Search results for: operational data
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 26150

Search results for: operational data

25130 Li-Fi Technology: Data Transmission through Visible Light

Authors: Shahzad Hassan, Kamran Saeed


People are always in search of Wi-Fi hotspots because Internet is a major demand nowadays. But like all other technologies, there is still room for improvement in the Wi-Fi technology with regards to the speed and quality of connectivity. In order to address these aspects, Harald Haas, a professor at the University of Edinburgh, proposed what we know as the Li-Fi (Light Fidelity). Li-Fi is a new technology in the field of wireless communication to provide connectivity within a network environment. It is a two-way mode of wireless communication using light. Basically, the data is transmitted through Light Emitting Diodes which can vary the intensity of light very fast, even faster than the blink of an eye. From the research and experiments conducted so far, it can be said that Li-Fi can increase the speed and reliability of the transfer of data. This paper pays particular attention on the assessment of the performance of this technology. In other words, it is a 5G technology which uses LED as the medium of data transfer. For coverage within the buildings, Wi-Fi is good but Li-Fi can be considered favorable in situations where large amounts of data are to be transferred in areas with electromagnetic interferences. It brings a lot of data related qualities such as efficiency, security as well as large throughputs to the table of wireless communication. All in all, it can be said that Li-Fi is going to be a future phenomenon where the presence of light will mean access to the Internet as well as speedy data transfer.

Keywords: communication, LED, Li-Fi, Wi-Fi

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25129 The Algorithmic Dilemma: Virtue Development in the Midst of Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity in Platform Work

Authors: Thumesha Jayatilake


As platform work continues to proliferate, algorithmic management, which takes care of its operational role, poses complex challenges, including job satisfaction, worker involvement, ethical decision-making, and worker well-being. This conceptual paper scrutinizes how algorithmic management influences virtue development among platform workers, with an emphasis on the effects of role conflict and role ambiguity. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the research elucidates the complex relationship between algorithmic management systems and the ethical dimensions of work. The study also incorporates the interplay of human interaction and short-term task orientation, thus broadening the understanding of the impacts of algorithmic management on virtue development. The findings have significant implications for policymakers, academics, and industry practitioners, illuminating the ethical complexities presented by the use of algorithms in modern employment settings.

Keywords: algorithmic management, ethics, platform work, virtue

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25128 An Analysis of Humanitarian Data Management of Polish Non-Governmental Organizations in Ukraine Since February 2022 and Its Relevance for Ukrainian Humanitarian Data Ecosystem

Authors: Renata Kurpiewska-Korbut


Making an assumption that the use and sharing of data generated in humanitarian action constitute a core function of humanitarian organizations, the paper analyzes the position of the largest Polish humanitarian non-governmental organizations in the humanitarian data ecosystem in Ukraine and their approach to non-personal and personal data management since February of 2022. Both expert interviews and document analysis of non-profit organizations providing a direct response in the Ukrainian crisis context, i.e., the Polish Humanitarian Action, Caritas, Polish Medical Mission, Polish Red Cross, and the Polish Center for International Aid and the applicability of theoretical perspective of contingency theory – with its central point that the context or specific set of conditions determining the way of behavior and the choice of methods of action – help to examine the significance of data complexity and adaptive approach to data management by relief organizations in the humanitarian supply chain network. The purpose of this study is to determine how the existence of well-established and accurate internal procedures and good practices of using and sharing data (including safeguards for sensitive data) by the surveyed organizations with comparable human and technological capabilities are implemented and adjusted to Ukrainian humanitarian settings and data infrastructure. The study also poses a fundamental question of whether this crisis experience will have a determining effect on their future performance. The obtained finding indicate that Polish humanitarian organizations in Ukraine, which have their own unique code of conduct and effective managerial data practices determined by contingencies, have limited influence on improving the situational awareness of other assistance providers in the data ecosystem despite their attempts to undertake interagency work in the area of data sharing.

Keywords: humanitarian data ecosystem, humanitarian data management, polish NGOs, Ukraine

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25127 An Approach for Estimation in Hierarchical Clustered Data Applicable to Rare Diseases

Authors: Daniel C. Bonzo


Practical considerations lead to the use of unit of analysis within subjects, e.g., bleeding episodes or treatment-related adverse events, in rare disease settings. This is coupled with data augmentation techniques such as extrapolation to enlarge the subject base. In general, one can think about extrapolation of data as extending information and conclusions from one estimand to another estimand. This approach induces hierarchichal clustered data with varying cluster sizes. Extrapolation of clinical trial data is being accepted increasingly by regulatory agencies as a means of generating data in diverse situations during drug development process. Under certain circumstances, data can be extrapolated to a different population, a different but related indication, and different but similar product. We consider here the problem of estimation (point and interval) using a mixed-models approach under an extrapolation. It is proposed that estimators (point and interval) be constructed using weighting schemes for the clusters, e.g., equally weighted and with weights proportional to cluster size. Simulated data generated under varying scenarios are then used to evaluate the performance of this approach. In conclusion, the evaluation result showed that the approach is a useful means for improving statistical inference in rare disease settings and thus aids not only signal detection but risk-benefit evaluation as well.

