Search results for: sustainable local public policies
14374 Evaluating the Implementation of Public Procurement Principles at Tendering Stage: SME Contractors' Perspective
Authors: Charles Poleni Mukumba, Kahilu Kajimo-Shakantu
Purpose: Principles of public procurement are the foundation of good public procurement, representing best practices in delivering public services by the government and its organs. They provide guidance in the public procurement cycle to achieve the best value for public resources. Tendering stage in the procurement cycle is the most critical, as tendering information is made available to bidders. The paper evaluates the implementation of public procurement principles at the tendering stage. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research was conducted by using qualitative methods with 18 SME contractors in Lusaka as the sample. The samples are business owners and managers of purposively selected SME contractors. The collected data was analysed using thematic and content analysis. Findings: The findings indicate inconsistency in accessing information critical for tendering success by bidders. Further, the findings suggest that adjustments to technical specifications are made to suit certain preferred bidders by procuring officials. Research Limitations/Implications: The interviews were limited to SME contractors registered with the national council for construction and involved in public sector construction works in Lusaka, Zambia. Practical Implications: Implementing principles of public procurement at the tendering stage creates equal, open, and fair competition for the bidders in cost terms to deliver standardised and quality works to the public sector. Original/Value: The findings reveal how principles of public procurement play a critical role in enhancing the efficient performance of the procurement cycle at the tendering stage.Keywords: evaluating, implementation, public procurement principles, tendering stage, SME contractors
Procedia PDF Downloads 8714373 Charged Momentum: Electric Vehicle Surge in India’s 2023 Landscape
Authors: Rahul Wagh, Sunil Shinde
Electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a transformative force in India's transportation sector, offering a sustainable solution to the country's growing energy and environmental challenges. Against the backdrop of rapid urbanization, rising pollution levels, and the need for energy security, EVs have gained traction as a viable alternative to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the electric vehicle market in India, focusing particularly on the landscape of 2023. It emphasizes key aspects such as the 2023 scenario of EV adoption, the role of indigenous manufacturers, dominant players shaping the market, and the influence of government policies and initiatives, including the FAME I and II schemes. Furthermore, the paper delves into EV sales data for the fiscal year 2023, offering insights into market trends and consumer preferences. By elucidating the current state of EVs in India, this paper aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the country's transition towards sustainable mobility and its implications for energy, the environment, and the economy.Keywords: EV adoption 2023, FAME schemes, consumer preferences, market trends
Procedia PDF Downloads 1314372 Sustainable Design through up-Cycling Crafts in the Mainstream Fashion Industry of India
Authors: Avani Chhajlani
Fashion is considered to be the most destructive industry, second only to the oil rigging industry, which has a greater impact on the environment. While fashion today banks upon fast fashion to generate a higher turnover of designs and patterns in apparel and related accessories, crafts push us towards a more slow and thoughtful approach with culturally identifiably unique work and slow community-centered production. Despite this strong link between indigenous crafts and sustainability, it has not been extensively researched and explored upon. In the forthcoming years, the fashion industry will have to reinvent itself to move towards a more holistic and sustainable circular model to balance the harm already caused. And closed loops of the circular economy will help the integration of indigenous craft knowledge, which is regenerative. Though sustainability and crafts of a region go hand-in-hand, the craft still have to find its standing in the mainstream fashion world; craft practices have a strong local congruence and knowledge that has been passed down generation-to-generation through oration or written materials. This paper aims to explore ways a circular economy can be created by amalgamating fashion and craft while creating a sustainable business model and how this is slowly being created today through brands like – RaasLeela, Pero, and KaSha, to name a few.Keywords: circular economy, fashion, India, indigenous crafts, slow fashion, sustainability, up-cycling
Procedia PDF Downloads 18814371 Geographies of Blackness: An Exploration of the Subaltern Public Spheres of the African Diaspora in European Cities
Authors: Teju N. Adisa-Farrar
In European cities, social, political and cultural geographies of blackness exist. Organizations create spaces to discuss, express, and expose the realities of young people of African descent creating an Afropean lifestyle with transnational affiliations. Focusing on black and brown spaces produced by and for the young people of African descent in Vienna and Brussels, it became clear a multidisciplinary approach would be necessary. Using Cultural Studies frameworks along with Communications Theories on Black Public Spheres and Social-Geography, a basis was created for exploring the creative, political, and economic responses of young people who are apart of the historically (and contemporary) oppressed and excluded groups of the African Diaspora. Through this intrinsic study, it became apparent that spaces created and reclaimed by young people of the African Diaspora were more inclusive and democratic than other spaces. The organizations studied have used city life as the platform to express their struggles and celebrations of their multicultural identity; clearly using historical, global black and Pan-African movements as the basis for local adaptation of an African Diaspora identity.Keywords: African diaspora, black public sphere, identity, spaces, geographies
Procedia PDF Downloads 29414370 Vertical Urbanization Over Public Structures: The Example of Mostar Junction in Belgrade, Serbia
Authors: Sladjana Popovic
