Search results for: digital connection
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 4017

Search results for: digital connection

297 Internet of Things in Higher Education: Implications for Students with Disabilities

Authors: Scott Hollier, Ruchi Permvattana


The purpose of this abstract is to share the findings of a recently completed disability-related Internet of Things (IoT) project undertaken at Curtin University in Australia. The project focused on identifying how IoT could support people with disabilities with their educational outcomes. To achieve this, the research consisted of an analysis of current literature and interviews conducted with students with vision, hearing, mobility and print disabilities. While the research acknowledged the ability to collect data with IoT is now a fairly common occurrence, its benefits and applicability still need to be grounded back into real-world applications. Furthermore, it is important to consider if there are sections of our society that may benefit from these developments and if those benefits are being fully realised in a rush by large companies to achieve IoT dominance for their particular product or digital ecosystem. In this context, it is important to consider a group which, to our knowledge, has had little specific mainstream focus in the IoT area –people with disabilities. For people with disabilities, the ability for every device to interact with us and with each other has the potential to yield significant benefits. In terms of engagement, the arrival of smart appliances is already offering benefits such as the ability for a person in a wheelchair to give verbal commands to an IoT-enabled washing machine if the buttons are out of reach, or for a blind person to receive a notification on a smartphone when dinner has finished cooking in an IoT-enabled microwave. With clear benefits of IoT being identified for people with disabilities, it is important to also identify what implications there are for education. With higher education being a critical pathway for many people with disabilities in finding employment, the question as to whether such technologies can support the educational outcomes of people with disabilities was what ultimately led to this research project. This research will discuss several significant findings that have emerged from the research in relation to how consumer-based IoT can be used in the classroom to support the learning needs of students with disabilities, how industrial-based IoT sensors and actuators can be used to monitor and improve the real-time learning outcomes for the delivery of lectures and student engagement, and a proposed method for students to gain more control over their learning environment. The findings shared in this presentation are likely to have significant implications for the use of IoT in the classroom through the implementation of affordable and accessible IoT solutions and will provide guidance as to how policies can be developed as the implications of both benefits and risks continue to be considered by educators.

Keywords: disability, higher education, internet of things, students

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296 Design and Control of a Brake-by-Wire System Using a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

Authors: Daniel S. Gamba, Marc Sánchez, Javier Pérez, Juan J. Castillo, Juan A. Cabrera


The conventional hydraulic braking system operates through the activation of a master cylinder and solenoid valves that distribute and regulate brake fluid flow, adjusting the pressure at each wheel to prevent locking during sudden braking. However, in recent years, there has been a significant increase in the integration of electronic units into various vehicle control systems. In this context, one of the technologies most recently researched is the Brake-by-wire system, which combines electronic, hydraulic, and mechanical technologies to manage braking. This proposal introduces the design and control of a Brake-by-wire system, which will be part of a fully electric and teleoperated vehicle. This vehicle will have independent four-wheel drive, braking, and steering systems. The vehicle will be operated by embedded controllers programmed into a Speedgoat test system, which allows programming through Simulink and real-time capabilities. The braking system comprises all mechanical and electrical components, a vehicle control unit (VCU), and an electronic control unit (ECU). The mechanical and electrical components include a permanent magnet synchronous motor from Odrive and its inverter, the mechanical transmission system responsible for converting torque into pressure, and the hydraulic system that transmits this pressure to the brake caliper. The VCU is responsible for controlling the pressure and communicates with the other components through the CAN protocol, minimizing response times. The ECU, in turn, transmits the information obtained by a sensor installed in the caliper to the central computer, enabling the control loop to continuously regulate pressure by controlling the motor's speed and current. To achieve this, tree controllers are used, operating in a nested configuration for effective control. Since the computer allows programming in Simulink, a digital model of the braking system has been developed in Simscape, which makes it possible to reproduce different operating conditions, faithfully simulate the performance of alternative brake control systems, and compare the results with data obtained in various real tests. These tests involve evaluating the system's response to sinusoidal and square wave inputs at different frequencies, with the results compared to those obtained from conventional braking systems.

Keywords: braking, CAN protocol, permanent magnet motor, pressure control

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295 A Cognitive Training Program in Learning Disability: A Program Evaluation and Follow-Up Study

Authors: Krisztina Bohacs, Klaudia Markus


To author’s best knowledge we are in absence of studies on cognitive program evaluation and we are certainly short of programs that prove to have high effect sizes with strong retention results. The purpose of our study was to investigate the effectiveness of a comprehensive cognitive training program, namely BrainRx. This cognitive rehabilitation program target and remediate seven core cognitive skills and related systems of sub-skills through repeated engagement in game-like mental procedures delivered one-on-one by a clinician, supplemented by digital training. A larger sample of children with learning disability were given pretest and post-test cognitive assessments. The experimental group completed a twenty-week cognitive training program in a BrainRx center. A matched control group received another twenty-week intervention with Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment programs. A second matched control group did not receive training. As for pre- and post-test, we used a general intelligence test to assess IQ and a computer-based test battery for assessing cognition across the lifespan. Multiple regression analyses indicated that the experimental BrainRx treatment group had statistically significant higher outcomes in attention, working memory, processing speed, logic and reasoning, auditory processing, visual processing and long-term memory compared to the non-treatment control group with very large effect sizes. With the exception of logic and reasoning, the BrainRx treatment group realized significantly greater gains in six of the above given seven cognitive measures compared to the Feuerstein control group. Our one-year retention measures showed that all the cognitive training gains were above ninety percent with the greatest retention skills in visual processing, auditory processing, logic, and reasoning. The BrainRx program may be an effective tool to establish long-term cognitive changes in case of students with learning disabilities. Recommendations are made for treatment centers and special education institutions on the cognitive training of students with special needs. The importance of our study is that targeted, systematic, progressively loaded and intensive brain training approach may significantly change learning disabilities.

Keywords: cognitive rehabilitation training, cognitive skills, learning disability, permanent structural cognitive changes

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294 Variables, Annotation, and Metadata Schemas for Early Modern Greek

Authors: Eleni Karantzola, Athanasios Karasimos, Vasiliki Makri, Ioanna Skouvara


Historical linguistics unveils the historical depth of languages and traces variation and change by analyzing linguistic variables over time. This field of linguistics usually deals with a closed data set that can only be expanded by the (re)discovery of previously unknown manuscripts or editions. In some cases, it is possible to use (almost) the entire closed corpus of a language for research, as is the case with the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae digital library for Ancient Greek, which contains most of the extant ancient Greek literature. However, concerning ‘dynamic’ periods when the production and circulation of texts in printed as well as manuscript form have not been fully mapped, representative samples and corpora of texts are needed. Such material and tools are utterly lacking for Early Modern Greek (16th-18th c.). In this study, the principles of the creation of EMoGReC, a pilot representative corpus of Early Modern Greek (16th-18th c.) are presented. Its design follows the fundamental principles of historical corpora. The selection of texts aims to create a representative and balanced corpus that gives insight into diachronic, diatopic and diaphasic variation. The pilot sample includes data derived from fully machine-readable vernacular texts, which belong to 4-5 different textual genres and come from different geographical areas. We develop a hierarchical linguistic annotation scheme, further customized to fit the characteristics of our text corpus. Regarding variables and their variants, we use as a point of departure the bundle of twenty-four features (or categories of features) for prose demotic texts of the 16th c. Tags are introduced bearing the variants [+old/archaic] or [+novel/vernacular]. On the other hand, further phenomena that are underway (cf. The Cambridge Grammar of Medieval and Early Modern Greek) are selected for tagging. The annotated texts are enriched with metalinguistic and sociolinguistic metadata to provide a testbed for the development of the first comprehensive set of tools for the Greek language of that period. Based on a relational management system with interconnection of data, annotations, and their metadata, the EMoGReC database aspires to join a state-of-the-art technological ecosystem for the research of observed language variation and change using advanced computational approaches.

