Search results for: pollution load index
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 7770

Search results for: pollution load index

1320 Reliability Analysis of Glass Epoxy Composite Plate under Low Velocity

Authors: Shivdayal Patel, Suhail Ahmad


Safety assurance and failure prediction of composite material component of an offshore structure due to low velocity impact is essential for associated risk assessment. It is important to incorporate uncertainties associated with material properties and load due to an impact. Likelihood of this hazard causing a chain of failure events plays an important role in risk assessment. The material properties of composites mostly exhibit a scatter due to their in-homogeneity and anisotropic characteristics, brittleness of the matrix and fiber and manufacturing defects. In fact, the probability of occurrence of such a scenario is due to large uncertainties arising in the system. Probabilistic finite element analysis of composite plates due to low-velocity impact is carried out considering uncertainties of material properties and initial impact velocity. Impact-induced damage of composite plate is a probabilistic phenomenon due to a wide range of uncertainties arising in material and loading behavior. A typical failure crack initiates and propagates further into the interface causing de-lamination between dissimilar plies. Since individual crack in the ply is difficult to track. The progressive damage model is implemented in the FE code by a user-defined material subroutine (VUMAT) to overcome these problems. The limit state function is accordingly established while the stresses in the lamina are such that the limit state function (g(x)>0). The Gaussian process response surface method is presently adopted to determine the probability of failure. A comparative study is also carried out for different combination of impactor masses and velocities. The sensitivity based probabilistic design optimization procedure is investigated to achieve better strength and lighter weight of composite structures. Chain of failure events due to different modes of failure is considered to estimate the consequences of failure scenario. Frequencies of occurrence of specific impact hazards yield the expected risk due to economic loss.

Keywords: composites, damage propagation, low velocity impact, probability of failure, uncertainty modeling

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1319 Ni-W-P Alloy Coating as an Alternate to Electroplated Hard Cr Coating

Authors: S. K. Ghosh, C. Srivastava, P. K. Limaye, V. Kain


Electroplated hard chromium is widely known in coatings and surface finishing, automobile and aerospace industries because of its excellent hardness, wear resistance and corrosion properties. However, its precursor, Cr+6 is highly carcinogenic in nature and a consensus has been adopted internationally to eradicate this coating technology with an alternative one. The search for alternate coatings to electroplated hard chrome is continuing worldwide. Various alloys and nanocomposites like Co-W alloys, Ni-Graphene, Ni-diamond nanocomposites etc. have already shown promising results in this regard. Basically, in this study, electroless Ni-P alloys with excellent corrosion resistance was taken as the base matrix and incorporation of tungsten as third alloying element was considered to improve the hardness and wear resistance of the resultant alloy coating. The present work is focused on the preparation of Ni–W–P coatings by electrodeposition with different content of phosphorous and its effect on the electrochemical, mechanical and tribological performances. The results were also compared with Ni-W alloys. Composition analysis by EDS showed deposition of Ni-32.85 wt% W-3.84 wt% P (designated as Ni-W-LP) and Ni-18.55 wt% W-8.73 wt% P (designated as Ni-W-HP) alloy coatings from electrolytes containing of 0.006 and 0.01M sodium hypophosphite respectively. Inhibition of tungsten deposition in the presence of phosphorous was noted. SEM investigation showed cauliflower like growth along with few microcracks. The as-deposited Ni-W-P alloy coating was amorphous in nature as confirmed by XRD investigation and step-wise crystallization was noticed upon annealing at higher temperatures. For all the coatings, the nanohardness was found to increase after heat-treatment and typical nanonahardness values obtained for 400°C annealed samples were 18.65±0.20 GPa, 20.03±0.25 GPa, and 19.17±0.25 for alloy coatings Ni-W, Ni-W-LP and Ni-W-HP respectively. Therefore, the nanohardness data show very promising results. Wear and coefficient of friction data were recorded by applying a different normal load in reciprocating motion using a ball on plate geometry. Post experiment, the wear mechanism was established by detail investigation of wear-scar morphology. Potentiodynamic measurements showed coating with a high content of phosphorous was most corrosion resistant in 3.5wt% NaCl solution.

Keywords: corrosion, electrodeposition, nanohardness, Ni-W-P alloy coating

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1318 Physiological Effects of Myrrh and Ginseng Extracts in Diabetic Rats

Authors: Ismail I. Abo-Ghanema, Faheim E. Wehaish, Rasha M. Saleh , Walaa F. Awadin, Mohamed F. Elshal


The antidiabetic activity of myrrh and ginseng ethanolic extracts were investigated in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. Thirty male albino rats were divided into five groups, each consisted of six rats. The first group (G1) is the negative control that was fed basal diet, the second group (G2) was injected with STZ and received no treatment, the third group (G3) injected with STZ and received metformin (50 mg/kg, b.wt) as standard anti-diabetic drug, the fourth group (G4) injected with STZ and ginseng (50 mg/kg, b.wt), the fifth group (G5) injected with STZ and received myrrh (500 mg/kg, b.wt). As compared with G1-group, STZ injection increased blood concentrations of glucose (6.2 fold), glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) (2.51 fold), aspartateaminotransferase (AST), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (2.64, 4.60 fold respectively), creatinine (2.91 fold), cholesterol (1.79 fold), triglycerides (2.06 fold), low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL) (2.92 fold), nitric oxide (NO) (20.18 fold), and malondialdehyde (MDA) (2.25 fold), whereas it decreased blood insulin (0.40 fold), albumin (0.60 fold), high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL) (0.33 fold), and reduced glutathione (GSH) (0.49 fold). Vascular permeability index (VPI as measured by Evan's Blue; EB extravasations test) was significantly increased in the skin of diabetic animals (9.6 fold) when compared with the G1-group. In addition, histological alterations in liver, pancreas, kidneys and heart were observed. After 4 weeks of treatment, rats in G4 and G5 showed significant corrections in the all measured parameters and indices. In conclusions, the ethanolic extracts of ginseng and myrrh exhibited promising and safe anti-diabetic activity especially on peripheral circulation as manifested by decreased vascular permeability and improved histopathological alterations of examined organs and insulin secretion. Hence, it may be pursued for their clinical usefulness in the management of diabetes mellitus (DM) and associated vascular complications.

Keywords: diabetic rats, peripheral circulation, natural plants, myrrh, ginseng

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1317 ARABEX: Automated Dotted Arabic Expiration Date Extraction using Optimized Convolutional Autoencoder and Custom Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network

Authors: Hozaifa Zaki, Ghada Soliman


In this paper, we introduced an approach for Automated Dotted Arabic Expiration Date Extraction using Optimized Convolutional Autoencoder (ARABEX) with bidirectional LSTM. This approach is used for translating the Arabic dot-matrix expiration dates into their corresponding filled-in dates. A custom lightweight Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) model is then employed to extract the expiration dates. Due to the lack of available dataset images for the Arabic dot-matrix expiration date, we generated synthetic images by creating an Arabic dot-matrix True Type Font (TTF) matrix to address this limitation. Our model was trained on a realistic synthetic dataset of 3287 images, covering the period from 2019 to 2027, represented in the format of yyyy/mm/dd. We then trained our custom CRNN model using the generated synthetic images to assess the performance of our model (ARABEX) by extracting expiration dates from the translated images. Our proposed approach achieved an accuracy of 99.4% on the test dataset of 658 images, while also achieving a Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) of 0.46 for image translation on our dataset. The ARABEX approach demonstrates its ability to be applied to various downstream learning tasks, including image translation and reconstruction. Moreover, this pipeline (ARABEX+CRNN) can be seamlessly integrated into automated sorting systems to extract expiry dates and sort products accordingly during the manufacturing stage. By eliminating the need for manual entry of expiration dates, which can be time-consuming and inefficient for merchants, our approach offers significant results in terms of efficiency and accuracy for Arabic dot-matrix expiration date recognition.

