Search results for: OHS challenges
1845 Effect of Temperature on Investigation of Index Properties of Red Clay Soil
Authors: Birhanu Kassa
The knowledge of temperature effect on index properties and, thus, the understanding of its behavior may be essential for a complete understanding of the various cases of Geotechnical Engineering problems and for conducting meaningful practical research, analysis, and design in tropical regions, such as the Ethiopian environment. The scarcity of the proper geotechnical information on the subsoil makes foundation and engineering works risk able, difficult, and sometimes hazardous. Seasonal variations, environmental effects, terrain challenges, and temperature effects all affect the quality of soil. Simada is a city which is found in south Gondar and it is developing rapidly both in horizontal and vertical construction. Rapid urbanization in the city area has led to an increased interest in the basic properties of soils that are present within the city area. There has been no previous research that looks into the effect of temperature on the investigation of clay soil index qualities in Simada. This work focuses mainly on investigating the Index and some other properties of soil in Simada Town with varying temperatures. To explore the influence of temperature change, samples were collected from various regions of the city, and routine laboratory tests were performed on the collected samples at various temperatures. Disturbed samples were taken at intervals where an average depth of 1.5-2m depths below natural ground level. The standard laboratory tests performed on all twenty-four soil samples were the water content, gradation analysis, Atterberg limits, specific gravity, and compaction test. All specimens were tested at different temperatures (25°C, 35 °C, 45 °C, 65 °C,75 and 105 °C). The variation of the plasticity characteristics of the soils has been determined based on the temperature variation. From the test result, we can conclude that temperature has a significant effect on the index properties of clay soil, in our case, red clay soil.Keywords: airdried, oven dried, soils index properties, compaction test
Procedia PDF Downloads 411844 The Utilization of Healthcare by African Migrants: The Lived Experiences of Unaccompanied Adolescent Migrants in South Africa
Authors: Kwanele Shishane
Numerous countries are faced with challenges such as disease, poverty and other social ills and inadequate government support to meet the needs of the entire population. In developing countries, the concept of child-headed households has become a ubiquitous phenomenon and lived experience. As such, migration of children is common in these countries. This study aims to explore the lived experiences of unaccompanied adolescent migrant, with regards to the utilization of health care in South Africa. The objectives of the study are to examine the lived experiences of health care utilization by unaccompanied adolescent migrants; examine the predisposing, enabling and need factors influencing utilization of health care among unaccompanied adolescent migrants; examine the social and cultural influences on health care utilization among unaccompanied adolescent migrants; and identify the health system barriers to utilization of health care by unaccompanied adolescent migrants. Andersen and Newman’s Model of Health Care Utilization (1995) which explains factors determining the utilization of healthcare will provide the theoretical framework for the empirical investigation of this study. The target population for this study is unaccompanied adolescent migrants, seeking to access services from migrant service organizations in four provinces in South Africa (Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, and Gauteng). Participants will be selected using a purposive sampling procedure. A qualitative research approach utilizing a descriptive phenomenological epistemology will be utilized in this study. Data will be collected through conducting in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with unaccompanied migrant adolescents, to explore their lived experiences related to access and utilization of health care, as an unaccompanied migrant in SA. The qualitative data will be analysed using Tech’s (1990) thematic analytical approach.Keywords: health care utilisation, unaccompanied migrant youth, South Africa, lived experiences
Procedia PDF Downloads 1761843 Disruptive Innovation in Low-Income Countries: The Role of the Sharing Economy in Shaping the People Transportation Market in Nigeria
Authors: D. Tappi
In the past decades, the idea of innovation moved from being considered the result of development to being seen as its means. Innovation and its diffusion are indeed keys to the development and economic catch-up of a country. However, the process of diffusing existing innovation in low income countries has demonstrated dependent on inadequate infrastructures and institutions. The paper examines the role of disruptive innovation in bridging the technology gap between high- and low-income countries, overcoming the lack in infrastructures and institutions. In particular, the focus of this paper goes to the role of disruptive innovation in people transportation in Nigeria. Uber, Taxify, and Smartcab are covering a small and interesting market that was underserved, between the high-end private driver markets, the personal car owners and the low-priced traditional cab and the Keke (tricycle). Indeed the small Nigerian middle class and international community have found in the sharing people transportation market a safe, reasonably priced means of transportation in Nigerian big cities. This study uses mainly qualitative data collection methods in the form of semi-structured interviews with major players and users and quantitative data analysis in the form of a survey among users in order to assess the role of these new transportation modes in shaping the market and even creating a new niche. This paper shows how the new sharing economy in people transportation is creating new solutions to old problems as well as creating new challenges for both the existing market players and institutions. By doing so, the paper shows how disruptive innovations applied to low income countries, not only can overcome the lacking infrastructure problem but could also help bridge the technology gap between those and high income countries. This contribution proves that it is indeed exactly because the market presents these obstacles that disruptive innovations can succeed in countries such as Nigeria.Keywords: development, disruptive innovation, sharing economy, technology gap
Procedia PDF Downloads 1201842 The Sustainability of Health and Safety on Construction Sites in Zamfara State
Authors: Ismaila Oladunni Muhammed, Adegbenga Raphael Ashiru
Construction industry has been attributed to be the engine growth of Nigerian economic and infrastructural development. It promotes infrastructural development and grows an average output of Nigerian Gross Domestic Profit. However, from this great prospect, yearly reports show that consistent accidents on construction sites in Zamfara State has affected a substantial number of workers as they become temporarily or permanently disabled, thereby making many construction sites a death trap. This posed a great threat to the industry’s sustainability, de- motivate workers from working in the industry, and further have negative impact on the economy as well. It is as a result of high construction site accident currently experiencing in Zamfara state that this research was carried out to appraise the sustainability of health and safety of construction workers on sites. The proper practice and compliance to Construction Health and safety laws are very vital to the output and growth of Zamfara State construction sector. However, a quantitative approach was adopted to justify the aforesaid statement which will provide a broader understanding of the study. Descriptive statistical analysis was obtained through Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS Version 20). Furthermore, the findings from the research highlighted that the performance and output of construction workers on construction sites depends on the proper practice of health and safety. The research findings also recommended ways to enhance employers and employee’s compliance with existing laws guiding health and safety on Zamfara State construction sites. Nevertheless, the purpose of the paper is to appraise the sustainability of Health and Safety on Zamfara State construction sites. This study further provided thorough information for resolving challenges of construction sites accidents to improve construction firm productivity and also ensured construction worker’s safety on site.Keywords: construction industry, health and safety regulations, causes of accident, construction safety practices
