Search results for: neural networking algorithm
4452 A Survey of Sentiment Analysis Based on Deep Learning
Authors: Pingping Lin, Xudong Luo, Yifan Fan
Sentiment analysis is a very active research topic. Every day, Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, and other social media, as well as significant e-commerce websites, generate a massive amount of comments, which can be used to analyse peoples opinions or emotions. The existing methods for sentiment analysis are based mainly on sentiment dictionaries, machine learning, and deep learning. The first two kinds of methods rely on heavily sentiment dictionaries or large amounts of labelled data. The third one overcomes these two problems. So, in this paper, we focus on the third one. Specifically, we survey various sentiment analysis methods based on convolutional neural network, recurrent neural network, long short-term memory, deep neural network, deep belief network, and memory network. We compare their futures, advantages, and disadvantages. Also, we point out the main problems of these methods, which may be worthy of careful studies in the future. Finally, we also examine the application of deep learning in multimodal sentiment analysis and aspect-level sentiment analysis.Keywords: document analysis, deep learning, multimodal sentiment analysis, natural language processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1644451 Tank Barrel Surface Damage Detection Algorithm
Authors: Tomáš Dyk, Stanislav Procházka, Martin Drahanský
The article proposes a new algorithm for detecting damaged areas of the tank barrel based on the image of the inner surface of the tank barrel. Damage position is calculated using image processing techniques such as edge detection, discrete wavelet transformation and image segmentation for accurate contour detection. The algorithm can detect surface damage in smoothbore and even in rifled tank barrels. The algorithm also calculates the volume of the detected damage from the depth map generated, for example, from the distance measurement unit. The proposed method was tested on data obtained by a tank barrel scanning device, which generates both surface image data and depth map. The article also discusses tank barrel scanning devices and how damaged surface impacts material resistance.Keywords: barrel, barrel diagnostic, image processing, surface damage detection, tank
Procedia PDF Downloads 1394450 DCT and Stream Ciphers for Improved Image Encryption Mechanism
Authors: T. R. Sharika, Ashwini Kumar, Kamal Bijlani
Encryption is the process of converting crucial information’s unreadable to unauthorized persons. Image security is an important type of encryption that secures all type of images from cryptanalysis. A stream cipher is a fast symmetric key algorithm which is used to convert plaintext to cipher text. In this paper we are proposing an image encryption algorithm with Discrete Cosine Transform and Stream Ciphers that can improve compression of images and enhanced security. The paper also explains the use of a shuffling algorithm for enhancing securing.Keywords: decryption, DCT, encryption, RC4 cipher, stream cipher
Procedia PDF Downloads 3634449 Towards a Large Scale Deep Semantically Analyzed Corpus for Arabic: Annotation and Evaluation
Authors: S. Alansary, M. Nagi
This paper presents an approach of conducting semantic annotation of Arabic corpus using the Universal Networking Language (UNL) framework. UNL is intended to be a promising strategy for providing a large collection of semantically annotated texts with formal, deep semantics rather than shallow. The result would constitute a semantic resource (semantic graphs) that is editable and that integrates various phenomena, including predicate-argument structure, scope, tense, thematic roles and rhetorical relations, into a single semantic formalism for knowledge representation. The paper will also present the Interactive Analysis tool for automatic semantic annotation (IAN). In addition, the cornerstone of the proposed methodology which are the disambiguation and transformation rules, will be presented. Semantic annotation using UNL has been applied to a corpus of 20,000 Arabic sentences representing the most frequent structures in the Arabic Wikipedia. The representation, at different linguistic levels was illustrated starting from the morphological level passing through the syntactic level till the semantic representation is reached. The output has been evaluated using the F-measure. It is 90% accurate. This demonstrates how powerful the formal environment is, as it enables intelligent text processing and search.Keywords: semantic analysis, semantic annotation, Arabic, universal networking language
Procedia PDF Downloads 5824448 A Review of Attractor Neural Networks and Their Use in Cognitive Science
Authors: Makenzy Lee Gilbert
