Search results for: simultaneous detection
1213 Synthesis and Characterization of Mass Catalysts Based on Cobalt and Molybdenum
Authors: Nassira Ouslimani
The electronic structure of transition metals gives them many catalytic possibilities in many types of reactions, particularly cobalt and molybdenum. It is in this context that this study is part of the synthesis and characterization of mass catalysts based on cobalt and molybdenum Co1₋xMoO4 (X=0 and X=0.5 and X=1). The two catalysts were prepared by Co-precipitation using ammonia as a precipitating agent and one by precipitation. The samples obtained were analyzed by numerous physic-chemical analysis techniques: ATG-ATD-DSC, DRX-HT, SEM-EDX, and the elemental composition of the catalysts was verified by SAA as well as the FTIR. The ATG-DSC shows a mass loss for all the catalysts of approximately 8%, corresponding to the loss of water and the decomposition of nitrates. The DRX-HT analysis allows the detection of the two CoMoO4 phases with diffraction peaks which increase with the increase in temperature. The results of the FTIR analysis made it possible to highlight the vibration modes of the bonds of the structure of the prepared catalysts. The SEM images of the solids show very different textures with almost homogeneous surfaces with a more regular particle size distribution and a more defined grain shape. The EDX analysis showed the presence of the elements Co, Mo, and O in proportions very close to the nominal proportions. Finally, the actual composition, evaluated by SAA, is close to the theoretical composition fixed during the preparation. This testifies to the good conditions for the preparation of the catalysts by the co-precipitation method.Keywords: catalytic, molybdenum, coprecipitation, cobalt, ammonia
Procedia PDF Downloads 901212 Pitch Processing in Autistic Mandarin-Speaking Children with Hypersensitivityand Hypo-Sensitivity: An Event-Related Potential Study
Authors: Kaiying Lai, Suiping Wang, Luodi Yu, Yang Zhang, Pengmin Qin
Abnormalities in auditory processing are one of the most commonly reported sensory processing impairments in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Tonal language speaker with autism has enhanced neural sensitivity to pitch changes in pure tone. However, not all children with ASD exhibit the same performance in pitch processing due to different auditory sensitivity. The current study aimed to examine auditory change detection in ASD with different auditory sensitivity. K-means clustering method was adopted to classify ASD participants into two groups according to the auditory processing scores of the Sensory Profile, 11 autism with hypersensitivity (mean age = 11.36 ; SD = 1.46) and 18 with hypo-sensitivity (mean age = 10.64; SD = 1.89) participated in a passive auditory oddball paradigm designed for eliciting mismatch negativity (MMN) under the pure tone condition. Results revealed that compared to hypersensitive autism, the children with hypo-sensitivity showed smaller MMN responses to pure tone stimuli. These results suggest that ASD with auditory hypersensitivity and hypo-sensitivity performed differently in processing pure tone, so neural responses to pure tone hold promise for predicting the auditory sensitivity of ASD and targeted treatment in children with ASD.Keywords: ASD, sensory profile, pitch processing, mismatch negativity, MMN
Procedia PDF Downloads 3931211 A Different Approach to Smart Phone-Based Wheat Disease Detection System Using Deep Learning for Ethiopia
Authors: Nathenal Thomas Lambamo
Based on the fact that more than 85% of the labor force and 90% of the export earnings are taken by agriculture in Ethiopia and it can be said that it is the backbone of the overall socio-economic activities in the country. Among the cereal crops that the agriculture sector provides for the country, wheat is the third-ranking one preceding teff and maize. In the present day, wheat is in higher demand related to the expansion of industries that use them as the main ingredient for their products. The local supply of wheat for these companies covers only 35 to 40% and the rest 60 to 65% percent is imported on behalf of potential customers that exhaust the country’s foreign currency reserves. The above facts show that the need for this crop in the country is too high and in reverse, the productivity of the crop is very less because of these reasons. Wheat disease is the most devastating disease that contributes a lot to this unbalance in the demand and supply status of the crop. It reduces both the yield and quality of the crop by 27% on average and up to 37% when it is severe. This study aims to detect the most frequent and degrading wheat diseases, Septoria and Leaf rust, using the most efficiently used subset of machine learning technology, deep learning. As a state of the art, a deep learning class classification technique called Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has been used to detect diseases and has an accuracy of 99.01% is achieved.Keywords: septoria, leaf rust, deep learning, CNN
Procedia PDF Downloads 771210 Analysis of Microbiological Quality and Detection of Antibiotic Residue in Bovine Raw Milk Produced in Blida State, Algeria
Authors: M. N. Boukhatem, M. A. Ferhat, K. Mansour
Bovine raw milk represents a favorable environment for the growth of several food-spoilage strains and some pathogens. It must meet stringent standards to ensure the highest microbiological and toxicological qualities.In order to assess the microbiological risks associated with the consumption of this food, we conducted this study to determine the microbiological quality of bovine raw milk (54 samples) commercialized at the state of Blida (Algeria). The samples analyzed were unsatisfactory in terms of total flora where 61.11% of samples were considered as non acceptable in terms of quality standards, fecal coliforms (40.74%), fecal streptococci (55.55%) and staphylococci (74.07%). Salmonella and Clostridium strains were not detected in all the samples. Furthermore, antibiotic residues were found in 26% of analysed samples. These results reflect non-compliance with the rules of good hygiene practices at milking, storage, transportatio, and sale of milk. Bovine raw milk consumed presents a serious health risk to the population of the study areas.The livestock coaching actors and dissemination of good hygiene practices throughout the production chain are needed to improve the quality of local milk.Keywords: bovine raw milk, microbiological quality, fecal coliforms, antibiotic residue, Blida state
Procedia PDF Downloads 2391209 CLOUD Japan: Prospective Multi-Hospital Study to Determine the Population-Based Incidence of Hospitalized Clostridium difficile Infections
Authors: Kazuhiro Tateda, Elisa Gonzalez, Shuhei Ito, Kirstin Heinrich, Kevin Sweetland, Pingping Zhang, Catia Ferreira, Michael Pride, Jennifer Moisi, Sharon Gray, Bennett Lee, Fred Angulo
Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is the most common cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and infectious diarrhea in healthcare settings. Japan has an aging population; the elderly are at increased risk of hospitalization, antibiotic use, and C. difficile infection (CDI). Little is known about the population-based incidence and disease burden of CDI in Japan although limited hospital-based studies have reported a lower incidence than the United States. To understand CDI disease burden in Japan, CLOUD (Clostridium difficile Infection Burden of Disease in Adults in Japan) was developed. CLOUD will derive population-based incidence estimates of the number of CDI cases per 100,000 population per year in Ota-ku (population 723,341), one of the districts in Tokyo, Japan. CLOUD will include approximately 14 of the 28 Ota-ku hospitals including Toho University Hospital, which is a 1,000 bed tertiary care teaching hospital. During the 12-month patient enrollment period, which is scheduled to begin in November 2018, Ota-ku residents > 50 years of age who are hospitalized at a participating hospital with diarrhea ( > 3 unformed stools (Bristol Stool Chart 5-7) in 24 hours) will be actively ascertained, consented, and enrolled by study surveillance staff. A stool specimen will be collected from enrolled patients and tested at a local reference laboratory (LSI Medience, Tokyo) using QUIK CHEK COMPLETE® (Abbott Laboratories). which simultaneously tests specimens for the presence of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and C. difficile toxins A and B. A frozen stool specimen will also be sent to the Pfizer Laboratory (Pearl River, United States) for analysis using a two-step diagnostic testing algorithm that is based on detection of C. difficile strains/spores harboring toxin B gene by PCR followed by detection of free toxins (A and B) using a proprietary cell cytotoxicity neutralization assay (CCNA) developed by Pfizer. Positive specimens will be anaerobically cultured, and C. difficile isolates will be characterized by ribotyping and whole genomic sequencing. CDI patients enrolled in CLOUD will be contacted weekly for 90 days following diarrhea onset to describe clinical outcomes including recurrence, reinfection, and mortality, and patient reported economic, clinical and humanistic outcomes (e.g., health-related quality of life, worsening of comorbidities, and patient and caregiver work absenteeism). Studies will also be undertaken to fully characterize the catchment area to enable population-based estimates. The 12-month active ascertainment of CDI cases among hospitalized Ota-ku residents with diarrhea in CLOUD, and the characterization of the Ota-ku catchment area, including estimation of the proportion of all hospitalizations of Ota-ku residents that occur in the CLOUD-participating hospitals, will yield CDI population-based incidence estimates, which can be stratified by age groups, risk groups, and source (hospital-acquired or community-acquired). These incidence estimates will be extrapolated, following age standardization using national census data, to yield CDI disease burden estimates for Japan. CLOUD also serves as a model for studies in other countries that can use the CLOUD protocol to estimate CDI disease burden.Keywords: Clostridium difficile, disease burden, epidemiology, study protocol
Procedia PDF Downloads 2631208 The Role of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus Linn.) on Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Reactive Oxygen Species and Inflammatory Mediator in BV2 Microglial Cells
Authors: Nootchanat Mairuae, Walaiporn Tongjaroenbuangam, Chalisa Louicharoen Cheepsunthorn, Poonlarp Cheepsunthorn
The aim of this study was to investigate the anti-oxidative effect, the anti-inflammatory effects, and the molecular mechanisms of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus Linn.) on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated BV2 microglial cells. The BV2 cells were treated with LPS in the presence or absence of okra. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) production were measured using the ROS detection reagent DCF-DA and the Griess reaction, respectively. The phosphorylation levels of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB) p65 was detected by Western blot assay. Treatment of BV2 microglia cells with okra was found to significantly suppress the LPS-induced inflammatory mediator NO as well as ROS compared to untreated cells. The levels of LPS-induced NF-kB p65 phosphorylation were significantly decreased following okra treatment too. These results show that okra exerts anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects in LPS-stimulated BV2 microglial cells by suppressing the NF-κB pathway. This suggests okra might be a valuable agent for treatment of anti-neuroinflammatory diseases mediated by microglial cells.Keywords: Abelmoschus esculentus Linn, microglia, neuroinflammation, reactive oxygen spicy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2871207 Comparing the Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder within Males and Females Using Machine Learning Techniques
Authors: Joseph Wolff, Jeffrey Eilbott
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are a spectrum of social disorders characterized by deficits in social communication, verbal ability, and interaction that can vary in severity. In recent years, researchers have used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to help detect how neural patterns in individuals with ASD differ from those of neurotypical (NT) controls for classification purposes. This study analyzed the classification of ASD within males and females using functional MRI data. Functional connectivity (FC) correlations among brain regions were used as feature inputs for machine learning algorithms. Analysis was performed on 558 cases from the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) I dataset. When trained specifically on females, the algorithm underperformed in classifying the ASD subset of our testing population. Although the subject size was relatively smaller in the female group, the manual matching of both male and female training groups helps explain the algorithm’s bias, indicating the altered sex abnormalities in functional brain networks compared to typically developing peers. These results highlight the importance of taking sex into account when considering how generalizations of findings on males with ASD apply to females.Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, machine learning, neuroimaging, sex differences
Procedia PDF Downloads 2111206 Mannose-Functionalized Lipopolysaccharide Nanoparticles for Macrophage-Targeted Dual Delivery of Rifampicin and Isoniazid
Authors: Mumuni Sumaila, Viness Pillay, Yahya E. Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Pierre P. Kondiah
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a serious challenge to public health globally, despite every effort put together to curb the disease. Current TB therapeutics available have proven to be inefficient due to a multitude of drawbacks that range from serious adverse effects/drug toxicity to inconsistent bioavailability, which ultimately contributes to the emergence of drug-resistant TB. An effective ‘cargo’ system designed to cleverly deliver therapeutic doses of anti-TB drugs to infection sites and in a sustained-release manner may provide a better therapeutic choice towards winning the war against TB. In the current study, we investigated mannose-functionalized lipopolysaccharide hybrid nanoparticles for safety and efficacy towards macrophage-targeted simultaneous delivery of the two first-line anti-TB drugs, rifampicin (RF) and isoniazid (IS). RF-IS-loaded lipopolysaccharide hybrid nanoparticles were fabricated using the solvent injection technique (SIT), incorporating soy lecithin (SL) and low molecular weight chitosan (CS) as the lipid and polysaccharide components, respectively. Surface-functionalized nanoparticles were obtained through the reaction of the aldehyde group of mannose with free amine functionality present at the surface of the nanoparticles. The