Search results for: village level
11800 Business Process Orientation: Case of Croatia
Authors: Ljubica Milanović Glavan
Because of the increasing business pressures, companies must be adaptable and flexible in order to withstand them. Inadequate business processes and low level of business process orientation, that in its core accentuates business processes as opposed to business functions and focuses on process performance and customer satisfaction, hider the ability to adapt to changing environment. It has been shown in previous studies that the companies which have reached higher business process maturity level consistently outperform those that have not reached them. The aim of this paper is to provide a basic understanding of business process orientation concept and business process maturity model. Besides that the paper presents the state of business process orientation in Croatia that has been captured with a study conducted in 2013. Based on the results some practical implications and guidelines for managers are given.Keywords: business process orientation, business process maturity, Croatia, maturity score
Procedia PDF Downloads 55011799 A Smart Sensor Network Approach Using Affordable River Water Level Sensors
Authors: Dian Zhang, Brendan Heery, Maria O’Neill, Ciprian Briciu-Burghina, Noel E. O’Connor, Fiona Regan
Recent developments in sensors, wireless data communication and the cloud computing have brought the sensor web to a whole new generation. The introduction of the concept of ‘Internet of Thing (IoT)’ has brought the sensor research into a new level, which involves the developing of long lasting, low cost, environment friendly and smart sensors; new wireless data communication technologies; big data analytics algorithms and cloud based solutions that are tailored to large scale smart sensor network. The next generation of smart sensor network consists of several layers: physical layer, where all the smart sensors resident and data pre-processes occur, either on the sensor itself or field gateway; data transmission layer, where data and instructions exchanges happen; the data process layer, where meaningful information is extracted and organized from the pre-process data stream. There are many definitions of smart sensor, however, to summarize all these definitions, a smart sensor must be Intelligent and Adaptable. In future large scale sensor network, collected data are far too large for traditional applications to send, store or process. The sensor unit must be intelligent that pre-processes collected data locally on board (this process may occur on field gateway depends on the sensor network structure). In this case study, three smart sensing methods, corresponding to simple thresholding, statistical model and machine learning based MoPBAS method, are introduced and their strength and weakness are discussed as an introduction to the smart sensing concept. Data fusion, the integration of data and knowledge from multiple sources, are key components of the next generation smart sensor network. For example, in the water level monitoring system, weather forecast can be extracted from external sources and if a heavy rainfall is expected, the server can send instructions to the sensor notes to, for instance, increase the sampling rate or switch on the sleeping mode vice versa. In this paper, we describe the deployment of 11 affordable water level sensors in the Dublin catchment. The objective of this paper is to use the deployed river level sensor network at the Dodder catchment in Dublin, Ireland as a case study to give a vision of the next generation of a smart sensor network for flood monitoring to assist agencies in making decisions about deploying resources in the case of a severe flood event. Some of the deployed sensors are located alongside traditional water level sensors for validation purposes. Using the 11 deployed river level sensors in a network as a case study, a vision of the next generation of smart sensor network is proposed. Each key component of the smart sensor network is discussed, which hopefully inspires the researchers who are working in the sensor research domain.Keywords: smart sensing, internet of things, water level sensor, flooding
Procedia PDF Downloads 38311798 Revitalization Strategy of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Rural Areas Organized by Production-Living-Ecology Spatial Network at Township Level
Authors: Liuhui Zhu, Peng Zeng
The rural revitalization strategy means to take the country and the city on the same level, and achieve urban-rural integration and comprehensive development of rural areas. Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei rural areas have always been the weak links in the region, with prominently uneven development between urban and rural areas. The rural areas need to join the overall regional synergy. Based on the analysis of the characteristics and problems of rural development in the region from the perspective of production-living-ecology space, the paper proposes the township as the basic unit for rural revitalization according to the overall requirements of the rural revitalization strategy. The basic unit helps to realize resource arrangement, functional organization, and collaborative governance organized by the production-living-ecology spatial network. The paper summarizes the planning strategies for the basic unit. Through spatial cognition and spatial reconstruction, the three space is networked through the base, nodes, and connections to improve the comprehensive value of rural areas and achieve the multiple goals of rural revitalization.Keywords: rural revitalization, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, township level, production-living-ecology spatial network