Keywords: early modern Greek, variation and change, representative corpus, diachronic variables.

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293 Flash Flood in Gabes City (Tunisia): Hazard Mapping and Vulnerability Assessment

Authors: Habib Abida, Noura Dahri


Flash floods are among the most serious natural hazards that have disastrous environmental and human impacts. They are associated with exceptional rain events, characterized by short durations, very high intensities, rapid flows and small spatial extent. Flash floods happen very suddenly and are difficult to forecast. They generally cause damage to agricultural crops and property, infrastructures, and may even result in the loss of human lives. The city of Gabes (South-eastern Tunisia) has been exposed to numerous damaging floods because of its mild topography, clay soil, high urbanization rate and erratic rainfall distribution. The risks associated with this situation are expected to increase further in the future because of climate change, deemed responsible for the increase of the frequency and the severity of this natural hazard. Recently, exceptional events hit Gabes City causing death and major property losses. A major flooding event hit the region on June 2nd, 2014, causing human deaths and major material losses. It resulted in the stagnation of storm water in the numerous low zones of the study area, endangering thereby human health and causing disastrous environmental impacts. The characterization of flood risk in Gabes Watershed (South-eastern Tunisia) is considered an important step for flood management. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method coupled with Monte Carlo simulation and geographic information system were applied to delineate and characterize flood areas. A spatial database was developed based on geological map, digital elevation model, land use, and rainfall data in order to evaluate the different factors susceptible to affect flood analysis. Results obtained were validated by remote sensing data for the zones that showed very high flood hazard during the extreme rainfall event of June 2014 that hit the study basin. Moreover, a survey was conducted from different areas of the city in order to understand and explore the different causes of this disaster, its extent and its consequences.

Keywords: analytical hierarchy process, flash floods, Gabes, remote sensing, Tunisia

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292 Large-Scale Simulations of Turbulence Using Discontinuous Spectral Element Method

Authors: A. Peyvan, D. Li, J. Komperda, F. Mashayek


Turbulence can be observed in a variety fluid motions in nature and industrial applications. Recent investment in high-speed aircraft and propulsion systems has revitalized fundamental research on turbulent flows. In these systems, capturing chaotic fluid structures with different length and time scales is accomplished through the Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) approach since it accurately simulates flows down to smallest dissipative scales, i.e., Kolmogorov’s scales. The discontinuous spectral element method (DSEM) is a high-order technique that uses spectral functions for approximating the solution. The DSEM code has been developed by our research group over the course of more than two decades. Recently, the code has been improved to run large cases in the order of billions of solution points. Running big simulations requires a considerable amount of RAM. Therefore, the DSEM code must be highly parallelized and able to start on multiple computational nodes on an HPC cluster with distributed memory. However, some pre-processing procedures, such as determining global element information, creating a global face list, and assigning global partitioning and element connection information of the domain for communication, must be done sequentially with a single processing core. A separate code has been written to perform the pre-processing procedures on a local machine. It stores the minimum amount of information that is required for the DSEM code to start in parallel, extracted from the mesh file, into text files (pre-files). It packs integer type information with a Stream Binary format in pre-files that are portable between machines. The files are generated to ensure fast read performance on different file-systems, such as Lustre and General Parallel File System (GPFS). A new subroutine has been added to the DSEM code to read the startup files using parallel MPI I/O, for Lustre, in a way that each MPI rank acquires its information from the file in parallel. In case of GPFS, in each computational node, a single MPI rank reads data from the file, which is specifically generated for the computational node, and send them to other ranks on the node using point to point non-blocking MPI communication. This way, communication takes place locally on each node and signals do not cross the switches of the cluster. The read subroutine has been tested on Argonne National Laboratory’s Mira (GPFS), National Center for Supercomputing Application’s Blue Waters (Lustre), San Diego Supercomputer Center’s Comet (Lustre), and UIC’s Extreme (Lustre). The tests showed that one file per node is suited for GPFS and parallel MPI I/O is the best choice for Lustre file system. The DSEM code relies on heavily optimized linear algebra operation such as matrix-matrix and matrix-vector products for calculation of the solution in every time-step. For this, the code can either make use of its matrix math library, BLAS, Intel MKL, or ATLAS. This fact and the discontinuous nature of the method makes the DSEM code run efficiently in parallel. The results of weak scaling tests performed on Blue Waters showed a scalable and efficient performance of the code in parallel computing.

Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, direct numerical simulation, spectral element, turbulent flow

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291 Shoreline Variation with Construction of a Pair of Training Walls, Ponnani Inlet, Kerala, India

Authors: Jhoga Parth, T. Nasar, K. V. Anand


An idealized definition of shoreline is that it is the zone of coincidence of three spheres such as atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere. Despite its apparent simplicity, this definition in practice a challenge to apply. In reality, the shoreline location deviates continually through time, because of various dynamic factors such as wave characteristics, currents, coastal orientation and the bathymetry, which makes the shoreline volatile. This necessitates us to monitor the shoreline in a temporal basis. If shoreline’s nature is understood at particular coastal stretch, it need not be the same trend at the other location, though belonging to the same sea front. Shoreline change is hence a local phenomenon and has to be studied with great intensity considering as many factors involved as possible. Erosion and accretion of sediment are such natures of a shoreline, which needs to be quantified by comparing with its predeceasing variations and understood before implementing any coastal projects. In recent years, advent of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) acts as an emerging tool to quantify the intra and inter annual sediment rate getting accreted or deposited compared to other conventional methods in regards with time was taken and man power. Remote sensing data, on the other hand, paves way to acquire historical sets of data where field data is unavailable with a higher resolution. Short term and long term period shoreline change can be accurately tracked and monitored using a software residing in GIS - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) developed by United States Geological Survey (USGS). In the present study, using DSAS, End Point Rate (EPR) is calculated analyze the intra-annual changes, and Linear Rate Regression (LRR) is adopted to study inter annual changes of shoreline. The shoreline changes are quantified for the scenario during the construction of breakwater in Ponnani river inlet along Kerala coast, India. Ponnani is a major fishing and landing center located 10°47’12.81”N and 75°54’38.62”E in Malappuram district of Kerala, India. The rate of erosion and accretion is explored using satellite and field data. The full paper contains the rate of change of shoreline, and its analysis would provide us understanding the behavior of the inlet at the study area during the construction of the training walls.

Keywords: DSAS, end point rate, field measurements, geo-informatics, shoreline variation

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290 A Method and System for Secure Authentication Using One Time QR Code

Authors: Divyans Mahansaria


User authentication is an important security measure for protecting confidential data and systems. However, the vulnerability while authenticating into a system has significantly increased. Thus, necessary mechanisms must be deployed during the process of authenticating a user to safeguard him/her from the vulnerable attacks. The proposed solution implements a novel authentication mechanism to counter various forms of security breach attacks including phishing, Trojan horse, replay, key logging, Asterisk logging, shoulder surfing, brute force search and others. QR code (Quick Response Code) is a type of matrix barcode or two-dimensional barcode that can be used for storing URLs, text, images and other information. In the proposed solution, during each new authentication request, a QR code is dynamically generated and presented to the user. A piece of generic information is mapped to plurality of elements and stored within the QR code. The mapping of generic information with plurality of elements, randomizes in each new login, and thus the QR code generated for each new authentication request is for one-time use only. In order to authenticate into the system, the user needs to decode the QR code using any QR code decoding software. The QR code decoding software needs to be installed on handheld mobile devices such as smartphones, personal digital assistant (PDA), etc. On decoding the QR code, the user will be presented a mapping between the generic piece of information and plurality of elements using which the user needs to derive cipher secret information corresponding to his/her actual password. Now, in place of the actual password, the user will use this cipher secret information to authenticate into the system. The authentication terminal will receive the cipher secret information and use a validation engine that will decipher the cipher secret information. If the entered secret information is correct, the user will be provided access to the system. Usability study has been carried out on the proposed solution, and the new authentication mechanism was found to be easy to learn and adapt. Mathematical analysis of the time taken to carry out brute force attack on the proposed solution has been carried out. The result of mathematical analysis showed that the solution is almost completely resistant to brute force attack. Today’s standard methods for authentication are subject to a wide variety of software, hardware, and human attacks. The proposed scheme can be very useful in controlling the various types of authentication related attacks especially in a networked computer environment where the use of username and password for authentication is common.

