Search results for: toxicity testing
1752 A Compact Standing-Wave Thermoacoustic Refrigerator Driven by a Rotary Drive Mechanism
Authors: Kareem Abdelwahed, Ahmed Salama, Ahmed Rabie, Ahmed Hamdy, Waleed Abdelfattah, Ahmed Abd El-Rahman
Conventional vapor-compression refrigeration systems rely on typical refrigerants, such as CFC, HCFC and ammonia. Despite of their suitable thermodynamic properties and their stability in the atmosphere, their corresponding global warming potential and ozone depletion potential raise concerns about their usage. Thus, the need for new refrigeration systems, which are environment-friendly, inexpensive and simple in construction, has strongly motivated the development of thermoacoustic energy conversion systems. A thermoacoustic refrigerator (TAR) is a device that is mainly consisting of a resonator, a stack and two heat exchangers. Typically, the resonator is a long circular tube, made of copper or steel and filled with Helium as a the working gas, while the stack has short and relatively low thermal conductivity ceramic parallel plates aligned with the direction of the prevailing resonant wave. Typically, the resonator of a standing-wave refrigerator has one end closed and is bounded by the acoustic driver at the other end enabling the propagation of half-wavelength acoustic excitation. The hot and cold heat exchangers are made of copper to allow for efficient heat transfer between the working gas and the external heat source and sink respectively. TARs are interesting because they have no moving parts, unlike conventional refrigerators, and almost no environmental impact exists as they rely on the conversion of acoustic and heat energies. Their fabrication process is rather simpler and sizes span wide variety of length scales. The viscous and thermal interactions between the stack plates, heat exchangers' plates and the working gas significantly affect the flow field within the plates' channels, and the energy flux density at the plates' surfaces, respectively. Here, the design, the manufacture and the testing of a compact refrigeration system that is based on the thermoacoustic energy-conversion technology is reported. A 1-D linear acoustic model is carefully and specifically developed, which is followed by building the hardware and testing procedures. The system consists of two harmonically-oscillating pistons driven by a simple 1-HP rotary drive mechanism operating at a frequency of 42Hz -hereby, replacing typical expensive linear motors and loudspeakers-, and a thermoacoustic stack within which the energy conversion of sound into heat is taken place. Air at ambient conditions is used as the working gas while the amplitude of the driver's displacement reaches 19 mm. The 30-cm-long stack is a simple porous ceramic material having 100 square channels per square inch. During operation, both oscillating-gas pressure and solid-stack temperature are recorded for further analysis. Measurements show a maximum temperature difference of about 27 degrees between the stack hot and cold ends with a Carnot coefficient of performance of 11 and estimated cooling capacity of five Watts, when operating at ambient conditions. A dynamic pressure of 7-kPa-amplitude is recorded, yielding a drive ratio of 7% approximately, and found in a good agreement with theoretical prediction. The system behavior is clearly non-linear and significant non-linear loss mechanisms are evident. This work helps understanding the operation principles of thermoacoustic refrigerators and presents a keystone towards developing commercial thermoacoustic refrigerator units.Keywords: refrigeration system, rotary drive mechanism, standing-wave, thermoacoustic refrigerator
Procedia PDF Downloads 3701751 Assessment of Causes of Building Collapse in Nigeria
Authors: Olufemi Oyedele
Building collapse (BC) in Nigeria is becoming a regular occurrence, each recording great casualties in the number of lives and materials lost. Building collapse is a situation where building which has been completed and occupied, completed but not occupied or under construction, collapses on its own due to action or inaction of man or due to natural event like earthquake, storm, flooding, tsunami or wildfire. It is different from building demolition. There are various causes of building collapse and each case requires expert judgment to decide the cause of its collapse. Rate of building collapse is a reflection of the level of organization and control of building activities and degree of sophistication of the construction professionals in a country. This study explored the use of case study by examining the causes of six (6) collapsed buildings (CB) across Nigeria. Samples of materials from the sites of the collapsed buildings were taken for testing and analysis, while critical observations were made at the sites to note the conditions of the ground (building base). The study found out that majority of the building collapses in Nigeria were due to poor workmanship, sub-standard building materials, followed by bad building base and poor design. The National Building Code 2006 is not effective due to lack of enforcement and the Physical Development Departments of states and Federal Capital Territory are just mere agents of corruption allowing all types of construction without building approvals.Keywords: building collapse, concrete tests, differential settlement, integrity test, quality control
Procedia PDF Downloads 5371750 Synthesis and Characterization of pH-Responsive Nanocarriers Based on POEOMA-b-PDPA Block Copolymers for RNA Delivery
Authors: Bruno Baptista, Andreia S. R. Oliveira, Patricia V. Mendonca, Jorge F. J. Coelho, Fani Sousa
Drug delivery systems are designed to allow adequate protection and controlled delivery of drugs to specific locations. These systems aim to reduce side effects and control the biodistribution profile of drugs, thus improving therapeutic efficacy. This study involved the synthesis of polymeric nanoparticles, based on amphiphilic diblock copolymers, comprising a biocompatible, poly (oligo (ethylene oxide) methyl ether methacrylate (POEOMA) as hydrophilic segment and a pH-sensitive block, the poly (2-diisopropylamino)ethyl methacrylate) (PDPA). The objective of this work was the development of polymeric pH-responsive nanoparticles to encapsulate and carry small RNAs as a model to further develop non-coding RNAs delivery systems with therapeutic value. The responsiveness of PDPA to pH allows the electrostatic interaction of these copolymers with nucleic acids at acidic pH, as a result of the protonation of the tertiary amine groups of this polymer at pH values below its pKa (around 6.2). Initially, the molecular weight parameters and chemical structure of the block copolymers were determined by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) spectroscopy, respectively. Then, the complexation with small RNAs was verified, generating polyplexes with sizes ranging from 300 to 600 nm and with encapsulation efficiencies around 80%, depending on the molecular weight of the polymers, their composition, and concentration used. The effect of pH on the morphology of nanoparticles was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) being verified that at higher pH values, particles tend to lose their spherical shape. Since this work aims to develop systems for the delivery of non-coding RNAs, studies on RNA protection (contact with RNase, FBS, and Trypsin) and cell viability were also carried out. It was found that they induce some protection against constituents of the cellular environment and have no cellular toxicity. In summary, this research work contributes to the development of pH-sensitive polymers, capable of protecting and encapsulating RNA, in a relatively simple and efficient manner, to further be applied on drug delivery to specific sites where pH may have a critical role, as it can occur in several cancer environments.Keywords: drug delivery systems, pH-responsive polymers, POEOMA-b-PDPA, small RNAs
