Abstracts | Law and Political Sciences
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 1791

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

[Law and Political Sciences]

Online ISSN : 1307-6892

1671 Unravelling the Interplay: Chinese Government Tweets, Anti-US Propaganda Cartoons and Social Media Dynamics in US-China Relations

Authors: Mitchell Gallagher


This investigation explores the relationship between Chinese government ministers' tweets and publicized anti-US propaganda political cartoons by Chinese state media. Defining "anti-US" tweets as expressions with negative impressions about the United States, its policies, or cultural values, the study considers their context-dependent nature. Analyzing social media's growing role, this research probes the Chinese government's attitudes toward the United States. While China traditionally adhered to a non-interference stance, instances of verbal and visual retorts occurred, driven by efforts to enhance soft power and counter unfavorable portrayals. To navigate global challenges, China embraced proactive image construction, utilizing political cartoons as a messaging tool. As Sino-American political relations continue deteriorating, it has become increasingly commonplace for Chinese officials to circulate anti-US messages and negative impressions of the United States via tweets. The present study is committed to inspecting the nature and frequency of political cartoons casting the United States in an unfavorable light, with the aim of gaining a comprehensive understanding the degree to which the Chinese government and state-affiliated media are aligned in their corresponding messaging.

Keywords: China, political cartoons, propaganda, twitter, social media

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1670 The Lack of Female Representation in Senior Positions: An Exploratory Study between South Africa and India

Authors: Dina Maria Smit


Worldwide, it seems as if women are adequately represented in government and parliament but are almost absent from governing boards of private enterprises. The reasons for this seem to be embedded in perceptions of inadequacy, remnants of patriarchy, glass ceilings and even female choice. Direct or indirect discrimination against females have been found to be one of the reasons that female employees are found in traditionally “softer” roles, whilst the old “Boy’s Club” is still operational to keep women out of senior managerial positions, especially in the private sector. The cultural construct of Indian society, focusing on male preference, patriarchy, divorce laws and low educational levels of females as opposed to men, is indicative of a society wherein high gender inequality still exists. The position in South Africa is similar in that substantive gender equality has not been reached despite a progressive constitution and anti-discrimination laws. There is a strong push to propel women to senior positions in South Africa, but these efforts have not yet translated into females taking up senior positions in private companies. In South Africa, females still earn less than their male counterparts whilst performing doing the same jobs, are overrepresented in parliament, but do not captain the ships in the private sector. The lack of female parity in employment leads to a lack of autonomy and authority in both South Africa and India. The divide between formal and informal work, unpaid work, mainly being done by women, need to be investigated to ensure substantive gender parity. The findings will show that females are still not equal to men in employment, especially in senior private positions; mainly due to the remnants of patriarchy and glass ceilings that still need to be shattered. This article aims to set out the reasons why gender disparity still exists in India and South Africa, seen through a legal lense. Both countries are signatories to the CEDAW Convention and have constitutions that advocate for the right of equality. Although equal rights have been implemented in both countries, equality may not be well implemented. This investigation is comparative in nature and aims to contribute to the growing body of evidence on how to ensure gender parity in all occupational levels and categories. The study is in quantitative in nature. If substantive gender equality, as opposed to formative gender equality, is a key motivator to ensure gender equality, an investigation into the reasons for this disparity is warranted before suggestions can be tendered to effect lasting change. The aim of this comparative study is not to plug the legal system of one country into the other, but to take into account of the autonomy of choice, set against cultural differences and similarities in an effort to shatter the glass ceilings for women who aspire to climb the corporate ladders.

Keywords: gender inequality, glass ceilings, patriarchy, female disparity

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1669 The Limits to Self-Defense Claims in Case of Domestic Violence Homicides

Authors: Maria Elisabete Costa Ferreira


Domestic violence is a serious social issue in which victims are mostly women. Domestic violence develops in cycles, starting with the building of tension, passing through the incident of abuse and ending with reconciliation, also known as honeymoon. As time goes by, the shorter these phases become, and the greater and more severe the attacks, rarely leading to the death of the victim of abuse. Sometimes, the victim stops the abuse by killing the aggressor, usually after the immediate aggression has taken place. This poses an important obstacle to the claim of self-defense by the victim of domestic violence pending trial for the homicide of her long-time abuser. The main problem with self-defense claims in such cases is that the law requires the act of aggression to be present or imminent (imminent threat or immediate danger) so that it permits the victim to take her defense into her own hands. If the episode of aggression has already taken place, this general requirement for the admissibility of self-defense is not satisfied. This paper sheds new light on the concept of the actuality of the aggression, understanding that, since domestic violence is a permanent offense, for as long as the victim stays under the domain of the aggressor, imminent threat will be present, allowing the self-defense claim of a woman who kills her abuser in such circumstances to be admissible. An actualist interpretation of the requirement of the necessity of the means used in self-defense will be satisfied when evaluated from the subjective perspective of the intimate partner victim. Necessity will be satisfied if it is reasonable for the victim to perceive the use of lethal force as the only means to release herself from the abuser.

Keywords: domestic violence, homicide, self-defense, imminent threat, necessity of lethal force

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1668 Comeback of the Limited Precedent System in Hungary – A Critical Assessment

Authors: István János Molnár


Hungary has a legal system that is primarily based on statutory legislation, which means that statutes are the main source of law. However, in a surprising move, the Hungarian Parliament introduced a "limited" precedent system on 1 April 2020. This reform requires Hungarian courts to consider not only statutes but also the interpretation of those statutes in decisions made by the highest court in the country, the Curia. While judge-made customary law is not completely unfamiliar in Hungarian legal practice, the introduction of this new system presents several theoretical and practical challenges that may take time to resolve.

