Search results for: Software as a Service (SaaS)
7129 Modeling of Building a Conceptual Scheme for Multimodal Freight Transportation Information System
Authors: Gia Surguladze, Nino Topuria, Lily Petriashvili, Giorgi Surguladze
Modeling of building processes of a multimodal freight transportation support information system is discussed based on modern CASE technologies. Functional efficiencies of ports in the eastern part of the Black Sea are analyzed taking into account their ecological, seasonal, resource usage parameters. By resources, we mean capacities of berths, cranes, automotive transport, as well as work crews and neighbouring airports. For the purpose of designing database of computer support system for Managerial (Logistics) function, using Object-Role Modeling (ORM) tool (NORMA – Natural ORM Architecture) is proposed, after which Entity Relationship Model (ERM) is generated in automated process. The software is developed based on Process-Oriented and Service-Oriented architecture, in Visual Studio.NET environment.Keywords: seaport resources, business-processes, multimodal transportation, CASE technology, object-role model, entity relationship model, SOA
Procedia PDF Downloads 4317128 Local Tax Map Software System Development
Authors: Smithinun Thairoongrojana
This research is a qualitative research with three main purposes: (1) to develop the local tax map software system to be linked to the main Local Tax Map System (LTAX3000) system; (2) to design and develop a program for tax data fieldwork on wireless devices and link it to LTAX3000 database of Surat Thani Municipality; (3) to develop the human resource responsible for the fieldwork to be able to use the program and maintain the system and also to be able to work with the dynamic of technologies. In-depth interviews with the two groups of samples, the board of Surat Thani Municipality and operation staff responsible for observing and taxing fieldworks were conducted. The result of this study demonstrates the new developed fieldworks system that can be used both stand-alone usage and networking usage. The fieldworks system to collect and store the variety of taxing information within Surat Thani Municipality will be explained. Then the fieldwork operation process development and the replacement of transferring and storing the information via the network communication.Keywords: Local tax map, software system development, wireless devices, human resource
Procedia PDF Downloads 1927127 Effect of Personality on Consumer Switching: Moderating Role of Involvement and Value of Services
Authors: Anjali Sharma, R. R. K. Sharma
The purpose of this study is to examine relationships between personality factors and customer switching for services. Earlier research was directed towards establishing relationship between individual personality traits and customer switching variables considering five-factors model comprised of five personality dimensions (OCEAN), in which personality was not the only influencing factor. Moreover, these works were found to be focused on products and not services. In contrast, the current study is aimed at investigating role of personality using Myer Briggs Type indicator (MBTI) as well as Five-Big Factors, on customer switching and building the conceptual framework on services rather than products. MBTI also known as four opposite pairs or dichotomies of personality dimensions are studied using different levels Involvement (High, Low) of consumer and Value of service-offering (Value for money and Premium) as moderators associated with Consumer Switching. The study is unique in sense that consequences of these indicators of personality on switching behavior has never been studied using considering moderating effect of involvement and value of services. According to our prepositions for a more Extrovert, Intuitive Personality the switching is going to be high whereas the switching is going to be less for an Introvert, Judgmental kind of personality. Similarly, for a consumer with high Neuroticism and Agreeableness the switching would be less as compared to an Open and Conscious Personality type. These level differs with level of a consumer’s involvement and type of a service being offered based on its value.Keywords: consumer switching, involvement, Myer Briggs personality type indicators, personality, value of service
Procedia PDF Downloads 2857126 The Effect of the Base Computer Method on Repetitive Behaviors and Communication Skills
Authors: Hoorieh Darvishi, Rezaei
Introduction: This study investigates the efficacy of computer-based interventions for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , specifically targeting communication deficits and repetitive behaviors. The research evaluates novel software applications designed to enhance narrative capabilities and sensory integration through structured, progressive intervention protocols Method: The study evaluated two intervention software programs designed for children with autism, focusing on narrative speech and sensory integration. Twelve children aged 5-11 participated in the two-month intervention, attending three 45-minute weekly sessions, with pre- and post-tests measuring speech, communication, and behavioral outcomes. The narrative speech software incorporated 14 stories using the Cohen model. It progressively reduced software assistance as children improved their storytelling abilities, ultimately enabling independent narration. The process involved story comprehension questions and guided story completion exercises. The sensory integration software featured approximately 100 exercises progressing from basic classification to complex cognitive tasks. The program included attention exercises, auditory memory training (advancing from single to four-syllable words), problem-solving, decision-making, reasoning, working memory, and emotion recognition activities. Each module was accompanied by frequency and pitch-adjusted music that child enjoys it to enhance learning through multiple sensory channels (visual, auditory, and tactile). Conclusion: The results indicated that the use of these software programs significantly improved communication and narrative speech scores in children, while also reducing scores related to repetitive behaviors. Findings: These findings highlight the positive impact of computer-based interventions on enhancing communication skills and reducing repetitive behaviors in children with autism.Keywords: autism, communication_skills, repetitive_behaviors, sensory_integration