Procedia PDF Downloads 19511797 The Role of Hemoglobin in Psychological Well Being and Academic Achievement of College Female Students
Authors: Ramesh Adsul, Vikas Minchekar
The present study attempts to explore the differences in academic achievement and psychological well being and its components – satisfaction, efficiency, sociability, mental health, interpersonal relations in low and moderate level of hemoglobin of college female students. It also tries to find out how hemoglobin, psychological well –being and academic achievement correlate to each other. For this study 200 (100 low hemoglobin level and 100 moderate hemoglobin level) college female students were selected by random sampling method. This sample is collected from the project ‘Health awareness and hemoglobin improvement programme’, which is being collaboratively conducted by ‘Akshyabhasha, MESA, U.S.A. and Smt. M.G. Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Sangli, Maharashtra, India. Psychological Well-Being Scale was used to collect the data. Students’ academic achievement was collected through college record, and hemoglobin level of female students was collected from project record. Data was analyzed by using independent ‘t’ test and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The finding of the study revealed significant differences between low hemoglobin and moderate hemoglobin groups regarding efficiency and mental health. No significant difference was observed on satisfaction, sociability and interpersonal relations. It is also found that there is significant difference between low hemoglobin and moderate hemoglobin groups on academic achievement. The study revealed positive correlation between hemoglobin and academic achievement and psychological well-being and academic achievement. Moderate hemoglobin level create more efficiency, better mental health and good academic achievement in female students. One could say that there is significant role hemoglobin plays in psychological well being and academic achievement of college female students. Anemia is widely prevalent in all the states if India among all age groups. In India, college girls contribute major portion of population. It has been reported that 80% female population has hemoglobin deficiency, due to illiteracy of female, family structure, status of women, diet habits, gender discrimination and various superstitions. The deficiency of hemoglobin affects physical and mental health, general behavior and academic performance of students. This study is useful to educational managements, counselors, parents, students and Government also. In the development of personality physical as well as psychological health is essential. This research findings will create awareness about physical and mental health among people and society.Keywords: academic achievement, college female students, hemoglobin, psychological well-being
Procedia PDF Downloads 29511796 Conformance to Spatial Planning between the Kampala Physical Development Plan of 2012 and the Existing Land Use in 2021
Authors: Brendah Nagula, Omolo Fredrick Okalebo, Ronald Ssengendo, Ivan Bamweyana
The Kampala Physical Development Plan (KPDP) was developed in 2012 and projected both long term and short term developments within the City .The purpose of the plan was to not only shape the city into a spatially planned area but also to control the urban sprawl trends that had expanded with pronounced instances of informal settlements. This plan was approved by the National Physical Planning Board and a signature was appended by the Minister in 2013. Much as the KPDP plan has been implemented using different approaches such as detailed planning, development control, subdivision planning, carrying out construction inspections, greening and beautification, there is still limited knowledge on the level of conformance towards this plan. Therefore, it is yet to be determined whether it has been effective in shaping the City into an ideal spatially planned area. Attaining a clear picture of the level of conformance towards the KPDP 2012 through evaluation between the planned and the existing land use in Kampala City was performed. Methods such as Supervised Classification and Post Classification Change Detection were adopted to perform this evaluation. Scrutiny of findings revealed Central Division registered the lowest level of conformance to the planning standards specified in the KPDP 2012 followed by Nakawa, Rubaga, Kawempe, and Makindye. Furthermore, mixed-use development was identified as the land use with the highest level of non-conformity of 25.11% and institutional land use registered the highest level of conformance of 84.45 %. The results show that the aspect of location was not carefully considered while allocating uses in the KPDP whereby areas located near the Central Business District have higher land rents and hence require uses that ensure profit maximization. Also, the prominence of development towards mixed-use denotes an increased demand for land towards compact development that was not catered for in the plan. Therefore in order to transform Kampala city into a spatially planned area, there is need to carefully develop detailed plans especially for all the Central Division planning precincts indicating considerations for land use densification.Keywords: spatial plan, post classification change detection, Kampala city, landuse
