Search results for: machine learning in healthcare
827 Impact of Ethnoscience-Based Teaching Approach: Thinking Relevance, Effectiveness and Learner Retention in Physics Concepts of Optics
Authors: Rose C.Anamezie, Mishack T. Gumbo
Physics learners’ poor retention, which culminates in poor achievement due to teaching approaches that are unrelated to learners’ in non-Western cultures, warranted the study. The tenet of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the ethnoscience-based teaching (EBT) approach on learners’ retention in the Physics concept of Optics in the Awka Education zone of Anambra State- Nigeria. Two research questions and three null hypotheses tested at a 0.05 level of significance guided the study. The design adopted for the study was Quasi-experimental. Specifically, a non-equivalent control group design was adopted. The population for the study was 4,825 SS2 Physics learners in the zone. 160 SS2 learners were sampled using purposive and random sampling. The experimental group was taught rectilinear propagation of light (RPL) using the EBT approach, while the control group was taught the same topic using the lecture method. The instrument for data collection was the 50 Physics Retention Test (PRT) which was validated by three experts and tested for reliability using Kuder-Richardson’s formula-20, which yielded coefficients of 0.81. The data were analysed using mean, standard deviation and analysis of co-variance (p< .05). The results showed higher retention for the use of the EBT approach than the lecture method, while there was no significant gender-based factor in the learners’ retention in Physics. It was recommended that the EBT approach, which bridged the gender gap in Physics retention, be adopted in secondary school teaching and learning since it could transform science teaching, enhance learners’ construction of new science concepts based on their existing knowledge and bridge the gap between Western science and learners’ worldviews.Keywords: Ethnoscience-based teaching, optics, rectilinear propagation of light, retention
Procedia PDF Downloads 84826 On the Perceived Awareness of Physical Education Teachers on Adoptable ICTs for PE
Authors: Tholokuhle T. Ntshakala, Seraphin D. Eyono Obono
Nations are still finding it quite difficult to win mega sport competitions despite the major contribution of sport to society in terms of social and economic development, personal health, and in education. Even though the world of sports has been transformed into a huge global economy, it is important to note that the first step of sport is usually its introduction to children at school through physical education or PE. In other words, nations who do not win mega sport competitions also suffer from a weak and neglected PE system. This problem of the neglect of PE systems is the main motivation of this research aimed at examining the factors affecting the perceived awareness of physical education teachers on the ICT's that are adoptable for the teaching and learning of physical education. Two types of research objectives will materialize this aim: relevant theories will be identified in relation to the analysis of the perceived ICT awareness of PE teachers and subsequent models will be compiled and designed from existing literature; the empirical testing of such theories and models will also be achieved through the survey of PE teachers from the Camperdown magisterial district of the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa. The main hypothesis at the heart of this study is the relationship between the demographics of PE teachers, their behavior both as individuals and as social entities, and their perceived awareness of the ICTs that are adoptable for PE, as postulated by existing literature; except that this study categorizes human behavior under performance expectancy, computer attitude, and social influence. This hypothesis was partially confirmed by the survey conducted by this research in the sense that performance expectancy and teachers’ age, gender, computer usage, and class size were found to be the only factors affecting their awareness of ICT's for physical education.Keywords: human behavior, ICT Awareness, physical education, teachers
Procedia PDF Downloads 265825 An Appraisal of Grade 12 Educators’ Difficulties in Understanding Electric Circuits in South Africa: A Case Study of Umgungundlovu District of Kwazulu-Natal
Authors: Akinrogunde Omolere Moses
A plethora of studies indicated that teaching and learning of the physical sciences in the Further Education and Training (FET) Phase (Grades 10–12) have long been declared problematic in South Africa. For instance, the results from the National Senior Certificate Matric Examination in Physical Sciences, especially in the questions related to practical skills, more specifically, electric circuits, have been unsatisfactory in the past decades. Learner difficulties in understanding electric circuits are well stated. Thus, this study appraised the difficulties Grade 12 Educators often face in understanding Electric Circuits in Umgungundlovu, District of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. A mixed-methods research methodology was employed, while a total of 30 schools were sampled, including Ex-Model C, Independent Exam Board, community, rural, and deep rural schools. Data were collected through semi-structured questionnaires. The findings revealed that a large percentage of the Grade 12 physical sciences educators have difficulties with the Grade 9 and 12 physical sciences content. It was also observed that most of the educators who had difficulties were unable to detect the type of difficulties learners would experience; as a result, they were unable to explain why learners experience such difficulties. The results also showed that only those educators with more experience in teaching the physical sciences were able to provide clearer explanations of both the why and how of dealing with learner difficulties with this section on electric circuits. The study recommended that there is a need to recruit more qualified educators, with at least a Bachelor of Science in Physics in particular, in order to combat the misconceptions. Also, Educators with an inadequate understanding of physical sciences should be orientated in order to meet the standard of classroom practice.Keywords: grade 12 educators' difficulties, electric circuits, learners' difficulties, educators understanding of EC.
Procedia PDF Downloads 37824 Digital Demands: Addressing the Digital Divide in Basic Education and Its Relation to Academic Performance and Aspirations
Authors: Jose Rodrigo Zubiri, Sofia Carmen Tomacruz
Amidst an increasingly digitalized society, information and communication technologies have been seamlessly integrated into the economic, social, and political life of individuals. Information has been regarded as a primary good, essential to the wellbeing and self-respect of individuals in society. The digital engagements of an individual play a key role in a variety of life outcomes ranging from academic performance to entrepreneurial success to health service uptake. As a result of varying degrees of access to the Internet and ICTs across populations and individuals, a digital divide emerges. Education, a sector pivotal to directing individual life trajectories, has been radically transformed with regards to the learning process and access to information and thus faces the implications of the digital divide, as new waves of inequalities are introduced in the classroom. As the period of basic education is critical to transitioning into civic life or higher education, digital inequalities are capable of aggravating pre-existing social inequalities. Through survey-questionnaires, conducted on 152 high school students from a Philippine public school, the study reveals the correlation of academic performance and aspirations (for their highest academic qualification) to access to digital technologies and the Internet, according to Van Dijk’s four measurements of digital poverty, namely: motivational access, material access, skills access, and usage access. The findings reveal a positive correlation for academic performance whereas no correlation was found between aspirations and digital access. In the study, significant correlational differences were also found between genders, specifically, in terms of skills access and academic performance.Keywords: digital divide, ICTs, inequality, education, life trajectories
Procedia PDF Downloads 270823 Measurement System for Human Arm Muscle Magnetic Field and Grip Strength
Authors: Shuai Yuan, Minxia Shi, Xu Zhang, Jianzhi Yang, Kangqi Tian, Yuzheng Ma
The precise measurement of muscle activities is essential for understanding the function of various body movements. This work aims to develop a muscle magnetic field signal detection system based on mathematical analysis. Medical research has underscored that early detection of muscle atrophy, coupled with lifestyle adjustments such as dietary control and increased exercise, can significantly enhance muscle-related diseases. Currently, surface electromyography (sEMG) is widely employed in research as an early predictor of muscle atrophy. Nonetheless, the primary limitation of using sEMG to forecast muscle strength is its inability to directly measure the signals generated by muscles. Challenges arise from potential skin-electrode contact issues due to perspiration, leading to inaccurate signals or even signal loss. Additionally, resistance and phase are significantly impacted by adipose layers. The recent emergence of optically pumped magnetometers introduces a fresh avenue for bio-magnetic field measurement techniques. These magnetometers possess high sensitivity and obviate the need for a cryogenic environment unlike superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs). They detect muscle magnetic field signals in the range of tens to thousands of femtoteslas (fT). The utilization of magnetometers for capturing muscle magnetic field signals remains unaffected by issues of perspiration and adipose layers. Since their introduction, optically pumped atomic magnetometers have found extensive application in exploring the magnetic fields of organs such as cardiac and brain magnetism. The optimal operation of these magnetometers necessitates an environment with an ultra-weak magnetic field. To achieve such an environment, researchers usually utilize a combination of active magnetic compensation technology with passive magnetic shielding technology. Passive magnetic shielding technology uses a magnetic shielding device built with high permeability materials to attenuate the external magnetic field to a few nT. Compared with more layers, the coils that can generate a reverse magnetic field to precisely compensate for the residual magnetic fields are cheaper and more flexible. To attain even lower magnetic fields, compensation coils designed by Biot-Savart law are involved to generate a counteractive magnetic field to eliminate residual magnetic fields. By solving the magnetic field expression of discrete points in the target region, the parameters that determine the current density distribution on the plane can be obtained through the conventional target field method. The current density is obtained from the partial derivative of the stream function, which can be represented by the combination of trigonometric functions. Optimization algorithms in mathematics are introduced into coil design to obtain the optimal current density distribution. A one-dimensional linear regression analysis was performed on the collected data, obtaining a coefficient of determination R2 of 0.9349 with a p-value of 0. This statistical result indicates a stable relationship between the peak-to-peak value (PPV) of the muscle magnetic field signal and the magnitude of grip strength. This system is expected to be a widely used tool for healthcare professionals to gain deeper insights into the muscle health of their patients.Keywords: muscle magnetic signal, magnetic shielding, compensation coils, trigonometric functions.
