Publications | Mathematical and Computational Sciences
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 1701

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

[Mathematical and Computational Sciences]

Online ISSN : 1307-6892

81 Reasoning with Dynamic Domains and Computer Security

Authors: Yun Bai


Representing objects in a dynamic domain is essential in commonsense reasoning under some circumstances. Classical logics and their nonmonotonic consequences, however, are usually not able to deal with reasoning with dynamic domains due to the fact that every constant in the logical language denotes some existing object in the static domain. In this paper, we explore a logical formalization which allows us to represent nonexisting objects in commonsense reasoning. A formal system named N-theory is proposed for this purpose and its possible application in computer security is briefly discussed.

Keywords: knowledge representation and reasoning, commonsensereasoning, computer security

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80 Genetic Mining: Using Genetic Algorithm for Topic based on Concept Distribution

Authors: S. M. Khalessizadeh, R. Zaefarian, S.H. Nasseri, E. Ardil


Today, Genetic Algorithm has been used to solve wide range of optimization problems. Some researches conduct on applying Genetic Algorithm to text classification, summarization and information retrieval system in text mining process. This researches show a better performance due to the nature of Genetic Algorithm. In this paper a new algorithm for using Genetic Algorithm in concept weighting and topic identification, based on concept standard deviation will be explored.

Keywords: Genetic Algorithm, Text Mining, Term Weighting, Concept Extraction, Concept Distribution.

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79 A Comparison of the Nonparametric Regression Models using Smoothing Spline and Kernel Regression

Authors: Dursun Aydin


This paper study about using of nonparametric models for Gross National Product data in Turkey and Stanford heart transplant data. It is discussed two nonparametric techniques called smoothing spline and kernel regression. The main goal is to compare the techniques used for prediction of the nonparametric regression models. According to the results of numerical studies, it is concluded that smoothing spline regression estimators are better than those of the kernel regression.

Keywords: Kernel regression, Nonparametric models, Prediction, Smoothing spline.

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78 Approximation Algorithm for the Shortest Approximate Common Superstring Problem

Authors: A.S. Rebaï, M. Elloumi


The Shortest Approximate Common Superstring (SACS) problem is : Given a set of strings f={w1, w2, ... , wn}, where no wi is an approximate substring of wj, i ≠ j, find a shortest string Sa, such that, every string of f is an approximate substring of Sa. When the number of the strings n>2, the SACS problem becomes NP-complete. In this paper, we present a greedy approximation SACS algorithm. Our algorithm is a 1/2-approximation for the SACS problem. It is of complexity O(n2*(l2+log(n))) in computing time, where n is the number of the strings and l is the length of a string. Our SACS algorithm is based on computation of the Length of the Approximate Longest Overlap (LALO).

Keywords: Shortest approximate common superstring, approximation algorithms, strings overlaps, complexities.

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77 An Alternative Proof for the NP-completeness of Top Right Access point-Minimum Length Corridor Problem

Authors: Priyadarsini P.L.K, Hemalatha T.


In the Top Right Access point Minimum Length Corridor (TRA-MLC) problem [1], a rectangular boundary partitioned into rectilinear polygons is given and the problem is to find a corridor of least total length and it must include the top right corner of the outer rectangular boundary. A corridor is a tree containing a set of line segments lying along the outer rectangular boundary and/or on the boundary of the rectilinear polygons. The corridor must contain at least one point from the boundaries of the outer rectangle and also the rectilinear polygons. Gutierrez and Gonzalez [1] proved that the MLC problem, along with some of its restricted versions and variants, are NP-complete. In this paper, we give a shorter proof of NP-Completeness of TRA-MLC by findig the reduction in the following way.

Keywords: NP-complete, 2-connected planar graph, Grid embedding of a plane graph.

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76 Interpolation of Geofield Parameters

Authors: A. Pashayev, C. Ardil, R. Sadiqov


Various methods of geofield parameters restoration (by algebraic polynoms; filters; rational fractions; interpolation splines; geostatistical methods – kriging; search methods of nearest points – inverse distance, minimum curvature, local – polynomial interpolation; neural networks) have been analyzed and some possible mistakes arising during geofield surface modeling have been presented.

