Search results for: image transformation
3801 Causal Estimation for the Left-Truncation Adjusted Time-Varying Covariates under the Semiparametric Transformation Models of a Survival Time
Authors: Yemane Hailu Fissuh, Zhongzhan Zhang
In biomedical researches and randomized clinical trials, the most commonly interested outcomes are time-to-event so-called survival data. The importance of robust models in this context is to compare the effect of randomly controlled experimental groups that have a sense of causality. Causal estimation is the scientific concept of comparing the pragmatic effect of treatments conditional to the given covariates rather than assessing the simple association of response and predictors. Hence, the causal effect based semiparametric transformation model was proposed to estimate the effect of treatment with the presence of possibly time-varying covariates. Due to its high flexibility and robustness, the semiparametric transformation model which shall be applied in this paper has been given much more attention for estimation of a causal effect in modeling left-truncated and right censored survival data. Despite its wide applications and popularity in estimating unknown parameters, the maximum likelihood estimation technique is quite complex and burdensome in estimating unknown parameters and unspecified transformation function in the presence of possibly time-varying covariates. Thus, to ease the complexity we proposed the modified estimating equations. After intuitive estimation procedures, the consistency and asymptotic properties of the estimators were derived and the characteristics of the estimators in the finite sample performance of the proposed model were illustrated via simulation studies and Stanford heart transplant real data example. To sum up the study, the bias of covariates was adjusted via estimating the density function for truncation variable which was also incorporated in the model as a covariate in order to relax the independence assumption of failure time and truncation time. Moreover, the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm was described for the estimation of iterative unknown parameters and unspecified transformation function. In addition, the causal effect was derived by the ratio of the cumulative hazard function of active and passive experiments after adjusting for bias raised in the model due to the truncation variable.Keywords: causal estimation, EM algorithm, semiparametric transformation models, time-to-event outcomes, time-varying covariate
Procedia PDF Downloads 1273800 Jurisprudential Terms of Istiḥālah (Transformation) in Cosmetic Products (An Analytical Study)
Authors: Hassan Sher
God has made this world with all of his essences and beautified it with his countless blessings. In Islam, no doubt, beauty is a very important characteristic but also an aspect of the body and the heart. In a world where the standards of beauty seem to change from year to year according to trends and norms. Moreover, in this world, many people want to look good and feel satisfied and will be willing to go through many ways for their ideal look. likewise, several products came into use for beautifying, cleansing, and promoting attractiveness. These products include components of cosmetics, they are utilized for health and beauty purposes. There are concerns regarding the existence of harmful or ḥarām chemicals, but With the advancement in (technology), it results in the transformation of unlawful and forbidden cosmetic products into permissible several new ingredients and products. The process of transforming certain items or products from one form to another, Muslim jurists tend to use terms like Istiḥālah (transformation).Istiḥālah is an Islamic principle unknown to many Muslims. LinguisticallyIstiḥālah carries the meaning of a transformation or a change in the nature of a thing into something else.According to the religious contact, Istiḥālah signifies a turning of a matter from a state of impurity or inedibility into a matter of different nature, name, properties, and characteristics (colour, taste, and smell) (Zuhayli, 1997). This principle, which is unanimously accepted by Muslim scholars, are breaths of fresh air to Muslims suffering from the suffocation of excessive prohibition. This will allow the invention to be utilized fully. This research tends to highlight the different ideological concepts of Istiḥālah from the perspective of Islamic Shariah and jurisprudence and its application in cosmetic products. However, the study focuses on the issues related to alcohol and pig ingredients in beauty products.Keywords: istiḥālah. harām, jurisprudence, cosmetic, pig
Procedia PDF Downloads 1333799 Classification of Hyperspectral Image Using Mathematical Morphological Operator-Based Distance Metric
Authors: Geetika Barman, B. S. Daya Sagar
In this article, we proposed a pixel-wise classification of hyperspectral images using a mathematical morphology operator-based distance metric called “dilation distance” and “erosion distance”. This method involves measuring the spatial distance between the spectral features of a hyperspectral image across the bands. The key concept of the proposed approach is that the “dilation distance” is the maximum distance a pixel can be moved without changing its classification, whereas the “erosion distance” is the maximum distance that a pixel can be moved before changing its classification. The spectral signature of the hyperspectral image carries unique class information and shape for each class. This article demonstrates how easily the dilation and erosion distance can measure spatial distance compared to other approaches. This property is used to calculate the spatial distance between hyperspectral image feature vectors across the bands. The dissimilarity matrix is then constructed using both measures extracted from the feature spaces. The measured distance metric is used to distinguish between the spectral features of various classes and precisely distinguish between each class. This is illustrated using both toy data and real datasets. Furthermore, we investigated the role of flat vs. non-flat structuring elements in capturing the spatial features of each class in the hyperspectral image. In order to validate, we compared the proposed approach to other existing methods and demonstrated empirically that mathematical operator-based distance metric classification provided competitive results and outperformed some of them.Keywords: dilation distance, erosion distance, hyperspectral image classification, mathematical morphology
