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2425 Self-Awareness on Social Work Courses: A Study of Students Perceptions of Teaching Methods in an English University
Authors: Deborah Amas
Global accreditation standards require Higher Education Institutions to ensure social work students develop self-awareness by reflecting on their personal values and critically evaluating how these influence their thinking for professional practice. The knowledge base indicates there are benefits and vulnerabilities for students when they self-reflect and more needs to be understood about the learning environments that nurture self-awareness. The connection between teaching methods and self-awareness is of interest in this paper which reports findings from an on-line survey with students on BA and MA qualifying social work programs in an English university (n=120). Students were asked about the importance of self-awareness and their experiences of teaching methods for self-reflection. Generally, students thought that self-awareness is of high importance in their education. Students also shared stories that illuminated deeper feelings about the potential risks associated with self-disclosure. The findings indicate that students appreciate safe opportunities for self-reflection, but can be wary of associated assessments or feeling judged. The research supports arguments to qualitatively improve facilitation of self-awareness through the curriculum.Keywords: reflection, self-awareness, self-reflection, social work education
Procedia PDF Downloads 3002424 We Are the 99 percent – the Occupy-Movement in Social Media
Authors: Wolfram Karg
The Occupy-Movement came into in 2011 existence in the US as a reaction to one of the worst economic crisis since World War II. With cuts in benefits and social services, with people being evicted from their homes on the one hand and high bonuses granted to their managers of the very same companies, a strong feeling of injustice besieged people in the US and caused them to voice their anger peacefully in social media and on the streets. Due to the world-wide-web, users all around the world read about this movement and recognized the same injustice in their own countries, making Occupy a global movement. The vast array of topics covered by Occupy offers a unique chance to carry out a corpus-based discourse analysis based on the DIMEAN-Model. The focus on this paper is limited to two aspects of DIMEAN: intertextual references and the use of connectors in texts. Because the discourse is to a large extent carried out via posts in blogs, online-articles and comments, the paper also analyses, in how far modern (i.e. computer-based media) there is a correlation between the use of connectors in different communicative types used by the Occupy-Movement.Keywords: discourse, new media, occupy, corpus analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4962423 An Empirical Analysis of HRM in Different Pharmaceutical Departments of Different Pharmaceutical Industries in Pakistan
Authors: Faisal Ali, Mansoor Shuakat, Cui Lirong, Rabia Riasat
HR is a department that enhances the power of employee performance in regard with their services, and to make the organization strategic objectives. The main concern of HR department is to organize people, focus on policies and their system. The empirical study shows the relationship between HRM (Human Resource Management practices) and their Job Satisfaction. The Hypothesis is testing on a sample of overall 320 employees of 5 different Pharmaceutical departments of different organizations in Pakistan. The important thing as Relationship of Job satisfaction with HR Practices, Impact on Job Satisfaction with HR Practices, Participation of Staff of Different Departments, HR Practices effects the Job satisfaction, Recruitment or Hiring and Selection effects the Job satisfaction, Training and Development, Performance and Appraisals, Compensation affects the Job satisfaction , and Industrial Relationships affects the Job satisfaction. After finishing all data analysis, the conclusion is that lots of Job related activities raise the confidence of Job satisfaction of employees with their salary and other benefits. Implications of HR practices discussed, Limitations, and future research study also offered write the main conclusion for your paper.Keywords: HRM, HR practices, job satisfaction, TQM
Procedia PDF Downloads 3682422 Entrepreneurial Determinants Contributing to the Long Term Growth of Young Hi-Technology Start-Ups
Authors: A. Binnui, O. Kalinowska-Beszczynska, G. Shaw
It is postulated that innovative deployment of entrepreneurial activities leads to firm's growth. This paper draws upon the key predictions of the core theories on entrepreneurship and innovation to formulate a conceptual framework which can be used to depict the casual chain of events from which entrepreneurs can manage more innovatively and ultimately deliver higher growth which benefits of the regional and national economies. It examines the key firm-based factors extracted from the theories, namely the characteristics of entrepreneurial hi-tech firms, characteristics of innovating firms, and firm growth dynamics that lead to enhanced economic growth. The framework postulates that the key determinants extracted such as entrepreneurial demographics, firm characteristic, skills and competencies, research and development, product/service characteristics, market development, financial of the firm and internationalization might lead to the survival and long term development of high-technology startups.Keywords: innovative entrepreneurial activities, entrepreneuship, determinants, growth, hi-technology start-upws
