Modeling Requirements
Authors: Hycham Aboutaleb, Bruno Monsuez
Current systems complexity has reached a degree that requires addressing conception and design issues while taking into account all the necessary aspects. Therefore, one of the main challenges is the way complex systems are specified and designed. The exponential growing effort, cost and time investment of complex systems in modeling phase emphasize the need for a paradigm, a framework and a environment to handle the system model complexity. For that, it is necessary to understand the expectations of the human user of the model and his limits. This paper presents a generic framework for designing complex systems, highlights the requirements a system model needs to fulfill to meet human user expectations, and defines the refined functional as well as non functional requirements modeling tools needs to meet to be useful in model-based system engineering.Keywords: system modeling, modeling language, modeling requirements, framework
Procedia PDF Downloads 53217459 A Stochastic Analytic Hierarchy Process Based Weighting Model for Sustainability Measurement in an Organization
Authors: Faramarz Khosravi, Gokhan Izbirak
A weighted statistical stochastic based Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model for modeling the potential barriers and enablers of sustainability for measuring and assessing the sustainability level is proposed. For context-dependent potential barriers and enablers, the proposed model takes the basis of the properties of the variables describing the sustainability functions and was developed into a realistic analytical model for the sustainable behavior of an organization. This thus serves as a means for measuring the sustainability of the organization. The main focus of this paper was the application of the AHP tool in a statistically-based model for measuring sustainability. Hence a strong weighted stochastic AHP based procedure was achieved. A case study scenario of a widely reported major Canadian electric utility was adopted to demonstrate the applicability of the developed model and comparatively examined its results with those of an equal-weighted model method. Variations in the sustainability of a company, as fluctuations, were figured out during the time. In the results obtained, sustainability index for successive years changed form 73.12%, 79.02%, 74.31%, 76.65%, 80.49%, 79.81%, 79.83% to more exact values 73.32%, 77.72%, 76.76%, 79.41%, 81.93%, 79.72%, and 80,45% according to priorities of factors that have found by expert views, respectively. By obtaining relatively necessary informative measurement indicators, the model can practically and effectively evaluate the sustainability extent of any organization and also to determine fluctuations in the organization over time.Keywords: AHP, sustainability fluctuation, environmental indicators, performance measurement
Procedia PDF Downloads 12217458 A Robust Theoretical Elastoplastic Continuum Damage T-H-M Model for Rock Surrounding a Wellbore
Authors: Nikolaos Reppas, Yilin Gui, Ben Wetenhall, Colin Davie
Injection of CO2 inside wellbore can induce different kind of loadings that can lead to thermal, hydraulic, and mechanical changes on the surrounding rock. A dual-porosity theoretical constitutive model will be presented for the stability analysis of the wellbore during CO2 injection. An elastoplastic damage response will be considered. A bounding yield surface will be presented considering damage effects on sandstone. The main target of the research paper is to present a theoretical constitutive model that can help industries to safely store CO2 in geological rock formations and forecast any changes on the surrounding rock of the wellbore. The fully coupled elasto-plastic damage Thermo-Hydraulic-Mechanical theoretical model will be validated from existing experimental data for sandstone after simulating some scenarios by using FEM on MATLAB software.Keywords: carbon capture and storage, rock mechanics, THM effects on rock, constitutive model
Procedia PDF Downloads 15317457 Hybrid Adaptive Modeling to Enhance Robustness of Real-Time Optimization
Authors: Hussain Syed Asad, Richard Kwok Kit Yuen, Gongsheng Huang
Real-time optimization has been considered an effective approach for improving energy efficient operation of heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. In model-based real-time optimization, model mismatches cannot be avoided. When model mismatches are significant, the performance of the real-time optimization will be impaired and hence the expected energy saving will be reduced. In this paper, the model mismatches for chiller plant on real-time optimization are considered. In the real-time optimization of the chiller plant, simplified semi-physical or grey box model of chiller is always used, which should be identified using available operation data. To overcome the model mismatches associated with the chiller model, hybrid Genetic Algorithms (HGAs) method is used for online real-time training of the chiller model. HGAs combines Genetic Algorithms (GAs) method (for global search) and traditional optimization method (i.e. faster and more efficient for local search) to avoid conventional hit and trial process of GAs. The identification of model parameters is synthesized as an optimization problem; and the objective function is the Least Square Error between the output from the model and the actual output from the chiller plant. A case study is used to illustrate the implementation of the proposed method. It has been shown that the proposed approach is able to provide reliability in decision making, enhance the robustness of the real-time optimization strategy and improve on energy performance.Keywords: energy performance, hybrid adaptive modeling, hybrid genetic algorithms, real-time optimization, heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning
Procedia PDF Downloads 41817456 Project Objective Structure Model: An Integrated, Systematic and Balanced Approach in Order to Achieve Project Objectives
Authors: Mohammad Reza Oftadeh
The purpose of the article is to describe project objective structure (POS) concept that was developed on research activities and experiences about project management, Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and European Foundation Quality Management Excellence Model (EFQM Excellence Model). Furthermore, this paper tries to define a balanced, systematic, and integrated measurement approach to meet project objectives and project strategic goals based on a process-oriented model. In this paper, POS is suggested in order to measure project performance in the project life cycle. After using the POS model, the project manager can ensure in order to achieve the project objectives on the project charter. This concept can help project managers to implement integrated and balanced monitoring and control project work.Keywords: project objectives, project performance management, PMBOK, key performance indicators, integration management
Procedia PDF Downloads 38117455 PH.WQT as a Web Quality Model for Websites of Government Domain
Authors: Rupinder Pal Kaur, Vishal Goyal
In this research, a systematic and quantitative engineering-based approach is followed by applying well-known international standards and guidelines to develop a web quality model (PH.WQT- Punjabi and Hindi Website Quality Tester) to measure external quality for websites of government domain that are developed in Punjabi and Hindi. Correspondingly, the model can be used for websites developed in other languages also. The research is valuable to researchers and practitioners interested in designing, implementing and managing websites of government domain Also, by implementing PH.WQT analysis and comparisons among web sites of government domain can be performed in a consistent way.Keywords: external quality, PH.WQT, indian languages, punjabi and hindi, quality model, websites of government
Procedia PDF Downloads 30717454 A Large-Strain Thermoviscoplastic Damage Model
Authors: João Paulo Pascon
A constitutive model accounting for large strains, thermoviscoplasticity, and ductile damage evolution is proposed in the present work. To this end, a fully Lagrangian framework is employed, considering plane stress conditions and multiplicative split of the deformation gradient. The full model includes Gurson’s void growth, nucleation and coalescence, plastic work heating, strain and strain-rate hardening, thermal softening, and heat conductivity. The contribution of the work is the combination of all the above-mentioned features within the finite-strain setting. The model is implemented in a computer code using triangular finite elements and nonlinear analysis. Two mechanical examples involving ductile damage and finite strain levels are analyzed: an inhomogeneous tension specimen and the necking problem. Results demonstrate the capabilities of the developed formulation regarding ductile fracture and large deformations.Keywords: ductile damage model, finite element method, large strains, thermoviscoplasticity
Procedia PDF Downloads 8617453 The Logistics Collaboration in Supply Chain of Orchid Industry in Thailand
Authors: Chattrarat Hotrawaisaya
This research aims to formulate the logistics collaborative model which is the management tool for orchid flower exporter. The researchers study logistics activities in orchid supply chain that stakeholders can collaborate and develop, including demand forecasting, inventory management, warehouse and storage, order-processing, and transportation management. The research also explores logistics collaboration implementation into orchid’s stakeholders. The researcher collected data before implementation and after model implementation. Consequently, the costs and efficiency were calculated and compared between pre and post period of implementation. The research found that the results of applying the logistics collaborative model to orchid exporter reduces inventory cost and transport cost. The model also improves forecasting accuracy, and synchronizes supply chain of exporter. This research paper contributes the uniqueness logistics collaborative model which value to orchid industry in Thailand. The orchid exporters may use this model as their management tool which aims in competitive advantage.Keywords: logistics, orchid, supply chain, collaboration
Procedia PDF Downloads 43817452 Hydro-Gravimetric Ann Model for Prediction of Groundwater Level