Procedia PDF Downloads 883798 Evaluation of Opposite Type Heterologous MAT Genes Transfer in the Filamentous Fungi Neofusicoccum mediterraneum and Verticillium dahliae
Authors: Stavros Palavouzis, Alexandra Triantafyllopoulou, Aliki Tzima, Epaminondas Paplomatas
Mating-type genes are present in most filamentous fungi, even though teleomorphs for all species have not been recorded. Our study tries to explore the effect of different growth conditions on the expression of MAT genes in Neofusicoccum mediterraneum. As such, selected isolates were grown in potato dextrose broth or in water agar supplemented with pine needles under a 12 h photoperiod, as well as in constant darkness. Mycelia and spores were collected at different time points, and RNA extraction was performed, with the extracted product being used for cDNA synthesis. New primers for MAT gene expression were designed while qPCR results are underway. The second part of the study involved the isolation and cloning in a selected pGEM-T vector of the Botryosphaeria dothidea MAT1 1 1 and MAT1 2 1 mating genes, including flanking regions. As a next step, the genes were amplified using newly designed primers with engineered restriction sites. Amplicons were excised and subsequently sub-cloned in appropriate binary vectors. The constructs were afterward inserted into Agrobacterium tumefaciens and utilized for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation (ATMT) of Neofusicoccum mediterraneum. At the same time, the transformation of a Verticillium dahliae tomato race 1 strain (70V) was performed as a control. While the procedure was successful in regards to V. dahliae, transformed strains of N. mediterraneum could not be obtained. At present, a new transformation protocol, which utilizes a combination of protoplast and Agro transformation, is being evaluated.Keywords: anamorph, heterothallism, perithecia, pycnidia, sexual stage
Procedia PDF Downloads 1803797 Algorithm for Path Recognition in-between Tree Rows for Agricultural Wheeled-Mobile Robots
Authors: Anderson Rocha, Pedro Miguel de Figueiredo Dinis Oliveira Gaspar
Machine vision has been widely used in recent years in agriculture, as a tool to promote the automation of processes and increase the levels of productivity. The aim of this work is the development of a path recognition algorithm based on image processing to guide a terrestrial robot in-between tree rows. The proposed algorithm was developed using the software MATLAB, and it uses several image processing operations, such as threshold detection, morphological erosion, histogram equalization and the Hough transform, to find edge lines along tree rows on an image and to create a path to be followed by a mobile robot. To develop the algorithm, a set of images of different types of orchards was used, which made possible the construction of a method capable of identifying paths between trees of different heights and aspects. The algorithm was evaluated using several images with different characteristics of quality and the results showed that the proposed method can successfully detect a path in different types of environments.Keywords: agricultural mobile robot, image processing, path recognition, hough transform
Procedia PDF Downloads 1473796 Video Stabilization Using Feature Point Matching
Authors: Shamsundar Kulkarni
Video capturing by non-professionals will lead to unanticipated effects. Such as image distortion, image blurring etc. Hence, many researchers study such drawbacks to enhance the quality of videos. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed to stabilize jittery videos .A stable output video will be attained without the effect of jitter which is caused due to shaking of handheld camera during video recording. Firstly, salient points from each frame from the input video are identified and processed followed by optimizing and stabilize the video. Optimization includes the quality of the video stabilization. This method has shown good result in terms of stabilization and it discarded distortion from the output videos recorded in different circumstances.Keywords: video stabilization, point feature matching, salient points, image quality measurement
Procedia PDF Downloads 3143795 Experimental Characterization of Composite Material with Non Contacting Methods
Authors: Nikolaos Papadakis, Constantinos Condaxakis, Konstantinos Savvakis
The aim of this paper is to determine the elastic properties (elastic modulus and Poisson ratio) of a composite material based on noncontacting imaging methods. More specifically, the significantly reduced cost of digital cameras has given the opportunity of the high reliability of low-cost strain measurement. The open source platform Ncorr is used in this paper which utilizes the method of digital image correlation (DIC). The use of digital image correlation in measuring strain uses random speckle preparation on the surface of the gauge area, image acquisition, and postprocessing the image correlation to obtain displacement and strain field on surface under study. This study discusses technical issues relating to the quality of results to be obtained are discussed. [0]8 fabric glass/epoxy composites specimens were prepared and tested at different orientations 0[o], 30[o], 45[o], 60[o], 90[o]. Each test was recorded with the camera at a constant frame rate and constant lighting conditions. The recorded images were processed through the use of the image processing software. The parameters of the test are reported. The strain map output which is obtained through strain measurement using Ncorr is validated by a) comparing the elastic properties with expected values from Classical laminate theory, b) through finite element analysis.Keywords: composites, Ncorr, strain map, videoextensometry