Keywords: computer vision, deep learning, image processing, character recognition

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1316 Equilibrium, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies of the Biosorption of Textile Dye (Yellow Bemacid) onto Brahea edulis

Authors: G. Henini, Y. Laidani, F. Souahi, A. Labbaci, S. Hanini


Environmental contamination is a major problem being faced by the society today. Industrial, agricultural, and domestic wastes, due to the rapid development in the technology, are discharged in the several receivers. Generally, this discharge is directed to the nearest water sources such as rivers, lakes, and seas. While the rates of development and waste production are not likely to diminish, efforts to control and dispose of wastes are appropriately rising. Wastewaters from textile industries represent a serious problem all over the world. They contain different types of synthetic dyes which are known to be a major source of environmental pollution in terms of both the volume of dye discharged and the effluent composition. From an environmental point of view, the removal of synthetic dyes is of great concern. Among several chemical and physical methods, adsorption is a promising technique due to the ease of use and low cost compared to other applications in the process of discoloration, especially if the adsorbent is inexpensive and readily available. The focus of the present study was to assess the potentiality of Brahea edulis (BE) for the removal of synthetic dye Yellow bemacid (YB) from aqueous solutions. The results obtained here may transfer to other dyes with a similar chemical structure. Biosorption studies were carried out under various parameters such as mass adsorbent particle, pH, contact time, initial dye concentration, and temperature. The biosorption kinetic data of the material (BE) was tested by the pseudo first-order and the pseudo-second-order kinetic models. Thermodynamic parameters including the Gibbs free energy ΔG, enthalpy ΔH, and entropy ΔS have revealed that the adsorption of YB on the BE is feasible, spontaneous, and endothermic. The equilibrium data were analyzed by using Langmuir, Freundlich, Elovich, and Temkin isotherm models. The experimental results show that the percentage of biosorption increases with an increase in the biosorbent mass (0.25 g: 12 mg/g; 1.5 g: 47.44 mg/g). The maximum biosorption occurred at around pH value of 2 for the YB. The equilibrium uptake was increased with an increase in the initial dye concentration in solution (Co = 120 mg/l; q = 35.97 mg/g). Biosorption kinetic data were properly fitted with the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The best fit was obtained by the Langmuir model with high correlation coefficient (R2 > 0.998) and a maximum monolayer adsorption capacity of 35.97 mg/g for YB.

Keywords: adsorption, Brahea edulis, isotherm, yellow Bemacid

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1315 Water Quality, Risk, Management and Distribution in Abeokuta, Ogun State

Authors: Ayedun Hassan, Ayadi Odunayo Peter


The ancient city of Abeokuta has been supplied with pipe borne water since 1911, yet, a continuous increase in population and unplanned city expansion makes water a very precious and scarce commodity. The government reserved areas (GRA’s) are well planned, and public water supply is available; however, the sub-urban areas consist of scattered structures with individuals trying to source water by digging wells and boreholes. The geology of the city consists of basement rock which makes digging wells and boreholes very difficult. The present study was conducted to assess the risk arising from the consumption of toxic elements in the groundwater of Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. Forty-five groundwater samples were collected from nine different areas of Abeokuta and analyzed for physicochemical parameters and toxic elements. The physicochemical parameters were determined using standard methods, while the toxic elements were determined using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP/MS). Ninety-six percent (96%) of the water sample has pH < 6.5, and 11% has conductivity > 250 µSCm⁻¹ limits in drinking water as recommended by WHO. Seven percent (7%) of the samples have Pb concentration >10 µgL⁻¹ while 75% have Al concentration >200 µgL⁻¹ recommended by WHO. The order for risk of cancer from different area of Abeokuta are Cd²⁺ > As³⁺ > Pb²⁺ > Cr⁶⁺ for Funaab, Camp and Obantoko; As³⁺ > Cd²⁺ > Pb²⁺ > Cr⁶⁺ for Ita Osin, Isale Igbein, Ake and Itoku; Cd²⁺ >As > Cr⁶⁺ > Pb²⁺ for Totoro; Pb²⁺ > Cd²⁺ > As³⁺ > Cr⁶⁺ for Idiaba. The order of non-cancer hazard index (HI) calculated for groundwater of Abeokuta City are Cd²⁺ > As³⁺ > Mn²⁺ > Pb²⁺ > Ni²⁺ and were all greater than one, which implies susceptibility to other illnesses. The sources of these elements are the rock and inappropriate waste disposal method, which leached the elements into the groundwater. A combination of sources from food will accumulate these elements in the human body system. Treatment to remove Al and Pb is necessary, while the method of water distribution should be reviewed to ensure access to potable water by the residents.

Keywords: Abeokuta, groundwater, Nigeria, risk

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1314 The Effects of Nanoemulsions Based on Commercial Oils for the Quality of Vacuum-Packed Sea Bass at 2±2°C

Authors: Mustafa Durmuş, Yesim Ozogul, Esra Balıkcı, Saadet Gokdoğan, Fatih Ozogul, Ali Rıza Köşker, İlknur Yuvka


Food scientists and researchers have paid attention to develop new ways for improving the nutritional value of foods. The application of nanotechnology techniques to the food industry may allow the modification of food texture, taste, sensory attributes, coloring strength, processability, and stability during shelf life of products. In this research, the effects of nanoemulsions based on commercial oils for vacuum-packed sea bass fillets stored at 2±2°C were investigated in terms of the sensory, chemical (total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), thiobarbituric acid (TBA), peroxide value (PV) and free fatty acids (FFA), pH, water holding capacity (WHC)) and microbiological qualities (total anaerobic bacteria and total lactic acid bacteria). Physical properties of emulsions (viscosity, the particle size of droplet, thermodynamic stability, refractive index, and surface tension) were determined. Nanoemulsion preparation method was based on high energy principle, with ultrasonic homojenizator. Sensory analyses of raw fish showed that the demerit points of the control group were found higher than those of treated groups. The sensory score (odour, taste and texture) of the cooked fillets decreased with storage time, especially in the control. Results obtained from chemical and microbiological analyses also showed that nanoemulsions significantly (p<0.05) decreased the values of biochemical parameters and growth of bacteria during storage period, thus improving quality of vacuum-packed sea bass.