Keywords: authentication, QR code, cipher / decipher text, one time password, secret information

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289 Fracture Toughness Characterizations of Single Edge Notch (SENB) Testing Using DIC System

Authors: Amr Mohamadien, Ali Imanpour, Sylvester Agbo, Nader Yoosef-Ghodsi, Samer Adeeb


The fracture toughness resistance curve (e.g., J-R curve and crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) or δ-R curve) is important in facilitating strain-based design and integrity assessment of oil and gas pipelines. This paper aims to present laboratory experimental data to characterize the fracture behavior of pipeline steel. The influential parameters associated with the fracture of API 5L X52 pipeline steel, including different initial crack sizes, were experimentally investigated for a single notch edge bend (SENB). A total of 9 small-scale specimens with different crack length to specimen depth ratios were conducted and tested using single edge notch bending (SENB). ASTM E1820 and BS7448 provide testing procedures to construct the fracture resistance curve (Load-CTOD, CTOD-R, or J-R) from test results. However, these procedures are limited by standard specimens’ dimensions, displacement gauges, and calibration curves. To overcome these limitations, this paper presents the use of small-scale specimens and a 3D-digital image correlation (DIC) system to extract the parameters required for fracture toughness estimation. Fracture resistance curve parameters in terms of crack mouth open displacement (CMOD), crack tip opening displacement (CTOD), and crack growth length (∆a) were carried out from test results by utilizing the DIC system, and an improved regression fitting resistance function (CTOD Vs. crack growth), or (J-integral Vs. crack growth) that is dependent on a variety of initial crack sizes was constructed and presented. The obtained results were compared to the available results of the classical physical measurement techniques, and acceptable matchings were observed. Moreover, a case study was implemented to estimate the maximum strain value that initiates the stable crack growth. This might be of interest to developing more accurate strain-based damage models. The results of laboratory testing in this study offer a valuable database to develop and validate damage models that are able to predict crack propagation of pipeline steel, accounting for the influential parameters associated with fracture toughness.

Keywords: fracture toughness, crack propagation in pipeline steels, CTOD-R, strain-based damage model

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288 Manufacturing and Calibration of Material Standards for Optical Microscopy in Industrial Environments

Authors: Alberto Mínguez-Martínez, Jesús De Vicente Y Oliva


It seems that we live in a world in which the trend in industrial environments is the miniaturization of systems and materials and the fabrication of parts at the micro-and nano-scale. The problem arises when manufacturers want to study the quality of their production. This characteristic is becoming crucial due to the evolution of the industry and the development of Industry 4.0. As Industry 4.0 is based on digital models of production and processes, having accurate measurements becomes capital. At this point, the metrology field plays an important role as it is a powerful tool to ensure more stable production to reduce scrap and the cost of non-conformities. The most extended measuring instruments that allow us to carry out accurate measurements at these scales are optical microscopes, whether they are traditional, confocal, focus variation microscopes, profile projectors, or any other similar measurement system. However, the accuracy of measurements is connected to the traceability of them to the SI unit of length (the meter). The fact of providing adequate traceability to 2D and 3D dimensional measurements at micro-and nano-scale in industrial environments is a problem that is being studied, and it does not have a unique answer. In addition, if commercial material standards for micro-and nano-scale are considered, we can find that there are two main problems. On the one hand, those material standards that could be considered complete and very interesting do not give traceability of dimensional measurements and, on the other hand, their calibration is very expensive. This situation implies that these kinds of standards will not succeed in industrial environments and, as a result, they will work in the absence of traceability. To solve this problem in industrial environments, it becomes necessary to have material standards that are easy to use, agile, adaptive to different forms, cheap to manufacture and, of course, traceable to the definition of meter with simple methods. By using these ‘customized standards’, it would be possible to adapt and design measuring procedures for each application and manufacturers will work with some traceability. It is important to note that, despite the fact that this traceability is clearly incomplete, this situation is preferable to working in the absence of it. Recently, it has been demonstrated the versatility and the utility of using laser technology and other AM technologies to manufacture customized material standards. In this paper, the authors propose to manufacture a customized material standard using an ultraviolet laser system and a method to calibrate it. To conclude, the results of the calibration carried out in an accredited dimensional metrology laboratory are presented.

Keywords: industrial environment, material standards, optical measuring instrument, traceability

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287 Commitment Dynamics: Generational Variations in Romantic Relationships among Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z

Authors: Ispreha Bailung


Background: Romantic commitment has evolved across generations, influenced by societal, cultural, and technological changes. This study explores how Generation X, Millennials, and Gen Z perceive, develop, and sustain commitment, with a focus on family, society, and technology. The objectives are to uncover generational differences, identify barriers to commitment, and examine cultural influences, offering insights to foster healthier relationships in a shifting world. Method: A phenomenological approach was used to examine generational differences in romantic commitment dynamics. Fifteen participants (five from each generation) were recruited online. Inclusion criteria required participants to identify with a specified generation and have romantic relationship experience. Semi-structured interviews (60–90 minutes) were conducted, focusing on personal experiences, values, and technology's influence on commitment. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed thematically. Ethical protocols ensured participant well-being and data integrity. Findings: Generational shifts in commitment were observed, with Gen X emphasizing traditional values like marriage and loyalty, Millennials balancing tradition with personal fulfillment, and Gen Z prioritizing autonomy and mental well-being. Technology, such as dating apps and social media, created option overload and skepticism about authenticity. Despite increasing individualization, family influence remained significant. Key barriers to commitment included emotional detachment, career priorities, and trust issues, reflecting a broader shift toward more flexible and individualized relationships. Conclusion: This study provides valuable insights into generational differences in commitment dynamics, highlighting shifts in how commitment is viewed and enacted. While the study contributes to understanding evolving perspectives, the findings are limited by a small sample size, potential cultural biases, and the short-term nature of the research, limiting generalizability. Future Implications: Future research should focus on cross-cultural and longitudinal studies to track changes in commitment perceptions. Examining digital communication’s impact on relationship satisfaction and exploring new frameworks for assessing relationship success will further inform understanding and policymaking in the context of evolving romantic dynamics.

Keywords: generational differences, commitment dynamics, romantic relationships, emotional compatibility, social media

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286 Development of an Asset Database to Enhance the Circular Business Models for the European Solar Industry: A Design Science Research Approach

Authors: Ässia Boukhatmi, Roger Nyffenegger


The expansion of solar energy as a means to address the climate crisis is undisputed, but the increasing number of new photovoltaic (PV) modules being put on the market is simultaneously leading to increased challenges in terms of managing the growing waste stream. Many of the discarded modules are still fully functional but are often damaged by improper handling after disassembly or not properly tested to be considered for a second life. In addition, the collection rate for dismantled PV modules in several European countries is only a fraction of previous projections, partly due to the increased number of illegal exports. The underlying problem for those market imperfections is an insufficient data exchange between the different actors along the PV value chain, as well as the limited traceability of PV panels during their lifetime. As part of the Horizon 2020 project CIRCUSOL, an asset database prototype was developed to tackle the described problems. In an iterative process applying the design science research methodology, different business models, as well as the technical implementation of the database, were established and evaluated. To explore the requirements of different stakeholders for the development of the database, surveys and in-depth interviews were conducted with various representatives of the solar industry. The proposed database prototype maps the entire value chain of PV modules, beginning with the digital product passport, which provides information about materials and components contained in every module. Product-related information can then be expanded with performance data of existing installations. This information forms the basis for the application of data analysis methods to forecast the appropriate end-of-life strategy, as well as the circular economy potential of PV modules, already before they arrive at the recycling facility. The database prototype could already be enriched with data from different data sources along the value chain. From a business model perspective, the database offers opportunities both in the area of reuse as well as with regard to the certification of sustainable modules. Here, participating actors have the opportunity to differentiate their business and exploit new revenue streams. Future research can apply this approach to further industry and product sectors, validate the database prototype in a practical context, and can serve as a basis for standardization efforts to strengthen the circular economy.