Procedia PDF Downloads 2121841 Relieving Flood Damages In Malaysia through Tax Policies And Measures: A Comparative Analysis
Authors: Chee Fei Chang, May Yee Ng
As a result of its geographical location, flood is a natural disaster that happens regularly in Malaysia. Every year, heavy rainfall is brought by the cyclical monsoon to the East coast of Peninsular Malaysia. In recent years, the occurrence of unexpected heavy downpour somehow connected to climate-change phenomena is also on the increasing trend. Ironically, despite that Malaysians have suffered significant monetary losses as a result of the recurring floods in past many decades, little has been done by the government from the perspective of taxation. Perhaps due to political reason or as a populist measure, the federal and local government are more inclined to offer small cash handout then rolling out long-term tax policy or measure in relieving the financial and tax burden of the victims and affected business entities. Except for the one-off tax break granted to affected businesses in 2007, the authors have not found any income tax exemption or deduction order gazetted with regard to flood disaster. Hence, it is imperative for this study to explore the need and challenges of implementing flood inflicted disaster tax relief or credit in Malaysia. This research consists of two major parts. First, the assessment of relevant tax policies/ measures with regard to non-government organisations and other affected parties. Content and thematic analyses will be applied on current tax legislations and orders issued for this part. Second, a comparative analysis will be conducted benchmarking various disaster tax reliefs and credits implemented in developed countries. Resulting from the increasing climate change-related disasters in Malaysia, the findings of this study will shed light on the importance of introducing disaster tax relief measures to assist individual victims as well as the affected businesses.Keywords: climate-changed related disaster, disaster tax credits, tax relief for victims, tax measures for disaster recovery
Procedia PDF Downloads 1221840 Towards a Framework for Embedded Weight Comparison Algorithm with Business Intelligence in the Plantation Domain
Authors: M. Pushparani, A. Sagaya
Embedded systems have emerged as important elements in various domains with extensive applications in automotive, commercial, consumer, healthcare and transportation markets, as there is emphasis on intelligent devices. On the other hand, Business Intelligence (BI) has also been extensively used in a range of applications, especially in the agriculture domain which is the area of this research. The aim of this research is to create a framework for Embedded Weight Comparison Algorithm with Business Intelligence (EWCA-BI). The weight comparison algorithm will be embedded within the plantation management system and the weighbridge system. This algorithm will be used to estimate the weight at the site and will be compared with the actual weight at the plantation. The algorithm will be used to build the necessary alerts when there is a discrepancy in the weight, thus enabling better decision making. In the current practice, data are collected from various locations in various forms. It is a challenge to consolidate data to obtain timely and accurate information for effective decision making. Adding to this, the unstable network connection leads to difficulty in getting timely accurate information. To overcome the challenges embedding is done on a portable device that will have the embedded weight comparison algorithm to also assist in data capture and synchronize data at various locations overcoming the network short comings at collection points. The EWCA-BI will provide real-time information at any given point of time, thus enabling non-latent BI reports that will provide crucial information to enable efficient operational decision making. This research has a high potential in bringing embedded system into the agriculture industry. EWCA-BI will provide BI reports with accurate information with uncompromised data using an embedded system and provide alerts, therefore, enabling effective operation management decision-making at the site.Keywords: embedded business intelligence, weight comparison algorithm, oil palm plantation, embedded systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 2871839 Young Female’s Heart Was Bitten by Unknown Ghost (Isolated Cardiac Sarcoidosis): A Case Report
Authors: Heru Al Amin
Sarcoidosis is a granulomatous inflammatory disorder of unclear etiology that can affect multiple different organ systems. Isolated cardiac sarcoidosis is a very rare condition that causes lethal arrhythmia and heart failure. A definite diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis remains challenging. The use of multimodality imaging plays a pivotal role in the diagnosis of this entity. Case summary: In this report, we discuss a case of a 50-year-old woman who presented with recurrent palpitation, dizziness, vertigo and presyncope. Electrocardiogram revealed variable heart blocks, including first-degree AV block, second-degree AV block, high-degree AV block, complete AV block, trifascicular block and sometimes supraventricular arrhythmia. Twenty-four hours of Holter monitoring show atrial bigeminy, first-degree AV block and trifascicular block. Transthoracic echocardiography showed Thinning of basal anteroseptal and inferred septum with LV dilatation with reduction of Global Longitudinal Strain. A dual-chamber pacemaker was implanted. CT Coronary angiogram showed no coronary artery disease. Cardiac magnetic resonance revealed basal anteroseptal and inferior septum thinning with focal edema with LGE suggestive of sarcoidosis. Computed tomography of the chest showed no lymphadenopathy or pulmonary infiltration. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) of the whole body showed. We started steroids and followed up with the patient. Conclusion: This case serves to highlight the challenges in identifying and managing isolated CS in a young patient with recurrent syncope with variable heart block. Early, even late initiation of steroids can improve arrhythmia as well as left ventricular function.Keywords: cardiac sarcoidosis, conduction abnormality, syncope, cardiac MRI
Procedia PDF Downloads 921838 Gender Identify and Agency of Traumatized Subjects in Incestuous Family
Authors: Jenyu Peng
