Search results for: nuclear magnetic resonance
1718 Determination of Critical Organ Doses for Liver Scintigraphy Using Cr-51
Authors: O. Maranci, A. B. Tugrul
Scintigraphy is an imaging method of nuclear events provoked by collisions or charged current interactions with radiation. It is used for diagnostic test used in nuclear medicine via radiopharmaceuticals emitting radiation which is captured by gamma cameras to form two-dimensional images. Liver scintigraphy is widely used in nuclear medicine.Tc-99m and Cr-51 gamma radioisotopes can be used for this purpose. Cr-51 usage is more important for patients’ organ dose that has higher energy and longer half-life as compared to Tc-99m. In this study, it is aimed to determine the required dose for critical organs of patient through liver scintigraphy via Cr-51 gamma radioisotope. Experimental studies were conducted on patients even though conducting experimental studies on patients is extremely difficult for determination of critical organ doses. Torso phantom was utilized to simulate the liver scintigraphy by using 20 mini packages of Cr-51 that were placed on the organ. The radioisotope was produced by irradiation in central thimble of TRIGA MARK II Reactor at 250 KW power. As the results of the study, critical organ doses were determined and evaluated with different critic organs.Keywords: critical organ doses, liver, scintigraphy, TRIGA Mark-II
Procedia PDF Downloads 5571717 Lanthanide Incorporated Dendron Based White Light Emitting Material
Authors: Prashant Kumar, Edamana Prasad
The White light emitting material has an emerging field in recent years due to their widespread application in the field of optoelectronics and cellular display. In the present study, we have achieved white light emission in gel medium through partial resonance energy transfer from different donors (naphthalene, phenanthrene, and pyrene) to lanthanides {Eu(III) and Tb(III)}. The gel was formed by the self- assembly of glucose cored poly(aryl ether) dendrons in DMSO-Water mixture (1:9 v/v). The white light emission was further confirmed by the CIE coordinates (Commission Internationale d’ Eclairage). Moreover, we have developed three different white light emitting system by utilizing three different donor moiety namely, naphthalene-Tb(III)-Eu(III) {I}, phenanthrene-Tb(III)-Eu(III) {II}, and pyrene-Tb(III)-Eu(III) {III}. The CIE coordinates for I, II and III were (0.35, 0.37), (0.33, 0.32) and (0.35, 0.33) respectively. Furthermore, we have investigated the energy transfer from different donors (phenanthrene, naphthalene, and pyrene) to lanthanide {Eu(III)}. The efficiency of energy transfer from phenanthrene-Eu(III), naphthalene-Eu(III) and pyrene-Eu(III) systems was 11.9%, 3.9%, and 3.6%, respectively. Detailed mechanistic aspects will be displayed in the poster.Keywords: dendron, lanthanide, resonance energy transfer, white light emission
Procedia PDF Downloads 3341716 Optimization of Radiation Therapy with a Nanotechnology Based Enzymatic Therapy
Authors: R. D. Esposito, V. M. Barberá, P. García Morales, P. Dorado Rodríguez, J. Sanz, M. Fuentes, D. Planes Meseguer, M. Saceda, L. Fernández Fornos, M. P. Ventero
Results obtained by our group on glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) primary cultures , show a dramatic potentiation of radiation effects when 2 units/ml of D-amino acid oxidase (DAO) enzyme are added, free or immobilized in magnetic nanoparticles, to irradiated samples just after the irradiation. Cell cultures were exposed to radiation doses of 7Gy and 15Gy of 6 MV photons from a clinical linear accelerator. At both doses, we observed a clear enhancing effect of radiation-induced damages due to the addition of DAO.Keywords: D-amino Acid Oxidase (DAO) enzyme, magnetic particles, nanotechnology, radiation therapy enhancement
Procedia PDF Downloads 5231715 First Principls Study of Structural, Electronic, Magnetic and Optical Properties of SiNi₂O₄ Spinel Oxide
Authors: Karkour Selma
We conducted first principles full potential calculations using the Wien2k code to explore the structural, electronic, magnetic, and optical properties of SiNi₂O₄, a cubic normal spinel oxide. Our calculations, based on the GGA-PBEsol of the generalized gradient approximation, revealed several key findings. The spinel oxides exhibited a stable cubic structure in the ferromagnetic phase and showed 100% spin polarization. We determined the equilibrium lattice constant and internal parameter values. In terms of the electronic properties, we observed a direct bandgap of 2.68 eV for the spin-up configuration, while the spin-down configuration exhibited an indirect bandgap of 0.82 eV. Additionally, we calculated the total density of states and partial densities for each atom, finding a magnetic moment spin density of states of 8.0 μB per formula unit. The optical properties have been calculated. The real, Ԑ₁(ω) and the imaginary, Ԑ₂(ω) parts of the complex dielectric constants, refractivity, reflection and energy loss when light scattered from the material. The absorption region spanned from 1.5 eV to 14 eV, with significant intensity. The calculated results confirm the suitability of this material for optical and spintronic devices application.Keywords: DFT, spintronic, GGA, spinel
Procedia PDF Downloads 761714 Efficient Pre-Concentration of As (III) Using Guanidine-Modified Magnetic Mesoporous Silica in the Food Sample
Authors: Majede Modheji, Hamid Emadi, Hossein Vojoudi
An efficient magnetic mesoporous structure was designed and prepared for the facile pre-concentration of As(III) ions. To prepare the sorbent, a core-shell magnetic silica nanoparticle was covered by MCM-41 like structure, and then the surface was modified by guanidine via an amine linker. The prepared adsorbent was investigated as an effective and sensitive material for the adsorption of arsenic ions from the aqueous solution applying a normal batch method. The imperative variables of the adsorption were studied to increase efficiency. The dynamic and static processes were tested that matched a pseudo-second order of kinetic model and the Langmuir isotherm model, respectively. The sorbent reusability was investigated, and it was confirmed that the designed product could be applied at best for six cycles successively without any significant efficiency loss. The synthesized product was tested to determine and pre-concentrate trace amounts of arsenic ions in rice and natural waters as a real sample. A desorption process applying 5 mL of hydrochloric acid (0.5 mol L⁻¹) as an eluent exhibited about 98% recovery of the As(III) ions adsorbed on the GA-MSMP sorbent.Keywords: arsenic, adsorption, mesoporous, surface modification, MCM-41
Procedia PDF Downloads 1501713 Conserved Stem-Loop Structure at the End of Short Interspersed Nuclear Elements (SINE) and Long Interspersed Nuclear Elements (LINE) Pairs of Different Species