Authors: Jayanta Kumar Ghosh, Swastik Sunil Goriwale, Himangshu Sarkar
Groundwater is one of the most valuable natural resources that society consumes for its domestic, industrial, and agricultural water supply. Its bulk and indiscriminate consumption affects the groundwater resource. Often, it has been found that the groundwater recharge rate is much lower than its demand. Thus, to maintain water and food security, it is necessary to monitor and management of groundwater storage. However, it is challenging to estimate groundwater storage (GWS) by making use of existing hydrological models. To overcome the difficulties, machine learning (ML) models are being introduced for the evaluation of groundwater level (GWL). Thus, the objective of this research work is to develop an ML-based model for the prediction of GWL. This objective has been realized through the development of an artificial neural network (ANN) model based on hydro-gravimetry. The model has been developed using training samples from field observations spread over 8 months. The developed model has been tested for the prediction of GWL in an observation well. The root means square error (RMSE) for the test samples has been found to be 0.390 meters. Thus, it can be concluded that the hydro-gravimetric-based ANN model can be used for the prediction of GWL. However, to improve the accuracy, more hydro-gravimetric parameter/s may be considered and tested in future.Keywords: machine learning, hydro-gravimetry, ground water level, predictive model
Procedia PDF Downloads 12717451 A Study in Optimization of FSI(Floor Space Index) in Kerala
Authors: Anjali Suresh
Kerala is well known for its unique settlement pattern; comprising the most part, a continuous spread of habitation. The notable urbanization trend in Kerala is urban spread rather than concentration which points out the increasing urbanization of peripheral areas of existing urban centers. This has thrown a challenge for the authorities to cater the needs of the urban population like to provide affordable housing and infrastructure facilities to sustain their livelihood; which is a matter of concern that needs policy attention in fixing the optimum FSI value. Based on recent reports (Post Disaster Need Analysis –PDNA) from the UN, addressing the unsafe situation of the carpet FAR/FSI practice in the state showcasing the varying geological & climatic conditions should also be the matter of concern. The FSI (Floor space index- the ratio of the built-up space on a plot to the area of the plot) value is certainly one of the key regulation factors in checking the land utilization for the varying occupancies desired for the overall development of a state with limitation in land availability when compared to its neighbors. The pattern of urbanization, physical conditions, topography, etc., varies within the state and can change remarkably over time which identifies that the practicing FSI norms in Kerala does not fulfils the intended function. Thus the FSI regulation is expected to change dynamically from location to location. So for determining the optimum value of FSI /FAR of a region in the state of Kerala, the government agencies should consider the optimum land utilization for the growing urbanization. On the other hand, shall keep in check the overutilization of the same in par with environmental and geographic nature. Therefore the study identifies parameters that should be considered for assigning FSI within the Kerala context, and through expert surveys; opinions arrive at a methodology for assigning an optimum FSI value of a region in the state of Kerala.Keywords: floor space index, urbanization, density, civic pressure, optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 10517450 Study and Analysis of a Susceptible Infective Susceptible Mathematical Model with Density Dependent Migration
Authors: Jitendra Singh, Vivek Kumar
In this paper, a susceptible infective susceptible mathematical model is proposed and analyzed where the migration of human population is given by migration function. It is assumed that the disease is transmitted by direct contact of susceptible and infective populations with constant contact rate. The equilibria and their stability are studied by using the stability theory of ordinary differential equations and computer simulation. The model analysis shows that the spread of infectious disease increases when human population immigration increases in the habitat but it decreases if emigration increases.Keywords: SIS (Susceptible Infective Susceptible) model, migration function, susceptible, stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 26417449 Determination of the Axial-Vector from an Extended Linear Sigma Model
Authors: Tarek Sayed Taha Ali
The dependence of the axial-vector coupling constant gA on the quark masses has been investigated in the frame work of the extended linear sigma model. The field equations have been solved in the mean-field approximation. Our study shows a better fitting to the experimental data compared with the existing models.Keywords: extended linear sigma model, nucleon properties, axial coupling constant, physic
Procedia PDF Downloads 44717448 Biophysical Analysis of the Interaction of Polymeric Nanoparticles with Biomimetic Models of the Lung Surfactant