Procedia PDF Downloads 1453794 Morphology Feature of Nanostructure Bainitic Steel after Tempering Treatment
Authors: Chih Yuan Chen, Chien Chon Chen, Jin-Shyong Lin
The microstructure characterization of tempered nanocrystalline bainitic steel is investigated in the present study. It is found that two types of plastic relaxation, dislocation debris and nanotwin, occurs in the displacive transformation due to relatively low transformation temperature and high carbon content. Because most carbon atoms trap in the dislocation, high dislocation density can be sustained during the tempering process. More carbides only can be found in the high tempered temperature due to intense recovery progression.Keywords: nanostructure bainitic steel, tempered, TEM, nano-twin, dislocation debris, accommodation
Procedia PDF Downloads 5363793 Transformation of Industrial Policy towards Industry 4.0 and Its Impact on Firms' Competition
Authors: Arūnas Burinskas
Although Europe is on the threshold of a new industrial revolution called Industry 4.0, many believe that this will increase the flexibility of production, the mass adaptation of products to consumers and the speed of their service; it will also improve product quality and dramatically increase productivity. However, as expected, all the benefits of Industry 4.0 face many of the inevitable changes and challenges they pose. One of them is the inevitable transformation of current competition and business models. This article examines the possible results of competitive conversion from the classic Bertrand and Cournot models to qualitatively new competition based on innovation. Ability to deliver a new product quickly and the possibility to produce the individual design (through flexible and quickly configurable factories) by reducing equipment failures and increasing process automation and control is highly important. This study shows that the ongoing transformation of the competition model is changing the game. This, together with the creation of complex value networks, means huge investments that make it particularly difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, the ongoing digitalization of data raises new concerns regarding legal obligations, intellectual property, and security.Keywords: Bertrand and Cournot Competition, competition model, industry 4.0, industrial organisation, monopolistic competition
Procedia PDF Downloads 1403792 Large Neural Networks Learning From Scratch With Very Few Data and Without Explicit Regularization
Authors: Christoph Linse, Thomas Martinetz
Recent findings have shown that Neural Networks generalize also in over-parametrized regimes with zero training error. This is surprising, since it is completely against traditional machine learning wisdom. In our empirical study we fortify these findings in the domain of fine-grained image classification. We show that very large Convolutional Neural Networks with millions of weights do learn with only a handful of training samples and without image augmentation, explicit regularization or pretraining. We train the architectures ResNet018, ResNet101 and VGG19 on subsets of the difficult benchmark datasets Caltech101, CUB_200_2011, FGVCAircraft, Flowers102 and StanfordCars with 100 classes and more, perform a comprehensive comparative study and draw implications for the practical application of CNNs. Finally, we show that VGG19 with 140 million weights learns to distinguish airplanes and motorbikes with up to 95% accuracy using only 20 training samples per class.Keywords: convolutional neural networks, fine-grained image classification, generalization, image recognition, over-parameterized, small data sets
Procedia PDF Downloads 903791 A Molding Surface Auto-inspection System
Authors: Ssu-Han Chen, Der-Baau Perng
Molding process in IC manufacturing secures chips against the harms done by hot, moisture or other external forces. While a chip was being molded, defects like cracks, dilapidation, or voids may be embedding on the molding surface. The molding surfaces the study poises to treat and the ones on the market, though, differ in the surface where texture similar to defects is everywhere. Manual inspection usually passes over low-contrast cracks or voids; hence an automatic optical inspection system for molding surface is necessary. The proposed system is consisted of a CCD, a coaxial light, a back light as well as a motion control unit. Based on the property of statistical textures of the molding surface, a series of digital image processing and classification procedure is carried out. After training of the parameter associated with above algorithm, result of the experiment suggests that the accuracy rate is up to 93.75%, contributing to the inspection quality of IC molding surface.Keywords: molding surface, machine vision, statistical texture, discrete Fourier transformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4323790 Computer Countenanced Diagnosis of Skin Nodule Detection and Histogram Augmentation: Extracting System for Skin Cancer
Authors: S. Zith Dey Babu, S. Kour, S. Verma, C. Verma, V. Pathania, A. Agrawal, V. Chaudhary, A. Manoj Puthur, R. Goyal, A. Pal, T. Danti Dey, A. Kumar, K. Wadhwa, O. Ved