Procedia PDF Downloads 157125 Simplified Ultimate Strength Assessment of Ship Structures Based on Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia Rules for Hull
Authors: Sukron Makmun, Topan Firmandha, Siswanto
Ultimate Strength Assessment on ship cross section in accordance with Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) Rules for Hull, follows step by step incremental iterative approach. In this approach, ship cross section is divided into plate-stiffener combinations and hard corners element. The average stress-strain relationship (σ-ε) for all structural elements will be defined, where the subscript k refers to the modes 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4. These results would be verified with a commercial software calculation in similar cases. The numerical calculations of buckling strength are in accordance with the commercial software (GL Rules ND). Then the comparison of failure behaviours of stiffened panels and hard corners are presented. Where failure modes 3 are likely to occur first follows the failure mode 4 and the last one is the failure mode 1.Keywords: ultimate strength assessment, BKI rules, incremental, plate-stiffener combination and hard corner, commercial software
Procedia PDF Downloads 3687124 A Resistant-Based Comparative Study between Iranian Concrete Design Code and Some Worldwide Ones
Authors: Seyed Sadegh Naseralavi, Najmeh Bemani
The design in most counties should be inevitably carried out by their native code such as Iran. Since the Iranian concrete code does not exist in structural design software, most engineers in this country analyze the structures using commercial software but design the structural members manually. This point motivated us to make a communication between Iranian code and some other well-known ones to create facility for the engineers. Finally, this paper proposes the so-called interpretation charts which help specify the position of Iranian code in comparison of some worldwide ones.Keywords: beam, concrete code, strength, interpretation charts
Procedia PDF Downloads 5277123 The Effect of the Base Computer Method on Repetitive Behaviors and Communication Skills
Authors: Hoorieh Darvishi, Rezaei
Introduction: This study investigates the efficacy of computer-based interventions for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , specifically targeting communication deficits and repetitive behaviors. The research evaluates novel software applications designed to enhance narrative capabilities and sensory integration through structured, progressive intervention protocols Method: The study evaluated two intervention software programs designed for children with autism, focusing on narrative speech and sensory integration. Twelve children aged 5-11 participated in the two-month intervention, attending three 45-minute weekly sessions, with pre- and post-tests measuring speech, communication, and behavioral outcomes. The narrative speech software incorporated 14 stories using the Cohen model. It progressively reduced software assistance as children improved their storytelling abilities, ultimately enabling independent narration. The process involved story comprehension questions and guided story completion exercises. The sensory integration software featured approximately 100 exercises progressing from basic classification to complex cognitive tasks. The program included attention exercises, auditory memory training (advancing from single to four-syllable words), problem-solving, decision-making, reasoning, working memory, and emotion recognition activities. Each module was accompanied by frequency and pitch-adjusted music that child enjoys it to enhance learning through multiple sensory channels (visual, auditory, and tactile). Conclusion: The results indicated that the use of these software programs significantly improved communication and narrative speech scores in children, while also reducing scores related to repetitive behaviors. Findings: These findings highlight the positive impact of computer-based interventions on enhancing communication skills and reducing repetitive behaviors in children with autism.Keywords: autism, narrative speech, persian, SI, repetitive behaviors, communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 167122 Economical Transformer Selection Implementing Service Lifetime Cost
Authors: Bonginkosi A. Thango, Jacobus A. Jordaan, Agha F. Nnachi