Procedia PDF Downloads 1412421 Literature for Learning: Cultivating Global Competence in the Classroom
Authors: April Mattix Foster, Kathleen A. Ramos, Sarah Rich, Rebecca Eisenberg, Lisa Dornan
As the number of children from immigrant and refugee backgrounds in our schools continues to grow, the need to cultivate antiracist educators is crucial. This e-poster outlines the design of online university course modules, funded by the Longview Foundation, designed to support pre- and in-service educators in developing great awareness of, empathy for, and advocacy with immigrant and refugee students in the classroom. These modules guide educators in using children’s and adolescent literature that highlights the lived experiences of immigrant and refugee families, utilizing scaffolded reading and thinking protocols as a model for encouraging empathy and global competence in young learners. Educators reported several benefits of using the modules and curated literature, including greater awareness of the significance of diverse literature, deeper self-reflection and empathy, and stronger connections to classroom practice—ultimately benefiting both educators and their students.Keywords: antiracist, children’s literature, global competence, empathy, self-reflection
Procedia PDF Downloads 272420 Cost Implications of Natural Resources Conflicts on Livelihoods of Farmers and Pastoralists in the North East Arid Zone of Nigeria
Authors: Ibrahim Ahmed Jajere
Resource use conflicts capable of undermining of pastoralists’ livelihoods are on the increase in the North East Arid Zone of Nigeria. In order to expose socio - economic effects of conflicts and benefits of peace, this study assessed cost implications of farmers/pastoralists conflicts over natural resources. Interviews were conducted with 94 farmers, 90 agro-pastoralists and 91 pastoralists’ household heads. The farmers and agro-pastoralists were systematically sampled while pastoralists were located using snowballing. Both farmers and pastoralists suffered losses in the form of injuries to, and even death of household members, and loss of shelter. Farmers sustained losses of facilities and farm produce while pastoralists suffered loss and seizure of livestock, arrest of household members and forced migrations. The material losses in monetary terms amounted to 14,242,200.00 nairas for farmers, a figure higher than the 10,915,500.00 nairas incurred by pastoralists.Keywords: cost, conflicts, farmers, pastoralists
Procedia PDF Downloads 2662419 Modeling Child Development Factors for the Early Introduction of ICTs in Schools
Authors: K. E. Oyetade, S. D. Eyono Obono
One of the fundamental characteristics of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been the ever-changing nature of continuous release and models of ICTs with its impact on the academic, social, and psychological benefits of its introduction in schools. However, there seems to be a growing concern about its negative impact on students when introduced early in schools for teaching and learning. This study aims to design a model of child development factors affecting the early introduction of ICTs in schools in an attempt to improve the understanding of child development and introduction of ICTs in schools. The proposed model is based on a sound theoretical framework. It was designed following a literature review of child development theories and child development factors. The child development theoretical framework that fitted to the best of all child development factors was then chosen as the basis for the proposed model. This study hence found that the Jean Piaget cognitive developmental theory is the most adequate theoretical frameworks for modeling child development factors for ICT introduction in schools.Keywords: child development factors, child development theories, ICTs, theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 4142418 A Fully-Automated Disturbance Analysis Vision for the Smart Grid Based on Smart Switch Data
Authors: Bernardo Cedano, Ahmed H. Eltom, Bob Hay, Jim Glass, Raga Ahmed
The deployment of smart grid devices such as smart meters and smart switches (SS) supported by a reliable and fast communications system makes automated distribution possible, and thus, provides great benefits to electric power consumers and providers alike. However, more research is needed before the full utility of smart switch data is realized. This paper presents new automated switching techniques using SS within the electric power grid. A concise background of the SS is provided, and operational examples are shown. Organization and presentation of data obtained from SS are shown in the context of the future goal of total automation of the distribution network. The description of application techniques, the examples of success with SS, and the vision outlined in this paper serve to motivate future research pertinent to disturbance analysis automation.Keywords: disturbance automation, electric power grid, smart grid, smart switches
Procedia PDF Downloads 3092417 Modernization of the Economic Price Adjustment Software
