%0 Journal Article
	%A Weerachi Sarakorn and  I-Ming Tang
	%D 2007
	%J International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
	%B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
	%I Open Science Index 10, 2007
	%T No one Set of Parameter Values Can Simulate the Epidemics Due to SARS Occurring at Different Localities
	%U https://publications.waset.org/pdf/14856
	%V 10
	%X A mathematical model for the transmission of SARS is developed. In addition to dividing the population into susceptible (high and low risk), exposed, infected, quarantined, diagnosed and recovered classes, we have included a class called untraced. The model simulates the Gompertz curves which are the best representation of the cumulative numbers of probable SARS cases in Hong Kong and Singapore. The values of the parameters in the model which produces the best fit of the observed data for each city are obtained by using a differential evolution algorithm. It is seen that the values for the parameters needed to simulate the observed daily behaviors of the two epidemics are different.

	%P 499 - 504