Search results for: transient stability
2957 Design of Membership Ranges for Fuzzy Logic Control of Refrigeration Cycle Driven by a Variable Speed Compressor
Authors: Changho Han, Jaemin Lee, Li Hua, Seokkwon Jeong
Design of membership function ranges in fuzzy logic control (FLC) is presented for robust control of a variable speed refrigeration system (VSRS). The criterion values of the membership function ranges can be carried out from the static experimental data, and two different values are offered to compare control performance. Some simulations and real experiments for the VSRS were conducted to verify the validity of the designed membership functions. The experimental results showed good agreement with the simulation results, and the error change rate and its sampling time strongly affected the control performance at transient state of the VSRS.Keywords: variable speed refrigeration system, fuzzy logic control, membership function range, control performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 2652956 Role of Additional Food Resources in an Ecosystem with Two Discrete Delays
Authors: Ankit Kumar, Balram Dubey
This study proposes a three dimensional prey-predator model with additional food, provided to predator individuals, including gestation delay in predators and delay in supplying the additional food to predators. It is assumed that the interaction between prey and predator is followed by Holling type-II functional response. We discussed the steady states and their local and global asymptotic behavior for the non-delayed system. Hopf-bifurcation phenomenon with respect to different parameters has also been studied. We obtained a range of predator’s tendency factor on provided additional food, in which the periodic solutions occur in the system. We have shown that oscillations can be controlled from the system by increasing the tendency factor. Moreover, the existence of periodic solutions via Hopf-bifurcation is shown with respect to both the delays. Our analysis shows that both delays play an important role in governing the dynamics of the system. It changes the stability behavior into instability behavior. The direction and stability of Hopf-bifurcation are also investigated through the normal form theory and the center manifold theorem. Lastly, some numerical simulations and graphical illustrations have been carried out to validate our analytical findings.Keywords: additional food, gestation delay, Hopf-bifurcation, prey-predator
Procedia PDF Downloads 1312955 Geological Engineering Mapping Approach to Know Factor of Safety Distribution and Its Implication to Landslide Potential at Muria Mountain, Kudus, Central Java Province, Indonesia
Authors: Sony Hartono, Azka Decana, Vilia Yohana, Annisa Luthfianihuda, Yuni Faizah, Tati Andriani, Dewi Kania, Fachri Zulfiqar, Sugiar Yusup, Arman Nugraha
Landslide is a geological hazard that is quite common in some areas in Indonesia and have disadvantages impact for public around. Due to the high frequency of landslides in Indonesia, and extensive damage, landslides should be specifically noted. Landslides caused by a soil or rock unit that has been in a state of unstable slopes and not in ideal state again, so the value of ground resistance or the rock been passed by the value of the forces acting on the slope. Based on this fact, authors held a geological engineering mapping at Muria Mountain, Kudus, Central Java province which is known as an agriculture and religion tourism area. This geological engineering mapping is performed to determine landslides potential at Muria Mountain. Slopes stability will be illustrated by a number called the “factor of safety” where the number can describe how much potential a slope to fall. Slopes stability can be different depending on the physical and mechanical characteristics of the soil and slope conditions. Testing of physical and mechanical characteristics of the soil conducted in the geotechnical laboratory. The characteristics of the soil must be same when sampled as well as in the test laboratory. To meet that requirement, authors used "undisturb sample" method that will be guarantee sample will not be distracted by environtment influences. From laboratory tests on soil physical and mechanical properties obtained characteristics of the soil on a slope, and then inserted into a Geological Information Software that would generate a value of factor of safety and give a visualization slope form area of research. Then, as a result of the study, obtained a map of the ground movement distribution map and i is implications for landslides potential areas.Keywords: factor of safety, geological engineering mapping, landslides, slope stability, soil
Procedia PDF Downloads 4202954 Preparation and in vivo Assessment of Nystatin-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles for Topical Delivery against Cutaneous Candidiasis
Authors: Rawia M. Khalil, Ahmed A. Abd El Rahman, Mahfouz A. Kassem, Mohamed S. El Ridi, Mona M. Abou Samra, Ghada E. A. Awad, Soheir S. Mansy
Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) have gained great attention for the topical treatment of skin associated fungal infection as they facilitate the skin penetration of loaded drugs. Our work deals with the preparation of nystatin loaded solid lipid nanoparticles (NystSLNs) using the hot homogenization and ultrasonication method. The prepared NystSLNs were characterized in terms of entrapment efficiency, particle size, zeta potential, transmission electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, rheological behavior and in vitro drug release. A stability study for 6 months was performed. A microbiological study was conducted in male rats infected with Candida albicans, by counting the colonies and examining the histopathological changes induced on the skin of infected rats. The results showed that SLNs dispersions are spherical in shape with particle size ranging from 83.26±11.33 to 955.04±1.09 nm. The entrapment efficiencies are ranging from 19.73±1.21 to 72.46±0.66% with zeta potential ranging from -18.9 to -38.8 mV and shear-thinning rheological Behavior. The stability studies done for 6 months showed that nystatin (Nyst) is a good candidate for topical SLN formulations. A least number of colony forming unit/ ml (cfu/ml) was recorded for the selected NystSLN compared to the drug solution and the commercial Nystatin® cream present in the market. It can be fulfilled from this work that SLNs provide a good skin targeting effect and may represent promising carrier for topical delivery of Nyst offering the sustained release and maintaining the localized effect, resulting in an effective treatment of cutaneous fungal infection.Keywords: candida infections, hot homogenization, nystatin, solid lipid nanoparticles, stability, topical delivery