This literature review explores the role of attractor neural networks (ANNs) in modeling psychological processes in artificial and biological systems. By synthesizing research from dynamical systems theory, psychology, and computational neuroscience, the review provides an overview of the current understanding of ANN function in memory formation, reinforcement, retrieval, and forgetting. Key mathematical foundations, including dynamical systems theory and energy functions, are discussed to explain the behavior and stability of these networks. The review also examines empirical applications of ANNs in cognitive processes such as semantic memory and episodic recall, as well as highlighting the hippocampus's role in pattern separation and completion. The review addresses challenges like catastrophic forgetting and noise effects on memory retrieval. By identifying gaps between theoretical models and empirical findings, it highlights the interdisciplinary nature of ANN research and suggests future exploration areas.Keywords: attractor neural networks, connectionism, computational modeling, cognitive neuroscience
Procedia PDF Downloads 324447 Estimating Solar Irradiance on a Tilted Surface Using Artificial Neural Networks with Differential Outputs
Authors: Hsu-Yung Cheng, Kuo-Chang Hsu, Chi-Chang Chan, Mei-Hui Tseng, Chih-Chang Yu, Ya-Sheng Liu
Photovoltaics modules are usually not installed horizontally to avoid water or dust accumulation. However, the measured irradiance data on tilted surfaces are rarely available since installing pyranometers with various tilt angles induces high costs. Therefore, estimating solar irradiance on tilted surfaces is an important research topic. In this work, artificial neural networks (ANN) are utilized to construct the transfer model to estimate solar irradiance on tilted surfaces. Instead of predicting tilted irradiance directly, the proposed method estimates the differences between the horizontal irradiance and the irradiance on a tilted surface. The outputs of the ANNs in the proposed design are differential values. The experimental results have shown that the proposed ANNs with differential outputs can substantially improve the estimation accuracy compared to ANNs that estimate the titled irradiance directly.Keywords: photovoltaics, artificial neural networks, tilted irradiance, solar energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3984446 Dual-Channel Multi-Band Spectral Subtraction Algorithm Dedicated to a Bilateral Cochlear Implant
Authors: Fathi Kallel, Ahmed Ben Hamida, Christian Berger-Vachon
In this paper, a Speech Enhancement Algorithm based on Multi-Band Spectral Subtraction (MBSS) principle is evaluated for Bilateral Cochlear Implant (BCI) users. Specifically, dual-channel noise power spectral estimation algorithm using Power Spectral Densities (PSD) and Cross Power Spectral Densities (CPSD) of the observed signals is studied. The enhanced speech signal is obtained using Dual-Channel Multi-Band Spectral Subtraction ‘DC-MBSS’ algorithm. For performance evaluation, objective speech assessment test relying on Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) score is performed to fix the optimal number of frequency bands needed in DC-MBSS algorithm. In order to evaluate the speech intelligibility, subjective listening tests are assessed with 3 deafened BCI patients. Experimental results obtained using French Lafon database corrupted by an additive babble noise at different Signal-to-Noise Ratios (SNR) showed that DC-MBSS algorithm improves speech understanding for single and multiple interfering noise sources.Keywords: speech enhancement, spectral substracion, noise estimation, cochlear impalnt
Procedia PDF Downloads 5494445 Design and Implementation of Neural Network Based Controller for Self-Driven Vehicle
Authors: Hassam Muazzam
This paper devises an autonomous self-driven vehicle that is capable of taking a disabled person to his/her desired location using three different power sources (gasoline, solar, electric) without any control from the user, avoiding the obstacles in the way. The GPS co-ordinates of the desired location are sent to the main processing board via a GSM module. After the GPS co-ordinates are sent, the path to be followed by the vehicle is devised by Pythagoras theorem. The distance and angle between the present location and the desired location is calculated and then the vehicle starts moving in the desired direction. Meanwhile real-time data from ultrasonic sensors is fed to the board for obstacle avoidance mechanism. Ultrasonic sensors are used to quantify the distance of the vehicle from the object. The distance and position of the object is then used to make decisions regarding the direction of vehicle in order to avoid the obstacles using artificial neural network which is implemented using ATmega1280. Also the vehicle provides the feedback location at remote location.Keywords: autonomous self-driven vehicle, obstacle avoidance, desired location, pythagoras theorem, neural network, remote location
Procedia PDF Downloads 4104444 Decision Support System for Fetus Status Evaluation Using Cardiotocograms
Authors: Oyebade K. Oyedotun