Keywords: civil procedure, hungary, judicial practice, precedent system, sources of law

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1667 Formulating a Definition of Hate Speech: From Divergence to Convergence

Authors: Avitus A. Agbor


Numerous incidents, ranging from trivial to catastrophic, do come to mind when one reflects on hate. The victims of these belong to specific identifiable groups within communities. These experiences evoke discussions on Islamophobia, xenophobia, homophobia, anti-Semitism, racism, ethnic hatred, atheism, and other brutal forms of bigotry. Common to all these is an invisible but portent force that drives all of them: hatred. Such hatred is usually fueled by a profound degree of intolerance (to diversity) and the zeal to impose on others their beliefs and practices which they consider to be the conventional norm. More importantly, the perpetuation of these hateful acts is the unfortunate outcome of an overplay of invectives and hate speech which, to a greater extent, cannot be divorced from hate. From a legal perspective, acknowledging the existence of an undeniable link between hate speech and hate is quite easy. However, both within and without legal scholarship, the notion of “hate speech” remains a conundrum: a phrase that is quite easily explained through experiences than propounding a watertight definition that captures the entire essence and nature of what it is. The problem is further compounded by a few factors: first, within the international human rights framework, the notion of hate speech is not used. In limiting the right to freedom of expression, the ICCPR simply excludes specific kinds of speeches (but does not refer to them as hate speech). Regional human rights instruments are not so different, except for the subsequent developments that took place in the European Union in which the notion has been carefully delineated, and now a much clearer picture of what constitutes hate speech is provided. The legal architecture in domestic legal systems clearly shows differences in approaches and regulation: making it more difficult. In short, what may be hate speech in one legal system may very well be acceptable legal speech in another legal system. Lastly, the cornucopia of academic voices on the issue of hate speech exude the divergence thereon. Yet, in the absence of a well-formulated and universally acceptable definition, it is important to consider how hate speech can be defined. Taking an evidence-based approach, this research looks into the issue of defining hate speech in legal scholarship and how and why such a formulation is of critical importance in the prohibition and prosecution of hate speech.

Keywords: hate speech, international human rights law, international criminal law, freedom of expression

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1666 Sharia, Legal Pluralism and Muslim Personal Law in Contemporary India

Authors: K. C. Mujeebu Rahman


Over the years, discussions in India regarding personal law in India have focused on its deficiencies, increasing involvement of the judiciary, and the pursuit of uniformity. However, little attention has been given to understanding how the law functions in a multicultural nation committed to political secularism. This paper addresses this gap by exploring the mahallu system in Malabar, shedding light on the decision-making process within Muslim personal law. It reveals that this process is deeply rooted in everyday micro-politics, sectarian dynamics, social pressure, and emotions. Through an in-depth examination of a triple talaq case, the paper demonstrates how love (or the lack of it), family expectations, and community authority intersect in resolving marital disputes. Instead of a straightforward legal interpretation, this process leads to a complex maze of micro-politics involving local religious factions and authorities. The paper underscores that the non-state quasi-legal institutions within the mahallu system represent a distinct form of legal pluralism characterized by intricate power dynamics at multiple levels. Moreover, it highlights the interplay between what is considered legally valid and what is deemed socially legitimate.

Keywords: islamic law, sharia, fatwa, muslim personal law

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1665 Consumer Protection: An Exploration of the Role of the State in Protecting Consumers Before and During Inflation

Authors: Fatimah Opebiyi


Economic growth promotion, inflation reduction and consumer protection are among the core public interest aims of governments. Nevertheless, higher rates of default by consumers in relation to credit card loans and mortgages in recent times illustrate that government’s performance in balancing the protection of the economy and consumer is subpar. This thereby raises an important question on the role of government in protecting consumers during prolonged spells of inflation, particularly when such inflationary trends may be traceable to the acts of the government. Adopting a doctrinal research methodology, this article investigates the evolution of the concept of consumer protection in the United Kingdom and also brings to the fore the tensions and conflicts of interests in the aims and practices of the main regulators within the financial services industry. Relying on public interest theories of regulation and responsive regulatory theory, the article explores the limitations in the state’s ability to strike the right balance in meeting regulatory aims of the regulatory agencies at the opposite ends of the spectrum.

Keywords: financial regulation, consumer protection, prudential regulation, public interest theories of regulation, central bank

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1664 The Protection of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Generated Creative Works Through Authorship: A Comparative Analysis Between the UK and Nigerian Copyright Experience to Determine Lessons to Be Learnt from the UK