Background: Skin cancer is now is the buzzing button in the field of medical science. The cyst's pandemic is drastically calibrating the body and well-being of the global village. Methods: The extracted image of the skin tumor cannot be used in one way for diagnosis. The stored image contains anarchies like the center. This approach will locate the forepart of an extracted appearance of skin. Partitioning image models has been presented to sort out the disturbance in the picture. Results: After completing partitioning, feature extraction has been formed by using genetic algorithm and finally, classification can be performed between the trained and test data to evaluate a large scale of an image that helps the doctors for the right prediction. To bring the improvisation of the existing system, we have set our objectives with an analysis. The efficiency of the natural selection process and the enriching histogram is essential in that respect. To reduce the false-positive rate or output, GA is performed with its accuracy. Conclusions: The objective of this task is to bring improvisation of effectiveness. GA is accomplishing its task with perfection to bring down the invalid-positive rate or outcome. The paper's mergeable portion conflicts with the composition of deep learning and medical image processing, which provides superior accuracy. Proportional types of handling create the reusability without any errors.Keywords: computer-aided system, detection, image segmentation, morphology
Procedia PDF Downloads 1513789 Prosperous Digital Image Watermarking Approach by Using DCT-DWT
Authors: Prabhakar C. Dhavale, Meenakshi M. Pawar
In this paper, everyday tons of data is embedded on digital media or distributed over the internet. The data is so distributed that it can easily be replicated without error, putting the rights of their owners at risk. Even when encrypted for distribution, data can easily be decrypted and copied. One way to discourage illegal duplication is to insert information known as watermark, into potentially valuable data in such a way that it is impossible to separate the watermark from the data. These challenges motivated researchers to carry out intense research in the field of watermarking. A watermark is a form, image or text that is impressed onto paper, which provides evidence of its authenticity. Digital watermarking is an extension of the same concept. There are two types of watermarks visible watermark and invisible watermark. In this project, we have concentrated on implementing watermark in image. The main consideration for any watermarking scheme is its robustness to various attacksKeywords: watermarking, digital, DCT-DWT, security
Procedia PDF Downloads 4233788 International Relations and the Transformation of Political Regimes in Post-Soviet States
Authors: Sergey Chirun
Using of a combination of institutional analysis and network access has allowed the author to identify the characteristics of the informal institutions of regional political power and political regimes. According to the author, ‘field’ of activity of post-Soviet regimes, formed under the influence of informal institutions, often contradicts democratic institutional regional changes which are aimed at creating of a legal-rational type of political domination and balanced model of separation of powers. This leads to the gap between the formal structure of institutions and the real nature of power, predetermining the specific character of the existing political regimes.Keywords: authoritarianism, institutions, political regime, social networks, transformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4933787 Object Recognition Approach Based on Generalized Hough Transform and Color Distribution Serving in Generating Arabic Sentences
Authors: Nada Farhani, Naim Terbeh, Mounir Zrigui
The recognition of the objects contained in images has always presented a challenge in the field of research because of several difficulties that the researcher can envisage because of the variability of shape, position, contrast of objects, etc. In this paper, we will be interested in the recognition of objects. The classical Hough Transform (HT) presented a tool for detecting straight line segments in images. The technique of HT has been generalized (GHT) for the detection of arbitrary forms. With GHT, the forms sought are not necessarily defined analytically but rather by a particular silhouette. For more precision, we proposed to combine the results from the GHT with the results from a calculation of similarity between the histograms and the spatiograms of the images. The main purpose of our work is to use the concepts from recognition to generate sentences in Arabic that summarize the content of the image.Keywords: recognition of shape, generalized hough transformation, histogram, spatiogram, learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1583786 Solution to Riemann Hypothesis Critical Strip Zone Using Non-Linear Complex Variable Functions
Authors: Manojkumar Sabanayagam
The Riemann hypothesis is an unsolved millennium problem and the search for a solution to the Riemann hypothesis is to study the pattern of prime number distribution. The scope of this paper is to identify the solution for the critical strip and the critical line axis, which has the non-trivial zero solutions using complex plane functions. The Riemann graphical plot is constructed using a linear complex variable function (X+iY) and is applicable only when X>1. But the investigation shows that complex variable behavior has two zones. The first zone is the transformation zone, where the definition of the complex plane should be a non-linear variable which is the critical strip zone in the graph (X=0 to 1). The second zone is the transformed zone (X>1) defined using linear variables conventionally. This paper deals with the Non-linear function in the transformation zone derived using cosine and sinusoidal time lag w.r.t imaginary number ‘i’. The alternate complex variable (Cosθ+i Sinθ) is used to understand the variables in the critical strip zone. It is concluded that the non-trivial zeros present in the Real part 0.5 are because the linear function is not the correct approach in the critical strip. This paper provides the solution to Reimann's hypothesis.Keywords: Reimann hypothesis, critical strip, complex plane, transformation zone