Keywords: business model, circular economy, database, design science research, solar industry

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285 Analysis of Urban Flooding in Wazirabad Catchment of Kabul City with Help of Geo-SWMM

Authors: Fazli Rahim Shinwari, Ulrich Dittmer


Like many megacities around the world, Kabul is facing severe problems due to the rising frequency of urban flooding. Since 2001, Kabul is experiencing rapid population growth because of the repatriation of refugees and internal migration. Due to unplanned development, green areas inside city and hilly areas within and around the city are converted into new housing towns that had increased runoff. Trenches along the roadside comprise the unplanned drainage network of the city that drains the combined sewer flow. In rainy season overflow occurs, and after streets become dry, the dust particles contaminate the air which is a major cause of air pollution in Kabul city. In this study, a stormwater management model is introduced as a basis for a systematic approach to urban drainage planning in Kabul. For this purpose, Kabul city is delineated into 8 watersheds with the help of one-meter resolution LIDAR DEM. Storm, water management model, is developed for Wazirabad catchment by using available data and literature values. Due to lack of long term metrological data, the model is only run for hourly rainfall data of a rain event that occurred in April 2016. The rain event from 1st to 3rd April with maximum intensity of 3mm/hr caused huge flooding in Wazirabad Catchment of Kabul City. Model-estimated flooding at some points of the catchment as an actual measurement of flooding was not possible; results were compared with information obtained from local people, Kabul Municipality and Capital Region Independent Development Authority. The model helped to identify areas where flooding occurred because of less capacity of drainage system and areas where the main reason for flooding is due to blockage in the drainage canals. The model was used for further analysis to find a sustainable solution to the problem. The option to construct new canals was analyzed, and two new canals were proposed that will reduce the flooding frequency in Wazirabad catchment of Kabul city. By developing the methodology to develop a stormwater management model from digital data and information, the study had fulfilled the primary objective, and similar methodology can be used for other catchments of Kabul city to prepare an emergency and long-term plan for drainage system of Kabul city.

Keywords: urban hydrology, storm water management, modeling, SWMM, GEO-SWMM, GIS, identification of flood vulnerable areas, urban flooding analysis, sustainable urban drainage

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284 A Service Evaluation Exploring the Effectiveness of a Tier 3 Weight Management Programme Offering Face-To-Face and Remote Dietetic Support

Authors: Rosemary E. Huntriss, Lucy Jones


Obesity and excess weight continue to be significant health problems in England. Traditional weight management programmes offer face-to-face support or group education. Remote care is recognised as a viable means of support; however, its effectiveness has not previously been evaluated in a tier 3 weight management setting. This service evaluation explored the effectiveness of online coaching, telephone support, and face-to-face support as optional management strategies within a tier 3 weight management programme. Outcome data were collected for adults with a BMI ≥ 45 or ≥ 40 with complex comorbidity who were referred to a Tier 3 weight management programme from January 2018 and had been discharged before October 2018. Following an initial 45-minute consultation with a specialist weight management dietitian, patients were offered a choice of follow-up support in the form of online coaching supported by an app (8 x 15 minutes coaching), face-to-face or telephone appointments (4 x 30 minutes). All patients were invited to a final 30-minute face-to-face assessment. The planned intervention time was between 12 and 24 weeks. Patients were offered access to adjunct face-to-face or telephone psychological support. One hundred and thirty-nine patients were referred into the programme from January 2018 and discharged before October 2018. One hundred and twenty-four patients (89%) attended their initial assessment. Out of those who attended their initial assessment, 110 patients (88.0%) completed more than half of the programme and 77 patients (61.6%) completed all sessions. The average length of the completed programme (all sessions) was 17.2 (SD 4.2) weeks. Eighty-five (68.5%) patients were coached online, 28 (22.6%) patients were supported face-to-face support, and 11 (8.9%) chose telephone support. Two patients changed from online coaching to face-to-face support due to personal preference and were included in the face-to-face group for analysis. For those with data available (n=106), average weight loss across the programme was 4.85 (SD 3.49)%; average weight loss was 4.70 (SD 3.19)% for online coaching, 4.83 (SD 4.13)% for face-to-face support, and 6.28 (SD 4.15)% for telephone support. There was no significant difference between weight loss achieved with face-to-face vs. online coaching (4.83 (SD 4.13)% vs 4.70 (SD 3.19) (p=0.87) or face-to-face vs. remote support (online coaching and telephone support combined) (4.83 (SD 4.13)% vs 4.85 (SD 3.30)%) (p=0.98). Remote support has been shown to be as effective as face-to-face support provided by a dietitian in the short-term within a tier 3 weight management setting. The completion rates were high compared with another tier 3 weight management services suggesting that offering remote support as an option may improve completion rates within a weight management service.

Keywords: dietitian, digital health, obesity, weight management

Procedia PDF Downloads 142
283 Assessment of Sediment Control Characteristics of Notches in Different Sediment Transport Regimes

Authors: Chih Ming Tseng


Landslides during typhoons that generate substantial amounts of sediment and subsequent rainfall can trigger various types of sediment transport regimes, such as debris flows, high-concentration sediment-laden flows, and typical river sediment transport. This study aims to investigate the sediment control characteristics of natural notches within different sediment transport regimes. High-resolution digital terrain models were used to establish the relationship between slope gradients and catchment areas, which were then used to delineate distinct sediment transport regimes and analyze the sediment control characteristics of notches within these regimes. The research results indicate that the catchment areas of Aiyuzi Creek, Hossa Creek, and Chushui Creek in the study region can be clearly categorized into three sediment transport regimes based on the slope-area relationship curves: frequent collapse headwater areas, debris flow zones, and high-concentration sediment-laden flow zones. The threshold for transitioning from the collapse zone to the debris flow zone in the Aiyuzi Creek catchment is lower compared to Hossa Creek and Chushui Creek, suggesting that the active collapse processes in the upper reaches of Aiyuzi Creek continuously supply a significant sediment source, making it more susceptible to subsequent debris flow events. Moreover, the analysis of sediment trapping efficiency at notches within different sediment transport regimes reveals that as the notch constriction ratio increases, the sediment accumulation per unit area also increases. The accumulation thickness per unit area in high-concentration sediment-laden flow zones is greater than in debris flow zones, indicating differences in sediment deposition characteristics among various sediment transport regimes. Regarding sediment control rates at notches, there is a generally positive correlation with the notch constriction ratio. During the 2009 Morakot Typhoon, the substantial sediment supply from slope failures in the upstream catchment led to an oversupplied sediment transport condition in the river channel. Consequently, sediment control rates were more pronounced during medium and small sediment transport events between 2010 and 2015. However, there were no significant differences in sediment control rates among the different sediment transport regimes at notches. Overall, this research provides valuable insights into the sediment control characteristics of notches under various sediment transport conditions, which can aid in the development of improved sediment management strategies in watersheds.

