Search results for: Computational Fluid Dynamics
4428 Biosensor Design through Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Authors: Wenjun Zhang, Yunqing Du, Steven W. Cranford, Ming L. Wang
The beginning of 21st century has witnessed new advancements in the design and use of new materials for biosensing applications, from nano to macro, protein to tissue. Traditional analytical methods lack a complete toolset to describe the complexities introduced by living systems, pathological relations, discrete hierarchical materials, cross-phase interactions, and structure-property dependencies. Materiomics – via systematic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation – can provide structure-process-property relations by using a materials science approach linking mechanisms across scales and enables oriented biosensor design. With this approach, DNA biosensors can be utilized to detect disease biomarkers present in individuals’ breath such as acetone for diabetes. Our wireless sensor array based on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-decorated single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) has successfully detected trace amount of various chemicals in vapor differentiated by pattern recognition. Here, we present how MD simulation can revolutionize the way of design and screening of DNA aptamers for targeting biomarkers related to oral diseases and oral health monitoring. It demonstrates great potential to be utilized to build a library of DNDA sequences for reliable detection of several biomarkers of one specific disease, and as well provides a new methodology of creating, designing, and applying of biosensors.Keywords: biosensor, DNA, biomarker, molecular dynamics simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4654427 A Case Study of Kick Control in Tough Potohar Region
Authors: Iftikhar Raza
Well control is the management of the hazardous effects caused by the unexpected release of formation fluid, such as natural gas and/or crude oil, upon surface equipment of oil or gas drilling rigs and escaping into the atmosphere. Technically, oil well control involves preventing the formation fluid, usually referred to as kick, from entering into the wellbore during drilling. Oil well control is one of the most important aspects of drilling operations. Improper handling of kicks in oil well control can result in blowouts with very grave consequences, including the loss of valuable resources. Even though the cost of a blowout (as a result of improper/no oil well control) can easily reach several millions of US dollars, the monetary loss is not as serious as the other damages that can occur: irreparable damage to the environment, waste of valuable resources, ruined equipment, and most importantly, the safety and lives of personnel on the drilling rig. In this paper, case study of a well is discussed with field data showing the properties of the well. The whole procedure of controlling this well is illustrated in this which may be helpful for professional dealing with such kind of problems.Keywords: kick control, kill sheet, oil well, gas drilling
Procedia PDF Downloads 5114426 A Study of Flow near the Leading Edge of a Flat Plate by New Idea in Analytical Methods
Authors: M. R. Akbari, S. Akbari, L. Abdollahpour
The present paper is concerned with calculating the 2-dimensional velocity profile of a viscous flow for an incompressible fluid along the leading edge of a flat plate by using the continuity and motion equations with a simple and innovative approach. A Comparison between Numerical method and AGM has been made and the results have been revealed that AGM is very accurate and easy and can be applied for a wide variety of nonlinear problems. It is notable that most of the differential equations can be solved in this approach which in the other approaches they do not have this capability. Moreover, there are some valuable benefits in this method of solving differential equations, for instance: Without any dimensionless procedure, we can solve many differential equation(s), that is, differential equations are directly solvable by this method. In addition, it is not necessary to convert variables into new ones. According to the afore-mentioned expressions which will be proved in this literature, the process of solving nonlinear differential equation(s) will be very simple and convenient in contrast to the other approaches.Keywords: leading edge, new idea, flat plate, incompressible fluid
Procedia PDF Downloads 2874425 Effect of Non-Newtonian Behavior of Oil Phase on Oil-Water Stratified Flow in a Horizontal Channel
Authors: Satish Kumar Dewangan, Santosh Kumar Senapati
The present work focuses on the investigation of the effect of non-Newtonian behavior on the oil-water stratified flow in a horizontal channel using ANSYS Fluent. Coupled level set and volume of fluid (CLSVOF) has been used to capture the evolving interface assuming unsteady, coaxial flow with constant fluid properties. The diametric variation of oil volume fraction, mixture velocity, total pressure and pressure gradient has been studied. Non-Newtonian behavior of oil has been represented by the power law model in order to investigate the effect of flow behavior index. Stratified flow pattern tends to assume dispersed flow pattern with the change in the behavior of oil to non-Newtonian. The pressure gradient is found to be very much sensitive to the flow behavior index. The findings could be useful in designing the transportation pipe line in petroleum industries.Keywords: oil-water stratified flow, horizontal channel, CLSVOF, non–Newtonian behaviour.