Keywords: clustered data, estimand, extrapolation, mixed model

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25126 Investigation of Ductile Failure Mechanisms in SA508 Grade 3 Steel via X-Ray Computed Tomography and Fractography Analysis

Authors: Suleyman Karabal, Timothy L. Burnett, Egemen Avcu, Andrew H. Sherry, Philip J. Withers


SA508 Grade 3 steel is widely used in the construction of nuclear pressure vessels, where its fracture toughness plays a critical role in ensuring operational safety and reliability. Understanding the ductile failure mechanisms in this steel grade is crucial for designing robust pressure vessels that can withstand severe nuclear environment conditions. In the present study, round bar specimens of SA508 Grade 3 steel with four distinct notch geometries were subjected to tensile loading while capturing continuous 2D images at 5-second intervals in order to monitor any alterations in their geometries to construct true stress-strain curves of the specimens. 3D reconstructions of X-ray computed tomography (CT) images at high-resolution (a spatial resolution of 0.82 μm) allowed for a comprehensive assessment of the influences of second-phase particles (i.e., manganese sulfide inclusions and cementite particles) on ductile failure initiation as a function of applied plastic strain. Additionally, based on 2D and 3D images, plasticity modeling was executed, and the results were compared to experimental data. A specific ‘two-parameter criterion’ was established and calibrated based on the correlation between stress triaxiality and equivalent plastic strain at failure initiation. The proposed criterion demonstrated substantial agreement with the experimental results, thus enhancing our knowledge of ductile fracture behavior in this steel grade. The implementation of X-ray CT and fractography analysis provided new insights into the diverse roles played by different populations of second-phase particles in fracture initiation under varying stress triaxiality conditions.

Keywords: ductile fracture, two-parameter criterion, x-ray computed tomography, stress triaxiality

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25125 Authorization of Commercial Communication Satellite Grounds for Promoting Turkish Data Relay System

Authors: Celal Dudak, Aslı Utku, Burak Yağlioğlu


Uninterrupted and continuous satellite communication through the whole orbit time is becoming more indispensable every day. Data relay systems are developed and built for various high/low data rate information exchanges like TDRSS of USA and EDRSS of Europe. In these missions, a couple of task-dedicated communication satellites exist. In this regard, for Turkey a data relay system is attempted to be defined exchanging low data rate information (i.e. TTC) for Earth-observing LEO satellites appointing commercial GEO communication satellites all over the world. First, justification of this attempt is given, demonstrating duration enhancements in the link. Discussion of preference of RF communication is, also, given instead of laser communication. Then, preferred communication GEOs – including TURKSAT4A already belonging to Turkey- are given, together with the coverage enhancements through STK simulations and the corresponding link budget. Also, a block diagram of the communication system is given on the LEO satellite.

Keywords: communication, GEO satellite, data relay system, coverage

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25124 The Development of Encrypted Near Field Communication Data Exchange Format Transmission in an NFC Passive Tag for Checking the Genuine Product

Authors: Tanawat Hongthai, Dusit Thanapatay


This paper presents the development of encrypted near field communication (NFC) data exchange format transmission in an NFC passive tag for the feasibility of implementing a genuine product authentication. We propose a research encryption and checking the genuine product into four major categories; concept, infrastructure, development and applications. This result shows the passive NFC-forum Type 2 tag can be configured to be compatible with the NFC data exchange format (NDEF), which can be automatically partially data updated when there is NFC field.

Keywords: near field communication, NFC data exchange format, checking the genuine product, encrypted NFC

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25123 Data Hiding by Vector Quantization in Color Image

Authors: Yung Gi Wu


With the growing of computer and network, digital data can be spread to anywhere in the world quickly. In addition, digital data can also be copied or tampered easily so that the security issue becomes an important topic in the protection of digital data. Digital watermark is a method to protect the ownership of digital data. Embedding the watermark will influence the quality certainly. In this paper, Vector Quantization (VQ) is used to embed the watermark into the image to fulfill the goal of data hiding. This kind of watermarking is invisible which means that the users will not conscious the existing of embedded watermark even though the embedded image has tiny difference compared to the original image. Meanwhile, VQ needs a lot of computation burden so that we adopt a fast VQ encoding scheme by partial distortion searching (PDS) and mean approximation scheme to speed up the data hiding process. The watermarks we hide to the image could be gray, bi-level and color images. Texts are also can be regarded as watermark to embed. In order to test the robustness of the system, we adopt Photoshop to fulfill sharpen, cropping and altering to check if the extracted watermark is still recognizable. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system can resist the above three kinds of tampering in general cases.