Keywords: interpolation methods, geofield parameters, neural networks.

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75 A New Method for Computing the Inverse Ideal in a Coordinate Ring

Authors: Abdolali Basiri


In this paper we present an efficient method for inverting an ideal in the ideal class group of a Cab curve by extending the method which is presented in [3]. More precisely we introduce a useful generator for the inverse ideal as a K[X]-module.

Keywords: Cab Curves, Ideal Class Group

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74 Connected Vertex Cover in 2-Connected Planar Graph with Maximum Degree 4 is NP-complete

Authors: Priyadarsini P. L. K, Hemalatha T.


This paper proves that the problem of finding connected vertex cover in a 2-connected planar graph ( CVC-2 ) with maximum degree 4 is NP-complete. The motivation for proving this result is to give a shorter and simpler proof of NP-Completeness of TRA-MLC (the Top Right Access point Minimum-Length Corridor) problem [1], by finding the reduction from CVC-2. TRA-MLC has many applications in laying optical fibre cables for data communication and electrical wiring in floor plans.The problem of finding connected vertex cover in any planar graph ( CVC ) with maximum degree 4 is NP-complete [2]. We first show that CVC-2 belongs to NP and then we find a polynomial reduction from CVC to CVC-2. Let a graph G0 and an integer K form an instance of CVC, where G0 is a planar graph and K is an upper bound on the size of the connected vertex cover in G0. We construct a 2-connected planar graph, say G, by identifying the blocks and cut vertices of G0, and then finding the planar representation of all the blocks of G0, leading to a plane graph G1. We replace the cut vertices with cycles in such a way that the resultant graph G is a 2-connected planar graph with maximum degree 4. We consider L = K -2t+3 t i=1 di where t is the number of cut vertices in G1 and di is the number of blocks for which ith cut vertex is common. We prove that G will have a connected vertex cover with size less than or equal to L if and only if G0 has a connected vertex cover of size less than or equal to K.

Keywords: NP-complete, 2-Connected planar graph, block, cut vertex

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73 Model Discovery and Validation for the Qsar Problem using Association Rule Mining

Authors: Luminita Dumitriu, Cristina Segal, Marian Craciun, Adina Cocu, Lucian P. Georgescu


There are several approaches in trying to solve the Quantitative 1Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) problem. These approaches are based either on statistical methods or on predictive data mining. Among the statistical methods, one should consider regression analysis, pattern recognition (such as cluster analysis, factor analysis and principal components analysis) or partial least squares. Predictive data mining techniques use either neural networks, or genetic programming, or neuro-fuzzy knowledge. These approaches have a low explanatory capability or non at all. This paper attempts to establish a new approach in solving QSAR problems using descriptive data mining. This way, the relationship between the chemical properties and the activity of a substance would be comprehensibly modeled.

Keywords: association rules, classification, data mining, Quantitative Structure - Activity Relationship.

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72 On the Efficient Implementation of a Serial and Parallel Decomposition Algorithm for Fast Support Vector Machine Training Including a Multi-Parameter Kernel

Authors: Tatjana Eitrich, Bruno Lang


This work deals with aspects of support vector machine learning for large-scale data mining tasks. Based on a decomposition algorithm for support vector machine training that can be run in serial as well as shared memory parallel mode we introduce a transformation of the training data that allows for the usage of an expensive generalized kernel without additional costs. We present experiments for the Gaussian kernel, but usage of other kernel functions is possible, too. In order to further speed up the decomposition algorithm we analyze the critical problem of working set selection for large training data sets. In addition, we analyze the influence of the working set sizes onto the scalability of the parallel decomposition scheme. Our tests and conclusions led to several modifications of the algorithm and the improvement of overall support vector machine learning performance. Our method allows for using extensive parameter search methods to optimize classification accuracy.

