Search results for: wave theory of optics
5564 Literature Review and Evaluation of the Internal Marketing Theory
Authors: Hsiao Hsun Yuan
Internal marketing was proposed in 1970s. The theory of the concept has continually changed over the past forty years. This study discussed the following themes: the definition and implication of internal marketing, the progress of its development, and the evolution of its theoretical model. Moreover, the study systematically organized the strategies of the internal marketing theory adopted on enterprise and how they were put into practice. It also compared the empirical studies focusing on how the existent theories influenced the important variables of internal marketing. The results of this study are expected to serve as references for future exploration of the boundary and studies aiming at how internal marketing is applied to different types of enterprises.Keywords: corporate responsibility, employee organizational performance, internal marketing, internal customer
Procedia PDF Downloads 3575563 Temperature Effect on Sound Propagation in an Elastic Pipe with Viscoelastic Liquid
Authors: S. Levitsky, R. Bergman
Fluid rheology may have essential impact on sound propagation in a liquid-filled pipe, especially, in a low frequency range. Rheological parameters of liquid are temperature-sensitive, which ultimately results in a temperature dependence of the wave speed and attenuation in the waveguide. The study is devoted to modeling of this effect at sound propagation in an elastic pipe with polymeric liquid, described by generalized Maxwell model with non-zero high-frequency viscosity. It is assumed that relaxation spectrum is distributed according to the Spriggs law; temperature impact on the liquid rheology is described on the basis of the temperature-superposition principle and activation theory. The dispersion equation for the waveguide, considered as a thin-walled tube with polymeric solution, is obtained within a quasi-one-dimensional formulation. Results of the study illustrate the influence of temperature on sound propagation in the system.Keywords: elastic tube, sound propagation, temperature effect, viscoelastic liquid
Procedia PDF Downloads 4215562 Vibroacoustic Modulation with Chirp Signal
Authors: Dong Liu
By sending a high-frequency probe wave and a low-frequency pump wave to a specimen, the vibroacoustic method evaluates the defect’s severity according to the modulation index of the received signal. Many studies experimentally proved the significant sensitivity of the modulation index to the tiny contact type defect. However, it has also been found that the modulation index was highly affected by the frequency of probe or pump waves. Therefore, the chirp signal has been introduced to the VAM method since it can assess multiple frequencies in a relatively short time duration, so the robustness of the VAM method could be enhanced. Consequently, the signal processing method needs to be modified accordingly. Various studies utilized different algorithms or combinations of algorithms for processing the VAM signal method by chirp excitation. These signal process methods were compared and used for processing a VAM signal acquired from the steel samples.Keywords: vibroacoustic modulation, nonlinear acoustic modulation, nonlinear acoustic NDT&E, signal processing, structural health monitoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 995561 Implications of Stakeholder Theory as a Critical Theory
Authors: Louis Hickman
Stakeholder theory is a powerful conception of the firm based on the notion that a primary focus on shareholders is inadequate and, in fact, detrimental to the long-term health of the firm. As such it represents a departure from prevalent business school teachings with their focus on accounting and cost controls. Herein, it is argued that stakeholder theory can be better conceptualized as a critical theory, or one which represents a fundamental change in business behavior and can transform the behavior of businesses if accepted. By arguing that financial interests underdetermine the success of the firm, stakeholder theory further democratizes business by endorsing an increased awareness of the importance of non-shareholder stakeholders. Stakeholder theory requires new, non-financial, measures of success that provide a new consciousness for management and businesses when conceiving their actions and place in society. Thereby, stakeholder theory can show individuals through self-reflection that the capitalist impulses to generate wealth cannot act as primary drivers of business behavior, but rather, that we would choose to support interests outside ourselves if we made the decision in free discussion. This is due to the false consciousness embedded in our capitalism that the firm’s finances are the foremost concern of modern organizations at the expense of other goals. A focus on non-shareholder stakeholders in addition to shareholders generates greater benefits for society by improving the state of customers, employees, suppliers, the community, and shareholders alike. These positive effects generate further positive gains in well-being for stakeholders and translate into increased health for the future firm. Additionally, shareholders are the only stakeholder group that does not provide long-term firm value since there are not always communities with qualified employees, suppliers capable of providing the quality of product needed, or persons with purchasing power for all conceivable products. Therefore, the firm’s long-term health is benefited most greatly by improving the greatest possible parts of the society in which it inhabits, rather than solely the shareholder.Keywords: capitalism, critical theory, self-reflection, stakeholder theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 3475560 Electronic and Magnetic Properties of the Dy₀.₀₆₂₅Y₀.₉₃₇₅ FeO₃ and Dy₀.₁₂₅ Y₀.₈₇₅ FeO₃ Perovskites