The concept of vertical space urbanization, defined in English as "air rights development," can be considered a mechanism for the development of public spaces in urban areas of high density. A chronological overview of the transformation of space within the vertical projection of the existing traffic infrastructure that penetrates through the central areas of a city is given in this paper through the analysis of two illustrative case studies: more advanced and recent - "Plot 13" in Boston, and less well-known European example of structures erected above highways throughout Italy - the "Pavesi auto grill" chain. The backbone of this analysis is the examination of the possibility of yielding air rights within the vertical projection of public structures in the two examples by considering the factors that would enable its potential application in capitals in Southeastern Europe. The cession of air rights in the Southeastern Europe region, as a phenomenon, has not been a recognized practice in urban planning. In a formal sense, legal and physical feasibility can be seen to some extent in local models of structures built above protected historical heritage (i.e., archaeological sites); however, the mechanisms of the legal process of assigning the right to use and develop air rights above public structures is not a recognized concept. The goal of the analysis is to shed light on the influence of institutional participants in the implementation of innovative solutions for vertical urbanization, as well as strategic planning mechanisms in public-private partnership models that would enable the implementation of the concept in the region. The main question is whether the manipulation of the vertical projection of space could provide for innovative urban solutions that overcome the deficit and excessive use of the available construction land, particularly above the dominant public spaces and traffic infrastructure that penetrate central parts of a city. Conclusions reflect upon vertical urbanization that can bridge the spatial separation of the city, reduce noise pollution and contribute to more efficient urban planning along main transportation corridors.Keywords: air rights development, innovative urbanism, public-private partnership, transport infrastructure, vertical urbanization
Procedia PDF Downloads 7714369 Enhancing Food Quality and Safety Management in Ethiopia's Food Processing Industry: Challenges, Causes, and Solutions
Authors: Tuji Jemal Ahmed
Food quality and safety challenges are prevalent in Ethiopia's food processing industry, which can have adverse effects on consumers' health and wellbeing. The country is known for its diverse range of agricultural products, which are essential to its economy. However, poor food quality and safety policies and management systems in the food processing industry have led to several health problems, foodborne illnesses, and economic losses. This paper aims to highlight the causes and effects of food safety and quality issues in the food processing industry of Ethiopia and discuss potential solutions to address these issues. One of the main causes of poor food quality and safety in Ethiopia's food processing industry is the lack of adequate regulations and enforcement mechanisms. The absence of comprehensive food safety and quality policies and guidelines has led to substandard practices in the food manufacturing process. Moreover, the lack of monitoring and enforcement of existing regulations has created a conducive environment for unscrupulous businesses to engage in unsafe practices that endanger the public's health. The effects of poor food quality and safety are significant, ranging from the loss of human lives, increased healthcare costs, and loss of consumer confidence in the food processing industry. Foodborne illnesses, such as diarrhea, typhoid fever, and cholera, are prevalent in Ethiopia, and poor food quality and safety practices contribute significantly to their prevalence. Additionally, food recalls due to contamination or mislabeling often result in significant economic losses for businesses in the food processing industry. To address these challenges, the Ethiopian government has begun to take steps to improve food quality and safety in the food processing industry. One of the most notable initiatives is the Ethiopian Food and Drug Administration (EFDA), which was established in 2010 to regulate and monitor the quality and safety of food and drug products in the country. The EFDA has implemented several measures to enhance food safety, such as conducting routine inspections, monitoring the importation of food products, and enforcing strict labeling requirements. Another potential solution to improve food quality and safety in Ethiopia's food processing industry is the implementation of food safety management systems (FSMS). An FSMS is a set of procedures and policies designed to identify, assess, and control food safety hazards throughout the food manufacturing process. Implementing an FSMS can help businesses in the food processing industry identify and address potential hazards before they cause harm to consumers. Additionally, the implementation of an FSMS can help businesses comply with existing food safety regulations and guidelines. In conclusion, improving food quality and safety policies and management systems in Ethiopia's food processing industry is critical to protecting public health and enhancing the country's economy. Addressing the root causes of poor food quality and safety and implementing effective solutions, such as the establishment of regulatory agencies and the implementation of food safety management systems, can help to improve the overall safety and quality of the country's food supply.Keywords: food quality, food safety, policy, management system, food processing industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 8814368 Estimating the Government Consumption and Investment Multipliers Using Local Projection Method on the US Data from 1966 to 2020
Authors: Mustofa Mahmud Al Mamun
Government spending, one of the major components of gross domestic product (GDP), is composed of government consumption, investment, and transfer payments. A change in government spending during recessionary periods can generate an increase in GDP greater than the increase in spending. This is called the "multiplier effect". Accurate estimation of government spending multiplier is important because fiscal policy has been used to stimulate a flagging economy. Many recent studies have focused on identifying parts of the economy that responds more to a stimulus under a variety of circumstances. This paper used the US dataset from 1966 to 2020 and local projection method assuming standard identification strategy to estimate the multipliers. The model includes important macroaggregates and controls for forecasted government spending, interest rate, consumer price index (CPI), export, import, and level of public debt. Investment multipliers are found to be positive and larger than the consumption multipliers. Consumption multipliers are either negative or not significantly different than zero. Results do not vary across the business cycle. However, the consumption multiplier estimated from pre-1980 data is positive.Keywords: business cycle, consumption multipliers, forecasted government spending, investment multipliers, local projection method, zero lower bound
Procedia PDF Downloads 23414367 The Role of Smart-Taps in Improving Water Accessibility in Rural Ghana
Authors: Ernestina Ohenewaah Denchie, Kevin Lo