Procedia PDF Downloads 4934424 Generation Transcritical Flow Influenced by Dissipation over a Hole
Authors: Mohammed Daher Albalwi
The transcritical flow of a stratified fluid over an obstacle for negative forcing amplitude (hole) that generation upstream and downstream, connected by an unsteady solution, is examined. In the weakly nonlinear, weakly dispersive regime, the problem is formulated in the forced Korteweg-de Vries–Burgers framework. This is done by including the influence of the viscosity of the fluid beyond the Korteweg–de Vries approximation. The results show that the influence of viscosity is crucial in determining various wave properties, including the amplitudes of solitary waves in the upstream and downstream directions, as well as the widths of the bores. We focused here on weak damping, and the results are presented for transcritical, supercritical, and subcritical flows. In general, the outcomes are not qualitatively similar to those from the forced Korteweg-de–Vries equation when the value of the viscous is small, interesting differences emerge as the magnitude of the value of viscous increases.Keywords: Korteweg–de Vries–Burgers equation, soliton, transcritical flow, viscous flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 524423 A Computational Framework for Decoding Hierarchical Interlocking Structures with SL Blocks
Authors: Yuxi Liu, Boris Belousov, Mehrzad Esmaeili Charkhab, Oliver Tessmann
This paper presents a computational solution for designing reconfigurable interlocking structures that are fully assembled with SL Blocks. Formed by S-shaped and L-shaped tetracubes, SL Block is a specific type of interlocking puzzle. Analogous to molecular self-assembly, the aggregation of SL blocks will build a reversible hierarchical and discrete system where a single module can be numerously replicated to compose semi-interlocking components that further align, wrap, and braid around each other to form complex high-order aggregations. These aggregations can be disassembled and reassembled, responding dynamically to design inputs and changes with a unique capacity for reconfiguration. To use these aggregations as architectural structures, we developed computational tools that automate the configuration of SL blocks based on architectural design objectives. There are three critical phases in our work. First, we revisit the hierarchy of the SL block system and devise a top-down-type design strategy. From this, we propose two key questions: 1) How to translate 3D polyominoes into SL block assembly? 2) How to decompose the desired voxelized shapes into a set of 3D polyominoes with interlocking joints? These two questions can be considered the Hamiltonian path problem and the 3D polyomino tiling problem. Then, we derive our solution to each of them based on two methods. The first method is to construct the optimal closed path from an undirected graph built from the voxelized shape and translate the node sequence of the resulting path into the assembly sequence of SL blocks. The second approach describes interlocking relationships of 3D polyominoes as a joint connection graph. Lastly, we formulate the desired shapes and leverage our methods to achieve their reconfiguration within different levels. We show that our computational strategy will facilitate the efficient design of hierarchical interlocking structures with a self-replicating geometric module.Keywords: computational design, SL-blocks, 3D polyomino puzzle, combinatorial problem
Procedia PDF Downloads 1304422 Cell Elevator: A Novel Technique for Cell Sorting and Circulating Tumor Cell Detection and Discrimination
Authors: Kevin Zhao, Norman J. Horing
A methodology for cells sorting and circulating tumor cell detection and discrimination is presented in this paper. The technique is based on Dielectrophoresis and microfluidic device theory. Specifically, the sorting of the cells is realized by adjusting the relation among the sedimentation forces, the drag force provided by the fluid, and the Dielectrophortic force that is relevant to the bias voltage applied on the device. The relation leads to manipulation of the elevation of the cells of the same kind to a height by controlling the bias voltage. Once the cells have been lifted to a position next to the bottom of the cell collection channel, the buffer fluid flashes them into the cell collection channel. Repeated elevation of the cells leads to a complete sorting of the cells in the sample chamber. A proof-of-principle example is presented which verifies the feasibility of the methodology.Keywords: cell sorter, CTC cell, detection and discrimination, dielectrophoresisords, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4334421 Dynamic Modeling of the Exchange Rate in Tunisia: Theoretical and Empirical Study
Authors: Chokri Slim
The relative failure of simultaneous equation models in the seventies has led researchers to turn to other approaches that take into account the dynamics of economic and financial systems. In this paper, we use an approach based on vector autoregressive model that is widely used in recent years. Their popularity is due to their flexible nature and ease of use to produce models with useful descriptive characteristics. It is also easy to use them to test economic hypotheses. The standard econometric techniques assume that the series studied are stable over time (stationary hypothesis). Most economic series do not verify this hypothesis, which assumes, when one wishes to study the relationships that bind them to implement specific techniques. This is cointegration which characterizes non-stationary series (integrated) with a linear combination is stationary, will also be presented in this paper. Since the work of Johansen, this approach is generally presented as part of a multivariate analysis and to specify long-term stable relationships while at the same time analyzing the short-term dynamics of the variables considered. In the empirical part, we have applied these concepts to study the dynamics of of the exchange rate in Tunisia, which is one of the most important economic policy of a country open to the outside. According to the results of the empirical study by the cointegration method, there is a cointegration relationship between the exchange rate and its determinants. This relationship shows that the variables have a significant influence in determining the exchange rate in Tunisia.Keywords: stationarity, cointegration, dynamic models, causality, VECM models
Procedia PDF Downloads 3664420 Generation Solitary Waves for Viscous Flow over a Hole
Authors: Mohammed Daher Albalwi