Keywords: data hiding, vector quantization, watermark, color image

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25122 Unsupervised Assistive and Adaptative Intelligent Agent in Smart Enviroment

Authors: Sebastião Pais, João Casal, Ricardo Ponciano, Sérgio Lorenço


The adaptation paradigm is a basic defining feature for pervasive computing systems. Adaptation systems must work efficiently in a smart environment while providing suitable information relevant to the user system interaction. The key objective is to deduce the information needed information changes. Therefore relying on fixed operational models would be inappropriate. This paper presents a study on developing an Intelligent Personal Assistant to assist the user in interacting with their Smart Environment. We propose an Unsupervised and Language-Independent Adaptation through Intelligent Speech Interface and a set of methods of Acquiring Knowledge, namely Semantic Similarity and Unsupervised Learning.

Keywords: intelligent personal assistants, intelligent speech interface, unsupervised learning, language-independent, knowledge acquisition, association measures, symmetric word similarities, attributional word similarities

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25121 Developing a Viral Artifact to Improve Employees’ Security Behavior

Authors: Stefan Bauer, Josef Frysak


According to the scientific information management literature, the improper use of information technology (e.g. personal computers) by employees are one main cause for operational and information security loss events. Therefore, organizations implement information security awareness programs to increase employees’ awareness to further prevention of loss events. However, in many cases these information security awareness programs consist of conventional delivery methods like posters, leaflets, or internal messages to make employees aware of information security policies. We assume that a viral information security awareness video might be more effective medium than conventional methods commonly used by organizations. The purpose of this research is to develop a viral video artifact to improve employee security behavior concerning information technology.

Keywords: information security awareness, delivery methods, viral videos, employee security behavior

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25120 Anomaly Detection in a Data Center with a Reconstruction Method Using a Multi-Autoencoders Model

Authors: Victor Breux, Jérôme Boutet, Alain Goret, Viviane Cattin


Early detection of anomalies in data centers is important to reduce downtimes and the costs of periodic maintenance. However, there is little research on this topic and even fewer on the fusion of sensor data for the detection of abnormal events. The goal of this paper is to propose a method for anomaly detection in data centers by combining sensor data (temperature, humidity, power) and deep learning models. The model described in the paper uses one autoencoder per sensor to reconstruct the inputs. The auto-encoders contain Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) layers and are trained using the normal samples of the relevant sensors selected by correlation analysis. The difference signal between the input and its reconstruction is then used to classify the samples using feature extraction and a random forest classifier. The data measured by the sensors of a data center between January 2019 and May 2020 are used to train the model, while the data between June 2020 and May 2021 are used to assess it. Performances of the model are assessed a posteriori through F1-score by comparing detected anomalies with the data center’s history. The proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art reconstruction method, which uses only one autoencoder taking multivariate sequences and detects an anomaly with a threshold on the reconstruction error, with an F1-score of 83.60% compared to 24.16%.

Keywords: anomaly detection, autoencoder, data centers, deep learning

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25119 The Aspect of the Human Bias in Decision Making within Quality Management Systems and LEAN Theory

Authors: Adriana Avila Zuniga Nordfjeld


This paper provides a literature review to document the state of the art with respect to handling 'human bias' in decision making within the established quality management systems (QMS) and LEAN theory, in the context of shipbuilding. Previous research shows that in shipbuilding there is a huge deviation from the planned man-hours under the project management to the actual man-hours used because of errors in planning and reworks caused by human bias in the information flows among others. This reduces the efficiency and increases operational costs. Thus, the research question is how QMS and LEAN handle biases. The findings show the gap in studying the integration of methods to handle human bias in decision making into QMS and lean, not only within shipbuilding but also in general. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed for researchers and practitioners in the areas of decision making QMS, LEAN, and future research is suggested.

Keywords: human bias, decision making, LEAN shipbuilding, quality management systems

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25118 Numerical Solution of Two-Dimensional Solute Transport System Using Operational Matrices

Authors: Shubham Jaiswal


In this study, the numerical solution of two-dimensional solute transport system in a homogeneous porous medium of finite-length is obtained. The considered transport system have the terms accounting for advection, dispersion and first-order decay with first-type boundary conditions. Initially, the aquifer is considered solute free and a constant input-concentration is considered at inlet boundary. The solution is describing the solute concentration in rectangular inflow-region of the homogeneous porous media. The numerical solution is derived using a powerful method viz., spectral collocation method. The numerical computation and graphical presentations exhibit that the method is effective and reliable during solution of the physical model with complicated boundary conditions even in the presence of reaction term.

Keywords: two-dimensional solute transport system, spectral collocation method, Chebyshev polynomials, Chebyshev differentiation matrix

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25117 Unsupervised Assistive and Adaptive Intelligent Agent in Smart Environment

Authors: Sebastião Pais, João Casal, Ricardo Ponciano, Sérgio Lourenço


The adaptation paradigm is a basic defining feature for pervasive computing systems. Adaptation systems must work efficiently in smart environment while providing suitable information relevant to the user system interaction. The key objective is to deduce the information needed information changes. Therefore, relying on fixed operational models would be inappropriate. This paper presents a study on developing a Intelligent Personal Assistant to assist the user in interacting with their Smart Environment. We propose a Unsupervised and Language-Independent Adaptation through Intelligent Speech Interface and a set of methods of Acquiring Knowledge, namely Semantic Similarity and Unsupervised Learning.