Keywords: quality parameters, nanoemulsion, sea bass, shelf life, vacuum packing

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1313 The Relationship Between Cyberbullying Victimization, Parent and Peer Attachment and Unconditional Self-Acceptance

Authors: Florina Magdalena Anichitoae, Anca Dobrean, Ionut Stelian Florean


Due to the fact that cyberbullying victimization is an increasing problem nowadays, affecting more and more children and adolescents around the world, we wanted to take a step forward analyzing this phenomenon. So, we took a look at some variables which haven't been studied together before, trying to develop another way to view cyberbullying victimization. We wanted to test the effects of the mother, father, and peer attachment on adolescent involvement in cyberbullying as victims through unconditional self acceptance. Furthermore, we analyzed each subscale of the IPPA-R, the instrument we have used for parents and peer attachment measurement, in regards to cyberbullying victimization through unconditional self acceptance. We have also analyzed if gender and age could be taken into consideration as moderators in this model. The analysis has been performed on 653 adolescents aged 11-17 years old from Romania. We used structural equation modeling, working in R program. For the fidelity analysis of the IPPA-R subscales, USAQ, and Cyberbullying Test, we have calculated the internal consistency index, which varies between .68-.91. We have created 2 models: the first model including peer alienation, peer trust, peer communication, self acceptance and cyberbullying victimization, having CFI=0.97, RMSEA=0.02, 90%CI [0.02, 0.03] and SRMR=0.07, and the second model including parental alienation, parental trust, parental communication, self acceptance and cyberbullying victimization and had CFI=0.97, RMSEA=0.02, 90%CI [0.02, 0.03] and SRMR=0.07. Our results were interesting: on one hand, cyberbullying victimization is predicted by peer alienation and peer communication through unconditional self acceptance. Peer trust directly, significantly, and negatively predicted the implication in cyberbullying. In this regard, considering gender and age as moderators, we found that the relationship between unconditional self acceptance and cyberbullying victimization is stronger in girls, but age does not moderate the relationship between unconditional self acceptance and cyberbullying victimization. On the other hand, regarding the degree of cyberbullying victimization as being predicted through unconditional self acceptance by parental alienation, parental communication, and parental trust, this hypothesis was not supported. Still, we could identify a direct path to positively predict victimization through parental alienation and negatively through parental trust. There are also some limitations to this study, which we've discussed in the end.

Keywords: adolescent, attachment, cyberbullying victimization, parents, peers, unconditional self-acceptance

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1312 Evaluation of Health Services after Emergency Decrees in Turkey

Authors: Sengul Celik, Alper Ketenci


In Turkish Constitution about health care in Article 56, it is said that: everyone has the right to live in a healthy and balanced environment. It is the duty of the state and citizens to improve the environment, protect environmental health, and prevent environmental pollution. The state ensures that everyone lives their lives in physical and mental health; it organizes the planning and service of health institutions from a single source in order to realize cooperation by increasing savings and efficiency in human and substance power. The state fulfills this task by utilizing and supervising health and social institutions in the public and private sectors. General health insurance can be established by law for the widespread delivery of health services. To have health care is one of the basic rights of patients. After the coupe attempt in July 2016, the Government of Turkey has announced a state of emergency and issued lots of emergency decrees. By these emergency decrees, lots of people were dismissed from their jobs and lost their some basic social rights. The violations occur in social life. One of the most common observations is the discrimination by government in health care system. This study aims to put forward the violation of human rights in health care system in Turkey due to their discriminated position by an emergency decree. The study is a case study that is based on nine interviews with the people or relatives of people who lost their jobs by an emergency decree in Turkey. In this study, no personally identifiable information was obtained for the safety of individuals. Also no distinctive questions regarding the identity of individuals were asked. The interviews are obtained through internet call applications. The data were analyzed through the requirements of regular health care system in Turkey. The interviews expose that the people or the relatives of people lost their right to have regular health care. They have to pay extra amount both in clinical services and in medication treatment. The patient right to quality medical care without prejudice is violated. It was assessed that the people who are involved in emergency decree and their relatives are discriminated by government and deprived of regular medical care and supervision. Although international legal arrangements and legal responsibilities of the state have been put forward by Article 56, they are violated in practice. To prevent these kinds of violations, some measures should be taken against the deprivation in health care system especially towards the discriminated people by an emergency decree.

Keywords: emergency decree in Turkey, health care, discriminated people, patients rights

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1311 Solvent-Aided Dilution Approach for Heavy Hydrocarbon Liquid Evaluation in the Eastern Dahomey Basin, Southwestern Nigeria: Case Study of Agbabu Bitumen in Ondo State.

Authors: Adetokunbo Ademola Falade, Oluwatoyin Olakunle Akinsete, Hussein Omeiza Aliu


Solvent-aided dilution processes are often employed to recover bitumen by reducing its viscosity. In this study, methanol, toluene, and xylene were investigated as potential hydrocarbon solvents for solvent-aided hydrocarbon recovery of Agbabu bitumen. Solubility, Viscosity, and Saturate, Aromatic, Resin and Asphaltene (SARA) Analysis tests were carried out to determine the solubility of the bitumen in the solvents, the viscosity, and the SARA fraction of the natural bitumen and bitumen-solvent mixtures. Agbabu bitumen was found to have a high content of saturates and aromatics. Viscosity decreases as pressure increases, while solubility reduces as temperature increases. The experimental diffusivity of the sample decreases with temperature and increases with pressure, indicating that the presence of additional solvent molecules in the oil phase facilitates diffusion. Agbabu bitumen was found to be most soluble in toluene, and its viscosity was reduced most in it. Xylene exhibited a similar effect as toluene on the sample, though lesser but better than methanol. Methanol reduced the saturated content and significantly raised the asphaltene content, keeping the mixture viscosity high, a condition that, in turn, favors its colloidal stability. The colloidal instability index (CII) values, which account for the asphaltene stability of the mixture, show that the bitumen-methanol system with a CII of 0.874 will have mild asphaltene deposit issues while others are unstable. This approach of combining multiple tests with the CII can accurately predict the behavior of Agbabu bitumen in solvents and enhance the decision on the choice of bitumen recovery technology.

Keywords: asphaltene, bitumen, diffusivity, hydrocarbon solvent, SARA

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1310 Effect of Exercise Training on Body Composition and Metabolic Profile in Older Adults during Cancer Treatment

Authors: Adeline Fontvieille, Hugo Parent-Roberge, Marie-France Langlois, Tamas Fulop, Michel Pavic, Eleonor Riesco


Introduction: Total lean body mass is reduced during cancer treatment. This loss is called cancer cachexia and is accompanied by a progressive loss of fat mass. In older adults, these body composition changes can have a larger impact on metabolic health, physical autonomy, and cancer survival. Although currently untreatable, exercise training could reduce these effects. Hence, the objective of this pilot study is to investigate if 12 weeks of exercise training during cancer treatment can mitigate the loss of muscle mass and fat mass in older adults. Methods: A total of 40 older adults (65-80 years) with an ongoing treatment for a curable cancer are currently recruited and randomised in two groups: 1) Combined training (EX, n=20) and 2) Control group (CON, n=20). All variables are measured before and after 12 weeks of intervention: Anthropometry (weight, height, body mass index), body composition (total fat mass, visceral adipose tissue, total and appendicular muscle mass; DXA), metabolic profile (HDL-C and LDL-C, triglycerides, glucose and insulin levels). Results: Preliminary analyses revealed no impact of exercise training on appendicular muscle mass (p=0,31) and fat mass (p=0,31). Furthermore, total body weight, waist circumference, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, glucose and insulin levels remained unchanged (all p ≥ 0.79) after 12 weeks of training. However, statistical analyses revealed that triglyceride levels slightly increased (p=0.03), irrespective of the group. Conclusion: Preliminary analyses did not reveal any impact of aerobic and resistance exercise training on body composition in oncogeriatric patients. Furthermore, exercise training seems not efficient to prevent the cancer treatment-related triglyceride levels increase.