This study investigates the transcritical flow of a stratified fluid over topography under negative forcing amplitude (hole), which generates upstream and downstream flows connected by an unsteady solution. This phenomenon is formulated by a forced Korteweg-de Vries–Burgers model, considering weak nonlinearity and weak dispersion by accounting for the fluid’s viscosity beyond the Korteweg–de Vries approximation. The findings highlight that viscosity significantly affects various wave characteristics, such as the amplitudes of solitary waves both upstream and downstream, as well as the widths of the bores. We focused here on weak damping, and the results apply to transcritical, supercritical, and subcritical flows. Generally, when the viscosity is low, the results differ qualitatively from those predicted by the forced Korteweg-de Vries equation, with notable variations arising as viscosity increases.Keywords: Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers’ equation, soliton, viscous flow, transcritical (resonant) flow, solitary waves
Procedia PDF Downloads 54419 Improvement of Electric Aircraft Endurance through an Optimal Propeller Design Using Combined BEM, Vortex and CFD Methods
Authors: Jose Daniel Hoyos Giraldo, Jesus Hernan Jimenez Giraldo, Juan Pablo Alvarado Perilla
Range and endurance are the main limitations of electric aircraft due to the nature of its source of power. The improvement of efficiency on this kind of systems is extremely meaningful to encourage the aircraft operation with less environmental impact. The propeller efficiency highly affects the overall efficiency of the propulsion system; hence its optimization can have an outstanding effect on the aircraft performance. An optimization method is applied to an aircraft propeller in order to maximize its range and endurance by estimating the best combination of geometrical parameters such as diameter and airfoil, chord and pitch distribution for a specific aircraft design at a certain cruise speed, then the rotational speed at which the propeller operates at minimum current consumption is estimated. The optimization is based on the Blade Element Momentum (BEM) method, additionally corrected to account for tip and hub losses, Mach number and rotational effects; furthermore an airfoil lift and drag coefficients approximation is implemented from Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations supported by preliminary studies of grid independence and suitability of different turbulence models, to feed the BEM method, with the aim of achieve more reliable results. Additionally, Vortex Theory is employed to find the optimum pitch and chord distribution to achieve a minimum induced loss propeller design. Moreover, the optimization takes into account the well-known brushless motor model, thrust constraints for take-off runway limitations, maximum allowable propeller diameter due to aircraft height and maximum motor power. The BEM-CFD method is validated by comparing its predictions for a known APC propeller with both available experimental tests and APC reported performance curves which are based on Vortex Theory fed with the NASA Transonic Airfoil code, showing a adequate fitting with experimental data even more than reported APC data. Optimal propeller predictions are validated by wind tunnel tests, CFD propeller simulations and a study of how the propeller will perform if it replaces the one of on known aircraft. Some tendency charts relating a wide range of parameters such as diameter, voltage, pitch, rotational speed, current, propeller and electric efficiencies are obtained and discussed. The implementation of CFD tools shows an improvement in the accuracy of BEM predictions. Results also showed how a propeller has higher efficiency peaks when it operates at high rotational speed due to the higher Reynolds at which airfoils present lower drag. On the other hand, the behavior of the current consumption related to the propulsive efficiency shows counterintuitive results, the best range and endurance is not necessary achieved in an efficiency peak.Keywords: BEM, blade design, CFD, electric aircraft, endurance, optimization, range
Procedia PDF Downloads 1094418 The Physics of Turbulence Generation in a Fluid: Numerical Investigation Using a 1D Damped-MNLS Equation
Authors: Praveen Kumar, R. Uma, R. P. Sharma
This study investigates the generation of turbulence in a deep-fluid environment using a damped 1D-modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation model. The well-known damped modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation (d-MNLS) is solved using numerical methods. Artificial damping is added to the MNLS equation, and turbulence generation is investigated through a numerical simulation. The numerical simulation employs a finite difference method for temporal evolution and a pseudo-spectral approach to characterize spatial patterns. The results reveal a recurring periodic pattern in both space and time when the nonlinear Schrödinger equation is considered. Additionally, the study shows that the modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation disrupts the localization of structure and the recurrence of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) phenomenon. The energy spectrum exhibits a power-law behavior, closely following Kolmogorov's spectra steeper than k⁻⁵/³ in the inertial sub-range.Keywords: water waves, modulation instability, hydrodynamics, nonlinear Schrödinger's equation
Procedia PDF Downloads 764417 Study on the Stability of Large Space Expandable Parabolic Cylindrical Antenna
Authors: Chuanzhi Chen, Wenjing Yu
Parabolic cylindrical deployable antenna has the characteristics of wide cutting width, strong directivity, high gain, and easy automatic beam scanning. While, due to its large size, high flexibility, and strong coupling, the deployment process of parabolic cylindrical deployable antenna presents such problems as unsynchronized deployment speed, large local deformation and discontinuous switching of deployment state. A large deployable parabolic cylindrical antenna is taken as the research object, and the problem of unfolding process instability of cylindrical antenna is studied in the paper, which is caused by multiple factors such as multiple closed loops, elastic deformation, motion friction, and gap collision. Firstly, the multi-flexible system dynamics model of large-scale parabolic cylindrical antenna is established to study the influence of friction and elastic deformation on the stability of large multi-closed loop antenna. Secondly, the evaluation method of antenna expansion stability is studied, and the quantitative index of antenna configuration design is proposed to provide a theoretical basis for improving the overall performance of the antenna. Finally, through simulation analysis and experiment, the development dynamics and stability of large-scale parabolic cylindrical antennas are verified by in-depth analysis, and the principles for improving the stability of antenna deployment are summarized.Keywords: multibody dynamics, expandable parabolic cylindrical antenna, stability, flexible deformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1474416 Measuring Innovative and Entrepreneurial Networks Performance