Keywords: intelligent personal assistants, intelligent speech interface, unsupervised learning, language-independent, knowledge acquisition, association measures, symmetric word similarities, attributional word similarities

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25116 Signature Verification System for a Banking Business Process Management

Authors: A. Rahaf, S. Liyakathunsia


In today’s world, unprecedented operational pressure is faced by banks that test the efficiency, effectiveness, and agility of their business processes. In a typical banking process, a person’s authorization is usually based on his signature on most all of the transactions. Signature verification is considered as one of the highly significant information needed for any bank document processing. Banks usually use Signature Verification to authenticate the identity of individuals. In this paper, a business process model has been proposed in order to increase the quality of the verification process and to reduce time and needed resources. In order to understand the current process, a survey has been conducted and distributed among bank employees. After analyzing the survey, a process model has been created using Bizagi modeler which helps in simulating the process after assigning time and cost of it. The outcomes show that the automation of signature verification process is highly recommended for a banking business process.

Keywords: business process management, process modeling, quality, Signature Verification

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25115 Integration Process and Analytic Interface of different Environmental Open Data Sets with Java/Oracle and R

Authors: Pavel H. Llamocca, Victoria Lopez


The main objective of our work is the comparative analysis of environmental data from Open Data bases, belonging to different governments. This means that you have to integrate data from various different sources. Nowadays, many governments have the intention of publishing thousands of data sets for people and organizations to use them. In this way, the quantity of applications based on Open Data is increasing. However each government has its own procedures to publish its data, and it causes a variety of formats of data sets because there are no international standards to specify the formats of the data sets from Open Data bases. Due to this variety of formats, we must build a data integration process that is able to put together all kind of formats. There are some software tools developed in order to give support to the integration process, e.g. Data Tamer, Data Wrangler. The problem with these tools is that they need data scientist interaction to take part in the integration process as a final step. In our case we don’t want to depend on a data scientist, because environmental data are usually similar and these processes can be automated by programming. The main idea of our tool is to build Hadoop procedures adapted to data sources per each government in order to achieve an automated integration. Our work focus in environment data like temperature, energy consumption, air quality, solar radiation, speeds of wind, etc. Since 2 years, the government of Madrid is publishing its Open Data bases relative to environment indicators in real time. In the same way, other governments have published Open Data sets relative to the environment (like Andalucia or Bilbao). But all of those data sets have different formats and our solution is able to integrate all of them, furthermore it allows the user to make and visualize some analysis over the real-time data. Once the integration task is done, all the data from any government has the same format and the analysis process can be initiated in a computational better way. So the tool presented in this work has two goals: 1. Integration process; and 2. Graphic and analytic interface. As a first approach, the integration process was developed using Java and Oracle and the graphic and analytic interface with Java (jsp). However, in order to open our software tool, as second approach, we also developed an implementation with R language as mature open source technology. R is a really powerful open source programming language that allows us to process and analyze a huge amount of data with high performance. There are also some R libraries for the building of a graphic interface like shiny. A performance comparison between both implementations was made and no significant differences were found. In addition, our work provides with an Official Real-Time Integrated Data Set about Environment Data in Spain to any developer in order that they can build their own applications.

Keywords: open data, R language, data integration, environmental data

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25114 Heat Transfer Enhancement through Hybrid Metallic Nanofluids Flow with Viscous Dissipation and Joule Heating Effect

Authors: Khawar Ali


We present the numerical study of unsteady hydromagnetic (MHD) flow and heat transfer characteristics of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting water-based hybrid metallic nanofluid (containing Cu-Au/ H₂O nanoparticles) between two orthogonally moving porous coaxial disks with suction. Different from the classical shooting methodology, we employ a combination of a direct and an iterative method (SOR with optimal relaxation parameter) for solving the sparse systems of linear algebraic equations arising from the FD discretization of the linearized self similar nonlinear ODEs. Effects of the governing parameters on the flow and heat transfer are discussed and presented through tables and graphs. The findings of the present investigation may be beneficial for the electronic industry in maintaining the electronic components under effectiveand safe operational conditions.

