Search results for: speech signal analysis
28059 ICAM-2, A Protein of Antitumor Immune Response in Mekong Giant Catfish (Pangasianodon gigas)
Authors: Jiraporn Rojtinnakorn
ICAM-2 (intercellular adhesion molecule 2) or CD102 (Cluster of Differentiation 102) is type I trans-membrane glycoproteins, composing 2-9 immunoglobulin-like C2-type domains. ICAM-2 plays the particular role in immune response and cell surveillance. It is concerned in innate and specific immunity, cell survival signal, apoptosis, and anticancer. EST clone of ICAM-2, from P. gigas blood cell EST libraries, showed high identity to human ICAM-2 (92%) with conserve region of ICAM N-terminal domain and part of Ig superfamily. Gene and protein of ICAM-2 has been founded in mammals. This is the first report of ICAM-2 in fish.Keywords: ICAM-2, CD102, Pangasianodon gigas, antitumor
Procedia PDF Downloads 22728058 Using SNAP and RADTRAD to Establish the Analysis Model for Maanshan PWR Plant
Authors: J. R. Wang, H. C. Chen, C. Shih, S. W. Chen, J. H. Yang, Y. Chiang
In this study, we focus on the establishment of the analysis model for Maanshan PWR nuclear power plant (NPP) by using RADTRAD and SNAP codes with the FSAR, manuals, and other data. In order to evaluate the cumulative dose at the Exclusion Area Boundary (EAB) and Low Population Zone (LPZ) outer boundary, Maanshan NPP RADTRAD/SNAP model was used to perform the analysis of the DBA LOCA case. The analysis results of RADTRAD were similar to FSAR data. These analysis results were lower than the failure criteria of 10 CFR 100.11 (a total radiation dose to the whole body, 250 mSv; a total radiation dose to the thyroid from iodine exposure, 3000 mSv).Keywords: RADionuclide, transport, removal, and dose estimation (RADTRAD), symbolic nuclear analysis package (SNAP), dose, PWR
Procedia PDF Downloads 46528057 A Data Envelopment Analysis Model in a Multi-Objective Optimization with Fuzzy Environment
Authors: Michael Gidey Gebru
Most of Data Envelopment Analysis models operate in a static environment with input and output parameters that are chosen by deterministic data. However, due to ambiguity brought on shifting market conditions, input and output data are not always precisely gathered in real-world scenarios. Fuzzy numbers can be used to address this kind of ambiguity in input and output data. Therefore, this work aims to expand crisp Data Envelopment Analysis into Data Envelopment Analysis with fuzzy environment. In this study, the input and output data are regarded as fuzzy triangular numbers. Then, the Data Envelopment Analysis model with fuzzy environment is solved using a multi-objective method to gauge the Decision Making Units' efficiency. Finally, the developed Data Envelopment Analysis model is illustrated with an application on real data 50 educational institutions.Keywords: efficiency, Data Envelopment Analysis, fuzzy, higher education, input, output
Procedia PDF Downloads 6228056 Efficacy of Music for Improving Language in Children with Special Needs
Authors: Louisa Han Lin Tan, Poh Sim Kang, Wei Ming Loi, Susan Jane Rickard Liow
The efficacy of music for improving speech and language has been shown across ages and diagnoses. Across the world, the wide range of therapy settings and increasing number of children diagnosed with special needs demand more cost and time effective service delivery. However, research exploring co-treatment models on children other than those with Autism Spectrum Disorder remains sparse. The aim of this research was to determine the efficacy of music for improving language in children with special needs, and generalizability of therapy effects. 25 children (7 to 12 years) were split into three groups – A, B and control. A cross-over design with direct therapy (storytelling) with or without music, and indirect therapy was applied with two therapy phases lasting 6 sessions each. Therapy targeted three prepositions in each phase. Baseline language abilities were assessed, with re-assessment after each phase. The introduction of music in therapy led to significantly greater improvement (p=.046, r=.53) in associated language abilities, with case studies showing greater effectiveness in developmentally appropriate target prepositions. However, improvements were not maintained once direct therapy ceased. As such, the incorporation of music could lead to greater efficiency and effectiveness of language therapy in children with special needs, but sustainability and generalizability of therapy effects both require further exploration.Keywords: music, language therapy, children, special needs
Procedia PDF Downloads 46728055 Comprehensive Study of X-Ray Emission by APF Plasma Focus Device
Authors: M. Habibi
The time-resolved studies of soft and hard X-ray were carried out over a wide range of argon pressures by employing an array of eight filtered photo PIN diodes and a scintillation detector, simultaneously. In 50% of the discharges, the soft X-ray is seen to be emitted in short multiple pulses corresponding to different compression, whereas it is a single pulse for hard X-rays corresponding to only the first strong compression. It should be stated that multiple compressions dominantly occur at low pressures and high pressures are mostly in the single compression regime. In 43% of the discharges, at all pressures except for optimum pressure, the first period is characterized by two or more sharp peaks.The X–ray signal intensity during the second and subsequent compressions is much smaller than the first compression.Keywords: plasma focus device, SXR, HXR, Pin-diode, argon plasma
Procedia PDF Downloads 40828054 Make Populism Great Again: Identity Crisis in Western World with a Narrative Analysis of Donald Trump's Presidential Campaign Announcement Speech
Authors: Soumi Banerjee