Procedia PDF Downloads 2591749 Application of Modal Analysis for Commissioning of a Ball Screw System
Authors: T. D. Tran, H. Schlegel, R. Neugebauer
Ball screws are an important component in machine tools. In mechatronic systems and machine tools, a ball screw has to work usually at a high speed. Otherwise the axial compliance of the ball screw, in combination with the inertia of the slide, the motor, the coupling and the screw, will cause an oscillation resonance, which limits the systems bandwidth and consequently influences performance of the motion controller. In this paper, the modal analysis method by measuring and analysing the vibrating parameters of the ball screw system to determine the dynamic characteristic of existing structures is used. On the one hand, the results of this study were obtained by the theoretical analysis and the modal testing of a ball screw system test station with the help of an impact hammer, respectively using excitation by motor. The experimental study showed oscillating forms of the ball screw for each frequency and obtained eigenfrequencies of the ball screw system. On the other hand, in this research a simulation with the help of the numerical modal analysis in order to analyse the oscillation and to find the eigenfrequencies of the ball screw system is used. Furthermore, the model order reduction by modal reduction and also according to Guyan is carried out. On the basis of these results a secure and also rapid commissioning of the control loops with regard to operating in their optimal function is targeted.Keywords: modal analysis, ball screw, controller system, machine tools
Procedia PDF Downloads 4611748 Financial Centers and BRICS Stock Markets: The Effect of the Recent Crises
Authors: Marco Barassi, Nicola Spagnolo
This paper uses a DCC-GARCH model framework to examine mean and volatility spillovers (i.e. causality in mean and variance) dynamics between financial centers and the stock market indexes of the BRICS countries. In addition, tests for changes in the transmission mechanism are carried out by first testing for structural breaks and then setting a dummy variable to control for the 2008 financial crises. We use weekly data for nine countries, four financial centers (Germany, Japan, UK and USA) and the five BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). Furthermore, we control for monetary policy using domestic interest rates (90-day Treasury Bill interest rate) over the period 03/1/1990 - 04/2/2014, for a total of 1204 observations. Results show that the 2008 financial crises changed the causality dynamics for most of the countries considered. The same pattern can also be observed in conditional correlation showing a shift upward following the turbulence associated to the 2008 crises. The magnitude of these effects suggests a leading role played by the financial centers in effecting Brazil and South Africa, whereas Russia, India and China show a higher degree of resilience.Keywords: financial crises, DCC-GARCH model, volatility spillovers, economics
Procedia PDF Downloads 3591747 An Experimental Investigation in Effect of Confining Stress and Matric Suction on the Mechanical Behavior of Sand with Different Fine Content
Authors: S. Asreazad
This paper presents the results that the soil volumetric strain and shear strength are closely related to the confining stress and initial matric suction under constant water content testing on the specimens of unsaturated sand with clay and silt fines contents. The silty sand specimens reached their peak strength after a very small axial strain followed by a post-peak softening towards an ultimate value. The post-peak drop in stress increased by an increment of the suction, while there is no peak strength for clayey sand specimens. The clayey sand shows compressibility and possesses ductile stress-strain behaviour. Shear strength increased nonlinearly with respect to matric suction for both soil types. When suction exceeds a certain range, the effect of suction on shear strength increment weakens gradually. Under the same confining stress, the dilatant tendencies in the silty sand increased under lower values of suction and decreased for higher suction values under the same confining stress. However, the amount of contraction increased with increasing initial suction for clayey sand specimens.Keywords: unsaturated soils, silty sand, clayey sand, triaxial test
Procedia PDF Downloads 3331746 Hawking Radiation of Grumiller Black
Authors: Sherwan Kher Alden Yakub Alsofy
In this paper, we consider the relativistic Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) equation and study the Hawking radiation (HR) of scalar particles from uncharged Grumiller black hole (GBH) which is affordable for testing in astrophysics. GBH is also known as Rindler modified Schwarzschild BH. Our aim is not only to investigate the effect of the Rindler parameter A on the Hawking temperature (TH ), but to examine whether there is any discrepancy between the computed horizon temperature and the standard TH as well. For this purpose, in addition to its naive coordinate system, we study on the three regular coordinate systems which are Painlev´-Gullstrand (PG), ingoing Eddington- Finkelstein (IEF) and Kruskal-Szekeres (KS) coordinates. In all coordinate systems, we calculate the tunneling probabilities of incoming and outgoing scalar particles from the event horizon by using the HJ equation. It has been shown in detail that the considered HJ method is concluded with the conventional TH in all these coordinate systems without giving rise to the famous factor- 2 problem. Furthermore, in the PG coordinates Parikh-Wilczek’s tunneling (PWT) method is employed in order to show how one can integrate the quantum gravity (QG) corrections to the semiclassical tunneling rate by including the effects of self-gravitation and back reaction. We then show how these corrections yield a modification in the TH.Keywords: ingoing Eddington, Finkelstein, coordinates Parikh-Wilczek’s, Hamilton-Jacobi equation
Procedia PDF Downloads 6151745 Effect of a Synthetic Platinum-Based Complex on Autophagy Induction in Leydig TM3 Cells
Authors: Ezzati Givi M., Hoveizi E., Nezhad Marani N.