Keywords: heat transfer enhancement, hybrid metallic nanofluid, viscous dissipation and joule heating effect , Two dimensional flow

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25113 Transforming Data into Knowledge: Mathematical and Statistical Innovations in Data Analytics

Authors: Zahid Ullah, Atlas Khan


The rapid growth of data in various domains has created a pressing need for effective methods to transform this data into meaningful knowledge. In this era of big data, mathematical and statistical innovations play a crucial role in unlocking insights and facilitating informed decision-making in data analytics. This abstract aims to explore the transformative potential of these innovations and their impact on converting raw data into actionable knowledge. Drawing upon a comprehensive review of existing literature, this research investigates the cutting-edge mathematical and statistical techniques that enable the conversion of data into knowledge. By evaluating their underlying principles, strengths, and limitations, we aim to identify the most promising innovations in data analytics. To demonstrate the practical applications of these innovations, real-world datasets will be utilized through case studies or simulations. This empirical approach will showcase how mathematical and statistical innovations can extract patterns, trends, and insights from complex data, enabling evidence-based decision-making across diverse domains. Furthermore, a comparative analysis will be conducted to assess the performance, scalability, interpretability, and adaptability of different innovations. By benchmarking against established techniques, we aim to validate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed mathematical and statistical innovations in data analytics. Ethical considerations surrounding data analytics, such as privacy, security, bias, and fairness, will be addressed throughout the research. Guidelines and best practices will be developed to ensure the responsible and ethical use of mathematical and statistical innovations in data analytics. The expected contributions of this research include advancements in mathematical and statistical sciences, improved data analysis techniques, enhanced decision-making processes, and practical implications for industries and policymakers. The outcomes will guide the adoption and implementation of mathematical and statistical innovations, empowering stakeholders to transform data into actionable knowledge and drive meaningful outcomes.

Keywords: data analytics, mathematical innovations, knowledge extraction, decision-making

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25112 FCNN-MR: A Parallel Instance Selection Method Based on Fast Condensed Nearest Neighbor Rule

Authors: Lu Si, Jie Yu, Shasha Li, Jun Ma, Lei Luo, Qingbo Wu, Yongqi Ma, Zhengji Liu


Instance selection (IS) technique is used to reduce the data size to improve the performance of data mining methods. Recently, to process very large data set, several proposed methods divide the training set into some disjoint subsets and apply IS algorithms independently to each subset. In this paper, we analyze the limitation of these methods and give our viewpoint about how to divide and conquer in IS procedure. Then, based on fast condensed nearest neighbor (FCNN) rule, we propose a large data sets instance selection method with MapReduce framework. Besides ensuring the prediction accuracy and reduction rate, it has two desirable properties: First, it reduces the work load in the aggregation node; Second and most important, it produces the same result with the sequential version, which other parallel methods cannot achieve. We evaluate the performance of FCNN-MR on one small data set and two large data sets. The experimental results show that it is effective and practical.

Keywords: instance selection, data reduction, MapReduce, kNN

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25111 A Design Framework for an Open Market Platform of Enriched Card-Based Transactional Data for Big Data Analytics and Open Banking

Authors: Trevor Toy, Josef Langerman


Around a quarter of the world’s data is generated by financial with an estimated 708.5 billion global non-cash transactions reached between 2018 and. And with Open Banking still a rapidly developing concept within the financial industry, there is an opportunity to create a secure mechanism for connecting its stakeholders to openly, legitimately and consensually share the data required to enable it. Integration and data sharing of anonymised transactional data are still operated in silos and centralised between the large corporate entities in the ecosystem that have the resources to do so. Smaller fintechs generating data and businesses looking to consume data are largely excluded from the process. Therefore there is a growing demand for accessible transactional data for analytical purposes and also to support the rapid global adoption of Open Banking. The following research has provided a solution framework that aims to provide a secure decentralised marketplace for 1.) data providers to list their transactional data, 2.) data consumers to find and access that data, and 3.) data subjects (the individuals making the transactions that generate the data) to manage and sell the data that relates to themselves. The platform also provides an integrated system for downstream transactional-related data from merchants, enriching the data product available to build a comprehensive view of a data subject’s spending habits. A robust and sustainable data market can be developed by providing a more accessible mechanism for data producers to monetise their data investments and encouraging data subjects to share their data through the same financial incentives. At the centre of the platform is the market mechanism that connects the data providers and their data subjects to the data consumers. This core component of the platform is developed on a decentralised blockchain contract with a market layer that manages transaction, user, pricing, payment, tagging, contract, control, and lineage features that pertain to the user interactions on the platform. One of the platform’s key features is enabling the participation and management of personal data by the individuals from whom the data is being generated. This framework developed a proof-of-concept on the Etheruem blockchain base where an individual can securely manage access to their own personal data and that individual’s identifiable relationship to the card-based transaction data provided by financial institutions. This gives data consumers access to a complete view of transactional spending behaviour in correlation to key demographic information. This platform solution can ultimately support the growth, prosperity, and development of economies, businesses, communities, and individuals by providing accessible and relevant transactional data for big data analytics and open banking.