Authors: Sari Aouatef, Larabi Amina
First-principles calculations within density functional theory based are used to investigate the influence of doped rare earth elements on some properties of perovskite systems Dy₀.₀₆₂₅Y₀.₉₃₇₅FeO₃ and Dy₀.₁₂₅ Y₀.₈₇₅ FeO₃. The electronic and magnetic properties are studied by means of the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method with Vasp code. The calculated densities of states presented in this work identify the semiconducting behavior for Dy₀.₁₂₅ Y₀.₈₇₅ FeO₃, and the semi-metallic behavior for Dy₀.₀₆₂₅Y₀.₉₃₇₅ FeO₃. Besides, to investigate magnetic properties of several compounds, four magnetic configurations are considered (ferromagnetic (FM), antiferromagnetic type A (A-AFM), antiferromagnetic type C (C-AFM) and antiferromagnetic type G (G-AFM). By doping the Dy element, the system shows different changes in the magnetic order and electronic structure. It is found that Dy₀.₀₆₂₅Y₀.₉₃₇₅ FeO₃ exhibits the strongest magnetic change corresponding to the transition to the ferromagnetic order with the largest magnetic moment of 4.997.Keywords: DFT, Perovskites, multiferroic, magnetic properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 1425559 Modeling Intention to Use 3PL Services: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior
Authors: Nasrin Akter, Prem Chhetri, Shams Rahman
The present study tested Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) model to explain the formation of business customers’ intention to use 3PL services in Bangladesh. The findings show that the TPB model has a good fit to the data. Based on theoretical support and suggested modification indices, a refined TPB model was developed afterwards which provides a better predictive power for intention. Consistent with the theory, the results of a structural equation analysis revealed that the intention to use 3PL services is predicted by attitude and subjective norms but not by perceived behavioral control. Further investigation indicated that the paths between (attitude and intention) and (subjective norms and intention) did not statistically differ between 3PL user and non-user. Findings of this research provide an evidence base to formulate business strategies to increase the use of 3PL services in Bangladesh to enhance productivity and to gain economic efficiency.Keywords: Bangladesh, intention, third-party logistics, Theory of Planned Behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 5825558 Quantum Mechanics as A Limiting Case of Relativistic Mechanics
Authors: Ahmad Almajid
The idea of unifying quantum mechanics with general relativity is still a dream for many researchers, as physics has only two paths, no more. Einstein's path, which is mainly based on particle mechanics, and the path of Paul Dirac and others, which is based on wave mechanics, the incompatibility of the two approaches is due to the radical difference in the initial assumptions and the mathematical nature of each approach. Logical thinking in modern physics leads us to two problems: - In quantum mechanics, despite its success, the problem of measurement and the problem of wave function interpretation is still obscure. - In special relativity, despite the success of the equivalence of rest-mass and energy, but at the speed of light, the fact that the energy becomes infinite is contrary to logic because the speed of light is not infinite, and the mass of the particle is not infinite too. These contradictions arise from the overlap of relativistic and quantum mechanics in the neighborhood of the speed of light, and in order to solve these problems, one must understand well how to move from relativistic mechanics to quantum mechanics, or rather, to unify them in a way different from Dirac's method, in order to go along with God or Nature, since, as Einstein said, "God doesn't play dice." From De Broglie's hypothesis about wave-particle duality, Léon Brillouin's definition of the new proper time was deduced, and thus the quantum Lorentz factor was obtained. Finally, using the Euler-Lagrange equation, we come up with new equations in quantum mechanics. In this paper, the two problems in modern physics mentioned above are solved; it can be said that this new approach to quantum mechanics will enable us to unify it with general relativity quite simply. If the experiments prove the validity of the results of this research, we will be able in the future to transport the matter at speed close to the speed of light. Finally, this research yielded three important results: 1- Lorentz quantum factor. 2- Planck energy is a limited case of Einstein energy. 