Authors: Daria Grechishnikova, Maria Poptsova
Transposable elements play an important role in the evolution of various species from bacteria to human. Long Interspersed Nuclear Elements (LINEs) and Short Interspersed Nuclear Elements (SINEs) are two major classes of retrotransposons that occupy a considerable part of any genome and their copy numbers can range form several hundreds to a million. Both LINEs and SINEs multiply through a copy-and-paste mechanism. LINEs encode proteins, which make them capable of self-propagation while SINEs are parasitic and require the machinery of LINEs to multiply. The mechanisms how LINE and SINE RNA is recognized by the LINE-encoded reverse transcriptase (RT) remain unclear. For some SINE-LINE pairs, it was shown that they share a common 3’-end with a stem-loop structure. Majority of the SINE-LINE pairs do not have a common 3’-end. Recently we have shown that in the human genome Alu-L1 pairs have structurally similar stem-loop structure at the 3’-end. Here we extended our analysis to a wide range of species and analyzed LINEs from 161 different species from Repbase and 217 SINE sequences from SINEBase. It appeared that all of the analyzed sequences contained stem-loop structures at the 3’-end. Here we conclude that it is very likely that a common evolutionary mechanism of transposon RNA recognition requires the presence of stem-loop structures at their 3’-end.Keywords: LINE, SINE, mechanisms of retrotransposition, retrotransposons, stem-loop, stem-loop structures, transposons
Procedia PDF Downloads 3531712 Sliver Nanoparticles Enhanced Visible and Near Infrared Emission of Er³+ Ions Doped Lithium Tungsten Tellurite Glasses
Authors: Sachin Mahajan, Ghizal Ansari
TeO2-WO3-Li2O glass doped erbium ions (1mol %) and embedded silver nanoparticles( Ag NPs) has successfully been prepared by melt quenching technique and increasing the heat-treatment duration. The amorphous nature of the glass is determined by X-ray diffraction method, and the presences of silver nanoparticles are confirmed using Transmission Electron Microscopy analysis. TEM image reveals that the Ag NPs are dispersed homogeneously with average size 18 nm. From the UV-Vis absorption spectra, the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) peaks are detected at 550 and 578 nm. Under 980 nm excitation wavelengths, enhancement of red upconversion fluorescence and near-infrared broadband emission around 1550nm of Er3+ ions doped tellurite glasses containing Ag NPs have been observed. The observed enhancement of Er3+ emission is mainly attributed to the local field effects of Ag NPs causes an intensified electromagnetic field around NPs. For observed enhancement involved mechanisms are discussed.Keywords: erbium ions, silver nanoparticle, surface plasmon resonance, upconversion emission
Procedia PDF Downloads 5901711 High Speed Motion Tracking with Magnetometer in Nonuniform Magnetic Field
Authors: Jeronimo Cox, Tomonari Furukawa
Magnetometers have become more popular in inertial measurement units (IMU) for their ability to correct estimations using the earth's magnetic field. Accelerometer and gyroscope-based packages fail with dead-reckoning errors accumulated over time. Localization in robotic applications with magnetometer-inclusive IMUs has become popular as a way to track the odometry of slower-speed robots. With high-speed motions, the accumulated error increases over smaller periods of time, making them difficult to track with IMU. Tracking a high-speed motion is especially difficult with limited observability. Visual obstruction of motion leaves motion-tracking cameras unusable. When motions are too dynamic for estimation techniques reliant on the observability of the gravity vector, the use of magnetometers is further justified. As available magnetometer calibration methods are limited with the assumption that background magnetic fields are uniform, estimation in nonuniform magnetic fields is problematic. Hard iron distortion is a distortion of the magnetic field by other objects that produce magnetic fields. This kind of distortion is often observed as the offset from the origin of the center of data points when a magnetometer is rotated. The magnitude of hard iron distortion is dependent on proximity to distortion sources. Soft iron distortion is more related to the scaling of the axes of magnetometer sensors. Hard iron distortion is more of a contributor to the error of attitude estimation with magnetometers. Indoor environments or spaces inside ferrite-based structures, such as building reinforcements or a vehicle, often cause distortions with proximity. As positions correlate to areas of distortion, methods of magnetometer localization include the production of spatial mapping of magnetic field and collection of distortion signatures to better aid location tracking. The goal of this paper is to compare magnetometer methods that don't need pre-productions of magnetic field maps. Mapping the magnetic field in some spaces can be costly and inefficient. Dynamic measurement fusion is used to track the motion of a multi-link system with us. Conventional calibration by data collection of rotation at a static point, real-time estimation of calibration parameters each time step, and using two magnetometers for determining local hard iron distortion are compared to confirm the robustness and accuracy of each technique. With opposite-facing magnetometers, hard iron distortion can be accounted for regardless of position, Rather than assuming that hard iron distortion is constant regardless of positional change. The motion measured is a repeatable planar motion of a two-link system connected by revolute joints. The links are translated on a moving base to impulse rotation of the links. Equipping the joints with absolute encoders and recording the motion with cameras to enable ground truth comparison to each of the magnetometer methods. While the two-magnetometer method accounts for local hard iron distortion, the method fails where the magnetic field direction in space is inconsistent.Keywords: motion tracking, sensor fusion, magnetometer, state estimation
Procedia PDF Downloads 861710 Application of Strong Optical Feedback to Enhance the Modulation Bandwidth of Semiconductor Lasers to the Millimeter-Wave Band
Authors: Moustafa Ahmed, Ahmed Bakry, Fumio Koyama