Procedia PDF Downloads 58822 The Use of Knowledge Management Systems and Information Communication Technology Service Desk Management to Minimize the Digital Divide Experienced in the Museum Sector
Authors: Ruel A. Welch
Since the introduction of ServiceNow, the UK’s Science Museum Group’s (SMG) ICT service desk portal. There has not been an analysis of the tools available to SMG staff for just-in-time knowledge acquisition (knowledge management systems) and reporting ICT incidents with a focus on an aspect of professional identity, namely, gender. This study is conducted in the milieu of UK museums, galleries, arts, academic, charitable, and cultural heritage sectors. Numerous authors suggest that males and females experience ICT usage differently. Therefore, it is important for SMG to investigate the apparent disparities so that solutions can be derived to minimize this digital divide if one exists. It is acknowledged at SMG that there are challenges with keeping up with an ever-changing digital landscape. Subsequently, this entails the rapid upskilling of staff and developing an infrastructure that supports just-in-time technological knowledge acquisition and reporting technology-related issues. This problem was addressed by analyzing ServiceNow ICT incident reports and reports from knowledge articles from a six-month period from February to July. This study found a statistically significant relationship between gender and reporting an ICT incident. There is also a significant relationship between gender and the priority level of ICT incidents. Interestingly, there is no statistically significant relationship between gender and reading knowledge articles. Additionally, there is no statistically significant relationship between gender and reporting an ICT incident related to the knowledge article that was read by staff. The knowledge acquired from this study is useful to service desk management practice as it will help to inform the creation of future knowledge articles and ICT incident reporting processes.Keywords: digital divide, ICT service desk practice, knowledge management systems, workplace learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 127821 Challenges and Pedagogical Strategies in Teaching Chemical Bonding: Perspectives from Moroccan Educators
Authors: Sara Atibi, Azzeddine Atibi, Salim Ahmed, Khadija El Kababi
The concept of chemical bonding is fundamental in chemistry education, ubiquitous in school curricula, and essential to numerous topics in the field. Mastery of this concept enables students to predict and explain the physical and chemical properties of substances. However, chemical bonding is often regarded as one of the most complex concepts for secondary and higher education students to comprehend, due to the underlying complex theory and the use of abstract models. Teachers also encounter significant challenges in conveying this concept effectively. This study aims to identify the difficulties and alternative conceptions faced by Moroccan secondary school students in learning about chemical bonding, as well as the pedagogical strategies employed by teachers to overcome these obstacles. A survey was conducted involving 150 Moroccan secondary school physical science teachers, using a structured questionnaire comprising closed, open-ended, and multiple-choice questions. The results reveal frequent student misconceptions, such as the octet rule, molecular geometry, and molecular polarity. Contributing factors to these misconceptions include the abstract nature of the concepts, the use of models, and teachers' difficulties in explaining certain aspects of chemical bonding. The study proposes improvements for teaching chemical bonding, such as integrating information and communication technologies (ICT), diversifying pedagogical tools, and considering students' pre-existing conceptions. These recommendations aim to assist teachers, curriculum developers, and textbook authors in making chemistry more accessible and in addressing students' misconceptions.Keywords: chemical bonding, alternative conceptions, chemistry education, pedagogical strategies
Procedia PDF Downloads 26820 Preserving Urban Cultural Heritage with Deep Learning: Color Planning for Japanese Merchant Towns
Authors: Dongqi Li, Yunjia Huang, Tomo Inoue, Kohei Inoue
With urbanization, urban cultural heritage is facing the impact and destruction of modernization and urbanization. Many historical areas are losing their historical information and regional cultural characteristics, so it is necessary to carry out systematic color planning for historical areas in conservation. As an early focus on urban color planning, Japan has a systematic approach to urban color planning. Hence, this paper selects five merchant towns from the category of important traditional building preservation areas in Japan as the subject of this study to explore the color structure and emotion of this type of historic area. First, the image semantic segmentation method identifies the buildings, roads, and landscape environments. Their color data were extracted for color composition and emotion analysis to summarize their common features. Second, the obtained Internet evaluations were extracted by natural language processing for keyword extraction. The correlation analysis of the color structure and keywords provides a valuable reference for conservation decisions for this historic area in the town. This paper also combines the color structure and Internet evaluation results with generative adversarial networks to generate predicted images of color structure improvements and color improvement schemes. The methods and conclusions of this paper can provide new ideas for the digital management of environmental colors in historic districts and provide a valuable reference for the inheritance of local traditional culture.Keywords: historic districts, color planning, semantic segmentation, natural language processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 89819 Surface Sunctionalization Strategies for the Design of Thermoplastic Microfluidic Devices for New Analytical Diagnostics
Authors: Camille Perréard, Yoann Ladner, Fanny D'Orlyé, Stéphanie Descroix, Vélan Taniga, Anne Varenne, Cédric Guyon, Michael. Tatoulian, Frédéric Kanoufi, Cyrine Slim, Sophie Griveau, Fethi Bedioui
The development of micro total analysis systems is of major interest for contaminant and biomarker analysis. As a lab-on-chip integrates all steps of an analysis procedure in a single device, analysis can be performed in an automated format with reduced time and cost, while maintaining performances comparable to those of conventional chromatographic systems. Moreover, these miniaturized systems are either compatible with field work or glovebox manipulations. This work is aimed at developing an analytical microsystem for trace and ultra trace quantitation in complex matrices. The strategy consists in the integration of a sample pretreatment step within the lab-on-chip by a confinement zone where selective ligands are immobilized for target extraction and preconcentration. Aptamers were chosen as selective ligands, because of their high affinity for all types of targets (from small ions to viruses and cells) and their ease of synthesis and functionalization. This integrated target extraction and concentration step will be followed in the microdevice by an electrokinetic separation step and an on-line detection. Polymers consisting of cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) or fluoropolymer (Dyneon THV) were selected as they are easy to mold, transparent in UV-visible and have high resistance towards solvents and extreme pH conditions. However, because of their low chemical reactivity, surface treatments are necessary. For the design of this miniaturized diagnostics, we aimed at modifying the microfluidic system at two scales : (1) on the entire surface of the microsystem to control the surface hydrophobicity (so as to avoid any sample wall adsorption) and the fluid flows during electrokinetic separation, or (2) locally so as to immobilize selective ligands (aptamers) on restricted areas for target extraction and preconcentration. We developed different novel strategies for the surface functionalization of COC and Dyneon, based on plasma, chemical and /or electrochemical approaches. In a first approach, a plasma-induced immobilization of brominated derivatives was performed on the entire surface. Further substitution of the bromine by an azide functional group led to covalent immobilization of ligands through “click” chemistry reaction between azides and terminal alkynes. COC and Dyneon materials were characterized at each step of the surface functionalization procedure by various complementary techniques to evaluate the quality and homogeneity of the functionalization (contact angle, XPS, ATR). With the objective of local (micrometric scale) aptamer immobilization, we developed an original electrochemical strategy on engraved Dyneon THV microchannel. Through local electrochemical carbonization followed by adsorption of azide-bearing diazonium moieties and covalent linkage of alkyne-bearing aptamers through click chemistry reaction, typical dimensions of immobilization zones reached the 50 µm range. Other functionalization strategies, such as sol-gel encapsulation of aptamers, are currently investigated and may also be suitable for the development of the analytical microdevice. The development of these functionalization strategies is the first crucial step in the design of the entire microdevice. These strategies allow the grafting of a large number of molecules for the development of new analytical tools in various domains like environment or healthcare.Keywords: alkyne-azide click chemistry (CuAAC), electrochemical modification, microsystem, plasma bromination, surface functionalization, thermoplastic polymers