3- Real quantum mechanics, in which new equations for quantum mechanics match and exceed Dirac's equations, these equations have been reached in a completely different way from Dirac's method. These equations show that quantum mechanics is a limited case of relativistic mechanics. At the Solvay Conference in 1927, the debate about quantum mechanics between Bohr, Einstein, and others reached its climax, while Bohr suggested that if particles are not observed, they are in a probabilistic state, then Einstein said his famous claim ("God does not play dice"). Thus, Einstein was right, especially when he didn't accept the principle of indeterminacy in quantum theory, although experiments support quantum mechanics. However, the results of our research indicate that God really does not play dice; when the electron disappears, it turns into amicable particles or an elastic medium, according to the above obvious equations. Likewise, Bohr was right also, when he indicated that there must be a science like quantum mechanics to monitor and study the motion of subatomic particles, but the picture in front of him was blurry and not clear, so he resorted to the probabilistic interpretation.Keywords: lorentz quantum factor, new, planck’s energy as a limiting case of einstein’s energy, real quantum mechanics, new equations for quantum mechanics
Procedia PDF Downloads 795557 The Phenomenon of Nutrition as a 'Trading Zone' Approach in the Paradigm Shift between Humoral Theory and Modern Medicine
Authors: Dilay Merve Temur
How knowledge is produced and how scientific knowledge progress are questions that science philosophers have investigated for centuries. When the scientific and technological developments reached the 20th century, Kuhn proposed a completely new view among all the approaches. In this article, firstly, Kuhn's theory is represented. Secondly, the criticisms of Kuhn's theory directed to him are examined, and Galison's proposal for the trade area term of the incommensurability thesis is shared. The interaction of Humoral Theory with nutrition has been illustrated extensively, and the transition to modern medicine has been described historically by including scientific and technological developments in the field of medicine. This paper will seek to see how the concept of nutrition is positioned as a trading zone within the medicine paradigm, which has experienced a revolution within the framework of the paradigm concept introduced by Kuhn.Keywords: food studies, incommensurability, nutrition and dietetics, trading zone
Procedia PDF Downloads 1695556 Extreme Value Theory Applied in Reliability Analysis: Case Study of Diesel Generator Fans
Authors: Jelena Vucicevic
Reliability analysis represents a very important task in different areas of work. In any industry, this is crucial for maintenance, efficiency, safety and monetary costs. There are ways to calculate reliability, unreliability, failure density and failure rate. In this paper, the results for the reliability of diesel generator fans were calculated through Extreme Value Theory. The Extreme Value Theory is not widely used in the engineering field. Its usage is well known in other areas such as hydrology, meteorology, finance. The significance of this theory is in the fact that unlike the other statistical methods it is focused on rare and extreme values, and not on average. It should be noted that this theory is not designed exclusively for extreme events, but for extreme values in any event. Therefore, this is a great opportunity to apply the theory and test if it could be applied in this situation. The significance of the work is the calculation of time to failure or reliability in a new way, using statistic. Another advantage of this calculation is that there is no need for technical details and it can be implemented in any part for which we need to know the time to fail in order to have appropriate maintenance, but also to maximize usage and minimize costs. In this case, calculations have been made on diesel generator fans but the same principle can be applied to any other part. The data for this paper came from a field engineering study of the time to failure of diesel generator fans. The ultimate goal was to decide whether or not to replace the working fans with a higher quality fan to prevent future failures. The results achieved in this method will show the approximation of time for which the fans will work as they should, and the percentage of probability of fans working more than certain estimated time. Extreme Value Theory can be applied not only for rare and extreme events, but for any event that has values which we can consider as extreme.Keywords: extreme value theory, lifetime, reliability analysis, statistic, time to failure
Procedia PDF Downloads 3295555 Formal Group Laws and Toposes in Gauge Theory
Authors: Patrascu Andrei Tudor
One of the main problems in high energy physics is the fact that we do not have a complete understanding of the interaction between local and global effects in gauge theory. This has an increasing impact on our ability to access the non-perturbative regime of most of our theories. Our theories, while being based on gauge groups considered to be simple or semi-simple and connected, are expected to be described by their simple local linear approximation, namely the Lie algebras. However, higher homotopy properties resulting in gauge anomalies appear frequently in theories of physical interest. Our assumption that the groups we deal with are simple and simply connected is probably not suitable, and ways to go beyond such assumptions, particularly in gauge theories, where the Lie algebra linear approximation is prevalent, are not known. We approach this problem from two directions: on one side we are explaining the potential role of formal group laws in describing certain higher homotopical properties and interferences with local or perturbative effects, and on the other side, we employ a categorical approach leading to synthetic theory and a way of looking at gauge theories. The topos approach is based on a geometry where the fundamental logic is intuitionistic logic, and hence the ‘tertium non datur’ principle is abandoned. This has a remarkable impact on understanding conformal symmetry and its anomalies in string theory in various dimensions.Keywords: Gauge theory, formal group laws, Topos theory, conformal symmetry