functionalized nanocarriers were spherical with average particle size and surface charge of 107.83 nm and +21.77 mV, respectively, and entrapment efficiencies (EE) were 53.52% and 69.80% for RF and IS, respectively. FTIR spectrum revealed high-intensity bands between 1663 cm⁻¹ and 1408 cm⁻¹ wavenumbers (absent in non-functionalized nanoparticles), which could be attributed to the C=N stretching vibration produced by the formation of Schiff’s base (–N=CH–) during the mannosylation reaction. In vitro release studies showed a sustained-release profile for RF and IS, with less than half of the total payload released over a 48-hour period. The nanocarriers were biocompatible and safe, with more than 80% cell viability achieved when incubated with RAW 264.7 cells at concentrations 30 to 500 μg/mL over a 24-hour period. Cellular uptake studies (after a 24-hour incubation period with the murine macrophage cells, RAW 264.7) revealed a 13- and a 9-fold increase in intracellular accumulation of RF and IS, respectively, when compared with the unformulated RF+IS solution. A 6- and a 3-fold increase in intracellular accumulation of RF and IS, respectively, were observed when compared with the non-functionalized nanoparticles. Furthermore, fluorescent microscopy images showed nanoparticle internalization and accumulation within the RAW 264.7 cells, which was more significant in the mannose-functionalized system compared to the non-functionalized nanoparticles. The overall results suggested that the fabricated mannose-functionalized lipopolysaccharide nanoparticles are a safe and promising platform for macrophage-targeted delivery of anti-TB therapeutics. However, in vivo pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamics studies are required to further substantiate the therapeutic efficacy of the nanosystem.Keywords: anti-tuberculosis therapeutics, hybrid nanosystem, lipopolysaccharide nanoparticles, macrophage-targeted delivery
Procedia PDF Downloads 1731205 Nafion Multiwalled Carbon Nano Tubes Composite Film Modified Glassy Carbon Sensor for the Voltammetric Estimation of Dianabol Steroid in Pharmaceuticals and Biological Fluids
Authors: Nouf M. Al-Ourfi, A. S. Bashammakh, M. S. El-Shahawi
The redox behavior of dianabol steroid (DS) on Nafion Multiwalled Carbon nano -tubes (MWCNT) composite film modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE) in various buffer solutions was studied using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse- adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry (DP-CSV) and successfully compared with the results at non modified bare GCE. The Nafion-MWCNT composite film modified GCE exhibited the best electrochemical response among the two electrodes for the electro reduction of DS that was inferred from the EIS, CV and DP-CSV. The modified sensor showed a sensitive, stable and linear response in the concentration range of 5 – 100 nM with a detection limit of 0.08 nM. The selectivity of the proposed sensor was assessed in the presence of high concentration of major interfering species. The analytical application of the sensor for the quantification of DS in pharmaceutical formulations and biological fluids (urine) was determined and the results demonstrated acceptable recovery and RSD of 5%. Statistical treatment of the results of the proposed method revealed no significant differences in the accuracy and precision. The relative standard deviations for five measurements of 50 and 300 ng mL−1 of DS were 3.9 % and 1.0 %, respectively.Keywords: dianabol steroid, determination, modified GCE, urine
Procedia PDF Downloads 2841204 Evaluating Portfolio Performance by Highlighting Network Property and the Sharpe Ratio in the Stock Market
Authors: Zahra Hatami, Hesham Ali, David Volkman
Selecting a portfolio for investing is a crucial decision for individuals and legal entities. In the last two decades, with economic globalization, a stream of financial innovations has rushed to the aid of financial institutions. The importance of selecting stocks for the portfolio is always a challenging task for investors. This study aims to create a financial network to identify optimal portfolios using network centralities metrics. This research presents a community detection technique of superior stocks that can be described as an optimal stock portfolio to be used by investors. By using the advantages of a network and its property in extracted communities, a group of stocks was selected for each of the various time periods. The performance of the optimal portfolios compared to the famous index. Their Sharpe ratio was calculated in a timely manner to evaluate their profit for making decisions. The analysis shows that the selected potential portfolio from stocks with low centrality measurement can outperform the market; however, they have a lower Sharpe ratio than stocks with high centrality scores. In other words, stocks with low centralities could outperform the S&P500 yet have a lower Sharpe ratio than high central stocks.Keywords: portfolio management performance, network analysis, centrality measurements, Sharpe ratio
Procedia PDF Downloads 1561203 A Study on the False Alarm Rates of MEWMA and MCUSUM Control Charts When the Parameters Are Estimated
Authors: Umar Farouk Abbas, Danjuma Mustapha, Hamisu Idi
It is now a known fact that quality is an important issue in manufacturing industries. A control chart is an integrated and powerful tool in statistical process control (SPC). The mean µ and standard deviation σ parameters are estimated. In general, the multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (MEWMA) and multivariate cumulative sum (MCUSUM) are used in the detection of small shifts in joint monitoring of several correlated variables; the charts used information from past data which makes them sensitive to small shifts. The aim of the paper is to compare the performance of Shewhart xbar, MEWMA, and MCUSUM control charts in terms of their false rates when parameters are estimated with autocorrelation. A simulation was conducted in R software to generate the average run length (ARL) values of each of the charts. After the analysis, the results show that a comparison of the false alarm rates of the charts shows that MEWMA chart has lower false alarm rates than the MCUSUM chart at various levels of parameter estimated to the number of ARL0 (in control) values. Also noticed was that the sample size has an advert effect on the false alarm of the control charts.Keywords: average run length, MCUSUM chart, MEWMA chart, false alarm rate, parameter estimation, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2231202 Tuberculosis in Patients with HIV-Infection in Russia: Cohort Study over the Period of 2015-2016 Years
Authors: Marina Nosik, Irina Rymanova, Konstantin Ryzhov, Joan Yarovaya, Alexander Sobkin