Procedia PDF Downloads 443818 Teachers of English for Accounting Purpose: Self-Identity and Self-Reflectivity
Authors: Nanis Setyorini
This is an interpretive study that aims to explore English teachers’ self-identity and self-reflection on teaching of English for accounting purpose in Indonesian accounting schools. Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts of capitals, habitus, and field are applied to capture and analyze the outright feelings, dilemma, and efforts of how English teachers see their educational background and adjust their understanding of English teaching for specific purpose, how they deliver unrecognized materials about accountancy, how they build confidence in teaching accountancy experts, and how to develop their professional commitment as English teachers for accounting purpose. Therefore, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions are conducted to 16 English teachers in accounting schools within five state and private universities in East Java, Indonesia. The appropriateness of English teachers for accounting students remains a debatable topic. Previous literatures assume that the best English teachers for accounting students should be those who can demonstrate good quality use of English as well as those who have sound accounting knowledge and experience; however, such teachers are rare to find. Most English teachers in Indonesian accounting schools generally graduate from English education or English literature that provide a very limited pedagogic theories and practices of English for specific purpose (ESP). As a result, ESP teachers often had misconception and loss of face when they deliver subject contents to their accounting students who sometimes have been employed as professional accountants. The teachers also face a dilemma in locating themselves as the insiders in English knowledge, but the outsiders in accounting field. These situations are generally problems in their early-stage of teaching due to the lack of ESP knowledge, the shortage of teaching preparation, the absence of ESP in-house trainings on English for accountancy, and the unconducive relations with accounting educators as well as other ESP teachers. Then, self-learning with various resources and strategies is said as their effort to develop their teaching competence so they are able to teach English for accounting students more effectively.Keywords: ESP teacher, English for accounting, self-identity, self-reflectivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 399817 Production of Composite Materials by Mixing Chromium-Rich Ash and Soda-Lime Glass Powder: Mechanical Properties and Microstructure
Authors: Savvas Varitis, Panagiotis Kavouras, George Vourlias, Eleni Pavlidou, Theodoros Karakostas, Philomela Komninou
A chromium-loaded ash originating from incineration of tannery sludge under anoxic conditions was mixed with low grade soda-lime glass powder coming from commercial glass bottles. The relative weight proportions of ash over glass powder tested were 30/70, 40/60 and 50/50. The solid mixtures, formed in green state compacts, were sintered at the temperature range of 800oC up to 1200oC. The resulting products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDXS) and micro-indentation. The above methods were employed to characterize the various phases, microstructure and hardness of the produced materials. Thermal treatment at 800oC and 1000oC produced opaque ceramic products composed of a variety of chromium-containing and chromium-free crystalline phases. Thermal treatment at 1200oC gave rise to composite products, where only chromium-containing crystalline phases were detected. Hardness results suggest that specific products are serious candidates for structural applications. Acknowledgement: This research has been co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund – ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) – Research Funding Program: THALES “WasteVal”: Reinforcement of the interdisciplinary and/or inter-institutional research and innovation.Keywords: chromium-rich tannery residues, glass-ceramic materials, mechanical properties, microstructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 342816 An Innovation Decision Process View in an Adoption of Total Laboratory Automation
Authors: Chia-Jung Chen, Yu-Chi Hsu, June-Dong Lin, Kun-Chen Chan, Chieh-Tien Wang, Li-Ching Wu, Chung-Feng Liu
With fast advances in healthcare technology, various total laboratory automation (TLA) processes have been proposed. However, adopting TLA needs quite high funding. This study explores an early adoption experience by Taiwan’s large-scale hospital group, the Chimei Hospital Group (CMG), which owns three branch hospitals (Yongkang, Liouying and Chiali, in order by service scale), based on the five stages of Everett Rogers’ Diffusion Decision Process. 1.Knowledge stage: Over the years, two weaknesses exists in laboratory department of CMG: 1) only a few examination categories (e.g., sugar testing and HbA1c) can now be completed and reported within a day during an outpatient clinical visit; 2) the Yongkang Hospital laboratory space is dispersed across three buildings, resulting in duplicated investment in analysis instruments and inconvenient artificial specimen transportation. Thus, the senior management of the department raised a crucial question, was it time to process the redesign of the laboratory department? 2.Persuasion stage: At the end of 2013, Yongkang Hospital’s new building and restructuring project created a great opportunity for the redesign of the laboratory department. However, not all laboratory colleagues had the consensus for change. Thus, the top managers arranged a series of benchmark visits to stimulate colleagues into being aware of and accepting TLA. Later, the director of the department proposed a formal report to the top management of CMG with the results of the benchmark visits, preliminary feasibility analysis, potential benefits and so on. 3.Decision stage: This TLA suggestion was well-supported by the top management of CMG and, finally, they made a decision to carry out the project with an instrument-leasing strategy. After the announcement of a request for proposal and several vendor briefings, CMG confirmed their laboratory automation architecture and finally completed the contracts. At the same time, a cross-department project team was formed and the laboratory department assigned a section leader to the National Taiwan University Hospital for one month of relevant training. 4.Implementation stage: During the implementation, the project team called for regular meetings to review the results of the operations and to offer an immediate response to the adjustment. The main project tasks included: 1) completion of the preparatory work for beginning the automation procedures; 2) ensuring information security and privacy protection; 3) formulating automated examination process protocols; 4) evaluating the performance of new instruments and the instrument connectivity; 5)ensuring good integration with hospital information systems (HIS)/laboratory information systems (LIS); and 6) ensuring continued compliance with ISO 15189 certification. 5.Confirmation stage: In short, the core process changes include: 1) cancellation of signature seals on the specimen tubes; 2) transfer of daily examination reports to a data warehouse; 3) routine pre-admission blood drawing and formal inpatient morning blood drawing can be incorporated into an automatically-prepared tube mechanism. The study summarizes below the continuous improvement orientations: (1) Flexible reference range set-up for new instruments in LIS. (2) Restructure of the specimen category. (3) Continuous review and improvements to the examination process. (4) Whether installing the tube (specimen) delivery tracks need further evaluation.Keywords: innovation decision process, total laboratory automation, health care
Procedia PDF Downloads 419815 Smart Interior Design: A Revolution in Modern Living
Authors: Fatemeh Modirzare