Procedia PDF Downloads 415554 Riding the Crest of the Wave: Inclusive Education in New Zealand
Authors: Barbara A. Perry
In 1996, the New Zealand government and the Ministry of Education announced that they were setting up a "world class system of inclusive education". As a parent of a son with high and complex needs, a teacher, school Principal and Disability studies Lecturer, this author will track the changes in the journey towards inclusive education over the last 20 years. Strategies for partnering with families to ensure educational success along with insights from one of those on the crest of the wave will be presented. Using a narrative methodology the author will illuminate how far New Zealand has come towards this world class system of inclusion promised and share from personal experience some of the highlights and risks in the system. This author has challenged the old structures and been part of the setting up of new structures particularly for providing parent voice and insight; this paper provides a unique view from an insider’s voice as well as a professional in the system.Keywords: disability studies, inclusive education, special education, working with families with children with disability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2525553 The Effect of Internal Auditing Function on the Quality of Financial Reporting: A Theoretical Framework
Authors: Hani Albogami
The internal audit function is considered as one of the internal corporate governance mechanisms that may have an impact on improving earnings quality by constraining earnings management. The internal audit function is also a unique corporate governance mechanism because internal auditors have more involvement with the day-to-day operations comparing to the audit committee, and also internal auditors audit their companies the whole year compared to the external auditor who audits only a certain time of the year. The relationships between internal audit function and earnings management can be understood by some theories. Therefore, this paper provides a theoretical background of the influence of the quality of internal audit function on earnings management. In particular, the agency theory, institutional theory, singling theory, and resource dependency theory are adapted by this paper to provide some understanding and analyses that can be a basis for future research to contribute to the corporate governance academic studies.Keywords: internal audit, corporate governance, earnings management, accounting
Procedia PDF Downloads 2045552 The Role of Piaget's Theory in Conjecture via Analogical Reasoning
Authors: Supratman Ahman Maedi
The construction of knowledge is the goal of learning. The purpose of this research is to know how the role of Piaget theory in allegation via analogy reasoning. This study uses Think out loads when troubleshooting. To explore conjecturing via analogical reasoning is given the question of open analogy. The result: conjecture via analogical reasoning has been done by students in the construction of knowledge, in conjecture there are differences in thinking flow depending on the basic knowledge of the students, in the construction of knowledge occurs assimilation and accommodation problems, strategies and relationships.Keywords: analogical reasoning, conjecturing, knowledge construction, Piaget's theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 3245551 Relativistic Energy Analysis for Some q Deformed Shape Invariant Potentials in D Dimensions Using SUSYQM Approach
Authors: A. Suparmi, C. Cari, M. Yunianto, B. N. Pratiwi
D-dimensional Dirac equations of q-deformed shape invariant potentials were solved using supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSY QM) in the case of exact spin symmetry. The D dimensional radial Dirac equation for shape invariant potential reduces to one-dimensional Schrodinger type equation by an appropriate variable and parameter change. The relativistic energy spectra were analyzed by using SUSY QM and shape invariant properties from radial D dimensional Dirac equation that have reduced to one dimensional Schrodinger type equation. The SUSY operator was used to generate the D dimensional relativistic radial wave functions, the relativistic energy equation reduced to the non-relativistic energy in the non-relativistic limit.Keywords: D-dimensional dirac equation, non-central potential, SUSY QM, radial wave function
Procedia PDF Downloads 3455550 Finding the Theory of Riba Avoidance: A Scoping Review to Set the Research Agenda
Authors: Randa Ismail Sharafeddine