Tuberculosis (TB) associated with HIV is one of the top causes of death worldwide. However, early detection and treatment of TB in HIV-infected individuals significantly reduces the risk of developing severe forms of TB and mortality. The goal of the study was to analyze the peculiarities of TB associated with HIV infection. Over the period of 2015-2016 a retrospective cohort study was conducted among 377 patients with TB/HIV co-infection who attended the Moscow Tuberculosis Clinic. The majority of the patients was male (64,5%). The median age was: men 37,9 (24÷62) and women 35,4 (22÷72) years. The most prevalent age group was 30-39 years both for men and women (73,3% and 54,7%, respectively). The ratio of patients in age group 50-59 and senior was 3,9%. Socioeconomic status of patients was rather low: only 2.3% of patients had a university degree; 76,1% was unemployed (of whom 21,7% were disabled). Most patients had disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis in the phase of infiltration/ decay (41,5%). The infiltrative TB was detected in 18,9% of patients; 20,1% patients had tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes. The occurrence of MDR-TB was 16,8% and XDR-TB – 17,9%. The number of HIV-positive patients with newly diagnosed TB was n=261(69,2%). The active TB-form (MbT+) among new TB/HIV cases was 44,7 %. The severe clinical forms of TB and a high TB incidence rate among HIV-infected individuals alongside with a large number of cases of newly diagnosed tuberculosis, indicate the need for more intense interaction with TB services for timely diagnosis of TB which will optimize treatment outcomes.Keywords: HIV, tuberculosis (TB), TB associated with HIV, multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB)
Procedia PDF Downloads 2431201 Students’ Opinions Related to Virtual Classrooms within the Online Distance Education Graduate Program
Authors: Secil Kaya Gulen
Face to face and virtual classrooms that came up with different conditions and environments, but similar purposes have different characteristics. Although virtual classrooms have some similar facilities with face-to-face classes such as program, students, and administrators, they have no walls and corridors. Therefore, students can attend the courses from a distance and can control their own learning spaces. Virtual classrooms defined as simultaneous online environments where students in different places come together at the same time with the guidance of a teacher. Distance education and virtual classes require different intellectual and managerial skills and models. Therefore, for effective use of virtual classrooms, the virtual property should be taken into consideration. One of the most important factors that affect the spread and effective use of the virtual classrooms is the perceptions and opinions of students -as one the main participants-. Student opinions and recommendations are important in terms of providing information about the fulfillment of expectation. This will help to improve the applications and contribute to the more efficient implementations. In this context, ideas and perceptions of the students related to the virtual classrooms, in general, were determined in this study. Advantages and disadvantages of virtual classrooms expected contributions to the educational system and expected characteristics of virtual classrooms have examined in this study. Students of an online distance education graduate program in which all the courses offered by virtual classrooms have asked for their opinions. Online Distance Education Graduate Program has totally 19 students. The questionnaire that consists of open-ended and multiple choice questions sent to these 19 students and finally 12 of them answered the questionnaire. Analysis of the data presented as frequencies and percentages for each item. SPSS for multiple-choice questions and Nvivo for open-ended questions were used for analyses. According to the results obtained by the analysis, participants stated that they did not get any training on virtual classes before the courses; but they emphasize that newly enrolled students should be educated about the virtual classrooms. In addition, all participants mentioned that virtual classroom contribute their personal development and they want to improve their skills by gaining more experience. The participants, who mainly emphasize the advantages of virtual classrooms, express that the dissemination of virtual classrooms will contribute to the Turkish Education System. Within the advantages of virtual classrooms, ‘recordable and repeatable lessons’ and ‘eliminating the access and transportation costs’ are most common advantages according to the participants. On the other hand, they mentioned ‘technological features and keyboard usage skills affect the attendance’ is the most common disadvantage. Participants' most obvious problem during virtual lectures is ‘lack of technical support’. Finally ‘easy to use’, ‘support possibilities’, ‘communication level’ and ‘flexibility’ come to the forefront in the scope of expected features of virtual classrooms. Last of all, students' opinions about the virtual classrooms seems to be generally positive. Designing and managing virtual classrooms according to the prioritized features will increase the students’ satisfaction and will contribute to improve applications that are more effective.Keywords: distance education, virtual classrooms, higher education, e-learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 2691200 Clustering of Association Rules of ISIS & Al-Qaeda Based on Similarity Measures
Authors: Tamanna Goyal, Divya Bansal, Sanjeev Sofat
In world-threatening terrorist attacks, where early detection, distinction, and prediction are effective diagnosis techniques and for functionally accurate and precise analysis of terrorism data, there are so many data mining & statistical approaches to assure accuracy. The computational extraction of derived patterns is a non-trivial task which comprises specific domain discovery by means of sophisticated algorithm design and analysis. This paper proposes an approach for similarity extraction by obtaining the useful attributes from the available datasets of terrorist attacks and then applying feature selection technique based on the statistical impurity measures followed by clustering techniques on the basis of similarity measures. On the basis of degree of participation of attributes in the rules, the associative dependencies between the attacks are analyzed. Consequently, to compute the similarity among the discovered rules, we applied a weighted similarity measure. Finally, the rules are grouped by applying using hierarchical clustering. We have applied it to an open source dataset to determine the usability and efficiency of our technique, and a literature search is also accomplished to support the efficiency and accuracy of our results.Keywords: association rules, clustering, similarity measure, statistical approaches
Procedia PDF Downloads 3221199 Analysis and Modeling of Vibratory Signals Based on LMD for Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis
Authors: Toufik Bensana, Slimane Mekhilef, Kamel Tadjine
The use of vibration analysis has been established as the most common and reliable method of analysis in the field of condition monitoring and diagnostics of rotating machinery. Rolling bearings cover a broad range of rotary machines and plays a crucial role in the modern manufacturing industry. Unfortunately, the vibration signals collected from a faulty bearing are generally non-stationary, nonlinear and with strong noise interference, so it is essential to obtain the fault features correctly. In this paper, a novel numerical analysis method based on local mean decomposition (LMD) is proposed. LMD decompose the signal into a series of product functions (PFs), each of which is the product of an envelope signal and a purely frequency modulated FM signal. The envelope of a PF is the instantaneous amplitude (IA) and the derivative of the unwrapped phase of a purely flat frequency demodulated (FM) signal is the IF. After that, the fault characteristic frequency of the roller bearing can be extracted by performing spectrum analysis to the instantaneous amplitude of PF component containing dominant fault information. the results show the effectiveness of the proposed technique in fault detection and diagnosis of rolling element bearing.Keywords: fault diagnosis, local mean decomposition, rolling element bearing, vibration analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4081198 Effect of Composition Fuel on Safety of Combustion Process