Procedia PDF Downloads 3932953 Experimental Studies of the Response of Single Piles Under Torsional and Vertical Combined Loads in Contaminated Sand
Authors: Ahmed Mohamed Nasr, Waseim Ragab Azzam, Nada Osama Ramadan
Contaminated soil can weaken the stability of buildings and infrastructure, posing serious risks to their structural integrity. Therefore, this study aims to understand how oil contamination affects the torsion behavior of model steel piles at different soil densities. This research is crucial for evaluating the structural integrity and stability of piles in oil-contaminated environments. Clean sand samples and heavy motor oil were mixed in amounts ranging from 0 to 6% of the soil's dry weight. The mixture was thoroughly mixed to ensure uniform distribution of the oil throughout the sandy soil for simulating the field conditions. In these investigations, the relative densities (Dr), pile slenderness ratio (Lp/Dp), oil content (O.C%), and contaminated sand layer thickness (LC) were all different. Also, the paper presents an analysis of piles that are loaded both vertically and torsionally. The findings demonstrated that the pre-applied torsion load led to a decrease in the vertical bearing ability of the pile. Also, at Dr = 80%, the ultimate vertical load under combined load at constant torsional load T = (1/3Tu, 2/3Tu, and Tu) in the cases of (Lc/Lp) = 0.5 and (Lp/Dp) =13.3 was found to be reduced by (1.48, 2.78, and 4.15%) less than piles under independent vertical load, respectively so it is crucial to consider the torsion load during pile design.Keywords: torsion-vertical load, oil-contaminated sand, twist angle, steel pile
Procedia PDF Downloads 732952 Bioaccessibility of Vitamin A Nanoemulsion: Influence of Carrier Oil and Surfactant Concentration
Authors: R. N. Astya, E. S. Nugraha, S. P. Nurheni, Hoerudin
Vitamin A deficiency remains to be among the major malnutrition problems in Indonesia. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin which renders it difficult to be fortified in water-based foods and beverages. Furthermore, its low solubility and stability in aqueous system may limit its bioaccessibility in the gastrointestinal tract. Nanoemulsification of vitamin A may solve these problems. The objective of this study was to investigate bioaccessibility of vitamin A (retinyl palmitate/RP) nanoemulsion as influenced by two types of carrier oil (Virgin Coconut Oil/VCO and corn oil/CO) and surfactant concentrations (polysorbate 20/Tween 20 3% and 6%). Oil in water (o/w) nanoemulsions of vitamin A was produced through a combination of high shear-high pressure homogenization technique. The results showed that RP-VCO nanoemulsions were 121.62 nm (3%) and 115.40 (6%) nm in particle size, whereas RP-CO nanoemulsions were 154.72 nm (3%) and 134.00 nm (6%) in particle size. As for VCO nanoemulsions, the bioaccessibility of vitamin A was shown to be 89.84% and 55.32%, respectively. On the other hand, CO nanoemulsions produced vitamin A bioaccessibility of 53.66% and 44.85%, respectively. In general, VCO nanoemulsions showed better bioaccessibility of vitamin A than CO nanoemulsions. In this study, RP-VCO nanoemulsion with 3% Tween 20 had the highest ζ-potential value (-26.5 mV) and produced the highest bioaccessibility of vitamin A (89.84%, P<0.05). Additionally, the vitamin A nanoemulsion was stable even for after a week of freeze and thaw treatment. Following the freeze and thaw treatment, the vitamin A nanoemulsion showed good stability without aggregation and separation. These results would be useful for designing effective vitamin A delivery systems for food and beverage applications.Keywords: bioaccessibility, carrier oil, surfactant, vitamin A nanoemulsion
Procedia PDF Downloads 2712951 Integrated Navigation System Using Simplified Kalman Filter Algorithm
Authors: Othman Maklouf, Abdunnaser Tresh
GPS and inertial navigation system (INS) have complementary qualities that make them ideal use for sensor fusion. The limitations of GPS include occasional high noise content, outages when satellite signals are blocked, interference and low bandwidth. The strengths of GPS include its long-term stability and its capacity to function as a stand-alone navigation system. In contrast, INS is not subject to interference or outages, have high bandwidth and good short-term noise characteristics, but have long-term drift errors and require external information for initialization. A combined system of GPS and INS subsystems can exhibit the robustness, higher bandwidth and better noise characteristics of the inertial system with the long-term stability of GPS. The most common estimation algorithm used in integrated INS/GPS is the Kalman Filter (KF). KF is able to take advantages of these characteristics to provide a common integrated navigation implementation with performance superior to that of either subsystem (GPS or INS). This paper presents a simplified KF algorithm for land vehicle navigation application. In this integration scheme, the GPS derived positions and velocities are used as the update measurements for the INS derived PVA. The KF error state vector in this case includes the navigation parameters as well as the accelerometer and gyroscope error states.Keywords: GPS, INS, Kalman filter, inertial navigation system
Procedia PDF Downloads 4712950 High Order Block Implicit Multi-Step (Hobim) Methods for the Solution of Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations
Authors: J. P. Chollom, G. M. Kumleng, S. Longwap