Platinum-based anticancer therapeutics are the most widely used drugs in clinical chemotherapy but have major limitations and various side effects in clinical applications. Gonadotoxicity and sterility is one of the most common complications for cancer survivors, which seem to be drug-specific and dose-related. Therefore, many efforts have been dedicated to discovering a new structure of platinum-based anticancer agents with improved therapeutic index, fewer side effects. In this regard, new Pt(II)-phosphane complexes containing heterocyclic thionate ligands (PCTL) have been synthesized, which show more potent antitumor activities in comparison to cisplatin. Cisplatin, the best leading metal-based antitumor drug in the field, induces testicular toxicity on Leydig and Sertoli cells leading to serious side effects such as azoospermia and infertility. Therefore in the present study, we aimed to investigate the cytotoxicity effect of PCTL on mice TM4 Sertoli cells with particular emphasis on the role of autophagy in comparison to cisplatin. In this study, an MTT assay was performed to evaluate the IC50 of PCTL and to analyze the TM3 Leydig cell's viability. Cells morphology was evaluated via invert microscope and Changing in morphology for nuclei swelling or autophagic vacuoles formation were assessed by DAPI and MDC staining. Testosterone production in the culture medium was measured using an ELISA kit. Finally, the expression of Autophagy-related genes, Atg5, Beclin1 and p62, were analyzed by qPCR. Based on the obtained results by MTT, the IC50 value of PCTL was 50 μM in TM3 cells and cytotoxic effects was in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Cells morphological changes investigated by inverted microscopy, DAPI, and MDC staining which showed the cytotoxic concentrations of PCTL was significantly higher than cisplatin in the treated TM3 Leydig cells. The results of PCR showed a lack of expression of the p62, Atg5 and Beclin1 gene in TM3 cells treated with PCTL in comparison to cisplatin and control groups. It should be noted that the effects of 25 μM PCTL concentration on TM3 cells have been associated with increased testosterone production and secretion, which requires further study to explain the possible causes and involved molecular mechanisms. The results of the study showed that the PCTL had less-lethal effects on TM3 cells in comparison to cisplatin and probably did not induce autophagy in TM3 cells.Keywords: platinum-based anticancer agents, cisplatin, Leydig TM3 cells, autophagy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1301744 Standardizing and Achieving Protocol Objectives for ChestWall Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Process using an O-ring Linac in High-, Low- and Middle-income Countries
Authors: Milton Ixquiac, Erick Montenegro, Francisco Reynoso, Matthew Schmidt, Thomas Mazur, Tianyu Zhao, Hiram Gay, Geoffrey Hugo, Lauren Henke, Jeff Michael Michalski, Angel Velarde, Vicky de Falla, Franky Reyes, Osmar Hernandez, Edgar Aparicio Ruiz, Baozhou Sun
Purpose: Radiotherapy departments in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) like Guatemala have recently introduced intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). IMRT has become the standard of care in high-income countries (HIC) due to reduced toxicity and improved outcomes in some cancers. The purpose of this work is to show the agreement between the dosimetric results shown in the Dose Volume Histograms (DVH) to the objectives proposed in the adopted protocol. This is the initial experience with an O-ring Linac. Methods and Materials: An O-Linac Linac was installed at our clinic in Guatemala in 2019 and has been used to treat approximately 90 patients daily with IMRT. This Linac is a completely Image Guided Device since to deliver each radiotherapy session must take a Mega Voltage Cone Beam Computerized Tomography (MVCBCT). In each MVCBCT, the Linac deliver 9 UM, and they are taken into account while performing the planning. To start the standardization, the TG263 was employed in the nomenclature and adopted a hypofractionated protocol to treat ChestWall, including supraclavicular nodes achieving 40.05Gy in 15 fractions. The planning was developed using 4 semiarcs from 179-305 degrees. The planner must create optimization volumes for targets and Organs at Risk (OARs); the difficulty for the planner was the dose base due to the MVCBCT. To evaluate the planning modality, we used 30 chestwall cases. Results: The plans created manually achieve the protocol objectives. The protocol objectives are the same as the RTOG1005, and the DHV curves look clinically acceptable. Conclusions: Despite the O-ring Linac doesn´t have the capacity to obtain kv images, the cone beam CT was created using MV energy, the dose delivered by the daily image setup process still without affect the dosimetric quality of the plans, and the dose distribution is acceptable achieving the protocol objectives.Keywords: hypofrationation, VMAT, chestwall, radiotherapy planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1191743 Effect of Cutting Tools and Working Conditions on the Machinability of Ti-6Al-4V Using Vegetable Oil-Based Cutting Fluids
Authors: S. Gariani, I. Shyha
Cutting titanium alloys are usually accompanied with low productivity, poor surface quality, short tool life and high machining costs. This is due to the excessive generation of heat at the cutting zone and difficulties in heat dissipation due to relatively low heat conductivity of this metal. The cooling applications in machining processes are crucial as many operations cannot be performed efficiently without cooling. Improving machinability, increasing productivity, enhancing surface integrity and part accuracy are the main advantages of cutting fluids. Conventional fluids such as mineral oil-based, synthetic and semi-synthetic are the most common cutting fluids in the machining industry. Although, these cutting fluids are beneficial in the industries, they pose a great threat to human health and ecosystem. Vegetable oils (VOs) are being investigated as a potential source of environmentally favourable lubricants, due to a combination of biodegradability, good lubricous properties, low toxicity, high flash points, low volatility, high viscosity indices and thermal stability. Fatty acids of vegetable oils are known to provide thick, strong, and durable lubricant films. These strong lubricating films give the vegetable oil base stock a greater capability to absorb pressure and high load carrying capacity. This paper details preliminary experimental results when turning Ti-6Al-4V. The impact of various VO-based cutting fluids, cutting tool materials, working conditions was investigated. The full factorial experimental design was employed involving 24 tests to evaluate the influence of process variables on average surface roughness (Ra), tool wear and chip formation. In general, Ra varied between 0.5 and 1.56 µm and Vasco1000 cutting fluid presented comparable performance with other fluids in terms of surface roughness while uncoated coarse grain WC carbide tool achieved lower flank wear at all cutting speeds. On the other hand, all tools tips were subjected to uniform flank wear during whole cutting trails. Additionally, formed chip thickness ranged between 0.1 and 0.14 mm with a noticeable decrease in chip size when higher cutting speed was used.Keywords: cutting fluids, turning, Ti-6Al-4V, vegetable oils, working conditions