Access to clean water is a key element of sustainable development, yet many nations cannot provide reliable water supply to their inhabitants, particularly in rural areas. In Ghana, public smart taps with pre-paid tokens for public standpipe management have been introduced to enhance access to clean water in small towns and rural communities. This research article highlights the impact of pre-paid token systems on water accessibility in small towns and rural Ghana, focusing on their alignment with Sustainable Development Goal 6. We utilize the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with data obtained from both quantitative and qualitative responses to demonstrate the user’s acceptance and overall effectiveness of the pre-paid token system in improving access to clean water. We find that among the characteristics of the pre-paid token system, convenience of use, user satisfaction, proximity and accessibility impact smart tap usage positively. Further analyses reveal that providing token loading points at vantage points within communities would improve smart tap usage by about 96%. Finally, our thematic analyses reveal that the problems of the smart tap system can be improved through regular maintenance and technical support, system improvement such as developing an online app for credit loading, restoring lost or unused credits, and better tracking of lost tokens.Keywords: smart tap, pre-paid, technology acceptance model, water supply
Procedia PDF Downloads 814366 An Analysis of The Philippines' Legal Transition from Open Dumpsites to Solid Waste Management Facilities
Authors: Mary Elenor Adagio, John Roben Ambas, Ramilyn Bertolano, Julie Ann Garcia
Ecological Solid Waste Management has been a long-time concern in both national and international spheres. The exponential growth of waste generation is not properly matched with a waste management system that is cost-effective. As a result, governments and their communities within inevitably resort to the old ways of opening dumpsites to serve as a giant garbage bin. However, due to the environmental and public health problems these unmanaged dumpsites caused, countries like the Philippines mandated the closure of these dumpsites and converted them into or opened new sanitary landfills. This study aims to determine how the transition from open dumpsites to Solid Waste Management Facilities improve the implementation of the Solid Waste Management Framework of the government pursuant to Republic Act 9003. To test the hypothesis that the mandatory closure of dumpsites is better in the management of wastes in local government units, a review of related literature on analysis reports, news, and case studies was conducted. The results suggest that advocating for the transition of dumpsites to sanitary landfills would not only prevent environmental risks caused by pollution but also reduce problems regarding public health. Although this transition can be effective, data also show that with a lack of funding and resources, many local government units still find it difficult to provide their solid waste management plans and to adapt to the transition to sanitary landfills.Keywords: solid waste management, environmental law, solid waste management facilities, open dumpsites
Procedia PDF Downloads 15914365 Proposals for Continuous Quality Improvement of Public Transportation Federal District Using SERVQUAL
Authors: Rodrigo Guimarães Santos
The quality of public transport services has been considered as a critical factor by their users and also by users of individual transport. Thus, this dissertation aims to adapt a model that assesses the quality of public transport and determines its level of service based on the views of its users. The methodology is widely used by marketers and allows measuring the quality of services by assessing the perceptions and expectations of users. The adapted SERVQUAL was tested with users of public transport service users and car in Brasília-DF, city of Brazil. This research involved 241 questionnaires answered by people living in the various administrative regions of Brasília-DF. The analysis of the determinants pointed out that the quality of the public transport service offered in the city is low and users of public transport and cars have a high degree of expectations for improvement in all tested determinants. This method enabled the identification of the most critical determinants and those needing strategic actions for continuous improvement of quality. Adapting the SERVQUAL for a public transport service was satisfactory and demonstrated applicability to internal and external services, including measuring the public transport services in other cities with the opinion of the users.Keywords: transportation services, quality services, servqual scale and marketing services
Procedia PDF Downloads 39014364 The Last of Centuries Old Cardamom Farming in Eastern Nepal: Crop Disease, Coping Strategies and Institutional Innovation
Authors: K. C. Sony
This paper investigates the coping strategies of households confronting disease in large cardamom (Amomum Subulatum Roxb.) in eastern Nepal. Cardamom farmers draw on various coping strategies to reduce the impact of crop disease in their livelihoods. Yet farmers face tremendous decline in production with a constant effort for revival. Past evidences provides dearth of information about coping strategies employed by farmers and institutional intervention to combat disease. Using factual data from Ilam district, and conducting a political economic analysis, this research addresses the gap by 1) understanding the impact of crop disease in farmers’ livelihoods, 2) identifying the coping strategies adopted by farmers and, 3) examining the existing institutional arrangements to address the disease. Coping strategies vary by household’s status defined by size of land, alternative income, and access to supporting institutions. Measures adopted are burning the cardamom field, changing land use pattern, diversifying crops, and visiting institutions for support. The local government’s support is limited to providing trainings and producing new varieties of cardamom. During crisis, farmers expect institutions to help revive the cardamom production, despite customary practice to combat disease. To retain and improve the livelihoods of farmers, there needs to be institutional innovation at the community level and policies that endorse immediate and sustainable support during hazards.Keywords: cardamom, coping strategy, disease, institutions, Nepal
Procedia PDF Downloads 29414363 The Effect of Regulation and Investment in Sustainable Practices on Environmental Performance and Consumer Trust: a Time Series Analysis of the Dominant Companies within the Energy Sector
Authors: Sempiga Olivier, Dominika Latusek-Jurczak