We report on the use of strong external optical feedback to enhance the modulation response of semiconductor lasers over a frequency passband around modulation frequencies higher than 60 GHz. We show that this modulation enhancement is a type of photon-photon resonance (PPR) of oscillating modes in the external cavity formed between the laser and the external reflector. The study is based on a time-delay rate equation model that takes into account both the strong feedback and multiple reflections in the external cavity. We examine the harmonic and intermodulation distortions associated with single and two-tone modulations in the mm-wave band of the resonant modulation. We show that compared with solitary lasers modulated around the carrier-photon resonance frequency, the present mm-wave modulated signal has lower distortions.Keywords: semiconductor laser, optical feedback, modulation, harmonic distortion
Procedia PDF Downloads 7491709 Modeling and Simulation of Vibratory Behavior of Hybrid Smart Composite Plate
Authors: Salah Aguib, Noureddine Chikh, Abdelmalek Khabli, Abdelkader Nour, Toufik Djedid, Lallia Kobzili
This study presents the behavior of a hybrid smart sandwich plate with a magnetorheological elastomer core. In order to improve the vibrational behavior of the plate, the pseudo‐fibers formed by the effect of the magnetic field on the elastomer charged by the ferromagnetic particles are oriented at 45° with respect to the direction of the magnetic field at 0°. Ritz's approach is taken to solve the physical problem. In order to verify and compare the results obtained by the Ritz approach, an analysis using the finite element method was carried out. The rheological property of the MRE material at 0° and at 45° are determined experimentally, The studied elastomer is prepared by a mixture of silicone oil, RTV141A polymer, and 30% of iron particles of total mixture, the mixture obtained is mixed for about 15 minutes to obtain an elastomer paste with good homogenization. In order to develop a magnetorheological elastomer (MRE), this paste is injected into an aluminum mold and subjected to a magnetic field. In our work, we have chosen an ideal percentage of filling of 30%, to obtain the best characteristics of the MRE. The mechanical characteristics obtained by dynamic mechanical viscoanalyzer (DMA) are used in the two numerical approaches. The natural frequencies and the modal damping of the sandwich plate are calculated and discussed for various magnetic field intensities. The results obtained by the two methods are compared. These off‐axis anisotropic MRE structures could open up new opportunities in various fields of aeronautics, aerospace, mechanical engineering and civil engineering.Keywords: hybrid smart sandwich plate, vibratory behavior, FEM, Ritz approach, MRE
Procedia PDF Downloads 681708 Speciation, Preconcentration, and Determination of Iron(II) and (III) Using 1,10-Phenanthroline Immobilized on Alumina-Coated Magnetite Nanoparticles as a Solid Phase Extraction Sorbent in Pharmaceutical Products
Authors: Hossein Tavallali, Mohammad Ali Karimi, Gohar Deilamy-Rad
The proposed method for speciation, preconcentration and determination of Fe(II) and Fe(III) in pharmaceutical products was developed using of alumina-coated magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4/Al2O3 NPs) as solid phase extraction (SPE) sorbent in magnetic mixed hemimicell solid phase extraction (MMHSPE) technique followed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry analysis. The procedure is based on complexation of Fe(II) with 1, 10-phenanthroline (OP) as complexing reagent for Fe(II) that immobilized on the modified Fe3O4/Al2O3 NPs. The extraction and concentration process for pharmaceutical sample was carried out in a single step by mixing the extraction solvent, magnetic adsorbents under ultrasonic action. Then, the adsorbents were isolated from the complicated matrix easily with an external magnetic field. Fe(III) ions determined after facility reduced to Fe(II) by added a proper reduction agent to sample solutions. Compared with traditional methods, the MMHSPE method simplified the operation procedure and reduced the analysis time. Various influencing parameters on the speciation and preconcentration of trace iron, such as pH, sample volume, amount of sorbent, type and concentration of eluent, were studied. Under the optimized operating conditions, the preconcentration factor of the modified nano magnetite for Fe(II) 167 sample was obtained. The detection limits and linear range of this method for iron were 1.0 and 9.0 - 175 ng.mL−1, respectively. Also the relative standard deviation for five replicate determinations of 30.00 ng.mL-1 Fe2+ was 2.3%.Keywords: Alumina-Coated magnetite nanoparticles, Magnetic Mixed Hemimicell Solid-Phase Extraction, Fe(ΙΙ) and Fe(ΙΙΙ), pharmaceutical sample
Procedia PDF Downloads 2921707 MHD Mixed Convection in a Vertical Porous Channel
Authors: Brahim Fersadou, Henda Kahalerras
This work deals with the problem of MHD mixed convection in a completely porous and differentially heated vertical channel. The model of Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer with the Boussinesq approximation is adopted and the governing equations are solved by the finite volume method. The effects of magnetic field and buoyancy force intensities are given by the Hartmann and Richardson numbers respectively, as well as the Joule heating represented by Eckert number on the velocity and temperature fields, are examined. The main results show an augmentation of heat transfer rate with the decrease of Darcy number and the increase of Ri and Ha when Joule heating is neglected.Keywords: heat sources, magnetic field, mixed convection, porous channel
Procedia PDF Downloads 3791706 Numerical Calculation and Analysis of Fine Echo Characteristics of Underwater Hemispherical Cylindrical Shell
Authors: Hongjian Jia
A finite-length cylindrical shell with a spherical cap is a typical engineering approximation model of actual underwater targets. The research on the omni-directional acoustic scattering characteristics of this target model can provide a favorable basis for the detection and identification of actual underwater targets. The elastic resonance characteristics of the target are the results of the comprehensive effect of the target length, shell-thickness ratio and materials. Under the conditions of different materials and geometric dimensions, the coincidence resonance characteristics of the target have obvious differences. Aiming at this problem, this paper obtains the omni-directional acoustic scattering field of the underwater hemispherical cylindrical shell by numerical calculation and studies the influence of target geometric parameters (length, shell-thickness ratio) and material parameters on the coincidence resonance characteristics of the target in turn. The study found that the formant interval is not a stable value and changes with the incident angle. Among them, the formant interval is less affected by the target length and shell-thickness ratio and is significantly affected by the material properties, which is an effective feature for classifying and identifying targets of different materials. The quadratic polynomial is utilized to fully fit the change relationship between the formant interval and the angle. The results show that the three fitting coefficients of the stainless steel and aluminum targets are significantly different, which can be used as an effective feature parameter to characterize the target materials.Keywords: hemispherical cylindrical shell;, fine echo characteristics;, geometric and material parameters;, formant interval