Procedia PDF Downloads 9511795 Effects of Cassia tora Seeds Extract on Type 2 Diabetes Induced Mice
Authors: Min-Ju Jo, Min-Young Um, Moonsung Choi, Sooim Shin
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is characterized by insulin resistance, the inability of β-cell and the dysfunction of mitochondria. To characterize effects of Cassia tora extract on mitochondrial dysfunction related T2D, the reduced glutathione level, amount of mitochondrial complexes and activities of mitochondrial complexes were measured. Three groups of mice were modeled; a control group was fed a normal diet, a diabetic group was fed a diabetic diet high in fat and carbohydrates, and a third group was fed a diabetic diet + 70% ethanol extracted Cassia tora seeds for 12 weeks. The amount of mitochondria was determined by Bradford assay after isolation of mitochondria in liver from each group. During isolation of mitochondria, cytosolic fractions of the tissue were collected to measure the reduced glutathione level. Interestingly, high level of the reduced glutathione was observed in Cassia tora treated group and decreased activities of mitochondrial complexes in Cassia tora treated group compared to the diabetic diet group. It indicates that Cassia tora has the potential to increase the reduced form of glutathione functioned as an important antioxidant in cells, and to reduce mitochondrial metabolic compensatory mechanism.Keywords: antioxidant, Cassia tora, diabetes, electron transport chain, glutathione, mitochondria, spectrophotometry
Procedia PDF Downloads 17911794 Environment-Specific Political Risk Discourse, Environmental Reputation, and Stock Price Crash Risk
Authors: Sohanur Rahman, Elisabeth Sinnewe, Larelle (Ellie) Chapple, Sarah Osborne
Greater political attention to global climate change exposes firms to a higher level of political uncertainty, which can lead to adverse capital market consequences. However, a higher level of discourse on environment-specific political risk (EPR) between management and investors can mitigate information asymmetry, followed by less stock price crash risk. This study examines whether EPR discourse in discourse in the earnings conference calls (ECC) reduces firm-level stock price crash risk in the US market. This research also explores if adverse disclosures via media channels further moderates the association between EPR on crash risk. Employing a dataset of 28,933 firm-year observations from 2002 to 2020, the empirical analysis reveals that EPR discourse in ECC reduces future stock price crash risk. However, adverse disclosures via media channels can offset the favourable effect of EPR discourse on crash risk. The results are robust to the potential endogeneity concern in a quasi-natural experiment setting.Keywords: earnings conference calls, environment, environment-specific political risk discourse, environmental disclosures, information asymmetry, reputation risk, stock price crash risk
Procedia PDF Downloads 14211793 Relationship between Quality Education and Organizational Culture at College Level in Punjab
Authors: Anam Noshaba, Mahr Muhammad Saeed Akhtar
The aim of this study was to find out the relationship between quality education and organizational culture. The population of this study was all the teachers of Public Degree Colleges located in Punjab. A sample of 400 teachers was selected by using a simple random sampling technique. Quality Education Assessment Questionnaire (QEAQ) and Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) were used for data collection. Out of all, 90% of teachers responded. Findings showed that quality education and organizational culture are positively correlated. Results indicated that there is no difference in quality education and organizational culture by demographic variables of teachers. Future research is needed to study the viewpoint of other stakeholders of education regarding quality education and organizational culture.Keywords: quality education, minimum quality standards, organizational culture, college level
Procedia PDF Downloads 14011792 Algorithmic Skills Transferred from Secondary CSI Studies into Tertiary Education
Authors: Piroska Biró, Mária Csernoch, János Máth, Kálmán Abari
Testing the first year students of Informatics at the University of Debrecen revealed that students start their tertiary studies in programming with a low level of programming knowledge and algorithmic skills. The possible reasons which lead the students to this very unfortunate result were examined. The results of the test were compared to the students’ results in the school leaving exams and to their self-assessment values. It was found that there is only a slight connection between the students’ results in the test and in the school leaving exams, especially at intermediate level. Beyond this, the school leaving exams do not seem to enable students to evaluate their own abilities.Keywords: deep and surface approaches, metacognitive abilities, programming and algorithmic skills, school leaving exams, tracking code
Procedia PDF Downloads 38511791 Impact Of Flipped Classroom Model On English as a Foreign Language Learners' Grammar Achievement: Not Only Inversion But Also Integration