The cardiotocogram is a technical recording of the heartbeat rate and uterine contractions of a fetus during pregnancy. During pregnancy, several complications can occur to both the mother and the fetus; hence it is very crucial that medical experts are able to find technical means to check the healthiness of the mother and especially the fetus. It is very important that the fetus develops as expected in stages during the pregnancy period; however, the task of monitoring the health status of the fetus is not that which is easily achieved as the fetus is not wholly physically available to medical experts for inspection. Hence, doctors have to resort to some other tests that can give an indication of the status of the fetus. One of such diagnostic test is to obtain cardiotocograms of the fetus. From the analysis of the cardiotocograms, medical experts can determine the status of the fetus, and therefore necessary medical interventions. Generally, medical experts classify examined cardiotocograms into ‘normal’, ‘suspect’, or ‘pathological’. This work presents an artificial neural network based decision support system which can filter cardiotocograms data, producing the corresponding statuses of the fetuses. The capability of artificial neural network to explore the cardiotocogram data and learn features that distinguish one class from the others has been exploited in this research. In this research, feedforward and radial basis neural networks were trained on a publicly available database to classify the processed cardiotocogram data into one of the three classes: ‘normal’, ‘suspect’, or ‘pathological’. Classification accuracies of 87.8% and 89.2% were achieved during the test phase of the trained network for the feedforward and radial basis neural networks respectively. It is the hope that while the system described in this work may not be a complete replacement for a medical expert in fetus status evaluation, it can significantly reinforce the confidence in medical diagnosis reached by experts.Keywords: decision support, cardiotocogram, classification, neural networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 3364443 Reliability Improvement of Power System Networks Using Adaptive Genetic Algorithm
Authors: Alireza Alesaadi
Reliability analysis is a powerful method for determining the weak points of the electrical networks. In designing of electrical network, it is tried to design the most reliable network with minimal system shutting down, but it is usually associated with increasing the cost. In this paper, using adaptive genetic algorithm, a method was presented that provides the most reliable system with a certain economical cost. Finally, the proposed method is applied to a sample network and results will be analyzed.Keywords: reliability, adaptive genetic algorithm, electrical network, communication engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 5134442 Cyber Bullying Victimization of Elementary School Students and Their Reflections on the Victimization
Authors: Merve Sadetas Sezer, Ismail Sahin, Ahmet Oguz Akturk
With the use of developing technology, mostly in communication and entertainment, students spend considerable time on the internet. In addition to the advantages provided by the internet, social isolation brings problems such as addiction. This is one of the problems of the virtual violence. Cyber-bullying is the common name of the intensities which students are exposed on the internet. The purpose of this study designed as a qualitative research is to find out the cyber bullying varieties and its effects on elementary school students. The participants of this research are 6th, 7th and 8th grade students of a primary school and 24 students agreed to participate in the study. The students were asked to fill an interview with semi-structured open-ended questions. According to the results obtained in the research, the most important statements determined by the participants are breaking passwords on social networking sites, slang insult to blasphemy and taking friendship offers from unfamiliar people. According to participants from the research, the most used techniques to prevent themselves from cyber bullying are to complain to the site administrator, closing accounts on social networking sites and countercharging. Also, suggestions were presented according to the findings.Keywords: bullying, cyber-bullying, elementary, peer-relationship, virtual victimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 3524441 Design Data Sorter Circuit Using Insertion Sorting Algorithm
Authors: Hoda Abugharsa
In this paper we propose to design a sorter circuit using insertion sorting algorithm. The circuit will be designed using Algorithmic State Machines (ASM) method. That means converting the insertion sorting flowchart into an ASM chart. Then the ASM chart will be used to design the sorter circuit and the control unit.Keywords: insert sorting algorithm, ASM chart, sorter circuit, state machine, control unit
Procedia PDF Downloads 4454440 Product Development in Company
Authors: Giorgi Methodishvili, Iuliia Methodishvili