Authors: Roger L. Goodwin
The US Consumer Price Indices (CPIs) measures hundreds of items in the US economy. Many social programs and government benefits index to the CPIs. In mid to late 1990, much research went into changes to the CPI by a Congressional Advisory Committee. One thing can be said from the research is that, aside from there are alternative estimators for the CPI; any fundamental change to the CPI will affect many government programs. The purpose of this project is to modernize an existing process. This paper will show the development of a small, visual, software product that documents the Economic Price Adjustment (EPA) for long-term contracts. The existing workbook does not provide the flexibility to calculate EPAs where the base-month and the option-month are different. Nor does the workbook provide automated error checking. The small, visual, software product provides the additional flexibility and error checking. This paper presents the feedback to project.Keywords: Consumer Price Index, Economic Price Adjustment, contracts, visualization tools, database, reports, forms, event procedures
Procedia PDF Downloads 3192416 In vitro Bioacessibility of Phenolic Compounds from Fruit Spray Dried and Lyophilized Powder
Authors: Carolina Beres, Laurine Da Silva, Danielle Pereira, Ana Ribeiro, Renata Tonon, Caroline Mellinger-Silva, Karina Dos Santos, Flavia Gomes, Lourdes Cabral
The health benefits of bioactive compounds such as phenolics are well known. The main source of these compounds are fruits and derivates. This study had the objective to study the bioacessibility of phenolic compounds from grape pomace and juçara dried extracts. For this purpose both characterized extracts were submitted to a simulated human digestion and the total phenolic content, total anthocyanins and antioxidant scavenging capacity was determinate in digestive fractions (oral, gastric, intestinal and colonic). Juçara had a higher anthocianins bioacessibility (17.16%) when compared to grape pomace (2.08%). The opposite result was found for total phenolic compound, where the higher bioacessibility was for grape (400%). The phenolic compound increase indicates a more accessible compound in the human gut. The lyophilized process had a beneficial impact in the final accessibility of the phenolic compounds being a more promising technique.Keywords: bioacessibility, phenolic compounds, grape, juçara
Procedia PDF Downloads 2132415 Enhancing Pedagogical Practices in Online Arabic Language Instruction: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategies
Authors: Salah Algabli
As online learning takes center stage; Arabic language instructors face the imperative to adapt their practices for the digital realm. This study investigates the experiences of online Arabic instructors to unveil the pedagogical opportunities and challenges this format presents. Utilizing a transcendental phenomenological approach with 15 diverse participants, the research shines a light on the unique realities of online language teaching at the university level, specifically in the United States. The study proposes theoretical and practical solutions to maximize the benefits of online language learning while mitigating its challenges. Recommendations cater to instructors, researchers, and program coordinators, paving the way for enhancing the quality of online Arabic language education. The findings highlight the need for pedagogical approaches tailored to the online environment, ultimately shaping a future where both instructors and learners thrive in this digital landscape.Keywords: online Arabic language learning, pedagogical opportunities and challenges, online Arabic teachers, online language instruction, digital pedagogy
Procedia PDF Downloads 622414 Water's Role in Creating a Sense of Belonging
Authors: Narges Nejati
Nowadays as science hasten toward technology, only quantity of construction noticed and there is a little attention toward quality of construction and there is no usage for element which was prevalent in traditional architecture. This is the cause of this issue that nowadays we see building that most of them just keep you from heat and cold of outside environment and there is no trace of any culture of their country or nation in it. And although we know that man is a creature that adores beauty by his nature, but this spiritual need of him is ignored. And designers by taking an enormous price instead of planning (spiritual designing) to release peace, they attend to planning which make a human soul bothered and ill. The present research is trying to illustrate price of concepts and principles of water usage as one of the elements of nature and also shows the water application in some of the Iranian constructions and the results show the motif of using water in constructions and also some benefits of using it in constructions. And also this matter can causes a reconnection between nature and constructing of a beautiful environment which is consonant and proportional with man’ physical, spiritual and cultural needs. And causes peace and comfort of men. A construction which man feels a friendly atmosphere in them which he has a sense of belonging to them not a construction which arouses feeling of weariness and fatigue.Keywords: water usage, belonging, sustainable architecture, urban design
Procedia PDF Downloads 3862413 VTOL-Fw Mode-Transitioning UAV Design and Analysis