In this research paper we will go deep into understanding Benedict Anderson’s definition of the nation as an imagined community and we will analyze why and how national identities were created through long and complex processes, and how there can exist strong emotional bonds between people within an imagined community, given the fact that these people have never known each other personally, but will still feel some form of imagined unity. Such identity construction on the part of an individual or within societies are always in some sense in a state of flux as imagined communities are ever changing, which provides us with the ontological foundation for reaching on this paper. This sort of identity crisis among individuals living in the Western world, who are in search for psychological comfort and security, illustrates a possible need for spatially dislocated, ontologically insecure and vulnerable individuals to have a secure identity. To create such an identity there has to be something to build upon, which could be achieved through what may be termed as ‘homesteading’. This could in short, and in my interpretation of Kinnvall and Nesbitt’s concept, be described as a search for security that involves a search for ‘home’, where home acts as a secure place, which one can build an identity around. The next half of the paper will then look into how populism and identity have played an increasingly important role in the political elections in the so-called western democracies of the world, using the U.S. as an example. Notions of ‘us and them’, the people and the elites will be looked into and analyzed through a social constructivist theoretical lens. Here we will analyze how such narratives about identity and the nation state affects people, their personality development and identity in different ways by studying the U.S. President Donald Trump’s speeches and analyze if and how he used different identity creating narratives for gaining political and popular support. The reason to choose narrative analysis as a method in this research paper is to use the narratives as a device to understand how the perceived notions of 'us and them' can initiate huge identity crisis with a community or a nation-state. This is a relevant subject as results and developments such as rising populist rightwing movements are being felt in a number of European states, with the so-called Brexit vote in the U.K. and the election of Donald Trump as president are two of the prime examples. This paper will then attempt to argue that these mechanisms are strengthened and gaining significance in situations when humans in an economic, social or ontologically vulnerable position, imagined or otherwise, in a general and broad meaning perceive themselves to be under pressure, and a sense of insecurity is rising. These insecurities and sense of being under threat have been on the rise in many of the Western states that are otherwise usually perceived to be some of the safest, democratically stable and prosperous states in the world, which makes it of interest to study what has changed, and help provide some part of the explanation as to how creating a ‘them’ in the discourse of national identity can cause massive security crisis.Keywords: identity crisis, migration, ontological security(in), nation-states
Procedia PDF Downloads 25628053 Unravelling Glyphosates Disruptive Effects on the Photochemical Efficiency of Amaranthus cruentus
Authors: Jacques M. Berner, Lehlogonolo Maloma
Context: Glyphosate, a widely used herbicide, has raised concerns about its impact on various crops. Amaranthus cruentus, an important grain crop species, is particularly susceptible to glyphosate. Understanding the specific disruptions caused by glyphosate on the photosynthetic process in Amaranthus cruentus is crucial for assessing its effects on crop productivity and ecological sustainability. Research Aim: This study aimed to investigate the dose-dependent impact of glyphosate on the photochemical efficiency of Amaranthus cruentus using the OJIP transient analysis. The goal was to assess the specific disruptions caused by glyphosate on key parameters of photosystem II. Methodology: The experiment was conducted in a controlled greenhouse environment. Amaranthus cruentus plants were exposed to different concentrations of glyphosate, including half, recommended, and double the recommended application rates. The photochemical efficiency of the plants was evaluated using non-invasive chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements and subsequent analysis of OJIP transients. Measurements were taken on 1-hour dark-adapted leaves using a Hansatech Handy PEA+ chlorophyll fluorimeter. Findings: The study's results demonstrated a significant reduction in the photochemical efficiency of Amaranthus cruentus following glyphosate treatment. The OJIP transients showed distinct alterations in the glyphosate-treated plants compared to the control group. These changes included a decrease in maximal fluorescence (FP) and a delay in the rise of the fluorescence signal, indicating impairment in the energy conversion process within the photosystem II. Glyphosate exposure also led to a substantial decrease in the maximum quantum yield efficiency of photosystem II (FV/FM) and the total performance index (PItotal), which reflects the overall photochemical efficiency of photosystem II. These reductions in photochemical efficiency were observed even at half the recommended dose of glyphosate. Theoretical Importance: The study provides valuable insights into the specific disruptions caused by glyphosate on the photochemical efficiency of Amaranthus cruentus. Data Collection and Analysis Procedures: Data collection involved non-invasive chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements using a chlorophyll fluorimeter on dark-adapted leaves. The OJIP transients were then analyzed to assess specific disruptions in key parameters of photosystem II. Statistical analysis was conducted to determine the significance of the differences observed between glyphosate-treated plants and the control group. Question Addressed: The study aimed to address the question of how glyphosate exposure affects the photochemical efficiency of Amaranthus cruentus, specifically examining disruptions in the photosynthetic electron transport chain and overall photochemical efficiency. Conclusion: The study demonstrates that glyphosate severely impairs the photochemical efficiency of Amaranthus cruentus, as indicated by the alterations in OJIP transients. Even at half the recommended dose, glyphosate caused significant reductions in photochemical efficiency. These findings highlight the detrimental effects of glyphosate on crop productivity and emphasize the need for further research to evaluate its long-term consequences and ecological implications in agriculture. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from North-West University for making this research possible.Keywords: glyphosate, amaranthus cruentus, ojip transient analysis, pitotal, photochemical efficiency, chlorophyll fluorescence, weeds