In this paper product development algorithm is used to determine the optimal management of financial resources in company. Aspects of financial management considered include put initial investment, examine all possible ways to solve the problem and the optimal rotation length of profit. The software of given problems is based using greedy algorithm. The obtained model and program maintenance enable us to define the optimal version of management of proper financial flows by using visual diagram on each level of investment.Keywords: management, software, optimal, greedy algorithm, graph-diagram
Procedia PDF Downloads 564439 Automatic Classification Using Dynamic Fuzzy C Means Algorithm and Mathematical Morphology: Application in 3D MRI Image
Authors: Abdelkhalek Bakkari
Image segmentation is a critical step in image processing and pattern recognition. In this paper, we proposed a new robust automatic image classification based on a dynamic fuzzy c-means algorithm and mathematical morphology. The proposed segmentation algorithm (DFCM_MM) has been applied to MR perfusion images. The obtained results show the validity and robustness of the proposed approach.Keywords: segmentation, classification, dynamic, fuzzy c-means, MR image
Procedia PDF Downloads 4814438 Autonomous Control of Ultrasonic Transducer Drive System
Authors: Dong-Keun Jeong, Jong-Hyun Kim, Woon-Ha Yoon, Hee-Je Kim
In order to automatically operate the ultrasonic transducer drive system for sonicating aluminum, this paper proposes the ultrasonic transducer sensorless control algorithm. The resonance frequency shift and electrical impedance change is a common phenomenon in the state of the ultrasonic transducer. The proposed control algorithm make use of the impedance change of ultrasonic transducer according to the environment between air state and aluminum alloy state, it controls the ultrasonic transducer drive system autonomous without a sensor. The proposed sensorless autonomous ultrasonic transducer control algorithm was experimentally verified using a 3kW prototype ultrasonic transducer drive system.Keywords: ultrasonic transducer drive system, impedance change, sensorless, autonomous control algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 3614437 Automatic Early Breast Cancer Segmentation Enhancement by Image Analysis and Hough Transform
Authors: David Jurado, Carlos Ávila
Detection of early signs of breast cancer development is crucial to quickly diagnose the disease and to define adequate treatment to increase the survival probability of the patient. Computer Aided Detection systems (CADs), along with modern data techniques such as Machine Learning (ML) and Neural Networks (NN), have shown an overall improvement in digital mammography cancer diagnosis, reducing the false positive and false negative rates becoming important tools for the diagnostic evaluations performed by specialized radiologists. However, ML and NN-based algorithms rely on datasets that might bring issues to the segmentation tasks. In the present work, an automatic segmentation and detection algorithm is described. This algorithm uses image processing techniques along with the Hough transform to automatically identify microcalcifications that are highly correlated with breast cancer development in the early stages. Along with image processing, automatic segmentation of high-contrast objects is done using edge extraction and circle Hough transform. This provides the geometrical features needed for an automatic mask design which extracts statistical features of the regions of interest. The results shown in this study prove the potential of this tool for further diagnostics and classification of mammographic images due to the low sensitivity to noisy images and low contrast mammographies.Keywords: breast cancer, segmentation, X-ray imaging, hough transform, image analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 844436 Detect Circles in Image: Using Statistical Image Analysis
Authors: Fathi M. O. Hamed, Salma F. Elkofhaifee
The aim of this work is to detect geometrical shape objects in an image. In this paper, the object is considered to be as a circle shape. The identification requires find three characteristics, which are number, size, and location of the object. To achieve the goal of this work, this paper presents an algorithm that combines from some of statistical approaches and image analysis techniques. This algorithm has been implemented to arrive at the major objectives in this paper. The algorithm has been evaluated by using simulated data, and yields good results, and then it has been applied to real data.Keywords: image processing, median filter, projection, scale-space, segmentation, threshold
Procedia PDF Downloads 4344435 Using Self Organizing Feature Maps for Automatic Prostate Segmentation in TRUS Images
Authors: Ahad Salimi, Hassan Masoumi