Authors: Esther Ekundayo


The nature of AI-generated works makes it difficult to identify an author. Although, some scholars have suggested that all the players involved in its creation should be allocated authorship according to their respective contribution. From the programmer who creates and designs the AI to the investor who finances the AI and to the user of the AI who most likely ends up creating the work in question. While others suggested that this issue may be resolved by the UK computer-generated works (CGW) provision under Section 9(3) of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. However, under the UK and Nigerian copyright law, only human-created works are recognised. This is usually assessed based on their originality. This simply means that the work must have been created as a result of its author’s creative and intellectual abilities and not copied. Such works are literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and are those that have recently been a topic of discussion with regards to generative artificial intelligence (Generative AI). Unlike Nigeria, the UK CDPA recognises computer-generated works and vests its authorship with the human who made the necessary arrangement for its creation . However, making necessary arrangement in the case of Nova Productions Ltd v Mazooma Games Ltd was interpreted similarly to the traditional authorship principle, which requires the skills of the creator to prove originality. Although, some recommend that computer-generated works complicates this issue, and AI-generated works should enter the public domain as authorship cannot be allocated to AI itself. Additionally, the UKIPO recognising these issues in line with the growing AI trend in a public consultation launched in the year 2022, considered whether computer-generated works should be protected at all and why. If not, whether a new right with a different scope and term of protection should be introduced. However, it concluded that the issue of computer-generated works would be revisited as AI was still in its early stages. Conversely, due to the recent developments in this area with regards to Generative AI systems such as ChatGPT, Midjourney, DALL-E and AIVA, amongst others, which can produce human-like copyright creations, it is therefore important to examine the relevant issues which have the possibility of altering traditional copyright principles as we know it. Considering that the UK and Nigeria are both common law jurisdictions but with slightly differing approaches to this area, this research, therefore, seeks to answer the following questions by comparative analysis: 1)Who is the author of an AI-generated work? 2)Is the UK’s CGW provision worthy of emulation by the Nigerian law? 3) Would a sui generis law be capable of protecting AI-generated works and its author under both jurisdictions? This research further examines the possible barriers to the implementation of the new law in Nigeria, such as limited technical expertise and lack of awareness by the policymakers, amongst others.

Keywords: authorship, artificial intelligence (AI), generative ai, computer-generated works, copyright, technology

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1663 Securing Communities to Bring Sustainable Development, Building Peace and Community Safety: the Ethiopian Community Policing in Amhara National Regional State of Ethiopia

Authors: Demelash Kassaye


The Ethiopia case study reveals a unique model of community policing that has developed from a particular political context in which there is a history of violent political transition, a political structure characterized by ethnic federalism and a political ideology that straddles liberal capitalism and democracy on the one hand, and state-led development and centralized control on the other. The police see community policing as a way to reduce crime. Communities speak about community policing as an opportunity to take on policing responsibilities themselves. Both of these objectives are brought together in an overarching rhetoric of community policing as a way of ‘mobilizing for development’ – whereby the community cooperate with the police to reduce crime, which otherwise inhibits development progress. Community policing in Amhara has primarily involved the placement of Community Police Officers at the kebele level across the State. In addition, a number of structures have also been established in the community, including Advisory Councils, Conflict Resolving Committees, family police and the use of shoe shiner’s and other trade associations as police informants. In addition to these newly created structures, community policing also draws upon pre-existing customary actors, such as militia and elders. Conflict Resolving Committees, Community Police Officers and elders were reported as the most common first ports of call when community members experience a crime. The analysis highlights that the model of community policing in Amhara increased communities’ access to policing services, although this is not always attended by increased access to justice. Community members also indicate that public perceptions of the police have improved since the introduction of community policing, in part due to individual Community Police Officers who have, with limited resources, innovated some impressive strategies to improve safety in their neighborhoods. However, more broadly, community policing has provided the state with more effective surveillance of the population – a potentially oppressive function in the current political context. Ultimately, community policing in Amhara is anything but straightforward. It has been a process of attempting to demonstrate the benefits of newfound (and controversial) ‘democracy’ following years of dictatorship, drawing on generations of customary dispute resolution, providing both improved access to security for communities and an enhanced surveillance capacity for the state. For external actors looking to engage in community policing, this case study reveals the importance of close analysis in assessing potential merits, risks and entry points of programming. Factors found to be central in shaping the nature of community policing in the Amhara case include the structure of the political system, state-society relations, cultures dispute resolution and political ideology.

Keywords: community policing, community, militias, ethiopia

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1662 The Historical Framework of International Crime in International Criminal Law

Authors: Tahraoui Boualem


Researching the historical framework of international crime means examining the historical facts that have contributed to uncovering this serious crime affecting international interests, and the law by which the study of the subject of international crime is determined is international criminal law, which is a branch of public international law. In this context, the historical study of international crime means recognizing the existence of an international community governed by international law, which makes us acknowledge that ancient societies lacked such stable and recurring international relations. Therefore, an attempt to monitor international crime in those ancient societies is only to demonstrate a historical fact that those societies have known some features of this crime, and have contributed in one way or another to the development of international criminal law without defining its concept or legal nature. The international community has affirmed the principle of establishing peace, achieving security, and respecting human rights. As a basis for friendly relations between the people of the international community and in case of prejudice, such as the aggressors breaching the obligations imposed on them, whether in time of peace or war.

Keywords: historical framework, of international crime, peace or war., international law

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1661 Body Farming in India and Asia

Authors: Yogesh Kumar, Adarsh Kumar


A body farm is a research facility where research is done on forensic investigation and medico-legal disciplines like forensic entomology, forensic pathology, forensic anthropology, forensic archaeology, and related areas of forensic veterinary. All the research is done to collect data on the rate of decomposition (animal and human) and forensically important insects to assist in crime detection. The data collected is used by forensic pathologists, forensic experts, and other experts for the investigation of crime cases and further research. The research work includes different conditions of a dead body like fresh, bloating, decay, dry, and skeleton, and data on local insects which depends on the climatic conditions of the local areas of that country. Therefore, it is the need of time to collect appropriate data in managed conditions with a proper set-up in every country. Hence, it is the duty of the scientific community of every country to establish/propose such facilities for justice and social management. The body farms are also used for training of police, military, investigative dogs, and other agencies. At present, only four countries viz. U.S., Australia, Canada, and Netherlands have body farms and related facilities in organised manner. There is no body farm in Asia also. In India, we have been trying to establish a body farm in A&N Islands that is near Singapore, Malaysia, and some other Asian countries. In view of the above, it becomes imperative to discuss the matter with Asian countries to collect the data on decomposition in a proper manner by establishing a body farm. We can also share the data, knowledge, and expertise to collaborate with one another to make such facilities better and have good scientific relations to promote science and explore ways of investigation at the world level.

