Search results for: unsteady heat conduction
2022 Electroactive Fluorene-Based Polymer Films Obtained by Electropolymerization
Authors: Mariana-Dana Damaceanu
Electrochemical oxidation is one of the most convenient ways to obtain conjugated polymer films as polypyrrole, polyaniline, polythiophene or polycarbazole. The research in the field has been mainly directed to the study of electrical conduction properties of the materials obtained by electropolymerization, often the main reason being their use as electroconducting electrodes, and very little attention has been paid to the morphological and optical quality of the films electrodeposited on flat surfaces. Electropolymerization of the monomer solution was scarcely used in the past to manufacture polymer-based light-emitting diodes (PLED), most probably due to the difficulty of obtaining defectless polymer films with good mechanical and optical properties, or conductive polymers with well controlled molecular weights. Here we report our attempts in using electrochemical deposition as appropriate method for preparing ultrathin films of fluorene-based polymers for PLED applications. The properties of these films were evaluated in terms of structural morphology, optical properties, and electrochemical conduction. Thus, electropolymerization of 4,4'-(9-fluorenylidene)-dianiline was performed in dichloromethane solution, at a concentration of 10-2 M, using 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate as electrolyte salt. The potential was scanned between 0 and 1.3 V on the one hand, and 0 - 2 V on the other hand, when polymer films with different structures and properties were obtained. Indium tin oxide-coated glass substrate of different size was used as working electrode, platinum wire as counter electrode and calomel electrode as reference. For each potential range 100 cycles were recorded at a scan rate of 100 mV/s. The film obtained in the potential range from 0 to 1.3 V, namely poly(FDA-NH), is visible to the naked eye, being light brown, transparent and fluorescent, and displays an amorphous morphology. Instead, the electrogrowth poly(FDA) film in the potential range of 0 - 2 V is yellowish-brown and opaque, presenting a self-assembled structure in aggregates of irregular shape and size. The polymers structure was identified by FTIR spectroscopy, which shows the presence of broad bands specific to a polymer, the band centered at approx. 3443 cm-1 being ascribed to the secondary amine. The two polymer films display two absorption maxima, at 434-436 nm assigned to π-π* transitions of polymers, and another at 832 and 880 nm assigned to polaron transitions. The fluorescence spectra indicated the presence of emission bands in the blue domain, with two peaks at 422 and 488 nm for poly (FDA-NH), and four narrow peaks at 422, 447, 460 and 484 nm for poly(FDA), peaks originating from fluorene-containing segments of varying degrees of conjugation. Poly(FDA-NH) exhibited two oxidation peaks in the anodic region and the HOMO energy value of 5.41 eV, whereas poly(FDA) showed only one oxidation peak and the HOMO level localized at 5.29 eV. The electrochemical data are discussed in close correlation with the proposed chemical structure of the electrogrowth films. Further research will be carried out to study their use and performance in light-emitting devices.Keywords: electrogrowth polymer films, fluorene, morphology, optical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 3452021 Behaviour of Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate Concrete Exposed to High Temperatures
Authors: Lenka Bodnárová, Rudolf Hela, Michala Hubertová, Iveta Nováková
This paper is concerning the issues of behaviour of lightweight expanded clay aggregates concrete exposed to high temperature. Lightweight aggregates from expanded clay are produced by firing of row material up to temperature 1050°C. Lightweight aggregates have suitable properties in terms of volume stability, when exposed to temperatures up to 1050°C, which could indicate their suitability for construction applications with higher risk of fire. The test samples were exposed to heat by using the standard temperature-time curve ISO 834. Negative changes in resulting mechanical properties, such as compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength were evaluated. Also visual evaluation of the specimen was performed. On specimen exposed to excessive heat, an explosive spalling could be observed, due to evaporation of considerable amount of unbounded water from the inner structure of the concrete.Keywords: expanded clay aggregate, explosive spalling, high temperature, lightweight concrete, temperature-time curve ISO 834
Procedia PDF Downloads 4482020 Unsteady Simulation of Burning Off Carbon Deposition in a Coke Oven
Authors: Uzu-Kuei Hsu, Keh-Chin Chang, Joo-Guan Hang, Chang-Hsien Tai
Carbon Deposits are often occurred inside the industrial coke oven during the coking process. Accumulation of carbon deposits may cause a big issue, which seriously influences the coking operation. The carbon is burning off by injecting fresh air through pipes into coke oven which is an efficient way practically operated in industries. The burning off carbon deposition in coke oven performed by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method has provided an evaluation of the feasibility study. A three-dimensional, transient, turbulent reacting flow simulation has performed with three different injecting air flow rate and another kind of injecting configuration. The result shows that injection higher air flow rate would effectively reduce the carbon deposits. In the meantime, the opened charging holes would suck extra oxygen from the atmosphere to participate in reactions. In term of coke oven operating limits, the wall temperatures are monitored to prevent over-heating of the adiabatic walls during the burn-off process.Keywords: coke oven, burning off, carbon deposits, carbon combustion, CFD
Procedia PDF Downloads 6932019 Characterization and Pcr Detection of Selected Strains of Psychrotrophic Bacteria Isolated From Raw Milk
Authors: Kidane workelul, Li xu, Xiaoyang Pang, Jiaping Lv
