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1683 Core Competence Development while Carrying out Organizational Changes
Authors: Olga A. Shvetsova
The paper contains the different issues of competence management in industrial companies. The theoretical bases of human resources management and practical issues of innovative enterprises’ competitiveness are considered. The research is focused on the modern industrial enterprise changes management problems; it focuses on the effective personnel management of industrial enterprises on the basis of competence approach. The influence of organizational changes on the competence development is discussed. The need for development of the new technologies is mentioned, proposal is based on competence-based approach in personnel management including in the conditions of carrying out organizational changes; methods of acquisition and development of missing key professional competences are discussed; importance of key competencies in forming competitive advantage of the organization is mentioned.Keywords: competence model, core competencies, development of industrial company, organizational changes, competitiveness
Procedia PDF Downloads 3051682 Lightweight Cryptographically Generated Address for IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
Authors: Amjed Sid Ahmed, Rosilah Hassan, Nor Effendy Othman
Limited functioning of the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) has necessitated the development of the Internetworking Protocol next generation (IPng) to curb the challenges. Indeed, the IPng is also referred to as the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) and includes the Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP). The latter performs the role of Address Auto-configuration, Router Discovery (RD), and Neighbor Discovery (ND). Furthermore, the role of the NDP entails redirecting the service, detecting the duplicate address, and detecting the unreachable services. Despite the fact that there is an NDP’s assumption regarding the existence of trust the links’ nodes, several crucial attacks may affect the Protocol. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) therefore has recommended implementation of Secure Neighbor Discovery Protocol (SEND) to tackle safety issues in NDP. The SEND protocol is mainly used for validation of address rights, malicious response inhibiting techniques and finally router certification procedures. For routine running of these tasks, SEND utilizes on the following options, Cryptographically Generated Address (CGA), RSA Signature, Nonce and Timestamp option. CGA is produced at extra high costs making it the most notable disadvantage of SEND. In this paper a clear description of the constituents of CGA, its operation and also recommendations for improvements in its generation are given.Keywords: CGA, IPv6, NDP, SEND
Procedia PDF Downloads 3851681 Analysis of Nonlinear Pulse Propagation Characteristics in Semiconductor Optical Amplifier for Different Input Pulse Shapes
Authors: Suchi Barua, Narottam Das, Sven Nordholm, Mohammad Razaghi
This paper presents nonlinear pulse propagation characteristics for different input optical pulse shapes with various input pulse energy levels in semiconductor optical amplifiers. For simulation of nonlinear pulse propagation, finite-difference beam propagation method is used to solve the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. In this equation, gain spectrum dynamics, gain saturation are taken into account which depends on carrier depletion, carrier heating, spectral-hole burning, group velocity dispersion, self-phase modulation and two photon absorption. From this analysis, we obtained the output waveforms and spectra for different input pulse shapes as well as for different input energies. It shows clearly that the peak position of the output waveforms are shifted toward the leading edge which due to the gain saturation of the SOA for higher input pulse energies. We also analyzed and compared the normalized difference of full-width at half maximum for different input pulse shapes in the SOA.Keywords: finite-difference beam propagation method, pulse shape, pulse propagation, semiconductor optical amplifier
Procedia PDF Downloads 6081680 Factors Affecting Consumers’ Online Shopping Behavior in Vietnam during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Tiki
Authors: Thi Hai Anh Nguyen, Pantea Aria
Tiki is one of the leading e-commerce companies in Viet Nam. Since the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 has been spreading around the world. Thanks to this pandemic, the Tiki platform has many strengths and has faced many threats. Customer behaviour was forecasted to change during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the investigation is (1) Identifying factors affecting online consumer behaviour of Tiki in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, (2) Measuring the level of impact of these factors, and (3) Recommendations for Tiki to improve its business strategy for the next stage. This research studies eight factors and collected 378 online surveys for analysis. Using SPSS software identified five factors (product, price, reliability, and web design) positively influencing customer behaviour. COVID-19 factor does not impact significantly Tiki’s customer behaviour. This research conducted some qualitative interviews to understand shopping experiences and customers’ expectations. One of these interviews’ main points is that Tiki’s customers have high trust in the Tiki brand and its high-quality products. Based on the results, the Tiki corporation should secure its core value. Tiki’s employees and logistics systems should be well-trained and optimized to improve customer experiences.Keywords: COVID-19, e-commerce, impact, pandemic, Vietnam
Procedia PDF Downloads 1651679 Cognitive Based Approach to Organizational Development
Authors: Tatiana V. Korsakova
The cognitive methodology in management is considered: Cognitive structuring - the formation of ideas about the functioning of a developing organization; Cognitive modeling - heuristic construction of existing actions (zone of successful actions); and Cognitive construct - the formation of filters for converting external information into specific events of managerial reality. The major findings of the study are the identification of areas of successful actions in the organization, harmonization of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of company management, and the frame-description that indicates the connection of environmental elements with the elements of the organization. It is stated the development of specific events of managerial reality in the direction of the further development of the organization depends on the personal cognitive construct of the development-subjects when it is used in the zone of successful actions.Keywords: cognitive construct, focus of applicability, knowledge corporate culture, zones of successful actions