Keywords: body farm, rate of decomposition, forensically important flies, time since death

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1660 Born in Limbo, Living in Limbo and Probably Will Die in Limbo

Authors: Betty Chiyangwa


The subject of second-generation migrant youth is under-researched in the context of South Africa. Thus, their opinions and views have been marginalised in social science research. This paper addresses this gap by exploring the complexities of second-generation Mozambican migrant youth’s lived experiences in how they construct their identities and develop a sense of belonging in post-apartheid South Africa, specifically in Bushbuckridge. Bushbuckridge was among the earliest districts to accommodate Mozambican refugees to South Africa in the 1970s and remains associated with large numbers of Mozambicans. Drawing on Crenshaw’s (1989) intersectionality approach, the study contributes to knowledge on South-to-South migration by demonstrating how this approach is operationalised to understand the complex lived experiences of a disadvantaged group in life and possibly in death. In conceptualising the notion of identity among second-generation migrant youth, this paper explores the history and present of first and second-generation Mozambican migrants in South Africa to reveal how being born to migrant parents and raised in a hosting country poses life-long complications in one’s identity and sense of belonging. In the quest to form their identities and construct a sense of belonging, migrant youth employ precariously means to navigate the terrane. This is a case study informed by semi-structured interviews and narrative data gathered from 22 second-generation Mozambican migrant youth between 18 and 34 years who were born to at least one Mozambican parent living in Bushbuckridge and raised in South Africa. Views of two key informants from the South African Department of Home Affairs and the local tribal authority provided additional perspectives on second-generation migrant youth’s lived experiences in Bushbuckridge, which were explored thematically and narratively through Braun and Clarke’s (2012) six-step framework for analysing qualitative data. In exploring the interdependency and interconnectedness of social categories and social systems in Bushbuckridge, the findings revealed that participants’ experiences of identity formation and development of a sense of belonging were marginalised in complex, intersectional and precarious ways where they constantly (re)negotiated their daily experiences, which were largely shaped by their paradoxical migrant status in a host country. This study found that, in the quest for belonging, migrant youths were not a perfectly integrated category but evolved from almost daily lived experiences of creating a living that gave them an identity and a sense of belonging in South Africa. The majority of them shared feelings of living in limbo since childhood and fear of possibly dying in limbo with no clear (solid) sense of belonging to either South Africa or Mozambique. This study concludes that there is a strong association between feelings of identity, sense of belonging and levels of social integration. It recommends the development and adoption of a multilayer comprehensive model for understanding second-generation migrant youth identity and belonging in South Africa which encourages a collaborative effort among individual migrant youth, their family members, neighbours, society, and regional and national institutional structures for migrants to enhance and harness their capabilities and improve their wellbeing in South Africa.

Keywords: bushbuckridge, limbo, mozambican migrants, second-generation

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1659 Corporate Collapses and (Legal) Ethics

Authors: Elizabeth Snyman-Van Deventer


Numerous corporate scandals, which included investment scams, corporate malfeasance, unethical conduct and conflicts of interest, contributed to the collapse of WorldCom, Global Crossing, Xerox, Tyco, Enron, Sprint, AbbVie and Imclone and led to alarmed investors abandoning public securities markets and the tumbling of U.S stock markets. These companies suffered significant financial losses due to substantial and fraudulent misstatements and other illegal, corrupt or unethical practices. Executives were convicted of fraud and sentenced to prison. The corporate financial scandals, governance failures, and the ensuing public outcries led to mandatory legislation, e.g. the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the USA. In European corporate scandals such as Parmalat, Royal Dutch Ahold, Vivendi, Adecco and Elan, the boards missed financial misrepresentations. In South Africa, Steinhoff is the most well-known example of corporate collapse, but now we can also add Tongaat Hulett. It seems as if fraud and corruption may be the major sources of these corporate collapses. In most instances, there is either the active involvement of the directors and managers in these fraudulent or corrupt practices, or there is a negligent or even intentional failure to act by directors to prevent these activities. However, besides directors and managers, auditors and lawyers failed in most of these companies to fulfil their professional duties. In most of these major collapses, the ethics of especially auditors and directors could be questioned. This paper will first provide a brief overview of corporate collapses. Secondly, the reasons for these collapses, with a focus on unethical conduct, will be discussed.

Keywords: professional duties, corporate collapses, ethical conduct, legal ethics, directors, auditors

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1658 The Nexus Between the Rise of Autocratisation and the Deeper Level of BRI Engagement

Authors: Dishari Rakshit, Mitchell Gallagher


The global landscape is witnessing a disconcerting surge in democratic backsliding, engendering concerns over the rise of autocratisation. This research demonstrates the intricate relationship between a nation's domestic propensity for autocratic governance and its trade relations with China. Giving prominence to Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) investments, this study adopts a rigorous neorealist framework to discern the complexities of nations' economic interests amidst an anarchic milieu and how these interests may transcend steadfast adherence to democratic principles. The burgeoning bipolarity in the international political setting serves as a backdrop to our inquiry. To operationalise our hypothesis, we conduct a large-scale 'N' study, encompassing a comprehensive global dataset comprising countries' democracy indicators, total trade volume with China, and cumulative Chinese BRI investments over a substantial temporal expanse. By meticulously examining BRI signatories’, we aim to ascertain the potential accentuation of democratic backsliding among these nations. To test our empirical underpinning, we will validate our findings through cogent case studies. Our analysis adds to the scholarship on multifaceted interactions between trade dynamics and democratic governance within the fabric of the international political landscape. In its culmination, the paper addresses the question- has the erstwhile grandeur of bipolarity resurfaced in the contemporary global panorama? Concurrently, we explore the nexus between the ascendant wave of autocratisation as a by-product of the Beijing Consensus? Pertinent to policymakers, our discoveries stand poised to furnish a comprehensive grasp of the manifold implications arising from the deepening entanglements with China under the auspices of the BRI.