Procedia PDF Downloads 9228052 Methotrexate Associated Skin Cancer: A Signal Review of Pharmacovigilance Center
Authors: Abdulaziz Alakeel, Abdulrahman Alomair, Mohammed Fouda
Introduction: Methotrexate (MTX) is an antimetabolite used to treat multiple conditions, including neoplastic diseases, severe psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Skin cancer is the out-of-control growth of abnormal cells in the epidermis, the outermost skin layer, caused by unrepaired DNA damage that triggers mutations. These mutations lead the skin cells to multiply rapidly and form malignant tumors. The aim of this review is to evaluate the risk of skin cancer associated with the use of methotrexate and to suggest regulatory recommendations if required. Methodology: Signal Detection team at Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) performed a safety review using National Pharmacovigilance Center (NPC) database as well as the World Health Organization (WHO) VigiBase, alongside with literature screening to retrieve related information for assessing the causality between skin cancer and methotrexate. The search conducted in July 2020. Results: Four published articles support the association seen while searching in literature, a recent randomized control trial published in 2020 revealed a statistically significant increase in skin cancer among MTX users. Another study mentioned methotrexate increases the risk of non-melanoma skin cancer when used in combination with immunosuppressant and biologic agents. In addition, the incidence of melanoma for methotrexate users was 3-fold more than the general population in a cohort study of rheumatoid arthritis patients. The last article estimated the risk of cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) in a cohort study shows a statistically significant risk increase for CMM was observed in MTX exposed patients. The WHO database (VigiBase) searched for individual case safety reports (ICSRs) reported for “Skin Cancer” and 'Methotrexate' use, which yielded 121 ICSRs. The initial review revealed that 106 cases are insufficiently documented for proper medical assessment. However, the remaining fifteen cases have extensively evaluated by applying the WHO criteria of causality assessment. As a result, 30 percent of the cases showed that MTX could possibly cause skin cancer; five cases provide unlikely association and five un-assessable cases due to lack of information. The Saudi NPC database searched to retrieve any reported cases for the combined terms methotrexate/skin cancer; however, no local cases reported up to date. The data mining of the observed and the expected reporting rate for drug/adverse drug reaction pair is estimated using information component (IC), a tool developed by the WHO Uppsala Monitoring Centre to measure the reporting ratio. Positive IC reflects higher statistical association, while negative values translated as a less statistical association, considering the null value equal to zero. Results showed that a combination of 'Methotrexate' and 'Skin cancer' observed more than expected when compared to other medications in the WHO database (IC value is 1.2). Conclusion: The weighted cumulative pieces of evidence identified from global cases, data mining, and published literature are sufficient to support a causal association between the risk of skin cancer and methotrexate. Therefore, health care professionals should be aware of this possible risk and may consider monitoring any signs or symptoms of skin cancer in patients treated with methotrexate.Keywords: methotrexate, skin cancer, signal detection, pharmacovigilance
Procedia PDF Downloads 11428051 Constructivism Learning Management in Mathematics Analysis Courses
Authors: Komon Paisal
The purposes of this research were (1) to create a learning activity for constructivism, (2) study the Mathematical Analysis courses learning achievement, and (3) study students’ attitude toward the learning activity for constructivism. The samples in this study were divided into 2 parts including 3 Mathematical Analysis courses instructors of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University who provided basic information and attended the seminar and 17 Mathematical Analysis courses students who were studying in the academic and engaging in the learning activity for constructivism. The research instruments were lesson plans constructivism, subjective Mathematical Analysis courses achievement test with reliability index of 0.8119, and an attitude test concerning the students’ attitude toward the Mathematical Analysis courses learning activity for constructivism. The result of the research show that the efficiency of the Mathematical Analysis courses learning activity for constructivism is 73.05/72.16, which is more than expected criteria of 70/70. The research additionally find that the average score of learning achievement of students who engaged in the learning activities for constructivism are equal to 70% and the students’ attitude toward the learning activity for constructivism are at the medium level.Keywords: constructivism, learning management, mathematics analysis courses, learning activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 53328050 Systematic Review of Functional Analysis in Brazil
Authors: Felipe Magalhaes Lemos