Dairy products are exceptionally ideal media for the growth of microorganisms because of their high nutritional content. There are several ways that milk might get contaminated throughout the milking process, including how the raw milk is transported and stored, as well as how long it is kept before being processed. Psychrotrophic bacteria are among the one which can deteriorate the quality of milk mainly their heat resistance proteas and lipase enzyme. For this research purpose 8 selected strains of Psychrotrophic bacteria (Entrococcus hirae, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas azotoformans, Pseudomonas putida, Exiguobacterium indicum, Pseudomonas paralactice, Acinetobacter indicum, Serratia liquefacients)are chosen and try to determine their characteristics based on the research methodology protocol. Thus, the 8 selected strains are cultured, plated incubate, extracted their genomic DNA and genome DNA was amplified, the purpose of the study was to identify their Psychrotrophic properties, lipase hydrolysis positive test, their optimal incubation temperature, designed primer using the noble strain P,flourescens conserved region area in target with lipA gene, optimized primer specificity as well as sensitivity and PCR detection for lipase positive strains using the design primers. Based on the findings both the selected 8 strains isolated from stored raw milk are Psychrotrophic bacteria, 6 of the selected strains except the 2 strains are positive for lipase hydrolysis, their optimal temperature is 20 to 30 OC, the designed primer specificity is very accurate and amplifies for those strains only with lipase positive but could not amplify for the others. Thus, the result is promising and could help in detecting the Psychrotrophic bacteria producing heat resistance enzymes (lipase) at early stage before the milk is processed and this will safe production loss for the dairy industry.Keywords: dairy industry, heat-resistant, lipA, milk, primer and psychrotrophic
Procedia PDF Downloads 652018 Analysis and Optimized Design of a Packaged Liquid Chiller
Authors: Saeed Farivar, Mohsen Kahrom
The purpose of this work is to develop a physical simulation model for the purpose of studying the effect of various design parameters on the performance of packaged-liquid chillers. This paper presents a steady-state model for predicting the performance of package-Liquid chiller over a wide range of operation condition. The model inputs are inlet conditions; geometry and output of model include system performance variable such as power consumption, coefficient of performance (COP) and states of refrigerant through the refrigeration cycle. A computer model that simulates the steady-state cyclic performance of a vapor compression chiller is developed for the purpose of performing detailed physical design analysis of actual industrial chillers. The model can be used for optimizing design and for detailed energy efficiency analysis of packaged liquid chillers. The simulation model takes into account presence of all chiller components such as compressor, shell-and-tube condenser and evaporator heat exchangers, thermostatic expansion valve and connection pipes and tubing’s by thermo-hydraulic modeling of heat transfer, fluids flow and thermodynamics processes in each one of the mentioned components. To verify the validity of the developed model, a 7.5 USRT packaged-liquid chiller is used and a laboratory test stand for bringing the chiller to its standard steady-state performance condition is build. Experimental results obtained from testing the chiller in various load and temperature conditions is shown to be in good agreement with those obtained from simulating the performance of the chiller using the computer prediction model. An entropy-minimization-based optimization analysis is performed based on the developed analytical performance model of the chiller. The variation of design parameters in construction of shell-and-tube condenser and evaporator heat exchangers are studied using the developed performance and optimization analysis and simulation model and a best-match condition between the physical design and construction of chiller heat exchangers and its compressor is found to exist. It is expected that manufacturers of chillers and research organizations interested in developing energy-efficient design and analysis of compression chillers can take advantage of the presented study and its results.Keywords: optimization, packaged liquid chiller, performance, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2782017 Using Heat-Mask in the Thermoforming Machine for Component Positioning in Thermoformed Electronics
Authors: Behnam Madadnia
For several years, 3D-shaped electronics have been rising, with many uses in home appliances, automotive, and manufacturing. One of the biggest challenges in the fabrication of 3D shape electronics, which are made by thermoforming, is repeatable and accurate component positioning, and typically there is no control over the final position of the component. This paper aims to address this issue and present a reliable approach for guiding the electronic components in the desired place during thermoforming. We have proposed a heat-control mask in the thermoforming machine to control the heating of the polymer, not allowing specific parts to be formable, which can assure the conductive traces' mechanical stability during thermoforming of the substrate. We have verified our approach's accuracy by applying our method on a real industrial semi-sphere mold for positioning 7 LEDs and one touch sensor. We measured the LEDs' position after thermoforming to prove the process's repeatability. The experiment results demonstrate that the proposed method is capable of positioning electronic components in thermoformed 3D electronics with high precision.Keywords: 3D-shaped electronics, electronic components, thermoforming, component positioning
Procedia PDF Downloads 972016 Microstructure Analysis of TI-6AL-4V Friction Stir Welded Joints
Authors: P. Leo, E. Cerri, L. Fratini, G. Buffa
The Friction Stir Welding process uses an inert rotating mandrel and a force on the mandrel normal to the plane of the sheets to generate the frictional heat. The heat and the stirring action of the mandrel create a bond between the two sheets without melting the base metal. As matter of fact, the use of a solid state welding process limits the insurgence of defects, due to the presence of gas in melting bath, and avoids the negative effects of materials metallurgical transformation strictly connected with the change of phase. The industrial importance of Ti-6Al-4V alloy is well known. It provides an exceptional good balance of strength, ductility, fatigue and fracture properties together with good corrosion resistance and good metallurgical stability. In this paper, the authors analyze the microstructure of friction stir welded joints of Ti-6Al-4V processed at the same travel speed (35 mm/min) but at different rotation speeds (300-500 rpm). The microstructure of base material (BM), as result from both optical microscope and scanning electron microscope analysis is not homogenous. It is characterized by distorted α/β lamellar microstructure together with smashed zone of fragmented β layer and β retained grain boundary phase. The BM has been welded in the-as received state, without any previous heat treatment. Even the microstructure of the transverse and longitudinal sections of joints is not homogeneous. Close to the top of weld cross sections a much finer microstructure than the initial condition has been observed, while in the center of the joints the microstructure is less refined. Along longitudinal sections, the microstructure is characterized by equiaxed grains and lamellae. Both the length and area fraction of lamellas increases with distance from longitudinal axis. The hardness of joints is higher than that of BM. As the process temperature increases the average microhardness slightly decreases.Keywords: friction stir welding, microhardness, microstructure, Ti-6Al-4V