Keywords: democracy, autocracy, china, belt road initiative, international political economy

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1657 Testing Two Actors Contextual Interaction Theory in a Multi Actors Context: Case of COVID-19 Disease Prevention and Control Policy

Authors: Muhammad Fayyaz Nazir, Ellen Wayenberg, Shahzadaah Faahed Qureshi


Introduction: The study is based on the Contextual Interaction Theory (CIT) constructs to explore the role of policy actors in implementing the COVID-19 Disease Prevention and Control (DP&C) Policy. The study analyzes the role of healthcare workers' contextual factors, such as cognition, motives, and resources, and their interactions in implementing Social Distancing (SD). In this way, we test a two actors policy implementation theory, i.e., the CIT in a three-actor context. Methods: Data was collected through document analysis and semi-structured interviews. For a qualitative study design, interviews were conducted with questions on cognition, motives, and resources from the healthcare workers involved in implementing SD in the local context in Multan – Pakistan. The possible interactions resulting from contextual factors of the policy actors – healthcare workers were identified through framework analysis protocol guided by CIT and supported by trustworthiness criterion and data saturation. Results: This inquiry resulted in theory application, addition, and enrichment. The theoretical application in the three actor's contexts illustrates the different levels of motives, cognition, and resources of healthcare workers – senior administrators, managers, and healthcare professionals. The senior administrators working in National Command and Operations Center (NCOC), Provincial Technical Committees (PTCs), and Districts Covid Teams (DCTs) were playing their role with high motivation. They were fully informed about the policy and moderately resourceful. The policy implementors: healthcare managers working on implementing the SD within their respective hospitals were playing their role with high motivation and were fully informed about the policy. However, they lacked the required resources to implement SD. The target medical and allied healthcare professionals were moderately motivated but lack of resources and information. The interaction resulted in cooperation and the need for learning to manage the future healthcare crisis. However, the lack of resources created opposition to the implementation of SD. Objectives of the Study: The study aimed to apply a two actors theory in a multi actors context. We take this as an opportunity to qualitatively test the theory in a novel situation of the Covid-19 pandemic and make way for its quantitative application by designing a survey instrument so that implementation researchers can apply CIT through multivariate analyses or higher-order statistical modeling. Conclusion: Applying two actors' implementation theory in exploring a complex case of healthcare intervention in three actors context is a unique work that has never been done before, up to the best of our knowledge. So, the work will contribute to the policy implementation studies by applying, extending, and enriching an implementation theory in a novel case of the Covi-19 pandemic, ultimately fulfilling the gap in implementation literature. Policy institutions and other low or middle-income countries can learn from this research and improve SD implementation by working on the variables with weak significance levels.

Keywords: COVID-19, disease prevention and control policy, implementation, policy actors, social distancing

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1656 Ethnic and National Determinants in the Process of Building Peace in Afghanistan After the Withdrawal of Western Forces in 2021

Authors: Małgorzata Cichy


Afghanistan is a source of conflicts that affect security on a global scale. The role of ethnic and national determinants in the peacebuilding process in this country remains an extremely important factor in this respect. Research methods include literature and data analysis (scientific literature, documents of governmental and non-governmental organizations, statistical data and media reports), institutional and legal analysis, as well as decision-making method. The main objective of the research is a comprehensive answer to the question of how ethnic and national factors affect the process of building peace in Afghanistan after 2021 and what impact it has on international security.

Keywords: Afghanistan, pashtuns, peace, taliban

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1655 Benefit Sharing of Research Participants in Human Genomic Research: Ethical Concerns and Ramifications

Authors: Tamanda Kamwendo


The concept of benefit sharing has been a prominent global debate in the world, gaining traction in human research ethics. Despite its prevalence, the concept of benefit sharing is not without controversy over its meaning and justification. This is due to the fact that it lacks a broadly accepted definition and many proponents discuss benefit sharing by arguing for its necessity rather than engaging in critical intellectual engagement with technical issues such as what it implies. What is clear in the literature is that the underlying premise of benefit-sharing is that research involving underprivileged and marginalized people is currently unjust and inequitable because these people are denied access to these gains; thus, benefit-sharing arrangements are required for these research projects to be just and equitable. This paper, therefore, investigates the discourses and justifications behind the concept of benefit sharing to human participants, particularly when dealing with human genomics research. Furthermore, considering that benefit sharing is generally viewed as a transaction between research organizations and research participants, it raises ethical concerns concerning the commodification of human material and undermines the sanctity of the human genome. This is predicated on the idea that research sponsors would be compelled to deliver a minimum set of possible benefits to research participants and communities in exchange for their involvement in the study. There is, therefore, need to protect benefit-sharing practices in international health research by developing a governance legal framework. A legal framework of benefit sharing will also dispel the issue of commodification of human material where human genomic research is done.