Procedia PDF Downloads 2981678 Advanced Manufacturing Technology Adoption and Organizational Structure
Authors: George Nyori Makari
Data on 92 industrial organizations point to the existence of relationships between advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) adoption and some aspects of organizational structure, including the number of specialized sub-units, the number of levels of authority, span of control, degree of role programming specification, degree of communication programming specification and the degree of output programming. Primary finding is that as the investments and integration of AMTs increases, the more likely the foregoing aspects of structure increase. The findings hold with size and a number of other organizational variables controlled. The results indicate that a company’s capacity to assimilate technology depends on its organizational capabilities. The study encapsulates the need for companies to increase their organizational capabilities during investment and integration of AMTs.Keywords: advanced manufacturing technology, adoption, organizational structure, Kenya
Procedia PDF Downloads 4561677 Bounds on the Laplacian Vertex PI Energy
Authors: Ezgi Kaya, A. Dilek Maden
A topological index is a number related to graph which is invariant under graph isomorphism. In theoretical chemistry, molecular structure descriptors (also called topological indices) are used for modeling physicochemical, pharmacologic, toxicologic, biological and other properties of chemical compounds. Let G be a graph with n vertices and m edges. For a given edge uv, the quantity nu(e) denotes the number of vertices closer to u than v, the quantity nv(e) is defined analogously. The vertex PI index defined as the sum of the nu(e) and nv(e). Here the sum is taken over all edges of G. The energy of a graph is defined as the sum of the eigenvalues of adjacency matrix of G and the Laplacian energy of a graph is defined as the sum of the absolute value of difference of laplacian eigenvalues and average degree of G. In theoretical chemistry, the π-electron energy of a conjugated carbon molecule, computed using the Hückel theory, coincides with the energy. Hence results on graph energy assume special significance. The Laplacian matrix of a graph G weighted by the vertex PI weighting is the Laplacian vertex PI matrix and the Laplacian vertex PI eigenvalues of a connected graph G are the eigenvalues of its Laplacian vertex PI matrix. In this study, Laplacian vertex PI energy of a graph is defined of G. We also give some bounds for the Laplacian vertex PI energy of graphs in terms of vertex PI index, the sum of the squares of entries in the Laplacian vertex PI matrix and the absolute value of the determinant of the Laplacian vertex PI matrix.Keywords: energy, Laplacian energy, laplacian vertex PI eigenvalues, Laplacian vertex PI energy, vertex PI index
Procedia PDF Downloads 2461676 The Study on the Measuring of the Satisfaction of University/Industry Collaboration
Authors: Jeonghwan Jeon
Recently, the industry and academia have been planning development through industry/university cooperation (IUC), and the government has been promoting alternative methods to achieve successful IUC. Representatively, business cultivation involves the lead university (regarding IUC), research and development (R&D), company support, professional manpower cultivation, and marketing, etc., and the scale of support expands every year. Research is performed by many academic researchers to achieve IUC and although satisfaction of their results is high, expectations are not being met and study of the main factor is insufficient. Therefore, this research improves on theirs by analysing the main factors influencing their satisfaction. Each factor is analysed by AHP, and portfolio analysis is performed on the importance and current satisfaction level. This will help improve satisfaction of business participants and ensure effective IUC in the future.Keywords: industry/university cooperation, satisfaction, portfolio analysis, research and development
Procedia PDF Downloads 5101675 Numerical Analysis of Internal Cooled Turbine Blade Using Conjugate Heat Transfer
Authors: Bhavesh N. Bhatt, Zozimus D. Labana
This work is mainly focused on the analysis of heat transfer of blade by using internal cooling method. By using conjugate heat transfer technology we can effectively compute the cooling and heat transfer analysis of blade. Here blade temperature is limited by materials melting temperature. By using CFD code, we will analyze the blade cooling with the help of CHT method. There are two types of CHT methods. In the first method, we apply coupled CHT method in which all three domains modeled at once, and in the second method, we will first model external domain and then, internal domain of cooling channel. Ten circular cooling channels are used as a cooling method with different mass flow rate and temperature value. This numerical simulation is applied on NASA C3X turbine blade, and results are computed. Here results are showing good agreement with experimental results. Temperature and pressure are high at the leading edge of the blade on stagnation point due to its first faces the flow. On pressure side, shock wave is formed which also make a sudden change in HTC and other parameters. After applying internal cooling, we are succeeded in reducing the metal temperature of blade by some extends.Keywords: gas turbine, conjugate heat transfer, NASA C3X Blade, circular film cooling channel
Procedia PDF Downloads 3361674 Design and Simulation on Technology Capabilities in Developing countries, Design and Engineering Approach
Authors: S. Abedi, M. R. Soroush, M. Mousakhani