Authors: Luís Farinha, João J. Ferreira
Nowadays innovation represents a challenge crucial to remaining globally competitive. This study seeks to develop a conceptual model aimed at measuring the dynamic interactions of the triple/quadruple helix, balancing innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives as pillars of regional competitiveness – the Regional Helix Scoreboard (RHS). To this aim, different strands of literature are identified according to their focus on specific regional competitiveness governance mechanisms. We put forward an overview of the state-of-the-art of research and is duly assessed in order to develop and propose a framework of analysis that enables an integrated approach in the context of collaborative dynamics. We conclude by presenting the RHS for the study of regional competitiveness dynamics, which integrates and associates different backgrounds and identifies a number of key performance indicators for research challenges.Keywords: entrepreneurship, KPIs, innovation, performance measurement, regional competitiveness, regional helix scoreboard
Procedia PDF Downloads 3304415 Simulation and Characterization of Stretching and Folding in Microchannel Electrokinetic Flows
Authors: Justo Rodriguez, Daming Chen, Amador M. Guzman
The detection, treatment, and control of rapidly propagating, deadly viruses such as COVID-19, require the development of inexpensive, fast, and accurate devices to address the urgent needs of the population. Microfluidics-based sensors are amongst the different methods and techniques for detection that are easy to use. A micro analyzer is defined as a microfluidics-based sensor, composed of a network of microchannels with varying functions. Given their size, portability, and accuracy, they are proving to be more effective and convenient than other solutions. A micro analyzer based on the concept of “Lab on a Chip” presents advantages concerning other non-micro devices due to its smaller size, and it is having a better ratio between useful area and volume. The integration of multiple processes in a single microdevice reduces both the number of necessary samples and the analysis time, leading the next generation of analyzers for the health-sciences. In some applications, the flow of solution within the microchannels is originated by a pressure gradient, which can produce adverse effects on biological samples. A more efficient and less dangerous way of controlling the flow in a microchannel-based analyzer is applying an electric field to induce the fluid motion and either enhance or suppress the mixing process. Electrokinetic flows are characterized by no less than two non-dimensional parameters: the electric Rayleigh number and its geometrical aspect ratio. In this research, stable and unstable flows have been studied numerically (and when possible, will be experimental) in a T-shaped microchannel. Additionally, unstable electrokinetic flows for Rayleigh numbers higher than critical have been characterized. The flow mixing enhancement was quantified in relation to the stretching and folding that fluid particles undergo when they are subjected to supercritical electrokinetic flows. Computational simulations were carried out using a finite element-based program while working with the flow mixing concepts developed by Gollub and collaborators. Hundreds of seeded massless particles were tracked along the microchannel from the entrance to exit for both stable and unstable flows. After post-processing, their trajectories, the folding and stretching values for the different flows were found. Numerical results show that for supercritical electrokinetic flows, the enhancement effects of the folding and stretching processes become more apparent. Consequently, there is an improvement in the mixing process, ultimately leading to a more homogenous mixture.Keywords: microchannel, stretching and folding, electro kinetic flow mixing, micro-analyzer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1274414 Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Public Bicycle Projects in Chinese Cities
Authors: Xiujuan Wang, Weiguo Wang, Lei Yu, Xue Liu
There are many purported benefits of public bike systems, therefore, it has seen a sharp increase since 2008 in Hangzhou, China. However, there are few studies on the public bicycle system in Chinese cities. In order to make recommendations for the development of public bicycle systems, this paper analyzes the influencing factors by using the system dynamics method according to the main characteristics of Chinese cities. The main characteristics of Chinese cities lie in the city size and process of urbanization, traffic mode division, demographic characteristics, bicycle infrastructure and right of way, regime structure. Finally, under the context of Chinese bike sharing systems, these analyses results can help to design some feasible strategies for the planner to the development of the public bicycles.Keywords: engineering of communication and transportation system, bicycle, public bike, characteristics of Chinese cities, system dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 2444413 Mid-Winter Stratospheric Warming Effects on Equatorial Dynamics over Peninsular India