Incestuous abuse can be considered a form of domestic violence that exemplifies gender inequality. It challenges the common image of home as “haven of safety”. In Taiwan, even after years of feminist NGOs’ effort to encourage victims to speak up, the shared cultural representations of family, still praising piety towards the parents, seem to keep the incest trauma in secret. As clinical practitioners have observed, most devastating psychological sequels of incest trauma are often related to silencing. Thus one can expect that in families centered cultures, the difficulties for victims to disclose are greater, and the traumatic consequences more severe. This poses crucial therapeutic issues for clinicians working in those cultures. Since 2009, the author, a trained psychoanalyst and researcher, has been conducting “clinical fieldwork” on incest trauma in Taiwan. Employing ethnographical method, our theoretical references are both psychoanalytical and anthropological. The necessity of interdisciplinary efforts in incest trauma research will be addressed and discussed. The analyses of the present paper will focus on five incestuous families: four Han families, and one aboriginal. Although Taiwanese aboriginal peoples have been pretty much sinicized since decades, it is worth observing the convergent and divergent aspects in these two cultures. Moreover, findings of a previous research conducted in France during 2002-2004 will serve as background for the purpose of comparison. The results will be presented along with three questions: 1) How the perception of family influences the process of disclosure? 2) How the incestuous experience comes into play with victims’ gender identity and sexuality, pivotal for the subjectification? 3) How victims more successful in gendered subjectification modify their dynamics with their traumatizing family? This research finds that most victims tend to defend their own incestuous families, and that victims’ subjectivity and agency are actually entangled in the power structure of incestuous family.Keywords: incestuous family, subjectification, gender identity, agency
Procedia PDF Downloads 3521837 Ethical Considerations in In-Utero Gene Editing
Authors: Shruti Govindarajan
In-utero gene editing with CRISPR-Cas9 opens up new possibilities for treating genetic disorders during pregnancy while still in mother’s womb. By targeting genetic mutations in the early stages of fetal development, this approach could potentially prevent severe conditions—like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and muscular dystrophy—from causing harm. CRISPR-Cas9, which allows precise DNA edits, could be delivered into fetal cells through vectors such as adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) or nanoparticles, correcting disease-causing mutations and possibly offering lifelong relief from these disorders. For families facing severe genetic diagnoses, in-utero gene editing could provide a transformative option. However, technical challenges remain, including ensuring that gene editing only targets the intended cells and verifying long-term safety. Ethical considerations are also at the forefront of this technology. The editing of a fetus's genes brings up difficult questions about consent, especially since these genetic changes will affect the child’s entire life without their input. There's also concern over possible unintended side effects, or changes passed down to future generations. Moreover, if used beyond therapeutic purposes, this technology could be misused for ‘enhancements,’ like selecting for certain physical or cognitive traits, raising concerns about inequality and social pressures. In this way, in-utero gene editing brings both exciting potential and complex moral questions. As research progresses, addressing these scientific and ethical concerns will be key to ensuring that this technology is used responsibly, prioritizing safety, fairness, and a focus on alleviating genetic disease. A cautious and inclusive approach, along with clear regulations, will be essential to realizing the benefits of in-utero gene editing while protecting against unintended consequences.Keywords: in-utero gene editing, CRISPR, bioethics, genetic disorder
Procedia PDF Downloads 131836 The Health Impact of Intensive Case Management on Women with an Opioid Use Disorder and Their Infants
Authors: Shannon Rappe, Elizabeth Morse, David Phillippi
Postpartum women with an opioid use disorder (OUD) are at high risk for treatment disengagement, leaving them vulnerable to overdose and death between seven and twelve months postpartum. Intensive case management programs have been proposed as an effective strategy to reduce barriers and increase treatment engagement among postpartum women. The purpose of this project is to determine the effects of early engagement in an intensive case management program on postpartum engagement and infant health outcomes among postpartum women with opioid use. This retrospective review of secondary data was collected on 225 infants, and 221 postpartum women enrolled in an intensive case management program in Tennessee between May 1, 2019, and May 5, 2020. Chi-squares were computed to examine the timing of engagement during pregnancy, maternal treatment outcomes, and infant health outcomes, including neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), birth weight, gestational age, and length of stay. The mean prenatal program engagement was 109 days (SD = 67.6); 16.7% (n = 37) enrolled during the first trimester, 37.6% (n = 83) in the second trimester, and 45.7% (n = 101) in the third trimester. Of the 221 women engaged, 45.2% (n = 100) remained engaged in the case of management at the time of data collection, and 40% (n = 89) remained engaged in MAT at the time of data collection. Twenty- five percent (n = 25) of mothers who graduated sustained engagement in MAT. Of 225 infants 28.9% (n = 65) had a positive NAS status, mean birth weight was 6.5 lbs. (SD = 19.3); mean gestational age was 38.3 weeks (SD = 19.3) and mean length of stay was 8.19 days (SD = 9.8). This study's findings identified that engaging mothers during pregnancy in a program designed to meet their unique challenges positively impacts both the mother and infant outcomes, regardless of their timing.Keywords: intensive case management, neonatal abstinence syndrome, opioid addiction, opioid crisis, opioid use in pregnant women, postpartum addiction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2101835 An Investigation on the Need to Provide Environmental Sanitation Facilities to Informal Settlement in Shagari Low-Cost Katsina State for Sustainable Built Environment
Authors: Abdullahi Mannir Rawayau
This paper identifies the problems that have aided the decoy to adequate basic infrastructural amenities, sub-standard housing, over-crowding, poor ventilation in homes and work places, sanitation, and non-compliance with building bye-laws and regulation. The paper also asserts the efficient disposal of solid and liquid waste is one of the challenges in the informal areas due to threats on the environment and public health. Sanitation services in the informal settlements have been found to be much lower compared to the average for unban. Bearing in mind a factor which prevents sustainable sanitation in informal areas which include low incomes, insecure tenure, low education levels, difficulty topography and transitory populations, and this study aim to identify effective strategies for achieving sustainable sanitation with specific reference to the informal settlement. Using the Shanghai Low-Cost as a case study. The primary data collected was through observation and interview method. Similarly, the secondary data used for the study was collected through literature reviews from extent studies with specific reference to informal settlement. A number of strategies towards achieving sustainable sanitation in the study were identified here in classified into three (3):- Advocacy and capacity building, infrastructural provision and institutionalization of systems and processes. The paper concludes with the premise on the need to build alliances between the government and stakeholders concerned with sanitation provision through the creation of sanitation and employ adaptable technology. Provision of sanitation facilities in public areas and to establish a statutory body for timely response to sanitation waste management in Katsina. It is imperative to check and prevent further decay for harmonious living and sustainable development.Keywords: built environment, sanitation, facilities, settlement
Procedia PDF Downloads 2281834 Prostatic Cyst in Suprapubic Ultrasound Examination
Authors: Angelis P. Barlampas, Ghita Bianca-Andreea