Keywords: landslide, debris flow, notch, sediment control, DTM, slope–area relation

Procedia PDF Downloads 35
282 Enhancing Tower Crane Safety: A UAV-based Intelligent Inspection Approach

Authors: Xin Jiao, Xin Zhang, Jian Fan, Zhenwei Cai, Yiming Xu


Tower cranes play a crucial role in the construction industry, facilitating the vertical and horizontal movement of materials and aiding in building construction, especially for high-rise structures. However, tower crane accidents can lead to severe consequences, highlighting the importance of effective safety management and inspection. This paper presents an innovative approach to tower crane inspection utilizing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and an Intelligent Inspection APP System. The system leverages UAVs equipped with high-definition cameras to conduct efficient and comprehensive inspections, reducing manual labor, inspection time, and risk. By integrating advanced technologies such as Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning and digital image processing, the system enables precise route planning and collection of safety hazards images. A case study conducted on a construction site demonstrates the practicality and effectiveness of the proposed method, showcasing its potential to enhance tower crane safety. On-site testing of UAV intelligent inspections reveals key findings: efficient tower crane hazard inspection within 30 minutes, with a full-identification capability coverage rates of 76.3%, 64.8%, and 76.2% for major, significant, and general hazards respectively and a preliminary-identification capability coverage rates of 18.5%, 27.2%, and 19%, respectively. Notably, UAVs effectively identify various tower crane hazards, except for those requiring auditory detection. The limitations of this study primarily involve two aspects: Firstly, during the initial inspection, manual drone piloting is required for marking tower crane points, followed by automated flight inspections and reuse based on the marked route. Secondly, images captured by the drone necessitate manual identification and review, which can be time-consuming for equipment management personnel, particularly when dealing with a large volume of images. Subsequent research efforts will focus on AI training and recognition of safety hazard images, as well as the automatic generation of inspection reports and corrective management based on recognition results. The ongoing development in this area is currently in progress, and outcomes will be released at an appropriate time.

Keywords: tower crane, inspection, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), intelligent inspection app system, safety management

Procedia PDF Downloads 43
281 Flexible, Hydrophobic and Mechanical Strong Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride): Carbon Nanotube Composite Films for Strain-Sensing Applications

Authors: Sudheer Kumar Gundati, Umasankar Patro


Carbon nanotube (CNT) – polymer composites have been extensively studied due to their exceptional electrical and mechanical properties. In the present study, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) – multi-walled CNT composites were prepared by melt-blending technique using pristine (ufCNT) and a modified dilute nitric acid-treated CNTs (fCNT). Due to this dilute acid-treatment, the fCNTs were found to show significantly improved dispersion and retained their electrical property. The fCNT showed an electrical percolation threshold (PT) of 0.15 wt% in the PVDF matrix as against 0.35 wt% for ufCNT. The composites were made into films of thickness ~0.3 mm by compression-molding and the resulting composite films were subjected to various property evaluations. It was found that the water contact angle (WCA) of the films increased with CNT weight content in composites and the composite film surface became hydrophobic (e.g., WCA ~104° for 4 wt% ufCNT and 111.5° for 0.5 wt% fCNT composites) in nature; while the neat PVDF film showed hydrophilic behavior (WCA ~68°). Significant enhancements in the mechanical properties were observed upon CNT incorporation and there is a progressive increase in the tensile strength and modulus with increase in CNT weight fraction in composites. The composite films were tested for strain-sensing applications. For this, a simple and non-destructive method was developed to demonstrate the strain-sensing properties of the composites films. In this method, the change in electrical resistance was measured using a digital multimeter by applying bending strain by oscillation. It was found that by applying dynamic bending strain, there is a systematic change in resistance and the films showed piezo-resistive behavior. Due to the high flexibility of these composite films, the change in resistance was reversible and found to be marginally affected, when large number of tests were performed using a single specimen. It is interesting to note that the composites with CNT content notwithstanding their type near the percolation threshold (PT) showed better strain-sensing properties as compared to the composites with CNT contents well-above the PT. On account of the excellent combination of the various properties, the composite films offer a great promise as strain-sensors for structural health-monitoring.

Keywords: carbon nanotubes, electrical percolation threshold, mechanical properties, poly(vinylidene fluoride), strain-sensor, water contact angle

Procedia PDF Downloads 246
280 Modelling High Strain Rate Tear Open Behavior of a Bilaminate Consisting of Foam and Plastic Skin Considering Tensile Failure and Compression

Authors: Laura Pytel, Georg Baumann, Gregor Gstrein, Corina Klug


Premium cars often coat the instrument panels with a bilaminate consisting of a soft foam and a plastic skin. The coating is torn open during the passenger airbag deployment under high strain rates. Characterizing and simulating the top coat layer is crucial for predicting the attenuation that delays the airbag deployment, effecting the design of the restrain system and to reduce the demand of simulation adjustments through expensive physical component testing.Up to now, bilaminates used within cars either have been modelled by using a two-dimensional shell formulation for the whole coating system as one which misses out the interaction of the two layers or by combining a three-dimensional formulation foam layer with a two-dimensional skin layer but omitting the foam in the significant parts like the expected tear line area and the hinge where high compression is expected. In both cases, the properties of the coating causing the attenuation are not considered. Further, at present, the availability of material information, as there are failure dependencies of the two layers, as well as the strain rate of up to 200 1/s, are insufficient. The velocity of the passenger airbag flap during an airbag shot has been measured with about 11.5 m/s during first ripping; the digital image correlation evaluation showed resulting strain rates of above 1500 1/s. This paper provides a high strain rate material characterization of a bilaminate consisting of a thin polypropylene foam and a thermoplasctic olefins (TPO) skin and the creation of validated material models. With the help of a Split Hopkinson tension bar, strain rates of 1500 1/s were within reach. The experimental data was used to calibrate and validate a more physical modelling approach of the forced ripping of the bilaminate. In the presented model, the three-dimensional foam layer is continuously tied to the two-dimensional skin layer, allowing failure in both layers at any possible position. The simulation results show a higher agreement in terms of the trajectory of the flaps and its velocity during ripping. The resulting attenuation of the airbag deployment measured by the contact force between airbag and flaps increases and serves usable data for dimensioning modules of an airbag system.

Keywords: bilaminate ripping behavior, High strain rate material characterization and modelling, induced material failure, TPO and foam

Procedia PDF Downloads 71
279 Assessing Online Learning Paths in an Learning Management Systems Using a Data Mining and Machine Learning Approach

Authors: Alvaro Figueira, Bruno Cabral


Nowadays, students are used to be assessed through an online platform. Educators have stepped up from a period in which they endured the transition from paper to digital. The use of a diversified set of question types that range from quizzes to open questions is currently common in most university courses. In many courses, today, the evaluation methodology also fosters the students’ online participation in forums, the download, and upload of modified files, or even the participation in group activities. At the same time, new pedagogy theories that promote the active participation of students in the learning process, and the systematic use of problem-based learning, are being adopted using an eLearning system for that purpose. However, although there can be a lot of feedback from these activities to student’s, usually it is restricted to the assessments of online well-defined tasks. In this article, we propose an automatic system that informs students of abnormal deviations of a 'correct' learning path in the course. Our approach is based on the fact that by obtaining this information earlier in the semester, may provide students and educators an opportunity to resolve an eventual problem regarding the student’s current online actions towards the course. Our goal is to prevent situations that have a significant probability to lead to a poor grade and, eventually, to failing. In the major learning management systems (LMS) currently available, the interaction between the students and the system itself is registered in log files in the form of registers that mark beginning of actions performed by the user. Our proposed system uses that logged information to derive new one: the time each student spends on each activity, the time and order of the resources used by the student and, finally, the online resource usage pattern. Then, using the grades assigned to the students in previous years, we built a learning dataset that is used to feed a machine learning meta classifier. The produced classification model is then used to predict the grades a learning path is heading to, in the current year. Not only this approach serves the teacher, but also the student to receive automatic feedback on her current situation, having past years as a perspective. Our system can be applied to online courses that integrate the use of an online platform that stores user actions in a log file, and that has access to other student’s evaluations. The system is based on a data mining process on the log files and on a self-feedback machine learning algorithm that works paired with the Moodle LMS.