In this day and age, there is a proliferate concern from all governments across the globe to barricade the environment from greenhouse gases, which absorb infrared radiation. As a result, solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity has been an expeditiously growing renewable energy source and will eventually undertake a prominent role in the global energy generation. The selection and purchasing of energy-efficient transformers that meet the operational requirements of the solar photovoltaic energy generation plants then become a part of the Independent Power Producers (IPP’s) investment plan of action. Taking these into account, this paper proposes a procedure that put into effect the intricate financial analysis necessitated to precisely evaluate the transformer service lifetime no-load and load loss factors. This procedure correctly set forth the transformer service lifetime loss factors as a result of a solar PV plant’s sporadic generation profile and related levelized costs of electricity into the computation of the transformer’s total ownership cost. The results are then critically compared with the conventional transformer total ownership cost unaccompanied by the emission costs, and demonstrate the significance of the sporadic energy generation nature of the solar PV plant on the total ownership cost. The findings indicate that the latter play a crucial role for developers and Independent Power Producers (IPP’s) in making the purchase decision during a tender bid where competing offers from different transformer manufactures are evaluated. Additionally, the susceptibility analysis of different factors engrossed in the transformer service lifetime cost is carried out; factors including the levelized cost of electricity, solar PV plant’s generation modes, and the loading profile are examined.Keywords: solar photovoltaic plant, transformer, total ownership cost, loss factors
Procedia PDF Downloads 1307121 Test and Evaluation of Patient Tracking Platform in an Earthquake Simulation
Authors: Nahid Tavakoli, Mohammad H. Yarmohammadian, Ali Samimi
In earthquake situation, medical response communities such as field and referral hospitals are challenged with injured victims’ identification and tracking. In our project, it was developed a patient tracking platform (PTP) where first responders triage the patients with an electronic tag which report the location and some information of each patient during his/her movement. This platform includes: 1) near field communication (NFC) tags (ISO 14443), 2) smart mobile phones (Android-base version 4.2.2), 3) Base station laptops (Windows), 4) server software, 5) Android software to use by first responders, 5) disaster command software, and 6) system architecture. Our model has been completed through literature review, Delphi technique, focus group, design the platform, and implement in an earthquake exercise. This paper presents consideration for content, function, and technologies that must apply for patient tracking in medical emergencies situations. It is demonstrated the robustness of the patient tracking platform (PTP) in tracking 6 patients in a simulated earthquake situation in the yard of the relief and rescue department of Isfahan’s Red Crescent.Keywords: test and evaluation, patient tracking platform, earthquake, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1417120 The Impact of Quality Management System Establishment over the Performance of Public Administration Services in Kosovo
Authors: Ilir Rexhepi, Naim Ismajli
Quality and quality management are key factors of success nowadays. Public sector and quality management in this sector contains many challenges and difficulties, most notably in a new country like Kosovo. This study analyses the process of implementation of quality management system in public administration institutions in this country. The main objective is to show how to set up a quality management system and how does the quality management system setup affect the overall public administration services in Kosovo. This study shows how the efficiency and effectiveness of public institution services/performance is rapidly improving through the establishment and functionalization of Quality Management System. The specific impact of established QMC within the organization has resulted with the identification of mission related processes within the entire system including input identification, the person in charge and the way of conversion to the output of each activity though the interference with other service processes within the system. By giving detailed analyses of all steps of implementation of the Quality Management System, its effect and consequences towards the overall public institution service performance, we try to go one step further, by showing it as a very good example or tool of other public institutions for improving their service performance. Interviews with employees, middle and high level managers including the quality manager and general secretaries are also part of analyses in this paper.Keywords: quality, quality management system, efficiency, public administration institutions
Procedia PDF Downloads 2847119 Digitalized Public Sector Practices: Opportunities for Open Innovation in Rwanda
Authors: Reem Abou Refaie, Christoph Meinel
The paper explores the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the internal as well as external digitalized work practices of public service providers as part of a Public-Private Partnership Model. It focuses on the effect of uncertainty on generating Open Innovation practices. Our inquiry relies on semi-structured interviews (n=14) from a case study of Rwanda’s Public Service Delivery System in the context of research cooperation with IremboGov, the country’s One-Stop-Shop Platform for public services. It presents four propositions on harnessing opportunities for OI in the context of the public sector beyond the pandemic response. Practitioners can find characterizations of OI opportunities and gain insights on fostering OI in Public Sector Organizations.Keywords: open innovation, digital transformation, public sector, Rwanda