Procedia PDF Downloads 2083785 PET Image Resolution Enhancement
Authors: Krzysztof Malczewski
PET is widely applied scanning procedure in medical imaging based research. It delivers measurements of functioning in distinct areas of the human brain while the patient is comfortable, conscious and alert. This article presents the new compression sensing based super-resolution algorithm for improving the image resolution in clinical Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanners. The issue of motion artifacts is well known in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) studies as its side effect. The PET images are being acquired over a limited period of time. As the patients cannot hold breath during the PET data gathering, spatial blurring and motion artefacts are the usual result. These may lead to wrong diagnosis. It is shown that the presented approach improves PET spatial resolution in cases when Compressed Sensing (CS) sequences are used. Compressed Sensing (CS) aims at signal and images reconstructing from significantly fewer measurements than were traditionally thought necessary. The application of CS to PET has the potential for significant scan time reductions, with visible benefits for patients and health care economics. In this study the goal is to combine super-resolution image enhancement algorithm with CS framework to achieve high resolution PET output. Both methods emphasize on maximizing image sparsity on known sparse transform domain and minimizing fidelity.Keywords: PET, super-resolution, image reconstruction, pattern recognition
Procedia PDF Downloads 3733784 Image Segmentation Using Active Contours Based on Anisotropic Diffusion
Authors: Shafiullah Soomro
Active contour is one of the image segmentation techniques and its goal is to capture required object boundaries within an image. In this paper, we propose a novel image segmentation method by using an active contour method based on anisotropic diffusion feature enhancement technique. The traditional active contour methods use only pixel information to perform segmentation, which produces inaccurate results when an image has some noise or complex background. We use Perona and Malik diffusion scheme for feature enhancement, which sharpens the object boundaries and blurs the background variations. Our main contribution is the formulation of a new SPF (signed pressure force) function, which uses global intensity information across the regions. By minimizing an energy function using partial differential framework the proposed method captures semantically meaningful boundaries instead of catching uninterested regions. Finally, we use a Gaussian kernel which eliminates the problem of reinitialization in level set function. We use several synthetic and real images from different modalities to validate the performance of the proposed method. In the experimental section, we have found the proposed method performance is better qualitatively and quantitatively and yield results with higher accuracy compared to other state-of-the-art methods.Keywords: active contours, anisotropic diffusion, level-set, partial differential equations
Procedia PDF Downloads 1623783 Robust Medical Image Watermarking Using Frequency Domain and Least Significant Bits Algorithms
Authors: Volkan Kaya, Ersin Elbasi
Watermarking and stenography are getting importance recently because of copyright protection and authentication. In watermarking we embed stamp, logo, noise or image to multimedia elements such as image, video, audio, animation and text. There are several works have been done in watermarking for different purposes. In this research work, we used watermarking techniques to embed patient information into the medical magnetic resonance (MR) images. There are two methods have been used; frequency domain (Digital Wavelet Transform-DWT, Digital Cosine Transform-DCT, and Digital Fourier Transform-DFT) and spatial domain (Least Significant Bits-LSB) domain. Experimental results show that embedding in frequency domains resist against one type of attacks, and embedding in spatial domain is resist against another group of attacks. Peak Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Similarity Ratio (SR) values are two measurement values for testing. These two values give very promising result for information hiding in medical MR images.Keywords: watermarking, medical image, frequency domain, least significant bits, security
Procedia PDF Downloads 2893782 Film Therapy on Adolescent Body Image: A Pilot Study
Authors: Sonia David, Uma Warrier