Prostate cancer is one of the most common recognized cancers in men, and, is one of the most important mortality factors of cancer in this group. Determining of prostate’s boundary in TRUS (Transrectal Ultra Sound) images is very necessary for prostate cancer treatments. The weakness edges and speckle noise make the ultrasound images inherently to segment. In this paper a new automatic algorithm for prostate segmentation in TRUS images proposed that include three main stages. At first morphological smoothing and sticks filtering are used for noise removing. In second step, for finding a point in prostate region, SOFM algorithm is enlisted and in the last step, the boundary of prostate extracting accompanying active contour is employed. For validation of proposed method, a number of experiments are conducted. The results obtained by our algorithm show the promise of the proposed algorithm.Keywords: SOFM, preprocessing, GVF contour, segmentation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3304434 Design of a Cooperative Neural Network, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Fuzzy Based Tracking Control for a Tilt Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Authors: Mostafa Mjahed
Tilt Rotor UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) are naturally unstable and difficult to maneuver. The purpose of this paper is to design controllers for the stabilization and trajectory tracking of this type of UAV. To this end, artificial intelligence methods have been exploited. First, the dynamics of this UAV was modeled using the Lagrange-Euler method. The conventional method based on Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) control was applied by decoupling the different flight modes. To improve stability and trajectory tracking of the Tilt Rotor, the fuzzy approach and the technique of multilayer neural networks (NN) has been used. Thus, Fuzzy Proportional Integral and Derivative (FPID) and Neural Network-based Proportional Integral and Derivative controllers (NNPID) have been developed. The meta-heuristic approach based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method allowed adjusting the setting parameters of NNPID controller, giving us an improved NNPID-PSO controller. Simulation results under the Matlab environment show the efficiency of the approaches adopted. Besides, the Tilt Rotor UAV has become stable and follows different types of trajectories with acceptable precision. The Fuzzy, NN and NN-PSO-based approaches demonstrated their robustness because the presence of the disturbances did not alter the stability or the trajectory tracking of the Tilt Rotor UAV.Keywords: neural network, fuzzy logic, PSO, PID, trajectory tracking, tilt-rotor UAV
Procedia PDF Downloads 1224433 One-Dimension Model for Positive Displacement Pump with Cavitation Algorithm
Authors: Francesco Rizzuto, Matthew Stickland, Stephan Hannot
The simulation of a positive displacement pump system with commercial software for Computer Fluid Dynamics (CFD), will result in an enormous computational effort due to the complexity of the pump system. This drawback restricts the use of it to a specific part of the pump in one simulation. This research focuses on developing an algorithm that provides a suitable result in agreement with experiment data, without that computational effort. The compressible equations are solved with an explicit algorithm. A comparison is presented between the FV method with Monotonic Upwind scheme for Conservative Laws (MUSCL) with slope limiter and experimental results. The source term for cavitation and friction is introduced into the algorithm with a slipping strategy and solved with a 4th order Runge-Kutta scheme (RK4). Different pumps are modeled and analyzed to evaluate the flexibility of the code. The simulation required minimal computation time and resources without compromising the accuracy of the simulation results. Therefore, this algorithm highlights the feasibility of pressure pulsation simulation as a design tool for an industrial purpose.Keywords: cavitation, diaphragm, DVCM, finite volume, MUSCL, positive displacement pump
Procedia PDF Downloads 1554432 Fast Estimation of Fractional Process Parameters in Rough Financial Models Using Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Dávid Kovács, Bálint Csanády, Dániel Boros, Iván Ivkovic, Lóránt Nagy, Dalma Tóth-Lakits, László Márkus, András Lukács
The modeling practice of financial instruments has seen significant change over the last decade due to the recognition of time-dependent and stochastically changing correlations among the market prices or the prices and market characteristics. To represent this phenomenon, the Stochastic Correlation Process (SCP) has come to the fore in the joint modeling of prices, offering a more nuanced description of their interdependence. This approach has allowed for the attainment of realistic tail dependencies, highlighting that prices tend to synchronize more during intense or volatile trading periods, resulting in stronger correlations. Evidence in statistical literature suggests that, similarly to the volatility, the SCP of certain stock prices follows rough paths, which can be described using fractional differential equations. However, estimating parameters for these equations often involves complex and computation-intensive algorithms, creating a necessity for alternative