Keywords: muscle mass, fat mass, metabolic profile, combined training, aging, cancer

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1309 Quality Evaluation of Grape Seed Oils of the Ionian Islands Based on GC-MS and Other Spectroscopic Techniques

Authors: I. Oikonomou, I. Lappa, D. Daferera, C. Kanakis, L. Kiokakis, K. Skordilis, A. Avramouli, E. Kalli, C. Pappas, P. A. Tarantilis, E. Skotti


Grape seeds are waste products of wineries and often referred to as an important agricultural and industrial waste product with the potential to be used in pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic applications. In this study, grape seed oil from traditional Ionian varieties was examined for the determination of the quality and the characteristics of each variety. Initially, the fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles were analyzed using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, after transesterification. Furthermore, other quality parameters of the grape seed oils were determined by Spectroscopy techniques, UV-Vis and Raman included. Moreover, the antioxidant capacity of the oil was measured by 2,2'-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) and 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assays and their antioxidant capacity expressed in Trolox equivalents. K and ΔΚ indices were measured in 232, 268, 270 nm, as an oil quality index. The results indicate that the air-dried grape seed total oil content ranged from 5.26 to 8.77% w/w, which is in accordance with the other grape seed varieties tested in similar studies. The composition of grape seed oil is predominated with linoleic and oleic fatty acids, with the linoleic fatty acid ranging from 53.68 to 69.95% and both the linoleic and oleic fatty acids totaling 78-82% of FAMEs, which is analogous to the fatty acid composition of safflower oil. The antioxidant assays ABTS and DPPH scored high, exhibiting that the oils have potential in the cosmetic and culinary businesses. Above that, our results demonstrate that Ionian grape seed oils have prospects that can go further than cosmetic or culinary use, into the pharmaceuticals industry. Finally, the reclamation of grape seeds from wineries waste stream is in accordance with the bio-economy strategic framework and contributes to environmental protection.

Keywords: antioxidant capacity, fatty acid methyl esters, grape seed oil, GC-MS

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1308 The Effects of Climate Change and Upstream Dam Development on Sediment Distribution in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta

Authors: Trieu Anh Ngoc, Nguyen Quang Kim


Located at the downstream of the Mekong Delta, the Vietnamese Mekong Delta is well-known as 'rice bowl' of Vietnam. The Vietnamese Mekong Delta experiences widespread flooding annually where is habitat for about 17 million people. The economy of this region mainly depends on the agricultural productivities. The suspended sediment load in the Mekong River plays an important role in carrying contaminants and nutrients to the delta and changing the geomorphology of the delta river system. In many past decades, flooding and suspended sediment were considered as indispensable factors in agricultural cultivations. Although flooding in the wet season caused serious inundation in paddy field and affected livelihoods, it is an effective facility for flushing acid and saline to this area - alluvial soil heavily contaminated with acid and salt intrusion. In addition, sediment delivery to this delta contained rich-nutrients distributed and deposited on the fields through flooding process. In recent decades, the changing of flow and sediment transport have been strongly and clearly occurring due to upstream dam development and climate change. However, effects of sediment delivery on agricultural cultivations were less attention. This study investigated the impacts of upstream flow on sediment distribution in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Flow fluctuation and sediment distribution were simulated by the Mike 11 model, including hydrodynamics model and advection-dispersion model. Various scenarios were simulated based on anticipated upstream discharges. Our findings indicated that sediment delivery into the Vietnamese Mekong Delta come from not only Tien River but also border of Cambodia floodplains. Sediment distribution in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta is dramatically changed by the distance from the main rivers and the secondary channels. The dam development in the upstream is one of the major factors leading a decrease in sediment discharge as well as sediment deposition. Moreover, sea level rise partially contributed to decrease in sediment transport and change of sediment distribution between upstream and downstream of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta.

Keywords: sediment transport, sea level rise, climate change, Mike Model

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1307 Effects of Pre-Storage Invigoration Treatments on Ageing Dendrocalamus hamiltonii Seeds

Authors: Geetika Richa, M. L. Sharma


Bamboo as an ancient herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years in Asia and goes by many names such as tabashir, banslochan etc. It is often used for its tonic and astringent properties. Modern analysis of bamboos show high amount of vitamins and minerals which makes them valuable as a curative. Bamboo leaf decoction and young shoots are known as remedy for intestinal worms, healing of ulcers and stomach disorders. Bamboos are known to be propagated by large scale plantations but propagation through seeds occurs very limited as they have very short viability of few months. Seeds loses viability over a period of time even under controlled conditions and important factors that affect seed viability is the decline in reserve food material, decrease in membrane integrity and fall in endogenous level of growth hormones. Invigoration treatments that include hydration, dehydration, incorporation of bioactive chemicals such as growth regulators, nutrients and antioxidants etc. improve the seed performance. Our studies were aimed to determine the most effective invigoration treatments to enhance vigour and viability of seeds by following invigoration treatments, i.e., hardening. Treated seeds were stored at controlled temperature and humidity (in desiccators at 4°C). In hardening, chemicals were applied in 3 different concentrations to three replicates of 10 seeds. Hardening was done withGA3, IAA, (each with concentrations of 10 ppm, 20 ppm and 50 ppm), calcium oxychloride, neem leaf powder and clay (each with concentrations of 2%, 5% and 10%). Statistically all the hardening materials were effective but GA3 50 ppm was the most effective one in maintaining germination percentage and vigour index. Hardening treatments increased the germination percentage of seeds, i.e. 86.2%, over control which showed germination percentage of 80.2%. It was concluded that in order to maintain seed viability during storage for longer period of time, invigoration treatments have been found to be very effective.

Keywords: invigoration, seed quality, viability, hardening, membrane integrity, decoction

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1306 Achievements of Healthcare Services Vis-À-Vis the Millennium Development Goals Targets: Evidence from Pakistan

Authors: Saeeda Batool, Ather Maqsood Ahmed


This study investigates the impact of public healthcare facilities and socio-economic circumstances on the status of child health in Pakistan. The complete analysis is carried out in correspondence with fourth and sixth millennium development goals. Further, the health variables chosen are also inherited from targeted indicators of the mentioned goals (MDGs). Trends in the Human Opportunity Index (HOI) for both health inequalities and coverage are analyzed using the Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement (PLSM) data set for 2001-02 to 2012-13 at the national and provincial level. To reveal the relative importance of each circumstance in achieving the targeted values for child health, Shorrocks decomposition is applied on HOI. The annual point average growth rate of HOI is used to simulate the time period for the achievement of target set by MDGs and universal access also. The results indicate an improvement in HOI for a reduction in child mortality rates from 52.1% in 2001-02 to 67.3% in 2012-13, which confirms the availability of healthcare opportunities to a larger segment of society. Similarly, immunization against measles and other diseases such as Diphtheria, Polio, Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), and Hepatitis has also registered an improvement from 51.6% to 69.9% during the period of study at the national level. On a positive note, no gender disparity has been found for child health indicators and that health outcome is mostly affected by the parental and geographical features and availability of health infrastructure. However, the study finds that this achievement has been uneven across provinces. Pakistan is not only lagging behind in achieving its health goals, disappointingly with the current rate of health care provision, but it will take many additional years to achieve its targets.