Functional behavior analysis is a procedure that has been studied for several decades by behavior analysts. In Brazil, we still have few studies in the area, so it was decided to carry out a systematic review of the articles published in the area by Brazilians. A search was done on the following scientific article registration sites: PsycINFO, ERIC, ISI Web of Science, Virtual Health Library. The research includes (a) peer-reviewed studies that (b) have been carried out in Brazil containing (c) functional assessment as a pre-treatment through (d) experimental procedures, direct or indirect observation and measurement of behavior problems (e) demonstrating a relationship between environmental events and behavior. During the review, 234 papers were found; however, only 9 were included in the final analysis. Of the 9 articles extracted, only 2 presented functional analysis procedures with manipulation of environmental variables, while the other 7 presented different procedures for a descriptive behavior assessment. Only the two studies using "functional analysis" used graphs to demonstrate the prevalent function of the behavior. Other studies described procedures and did not make clear the causal relationship between environment and behavior. There is still confusion in Brazil regarding the terms "functional analysis", "descriptive assessment" and "contingency analysis," which are generally treated in the same way. This study shows that few articles are published with a focus on functional analysis in Brazil.Keywords: behavior, contingency, descriptive assessment, functional analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 14628049 Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Controller For Quadrotor UAV
Authors: Vahid Tabrizi, Reza GHasemi, Ahmadreza Vali
This paper presents robust nonlinear control law for a quadrotor UAV using fast terminal sliding mode control. Fast terminal sliding mode idea is used for introducing a nonlinear sliding variable that guarantees the finite time convergence in sliding phase. Then, in reaching phase for removing chattering and producing smooth control signal, continuous approximation idea is used. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is robust against parameter uncertainty and has better performance than conventional sliding mode for controlling a quadrotor UAV.Keywords: quadrotor UAV, fast terminal sliding mode, second order sliding mode t
Procedia PDF Downloads 54928048 Experiences of Timing Analysis of Parallel Embedded Software
Authors: Muhammad Waqar Aziz, Syed Abdul Baqi Shah
The execution time analysis is fundamental to the successful design and execution of real-time embedded software. In such analysis, the Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) of a program is a key measure, on the basis of which system tasks are scheduled. The WCET analysis of embedded software is also needed for system understanding and to guarantee its behavior. WCET analysis can be performed statically (without executing the program) or dynamically (through measurement). Traditionally, research on the WCET analysis assumes sequential code running on single-core platforms. However, as computation is steadily moving towards using a combination of parallel programs and multi-core hardware, new challenges in WCET analysis need to be addressed. In this article, we report our experiences of performing the WCET analysis of Parallel Embedded Software (PES) running on multi-core platform. The primary purpose was to investigate how WCET estimates of PES can be computed statically, and how they can be derived dynamically. Our experiences, as reported in this article, include the challenges we faced, possible suggestions to these challenges and the workarounds that were developed. This article also provides observations on the benefits and drawbacks of deriving the WCET estimates using the said methods and provides useful recommendations for further research in this area.Keywords: embedded software, worst-case execution-time analysis, static flow analysis, measurement-based analysis, parallel computing
Procedia PDF Downloads 32428047 Predictive Analysis for Big Data: Extension of Classification and Regression Trees Algorithm
Authors: Ameur Abdelkader, Abed Bouarfa Hafida
Since its inception, predictive analysis has revolutionized the IT industry through its robustness and decision-making facilities. It involves the application of a set of data processing techniques and algorithms in order to create predictive models. Its principle is based on finding relationships between explanatory variables and the predicted variables. Past occurrences are exploited to predict and to derive the unknown outcome. With the advent of big data, many studies have suggested the use of predictive analytics in order to process and analyze big data. Nevertheless, they have been curbed by the limits of classical methods of predictive analysis in case of a large amount of data. In fact, because of their volumes, their nature (semi or unstructured) and their variety, it is impossible to analyze efficiently big data via classical methods of predictive analysis. The authors attribute this weakness to the fact that predictive analysis algorithms do not allow the parallelization and distribution of calculation. In this paper, we propose to extend the predictive analysis algorithm, Classification And Regression Trees (CART), in order to adapt it for big data analysis. The major changes of this algorithm are presented and then a version of the extended algorithm is defined in order to make it applicable for a huge quantity of data.Keywords: predictive analysis, big data, predictive analysis algorithms, CART algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 14228046 Collaborative Writing on Line with Apps During the Time of Pandemic: A Systematic Literature Review
Authors: Giuseppe Liverano
Today’s school iscalledupon to take the lead role in supporting students towards the formation of conscious identity and a sense of responsible citizenship, through the development of key competencies for lifelong learning A rolethatrequiresit to be ready for change and to respond to the ever new needs of students, by adopting new pedagogical and didactic models and new didactic devices. Information and Communication Technologies, in this sense, reveal themselves to be usefulresourcesthatpermit to focus attention on the learning of eachindividualstudentunderstoodas a dynamic and relational process of constructing shared and participatedmeanings. The use of collaborative writing apps represents a democratic and shared knowledge way of constructionthroughICTs. It promotes the learning of reading-writing, literacy, and the development of transversal competencies in an inclusive perspective peer-to-peer comparison and reflectionthatstimulates the transfer of thought into speech and writing, the transformation of knowledge through a trialogicalapproach to learning generates enthusiasm and strengthensmotivationItrepresents a “different” way of expressing the training needs which come from several disciplinary fields of subjects with different cultures. The contribution aims to reflect on the formative value of collaborative writing through apps and analyse some proposals on line at school during the time of pandemic in order to highlight their critical aspects and pedagogical perspectives.Keywords: collaborative writing, formative value, online, apps, pandemic