The search for higher order A-stable linear multi-step methods has been the interest of many numerical analysts and has been realized through either higher derivatives of the solution or by inserting additional off step points, supper future points and the likes. These methods are suitable for the solution of stiff differential equations which exhibit characteristics that place a severe restriction on the choice of step size. It becomes necessary that only methods with large regions of absolute stability remain suitable for such equations. In this paper, high order block implicit multi-step methods of the hybrid form up to order twelve have been constructed using the multi-step collocation approach by inserting one or more off step points in the multi-step method. The accuracy and stability properties of the new methods are investigated and are shown to yield A-stable methods, a property desirable of methods suitable for the solution of stiff ODE’s. The new High Order Block Implicit Multistep methods used as block integrators are tested on stiff differential systems and the results reveal that the new methods are efficient and compete favourably with the state of the art Matlab ode23 code.Keywords: block linear multistep methods, high order, implicit, stiff differential equations
Procedia PDF Downloads 3582949 Optimizing the Elevated Nitritation for Autotrophic/Heterotrophic Denitritation in CSTR by Treating Livestock Wastewater
Authors: Hammad Khan, Wookeun Bae
The objective of this study was to optimize and control the highly loaded and efficient nitrite production having suitability for autotrophic and heterotrophic denitritation. A lab scale CSTR for partial and full nitritation was operated to treat the livestock manure digester liquor having an ammonium concentration of ~2000 mg-NH4+-N/L and biodegradable contents of ~0.8 g-COD/L. The experiments were performed at 30°C, pH: 8.0 DO: 1.5 mg/L and SRT ranging from 7-20 days. After 125 days operation, >95% nitrite buildup having the ammonium loading rate of ~3.2 kg-NH4+-N/m3-day was seen with almost complete ammonium conversion. On increasing the loading rate further (i.e. from 3.2-6.2 kg-NH4+-N/m3-day), stability of the system remained unaffected. On decreasing the pH from 8 to7.5 and further 7.2, removal rate can be easily controlled as 95%, 75% and even 50%. Results demonstrated that nitritation stability and desired removal rates are controlled by a balance of simultaneous inhibition by FA and FNA, pH affect and DO limitation. These parameters proved to be effective even to produce an appropriate influent for anammox. In addition, a mathematical model, identified through the occurring biological reactions, is proposed to optimize the full and partial nitritation process. The proposed model presents relationship between pH, ammonium and produced nitrite for full and partial nitritation under the varying concentrations of DO, and simultaneous inhibition by FA and FNA.Keywords: stable nitritation, high loading, autrophic denitritation, hetrotrophic denitritation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3272948 Prediction of Incompatibility Between Excipients and API in Gliclazide Tablets Using Infrared Spectroscopy and Principle Component Analysis
Authors: Farzad Khajavi
Recognition of the interaction between active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and excipients is a pivotal factor in the development of all pharmaceutical dosage forms. By predicting the interaction between API and excipients, we will be able to prevent the advent of impurities or at least lessen their amount. In this study, we used principle component analysis (PCA) to predict the interaction between Gliclazide as a secondary amine with Lactose in pharmaceutical solid dosage forms. The infrared spectra of binary mixtures of Gliclazide with Lactose at different mole ratios were recorded, and the obtained matrix was analyzed with PCA. By plotting score columns of the analyzed matrix, the incompatibility between Gliclazide and Lactose was observed. This incompatibility was seen experimentally. We observed the appearance of the impurity originated from the Maillard reaction between Gliclazide and Lactose at the chromatogram of the manufactured tablets in room temperature and under accelerated stability conditions. This impurity increases at the stability months. By changing Lactose to Mannitol and using Calcium Dibasic Phosphate in the tablet formulation, the amount of the impurity decreased and was in the acceptance range defined by British pharmacopeia for Gliclazide Tablets. This method is a fast and simple way to predict the existence of incompatibility between excipients and active pharmaceutical ingredients.Keywords: PCA, gliclazide, impurity, infrared spectroscopy, interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2092947 Effect of Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Pyrolysis Behavior of Unsaturated Polyester Resin
Authors: Rosli Mohd Yunus, A. K. M. Moshiul Alam, Mohammad Dalour Beg
In the case of advance polymeric materials reinforcement and thermal stability of matrix is a focused arena of researchers. The distribution of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in polymer matrix influences material properties. In this study, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) have been dispersed in unsaturated polyester resin (UPR) through solution mixing and sonication techniques using tetra hydro furan (THF) solvent. Nanocomposites have been fabricated with solution mixing and without solution mixing. Viscosity, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) investigations have been conducted to study the distribution as well as interaction between matrix and MWCNT. The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) and pyrolysis behavior have been conducted to study the thermal degradation and stability of nanocomposites. In addition, the SEM micrographs of nanocomposite residual chars were exhibited more packed together. Incorporation of CNT enhances crystallinity and mechanical and thermal properties of the nanocomposites. Correlations among MWCNTs dispersion, nucleation, fracture morphology and various properties have been made.Keywords: char, multiwall carbon nanotubes, nano composite, pyrolysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3612946 Study on Impact of Road Loads on Full Vehicle Squeak and Rattle Performance
Authors: R. Praveen, B. R. Chandan Ravi, M. Harikrishna
Squeak and rattle noises are the most annoying transient vehicle noises produced due to different terrain conditions. Interpretation and prohibition of squeak and rattle noises are the dominant aspects of a vehicle refinement. This paper describes the computer-aided engineering (CAE) approach to evaluating the full vehicle squeak and rattle performance with the measured road surface profile as enforced excitation at the tire patch points. The E-Line methodology has been used to predict the relative displacement at the interface points and the risk areas were identified. Squeak and rattle performance has been evaluated at different speeds and at different road conditions to understand the vehicle characteristics. The competence of the process in predicting the risk and root cause of the problems showcased us a pleasing conformity between the physical testing and CAE simulation results.Keywords: e-line, enforced excitation, full vehicle, squeak and rattle, road excitation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1422945 Pickering Dry Emulsion System for Dissolution Enhancement of Poorly Water Soluble Drug (Fenofibrate)