Climate change has allegedly been attributed to a high consumption of fossil fuels, leading to severe environmental problems. The energy sector has been among the most polluting sectors for many decades. Consequently, there is a lack of trust in several energy firms, especially those in fossil fuels and nuclear energy. A robust regulatory framework is needed, and more investment in renewable energy sources is paramount for a better environmental outcome. Given the significant environmental impact of energy production and consumption in the energy sector, sustainable marketing practices have become increasingly important. Although the latter has had the lion’s share in polluting the environment, much effort has been made recently to move away from fossil fuels and privilege renewable energy sources. How this shift would help rebuild trust in the energy industry is unclear. For the shift to have lasting effects, it may be essential that regulatory agencies examine how energy firms engage in sustainable investment. There is little empirical evidence on whether adopting regulating marketing practices and investment initiatives can help different organizations reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainable development. Little is known about how and whether the environmental value in firms goes beyond rhetoric, greenwashing and publicity to translate into economic gains and environmental performance. The study investigates how regulatory agencies can help energy firms invest sustainably and take sustainable initiatives even amid the energy crisis caused by the Russia-Ukraine conflict and how these sustainable practices relate to renewed consumer trust. Using data from Corporate Knights, the study, through time series, analyses the relationship between sustainable regulation, sustainable practices of energy firms from around the world and their relation to consumer trust and environmental performance over the past 20 years. It examines how their sustainable investment, energy, and carbon productivity relate to environmental sustainability and consumer trust. This longitudinal study provides empirical evidence of the interplay between regulation, trust and environmental performance. The research is grounded in institutional trust theory, which emphasizes the role of regulatory frameworks and organizational practices in shaping public perceptions of fairness, transparency, and legitimacy. Results show that organizations in the energy sector, supported by robust regulatory tools, can overcome the negative image of polluters and compete with other companies in the fight against climate change and global warming. However, to do so, energy firms should consider investing more in renewable energy sources and implementing sustainable strategies and practices that go beyond greenwashing to improve their environmental performance, thereby rebuilding consumer trust in the energy sector. Results allow regulatory regimes and organizations to learn why it is crucial for energy firms to invest in renewable energy sources and engage in various sustainable initiatives and practices to contribute to better environmental outcomes and higher levels of trust.Keywords: consumer trust, energy, environmental performance, regulation, renewable energy sources, sustainable practices
Procedia PDF Downloads 1514362 Engineering Review of Recycled Concrete Production for Structural and Non-Structural Applications (Green Concrete)
Authors: Hadi Rouhi Belvirdi
With the increasing demand for sustainable development, recycled materials are receiving more attention in construction projects. To promote sustainable development, this review article evaluates the feasibility of using recycled concrete in construction projects from an economic and environmental perspective. The results show that making concrete using recycled concrete is a suitable strategy for sustainable development. A complete examination of the physical and chemical properties of these recycled materials also provides important information about their suitability for use in the construction industry. Most of the studies do not show surprising results of the compressive or bending strength of these materials, and only the aspect of sustainable development of these materials is of interest. Their application can be investigated more in masonry and joinery works, but among them, some studies sometimes obtained more compressive and bending strength than the control sample, which can be used in concrete structures. Most of the cases introduced and discussed in this study can be implemented and help the country and the people of Iran preserve the environment and discuss sustainable development.Keywords: environmental recycling, sustainable development, recycled materials, construction management
Procedia PDF Downloads 3314361 Biomarkers in a Post-Stroke Population: Allied to Health Care in Brazil
Authors: Michael Ricardo Lang, AdriéLle Costa, Ivana Iesbik, Karine Haag, Leonardo Trindade Buffara, Oscar Reimann Junior, Chelin Auswaldt Steclan
Stroke affects not only the individual, but has significant impacts on the social and family context. Therefore, it is necessary to know the peculiarities of each region, in order to contribute to regional public health policies effectively. Thus, the present study discusses biomarkers in a post-stroke population, admitted to a stroke unit (U-stroke) of reference in the southern region of Brazil. Biomarkers were analyzed, such as age, length of stay, mortality rate, survival time, risk factors and family history of stroke in patients after ischemic stroke. In this studied population, comparing men and women, it was identified that men were more affected than women, and the average age of women affected was higher, as they also had the highest mortality rate and the shortest hospital stay. The risk factors identified here were according to the global scenario; with SAH being the most frequent and those associated with sedentary lifestyle in women the most frequent (dyspilipidemia, heart disease and obesity). In view of this, the importance of studies that characterize populations regionally is evident, strengthening the strategic planning of policies in favor of health care.Keywords: biomarkers, sex, stroke, stroke unit, population
Procedia PDF Downloads 26914360 IT Perspective of Service-Oriented e-Government Enterprise
Authors: Anu Paul, Varghese Paul
The focal aspire of e-Government (eGovt) is to offer citizen-centered service delivery. Accordingly, the citizenry consumes services from multiple government agencies through national portal. Thus, eGovt is an enterprise with the primary business motive of transparent, efficient and effective public services to its citizenry and its logical structure is the eGovernment Enterprise Architecture (eGEA). Since eGovt is IT oriented multifaceted service-centric system, EA doesn’t do much on an automated enterprise other than the business artifacts. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) manifestation led some governments to pertain this in their eGovts, but it limits the source of business artifacts. The concurrent use of EA and SOA in eGovt executes interoperability and integration and leads to Service-Oriented e-Government Enterprise (SOeGE). Consequently, agile eGovt system becomes a reality. As an IT perspective eGovt comprises of centralized public service artifacts with the existing application logics belong to various departments at central, state and local level. The eGovt is renovating to SOeGE by apply the Service-Orientation (SO) principles in the entire system. This paper explores IT perspective of SOeGE in India which encompasses the public service models and illustrated with a case study the Passport service of India.Keywords: enterprise architecture, service-oriented e-Government enterprise, service interface layer, service model
Procedia PDF Downloads 52314359 A Coupling Study of Public Service Facilities and Land Price Based on Big Data Perspective in Wuxi City