Procedia PDF Downloads 3812015 3D Numerical Studies on External Aerodynamics of a Flying Car
Authors: Sasitharan Ambicapathy, J. Vignesh, P. Sivaraj, Godfrey Derek Sams, K. Sabarinath, V. R. Sanal Kumar
The external flow simulation of a flying car at take off phase is a daunting task owing to the fact that the prediction of the transient unsteady flow features during its deployment phase is very complex. In this paper 3D numerical simulations of external flow of Ferrari F430 proposed flying car with different NACA 9618 rectangular wings have been carried. Additionally, the aerodynamics characteristics have been generated for optimizing its geometry for achieving the minimum take off velocity with better overall performance in both road and air. The three-dimensional standard k-omega turbulence model has been used for capturing the intrinsic flow physics during the take off phase. In the numerical study, a fully implicit finite volume scheme of the compressible, Reynolds-Averaged, Navier-Stokes equations is employed. Through the detailed parametric analytical studies we have conjectured that Ferrari F430 flying car facilitated with high wings having three different deployment histories during the take off phase is the best choice for accomplishing its better performance for the commercial applications.Keywords: aerodynamics of flying car, air taxi, negative lift, roadable airplane
Procedia PDF Downloads 4202014 Effect of Aging on Hardness and Corrosion Resistance of WE43 Magnesium Alloy
Authors: Ziya Esen, Özgür Duygulu, Nazlı S. Büyükatak
This study investigates the effects of aging heat treatment on corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of WE43 Magnesium alloy. The heat treatment of alloys was conducted by solutionizing at 525oC for 16 h, followed by aging at 190, 210 and 230oC for up to 48 h. The type and the size of precipitates formed upon aging have influenced both the mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of the alloy. Solutionized alloy displayed the worst corrosion resistance in simulated body fluid, while peak hardness and the best corrosion resistance were observed in the alloy aged at 210oC for 24 h as a result of β’ precipitate formation. Longer aging duration at 210oC decreased the corrosion rate due to the coarsening of the precipitates and formation of precipitate-free zones. The increased corrosion resistance of the peak aged samples was attributed to the slowing down effect of the Mg(OH)₂/MgO corrosion layer by the pinning effect of β’-precipitates.Keywords: WE43 magnesium alloy, simulated body fluid, corrosion, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 102013 Design and Optimization Fire Alarm System to Protect Gas Condensate Reservoirs With the Use of Nano-Technology
Authors: Hefzollah Mohammadian, Ensieh Hajeb, Mohamad Baqer Heidari
In this paper, for the protection and safety of tanks gases (flammable materials) and also due to the considerable economic value of the reservoir, the new system for the protection, the conservation and fire fighting has been cloned. The system consists of several parts: the Sensors to detect heat and fire with Nanotechnology (nano sensor), Barrier for isolation and protection from a range of two electronic zones, analyzer for detection and locating point of fire accurately, Main electronic board to announce fire, Fault diagnosis in different locations, such as relevant alarms and activate different devices for fire distinguish and announcement. An important feature of this system, high speed and capability of fire detection system in a way that is able to detect the value of the ambient temperature that can be adjusted. Another advantage of this system is autonomous and does not require human operator in place. Using nanotechnology, in addition to speeding up the work, reduces the cost of construction of the sensor and also the notification system and fire extinguish.Keywords: analyser, barrier, heat resistance, general fault, general alarm, nano sensor
Procedia PDF Downloads 4562012 Effect of Supply Frequency on Pre-Breakdown and Breakdown Phenomena in Unbridged Vacuum Gaps
Authors: T.C. Balachandra, Habibuddin Shaik
This paper presents experimental results leading towards a better understanding of pre-breakdown and breakdown behavior of vacuum gaps under variable frequency alternating excitations. The frequency variation is in the range of 30 to 300 Hz in steps of 10 Hz for a fixed gap spacing of 0.5 mm. The results indicate that the pre-breakdown currents show an inverse relation with the breakdown voltage in general though erratic behavior was observed over a certain range of frequencies. A breakdown voltage peak was observed at 130 Hz. This was pronounced when the electrode pair was of stainless steel and less pronounced when copper and aluminum electrodes were used. The experimental results are explained based on F-N emission, I-F emission, and also thermal interaction due to quasi-continuous shower of anode micro-particles. Further, it is speculated that the ostensible cause for time delay between voltage and current peaks is due to the presence of neutral molecules in the gap.Keywords: anode hot-spots, F-N emission, I-F emission, microparticle, neutral molecules, pre-breakdown conduction, vacuum breakdown
Procedia PDF Downloads 1632011 Advanced Technology for Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) Recovery Using Residue Gas Split
Authors: Riddhiman Sherlekar, Umang Paladia, Rachit Desai, Yash Patel
The competitive scenario of the oil and gas market is a challenge for today’s plant designers to achieve designs that meet client expectations with shrinking budgets, safety requirements, and operating flexibility. Natural Gas Liquids have three main industrial uses. They can be used as fuels, or as petrochemical feedstock or as refinery blends that can be further processed and sold as straight run cuts, such as naphtha, kerosene and gas oil. NGL extraction is not a chemical reaction. It involves the separation of heavier hydrocarbons from the main gas stream through pressure as temperature reduction, which depending upon the degree of NGL extraction may involve cryogenic process. Previous technologies i.e. short cycle dry desiccant absorption, Joule-Thompson or Low temperature refrigeration, lean oil absorption have been giving results of only 40 to 45% ethane recoveries, which were unsatisfying depending upon the current scenario of down turn market. Here new technology has been suggested for boosting up the recoveries of ethane+ up to 95% and up to 99% for propane+ components. Cryogenic plants provide reboiling to demethanizers by using part of inlet feed gas, or inlet feed split. If the two stream temperatures are not similar, there is lost work in the mixing operation unless the designer has access to some proprietary design. The concept introduced in this process consists of reboiling the demethanizer with the residue gas, or residue gas split. The innovation of this process is that it does not use the typical inlet gas feed split type of flow arrangement to reboil the demethanizer or deethanizer column, but instead uses an open heat pump scheme to that effect. The residue gas compressor provides the heat pump effect. The heat pump stream is then further cooled and entered in the top section of the column as a cold reflux. Because of the nature of this design, this process offers the opportunity to operate at full ethane rejection or recovery. The scheme is also very adaptable to revamp existing facilities. This advancement can be proven not only in enhancing the results but also provides operational flexibility, optimize heat exchange, introduces equipment cost reduction, opens a future for the innovative designs while keeping execution costs low.Keywords: deethanizer, demethanizer, residue gas, NGL