The Islamic economic system is distinctive in that it implicitly recognizes money as a separate, independent component of production capable of assuming risk and so entitled to the same reward as other Entrepreneurial Factors of Production (EFP). Conventional theory does not identify money capital explicitly as a component of production; rather, interest is recognized as a reward for capital, the interest rate is the cost of money capital, and it is also seen as a cost of physical capital. The conventional theory of production examines how diverse non-entrepreneurial resources (Land, Labor, and Capital) are selected; however, the economic theory community is largely unaware of the reasons why these resources choose to remain as non-entrepreneurial resources as opposed to becoming entrepreneurial resources. Should land, labor, and financial asset owners choose to work for others in return for rent, income, or interest, or should they engage in entrepreneurial risk-taking in order to profit. This is a decision made often in the actual world, but it has never been effectively treated in economic theory. This article will conduct a critical analysis of the conventional classification of factors of production and propose a classification for resource allocation and income distribution (Rent, Wages, Interest, and Profits) that is more rational, even within the conventional theoretical framework for evaluating and developing production and distribution theories. Money is an essential component of production in an Islamic economy, and it must be used to sustain economic activity.Keywords: financial capital, production theory, distribution theory, economic activity, riba avoidance, institution of participation
Procedia PDF Downloads 945549 Shear Elastic Waves in Disordered Anisotropic Multi-Layered Periodic Structure
Authors: K. B. Ghazaryan, R. A. Ghazaryan
Based on the constitutive model and anti-plane equations of anisotropic elastic body of monoclinic symmetry we consider the problem of shear wave propagation in multi-layered disordered composite structure with point defect. Using transfer matrix method the analytic expression is obtained providing solutions of shear Floquet wave propagation in periodic disordered anisotropic structure. The usefulness of the obtained analytical expression was discussed also in reflection and refraction problems from multi-layered reflector as well as in vibration problem of multi-layered waveguides. Numerical results are presented highlighting the effects arising in disordered periodic structure due to defects of multi-layered structure.Keywords: shear elastic waves, monoclinic anisotropic media, periodic structure, disordered multilayer laminae, multi-layered waveguide
Procedia PDF Downloads 4105548 Probabilistic Models to Evaluate Seismic Liquefaction In Gravelly Soil Using Dynamic Penetration Test and Shear Wave Velocity
Authors: Nima Pirhadi, Shao Yong Bo, Xusheng Wan, Jianguo Lu, Jilei Hu
Although gravels and gravelly soils are assumed to be non-liquefiable because of high conductivity and small modulus; however, the occurrence of this phenomenon in some historical earthquakes, especially recently earthquakes during 2008 Wenchuan, Mw= 7.9, 2014 Cephalonia, Greece, Mw= 6.1 and 2016, Kaikoura, New Zealand, Mw = 7.8, has been promoted the essential consideration to evaluate risk assessment and hazard analysis of seismic gravelly soil liquefaction. Due to the limitation in sampling and laboratory testing of this type of soil, in situ tests and site exploration of case histories are the most accepted procedures. Of all in situ tests, dynamic penetration test (DPT), Which is well known as the Chinese dynamic penetration test, and shear wave velocity (Vs) test, have been demonstrated high performance to evaluate seismic gravelly soil liquefaction. However, the lack of a sufficient number of case histories provides an essential limitation for developing new models. This study at first investigates recent earthquakes that caused liquefaction in gravelly soils to collect new data. Then, it adds these data to the available literature’s dataset to extend them and finally develops new models to assess seismic gravelly soil liquefaction. To validate the presented models, their results are compared to extra available models. The results show the reasonable performance of the proposed models and the critical effect of gravel content (GC)% on the assessment.Keywords: liquefaction, gravel, dynamic penetration test, shear wave velocity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2015547 Collision Theory Based Sentiment Detection Using Discourse Analysis in Hadoop
Authors: Anuta Mukherjee, Saswati Mukherjee
Data is growing everyday. Social networking sites such as Twitter are becoming an integral part of our daily lives, contributing a large increase in the growth of data. It is a rich source especially for sentiment detection or mining since people often express honest opinion through tweets. However, although sentiment analysis is a well-researched topic in text, this analysis using Twitter data poses additional challenges since these are unstructured data with abbreviations and without a strict grammatical correctness. We have employed collision theory to achieve sentiment analysis in Twitter data. We have also incorporated discourse analysis in the collision theory based model to detect accurate sentiment from tweets. We have also used the retweet field to assign weights to certain tweets and obtained the overall weightage of a topic provided in the form of a query. Hadoop has been exploited for speed. Our experiments show effective results.Keywords: sentiment analysis, twitter, collision theory, discourse analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 5355546 Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of YNi₄Si-Type GdNi₅: A Coulomb Corrected Local-Spin Density Approximation Study
Authors: Sapan Mohan Saini