A case of a prostatic midline cyst is presented, which was found during a routine general ultrasound examination in an otherwise healthy young man. The incidence of prostatic cysts discovered in suprapubic ultrasound examination has constantly been rising over the previous decades. Despite the fact that the majority of them are benign, a significant amount is related to symptoms, such as pain, dysuria, infertility, and even cancer. The wide use of ultrasound examination and the increasing availability of high-resolution ultrasound systems have rendered new diagnostic challenges. Once upon a time a suprapubic ultrasound was only useful for measuring only the size and the dimensions of the prostatic gland. It did not have the ability to analyze and resolve structures such as cystic or solid nodules. The current machine equipment has managed to depict the imaging characteristics of lesions with high acuity that compares of an intrarectal ultrasound. But the last one is a specialized examination, which demands expertise and good knowledge. Maybe the time has come for the general radiologist and, especially the one who uses suprapubic ultrasound, to pay more attention to the examination of the prostate gland and to take advantage of the superb abilities and the high resolution of the new ultrasound systems. That is exactly, what this case is emphasizing. The incidental discovery of prostatic cysts, and the relatively little available literature about managing them turns them into an interesting theme for exploring and studying. The prostatic cysts are further divided into midline and paramidline cysts, with the first being usually utricle cysts. A more precise categorization is as follows: A midline cystic lesion usually regards a Mullerian duct cyst, a prostatic utricle cyst, an ejaculatory duct cyst, a prostatic cystadenoma, a ductus deferens cyst, and a TURP. On the other hand, a lateral cystic lesion usually refers to a cystic degeneration of benign prostatic hyperplasia, a prostatic retention cyst, a seminal vesicle cyst, diverticular prostatitis, a prostatic abscess, cavitatory prostatitis from chronic prostatitis, a parasitic prostatic cyst, a cystic prostatic carcinoma, e.t.c.Keywords: prostatic cyst, radiology, benign prostatic lesions, prostatic cancer, suprapubic prostatic ultrasound
Procedia PDF Downloads 591833 Technological Development of a Biostimulant Bioproduct for Fruit Seedlings: An Engineering Overview
Authors: Andres Diaz Garcia
The successful technological development of any bioproduct, including those of the biostimulant type, requires to adequately completion of a series of stages allied to different disciplines that are related to microbiological, engineering, pharmaceutical chemistry, legal and market components, among others. Engineering as a discipline has a key contribution in different aspects of fermentation processes such as the design and optimization of culture media, the standardization of operating conditions within the bioreactor and the scaling of the production process of the active ingredient that it will be used in unit operations downstream. However, all aspects mentioned must take into account many biological factors of the microorganism such as the growth rate, the level of assimilation to various organic and inorganic sources and the mechanisms of action associated with its biological activity. This paper focuses on the practical experience within the Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research (Agrosavia), which led to the development of a biostimulant bioproduct based on native rhizobacteria Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, oriented mainly to plant growth promotion in cape gooseberry nurseries and fruit crops in Colombia, and the challenges that were overcome from the expertise in the area of engineering. Through the application of strategies and engineering tools, a culture medium was optimized to obtain concentrations higher than 1E09 CFU (colony form units)/ml in liquid fermentation, the process of biomass production was standardized and a scale-up strategy was generated based on geometric (H/D of bioreactor relationships), and operational criteria based on a minimum dissolved oxygen concentration and that took into account the differences in the capacity of control of the process in the laboratory and pilot scales. Currently, the bioproduct obtained through this technological process is in stages of registration in Colombia for cape gooseberry fruits for export.Keywords: biochemical engineering, liquid fermentation, plant growth promoting, scale-up process
Procedia PDF Downloads 1131832 Optimisation Model for Maximising Social Sustainability in Construction Scheduling
Authors: Laura Florez
The construction industry is labour intensive, and the behaviour and management of workers have a direct impact on the performance of construction projects. One of the issues it currently faces is how to recruit and maintain its workers. Construction is known as an industry where workers face the problem of short employment durations, frequent layoffs, and periods of unemployment between jobs. These challenges not only creates pressures on the workers but also project managers have to constantly train new workers, face skills shortage, and uncertainty on the quality of the workers it will attract. To consider worker’s needs and project managers expectations, one practice that can be implemented is to schedule construction projects to maintain a stable workforce. This paper proposes a mixed integer programming (MIP) model to schedule projects with the objective of maximising social sustainability of construction projects, that is, maximise labour stability. Aside from the social objective, the model accounts for equipment and financial resources required by the projects during the construction phase. To illustrate how the solution strategy works, a construction programme comprised of ten projects is considered. The projects are scheduled to maximise labour stability while simultaneously minimising time and minimising cost. The tradeoff between the values in terms of time, cost, and labour stability allows project managers to consider their preferences and identify which solution best suits their needs. Additionally, the model determines the optimal starting times for each of the projects, working patterns for the workers, and labour costs. This model shows that construction projects can be scheduled to not only benefit the project manager, but also benefit current workers and help attract new workers to the industry. Due to its practicality, it can be a valuable tool to support decision making and assist construction stakeholders when developing schedules that include social sustainability factors.Keywords: labour stability, mixed-integer programming (MIP), scheduling, workforce management
Procedia PDF Downloads 2531831 Music Education in Aged Care: Positive Ageing through Instrumental Music Learning
Authors: Ellina Zipman
This research investigates the place of music education in aged care facilities through the implementation of a program of regular piano lessons for residents. Using a qualitative case study methodology, the research explores aged care residents’ experiences in learning to play the piano. Since the aged care homes are unlikely places for formal learning and since older adults, especially in residential care, are not considered likely candidates for learning, this research opens the door for innovative and transformative thinking about where and to whom educational programs can be delivered. By addressing the educational needs of residents in aged care facilities, this research fills the gap in the literature. The research took place in Australia in two of Melbourne’s residential aged care facilities, engaging two residents (a nonagenarian female and an octogenarian male) to participate in 12-months weekly individual piano lessons. The data was collected through video recording of lessons, observations, interviews, emails, and a reflective journal. Data analysis was done using Nvivo and hard copy analysis with identifications of themes. The case studies revealed that passion for music was a major driver in participants’ motivation to engage in a long-term piano lessons program. This participation led to experiences of positive emotions, positive attitude, successes and challenges, the exercise of control, maintaining and building new relationships, improved self-confidence through autonomy and independent skills development, and discovering new identities through finding a new purpose and new roles in life. Speaking through participants’ voices, this research project demonstrates the importance of music education for older adults and hopes to influence transformation in the residential aged care sector.Keywords: adult music education, quality of life, passion, positive ageing, wellbeing