Keywords: Support Vector Machine Training, Multi-ParameterKernels, Shared Memory Parallel Computing, Large Data

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71 Effect of Time Delay on the Transmission of Dengue Fever

Authors: K. Patanarapelert, I.M. Tang


The effect of a time delay on the transmission on dengue fever is studied. The time delay is due to the presence of an incubation period for the dengue virus to develop in the mosquito before the mosquito becomes infectious. The conditions for the existence of a Hopf bifurcation to limit cycle behavior are established. The conditions are different from the usual one and they are based on whether a particular third degree polynomial has positive real roots. A theorem for determining whether for a given set of parameter values, a critical delay time exist is given. It is found that for a set of realistic values of the parameters in the model, a Hopf bifurcation can not occur. For a set of unrealistic values of some of the parameters, it is shown that a Hopf bifurcation can occur. Numerical solutions using this last set show the trajectory of two of the variables making a transition from a spiraling orbit to a limit cycle orbit.

Keywords: Dengue fever transmission, time delay, Hopfbifurcation, limit cycle behavior

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70 Fractal Shapes Description with Parametric L-systems and Turtle Algebra

Authors: Ikbal Zammouri, Béchir Ayeb


In this paper, we propose a new method to describe fractal shapes using parametric l-systems. First we introduce scaling factors in the production rules of the parametric l-systems grammars. Then we decorticate these grammars with scaling factors using turtle algebra to show the mathematical relation between l-systems and iterated function systems (IFS). We demonstrate that with specific values of the scaling factors, we find the exact relationship established by Prusinkiewicz and Hammel between l-systems and IFS.

Keywords: Fractal shapes, IFS, parametric l-systems, turtlealgebra.

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69 No one Set of Parameter Values Can Simulate the Epidemics Due to SARS Occurring at Different Localities

Authors: Weerachi Sarakorn, I-Ming Tang


A mathematical model for the transmission of SARS is developed. In addition to dividing the population into susceptible (high and low risk), exposed, infected, quarantined, diagnosed and recovered classes, we have included a class called untraced. The model simulates the Gompertz curves which are the best representation of the cumulative numbers of probable SARS cases in Hong Kong and Singapore. The values of the parameters in the model which produces the best fit of the observed data for each city are obtained by using a differential evolution algorithm. It is seen that the values for the parameters needed to simulate the observed daily behaviors of the two epidemics are different.

Keywords: SARS, mathematical modelling, differential evolution algorithm.

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68 Simplex Method for Solving Linear Programming Problems with Fuzzy Numbers

Authors: S. H. Nasseri, E. Ardil, A. Yazdani, R. Zaefarian


The fuzzy set theory has been applied in many fields, such as operations research, control theory, and management sciences, etc. In particular, an application of this theory in decision making problems is linear programming problems with fuzzy numbers. In this study, we present a new method for solving fuzzy number linear programming problems, by use of linear ranking function. In fact, our method is similar to simplex method that was used for solving linear programming problems in crisp environment before.

Keywords: Fuzzy number linear programming, rankingfunction, simplex method.

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67 Effect of the Seasonal Variation in the Extrinsic Incubation Period on the Long Term Behavior of the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Epidemic

Authors: Puntani Pongsumpun, I-Ming Tang


The incidences of dengue hemorrhagic disease (DHF) over the long term exhibit a seasonal behavior. It has been hypothesized that these behaviors are due to the seasonal climate changes which in turn induce a seasonal variation in the incubation period of the virus while it is developing the mosquito. The standard dynamic analysis is applied for analysis the Susceptible-Exposed- Infectious-Recovered (SEIR) model which includes an annual variation in the length of the extrinsic incubation period (EIP). The presence of both asymptomatic and symptomatic infections is allowed in the present model. We found that dynamic behavior of the endemic state changes as the influence of the seasonal variation of the EIP becomes stronger. As the influence is further increased, the trajectory exhibits sustained oscillations when it leaves the chaotic region.

Keywords: Chaotic behavior, dengue hemorrhagic fever, extrinsic incubation period, SEIR model.