Procedia PDF Downloads 1111705 Corticomotor Excitability after Two Different Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Protocols in Ischemic Stroke Patients
Authors: Asrarul Fikri Abu Hassan, Muhammad Hafiz bin Hanafi, Jafri Malin Abdullah
This study is to compare the motor evoked potential (MEP) changes using different settings of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in the post-haemorrhagic stroke patient which treated conservatively. The goal of the study is to determine changes in corticomotor excitability and functional outcome after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) therapy regime. 20 post-stroke patients with upper limb hemiparesis were studied due to haemorrhagic stroke. One of the three settings; (I) Inhibitory setting, or (II) facilitatory setting, or (III) control group, no excitatory or inhibitory setting have been applied randomly during the first meeting. The motor evoked potential (MEP) were recorded before and after application of the rTMS setting. Functional outcomes were evaluated using the Barthel index score. We found pre-treatment MEP values of the lesional side were lower compared to post-treatment values in both settings. In contrast, we found that the pre-treatment MEP values of the non-lesional side were higher compared to post-treatment values in both settings. Interestingly, patients with treatment, either facilitatory setting and inhibitory setting have faster motor recovery compared to the control group. Our data showed both settings might improve the MEP of the upper extremity and functional outcomes in the haemorrhagic stroke patient.Keywords: Barthel index, corticomotor excitability, motor evoked potential, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, stroke
Procedia PDF Downloads 1591704 Radiation Protection and Licensing for an Experimental Fusion Facility: The Italian and European Approaches
Authors: S. Sandri, G. M. Contessa, C. Poggi
An experimental nuclear fusion device could be seen as a step toward the development of the future nuclear fusion power plant. If compared with other possible solutions to the energy problem, nuclear fusion has advantages that ensure sustainability and security. In particular considering the radioactivity and the radioactive waste produced, in a nuclear fusion plant the component materials could be selected in order to limit the decay period, making it possible the recycling in a new reactor after about 100 years from the beginning of the decommissioning. To achieve this and other pertinent goals many experimental machines have been developed and operated worldwide in the last decades, underlining that radiation protection and workers exposure are critical aspects of these facilities due to the high flux, high energy neutrons produced in the fusion reactions. Direct radiation, material activation, tritium diffusion and other related issues pose a real challenge to the demonstration that these devices are safer than the nuclear fission facilities. In Italy, a limited number of fusion facilities have been constructed and operated since 30 years ago, mainly at the ENEA Frascati Center, and the radiation protection approach, addressed by the national licensing requirements, shows that it is not always easy to respect the constraints for the workers' exposure to ionizing radiation. In the current analysis, the main radiation protection issues encountered in the Italian Fusion facilities are considered and discussed, and the technical and legal requirements are described. The licensing process for these kinds of devices is outlined and compared with that of other European countries. The following aspects are considered throughout the current study: i) description of the installation, plant and systems, ii) suitability of the area, buildings, and structures, iii) radioprotection structures and organization, iv) exposure of personnel, v) accident analysis and relevant radiological consequences, vi) radioactive wastes assessment and management. In conclusion, the analysis points out the needing of a special attention to the radiological exposure of the workers in order to demonstrate at least the same level of safety as that reached at the nuclear fission facilities.Keywords: fusion facilities, high energy neutrons, licensing process, radiation protection
Procedia PDF Downloads 3531703 Rapid Method for Low Level 90Sr Determination in Seawater by Liquid Extraction Technique
Authors: S. Visetpotjanakit, N. Nakkaew
Determination of low level 90Sr in seawater has been widely developed for the purpose of environmental monitoring and radiological research because 90Sr is one of the most hazardous radionuclides released from atmospheric during the testing of nuclear weapons, waste discharge from the generation nuclear energy and nuclear accident occurring at power plants. A liquid extraction technique using bis-2-etylhexyl-phosphoric acid to separate and purify yttrium followed by Cherenkov counting using a liquid scintillation counter to determine 90Y in secular equilibrium to 90Sr was developed to monitor 90Sr in the Asia Pacific Ocean. The analytical performance was validated for the accuracy, precision, and trueness criteria. Sr-90 determination in seawater using various low concentrations in a range of 0.01 – 1 Bq/L of 30 liters spiked seawater samples and 0.5 liters of IAEA-RML-2015-01 proficiency test sample was performed for statistical evaluation. The results had a relative bias in the range from 3.41% to 12.28%, which is below accepted relative bias of ± 25% and passed the criteria confirming that our analytical approach for determination of low levels of 90Sr in seawater was acceptable. Moreover, the approach is economical, non-laborious and fast.Keywords: proficiency test, radiation monitoring, seawater, strontium determination
Procedia PDF Downloads 1691702 An Operators’ Real-sense-based Fire Simulation for Human Factors Validation in Nuclear Power Plants
Authors: Sa-Kil Kim, Jang-Soo Lee