Procedia PDF Downloads 1307118 Analysing the Moderating Effect of Customer Loyalty on Long Run Repurchase Intentions
Authors: John Akpesiri Olotewo
One of the controversies in existing marketing literatures is on how to retain existing and new customers to have repurchase intention in the long-run; however, empirical answer to this question is scanty in existing studies. Thus, this study investigates the moderating effect of consumer loyalty on long-run repurchase intentions in telecommunication industry using Lagos State environs. The study adopted field survey research design using questionnaire to elicit responses from 250 respondents who were selected using random and stratified random sampling techniques from the telecommunication industry in Lagos State, Nigeria. The internal consistency of the research instrument was verified using the Cronbach’s alpha, the result of 0.89 implies the acceptability of the internal consistency of the survey instrument. The test of the research hypotheses were analyzed using Pearson Product Method of Correlation (PPMC), simple regression analysis and inferential statistics with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Science version 20.0 (SPSS). The study confirmed that customer satisfaction has a significant relationship with customer loyalty in the telecommunication industry; also Service quality has a significant relationship with customer loyalty to a brand; loyalty programs have a significant relationship with customer loyalty to a network operator in Nigeria and Customer loyalty has a significant effect on the long run repurchase intentions of the customer. The study concluded that one of the determinants of long term profitability of a business entity is the long run repurchase intentions of its customers which hinges on the level of brand loyalty of the customer. Thus, it was recommended that service providers in Nigeria should improve on factors like customer satisfaction, service quality, and loyalty programs in order to increase the loyalty of their customer to their brands thereby increasing their repurchase intentions.Keywords: customer loyalty, long run repurchase intentions, brands, service quality and customer satisfaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2337117 Internet Impulse Buying: A Study Based on Stimulus-Organism-Response Theory
Authors: Pui-Lai To, Yi-Jing Tsai
As the advance of e-commerce technologies, the consumers buying behavior have changed. The focus on consumer buying behavior has already shifted from physical space to the cyberspace, which impulse buying is a major issue of concern. This study examines the stimulus effect of web environment on the consumer's emotional states, and in turn, affecting the urge of impulse buying based on a stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) theory. Website ambiance and website service quality are the two stimulus variables. The study also explores the effects and the moderator effects of contextual variables and individual characteristic variables on the web environment, the emotional states and the urge of impulse buying. A total of 328 valid questionnaires were collected. Structural equation modeling was used to test the research hypothesis. This study found that both website ambiance and website service quality have a positive effect on consumer emotion, which in turn positively affect the urge of impulse buying. Consumer’s trait of impulse buying has a positive effect on the urge of impulse buying. Consumer’s hedonic motivation has a positive effect on both emotion state and the urge of impulse buying. On the other hand, the study found that money available for the consumer would positively affect consumer's emotion state and time available for the consumer would negatively affect the relationship between website service quality and consumer emotion. The result of this study validates Internet impulse buying behavior based on the S-O-R theory. This study also suggests that having a good website atmosphere and service quality is important to influencing consumers’ emotion and increasing the likelihood of consumer purchasing. The study could serve as a basis for the future research regarding online consumer behavior.Keywords: emotion state, impulse buying, stimulus-organism-response, the urge of impulse buying
Procedia PDF Downloads 2367116 Radionuclides Transport Phenomena in Vadose Zone
Authors: R. Testoni, R. Levizzari, M. De Salve
Radioactive waste management is fundamental to safeguard population and environment by radiological risks. Environmental assessment of a site, where nuclear activities are located, allows understanding the hydro geological system and the radionuclides transport in groundwater and subsoil. Use of dedicated software is the basis of transport phenomena investigation and for dynamic scenarios prediction; this permits to understand the evolution of accidental contamination events, but at the same time the potentiality of the software itself can be verified. The aim of this paper is to perform a numerical analysis by means of HYDRUS 1D code, so as to evaluate radionuclides transport in a nuclear site in Piedmont region (Italy). In particular, the behaviour in vadose zone was investigated. An iterative assessment process was performed for risk assessment of radioactive contamination. The analysis therein developed considers the following aspects: i) hydro geological site characterization; ii) individuation of the main intrinsic and external site factors influencing water flow and radionuclides transport phenomena; iii) software potential for radionuclides leakage simulation purposes.Keywords: HYDRUS 1D, radionuclides transport phenomena, site characterization, radiation protection