Winter stratospheric dynamics is a highly variable and spectacular field of research in middle atmosphere. It is well believed that the interaction of energetic planetary waves with mean flow causes the temperature to increase in the stratosphere and associated circulation reversal. This wave driven sudden disturbances in the polar stratosphere is defined as Sudden Stratospheric Warming. The main objective of the present work is to investigate the mid-winter major stratospheric warming events on equatorial dynamics over Peninsular India. To explore the effect of mid-winter stratospheric warming on Indian region (60oE -100oE), we have selected the winters 2003/04, 2005/06, 2008/09, 2012/13 and 2018/19. This study utilized the data from ERA-Interim Reanalysis, Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) from NOAA and TRMM satellite data from NASA mission. It is observed that a sudden drop in OLR (averaged over Indian Region) occurs during the course of warming for the winters 2005/06, 2008/09 and 2018/19. But in winters 2003/04 and 2012/13, drop in OLR happens prior to the onset of major warming. Significant amplitude of planetary wave activity is observed in equatorial lower stratosphere which indicates the propagation of extra-tropical planetary waves from high latitude to equator. During the course of warming, a strong downward propagation of EP flux convergence is observed from polar to equator region. The polar westward wind reaches upto 20oN and the weak eastward wind dominates the equator during the winters 2003/04, 2005/06 and 2018/19. But in 2012/13 winter, polar westward wind reaches upto equator. The equatorial wind at 2008/09 is dominated by strong westward wind. Further detailed results will be presented in the conference.Keywords: Equatorial dynamics, Outgoing Longwave Radiation, Sudden Stratospheric Warming, Planetary Waves
Procedia PDF Downloads 1434412 Fluid–Structure Interaction Modeling of Wind Turbines
Authors: Andre F. A. Cyrino
Knowing that the technological advance is the focus on the efficient extraction of energy from wind, and therefore in the design of wind turbine structures, this work aims the study of the fluid-structure interaction of an idealized wind turbine. The blade was studied as a beam attached to a cylindrical Hub with rotation axis pointing the air flow that passes through the rotor. Using the calculus of variations and the finite difference method the blade will be simulated by a discrete number of nodes and the aerodynamic forces were evaluated. The study presented here was written on Matlab and performs a numeric simulation of a simplified model of windmill containing a Hub and three blades modeled as Euler-Bernoulli beams for small strains and under the constant and uniform wind. The mathematical approach is done by Hamilton’s Extended Principle with the aerodynamic loads applied on the nodes considering the local relative wind speed, angle of attack and aerodynamic lift and drag coefficients. Due to the wide range of angles of attack, a wind turbine blade operates, the airfoil used on the model was NREL SERI S809 which allowed obtaining equations for Cl and Cd as functions of the angle of attack, based on a NASA study. Tridimensional flow effects were no taken in part, as well as torsion of the beam, which only bends. The results showed the dynamic response of the system in terms of displacement and rotational speed as the turbine reached the final speed. Although the results were not compared to real windmills or more complete models, the resulting values were consistent with the size of the system and wind speed.Keywords: blade aerodynamics, fluid–structure interaction, wind turbine aerodynamics, wind turbine blade
Procedia PDF Downloads 2684411 Towards a Computational Model of Consciousness: Global Abstraction Workspace
Authors: Halim Djerroud, Arab Ali Cherif
We assume that conscious functions are implemented automatically. In other words that consciousness as well as the non-consciousness aspect of human thought, planning, and perception, are produced by biologically adaptive algorithms. We propose that the mechanisms of consciousness can be produced using similar adaptive algorithms to those executed by the mechanism. In this paper, we propose a computational model of consciousness, the ”Global Abstraction Workspace” which is an internal environmental modelling perceived as a multi-agent system. This system is able to evolve and generate new data and processes as well as actions in the environment.Keywords: artificial consciousness, cognitive architecture, global abstraction workspace, multi-agent system
Procedia PDF Downloads 3414410 Geometric Optimisation of Piezoelectric Fan Arrays for Low Energy Cooling
Authors: Alastair Hales, Xi Jiang
Numerical methods are used to evaluate the operation of confined face-to-face piezoelectric fan arrays as pitch, P, between the blades is varied. Both in-phase and counter-phase oscillation are considered. A piezoelectric fan consists of a fan blade, which is clamped at one end, and an extremely low powered actuator. This drives the blade tip’s oscillation at its first natural frequency. Sufficient blade tip speed, created by the high oscillation frequency and amplitude, is required to induce vortices and downstream volume flow in the surrounding air. A single piezoelectric fan may provide the ideal solution for low powered hot spot cooling in an electronic device, but is unable to induce sufficient downstream airflow to replace a conventional air mover, such as a convection fan, in power electronics. Piezoelectric fan arrays, which are assemblies including multiple fan blades usually in face-to-face orientation, must be developed to widen the field of feasible applications for the technology. The potential energy saving is significant, with a 50% power demand reduction compared to convection fans even in an unoptimised state. A numerical model of a typical piezoelectric fan blade is derived and validated against experimental data. Numerical error is found to be 5.4% and 9.8% using two data comparison methods. The model is used to explore the variation of pitch as a function of amplitude, A, for a confined two-blade piezoelectric fan array in face-to-face orientation, with the blades oscillating both in-phase and counter-phase. It has been reported that in-phase oscillation is optimal for generating maximum downstream velocity and flow rate in unconfined conditions, due at least in part to the beneficial coupling between the adjacent blades that leads to an increased oscillation amplitude. The present model demonstrates that confinement has a significant detrimental effect on in-phase oscillation. Even at low pitch, counter-phase oscillation produces enhanced downstream air velocities and flow rates. Downstream air velocity from counter-phase oscillation can be maximally enhanced, relative to that generated from a single blade, by 17.7% at P = 8A. Flow rate enhancement at the same pitch is found to be 18.6%. By comparison, in-phase oscillation at the same pitch outputs 23.9% and 24.8% reductions in peak downstream air velocity and flow rate, relative to that generated from a single blade. This optimal pitch, equivalent to those reported in the literature, suggests that counter-phase oscillation is less affected by confinement. The optimal pitch for generating bulk airflow from counter-phase oscillation is large, P > 16A, due to the small but significant downstream velocity across the span between adjacent blades. However, by considering design in a confined space, counterphase pitch should be minimised to maximise the bulk airflow generated from a certain cross-sectional area within a channel flow application. Quantitative values are found to deviate to a small degree as other geometric and operational parameters are varied, but the established relationships are maintained.Keywords: piezoelectric fans, low energy cooling, power electronics, computational fluid dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 2224409 Study of Natural Convection Heat Transfer of Plate-Fin Heat Sink