In this work, we report the calculations on the electronic and optical properties of YNi₄Si-type GdNi₅ compound. Calculations are performed using the full-potential augmented plane wave (FPLAPW) method in the framework of density functional theory (DFT). The Coulomb corrected local-spin density approximation (LSDA+U) in the self-interaction correction (SIC) has been used for exchange-correlation potential. Spin polarised calculations of band structure show that several bands cross the Fermi level (EF) reflect the metallic character. Analysis of density of states (DOS) demonstrates that spin up Gd-f states lie around 7.5 eV below EF and spin down Gd-f lie around 4.5 eV above EF. We found Ni-3d states mainly contribute to DOS from -5.0 eV to the EF. Our calculated results of optical conductivity agree well with the experimental data.Keywords: electronic structure, optical properties, FPLAPW method, YNi₄Si-type GdNi₅
Procedia PDF Downloads 1735545 Analysis of Preferences in Decision Making in a Bilateral Negotiation Context: An Experimental Approach from Game Theory
Authors: Laura V. Gonzalez, Juan B. Duarte, Luis A. Palacio
Decision making can be conditioned by factors such as the environments, circumstances, behavioral biases, emotions, beliefs and preferences of the participants. The objective of this paper is to analyze the effect ‘amount of information’ and ‘number of options’, on the behavior of competitors under a bilateral negotiation context. For the above, it has been designed an experiment as a classroom game where they negotiate goods, under the condition that none of the players knows exactly the real value of the asset. The game is designed under the concept of zero-sum (non-cooperative game) and focuses on the fact that agents must anticipate the strategies of their opponent to improve their chances of winning in the negotiation. The empirical results show that, contrary to the traditional view of expected utility theory, players prefer to obtain low profits and losses, when faced with a higher expectation of losses, using sub-optimal strategies not in accordance with game theory.Keywords: bilateral negotiation, classroom game, decision making, game theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 2665544 Structural and Electronic Properties of Cd0.75V0.25S Alloy
Authors: H. Baltache, M. El Amine. Monir, R. Khenata, D. Rached, T. Seddik
The first principles calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT) by using the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) in order to investigate the structural and electronic properties of Cd1-xVxS alloy at x = 0.25 in zincblende structure. For the structural properties, we have calculated the equilibrium lattice parameters, such as lattice constant, bulk modulus and first pressure derivatives of the bulk modulus. From the electronic structure, we obtain that Cd0.75V0.25S alloy is nearly half-metallic. The analysis of the density of states (DOS) curves allow to evaluate the spin-exchange splitting energies Δx(d) and Δx(pd) that are generated by V-3d states, where the effective potential for spin-down case is attractive than for spin-up case. Calculations of the exchange constants N0α (valence band) and N0β (conduction band) are served to describe the magnetic behavior of the compounds.Keywords: first-principles calculations, structural properties, electronic properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 3655543 Dam Break Model Using Navier-Stokes Equation
Authors: Alireza Lohrasbi, Alireza Lavaei, Mohammadali M. Shahlaei
The liquid flow and the free surface shape during the initial stage of dam breaking are investigated. A numerical scheme is developed to predict the wave of an unsteady, incompressible viscous flow with free surface. The method involves a two dimensional finite element (2D), in a vertical plan. The Naiver-Stokes equations for conservation of momentum and mass for Newtonian fluids, continuity equation, and full nonlinear kinematic free-surface equation were used as the governing equations. The mapping developed to solve highly deformed free surface problems common in waves formed during wave propagation, transforms the run up model from the physical domain to a computational domain with Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) finite element modeling technique.Keywords: dam break, Naiver-Stokes equations, free-surface flows, Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian
Procedia PDF Downloads 3405542 Variation in Orbital Elements of Mars and Jupiter Due to the Sun Oblateness by Using Secular Theory
Authors: Avaneesh Vaishwar, Badam Singh Kushvah, Devi Prasad Mishra
We studied the variation in orbital elements of Mars and Jupiter for a time span of 200 thousand years by using secular theory. Here we took Sun oblateness into account and considered the first two zonal gravity constants (J2 and J4) for showing the effect of Sun oblateness on the orbital elements of Mars and Jupiter. We found that in both cases (with and without Sun oblateness) the variation in orbital elements of Mars and Jupiter is periodic moreover in case of the Sun oblateness, the period of variation in orbital elements is decreasing for both the planets.Keywords: lagrange's planetary equation, orbital elements, planetary system, secular theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 2275541 Two-Step Inversion Method for Multi-mode Surface Waves
Authors: Ying Zhang