Procedia PDF Downloads 2662010 Kinetics of Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Activity during Thermal Treatment of Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L)
Authors: Mary-Luz Olivares-Tenorio, Ruud Verkerk, Matthijs Dekker, Martinus A. J. S. van Boekel
Cape gooseberry, the fruit of the plant Physalis peruviana L. has gained interest in research given its contents of promising health-promoting compounds like contents. The presence of carotenoids, ascorbic acid, minerals, polyphenols, vitamins and antioxidants. This project aims to study thermal stability of β-carotene, ascorbic acid, catechin and epicatechin and antioxidant activity in the matrix of the Cape Gooseberry. Fruits were obtained from a Colombian field in Cundinamarca. Ripeness stage was 4 (According to NTC 4580, corresponding to mature stage) at the moment of the experiment. The fruits have been subjected to temperatures of 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120°C for several times. β-Carotene, ascorbic acid, catechin and epicatechin content were assessed with HPLC and antioxidant activity with the DPPH method. β-Carotene was stable upon 100°C, and showed some degradation at 120°C. The same behavior was observed for epicatechin. Catechin increased during treatment at 40°C, at 60°C it remained stable and it showed degradation at 80°C, 100°C and 120°C that could be described by a second order kinetic model. Ascorbic acid was the most heat-sensitive of the analyzed compounds. It showed degradation at all studied temperatures, and could be described by a first order model. The activation energy for ascorbic acid degradation in cape gooseberry was 46.0 kJ/mol and its degradation rate coefficient at 100 °C was 6.53 x 10-3 s-1. The antioxidant activity declined for all studied temperatures. Results from this study showed that cape gooseberry is an important source of different health-promoting compounds and some of them are stable to heat. That makes this fruit a suitable raw material for processed products such as jam, juices and dehydrated fruit, giving the consumer a good intake of these compounds.Keywords: goldenberry, health-promoting compounds, phytochemical, processing, heat treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 4542009 Integration of Icf Walls as Diurnal Solar Thermal Storage with Microchannel Solar Assisted Heat Pump for Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water Production
Authors: Mohammad Emamjome Kashan, Alan S. Fung
In Canada, more than 32% of the total energy demand is related to the building sector. Therefore, there is a great opportunity for Greenhouse Gases (GHG) reduction by integrating solar collectors to provide building heating load and domestic hot water (DHW). Despite the cold winter weather, Canada has a good number of sunny and clear days that can be considered for diurnal solar thermal energy storage. Due to the energy mismatch between building heating load and solar irradiation availability, relatively big storage tanks are usually needed to store solar thermal energy during the daytime and then use it at night. On the other hand, water tanks occupy huge space, especially in big cities, space is relatively expensive. This project investigates the possibility of using a specific building construction material (ICF – Insulated Concrete Form) as diurnal solar thermal energy storage that is integrated with a heat pump and microchannel solar thermal collector (MCST). Not much literature has studied the application of building pre-existing walls as active solar thermal energy storage as a feasible and industrialized solution for the solar thermal mismatch. By using ICF walls that are integrated into the building envelope, instead of big storage tanks, excess solar energy can be stored in the concrete of the ICF wall that consists of EPS insulation layers on both sides to store the thermal energy. In this study, two solar-based systems are designed and simulated inTransient Systems Simulation Program(TRNSYS)to compare ICF wall thermal storage benefits over the system without ICF walls. In this study, the heating load and DHW of a Canadian single-family house located in London, Ontario, are provided by solar-based systems. The proposed system integrates the MCST collector, a water-to-water HP, a preheat tank, the main tank, fan coils (to deliver the building heating load), and ICF walls. During the day, excess solar energy is stored in the ICF walls (charging cycle). Thermal energy can be restored from the ICF walls when the preheat tank temperature drops below the ICF wall (discharging process) to increase the COP of the heat pump. The evaporator of the heat pump is taking is coupled with the preheat tank. The provided warm water by the heat pump is stored in the second tank. Fan coil units are in contact with the tank to provide a building heating load. DHW is also delivered is provided from the main tank. It is investigated that the system with ICF walls with an average solar fraction of 82%- 88% can cover the whole heating demand+DHW of nine months and has a 10-15% higher average solar fraction than the system without ICF walls. Sensitivity analysis for different parameters influencing the solar fraction is discussed in detail.Keywords: net-zero building, renewable energy, solar thermal storage, microchannel solar thermal collector
Procedia PDF Downloads 1212008 Reduction of High-Frequency Planar Transformer Conduction Losses Using a Planar Litz Wire Structure
Authors: Hamed Belloumi, Amira Zouaoui, Ferid kourda
A new trend in power converters is to design planar transformer that aim for low profile. However, at high frequency, the planar transformer ac losses become significant due to the proximity and skin effects. In this paper, the design and implementation of a novel planar Litz conductor is presented in order to equalize the flux linkage and improving the current distribution. The developed PCB litz wire structure minimizes the losses in a similar way to the conventional multi stranded Litz wires. In order to further illustrate the eddy current effect in different arrangements, a Finite-Element Analysis (FEA) tool is used to analyze current distribution inside the conductors. Finally, the proposed planar transformer has been integrated in an electronic stage to test at high signal levels.Keywords: planar transformer, finite-element analysis, winding losses, planar Litz wire