According to studies in the field of technology capabilities we identify the most important indicators to evaluate the level of "Design and Engineering" capabilities. Since the technology development correlates with the level of technology capabilities trying to promote its key importance. In this research by using FDM, the right combination of D&E capabilities indicators according to the auto industry is presented. Finally, with modeling evaluation of D&E capabilities by using FIS and check its reliability, five levels were determined to evaluate the D&E capabilities. We have analyzed 80 companies in auto industry and determined D&E capabilities of each level. Field of company activity indicators has been divided into four categories, Suspension group, Electrical group, Engine groups and trims group. The results show that half of the surveyed companies had D&E capabilities in Level 1 and 2 or in other words very low and low level of D&E.Keywords: developing countries, D&E capabilities, technology capabilities, auto industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 5361673 Corporate Governance in Network Marketing Organizations: The Role of Ethics and CSR
Authors: Venugopal Kummamuru
Corporate Governance (CG) is of utmost importance for running a company ethically. It is essential for the growth and success of the corporation. It is intended to increase the accountability of an organization to the larger context of the business environment. The general principles of CG include and are related to Shareholder recognition, Stakeholder interests, and focus on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Clear Board responsibilities, Ethical behavior, and Business transparency. Network Marketing Organizations (NMOs) focus on marketing through direct-sales using people who are associated with the organization but are not their employees. This paper tries to study the importance of Ethics and CSR in an NMO and suggest a basic guideline for CG in NMO(s). This paper could be used as a basis or starting point for conducting an in-depth research to understand the difference in CG practices between NMO(s) and other organizations and define a standard set of guidelines for CG practice.Keywords: corporate governance, corporate responsibility, direct selling, network marketing
Procedia PDF Downloads 3201672 Improving the Management Systems of the Ownership Risks in Conditions of Transformation of the Russian Economy
Authors: Mikhail V. Khachaturyan
The article analyzes problems of improving the management systems of the ownership risks in the conditions of the transformation of the Russian economy. Among the main sources of threats business owners should highlight is the inefficiency of the implementation of business models and interaction with hired managers. In this context, it is particularly important to analyze the relationship of business models and ownership risks. The analysis of this problem appears to be relevant for a number of reasons: Firstly, the increased risk appetite of the owner directly affects the business model and the composition of his holdings; secondly, owners with significant stakes in the company are factors in the formation of particular types of risks for owners, for which relations have a significant influence on a firm's competitiveness and ultimately determines its survival; and thirdly, inefficient system of management ownership of risk is one of the main causes of mass bankruptcies, which significantly affects the stable operation of the economy as a whole. The separation of the processes of possession, disposal and use in modern organizations is the cause of not only problems in the process of interaction between the owner and managers in managing the organization as a whole, but also the asymmetric information about the kinds and forms of the main risks. Managers tend to avoid risky projects, inhibit the diversification of the organization's assets, while owners can insist on the development of such projects, with the aim not only of creating new values for themselves and consumers, but also increasing the value of the company as a result of increasing capital. In terms of separating ownership and management, evaluation of projects by the ratio of risk-yield requires preservation of the influence of the owner on the process of development and making management decisions. It is obvious that without a clearly structured system of participation of the owner in managing the risks of their business, further development is hopeless. In modern conditions of forming a risk management system, owners are compelled to compromise between the desire to increase the organization's ability to produce new value, and, consequently, increase its cost due to the implementation of risky projects and the need to tolerate the cost of lost opportunities of risk diversification. Improving the effectiveness of the management of ownership risks may also contribute to the revitalization of creditors on implementation claims to inefficient owners, which ultimately will contribute to the efficiency models of ownership control to exclude variants of insolvency. It is obvious that in modern conditions, the success of the model of the ownership of risk management and audit is largely determined by the ability and willingness of the owner to find a compromise between potential opportunities for expanding the firm's ability to create new value through risk and maintaining the current level of new value creation and an acceptable level of risk through the use of models of diversification.Keywords: improving, ownership risks, problem, Russia
Procedia PDF Downloads 3511671 A Bayesian Network Approach to Customer Loyalty Analysis: A Case Study of Home Appliances Industry in Iran
Authors: Azam Abkhiz, Abolghasem Nasir
To achieve sustainable competitive advantage in the market, it is necessary to provide and improve customer satisfaction and Loyalty. To reach this objective, companies need to identify and analyze their customers. Thus, it is critical to measure the level of customer satisfaction and Loyalty very carefully. This study attempts to build a conceptual model to provide clear insights of customer loyalty. Using Bayesian networks (BNs), a model is proposed to evaluate customer loyalty and its consequences, such as repurchase and positive word-of-mouth. BN is a probabilistic approach that predicts the behavior of a system based on observed stochastic events. The most relevant determinants of customer loyalty are identified by the literature review. Perceived value, service quality, trust, corporate image, satisfaction, and switching costs are the most important variables that explain customer loyalty. The data are collected by use of a questionnaire-based survey from 1430 customers of a home appliances manufacturer in Iran. Four scenarios and sensitivity analyses are performed to run and analyze the impact of different determinants on customer loyalty. The proposed model allows businesses to not only set their targets but proactively manage their customer behaviors as well.Keywords: customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, Bayesian networks, home appliances industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 1431670 Audit on the Use of T-MACS Decision Aid for Patients Presenting to ED with Chest Pain