Keywords: big data markets, open banking, blockchain, personal data management

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25110 The Relationships between Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices, Digital Transformation, and Enterprise Performance in Vietnam

Authors: Thi Phuong Pham


This paper explores the intricate relationships between Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) practices, digital transformation (DT), and enterprise performance within the context of Vietnam. Over the past two decades, there has been a paradigm shift in supply chain management, with sustainability gaining prominence due to increasing concerns about climate change, labor practices, and the environmental impact of business operations. In the ever-evolving realm of global business, sustainability and digital transformation (DT) intersecting dynamics have become pivotal catalysts for organizational success. This research investigates how integrating SSCM with DT can enhance enterprise performance, a subject of significant relevance as Vietnam undergoes rapid economic growth and digital transformation. The primary objectives of this research are twofold: (1) to examine the effects of SSCM practices on enterprise performance in three critical aspects: economic, environmental, and social performance in Vietnam and (2) to explore the mediating role of DT in this relationship. By analyzing these dynamics, the study aims to provide valuable insights for policymakers and the academic community regarding the potential benefits of aligning SSCM principles with digital technologies. To achieve these objectives, the research employs a robust mixed-method approach. The research begins with a comprehensive literature review to establish a theoretical framework that underpins the empirical analysis. Data collection was conducted through a structured survey targeting Vietnamese enterprises, with the survey instrument designed to measure SSCM practices, DT, and enterprise performance using a five-point Likert scale. The reliability and validity of the survey were ensured by pre-testing with industry practitioners and refining the questionnaire based on their feedback. For data analysis, structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed to quantify the direct effects of SSCM on enterprise performance, while mediation analysis using the PROCESS Macro 4.0 in SPSS was conducted to assess the mediating role of DT. The findings reveal that SSCM practices positively influence enterprise performance by enhancing operational efficiency, reducing costs, and improving sustainability metrics. Furthermore, DT acts as a significant mediator, amplifying the positive impacts of SSCM practices through improved data management, enhanced communication, and more agile supply chain processes. These results underscore the critical role of DT in maximizing the benefits of SSCM practices, particularly in a developing economy like Vietnam. This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by highlighting the synergistic effects of SSCM and DT on enterprise performance. It offers practical implications for businesses that enhance their sustainability and digital capabilities, providing a roadmap for integrating these two pivotal aspects to achieve competitive advantage. The study's insights can also inform governmental policies designed to foster sustainable economic growth and digital innovation in Vietnam.

Keywords: sustainable supply chain management, digital transformation, enterprise performance, Vietnam

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25109 Experimental Evaluation of Succinct Ternary Tree

Authors: Dmitriy Kuptsov


Tree data structures, such as binary or in general k-ary trees, are essential in computer science. The applications of these data structures can range from data search and retrieval to sorting and ranking algorithms. Naive implementations of these data structures can consume prohibitively large volumes of random access memory limiting their applicability in certain solutions. Thus, in these cases, more advanced representation of these data structures is essential. In this paper we present the design of the compact version of ternary tree data structure and demonstrate the results for the experimental evaluation using static dictionary problem. We compare these results with the results for binary and regular ternary trees. The conducted evaluation study shows that our design, in the best case, consumes up to 12 times less memory (for the dictionary used in our experimental evaluation) than a regular ternary tree and in certain configuration shows performance comparable to regular ternary trees. We have evaluated the performance of the algorithms using both 32 and 64 bit operating systems.

Keywords: algorithms, data structures, succinct ternary tree, per- formance evaluation

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25108 High Pressure Thermophysical Properties of Complex Mixtures Relevant to Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Processing

Authors: Saif Al Ghafri, Thomas Hughes, Armand Karimi, Kumarini Seneviratne, Jordan Oakley, Michael Johns, Eric F. May


Knowledge of the thermophysical properties of complex mixtures at extreme conditions of pressure and temperature have always been essential to the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) industry’s evolution because of the tremendous technical challenges present at all stages in the supply chain from production to liquefaction to transport. Each stage is designed using predictions of the mixture’s properties, such as density, viscosity, surface tension, heat capacity and phase behaviour as a function of temperature, pressure, and composition. Unfortunately, currently available models lead to equipment over-designs of 15% or more. To achieve better designs that work more effectively and/or over a wider range of conditions, new fundamental property data are essential, both to resolve discrepancies in our current predictive capabilities and to extend them to the higher-pressure conditions characteristic of many new gas fields. Furthermore, innovative experimental techniques are required to measure different thermophysical properties at high pressures and over a wide range of temperatures, including near the mixture’s critical points where gas and liquid become indistinguishable and most existing predictive fluid property models used breakdown. In this work, we present a wide range of experimental measurements made for different binary and ternary mixtures relevant to LNG processing, with a particular focus on viscosity, surface tension, heat capacity, bubble-points and density. For this purpose, customized and specialized apparatus were designed and validated over the temperature range (200 to 423) K at pressures to 35 MPa. The mixtures studied were (CH4 + C3H8), (CH4 + C3H8 + CO2) and (CH4 + C3H8 + C7H16); in the last of these the heptane contents was up to 10 mol %. Viscosity was measured using a vibrating wire apparatus, while mixture densities were obtained by means of a high-pressure magnetic-suspension densimeter and an isochoric cell apparatus; the latter was also used to determine bubble-points. Surface tensions were measured using the capillary rise method in a visual cell, which also enabled the location of the mixture critical point to be determined from observations of critical opalescence. Mixture heat capacities were measured using a customised high-pressure differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The combined standard relative uncertainties were less than 0.3% for density, 2% for viscosity, 3% for heat capacity and 3 % for surface tension. The extensive experimental data gathered in this work were compared with a variety of different advanced engineering models frequently used for predicting thermophysical properties of mixtures relevant to LNG processing. In many cases the discrepancies between the predictions of different engineering models for these mixtures was large, and the high quality data allowed erroneous but often widely-used models to be identified. The data enable the development of new or improved models, to be implemented in process simulation software, so that the fluid properties needed for equipment and process design can be predicted reliably. This in turn will enable reduced capital and operational expenditure by the LNG industry. The current work also aided the community of scientists working to advance theoretical descriptions of fluid properties by allowing to identify deficiencies in theoretical descriptions and calculations.