Keywords: benefit sharing, human participants, human genomic research, ethical concerns

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1654 Negotiating Sovereign Debt and Human Rights: A Cross Cultural Study

Authors: Prajwal Raj Gyawali, Aastha Dahal


The tension between human rights and loans provided by international development banks with hidden conditions in the pretext of development is a complex issue with significant implications for the rights of citizens in borrowing countries. It is important for all parties involved, including international banks, borrowing countries, and affected communities, to consider and respect human rights in the negotiation and implementation of development projects. Yet, it is rare for human rights actors or communities to have a seat at the negotiation table when loans are finalized. In our research, we conducted negotiation simulations in law schools to examine how international loan negotiations would play out if human rights actors and communities had seats at the table. We ran the negotiation simulations in Bangladesh, Nepal and India. We found that the presence of community groups and human rights actors makes a difference in loan outcomes. While the international development loan was accepted as opposed to rejected by negotiators in three countries, the cultural values of the respective countries played a significant part in terms of the final agreement. We present the findings and their implications for the design of human rights courses in law schools as well as larger policy implications for expanding the participation of actors in international development loan negotiations.

Keywords: law, development, debt, human rights

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1653 The Economic Limitations of Defining Data Ownership Rights

Authors: Kacper Tomasz Kröber-Mulawa


This paper will address the topic of data ownership from an economic perspective, and examples of economic limitations of data property rights will be provided, which have been identified using methods and approaches of economic analysis of law. To properly build a background for the economic focus, in the beginning a short perspective of data and data ownership in the EU’s legal system will be provided. It will include a short introduction to its political and social importance and highlight relevant viewpoints. This will stress the importance of a Single Market for data but also far-reaching regulations of data governance and privacy (including the distinction of personal and non-personal data, data held by public bodies and private businesses). The main discussion of this paper will build upon the briefly referred to legal basis as well as methods and approaches of economic analysis of law.

Keywords: antitrust, data, data ownership, digital economy, property rights

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1652 The Value of Online News: Addressing the Problem of Online Investment Fraud Crimes in Thailand

Authors: Thapthep Paprach, Benya Lertsuwan


Investment fraud is not a new criminal, but there are still more victims during the Internet of Things era. This kind of criminal has been classified as a national and transnational financial crime problem all over the world. In Thailand, the country has also been attacked by this kind of crime. This research concerns whether the mass media that is supposed to cover news about online investment scams realized and warned Thais about this crime. Thus, this study explores the value of news about investment fraud in terms of frequency. The methodology uses web crawling from the top 5 news agency websites that have the most access. We pull out all information reporting about investment fraud. The findings revealed that the ‘Khaosod’ news agency was the first rank in reporting on investment crime. On the other hand, ‘Matichon’ was the least reported. Thairat news agencies frequently reported such criminals from midnight to very early in the morning, while other news agencies reported during the daytime. The results between the frequency of news reporting about investment fraud and the monthly number of victim reports are not correlated. Although the most cases reported to Thai police were in February 2023, but the most news reported was in January 2023. In conclusion, there might be a negative correlation between the amount of investment fraud news reported and the number of victims.

Keywords: investment fraud, news value, online news report, Ponzi schemes, Romance scam

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1651 Characteristics Features and Action Mechanism of Some Country Made Pistols

Authors: Ajitesh Pal, Arpan Datta Roy, H. K. Pratihari


The different illegal firearms crudely made by skilled gunsmith from scrap materials are popularly known as country made firearms. Such firearms along with improvised ammunition are clandestinely marketed at the cheaper price without any license to the extremist group, criminal, poachers and firearm lovers. As per National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), MHA, Govt of India about 80% firearm cases are committed by country made/improvised firearms. The ballistic division of the laboratory has examined a good number of cases. The analysis of firearm cases received for forensic examination revealed that 7.65mm calibre pistols mostly improvised firearm are commonly used in firearm related crime cases. In the present communication, physical parameters and other characteristics features of some 7.65mm calibre pistols have been discussed in detail. The detailed study on country made (CM) firearm will help to prepare a database related to type of material used, origin of the raw material and tools used for inscription. The study also includes to establish the chemistry of propellants & head stamp pattern. The database will be helpful to the firearm examiners, researchers, students pursuing study on forensic science as reference material.

Keywords: improvised pistol, stringent gun law, working mechanism, parameters, database

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1650 Special Plea That The Prosecutor Does Not Have Title To Prosecute

Authors: Wium de Villiers


Section 106(1)(h) of the South African Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 provides that an accused may enter a special plea that the prosecutor does not have title to prosecute. In a seminal matter (S v Mousa 2021 2 SACR 378 (GJ)) regarding section 106(1)(h), certain interesting legal aspects emerged. The first aspect concerned the meaning of the term “prosecutor”. More specifically, the question arose whether the term included a prosecutor who was previously involved with the matter, as well as the relevant Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions (DDPP) who instituted the prosecution and oversaw the prosecution on behalf of the state. The meaning of the term “title”, and with regard to the conduct of the “prosecutor”, the term “abuse of process,” were also raised and decided. In the paper, the facts, and the arguments in, and the decisions of the court, are discussed critically. The author argue that the intended objection in section 106(1)(h) is not to cure the abuse inflicted by a previous prosecutor or by the DDPP. I point out that the term “title” includes a lack of authority, non-compliance with jurisdictional requirements or absence of locus standi. I also point out that an abuse of process takes place if the process is used for an improper, ulterior or collateral purpose. I also argue that the accused should, instead of relying on section 106(1)(h), have relied on the prior agreement and applied for a permanent stay of prosecution.