Authors: Feri̇t Çakici, M. Kemal Leblebi̇ci̇oğlu
In this study, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with level flight, vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) and mode-transitioning capability is designed and analyzed. The platform design combines both multirotor and fixed-wing (FW) conventional airplane structures and control surfaces; therefore named as VTOL-FW. The aircraft is modeled using aerodynamical principles and linear models are constructed utilizing small perturbation theory for trim conditions. The proposed method of control includes implementation of multirotor and airplane mode controllers and design of an algorithm to transition between modes in achieving smooth switching maneuvers between VTOL and FW flight. Thus, VTOL-FW UAV’s flight characteristics are expected to be improved by enlarging operational flight envelope through enabling mode-transitioning, agile maneuvers and increasing survivability. Experiments conducted in simulation and real world environments shows that VTOL-FW UAV has both multirotor and airplane characteristics with extra benefits in an enlarged flight envelope.Keywords: aircraft design, linear analysis, mode transitioning control, UAV
Procedia PDF Downloads 3972412 Reduce, Reuse and Recycle: Grand Challenges in Construction Recovery Process
Authors: Abioye A. Oyenuga, Rao Bhamidiarri
Hurling a successful Construction and Demolition Waste (C&DW) recycling operation around the globe is a challenge today, predominantly because secondary materials markets are yet to be integrated. Reducing, Reusing and recycling of (C&DW) have been employed over the years, and various techniques have been investigated. However, the economic and environmental viability of its application seems limited. This paper discusses the costs and benefits in using secondary materials and focus on investigating reuse and recycling process for five major types of construction materials: concrete, metal, wood, cardboard/paper, and plasterboard. Data obtained from demolition specialist and contractors are considered and evaluated. With the date source, the research paper found that construction material recovery process fully incorporate the 3R’s process and shows how energy recovery by means of 3R's principles can be evaluated. This scrutiny leads to the empathy of grand challenges in construction material recovery process. Recommendations to deepen material recovery process are also discussed.Keywords: construction and demolition waste (C&DW), 3R concept, recycling, reuse, waste management, UK
Procedia PDF Downloads 4282411 Mobile Device Applications in Physical Education: Investigating New Pedagogical Possibilities
Authors: Danica Vidotto
Digital technology is continuing to disrupt and challenge local conventions of teaching and education. As mobile devices continue to make their way into contemporary classrooms, educators need new pedagogies incorporating information communication technology to help reform the learning environment. In physical education, however, this can seem controversial as physical inactivity is often related to an excess of screen-time. This qualitative research project is an investigation on how physical educators use mobile device applications (apps) in their pedagogy and to what end. A comprehensive literature review is included to examine and engage current academic research of new pedagogies and technology, and their relevance to physical activity. Data were collected through five semi-structured interviews resulting in three overarching themes; i) changing pedagogies in physical education; ii) the perceived benefits and experienced challenges of using apps; and iii) apps, physical activity, and physical education. This study concludes with a discussion of the findings engaging the literature, discussing the implications of findings, and recommendations for future research.Keywords: applications (apps), mobile devices, new pedagogies, physical education
Procedia PDF Downloads 1942410 Enrichment of the Antioxidant Activity of Decaffeinated Assam Green Tea by Herbal Plant: A Synergistic Effect
Authors: Abhijit Das, Runu Chakraborty
Tea is the most widely consumed beverage aside from water; it is grown in about 30 countries with a per capita worldwide consumption of approximately 0.12 liter per year. Green tea is of growing importance with its antioxidant contents associated with its health benefits. The various extraction methods can influence the polyphenol concentrations of green tea. The purpose of the study was to quantify the polyphenols, flavonoid and antioxidant activity of both caffeinated and decaffeinated form of tea manufactured commercially in Assam, North Eastern part of India. The results display that phenolic/flavonoid content well correlated with antioxidant activity which was performed by DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and FRAP (Ferric reducing ability of plasma) assay. After decaffeination there is a decrease in the polyphenols concentration which also affects the antioxidant activity of green tea. For the enrichment of antioxidant activity of decaffeinated tea a herbal plant extract is used which shows a synergistic effect between green tea and herbal plant phenolic compounds.Keywords: antioxidant activity, decaffeination, green tea, flavonoid content, phenolic content, plant extract