Keywords: data mining, e-learning, grade prediction, machine learning, student learning path

Procedia PDF Downloads 123
278 Assessment of Hydrologic Response of a Naturalized Tropical Coastal Mangrove Ecosystem Due to Land Cover Change in an Urban Watershed

Authors: Bryan Clark B. Hernandez, Eugene C. Herrera, Kazuo Nadaoka


Mangrove forests thriving in intertidal zones in tropical and subtropical regions of the world offer a range of ecosystem services including carbon storage and sequestration. They can regulate the detrimental effects of climate change due to carbon releases two to four times greater than that of mature tropical rainforests. Moreover, they are effective natural defenses against storm surges and tsunamis. However, their proliferation depends significantly on the prevailing hydroperiod at the coast. In the Philippines, these coastal ecosystems have been severely threatened with a 50% decline in areal extent observed from 1918 to 2010. The highest decline occurred in 1950 - 1972 when national policies encouraged the development of fisheries and aquaculture. With the intensive land use conversion upstream, changes in the freshwater-saltwater envelope at the coast may considerably impact mangrove growth conditions. This study investigates a developing urban watershed in Kalibo, Aklan province with a 220-hectare mangrove forest replanted for over 30 years from coastal mudflats. Since then, the mangrove forest was sustainably conserved and declared as protected areas. Hybrid land cover classification technique was used to classify Landsat images for years, 1990, 2010, and 2017. Digital elevation model utilized was Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR) with a 5-meter resolution to delineate the watersheds. Using numerical modelling techniques, the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of the influence of land cover change to flow and sediment dynamics was simulated. While significant land cover change occurred upland, thereby increasing runoff and sediment loads, the mangrove forests abundance adjacent to the coasts for the urban watershed, was somehow sustained. However, significant alteration of the coastline was observed in Kalibo through the years, probably due to the massive land-use conversion upstream and significant replanting of mangroves downstream. Understanding the hydrologic-hydraulic response of these watersheds to change land cover is essential to helping local government and stakeholders facilitate better management of these mangrove ecosystems.

Keywords: coastal mangroves, hydrologic model, land cover change, Philippines

Procedia PDF Downloads 123
277 The Algerian Experience in Developing Higher Education in the Country in Light of Modern Technology: Challenges and Prospects

Authors: Mohammed Messaoudi


The higher education sector in Algeria has witnessed in recent years a remarkable transformation, as it witnessed the integration of institutions within the modern technological environment and harnessing all appropriate mechanisms to raise the level of education and the level of training. Observers and those interested that it is necessary for the Algerian university to enter this field, especially with the efforts that seek to employ modern technology in the sector and encourage investment in this field, in addition to the state’s keenness to move towards building a path to benefit from modern technology, and to encourage energies in light of a reality that carries many Aspirations and challenges by achieving openness to the new digital environment and keeping pace with the ranks of international universities. Higher education is one of the engines of development for societies, as it is a vital field for the transfer of knowledge and scientific expertise, and the university is at the top of the comprehensive educational system for various disciplines in light of the achievement of a multi-dimensional educational system, and amid the integration of three basic axes that establish the sound educational process (teaching, research, relevant outputs efficiency), and according to a clear strategy that monitors the advancement of academic work, and works on developing its future directions to achieve development in this field. The Algerian University is considered one of the service institutions that seeks to find the optimal mechanisms to keep pace with the changes of the times, as it has become necessary for the university to enter the technological space and thus ensure the quality of education in it and achieve the required empowerment by dedicating a structure that matches the requirements of the challenges on which the sector is based, amid unremitting efforts to develop the capabilities. He sought to harness the mechanisms of communication and information technology and achieve transformation at the level of the higher education sector with what is called higher education technology. The conceptual framework of information and communication technology at the level of higher education institutions in Algeria is determined through the factors of organization, factors of higher education institutions, characteristics of the professor, characteristics of students, the outcomes of the educational process, and there is a relentless pursuit to achieve a positive interaction between these axes as they are basic components on which the success and achievement of higher education are based for his goals.

Keywords: Information and communication technology, Algerian university, scientific and cognitive development, challenges

Procedia PDF Downloads 85
276 Start-Up: The Perception of Brazilian Entrepreneurs about the Start-Up Brasil Program

Authors: Fernando Nobre Cavalcante


In Brazil, and more recently in the city of Fortaleza, there is a new form of entrepreneurship that is focused on the information and communication technology service sector and that draws the attention of young people, investors, governments, authors and media companies: it is known as the start-up movement. Today, it is considered to be a driving force behind the creative economy. Rooted on progressive discourse, the words enterprise and innovation seduce new economic agents motivated by success stories from Silicon Valley in America along with increasing commercial activity for digital goods and services. This article assesses, from a sociological point of view, the new productive wave problematized by the light of Manuel Castells’ informational capitalism. Considering the skeptical as well as the optimistic opinions about the impact of this new entrepreneurial rearrangement, the following question is asked: How Brazilian entrepreneurs evaluate public policy incentives for startups Brazilian Federal Government? The raised hypotheses are based on employability factors as well as cultural, economical, and political matters related to innovation and technology. This study has produced a nationwide quantitative assessment with a special focus on the reality of these Ceará firms; as well as comparative qualitative interviews on Brazilian experiences lived by identified agents. This article outlines the public incentive policy of the federal government, the Start-up Brasil Program, from the perspective of these companies and provides details as to the discipline methods of the new enterprising way born in the United States. The startups are very young companies that are headed towards the economic sustainment of the productive sector services. These companies are dropping the seeds that will produce the re-enchantment of young people and bring them back to participation in political debate; they provide relief and reheats the job market; and they produce a democratization of the entrepreneurial ‘Do-It-Yourself’ culture. They capitalize the pivot of the wall street wolves and of agents being charged for new masks. There are developmental logic’s prophylaxis in the face of dreadful innovation stagnation. The lack of continuity in Brazilian governmental politics and cultural nuances related to entrepreneurship are barring the desired regional success of this ecosystem.

Keywords: creative economy, entrepreneurship, informationalism, innovation, startups, start-up brasil program

Procedia PDF Downloads 369
275 The Foundation Binary-Signals Mechanics and Actual-Information Model of Universe

Authors: Elsadig Naseraddeen Ahmed Mohamed


In contrast to the uncertainty and complementary principle, it will be shown in the present paper that the probability of the simultaneous occupation event of any definite values of coordinates by any definite values of momentum and energy at any definite instance of time can be described by a binary definite function equivalent to the difference between their numbers of occupation and evacuation epochs up to that time and also equivalent to the number of exchanges between those occupation and evacuation epochs up to that times modulus two, these binary definite quantities can be defined at all point in the time’s real-line so it form a binary signal represent a complete mechanical description of physical reality, the time of these exchanges represent the boundary of occupation and evacuation epochs from which we can calculate these binary signals using the fact that the time of universe events actually extends in the positive and negative of time’s real-line in one direction of extension when these number of exchanges increase, so there exists noninvertible transformation matrix can be defined as the matrix multiplication of invertible rotation matrix and noninvertible scaling matrix change the direction and magnitude of exchange event vector respectively, these noninvertible transformation will be called actual transformation in contrast to information transformations by which we can navigate the universe’s events transformed by actual transformations backward and forward in time’s real-line, so these information transformations will be derived as an elements of a group can be associated to their corresponded actual transformations. The actual and information model of the universe will be derived by assuming the existence of time instance zero before and at which there is no coordinate occupied by any definite values of momentum and energy, and then after that time, the universe begin its expanding in spacetime, this assumption makes the need for the existence of Laplace’s demon who at one moment can measure the positions and momentums of all constituent particle of the universe and then use the law of classical mechanics to predict all future and past of universe’s events, superfluous, we only need for the establishment of our analog to digital converters to sense the binary signals that determine the boundaries of occupation and evacuation epochs of the definite values of coordinates relative to its origin by the definite values of momentum and energy as present events of the universe from them we can predict approximately in high precision it's past and future events.