Authors: Nitin Jadhav, Pradeep R. Vavia
Poor water soluble drugs are difficult to promote for oral drug delivery as they demonstrate poor and variable bioavailability because of its poor solubility and dissolution in GIT fluid. Nowadays lipid based formulations especially self microemulsifying drug delivery system (SMEDDS) is found as the most effective technique. With all the impressive advantages, the need of high amount of surfactant (50% - 80%) is the major drawback of SMEDDS. High concentration of synthetic surfactant is known for irritation in GIT and also interference with the function of intestinal transporters causes changes in drug absorption. Surfactant may also reduce drug activity and subsequently bioavailability due to the enhanced entrapment of drug in micelles. In chronic treatment these issues are very conspicuous due to the long exposure. In addition the liquid self microemulsifying system also suffers from stability issues. Recently one novel approach of solid stabilized micro and nano emulsion (Pickering emulsion) has very admirable properties such as high stability, absence or very less concentration of surfactant and easily converts into the dry form. So here we are exploring pickering dry emulsion system for dissolution enhancement of anti-lipemic, extremely poorly water soluble drug (Fenofibrate). Oil moiety for emulsion preparation was selected mainly on the basis of higher solubility of drug. Captex 300 was showed higher solubility for fenofibrate, hence selected as oil for emulsion. With Silica (solid stabilizer); Span 20 was selected to improve the wetting property of it. Emulsion formed by Silica and Span20 as stabilizer at the ratio 2.5:1 (silica: span 20) was found very stable at the particle size 410 nm. The prepared emulsion was further preceded for spray drying and formed microcapsule evaluated for in-vitro dissolution study, in-vivo pharmacodynamic study and characterized for DSC, XRD, FTIR, SEM, optical microscopy etc. The in vitro study exhibits significant dissolution enhancement of formulation (85 % in 45 minutes) as compared to plain drug (14 % in 45 minutes). In-vivo study (Triton based hyperlipidaemia model) exhibits significant reduction in triglyceride and cholesterol with formulation as compared to plain drug indicating increasing in fenofibrate bioavailability. DSC and XRD study exhibit loss of crystallinity of drug in microcapsule form. FTIR study exhibit chemical stability of fenofibrate. SEM and optical microscopy study exhibit spherical structure of globule coated with solid particles.Keywords: captex 300, fenofibrate, pickering dry emulsion, silica, span20, stability, surfactant
Procedia PDF Downloads 4992944 Physical Properties and Elastic Studies of Fluoroaluminate Glasses Based on Alkali
Authors: C. Benhamideche
Fluoroaluminate glasses have been reported as the earliest heavy metal fluoride glasses. By comparison with flurozirconate glasses, they offer a set of similar optical features, but also some differences in their elastic and chemical properties. In practice they have been less developed because their stability against devitrification is smaller than that of the most stable fluoroziconates. The purpose of this study was to investigate glass formation in systems AlF3-YF3-PbF2-MgF2-MF2 (M= Li, Na, K). Synthesis was implemented at room atmosphere using the ammonium fluoride processing. After fining, the liquid was into a preheated brass mold, then annealed below the glass transition temperature for several hours. The samples were polished for optical measurements. Glass formation has been investigated in a systematic way, using pseudo ternary systems in order to allow parameters to vary at the same time. We have chosen the most stable glass compositions for the determination of the physical properties. These properties including characteristic temperatures, density and proprieties elastic. Glass stability increases in multicomponent glasses. Bulk samples have been prepared for physical characterization. These glasses have a potential interest for passive optical fibers because they are less sensitive to water attack than ZBLAN glass, mechanically stronger. It is expected they could have a larger damage threshold for laser power transmission.Keywords: fluoride glass, aluminium fluoride, thermal properties, density, proprieties elastic
Procedia PDF Downloads 2422943 Hip Strategy in Dynamic Postural Control in Recurrent Ankle Sprain
Authors: Radwa Elshorbagy, Alaa Elden Balbaa, Khaled Ayad, Waleed Reda
Introduction: Ankle sprain is a common lower limb injury that is complicated by high recurrence rate. The cause of recurrence is not clear; however, changes in motor control have been postulated. Objective: to determine the contribution of proximal hip strategy to dynamic postural control in patients with recurrent ankle sprain. Methods: Fifteen subjects with recurrent ankle sprain (group A) and fifteen healthy control subjects (group B) participated in this study. Abductor-adductors as well as flexor-extensor hip musculatures control was abolished by fatigue using the Biodex Isokinetic System. Dynamic postural control was measured before and after fatigue by the Biodex Balance System. Results: Repeated measures MANOVA was used to compare between and within group differences, in group A fatiguing of hip muscles (flexors-extensors and abductors-adductors) increased overall stability index (OASI), anteroposterior stability index (APSI) and mediolateral stability index (MLSI) significantly (p=0.00) whereas; in group B fatiguing of hip flexors-extensors increased significantly OASI and APSI only (p= 0.017, 0.010; respectively) while fatiguing of hip abductors-adductors has no significant effect on these variables. Moreover, patients with ankle sprain had significantly lower dynamic balance after hip muscles fatigue compared to the control group. Specifically, after hip flexor-extensor fatigue, the OASI, APSI and MLSI were increased significantly than those of the control values (p= 0.002, 0.011, and 0.003, respectively) whereas fatiguing of hip abductors-adductors increased significantly in OASI and APSI only (p=0.012, 0.026, respectively). Conclusion: To maintain dynamic balance, patients with recurrent ankle sprain seem to rely more on the hip strategy. This means that those patients depend on a top to down instead of down to top strategy clinical relevance: patients with recurrent ankle sprain less efficient in maintaining the dynamic postural control due to the change in motor strategies. Indicating that health care providers and rehabilitation specialists should treat CAI as a global/central and not just as a simple local or peripheral injury.Keywords: hip strategy, ankle strategy, postural control, dynamic balance