solutions. In this regard, the Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (fOU) process from the family of fractional processes offers a promising path. We can effectively describe the rough SCP by utilizing certain transformations of the fOU. We employed neural networks to understand the behavior of these processes. We had to develop a fast algorithm to generate a valid and suitably large sample from the appropriate process to train the network. With an extensive training set, the neural network can estimate the process parameters accurately and efficiently. Although the initial focus was the fOU, the resulting model displayed broader applicability, thus paving the way for further investigation of other processes in the realm of financial mathematics. The utility of SCP extends beyond its immediate application. It also serves as a springboard for a deeper exploration of fractional processes and for extending existing models that use ordinary Wiener processes to fractional scenarios. In essence, deploying both SCP and fractional processes in financial models provides new, more accurate ways to depict market dynamics.Keywords: fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, fractional stochastic processes, Heston model, neural networks, stochastic correlation, stochastic differential equations, stochastic volatility
Procedia PDF Downloads 1204431 Improving Temporal Correlations in Empirical Orthogonal Function Expansions for Data Interpolating Empirical Orthogonal Function Algorithm
Authors: Ping Bo, Meng Yunshan
Satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) is a key parameter for many operational and scientific applications. However, the disadvantage of SST data is a high percentage of missing data which is mainly caused by cloud coverage. Data Interpolating Empirical Orthogonal Function (DINEOF) algorithm is an EOF-based technique for reconstructing the missing data and has been widely used in oceanographic field. The reconstruction of SST images within a long time series using DINEOF can cause large discontinuities and one solution for this problem is to filter the temporal covariance matrix to reduce the spurious variability. Based on the previous researches, an algorithm is presented in this paper to improve the temporal correlations in EOF expansion. Similar with the previous researches, a filter, such as Laplacian filter, is implemented on the temporal covariance matrix, but the temporal relationship between two consecutive images which is used in the filter is considered in the presented algorithm, for example, two images in the same season are more likely correlated than those in the different seasons, hence the latter one is less weighted in the filter. The presented approach is tested for the monthly nighttime 4-km Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Pathfinder SST for the long-term period spanning from 1989 to 2006. The results obtained from the presented algorithm are compared to those from the original DINEOF algorithm without filtering and from the DINEOF algorithm with filtering but without taking temporal relationship into account.Keywords: data interpolating empirical orthogonal function, image reconstruction, sea surface temperature, temporal filter
Procedia PDF Downloads 3254430 Phytopathology Prediction in Dry Soil Using Artificial Neural Networks Modeling
Authors: F. Allag, S. Bouharati, M. Belmahdi, R. Zegadi
The rapid expansion of deserts in recent decades as a result of human actions combined with climatic changes has highlighted the necessity to understand biological processes in arid environments. Whereas physical processes and the biology of flora and fauna have been relatively well studied in marginally used arid areas, knowledge of desert soil micro-organisms remains fragmentary. The objective of this study is to conduct a diversity analysis of bacterial communities in unvegetated arid soils. Several biological phenomena in hot deserts related to microbial populations and the potential use of micro-organisms for restoring hot desert environments. Dry land ecosystems have a highly heterogeneous distribution of resources, with greater nutrient concentrations and microbial densities occurring in vegetated than in bare soils. In this work, we found it useful to use techniques of artificial intelligence in their treatment especially artificial neural networks (ANN). The use of the ANN model, demonstrate his capability for addressing the complex problems of uncertainty data.Keywords: desert soil, climatic changes, bacteria, vegetation, artificial neural networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 3964429 Smart Defect Detection in XLPE Cables Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Authors: Tesfaye Mengistu