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66 Specifying Strict Serializability of Iterated Transactions in Propositional Temporal Logic

Authors: Walter Hussak


We present an operator for a propositional linear temporal logic over infinite schedules of iterated transactions, which, when applied to a formula, asserts that any schedule satisfying the formula is serializable. The resulting logic is suitable for specifying and verifying consistency properties of concurrent transaction management systems, that can be defined in terms of serializability, as well as other general safety and liveness properties. A strict form of serializability is used requiring that, whenever the read and write steps of a transaction occurrence precede the read and write steps of another transaction occurrence in a schedule, the first transaction must precede the second transaction in an equivalent serial schedule. This work improves on previous work in providing a propositional temporal logic with a serializability operator that is of the same PSPACE complete computational complexity as standard propositional linear temporal logic without a serializability operator.

Keywords: Temporal logic, iterated transactions, serializability.

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65 The Differential Transform Method for Advection-Diffusion Problems

Authors: M. F. Patricio, P. M. Rosa


In this paper a class of numerical methods to solve linear and nonlinear PDEs and also systems of PDEs is developed. The Differential Transform method associated with the Method of Lines (MoL) is used. The theory for linear problems is extended to the nonlinear case, and a recurrence relation is established. This method can achieve an arbitrary high-order accuracy in time. A variable stepsize algorithm and some numerical results are also presented.

Keywords: Method of Lines, Differential Transform Method.

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64 A Community Compromised Approach to Combinatorial Coalition Problem

Authors: Laor Boongasame, Veera Boonjing, Ho-fung Leung


Buyer coalition with a combination of items is a group of buyers joining together to purchase a combination of items with a larger discount. The primary aim of existing buyer coalition with a combination of items research is to generate a large total discount. However, the aim is hard to achieve because this research is based on the assumption that each buyer completely knows other buyers- information or at least one buyer knows other buyers- information in a coalition by exchange of information. These assumption contrast with the real world environment where buyers join a coalition with incomplete information, i.e., they concerned only with their expected discounts. Therefore, this paper proposes a new buyer community coalition formation with a combination of items scheme, called the Community Compromised Combinatorial Coalition scheme, under such an environment of incomplete information. In order to generate a larger total discount, after buyers who want to join a coalition propose their minimum required saving, a coalition structure that gives a maximum total retail prices is formed. Then, the total discount division of the coalition is divided among buyers in the coalition depending on their minimum required saving and is a Pareto optimal. In mathematical analysis, we compare concepts of this scheme with concepts of the existing buyer coalition scheme. Our mathematical analysis results show that the total discount of the coalition in this scheme is larger than that in the existing buyer coalition scheme.

Keywords: group decision and negotiations, group buying, gametheory, combinatorial coalition formation, Pareto optimality

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63 Global Behavior in (Q-xy)2 Potential

Authors: K. Jaroensutasinee


The general global behavior of particle S a non-linear (Q - xy)2 potential cannot be revealed a Poincare surface of section method (PSS) because inost trajectories take practically infinitely long time to integrate numerically before they come back to the surface. In this study as an alternative to PSS, a multiple scale perturbation is applied to analyze global adiabatic, non-adiabatic and chaotic behavior of particles in this potential. It was found that the results can be summarized as a form of a Fermi-like map. Additionally, this method gives a variation of global stochasticity criteria with Q.

Keywords: Multiple Scak Perturbation The Poincare Surface or Section, Fermi Map

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62 Logic Program for Authorizations

Authors: Yun Bai


As a security mechanism, authorization is to provide access control to the system resources according to the polices and rules specified by the security strategies. Either by update or in the initial specification, conflicts in authorization is an issue needs to be solved. In this paper, we propose a new approach to solve conflict by using prioritized logic programs and discuss the uniqueness of its answer set. Addressing conflict resolution from logic programming viewpoint and the uniqueness analysis of the answer set provide a novel, efficient approach for authorization conflict resolution.

Keywords: authorization, formal specification, conflict resolution, prioritized logic program.