Procedia PDF Downloads 3402942 Achieving the Elevated Nitritation for Autotrophic/Heterotrophic Denitritation in CSTR by Treating Livestock Wastewater
Authors: Hammad Khan, Wookeun Bae
The objective of this study was to achieve, optimize and control the highly loaded and efficient nitrite production having suitability for autotrophic and heterotrophic denitritation. A lab scale CSTR for partial and full nitritation was operated to treat the livestock manure digester liquor having an ammonium concentration of ~2000 mg-NH4+-N/L and biodegradable contents of ~0.8 g-COD/L. The experiments were performed at 30°C, pH: 8.0, DO: 1.5 mg/L and SRT ranging from 7-20 days. After 125 days operation, >95% nitrite buildup having the ammonium loading rate of ~3.2 kg-NH4+-N/m3-day was seen with almost complete ammonium conversion. On increasing the loading rate further (i-e, from 3.2-6.2 kg-NH4+-N/m3-day), stability of the system remained unaffected. On decreasing the pH from 8 to 7.5 and further 7.2, removal rate can be easily controlled as 95%, 75% and even 50%. Results demonstrated that nitritation stability and desired removal rates are controlled by a balance of simultaneous inhibition by FA & FNA, pH affect and DO limitation. These parameters proved to be effective even to produce an appropriate influent for anammox. In addition, a mathematical model, identified through the occurring biological reactions, is proposed to optimize the full and partial nitritation process. The proposed model present relationship between pH, ammonium and produced nitrite for full and partial nitritation under the varying concentrations of DO, and simultaneous inhibition by FA and FNA.Keywords: stable nitritation, high loading, autrophic denitritation, hetrotrophic denitritation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2742941 Comparison of White Sauce Prepared from Native and Chemically Modified Corn and Pearl Millet Starches
Authors: Marium Shaikh, Tahira M. Ali, Abid Hasnain
Physical and sensory properties of white sauces prepared from native and chemically modified corn and pearl millet starches were compared. Interestingly, no syneresis was observed in hydroxypropylated corn and pearl millet starch containing white sauce even after nine days of cold storage (4 °C), while other modifications also reduced the syneresis significantly in comparison to their native counterparts. White sauce containing succinylated corn starch showed least oil separation due to its greater emulsion stability. Light microscopy was used to visualize the size and shape of fat globules, and it was found that they were most homogenously distributed in succinylated and hydroxypropylated samples. Sensory results revealed that chemical modification of corn and pearl millet starch improved the consistency, thickness and overall acceptability of white sauces. Viscosity profiles showed that pasting parameters of native pearl millet starch are almost similar to native corn starch suggesting pearl millet starch as an alternative of corn starch. Also, white sauce prepared from modified pearl millet starch showed better cold storage stability in terms of various textural attributes like hardness, cohesiveness, chewiness, and springiness.Keywords: corn starch, pearl millet, hydroxypropylation, succinylation, white sauce
Procedia PDF Downloads 2852940 Three Dimensional Analysis of Cubesat Thermal Vacuum Test
Authors: Maged Assem Soliman Mossallam
Thermal vacuum testing target is to qualify the space system and ensure its operability under harsh space environment. The functionality of the cubesat was checked at extreme orbit conditions. Test was performed for operational and nonoperational modes. Analysis is done to simulate the cubesat thermal cycling inside thermal vacuum chamber. Comsol Multiphysics finite element is used to solve three dimensional problem for the cubesat inside TVAC. Three dimensional CAD model is done using Autodesk Inventor program. The boundary conditions were applied from the actual shroud temperature. The input heat load variation with time is considered to solve the transient three dimensional problem. Results show that the simulated temperature profiles are within an acceptable range from the real testing data.Keywords: cubesat, thermal vacuum test, testing simulation, finite element analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1512939 Study of Heat Transfer in the Absorber Plates of a Flat-Plate Solar Collector Using Dual-Phase-Lag Model
Authors: Yu-Ching Yang, Haw-Long Lee, Win-Jin Chang
The present work numerically analyzes the transient heat transfer in the absorber plates of a flat-plate solar collector based on the dual-phase-lag (DPL) heat conduction model. An efficient numerical scheme involving the hybrid application of the Laplace transform and control volume methods is used to solve the linear hyperbolic heat conduction equation. This work also examines the effect of different medium parameters on the behavior of heat transfer. Results show that, while the heat-flux phase lag induces thermal waves in the medium, the temperature-gradient phase lag smoothens the thermal waves by promoting non-Fourier diffusion-like conduction into the medium.Keywords: absorber plates, dual-phase-lag, non-Fourier, solar collector
Procedia PDF Downloads 3922938 The Role of Financial Literacy and Personal Non-Cognitive Attributes in Household Financial Fragility
Authors: Ivana Bulog, Ana Rimac Smiljanić, Sandra Pepur