Keywords: binary-signal mechanics, actual-information model of the universe, actual-transformation, information-transformation, uncertainty principle, Laplace's demon

Procedia PDF Downloads 177
274 Groundwater Potential Mapping using Frequency Ratio and Shannon’s Entropy Models in Lesser Himalaya Zone, Nepal

Authors: Yagya Murti Aryal, Bipin Adhikari, Pradeep Gyawali


The Lesser Himalaya zone of Nepal consists of thrusting and folding belts, which play an important role in the sustainable management of groundwater in the Himalayan regions. The study area is located in the Dolakha and Ramechhap Districts of Bagmati Province, Nepal. Geologically, these districts are situated in the Lesser Himalayas and partly encompass the Higher Himalayan rock sequence, which includes low-grade to high-grade metamorphic rocks. Following the Gorkha Earthquake in 2015, numerous springs dried up, and many others are currently experiencing depletion due to the distortion of the natural groundwater flow. The primary objective of this study is to identify potential groundwater areas and determine suitable sites for artificial groundwater recharge. Two distinct statistical approaches were used to develop models: The Frequency Ratio (FR) and Shannon Entropy (SE) methods. The study utilized both primary and secondary datasets and incorporated significant role and controlling factors derived from field works and literature reviews. Field data collection involved spring inventory, soil analysis, lithology assessment, and hydro-geomorphology study. Additionally, slope, aspect, drainage density, and lineament density were extracted from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using GIS and transformed into thematic layers. For training and validation, 114 springs were divided into a 70/30 ratio, with an equal number of non-spring pixels. After assigning weights to each class based on the two proposed models, a groundwater potential map was generated using GIS, classifying the area into five levels: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. The model's outcome reveals that over 41% of the area falls into the low and very low potential categories, while only 30% of the area demonstrates a high probability of groundwater potential. To evaluate model performance, accuracy was assessed using the Area under the Curve (AUC). The success rate AUC values for the FR and SE methods were determined to be 78.73% and 77.09%, respectively. Additionally, the prediction rate AUC values for the FR and SE methods were calculated as 76.31% and 74.08%. The results indicate that the FR model exhibits greater prediction capability compared to the SE model in this case study.

Keywords: groundwater potential mapping, frequency ratio, Shannon’s Entropy, Lesser Himalaya Zone, sustainable groundwater management

Procedia PDF Downloads 81
273 Renewable Energy Micro-Grid Control Using Microcontroller in LabVIEW

Authors: Meena Agrawal, Chaitanya P. Agrawal


The power systems are transforming and becoming smarter with innovations in technologies to enable embark simultaneously upon the sustainable energy needs, rising environmental concerns, economic benefits and quality requirements. The advantages provided by inter-connection of renewable energy resources are becoming more viable and dependable with the smart controlling technologies. The limitation of most renewable resources have their diversity and intermittency causing problems in power quality, grid stability, reliability, security etc. is being cured by these efforts. A necessitate of optimal energy management by intelligent Micro-Grids at the distribution end of the power system has been accredited to accommodate sustainable renewable Distributed Energy Resources on large scale across the power grid. All over the world Smart Grids are emerging now as foremost concern infrastructure upgrade programs. The hardware setup includes NI cRIO 9022, Compact Reconfigurable Input Output microcontroller board connected to the PC on a LAN router with three hardware modules. The Real-Time Embedded Controller is reconfigurable controller device consisting of an embedded real-time processor controller for communication and processing, a reconfigurable chassis housing the user-programmable FPGA, Eight hot-swappable I/O modules, and graphical LabVIEW system design software. It has been employed for signal analysis, controls and acquisition and logging of the renewable sources with the LabVIEW Real-Time applications. The employed cRIO chassis controls the timing for the module and handles communication with the PC over the USB, Ethernet, or 802.11 Wi-Fi buses. It combines modular I/O, real-time processing, and NI LabVIEW programmable. In the presented setup, the Analog Input Module NI 9205 five channels have been used for input analog voltage signals from renewable energy sources and NI 9227 four channels have been used for input analog current signals of the renewable sources. For switching actions based on the programming logic developed in software, a module having Electromechanical Relays (single-pole single throw) with 4-Channels, electrically isolated and LED indicating the state of that channel have been used for isolating the renewable Sources on fault occurrence, which is decided by the logic in the program. The module for Ethernet based Data Acquisition Interface ENET 9163 Ethernet Carrier, which is connected on the LAN Router for data acquisition from a remote source over Ethernet also has the module NI 9229 installed. The LabVIEW platform has been employed for efficient data acquisition, monitoring and control. Control logic utilized in program for operation of the hardware switching Related to Fault Relays has been portrayed as a flowchart. A communication system has been successfully developed amongst the sources and loads connected on different computers using Hypertext transfer protocol, HTTP or Ethernet Local Stacked area Network TCP/IP protocol. There are two main I/O interfacing clients controlling the operation of the switching control of the renewable energy sources over internet or intranet. The paper presents experimental results of the briefed setup for intelligent control of the micro-grid for renewable energy sources, besides the control of Micro-Grid with data acquisition and control hardware based on a microcontroller with visual program developed in LabVIEW.

Keywords: data acquisition and control, LabVIEW, microcontroller cRIO, Smart Micro-Grid

Procedia PDF Downloads 334
272 The Quantum Theory of Music and Human Languages

Authors: Mballa Abanda Luc Aurelien Serge, Henda Gnakate Biba, Kuate Guemo Romaric, Akono Rufine Nicole, Zabotom Yaya Fadel Biba, Petfiang Sidonie, Bella Suzane Jenifer


The main hypotheses proposed around the definition of the syllable and of music, of the common origin of music and language, should lead the reader to reflect on the cross-cutting questions raised by the debate on the notion of universals in linguistics and musicology. These are objects of controversy, and there lies its interest: the debate raises questions that are at the heart of theories on language. It is an inventive, original, and innovative research thesis. A contribution to the theoretical, musicological, ethno musicological, and linguistic conceptualization of languages, giving rise to the practice of interlocution between the social and cognitive sciences, the activities of artistic creation, and the question of modeling in the human sciences: mathematics, computer science, translation automation, and artificial intelligence. When you apply this theory to any text of a folksong of a world-tone language, you do not only piece together the exact melody, rhythm, and harmonies of that song as if you knew it in advance but also the exact speaking of this language. The author believes that the issue of the disappearance of tonal languages and their preservation has been structurally resolved, as well as one of the greatest cultural equations related to the composition and creation of tonal, polytonal, and random music. The experimentation confirming the theorization, I designed a semi-digital, semi-analog application that translates the tonal languages of Africa (about 2,100 languages) into blues, jazz, world music, polyphonic music, tonal and anatonal music, and deterministic and random music). To test this application, I use music reading and writing software that allows me to collect the data extracted from my mother tongue, which is already modeled in the musical staves saved in the ethnographic (semiotic) dictionary for automatic translation ( volume 2 of the book). The translation is done (from writing to writing, from writing to speech, and from writing to music). Mode of operation: you type a text on your computer, a structured song (chorus-verse), and you command the machine a melody of blues, jazz, and world music or variety, etc. The software runs, giving you the option to choose harmonies, and then you select your melody.