Authors: Sisi Xia, Dezhuan Tao, Junyan Yang, Weiting Xiong
Under the background of Chinese urbanization changing from incremental development to stock development, the completion of urban public service facilities is essential to urban spatial quality. As public services facilities is a huge and complicated system, clarifying the various types of internal rules associated with the land market price is key to optimizing spatial layout. This paper takes Wuxi City as a representative sample location and establishes the digital analysis platform using urban price and several high-precision big data acquisition methods. On this basis, it analyzes the coupling relationship between different public service categories and land price, summarizing the coupling patterns of urban public facilities distribution and urban land price fluctuations. Finally, the internal mechanism within each of the two elements is explored, providing the reference of the optimum layout of urban planning and public service facilities.Keywords: public service facilities, land price, urban spatial morphology, big data
Procedia PDF Downloads 21614358 A Multi-agent System Framework for Stakeholder Analysis of Local Energy Systems
Authors: Mengqiu Deng, Xiao Peng, Yang Zhao
The development of local energy systems requires the collective involvement of different actors from various levels of society. However, the stakeholder analysis of local energy systems still has been under-developed. This paper proposes an multi-agent system (MAS) framework to facilitate the development of stakeholder analysis of local energy systems. The framework takes into account the most influencing stakeholders, including prosumers/consumers, system operators, energy companies and government bodies. Different stakeholders are modeled based on agent architectures for example the belief-desire-intention (BDI) to better reflect their motivations and interests in participating in local energy systems. The agent models of different stakeholders are then integrated in one model of the whole energy system. An illustrative case study is provided to elaborate how to develop a quantitative agent model for different stakeholders, as well as to demonstrate the practicability of the proposed framework. The findings from the case study indicate that the suggested framework and agent model can serve as analytical instruments for enhancing the government’s policy-making process by offering a systematic view of stakeholder interconnections in local energy systems.Keywords: multi-agent system, BDI agent, local energy systems, stakeholders
Procedia PDF Downloads 9014357 Innovative Business Models in the Era of Digital Tourism: Examining Their Impact on International Travel, Local Businesses, and Residents’ Quality of Life
Authors: Madad Ali
In the contemporary landscape of international travel, the infusion of digital technologies has given rise to innovative business models that are reshaping the dynamics of tourism. This research delves into the transformative potential of these novel business models within the realm of digital tourism and their multifaceted impact on local businesses, residents' quality of life, and the overall travel experience. The study focuses on the captivating backdrop of Yunnan Province, China, renowned for its rich cultural heritage and diverse ethnic minorities, to uncover the intricate nuances of this phenomenon. The primary objectives of this research encompass the identification and categorization of emerging business models facilitated by digital technologies, their implications on tourist engagement, and their integration into the operations of local businesses. By employing a mixed-methods approach, blending qualitative techniques like interviews and content analysis with quantitative tools such as surveys and data analysis, the study provides a comprehensive evaluation of these business models' effects on various dimensions of the tourism landscape. The distinctiveness of this research lies in its exclusive focus on Yunnan Province, China. By concentrating on Yunnan Province, the research contributes exceptional insights into the interplay between digital tourism, ethnic diversity, cultural heritage, and sustainable development. The study's outcomes hold significance for both scholarly discourse and the stakeholders involved in shaping the region's tourism strategies.Keywords: business model, digital tourism, international travel, local businesses, quality of life
Procedia PDF Downloads 6014356 Climate Change and Sustainable Development among Agricultural Communities in Tanzania; An Analysis of Southern Highland Rural Communities
Authors: Paschal Arsein Mugabe
This paper examines sustainable development planning in the context of environmental concerns in rural areas of the Tanzania. It challenges mainstream approaches to development, focusing instead upon transformative action for environmental justice. The goal is to help shape future sustainable development agendas in local government, international agencies and civil society organisations. Research methods: The approach of the study is geographical, but also involves various Trans-disciplinary elements, particularly from development studies, sociology and anthropology, management, geography, agriculture and environmental science. The research methods included thematic and questionnaire interviews, participatory tools such as focus group discussion, participatory research appraisal and expert interviews for primary data. Secondary data were gathered through the analysis of land use/cover data and official documents on climate, agriculture, marketing and health. Also several earlier studies that were made in the area provided an important reference base. Findings: The findings show that, agricultural sustainability in Tanzania appears likely to deteriorate as a consequence of climate change. Noteworthy differences in impacts across households are also present both by district and by income category. Also food security cannot be explained by climate as the only influencing factor. A combination of economic, political and socio-cultural context of the community are crucial. Conclusively, it is worthy knowing that people understand their relationship between climate change and their livelihood.Keywords: agriculture, climate change, environment, sustainable development
Procedia PDF Downloads 32514355 Public Relations Challenges in Georgia: Marketing Communications and Strategies
Authors: Marine Kobalava
Modern forms of public relations function in an integrated manner together with marketing communication in business companies. This ensures continuity of communication, elimination of duplication in activities, reduction of costs, and strengthening and efficient use of communication means. There exist a number of challenges in implementing integrated forms of public relations in Georgia, especially in terms of marketing communications and strategies. Objectives: The goal of the study is to reveal public relations challenges in Georgian business companies and to develop recommendations along with perfecting marketing communications and strategies. Methodologies: Bibliographic and empirical research has been conducted. Analysis, induction, synthesis, and other methods have been used. Contributions: The challenges of Public relations in Georgia are identified; the perception of different population groups on integrated forms of PR is determined; effective forms of marketing communication are defined; mechanisms for developing marketing strategies are proposed.Keywords: public relations, challenges, marketing communication, strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 9514354 Revealing the Urban Heat Island: Investigating its Spatial and Temporal Changes and Relationship with Air Quality