Authors: Saurav Dhawan, Sanchit Bansal
Background T-MACS is a computer-based decision aid that ‘rules in’ and ‘rules out’ ACS using a combination of the presence or absence of six clinical features with only one biomarker measured on arrival: hs-cTnT. T-MACS had 99.3% negative predictive value and 98.7% sensitivity for ACS, ‘ruling out’ ACS in 40% of patients while ‘ruling in’ 5% at the highest risk. We aim at benchmarking the use of T-MACS which could help to conserve healthcare resources, facilitate early discharges, and ensure safe practice. Methodology Randomized retrospective data collection (n=300) was done from ED electronic records across 3 hospital sites within MFT over a period of 2 months. Data was analysed and compared by percentage for the usage of T-MACS, number of admissions/discharges, and in days for length of stay in hospital. Results MRI A&E had the maximum compliance with the use of T-MACS in the trust at 66%, with minimum admissions (44%) and an average length of stay of 1.825 days. NMG A&E had an extremely low compliance rate (8 %), with 75% admission and 3.387 days as the average length of stay. WYT A&E had no TMACS recorded, with a maximum of 79% admissions and the longest average length of stay at 5.07 days. Conclusion All three hospital sites had a RAG rating of ‘RED’ as per the compliance levels. The assurance level was calculated as ‘Very Limited’ across all sites. There was a positive correlation observed between compliance with TMACS and direct discharges from ED, thereby reducing the average length of stay for patients in the hospital.Keywords: ACS, discharges, ED, T-MACS
Procedia PDF Downloads 591669 The X-Ray Response Team: Building a National Health Pre-Hospital Service
Authors: Julian Donovan, Jessica Brealey, Matthew Bowker, Marianne Feghali, Gregory Smith, Lee Thompson, Deborah Henderson
This article details the development of the X-ray response team (XRT), a service that utilises innovative technology to safely deliver acute and elective imaging and medical assessment service in the pre-hospital and community setting. This involves a partnership between Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust’s Radiology and Emergency Medicine departments and the North East Ambulance Service to create a multidisciplinary prehospital team. The team committed to the delivery of a two-day acute service every week, alongside elective referrals, starting in November 2020. The service was originally made available to a 15-mile radius surrounding the Northumbria Hospital. Due to demand, this was expanded to include the North Tyneside and Northumberland regions. The target population was specified as frail and vulnerable patients, as well as those deemed to benefit from staying in their own environment. Within the first two months, thirty-six percent of patients assessed were able to stay at home due to the provision of off-site imaging. In the future, this service aims to allow patient transfer directly to an appropriate ward or clinic, bypassing the emergency department to improve the patient journey and reduce emergency care pressures.Keywords: frailty, imaging, pre-hospital, X-ray
Procedia PDF Downloads 2011668 Factors Influencing the Continuance Usage of Online Mobile Payment Apps: A Case Study of WECHAT Users in China
Authors: Isaac Kofi Mensah, Jianing Mi, Feng Cheng
This research paper seeks to investigate the factors determining the continuance usage of online mobile payment applications among WECHAT users in China. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory would both be applied as the theoretical foundation for this study. A developed instrument would be administered to the targeted sample of 1000 WECHAT Users in the City of Harbin, China, through an online questionnaire administration platform. Factors such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived service quality, social influence, trust in the internet, internet self-efficacy, relative advantage, compatibility, and complexity would be explored to determine its significant impact on the continuance intention to use mobile payment apps. This study is at the development and implementation stage. The successful completion of this research article would not only provide an insightful understanding of the factors influencing the decision of WECHAT users in China to use mobile payment applications but also enrich the e-commerce adoption literature.Keywords: diffusion of innovation (DOI), e-commerce, mobile payment, technology acceptance model (TAM), WECHAT
Procedia PDF Downloads 1951667 Knowledge Transfer in Industrial Clusters
Authors: Ana Paula Lisboa Sohn, Filipa Dionísio Vieria, Nelson Casarotto, Idaulo José Cunha
This paper aims at identifying and analyzing the knowledge transmission channels in textile and clothing clusters located in Brazil and in Europe. Primary data was obtained through interviews with key individuals. The collection of primary data was carried out based on a questionnaire with ten categories of indicators of knowledge transmission. Secondary data was also collected through a literature review and through international organizations sites. Similarities related to the use of the main transmission channels of knowledge are observed in all cases. The main similarities are: influence of suppliers of machinery, equipment and raw materials; imitation of products and best practices; training promoted by technical institutions and businesses; and cluster companies being open to acquire new knowledge. The main differences lie in the relationship between companies, where in Europe the intensity of this relationship is bigger when compared to Brazil. The differences also occur in importance and frequency of the relationship with the government, with the cultural environment, and with the activities of research and development. It is also found factors that reduce the importance of geographical proximity in transmission of knowledge, and in generating trust and the establishment of collaborative behavior.Keywords: industrial clusters, interorganizational learning, knowledge transmission channels, textile and clothing industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 3681666 Life-Cycle Assessment of Residential Buildings: Addressing the Influence of Commuting