Keywords: socio-economic circumstances, unmet MDGs, public healthcare services, child and infant mortality

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1305 Building Secondary School Mathematics Teachers’ Effective Teaching Practices Through Professional Development with Lesson Study

Authors: Temesgen Yadeta, Abbi Lemma, Maina Faith, Adula Bekele Hunde


Effective teaching plays a central role in students’ success in school. The main purpose of the study was to understand how engaging in a lesson study could help to develop secondary school mathematics teachers’ effective teaching practices to support students’ learning better. The research was conducted in Jimma City and employed design-based research with qualitative and quantitative data collected from two secondary schools and 12 mathematics teachers. A purposive sampling technique was used to select participants. Interviews, observations, document analysis, and questionnaires were the main sources of data. Qualitative data were analyzed through coding, categorizing, and thematizing supported by Atlas-ti qualitative data analysis software. Quantitative data were analyzed using mean, standard deviations, medians, and a Wilcoxon-ranked signed test supported by statistical packages for social sciences software. The findings of the study revealed that engaging in lesson study built mathematics teachers’ effective teaching practices. School leaders’ positive attitudes and initiative towards the lesson study were found to be supportive. Teachers’ collaboration, commitment with determination, and active participation during the study periods were also found to be supportive. Shortage of time and teachers’ high teaching load had constrained teachers’ active engagement in lesson study during study periods. In conclusion, the lesson study provided a more practical link between teachers’ professional learning activities and actual classroom practices. Therefore, it would be crucial to integrate lesson study into the present school-based teachers’ pedagogical capacity-building program in the country. It would also be beneficial to extend the merits of lesson study to other school subjects and more schools in the country based on their specific school contexts to build teachers’ effective teaching practices.

Keywords: effective teaching practices, lesson study, mathematics teachers, professional development, secondary school

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1304 Performance Evaluation of Production Schedules Based on Process Mining

Authors: Kwan Hee Han


External environment of enterprise is rapidly changing majorly by global competition, cost reduction pressures, and new technology. In these situations, production scheduling function plays a critical role to meet customer requirements and to attain the goal of operational efficiency. It deals with short-term decision making in the production process of the whole supply chain. The major task of production scheduling is to seek a balance between customer orders and limited resources. In manufacturing companies, this task is so difficult because it should efficiently utilize resource capacity under the careful consideration of many interacting constraints. At present, many computerized software solutions have been utilized in many enterprises to generate a realistic production schedule to overcome the complexity of schedule generation. However, most production scheduling systems do not provide sufficient information about the validity of the generated schedule except limited statistics. Process mining only recently emerged as a sub-discipline of both data mining and business process management. Process mining techniques enable the useful analysis of a wide variety of processes such as process discovery, conformance checking, and bottleneck analysis. In this study, the performance of generated production schedule is evaluated by mining event log data of production scheduling software system by using the process mining techniques since every software system generates event logs for the further use such as security investigation, auditing and error bugging. An application of process mining approach is proposed for the validation of the goodness of production schedule generated by scheduling software systems in this study. By using process mining techniques, major evaluation criteria such as utilization of workstation, existence of bottleneck workstations, critical process route patterns, and work load balance of each machine over time are measured, and finally, the goodness of production schedule is evaluated. By using the proposed process mining approach for evaluating the performance of generated production schedule, the quality of production schedule of manufacturing enterprises can be improved.

Keywords: data mining, event log, process mining, production scheduling

Procedia PDF Downloads 280
1303 Removal of Chromium by UF5kDa Membrane: Its Characterization, Optimization of Parameters, and Evaluation of Coefficients

Authors: Bharti Verma, Chandrajit Balomajumder


Water pollution is escalated owing to industrialization and random ejection of one or more toxic heavy metal ions from the semiconductor industry, electroplating, metallurgical, mining, chemical manufacturing, tannery industries, etc., In semiconductor industry various kinds of chemicals in wafers preparation are used . Fluoride, toxic solvent, heavy metals, dyes and salts, suspended solids and chelating agents may be found in wastewater effluent of semiconductor manufacturing industry. Also in the chrome plating, in the electroplating industry, the effluent contains heavy amounts of Chromium. Since Cr(VI) is highly toxic, its exposure poses an acute risk of health. Also, its chronic exposure can even lead to mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. On the contrary, Cr (III) which is naturally occurring, is much less toxic than Cr(VI). Discharge limit of hexavalent chromium and trivalent chromium are 0.05 mg/L and 5 mg/L, respectively. There are numerous methods such as adsorption, chemical precipitation, membrane filtration, ion exchange, and electrochemical methods for the heavy metal removal. The present study focuses on the removal of Chromium ions by using flat sheet UF5kDa membrane. The Ultra filtration membrane process is operated above micro filtration membrane process. Thus separation achieved may be influenced due to the effect of Sieving and Donnan effect. Ultrafiltration is a promising method for the rejection of heavy metals like chromium, fluoride, cadmium, nickel, arsenic, etc. from effluent water. Benefits behind ultrafiltration process are that the operation is quite simple, the removal efficiency is high as compared to some other methods of removal and it is reliable. Polyamide membranes have been selected for the present study on rejection of Cr(VI) from feed solution. The objective of the current work is to examine the rejection of Cr(VI) from aqueous feed solutions by flat sheet UF5kDa membranes with different parameters such as pressure, feed concentration and pH of the feed. The experiments revealed that with increasing pressure, the removal efficiency of Cr(VI) is increased. Also, the effect of pH of feed solution, the initial dosage of chromium in the feed solution has been studied. The membrane has been characterized by FTIR, SEM and AFM before and after the run. The mass transfer coefficients have been estimated. Membrane transport parameters have been calculated and have been found to be in a good correlation with the applied model.

Keywords: heavy metal removal, membrane process, waste water treatment, ultrafiltration

Procedia PDF Downloads 141
1302 Indian Bankruptcy Code 2016: Impact On Cross-Border Insolvency, an Analysis

Authors: Astha Sinha, Anjali Kanagali


India has been tackling with less than sophisticated legislations when it comes to recovery of debt and bankruptcy situations for a while now. There were multiple overlapping laws and adjudication forums dealing with financial failures and insolvency of companies/individuals in India without really aiding the timely recover of defaulted assets. It remained dicey for businesses to invest in India since there was a lack of legal and institutional machinery for dealing with debt defaults as per the global standards. After much deliberation, the Indian Draft Insolvency code received the presidential assent on May 28, 2016 bringing the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Code, 2016 into existence. The Code is expected to bring about great progress for the country and specifically has the two standout developments. The first is that it calls for resolution of corporate insolvency within a period of 180 days extendable by 90 days hence bringing about security in the minds of investors. Second is that it calls for the creation of a new class of insolvency professionals whose primary function shall be helping sick companies and banks with their takeovers, provides for setting up an Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board to regulate the same and provides for a two stage process of liquidation. The Code is estimated to help India move up its ranking on the World Bank’s ease of doing business index. It is currently ranked at the 130th position lower than some of the sub-saharan African countries. Besides this, however, there are various areas in which the Code falls short such as lack of provisions for aiding the issue of cross-border insolvency, impact on Medium and Small Enterprises in India etc. This paper aims to analyze the provisions of the new Bankruptcy and Insolvency Code, 2016 and its contribution in making India a more desirable location for doing business. It shall also emphasize on the cross-border insolvency issues, practices followed by other countries to resolve the same and the way forward for India to strengthen its Bankruptcy and Insolvency framework.