Procedia PDF Downloads 3977115 A Real-Time Simulation Environment for Avionics Software Development and Qualification
Authors: Ferdinando Montemari, Antonio Vitale, Nicola Genito, Luca Garbarino, Urbano Tancredi, Domenico Accardo, Michele Grassi, Giancarmine Fasano, Anna Elena Tirri
The development of guidance, navigation and control algorithms and avionic procedures requires the disposability of suitable analysis and verification tools, such as simulation environments, which support the design process and allow detecting potential problems prior to the flight test, in order to make new technologies available at reduced cost, time and risk. This paper presents a simulation environment for avionic software development and qualification, especially aimed at equipment for general aviation aircrafts and unmanned aerial systems. The simulation environment includes models for short and medium-range radio-navigation aids, flight assistance systems, and ground control stations. All the software modules are able to simulate the modeled systems both in fast-time and real-time tests, and were implemented following component oriented modeling techniques and requirement based approach. The paper describes the specific models features, the architectures of the implemented software systems and its validation process. Performed validation tests highlighted the capability of the simulation environment to guarantee in real-time the required functionalities and performance of the simulated avionics systems, as well as to reproduce the interaction between these systems, thus permitting a realistic and reliable simulation of a complete mission scenario.Keywords: ADS-B, avionics, NAVAIDs, real-time simulation, TCAS, UAS ground control station
Procedia PDF Downloads 2297114 Open Source Algorithms for 3D Geo-Representation of Subsurface Formations Properties in the Oil and Gas Industry
Authors: Gabriel Quintero
This paper presents the result of the implementation of a series of algorithms intended to be used for representing in most of the 3D geographic software, even Google Earth, the subsurface formations properties combining 2D charts or 3D plots over a 3D background, allowing everyone to use them, no matter the economic size of the company for which they work. Besides the existence of complex and expensive specialized software for modeling subsurface formations based on the same information provided to this one, the use of this open source development shows a higher and easier usability and good results, limiting the rendered properties and polygons to a basic set of charts and tubes.Keywords: chart, earth, formations, subsurface, visualization
Procedia PDF Downloads 4457113 Banking and Accounting Analysis Researches Effect on Environment and Income
Authors: Gerges Samaan Henin Abdalla
Ultra-secured methods of banking services have been introduced to the customer, such as online banking. Banks have begun to consider electronic banking (e-banking) as a way to replace some traditional branch functions by using the Internet as a distribution channel. Some consumers have at least one account at multiple banks and access these accounts through online banking. To check their current net worth, clients need to log into each of their accounts, get detailed information, and work toward consolidation. Not only is it time consuming, but it is also a repeatable activity with a certain frequency. To solve this problem, the concept of account aggregation was added as a solution. Account consolidation in e-banking as a form of electronic banking appears to build a stronger relationship with customers. An account linking service is generally referred to as a service that allows customers to manage their bank accounts held at different institutions via a common online banking platform that places a high priority on security and data protection. Consumers have at least one account at multiple banks and access these accounts through online banking. To check their current net worth, clients need to log into each of their accounts, get detailed information, and work toward consolidation. The article provides an overview of the account aggregation approach in e-banking as a new service in the area of e-banking.Keywords: compatibility, complexity, mobile banking, observation, risk banking technology, Internet banks, modernization of banks, banks, account aggregation, security, enterprise development
Procedia PDF Downloads 487112 Methods of Categorizing Architectural Technical Debt
Authors: Blessing Igbadumhe
The continuous long- and short-term delivery of value to customers continues to be the overarching objective of software organizations. Software engineering professionals and organizations face challenges in the maintenance and evolution of software as a result of architectural, technical debt. The issues of architectural, technical debt continue to receive a significant amount of attention because of its important impact on successful system implementation. The cost of doing nothing as far as architectural, technical debt is concerned can be significant both in financial terms and impacts on customers. Different architectural, technical debt issues exist, and this qualitative research design reviewed existing literature on the subject to identify and categorize them. This research intends to contribute to the existing bludgeoning body of knowledge on categorizations and descriptive model of technical debt related issues related to system architecture. The results identify the most common characteristics of architectural and technical debt categories. Raising awareness of the intricacies of architectural and technical debt helps technology stakeholders reduce negative consequences and increase the system success rate.Keywords: architecture, categorizing TD, system design, technical debt