Authors: Weiam Daear, Patrick Lai, Elmar Prenner
The human body offers many avenues that could be used for drug delivery. The pulmonary route, which is delivered through the lungs, presents many advantages that have sparked interested in the field. These advantages include; 1) direct access to the lungs and the large surface area it provides, and 2) close proximity to the blood circulation. The air-blood barrier of the alveoli is about 500 nm thick. The air-blood barrier consist of a monolayer of lipids and few proteins called the lung surfactant and cells. This monolayer consists of ~90% lipids and ~10% proteins that are produced by the alveolar epithelial cells. The two major lipid classes constitutes of various saturation and chain length of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) representing 80% of total lipid component. The major role of the lung surfactant monolayer is to reduce surface tension experienced during breathing cycles in order to prevent lung collapse. In terms of the pulmonary drug delivery route, drugs pass through various parts of the respiratory system before reaching the alveoli. It is at this location that the lung surfactant functions as the air-blood barrier for drugs. As the field of nanomedicine advances, the use of nanoparticles (NPs) as drug delivery vehicles is becoming very important. This is due to the advantages NPs provide with their large surface area and potential specific targeting. Therefore, studying the interaction of NPs with lung surfactant and whether they affect its stability becomes very essential. The aim of this research is to develop a biomimetic model of the human lung surfactant followed by a biophysical analysis of the interaction of polymeric NPs. This biomimetic model will function as a fast initial mode of testing for whether NPs affect the stability of the human lung surfactant. The model developed thus far is an 8-component lipid system that contains major PC and PG lipids. Recently, a custom made 16:0/16:1 PC and PG lipids were added to the model system. In the human lung surfactant, these lipids constitute 16% of the total lipid component. According to the author’s knowledge, there is not much monolayer data on the biophysical analysis of the 16:0/16:1 lipids, therefore more analysis will be discussed here. Biophysical techniques such as the Langmuir Trough is used for stability measurements which monitors changes to a monolayer's surface pressure upon NP interaction. Furthermore, Brewster Angle Microscopy (BAM) employed to visualize changes to the lateral domain organization. Results show preferential interactions of NPs with different lipid groups that is also dependent on the monolayer fluidity. Furthermore, results show that the film stability upon compression is unaffected, but there are significant changes in the lateral domain organization of the lung surfactant upon NP addition. This research is significant in the field of pulmonary drug delivery. It is shown that NPs within a certain size range are safe for the pulmonary route, but little is known about the mode of interaction of those polymeric NPs. Moreover, this work will provide additional information about the nanotoxicology of NPs tested.Keywords: Brewster angle microscopy, lipids, lung surfactant, nanoparticles
Procedia PDF Downloads 18017447 Calpoly Autonomous Transportation Experience: Software for Driverless Vehicle Operating on Campus
Authors: F. Tang, S. Boskovich, A. Raheja, Z. Aliyazicioglu, S. Bhandari, N. Tsuchiya
Calpoly Autonomous Transportation Experience (CATE) is a driverless vehicle that we are developing to provide safe, accessible, and efficient transportation of passengers throughout the Cal Poly Pomona campus for events such as orientation tours. Unlike the other self-driving vehicles that are usually developed to operate with other vehicles and reside only on the road networks, CATE will operate exclusively on walk-paths of the campus (potentially narrow passages) with pedestrians traveling from multiple locations. Safety becomes paramount as CATE operates within the same environment as pedestrians. As driverless vehicles assume greater roles in today’s transportation, this project will contribute to autonomous driving with pedestrian traffic in a highly dynamic environment. The CATE project requires significant interdisciplinary work. Researchers from mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science are working together to attack the problem from different perspectives (hardware, software and system). In this abstract, we describe the software aspects of the project, with a focus on the requirements and the major components. CATE shall provide a GUI interface for the average user to interact with the car and access its available functionalities, such as selecting a destination from any origin on campus. We have developed an interface that provides an aerial view of the campus map, the current car location, routes, and the goal location. Users can interact with CATE through audio or manual inputs. CATE shall plan routes from the origin to the selected destination for the vehicle to travel. We will use an existing aerial map for the campus and convert it to a spatial graph configuration where the