Authors: Aneesh Mathew, Arunab K. S., Atul Kumar Sharma
The uncontrolled rise in population has led to unplanned, swift, and unsustainable urban expansion, causing detrimental environmental impacts on both local and global ecosystems. This research delves into a comprehensive examination of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon in Bengaluru and Hyderabad, India. It centers on the spatial and temporal distribution of UHI and its correlation with air pollutants. Conducted across summer and winter seasons from 2001 to 2021 in Bangalore and Hyderabad, this study discovered that UHI intensity varies seasonally, peaking in summer and decreasing in winter. The annual maximum UHI intensities range between 4.65 °C to 6.69 °C in Bengaluru and 5.74 °C to 6.82 °C in Hyderabad. Bengaluru particularly experiences notable fluctuations in average UHI intensity. Introducing the Urban Thermal Field Variance Index (UTFVI), the study indicates a consistent strong UHI effect in both cities, significantly impacting living conditions. Moreover, hotspot analysis demonstrates a rising trend in UHI-affected areas over the years in Bengaluru and Hyderabad. This research underscores the connection between air pollutant concentrations and land surface temperature (LST), highlighting the necessity of comprehending UHI dynamics for urban environmental management and public health. It contributes to a deeper understanding of UHI patterns in swiftly urbanizing areas, providing insights into the intricate relationship between urbanization, climate, and air quality. These findings serve as crucial guidance for policymakers, urban planners, and researchers, facilitating the development of innovative, sustainable strategies to mitigate the adverse impacts of uncontrolled expansion while promoting the well-being of local communities and the global environment.Keywords: urban heat island effect, land surface temperature, air pollution, urban thermal field variance index
Procedia PDF Downloads 8214353 Effect of Interest-Based Debt Financing Upon Sustainable Development of Residents of Pakistan
Authors: Gul Ghutai, Nouman Khan Kakar
Interest-Based Debt Disturbs The Financial, Social And Economic Structure Of The Country, Due To Which Sustainable Development Of The Masses Is Undermined. Such As, In Pakistan, The State’s Reliance Upon Interest-Based Debt (Both Foreign And National Levels) Affects The Socio-Economic Fabrication Of The Country, Thus Undermining The Sustainable Development Of Its Residents. The Objective Of The Study Is To Analyze The Effect Of Interest-Based Debt Financing On The Well-Being Of The Masses In Pakistan. The Question Arises Whether Interest-Based Debt Financing Undermines The Sustainable Development Of The Masses Of Pakistan Or Not. Moreover, Qualitative Research Methodology Is Pursued Towards Building A Conceptual Framework By Applying An Inductive Paradigm. It Is Expected That Interest-Based Debt, Whether Acquired From Foreign Or National Institutions By The Government Of Pakistan, Undermines The Sustainable Economic Growth Of The Country. However, The State Of Pakistan Is Under A Constitutional Obligation To Attain Sustainable Development Of Its Residents In Compliance With Islamic Shariah So That Eradication Of Interest From The Economy Of Pakistan Can Be Witnessed So That The Residents Of Pakistan Can Be Served To Attain Socio-Economic Well-Being Both Tangibly And Intangibly.Keywords: socio-economic wellbeing, residents, sustainable development, interest-based debt
Procedia PDF Downloads 12814352 Partial Replacement of Lateritic Soil with Crushed Rock Sand (Stone Dust) in Compressed Earth Brick Production
Authors: A. M. Jungudo, M. A. Lasan
Affordable housing has long been one of the basic necessities of life to man. The ever rising prices of building materials are one of the major causes of housing shortage in many developing countries. Breaching the gap of housing needs in developing countries like Nigeria is an awaiting task longing for attention. This is due to lack of research in the development of local materials that will suit the troubled economies of these countries. The use of earth material to meet the housing needs is a sustainable option and its material is freely available universally. However, people are doubtful of using the earth material due to its modest outlook and uncertain durability. This research aims at enhancing the durability of Compressed Earth Bricks (CEBs) using stone dust as a stabilizer. The result indicates that partial replacement of lateritic soil with stone dust at 30% improves its compressive strength along with abrasive resistance.Keywords: earth construction, durability, stone dust, sustainable
Procedia PDF Downloads 13114351 Souk Waqif in Old Doha, Qatar: Cultural Heritage, Urban Regeneration, and Sustainability
Authors: Djamel Boussaa
Cultural heritage and tourism have become during the last two decades dynamic areas of development in the world. The idea of heritage is crucial to the critical decision-making process as to how irreplaceable resources are to be utilized by people of the present or conserved for future generations in a fast changing world. In view of the importance of ‘heritage’ to the development of a tourist destination the emphasis on developing appropriate adaptive reuse strategies cannot be overemphasized. In October 1999, the 12th general assembly of the ICOMOS in Mexico stated, that in the context of sustainable development, two interrelated issues need urgent attention, cultural tourism and historic towns and cities. These two issues underscore the fact that historic resources are non-renewable, belonging to all of humanity. Without adequate adaptive reuse actions to ensure a sustainable future for these historic resources, may lead to their complete vanishing. The growth of tourism and its role in dispersing cultural heritage to everyone is developing rapidly. According to the World Tourism Organization, natural and cultural heritage resources are and will remain motivating factors for travel in the foreseeable future. According to the experts, people choose travel destinations where they can learn about traditional and distinct cultures in their historic context. The Qatar rich urban heritage is now being recognized as a valuable resource for future development. This paper discusses the role of cultural heritage and tourism in regenerating Souk Waqif, and consequently the city of Doha. Therefore, in order to use cultural heritage wisely, it will be necessary to position heritage as an essential element of sustainable development, giving