Surface waves provide critical constraints about the earth's structure in the crust and upper mantle. However, different modes of Love waves with close group velocities often arrive at a similar time and interfere with each other. This problem is typical for Love waves at intermediate periods that travel through the oceanic lithosphere. Therefore, we developed a two-step inversion approach to separate the waveforms of the fundamental and first higher mode of Love waves. We first solve the phase velocities of the two modes and their amplitude ratios. The misfit function is based on the sum of phase differences among the station pairs. We then solve the absolute amplitudes of the two modes and their initial phases using obtained phase velocities and amplitude ratio. The separated waveforms of each mode from the two-step inversion method can be further used in surface wave tomography to improve model resolution.Keywords: surface wave inversion, waveform separation, love waves, higher-mode interference
Procedia PDF Downloads 705540 The Gap of Green Consumption Behavior: Driving from Attitude to Behavior
Authors: Yu Du, Jian-Guo Wang
Green consumption is a key link to develop the ecological economy, and consumers are vital to carry out green consumption. With environmental awareness gradually being aroused, consumers often fail to turn their positive attitude into actual green consumption behavior. According to behavior reasoning theory, reasons for adoption have a direct (positive) influence on consumers’ attitude while reasons against adoption have a direct (negative) influence on consumers’ adoption intentions, the incongruous coexistence of which leads to the attitude-behavior gap of green consumption. Based on behavior reasoning theory, this research integrates reasons for adoption and reasons against adoption into a proposed model, in which reasons both for and against green consumption mediate the relationship between consumer’ values, attitudes, and behavioral intentions. It not only extends the conventional theory of reasoned action but also provides a reference for the government and enterprises to design the repairing strategy of green consumption attitude-behavior gap.Keywords: green product, attitude-behavior gap, behavior reasoning theory, green consumption, SEM
Procedia PDF Downloads 4635539 Effects of Magnetization Patterns on Characteristics of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Generator for Wave Energy Converter Applications
Authors: Sung-Won Seo, Jang-Young Choi
The rare earth magnets used in synchronous generators offer many advantages, including high efficiency, greatly reduced the size, and weight. The permanent magnet linear synchronous generator (PMLSG) allows for direct drive without the need for a mechanical device. Therefore, the PMLSG is well suited to translational applications, such as wave energy converters and free piston energy converters. This manuscript compares the effects of different magnetization patterns on the characteristics of double-sided PMLSGs in slotless stator structures. The Halbach array has a higher flux density in air-gap than the Vertical array, and the advantages of its performance and efficiency are widely known. To verify the advantage of Halbach array, we apply a finite element method (FEM) and analytical method. In general, a FEM and an analytical method are used in the electromagnetic analysis for determining model characteristics, and the FEM is preferable to magnetic field analysis. However, the FEM is often slow and inflexible. On the other hand, the analytical method requires little time and produces accurate analysis of the magnetic field. Therefore, the flux density in air-gap and the Back-EMF can be obtained by FEM. In addition, the results from the analytical method correspond well with the FEM results. The model of the Halbach array reveals less copper loss than the model of the Vertical array, because of the Halbach array’s high output power density. The model of the Vertical array is lower core loss than the model of Halbach array, because of the lower flux density in air-gap. Therefore, the current density in the Vertical model is higher for identical power output. The completed manuscript will include the magnetic field characteristics and structural features of both models, comparing various results, and specific comparative analysis will be presented for the determination of the best model for application in a wave energy converting system.Keywords: wave energy converter, permanent magnet linear synchronous generator, finite element method, analytical method
Procedia PDF Downloads 3045538 The Characteristics of the Chairman of Board of Directors That Are Associated with Better Levels of Performance
Authors: Abilio Pires Zacarias
Analyzing company boards of directors is a relevant and timely topic. As the representative of shareholders, the board is the most senior management body of this type of company. Therefore, ascertaining the best kind of candidates to nominate, namely the most appropriate characteristics for leading the board to achieve better levels of performance, is certainly of great interest. The companies selected for this study were the 1,000 largest non-financial companies and the 100 largest financial companies in Portugal according to the Instituto Nacional de Estatística for 2010. The information stemmed from a questionnaire addressed to the person in charge of daily company management and then processed through STATA 17 with the multivariate analysis of variables - MANOVA. The study may correspondingly report that the vast majority of boards in the sample operate a dual leadership structure. By in terms of its prevalence, unitary leadership represents only a minority. Agency theory and stewardship theory postulate