Procedia PDF Downloads 881830 Integration of Polarization States and Color Multiplexing through a Singular Metasurface
Authors: Tarik Sipahi
Photonics research continues to push the boundaries of optical science, and the development of metasurface technology has emerged as a transformative force in this domain. The work presents the intricacies of a unified metasurface design tailored for efficient polarization and color control in optical systems. The proposed unified metasurface serves as a singular, nanoengineered optical element capable of simultaneous polarization modulation and color encoding. Leveraging principles from metamaterials and nanophotonics, this design allows for unprecedented control over the behavior of light at the subwavelength scale. The metasurface's spatially varying architecture enables seamless manipulation of both polarization states and color wavelengths, paving the way for a paradigm shift in optical system design. The advantages of this unified metasurface are diverse and impactful. By consolidating functions that traditionally require multiple optical components, the design streamlines optical systems, reducing complexity and enhancing overall efficiency. This approach is particularly promising for applications where compactness, weight considerations, and multifunctionality are crucial. Furthermore, the proposed unified metasurface design not only enhances multifunctionality but also addresses key challenges in optical system design, offering a versatile solution for applications demanding compactness and lightweight structures. The metasurface's capability to simultaneously manipulate polarization and color opens new possibilities in diverse technological fields. The research contributes to the evolution of optical science by showcasing the transformative potential of metasurface technology, emphasizing its role in reshaping the landscape of optical system architectures. This work represents a significant step forward in the ongoing pursuit of pushing the boundaries of photonics, providing a foundation for future innovations in compact and efficient optical devices.Keywords: metasurface, nanophotonics, optical system design, polarization control
Procedia PDF Downloads 541829 Data Centers’ Temperature Profile Simulation Optimized by Finite Elements and Discretization Methods
Authors: José Alberto García Fernández, Zhimin Du, Xinqiao Jin
Nowadays, data center industry faces strong challenges for increasing the speed and data processing capacities while at the same time is trying to keep their devices a suitable working temperature without penalizing that capacity. Consequently, the cooling systems of this kind of facilities use a large amount of energy to dissipate the heat generated inside the servers, and developing new cooling techniques or perfecting those already existing would be a great advance in this type of industry. The installation of a temperature sensor matrix distributed in the structure of each server would provide the necessary information for collecting the required data for obtaining a temperature profile instantly inside them. However, the number of temperature probes required to obtain the temperature profiles with sufficient accuracy is very high and expensive. Therefore, other less intrusive techniques are employed where each point that characterizes the server temperature profile is obtained by solving differential equations through simulation methods, simplifying data collection techniques but increasing the time to obtain results. In order to reduce these calculation times, complicated and slow computational fluid dynamics simulations are replaced by simpler and faster finite element method simulations which solve the Burgers‘ equations by backward, forward and central discretization techniques after simplifying the energy and enthalpy conservation differential equations. The discretization methods employed for solving the first and second order derivatives of the obtained Burgers‘ equation after these simplifications are the key for obtaining results with greater or lesser accuracy regardless of the characteristic truncation error.Keywords: Burgers' equations, CFD simulation, data center, discretization methods, FEM simulation, temperature profile
Procedia PDF Downloads 1711828 Impact of Social Crisis on Property Market Performance and Evolving Strategy for Improved Property Transactions in Crisis Prone Environment: A Case Study of North Eastern Nigeria
Authors: A. Yakub AbdurRaheem
Urban violence in the form of ethnic and religious conflicts have been on the increase in many African cities in the recent years of which most of them are the result of intense and bitter competition for political power, the control of limited economic, social and environmental resources. In Nigeria, the emergence of the Boko Haram insurgency in most parts of the northeastern parts have ignited violence, bloodshed, refugee exodus and internal migration. Not only do the persistent attacks of the sect create widespread insecurity and fear, but it has also stifled normal processes of trade and investments most especially real property investment which is acclaimed to accelerate the economic cycle, thus the need to evolve strategies for an improved property market in such areas. This paper, therefore, examines the impact of this social crisis on effective and efficient utilization of real properties as a resource towards the development of the economy, using a descriptive analysis approach where particular emphasis was based on trends in residential housing values; volume of estimated property transactions and real estate investment decisions by affected individuals. Findings indicate that social crisis in the affected areas have been a clog on the wheels of property development and investment as properties worth hundreds of millions have been destroyed thereby having great impact on property values. Based on these findings, recommendations were made to include the need to strategically continue investing in property during such times, the need for Nigerian government to establish an active conflict monitoring and management unit for the prompt response, encourage community and neighborhood policing to ameliorate security challenges in Nigeria.Keywords: social crisis, economy, resources, property market
Procedia PDF Downloads 2381827 Redefining Urban Sports Facilities Through Vertical Growth: An Analytical Study And Possible Solutions For Gulshan, Dhaka
Authors: Rakibul Islam Sagor, Sadia Ibnat Raisa