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61 Numerical Study of Iterative Methods for the Solution of the Dirichlet-Neumann Map for Linear Elliptic PDEs on Regular Polygon Domains

Authors: A. G. Sifalakis, E. P. Papadopoulou, Y. G. Saridakis


A generalized Dirichlet to Neumann map is one of the main aspects characterizing a recently introduced method for analyzing linear elliptic PDEs, through which it became possible to couple known and unknown components of the solution on the boundary of the domain without solving on its interior. For its numerical solution, a well conditioned quadratically convergent sine-Collocation method was developed, which yielded a linear system of equations with the diagonal blocks of its associated coefficient matrix being point diagonal. This structural property, among others, initiated interest for the employment of iterative methods for its solution. In this work we present a conclusive numerical study for the behavior of classical (Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel) and Krylov subspace (GMRES and Bi-CGSTAB) iterative methods when they are applied for the solution of the Dirichlet to Neumann map associated with the Laplace-s equation on regular polygons with the same boundary conditions on all edges.

Keywords: Elliptic PDEs, Dirichlet to Neumann Map, Global Relation, Collocation, Iterative Methods, Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, GMRES, Bi-CGSTAB.

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60 Approximate Solution of Nonlinear Fredholm Integral Equations of the First Kind via Converting to Optimization Problems

Authors: Akbar H. Borzabadi, Omid S. Fard


In this paper we introduce an approach via optimization methods to find approximate solutions for nonlinear Fredholm integral equations of the first kind. To this purpose, we consider two stages of approximation. First we convert the integral equation to a moment problem and then we modify the new problem to two classes of optimization problems, non-constraint optimization problems and optimal control problems. Finally numerical examples is proposed.

Keywords: Fredholm integral equation, Optimization method, Optimal control, Nonlinear and linear programming

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59 Mathematical Model for the Transmission of P. Falciparum and P. Vivax Malaria along the Thai-Myanmar Border

Authors: Puntani Pongsumpun, I-Ming Tang


The most Malaria cases are occur along Thai-Mynmar border. Mathematical model for the transmission of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria in a mixed population of Thais and migrant Burmese living along the Thai-Myanmar Border is studied. The population is separated into two groups, Thai and Burmese. Each population is divided into susceptible, infected, dormant and recovered subclasses. The loss of immunity by individuals in the infected class causes them to move back into the susceptible class. The person who is infected with Plasmodium vivax and is a member of the dormant class can relapse back into the infected class. A standard dynamical method is used to analyze the behaviors of the model. Two stable equilibrium states, a disease-free state and an epidemic state, are found to be possible in each population. A disease-free equilibrium state in the Thai population occurs when there are no infected Burmese entering the community. When infected Burmese enter the Thai community, an epidemic state can occur. It is found that the disease-free state is stable when the threshold number is less than one. The epidemic state is stable when a second threshold number is greater than one. Numerical simulations are used to confirm the results of our model.

Keywords: Basic reproduction number, Burmese, local stability, Plasmodium Vivax malaria.

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58 Memory Estimation of Internet Server Using Queuing Theory: Comparative Study between M/G/1, G/M/1 and G/G/1 Queuing Model

Authors: L. K. Singh, Riktesh Srivastava


How to effectively allocate system resource to process the Client request by Gateway servers is a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose an improved scheme for autonomous performance of Gateway servers under highly dynamic traffic loads. We devise a methodology to calculate Queue Length and Waiting Time utilizing Gateway Server information to reduce response time variance in presence of bursty traffic. The most widespread contemplation is performance, because Gateway Servers must offer cost-effective and high-availability services in the elongated period, thus they have to be scaled to meet the expected load. Performance measurements can be the base for performance modeling and prediction. With the help of performance models, the performance metrics (like buffer estimation, waiting time) can be determined at the development process. This paper describes the possible queue models those can be applied in the estimation of queue length to estimate the final value of the memory size. Both simulation and experimental studies using synthesized workloads and analysis of real-world Gateway Servers demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system.

Keywords: M/M/1, M/G/1, G/M/1, G/G/1, Gateway Servers, Buffer Estimation, Waiting Time, Queuing Process.