Procedia PDF Downloads 15728045 Surface Topography Measurement by Confocal Spectral Interferometry
Authors: A. Manallah, C. Meier
Confocal spectral interferometry (CSI) is an innovative optical method for determining microtopography of surfaces and thickness of transparent layers, based on the combination of two optical principles: confocal imaging, and spectral interferometry. Confocal optical system images at each instant a single point of the sample. The whole surface is reconstructed by plan scanning. The interference signal generated by mixing two white-light beams is analyzed using a spectrometer. In this work, five ‘rugotests’ of known standard roughnesses are investigated. The topography is then measured and illustrated, and the equivalent roughness is determined and compared with the standard values.Keywords: confocal spectral interferometry, nondestructive testing, optical metrology, surface topography, roughness
Procedia PDF Downloads 27728044 Broadcasting Stabilization for Dynamical Multi-Agent Systems
Authors: Myung-Gon Yoon, Jung-Ho Moon, Tae Kwon Ha
This paper deals with a stabilization problem for multi-agent systems, when all agents in a multi-agent system receive the same broadcasting control signal and the controller can measure not each agent output but the sum of all agent outputs. It is analytically shown that when the sum of all agent outputs is bounded with a certain broadcasting controller for a given reference, each agent output is separately bounded:stabilization of the sum of agent outputs always results in the stability of every agent output. A numerical example is presented to illustrate our theoretic findings in this paper.Keywords: broadcasting control, multi-agent system, transfer function, stabilization
Procedia PDF Downloads 38228043 Electronic Raman Scattering Calibration for Quantitative Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Improved Biostatistical Analysis
Authors: Wonil Nam, Xiang Ren, Inyoung Kim, Masoud Agah, Wei Zhou
Despite its ultrasensitive detection capability, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) faces challenges as a quantitative biochemical analysis tool due to the significant dependence of local field intensity in hotspots on nanoscale geometric variations of plasmonic nanostructures. Therefore, despite enormous progress in plasmonic nanoengineering of high-performance SERS devices, it is still challenging to quantitatively correlate the measured SERS signals with the actual molecule concentrations at hotspots. A significant effort has been devoted to developing SERS calibration methods by introducing internal standards. It has been achieved by placing Raman tags at plasmonic hotspots. Raman tags undergo similar SERS enhancement at the same hotspots, and ratiometric SERS signals for analytes of interest can be generated with reduced dependence on geometrical variations. However, using Raman tags still faces challenges for real-world applications, including spatial competition between the analyte and tags in hotspots, spectral interference, laser-induced degradation/desorption due to plasmon-enhanced photochemical/photothermal effects. We show that electronic Raman scattering (ERS) signals from metallic nanostructures at hotspots can serve as the internal calibration standard to enable quantitative SERS analysis and improve biostatistical analysis. We perform SERS with Au-SiO₂ multilayered metal-insulator-metal nano laminated plasmonic nanostructures. Since the ERS signal is proportional to the volume density of electron-hole occupation in hotspots, the ERS signals exponentially increase when the wavenumber is approaching the zero value. By a long-pass filter, generally used in backscattered SERS configurations, to chop the ERS background continuum, we can observe an ERS pseudo-peak, IERS. Both ERS and SERS processes experience the |E|⁴ local enhancements during the excitation and inelastic scattering transitions. We calibrated IMRS of 10 μM Rhodamine 6G in solution by IERS. The results show that ERS calibration generates a new analytical value, ISERS/IERS, insensitive to variations from different hotspots and thus can quantitatively reflect the molecular concentration information. Given the calibration capability of ERS signals, we performed label-free SERS analysis of living biological systems using four different breast normal and cancer cell lines cultured on nano-laminated SERS devices. 2D Raman mapping over 100 μm × 100 μm, containing several cells, was conducted. The SERS spectra were subsequently analyzed by multivariate analysis using partial least square discriminant analysis. Remarkably, after ERS calibration, MCF-10A and MCF-7 cells are further separated while the two triple-negative breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231 and HCC-1806) are more overlapped, in good agreement with the well-known cancer categorization regarding the degree of malignancy. To assess the strength of ERS calibration, we further carried out a drug efficacy study using MDA-MB-231 and different concentrations of anti-cancer drug paclitaxel (PTX). After ERS calibration, we can more clearly segregate the control/low-dosage groups (0 and 1.5 nM), the middle-dosage group (5 nM), and the group treated with half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50, 15 nM). Therefore, we envision that ERS calibrated SERS can find crucial opportunities in label-free molecular profiling of complicated biological systems.Keywords: cancer cell drug efficacy, plasmonics, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), SERS calibration
Procedia PDF Downloads 13828042 Acoustic Absorption of Hemp Walls with Ground Granulated Blast Slag
Authors: Oliver Kinnane, Aidan Reilly, John Grimes, Sara Pavia, Rosanne Walker