Power cables play a crucial role in the transmission and distribution of electrical energy. As the electricity generation, transmission, distribution, and storage systems become smarter, there is a growing emphasis on incorporating intelligent approaches to ensure the reliability of power cables. Various types of electrical cables are employed for transmitting and distributing electrical energy, with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) cables being widely utilized due to their exceptional electrical and mechanical properties. However, insulation defects can occur in XLPE cables due to subpar manufacturing techniques during production and cable joint installation. To address this issue, experts have proposed different methods for monitoring XLPE cables. Some suggest the use of interdigital capacitive (IDC) technology for online monitoring, while others propose employing continuous wave (CW) terahertz (THz) imaging systems to detect internal defects in XLPE plates used for power cable insulation. In this study, we have developed models that employ a custom dataset collected locally to classify the physical safety status of individual power cables. Our models aim to replace physical inspections with computer vision and image processing techniques to classify defective power cables from non-defective ones. The implementation of our project utilized the Python programming language along with the TensorFlow package and a convolutional neural network (CNN). The CNN-based algorithm was specifically chosen for power cable defect classification. The results of our project demonstrate the effectiveness of CNNs in accurately classifying power cable defects. We recommend the utilization of similar or additional datasets to further enhance and refine our models. Additionally, we believe that our models could be used to develop methodologies for detecting power cable defects from live video feeds. We firmly believe that our work makes a significant contribution to the field of power cable inspection and maintenance. Our models offer a more efficient and cost-effective approach to detecting power cable defects, thereby improving the reliability and safety of power grids.Keywords: artificial intelligence, computer vision, defect detection, convolutional neural net
Procedia PDF Downloads 1144428 Estimation of Fouling in a Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger Using Artificial Neural Network Approach
Authors: Rania Jradi, Christophe Marvillet, Mohamed Razak Jeday
One of the most frequently encountered problems in industrial heat exchangers is fouling, which degrades the thermal and hydraulic performances of these types of equipment, leading thus to failure if undetected. And it occurs due to the accumulation of undesired material on the heat transfer surface. So, it is necessary to know about the heat exchanger fouling dynamics to plan mitigation strategies, ensuring a sustainable and safe operation. This paper proposes an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approach to estimate the fouling resistance in a cross-flow heat exchanger by the collection of the operating data of the phosphoric acid concentration loop. The operating data of 361 was used to validate the proposed model. The ANN attains AARD= 0.048%, MSE= 1.811x10⁻¹¹, RMSE= 4.256x 10⁻⁶ and r²=99.5 % of accuracy which confirms that it is a credible and valuable approach for industrialists and technologists who are faced with the drawbacks of fouling in heat exchangers.Keywords: cross-flow heat exchanger, fouling, estimation, phosphoric acid concentration loop, artificial neural network approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 1994427 Neural Network Based Decision Trees Using Machine Learning for Alzheimer's Diagnosis
Authors: P. S. Jagadeesh Kumar, Tracy Lin Huan, S. Meenakshi Sundaram
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the prevalent kind of ailment, expected for impudent reconciliation or an effectual therapy is to be accredited hitherto. Probable detonation of patients in the upcoming years, and consequently an enormous deal of apprehension in early discovery of the disorder, this will conceivably chaperon to enhanced healing outcomes. Complex impetuosity of the brain is an observant symbolic of the disease and a unique recognition of genetic sign of the disease. Machine learning alongside deep learning and decision tree reinforces the aptitude to absorb characteristics from multi-dimensional data’s and thus simplifies automatic classification of Alzheimer’s disease. Susceptible testing was prophesied and realized in training the prospect of Alzheimer’s disease classification built on machine learning advances. It was shrewd that the decision trees trained with deep neural network fashioned the excellent results parallel to related pattern classification.Keywords: Alzheimer's diagnosis, decision trees, deep neural network, machine learning, pattern classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 2984426 Multi-Level Priority Based Task Scheduling Algorithm for Workflows in Cloud Environment
Authors: Anju Bala, Inderveer Chana