Smart interior design represents a transformative approach to creating living spaces that integrate technology seamlessly into our daily lives, enhancing comfort, convenience, and sustainability. This paper explores the concept of smart interior design, its principles, benefits, challenges, and future prospects. It also highlights various examples and applications of smart interior design to illustrate its potential in shaping the way we live and interact with our surroundings. In an increasingly digitized world, the boundaries between technology and interior design are blurring. Smart interior design, also known as intelligent or connected interior design, involves the incorporation of advanced technologies and automation systems into residential and commercial spaces. This innovative approach aims to make living environments more efficient, comfortable, and adaptable while promoting sustainability and user well-being. Smart interior design seamlessly integrates technology into the aesthetics and functionality of a space, ensuring that devices and systems do not disrupt the overall design. Sustainable materials, energy-efficient systems, and eco-friendly practices are central to smart interior design, reducing environmental impact. Spaces are designed to be adaptable, allowing for reconfiguration to suit changing needs and preferences. Smart homes and spaces offer greater comfort through features like automated climate control, adjustable lighting, and customizable ambiance. Smart interior design can significantly reduce energy consumption through optimized heating, cooling, and lighting systems. Smart interior design integrates security systems, fire detection, and emergency response mechanisms for enhanced safety. Sustainable materials, energy-efficient appliances, and waste reduction practices contribute to a greener living environment. Implementing smart interior design can be expensive, particularly when retrofitting existing spaces with smart technologies. The increased connectivity raises concerns about data privacy and cybersecurity, requiring robust measures to protect user information. Rapid advancements in technology may lead to obsolescence, necessitating updates and replacements. Users must be familiar with smart systems to fully benefit from them, requiring education and ongoing support. Residential spaces incorporate features like voice-activated assistants, automated lighting, and energy management systems. Intelligent office design enhances productivity and employee well-being through smart lighting, climate control, and meeting room booking systems. Hospitals and healthcare facilities use smart interior design for patient monitoring, wayfinding, and energy conservation. Smart retail design includes interactive displays, personalized shopping experiences, and inventory management systems. The future of smart interior design holds exciting possibilities, including AI-powered design tools that create personalized spaces based on user preferences. Smart interior design will increasingly prioritize factors that improve physical and mental health, such as air quality monitoring and mood-enhancing lighting. Smart interior design is revolutionizing the way we interact with our living and working spaces. By embracing technology, sustainability, and user-centric design principles, smart interior design offers numerous benefits, from increased comfort and convenience to energy efficiency and sustainability. Despite challenges, the future holds tremendous potential for further innovation in this field, promising a more connected, efficient, and harmonious way of living and working.Keywords: smart interior design, home automation, sustainable living spaces, technological integration, user-centric design
Procedia PDF Downloads 72814 Layer-Level Feature Aggregation Network for Effective Semantic Segmentation of Fine-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
Authors: Wambugu Naftaly, Ruisheng Wang, Zhijun Wang
Models based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs), in conjunction with Transformer, have excelled in semantic segmentation, a fundamental task for intelligent Earth observation using remote sensing (RS) imagery. Nonetheless, tokenization in the Transformer model undermines object structures and neglects inner-patch local information, whereas CNNs are unable to simulate global semantics due to limitations inherent in their convolutional local properties. The integration of the two methodologies facilitates effective global-local feature aggregation and interactions, potentially enhancing segmentation results. Inspired by the merits of CNNs and Transformers, we introduce a layer-level feature aggregation network (LLFA-Net) to address semantic segmentation of fine-resolution remote sensing (FRRS) images for land cover classification. The simple yet efficient system employs a transposed unit that hierarchically utilizes dense high-level semantics and sufficient spatial information from various encoder layers through a layer-level feature aggregation module (LLFAM) and models global contexts using structured Transformer blocks. Furthermore, the decoder aggregates resultant features to generate rich semantic representation. Extensive experiments on two public land cover datasets demonstrate that our proposed framework exhibits competitive performance relative to the most recent frameworks in semantic segmentation.Keywords: land cover mapping, semantic segmentation, remote sensing, vision transformer networks, deep learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 11813 Improving Fingerprinting-Based Localization (FPL) System Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI)
Authors: Getaneh Berie Tarekegn, Li-Chia Tai
With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, low-power built-in sensors on Internet of Things devices, and communication technologies, location-aware services have become increasingly popular and have permeated every aspect of people’s lives. Global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) are the default method of providing continuous positioning services for ground and aerial vehicles, as well as consumer devices (smartphones, watches, notepads, etc.). However, the environment affects satellite positioning systems, particularly indoors, in dense urban and suburban cities enclosed by skyscrapers, or when deep shadows obscure satellite signals. This is because (1) indoor environments are more complicated due to the presence of many objects surrounding them; (2) reflection within the building is highly dependent on the surrounding environment, including the positions of objects and human activity; and (3) satellite signals cannot be reached in an indoor environment, and GNSS doesn't have enough power to penetrate building walls. GPS is also highly power-hungry, which poses a severe challenge for battery-powered IoT devices. Due to these challenges, IoT applications are limited. Consequently, precise, seamless, and ubiquitous Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) systems are crucial for many artificial intelligence Internet of Things (AI-IoT) applications in the era of smart cities. Their applications include traffic monitoring, emergency alarming, environmental monitoring, location-based advertising, intelligent transportation, and smart health care. This paper proposes a generative AI-based positioning scheme for large-scale wireless settings using fingerprinting techniques. In this article, we presented a novel semi-supervised deep convolutional generative adversarial network (S-DCGAN)-based radio map construction method for real-time device localization. We also employed a reliable signal fingerprint feature extraction method with t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE), which extracts dominant features while eliminating noise from hybrid WLAN and long-term evolution (LTE) fingerprints. The proposed scheme reduced the workload of site surveying required to build the fingerprint database by up to 78.5% and significantly improved positioning accuracy. The results show that the average positioning error of GAILoc is less than 0.39 m, and more than 90% of the errors are less than 0.82 m. According to numerical results, SRCLoc improves positioning performance and reduces radio map construction costs significantly compared to traditional methods.Keywords: location-aware services, feature extraction technique, generative adversarial network, long short-term memory, support vector machine
Procedia PDF Downloads 50812 Analysis of Senior Secondary II Students Performance/Approaches Exhibited in Solving Circle Geometry
Authors: Mukhtari Hussaini Muhammad, Abba Adamu