Authors: Han-Taw Chen, Tzu-Hsiang Lin, Chung-Hou Lai
This study applies the inverse method and three-dimensional CFD commercial software in conjunction with the experimental temperature data to investigate the heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of the plate-fin heat sink in a rectangular closed enclosure. The inverse method with the finite difference method and the experimental temperature data is applied to determine the approximate heat transfer coefficient. Later, based on the obtained results, the zero-equation turbulence model is used to obtain the heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics between two fins. To validate the accuracy of the results obtained, the comparison of the heat transfer coefficient is made. The obtained temperature at selected measurement locations of the fin is also compared with experimental data. The effect of the height of the rectangular enclosure on the obtained results is discussed.Keywords: inverse method, fluent, heat transfer characteristics, plate-fin heat sink
Procedia PDF Downloads 3894408 Molecular Dynamics Simulation Studies of Thermal Effects Created by High-Intensity, Ultra-Short Pulses Induced Cell Membrane Electroporation
Authors: Jiahui Song
The use of electric fields with high intensity (~ 100kV/cm or higher) and ultra short pulse durations (nanosecond range) has been a recent development. Most of the studies of electroporation have ignored possible thermal effects because of the small duration of the applied voltage pulses. However, it has been predicted membrane temperature gradients ranging from 0.2×109 to 109 K/m. This research focuses on thermal effects that drive for electroporative enhancements, even though the actual temperature values might not have changed appreciably from their equilibrium levels. The dynamics of pore formation with the application of an externally applied electric field is studied on the basis of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using the GROMACS package. MD simulations of a lipid layer with constant electric field strength of 0.5 V/nm at 25 °C and 47 °C are implemented to simulate the appropriate thermal effects. The GROMACS provides the force fields for the lipid membranes, which is taken to comprise of dipalmitoyl-phosphatidyl-choline (DPPC) molecules. The water model mimicks the aqueous environment surrounding the membrane. Velocities of water and membrane molecules are generated randomly at each simulation run according to a Maxwellian distribution. The high background electric field is typically used in MD simulations to probe electroporation. It serves as an accelerated test of the pore formation process since low electric fields would take inordinately long simulation time. MD simulation shows no pore is formed in a 1-ns snapshot for a DPPC membrane set at a temperature of 25°C after a 0.5 V/nm electric field is applied. A nano-sized pore is clearly seen in a 0.75-ns snapshot on the same geometry, but with the membrane surfaces kept at temperatures of 47°C. And the pore increases at 1 ns. The MD simulation results suggest the possibility that the increase in temperature can result in different degrees of electrically stimulated bio-effects. The results points to the role of thermal effects in facilitating and accelerating the electroporation process.Keywords: high-intensity, ultra-short, electroporation, thermal effects, molecular dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 524407 Development of Precise Ephemeris Generation Module for Thaichote Satellite Operations
Authors: Manop Aorpimai, Ponthep Navakitkanok
In this paper, the development of the ephemeris generation module used for the Thaichote satellite operations is presented. It is a vital part of the flight dynamics system, which comprises, the orbit determination, orbit propagation, event prediction and station-keeping maneuver modules. In the generation of the spacecraft ephemeris data, the estimated orbital state vector from the orbit determination module is used as an initial condition. The equations of motion are then integrated forward in time to predict the satellite states. The higher geopotential harmonics, as well as other disturbing forces, are taken into account to resemble the environment in low-earth orbit. Using a highly accurate numerical integrator based on the Burlish-Stoer algorithm the ephemeris data can be generated for long-term predictions, by using a relatively small computation burden and short calculation time. Some events occurring during the prediction course that are related to the mission operations, such as the satellite’s rise/set viewed from the ground station, Earth and Moon eclipses, the drift in ground track as well as the drift in the local solar time of the orbital plane are all detected and reported. When combined with other modules to form a flight dynamics system, this application is aimed to be applied for the Thaichote satellite and successive Thailand’s Earth-observation missions.Keywords: flight dynamics system, orbit propagation, satellite ephemeris, Thailand’s Earth Observation Satellite
Procedia PDF Downloads 3774406 A Particle Image Velocimetric (PIV) Experiment on Simplified Bottom Hole Flow Field
Authors: Heqian Zhao, Huaizhong Shi, Zhongwei Huang, Zhengliang Chen, Ziang Gu, Fei Gao
Hydraulics mechanics is significantly important in the drilling process of oil or gas exploration, especially for the drill bit. The fluid flows through the nozzles on the bit and generates a water jet to remove the cutting at the bottom hole. In this paper, a simplified bottom hole model is established. The Particle Image Velocimetric (PIV) is used to capture the flow field of the single nozzle. Due to the limitation of the bottom and wellbore, the potential core is shorter than that of the free water jet. The velocity magnitude rapidly attenuates when fluid close to the bottom is lower than about 5 mm. Besides, a vortex zone appears near the middle of the bottom beside the water jet zone. A modified exponential function can be used to fit the centerline velocity well. On the one hand, the results of this paper can provide verification for the numerical simulation of the bottom hole flow field. On the other hand, it also can provide an experimental basis for the hydraulic design of the drill bit.Keywords: oil and gas, hydraulic mechanic of drilling, PIV, bottom hole