Procedia PDF Downloads 3492409 Large Language Model Powered Chatbots Need End-to-End Benchmarks
Authors: Debarag Banerjee, Pooja Singh, Arjun Avadhanam, Saksham Srivastava
Autonomous conversational agents, i.e., chatbots, are becoming an increasingly common mechanism for enterprises to provide support to customers and partners. In order to rate chatbots, especially ones powered by Generative AI tools like Large Language Models (LLMs), we need to be able to accurately assess their performance. This is where chatbot benchmarking becomes important. In this paper, authors propose the use of a benchmark that they call the E2E (End to End) benchmark and show how the E2E benchmark can be used to evaluate the accuracy and usefulness of the answers provided by chatbots, especially ones powered by LLMs. The authors evaluate an example chatbot at different levels of sophistication based on both our E2E benchmark as well as other available metrics commonly used in the state of the art and observe that the proposed benchmark shows better results compared to others. In addition, while some metrics proved to be unpredictable, the metric associated with the E2E benchmark, which uses cosine similarity, performed well in evaluating chatbots. The performance of our best models shows that there are several benefits of using the cosine similarity score as a metric in the E2E benchmark.Keywords: chatbot benchmarking, end-to-end (E2E) benchmarking, large language model, user centric evaluation.
Procedia PDF Downloads 682408 Open Source Software in Higher Education: Oman SQU Case Study
Authors: Amal S. Al-Badi, Ali H. Al-Badi
Many organizations are opting to adopt Open Source Software (OSS) as it is the current trend to rely on each other rather than on companies (Software vendors). It is a clear shift from organizations to individuals, the concept being to rely on collective participation rather than companies/vendors. The main objectives of this research are 1) to identify the current level of OSS usage in Sultan Qaboos University; 2) to identify the potential benefits of using OSS in educational institutes; 3) to identify the OSS applications that are most likely to be used within an educational institute; 4) to identify the existing and potential barriers to the successful adoption of OSS in education. To achieve these objectives a two-stage research method was conducted. First a rigorous literature review of previously published material was performed (interpretive/descriptive approach), and then a set of interviews were conducted with the IT professionals at Sultan Qaboos University in Oman in order to explore the extent and nature of their usage of OSS.Keywords: open source software, social software, e-learning 2.0, Web 2.0, connectivism, personal learning environment (PLE), OpenCourseWare
Procedia PDF Downloads 3062407 Fine Grained Action Recognition of Skateboarding Tricks
Authors: Frederik Calsius, Mirela Popa, Alexia Briassouli
In the field of machine learning, it is common practice to use benchmark datasets to prove the working of a method. The domain of action recognition in videos often uses datasets like Kinet-ics, Something-Something, UCF-101 and HMDB-51 to report results. Considering the properties of the datasets, there are no datasets that focus solely on very short clips (2 to 3 seconds), and on highly-similar fine-grained actions within one specific domain. This paper researches how current state-of-the-art action recognition methods perform on a dataset that consists of highly similar, fine-grained actions. To do so, a dataset of skateboarding tricks was created. The performed analysis highlights both benefits and limitations of state-of-the-art methods, while proposing future research directions in the activity recognition domain. The conducted research shows that the best results are obtained by fusing RGB data with OpenPose data for the Temporal Shift Module.Keywords: activity recognition, fused deep representations, fine-grained dataset, temporal modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 2312406 Continuous Dyeing of Graphene and Polyaniline on Textiles for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding: An Application of Intelligent Fabrics
Authors: Mourad Makhlouf, Meriem Boutamine, Hachemi Hichem, Zoubir Benmaamar, Didier Villemin
This study explores the use of intelligent textiles for electromagnetic shielding through the continuous dyeing of graphene and polyaniline onto cotton fabric. Graphene was obtained by recycling graphite from spent batteries, and polyaniline was obtained in situ using H2O2. Graphene and polyaniline were bottom-modified on the fiber surface to improve adhesion and achieve a uniform distribution. This study evaluated the effect of the specific gravity percentage on sheet performance and active shielding against electromagnetic interference (EMI). Results showed that the dyed fabrics of graphene, polyaniline, and graphene/polyaniline demonstrated higher conductivity and EMI SE values of 9 to 16 dB in the 8 to 9 GHz range of the X-band, with potential applications in electromagnetic shielding. The use of intelligent textiles offers a sustainable and effective approach to achieving EMI shielding, with the added benefits of recycling waste materials and improving the properties of cotton fabrics.Keywords: 'ntelligent textiles, graphene, polyaniline, electromagnetic shielding, conductivity, recycling.