The paper will examine the approaches and solutions that will be offered by Senior Secondary School II Students (Demonstration Secondary School, Azare Bauchi State Northern Nigeria – Hausa/ Fulani predominant area) toward solving exercises related to the circle theorem. The angle that an arc of a circle subtends at the center is twice that which it subtends at any point on the remaining part of the circumference. The Students will be divided in to 2 groups by given them numbers 1, 2; 1, 2; 1, 2, then all 1s formed group I and all 2s formed group II. Group I will be considered as control group in which the traditional method will be applied during instructions. Thus, the researcher will revise the concept of circle, state the theorem, prove the theorem and then solve examples. Group II, experimental group in which the concept of circle will be revised to the students and then the students will be asked to draw different circles, mark arcs, draw angle at the center, angle at the circumference then measure the angles constructed. The students will be asked to explain what they can infer/deduce from the angles measured and lastly, examples will be solved. During the next contact day, both groups will be subjected to solving exercises in the classroom related to the theorem. The angle that an arc of a circle subtends at the center is twice that which it subtends at any point on the remaining part of circumference. The solution to the exercises will be marked, the scores compared/analysed using relevant statistical tool. It is expected that group II will perform better because of the method/ technique followed during instructions is more learner-centered. By exploiting the talents of the individual learners through listening to the views and asking them how they arrived at a solution will really improve learning and understanding.Keywords: circle theorem, control group, experimental group, traditional method
Procedia PDF Downloads 195811 Effect of Distance Education Students Motivation with the Turkish Language and Literature Course
Authors: Meva Apaydin, Fatih Apaydin
Role of education in the development of society is great. Teaching and training started with the beginning of the history and different methods and techniques which have been applied as the time passed and changed everything with the aim of raising the level of learning. In addition to the traditional teaching methods, technology has been used in recent years. With the beginning of the use of internet in education, some problems which could not be soluted till that time has been dealt and it is inferred that it is possible to educate the learners by using contemporary methods as well as traditional methods. As an advantage of technological developments, distance education is a system which paves the way for the students to be educated individually wherever and whenever they like without the needs of physical school environment. Distance education has become prevalent because of the physical inadequacies in education institutions, as a result; disadvantageous circumstances such as social complexities, individual differences and especially geographical distance disappear. What’s more, the high-speed of the feedbacks between teachers and learners, improvement in student motivation because there is no limitation of time, low-cost, the objective measuring and evaluation are on foreground. In spite of the fact that there is teaching beneficences in distance education, there are also limitations. Some of the most important problems are that : Some problems which are highly possible to come across may not be solved in time, lack of eye-contact between the teacher and the learner, so trust-worthy feedback cannot be got or the problems stemming from the inadequate technological background are merely some of them. Courses are conducted via distance education in many departments of the universities in our country. In recent years, giving lectures such as Turkish Language, English, and History in the first grades of the academic departments in the universities is an application which is constantly becoming prevalent. In this study, the application of Turkish Language course via distance education system by analyzing advantages and disadvantages of the distance education system which is based on internet.Keywords: distance education, Turkish language, motivation, benefits
Procedia PDF Downloads 437810 Designing a Corpus Database to Enhance the Learning of Old English Language
Authors: Raquel Mateo Mendaza, Carmen Novo Urraca
The current paper presents the elaboration of a corpus database that aligns two different corpora in order to simplify the search of information both for researchers and students of Old English. This database comprises the information contained in two main reference corpora, namely the Dictionary of Old English Corpus (DOEC), compiled at the University of Toronto, and the York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English (YCOE). The first one provides information on all surviving texts written in the Old English language. The latter offers the syntactical and morphological annotation of several texts included in the DOEC. Although both corpora are closely related, as the YCOE includes the DOE source text identifier, the main problem detected is that there is not an alignment of texts that allows for the search of whole fragments to be further analysed in terms of morphology and syntax. The database proposed in this paper gathers all this information and presents it in a simple, more accessible, visual, and educational way. The alignment of fragments has been done in an automatized way. However, some problems have emerged during the creating process particularly related to the lack of correspondence in the division of fragments. For this reason, it has been necessary to revise the whole entries manually to obtain a truthful high-quality product and to carefully indicate the gaps encountered in these corpora. All in all, this database contains more than 60,000 entries corresponding with the DOE fragments annotated by the YCOE. The main strength of the resulting product is its research and teaching implications in the study of Old English. The use of this database will help researchers and students in the study of different aspects of the language, such as inflectional morphology, syntactic behaviour of given words, or translation studies, among others. By means of the search of words or fragments, the annotated information on morphology and syntax will be automatically displayed, automatizing, and speeding up the search of data.Keywords: alignment, corpus database, morphosyntactic analysis, Old English
Procedia PDF Downloads 134809 The Social Area Disclosure to Reduce Conflicts between Community and the State: A Case of Mahakan Fortress, Bangkok
Authors: Saowapa Phaithayawat
The purposes of this study are 1) to study the over 20-year attempt of Mahakan fort community to negotiate with Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) to remain in their residential area belonging to the state, and 2) to apply the new social and cultural dimension between the state and the community as an alternative for local participation in keeping their residential area. This is a qualitative research, and the findings reveal that the community claimed their ancestors’ right as owners of this piece of land for over 200 years. The community, therefore, requested to take part in the preservation of land, culture and local intellect and the area management in terms of being a learning resource on the cultural road in Rattanakosin Island. However, BMA imposed the law concerning the community area relocation in Rattanakosin Island. The result of law enforcement led to the failure of the area relocation, and the hard hit on physical structure of the area including the overall deterioration of the cultural road renovated in the year 1982, the 200 years’ celebration of Bangkok. The enforcement of law by the state required the move of the community, and the landscape improvement based on the capital city plan. However, this enforcement resulted in the unending conflicts between the community and the state, and the solution of this problem was unclear. At the same time the community has spent a long time opposing the state’s action, and preparing themselves by administrating the community behind Mahakan fortress with community administrative committee under the suggestion of external organization by registering all community members, providing funds for community administration. At the meantime the state lacked the continuation of the enforcement due to political problem and BMA’s administration problem. It is, therefore, suggested that an alternative solution to this problem lie at the negotiation between the state and the community with the purpose of the collaboration between the two to develop the area under the protective law of each side.Keywords: Pom-Mahakan community, reduction of conflicts, social area disclosure, residential area
Procedia PDF Downloads 314808 The Impact of Iso 9001 Certification on Brazilian Firms’ Performance: Insights from Multiple Case Studies
Authors: Matheus Borges Carneiro, Fabiane Leticia Lizarelli, José Carlos De Toledo