Authors: J. Bastos, P. Marques, S. Batterman, F. Freire
Due to demands of a growing urban population, it is crucial to manage urban development and its associated environmental impacts. While most of the environmental analyses have addressed buildings and transportation separately, both the design and location of a building affect environmental performance and focusing on one or the other can shift impacts and overlook improvement opportunities for more sustainable urban development. Recently, several life-cycle (LC) studies of residential buildings have integrated user transportation, focusing exclusively on primary energy demand and/or greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, most papers considered only private transportation (mainly car). Although it is likely to have the largest share both in terms of use and associated impacts, exploring the variability associated with mode choice is relevant for comprehensive assessments and, eventually, for supporting decision-makers. This paper presents a life-cycle assessment (LCA) of a residential building in Lisbon (Portugal), addressing building construction, use and user transportation (commuting with private and public transportation). Five environmental indicators or categories are considered: (i) non-renewable primary energy (NRE), (ii) greenhouse gas intensity (GHG), (iii) eutrophication (EUT), (iv) acidification (ACID), and (v) ozone layer depletion (OLD). In a first stage, the analysis addresses the overall life-cycle considering the statistical model mix for commuting in the residence location. Then, a comparative analysis compares different available transportation modes to address the influence mode choice variability has on the results. The results highlight the large contribution of transportation to the overall LC results in all categories. NRE and GHG show strong correlation, as the three LC phases contribute with similar shares to both of them: building construction accounts for 6-9%, building use for 44-45%, and user transportation for 48% of the overall results. However, for other impact categories there is a large variation in the relative contribution of each phase. Transport is the most significant phase in OLD (60%); however, in EUT and ACID building use has the largest contribution to the overall LC (55% and 64%, respectively). In these categories, transportation accounts for 31-38%. A comparative analysis was also performed for four alternative transport modes for the household commuting: car, bus, motorcycle, and company/school collective transport. The car has the largest results in all impact categories. When compared to the overall LC with commuting by car, mode choice accounts for a variability of about 35% in NRE, GHG and OLD (the categories where transportation accounted for the largest share of the LC), 24% in EUT and 16% in ACID. NRE and GHG show a strong correlation because all modes have internal combustion engines. The second largest results for NRE, GHG and OLD are associated with commuting by motorcycle; however, for ACID and EUT this mode has better performance than bus and company/school transport. No single transportation mode performed best in all impact categories. Integrated assessments of buildings are needed to avoid shifts of impacts between life-cycle phases and environmental categories, and ultimately to support decision-makers.Keywords: environmental impacts, LCA, Lisbon, transport
Procedia PDF Downloads 3651665 Bedouin of Silicon Wadi: A Case Study Analysis of the Multi-Level Perspectives and Factors Affecting Bedouin Entrepreneurialism as Obstacles to Entry into the Israeli High-Tech Industry
Authors: Frazer G. Thompson
Israel is a nation of cultural and historical diversity, yet the success factors for a modern Bedouin-Arab high-tech entrepreneur seem to be different from those of other Jewish-Israeli citizens. The purpose of this descriptive narrative case study is to explore how an Arab-Israeli all Negev-Bedouin technology company has succeeded in the Israeli high-tech industry by utilizing technology and engineering career opportunities available to Bedouin youth for ‘Sadel Tech,’ at Be’er-Sheva, the Negev, Israel. Methods: The strategy of inquiry seeks to explore real-life contextual understandings, multi-level perspectives, and the cultural influences of personal, community, educational, and entrepreneurial factors. The research methodology includes in-depth one-on-one interviews, focus group sessions, and overt observation to explore the meaning and understanding of the constructs toward determining the effect all or a few of the elements may have on the overall success factors of the company. Results: Study results indicate that the state-run educational system in Israel fails to adequately integrate important aspects of Bedouin culture into the learning environment. However, Bedouin entrepreneurs are finding ways to compensate for these inadequacies by utilizing non-traditional methods of teaching, learning, and doing business. Government incentives for Bedouin start-ups are also recognized as contributors. Employees of Sadel live and work in the Negev, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank, further informing the study that the traditions of tribal etiquette continue to contribute to modern Bedouin-Arab business culture. Conclusion: Bedouin's business success in Israel is a multi-dimensional concept. While cultural acumen plays a prominent and unique role for both Arab-Israelis and Jewish-Israelis in economic and entrepreneurial pursuits, the marginalization of the Bedouin continues to contribute to the lack of educational and professional opportunities for Bedouin in Israel. Although recognized as important at the government level, programs necessary to implement the infrastructure required to support Bedouin entrepreneurship in Israel remain infantile. The Israeli Government is providing opportunities through grants and other incentives for Bedouin entrepreneurial start-ups, indicating that Israel has recognized the impact of this growing demographic. However, although many Bedouin graduates from University each year with advanced degrees, opportunities for Bedouin within the Israeli high-tech sector remain scarce.Keywords: Bedouin education, Bedouin entrepreneur, economic anthropology, ethnic business opportunities, Israeli tech, Silicon Wadi