Procedia PDF Downloads 452405 Bi-Objective Optimization for Sustainable Supply Chain Network Design in Omnichannel
Authors: Veerpaul Maan, Gaurav Mishra
The evolution of omnichannel has revolutionized the supply chain of the organizations by enhancing customer shopping experience. For these organizations need to develop well-integrated multiple distribution channels to leverage the benefits of omnichannel. To adopt an omnichannel system in the supply chain has resulted in structuring and reconfiguring the practices of the traditional supply chain distribution network. In this paper a multiple distribution supply chain network (MDSCN) have been proposed which integrates online giants with a local retailers distribution network in uncertain environment followed by sustainability. To incorporate sustainability, an additional objective function is added to reduce the carbon content through minimizing the travel distance of the product. Through this proposed model, customers are free to access product and services as per their choice of channels which increases their convenience, reach and satisfaction. Further, a numerical illustration is being shown along with interpretation of results to validate the proposed model.Keywords: sustainable supply chain network, omnichannel, multiple distribution supply chain network, integrate multiple distribution channels
Procedia PDF Downloads 2232404 The Perceptions of Patients with Osteoarthritis at a Public Community Rehabilitation Centre in the Cape Metropole for Using Digital Technology in Rehabilitation
Authors: Gabriela Prins, Quinette Louw, Dawn Ernstzen
Background: Access to rehabilitation services is a major challenge globally, especially in low-and-middle income countries (LMICs) where resources and infrastructure are extremely limited. Telerehabilitation (TR) has emerged in recent decades as a highly promising method to dramatically expand accessibility to rehabilitation services globally. TR provides rehabilitation care remotely using communication technologies such as video conferencing, smartphones, and internet-connected devices. This boosts accessibility to underprivileged regions and allows for greater flexibility for patients. Despite this, TR is hindered by several factors, including limited technological resources, high costs, lack of digital access, and the unavailability of healthcare systems, which are major barriers to widespread adoption among LMIC patients. These barriers have collectively hindered the potential implementation and adoption of TR services in LMICs healthcare settings. Adoption of TR will also require the buy-in of end users and limited information is known on the perspectives of the SA population. Aim: The study aimed to understand patients' perspectives regarding the use of digital technology as part of their OA rehabilitation at a public community healthcare centre in the Cape Metropole Area. Methods: A qualitative descriptive study design was used on 10 OA patients from a public community rehabilitation centre in South Africa. Data collection included semi-structured interviews and patient-reported outcome measures (PSFS, ASES-8, and EuroQol EQ-5D-5L) on functioning and quality of life. Transcribed interview data were coded in Atlas.ti. 22.2 and analyzed using thematic analysis. The results were narratively documented. Results: Four themes arose from the interviews. The themes were Telerehabilitation awareness (Use of Digital Technology Information Sources and Prior Experience with Technology /TR), Telerehabilitation Benefits (Access to healthcare providers, Access to educational information, Convenience, Time and Resource Efficiency and Facilitating Family Involvement), Telerehabilitation Implementation Considerations (Openness towards TR Implementation, Learning about TR and Technology, Therapeutic relationship, and Privacy) and Future use of Telerehabilitation (Personal Preference and TR for the next generation). The ten participants demonstrated limited awareness and exposure to TR, as well as minimal digital literacy and skills. Skepticism was shown when comparing the effectiveness of TR to in-person rehabilitation and valued physical interactions with health professionals. However, some recognized potential benefits of TR for accessibility, convenience, family involvement and improving community health in the long term. Willingness existed to try TR with sufficient training. Conclusion: With targeted efforts addressing identified barriers around awareness, technological literacy, clinician readiness and resource availability, perspectives on TR may shift positively from uncertainty towards endorsement of this expanding approach for simpler rehabilitation access in LMICs.Keywords: digital technology, osteoarthritis, primary health care, telerehabilitation
Procedia PDF Downloads 782403 The Introduction of Medicine Plants in Bogor Agricultural University: A Case Study in Cikabayan and Tropical Medicinal Plant Conservation Laboratory