particular attention to cultural heritage and tourism. The research methodology is based on an empirical survey of the situation, based on several visits, meetings and interviews with the local heritage players. The rehabilitation project initiated since 2004 will be examined and assessed. Therefore, there is potential to assess the situation and propose directions for a sustainable future to this historic landmark. Conservation for the sake of conservation appears to be an outdated concept. Many irreplaceable natural and cultural sites are being compromised because local authorities are not giving economic consideration to the value of rehabilitating such sites. The question to be raised here is 'How can cultural heritage be used wisely for tourism without compromising its social sustainability within the emerging global world?'Keywords: cultural heritage, tourism, regeneration, economy, social sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 42114350 Public Interest Law for Gender Equality: An Exploratory Study of the 'Single Woman Reproductive Rights' Movement in China
Authors: Xiaofei Zhu
As a 'weapon of the weak', the Public Interest Law can provide a better perspective for the cause of gender justice. In recent years, the legal practice of single female reproductive rights in China has already possessed the elements of public interest law activities and the possibility of public interest law operation. Through the general operating procedures of public interest law practice, that is, from the choice of subject, the planning of the case, the operation of the strategy and the later development, the paper analyzes the gains and losses of the legal practice of single female reproductive rights in China, and puts forward some ideas on its possible operation path. On this basis, it is believed that the cause of women's rights should be carried out under the broad human rights perspective; it is necessary to realize the particularity of different types of women's rights protection practice; the practice of public interest law needs to accurately grasp the constituent elements of all aspects of the case, and strive to find the opportunities of institutional and social change; the practice of public welfare law of gender justice should be carried out from a long-term perspective.Keywords: single women’s reproductive rights, public interest law, gender justice, legal strategies, legal change
Procedia PDF Downloads 14014349 Integrating the Principles of Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): By Engaging the India Inc. With Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Authors: Radhika Ralhan
With the formalization of 2030, Global Agenda for Sustainable Development nations have instantaneously geared up their efforts towards the implementation of a comprehensive list of global goals. The criticality of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is imperative, as it will define the course and pace of development for the next 15 years. This development will entail transformational shifts towards a green and inclusive growth. Leadership, investments and technology will constitute as key ingredients of this transformational shift and governance will emerge as a one of the most significant driver of the global 2030 agenda. Corporate Governance is viewed as one of the key force to accelerate the momentum of SDGs and initiate these transformational shifts. Many senior level leaders have reinstated their conviction that adopting a triple bottom line approach will play an imperative role in transforming the entire industrial sector. In the Indian context, the above occurrence bears an intriguing facet, as the framing of SDGs in the global scenario coincided with the emergence of mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Rules in India at national level. As one of the leading democracies in the world, India is among few countries to formally mandate companies to spend 2% from their CSR funds under Section 135 of The New Companies Act 2013. The overarching framework of SDGs correlates to the areas of CSR interventions as mentioned in the Schedule VII of Section 135. As one of the legitimate stakeholders, business leaders have expressed their commitments to their respective governments, to reorient the entire fabric of their companies to scale up global priorities. This is explicitly seen in the case of India where leading business entities have converged national government priorities of Clean India, Make in India and Skill India by actively participating in the campaigns and incorporating these programmes within the ambit of their CSR policies. However, the CSR Act has received mixed responses with associated concerns such as the onus of doing what the government has to do, mandatory reporting mechanisms, policy disclosures, personnel handling CSR portfolios etc. The overall objective of the paper, therefore, rests in analyzing the discourse of CSR and the perspectives of Indian Inc. in imbibing the principles of SDGs within their business polices and operations. Through primary and secondary research analysis, the paper attempts to outline the diverse challenges that are being faced by Indian businesses while establishing the business case of sustainable responsibility. Some of the principal questions that paper addresses are: What are the SDG priorities for India Inc. as per their respective industry sectors? How can corporate policies imbibe the SDGs principles? How can the global concerns in form of SDGs align with the national CSR mandate and development issues? What initiatives have been undertaken by the companies to integrate their long term business strategy and sustainability? The paper will also reinstate an approach or a way forward that will enable businesses to proceed beyond compliance and accentuate the principles of responsibility and transparency within their operational framework.Keywords: corporate social responsibility, CSR, India Inc., section 135, new companies act 2013, sustainable development goals, SDGs, sustainability, corporate governance
Procedia PDF Downloads 25414348 Digital Literacy Skills for Geologist in Public Sector
Authors: Angsumalin Puntho
Disruptive technology has had a great influence on our everyday lives and the existence of an organization. Geologists in the public sector need to keep up with digital technology and be able to work and collaborate in a more effective manner. The result from SWOT and 7S McKinsey analyses suggest that there are inadequate IT personnel, no individual digital literacy development plan, and a misunderstanding of management policies. The Office of Civil Service Commission develops digital literacy skills that civil servants and government officers should possess in order to work effectively; it consists of nine dimensions, including computer skills, internet skills, cyber security awareness, word processing, spreadsheets, presentation programs, online collaboration, graphics editors and cyber security practices; and six steps of digital literacy development including self-assessment, individual development plan, self-learning, certified test, learning reflection, and practices. Geologists can use digital literacy as a learning tool to develop themselves for better career opportunities.Keywords: disruptive technology, digital technology, digital literacy, computer skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 11714347 Strengthening Governance in Public Administration: The Strategic Role of Internal Auditing in Enhancing Accountability and Transparency