Keywords: bankruptcy and insolvency code 2016, cross-border insolvency provisions in the 2016 code, Ease of doing business and bankruptcy code, highlights of the new Indian bankruptcy code 2016

Procedia PDF Downloads 269
1301 Analysis of Urban Flooding in Wazirabad Catchment of Kabul City with Help of Geo-SWMM

Authors: Fazli Rahim Shinwari, Ulrich Dittmer


Like many megacities around the world, Kabul is facing severe problems due to the rising frequency of urban flooding. Since 2001, Kabul is experiencing rapid population growth because of the repatriation of refugees and internal migration. Due to unplanned development, green areas inside city and hilly areas within and around the city are converted into new housing towns that had increased runoff. Trenches along the roadside comprise the unplanned drainage network of the city that drains the combined sewer flow. In rainy season overflow occurs, and after streets become dry, the dust particles contaminate the air which is a major cause of air pollution in Kabul city. In this study, a stormwater management model is introduced as a basis for a systematic approach to urban drainage planning in Kabul. For this purpose, Kabul city is delineated into 8 watersheds with the help of one-meter resolution LIDAR DEM. Storm, water management model, is developed for Wazirabad catchment by using available data and literature values. Due to lack of long term metrological data, the model is only run for hourly rainfall data of a rain event that occurred in April 2016. The rain event from 1st to 3rd April with maximum intensity of 3mm/hr caused huge flooding in Wazirabad Catchment of Kabul City. Model-estimated flooding at some points of the catchment as an actual measurement of flooding was not possible; results were compared with information obtained from local people, Kabul Municipality and Capital Region Independent Development Authority. The model helped to identify areas where flooding occurred because of less capacity of drainage system and areas where the main reason for flooding is due to blockage in the drainage canals. The model was used for further analysis to find a sustainable solution to the problem. The option to construct new canals was analyzed, and two new canals were proposed that will reduce the flooding frequency in Wazirabad catchment of Kabul city. By developing the methodology to develop a stormwater management model from digital data and information, the study had fulfilled the primary objective, and similar methodology can be used for other catchments of Kabul city to prepare an emergency and long-term plan for drainage system of Kabul city.

Keywords: urban hydrology, storm water management, modeling, SWMM, GEO-SWMM, GIS, identification of flood vulnerable areas, urban flooding analysis, sustainable urban drainage

Procedia PDF Downloads 153
1300 Health Effect of the Central European Diet in Postmenopausal Women with Increased Waist Circumference: A Preliminary Study

Authors: Joanna Bajerska, Agata Chmurzyńska, Agata Muzsik, Patrycja Krzyżanowska, Klaudia Łochocka, Jarosław Walkowiak


The Mediterranean diet (MED) is regarded as beneficial in the therapy of central obesity-associated metabolic abnormalities. However, in the traditional diet of the Central European countries, food items with positive nutritional profiles (rye bread, oats, buckwheat, herrings, linseed and rapeseed oil, berries, apples, plums, root vegetables etc.) are also used. We hypothesized that the Central European Diet (CED) may be comparatively effective in reducing symptoms of central obesity as MED. We tested the health effects of the CED, which is an environmentally friendly regional diet and the traditional MED diet in a group of postmenopausal centrally obese women. A total 58 with a mean age of 60 y (50-70y), body mass index (in kg/m(2)) of 33.4 (22.6-47.3), and waist circumference of 105 cm (87.5-137 cm) were randomly assigned to receive either the diet based on food items commonly used in Central Europe (the CED group; n = 29) or the Mediterranean diet (the MED group; n = 29) for 15 weeks. Body mass and body composition were measured with a Bod Pod (Cosmed, Italy). A non-elastic flexible measuring tape was used to measure waist circumference. Additionally, blood pressure, plasma lipid and glucose levels were assessed with the use of a biochemical analyzer. A total of 50 subjects [86% (CED 83%; MED 90%)] completed the intervention. A high dietary compliance for both described diets was achieved. The mean (±SEM) weight and waist circumference changes were -7.4 ± 0.7 kg; -8.3 ± 0.7 cm and -8.1 ± 0.5 kg; -7.1 ± 0.6 cm for the CED and MED groups, respectively. Moreover, there were no differences between the effectiveness of the diets used in terms of the influence on fat mass, blood pressure, and biochemical parameters. The preliminary data suggest that both described diets may be successfully used for improving central obesity-associated metabolic abnormalities. The project was financed by the National Science Centre awarded based on the number of decision DEC-013/09/B/NZ9/02365

Keywords: central european diet, central obesity, Mediterranean diet, metabolic abnormalities

Procedia PDF Downloads 429
1299 Change in Self-Reported Personality in Students of Acting

Authors: Nemanja D. Kidzin


The field of personality change has recently garnered increased attention, while the psychology of acting has remained relatively understudied. This research tried to contribute to the both research field by investigating whether the process of acting can lead to personality changes in acting students and, if so, in what manner. It was hypothesized that significant differences would be observed in self-reported personality traits of acting students between the beginning and end of their role preparation. The study also examined potential moderator variables, including the reported personality traits of the roles portrayed by the students, empathy, disintegration, and years of formal acting education. The sample comprised 47 students of acting from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts (first to fourth-year) and the Faculty of Modern Arts (first-year students only). The research involved two waves of testing, conducted at the beginning (T1) and end (T2) of the semester. Personality traits (measured using the HEXACO-60 self-report version), empathy (measured using the Questionnaire of Cognitive and Affective Empathy, QCAE), and disintegration (measured using the DELTA9, 10-item version) were assessed at both T1 and T2, while the personality of the role (measured using the HEXACO-60 observer version) was assessed at T2. Repeated-measures t-tests revealed significant differences in emotionality and conscientiousness between T1 and T2. Additionally, an index of absolute personality change was significantly different from 0 for all traits, indicating personality change. The average test-retest correlation for HEXACO traits was 0.57, lower than that proposed in similar research. However, the personality of the role, empathy, and disintegration did not explain the changes in students' personality traits as moderator variables. The magnitude of personality change was highest among fourth-year students, with no significant differences observed among the remaining three years of study. Overall, the findings suggest the presence of personality changes or trait variability in acting students. However, these changes cannot be conclusively attributed to the process of role preparation. Further research with more stringent methodologies is needed to better understand the role of acting in personality change.