Procedia PDF Downloads 917111 Product Development in Company
Authors: Giorgi Methodishvili, Iuliia Methodishvili
In this paper product development algorithm is used to determine the optimal management of financial resources in company. Aspects of financial management considered include put initial investment, examine all possible ways to solve the problem and the optimal rotation length of profit. The software of given problems is based using greedy algorithm. The obtained model and program maintenance enable us to define the optimal version of management of proper financial flows by using visual diagram on each level of investment.Keywords: management, software, optimal, greedy algorithm, graph-diagram
Procedia PDF Downloads 567110 The Necessity to Standardize Procedures of Providing Engineering Geological Data for Designing Road and Railway Tunneling Projects
Authors: Atefeh Saljooghi Khoshkar, Jafar Hassanpour
One of the main problems of the design stage relating to many tunneling projects is the lack of an appropriate standard for the provision of engineering geological data in a predefined format. In particular, this is more reflected in highway and railroad tunnel projects in which there is a number of tunnels and different professional teams involved. In this regard, comprehensive software needs to be designed using the accepted methods in order to help engineering geologists to prepare standard reports, which contain sufficient input data for the design stage. Regarding this necessity, applied software has been designed using macro capabilities and Visual Basic programming language (VBA) through Microsoft Excel. In this software, all of the engineering geological input data, which are required for designing different parts of tunnels, such as discontinuities properties, rock mass strength parameters, rock mass classification systems, boreability classification, the penetration rate, and so forth, can be calculated and reported in a standard format.Keywords: engineering geology, rock mass classification, rock mechanic, tunnel
Procedia PDF Downloads 817109 Analyzing the Quality of Cloud-Based E-Learning Systems on the Perception of the Learners and the Teachers
Authors: R. W. C. Devindi, S. M. Buddika Harshanath
E-learning is a widely used technology for learning in the modern world. With the pandemic situation the popularity of using e-learning has been increased in a larger capacity. The e-learning educational systems require software resources as well as hardware usually but it is hard for most of the education institutions to afford those resources. Also with the massive user load e-learning has to broaden the server side resources as well. Therefore, in the present cloud computing was implemented in order to make the e – learning systems more efficient. The researcher has analyzed the quality of the e-learning systems on the perception of the learners and the teachers with the aid of hypothesis and has given the analyzed results and the discussion in this report. Therefore, the future research will be able to get some steps to increase the quality of the online learning systems furthermore. In the case of e-learning, quality assurance and cost effectiveness are essential. A complex quality assurance system is used in the stated project. There are no well-defined standard evaluation measures in this field. As a result, accurately assessing the e-learning system's overall quality is challenging. The researcher has done the analysis with the aid of standard methods and software.Keywords: LMS–learning management system, SPSS–statistical package for social sciences (software), eigen value, hypothesis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1087108 Improving Short-Term Forecast of Solar Irradiance
Authors: Kwa-Sur Tam, Byung O. Kang
By using different ranges of daily sky clearness index defined in this paper, any day can be classified as a clear sky day, a partly cloudy day or a cloudy day. This paper demonstrates how short-term forecasting of solar irradiation can be improved by taking into consideration the type of day so defined. The source of day type dependency has been identified. Forecasting methods that take into consideration of day type have been developed and their efficacy have been established. While all methods that implement some form of adjustment to the cloud cover forecast provided by the U.S. National Weather Service provide accuracy improvement, methods that incorporate day type dependency provides even further improvement in forecast accuracy.Keywords: day types, forecast methods, National Weather Service, sky cover, solar energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 4667107 Software Development for AASHTO and Ethiopian Roads Authority Flexible Pavement Design Methods
Authors: Amare Setegn Enyew, Bikila Teklu Wodajo