Authors: Lourdes I. Meriño, Viatcheslav Kafarov, Maria Gómez
Fuel gas used in the burner receives as contributors other gases from different processes and this result in variability in the composition, which may cause an incomplete combustion. The burners are designed to operate in a certain curve, the calorific power dependent on the pressure and gas burners. When deviation of propane and C5+ is huge, there is a large release of energy, which causes it to work out the curves of the burners, because less pressure is required to force curve into operation. That increases the risk of explosion in an oven, besides of a higher environmental impact. There should be flame detection systems, and instrumentation equipment, such as local pressure gauges located at the entrance of the gas burners, to permit verification by the operator. Additionally, distributed control systems must be configured with different combustion instruments associated with respective alarms, as well as its operational windows, and windows control guidelines of integrity, leaving the design information of this equipment. Therefore, it is desirable to analyze when a plant is taken out of service and make good operational analysis to determine the impact of changes in fuel gas streams contributors, by varying the calorific power. Hence, poor combustion is one of the cause instability in the flame of the burner and having a great impact on process safety, the integrity of individuals and teams and environment.Keywords: combustion process, fuel composition, safety, fuel gas
Procedia PDF Downloads 4901197 Evaluation of Rheological Properties, Anisotropic Shrinkage, and Heterogeneous Densification of Ceramic Materials during Liquid Phase Sintering by Numerical-Experimental Procedure
Authors: Hamed Yaghoubi, Esmaeil Salahi, Fateme Taati
The effective shear and bulk viscosity, as well as dynamic viscosity, describe the rheological properties of the ceramic body during the liquid phase sintering process. The rheological parameters depend on the physical and thermomechanical characteristics of the material such as relative density, temperature, grain size, and diffusion coefficient and activation energy. The main goal of this research is to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the response of an incompressible viscose ceramic material during liquid phase sintering process such as stress-strain relations, sintering and hydrostatic stress, the prediction of anisotropic shrinkage and heterogeneous densification as a function of sintering time by including the simultaneous influence of gravity field, and frictional force. After raw materials analysis, the standard hard porcelain mixture as a ceramic body was designed and prepared. Three different experimental configurations were designed including midpoint deflection, sinter bending, and free sintering samples. The numerical method for the ceramic specimens during the liquid phase sintering process are implemented in the CREEP user subroutine code in ABAQUS. The numerical-experimental procedure shows the anisotropic behavior, the complete difference in spatial displacement through three directions, the incompressibility for ceramic samples during the sintering process. The anisotropic shrinkage factor has been proposed to investigate the shrinkage anisotropy. It has been shown that the shrinkage along the normal axis of casting sample is about 1.5 times larger than that of casting direction, the gravitational force in pyroplastic deformation intensifies the shrinkage anisotropy more than the free sintering sample. The lowest and greatest equivalent creep strain occurs at the intermediate zone and around the central line of the midpoint distorted sample, respectively. In the sinter bending test sample, the equivalent creep strain approaches to the maximum near the contact area with refractory support. The inhomogeneity in Von-Misses, pressure, and principal stress intensifies the relative density non-uniformity in all samples, except in free sintering one. The symmetrical distribution of stress around the center of free sintering sample, cause to hinder the pyroplastic deformations. Densification results confirmed that the effective bulk viscosity was well-defined with relative density values. The stress analysis confirmed that the sintering stress is more than the hydrostatic stress from start to end of sintering time so, from both theoretically and experimentally point of view, the sintering process occurs completely.Keywords: anisotropic shrinkage, ceramic material, liquid phase sintering process, rheological properties, numerical-experimental procedure
Procedia PDF Downloads 3431196 Electronic Nose for Monitoring Fungal Deterioration of Stored Rapeseed
Authors: Robert Rusinek, Marek Gancarz, Jolanta Wawrzyniak, Marzena Gawrysiak-Witulska, Dariusz Wiącek, Agnieszka Nawrocka
Investigations were performed to examine the possibility of using an electronic nose to monitor the development of fungal microflora during the first eighteen days of rapeseed storage. The Cyranose 320 device with polymer-composite sensors was used. Each sample of infected material was divided into three parts, and the degree of spoilage was measured in three ways: analysis of colony forming units (CFU), determination of ergosterol content (ERG), and measurement with the eNose. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on the generated patterns of signals, and six groups of different spoilage levels were isolated. The electronic nose with polymer-composite sensors under laboratory conditions distinguished between species of spoiled and unspoiled seeds with 100% accuracy. Despite some minor differences in the CFU and ergosterol content, the electronic nose provided responses correctly corresponding to the level of spoilage with 85% accuracy. Therefore, the main conclusion from the study is that the electronic nose is a promising tool for quick and non-destructive detection of the level of oil seed spoilage. The research was supported by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), Grant No. PBS2/A8/22/2013.Keywords: colony forming units, electronic nose, ergosterol, rapeseed
Procedia PDF Downloads 3231195 Internal DC Short-Circuit Fault Analysis and Protection for VSI of Wind Power Generation Systems
Authors: Mehdi Radmehr, Amir Hamed Mashhadzadeh, Mehdi Jafari
Traditional HVDC systems are tough to DC short circuits as they are current regulated with a large reactance connected in series with cables. Multi-terminal DC wind farm topologies are attracting increasing research attempt. With AC/DC converters on the generator side, this topology can be developed into a multi-terminal DC network for wind power collection, which is especially suitable for large-scale offshore wind farms. For wind farms, the topology uses high-voltage direct-current transmission based on voltage-source converters (VSC-HVDC). Therefore, they do not suffer from over currents due to DC cable faults and there is no over current to react to. In this study, the multi-terminal DC wind farm topology is introduced. Then, possible internal DC faults are analyzed according to type and characteristic. Fault over current expressions are given in detail. Under this characteristic analysis, fault detection and detailed protection methods are proposed. Theoretical analysis and PSCAD/EMTDC simulations are provided.Keywords: DC short circuits, multi-terminal DC wind farm topologies, HVDC transmission based on VSC, fault analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4221194 Lab-on-Chip Multiplexed qPCR Analysis Utilizing Melting Curve Analysis Detects Up to 144 Alleles with Sub-hour Turn-around Time