Procedia PDF Downloads 1211664 Applying Arima Data Mining Techniques to ERP to Generate Sales Demand Forecasting: A Case Study
Authors: Ghaleb Y. Abbasi, Israa Abu Rumman
This paper modeled sales history archived from 2012 to 2015 bulked in monthly bins for five products for a medical supply company in Jordan. The sales forecasts and extracted consistent patterns in the sales demand history from the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system were used to predict future forecasting and generate sales demand forecasting using time series analysis statistical technique called Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA). This was used to model and estimate realistic sales demand patterns and predict future forecasting to decide the best models for five products. Analysis revealed that the current replenishment system indicated inventory overstocking.Keywords: ARIMA models, sales demand forecasting, time series, R code
Procedia PDF Downloads 3861663 Amazon and Its AI Features
Authors: Leen Sulaimani, Maryam Hafiz, Naba Ali, Roba Alsharif
One of Amazon’s most crucial online systems is artificial intelligence. Amazon would not have a worldwide successful online store, an easy and secure way of payment, and other services if it weren’t for artificial intelligence and machine learning. Amazon uses AI to expand its operations and enhance them by upgrading the website daily; having a strong base of artificial intelligence in a worldwide successful business can improve marketing, decision-making, feedback, and more qualities. Aiming to have a rational AI system in one’s business should be the start of any process; that is why Amazon is fortunate that they keep taking care of the base of their business by using modern artificial intelligence, making sure that it is stable, reaching their organizational goals, and will continue to thrive more each and every day. Artificial intelligence is used daily in our current world and is still being amplified more each day to reach consumer satisfaction and company short and long-term goals.Keywords: artificial intelligence, Amazon, business, customer, decision making
Procedia PDF Downloads 1101662 Restoring Statecraft in the U.S. Economy: A Proposal for an American Entrepreneurial State
Authors: Miron Wolnicki
In the past 75 years the world was either influenced by, competing with or learning from U.S. corporations. This is no longer true. As the economic power shifts from the West to the East, U.S. corporations are lagging behind Asian competitors. Moreover, U.S. statecraft fails to address this decline. In a world dominated by interventionist and neo-mercantilist states, having an ineffective non-activist government becomes a costly neoclassic delusion which weakens the world’s largest economy. American conservative economists continue talking about the superiority of the free market system in generating new technologies. The reality is different. The U.S. is sliding further into an overregulated, over-taxed, anti-business state. This paper argues that in order to maintain its economic strength and technological leadership, the U.S. must reform federal institutions to increase support for artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies. The author outlines a number of institutional reforms, under one umbrella, which he calls the American Entrepreneurial State (AES). The AES will improve productivity and bring about coherent business strategies for the next 10-15 years. The design and inspiration for the AES come from the experience of successful statecraft examples in Asia and also other parts the global economy.Keywords: post-neoliberal system, entrepreneurial state, government and economy, American entrepreneurial state
Procedia PDF Downloads 1251661 Securing Online Voting With Blockchain and Smart Contracts
Authors: Anant Mehrotra, Krish Phagwani
Democratic voting is vital for any country, but current methods like ballot papers or EVMs have drawbacks, including transparency issues, low voter turnout, and security concerns. Blockchain technology offers a potential solution by providing a secure, decentralized, and transparent platform for e-voting. With features like immutability, security, and anonymity, blockchain combined with smart contracts can enhance trust and prevent vote tampering. This paper explores an Ethereum-based e-voting application using Solidity, showcasing a web app that prevents duplicate voting through a token-based system, while also discussing the advantages and limitations of blockchain in digital voting. Voting is a crucial component of democratic decision-making, yet current methods, like paper ballots, remain outdated and inefficient. This paper reviews blockchain-based voting systems, highlighting strategies and guidelines to create a comprehensive electronic voting system that leverages cryptographic techniques, such as zero-knowledge proofs, to enhance privacy. It addresses limitations of existing e-voting solutions, including cost, identity management, and scalability, and provides key insights for organizations looking to design their own blockchain-based voting systems.Keywords: electronic voting, smart contracts, blockchain nased voting, security
Procedia PDF Downloads 141660 Evaluating Accessibility to Bangkok Mass Transit System: Case Study of Saphan Taksin Bangkok Mass Transit System Station
Authors: Rungpansa Noichan, Bart Julian Dewancker
Thailand facing the transportation issue because of the rapid economic development. The big issue is the traffic jam, especially in Bangkok. However, recently years Bangkok has operated urban mass transit system for solved transportation problem. The Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS) skytrain is being operated by the BTS Company Limited under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The passenger satisfaction is a major cause for concern due to the commercial nature. The focus of this paper is to evaluate the passenger satisfaction at the mass transit node by questionnaires survey. The survey was to find out the passenger attitudes. The result shows several important factors that influence the passenger choice of using the BTS as a public transportation mode and the passenger’s opinion.Keywords: urban transportation, user satisfaction, accessibility, Bangkok mass transit
Procedia PDF Downloads 2881659 Erotic Subversions: Male Masochism, Power, and the Politics of Desire in Hong Kong’s BDSM Landscape