The primary aim of flexible pavement design is to ensure the development of economical and safe road infrastructure. However, failures can still occur due to improper or erroneous structural design. In Ethiopia, the design of flexible pavements relies on doing calculations manually and selecting pavement structure from catalogue. The catalogue offers, in eight different charts, alternative structures for combinations of traffic and subgrade classes, as outlined in the Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) Pavement Design Manual 2001. Furthermore, design modification is allowed in accordance with the structural number principles outlined in the AASHTO 1993 Guide for Design of Pavement Structures. Nevertheless, the manual calculation and design process involves the use of nomographs, charts, tables, and formulas, which increases the likelihood of human errors and inaccuracies, and this may lead to unsafe or uneconomical road construction. To address the challenge, a software called AASHERA has been developed for AASHTO 1993 and ERA design methods, using MATLAB language. The software accurately determines the required thicknesses of flexible pavement surface, base, and subbase layers for the two methods. It also digitizes design inputs and references like nomographs, charts, default values, and tables. Moreover, the software allows easier comparison of the two design methods in terms of results and cost of construction. AASHERA's accuracy has been confirmed through comparisons with designs from handbooks and manuals. The software can aid in reducing human errors, inaccuracies, and time consumption as compared to the conventional manual design methods employed in Ethiopia. AASHERA, with its validated accuracy, proves to be an indispensable tool for flexible pavement structure designers.Keywords: flexible pavement design, AASHTO 1993, ERA, MATLAB, AASHERA
Procedia PDF Downloads 637106 A Proposal for U-City (Smart City) Service Method Using Real-Time Digital Map
Authors: SangWon Han, MuWook Pyeon, Sujung Moon, DaeKyo Seo
Recently, technologies based on three-dimensional (3D) space information are being developed and quality of life is improving as a result. Research on real-time digital map (RDM) is being conducted now to provide 3D space information. RDM is a service that creates and supplies 3D space information in real time based on location/shape detection. Research subjects on RDM include the construction of 3D space information with matching image data, complementing the weaknesses of image acquisition using multi-source data, and data collection methods using big data. Using RDM will be effective for space analysis using 3D space information in a U-City and for other space information utilization technologies.Keywords: RDM, multi-source data, big data, U-City
Procedia PDF Downloads 4347105 RFID Laptop Monitoring and Management System
Authors: Francis E. Idachaba, Sarah Uyimeh Tommy
This paper describes the design of an RFID laptop monitoring and management system. Laptops embedded with RFID chips are monitored and tracked to provide a monitoring system for the purpose of tracking as well as monitoring movement of the laptops in and out of a building. The proposed system is implemented with both hardware and software components. The hardware architecture consists of RFID passive tag, RFID module (reader), and a server hosting the application and database. The RFID readers are distributed at major exits of a building or premises. The tags are programmed with owner laptop details are concealed in the laptops. The software architecture consists of application software that has the APIs (Applications Programming Interface) necessary to interface the RFID system with the PC, to achieve automated laptop monitoring system. A friendly graphic user interface (GUI) and a database that saves all readings and owners details. The system is capable of reducing laptop theft especially in students’ hostels as laptops can be monitored as they are taken either in or out of the building.Keywords: asset tracking, GUI, laptop monitoring, radio frequency identification, passive tags
Procedia PDF Downloads 3907104 Proposed Terminal Device for End-to-End Secure SMS in Cellular Networks
Authors: Neetesh Saxena, Narendra S. Chaudhari
Nowadays, SMS is a very popular mobile service and even the poor, illiterate people and those living in rural areas use SMS service very efficiently. Although many mobile operators have already started 3G and 4G services, 2G services are still being used by the people in many countries. In 2G (GSM), only encryption provided is between the MS and the BTS, there is no end-to-end encryption available. Sometimes we all need to send some confidential message to other person containing bank account number, some password, financial details, etc. Normally, a message is sent in plain text only to the recipient and it is not an acceptable standard for transmitting such important and confidential information. Authors propose an end-to-end encryption approach by proposing a terminal for sending/receiving a secure message. An asymmetric key exchange algorithm is used in order to transmit secret shared key securely to the recipient. The proposed approach with terminal device provides authentication, confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation.Keywords: AES, DES, Diffie-Hellman, ECDH, A5, SMS
Procedia PDF Downloads 4197103 Analysis of the Premature In-Service Failure of Engine Mounting Towers of an Industrial Generator
Authors: Stephen J Futter, Michael I Okereke
This paper presents an investigation of the premature in-service failure of the engine mounting towers that form part of the bedframe commonly used for industrial power generation applications. The client during a routine in-service assessment of the generator set observed that the engine mounting towers had cracked. Thus, this study has investigated in detail the origin of the crack and proffered solutions to prevent a re-occurrence. Seven step problem solving methodology was followed during this paper. The study used both experimental and numerical approaches to understand, monitor and evaluate the cause and evolution of the premature failure. Findings from this study indicated that the failure resulted from a combination of varied processes from procurement of material parts, material selection, welding processes and inaptly designed load-bearing mechanics of the generating set and its mounting arrangement. These in-field observations and experimental simulations provided insights to design and validate a numerical finite element sub-model of the cracked bedframe considering thermal cycling: designed as part of these investigations. Resulting findings led to a recommendation of several procedural changes that should be adopted by the manufacturer, in order to prevent the re-occurrence of such pre-mature failure in future industrial applications.Keywords: Engine, Premature Failure, Failure Analysis, Finite Element Model