Many nations across the globe, including Dhaka, are facing challenges in meeting the needs for a satisfactory quality of life due to the combination of a growing population and limited land resources. As a result, maximum spaces in modern cities are engulfed by concrete infrastructure, and there are hardly any open spaces in the urban neighborhoods. Although vertical movement has predominantly been employed for residential and commercial applications, the notion of vertical recreational and sports facilities remains unsettled. The primary objective of this study is to explore the feasibility of implementing vertical adaptations in urban recreational spaces, drawing upon the principles of high-rise theory. This article presents an analysis of the open spaces in Gulshan, Dhaka, focusing on the evaluation of the demand for open recreational and sports facilities that adequately cater to the existing population of the region. Initially, the study tried to identify and examine all potential open spaces within the designated area. Following that, an acceptable place is selected utilizing space syntax analysis, which takes into account the most conveniently accessible space for social interactions in the neighborhood. In addition, socioeconomic conditions of the area have been studied in order to determine the feasibility of the area. Finally, the study presented viable options for vertical urban sports facilities in the context of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Additionally, it seeks to develop strategies for maximizing the use of vertical expansions, thereby promoting a healthier and more active lifestyle among the city's residents. This approach aims to effectively handle the issue of limited land availability and enhance the efficiency of recreational areas around the globe.Keywords: vertical sports, urban open spaces, social interaction, recreational activities
Procedia PDF Downloads 791826 English Language Teaching Graduate Students' Use of Discussion Moves in Research Articles
Authors: Gamzegul Koca, Evrim Eveyik-Aydin
Genre and discipline-specific knowledge of academic discourse in writing has long been acknowledged as being a core skill to achieve formidable tasks that are expected of graduate students in academic settings. Genre analysis approaches can be adopted to unveil the challenges encountered in these tasks to be able to take instructional actions addressing the aspects of graduate writing that need improvement. In an attempt to find genre-specific academic writing needs of Turkish students enrolled in a graduate program in ELT, this study examines the rhetorical structure of discussion sections of research articles written during the course load stage of their graduate studies. The 35.437-word specialized corpus of graduate papers compiled for the purpose of the study includes discussions of 58 unpublished reports of empirical studies, 31 written in MA courses and 27 in Ph.D. courses by a total of 44 graduate students. The study does sentence-based move structure analysis using the framework developed by Eveyik-Aydın, Karabacak and Akyel in a corpus-based study that analyzed the discussion moves of expert writers in published articles in ELT journals indexed by Social Sciences Citation. The coding of 1577 sentences by three graders using this framework revealed that while the graduate papers included the same moves used in published articles, the rhetorical structure of MA and Ph.D. papers showed considerable differences in terms of the frequency of occurrence of main discussion moves, including interpretation of the results and drawing implications. The implications of these findings will be discussed with respect to the needs of graduate writers and the expectations of discourse community.Keywords: discussion moves, genre-specific rhetorical structure, move analysis, research articles, the specialized corpus of graduate papers
Procedia PDF Downloads 1661825 When Journalism Becomes a Burden: Practical Effect of Journalism Practices in Nigeria’s Developing Democracy under Muhammadu Buhari
Authors: Israel Oguche
Journalism practice has faced several challenges across the globe, particularly in developing countries such as Nigeria. While Nigeria has thrived under democratic experiment for twenty years since the return to democracy in 1999, there is still a great lacuna in freedom of expression, such that the presidents, though elected democratically, have had the tendencies to use military might in clamping down on journalism practices across the country. Under Muhammadu Buhari, it seems Nigeria has returned to the military era when powers were used against who says what, on a media, so today, in Nigeria, there are obvious cases of outright human rights violations and detention of journalists whose offenses were not spelled out. From Abiri Jones to Abba Jalingo and Omoyele Sowore, Nigeria journalists have been placed under the cocoon of the tyrannical administration of Muhammadu Buhari, the president, with subsequent clamping down on the instruments of freedoms such as access to justice and fair hearing. This paper gave vivid analytical and empirical perspectives of journalism practice under the dark days of Muhammadu Buhari as Nigeria’s president. The objectives include; examining the core cases of attacks on journalists since 2015 to date, determining the burden of practicing journalism in a tyrannical government, reeling out the effects of restrictive practices of journalism on freedom of expression among Nigerians and proffering solutions for improvement in the years ahead. Using the cognitive dissonance theory, the survey method was used for the study, with qualitative research analysis as a tool for data presentation. In the findings, the number of journalists in jail for publishing objectively under the Buhari administration remains high while the government has clamped down on freedom of expression among the people. The study concluded that there is a need for repelling of laws made by the Nigeria government in order to save the Nigerian journalism industry from total collapse.Keywords: communication, developing democracy, press freedom, journalism practices
Procedia PDF Downloads 1401824 Destined Failure of Interactions between Israeli-Arabs and Jews - An Analysis of Creative Works’ Presentation of Issues from the Israeli Side
Authors: Tianqi Yin
Following the establishment of the state of Israel, how to harmonize the relationship between Palestinians and Jews in Israel has always been an intractable problem. As the number of Palestinian Arabs in Israel has increased to over two million, the issue has become more severe. Due to a variety of factors, Israeli Palestinians and Israeli Jews often find it hard to interact with each other, let alone form a relationship. Multiple authors and directors have produced cultural works to touch on the issue, exposing the reasons for the irreconcilable relation between the two ethnic groups. This paper analyzes the representation scenes of the Palestinian-Jewish relationship in three prominent cultural works, each from a distinct perspective, to examine the intrinsic challenges from the Israeli side that curb the two ethnicities from interacting successfully. The first scene is from the Jewish perspective in Amos Oz’s memoir A Tale of Love and Darkness, in which young Oz, a Jewish boy, attempts to interact with Aisha, a young Israeli-Arab girl, but eventually failed because of an accident. The second scene is from a short Israeli film Bus Station which, from an outsider perspective, depicted a brief encounter between an Arab woman and a Jewish woman in Jerusalem. The third scene is the initially successful yet eventually failed relationship between Eyad, a Palestinian boy, and Naomi, a Jewish girl, in an elite Israeli high school from the 2014 film A Borrowed Identity, which is depicted through Eyad’s Arab perspective. Through the analysis of these three narratives, this paper argues that the burden of national responsibility, family influences, and Israeli government’s discriminatory policies are the three main factors on the Jewish side, in ascender order of importance, that make Arab-Jewish interaction hard in Israel.Keywords: arab-Jewish interaction, ethnographic conflicts, israel, Jewish narrative, narrative styles
Procedia PDF Downloads 971823 Modeling and Design of E-mode GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors
Authors: Samson Mil'shtein, Dhawal Asthana, Benjamin Sullivan