Authors: Cem Bulut, Zeynep B. Kocoglu
Flipped classroom (FC) method has gained popularity, specifically in higher education, in recent years with the idea that it is possible to use the time spent in classrooms more effectively by simply flipping the passive lecturing parts with the homework exercises. Accordingly, the present study aims to investigate whether using FC method is more effective than the non-flipped method in teaching grammar to English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. An experimental research was conducted with the participants of two intact classes having A2 level English courses (N=39 in total) in a vocational school in Kocaeli, Turkey. Results from the post-test indicated that the flipped group achieved higher scores than the non-flipped group did. Additionally, independent samples t-test analysis in SPSS revealed that the difference between two groups was statistically significant. On the other hand, even if the factors that lie beneath this improvement are likely to be attributed to the teaching method, which is also supported by the answers given to the FC perception survey and interview, participants in both groups developed statistically significant positive attitudes towards learning grammar regardless of the method used. In that sense, this result was considered to be related to the level of the course, which was quite low in English level. In sum, the present study provides additional findings to the literature for FC methodology from a different perspective.Keywords: flipped classroom, learning management system, English as a foreign language
Procedia PDF Downloads 12511790 Linking Remittances and Household Level Development in India: An Analysis of NSSO 64th Round Data
Authors: Rakesh Mishra, Mukunda Upadhyay, Rajni Singh
This paper attempts to link remittances sent by internal as well as international out-migrants and its domestic preferences of usage in three different dimension of Household level development in India and its states. Investment of remittances in these sectors reveals for mixed choices of preferential among the states from where people have out-migrated. The multivariate analysis implies that among all three indicators of human development, health (Investment in Food and Health) is the one that attracts the major investment followed by capital formation and least on Education. Usage of the remittances has been found to be varying across all the states in India as far as usage in health, capital formation and education are concerned. Orissa, Nagaland, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Gujarat, D & H Haweli are some of the states and union territory that contributes highest of its international remittances on health, while most of the usage of the internal remittances has second or third preferences of investment on the health except for Uttar Pradesh, D & H Haweli, Arunachal Pradesh and A & N Is. This paper tries to access usage of international remittances as well as internal remittances on the flow of remittances at the micro level and its implications across three basic determinants of Human Development that is Health, Capital formation and Education coupled with the preferences of usage in presence of Several Socio economic and Demographic variable.Keywords: multivariate analysis, household development, remittances, internal and international migration
Procedia PDF Downloads 44711789 Entrepreneurship And Heritage Tourism: Identifying Opportunities Around Tsodilo Hills World Heritage Site
Authors: O. Nthoi-Molefe, V. Makwinja
In the North West district of Botswana, Heritage tourism has the potential to offer tremendous economic and social opportunities for local communities in terms of supporting Tourism product development and entrepreneurship. This paper Identifies that Cultural Heritage Entrepreneur brings to the market goods and services, organizes and runs cultural heritage in a commercial or non-profit manner depending on characteristics of cultural resources identified. Data was collected through a series of focus group discussions that included sixteen village community members within the region. Data collected was transcribed and then further analyzed thematically to bring forward results to be analysed. Using Tsodilo Hills World Heritage Site as a case study, the researchers acknowledged that Cultural Heritage Entrepreneurs in that area should use a creative approach in order toidentify suitable solutions for financing different tourism activities starting with sponsored events, grant funds, donations, including the benefits of financial opportunities brough be foreign visitors and domestic tourists alike. The researchers also identified a need for specialized training for the identified entrepreneurs in order to maintain quality services of tourism products and sites (interpretation), information for tourists, visitation services, diversification, and upgrading of the heritage experience. The research reveals that the identified Cultural Heritage Entrepreneurs prefer economic motivation, exploitation over the cultural value of their resources, further calling for recommendations of the research that emphasize on the need for detailed training on how to valorize their cultural resources for the growth of Tourism in the area.Keywords: education, community development, entrepreneurship, cultural tourism