Procedia PDF Downloads 2791742 Sustainable Production of Algae through Nutrient Recovery in the Biofuel Conversion Process
Authors: Bagnoud-Velásquez Mariluz, Damergi Eya, Grandjean Dominique, Frédéric Vogel, Ludwig Christian
The sustainability of algae to biofuel processes is seriously affected by the energy intensive production of fertilizers. Large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus are required for a large-scale production resulting in many cases in a negative impact of the limited mineral resources. In order to meet the algal bioenergy opportunity it appears crucial the promotion of processes applying a nutrient recovery and/or making use of renewable sources including waste. Hydrothermal (HT) conversion is a promising and suitable technology for microalgae to generate biofuels. Besides the fact that water is used as a “green” reactant and solvent and that no biomass drying is required, the technology offers a great potential for nutrient recycling. This study evaluated the possibility to treat the water HT effluent by the growth of microalgae while producing renewable algal biomass. As already demonstrated in previous works by the authors, the HT aqueous product besides having N, P and other important nutrients, presents a small fraction of organic compounds rarely studied. Therefore, extracted heteroaromatic compounds in the HT effluent were the target of the present research; they were profiled using GC-MS and LC-MS-MS. The results indicate the presence of cyclic amides, piperazinediones, amines and their derivatives. The most prominent nitrogenous organic compounds (NOC’s) in the extracts were carefully examined by their effect on microalgae, namely 2-pyrrolidinone and β-phenylethylamine (β-PEA). These two substances were prepared at three different concentrations (10, 50 and 150 ppm). This toxicity bioassay used three different microalgae strains: Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Chlorella sorokiniana and Scenedesmus vacuolatus. The confirmed IC50 was for all cases ca. 75ppm. Experimental conditions were set up for the growth of microalgae in the aqueous phase by adjusting the nitrogen concentration (the key nutrient for algae) to fit that one established for a known commercial medium. The values of specific NOC’s were lowered at concentrations of 8.5 mg/L 2-pyrrolidinone; 1mg/L δ-valerolactam and 0.5 mg/L β-PEA. The growth with the diluted HT solution was kept constant with no inhibition evidence. An additional ongoing test is addressing the possibility to apply an integrated water cleanup step making use of the existent hydrothermal catalytic facility.Keywords: hydrothermal process, microalgae, nitrogenous organic compounds, nutrient recovery, renewable biomass
Procedia PDF Downloads 4111741 National Agency for Control of HIV/AIDS and International Response to its Scourge in Nigeria, 2000-2010
Authors: Ugwu Blessing Nkiruka
This paper seeks to examine Nigerian National Agency for the control of AIDS (NACA) and international response to the control of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. The paper adopted the Functionalist theory alongside Liberalism and Idealism, but anchored extensively on functionalism. On the response of HIV/AIDS, Functionalist theory advocated for international corporation of both intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations as the basis for the reduction of the virus. the study adopted secondary source of data i.e journals, articles, newspapers and policy briefs to discuss the reduction of the pandemic (HIV/AIDS).This paper discovered that although HIV/AIDS is a global threat, especially to developing countries where the prevalence rate is still very high, yet international governmental and non-governmental organisation have been able to collaborate with National agencies like NACA in Nigeria and respond speedily through diverse initiatives and action plans to curb the spread of the virus. The study therefore recommends greater awareness on testing and early introduction of antiretroviral therapy, proper screening of blood before transfusion, absolute faithfulness among partners. Similarly, sharing of sharp objects like needles, knives and syringes should be avoided at all cost.Keywords: HIV/AIDS, developing countries, Nigeria, international organizations, NACA
Procedia PDF Downloads 1911740 Modified Plastic-Damage Model for FRP-Confined Repaired Concrete Columns
Authors: I. A Tijani, Y. F Wu, C.W. Lim
Concrete Damaged Plasticity Model (CDPM) is capable of modeling the stress-strain behavior of confined concrete. Nevertheless, the accuracy of the model largely depends on its parameters. To date, most research works mainly focus on the identification and modification of the parameters for fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) confined concrete prior to damage. And, it has been established that the FRP-strengthened concrete behaves differently to FRP-repaired concrete. This paper presents a modified plastic damage model within the context of the CDPM in ABAQUS for modelling of a uniformly FRP-confined repaired concrete under monotonic loading. The proposed model includes infliction damage, elastic stiffness, yield criterion and strain hardening rule. The distinct feature of damaged concrete is elastic stiffness reduction; this is included in the model. Meanwhile, the test results were obtained from a physical testing of repaired concrete. The dilation model is expressed as a function of the lateral stiffness of the FRP-jacket. The finite element predictions are shown to be in close agreement with the obtained test results of the repaired concrete. It was observed from the study that with necessary modifications, finite element method is capable of modeling FRP-repaired concrete structures.Keywords: Concrete, FRP, Damage, Repairing, Plasticity, and Finite element method
Procedia PDF Downloads 1391739 Wastewater Treatment in the Abrasives Industry via Fenton and Photo-Fenton Oxidation Processes: A Case Study from Peru
Authors: Hernan Arturo Blas López, Gustavo Henndel Lopes, Antonio Carlos Silva Costa Teixeira, Carmen Elena Flores Barreda, Patricia Araujo Pantoja
Phenols are toxic for life and the environment and may come from many sources. Uncured phenolic monomers present in phenolic resins used as binders in grinding wheels and emery paper can contaminate industrial wastewaters in abrasives manufacture plants. Furthermore, vestiges of resol and novolacs resins generated by wear and tear of abrasives are also possible sources of water contamination by phenolics in these facilities. Fortunately, advanced oxidation by dark Fenton and photo-Fenton techniques are capable of oxidizing phenols and their degradation products up to their mineralization into H₂O and CO₂. The maximal allowable concentrations for phenols in Peruvian waterbodies is very low, such that insufficiently treated effluents from the abrasives industry are a potential environmental noncompliance. The current case study highlights findings obtained during the lab-scale application of Fenton’s and photo-assisted Fenton’s chemistries to real industrial wastewater samples from an abrasives manufacture plant in Peru. The goal was to reduce the phenolic content and sample toxicity. For this purpose, two independent variables-reaction time and effect of ultraviolet radiation–were studied as for their impacts on the concentration of total phenols, total