vertices represent the landmarks and edges represent paths that the car should follow with some designated behaviors (such as stay on the right side of the lane or follow an edge). Graph search algorithms such as A* will be implemented as the default path planning algorithm. D* Lite will be explored to efficiently recompute the path when there are any changes to the map. CATE shall avoid any static obstacles and walking pedestrians within some safe distance. Unlike traveling along traditional roadways, CATE’s route directly coexists with pedestrians. To ensure the safety of the pedestrians, we will use sensor fusion techniques that combine data from both lidar and stereo vision for obstacle avoidance while also allowing CATE to operate along its intended route. We will also build prediction models for pedestrian traffic patterns. CATE shall improve its location and work under a GPS-denied situation. CATE relies on its GPS to give its current location, which has a precision of a few meters. We have implemented an Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) that allows the fusion of data from multiple sensors (such as GPS, IMU, odometry) in order to increase the confidence of localization. We also noticed that GPS signals can easily get degraded or blocked on campus due to high-rise buildings or trees. UKF can also help here to generate a better state estimate. In summary, CATE will provide on-campus transportation experience that coexists with dynamic pedestrian traffic. In future work, we will extend it to multi-vehicle scenarios.Keywords: driverless vehicle, path planning, sensor fusion, state estimate
Procedia PDF Downloads 14717446 Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Lacrimal Gland (About a Case)
Authors: H. Hadjeris, R. B. Ghoul, Lekhlaf, M. Nebbal
Introduction: Adenoid cystic carcinomas of the lacrimal gland or orbital cylindroma constitute the second cause of epithelial tumors of this gland. It is a malignant tumor usually developed at the expense of the salivary glands; its orbital location is exceptional. It is a rare clinical entity, formidable by its malignancy and local aggressiveness; the recurrence rate is high. Materials and methods: Clinical case: 63 years old woman who presents with irreducible no pulsatile painful left exophthalmos with inflammatory chemosis and a decrease in visual acuity with a moderate intracranial hypertension syndrome that has been evolving for 03 months. Antecedent; a biopsy of the tumor was made; the histological examination was in favor of an adenoid cystic carcinoma of the lacrimal gland. Lesion assessment: computed tomography and brain MRI: show an intra and extra-conical mass; with sinus (ethmoido-frontal) and cerebral (left frontal) extension strongly enhanced after injection of contrast product surrounded by edema around the lesion, associated with left frontal bone lysis extension assessment: unremarkable treatment: Patient operated by left frontotemporal approach, a total exenteration was performed with macroscopically complete excision of the frontal lesion and wide frontal craniectomy with craniofacial reconstruction, followed by complementary radiotherapy. Results: The patient was seen again after 3 months in consultation; she does not present any signs in favor of a recurrence. Conclusion: Adenoid cystic carcinomas of the lacrimal gland are rare malignant tumors; they are very infiltrating and invasive. The prognosis is strongly linked to the treatment time.Keywords: adenoid cystic, lacrimal gland, orbital location, fronto-temporal approac
Procedia PDF Downloads 7117445 A Comparison of Smoothing Spline Method and Penalized Spline Regression Method Based on Nonparametric Regression Model
Authors: Autcha Araveeporn
This paper presents a study about a nonparametric regression model consisting of a smoothing spline method and a penalized spline regression method. We also compare the techniques used for estimation and prediction of nonparametric regression model. We tried both methods with crude oil prices in dollars per barrel and the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) index. According to the results, it is concluded that smoothing spline method performs better than that of penalized spline regression method.Keywords: nonparametric regression model, penalized spline regression method, smoothing spline method, Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)
Procedia PDF Downloads 44017444 Patient Tracking Challenges During Disasters and Emergencies
Authors: Mohammad H. Yarmohammadian, Reza Safdari, Mahmoud Keyvanara, Nahid Tavakoli