Background: Film therapy is the use of commercial or non-commercial films to enhance healing for therapeutic purposes. Objectives: The mixed-method study aims to evaluate the effect of film-based counseling on body image dissatisfaction among adolescents to precisely ascertain the cause of the alteration in body image dissatisfaction due to the said intervention. Method: The one group pre-test post-test research design study using inferential statistics and thematic analysis is based on a pre-test post-test design conducted on 44 school-going adolescents between 13 and 17. The Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ- 34) was used as a pre-test and post-test measure. The film-based counseling intervention model was used through individual counseling sessions. The analysis involved paired sample t-test used to examine the data quantitatively, and thematic analysis was used to evaluate qualitative data. Findings: The results indicated that there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test means. Since t(44)= 9.042 is significant at a 99% confidence level, it is ascertained that film-based counseling intervention reduces body image dissatisfaction. The five distinct themes from the thematic analysis are “acceptance, awareness, empowered to change, empathy, and reflective.” Novelty: The paper originally contributes to the repertoire of research on film therapy as a successful counseling intervention for addressing the challenges of body image dissatisfaction. This study also opens avenues for considering alteration of teaching pedagogy to include video-based learning in various subjects.Keywords: body image dissatisfaction, adolescents, film-based counselling, film therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2963781 Implementation of Achterbahn-128 for Images Encryption and Decryption
Authors: Aissa Belmeguenai, Khaled Mansouri
In this work, an efficient implementation of Achterbahn-128 for images encryption and decryption was introduced. The implementation for this simulated project is written by MATLAB.7.5. At first two different original images are used for validate the proposed design. Then our developed program was used to transform the original images data into image digits file. Finally, we used our implemented program to encrypt and decrypt images data. Several tests are done for proving the design performance including visual tests and security analysis; we discuss the security analysis of the proposed image encryption scheme including some important ones like key sensitivity analysis, key space analysis, and statistical attacks.Keywords: Achterbahn-128, stream cipher, image encryption, security analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 5323780 A Study on Real-Time Fluorescence-Photoacoustic Imaging System for Mouse Thrombosis Monitoring
Authors: Sang Hun Park, Moung Young Lee, Su Min Yu, Hyun Sang Jo, Ji Hyeon Kim, Chul Gyu Song
A near-infrared light source used as a light source in the fluorescence imaging system is suitable for use in real-time during the operation since it has no interference in surgical vision. However, fluorescence images do not have depth information. In this paper, we configured the device with the research on molecular imaging systems for monitoring thrombus imaging using fluorescence and photoacoustic. Fluorescence imaging was performed using a phantom experiment in order to search the exact location, and the Photoacoustic image was in order to detect the depth. Fluorescence image obtained when evaluated through current phantom experiments when the concentration of the contrast agent is 25μg / ml, it was confirmed that it looked sharper. The phantom experiment is has shown the possibility with the fluorescence image and photoacoustic image using an indocyanine green contrast agent. For early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, more active research with the fusion of different molecular imaging devices is required.Keywords: fluorescence, photoacoustic, indocyanine green, carotid artery
Procedia PDF Downloads 6013779 An Interdisciplinary Maturity Model for Accompanying Sustainable Digital Transformation Processes in a Smart Residential Quarter
Authors: Wesley Preßler, Lucie Schmidt
Digital transformation is playing an increasingly important role in the development of smart residential quarters. In order to accompany and steer this process and ultimately make the success of the transformation efforts measurable, it is helpful to use an appropriate maturity model. However, conventional maturity models for digital transformation focus primarily on the evaluation of processes and neglect the information and power imbalances between the stakeholders, which affects the validity of the results. The Multi-Generation Smart Community (mGeSCo) research project is developing an interdisciplinary maturity model that integrates the dimensions of digital literacy, interpretive patterns, and technology acceptance to address this gap. As part of the mGeSCo project, the technological development of selected dimensions in the Smart Quarter Jena-Lobeda (Germany) is being investigated. A specific maturity model, based on Cohen's Smart Cities Wheel, evaluates the central dimensions Working, Living, Housing and Caring. To improve the reliability and relevance of the maturity assessment, the factors Digital Literacy, Interpretive Patterns and Technology Acceptance are integrated into the developed model. The digital literacy dimension examines stakeholders' skills in using digital technologies, which influence their perception and assessment of technological maturity. Digital literacy is measured by means of surveys, interviews, and participant observation, using the European Commission's Digital Literacy Framework (DigComp) as a basis. Interpretations of digital technologies provide information about how individuals perceive technologies and ascribe meaning to them. However, these are not mere assessments, prejudices, or stereotyped perceptions but collective patterns, rules, attributions of meaning and the cultural repertoire that leads to these opinions and attitudes. Understanding these interpretations helps in assessing the overarching readiness of stakeholders to digitally transform a/their neighborhood. This involves examining people's attitudes, beliefs, and values about technology adoption, as well as their perceptions of the benefits and risks associated with digital tools. These insights provide important data for a holistic view and inform the steps needed to prepare individuals in the neighborhood for a digital transformation. Technology acceptance is another crucial factor for successful digital transformation to examine the willingness of individuals to adopt