On March 31, 1993, a severe fire accident took place in a nuclear power plant located in Narora in North India. The event involved a major fire in the turbine building of NAPS unit-1 and resulted in a total loss of power to the unit for 17 hours. In addition, there was a heavy ingress of smoke in the control room, mainly through the intake of the ventilation system, forcing the operators to vacate the control room. The Narora fire accident provides us lessons indicating that operators could lose their mind and predictable behaviors during a fire. After the Fukushima accident, which resulted from a natural disaster, unanticipated external events are also required to be prepared and controlled for the ultimate safety of nuclear power plants. From last year, our research team has developed a test and evaluation facility that can simulate external events such as an earthquake and fire based on the operators’ real-sense. As one of the results of the project, we proposed a unit real-sense-based facility that can simulate fire events in a control room for utilizing a test-bed of human factor validation. The test-bed has the operator’s workstation shape and functions to simulate fire conditions such as smoke, heat, and auditory alarms in accordance with the prepared fire scenarios. Furthermore, the test-bed can be used for the operators’ training and experience.Keywords: human behavior in fire, human factors validation, nuclear power plants, real-sense-based fire simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2831701 Predicting the Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease: Development and Validation of Machine Learning Models
Authors: Jay L. Fu
Patients with Alzheimer's disease progressively lose their memory and thinking skills and, eventually, the ability to carry out simple daily tasks. The disease is irreversible, but early detection and treatment can slow down the disease progression. In this research, publicly available MRI data and demographic data from 373 MRI imaging sessions were utilized to build models to predict dementia. Various machine learning models, including logistic regression, k-nearest neighbor, support vector machine, random forest, and neural network, were developed. Data were divided into training and testing sets, where training sets were used to build the predictive model, and testing sets were used to assess the accuracy of prediction. Key risk factors were identified, and various models were compared to come forward with the best prediction model. Among these models, the random forest model appeared to be the best model with an accuracy of 90.34%. MMSE, nWBV, and gender were the three most important contributing factors to the detection of Alzheimer’s. Among all the models used, the percent in which at least 4 of the 5 models shared the same diagnosis for a testing input was 90.42%. These machine learning models allow early detection of Alzheimer’s with good accuracy, which ultimately leads to early treatment of these patients.Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, clinical diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging, machine learning prediction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1431700 Analysis Of Magnetic Anomaly Data For Identification Subsurface Structure Geothermal Manifestations Area Candi Umbul, Grabag, Magelang, Central Java Province, Indonesia
Authors: Ikawati Wulandari
Acquisition of geomagnetic field has been done at Geothermal manifestation Candi Umbul, Grabag, Magelang, Central Java Province on 10-12 May 2013. The purpose of this research to study sub-surface structure condition and the structure which control the hot springs manifestation. The research area have size of 1,5 km x 2 km and measurement spacing of 150 m. Total magnetic field data, the position, and the north pole direction have acquired by Proton Precession Magnetometer (PPM), Global Positioning System (GPS), and of geology compass, respectively. The raw data has been processed and performed using IGRF (International Geomagnetics Reference Field) correction to obtain total field magnetic anomaly. Upward continuation was performed at 100 meters height using software Magpick. Analysis conclude horizontal position of the body causing anomaly which is located at hot springs manifestation, and it stretch along Northeast - Southwest, which later interpreted as normal fault. This hotsprings manifestation was controlled by the downward fault which becomes a weak zone where hot water from underground the geothermal reservoir leakageKeywords: PPM, Geothermal, Fault, Grabag
Procedia PDF Downloads 4671699 Calculation of Effective Masses and Curie Temperature of (Ga, Mn) as Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor from the Eight-band k.p Model
Authors: Khawlh A. Alzubaidi, Khadijah B. Alziyadi, Amor M. Alsayari
The discovery of a dilute magnetic semiconductor (DMS) in which ferromagnetism is carrier-mediated and persists above room temperature is a major step toward the implementation of spintronic devices for processing, transferring, and storing of information. Among the many types of DMS materials which have been investigated, Mn-doped GaAs has become one of the best candidates for technological application. However, despite major developments over the last few decades, the maximum Curie temperature (~200 K) remains well below room temperature. In this work, we have studied the effect of Mn content and strain on the GaMnAs effective masses of electron, heavy and light holes calculated in the different crystallographic direction. Also, the Curie temperature in the DMS GaMnAs alloy is determined. Compilation of GaMnAs band parameters have been carried out using the 8-band k.p model based on Lowdin perturbation theory where spin orbit, sp-d exchange interaction, and biaxial strain are taken into account. Our results show that effective masses, calculated along the different crystallographic directions, have a strong dependence on strain, ranging from -2% (tensile strain) to 2% (compressive strain), and Mn content increased from 1 to 5%. The Curie temperature is determined within the mean-field approach based on the Zener model.Keywords: diluted magnetic semiconductors, k.p method, effective masses, curie temperature, strain
Procedia PDF Downloads 971698 Dynamic Environmental Impact Study during the Construction of the French Nuclear Power Plants
Authors: A. Er-Raki, D. Hartmann, J. P. Belaud, S. Negny