The financial fragility of households has received increased attention following the recent health crisis, which has created uncertainty and caused increased levels of stress and consequently impaired individual and family well-being. Job losses and/or reduced wages and insecurity increased the number of people that were unable to meet unexpected expenses, which, in many cases, led to increased household debt levels. This presents a threat to the stability of the financial system and the whole economy; therefore, reducing financial fragility and improving financial literacy present challenges for academicians, practitioners, and policymakers. Concerning financial fragility, significant research attention has been devoted to financial knowledge and financial literacy. However, apart from specific knowledge, personal characteristics are of great importance in making financial decisions in the household. Self-efficacy is one of the personal non-cognitive attributes that is a valuable framework for understanding how household financial decisions are made. Thus, this research proposes that individual levels of financial literacy and self-efficacy are related to the indebtedness and financial instability of the household. The primary data were collected using a structured, self-administered online questionnaire, and a snowball sampling method was applied to reach the participants. Preliminary results confirm our assumptions on the influence of financial literacy and self-efficacy on household financial stability.Keywords: financial literacy, self-efficacy, household financial fragility, well-being
Procedia PDF Downloads 882937 The Contribution of Hip Strategy in Dynamic Postural Control in Recurrent Ankle Sprain
Authors: Radwa El Shorbagy, Alaa El Din Balbaa, Khaled Ayad, Waleed Reda
Introduction: Ankle sprain is a common lower limb injury that is complicated by high recurrence rate. The cause of recurrence is not clear; however, changes in motor control have been postulated. Objective: to determine the contribution of proximal hip strategy to dynamic postural control in patients with recurrent ankle sprain. Methods: Fifteen subjects with recurrent ankle sprain (group A) and fifteen healthy control subjects (group B) participated in this study. Abductor-adductors as well as flexor-extensor hip musculatures control was abolished by fatigue using the Biodex Isokinetic System. Dynamic postural control was measured before and after fatigue by the Biodex Balance System Results: Repeated measures MANOVA was used to compare between and within group differences, In group A fatiguing of hip muscles (flexors-extensors and abductors-adductors) increased overall stability index (OASI), anteroposterior stability index (APSI) and mediolateral stability index (MLSI) significantly (p= 0.00) whereas; in group B fatiguing of hip flexors-extensors increased significantly OASI and APSI only (p= 0.017, 0.010; respectively) while fatiguing of hip abductors-adductors has no significant effect on these variables. Moreover, patients with ankle sprain had significantly lower dynamic balance after hip muscles fatigue compared to the control group. Specifically, after hip flexor-extensor fatigue, the OASI, APSI and MLSI were increased significantly than those of the control values (p= 0.002, 0.011, and 0.003, respectively) whereas fatiguing of hip abductors-adductors increased significantly in OASI and APSI only (p=0.012, 0.026, respectively). Conclusion: To maintain dynamic balance, patients with recurrent ankle sprain seem to relay more on the hip strategy. This means that those patients depend on a top to down instead of down to top strategy clinical relevance: patients with recurrent ankle sprain less efficient in maintaining the dynamic postural control due to the change in motor strategies. Indicating that health care providers and rehabilitation specialists should treat CAI as a global/central and not just as a simple local or peripheral injury.Keywords: ankle sprain, fatigue hip muscles, dynamic balance
Procedia PDF Downloads 3012936 Determination of the Shear Strength of Wastes Using Back-Analyses from Observed Failures
Authors: Sadek Salah
The determination of the strength characteristics of waste materials is essential when evaluating the stability of waste fills during initial placement and at the time of closure and rehabilitation of the landfill. Significant efforts, mostly experimental, have been deployed to date in attempts to quantify the mechanical properties of municipal wastes various stages of decomposition. Even though the studies and work done so far have helped in setting baseline parameters and characteristics for waste materials, inherent concerns remain as to the scalability of the findings between the laboratory and the field along with questions as to the suitability of the actual test conditions. These concerns are compounded by the complexity of the problem itself with significant variability in composition, placement conditions, and levels of decay of the various constituents of the waste fills. A complimentary, if not necessarily an alternative approach is to rely on field observations of behavior and instability of such materials. This paper describes an effort at obtaining relevant shear strength parameters from back-analyses of failures which have been observed at a major un-engineered waste fill along the Mediterranean shoreline. Results from the limit-equilibrium failure back-analyses are presented and compared to results from laboratory-scale testing on comparable waste materials.Keywords: solid waste, shear strength, landfills, slope stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2422935 Increasing Redness and Microbial Stability of Low Nitrite Chicken Sausage by Encapsulated Tomato Pomace Extract
Authors: Bung-Orn Hemung, Nachayut Chanshotigul, Koo Bok Chin
Tomato pomace (TP) is the waste from tomato processing plants and its utilization as food ingredient may provide sustainable industry by reducing waste. TP was extracted by ethanol using microwave-assisted method at 180W for 90s. The ethanol was evaporated out, and an extract was encapsulated with maltodextrin (1:10) by spray drying to obtain an encapsulated TP extract (ETPE). The redness (a value) of ETPE powder was 6.5±0.05, and it was used as natural ingredient in the low-nitrite chicken sausage. Chicken emulsion sausage was prepared at 25 mg/kg of nitrite for being control. Effect of ETPE (1.0%) was evaluated along with the reference (150 mg/kg of nitrite without ETPE). The redness (a value) of sausage with ETPE was found at 6.8±0.03, which was higher than those of reference and control, which were at 4.8±.022 and 5.1±0.15, respectively. However, hardness, expressible moisture content and cooking yield values were reduced slightly. During storage at 10 °C in the air packed condition for 1 week, changes in color, pH, redness, and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances value were not significantly different. However, total microbial count of sausage samples with ETPE was lower than control for a 1 log cycle, suggesting microbial stability. Therefore, the addition of ETPE could be an alternative strategy to utilize TP as a natural colorant and antimicrobial agent to extend the shelf life of low-nitrite chicken sausage.Keywords: antimicrobial ingredient, chicken sausage, ethanolic extract, low-nitrite sausage, tomato pomace