Keywords: personality change, psychology of acting, empathy, disintegraton

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1298 Assimilating Remote Sensing Data Into Crop Models: A Global Systematic Review

Authors: Luleka Dlamini, Olivier Crespo, Jos van Dam


Accurately estimating crop growth and yield is pivotal for timely sustainable agricultural management and ensuring food security. Crop models and remote sensing can complement each other and form a robust analysis tool to improve crop growth and yield estimations when combined. This study thus aims to systematically evaluate how research that exclusively focuses on assimilating RS data into crop models varies among countries, crops, data assimilation methods, and farming conditions. A strict search string was applied in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, and 497 potential publications were obtained. After screening for relevance with predefined inclusion/exclusion criteria, 123 publications were considered in the final review. Results indicate that over 81% of the studies were conducted in countries associated with high socio-economic and technological advancement, mainly China, the United States of America, France, Germany, and Italy. Many of these studies integrated MODIS or Landsat data into WOFOST to improve crop growth and yield estimation of staple crops at the field and regional scales. Most studies use recalibration or updating methods alongside various algorithms to assimilate remotely sensed leaf area index into crop models. However, these methods cannot account for the uncertainties in remote sensing observations and the crop model itself. l. Over 85% of the studies were based on commercial and irrigated farming systems. Despite a great global interest in data assimilation into crop models, limited research has been conducted in resource- and data-limited regions like Africa. We foresee a great potential for such application in those conditions. Hence facilitating and expanding the use of such an approach, from which developing farming communities could benefit.

Keywords: crop models, remote sensing, data assimilation, crop yield estimation

Procedia PDF Downloads 132
1297 Assimilating Remote Sensing Data into Crop Models: A Global Systematic Review

Authors: Luleka Dlamini, Olivier Crespo, Jos van Dam


Accurately estimating crop growth and yield is pivotal for timely sustainable agricultural management and ensuring food security. Crop models and remote sensing can complement each other and form a robust analysis tool to improve crop growth and yield estimations when combined. This study thus aims to systematically evaluate how research that exclusively focuses on assimilating RS data into crop models varies among countries, crops, data assimilation methods, and farming conditions. A strict search string was applied in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, and 497 potential publications were obtained. After screening for relevance with predefined inclusion/exclusion criteria, 123 publications were considered in the final review. Results indicate that over 81% of the studies were conducted in countries associated with high socio-economic and technological advancement, mainly China, the United States of America, France, Germany, and Italy. Many of these studies integrated MODIS or Landsat data into WOFOST to improve crop growth and yield estimation of staple crops at the field and regional scales. Most studies use recalibration or updating methods alongside various algorithms to assimilate remotely sensed leaf area index into crop models. However, these methods cannot account for the uncertainties in remote sensing observations and the crop model itself. l. Over 85% of the studies were based on commercial and irrigated farming systems. Despite a great global interest in data assimilation into crop models, limited research has been conducted in resource- and data-limited regions like Africa. We foresee a great potential for such application in those conditions. Hence facilitating and expanding the use of such an approach, from which developing farming communities could benefit.

Keywords: crop models, remote sensing, data assimilation, crop yield estimation

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1296 Effect of Co-Infection With Intestinal Parasites on COVID-19 Severity: A Prospective Observational Cohort Study

Authors: Teklay Gebrecherkos, Dawit Wolday, Muhamud Abdulkader


Background: COVID-19 symptomatology in Africa appears significantly less serious than in the industrialized world. Our hypothesis for this phenomenon, being a different, more activated immune system due to parasite infections contributes to reduced COVID-19 outcome. We investigated this hypothesis in an endemic area in sub sub-saharan Africa. Methods: Ethiopian COVID-19 patients were enrolled and screened for intestinal parasites, between July 2020 and March 2021. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients with severe COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 infection was confirmed by RT-PCR on samples obtained from nasopharyngeal swabs, while direct microscopic examination, modified Ritchie concentration, and Kato-Katz methods were used to identify parasites and ova from a fresh stool sample. Ordinal logistic regression models were used to estimate the association between parasite infection and COVID-19 severity. Models were adjusted for sex, age, residence, education level, occupation, body mass index, and comorbidities. Data were analyzed using STATA version 14. P-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: A total of 751 SARS-CoV-2 infected patients were enrolled, of whom 284 (37•8%) had an intestinal parasitic infection. Only 27/255 (10•6%) severe COVID-19 patients were co-infected with intestinal parasites, while 257/496 (51•8%) non-severe COVID-19 patients appeared parasite positive (p<0.0001). Patients co-infected with parasites had lower odds of developing severe COVID-19, with an adjusted odds ratio (AOR) of 0•14 (95% CI 0•09–0•24; p<0•0001) for all parasites, AOR 0•20 ([95% CI 0•11–0•38]; p<0•0001) for protozoa, and AOR 0•13 ([95% CI 0•07–0•26]; p<0•0001) for helminths. When stratified by species, co-infection with Entamoeba spp., Hymenolopis nana, and Schistosoma mansoni implied a lower probability of developing severe COVID-19. There were 11 deaths (1•5%), and all were among patients without parasites (p=0•009). Conclusions: Parasite co-infection is associated with a reduced risk of severe COVID-19 in African patients. Parasite-driven immunomodulatory responses may mute hyper-inflammation associated with severe COVID-19.

Keywords: COVID-19, SARS-COV-2, intestinal parasite, RT-PCR, co-infection

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1295 Adequacy of Advanced Earthquake Intensity Measures for Estimation of Damage under Seismic Excitation with Arbitrary Orientation

Authors: Konstantinos G. Kostinakis, Manthos K. Papadopoulos, Asimina M. Athanatopoulou


An important area of research in seismic risk analysis is the evaluation of expected seismic damage of structures under a specific earthquake ground motion. Several conventional intensity measures of ground motion have been used to estimate their damage potential to structures. Yet, none of them was proved to be able to predict adequately the seismic damage of any structural system. Therefore, alternative advanced intensity measures which take into account not only ground motion characteristics but also structural information have been proposed. The adequacy of a number of advanced earthquake intensity measures in prediction of structural damage of 3D R/C buildings under seismic excitation which attacks the building with arbitrary incident angle is investigated in the present paper. To achieve this purpose, a symmetric in plan and an asymmetric 5-story R/C building are studied. The two buildings are subjected to 20 bidirectional earthquake ground motions. The two horizontal accelerograms of each ground motion are applied along horizontal orthogonal axes forming 72 different angles with the structural axes. The response is computed by non-linear time history analysis. The structural damage is expressed in terms of the maximum interstory drift as well as the overall structural damage index. The values of the aforementioned seismic damage measures determined for incident angle 0° as well as their maximum values over all seismic incident angles are correlated with 9 structure-specific ground motion intensity measures. The research identified certain intensity measures which exhibited strong correlation with the seismic damage of the two buildings. However, their adequacy for estimation of the structural damage depends on the response parameter adopted. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the widely used spectral acceleration at the fundamental period of the structure is a good indicator of the expected earthquake damage level.