Task scheduling is the key concern for the execution of performance-driven workflow applications. As efficient scheduling can have major impact on the performance of the system, task scheduling is often chosen for assigning the request to resources in an efficient way based on cloud resource characteristics. In this paper, priority based task scheduling algorithm has been proposed that prioritizes the tasks based on the length of the instructions. The proposed scheduling approach prioritize the tasks of Cloud applications according to the limits set by six sigma control charts based on dynamic threshold values. Further, the proposed algorithm has been validated through the CloudSim toolkit. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is effective for handling multiple task lists from workflows and in considerably reducing Makespan and Execution time.Keywords: cloud computing, priority based scheduling, task scheduling, VM allocation
Procedia PDF Downloads 5194425 The Use of Layered Neural Networks for Classifying Hierarchical Scientific Fields of Study
Authors: Colin Smith, Linsey S Passarella
Due to the proliferation and decentralized nature of academic publication, no widely accepted scheme exists for organizing papers by their scientific field of study (FoS) to the author’s best knowledge. While many academic journals require author provided keywords for papers, these keywords range wildly in scope and are not consistent across papers, journals, or field domains, necessitating alternative approaches to paper classification. Past attempts to perform field-of-study (FoS) classification on scientific texts have largely used a-hierarchical FoS schemas or ignored the schema’s inherently hierarchical structure, e.g. by compressing the structure into a single layer for multi-label classification. In this paper, we introduce an application of a Layered Neural Network (LNN) to the problem of performing supervised hierarchical classification of scientific fields of study (FoS) on research papers. In this approach, paper embeddings from a pretrained language model are fed into a top-down LNN. Beginning with a single neural network (NN) for the highest layer of the class hierarchy, each node uses a separate local NN to classify the subsequent subfield child node(s) for an input embedding of concatenated paper titles and abstracts. We compare our LNN-FOS method to other recent machine learning methods using the Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) FoS hierarchy and find that the LNN-FOS offers increased classification accuracy at each FoS hierarchical level.Keywords: hierarchical classification, layer neural network, scientific field of study, scientific taxonomy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1354424 RBF Modelling and Optimization Control for Semi-Batch Reactors
Authors: Magdi M. Nabi, Ding-Li Yu
This paper presents a neural network based model predictive control (MPC) strategy to control a strongly exothermic reaction with complicated nonlinear kinetics given by Chylla-Haase polymerization reactor that requires a very precise temperature control to maintain product uniformity. In the benchmark scenario, the operation of the reactor must be guaranteed under various disturbing influences, e.g., changing ambient temperatures or impurity of the monomer. Such a process usually controlled by conventional cascade control, it provides a robust operation, but often lacks accuracy concerning the required strict temperature tolerances. The predictive control strategy based on the RBF neural model is applied to solve this problem to achieve set-point tracking of the reactor temperature against disturbances. The result shows that the RBF based model predictive control gives reliable result in the presence of some disturbances and keeps the reactor temperature within a tight tolerance range around the desired reaction temperature.Keywords: Chylla-Haase reactor, RBF neural network modelling, model predictive control, semi-batch reactors
Procedia PDF Downloads 4684423 A Coordinate-Based Heuristic Route Search Algorithm for Delivery Truck Routing Problem
Authors: Ahmed Tarek, Ahmed Alveed
Vehicle routing problem is a well-known re-search avenue in computing. Modern vehicle routing is more focused with the GPS-based coordinate system, as the state-of-the-art vehicle, and trucking systems are equipped with digital navigation. In this paper, a new two dimensional coordinate-based algorithm for addressing the vehicle routing problem for a supply chain network is proposed and explored, and the algorithm is compared with other available, and recently devised heuristics. For the algorithms discussed, which includes the pro-posed coordinate-based search heuristic as well, the advantages and the disadvantages associated with the heuristics are explored. The proposed algorithm is studied from the stand point of a small supermarket chain delivery network that supplies to its stores in four different states around the East Coast area, and is trying to optimize its trucking delivery cost. Minimizing the delivery cost for the supply network of a supermarket chain is important to ensure its business success.Keywords: coordinate-based optimal routing, Hamiltonian Circuit, heuristic algorithm, traveling salesman problem, vehicle routing problem
Procedia PDF Downloads 148