Authors: Eki Devung, Eka Tyastutik, Indha Annisa, Digdaya Anoraga, Jamaluddin Arsyad
Plant medicine is a whole species of plants are known to have medicinal properties. Bogor Agricultural University has high biodiversity, one of which flora potential as a drug. This study was conducted from 19 September to 10 October 2016 at Bogor Agricultural University using literature study and field observation. There are 85 species of medicinal plants which include a medicinal plant cultivation and wild plants. Family herbs most commonly found in Cikabayan that while the Euphorbiaceae, family which is found in the Tropical Medicinal Plant Conservation Laboratory is the family of Achantaceae. Species of medicinal plants is dominated by herbs and shrubs. Part herbs most widely used are the leaves. The diversity of diseases that can be treated with medicine plants include digestive system diseases and metabolic disorder.Keywords: benefits, biodiversity, Bogor Agricultural University, medicinal plants
Procedia PDF Downloads 3632402 Circular Economy-Relationship of Natural Water Collection System, Afforestation and Country Park Towards Environmental Sustainability
Authors: Kwok Tak Kit
The government and community have raised their awareness of the benefits of water reuse. Deforestation has a significant effect to climate change as it causes the drying out of the tropical rainforest and hence increases the chance of natural hazards. The loss of forests due to natural fire or human factors would be threatening the storage and supply of clean water. In this paper, we will focus on the discussion of the relationship of the natural water collection system, afforestation and country parks towards environmental sustainability and circular economy with a case study of water conservation policy and strategy in Hong Kong and Singapore for further research. The UN General Assembly launched the Water Action Decade in 2018 to mobilize action that will help to tackle the growing challenge of water scarcity through water conservation and protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes.Keywords: afforestation, environmental sustainability, water conservation, circular economy, climate change, sustainable development goal
Procedia PDF Downloads 1312401 Detecting Heartbeat Architectural Tactic in Source Code Using Program Analysis
Authors: Ananta Kumar Das, Sujit Kumar Chakrabarti
Architectural tactics such as heartbeat, ping-echo, encapsulate, encrypt data are techniques that are used to achieve quality attributes of a system. Detecting architectural tactics has several benefits: it can aid system comprehension (e.g., legacy systems) and in the estimation of quality attributes such as safety, security, maintainability, etc. Architectural tactics are typically spread over the source code and are implicit. For large codebases, manual detection is often not feasible. Therefore, there is a need for automated methods of detection of architectural tactics. This paper presents a formalization of the heartbeat architectural tactic and a program analytic approach to detect this tactic in source code. The experiment of the proposed method is done on a set of Java applications. The outcome of the experiment strongly suggests that the method compares well with a manual approach in terms of its sensitivity and specificity, and far supersedes a manual exercise in terms of its scalability.Keywords: software architecture, architectural tactics, detecting architectural tactics, program analysis, AST, alias analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1612400 Global Legislation on Contagious Illnesses
Authors: Hamid Vahidkia
The International Health Regulations (IHR), the sole worldwide regulations for managing infectious diseases, have remained largely unchanged since their initial release in 1951. The WHO is currently involved in updating the IHR. This article evaluates WHO's updated IHR draft and suggests enhancements to enhance global health, such as a strong focus on the organization's fundamental public health goals, activities, and crucial services; wide-reaching coverage for various health risks; establishing global monitoring through official and unofficial data networks; setting benchmarks for national public health systems, evaluating results, and ensuring accountability from countries; safeguarding human rights by implementing evidence-based guidelines and just processes; and promoting good governance by embracing fairness, impartiality, and openness. The World Health Organization needs to guarantee that countries follow health regulations and provide ample economic and technical support to less privileged nations. A crucial concern for the global community is how independent nations can collaborate to ensure that global health benefits all individuals, regardless of their economic status.Keywords: IHR, law, health, international, WHO
Procedia PDF Downloads 132399 Demand for Domestic Marine and Coastal Tourism and Day Trips on an Island Nation