Procedia PDF Downloads 16011788 Refining Sexual Assault Treatment: Recovered Survivors and Expert Therapists Concur on Effective Therapy Components
Authors: Avigail Moor, Michal Otmazgin, Hagar Tsiddon, Avivit Mahazri
The goal of the present study was to refine sexual assault therapy through the examination of the level of agreement between survivor and therapist assessments of key recovery-promoting therapeutic interventions. This is the first study to explore the level of agreement between those who partake in the treatment process from either position. Semi structured interviews were conducted in this qualitative study with 10 survivors and 10 experienced therapists. The results document considerable concurrence between them regarding relational and trauma processing treatment components alike. Together, these reports outline key effective interventions, both common and specific in nature, concomitantly supported by both groups.Keywords: sexual assault, rape treatment, therapist training, psychotherapy
Procedia PDF Downloads 5911787 25 (OH)D3 Level and Obesity Type, and Its Effect on Renal Excretory Function in Patients with a Functioning Transplant
Authors: Magdalena Barbara Kaziuk, Waldemar Kosiba, Marek Jan Kuzniewski
Introduction: Vitamin D3 has a proven pleiotropic effect, not only responsible for calcium and phosphate management, but also influencing normal functioning of the whole body. Aim: Evaluation of vitamin D3 resources and its effect on a nutritional status, obesity type and glomerular filtration in kidney transplant recipients. Methods: Group of 152 (81 women and 71 men, average age 47.8 ± 11.6 years) patients with a functioning renal transplant their body composition was assessed using the bioimpendance method (BIA) and anthropometric measurements more than 3 months after the transplant. The nutritional status and the obesity type were determined with the Waist to Height Ratio (WHtR) and the Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR). 25- Hydroxyvitamin D3 (25 (OH)D3) was determined, together with its correlation with the obesity type and the glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) calculated with the MDRD formula. Results: The mean 25 (OH)D3 level was 20.4 ng/ml. 30ng/ml was considered as a minimum correct level 22,7% of patients from the study group were classified to be a correct body weight, 56,7% of participants had an android type and 20,6% had a gynoid type. Significant correlation was observed between 25 (OH)D3 deficiency and abdominal obesity (p < 0.005) in patients. Furthermore, a statistically significant relationship was demonstrated between the 25 (OH)D3 levels and eGFR in patients after a kidney transplant. Patients with an android body type had lower eGFR versus those with the gynoid body type (p=0.004). Conclusions: Correct diet in patients after a kidney transplant determines minimum recommended serum levels of vitamin D3. Excessive fatty tissue, low levels of 25 (OH)D3), may be a predictor for android obesity and renal injury; therefore, correct diet and pharmacological management together with physical activities adapted to the physical fitness level of a patient are necessary.Keywords: kidney transplantation, glomerular filtration rate, obesity, vitamin D3
Procedia PDF Downloads 27911786 Quantitative Evaluation on Community Perceptions of Sanitation and Hygiene in Rural Guatemala
Authors: Akudo Ejelonu, Sarah Willig, J. Anthony Sauder, Heather Murphy, Frances Shofer
Background: The high prevalence of diarrheal diseases in the village of Tzununá, Guatemala is linked to lack of sanitation facilities and handwashing practices. Diarrheal diseases are preventable and improved access to latrines, hygiene education and clean water may improve sanitation by reducing the spread of disease. Objective: Between May 2015-January 2017, the University of Pennsylvania Chapter of Engineers Without Border (PennEWB) and local partners designed an intervention to reduce diarrheal disease by building pour flush latrines in 50 individual households and providing education on the importance of handwashing practice. Design/Methods: Through convenient sampling, we surveyed 45 households to evaluate the community’s knowledge of diarrheal disease, handwashing practices, and maintenance of the latrines. Results: 92% of the study participants experienced decrease of new cases of diarrheal disease after receiving a latrine. Only 11% washed their hands after defecating in the latrine. There was gap in understanding the health outcome of latrine sanitation and handwashing education. The respondents did not connect the reduction of diarrheal disease with latrine use and maintenance. Instead, they associated their motivation for latrine use with aesthetics, proximity to their home, ease and comfort, and reduction of shame. We recommend that PennEWB adopt UNICEF or WHO education on hand washing practice. Conclusion: Social interaction and social pressure drove the household use of latrines. The latrines are being valued and cleaned. The education that the residents received did not target norms and behaviors. Latrines could be used to create a new social norm that supports behavioral change.Keywords: diarrheal disease, latrine, open defecation, water, sanitation and hygiene
Procedia PDF Downloads 15711785 Design of Direct Power Controller for a High Power Neutral Point Clamped Converter Using Real-Time Simulator
Authors: Amin Zabihinejad, Philippe Viarouge