Keywords: LNG, thermophysical, viscosity, density, surface tension, heat capacity, bubble points, models

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25107 Impact of the Photovoltaic Integration in Power Distribution Network: Case Study in Badak Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

Authors: David Hasurungan


This paper objective is to analyze the impact from photovoltaic system integration to power distribution network. The case study in Badak Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant is presented in this paper. Badak LNG electricity network is operated in islanded mode. The total power generation in Badak LNG plant is significantly affected to feed gas supply. Meanwhile, to support the Government regulation, Badak LNG continuously implemented the grid-connected photovoltaic system in existing power distribution network. The impact between train operational mode change in Badak LNG plant and the growth of photovoltaic system is also encompassed in analysis. The analysis and calculation are performed using software Power Factory 15.1.

Keywords: power quality, distribution network, grid-connected photovoltaic system, power management system

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25106 Predicting Data Center Resource Usage Using Quantile Regression to Conserve Energy While Fulfilling the Service Level Agreement

Authors: Ahmed I. Alutabi, Naghmeh Dezhabad, Sudhakar Ganti


Data centers have been growing in size and dema nd continuously in the last two decades. Planning for the deployment of resources has been shallow and always resorted to over-provisioning. Data center operators try to maximize the availability of their services by allocating multiple of the needed resources. One resource that has been wasted, with little thought, has been energy. In recent years, programmable resource allocation has paved the way to allow for more efficient and robust data centers. In this work, we examine the predictability of resource usage in a data center environment. We use a number of models that cover a wide spectrum of machine learning categories. Then we establish a framework to guarantee the client service level agreement (SLA). Our results show that using prediction can cut energy loss by up to 55%.

Keywords: machine learning, artificial intelligence, prediction, data center, resource allocation, green computing

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25105 The Impacts of New Digital Technology Transformation on Singapore Healthcare Sector: Case Study of a Public Hospital in Singapore from a Management Accounting Perspective

Authors: Junqi Zou


As one of the world’s most tech-ready countries, Singapore has initiated the Smart Nation plan to harness the full power and potential of digital technologies to transform the way people live and work, through the more efficient government and business processes, to make the economy more productive. The key evolutions of digital technology transformation in healthcare and the increasing deployment of Internet of Things (IoTs), Big Data, AI/cognitive, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Electronic Health Record Systems (EHR), Electronic Medical Record Systems (EMR), Warehouse Management System (WMS in the most recent decade have significantly stepped up the move towards an information-driven healthcare ecosystem. The advances in information technology not only bring benefits to patients but also act as a key force in changing management accounting in healthcare sector. The aim of this study is to investigate the impacts of digital technology transformation on Singapore’s healthcare sector from a management accounting perspective. Adopting a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) analysis approach, this paper conducted an exploratory case study of a newly launched Singapore public hospital, which has been recognized as amongst the most digitally advanced healthcare facilities in Asia-Pacific region. Specifically, this study gains insights on how the new technology is changing healthcare organizations’ management accounting from four perspectives under the Balanced Scorecard approach, 1) Financial Perspective, 2) Customer (Patient) Perspective, 3) Internal Processes Perspective, and 4) Learning and Growth Perspective. Based on a thorough review of archival records from the government and public, and the interview reports with the hospital’s CIO, this study finds the improvements from all the four perspectives under the Balanced Scorecard framework as follows: 1) Learning and Growth Perspective: The Government (Ministry of Health) works with the hospital to open up multiple training pathways to health professionals that upgrade and develops new IT skills among the healthcare workforce to support the transformation of healthcare services. 2) Internal Process Perspective: The hospital achieved digital transformation through Project OneCare to integrate clinical, operational, and administrative information systems (e.g., EHR, EMR, WMS, EPIB, RTLS) that enable the seamless flow of data and the implementation of JIT system to help the hospital operate more effectively and efficiently. 3) Customer Perspective: The fully integrated EMR suite enhances the patient’s experiences by achieving the 5 Rights (Right Patient, Right Data, Right Device, Right Entry and Right Time). 4) Financial Perspective: Cost savings are achieved from improved inventory management and effective supply chain management. The use of process automation also results in a reduction of manpower costs and logistics cost. To summarize, these improvements identified under the Balanced Scorecard framework confirm the success of utilizing the integration of advanced ICT to enhance healthcare organization’s customer service, productivity efficiency, and cost savings. Moreover, the Big Data generated from this integrated EMR system can be particularly useful in aiding management control system to optimize decision making and strategic planning. To conclude, the new digital technology transformation has moved the usefulness of management accounting to both financial and non-financial dimensions with new heights in the area of healthcare management.