The evolution of quality management by companies was strongly enabled by, among others, ISO 9001 certification, which is considered a crucial requirement for several customers. Likewise, performance measurement provides useful insights for companies to identify the reflection of their decision-making process on their improvement. One of the most used performance measurement models is the balanced scorecard (BSC), which uses four perspectives to address a firm’s performance: financial, internal process, customer satisfaction, and learning and growth. Studies related to ISO 9001 and business performance have mostly adopted a quantitative approach to identify the standard’s causal effect on a firm’s performance. However, to verify how this influence may occur, an in-depth analysis within a qualitative approach is required. Therefore, this paper aims to verify the impact of ISO 9001:2015 on Brazilian firms’ performance based on the balanced scorecard perspective. Hence, nine certified companies located in the Southeast region of Brazil were studied through a multiple case study approach. Within this study, it was possible to identify the positive impact of ISO 9001 on firms’ overall performance, and four Critical Success Factors (CSFs) were identified as relevant on the linkage among ISO 9001 and firms’ performance: employee involvement, top management, process management, and customer focus. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of interviews was limited to the quality manager specialist, and the sample was limited since several companies were closed during the period of the study. This study presents an in-depth analysis of how the relationship between ISO 9001 certification and firms’ performance in a developing country is.Keywords: balanced scorecard, Brazilian firms’ performance, critical success factors, ISO 9001 certification, performance measurement
Procedia PDF Downloads 198807 Single Cell Rna Sequencing Operating from Benchside to Bedside: An Interesting Entry into Translational Genomics
Authors: Leo Nnamdi Ozurumba-Dwight
Single-cell genomic analytical systems have proved to be a platform to isolate bulk cells into selected single cells for genomic, proteomic, and related metabolomic studies. This is enabling systematic investigations of the level of heterogeneity in a diverse and wide pool of cell populations. Single cell technologies, embracing techniques such as high parameter flow cytometry, single-cell sequencing, and high-resolution images are playing vital roles in these investigations on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) molecules and related gene expressions in tracking the nature and course of disease conditions. This entails targeted molecular investigations on unit cells that help us understand cell behavoiur and expressions, which can be examined for their health implications on the health state of patients. One of the vital good sides of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA seq) is its probing capacity to detect deranged or abnormal cell populations present within homogenously perceived pooled cells, which would have evaded cursory screening on the pooled cell populations of biological samples obtained as part of diagnostic procedures. Despite conduction of just single-cell transcriptome analysis, scRNAseq now permits comparison of the transcriptome of the individual cells, which can be evaluated for gene expressional patterns that depict areas of heterogeneity with pharmaceutical drug discovery and clinical treatment applications. It is vital to strictly work through the tools of investigations from wet lab to bioinformatics and computational tooled analyses. In the precise steps for scRNAseq, it is critical to do thorough and effective isolation of viable single cells from the tissues of interest using dependable techniques (such as FACS) before proceeding to lysis, as this enhances the appropriate picking of quality mRNA molecules for subsequent sequencing (such as by the use of Polymerase Chain Reaction machine). Interestingly, scRNAseq can be deployed to analyze various types of biological samples such as embryos, nervous systems, tumour cells, stem cells, lymphocytes, and haematopoietic cells. In haematopoietic cells, it can be used to stratify acute myeloid leukemia patterns in patients, sorting them out into cohorts that enable re-modeling of treatment regimens based on stratified presentations. In immunotherapy, it can furnish specialist clinician-immunologist with tools to re-model treatment for each patient, an attribute of precision medicine. Finally, the good predictive attribute of scRNAseq can help reduce the cost of treatment for patients, thus attracting more patients who would have otherwise been discouraged from seeking quality clinical consultation help due to perceived high cost. This is a positive paradigm shift for patients’ attitudes primed towards seeking treatment.Keywords: immunotherapy, transcriptome, re-modeling, mRNA, scRNA-seq
Procedia PDF Downloads 177806 Creativity and Expressive Interpretation of Musical Drama in Children with Special Needs (Down Syndrome) in Special Schools Yayasan Pendidikan Anak Cacat, Medan, North Sumatera
Authors: Junita Batubara
Children with special needs, especially those with disability in mental, physical or social/emotional interactions, are marginalized. Many people still view them as troublesome, inconvenience, having learning difficulties, unproductive and burdensome to society. This study intends to investigate; how musical drama can develop the ability to control the coordination of mental functions; how musical dramas can assist children to work together; how musical dramas can assist to maintain the child's emotional and physical health; how musical dramas can improve children creativity. The objectives of the research are: To know whether musical drama can control the coordination of mental function of children; to know whether musical drama can improve communication ability and expression of children; to know whether musical drama can help children work with people around them; to find out if musical dramas can develop the child's emotional and physical health; to find out if musical drama can improve children's creativity. The study employed a qualitative research approach. Data was collecting by listening, observing in depth through public hearings that select the key informants who were teachers and principals, parents and children. The data obtained from each public hearing was then processed (reduced), conclusion drawing/verification, presentation of data (data display). Furthermore, the model obtained was implementing for musical performance, where the benefits of the show are: musical drama can improve language skills; musical dramas are capable of developing memory and storage of information; developing communication skills and express themselves; helping children work together; assisting emotional and physical health; enhancing creativity.Keywords: children Down syndrome, music, drama script, performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 244805 English Language Teachers' Perceptions of Educational Research
Authors: Pinar Sali, Esim Gursoy, Ebru Atak Damar
Teachers’ awareness of and involvement in educational research (ER) is regarded as an indispensable aspect of professional growth and development. It is also believed to be a catalyst for effective teaching and learning. This strong emphasis on the significance of teacher research engagement has sparked inquiry into how teachers construe ER and whether or not they practice it. However, there seems to exist a few researches on teachers’ perceptions of and experience with ER in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT). The present study thus attempts to fill this gap in the ELT literature and aims to unearth English language teachers’ perceptions of ER. Understanding these perceptions would undoubtedly aid in the development of strategies to promote teacher interest and involvement in research. The participants of the present study are 70 English language teachers in public and private schools in Turkey. A mixed-method approach has been used in the study. Both qualitative and quantitative data have been gathered by means of a questionnaire consisting of two parts. The first part of the questionnaire consists of 20 close-ended items of Teachers’ Attitude Scale Towards Educational Research (TASTER). The second part of the questionnaire has been developed by the researchers via an extensive literature review and consists of a mixture of close- and open-ended questions. In addition, 15 language teachers have been interviewed for an in-depth understanding of the results. Descriptive statistics and dual comparisons have been employed for the quantitative data, and the qualitative data have been analyzed by means of content analysis. The present study provides intriguing information as to the English language teachers’ perceptions of the usefulness and practicality of ER as well as the value they attain to it. The findings are discussed in relation to language teacher education. The research has implications for the teacher education process, teacher trainers and policy makers.Keywords: attitudes toward educational research, educational research, language teachers, teacher research
Procedia PDF Downloads 256804 Latinx Adult ELLs: Exploring English Instructors’ Perceptions of Classroom Diversity and Culturally Diverse Teaching Strategies
Authors: Sharon Diaz Ruiz