and use new technologies. Surveys or questionnaires based on Davis' Technology Acceptance Model can be used to complement interpretive patterns to measure neighborhood acceptance of digital technologies. Integrating the dimensions of digital literacy, interpretive patterns and technology acceptance enables the development of a roadmap with clear prerequisites for initiating a digital transformation process in the neighborhood. During the process, maturity is measured at different points in time and compared with changes in the aforementioned dimensions to ensure sustainable transformation. Participation, co-creation, and co-production are essential concepts for a successful and inclusive digital transformation in the neighborhood context. This interdisciplinary maturity model helps to improve the assessment and monitoring of sustainable digital transformation processes in smart residential quarters. It enables a more comprehensive recording of the factors that influence the success of such processes and supports the development of targeted measures to promote digital transformation in the neighborhood context.Keywords: digital transformation, interdisciplinary, maturity model, neighborhood
Procedia PDF Downloads 783778 Reactive and Concurrency-Based Image Resource Management Module for iOS Applications
Authors: Shubham V. Kamdi
This paper aims to serve as an introduction to image resource caching techniques for iOS mobile applications. It will explain how developers can break down multiple image-downloading tasks concurrently using state-of-the-art iOS frameworks, namely Swift Concurrency and Combine. The paper will explain how developers can leverage SwiftUI to develop reactive view components and use declarative coding patterns. Developers will learn to bypass built-in image caching systems by curating the procedure to implement a swift-based LRU cache system. The paper will provide a full architectural overview of a system, helping readers understand how mobile applications are designed professionally. It will cover technical discussion, helping readers understand the low-level details of threads and how they can switch between them, as well as the significance of the main and background threads for requesting HTTP services via mobile applications.Keywords: main thread, background thread, reactive view components, declarative coding
Procedia PDF Downloads 303777 An Assessment of the Digital Transformation of Radio
Authors: Fatih Sogut
Developments in information technologies have caused significant changes in terms of radio and television broadcasting. With these changes in terms of production format, transmission techniques and service delivery, the distinction between traditional media and New Media has emerged. The viewer/listener, who was in a passive position before, is now in an active position and has a say in many matters, including content production. Visual and auditory data transfer has diversified and become easier thanks to the convergence phenomenon. These transformations and developments also affected one of the oldest electronic communication tools, radio. In this study, in order to adapt to the new era that emerged with the digital age, the change in radio broadcasting and the factors that led to this change were tried to be explained.Keywords: Internet, radio broadcasting, digital transformation, Internet broadcasting
Procedia PDF Downloads 1713776 A Nonlocal Means Algorithm for Poisson Denoising Based on Information Geometry
Authors: Dongxu Chen, Yipeng Li
This paper presents an information geometry NonlocalMeans(NLM) algorithm for Poisson denoising. NLM estimates a noise-free pixel as a weighted average of image pixels, where each pixel is weighted according to the similarity between image patches in Euclidean space. In this work, every pixel is a Poisson distribution locally estimated by Maximum Likelihood (ML), all distributions consist of a statistical manifold. A NLM denoising algorithm is conducted on the statistical manifold where Fisher information matrix can be used for computing distribution geodesics referenced as the similarity between patches. This approach was demonstrated to be competitive with related state-of-the-art methods.Keywords: image denoising, Poisson noise, information geometry, nonlocal-means
Procedia PDF Downloads 2853775 Study of Li-Rich Layered Cathode Materials for High-Energy Li-ion Batteries
Authors: Liu Li, Kim Seng Lee, Li Lu
The high-energy-density Li-rich layered materials are promising cathode materials for the next-generation high-performance lithium-ion batteries. They have attracted a lot of attentions due mainly to their high reversible capacity of more than 250 mAh•g-1 at low charge-discharge current. However several drawbacks still hinder their applications, such as voltage decay caused by an undesired phase transformation during cycling and poor rate capability. To conquer these issues, the authors applied F modification methods on the pristine Li1.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13O2 to enhance its electrochemical performance.Keywords: Li-ion battery, Li-rich layered cathode material, phase transformation, cycling stability, rate capability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3283774 A Study of Non-Coplanar Imaging Technique in INER Prototype Tomosynthesis System
Authors: Chia-Yu Lin, Yu-Hsiang Shen, Cing-Ciao Ke, Chia-Hao Chang, Fan-Pin Tseng, Yu-Ching Ni, Sheng-Pin Tseng