This paper has a double purpose: firstly, a literature review of the life cycle analysis (LCA) and secondly a comparison between conventional (static) LCA and multi-level dynamic LCA on the following items: (i) inventories evolution with time (ii) temporal evolution of the databases. The first part of the paper summarizes the state of the art of the static LCA approach. The different static LCA limits have been identified and especially the non-consideration of the spatial and temporal evolution in the inventory, for the characterization factors (FCs) and into the databases. Then a description of the different levels of integration of the notion of temporality in life cycle analysis studies was made. In the second part, the dynamic inventory has been evaluated firstly for a single nuclear plant and secondly for the entire French nuclear power fleet by taking into account the construction durations of all the plants. In addition, the databases have been adapted by integrating the temporal variability of the French energy mix. Several iterations were used to converge towards the real environmental impact of the energy mix. Another adaptation of the databases to take into account the temporal evolution of the market data of the raw material was made. An identification of the energy mix of the time studied was based on an extrapolation of the production reference values of each means of production. An application to the construction of the French nuclear power plants from 1971 to 2000 has been performed, in which a dynamic inventory of raw material has been evaluated. Then the impacts were characterized by the ILCD 2011 characterization method. In order to compare with a purely static approach, a static impact assessment was made with the V 3.4 Ecoinvent data sheets without adaptation and a static inventory considering that all the power stations would have been built at the same time. Finally, a comparison between static and dynamic LCA approaches was set up to determine the gap between them for each of the two levels of integration. The results were analyzed to identify the contribution of the evolving nuclear power fleet construction to the total environmental impacts of the French energy mix during the same period. An equivalent strategy using a dynamic approach will further be applied to identify the environmental impacts that different scenarios of the energy transition could bring, allowing to choose the best energy mix from an environmental viewpoint.Keywords: LCA, static, dynamic, inventory, construction, nuclear energy, energy mix, energy transition
Procedia PDF Downloads 1051697 Application of Aerogeomagnetic and Ground Magnetic Surveys for Deep-Seated Kimberlite Pipes in Central India
Authors: Utkarsh Tripathi, Bikalp C. Mandal, Ravi Kumar Umrao, Sirsha Das, M. K. Bhowmic, Joyesh Bagchi, Hemant Kumar
The Central India Diamond Province (CIDP) is known for the occurrences of primary and secondary sources for diamonds from the Vindhyan platformal sediments, which host several kimberlites, with one operating mine. The known kimberlites are Neo-Proterozoic in age and intrude into the Kaimur Group of rocks. Based on the interpretation of areo-geomagnetic data, three potential zones were demarcated in parts of Chitrakoot and Banda districts, Uttar Pradesh, and Satna district, Madhya Pradesh, India. To validate the aero-geomagnetic interpretation, ground magnetic coupled with a gravity survey was conducted to validate the anomaly and explore the possibility of some pipes concealed beneath the Vindhyan sedimentary cover. Geologically the area exposes the milky white to buff-colored arkosic and arenitic sandstone belonging to the Dhandraul Formation of the Kaimur Group, which are undeformed and unmetamorphosed providing almost transparent media for geophysical exploration. There is neither surface nor any geophysical indication of intersections of linear structures, but the joint patterns depict three principal joints along NNE-SSW, ENE-WSW, and NW-SE directions with vertical to sub-vertical dips. Aeromagnetic data interpretation brings out three promising zones with the bi-polar magnetic anomaly (69-602nT) that represent potential kimberlite intrusive concealed below at an approximate depth of 150-170m. The ground magnetic survey has brought out the above-mentioned anomalies in zone-I, which is congruent with the available aero-geophysical data. The magnetic anomaly map shows a total variation of 741 nT over the area. Two very high magnetic zones (H1 and H2) have been observed with around 500 nT and 400 nT magnitudes, respectively. Anomaly zone H1 is located in the west-central part of the area, south of Madulihai village, while anomaly zone H2 is located 2km apart in the north-eastern direction. The Euler 3D solution map indicates the possible existence of the ultramafic body in both the magnetic highs (H1 and H2). The H2 high shows the shallow depth, and H1 shows a deeper depth solution. In the reduced-to-pole (RTP) method, the bipolar anomaly disappears and indicates the existence of one causative source for both anomalies, which is, in all probabilities, an ultramafic suite of rock. The H1 magnetic high represents the main body, which persists up to depths of ~500m, as depicted through the upward continuation derivative map. Radially Averaged Power Spectrum (RAPS) shows the thickness of loose sediments up to 25m with a cumulative depth of 154m for sandstone overlying the ultramafic body. The average depth range of the shallower body (H2) is 60.5-86 meters, as estimated through the Peters half slope method. Magnetic (TF) anomaly with BA contour also shows high BA value around the high zones of magnetic anomaly (H1 and H2), which suggests that the causative body is with higher density and susceptibility for the surrounding host rock. The ground magnetic survey coupled with the gravity confirms a potential target for further exploration as the findings are co-relatable with the presence of the known diamondiferous kimberlites in this region, which post-date the rocks of the Kaimur Group.Keywords: Kaimur, kimberlite, Euler 3D solution, magnetic
Procedia PDF Downloads 761696 Analysis of Effects of Magnetic Slot Wedges on Characteristics of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine
Authors: B. Ladghem Chikouche
The influence of slot wedges permeability on the electromagnetic performance of three-phase permanent magnet synchronous machine is investigated in this paper. It is shown that the back-EMF waveform, electromagnetic torque and electromagnetic torque ripple are all significantly affected by slot wedges permeability. The paper presents an accurate analytical subdomain model and confirmed by finite-element analyses.Keywords: exact analytical calculation, finite-element method, magnetic field distribution, permanent magnet machines performance, stator slot wedges permeability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3281695 Quantum Modelling of AgHMoO4, CsHMoO4 and AgCsMoO4 Chemistry in the Field of Nuclear Power Plant Safety
Authors: Mohamad Saab, Sidi Souvi
In a major nuclear accident, the released fission products (FPs) and the structural materials are likely to influence the transport of iodine in the reactor coolant system (RCS) of a pressurized water reactor (PWR). So far, the thermodynamic data on cesium and silver species used to estimate the magnitude of FP release show some discrepancies, data are scarce and not reliable. For this reason, it is crucial to review the thermodynamic values related to cesium and silver materials. To this end, we have used state-of-the-art quantum chemical methods to compute the formation enthalpies and entropies of AgHMoO₄, CsHMoO₄, and AgCsMoO₄ in the gas phase. Different quantum chemical methods have been investigated (DFT and CCSD(T)) in order to predict the geometrical parameters and the energetics including the correlation energy. The geometries were optimized with TPSSh-5%HF method, followed by a single point calculation of the total electronic energies using the CCSD(T) wave function method. We thus propose with a final uncertainty of about 2 kJmol⁻¹ standard enthalpies of formation of AgHMoO₄, CsHMoO₄, and AgCsMoO₄.Keywords: nuclear accident, ASTEC code, thermochemical database, quantum chemical methods