Authors: Jeremy Woods, Fanqing Chen
Rapid genome testing can provide results in at best hours to days, though there are certain clinical decisions that could be guided by genetic test results that need results in hours to minutes. As such, methods of genetic Point of Care Testing (POCT) are required if genetic data is to guide management in illnesses in a wide variety of critical and emergent medical situations such as neonatal sepsis, chemotherapy administration in endometrial cancer, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD)-associated neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. As such, we developed a POCT “lab-on-chip” technology capable of identifying up to 144 alleles in under an hour. This test required no specialized training to utilize and is suitable to deployment in clinics and hospitals for use by non-laboratory personnel such as nurses. We developed a multiplexed qPCR-based sample-to-answer system with melting curve analysis capable of detecting up to 144 alleles utilizing the Kelliop RapidSeq126 PCR platform combined with a single-use microfluidic cartridge. The RapidSeq126 is the size of a standard desktop printer and the microfluidic cartridges are smaller than a deck of playing cards. Thus the system was deployable in the outpatient setting for clinical trials of MT-RNR1 genotyping. The sample (buccal swab from volunteers or plasmids in media) used for DNA extraction was placed in the cartridge sample inlet prior to inserting the cartridge into the RapidSeq126. The microfluidic cartridge was composed of heat resistant polymer with a sample inlet, 100um conduits, liquid and solid reagents, valves, extraction chamber, lyophilization chamber, 12 PCR reaction chambers, and a waste chamber. No human effort was required for processing the sample and performing the assay other than placing the sample in the cartridge and placing the cartridge in the RapidSeq126. The RapidSeq126 has demonstrated ex vivo detection in plasmids and in vivo detection from human volunteer samples of up to 144 alleles per microfluidic cartridge used and did not require specialized laboratory training to operate. Efficacy was proven for several applications, such as multiple microsatellite instability (MSI) sites (SULF/RYR3/MRE11/ACVR2A/DIDO1/SEC31A/BTBD7), endometrial cancer POLE exonuclease domain (EMD) mutation status, and G6PD variants such as those commonly associated with hemolysis (c.202G>A, c.376A>G, c.680G>A>T, c.968T>C, 404A>C, c.871G>A). The RapidSeq126 system was also able to identify the three MT-RNR1 variants associated with aminoglycoside-induced sensorineural hearing loss (m.1555A>G, m.1095T>C, m.1494C>T). Results were provided in under an hour in a sample-to-answer fashion requiring no processing other than inserting the cartridge with the sample into the RapidSeq126. Results were provided in a digital, HL7-compliant format suitable for interfacing with Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR). The RapidSeq126 system provides a solution for emergency and critical medical situations requiring results in a matter of minutes to hours. The HL7-compliant data format of results enables the RapidSeq126 to interface directly with EHRs to generate best practice advisories and further reduce errors and time to diagnosis by providing digital results.Keywords: genetic testing, pharmacogenomics, point of care testing, rapid genetic testing
Procedia PDF Downloads 91193 The Analysis of One Million Reddit Confessions Corpus: The Use of Emotive Verbs and First Person Singular Pronoun as Linguistic Psychotherapy Features
Authors: Natalia Wojarnik
The paper aims to present the analysis of a Reddit confessions corpus. The interpretation focuses on the use of emotional language, in particular emotive verbs, in the context of personal pronouns. The analysis of the linguistic properties answers the question of what the Reddit users confess about and who is the subject of confessions. The study reveals that the specific language patterns used in Reddit confessions reflect the language of depression and the language used by patients during different stages of their psychotherapy sessions. The paper concludes that Reddit users are more willing to confess about their own experiences, not rarely very private and intimate, extensively using the first person singular pronoun I. It indicates that the Reddit users use the language of depression and the language used by psychotherapy patients. The language they use is very emotionally impacted and includes many emotive verbs such as want, feel, need, hate, love. This finding in Reddit confessions correlates with the extensive use of stative affective verbs in the first stages of the psychotherapy sessions. Lastly, the paper refers to the positive and negative lexicon and helps determine how online posts can serve as a depression detector and “talking cure” for the users.Keywords: confessions, emotional language, emotive verbs, pronouns, first person pronoun, language of depression, depression detection, psychotherapy language
Procedia PDF Downloads 1201192 Isolation, Selection and Identification of Bacteria for Bioaugmentation of Paper Mills White Water
Authors: Nada Verdel, Tomaz Rijavec, Albin Pintar, Ales Lapanje
Objectives: White water circuits of woodfree paper mills contain suspended, dissolved, and colloidal particles, such as cellulose, starch, paper sizings, and dyes. By closing the white water circuits, these particles start to accumulate and affect the production. Due to high amount of organic matter that scavenge radicals and adsorbs onto catalyst surfaces, treatment of white water with photocatalysis is inappropriate. The most suitable approach should be bioaugmentation-assisted bioremediation. Accordingly, objectives were: - to isolate bacteria capable of degrading organic compounds used for the papermaking process - to select the most active bacteria for bioaugmentation. Status: The state-of-the-art of bioaugmentation of pulp and paper mill effluents is mostly based on biodegradation of lignin. Whereas in white water circuits of woodfree paper mills only papermaking compounds are present. As far as one can tell from the literature, the study on degradation activities of bacteria for all possible compounds of the papermaking process is a novelty. Methodology: The main parameters of the selected white water were systematically analyzed during a period of two months. Bacteria were isolated on selective media with particular carbon source. Organic substances used as carbon source either enter white water circuits as base paper or as recycled broke. The screening of bacterial activities for starch, cellulose, latex, polyvinyl alcohol, alkyl ketene dimers, and resin acids was followed by addition of lugol. Degraders of polycyclic aromatic dyes were selected by cometabolism tests; cometabolism is simultaneous biodegradation of two compounds, in which the degradation of the second compound depends on the presence of the first. The obtained strains were identified by 16S rRNA sequencing. Findings: 335 autochthonous strains were isolated on plates with selected carbon source. The isolated strains were selected according to degradation of the particular carbon source. The ultimate degraders of cationic starch, cellulose, and sizings are Pseudomonas sp. NV-CE12-CF and Aeromonas sp. NV-RES19-BTP. The most active strains capable of degrading azo dyes are Aeromonas sp. NV-RES19-BTP and Sphingomonas sp. NV-B14-CF. Klebsiella sp. NV-Y14A-BTP degrade polycyclic aromatic direct blue 15 and also yellow dye, Agromyces sp. NV-RED15A-BF and Cellulosimicrobium sp. NV-A4-BF are specialists for whitener and Aeromonas sp. NV-RES19-BTP is general degrader of all compounds. To the white water adapted bacteria were isolated and selected according to their degradation activities for particular organic substances. Mostly isolated bacteria are specialized to lower the competition in the microbial community. Degraders of readily-biodegradable compounds do not degrade recalcitrant polycyclic aromatic dyes and vice versa. General degraders are rare.Keywords: bioaugmentation, biodegradation of azo dyes, cometabolism, smart wastewater treatment technologies