In this paper, a direct power control (DPC) strategies have been investigated in order to control a high power AC/DC converter with time variable load. This converter is composed of a three level three phase neutral point clamped (NPC) converter as rectifier and an H-bridge four quadrant current control converter. In the high power application, controller not only must adjust the desired outputs but also decrease the level of distortions which are injected to the network from the converter. Regarding this reason and nonlinearity of the power electronic converter, the conventional controllers cannot achieve appropriate responses. In this research, the precise mathematical analysis has been employed to design the appropriate controller in order to control the time variable load. A DPC controller has been proposed and simulated using Matlab/Simulink. In order to verify the simulation result, a real-time simulator- OPAL-RT- has been employed. In this paper, the dynamic response and stability of the high power NPC with variable load has been investigated and compared with conventional types using a real-time simulator. The results proved that the DPC controller is more stable and has more precise outputs in comparison with the conventional controller.Keywords: direct power control, three level rectifier, real time simulator, high power application
Procedia PDF Downloads 52011784 Level of Application of Integrated Talent Management According To IBM Institute for Business Value Case Study Palestinian Governmental Agencies in Gaza Strip
Authors: Iyad A. A. Abusahloub
This research aimed to measure the level of perception and application of Integrated Talent Management according to IBM standards, by the upper and middle categories in Palestinian government institutions in Gaza, using a descriptive-analytical method. Using a questionnaire based on the standards of the IBM Institute for Business Value, the researcher added a second section to measure the perception of integrated talent management, the sample was 248 managers. The SPSS package was used for statistical analysis. The results showed that government institutions in Gaza apply Integrated Talent Management according to IBM standards at a medium degree did not exceed 59.8%, there is weakness in the perception of integrated talent management at the level of 53.6%, and there is a strong correlation between (Integrated Talent Management) and (the perception of the integrated talent management) amounted to 92.9%, and 88.9% of the change in the perception of the integrated talent management is by (motivate and develop, deploy and manage, connect and enable, and transform and sustain) talents, and 11.1% is by other factors. Conclusion: This study concluded that the integrated talent management model presented by IBM with its six dimensions is an effective model to reach your awareness and understanding of talent management, especially that it must rely on at least four basic dimensions out of the six dimensions: 1- Stimulating and developing talent. 2- Organizing and managing talent. 3- Connecting with talent and empowering it. 4- Succession and sustainability of talent. Therefore, this study recommends the adoption of the integrated talent management model provided by IBM to any organization across the world, regardless of its specialization or size, to reach talent sustainability.Keywords: HR, talent, talent management, IBM
Procedia PDF Downloads 8511783 Select Communicative Approaches and Speaking Skills of Junior High School Students
Authors: Sonia Arradaza-Pajaron
Speaking English, as a medium of instruction among students who are non-native English speakers poses a real challenge to achieve proficiency, especially so if it is a requirement in most communicative classroom instruction. It becomes a real burden among students whose English language orientation is not well facilitated and encouraged by teachers among national high schools. This study, which utilized a descriptive-correlational research, examined the relationship between the select communicative approaches commonly utilized in classroom instruction to the level of speaking skills among the identified high school students. Survey questionnaires, interview, and observations sheets were researcher instruments used to generate salient information. Data were analyzed and treated statistically utilizing weighted mean speaking skills levels and Pearson r to determine the relationship between the two identified variables of the study. Findings revealed that the level of English speaking skills of the high school students is just average. Further, among the identified speaking sub-skills, namely, grammar, pronunciation and fluency, the students were considered above average level. There was also a clear relationship of some communicative approaches to the respondents’ speaking skills. Most notable among the select approaches is that of role-playing, compared to storytelling, informal debate, brainstorming, oral reporting, and others. It may be because role-playing is the most commonly used approach in the classroom. This implies that when these high school students are given enough time and autonomy on how they could express their ideas or comprehension of some lessons, they are shown to have a spontaneous manner of expression, through the maximization of the second language. It can be concluded further that high school students have the capacity to express ideas even in the second language, only if they are encouraged and well-facilitated by teachers. Also, when a better communicative approach is identified and better implemented, thus, will level up students’ classroom engagement.Keywords: communicative approaches, comprehension, role playing, speaking skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 17811782 The Influence of Contextual Factors on Long-Term Contraceptive Use in East Java