This qualitative study addresses college English instructors’ perceptions of classroom diversity and culturally diverse teaching strategies within the adult English language learning classroom environment. Every year, English college instructors face numerous challenges as the adult Latinx population keeps rising. To better understand the Latinx adult learners and the language classroom dynamics, research should focus on the experiences, pedagogical methods, and teaching insights of full-time and adjunct minority professors at degree-granting postsecondary institutions. Culturally responsive teaching is used as the framework to understand and explore the perceptions of English instructors on the realities and needs of Latinx adult emergent bilinguals enrolled in developmental English courses. Snowball sampling allows the researcher to locate members who meet these specific criteria: adjunct and part-time English instructors of adult Latinx language learners. Participants answered a demographic questionnaire and then contributed to 45-minute in-depth interviews to explore their perceptions of culturally responsive practices in the Latinx adult emergent bilinguals’ basic and intermediate developmental English courses. The interviews shed light on topics such as teaching biases, educators’ cultural experiences, and resources and strategies faculty recommend for effective culturally responsive teaching strategies. The result of this investigation will shed light on the gap in the literature documenting the application of culturally responsive pedagogy to Latino adult language learners.Keywords: Latinx, English language learners, English faculty, adult learners, critical theory, culturally responsive theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 68803 Ruta graveolens Fingerprints Obtained with Reversed-Phase Gradient Thin-Layer Chromatography with Controlled Solvent Velocity
Authors: Adrian Szczyrba, Aneta Halka-Grysinska, Tomasz Baj, Tadeusz H. Dzido
Since prehistory, plants were constituted as an essential source of biologically active substances in folk medicine. One of the examples of medicinal plants is Ruta graveolens L. For a long time, Ruta g. herb has been famous for its spasmolytic, diuretic, or anti-inflammatory therapeutic effects. The wide spectrum of secondary metabolites produced by Ruta g. includes flavonoids (eg. rutin, quercetin), coumarins (eg. bergapten, umbelliferone) phenolic acids (eg. rosmarinic acid, chlorogenic acid), and limonoids. Unfortunately, the presence of produced substances is highly dependent on environmental factors like temperature, humidity, or soil acidity; therefore standardization is necessary. There were many attempts of characterization of various phytochemical groups (eg. coumarins) of Ruta graveolens using the normal – phase thin-layer chromatography (TLC). However, due to the so-called general elution problem, usually, some components remained unseparated near the start or finish line. Therefore Ruta graveolens is a very good model plant. Methanol and petroleum ether extract from its aerial parts were used to demonstrate the capabilities of the new device for gradient thin-layer chromatogram development. The development of gradient thin-layer chromatograms in the reversed-phase system in conventional horizontal chambers can be disrupted by problems associated with an excessive flux of the mobile phase to the surface of the adsorbent layer. This phenomenon is most likely caused by significant differences between the surface tension of the subsequent fractions of the mobile phase. An excessive flux of the mobile phase onto the surface of the adsorbent layer distorts the flow of the mobile phase. The described effect produces unreliable, and unrepeatable results, causing blurring and deformation of the substance zones. In the prototype device, the mobile phase solution is delivered onto the surface of the adsorbent layer with controlled velocity (by moving pipette driven by 3D machine). The delivery of the solvent to the adsorbent layer is equal to or lower than that of conventional development. Therefore chromatograms can be developed with optimal linear mobile phase velocity. Furthermore, under such conditions, there is no excess of eluent solution on the surface of the adsorbent layer so the higher performance of the chromatographic system can be obtained. Directly feeding the adsorbent layer with eluent also enables to perform convenient continuous gradient elution practically without the so-called gradient delay. In the study, unique fingerprints of methanol and petroleum ether extracts of Ruta graveolens aerial parts were obtained with stepwise gradient reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography. Obtained fingerprints under different chromatographic conditions will be compared. The advantages and disadvantages of the proposed approach to chromatogram development with controlled solvent velocity will be discussed.Keywords: fingerprints, gradient thin-layer chromatography, reversed-phase TLC, Ruta graveolens
Procedia PDF Downloads 289802 Improving Data Completeness and Timely Reporting: A Joint Collaborative Effort between Partners in Health and Ministry of Health in Remote Areas, Neno District, Malawi
Authors: Wiseman Emmanuel Nkhomah, Chiyembekezo Kachimanga, Moses Banda Aron, Julia Higgins, Manuel Mulwafu, Kondwani Mpinga, Mwayi Chunga, Grace Momba, Enock Ndarama, Dickson Sumphi, Atupere Phiri, Fabien Munyaneza
Background: Data is key to supporting health service delivery as stakeholders, including NGOs rely on it for effective service delivery, decision-making, and system strengthening. Several studies generated debate on data quality from national health management information systems (HMIS) in sub-Saharan Africa. This limits the utilization of data in resource-limited settings, which already struggle to meet standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO). We aimed to evaluate data quality improvement of Neno district HMIS over a 4-year period (2018 – 2021) following quarterly data reviews introduced in January 2020 by the district health management team and Partners In Health. Methods: Exploratory Mixed Research was used to examine report rates, followed by in-depth interviews using Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). We used the WHO module desk review to assess the quality of HMIS data in the Neno district captured from 2018 to 2021. The metrics assessed included the completeness and timeliness of 34 reports. Completeness was measured as a percentage of non-missing reports. Timeliness was measured as the span between data inputs and expected outputs meeting needs. We computed T-Test and recorded P-values, summaries, and percentage changes using R and Excel 2016. We analyzed demographics for key informant interviews in Power BI. We developed themes from 7 FGDs and 11 KIIs using Dedoose software, from which we picked perceptions of healthcare workers, interventions implemented, and improvement suggestions. The study was reviewed and approved by Malawi National Health Science Research Committee (IRB: 22/02/2866). Results: Overall, the average reporting completeness rate was 83.4% (before) and 98.1% (after), while timeliness was 68.1% and 76.4 respectively. Completeness of reports increased over time: 2018, 78.8%; 2019, 88%; 2020, 96.3% and 2021, 99.9% (p< 0.004). The trend for timeliness has been declining except in 2021, where it improved: 2018, 68.4%; 2019, 68.3%; 2020, 67.1% and 2021, 81% (p< 0.279). Comparing 2021 reporting rates to the mean of three preceding years, both completeness increased from 88% to 99% (in 2021), while timeliness increased from 68% to 81%. Sixty-five percent of reports have maintained meeting a national standard of 90%+ in completeness while only 24% in timeliness. Thirty-two percent of reports met the national standard. Only 9% improved on both completeness and timeliness, and these are; cervical cancer, nutrition care support and treatment, and youth-friendly health services reports. 50% of reports did not improve to standard in timeliness, and only one did not in completeness. On the other hand, factors associated with improvement included improved communications and reminders using internal communication, data quality assessments, checks, and reviews. Decentralizing data entry at the facility level was suggested to improve timeliness. Conclusion: Findings suggest that data quality in HMIS for the district has improved following collaborative efforts. We recommend maintaining such initiatives to identify remaining quality gaps and that results be shared publicly to support increased use of data. These results can inform Ministry of Health and its partners on some interventions and advise initiatives for improving its quality.Keywords: data quality, data utilization, HMIS, collaboration, completeness, timeliness, decision-making
Procedia PDF Downloads 85801 Efficient Computer-Aided Design-Based Multilevel Optimization of the LS89
Authors: A. Chatel, I. S. Torreguitart, T. Verstraete