One of the greatest challenges in disaster and emergencies is patient tracking. The concept of tracking has different denotations. One of the meanings refers to tracking patients’ physical locations and the other meaning refers to tracking patients ‘medical needs during emergency services. The main goal of patient tracking is to provide patient safety during disaster and emergencies and manage the flow of patient and information in different locations. In most of cases, there are not sufficient and accurate data regarding the number of injuries, medical conditions and their accommodation and transference. The objective of the present study is to survey on patient tracking issue in natural disaster and emergencies. Methods: This was a narrative study in which the population was E-Journals and the electronic database such as PubMed, Proquest, Science direct, Elsevier, etc. Data was gathered by Extraction Form. All data were analyzed via content analysis. Results: In many countries there is no appropriate and rapid method for tracking patients and transferring victims after the occurrence of incidents. The absence of reliable data of patients’ transference and accommodation, even in the initial hours and days after the occurrence of disasters, and coordination for appropriate resource allocation, have faced challenges for evaluating needs and services challenges. Currently, most of emergency services are based on paper systems, while these systems do not act appropriately in great disasters and incidents and this issue causes information loss. Conclusion: Patient tracking system should update the location of patients or evacuees and information related to their states. Patients’ information should be accessible for authorized users to continue their treatment, accommodation and transference. Also it should include timely information of patients’ location as soon as they arrive somewhere and leave therein such a way that health care professionals can be able to provide patients’ proper medical treatment.Keywords: patient tracking, challenges, disaster, emergency
Procedia PDF Downloads 30917443 Topology Optimization of Heat Exchanger Manifolds for Aircraft
Authors: Hanjong Kim, Changwan Han, Seonghun Park
Heat exchanger manifolds in aircraft play an important role in evenly distributing the fluid entering through the inlet to the heat transfer unit. In order to achieve this requirement, the manifold should be designed to have a light weight by withstanding high internal pressure. Therefore, this study aims at minimizing the weight of the heat exchanger manifold through topology optimization. For topology optimization, the initial design space was created with the inner surface extracted from the currently used manifold model and with the outer surface having a dimension of 243.42 mm of X 74.09 mm X 65 mm. This design space solid model was transformed into a finite element model with a maximum tetrahedron mesh size of 2 mm using ANSYS Workbench. Then, topology optimization was performed under the boundary conditions of an internal pressure of 5.5 MPa and the fixed support for rectangular inlet boundaries by SIMULIA TOSCA. This topology optimization produced the minimized finial volume of the manifold (i.e., 7.3% of the initial volume) based on the given constraints (i.e., 6% of the initial volume) and the objective function (i.e., maximizing manifold stiffness). Weight of the optimized model was 6.7% lighter than the currently used manifold, but after smoothing the topology optimized model, this difference would be bigger. The current optimized model has uneven thickness and skeleton-shaped outer surface to reduce stress concentration. We are currently simplifying the optimized model shape with spline interpolations by reflecting the design characteristics in thickness and skeletal structures from the optimized model. This simplified model will be validated again by calculating both stress distributions and weight reduction and then the validated model will be manufactured using 3D printing processes.Keywords: topology optimization, manifold, heat exchanger, 3D printing
Procedia PDF Downloads 25017442 Rheological Modeling for Shape-Memory Thermoplastic Polymers
Authors: H. Hosseini, B. V. Berdyshev, I. Iskopintsev
This paper presents a rheological model for producing shape-memory thermoplastic polymers. Shape-memory occurs as a result of internal rearrangement of the structural elements of a polymer. A non-linear viscoelastic model was developed that allows qualitative and quantitative prediction of the stress-strain behavior of shape-memory polymers during heating. This research was done to develop a technique to determine the maximum possible change in size of heat-shrinkable products during heating. The rheological model used in this work was particularly suitable for defining process parameters and constructive parameters of the processing equipment.Keywords: elastic deformation, heating, shape-memory polymers, stress-strain behavior, viscoelastic model
Procedia PDF Downloads 32517441 3-D Numerical Model for Wave-Induced Seabed Response around an Offshore Pipeline
Authors: Zuodong Liang, Dong-Sheng Jeng
Seabed instability around an offshore pipeline is one of key factors that need to be considered in the design of offshore infrastructures. Unlike previous investigations, a three-dimensional numerical model for the wave-induced soil response around an offshore pipeline is proposed in this paper. The numerical model was first validated with 2-D experimental data available in the literature. Then, a parametric study will be carried out to examine the effects of wave, seabed characteristics and confirmation of pipeline. Numerical examples demonstrate significant influence of wave obliquity on the wave-induced pore pressures and the resultant seabed liquefaction around the pipeline, which cannot be observed in 2-D numerical simulation.Keywords: pore pressure, 3D wave model, seabed liquefaction, pipeline