Procedia PDF Downloads 2061191 Determination of Aflatoxins in Edible-Medicinal Plant Samples by HPLC with Fluorescence Detector and KOBRA-Cell
Authors: Isil Gazioglu, Abdulselam Ertas
Aflatoxins (AFs) are secondary toxic metabolites of Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus. AFs can be absorbed through the skin. Potent carcinogens like AFs should be completely absent from cosmetics, this can be achieved by careful quality control of the raw plant materials. Regulatory limits for aflatoxins have been established in many countries, and reliable testing methodology is needed to implement and enforce the regulatory limits. In this study, ten medicinal plant samples (Bundelia tournefortti, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Carduus tenuiflorus, Cardaria draba, Malva neglecta, Malvella sharardiana, Melissa officinalis, Sideritis libanotica, Stakys thirkei, Thymus nummularius) were investigated for aflatoxin (AF) contaminations by employing an HPLC assay for the determination of AFB1, B2, G1 and G2. The samples were extracted with 70% (v/v) methanol in water before further cleaned up with an immunoaffinity column and followed by the detection of AFs by using an electrochemically post-column derivatization with Kobra-Cell and fluorescence detector. The extraction procedure was optimized in order to obtain the best recovery. The method was successfully carried out with all medicinal plant samples. The results revealed that five (50%) of samples were contaminated with AFs. The association between particular samples and the AF contaminated could not be determined due to the low frequency of positive samples.Keywords: aflatoxin B1, HPLC-FLD, KOBRA-Cell, mycotoxin
Procedia PDF Downloads 6061190 Molecular Characterization of White Spot Syndrome Virus in Some Cultured Penaeid Shrimps of Coastal Regions in Bangladesh
Authors: Md. Baki Billah, Suraiya Parveen, Shuvra Kanti Dey
Bangladesh is earning a lot of foreign currency by exporting shrimp, but this industry is facing a tremendous problem due to the infection of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). This study was undermined to develop rapid detection method of WSSV. A total of shrimp samples 240 collected from the 12 shrimp farms of different coastal regions (Satkhira, Khulna, and Bagerhat) were analyzed by conventional PCR using VP28 and VP664 gene-specific primers. In satkhira, Bagerhat and Khulna 39, 41 and 29 samples were found WSSV positive respectively. Real-time PCR using 71-bp amplicon for VP664 gene correlated well with conventional PCR data. The prevalence rates of WSSV among the collected 240 samples were Satkhira 38%, Khulna 47% and Bagerhat 50%. Molecular analysis of the VP28 gene sequences of WSSV revealed that Bangladeshi strains phylogenetically affiliated to the strains belong to India. This work concluded that WSSV infections are widely distributed in the coastal regions cultured shrimp in Bangladesh. Physico-chemical parameters were within the range of fish culture.Keywords: coastal regions of Bangladesh, PCR, shrimp, white spot syndrome virus
Procedia PDF Downloads 1291189 Analysis and Detection of Facial Expressions in Autism Spectrum Disorder People Using Machine Learning
Authors: Muhammad Maisam Abbas, Salman Tariq, Usama Riaz, Muhammad Tanveer, Humaira Abdul Ghafoor
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to a developmental disorder that impairs an individual's communication and interaction ability. Individuals feel difficult to read facial expressions while communicating or interacting. Facial Expression Recognition (FER) is a unique method of classifying basic human expressions, i.e., happiness, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, neutral, and anger through static and dynamic sources. This paper conducts a comprehensive comparison and proposed optimal method for a continued research project—a system that can assist people who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in recognizing facial expressions. Comparison has been conducted on three supervised learning algorithms EigenFace, FisherFace, and LBPH. The JAFFE, CK+, and TFEID (I&II) datasets have been used to train and test the algorithms. The results were then evaluated based on variance, standard deviation, and accuracy. The experiments showed that FisherFace has the highest accuracy for all datasets and is considered the best algorithm to be implemented in our system.Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, ASD, EigenFace, facial expression recognition, FisherFace, local binary pattern histogram, LBPH
Procedia PDF Downloads 1761188 Thermo-Economic Evaluation of Sustainable Biogas Upgrading via Solid-Oxide Electrolysis
Authors: Ligang Wang, Theodoros Damartzis, Stefan Diethelm, Jan Van Herle, François Marechal
Biogas production from anaerobic digestion of organic sludge from wastewater treatment as well as various urban and agricultural organic wastes is of great significance to achieve a sustainable society. Two upgrading approaches for cleaned biogas can be considered: (1) direct H₂ injection for catalytic CO₂ methanation and (2) CO₂ separation from biogas. The first approach usually employs electrolysis technologies to generate hydrogen and increases the biogas production rate; while the second one usually applies commercially-available highly-selective membrane technologies to efficiently extract CO₂ from the biogas with the latter being then sent afterward for compression and storage for further use. A straightforward way of utilizing the captured CO₂ is on-site catalytic CO₂ methanation. From the perspective of system complexity, the second approach may be questioned, since it introduces an additional expensive membrane component for producing the same amount of methane. However, given the circumstance that the sustainability of the produced biogas should be retained after biogas upgrading, renewable electricity should be supplied to drive the electrolyzer. Therefore, considering the intermittent nature and seasonal variation of renewable electricity supply, the second approach offers high operational flexibility. This indicates that these two approaches should be compared based on the availability and scale of the local renewable power supply and not only the technical systems themselves. Solid-oxide electrolysis generally offers high overall system efficiency, and more importantly, it can achieve simultaneous electrolysis of CO₂ and H₂O (namely, co-electrolysis), which may bring