Authors: Maari Sugawara
This research critically engages with the erotic and political entanglements of male clientele of Dominatrices who identify as submissives (hereafter referred to as submissives) within Hong Kong's BDSM scene. Employing masochism as an analytical framework, it interrogates the intersections of capitalism, heteropatriarchy, postcolonialism, and commodified desire. BDSM (Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism) encompasses practices that explore power, control, and subordination through both physical and psychological role-play, predicated on consent, negotiation, and boundary delineation. This makes BDSM a fertile site for examining how dominance and submission are mobilized, challenged, and reiterated. This study focuses on the dynamics between thirty male submissives and three professional Dominatrices active in Hong Kong since 2019. The predominance of male interviewees reflects the demographic reality that most clients engaging with professional Dominatrices are male. These submissives—men who willfully relinquish control—offer a critical lens for exploring how BDSM, as both practice and market, mirrors and destabilizes dominant power structures. BDSM relationships occasionally replicate the hierarchical logics of heterosexual marriage, particularly in the expectation that submissives engage exclusively with a single Dominatrix, reflecting a dynamic of devotion and fidelity akin to traditional marital structures. However, these relationships also function as counter-normative spaces where care and control are reconfigured, enabling the negotiation of alternative power configurations. By centering BDSM work rather than broader kink practices, this study foregrounds the commodification of intimacy as a key site where suppressed desires, economic forces, and political tensions converge. The submissives in this study are predominantly affluent, cisgender men, underscoring the socio-economic asymmetries in the BDSM market. Furthermore, the research examines how Hong Kong’s political turbulence—particularly the 2019 Yellow Umbrella Movement and the COVID-19 pandemic—has reverberated through the BDSM scene, reshaping the contours of desire, trust, and power in these intimate transactions. The increasing tensions with mainland China, alongside the erosion of public trust in state institutions, form a critical backdrop to this evolving landscape. Grounded in gender and sexuality theories, this research interrogates how the desires of male submissives are constructed within and resist heteronormative frameworks. BDSM practices, far from existing outside capitalist and colonial logics, often act as both a mirror and critique of these systems, revealing complex ways in which power is commodified, enacted, and contested. In their pursuit of emotional care and alternative forms of control, male submissives navigate a paradoxical terrain where their masochistic desires both subvert and perpetuate the socio-political status quo. By examining the intersections of desire, commodification, and the shifting socio-political landscape, this research provides a nuanced understanding of how BDSM functions as a site of negotiation for those navigating the turbulent crosscurrents of capitalist and colonial legacies. Ultimately, it uncovers the complex interplay between erotic practices and the structures of power and identity in a city undergoing profound transformation.Keywords: masochism, Hong Kong, identity, BDSM, dominatrix, masculinity, gender studies
Procedia PDF Downloads 221658 A Mathematical Optimization Model for Locating and Fortifying Capacitated Warehouses under Risk of Failure
Authors: Tareq Oshan
Facility location and size decisions are important to any company because they affect profitability and success. However, warehouses are exposed to various risks of failure that affect their activity. This paper presents a mixed-integer non-linear mathematical model that can be used to determine optimal warehouse locations and sizes, which warehouses to fortify, and which branches should be assigned to specific warehouses when there is a risk of warehouse failure. Every branch is assigned to a fortified primary warehouse or a nonfortified primary warehouse and a fortified backup warehouse. The standard method and an introduced method, based on the average probabilities, for linearizing this mathematical model were used. A Canadian case study was used to demonstrate the developed mathematical model, followed by some sensitivity analysis.Keywords: supply chain network design, fortified warehouse, mixed-integer mathematical model, warehouse failure risk
Procedia PDF Downloads 2431657 Enhancement in Seebeck Coefficient of MBE Grown Un-Doped ZnO by Thermal Annealing
Authors: M. Asghar, K. Mahmood, F. Malik, Lu Na, Y-H Xie, Yasin A. Raja, I. Ferguson
In this paper, we have reported an enhancement in Seebeck coefficient of un-doped zinc oxide (ZnO) grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on silicon (001) substrate by annealing treatment. The grown ZnO thin films were annealed in oxygen environment at 500°C – 800°C, keeping a step of 100°C for one hour. Room temperature Seebeck measurements showed that Seebeck coefficient and power factor increased from 222 to 510 µV/K and 8.8×10^-6 to 2.6×10^-4 Wm^-1K^-2 as annealing temperature increased from 500°C to 800°C respectively. This is the highest value of Seebeck coefficient ever reported for un-doped MBE grown ZnO according to best of our knowledge. This observation was related with the improvement of crystal structure of grown films with annealing temperature. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results demonstrated that full width half maximum (FWHM) of ZnO (002) plane decreased and crystalline size increased as the annealing temperature increased. Photoluminescence study revealed that the intensity of band edge emission increased and defect emission decreased as annealing temperature increased because the density of oxygen vacancy related donor defects decreased with annealing temperature. This argument was further justified by the Hall measurements which showed a decreasing trend of carrier concentration with annealing temperature.Keywords: ZnO, MBE, thermoelectric properties, annealing temperature, crystal structure
Procedia PDF Downloads 4451656 Building Information Modeling-Based Approach for Automatic Quantity Take-off and Cost Estimation
Authors: Lo Kar Yin, Law Ka Mei