organic carbon (TOC), biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). In this study, diluted samples (1 L) of the industrial effluent were treated with Fenton’s reagent (H₂O₂ and Fe²⁺ from FeSO₄.H₂O) during 10 min in a photochemical batch reactor (Alphatec RFS-500, Brazil) at pH 2.92. In the case of photo-Fenton tests with ultraviolet lamps of 9 W, UV-A, UV-B and UV-C lamps were evaluated. All process conditions achieved 100% of phenols degraded within 5 minutes. TOC, BOD and COD decreased by 49%, 52% and 86% respectively (all processes together). However, Fenton treatment was not capable of reducing BOD, COD and TOC below a certain value even after 10 minutes, contrarily to photo-Fenton. It was also possible to conclude that the processes here studied degrade other compounds in addition to phenols, what is an advantage. In all cases, elevated effluent dilution factors and high amounts of oxidant agent impact negatively the overall economy of the processes here investigated.Keywords: fenton oxidation, wastewater treatment, phenols, abrasives industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 3171738 Interfacial Investigation and Chemical Bonding in Graphene Reinforced Alumina Ceramic Nanocomposites
Authors: Iftikhar Ahmad, Mohammad Islam
Thermally exfoliated graphene nanomaterial was reinforced into Al2O3 ceramic and the nanocomposites were consolidated using rapid high-frequency induction heat sintering route. The resulting nanocomposites demonstrated higher mechanical properties due to efficient GNS incorporation and chemical interaction with the Al2O3 matrix grains. The enhancement in mechanical properties is attributed to (i) uniformly-dispersed GNS in the consolidated structure (ii) ability of GNS to decorate Al2O3 nanoparticles and (iii) strong GNS/Al2O3 chemical interaction during colloidal mixing and pullout/crack bridging toughening mechanisms during mechanical testing. The GNS/Al2O3 interaction during different processing stages was thoroughly examined by thermal and structural investigation of the interfacial area. The formation of an intermediate aluminum oxycarbide phase (Al2OC) via a confined carbothermal reduction reaction at the GNS/Al2O3 interface was observed using advanced electron microscopes. The GNS surface roughness improves GNS/Al2O3 mechanical locking and chemical compatibility. The sturdy interface phase facilitates efficient load transfer and delayed failure through impediment of crack propagation. The resulting nanocomposites, therefore, offer superior toughness.Keywords: ceramics, nanocomposites, interfaces, nanostructures, electron microscopy, Al2O3
Procedia PDF Downloads 3581737 Factors Associated with Pesticides Used and Plasma Cholinesterase Level among Agricultural Workers in Rural Area, Thailand
Authors: Pirakorn Sukonthaman, Paphitchaya Temphattharachok, Warangkana Thammasanya, Kraichart Tantrakarnarpa, Tanongson Tientavorn
Agriculture is the main occupation in Thailand. Excessive amount of pesticides are used to increase the products but are toxic to human body. In 2009, Bureau of Epidemiology received 1,691 cases reported with pesticides toxicity (2.66:100,000) which 10.61 % of them is caused by Organophosphate. The purposes are to find factors associated with pesticides used and plasma cholinesterase level and other emerging issues that previous studies did not explain among agricultural workers in Baan Na Yao, Chachoengsao, Thailand. This research was an exploratory mixed method study. Qualitative interviews and quantitative questionnaires were used together in order to gather information from the agricultural workers (mainly cassava and rice farming) directly exposed to pesticides within 2 months simultaneously. Qualitative participants were selected by purposive sampling and a total survey for quantitative ones. The quantitative data was statistically analyzed by using multiple logistic regression model. Qualitative data was transcribed verbatim and thematically analyzed. For qualitative study, 15 participants were interviewed and 300/323 participants (92.88%) were given questionnaires, of which were 175 male and 125 female and 113 among them were spraymen. The prevalence of abnormal plasma cholinesterase level was 92.28% (Safe 7.72% Risky 49.33% and Unsafe 42.95%). Participants with inappropriate behaviors during spraying had a significant association with plasma cholinesterase level (95%CI=1.399-14.858) but other factors such as age, gender, education, attitude and knowledge had no association. They also had encountered various symptoms from pesticides such as fatigue (61%), vertigo (59.67%) and headache (58.86%), etc. Although they had high knowledge and attitude they still had poor behaviors. Moreover, our qualitative component showed that though they had worn the personal protective equipment (PPE) regularly, their PPE was not standard. Not only substandard PPE, but also there were obstacles of wearing such as the hot climate and inconvenience. They misunderstood their symptoms from using pesticides as allergy. Therefore, they did not seek for proper medical check-ups and treatment. This research revealed almost all of the participants have abnormal levels of plasma cholinesterase related especially those with poor behaviors. They also wore PPE but inadequately and misunderstood the symptoms produced by organophosphate use as allergy. Therefore, they did not seek for medical treatment. Occupation health education, modification of PPE and periodic medical checking are ways to make agricultural workers concern and know if there is any progression in a long term.Keywords: pesticides, plasma cholinesterase level, spraymen, agricultural workers
Procedia PDF Downloads 3541736 Determination of Aflatoxins in Edible-Medicinal Plant Samples by HPLC with Fluorescence Detector and KOBRA-Cell
Authors: Isil Gazioglu, Abdulselam Ertas
Aflatoxins (AFs) are secondary toxic metabolites of Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus. AFs can be absorbed through the skin. Potent carcinogens like AFs should be completely absent from cosmetics, this can be achieved by careful quality control of the raw plant materials. Regulatory limits for aflatoxins have been established in many countries, and reliable testing methodology is needed to implement and enforce the regulatory limits. In this study, ten medicinal plant samples (Bundelia tournefortti, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Carduus tenuiflorus, Cardaria draba, Malva neglecta, Malvella sharardiana, Melissa officinalis, Sideritis libanotica, Stakys thirkei, Thymus nummularius) were investigated for aflatoxin (AF) contaminations by employing an HPLC assay for the determination of AFB1, B2, G1 and G2. The samples were extracted with 70% (v/v) methanol in water before further cleaned up with an immunoaffinity column and followed by the detection of AFs by using an electrochemically post-column derivatization with Kobra-Cell and fluorescence detector. The extraction procedure was optimized in order to obtain the best recovery. The method was successfully carried out with all medicinal plant samples. The results revealed that five (50%) of samples were contaminated with AFs. The association between particular samples and the AF contaminated could not be determined due to the low frequency of positive samples.Keywords: aflatoxin B1, HPLC-FLD, KOBRA-Cell, mycotoxin