The paper deals with a single point optimization of the LS89 turbine using an adjoint optimization and defining the design variables within a CAD system. The advantage of including the CAD model in the design system is that higher level constraints can be imposed on the shape, allowing the optimized model or component to be manufactured. However, CAD-based approaches restrict the design space compared to node-based approaches where every node is free to move. In order to preserve a rich design space, we develop a methodology to refine the CAD model during the optimization and to create the best parameterization to use at each time. This study presents a methodology to progressively refine the design space, which combines parametric effectiveness with a differential evolutionary algorithm in order to create an optimal parameterization. In this manuscript, we show that by doing the parameterization at the CAD level, we can impose higher level constraints on the shape, such as the axial chord length, the trailing edge radius and G2 geometric continuity between the suction side and pressure side at the leading edge. Additionally, the adjoint sensitivities are filtered out and only smooth shapes are produced during the optimization process. The use of algorithmic differentiation for the CAD kernel and grid generator allows computing the grid sensitivities to machine accuracy and avoid the limited arithmetic precision and the truncation error of finite differences. Then, the parametric effectiveness is computed to rate the ability of a set of CAD design parameters to produce the design shape change dictated by the adjoint sensitivities. During the optimization process, the design space is progressively enlarged using the knot insertion algorithm which allows introducing new control points whilst preserving the initial shape. The position of the inserted knots is generally assumed. However, this assumption can hinder the creation of better parameterizations that would allow producing more localized shape changes where the adjoint sensitivities dictate. To address this, we propose using a differential evolutionary algorithm to maximize the parametric effectiveness by optimizing the location of the inserted knots. This allows the optimizer to gradually explore larger design spaces and to use an optimal CAD-based parameterization during the course of the optimization. The method is tested on the LS89 turbine cascade and large aerodynamic improvements in the entropy generation are achieved whilst keeping the exit flow angle fixed. The trailing edge and axial chord length, which are kept fixed as manufacturing constraints. The optimization results show that the multilevel optimizations were more efficient than the single level optimization, even though they used the same number of design variables at the end of the multilevel optimizations. Furthermore, the multilevel optimization where the parameterization is created using the optimal knot positions results in a more efficient strategy to reach a better optimum than the multilevel optimization where the position of the knots is arbitrarily assumed.Keywords: adjoint, CAD, knots, multilevel, optimization, parametric effectiveness
Procedia PDF Downloads 113800 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Authors: Mamdouh Milad Adly Morkos
Despite having the greatest rates of mortality and morbidity in the world, low- and middle-income (LMIC) nations trail high-income nations in terms of the number of clinical trials, the number of qualified researchers, and the amount of research information specific to their people. Health inequities and the use of precision medicine may be hampered by a lack of local genomic data, clinical pharmacology and pharmacometrics competence, and training opportunities. These issues can be solved by carrying out health care infrastructure development, which includes data gathering and well-designed clinical pharmacology training in LMICs. It will be advantageous if there is international cooperation focused at enhancing education and infrastructure and promoting locally motivated clinical trials and research. This paper outlines various instances where clinical pharmacology knowledge could be put to use, including pharmacogenomic opportunities that could lead to better clinical guideline recommendations. Examples of how clinical pharmacology training can be successfully implemented in LMICs are also provided, including clinical pharmacology and pharmacometrics training programmes in Africa and a Tanzanian researcher's personal experience while on a training sabbatical in the United States. These training initiatives will profit from advocacy for clinical pharmacologists' employment prospects and career development pathways, which are gradually becoming acknowledged and established in LMICs. The advancement of training and research infrastructure to increase clinical pharmacologists' knowledge in LMICs would be extremely beneficial because they have a significant role to play in global healthKeywords: electromagnetic solar system, nano-material, nano pharmacology, pharmacovigilance, quantum theoryclinical simulation, education, pharmacology, simulation, virtual learning low- and middle-income, clinical pharmacology, pharmacometrics, career development pathways
Procedia PDF Downloads 82799 Architectural Adaptation for Road Humps Detection in Adverse Light Scenario
Authors: Padmini S. Navalgund, Manasi Naik, Ujwala Patil
Road hump is a semi-cylindrical elevation on the road made across specific locations of the road. The vehicle needs to maneuver the hump by reducing the speed to avoid car damage and pass over the road hump safely. Road Humps on road surfaces, if identified in advance, help to maintain the security and stability of vehicles, especially in adverse visibility conditions, viz. night scenarios. We have proposed a deep learning architecture adaptation by implementing the MISH activation function and developing a new classification loss function called "Effective Focal Loss" for Indian road humps detection in adverse light scenarios. We captured images comprising of marked and unmarked road humps from two different types of cameras across South India to build a heterogeneous dataset. A heterogeneous dataset enabled the algorithm to train and improve the accuracy of detection. The images were pre-processed, annotated for two classes viz, marked hump and unmarked hump. The dataset from these images was used to train the single-stage object detection algorithm. We utilised an algorithm to synthetically generate reduced visible road humps scenarios. We observed that our proposed framework effectively detected the marked and unmarked hump in the images in clear and ad-verse light environments. This architectural adaptation sets up an option for early detection of Indian road humps in reduced visibility conditions, thereby enhancing the autonomous driving technology to handle a wider range of real-world scenarios.Keywords: Indian road hump, reduced visibility condition, low light condition, adverse light condition, marked hump, unmarked hump, YOLOv9
Procedia PDF Downloads 28798 Translation Skills and Language Acquisition
Authors: Frieda Amitai
The field of Translation Studies includes both descriptive and applied aspects, one of which is developing curricula. Within this topic there are theories dealing with curricula aimed at translator training, and theories meant to explore teaching translation as means through which awareness to language is developed in order to enhance language knowledge. An example of the latter is a unique study program in Israeli high schools – Teaching Translation Skills Program (TTSP). This study program has been taught in Israel for more than two decades and is aimed at raising students' meta-linguistic awareness as well as their language proficiency in both source language and target language in order to enable them become better language learners. The objective of the current research was to examine whether the goals of this program are achieved – increase in students' metalinguistic awareness and language proficiency. A follow-up case study was aimed at examining the level of proficiency which would develop most by this way of teaching English. The study was conducted in two stages – before and after participating in the program. 400 subjects took part in the first stage, and 100 took part in the second. In both parts of the study, participants were given the same five tasks in both Hebrew and English in addition to a questionnaire, in which they were asked about their own knowledge of Hebrew and in comparison to that of their peers. Their teachers were asked about the success of the program and about the methodology they use in class. Findings show significant change in the level of meta-linguistic awareness of the students as well as their language proficiency. A comparison between their answers before and after the program shows that their meta-linguistic awareness increased, as did their ability to recognize linguistic mistakes. These findings serve as strong evidence for the positive effect such study program has on the development of meta-linguistic awareness and linguistic knowledge. The follow-up case study tests the change among weaker language learners.Keywords: comparison, metalinguistic awareness, language learning, translation skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 358