Procedia PDF Downloads 2144405 A Sub-Scalar Approach to the MIPS Architecture
Authors: Kumar Sambhav Pandey, Anamika Singh
The continuous researches in the field of computer architecture basically aims at accelerating the computational speed and to gain enhanced performance. In this era, the superscalar, sub-scalar concept has not gained enough attention for improving the computation performance. In this paper, we have presented a sub-scalar approach to utilize the parallelism present with in the data while processing. The main idea is to split the data into individual smaller entities and these entities are processed with a defined known set of instructions. This sub-scalar approach to the MIPS architecture can bring out significant improvement in the computational speedup. MIPS-I is the basic design taken in consideration for the development of sub-scalar MIPS64 for increasing the instruction level parallelism (ILP) and resource utilization.Keywords: dataword, MIPS, processor, sub-scalar
Procedia PDF Downloads 5484404 Investigation of Adherence to Treatment, Perception, and Predictors of Adherence among Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease on Haemodialysis in the Eastern Region of Saudi Arabia: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Rima Al Garni, Emad Al Shdaifat, Sahar Elmetwalli, Mohammad Alzaid, Abdulrahman Alghothayyan, Sara Al Abd Al Hai, Seham Al Rashidi
Aim: To investigate the prevalence of non-adherence of patients on haemodialysis and explore their perception of the importance of adherence to the therapeutic regime and estimate the predictors for adherence to the therapeutic regime. Background: End-stage renal disease is commonly treated by haemodialysis. Haemodialysis treatment alone is not effective in replacing kidney function. Diet and fluid restrictions, along with supplementary medications, are mandatory for the survival and well-being of patients. Hence, adherence to this therapeutic regimen is essential. However, non-adherence to diet and fluid restrictions, medications, and dialysis is common among patients on haemodialysis. Design: Descriptive cross-sectional method was applied to investigate the prevalence of non-adherence to treatment, including adherence to diet and fluid restrictions, medications, and dialysis sessions. Methods: Structured interviews were conducted using the Arabic version of the End-Stage Renal Disease Adherence Questionnaire. The sample included 230 patients undergoing haemodialysis in the Eastern Region of Saudi Arabia. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and multiple regressions. Results/Findings: Most patients had good adherence (71.3%), and only 3.9% had poor adherence. The divorced or widowed patient had higher adherence compared with single (P=0.011) and married participants (P=0.045) through using the post hoc test. Patients above 60 years had higher adherence compared to patients below 40 years old (P=0.016) using the post hoc test. For the perception of the importance of adherence to the therapeutic regime subscale, two-thirds of the patients had lower scores (<=11). Conclusion: Adherence to therapeutic regime is high for three fourth of patients undergoing haemodialysis in the Eastern Region of Saudi Arabia; this finding is similar to results abstracted from the local literature. This result would help us highlight the needs of patients who are not compliant with their treatment plans and investigate the consequences of non-adherence on their well-being and general health. Hence, plan individualised therapeutic programmes that could raise their awareness and influence their adherence to therapeutic regimes.Keywords: adherence to treatment, haemodialysis, end stage renal disease, diet and fluid restrictions
Procedia PDF Downloads 934403 Streamlines: Paths of Fluid Flow through Sandstone Samples Based on Computed Microtomography
Authors: Ł. Kaczmarek, T. Wejrzanowski, M. Maksimczuk
The study presents the use of the numerical calculations based on high-resolution computed microtomography in analysis of fluid flow through Miocene sandstones. Therefore, the permeability studies of rocks were performed. Miocene samples were taken from well S-3, located in the eastern part of the Carpathian Foredeep. For aforementioned analysis, two series of X-ray irradiation were performed. The first set of samples was selected to obtain the spatial distribution of grains and pores. At this stage of the study length of voxel side amounted 27 microns. The next set of X-ray irradation enabled recognition of microstructural components as well as petrophysical features. The length of voxel side in this stage was up to 2 µm. Based on this study, the samples were broken down into two distinct groups. The first one represents conventional reservoir deposits, in opposite to second one - unconventional type. Appropriate identification of petrophysical parameters such as porosity and permeability of the formation is a key element for optimization of the reservoir development.Keywords: grains, permeability, pores, pressure distribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 2544402 Exploring Causes of Homelessness and Shelter Entry: A Case Study Analysis of Shelter Data in New York
Authors: Lindsay Fink, Sarha Smith-Moyo, Leanne W. Charlesworth
In recent years, the number of individuals experiencing homelessness has increased in the United States. This paper analyzes 2019 data from 16 different emergency shelters in Monroe County, located in Upstate New York. The data were collected through the County’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), and individuals were de-identified and de-duplicated for analysis. The purpose of this study is to explore the basic characteristics of the homeless population in Monroe County, and the dynamics of shelter use. The results of this study showed gender as a significant factor when analyzing the relationship between demographic variables and recorded reasons for shelter entry. Results also indicated that age and ethnicity did not significantly influence odds of re-entering a shelter, but did significantly influence reasons for shelter entry. Overall, the most common recorded cause of shelter entry in 2019 in the examined county was eviction by primary tenant. Recommendations to better address recurrent shelter entry and potential chronic homelessness include more consideration for the diversity existing within the homeless population, and the dynamics leading to shelter stays, including enhanced funding and training for shelter staff, as well as expanded access to permanent supportive housing programs.Keywords: chronic homelessness, homeless shelter stays, permanent supportive housing, shelter population dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1584401 Prediction of Binding Free Energies for Dyes Removal Using Computational Chemistry