Keywords: special plea, prosecutor, title, abuse of process

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1649 Risk Mitigation of Data Causality Analysis Requirements AI Act

Authors: Raphaël Weuts, Mykyta Petik, Anton Vedder


Artificial Intelligence has the potential to create and already creates enormous value in healthcare. Prescriptive systems might be able to make the use of healthcare capacity more efficient. Such systems might entail interpretations that exclude the effect of confounders that brings risks with it. Those risks might be mitigated by regulation that prevents systems entailing such risks to come to market. One modality of regulation is that of legislation, and the European AI Act is an example of such a regulatory instrument that might mitigate these risks. To assess the risk mitigation potential of the AI Act for those risks, this research focusses on a case study of a hypothetical application of medical device software that entails the aforementioned risks. The AI Act refers to the harmonised norms for already existing legislation, here being the European medical device regulation. The issue at hand is a causal link between a confounder and the value the algorithm optimises for by proxy. The research identifies where the AI Act already looks at confounders (i.a. feedback loops in systems that continue to learn after being placed on the market). The research identifies where the current proposal by parliament leaves legal uncertainty on the necessity to check for confounders that do not influence the input of the system, when the system does not continue to learn after being placed on the market. The authors propose an amendment to article 15 of the AI Act that would require high-risk systems to be developed in such a way as to mitigate risks from those aforementioned confounders.

Keywords: AI Act, healthcare, confounders, risks

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1648 Immigration Solutions for the United States

Authors: Philip Robert Alldritt


The continuing increase in human migration is at crisis levels in all areas of the planet. The causes are varied, and the risks are high for the migrants. Migration has been ongoing since the beginning of human emergence on the planet, but for the first time in our historic memory has the, migration reached this level of critical mass. The causes are many. Climate collapse, economic opportunity, drug cartel activity, political upheaval, and gang wars. Many locations are seemingly “within reach” of the migrants, and the push factors are so loaded with hopelessness that almost anyone would be willing to risk anything to improve their conditions. There is no argument about that mass migrations are occurring and will increase in the future. The solutions to this increase are complex. This paper will examine the causes of migration and attempt to provide some reasonable solutions to mitigate the migrations with equitable outcomes that may guide immigration policy in impacted areas.

Keywords: immigration, crisis, climate, cartels

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1647 Bioaccumulation and Forensic Relevance of Gunshot Residue in Forensically Relevant Blowflies

Authors: Michaela Storen, Michelle Harvey, Xavier Conlan


Gun violence internationally is increasing at an unprecedented level, becoming a favoured means for executing violence against another individual. Not only is this putting a strain on forensic scientists who attempt to determine the cause of death in circumstances where firearms have been involved in the death of an individual, but it also highlights the need for an alternative technique of identification of a gunshot wound when other established techniques have been exhausted. A corpse may be colonized by necrophagous insects following death, and this close association between the time of death and insect colonization makes entomological samples valuable evidence when remains become decomposed beyond toxicological utility. Entomotoxicology provides the potential for the identification of toxins in a decomposing corpse, with recent research uncovering the capabilities of entomotoxicology to detect gunshot residue (GSR) in a corpse. However, shortcomings of the limited literature available on this topic have not been addressed, with the bioaccumulation, detection limits, and sensitivity to gunshots not considered thus far, leaving questions as to the applicability of this new technique in the forensic context. Larvae were placed on meat contaminated with GSR at different concentrations and compared to a control meat sample to establish the uptake of GSR by the larvae, with bioaccumulation established by placing the larvae on fresh, uncontaminated meat for a period of time before analysis using ICP-MS. The findings of Pb, Ba, and Sb at each stage of the lifecycle and bioaccumulation in the larvae will be presented. In addition, throughout these previously mentioned experiments, larvae were washed once, twice and three times to evaluate the effectiveness of existing entomological practices in removing external toxins from specimens prior to entomotoxicologyical analysis. Analysis of these larval washes will be presented. By addressing these points, this research extends the utility of entomotoxicology in cause-of-death investigations and provides an additional source of evidence for forensic scientists in the circumstances involving a gunshot wound on a corpse, in addition to advising the effectiveness of current entomology collection protocols.

Keywords: bioaccumulation, chemistry, entomology, gunshot residue, toxicology

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1646 Integrating Human Rights into Countering Violent Extremism: A Comparative Analysis of Women Without Borders and Hedayah Initiatives

Authors: Portia Muehlbauer


This paper examines the evolving landscape of preventing and countering violent extremism (PCVE) by delving into the growing importance of integrating human rights principles into violence prevention strategies on the local, community level. This study sheds light on the underlying theoretical frameworks of violent extremism and the influence of gender while investigating the intersection between human rights preservation and violent extremism prevention. To gain practical insight, the research focuses on two prominent international non-governmental organizations, Women without Borders (WwB) and Hedayah, and their distinct PCVE initiatives. WwB adopts a gender-sensitive approach, implementing parental education programs that empower mothers in at-risk communities to prevent the spread of violent extremism. In contrast, Hedayah takes an indirect route, employing capacity building programs that enhance the capabilities of educators, social workers, and psychologists in early intervention, rehabilitation and reintegration efforts. Qualitative data for this comparative analysis was collected through an extensive four-month internship at WwB during the fall of 2020, a three-month internship at Hedayah in the spring of 2021, a thought-provoking semi-structured interview with the executive director of WwB, personal field notes, and a comprehensive discourse analysis of the prevailing literature on human rights considerations in PCVE practices. This study examines the merits and challenges of integrating human rights into PCVE programming through the lens of both organizations, WwB and Hedayah. The findings of this study will inform policymakers, practitioners, and researchers on the intricate relationship between human rights protection and effective PCVE strategies.