Procedia PDF Downloads 1901694 Developing a High Performance Cement Based Material: The Influence of Silica Fume and Organosilane
Authors: Andrea Cretu, Calin Cadar, Maria Miclaus, Lucian Barbu-Tudoran, Siegfried Stapf, Ioan Ardelean
Additives and mineral admixtures have become an integral part of cement-based materials. It is common practice to add silica fume to cement based mixes in order to produce high-performance concrete. There is still a lack of scientific understanding regarding the effects that silica fume has on the microstructure of hydrated cement paste. The aim of the current study is to develop high-performance materials with low permeability and high resistance to flexural stress using silica fume and an organosilane. Organosilane bonds with cement grains and silica fume, influencing both the workability and the final properties of the mix, especially the pore size distributions and pore connectivity. Silica fume is a known pozzolanic agent which reacts with the calcium hydroxide in hydrated cement paste, producing more C-S-H and improving the mechanical properties of the mix. It is believed that particles of silica fume act as capillary pore fillers and nucleation centers for C-S-H and other hydration products. In order to be able to design cement-based materials with added silica fume and organosilane, it is necessary first to understand the formation of the porous network during hydration and to observe the distribution of pores and their connectivity. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods in low-fields are non-destructive and allow the study of cement-based materials from the standpoint of their porous structure. Other methods, such as XRD and SEM-EDS, help create a comprehensive picture of the samples, along with the classic mechanical tests (compressive and flexural strength measurements). The transverse relaxation time (T₂) was measured during the hydration of 16 samples prepared with two water/cement ratios (0.3 and 0.4) and different concentrations or organosilane (APTES, up to 2% by mass of cement) and silica fume (up to 6%). After their hydration, the pore size distribution was assessed using the same NMR approach on the samples filled with cyclohexane. The SEM-EDS and XRD measurements were applied on pieces and powders prepared from the samples that were used in mechanical testing, which were kept under water for 28 days. Adding silica fume does not influence the hydration dynamics of cement paste, while the addition of organosilane extends the dormancy stage up to 10 hours. The size distribution of the capillary pores is not influenced by the addition of silica fume or organosilane, while the connectivity of capillary pores is decreased only when there is organosilane in the mix. No filling effect is observed even at the highest concentration of silica fume. There is an apparent increase in flexural strength of samples prepared only with silica fume and a decrease for those prepared with organosilane, with a few exceptions. XRD reveals that the pozzolanic reactivity of silica fume can only be observed when there is no organosilane present and the SEM-EDS method reveals the pore distribution, as well as hydration products and the presence or absence of calcium hydroxide. The current work was funded by the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI, through project PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0719.Keywords: cement hydration, concrete admixtures, NMR, organosilane, porosity, silica fume
Procedia PDF Downloads 1631693 Finite Element Analysis of Resonance Frequency Shift of Laminated Composite Beam
Authors: Cheng Yang Kwa, Yoke Rung Wong
Laminated composite materials are widely employed in automotive, aerospace, and other industries. These materials provide distinct benefits due to their high specific strength, high specific modulus, and ability to be customized for a specific function. However, delamination of laminated composite materials is one of the main defects which can occur during manufacturing, regular operations, or maintenance. Delamination can bring about considerable internal damage, unobservable by visual check, that causes significant loss in strength and stability, leading to composite structure catastrophic failure. Structural health monitoring (SHM) is known to be the automated method for monitoring and evaluating the condition of a monitored object. There are several ways to conduct SHM in aerospace. One of the effective methods is to monitor the natural frequency shift of structure due to the presence of defect. This study investigated the mechanical resonance frequency shift of a multi-layer composite cantilever beam due to interlaminar delamination. ANSYS Workbench® was used to create a 4-plies laminated composite cantilever finite element model with [90/0]s fiber setting. Epoxy Carbon UD (230GPA) Prepreg was chosen, and the thickness was 2.5mm for each ply. The natural frequencies of the finite element model with various degree of delamination were simulated based on modal analysis and then validated by using literature. It was shown that the model without delamination had natural frequency of 40.412 Hz, which was 1.55% different from the calculated result (41.050 Hz). Thereafter, the various degree of delamination was mimicked by changing the frictional conditions at the middle ply-to-ply interface. The results suggested that delamination in the laminated composite cantilever induced a change in its stiffness which alters its mechanical resonance frequency.Keywords: structural health monitoring, NDT, cantilever, laminate
Procedia PDF Downloads 1011692 A Density Function Theory Based Comparative Study of Trans and Cis - Resveratrol
Authors: Subhojyoti Chatterjee, Peter J. Mahon, Feng Wang