Authors: R. Chanajaree, D. Luanwiset, K. Pongpratea
Dye removal is an environmental concern because the textile industries have been increasing by world population and industrialization. Adsorption is the technique to find adsorbents to remove dyes from wastewater. This method is low-cost and effective for dye removal. This work tries to develop effective adsorbents using the computational approach because it will be able to predict the possibility of the adsorbents for specific dyes in terms of binding free energies. The computational approach is faster and cheaper than the experimental approach in case of finding the best adsorbents. All starting structures of dyes and adsorbents are optimized by quantum calculation. The complexes between dyes and adsorbents are generated by the docking method. The obtained binding free energies from docking are compared to binding free energies from the experimental data. The calculated energies can be ranked as same as the experimental results. In addition, this work also shows the possible orientation of the complexes. This work used two experimental groups of the complexes of the dyes and adsorbents. In the first group, there are chitosan (adsorbent) and two dyes (reactive red (RR) and direct sun yellow (DY)). In the second group, there are poly(1,2-epoxy-3-phenoxy) propane (PEPP), which is the adsorbent, and 2 dyes of bromocresol green (BCG) and alizarin yellow (AY).Keywords: dyes removal, binding free energies, quantum calculation, docking
Procedia PDF Downloads 1554400 Vortex Control by a Downstream Splitter Plate in Psudoplastic Fluid Flow
Authors: Sudipto Sarkar, Anamika Paul
Pseudoplastic (n<1, n is the power index) fluids have great importance in food, pharmaceutical and chemical process industries which require a lot of attention. Unfortunately, due to its complex flow behavior inadequate research works can be found even in laminar flow regime. A practical problem is solved in the present research work by numerical simulation where we tried to control the vortex shedding from a square cylinder using a horizontal splitter plate placed at the downstream flow region. The position of the plate is at the centerline of the cylinder with varying distance from the cylinder to calculate the critical gap-ratio. If the plate is placed inside this critical gap, the vortex shedding from the cylinder suppressed completely. The Reynolds number considered here is in unsteady laminar vortex shedding regime, Re = 100 (Re = U∞a/ν, where U∞ is the free-stream velocity of the flow, a is the side of the cylinder and ν is the maximum value of kinematic viscosity of the fluid). Flow behavior has been studied for three different gap-ratios (G/a = 2, 2.25 and 2.5, where G is the gap between cylinder and plate) and for a fluid with three different flow behavior indices (n =1, 0.8 and 0.5). The flow domain is constructed using Gambit 2.2.30 and this software is also used to generate the mesh and to impose the boundary conditions. For G/a = 2, the domain size is considered as 37.5a × 16a with 316 × 208 grid points in the streamwise and flow-normal directions respectively after a thorough grid independent study. Fine and equal grid spacing is used close to the geometry to capture the vortices shed from the cylinder and the boundary layer developed over the flat plate. Away from the geometry meshes are unequal in size and stretched out. For other gap-ratios, proportionate domain size and total grid points are used with similar kind of mesh distribution. Velocity inlet (u = U∞), pressure outlet (Neumann condition), symmetry (free-slip boundary condition) at upper and lower domain boundary conditions are used for the simulation. Wall boundary condition (u = v = 0) is considered both on the cylinder and the splitter plate surfaces. Discretized forms of fully conservative 2-D unsteady Navier Stokes equations are then solved by Ansys Fluent 14.5. SIMPLE algorithm written in finite volume method is selected for this purpose which is a default solver inculcate in Fluent. The results obtained for Newtonian fluid flow agree well with previous works supporting Fluent’s usefulness in academic research. A thorough analysis of instantaneous and time-averaged flow fields are depicted both for Newtonian and pseudoplastic fluid flow. It has been observed that as the value of n reduces the stretching of shear layers also reduce and these layers try to roll up before the plate. For flow with high pseudoplasticity (n = 0.5) the nature of vortex shedding changes and the value of critical gap-ratio reduces. These are the remarkable findings for laminar periodic vortex shedding regime in pseudoplastic flow environment.Keywords: CFD, pseudoplastic fluid flow, wake-boundary layer interactions, critical gap-ratio
Procedia PDF Downloads 1114399 A Polyphonic Look at Trends
Authors: Turquesa Topper
The reflection focuses on recording and explaining the considerations, conceptualizations and methodological approach with which from the University, that is to say, from the academic field, the study of Trends is addressed with the intention of training professionals in the area, an area that requires disciplinary boundaries and builds a polyphonic vision. When referring to the objective of our Laboratory the detection of aesthetic trends of consumption, we find ourselves in the requirement to define our object: trends, aesthetic trends of consumption, more specifically. The pages cover a conception of trends from a theoretical framework that incorporates contributions from linguistics, semiotics, sociology, cultural studies and project disciplines, in order to consolidate a polyphonic look. The text investigates in the pre-discursive aspect of the trends, in the circulation of the notion of style and in the dynamics of affirmation - denial as the constitutive dynamics of Fashion linked to any process of innovation. From such inquiry, it is presented to Fashion as a system that operates directly on the construction of socio-individual identities unfolding through the liquefaction of signs in trends.Keywords: fashion, methodology, narrative, trends
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