Procedia PDF Downloads 2092934 The Effect of Tai Chi Exercises on Postural Stability and Control in Older Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
Authors: Elham Ghandali, Saeed Talebian Moghadam, Mohammad Reza Hadian, Gholamreza Olyaei, Shohreh Jalaie, Elaheh Sajjadi
Purpose: A few studies have examined the effect of Tai Chi on balance in elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). The aim of this study was to determine the balance measures in elderly patients with knee OA after Tai Chi exercises. For this purpose, 14 females and 6 males with knee OA were chosen. The area and mean velocity of the center of pressure movements (CoP) were measured by force plate in standing positions (on foam and rigid surfaces). The measurements of area and mean velocity of CoP were performed before and after 60 min of Tai Chi sessions (twice a week for 8 weeks). Results: The results showed that the area of CoP in a standing position on a rigid surface was significantly decreased (P < 0.01) after Tai Chi exercises. Furthermore, the mean velocity of CoP was significantly decreased after Tai Chi exercises on both rigid and foam surfaces (P < 0.001). Our study also indicated that changes in surfaces (rigid and foam) would cause significant differences regarding the area of CoP in standing positions. How- ever, similar findings were not found regarding the mean velocity of CoP. Considering the effects of Tai Chi on the mean velocity of CoP, it might be concluded that motor control and Postural stability improvements have occurred. Conclusions: Therefore, based on these results, Tai Chi exercises could be recommended for elderly patients with knee OA as part of their rehabilitation and physical therapy protocols.Keywords: Tai Chi, balance, knee osteoarthritis, elderly patients, different surfaces
Procedia PDF Downloads 962933 Wheeled Robot Stable Braking Process under Asymmetric Traction Coefficients
Authors: Boguslaw Schreyer
During the wheeled robot’s braking process, the extra dynamic vertical forces act on all wheels: left, right, front or rear. Those forces are directed downward on the front wheels while directed upward on the rear wheels. In order to maximize the deceleration, therefore, minimize the braking time and braking distance, we need to calculate a correct torque distribution: the front braking torque should be increased, and rear torque should be decreased. At the same time, we need to provide better transversal stability. In a simple case of all adhesion coefficients being the same under all wheels, the torque distribution may secure the optimal (maximal) control of the robot braking process, securing the minimum braking distance and a minimum braking time. At the same time, the transversal stability is relatively good. At any time, we control the transversal acceleration. In the case of the transversal movement, we stop the braking process and re-apply braking torque after a defined period of time. If we correctly calculate the value of the torques, we may secure the traction coefficient under the front and rear wheels close to its maximum. Also, in order to provide an optimum braking control, we need to calculate the timing of the braking torque application and the timing of its release. The braking torques should be released shortly after the wheels passed a maximum traction coefficient (while a wheels’ slip increases) and applied again after the wheels pass a maximum of traction coefficient (while the slip decreases). The correct braking torque distribution secures the front and rear wheels, passing this maximum at the same time. It guarantees an optimum deceleration control, therefore, minimum braking time. In order to calculate a correct torque distribution, a control unit should receive the input signals of a rear torque value (which changes independently), the robot’s deceleration, and values of the vertical front and rear forces. In order to calculate the timing of torque application and torque release, more signals are needed: speed of the robot: angular speed, and angular deceleration of the wheels. In case of different adhesion coefficients under the left and right wheels, but the same under each pair of wheels- the same under right wheels and the same under left wheels, the Select-Low (SL) and select high (SH) methods are applied. The SL method is suggested if transversal stability is more important than braking efficiency. Often in the case of the robot, more important is braking efficiency; therefore, the SH method is applied with some control of the transversal stability. In the case that all adhesion coefficients are different under all wheels, the front-rear torque distribution is maintained as in all previous cases. However, the timing of the braking torque application and release is controlled by the rear wheels’ lowest adhesion coefficient. The Lagrange equations have been used to describe robot dynamics. Matlab has been used in order to simulate the process of wheeled robot braking, and in conclusion, the braking methods have been selected.Keywords: wheeled robots, braking, traction coefficient, asymmetric
Procedia PDF Downloads 1652932 One-off Separation of Multiple Types of Oil-in-Water Emulsions with Surface-Engineered Graphene-Based Multilevel Structure Materials
Authors: Han Longxiang