Tomosynthesis is an imaging system that generates a 3D image by scanning in a limited angular range. It could provide more depth information than traditional 2D X-ray single projection. Radiation dose in tomosynthesis is less than computed tomography (CT). Because of limited angular range scanning, there are many properties depending on scanning direction. Therefore, non-coplanar imaging technique was developed to improve image quality in traditional tomosynthesis. The purpose of this study was to establish the non-coplanar imaging technique of tomosynthesis system and evaluate this technique by the reconstructed image. INER prototype tomosynthesis system contains an X-ray tube, a flat panel detector, and a motion machine. This system could move X-ray tube in multiple directions during the acquisition. In this study, we investigated three different imaging techniques that were 2D X-ray single projection, traditional tomosynthesis, and non-coplanar tomosynthesis. An anthropopathic chest phantom was used to evaluate the image quality. It contained three different size lesions (3 mm, 5 mm and, 8 mm diameter). The traditional tomosynthesis acquired 61 projections over a 30 degrees angular range in one scanning direction. The non-coplanar tomosynthesis acquired 62 projections over 30 degrees angular range in two scanning directions. A 3D image was reconstructed by iterative image reconstruction algorithm (ML-EM). Our qualitative method was to evaluate artifacts in tomosynthesis reconstructed image. The quantitative method was used to calculate a peak-to-valley ratio (PVR) that means the intensity ratio of the lesion to the background. We used PVRs to evaluate the contrast of lesions. The qualitative results showed that in the reconstructed image of non-coplanar scanning, anatomic structures of chest and lesions could be identified clearly and no significant artifacts of scanning direction dependent could be discovered. In 2D X-ray single projection, anatomic structures overlapped and lesions could not be discovered. In traditional tomosynthesis image, anatomic structures and lesions could be identified clearly, but there were many artifacts of scanning direction dependent. The quantitative results of PVRs show that there were no significant differences between non-coplanar tomosynthesis and traditional tomosynthesis. The PVRs of the non-coplanar technique were slightly higher than traditional technique in 5 mm and 8 mm lesions. In non-coplanar tomosynthesis, artifacts of scanning direction dependent could be reduced and PVRs of lesions were not decreased. The reconstructed image was more isotropic uniformity in non-coplanar tomosynthesis than in traditional tomosynthesis. In the future, scan strategy and scan time will be the challenges of non-coplanar imaging technique.Keywords: image reconstruction, non-coplanar imaging technique, tomosynthesis, X-ray imaging
Procedia PDF Downloads 3703773 Toehold Mediated Shape Transition of Nucleic Acid Nanoparticles
Authors: Emil F. Khisamutdinov
Development of functional materials undergoing structural transformations in response to an external stimulus such as environmental changes (pH, temperature, etc.), the presence of particular proteins, or short oligonucleotides are of great interest for a variety of applications ranging from medicine to electronics. The dynamic operations of most nucleic acid (NA) devices, including circuits, nano-machines, and biosensors, rely on networks of NA strand displacement processes in which an external or stimulus strand displaces a target strand from a DNA or RNA duplex. The rate of strand displacement can be greatly increased by the use of “toeholds,” single-stranded regions of the target complex to which the invading strand can bind to initiate the reaction, forming additional base pairs that provide a thermodynamic driving force for transformation. Herein, we developed a highly robust nanoparticle shape transition, sequentially transforming DNA polygons from one shape to another using the toehold-mediated DNA strand displacement technique. The shape transformation was confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis and atomic force microscopy. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our approach is applicable for RNA shape transformation from triangle to square, which can be detected by fluorescence emission from malachite green binding RNA aptamer. Using gel-shift and fluorescence assays, we demonstrated efficient transformation occurs at isothermal conditions (37°C) that can be implemented within living cells as reporter molecules. This work is intended to provide a simple, cost-effective, and straightforward model for the development of biosensors and regulatory devices in nucleic acid nanotechnology.Keywords: RNA nanotechnology, bionanotechnology, toehold mediated DNA switch, RNA split fluorogenic aptamers
Procedia PDF Downloads 813772 Non-Local Simultaneous Sparse Unmixing for Hyperspectral Data
Authors: Fanqiang Kong, Chending Bian
Sparse unmixing is a promising approach in a semisupervised fashion by assuming that the observed pixels of a hyperspectral image can be expressed in the form of linear combination of only a few pure spectral signatures (end members) in an available spectral library. However, the sparse unmixing problem still remains a great challenge at finding the optimal subset of endmembers for the observed data from a large standard spectral library, without considering the spatial information. Under such circumstances, a sparse unmixing algorithm termed as non-local simultaneous sparse unmixing (NLSSU) is presented. In NLSSU, the non-local simultaneous sparse representation method for endmember selection of sparse unmixing, is used to finding the optimal subset of endmembers for the similar image patch set in the hyperspectral image. And then, the non-local means method, as a regularizer for abundance estimation of sparse unmixing, is used to exploit the abundance image non-local self-similarity. Experimental results on both simulated and real data demonstrate that NLSSU outperforms the other algorithms, with a better spectral unmixing accuracy.Keywords: hyperspectral unmixing, simultaneous sparse representation, sparse regression, non-local means
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