Procedia PDF Downloads 4042007 Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Crystalline Structure of Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride)
Authors: Adriana Souza M. Batista, Cláubia Pereira, Luiz O. Faria
The irradiation of polymeric materials has received much attention because it can produce diverse changes in chemical structure and physical properties. Thus, studying the chemical and structural changes of polymers is important in practice to achieve optimal conditions for the modification of polymers. The effect of gamma irradiation on the crystalline structure of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) has been investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction techniques (XRD). Gamma irradiation was carried out in atmosphere air with doses between 100 kGy at 3,000 kGy with a Co-60 source. In the melting thermogram of the samples irradiated can be seen a bimodal melting endotherm is detected with two melting temperature. The lower melting temperature is attributed to melting of crystals originally present and the higher melting peak due to melting of crystals reorganized upon heat treatment. These results are consistent with those obtained by XRD technique showing increasing crystallinity with increasing irradiation dose, although the melting latent heat is decreasing.Keywords: differential scanning calorimetry, gamma irradiation, PVDF, X-ray diffraction technique
Procedia PDF Downloads 4022006 Laboratory Evaluation of the Airborne Sound Insulation of Plasterboard Sandwich Panels Filled with Recycled Textile Material
Authors: Svetlana Trifonova Djambova, Natalia Bobeva Ivanova, Roumiana Asenova Zaharieva
Small size acoustic chamber test method has been applied to experimentally evaluate and compare the airborne sound insulation provided by plasterboard sandwich panels filled with mineral wool and with its alternative from recycled textile material (produced by two different technologies). A sound source room is used as an original small-size acoustic chamber, specially built in a real-size room, utilized as a sound receiving room. The experimental results of one of the recycled textile material specimens have demonstrated sound insulation properties similar to those of the mineral wool specimen and even superior in the 1600-3150 Hz frequency range. This study contributes to the improvement of recycled textile material production, as well as to the synergy of heat insulation and sound insulation performances of building materials.Keywords: airborne sound insulation, heat insulation products, mineral wool, recycled textile material
Procedia PDF Downloads 1902005 Convective Boiling of CO₂/R744 in Macro and Micro-Channels
Authors: Adonis Menezes, J. C. Passos
The current panorama of technology in heat transfer and the scarcity of information about the convective boiling of CO₂ and hydrocarbon in small diameter channels motivated the development of this work. Among non-halogenated refrigerants, CO₂/ R744 has distinct thermodynamic properties compared to other fluids. The R744 presents significant differences in operating pressures and temperatures, operating at higher values compared to other refrigerants, and this represents a challenge for the design of new evaporators, as the original systems must normally be resized to meet the specific characteristics of the R744, which creates the need for a new design and optimization criteria. To carry out the convective boiling tests of CO₂, an experimental apparatus capable of storing (m= 10kg) of saturated CO₂ at (T = -30 ° C) in an accumulator tank was used, later this fluid was pumped using a positive displacement pump with three pistons, and the outlet pressure was controlled and could reach up to (P = 110bar). This high-pressure saturated fluid passed through a Coriolis type flow meter, and the mass velocities varied between (G = 20 kg/m².s) up to (G = 1000 kg/m².s). After that, the fluid was sent to the first test section of circular cross-section in diameter (D = 4.57mm), where the inlet and outlet temperatures and pressures, were controlled and the heating was promoted by the Joule effect using a source of direct current with a maximum heat flow of (q = 100 kW/m²). The second test section used a cross-section with multi-channels (seven parallel channels) with a square cross-section of (D = 2mm) each; this second test section has also control of temperature and pressure at the inlet and outlet as well as for heating a direct current source was used, with a maximum heat flow of (q = 20 kW/m²). The fluid in a biphasic situation was directed to a parallel plate heat exchanger so that it returns to the liquid state, thus being able to return to the accumulator tank, continuing the cycle. The multi-channel test section has a viewing section; a high-speed CMOS camera was used for image acquisition, where it was possible to view the flow patterns. The experiments carried out and presented in this report were conducted in a rigorous manner, enabling the development of a database on the convective boiling of the R744 in macro and micro channels. The analysis prioritized the processes from the beginning of the convective boiling until the drying of the wall in a subcritical regime. The R744 resurfaces as an excellent alternative to chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants due to its negligible ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) and GWP (Global Warming Potential) rates, among other advantages. The results found in the experimental tests were very promising for the use of CO₂ in micro-channels in convective boiling and served as a basis for determining the flow pattern map and correlation for determining the heat transfer coefficient in the convective boiling of CO₂.Keywords: convective boiling, CO₂/R744, macro-channels, micro-channels
Procedia PDF Downloads 1442004 Type–2 Fuzzy Programming for Optimizing the Heat Rate of an Industrial Gas Turbine via Absorption Chiller Technology
Authors: T. Ganesan, M. S. Aris, I. Elamvazuthi, Momen Kamal Tageldeen