Unwanted sound reflection can create acoustic discomfort and lead to problems of speech comprehensibility. Contemporary building techniques enable highly finished internal walls resulting in sound reflective surfaces. In contrast, sustainable construction materials using natural and vegetal materials, are often more porous and absorptive. Hemp shiv is used as an aggregate and when mixed with lime binder creates a low-embodied-energy concrete. Cement replacements such as ground granulated blast slag (GGBS), a byproduct of other industrial processes, are viewed as more sustainable alternatives to high-embodied-energy cement. Hemp concretes exhibit good hygrothermal performance. This has focused much research attention on them as natural and sustainable low-energy alternatives to standard concretes. A less explored benefit is the acoustic absorption capability of hemp-based concretes. This work investigates hemp-lime-GGBS concrete specifically, and shows that it exhibits high levels of sound absorption.Keywords: hemp, hempcrete, acoustic absorption, GGBS
Procedia PDF Downloads 40428041 IoT Based Approach to Healthcare System for a Quadriplegic Patient Using EEG
Authors: R. Gautam, P. Sastha Kanagasabai, G. N. Rathna
The proposed healthcare system enables quadriplegic patients, people with severe motor disabilities to send commands to electronic devices and monitor their vitals. The growth of Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI) has led to rapid development in 'assistive systems' for the disabled called 'assistive domotics'. Brain-Computer-Interface is capable of reading the brainwaves of an individual and analyse it to obtain some meaningful data. This processed data can be used to assist people having speech disorders and sometimes people with limited locomotion to communicate. In this Project, Emotiv EPOC Headset is used to obtain the electroencephalogram (EEG). The obtained data is processed to communicate pre-defined commands over the internet to the desired mobile phone user. Other Vital Information like the heartbeat, blood pressure, ECG and body temperature are monitored and uploaded to the server. Data analytics enables physicians to scan databases for a specific illness. The Data is processed in Intel Edison, system on chip (SoC). Patient metrics are displayed via Intel IoT Analytics cloud service.Keywords: brain computer interface, Intel Edison, Emotiv EPOC, IoT analytics, electroencephalogram
Procedia PDF Downloads 18628040 A Comparative Study of Natural Language Processing Models for Detecting Obfuscated Text
Authors: Rubén Valcarce-Álvarez, Francisco Jáñez-Martino, Rocío Alaiz-Rodríguez
Cybersecurity challenges, including scams, drug sales, the distribution of child sexual abuse material, fake news, and hate speech on both the surface and deep web, have significantly increased over the past decade. Users who post such content often employ strategies to evade detection by automated filters. Among these tactics, text obfuscation plays an essential role in deceiving detection systems. This approach involves modifying words to make them more difficult for automated systems to interpret while remaining sufficiently readable for human users. In this work, we aim at spotting obfuscated words and the employed techniques, such as leetspeak, word inversion, punctuation changes, and mixed techniques. We benchmark Named Entity Recognition (NER) using models from the BERT family as well as two large language models (LLMs), Llama and Mistral, on XX_NER_WordCamouflage dataset. Our experiments evaluate these models by comparing their precision, recall, F1 scores, and accuracy, both overall and for each individual class.Keywords: natural language processing (NLP), text obfuscation, named entity recognition (NER), deep learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1028039 Corpus-Based Description of Core English Nouns of Pakistani English, an EFL Learner Perspective at Secondary Level
Authors: Abrar Hussain Qureshi
Vocabulary has been highlighted as a key indicator in any foreign language learning program, especially English as a foreign language (EFL). It is often considered a potential tool in foreign language curriculum, and its deficiency impedes successful communication in the target language. The knowledge of the lexicon is very significant in getting communicative competence and performance. Nouns constitute a considerable bulk of English vocabulary. Rather, they are the bones of the English language and are the main semantic carrier in spoken and written discourse. As nouns dominate the bulk of the English lexicon, their role becomes all the more potential. The undertaken research is a systematic effort in this regard to work out a list of highly frequent list of Pakistani English nouns for the EFL learners at the secondary level. It will encourage autonomy for the EFL learners as well as will save their time. The corpus used for the research has been developed locally from leading English newspapers of Pakistan. Wordsmith Tools has been used to process the research data and to retrieve word list of frequent Pakistani English nouns. The retrieved list of core Pakistani English nouns is supposed to be useful for English language learners at the secondary level as it covers a wide range of speech events.Keywords: corpus, EFL, frequency list, nouns
Procedia PDF Downloads 10328038 Potential and Development of Children with Atypical Rett Syndrome (CDKL5 Gene Mutation) and Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Authors: Anna Amato