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57 Optimal Control Problem, Quasi-Assignment Problem and Genetic Algorithm

Authors: Omid S. Fard, Akbar H. Borzabadi


In this paper we apply one of approaches in category of heuristic methods as Genetic Algorithms for obtaining approximate solution of optimal control problems. The firs we convert optimal control problem to a quasi Assignment Problem by defining some usual characters as defined in Genetic algorithm applications. Then we obtain approximate optimal control function as an piecewise constant function. Finally the numerical examples are given.

Keywords: Optimal control, Integer programming, Genetic algorithm, Discrete approximation, Linear programming.

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56 Modelling the Occurrence of Defects and Change Requests during User Acceptance Testing

Authors: Kevin McDaid, Simon P. Wilson


Software developed for a specific customer under contract typically undergoes a period of testing by the customer before acceptance. This is known as user acceptance testing and the process can reveal both defects in the system and requests for changes to the product. This paper uses nonhomogeneous Poisson processes to model a real user acceptance data set from a recently developed system. In particular a split Poisson process is shown to provide an excellent fit to the data. The paper explains how this model can be used to aid the allocation of resources through the accurate prediction of occurrences both during the acceptance testing phase and before this activity begins.

Keywords: User acceptance testing. Software reliability growth modelling. Split Poisson process. Bayesian methods.

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55 Combining Bagging and Boosting

Authors: S. B. Kotsiantis, P. E. Pintelas


Bagging and boosting are among the most popular resampling ensemble methods that generate and combine a diversity of classifiers using the same learning algorithm for the base-classifiers. Boosting algorithms are considered stronger than bagging on noisefree data. However, there are strong empirical indications that bagging is much more robust than boosting in noisy settings. For this reason, in this work we built an ensemble using a voting methodology of bagging and boosting ensembles with 10 subclassifiers in each one. We performed a comparison with simple bagging and boosting ensembles with 25 sub-classifiers, as well as other well known combining methods, on standard benchmark datasets and the proposed technique was the most accurate.

Keywords: data mining, machine learning, pattern recognition.

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54 Control-flow Complexity Measurement of Processes and Weyuker's Properties

Authors: Jorge Cardoso


Process measurement is the task of empirically and objectively assigning numbers to the properties of business processes in such a way as to describe them. Desirable attributes to study and measure include complexity, cost, maintainability, and reliability. In our work we will focus on investigating process complexity. We define process complexity as the degree to which a business process is difficult to analyze, understand or explain. One way to analyze a process- complexity is to use a process control-flow complexity measure. In this paper, an attempt has been made to evaluate the control-flow complexity measure in terms of Weyuker-s properties. Weyuker-s properties must be satisfied by any complexity measure to qualify as a good and comprehensive one.

Keywords: Business process measurement, workflow, complexity.

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53 Exponentially Weighted Simultaneous Estimation of Several Quantiles

Authors: Valeriy Naumov, Olli Martikainen


In this paper we propose new method for simultaneous generating multiple quantiles corresponding to given probability levels from data streams and massive data sets. This method provides a basis for development of single-pass low-storage quantile estimation algorithms, which differ in complexity, storage requirement and accuracy. We demonstrate that such algorithms may perform well even for heavy-tailed data.

Keywords: Quantile estimation, data stream, heavy-taileddistribution, tail index.

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52 The Effect of Correlated Service and Inter-arrival Times on System Performance

Authors: Gang Uk Hwang


In communication networks where communication nodes are connected with finite capacity transmission links, the packet inter-arrival times are strongly correlated with the packet length and the link capacity (or the packet service time). Such correlation affects the system performance significantly, but little attention has been paid to this issue. In this paper, we propose a mathematical framework to study the impact of the correlation between the packet service times and the packet inter-arrival times on system performance. With our mathematical model, we analyze the system performance, e.g., the unfinished work of the system, and show that the correlation affects the system performance significantly. Some numerical examples are also provided.

Keywords: Performance analysis, Correlated queueing system, Unfinished work, PH-type distribution, Communicationsystem.

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