Authors: John Deely, Stephen Hynes, Mary Cawley, Sarah Hogan
Domestic marine and coastal tourism have increased in importance over the last number of years due to the impacts of international travel, environmental concerns, associated health benefits and COVID-19 related travel restrictions. Consequently, this paper conceptualizes domestic marine and coastal tourism within an economic framework. Two logit models examine the factors that influence participation in the coastal day trips and overnight stays markets, respectively. Two truncated travel cost models are employed to explore trip duration, one analyzing the number of day trips taken and the other examining the number of nights spent in marine and coastal areas. Although a range of variables predicts participation, no one variable had a significant and consistent effect on every model. A division in access to domestic marine and coastal tourism is also observed based on variation in household income. The results also indicate a vibrant day trip market and large consumer surpluses.Keywords: domestic marine and coastal tourism, day tripper, participation models, truncated travel cost model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1342398 Rotor Radial Vent Pumping in Large Synchronous Electrical Machines
Authors: Darren Camilleri, Robert Rolston
Rotor radial vents make use of the pumping effect to increase airflow through the active material thus reduce hotspot temperatures. The effect of rotor radial pumping in synchronous machines has been studied previously. This paper presents the findings of previous studies and builds upon their theories using a parametric numerical approach to investigate the rotor radial pumping effect. The pressure head generated by the poles and radial vent flow-rate were identified as important factors in maximizing the benefits of the pumping effect. The use of Minitab and ANSYS Workbench to investigate the key performance characteristics of radial pumping through a Design of Experiments (DOE) was described. CFD results were compared with theoretical calculations. A correlation for each response variable was derived through a statistical analysis. Findings confirmed the strong dependence of radial vent length on vent pressure head, and radial vent cross-sectional area was proved to be significant in maximising radial vent flow rate.Keywords: CFD, cooling, electrical machines, regression analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3132397 Colombia Fossil Fuel Policies and Their Impact on Urban Air Quality
Authors: Ruth Catacolí, Hector Garcia
Colombia Urban Areas shows a decreasing of their air quality, no matter the actions developed by the Government facing the mitigation of pressure factors related with air pollution. Examples of these actions were the fossil fuel quality improvement policies (FFQI). This study evaluated the impact of three FFQI in the air quality of Bogotá during the period 1990 - 2006: The phase-out of lead in the gasoline; the sulfur reduction in diesel oil consumed in Bogotá and the oxygenation of gasoline through the addition of ethanol. The results indicate that only the policy of phase-out of lead in gasoline has been effective, showing dropping of lead oxides concentration in the air. Some stakeholders believe that the FFQI evaluated in the study are environmental policies, but no one of these policies has been supported by an environmental impact assessment that shows specific benefits in air quality. The research includes some fuel policy elements to achieve positive impact on the air quality in the urban centers of Colombia.Keywords: policy assessment, fuel quality, urban air quality, air quality management
Procedia PDF Downloads 3202396 Benefits of Therapeutic Climbing on Multiple Components of Attention in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Children
Authors: Elaheh Hosseini, Otmar Bock, Monika Thomas
The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of climbing therapy on the components of attention of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Forty children with ADHD were assigned to either an intervention group or a control group. The exercise group participated in a climbing therapy program for ten weeks, whereas no intervention was administered to the control group. All two groups were then assessed with the same battery of attention tests used in our earlier study. We found that compared to the ‘intervention’ group, performance was higher in the ‘control’ group on tests of sustained, divided and distributed attention, on all four tests. The intervention group showed a significant improvement in components of attention after ten weeks. From this we conclude that climbing therapy can improve the attention of children with ADHD and can be considered as a promising intervention and a standalone treatment for children with ADHD.Keywords: ADHD, climbing therapy, distributed attention, divided attention, selective attention, sustained attention
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