Procedia PDF Downloads 6081735 Interpretation of Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA) Traces for the Earth Fault Damage Practically Simulated on the Power Transformer Specially Developed for Performing Sweep Frequency Response Analysis for Various Transformers
Authors: Akshay A. Pandya, B. R. Parekh
This paper presents how earth fault damage in the transformer can be detected by Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA). The test methods used by the authors for presenting the results are described. The power transformer of rating 10 KVA, 11000 V/440 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz, Dyn11 has been specially developed in-house for carrying out SFRA testing by practically simulated various transformer damages on it. Earth fault has been practically simulated on HV “U” phase winding and LV “W” phase winding separately. The result of these simulated faults are presented and discussed. The motivation of this presented work is to extend the guideline approach; there are ideas to organize database containing collected measurement results. Since the SFRA interpretation is based on experience, such databases are thought to be of great importance when interpreting SFRA response. The evaluation of the SFRA responses against guidelines and experience have to be performed and conclusions regarding usefulness of each simulation has been drawn and at last overall conclusion has also been drawn.Keywords: earth fault damage, power transformer, practical simulation, SFRA traces, transformer damages
Procedia PDF Downloads 2851734 Push-Out Bond Strength of Two Root-End Filling Materials in Root-End Cavities Prepared by Er,Cr: YSGG Laser or Ultrasonic Technique
Authors: Noushin Shokouhinejad, Hasan Razmi, Reza Fekrazad, Saeed Asgary, Ammar Neshati, Hadi Assadian, Sanam Kheirieh
This study compared the push-out bond strength of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and a new endodontic cement (NEC) as root-end filling materials in root-end cavities prepared by ultrasonic technique (US) or Er,Cr:YSGG laser (L). Eighty single-rooted extracted human teeth were endodontically treated, apicectomised and randomly divided into four following groups (n = 20): US/MTA, US/NEC, L/MTA and L/NEC. In US/MTA and US/NEC groups, rooted cavities were prepared with ultrasonic retrotip and filled with MTA and NEC, respectively. In L/MTA and L/NEC groups, root-end cavities were prepared using Er, Cr:YSGG laser and filled with MTA and NEC, respectively. Each root was cut apically to create a 2 mm-thick root slice for measurement of bond strength using a universal testing machine. Then, all slices were examined to determine the mode of bond failure. Data were analysed using two-way ANOVA. Root-end filling materials showed significantly higher bond strength in root-end cavities prepared using the ultrasonic technique (US/MTA and US/NEC) (P < 0.001). The bond strengths of MTA and NEC did not differ significantly. The failure modes were mainly adhesive for MTA, but cohesive for NEC. In conclusion, bond strengths of MTA and NEC to root-end cavities were comparable and higher in ultrasonically prepared cavities.Keywords: bond strength, Er, Cr:YSGG laser, MTA, NEC, root-end cavity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3471733 Assembly Solution for Modular Buildings: Development of a Plug-In Self-Locking Device Designed for Light-Framed Structures
Authors: Laurence Picard, André Bégin-Drolet, Pierre Blanchet
The prefabricated construction industry has been operating in North America for several years now and differs from traditional construction by its much shorter project timelines, lower costs, and increased build quality. Faced with the global housing crisis, prefabrication should be the first choice for erecting buildings quickly and at a low cost. However, the reality is quite different; manufacturers focus their operations mainly on single-home construction. This is explained by the lack of a suitable and efficient assembly solution for erecting large-scale buildings. Indeed, it is difficult to maintain the coveted advantages of prefabrication with a laborious on-site assembly and a colossal load of additional operations such as the installation of fasteners and the internal finishing. In the desire to maximize the benefits of prefabrication and make it a smart choice even for large buildings, an automated connection solution is developed. The plug-in self-locking device was developed accordingly to the product design phases: on-site observations, the definition of the problem and product requirements, solution generation, prototyping, fabricating and testing.Keywords: assembly solution, automation, construction productivity, modular connection, modular buildings, plug-in device, self-lock mechanism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1691732 Multivariate Assessment of Mathematics Test Scores of Students in Qatar
Authors: Ali Rashash Alzahrani, Elizabeth Stojanovski
Data on various aspects of education are collected at the institutional and government level regularly. In Australia, for example, students at various levels of schooling undertake examinations in numeracy and literacy as part of NAPLAN testing, enabling longitudinal assessment of such data as well as comparisons between schools and states within Australia. Another source of educational data collected internationally is via the PISA study which collects data from several countries when students are approximately 15 years of age and enables comparisons in the performance of science, mathematics and English between countries as well as ranking of countries based on performance in these standardised tests. As well as student and school outcomes based on the tests taken as part of the PISA study, there is a wealth of other data collected in the study including parental demographics data and data related to teaching strategies used by educators. Overall, an abundance of educational data is available which has the potential to be used to help improve educational attainment and teaching of content in order to improve learning outcomes. A multivariate assessment of such data enables multiple variables to be considered simultaneously and will be used in the present study to help develop profiles of students based on performance in mathematics using data obtained from the PISA study.Keywords: cluster analysis, education, mathematics, profiles
Procedia PDF Downloads 1291731 Clinical Outcomes of Neonates Born to COVID-19 Positive Mothers in a Tertiary Level Private Hospital
Authors: Patricia Abigail B. Miranda, Imelda A. Luna
Introduction: COVID-19 infection is a novel viral illness that began as a local epidemic in December 2019 in Wuhan, China which quickly emerged into a pandemic by February 2020. The virus causes a spectrum of signs and symptoms, ranging from mild upper respiratory symptoms to acute respiratory distress syndrome, which may lead to death. Among children and neonates, those afflicted with the disease may present asymptomatically or with mild symptoms. To date, there has been limited local data that describes the outcomes of the growing number of COVID-19 cases, specifically in neonates. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the outcomes of neonates born to COVID-19 Positive Mothers from March 2020 until June 2022. The prevalence of COVID-19 among these neonates was also determined. Results: COVID-positive prevalence after 24 hours of life is at 8%, while prevalence after 48 hours among those who still underwent testing was at 13.51%. Moreover, among those COVID-19-negative neonates who had symptoms, they mostly presented with tachypnea (5.7%). The prevalence of complications among COVID-19-negative neonates delivered to COVID-19-positive mothers is 22.7%. Conclusion: Neonates born to COVID-19-positive mothers who yielded positive COVID-19 results are generally asymptomatic. Moreover, there are no associated mortalities among those who yielded positive results.Keywords: COVID-19, neonates, outcomes, clinical profile