Authors: Iulian Clain
In contemporary public administration, the demand for greater accountability, transparency, and efficient governance has intensified, particularly in the face of increasing public scrutiny and fiscal constraints. Internal auditing has emerged as a vital tool in strengthening governance structures, enhancing the effectiveness of public sector institutions, and ensuring compliance with regulatory frameworks. This paper examines the evolving role of internal auditing within public administration, with an emphasis on risk management, regulatory compliance, and fraud prevention. Building on institutional theory and risk management frameworks, this study explores how internal audits contribute to identifying operational inefficiencies, minimizing financial irregularities, and promoting ethical governance practices. Through case studies and comparative analysis of auditing practices across OECD nations, this research provides insights into how strategic internal audits can be harnessed to reinforce public sector governance, thereby improving the delivery of public services. The paper argues that the integration of internal audit findings into decision-making processes enhances not only financial accountability but also policy outcomes, fostering greater public trust in government institutions. Key recommendations are presented on how public institutions can further integrate internal auditing processes to enhance governance outcomes, focusing on best practices for institutionalizing audit functions within public sector governance frameworks. These findings are particularly relevant for policymakers, audit professionals, and public administration leaders striving to achieve better governance, operational efficiency, and integrity in the public sector.Keywords: internal auditing role, public administration sciences, public administration audit, internal auditing in universities
Procedia PDF Downloads 2514346 Using Collaborative Planning to Develop a Guideline for Integrating Biodiversity into Land Use Schemes
Authors: Sagwata A. Manyike, Hulisani Magada
The South African National Biodiversity Institute is in the process of developing a guideline which sets out how biodiversity can be incorporated into land use (zoning) schemes. South Africa promulgated its Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act in 2015 and the act seeks, amongst other things, to bridge the gap between spatial planning and land use management within the country. In addition, the act requires local governments to develop wall-to-wall land use schemes for their entire jurisdictions as they had previously only developed them for their urban areas. At the same time, South Africa has a rich history of systematic conservation planning whereby Critical Biodiversity Areas and Ecological Support Areas have been spatially delineated at a scale appropriate for spatial planning and land use management at the scale of local government. South Africa is also in the process of spatially delineating ecological infrastructure which is defined as naturally occurring ecosystems which provide valuable services to people such as water and climate regulation, soil formation, disaster risk reduction, etc. The Biodiversity and Land Use Project, which is funded by the Global Environmental Facility through the United Nations Development Programme is seeking to explore ways in which biodiversity information and ecological infrastructure can be incorporated into the spatial planning and land use management systems of local governments. Towards this end, the Biodiversity and Land Use Project have developed a guideline which sets out how local governments can integrate biodiversity into their land-use schemes as a way of not only ensuring sustainable development but also as a way helping them prepare for climate change. In addition, by incorporating biodiversity into land-use schemes, the project is exploring new ways of protecting biodiversity through land use schemes. The Guideline for Incorporating Biodiversity into Land Use Schemes was developed as a response to the fact that the National Land Use Scheme Guidelines only indicates that local governments needed to incorporate biodiversity without explaining how this could be achieved. The Natioanl Guideline also failed to specify which biodiversity-related layers are compatible with which land uses or what the benefits of incorporating biodiversity into the schemes will be for that local government. The guideline, therefore, sets out an argument for why biodiversity is important in land management processes and proceeds to provide a step by step guideline for how schemes can integrate priority biodiversity layers. This guideline will further be added as an addendum to the National Land Use Guidelines. Although the planning act calls for local government to have wall to wall schemes within 5 years of its enactment, many municipalities will not meet this deadline and so this guideline will support them in the development of their new schemes.Keywords: biodiversity, climate change, land use schemes, local government
Procedia PDF Downloads 17814345 Promoting Authenticity in Employer Brands to Address the Global-Local Problem in Complex Organisations: The Case of a Developing Country
Authors: Saud Al Taj
Employer branding is considered as a useful tool for addressing the global-local problem facing complex organisations that have operations scattered across the globe and face challenges of dealing with the local environment alongside. Despite being an established field of study within the Western developed world, there is little empirical evidence concerning the relevance of employer branding to global companies that operate in the under-developed economies. This paper fills this gap by gaining rich insight into the implementation of employer branding programs in a foreign multinational operating in Pakistan dealing with the global-local problem. The study is qualitative in nature and employs semi-structured and focus group interviews with senior/middle managers and local frontline employees to deeply examine the phenomenon in case organisation. Findings suggest that authenticity is required in employer brands to enable them to respond to the local needs thereby leading to the resolution of the global-local problem. However, the role of signaling theory is key to the development of authentic employer brands as it stresses on the need to establish an efficient and effective signaling environment wherein signals travel in both directions (from signal designers to receivers and backwards) and facilitate firms with the global-local problem. The paper also identifies future avenues of research for the employer branding field.Keywords: authenticity, counter-signals, employer branding, global-local problem, signaling theory
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