Keywords: language, music, sciences, quantum entenglement

Procedia PDF Downloads 78
271 Automated Transformation of 3D Point Cloud to BIM Model: Leveraging Algorithmic Modeling for Efficient Reconstruction

Authors: Radul Shishkov, Orlin Davchev


The digital era has revolutionized architectural practices, with building information modeling (BIM) emerging as a pivotal tool for architects, engineers, and construction professionals. However, the transition from traditional methods to BIM-centric approaches poses significant challenges, particularly in the context of existing structures. This research introduces a technical approach to bridge this gap through the development of algorithms that facilitate the automated transformation of 3D point cloud data into detailed BIM models. The core of this research lies in the application of algorithmic modeling and computational design methods to interpret and reconstruct point cloud data -a collection of data points in space, typically produced by 3D scanners- into comprehensive BIM models. This process involves complex stages of data cleaning, feature extraction, and geometric reconstruction, which are traditionally time-consuming and prone to human error. By automating these stages, our approach significantly enhances the efficiency and accuracy of creating BIM models for existing buildings. The proposed algorithms are designed to identify key architectural elements within point clouds, such as walls, windows, doors, and other structural components, and to translate these elements into their corresponding BIM representations. This includes the integration of parametric modeling techniques to ensure that the generated BIM models are not only geometrically accurate but also embedded with essential architectural and structural information. Our methodology has been tested on several real-world case studies, demonstrating its capability to handle diverse architectural styles and complexities. The results showcase a substantial reduction in time and resources required for BIM model generation while maintaining high levels of accuracy and detail. This research contributes significantly to the field of architectural technology by providing a scalable and efficient solution for the integration of existing structures into the BIM framework. It paves the way for more seamless and integrated workflows in renovation and heritage conservation projects, where the accuracy of existing conditions plays a critical role. The implications of this study extend beyond architectural practices, offering potential benefits in urban planning, facility management, and historic preservation.

Keywords: BIM, 3D point cloud, algorithmic modeling, computational design, architectural reconstruction

Procedia PDF Downloads 66
270 Revolutionizing Healthcare Facility Maintenance: A Groundbreaking AI, BIM, and IoT Integration Framework

Authors: Mina Sadat Orooje, Mohammad Mehdi Latifi, Behnam Fereydooni Eftekhari


The integration of cutting-edge Internet of Things (IoT) technologies with advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems is revolutionizing healthcare facility management. However, the current landscape of hospital building maintenance suffers from slow, repetitive, and disjointed processes, leading to significant financial, resource, and time losses. Additionally, the potential of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in facility maintenance is hindered by a lack of data within digital models of built environments, necessitating a more streamlined data collection process. This paper presents a robust framework that harmonizes AI with BIM-IoT technology to elevate healthcare Facility Maintenance Management (FMM) and address these pressing challenges. The methodology begins with a thorough literature review and requirements analysis, providing insights into existing technological landscapes and associated obstacles. Extensive data collection and analysis efforts follow to deepen understanding of hospital infrastructure and maintenance records. Critical AI algorithms are identified to address predictive maintenance, anomaly detection, and optimization needs alongside integration strategies for BIM and IoT technologies, enabling real-time data collection and analysis. The framework outlines protocols for data processing, analysis, and decision-making. A prototype implementation is executed to showcase the framework's functionality, followed by a rigorous validation process to evaluate its efficacy and gather user feedback. Refinement and optimization steps are then undertaken based on evaluation outcomes. Emphasis is placed on the scalability of the framework in real-world scenarios and its potential applications across diverse healthcare facility contexts. Finally, the findings are meticulously documented and shared within the healthcare and facility management communities. This framework aims to significantly boost maintenance efficiency, cut costs, provide decision support, enable real-time monitoring, offer data-driven insights, and ultimately enhance patient safety and satisfaction. By tackling current challenges in healthcare facility maintenance management it paves the way for the adoption of smarter and more efficient maintenance practices in healthcare facilities.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, building information modeling, healthcare facility maintenance, internet of things integration, maintenance efficiency

Procedia PDF Downloads 61
269 Mechanical Characterization and CNC Rotary Ultrasonic Grinding of Crystal Glass

Authors: Ricardo Torcato, Helder Morais


The manufacture of crystal glass parts is based on obtaining the rough geometry by blowing and/or injection, generally followed by a set of manual finishing operations using cutting and grinding tools. The forming techniques used do not allow the obtainment, with repeatability, of parts with complex shapes and the finishing operations use intensive specialized labor resulting in high cycle times and production costs. This work aims to explore the digital manufacture of crystal glass parts by investigating new subtractive techniques for the automated, flexible finishing of these parts. Finishing operations are essential to respond to customer demands in terms of crystal feel and shine. It is intended to investigate the applicability of different computerized finishing technologies, namely milling and grinding in a CNC machining center with or without ultrasonic assistance, to crystal processing. Research in the field of grinding hard and brittle materials, despite not being extensive, has increased in recent years, and scientific knowledge about the machinability of crystal glass is still very limited. However, it can be said that the unique properties of glass, such as high hardness and very low toughness, make any glass machining technology a very challenging process. This work will measure the performance improvement brought about by the use of ultrasound compared to conventional crystal grinding. This presentation is focused on the mechanical characterization and analysis of the cutting forces in CNC machining of superior crystal glass (Pb ≥ 30%). For the mechanical characterization, the Vickers hardness test provides an estimate of the material hardness (Hv) and the fracture toughness based on cracks that appear in the indentation. Mechanical impulse excitation test estimates the Young’s Modulus, shear modulus and Poisson ratio of the material. For the cutting forces, it a dynamometer was used to measure the forces in the face grinding process. The tests were made based on the Taguchi method to correlate the input parameters (feed rate, tool rotation speed and depth of cut) with the output parameters (surface roughness and cutting forces) to optimize the process (better roughness using the cutting forces that do not compromise the material structure and the tool life) using ANOVA. This study was conducted for conventional grinding and for the ultrasonic grinding process with the same cutting tools. It was possible to determine the optimum cutting parameters for minimum cutting forces and for minimum surface roughness in both grinding processes. Ultrasonic-assisted grinding provides a better surface roughness than conventional grinding.

Keywords: CNC machining, crystal glass, cutting forces, hardness

Procedia PDF Downloads 155
268 The Significance of Picture Mining in the Fashion and Design as a New Research Method

Authors: Katsue Edo, Yu Hiroi


T Increasing attention has been paid to using pictures and photographs in research since the beginning of the 21th century in social sciences. Meanwhile we have been studying the usefulness of Picture mining, which is one of the new ways for a these picture using researches. Picture Mining is an explorative research analysis method that takes useful information from pictures, photographs and static or moving images. It is often compared with the methods of text mining. The Picture Mining concept includes observational research in the broad sense, because it also aims to analyze moving images (Ochihara and Edo 2013). In the recent literature, studies and reports using pictures are increasing due to the environmental changes. These are identified as technological and social changes (Edo 2013). Low price digital cameras and i-phones, high information transmission speed, low costs for information transferring and high performance and resolution of the cameras of mobile phones have changed the photographing behavior of people. Consequently, there is less resistance in taking and processing photographs for most of the people in the developing countries. In these studies, this method of collecting data from respondents is often called as ‘participant-generated photography’ or ‘respondent-generated visual imagery’, which focuses on the collection of data and its analysis (Pauwels 2011, Snyder 2012). But there are few systematical and conceptual studies that supports it significance of these methods. We have discussed in the recent years to conceptualize these picture using research methods and formalize theoretical findings (Edo et. al. 2014). We have identified the most efficient fields of Picture mining in the following areas inductively and in case studies; 1) Research in Consumer and Customer Lifestyles. 2) New Product Development. 3) Research in Fashion and Design. Though we have found that it will be useful in these fields and areas, we must verify these assumptions. In this study we will focus on the field of fashion and design, to determine whether picture mining methods are really reliable in this area. In order to do so we have conducted an empirical research of the respondents’ attitudes and behavior concerning pictures and photographs. We compared the attitudes and behavior of pictures toward fashion to meals, and found out that taking pictures of fashion is not as easy as taking meals and food. Respondents do not often take pictures of fashion and upload their pictures online, such as Facebook and Instagram, compared to meals and food because of the difficulty of taking them. We concluded that we should be more careful in analyzing pictures in the fashion area for there still might be some kind of bias existing even if the environment of pictures have drastically changed in these years.

Keywords: empirical research, fashion and design, Picture Mining, qualitative research

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