Authors: Ni'mal Baroya, Andrei Ramani, Irma Prasetyowati
The access to reproduction health services, including with safe and effective contraception were human rights regardless of social stratum and residence. In addition to individual factors, family and contextual factors were also believed to be the cause in the use of contraceptive methods. This study aimed to assess the determinants of long-term contraceptive methods (LTCM) by considering all the factors at either the individual level or contextual level. Thereby, this study could provide basic information for program development of prevalence enhancement of MKJP in East Java. The research, which used cross-sectional design, utilized Riskesdas 2013 data, particularly in East Java Province for further analysis about multilevel modeling of MKJP application. The sample of this study consisted of 20.601 married women who were not in pregnant that were drawn by using probability sampling following the sampling technique of Riskesdas 2013. Variables in this study were including the independent variables at the individual level that consisted of education, age, occupation, access to family planning services (KB), economic status and residence. As independent variables in district level were the Human Development Index (HDI, henceforth as IPM) in each districts of East Java Province, the ratio of field officers, the ratio of midwives, the ratio of community health centers and the ratio of doctors. As for the dependent variable was the use of Long-Term Contraceptive Method (LTCM or MKJP). The data were analyzed by using chi-square test and Pearson product moment correlation. The multivariable analysis was using multilevel logistic regression with 95% of Confidence Interval (CI) at the significance level of p < 0.05 and 80% of strength test. The results showed a low CPR LTCM was concentrated in districts in Madura Island and the north coast. The women which were 25 to 35 or more than 35 years old, at least high school education, working, and middle-class social status were more likely to use LTCM or MKJP. The IPM and low PLKB ratio had implications for poor CPR LTCM / MKJP.Keywords: multilevel, long-term contraceptive methods, east java, contextual factor
Procedia PDF Downloads 24511781 The Relation between Coping Strategies with Stress and Mental Health Situation in Flying Addicted Family of Self Introducer and Private
Authors: Farnoush Haghanipour
Recent research studies relation between coping strategies with stress and mental health situation in flying addicted family of self-introducer and private, Units of Guilan province. For this purpose 251 family (parent, spouse), that referred to private and self-introducer centers to break out of drug are selected in random sampling form. Research method was cross sectional-descriptive and purpose of research was fixing of between kinds of coping strategies with stress and mental health condition with attention to demographic variables. Therefore to collection of information, coping strategies questionnaire (CSQ) and mental health questionnaire (GHQ) was used and finally data analyzed by descriptive statistical methods (average, standard deviation) and inferential statistical correlation coefficient and regression. Study of correlation coefficient between mental healths with problem focused emotional focused and detachment strategies in level more than %99 is confirmed. Also mental health with avoidant focused hasn't correlation in other words relation is between mental health with problem focused strategies (r= 0/34) and emotional focused with mental health (r=0.52) and detachment with mental health (r= 0.18) in meaningful level 0.05. And also relation is between emotional focused strategies and mental health (r= 0.034) that is meaningless in Alpha 0.05. Also relation between problem processed coping strategies and mental health situation with attention to demographic variable is meaningful and relation level verified in confidence level more than 0.99. And result of anticipation equation regression statistical test has most a have in problem focused coping strategy, mental health, but relation of the avoidant emotional, detachment strategy with mental health was meaningless with attention to demographic variables.Keywords: stress, coping strategy with stress, mental health, self introducer and private
Procedia PDF Downloads 31111780 Aptian Ramp Sedimentation of the Jebel Serdj Massif, North-Central Tunisia, and Sea Level Variations Recorded in Magnetic Susceptibility
Authors: Houda Khaled, Fredj Chaabani, Frederic Boulvain