Every child needs communication. If spoken language is not or not fully available due to congenital or acquired limitations, those affected need appropriate ways. These can be found in many possibilities of Augmentative and Alternative Communications (AAC). In the communication promotion of severely impaired children, who can use their own body communication forms only to a limited extent for the differentiated understanding, computers with eye control play an essential role. It takes some time to understand the individual forms of communication of the child. Children who depend on the AAC need competent support to learn to communicate in a motivated way in their everyday life. The aim of the present parents' survey (n = 4), which was evaluated descriptively, is to demonstrate the development of communicative abilities as well as the motivation to use complex communication aids with eye control by patients with atypical Rett Syndrome. An increase in communication skills, well-being, self-reliance, and self-esteem, an improvement in social participation, as well as a reduction in anger and screaming events, were noted. The complex visual communication tools were available daily for 3 out of 4 patients with atypical Rett Syndrome. It raises research questions regarding speech understanding and the ability to drive eye control technology in a larger group of atypical Rett Syndrome patients.Keywords: augmentative and alternative communications, AAC, atypical Rett-syndrome, children, development
Procedia PDF Downloads 11828037 Efficient Single Relay Selection Scheme for Cooperative Communication
Authors: Sung-Bok Choi, Hyun-Jun Shin, Hyoung-Kyu Song
This paper proposes a single relay selection scheme in cooperative communication. Decode and forward scheme is considered when a source node wants to cooperate with a single relay for data transmission. To use the proposed single relay selection scheme, the source node make a little different pattern signal which is not complex pattern and broadcasts it. The proposed scheme does not require the channel state information between the source node and candidates of the relay during the relay selection. Therefore, it is able to be used in many fields.Keywords: relay selection, cooperative communication, df, channel codes
Procedia PDF Downloads 67128036 Standardized Description and Modeling Methods of Semiconductor IP Interfaces
Authors: Seongsoo Lee
IP reuse is an effective design methodology for modern SoC design to reduce effort and time. However, description and modeling methods of IP interfaces are different due to different IP designers. In this paper, standardized description and modeling methods of IP interfaces are proposed. It consists of 11 items such as IP information, model provision, data type, description level, interface information, port information, signal information, protocol information, modeling level, modeling information, and source file. The proposed description and modeling methods enables easy understanding, simulation, verification, and modification in IP reuse.Keywords: interface, standardization, description, modeling, semiconductor IP
Procedia PDF Downloads 50228035 Demand-Side Financing for Thai Higher Education: A Reform Towards Sustainable Development
Authors: Daral Maesincee, Jompol Thongpaen
Thus far, most of the decisions made within the walls of Thai higher education (HE) institutions have primarily been supply-oriented. With the current supply-driven, itemized HE financing systems, the nation is struggling to systemically produce high-quality manpower that serves the market’s needs, often resulting in education mismatches and unemployment – particularly in science, technology, and innovation (STI)-related fields. With the COVID-19 pandemic challenges widening the education inequality (accessibility and quality) gap, HE becomes even more unobtainable for underprivileged students, permanently leaving some out of the system. Therefore, Thai HE needs a new financing system that produces the “right people” for the “right occupations” through the “right ways,” regardless of their socioeconomic backgrounds, and encourages the creation of non-degree courses to tackle these ongoing challenges. The “Demand-Side Financing for Thai Higher Education” policy aims to do so by offering a new paradigm of HE resource allocation via two main mechanisms: i) standardized formula-based unit-cost subsidizations that is specific to each study field and ii) student loan programs that respond to the “demand signals” from the labor market and the students, that are in line with the country’s priorities. Through in-dept reviews, extensive studies, and consultations with various experts, education committees, and related agencies, i) the method of demand signal analysis is identified, ii) the unit-cost of each student in the sample study fields is approximated, iii) the method of budget analysis is formulated, iv) the interagency workflows are established, and v) a supporting information database is created to suggest the number of graduates each HE institution can potentially produce, the study fields and skillsets that are needed by the labor market, the employers’ satisfaction with the graduates, and each study field’s employment rates. By responding to the needs of all stakeholders, this policy is expected to steer Thai HE toward producing more STI-related manpower in order to uplift Thai people’s quality of life and enhance the nation’s global competitiveness. This policy is currently in the process of being considered by the National Education Transformation Committee and the Higher Education Commission.Keywords: demand-side financing, higher education resource, human capital, higher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 20228034 A Method for Processing Unwanted Target Caused by Reflection in Secondary Surveillance Radar
Authors: Khanh D.Do, Loi V.Nguyen, Thanh N.Nguyen, Thang M.Nguyen, Vu T.Tran
Along with the development of Secondary surveillance radar (SSR) in air traffic surveillance systems, the Multipath phenomena has always been a noticeable problem. This following article discusses the geometrical aspect and power aspect of the Multipath interference caused by reflection in SSR and proposes a method to deal with these unwanted multipath targets (ghosts) by false-target position predicting and adaptive target suppressing. A field-experiment example is mentioned at the end of the article to demonstrate the efficiency of this measure.Keywords: multipath, secondary surveillance radar, digital signal processing, reflection
Procedia PDF Downloads 16428033 Comparison of the Response of TLD-100 and TLD-100H Dosimeters in Diagnostic Radiology
Authors: S. Sina, B. Zeinali, M. Karimipourfard, F. Lotfalizadeh, M. Sadeghi, E. Zamani, M. Zehtabian, R. Faghihi