Keywords: balanced scorecard, digital technology transformation, healthcare ecosystem, integrated information system

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25104 Prosperous Digital Image Watermarking Approach by Using DCT-DWT

Authors: Prabhakar C. Dhavale, Meenakshi M. Pawar


In this paper, everyday tons of data is embedded on digital media or distributed over the internet. The data is so distributed that it can easily be replicated without error, putting the rights of their owners at risk. Even when encrypted for distribution, data can easily be decrypted and copied. One way to discourage illegal duplication is to insert information known as watermark, into potentially valuable data in such a way that it is impossible to separate the watermark from the data. These challenges motivated researchers to carry out intense research in the field of watermarking. A watermark is a form, image or text that is impressed onto paper, which provides evidence of its authenticity. Digital watermarking is an extension of the same concept. There are two types of watermarks visible watermark and invisible watermark. In this project, we have concentrated on implementing watermark in image. The main consideration for any watermarking scheme is its robustness to various attacks

Keywords: watermarking, digital, DCT-DWT, security

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25103 Machine Learning Data Architecture

Authors: Neerav Kumar, Naumaan Nayyar, Sharath Kashyap


Most companies see an increase in the adoption of machine learning (ML) applications across internal and external-facing use cases. ML applications vend output either in batch or real-time patterns. A complete batch ML pipeline architecture comprises data sourcing, feature engineering, model training, model deployment, model output vending into a data store for downstream application. Due to unclear role expectations, we have observed that scientists specializing in building and optimizing models are investing significant efforts into building the other components of the architecture, which we do not believe is the best use of scientists’ bandwidth. We propose a system architecture created using AWS services that bring industry best practices to managing the workflow and simplifies the process of model deployment and end-to-end data integration for an ML application. This narrows down the scope of scientists’ work to model building and refinement while specialized data engineers take over the deployment, pipeline orchestration, data quality, data permission system, etc. The pipeline infrastructure is built and deployed as code (using terraform, cdk, cloudformation, etc.) which makes it easy to replicate and/or extend the architecture to other models that are used in an organization.

Keywords: data pipeline, machine learning, AWS, architecture, batch machine learning

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25102 Analysis of the Theoretical Values of Several Characteristic Parameters of Surface Topography in Rotational Turning

Authors: J. Kundrák, I. Sztankovics, K. Gyáni


In addition to the increase of the material removal rate or surface rate, or the improvement of the surface quality, which are the main aims of the development of manufacturing technology, a growing number of other manufacturing requirements have appeared in the machining of workpiece surfaces. Among these, it is becoming increasingly dominant to generate a surface topography in finishing operations which meet more closely the needs of operational requirements. These include the examination of the surface periodicity and/or ensuring that the twist structure values are within the limits (or even preventing its occurrence) in specified cases such as on the sealing surfaces of rotating shafts or on the inside working surfaces of needle roller bearings. In the view of the measurement, the twist has different parameters from surface roughness, which must be determined for the machining procedures. Therefore in this paper the alteration of the theoretical values of the parameters determining twist structure are studied as a function of the kinematic properties.

Keywords: kinematic parameters, rotational turning, surface topography, twist structure

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25101 Simulating Lean and Green Correlation in Supply Chain Context

Authors: Rachid Benmoussa, Fatima Ezzahra Essaber, Roland De Guio, Fatima Zahra Ben Moussa


Implementing green practices in supply chain management is a complex task mainly because ecological, economical and operational goals are usually in conflict. Green practices might thus face companies’ reluctance because managers can consider its implementation obviously as a performance lean degradation. To implement lean and green practices successfully, companies need relevant decision-making tools to highlight the correlation between them. To contribute to this issue, this work tries to answer the following research question: How to use simulation to assess correlation (antagonism or convergence) between lean and green goals? To answer this question, we propose in this paper a based simulation process that measures correlation generally between two variables. So as to prove its relevance, a logistics academic case study is used to illustrate all its stages. It shows, as for example, that Lean goal 'Stock' and Green goal 'CO₂ emission' are not conceptually correlated (linearly).

Keywords: simulation, lean, green, supply chain

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