Procedia PDF Downloads 37317440 Optimization Model for Support Decision for Maximizing Production of Mixed Fruit Tree Farms
Authors: Andrés I. Ávila, Patricia Aros, César San Martín, Elizabeth Kehr, Yovana Leal
We consider a linear programming model to help farmers to decide if it is convinient to choose among three kinds of export fruits for their future investment. We consider area, investment, water, productivitiy minimal unit, and harvest restrictions and a monthly based model to compute the average income in five years. Also, conditions on the field as area, water availability and initia investment are required. Using the Chilean costs and dollar-peso exchange rate, we can simulate several scenarios to understand the possible risks associated to this market.Keywords: mixed integer problem, fruit production, support decision model, fruit tree farms
Procedia PDF Downloads 45717439 Tourist’s Perception and Identification of Landscape Elements of Traditional Village
Authors: Mengxin Feng, Feng Xu, Zhiyong Lai
As a typical representative of the countryside, traditional Chinese villages are rich in cultural landscape resources and historical information, but they are still in continuous decline. The problems of people's weak protection awareness and low cultural recognition are still serious, and the protection of cultural heritage is imminent. At the same time, with the rapid development of rural tourism, its cultural value has been explored and paid attention to again. From the perspective of tourists, this study aimed to explore people's perception and identity of cultural landscape resources under the current cultural tourism development background. We selected eleven typical landscape elements of Lingshui Village, a traditional village in Beijing, as research objects and conducted a questionnaire survey with two scales of perception and identity to explore the characteristics of people's perception and identification of landscape elements. We found that there was a strong positive correlation between the perception and identity of each element and that geographical location influenced visitors' overall perception. The perception dimensions scored the highest in location, and the lowest in history and culture, and the identity dimensions scored the highest in meaning and lowest in emotion. We analyzed the impact of visitors' backgrounds on people's perception and identity characteristics and found that age and education were two important factors. The elderly had a higher degree of perceived identity, as the familiarity effect increased their attention. Highly educated tourists had more stringent criteria for perception and identification. The above findings suggest strategies for conserving and optimizing landscape elements in the traditional village to improve the acceptance and recognition of cultural information in traditional villages, which will inject new vitality into the development of traditional villages.Keywords: traditional village, tourist perception, landscape elements, perception and identity
Procedia PDF Downloads 14717438 A New Model for Production Forecasting in ERP
Authors: S. F. Wong, W. I. Ho, B. Lin, Q. Huang
ERP has been used in many enterprises for management, the accuracy of the production forecasting module is vital to the decision making of the enterprise, and the profit is affected directly. Therefore, enhancing the accuracy of the production forecasting module can also increase the efficiency and profitability. To deal with a lot of data, a suitable, reliable and accurate statistics model is necessary. LSSVM and Grey System are two main models to be studied in this paper, and a case study is used to demonstrate how the combination model is effective to the result of forecasting.Keywords: ERP, grey system, LSSVM, production forecasting
Procedia PDF Downloads 46417437 Functional Instruction Set Simulator of a Neural Network IP with Native Brain Float-16 Generator
Authors: Debajyoti Mukherjee, Arathy B. S., Arpita Sahu, Saranga P. Pogula
A functional model to mimic the functional correctness of a neural network compute accelerator IP is very crucial for design validation. Neural network workloads are based on a Brain Floating Point (BF-16) data type. The major challenge we were facing was the incompatibility of GCC compilers to the BF-16 datatype, which we addressed with a native BF-16 generator integrated into our functional model. Moreover, working with big GEMM (General Matrix Multiplication) or SpMM (Sparse Matrix Multiplication) Work Loads (Dense or Sparse) and debugging the failures related to data integrity is highly painstaking. In this paper, we are addressing the quality challenge of such a complex neural network accelerator design by proposing a functional model-based scoreboard or software model using SystemC. The proposed functional model executes the assembly code based on the ISA of the processor IP, decodes all instructions, and executes as expected to be done by the DUT. The said model would give a lot of visibility and debug capability in the DUT, bringing up micro-steps of execution.Keywords: ISA, neural network, Brain Float-16, DUT
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