significant benefits for the case of CO₂ separation from the produced biogas. When taking co-electrolysis into account, two additional upgrading approaches can be proposed: (1) direct steam injection into the biogas with the mixture going through the SOE, and (2) CO₂ separation from biogas which can be used later for co-electrolysis. The case study of integrating SOE to a wastewater treatment plant is investigated with wind power as the renewable power. The dynamic production of biogas is provided on an hourly basis with the corresponding oxygen and heating requirements. All four approaches mentioned above are investigated and compared thermo-economically: (a) steam-electrolysis with grid power, as the base case for steam electrolysis, (b) CO₂ separation and co-electrolysis with grid power, as the base case for co-electrolysis, (c) steam-electrolysis and CO₂ separation (and storage) with wind power, and (d) co-electrolysis and CO₂ separation (and storage) with wind power. The influence of the scale of wind power supply is investigated by a sensitivity analysis. The results derived provide general understanding on the economic competitiveness of SOE for sustainable biogas upgrading, thus assisting the decision making for biogas production sites. The research leading to the presented work is funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 under grant agreements n° 699892 (ECo, topic H2020-JTI-FCH-2015-1) and SCCER BIOSWEET.Keywords: biogas upgrading, solid-oxide electrolyzer, co-electrolysis, CO₂ utilization, energy storage
Procedia PDF Downloads 1561187 Sarcasm Recognition System Using Hybrid Tone-Word Spotting Audio Mining Technique
Authors: Sandhya Baskaran, Hari Kumar Nagabushanam
Sarcasm sentiment recognition is an area of natural language processing that is being probed into in the recent times. Even with the advancements in NLP, typical translations of words, sentences in its context fail to provide the exact information on a sentiment or emotion of a user. For example, if something bad happens, the statement ‘That's just what I need, great! Terrific!’ is expressed in a sarcastic tone which could be misread as a positive sign by any text-based analyzer. In this paper, we are presenting a unique real time ‘word with its tone’ spotting technique which would provide the sentiment analysis for a tone or pitch of a voice in combination with the words being expressed. This hybrid approach increases the probability for identification of special sentiment like sarcasm much closer to the real world than by mining text or speech individually. The system uses a tone analyzer such as YIN-FFT which extracts pitch segment-wise that would be used in parallel with a speech recognition system. The clustered data is classified for sentiments and sarcasm score for each of it determined. Our Simulations demonstrates the improvement in f-measure of around 12% compared to existing detection techniques with increased precision and recall.Keywords: sarcasm recognition, tone-word spotting, natural language processing, pitch analyzer
Procedia PDF Downloads 2931186 An Approach for Estimation in Hierarchical Clustered Data Applicable to Rare Diseases
Authors: Daniel C. Bonzo
Practical considerations lead to the use of unit of analysis within subjects, e.g., bleeding episodes or treatment-related adverse events, in rare disease settings. This is coupled with data augmentation techniques such as extrapolation to enlarge the subject base. In general, one can think about extrapolation of data as extending information and conclusions from one estimand to another estimand. This approach induces hierarchichal clustered data with varying cluster sizes. Extrapolation of clinical trial data is being accepted increasingly by regulatory agencies as a means of generating data in diverse situations during drug development process. Under certain circumstances, data can be extrapolated to a different population, a different but related indication, and different but similar product. We consider here the problem of estimation (point and interval) using a mixed-models approach under an extrapolation. It is proposed that estimators (point and interval) be constructed using weighting schemes for the clusters, e.g., equally weighted and with weights proportional to cluster size. Simulated data generated under varying scenarios are then used to evaluate the performance of this approach. In conclusion, the evaluation result showed that the approach is a useful means for improving statistical inference in rare disease settings and thus aids not only signal detection but risk-benefit evaluation as well.Keywords: clustered data, estimand, extrapolation, mixed model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1371185 One-Shot Text Classification with Multilingual-BERT
Authors: Hsin-Yang Wang, K. M. A. Salam, Ying-Jia Lin, Daniel Tan, Tzu-Hsuan Chou, Hung-Yu Kao
Detecting user intent from natural language expression has a wide variety of use cases in different natural language processing applications. Recently few-shot training has a spike of usage on commercial domains. Due to the lack of significant sample features, the downstream task performance has been limited or leads to an unstable result across different domains. As a state-of-the-art method, the pre-trained BERT model gathering the sentence-level information from a large text corpus shows improvement on several NLP benchmarks. In this research, we are proposing a method to change multi-class classification tasks into binary classification tasks, then use the confidence score to rank the results. As a language model, BERT performs well on sequence data. In our experiment, we change the objective from predicting labels into finding the relations between words in sequence data. Our proposed method achieved 71.0% accuracy in the internal intent detection dataset and 63.9% accuracy in the HuffPost dataset. Acknowledgment: This work was supported by NCKU-B109-K003, which is the collaboration between National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, and SoftBank Corp., Tokyo.Keywords: OSML, BERT, text classification, one shot
Procedia PDF Downloads 1011184 Optimization of Thermopile Sensor Performance of Polycrystalline Silicon Film
Authors: Li Long, Thomas Ortlepp
A theoretical model for the optimization of thermopile sensor performance is developed for thermoelectric-based infrared radiation detection. It is shown that the performance of polycrystalline silicon film thermopile sensor can be optimized according to the thermoelectric quality factor, sensor layer structure factor, and sensor layout geometrical form factor. Based on the properties of electrons, phonons, grain boundaries, and their interactions, the thermoelectric quality factor of polycrystalline silicon is analyzed with the relaxation time approximation of the Boltzmann transport equation. The model includes the effect of grain structure, grain boundary trap properties, and doping concentration. The layer structure factor is analyzed with respect to the infrared absorption coefficient. The optimization of layout design is characterized by the form factor, which is calculated for different sensor designs. A double-layer polycrystalline silicon thermopile infrared sensor on a suspended membrane has been designed and fabricated with a CMOS-compatible process. The theoretical approach is confirmed by measurement results.Keywords: polycrystalline silicon, relaxation time approximation, specific detectivity, thermal conductivity, thermopile infrared sensor
Procedia PDF Downloads 145