Keywords: preventing and countering violent extremism, human rights, counterterrorism, peacebuilding, capacity building programs, gender studies

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1645 Pattern of Cybercrime Among Adolescents: An Exploratory Study

Authors: Mohamamd Shahjahan


Background: Cybercrime is common phenomenon at present both developed and developing countries. Young generation, especially adolescents now engaged internet frequently and they commit cybercrime frequently in Bangladesh. Objective: In this regard, the present study on the pattern of cybercrime among youngers of Bangladesh has been conducted. Methods and tools: This study was a cross-sectional study, descriptive in nature. Non-probability accidental sampling technique has been applied to select the sample because of the nonfinite population and the sample size was 167. A printed semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Results: The study shows that adolescents mainly do hacking (94.6%), pornography (88.6%), software piracy (85 %), cyber theft (82.6%), credit card fraud (81.4%), cyber defamation (75.6%), sweet heart swindling (social network) (65.9%) etc. as cybercrime. According to findings the major causes of cybercrime among the respondents in Bangladesh were- weak laws (88.0%), defective socialization (81.4%), peer group influence (80.2%), easy accessibility to internet (74.3%), corruption (62.9%), unemployment (58.7%), and poverty (24.6%) etc. It is evident from the study that 91.0% respondents used password cracker as the techniques of cyber criminality. About 76.6%, 72.5%, 71.9%, 68.3% and 60.5% respondents’ technique was key loggers, network sniffer, exploiting, vulnerability scanner and port scanner consecutively. Conclusion: The study concluded that pattern of cybercrimes is frequently changing and increasing dramatically. Finally, it is recommending that the private public partnership and execution of existing laws can be controlling this crime.

Keywords: cybercrime, adolescents, pattern, internet

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1644 Underwater Image Enhancement and Reconstruction Using CNN and the MultiUNet Model

Authors: Snehal G. Teli, R. J. Shelke


CNN and MultiUNet models are the framework for the proposed method for enhancing and reconstructing underwater images. Multiscale merging of features and regeneration are both performed by the MultiUNet. CNN collects relevant features. Extensive tests on benchmark datasets show that the proposed strategy performs better than the latest methods. As a result of this work, underwater images can be represented and interpreted in a number of underwater applications with greater clarity. This strategy will advance underwater exploration and marine research by enhancing real-time underwater image processing systems, underwater robotic vision, and underwater surveillance.

Keywords: convolutional neural network, image enhancement, machine learning, multiunet, underwater images

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1643 Jewish Law in Israel: State, Law, and Religion

Authors: Yuval Sinai


As part of the historical, religious and cultural heritage of the Jewish people, Jewish law is part of the legal system in Israel, which is a Jewish and democratic state. The proper degree of use of Jewish law in judicial decisions is an issue that crops up in Israeli law from time to time. This was a burning question in the 1980s in the wake of the enactment of the Foundations of Law Act 1980, which declared Jewish heritage a supplementary legal method to Israeli law. The enactment of the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty 1992, which decreed that the basic Israeli legal principles must be interpreted in light of the values of a Jewish and democratic state, marks a significant change in the impact of Judaism in the law created and applied by the courts. Both of these legislative developments revived the initiative to grant a central status to Jewish law within the state law. How should Jewish law be applied in Israel’s secular courts? This is not a simple question. It is not merely a question of identifying the relevant rule of Jewish law or tracing its development from the Talmud to modern times. Nor is it the same as asking how a rabbinic court would handle the issue. It is a matter of delicate judgment to distill out of the often conflicting Jewish law sources a rule that will fit into the existing framework of Israeli law so as to advance a policy that will best promote the interests of Israel’s society. We shall point out the occasional tensions between Jewish religious law and secular law, and introduce opinions as to how reconciliation of the two can best be achieved in light of Jewish legal tradition and in light of the reality in the modern State of Israel.

Keywords: law and politics, law and religion, comparative law, law and society

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1642 Jewish Law in the State of Israel: Law, Religion and State

Authors: Yuval Sinai


As part of the historical, religious and cultural heritage of the Jewish people, Jewish law is part of the legal system in Israel, which is a Jewish and democratic state. The proper degree of use of Jewish law in judicial decisions is an issue that crops up in Israeli law from time to time. This was a burning question in the 1980s in the wake of the enactment of the Foundations of Law Act 1980, which declared Jewish heritage a supplementary legal method to Israeli law. The enactment of the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty 1992, which decreed that the basic Israeli legal principles must be interpreted in light of the values of a Jewish and democratic state, marks a significant change in the impact of Judaism in the law created and applied by the courts. Both of these legislative developments revived the initiative to grant a central status to Jewish law within the state law. How should Jewish law be applied in Israel’s secular courts? This is not a simple question. It is not merely a question of identifying the relevant rule of Jewish law or tracing its development from the Talmud to modern times. Nor is it the same as asking how a rabbinic court would handle the issue. It is a matter of delicate judgment to distill out of the often conflicting Jewish law sources a rule that will fit into the existing framework of Israeli law so as to advance a policy that will best promote the interests of Israel’s society. We shall point out the occasional tensions between Jewish religious law and secular law, and introduce opinions as to how reconciliation of the two can best be achieved in light of Jewish legal tradition and in light of the reality in the modern State of Israel.

Keywords: law and religion, israel, jewish law, law and society

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