Proper dosimetery is very essential in diagnostic radiology. The goal of this study is to verify the application of LiF:Mg, Cu, P (TLD100H) in obtaining the entrance skin dose (ESD) of patients undergoing diagnostic radiology. The results of dosimetry performed by TLD-100H were compared with those obtained by TLD100, which is a common dosimeter in diagnostic radiology. The results show a close agreement between the dose measured by the two dosimeters. According to the results of this study, the TLD-100H dosimeters have higher sensitivities (i.e. signal(nc)/dose) than TLD-100. Therefore, it is suggested that the TLD-100H are effective dosimeters for dosimetry in low dose fields.Keywords: entrance skin dose, TLD, diagnostic radiology, dosimeter
Procedia PDF Downloads 47528032 Characterization of Kopff Crater Using Remote Sensing Data
Authors: Shreekumari Patel, Prabhjot Kaur, Paras Solanki
Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3), Miniature Radio Frequency (Mini-RF), Kaguya Terrain Camera images, Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) digital elevation model (DEM) and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC)- Narrow angle camera (NAC) and Wide angle camera (WAC) images were used to study mineralogy, surface physical properties, and age of the 42 km diameter Kopff crater. M3 indicates the low albedo crater floor to be high-Ca pyroxene dominated associated with floor fracture suggesting the igneous activity of the gabbroic material. Signature of anorthositic material is sampled on the eastern edge as target material is excavated from ~3 km diameter impact crater providing access to the crustal composition. Several occurrences of spinel were detected in northwestern rugged terrain. Our observation can be explained by exposure of spinel by this crater that impacted onto the inner rings of Orientale basin. Spinel was part of the pre-impact target, an intrinsic unit of basin ring. Crater floor was dated by crater counts performed on Kaguya TC images. Nature of surface was studied in detail with LROC NAC and Mini-RF. Freshly exposed surface and boulder or debris seen in LROC NAC images have enhanced radar signal in comparison to mature terrain of Kopff crater. This multidisciplinary analysis of remote sensing data helps to assess lunar surface in detail.Keywords: crater, mineralogy, moon, radar observations
Procedia PDF Downloads 16228031 Development of a Distance Training Package on Production of Handbook and Report Writing for Innovative Learning and Teaching for Vocational Teachers of Office of the Vocational Education Commission
Authors: Petchpong Mayukhachot
The purposes of this research were (1) to develop a distance training package on topic of Production of Handbook and Report writing for innovative learning and teaching for Vocational Teachers of Office of The Vocational Education Commission; (2) to study the effects of using the distance training package on topic Production of Handbook and Report writing for innovative learning and teaching for Vocational Teachers of Office of The Vocational Education Commission. and (3) to study the samples’ opinion on the distance training package on topic Production of Handbook and Report writing for innovative learning and teaching for Vocational Teachers of Office of The Vocational Education Commission Research and Development was used in this research. The purposive sampling group of this research was 39 Vocational Teachers of Office of The Vocational Education Commission. Instruments were; (1) the distance training package, (2) achievement tests on understanding of Production of Handbook and Report writing for innovative learning and teaching and learning activities to develop practical skills, and (3) a questionnaire for sample’s opinion on the distance training package. Percent, Mean, Standard Deviation, the E1/E2 efficiency index and t-test were used for data analysis. The findings of the research were as follows: (1) The efficiency of the distance training package was established as 80.90 / 81.90. The distance training package composed of the distance training package document and a manual for the distance training package. The distance training package document consisted of the name of the distance training package, direction for studying the distance training package, content’s structure, concepts, objectives, and activities after studying the distance training package. The manual for the distance training package consisted of the explanation of the distance training package and objectives, direction for using the distance training package, training schedule, documents as a manual of speech, and evaluations. (2) The effects of using the distance training package on topic Production of Handbook and Report writing for innovative learning and teaching for Vocational Teachers of Office of The Vocational Education Commission were the posttest average scores of achievement on understanding of Technology and Occupations teaching for development of critical thinking of the sample group were higher than the pretest average scores. (3) The most appropriate of trainees’ opinion were contents of the distance training package is beneficial to performance. That can be utilized in Teaching or operations. Due to the content of the two units is consistent and activities assigned to the appropriate content.Keywords: distance training package, handbook writing for innovative learning, teaching report writing for innovative learning, teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 43628030 Implementation of Iterative Algorithm for Earthquake Location
Authors: Hussain K. Chaiel
The development in the field of the digital signal processing (DSP) and the microelectronics technology reduces the complexity of the iterative algorithms that need large number of arithmetic operations. Virtex-Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are programmable silicon foundations which offer an important solution for addressing the needs of high performance DSP designer. In this work, Virtex-7 FPGA technology is used to implement an iterative algorithm to estimate the earthquake location. Simulation results show that an implementation based on block RAMB36E1 and DSP48E1 slices of Virtex-7 type reduces the number of cycles of the clock frequency. This enables the algorithm to be used for earthquake prediction.Keywords: DSP, earthquake, FPGA, iterative algorithm
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