Procedia PDF Downloads 821730 Application of Zeolite Nanoparticles in Biomedical Optics
Authors: Vladimir Hovhannisyan, Chen Yuan Dong
Recently nanoparticles (NPs) have been introduced in biomedicine as effective agents for cancer-targeted drug delivery and noninvasive tissue imaging. The most important requirements to these agents are their non-toxicity, biocompatibility and stability. In view of these criteria, the zeolite (ZL) nanoparticles (NPs) may be considered as perfect candidates for biomedical applications. ZLs are crystalline aluminosilicates consisting of oxygen-sharing SiO4 and AlO4 tetrahedral groups united by common vertices in three-dimensional framework and containing pores with diameters from 0.3 to 1.2 nm. Generally, the behavior and physical properties of ZLs are studied by SEM, X-ray spectroscopy, and AFM, whereas optical spectroscopic and microscopic approaches are not effective enough, because of strong scattering in common ZL bulk materials and powders. The light scattering can be reduced by using of ZL NPs. ZL NPs have large external surface area, high dispersibility in both aqueous and organic solutions, high photo- and thermal stability, and exceptional ability to adsorb various molecules and atoms in their nanopores. In this report, using multiphoton microscopy and nonlinear spectroscopy, we investigate nonlinear optical properties of clinoptilolite type of ZL micro- and nanoparticles with average diameters of 2200 nm and 240 nm, correspondingly. Multiphoton imaging is achieved using a laser scanning microscope system (LSM 510 META, Zeiss, Germany) coupled to a femtosecond titanium:sapphire laser (repetition rate- 80 MHz, pulse duration-120 fs, radiation wavelength- 720-820 nm) (Tsunami, Spectra-Physics, CA). Two Zeiss, Plan-Neofluar objectives (air immersion 20×∕NA 0.5 and water immersion 40×∕NA 1.2) are used for imaging. For the detection of the nonlinear response, we use two detection channels with 380-400 nm and 435-700 nm spectral bandwidths. We demonstrate that ZL micro- and nanoparticles can produce nonlinear optical response under the near-infrared femtosecond laser excitation. The interaction of hypericine, chlorin e6 and other dyes with ZL NPs and their photodynamic activity is investigated. Particularly, multiphoton imaging shows that individual ZL NPs particles adsorb Zn-tetraporphyrin molecules, but do not adsorb fluorescein molecules. In addition, nonlinear spectral properties of ZL NPs in native biotissues are studied. Nonlinear microscopy and spectroscopy may open new perspectives in the research and application of ZL NP in biomedicine, and the results may help to introduce novel approaches into the clinical environment.Keywords: multiphoton microscopy, nanoparticles, nonlinear optics, zeolite
Procedia PDF Downloads 4171729 Improving the Compaction Properties and Shear Resistance of Sand Reinforced with COVID-19 Waste Mask Fibers
Authors: Samah Said, Muhsin Elie Rahhal
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, disposable plastic-based face masks were excessively used worldwide. Therefore, the production and consumption rates of these masks were significantly brought up, which led to severe environmental problems. The main purpose of this research is to test the possibility of reinforcing soil deposits with mask fibers to reuse pandemic-generated waste materials. When testing the compaction properties, the sand was reinforced with a fiber content that increased from 0% to 0.5%, with successive small increments of 0.1%. The optimum content of 0.1% remarkably increased the maximum dry density of the soil and dropped its optimum moisture content. Add to that, it was noticed that 15 mm and rectangular chips were, respectively, the optimum fiber length and shape to maximize the improvement of the sand compaction properties. Regarding the shear strength, fiber contents of 0.1%, 0.25%, and 0.5% were adopted. The direct shear tests have shown that the highest enhancement was observed for the optimum fiber content of 0.25%. Similarly to compaction tests, 15 mm and rectangular chips were respectively the optimum fiber length and shape to extremely enhance the shear resistance of the tested sand.Keywords: COVID-19, mask fibers, compaction properties, soil reinforcement, shear resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 981728 Design and Implementation a Platform for Adaptive Online Learning Based on Fuzzy Logic
Authors: Budoor Al Abid
Educational systems are increasingly provided as open online services, providing guidance and support for individual learners. To adapt the learning systems, a proper evaluation must be made. This paper builds the evaluation model Fuzzy C Means Adaptive System (FCMAS) based on data mining techniques to assess the difficulty of the questions. The following steps are implemented; first using a dataset from an online international learning system called ( the dataset contains over 1300000 records with 9 features for students, questions and answers information with feedback evaluation. Next, a normalization process as preprocessing step was applied. Then FCM clustering algorithms are used to adaptive the difficulty of the questions. The result is three cluster labeled data depending on the higher Wight (easy, Intermediate, difficult). The FCM algorithm gives a label to all the questions one by one. Then Random Forest (RF) Classifier model is constructed on the clustered dataset uses 70% of the dataset for training and 30% for testing; the result of the model is a 99.9% accuracy rate. This approach improves the Adaptive E-learning system because it depends on the student behavior and gives accurate results in the evaluation process more than the evaluation system that depends on feedback only.Keywords: machine learning, adaptive, fuzzy logic, data mining
Procedia PDF Downloads 1971727 The Development of XML Resume System in Thailand
Authors: Jarumon Nookhong, Thanakorn Uiphanit
This study is a research and development project which aims to develop XML Resume System to be the standard system in Thailand as well as to measure the efficiency of the XML Resume System in Thailand. This research separates into 2 stages: 1) to develop XML Document System to be the standard in Thailand, and 2) to experiment the system performance. The sample in this research is committed by 50 specialists in the field of human resources by selecting specifically. The tool that uses in this research is XML Resume System in Thailand and the performance evaluation format of system while the analysis of the data is calculated by using average and standard deviation. The result of the research found that the development of the XML Resume System that aims to be the standard system in Thailand had the result 2.67 of the average which is in a good level. The evaluation in testing the performance of the system had been done by the specialists of human resources who use the XML Resume system. When analyzing each part, it found out that the abilities according to the user’s requirement from specialists in the field of human resources, the convenience and easiness in usages, and the functional competency are respectively in a good level. The average of the ability according to the user’s need from specialists of human resources is 2.92. The average of the convenience and easiness in usages is 2.56. The average of functional competency is 2.53. These can be used as the standard effectively.Keywords: resume, XML, XML schema, computer science