Terms set in power purchase agreements (PPA) challenge power utility companies in balancing between the returns (from maximizing power production) and securing long term supply contracts at capped production. The production limitation set in the PPA has driven efforts to maximize profits through efficient and economic power production. In this paper, a combined industrial-scale gas turbine (GT) - absorption chiller (AC) system is considered to cool the GT air intake for reducing the plant’s heat rate (HR). This GT-AC system is optimized while considering power output limitations imposed by the PPA. In addition, the proposed formulation accounts for uncertainties in the ambient temperature using Type-2 fuzzy programming. Using the enhanced chaotic differential evolution (CEDE), the Pareto frontier was constructed and the optimization results are analyzed in detail.Keywords: absorption chillers (AC), turbine inlet air cooling (TIC), power purchase agreement (PPA), multiobjective optimization, type-2 fuzzy programming, chaotic differential evolution (CDDE)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3122003 Working Fluids in Absorption Chillers: Investigation of the Use of Deep Eutectic Solvents
Authors: L. Cesari, D. Alonso, F. Mutelet
The interest in cold production has been on the increase in absorption chillers for many years. In fact, the absorption cycles replace the compressor and thus reduce electrical consumption. The devices also allow waste heat generated through industrial activities to be recovered and cooled to a moderate temperature in accordance with regulatory guidelines. Many working fluids were investigated but could not compete with the commonly used {H2O + LiBr} and {H2O + NH3} to author’s best knowledge. Yet, the corrosion, toxicity and crystallization phenomena of these mixtures prevent the development of the absorption technology. This work investigates the possible use of a glyceline deep eutectic solvent (DES) and CO2 as working fluid in an absorption chiller. To do so, good knowledge of the mixtures is required. Experimental measurements (vapor-liquid equilibria, density, and heat capacity) were performed to complete the data lacking in the literature. The performance of the mixtures was quantified by the calculation of the coefficient of performance (COP). The results show that working fluids containing DES + CO2 are an interesting alternative and lead to different trails of working mixtures for absorption and chiller.Keywords: absorption devices, deep eutectic solvent, energy valorization, experimental data, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1102002 Superlyophobic Surfaces for Increased Heat Transfer during Condensation of CO₂
Authors: Ingrid Snustad, Asmund Ervik, Anders Austegard, Amy Brunsvold, Jianying He, Zhiliang Zhang
CO₂ capture, transport and storage (CCS) is essential to mitigate global anthropogenic CO₂ emissions. To make CCS a widely implemented technology in, e.g. the power sector, the reduction of costs is crucial. For a large cost reduction, every part of the CCS chain must contribute. By increasing the heat transfer efficiency during liquefaction of CO₂, which is a necessary step, e.g. ship transportation, the costs associated with the process are reduced. Heat transfer rates during dropwise condensation are up to one order of magnitude higher than during filmwise condensation. Dropwise condensation usually occurs on a non-wetting surface (Superlyophobic surface). The vapour condenses in discrete droplets, and the non-wetting nature of the surface reduces the adhesion forces and results in shedding of condensed droplets. This, again, results in fresh nucleation sites for further droplet condensation, effectively increasing the liquefaction efficiency. In addition, the droplets in themselves have a smaller heat transfer resistance than a liquid film, resulting in increased heat transfer rates from vapour to solid. Surface tension is a crucial parameter for dropwise condensation, due to its impact on the solid-liquid contact angle. A low surface tension usually results in a low contact angle, and again to spreading of the condensed liquid on the surface. CO₂ has very low surface tension compared to water. However, at relevant temperatures and pressures for CO₂ condensation, the surface tension is comparable to organic compounds such as pentane, a dropwise condensation of CO₂ is a completely new field of research. Therefore, knowledge of several important parameters such as contact angle and drop size distribution must be gained in order to understand the nature of the condensation. A new setup has been built to measure these relevant parameters. The main parts of the experimental setup is a pressure chamber in which the condensation occurs, and a high- speed camera. The process of CO₂ condensation is visually monitored, and one can determine the contact angle, contact angle hysteresis and hence, the surface adhesion of the liquid. CO₂ condensation on different surfaces can be analysed, e.g. copper, aluminium and stainless steel. The experimental setup is built for accurate measurements of the temperature difference between the surface and the condensing vapour and accurate pressure measurements in the vapour. The temperature will be measured directly underneath the condensing surface. The next step of the project will be to fabricate nanostructured surfaces for inducing superlyophobicity. Roughness is a key feature to achieve contact angles above 150° (limit for superlyophobicity) and controlled, and periodical roughness on the nanoscale is beneficial. Surfaces that are non- wetting towards organic non-polar liquids are candidates surface structures for dropwise condensation of CO₂.Keywords: CCS, dropwise condensation, low surface tension liquid, superlyophobic surfaces
Procedia PDF Downloads 2782001 Aerodynamic Bicycle Torque Augmentation with a Wells Turbine in Wheels
Authors: Tsuyoshi Yamazaki, Etsuo Morishita
Cyclists often run through a crosswind and sometimes we experience the adverse pressure. We came to an idea that Wells turbine can be used as power augmentation device in the crosswind something like sails of a yacht. Wells turbine always rotates in the same direction irrespective of the incoming flow direction, and we use it in the small-scale power generation in the ocean where waves create an oscillating flow. We incorporate the turbine to the wheel of a bike. A commercial device integrates strain gauges in the crank of a bike and transmitted force and torque applied to the pedal of the bike as an e-mail to the driver’s mobile phone. We can analyze the unsteady data in a spreadsheet sent from the crank sensor. We run the bike with the crank sensor on the rollers at the exit of a low-speed wind tunnel and analyze the effect of the crosswind to the wheel with a Wells turbine. We also test the aerodynamic characteristics of the turbine separately. Although power gain depends on the flow direction, several Watts increase might be possible by the Wells turbine incorporated to a bike wheel.Keywords: aerodynamics, Wells turbine, bicycle, wind engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 1812000 Text Mining Past Medical History in Electrophysiological Studies
Authors: Roni Ramon-Gonen, Amir Dori, Shahar Shelly