Resveratrol (RvL), a phenolic compound, is a key ingredient in wine and tomatoes that has been studied over the years because of its important bioactivities such as anti-oxidant, anti-aging and antimicrobial properties. Out of the two isomeric forms of resveratrol i.e. trans and cis, the health benefit is primarily associated with the trans form. Thus, studying the structural properties of the isomers will not only provide an insight into understanding the RvL isomers, but will also help in designing parameters for differentiation in order to achieve 99.9% purity of trans-RvL. In the present study, density function theory (DFT) study is conducted, using the B3LYP/6-311++G** model to explore the through bond and through space intramolecular interactions. Properties such as vibrational spectroscopy (IR and Raman), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra, excess orbital energy spectrum (EOES), energy based decomposition analyses (EDA) and Fukui function are calculated. It is discovered that the structure of trans-RvL, although it is C1 non-planar, the backbone non-H atoms are nearly in the same plane; whereas the cis-RvL consists of two major planes of R1 and R2 that are not in the same plane. The absence of planarity gives rise to a H-bond of 2.67Å in cis-RvL. Rotation of the C(5)-C(8) single bond in trans-RvL produces higher energy barriers since it may break the (planar) entire conjugated structure; while such rotation in cis-RvL produces multiple minima and maxima depending on the positions of the rings. The calculated FT-IR spectrum shows very different spectral features for trans and cis-RvL in the region 900 – 1500 cm-1, where the spectral peaks at 1138-1158 cm-1 are split in cis-RvL compared to a single peak at 1165 cm-1 in trans-RvL. In the Raman spectra, there is significant enhancement of cis-RvL in the region above 3000cm-1. Further, the carbon chemical environment (13C NMR) of the RvL molecule exhibit a larger chemical shift for cis-RvL compared to trans-RvL (Δδ = 8.18 ppm) for the carbon atom C(11), indicating that the chemical environment of the C group in cis-RvL is more diverse than its other isomer. The energy gap between highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest occupied molecular orbital (LUMO) is 3.95 eV for trans and 4.35 eV for cis-RvL. A more detailed inspection using the recently developed EOES revealed that most of the large energy differences i.e. Δεcis-trans > ±0.30 eV, in their orbitals are contributed from the outer valence shell. They are MO60 (HOMO), MO52-55 and MO46. The active sites that has been captured by Fukui function (f + > 0.08) are associated with the stilbene C=C bond of RvL and cis-RvL is more active at these sites than in trans-RvL, as cis orientation breaks the large conjugation of trans-RvL so that the hydroxyl oxygen’s are more active in cis-RvL. Finally, EDA highlights the interaction energy (ΔEInt) of the phenolic compound, where trans is preferred over the cis-RvL (ΔΔEi = -4.35 kcal.mol-1) isomer. Thus, these quantum mechanics results could help in unwinding the diversified beneficial activities associated with resveratrol.Keywords: resveratrol, FT-IR, Raman, NMR, excess orbital energy spectrum, energy decomposition analysis, Fukui function
Procedia PDF Downloads 1951691 Anti-Site Disorder Effects on the Magnetic Properties of Sm₂NiMnO₆ Thin Films
Authors: Geetanjali Singh, R. J. Choudhary, Anjana Dogra
Here we report the effects of anti-site disorder, present in the sample, on the magnetic properties of Sm₂NiMnO₆ (SNMO) thin films. To our best knowledge, there are no studies available on the thin films of SNMO. Thin films were grown using pulsed laser deposition technique on SrTiO₃ (STO) substrate under oxygen pressure of 800 mTorr. X-ray diffraction (XRD) profiles show that the film grown is epitaxial. Field cooled (FC) and zero field cooled (ZFC) magnetization curve increase as we decrease the temperature till ~135K. A broad dip was observed in both the curves below this temperature which is more dominating in ZFC curve. An additional sharp cusplike shape was observed at low temperature (~20 K) which is due to the re-entrant spin-glass like properties present in the sample. Super-exchange interaction between Ni²⁺-O-Mn⁴⁺ is attributed to the FM ordering in these samples. The spin-glass feature is due to anti-site disorder within the homogeneous sample which was stated to be due to the mixed valence states Ni³⁺ and Mn³⁺ present in the sample. Anti-site disorder was found to play very crucial role in different magnetic phases of the sample.Keywords: double perovskite, pulsed laser deposition, spin-glass, magnetization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2621690 Research of Amplitude-Frequency Characteristics of Nonlinear Oscillations of the Interface of Two-Layered Liquid
Authors: Win Ko Ko, A. N. Temnov
The problem of nonlinear oscillations of a two-layer liquid completely filling a limited volume is considered. Using two basic asymmetric harmonics excited in two mutually perpendicular planes, ordinary differential equations of nonlinear oscillations of the interface of a two-layer liquid are investigated. In this paper, hydrodynamic coefficients of linear and nonlinear problems in integral relations were determined. As a result, the instability regions of forced oscillations of a two-layered liquid in a cylindrical tank occurring in the plane of action of the disturbing force are constructed, as well as the dynamic instability regions of the parametric resonance for different ratios of densities of the upper and lower liquids depending on the amplitudes of liquids from the excitations frequencies. Steady-state regimes of fluid motion were found in the regions of dynamic instability of the initial oscillation form. The Bubnov-Galerkin method is used to construct instability regions for approximate solution of nonlinear differential equations.Keywords: nonlinear oscillations, two-layered liquid, instability region, hydrodynamic coefficients, resonance frequency
Procedia PDF Downloads 2191689 Origin of Hydrogen Bonding: Natural Bond Orbital Electron Donor-Acceptor Interactions
Authors: Mohamed Ayoub
We perform computational investigation using density functional theory, B3LYP with aug-cc-pVTZ basis set followed by natural bond orbital analysis (NBO), which provides best single “natural Lewis structure” (NLS) representation of chosen wavefunction (Ψ) with natural resonance theory (NRT) to provide an analysis of molecular electron density in terms of resonance structures (RS) and weights (w). We selected for the study a wide range of gas phase dimers (B…HA), with hydrogen bond dissociation energies (ΔEB…H) that span more than two orders of magnitude. We demonstrate that charge transfer from a donor Lewis-type NBO (nB:) to an acceptor non-Lewis-type NBO (σHA*) is the primary cause for H-bonding not classical electrostatic (dipole-dipole or ionic). We provide a variety of structure, and spectroscopic descriptors to support the conclusion, such as IR frequency shift (ΔνHA), H-bond penetration distance (ΔRB..H), bond order (bB..H), charge-transfer (CTB→HA) and the corresponding donor-acceptor stabilization energy (ΔE(2)).Keywords: natural bond orbital, hydrogen bonding, electron donor, electron acceptor
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