Architectural, engineering, construction and operations (AECO) industry practitioners have been well adapting to the dynamic construction market from the fundamental training of its discipline. As further triggered by the pandemic since 2019, great steps are taken in virtual environment and the best collaboration is strived with project teams without boundaries. With adoption of Building Information Modeling-based approach and qualitative analysis, this paper is to review quantity take-off and cost estimation process through modeling techniques in liaison with suppliers, fabricators, subcontractors, contractors, designers, consultants and services providers in the construction industry value chain for automatic project cost budgeting, project cost control and cost evaluation on design options of in-situ reinforced-concrete construction and Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) at design stage, variation of works and cash flow/spending analysis at construction stage as far as practicable, with a view to sharing the findings for enhancing mutual trust and co-operation among AECO industry practitioners. It is to foster development through a common prototype of design and build project delivery method in NEC Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) Options A and C.Keywords: building information modeling, cost estimation, quantity take-off, modeling techniques
Procedia PDF Downloads 1891655 Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Georgia: Challenges and Perspectives
Authors: Tamar Makharadze, Anastasia Kitiashvili, Irine Zhvania, Tamar Abashidze
After ratification of UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) by the Parliament of Georgia in 2013, ensuring equal access to education and employment for people with disabilities has become one of the priorities of the government. The current research has analyzed the attitudes of people with disabilities, employers and society towards various challenges that employment of persons with disabilities faces in Georgia. The study has been carried out in the capital city and three towns in West and East Georgia. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods have been used. Employers’ attitudes have been studied by analyzing research data from six focus groups and 12 in-depth interviews. Views of persons with disabilities have been analyzed relied on data from eight focus groups and 14 in-depth interviews. The quantitative study covered 490 surveyed respondents from four cities in Georgia. The research was carried out with the employees of companies selected based on the Simple Random Sample; in each company, based on the size of the company 7–10 employees were surveyed. A survey was conducted using a specially developed structured questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS (21.0). The research was carried out during June-August 2015. The research data shows that both qualitative and quantitative research participants view employment of persons with disabilities positively; however persons with severe intellectual disabilities and mental problems are viewed as less workable and desired at workplaces. The respondents support the idea of employment of persons with disabilities at an open labour market; at the same time idea of a development of sheltered workshops is also supported. The vast majority of research participants believe that employers should be rather encouraged to hire persons with disabilities than force them to do so. For employers it is important to have the state assistance in adjusting working place to the needs of employee with disabilities. Some tax benefits for employers having employees with disabilities also are seen as encouraging employment of persons with disabilities. Both employers and persons with disabilities believe that development of job coaching will help persons with disabilities to find and maintain a job at the open market. Majority of survey respondents think that the main reasons discouraging employment of persons with disabilities in Georgia are: poor socioeconomic background and high level of unemployment in the country, absence of related state programs and existed stigma towards persons with disabilities within the society. To conclude it can be said that both employers and persons with disabilities expect initiative from the government – development of the programs and services focusing on employment of persons with disabilities that will be rather encouraging and supporting than punishing and forcing. Relied on survey data it can be said that people have positive attitudes to see persons with disabilities at workplaces, educational institutions and public places. This creates a good background for extensive and consistent work towards social inclusion of persons with disabilities in Georgia.Keywords: supported employment, job coaching, employment of persons with disabilities in Georgia, social inclusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 3551654 Modelling Impacts of Global Financial Crises on Stock Volatility of Nigeria Banks
Authors: Maruf Ariyo Raheem, Patrick Oseloka Ezepue
This research aimed at determining most appropriate heteroskedastic model to predicting volatility of 10 major Nigerian banks: Access, United Bank for Africa (UBA), Guaranty Trust, Skye, Diamond, Fidelity, Sterling, Union, ETI and Zenith banks using daily closing stock prices of each of the banks from 2004 to 2014. The models employed include ARCH (1), GARCH (1, 1), EGARCH (1, 1) and TARCH (1, 1). The results show that all the banks returns are highly leptokurtic, significantly skewed and thus non-normal across the four periods except for Fidelity bank during financial crises; findings similar to those of other global markets. There is also strong evidence for the presence of heteroscedasticity, and that volatility persistence during crisis is higher than before the crisis across the 10 banks, with that of UBA taking the lead, about 11 times higher during the crisis. Findings further revealed that Asymmetric GARCH models became dominant especially during financial crises and post crises when the second reforms were introduced into the banking industry by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Generally, one could say that Nigerian banks returns are volatility persistent during and after the crises, and characterised by leverage effects of negative and positive shocks during these periodsKeywords: global financial crisis, leverage effect, persistence, volatility clustering
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