Procedia PDF Downloads 4101726 Emulation of a Wind Turbine Using Induction Motor Driven by Field Oriented Control
Authors: L. Benaaouinate, M. Khafallah, A. Martinez, A. Mesbahi, T. Bouragba
This paper concerns with the modeling, simulation, and emulation of a wind turbine emulator for standalone wind energy conversion systems. By using emulation system, we aim to reproduce the dynamic behavior of the wind turbine torque on the generator shaft: it provides the testing facilities to optimize generator control strategies in a controlled environment, without reliance on natural resources. The aerodynamic, mechanical, electrical models have been detailed as well as the control of pitch angle using Fuzzy Logic for horizontal axis wind turbines. The wind turbine emulator consists mainly of an induction motor with AC power drive with torque control. The control of the induction motor and the mathematical models of the wind turbine are designed with MATLAB/Simulink environment. The simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the induction motor control system and the functionality of the wind turbine emulator for providing all necessary parameters of the wind turbine system such as wind speed, output torque, power coefficient and tip speed ratio. The findings are of direct practical relevance.Keywords: electrical generator, induction motor drive, modeling, pitch angle control, real time control, renewable energy, wind turbine, wind turbine emulator
Procedia PDF Downloads 2351725 Numerical Solution of Transient Natural Convection in Vertical Heated Rectangular Channel between Two Vertical Parallel MTR-Type Fuel Plates
Authors: Djalal Hamed
The aim of this paper is to perform, by mean of the finite volume method, a numerical solution of the transient natural convection in a narrow rectangular channel between two vertical parallel Material Testing Reactor (MTR)-type fuel plates, imposed under a heat flux with a cosine shape to determine the margin of the nuclear core power at which the natural convection cooling mode can ensure a safe core cooling, where the cladding temperature should not reach a specific safety limits (90 °C). For this purpose, a computer program is developed to determine the principal parameters related to the nuclear core safety, such as the temperature distribution in the fuel plate and in the coolant (light water) as a function of the reactor core power. Throughout the obtained results, we noticed that the core power should not reach 400 kW, to ensure a safe passive residual heat removing from the nuclear core by the upward natural convection cooling mode.Keywords: buoyancy force, friction force, finite volume method, transient natural convection
Procedia PDF Downloads 1971724 Curcumin-Loaded Pickering Emulsion Stabilized by pH-Induced Self-Aggregated Chitosan Particles for Encapsulating Bioactive Compounds for Food, Flavor/Fragrance, Cosmetics, and Medicine
Authors: Rizwan Ahmed Bhutto, Noor ul ain Hira Bhutto, Mingwei Wang, Shahid Iqbal, Jiang Yi
Curcumin, a natural polyphenolic compound, boasts numerous health benefits; however, its industrial applications are hindered by instabilities and poor solubility. Encapsulating curcumin in Pickering emulsion presents a promising strategy to enhance its bioavailability. Yet, the development of an efficient and straightforward method to fabricate a natural emulsifier for Pickering emulsion poses a significant challenge. Chitosan has garnered attention due to its non-toxicity and excellent emulsifying properties. This study aimed to prepare four distinct types of self-aggregated chitosan particles using a pH-responsive self-assembling approach. The properties of the aggregated particles were adjusted by pH, degree of deacetylation (DDA), and molecular weight (MW), thereby controlling surface charge, size (ranging from nano to micro and floc), and contact angle. Pickering emulsions were then formulated using these various aggregated particles. As MW and pH increased and DDA decreased, the networked structures of the aggregated particles formed, resulting in highly elastic gels that were more resistant to the breakdown of Pickering emulsion at ambient temperature. With elevated temperatures, the kinetic energy of the aggregated particles increased, disrupting hydrogen bonds and potentially transforming the systems from fluids to gels. The Pickering emulsion based on aggregated particles served as a carrier for curcumin encapsulation. It was observed that DDA and MW played crucial roles in regulating drug loading, encapsulation efficiency, and release profile. This research sheds light on selecting suitable chitosan for controlling the release of bioactive compounds in Pickering emulsions, considering factors such as adjustable rheological properties, microstructure, and macrostructure. Furthermore, this study introduces an environmentally friendly and cost-effective synthesis of pH-responsive aggregate particles without the need for high-pressure homogenizers. It underscores the potential of aggregate particles with various MWs and DDAs for encapsulating other bioactive compounds, offering valuable applications in industries including food, flavor/fragrance, cosmetics, and medicine.Keywords: chitosan, molecular weight, rheological properties, curcumin encapsulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 671723 Factors Affecting the Wages of Native Workers in Thailand's Construction Industry
Authors: C. Noknoi, W. Boripunt, K. Boomid, S. Suwitphanwong
This research studies the factors influencing the wages of native workers in Thailand's construction industry. The sample used comprised some 156 native construction workers from Songkhla Province, Thailand. The utilized research instrument was a questionnaire, with the data being analyzed according to frequency, percentage, and regression analysis. The results revealed that in general, native Thai construction workers are generally married males aged between 26 and 37 years old. They typically have four to six years of education, are employed as laborers with an average salary of 4,000–9,200 baht per month, and have fewer than five years of work experience. Most Thai workers work five days a week. Each establishment typically has 10–30 employees, with fewer than 10 of these being migrant workers in general. Most Thai workers are at a 20% to 40% risk from work, and they have never changed employer. The average wage of Thai workers was found to be 10,843.03 baht per month with a standard deviation of 4,898.31 baht per month. Hypothesis testing revealed that position, work experience, and the number of times they had switched employer were the factors most affecting the wages of native Thai construction workers. These three factors alone explain the salaries of Thai construction workers at 51.9%.Keywords: construction industry, native workers, Thailand, wages
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