The wide energy gap of GaN is the major parameter justifying the design and fabrication of high-power electronic components made of this material. However, the existence of a piezo-electrics in nature sheet charge at the AlGaN/GaN interface complicates the control of carrier injection into the intrinsic channel of GaN HEMTs (High Electron Mobility Transistors). As a result, most of the transistors created as R&D prototypes and all of the designs used for mass production are D-mode devices which introduce challenges in the design of integrated circuits. This research presents the design and modeling of an E-mode GaN HEMT with a very low turn-on voltage. The proposed device includes two critical elements allowing the transistor to achieve zero conductance across the channel when Vg = 0V. This is accomplished through the inclusion of an extremely thin, 2.5nm intrinsic Ga₀.₇₄Al₀.₂₆N spacer layer. The added spacer layer does not create piezoelectric strain but rather elastically follows the variations of the crystal structure of the adjacent GaN channel. The second important factor is the design of a gate metal with a high work function. The use of a metal gate with a work function (Ni in this research) greater than 5.3eV positioned on top of n-type doped (Nd=10¹⁷cm⁻³) Ga₀.₇₄Al₀.₂₆N creates the necessary built-in potential, which controls the injection of electrons into the intrinsic channel as the gate voltage is increased. The 5µm long transistor with a 0.18µm long gate and a channel width of 30µm operate at Vd=10V. At Vg =1V, the device reaches the maximum drain current of 0.6mA, which indicates a high current density. The presented device is operational at frequencies greater than 10GHz and exhibits a stable transconductance over the full range of operational gate voltages.Keywords: compound semiconductors, device modeling, enhancement mode HEMT, gallium nitride
Procedia PDF Downloads 2611822 Multi-scale Spatial and Unified Temporal Feature-fusion Network for Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection
Authors: Hang Yang, Jichao Li, Kewei Yang, Tianyang Lei
Multivariate time series anomaly detection is a significant research topic in the field of data mining, encompassing a wide range of applications across various industrial sectors such as traffic roads, financial logistics, and corporate production. The inherent spatial dependencies and temporal characteristics present in multivariate time series introduce challenges to the anomaly detection task. Previous studies have typically been based on the assumption that all variables belong to the same spatial hierarchy, neglecting the multi-level spatial relationships. To address this challenge, this paper proposes a multi-scale spatial and unified temporal feature fusion network, denoted as MSUT-Net, for multivariate time series anomaly detection. The proposed model employs a multi-level modeling approach, incorporating both temporal and spatial modules. The spatial module is designed to capture the spatial characteristics of multivariate time series data, utilizing an adaptive graph structure learning model to identify the multi-level spatial relationships between data variables and their attributes. The temporal module consists of a unified temporal processing module, which is tasked with capturing the temporal features of multivariate time series. This module is capable of simultaneously identifying temporal dependencies among different variables. Extensive testing on multiple publicly available datasets confirms that MSUT-Net achieves superior performance on the majority of datasets. Our method is able to model and accurately detect systems data with multi-level spatial relationships from a spatial-temporal perspective, providing a novel perspective for anomaly detection analysis.Keywords: data mining, industrial system, multivariate time series, anomaly detection
Procedia PDF Downloads 171821 Influence of Esports Marketing Strategies on Consumer Behavior: A Case Study of Valorant
Authors: Alex Arghya Adhikari
Gaming and esports industry is one of the biggest and fastest growing industries in the world. Globally people have started investing more in this industry since now people believe just like traditional sports, esports can also sustain their future. Last year in the month of December, the Indian government also recognised esports as an official sport but there has not been any positive initiative by the government in encouraging people to enter esports. This is a problem which cannot be overlooked since we are already in the digital age and gaming and esports is the future industry. There is a need for multiple effective marketing strategies by the game publishers to stabilize the esports in the country. Purpose: To observe the marketing-communication strategies that are implemented by Riot Games’ Valorant and how those strategies influence the consumer behavior and the esports of the game. Methodology: Activities over the internet related to the game like livestreams, discord chats, Instagram posts and YouTube videos over a period of two months have been collected through the Digital Ethnography. To support and validate the observations of the data collected, in-depth online interviews have been conducted which includes streamers, journalists, LAN experienced players and casual players. Findings: The game publisher through its Dynamic Competitive Gaming Experience and Community-Engaged Ecosystem succeeded in making the game a Recreational activity and a Community which goes beyond the In-game experiences which helped in understanding the impact of audience engagement on esports and the loopholes and setbacks of Indian esports. Conclusion: The study provides a comprehensive analysis of how Valorant's successful marketing and community engagement strategies have contributed to its global popularity and competitive esports environment. It highlights the various strategies employed by Riot Games to keep players engaged and connected, and also the challenges in the Indian esports landscape which differentiates it from the global competition.Keywords: esports, valorant, marketing, consumer behaviour
Procedia PDF Downloads 721820 Project Based Learning in Language Lab: An Analysis in ESP Learning Context
Authors: S. Priya
A project based learning assignment in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) context based on Communicative English as prescribed in the university syllabus for engineering students and its learning outcome from ESP context is the focus of analysis through this paper. The task based on Project Based Learning (PBL) was conducted in the digital language lab which had audio visual aids to support the team presentation. The total strength of 48 students of Mechanical Branch were divided into 6 groups, each consisting of 8 students. The group members were selected on random numbering basis. They were given a group task to represent a power point presentation on a topic related to their core branch. They had to discuss the issue and choose their topic and represent in a given format. It provided the individual role of each member in the presentation. A brief overview of the project and the outcome of its technical aspects were also had to be included. Each group had to highlight the contributions of that innovative technology through their presentation. The power point should be provided in a CD format. The variations in the choice of subjects, their usage of digital technologies, co-ordination for competition, learning experience of first time stage presentation, challenges of team cohesiveness were some criteria observed as their learning experience. For many other students undergoing the stages of planning, preparation and practice as steps for presentation had been the learning outcomes as given through their feedback form. The evaluation pattern is distributed for individual contribution and group effectiveness which promotes quality of presentation. The evaluated skills are communication skills, group cohesiveness, and audience response, quality of technicality and usage of technical terms. This paper thus analyses how project based learning improves the communication, life skills and technical skills in English for Specific learning context through PBL.Keywords: language lab, ESP context, communicative skills, life skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 2391819 Mitigating Food Insecurity and Malnutrition by Promoting Carbon Farming via a Solar-Powered Enzymatic Composting Bioreactor with Arduino-Based Sensors
Authors: Molin A., De Ramos J. M., Cadion L. G., Pico R. L.