Keywords: damage indices, non-linear response, seismic excitation angle, structure-specific intensity measures

Procedia PDF Downloads 494
1294 Risk Assessment of Trace Metals in the Soil Surface of an Abandoned Mine, El-Abed Northwestern Algeria

Authors: Farida Mellah, Abdelhak Boutaleb, Bachir Henni, Dalila Berdous, Abdelhamid Mellah


Context/Purpose: One of the largest mining operations for lead and zinc deposits in northwestern Algeria in more than thirty years, El Abed is now the abandoned mine that has been inactive since 2004, leaving large amounts of accumulated mining waste under the influence of Wind, erosion, rain, and near agricultural lands. Materials & Methods: This study aims to verify the concentrations and sources of heavy metals for surface samples containing randomly taken soil. Chemical analyses were performed using iCAP 7000 Series ICP-optical emission spectrometer, using a set of environmental quality indicators by calculating the enrichment factor using iron and aluminum references, geographic accumulation index and geographic information system (GIS). On the basis of the spatial distribution. Results: The results indicated that the average metal concentration was: (As = 30,82),(Pb = 1219,27), (Zn = 2855,94), (Cu = 5,3), mg/Kg,based on these results, all metals except Cu passed by GBV in the Earth's crust. Environmental quality indicators were calculated based on the concentrations of trace metals such as lead, arsenic, zinc, copper, iron and aluminum. Interpretation: This study investigated the concentrations and sources of trace metals, and by using quality indicators and statistical methods, lead, zinc, and arsenic were determined from human sources, while copper was a natural source. And based on the spatial analysis on the basis of GIS, many hot spots were identified in the El-Abed region. Conclusion: These results could help in the development of future treatment strategies aimed primarily at eliminating materials from mining waste.

Keywords: soil contamination, trace metals, geochemical indices, El Abed mine, Algeria

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1293 Understanding the Accumulation of Microplastics in Riverbeds and Soils

Authors: Gopala Krishna Darbha


Microplastics (MPs) are secondary fragments of large-sized plastic debris released into the environment and fall in the size range of less than 5 mm. Though reports indicate the abundance of MPs in both riverine and soil environments, their fate is still not completely understood due to the complexity of natural conditions. Mineral particles are ubiquitous in the rivers and may play a vital role in accumulating MPs to the riverbed, thus affecting the benthic life and posing a threat to the river's health. Apart, the chemistry (pH, ionic strength, humics) at the interface can be very prominent. The MPs can also act as potential vectors to transport other contaminants in the environment causing secondary water pollution. The present study focuses on understanding the interaction of MPs with weathering sequence of minerals (feldspar, kaolinite and gibbsite) under batch mode under relevant environmental and natural conditions. Simultaneously, we performed stability studies and transport (column) experiments to understand the mobility of MPs under varying soil solutions (SS) chemistry and the influence of contaminants (CuO nanoparticles). Results showed that the charge and morphology of the gibbsite played an significant role in sorption of NPs (108.1 mg/g) compared to feldspar (7.7 mg/g) and kaolinite (11.9 mg/g). The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy data supports the complexation of NPs with gibbsite particles via hydrogen bonding. In case of feldspar and kaolinite, a weak interaction with NPs was observed which can be due to electrostatic repulsions and low surface area to volume ration of the mineral particles. The study highlights the enhanced mobility in presence of feldspar and kaolinite while gibbsite rich zones can cause entrapment of NPs accumulating in the riverbeds. In the case of soils, in the absence of MPs, a very high aggregation of CuO NPs observed in SS extracted from black, lateritic, and red soils, which can be correlated with ionic strength (IS) and type of ionic species. The sedimentation rate (Ksed(1/h)) for CuO NPs was >0.5 h−1 in the case of these SS. Interestingly, the stability and sedimentation behavior of CuO NPs varied significantly in the presence of MPs. The Ksed for CuO NPs decreased to half and found <0.25 h−1 in the presence of MPs in all SS. C/C0 values in breakthrough curves increased drastically (black < alluvial < laterite < red) in the presence of MPs. Results suggest that the release of MPs in the terrestrial ecosystem is a potential threat leading to increased mobility of metal nanoparticles in the environment.

Keywords: microplastics, minerals, sorption, soils

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1292 Marine Fishing and Climate Change: A China’s Perspective on Fisheries Economic Development and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Authors: Yidan Xu, Pim Martens, Thomas Krafft


Marine fishing, an energy-intensive activity, directly emits greenhouse gases through fuel combustion, making it a significant contributor to oceanic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and worsening climate change. China is the world’s second-largest economy and the top emitter of GHG emissions, and it carries a significant energy conservation and emission reduction burden. However, the increasing GHG emissions from marine fishing is an easily overlooked but essential issue in China. This study offers a diverse perspective by integrating the concepts of total carbon emissions, carbon intensity, and per capita carbon emissions as indicators into calculation and discussion. To better understand the GHG emissions-Gross marine fishery product (GFP) relationship and influencing factors in Chinese marine fishing, the relationship between GHG emissions and economic development in marine fishing, a comprehensive framework is developed by combining the environmental Kuznets curve, the Tapio elasticity index, and the decomposition model. Results indicated that (1) The GHG emissions increased from 16.479 to 18.601 million tons in 2001-2020, in which trawlers and gillnetter are the main source in fishing operation. (2) Total carbon emissions (TC) and CI presented the same decline as GHG emissions, while per capita carbon emissions (PC) displayed an uptrend. (32) GHG emissions and gross marine fishery product (GFP) presented an inverted U-shaped relationship in China; the turning point came in the 13th Five-year Plan period (2016-2020). (43) Most provinces strongly decoupled GFP and CI. Still, PC and TC need more effort to decouple. (54) GHG emissions promoted by an industry structure driven, though carbon intensity and industry scale aid in GHG emissions reduced. (5) Compare with TC and PC, CI has been relatively affected by COVID-19 in 2020. The rise in fish and seafood prices during COVID-19 has boosted the GFP.

Keywords: marine fishing economy, greenhouse gas emission, fishery management, green development

Procedia PDF Downloads 69
1291 Austempered Compacted Graphite Irons: Influence of Austempering Temperature on Microstructure and Microscratch Behavior

Authors: Rohollah Ghasemi, Arvin Ghorbani


This study investigates the effect of austempering temperature on microstructure and scratch behavior of the austempered heat-treated compacted graphite irons. The as-cast was used as base material for heat treatment practices. The samples were extracted from as-cast ferritic CGI pieces and were heat treated under austenitising temperature of 900°C for 60 minutes which followed by quenching in salt-bath at different austempering temperatures of 275°C, 325°C and 375°C. For all heat treatments, an austempering holding time of 30 minutes was selected for this study. Light optical microscope (LOM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) and electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) analysis confirmed the ausferritic matrix formed in all heat-treated samples. Microscratches were performed under the load of 200, 600 and 1000 mN using a sphero-conical diamond indenter with a tip radius of 50 μm and induced cone angle 90° at a speed of 10 μm/s at room temperature ~25°C. An instrumented nanoindentation machine was used for performing nanoindentation hardness measurement and microscratch testing. Hardness measurements and scratch resistance showed a significant increase in Brinell, Vickers, and nanoindentation hardness values as well as microscratch resistance of the heat-treated samples compared to the as-cast ferritic sample. The increase in hardness and improvement in microscratch resistance are associated with the formation of the ausferrite matrix consisted of carbon-saturated retained austenite and acicular ferrite in austempered matrix. The maximum hardness was observed for samples austempered at 275°C which resulted in the formation of very fine acicular ferrite. In addition, nanohardness values showed a quite significant variation in the matrix due to the presence of acicular ferrite and carbon-saturated retained austenite. It was also observed that the increase of austempering temperature resulted in increase of volume of the carbon-saturated retained austenite and decrease of hardness values.

Keywords: austempered CGI, austempering, scratch testing, scratch plastic deformation, scratch hardness

Procedia PDF Downloads 136