In the process of treating industrial oil wastewater with complex components, the traditional treatment methods (flotation, coagulation, microwave heating, etc.) often produce high operating costs, secondary pollution, and other problems. In order to solve these problems, the materials with high flux and stability applied to surfactant-stabilized emulsions separation have gained huge attention in the treatment of oily wastewater. Nevertheless, four stable oil-in-water emulsions can be formed due to different surfactants (surfactant-free, anionic surfactant, cationic surfactant, and non-ionic surfactant), and the previous advanced materials can only separate one or several of them, cannot effectively separate in one step. Herein, a facile synthesis method of graphene-based multilevel filter materials (GMFM) can efficiently separate the oil-in-water emulsions stabilized with different surfactants only through its gravity. The prepared materials with high stability of 20 cycles show a high flux of ~ 5000 L m-2 h-1 with a high separation efficiency of > 99.9 %. GMFM can effectively separate the emulsion stabilized by mixed surfactants and oily wastewater from factories. The results indicate that the GMFM has a wide range of applications in oil-in-water emulsions separation in industry and environmental science.Keywords: emulsion, filtration, graphene, one-step
Procedia PDF Downloads 822931 Anatase TiO₂ Nanostructures with Enhanced Surface Activity for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries
Authors: Basharat Hussain, Wasim Abbas, Sayed Sajid Hussain
Amorphous colloidal TiO₂ spheres were annealed at high temperatures to yield anatase-phase TiO₂ nanoparticles. With a specific discharge capacity of around 296 mAh g⁻¹ (0.1C), the annealed TiO₂ outperformed its amorphous counterpart, which produced about 182 mAh g⁻¹ at the same rate. The annealed material's larger surface area and more active sites are responsible for this improvement. The amorphous TiO₂ nanoparticles, on the other hand, produced a solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer that contained organic phosphates, lithium carbonate, and lithium alkyl carbonates. This led to a decrease in performance and increased intrinsic resistance. By successfully removing surface hydroxyl groups and chemisorbed water, high-temperature annealing reduced capacity loss and improved structural and electrochemical stability. After prolonged cycling, the annealed TiO₂ demonstrated enhanced rate capability and cycling performance, retaining 93.5% of its capacity as opposed to 42.1% for the amorphous material. By shedding light on the function of surface chemistry and material processing in maximizing battery performance, our results show the potential of annealed anatase TiO₂ as a high-performance electrode material for Li-ion batteries.Keywords: TiO₂ li-ion battery, electrode, capacity, stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 102930 Design of Raw Water Reservoir on Sandy Soil
Authors: Venkata Ramana Pamu
This paper is a case study of a 5310 ML capacity Raw Water Reservoir (RWR), situated in Indian state Rajasthan, which is a part of Rajasthan Rural Water Supply & Fluorosis Mitigation Project. This RWR embankment was constructed by locally available material on natural ground profile. Height of the embankment was varying from 2m to 10m.This is due to existing ground level was varying. Reservoir depth 9m including 1.5m free board and 1V:3H slopes were provided both upstream and downstream side. Proper soil investigation, tests were done and it was confirmed that the existing soil is sandy silt. The existing excavated earth was used as filling material for embankment construction, due to this controlling seepage from upstream to downstream be a challenging task. Slope stability and Seismic analysis of the embankment done by Conventional method for both full reservoir condition and rapid drawdown. Horizontal filter at toe level was provided along with upstream side PCC (Plain Cement Concrete) block and HDPE (High Density poly ethylene) lining as a remedy to control seepage. HDPE lining was also provided at storage area of the reservoir bed level. Mulching was done for downstream side slope protection.Keywords: raw water reservoir, seepage, seismic analysis, slope stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 4972929 Development of Transparent Nano-Structured Super-Hydrophobic Coating on Glass and Evaluation of Anti-Dust Properties
Authors: Abhilasha Mishra, Neha Bhatt
Super-hydrophobicity is an effect in which a surface roughness and chemical composition are combined to produce unusual water and dust repellent surface. The super-hydrophobic surface is widely used in many applications such as windshields of the automobile, aircraft, lens, solar cells, roofing, boat hull, paints, etc. Four coating solutions were prepared by varying compositions of 1,1,1,3,3,3 hexametyldisilazane (HDMS) and tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) sol. These solutions were coated on glass slides by a spin coating method and etched at a high temperature ranging 250 -350 oC. All the coatings were studied for its different properties like water repellent, anti-dust, and transparency and contact angle measurements. Stability of coatings was also studied with respect to temperature, external environment, and pH. It was found that all coatings impart a significant super-hydrophobicity on a glass surface with contact angle ranging from 156o to 162o and have good stability in the external environment. The results of the different coatings were observed and compared with each other. On increasing layers of coatings the super-hydrophobicity and anti-dust properties increases but after 3 coatings the transparency of coating starts decreasing.Keywords: super-hydrophobic, contact angle, coating, anti-dust
Procedia PDF Downloads 2602928 Recombination Center Levels in Gold and Platinum Doped N-type Silicon for High-Speed Thyristor
Authors: Nam Chol Yu, GyongIl Chu, HoJong Ri
Using DLTS (Deep-level transient spectroscopy) measurement techniques, we determined the dominant recombination center levels (defects of both A and B) in gold and platinum doped n-type silicon. Also, the injection and temperature dependence of the Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) carrier lifetime was studied under low-level injection and high-level injection. Here measurements show that the dominant level under low-level injection located at EC-0.25 eV (A) correlated to the Pt+G1 and the dominant level under high-level injection located at EC-0.54 eV (B) correlated to the Au+G4. Finally, A and B are the same dominant levels for controlling the lifetime in gold-platinum doped n-silicon.Keywords: recombination center level, lifetime, carrier lifetime control, Gold, Platinum, Silicon
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