Malnutrition and food insecurity represent significant global challenges affecting millions of individuals, particularly in low-income and developing regions. The researchers created a solar-powered enzymatic composting bioreactor with an Arduino-based monitoring system for pH, humidity, and temperature. It manages mixed municipal solid wastes incorporating industrial enzymes and whey additives for accelerated composting and minimized carbon footprint. Within 15 days, the bioreactor yielded 54.54% compost compared to 44.85% from traditional methods, increasing yield by nearly 10%. Tests showed that the bioreactor compost had 4.84% NPK, passing metal analysis standards, while the traditional pit compost had 3.86% NPK; both are suitable for agriculture. Statistical analyses, including ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test, revealed significant differences in agricultural yield across different compost types based on leaf length, width, and number of leaves. The study compared the effects of different composts on Brassica rapa subsp. Chinesis (Petchay) and Brassica juncea (Mustasa) plant growth. For Pechay, significant effects of compost type on plant leaf length (F(5,84) = 62.33, η² = 0.79) and leaf width (F(5,84) = 12.35, η² = 0.42) were found. For Mustasa, significant effects of compost type on leaf length (F(4,70) = 20.61, η² = 0.54), leaf width (F(4,70) = 19.24, η² = 0.52), and number of leaves (F(4,70) = 13.17, η² = 0.43) were observed. This study explores the effectiveness of the enzymatic composting bioreactor and its viability in promoting carbon farming as a solution to food insecurity and malnutrition.Keywords: malnutrition, food insecurity, enzymatic composting bioreactor, arduino-based monitoring system, enzymes, carbon farming, whey additive, NPK level
Procedia PDF Downloads 591818 Identifying Strategies and Techniques for the Egyptian Medium and Large Size Contractors to Respond to Economic Hardship
Authors: Michael Salib, Samer Ezeldin, Ahmed Waly
There are numerous challenges and problems facing the construction industry in several countries in the Middle East, as a result of numerous economic and political effects. As an example in Egypt, several construction companies have shut down and left the market since 2016. The closure of these companies occurred, as they did not respond with the suitable techniques and strategies that will enable them to survive during this economic turmoil period. A research is conducted in order to identify adequate strategies to be implemented by the Egyptian contractors that could allow them survive and keep competing during such economic hardship period. Two different techniques were used in order to identify these startegies. First, a deep research were conducted on the companies located in countries that suffered similar economic harship to identify the strategies they used in order to survive. Second, interviews were conducted with experts in the construction field in order to list the effective strategies they used that allowed them to survive. Moreover, at the end of each interview, the experts were asked to rate the applicability of the previously identified strategies used in the foreign countries, then the efficiency of each strategy if used in Egypt. A framework model is developed in order to assist the construction companies in choosing the suitable techniques to their company size, through identifying the top ranked strategies and techniques that should be adopted by the company based on the parameters given to the model. In order to verify this framework, the financial statements of two leading companies in the Egyptian construction market were studied. The first Contractor has applied nearly all the top ranked strategies identified in this paper, while the other contractor has applied only few of the identified top ranked strategies. Finally, another expert interviews were conducted in order to validate the framework. These experts were asked to test the model and rate through a questionnaire its applicability and effectiveness.Keywords: construction management, economic hardship, recession, survive
Procedia PDF Downloads 1271817 Mapping Interrelationships among Key Sustainability Drivers: A Strategic Framework for Enhanced Entrepreneurial Sustainability among MSME
Authors: Akriti Chandra, Gourav Dwivedi, Seema Sharma, Shivani
This study investigates the adoption of green business (GB) models within a circular economy framework (CEBM) for Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME), given the rising importance of sustainable practices. The research begins by exploring the shift from linear business models towards resource-efficient, sustainable models, emphasizing the benefits of the circular economy. The study's literature review identifies 60 influential factors impacting the shift to green businesses, grouped as internal and external drivers. However, there is a research gap in examining these factors' interrelationships and operationalizing them within MSMEs. To address this gap, the study employs Total Interpretive Structural Modelling (TISM) to establish a hierarchical structure of factors influencing GB and circular economy business model (CEBM) adoption. Findings reveal that factors like green innovation and market competitiveness are particularly impactful. Using Systems Theory, which views organizations as complex adaptive systems, the study contextualizes these drivers within MSMEs, proposing a framework for a sustainable business model adoption. The study concludes with significant implications for policymakers, suggesting that the identified factors and their hierarchical relationships can guide policy formulation for a broader transition to green business practices. This work also invites further research, recommending larger, quantitative studies to empirically validate these factors and explore practical challenges in implementing CEBMs.Keywords: green business (GB), circular economy business model (CEBM), micro small and medium enterprise (MSME), total interpretive structural modelling (TISM), systems theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 211816 Architectural Approaches to a Sustainable Community with Floating Housing Units Adapting to Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in Vietnam
Authors: Nguyen Thi Thu Trang
Climate change and sea level rise is one of the greatest challenges facing human beings in the 21st century. Because of sea level rise, several low-lying coastal areas around the globe are at risk of being completely submerged, disappearing under water. Particularly in Viet Nam, the rise in sea level is predicted to result in more frequent and even permanently inundated coastal plains. As a result, land reserving fund of coastal cities is going to be narrowed in near future, while construction ground is becoming increasingly limited due to a rapid growth in population. Faced with this reality, the solutions are being discussed not only in tradition view such as accommodation is raised or moved to higher areas, or “living with the water”, but also forwards to “living on the water”. Therefore, the concept of a sustainable floating community with floating houses based on the precious value of long term historical tradition of water dwellings in Viet Nam would be a sustainable solution for adaptation of climate change and sea level rise in the coastal areas. The sustainable floating community is comprised of sustainability in four components: architecture, environment, socio-economic and living quality. This research paper is focused on sustainability in architectural component of floating community. Through detailed architectural analysis of current floating houses and floating communities in Viet Nam, this research not only accumulates precious values of traditional architecture that need to be preserved and developed in the proposed concept, but also illustrates its weaknesses that need to address for optimal design of the future sustainable floating communities. Based on these studies the research would provide guidelines with appropriate architectural solutions for the concept of sustainable floating community with floating housing units that are adapted to climate change and sea level rise in Viet Nam.Keywords: guidelines, sustainable floating community, floating houses, Vietnam
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