Background and objectives: Healthcare professionals produce abundant textual information in their daily clinical practice. The extraction of insights from all the gathered information, mainly unstructured and lacking in normalization, is one of the major challenges in computational medicine. In this respect, text mining assembles different techniques to derive valuable insights from unstructured textual data, so it has led to being especially relevant in Medicine. Neurological patient’s history allows the clinician to define the patient’s symptoms and along with the result of the nerve conduction study (NCS) and electromyography (EMG) test, assists in formulating a differential diagnosis. Past medical history (PMH) helps to direct the latter. In this study, we aimed to identify relevant PMH, understand which PMHs are common among patients in the referral cohort and documented by the medical staff, and examine the differences by sex and age in a large cohort based on textual format notes. Methods: We retrospectively identified all patients with abnormal NCS between May 2016 to February 2022. Age, gender, and all NCS attributes reports were recorded, including the summary text. All patients’ histories were extracted from the text report by a query. Basic text cleansing and data preparation were performed, as well as lemmatization. Very popular words (like ‘left’ and ‘right’) were deleted. Several words were replaced with their abbreviations. A bag of words approach was used to perform the analyses. Different visualizations which are common in text analysis, were created to easily grasp the results. Results: We identified 5282 unique patients. Three thousand and five (57%) patients had documented PMH. Of which 60.4% (n=1817) were males. The total median age was 62 years (range 0.12 – 97.2 years), and the majority of patients (83%) presented after the age of forty years. The top two documented medical histories were diabetes mellitus (DM) and surgery. DM was observed in 16.3% of the patients, and surgery at 15.4%. Other frequent patient histories (among the top 20) were fracture, cancer (ca), motor vehicle accident (MVA), leg, lumbar, discopathy, back and carpal tunnel release (CTR). When separating the data by sex, we can see that DM and MVA are more frequent among males, while cancer and CTR are less frequent. On the other hand, the top medical history in females was surgery and, after that, DM. Other frequent histories among females are breast cancer, fractures, and CTR. In the younger population (ages 18 to 26), the frequent PMH were surgery, fractures, trauma, and MVA. Discussion: By applying text mining approaches to unstructured data, we were able to better understand which medical histories are more relevant in these circumstances and, in addition, gain additional insights regarding sex and age differences. These insights might help to collect epidemiological demographical data as well as raise new hypotheses. One limitation of this work is that each clinician might use different words or abbreviations to describe the same condition, and therefore using a coding system can be beneficial.Keywords: abnormal studies, healthcare analytics, medical history, nerve conduction studies, text mining, textual analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 961999 Dielectric and Impedance Spectroscopy of Samarium and Lanthanum Doped Barium Titanate at Room Temperature
Authors: Sukhleen Bindra Narang, Dalveer Kaur, Kunal Pubby
Dielectric ceramic samples in the BaO-Re2O3-TiO2 ternary system were synthesized with structural formula Ba2-xRe4+2x/3Ti8O24 where Re= rare earth metal and Re= Sm and La where x varies from 0.0 to 0.6 with step size 0.1. Polycrystalline samples were prepared by the conventional solid state reaction technique. The dielectric, electrical and impedance analysis of all the samples in the frequency range 1KHz- 1MHz at room temperature (25°C) have been done to get the understanding of electrical conduction and dielectric relaxation and their correlation. Dielectric response of the samples at lower frequencies shows dielectric dispersion while at higher frequencies it shows dielectric relaxation. The ac conductivity is well fitted by the Jonscher law (σac = σdc+Aωn). The spectroscopic data in the impedance plane confirms the existence of grain contribution to the relaxation. All the properties are found out to be function of frequency as well as the amount of substitution.Keywords: dielectric ceramics, dielectric constant, loss tangent, AC conductivity, impedance spectroscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 4571998 2D PbS Nanosheets Synthesis and Their Applications as Field Effect Transistors or Solar Cells
Authors: T. Bielewicz, S. Dogan, C. Klinke
Two-dimensional, solution-processable semiconductor materials are interesting for low-cost electronic applications [1]. We demonstrate the synthesis of lead sulfide nanosheets and how their size, shape and height can be tuned by varying concentrations of pre-cursors, ligands and by varying the reaction temperature. Especially, the charge carrier confinement in the nanosheets’ height adjustable from 2 to 20 nm has a decisive impact on their electronic properties. This is demonstrated by their use as conduction channel in a field effect transistor [2]. Recently we also showed that especially thin nanosheets show a high carrier multiplication (CM) efficiency [3] which could make them, through the confinement induced band gap and high photoconductivity, very attractive for application in photovoltaic devices. We are already able to manufacture photovoltaic devices out of single nanosheets which show promising results.Keywords: physical sciences, chemistry, materials, chemistry, colloids, physics, condensed-matter physics, semiconductors, two-dimensional materials
Procedia PDF Downloads 3021997 Operation Strategies of Residential Micro Combined Heat and Power Technologies
Authors: Omar A. Shaneb, Adell S. Amer
Reduction of CO2 emissions has become a priority for several countries due to increasing concerns about global warming and climate change, especially in the developed countries. Residential sector is considered one of the most important sectors for considerable reduction of CO2 emissions since it represents a significant amount of the total consumed energy in those countries. A significant CO2 reduction cannot be achieved unless some initiatives have been adopted in the policy of these countries. Introducing micro combined heat and power (µCHP) systems into residential energy systems is one of these initiatives, since such a technology offers several advantages. Moreover, µCHP technology has the opportunity to be operated not only by natural gas but it could also be operated by renewable fuels. However, this technology can be operated by different operation strategies. Each strategy has some advantages and disadvantages. This paper provides a review of different operation strategies of such a technology used for residential energy systems, especially for single dwellings. The review summarizes key points that outline the trend of previous research carried out in this field.Keywords: energy management, µCHP systems, residential energy systems, sustainable houses, operation strategy.