Procedia PDF Downloads 2857102 Methodologies, Systems Development Life Cycle and Modeling Languages in Agile Software Development
Authors: I. D. Arroyo
This article seeks to integrate different concepts from contemporary software engineering with an agile development approach. We seek to clarify some definitions and uses, we make a difference between the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and the methodologies, we differentiate the types of frameworks such as methodological, philosophical and behavioral, standards and documentation. We define relationships based on the documentation of the development process through formal and ad hoc models, and we define the usefulness of using DevOps and Agile Modeling as integrative methodologies of principles and best practices.Keywords: methodologies, modeling languages, agile modeling, UML
Procedia PDF Downloads 1877101 A System Architecture for Hand Gesture Control of Robotic Technology: A Case Study Using a Myo™ Arm Band, DJI Spark™ Drone, and a Staubli™ Robotic Manipulator
Authors: Sebastian van Delden, Matthew Anuszkiewicz, Jayse White, Scott Stolarski
Industrial robotic manipulators have been commonplace in the manufacturing world since the early 1960s, and unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) have only begun to realize their full potential in the service industry and the military. The omnipresence of these technologies in their respective fields will only become more potent in coming years. While these technologies have greatly evolved over the years, the typical approach to human interaction with these robots has not. In the industrial robotics realm, a manipulator is typically jogged around using a teach pendant and programmed using a networked computer or the teach pendant itself via a proprietary software development platform. Drones are typically controlled using a two-handed controller equipped with throttles, buttons, and sticks, an app that can be downloaded to one’s mobile device, or a combination of both. This application-oriented work offers a novel approach to human interaction with both unmanned aerial vehicles and industrial robotic manipulators via hand gestures and movements. Two systems have been implemented, both of which use a Myo™ armband to control either a drone (DJI Spark™) or a robotic arm (Stäubli™ TX40). The methodologies developed by this work present a mapping of armband gestures (fist, finger spread, swing hand in, swing hand out, swing arm left/up/down/right, etc.) to either drone or robot arm movements. The findings of this study present the efficacy and limitations (precision and ergonomic) of hand gesture control of two distinct types of robotic technology. All source code associated with this project will be open sourced and placed on GitHub. In conclusion, this study offers a framework that maps hand and arm gestures to drone and robot arm control. The system has been implemented using current ubiquitous technologies, and these software artifacts will be open sourced for future researchers or practitioners to use in their work.Keywords: human robot interaction, drones, gestures, robotics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1617100 Test Suite Optimization Using an Effective Meta-Heuristic BAT Algorithm
Authors: Anuradha Chug, Sunali Gandhi
Regression Testing is a very expensive and time-consuming process carried out to ensure the validity of modified software. Due to the availability of insufficient resources to re-execute all the test cases in time constrained environment, efforts are going on to generate test data automatically without human efforts. Many search based techniques have been proposed to generate efficient, effective as well as optimized test data, so that the overall cost of the software testing can be minimized. The generated test data should be able to uncover all potential lapses that exist in the software or product. Inspired from the natural behavior of bat for searching her food sources, current study employed a meta-heuristic, search-based bat algorithm for optimizing the test data on the basis certain parameters without compromising their effectiveness. Mathematical functions are also applied that can effectively filter out the redundant test data. As many as 50 Java programs are used to check the effectiveness of proposed test data generation and it has been found that 86% saving in testing efforts can be achieved using bat algorithm while covering 100% of the software code for testing. Bat algorithm was found to be more efficient in terms of simplicity and flexibility when the results were compared with another nature inspired algorithms such as Firefly Algorithm (FA), Hill Climbing Algorithm (HC) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). The output of this study would be useful to testers as they can achieve 100% path coverage for testing with minimum number of test cases.Keywords: regression testing, test case selection, test case prioritization, genetic algorithm, bat algorithm
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