different characteristics for the ideal chairman but neither receive confirmation from our results. On the other hand, our findings do validate the behavioral theory of firms (BToF), concluding that experience is associated with organizational performance. This study is also relevant due to its analysis of companies not listed on the financial markets not only because of their weighting in the economy but also because they remain only very poorly studied in this field and thus also correspondingly contributing to deepening the literature.Keywords: agency theory, behavioral theory of the firm, board of directors, corporate governance, stewardship theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 1825537 Effect of Runup over a Vertical Pile Supported Caisson Breakwater and Quarter Circle Pile Supported Caisson Breakwater
Authors: T. J. Jemi Jeya, V. Sriram
Pile Supported Caisson breakwater is an ecofriendly breakwater very useful in coastal zone protection. The model is developed by considering the advantages of both caisson breakwater and pile supported breakwater, where the top portion is a vertical or quarter circle caisson and the bottom portion consists of a pile supported breakwater defined as Vertical Pile Supported Breakwater (VPSCB) and Quarter-circle Pile Supported Breakwater (QPSCB). The study mainly focuses on comparison of run up over VPSCB and QPSCB under oblique waves. The experiments are carried out in a shallow wave basin under different water depths (d = 0.5 m & 0.55 m) and under different oblique regular waves (00, 150, 300). The run up over the surface is measured by placing two run up probes over the surface at 0.3 m on both sides from the centre of the model. The results show that the non-dimensional shoreward run up shows slight decrease with respect to increase in angle of wave attack.Keywords: Caisson breakwater, pile supported breakwater, quarter circle breakwater, vertical breakwater
Procedia PDF Downloads 1535536 Conspiracy Theory in Discussions of the Coronavirus Pandemic in the Gulf Region
Authors: Rasha Salameh
In light of the tense relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran, this research paper sheds some light on Al-Arabiya’s reporting of Coronavirus in the Gulf. Particularly because most of the cases, in the beginning, were coming from Iran, some programs of this Saudi channel embraced a conspiracy theory. Hate speech has been used in talking about the topic and discussing it. The results of these discussions will be detailed in this paper in percentages with regard to the research sample, which includes five programs on Al-Arabiya channel: ‘DNA’, ‘Marraya’ (Mirrors), ‘Panorama’, ‘Tafaolcom’ (Your Interaction) and the ‘Diplomatic Street’, in the period between January 19, that is, the date of the first case in Iran, and April 10, 2020. The research shows the use of a conspiracy theory in the programs, in addition to some professional violations. The surveyed sample also shows that the matter receded due to the Arab Gulf states' preoccupation with the successively increasing cases that have appeared there since the start of the pandemic. The results indicate that hate speech was present in the sample at a rate of 98.1% and that most of the programs that dealt with the Iranian issue under the Corona pandemic on Al Arabiya used the conspiracy theory at a rate of 75.5%.Keywords: Al-Arabiya, Iran, Corona, hate speech, conspiracy theory, politicization of the pandemic
Procedia PDF Downloads 1375535 Drastic Increase of Wave Dissipation within Metastructures Having Negative Stiffness Inclusions
Authors: D. Chronopoulos, I. Antoniadis, V. Spitas, D. Koulocheris, V. Polenta
A concept of a simple linear oscillator, incorporating a negative stiffness element is demonstrated to exhibit extraordinary damping properties. This oscillator shares the same overall (static) stiffness, the same mass and the same damping element with a reference classical linear SDOF oscillator. However, it differs from the original SDOF oscillator by appropriately redistributing the component spring stiffness elements and by re-allocating the damping element. Despite the fact that the proposed oscillator incorporates a negative stiffness element, it is designed to be both statically and dynamically stable. Once such an oscillator is optimally designed, it is shown to exhibit an extraordinary apparent damping ratio, which is even several orders of magnitude higher than that of the original SDOF system, especially in cases where the original damping of the SDOF system is low. This damping behavior is not a result of a novel additional extraordinary energy dissipation mechanism, but a result of the phase difference between the positive and the negative stiffness elastic forces, which is in turn a consequence of the proper re-distribution of the stiffness and the damper elements. This fact ensures that an adequate level of elastic forces exists throughout the entire frequency range, able to counteract the inertial and the excitation forces. Next, Acoustic or Phononic Meta-materials are considered, in which one atom is replaced by the concept of the above simple linear oscillator. The results indicate that not only the damping of the meta-material verifies and exceeds the one expected from the so-called "meta-damping" behavior, but also that the band gap of the meta-material can be significantly increased.Keywords: wave propagation, periodic structures, wave damping, mechanical engineering
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