Procedia PDF Downloads 4301996 Alternative Coating Compositions by Thermal Arc Spraying to Improve the Contact Heat Treatment in Press Hardening
Authors: Philipp Burger, Jonas Sommer, Haneen Daoud, Franz Hilmer, Uwe Glatzel
Press-hardened structural components made of coated high-strength steel are an essential part of the automotive industry when it comes to weight reduction, safety, and durability. Alternative heat treatment processes, such as contact heating, have been developed to improve the efficiency of this process. However, contact heating of the steel sheets often results in cracking within the Al-Si-coated layer. Therefore, this paper will address the development of alternative coating compositions based on Al-Si-X, suitable for contact heating. For this purpose, robot-assisted thermal arc spray was applied to coat the high-strength steel sheets. This ensured high reproducibility as well as effectiveness. The influence of the coating parameters and the variation of the nozzle geometry on the microstructure of the developed coatings will be discussed. Finally, the surface and mechanical properties after contact heating and press hardening will be presented.Keywords: press hardening, hot stamping, thermal spraying, arc spraying, coating compositions
Procedia PDF Downloads 951995 Performance Improvement of a Single-Flash Geothermal Power Plant Design in Iran: Combining with Gas Turbines and CHP Systems
Authors: Morteza Sharifhasan, Davoud Hosseini, Mohammad. R. Salimpour
The geothermal energy is considered as a worldwide important renewable energy in recent years due to rising environmental pollution concerns. Low- and medium-grade geothermal heat (< 200 ºC) is commonly employed for space heating and in domestic hot water supply. However, there is also much interest in converting the abundant low- and medium-grade geothermal heat into electrical power. The Iranian Ministry of Power - through the Iran Renewable Energy Organization (SUNA) – is going to build the first Geothermal Power Plant (GPP) in Iran in the Sabalan area in the Northwest of Iran. This project is a 5.5 MWe single flash steam condensing power plant. The efficiency of GPPs is low due to the relatively low pressure and temperature of the saturated steam. In addition to GPPs, Gas Turbines (GTs) are also known by their relatively low efficiency. The Iran ministry of Power is trying to increase the efficiency of these GTs by adding bottoming steam cycles to the GT to form what is known as combined gas/steam cycle. One of the most effective methods for increasing the efficiency is combined heat and power (CHP). This paper investigates the feasibility of superheating the saturated steam that enters the steam turbine of the Sabalan GPP (SGPP-1) to improve the energy efficiency and power output of the GPP. This purpose is achieved by combining the GPP with two 3.5 MWe GTs. In this method, the hot gases leaving GTs are utilized through a superheater similar to that used in the heat recovery steam generator of combined gas/steam cycle. Moreover, brine separated in the separator, hot gases leaving GTs and superheater are used for the supply of domestic hot water (in this paper, the cycle combined of GTs and CHP systems is named the modified SGPP-1) . In this research, based on the Heat Balance presented in the basic design documents of the SGPP-1, mathematical/numerical model of the power plant are developed together with the mentioned GTs and CHP systems. Based on the required hot water, the amount of hot gasses needed to pass through CHP section directly can be adjusted. For example, during summer when hot water is less required, the hot gases leaving both GTs pass through the superheater and CHP systems respectively. On the contrary, in order to supply the required hot water during the winter, the hot gases of one of the GTs enter the CHP section directly, without passing through the super heater section. The results show that there is an increase in thermal efficiency up to 40% through using the modified SGPP-1. Since the gross efficiency of SGPP-1 is 9.6%, the achieved increase in thermal efficiency is significant. The power output of SGPP-1 is increased up to 40% in summer (from 5.5MW to 7.7 MW) while the GTs power output remains almost unchanged. Meanwhile, the combined-cycle power output increases from the power output of the two separate plants of 12.5 MW [5.5+ (2×3.5)] to the combined-cycle power output of 14.7 [7.7+(2×3.5)]. This output is more than 17% above the output of the two separate plants. The modified SGPP-1 is capable of producing 215 T/Hr hot water ( 90 ºC ) for domestic use in the winter months.Keywords: combined cycle, chp, efficiency, gas turbine, geothermal power plant, gas turbine, power output
Procedia PDF Downloads 3221994 Development of Low Noise Savonius Wind Turbines
Authors: Sanghyeon Kim, Cheolung Cheong
Savonius wind turbines are a drag-type of vertical-axis wind turbine that has been used most commonly as a small-scale wind generator. However, noise is a main hindrance to wide spreading of Savonius wind turbines, just like other wind turbines. Although noise levels radiating from Savonius wind turbines may be relatively low because of their small size, they induce relatively high annoyance due to their prolonged noise exposure to the near community. Therefore, aerodynamic noise of small vertical-axis wind turbines is one of most important design parameters. In this paper, aerodynamic noise characteristics of Savonius wind turbines are investigated using the hybrid CAA techniques, and their low noise designs are proposed based on understanding of noise generation mechanism. First, flow field around the turbine are analyzed by solving 3-D unsteady incompressible RANS equations. Then, noise radiation is predicted using the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings equation. Two distinct harmonic noise components, the well-know BPF components and the harmonics whose fundamental frequency is much higher than the BPF are identified. On a basis of this finding, S-shaped blades are proposed as low noise designs and it can reduce the noise levels of Savonius wind turbines by up to 2.7 dB.Keywords: aerodynamic noise, Savonius wind turbine, vertical-axis wind turbine
Procedia PDF Downloads 4601993 The Incompressible Preference of Turbulence
Authors: Samuel David Dunstan
An elementary observation of a laminar cylindrical Poiseulle-Couette flow profile reveals no distinction in the parabolic streamwise profile from one without a cross-stream flow in whatever reference frame the observation is made. This is because the laminar flow is in solid-body rotation, and there is no intrinsic fluid rotation. Hence the main streamwise Poiseuille flow is unaffected. However, in turbulent (unsteady) cylindrical Poiseuille-Couette flow, the rotational reference frame must be considered, and any observation from an external inertial reference frame can give outright incorrect results. A common misconception in the study of fluid mechanics is the position of the observer does not matter. In this DNS (direct numerical simulation) study, firstly, turbulent flow in a pipe with axial rotation is established. Then in turbulent flow in the concentric pipe, with inner wall rotation, it is shown how the wall streak direction is oriented by the rotational reference frame. The Coriolis force here is not so fictitious after all!Keywords: concentric pipe, rotational and inertial frames, frame invariance, wall streaks, flow orientation
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