The Aptian series in north-central Tunisia was studied in detail regarding to lithology, microfacies, and magnetic susceptibility to provide new insights into the paleoenvironmental evolution and sea level changes in the carbonate platform. The study series is about 350 meters thick, and it consists of fives sequences of limestones, separated by four levels of marlstones and marly limestones. Petrographic study leads to the definition of 11 microfacies which are successively recorded along the Serdj section into the outer ramp, mid-ramp, inner ramp and coastal facies associations. The magnetic susceptibility of all samples was measured and compared with the facies and microfacies. There is a clear link between facies and magnetic susceptibility; the distal facies show high values while the proximal areas show lower values. The magnetic susceptibility profile reflects stratigraphic variations in response to relative changes in sea level and input of detrital materials. During the Aptian, kaolinite/illite intensity ratios show high values possibly indicating a warming trend followed then by decreasing values that may indicate a cooling trend. During the Albian, this cooling trend is reverted into humid/warming.Keywords: Aptian, mineralogy, petrology, Serdj massif
Procedia PDF Downloads 36111779 Clinical Parameters Response to Low Level Laser Versus Monochromatic Near Infrared Photo Energy in Diabetic Patient with Peripheral Neuropathy
Authors: Abeer Ahmed Abdehameed
Background: Diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy (DSP) is one of the most common micro vascular complications of type 2 diabetes. Loss of sensation is thought to contribute to lake of static and dynamic stability and increased risk of falling. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of low level laser (LLL) and monochromatic near infrared photo energy (MIRE) on pain , cutaneous sensation, static stability and index of lower limb blood flow in diabetic with peripheral neuropathy. Methods: Forty subjects with diabetic peripheral neuropathy were recruited for study. They were divided into two groups: The ( MIRE) group that included (20) patients and (LLL) group included (20) patients. All patients in the study had been subjected to various physical assessment procedures including pain, cutaneous sensation, Doppler flow meter and static stability assessments. The baseline measurements were followed by treatment sessions that conducted twice a week for 6 successive weeks. Results: The statistical analysis of the data had revealed significant improvement of the pain in both groups, with significant improvement in cutaneous sensation and static balance in (MIRE) group compared to (LLL) group; on the other hand results showed no significant differences on lower limb blood flow in both groups. Conclusion: Low level laser and monochromatic near infrared therapy can improve painful symptoms in patients with diabetic neuropathy. On the other hand (MIRE) is useful in improving cutaneous sensation and static stability in patients with diabetic neuropathy.Keywords: diabetic neuropathy, doppler flow meter, low level laser, monochromatic near infrared photo energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 31411778 Potentials of Underutilised Crops in the Nigerian Farming Systems for Sustainable Food Production and Economic Empowerment
Authors: Jesse Silas Mshelia, Michael Mamman Degri, Akeweta Emmanuel Samaila
This review was conducted in the North-Eastern part of Nigeria where there are a lot of challenges of poverty and low level of productivity of farmlands as a result of dwindling soil fertility and dependence on crops that are not so much adopted to the soil and climatic condition and the prevailing farming systems of the area which is predominantly mixed cropping. The crops that are neglected are well fitted into this system of production and yield better with the low level of input and management and give a higher profit margin. These crops, the farmers have mastered the production techniques, but do not have the scientific knowledge to improve the quality of the seed and the products hence need the intervention of modern technologies to benefit maximally from the full potentials of these crops.Keywords: farming systems, neglected crops, potentials, underutilised
Procedia PDF Downloads 37511777 The Capabilities of New Communication Devices in Development of Informing: Case Study Mobile Functions in Iran
Authors: Mohsen Shakerinejad
Due to the growing momentum of technology, the present age is called age of communication and information. And With Astounding progress of Communication and information tools, current world Is likened to the "global village". That a message can be sent from one point to another point of the world in a Time scale Less than a minute. However, one of the new sociologists -Alain Touraine- in describing the destructive effects of new changes arising from the development of information appliances refers to the "new fields for undemocratic social control And the incidence of acute and unrest social and political tensions", Yet, in this era That With the advancement of the industry, the life of people has been industrial too, quickly and accurately Data Transfer, Causes Blowing new life in the Body of Society And according to the features of each society and the progress of science and technology, Various tools should be used. One of these communication tools is Mobile. Cellular phone As Communication and telecommunication revolution in recent years, Has had a great influence on the individual and collective life of societies. This powerful communication tool Have had an Undeniable effect, On all aspects of life, including social, economic, cultural, scientific, etc. so that Ignoring It in Design, Implementation and enforcement of any system is not wise. Nowadays knowledge and information are one of the most important aspects of human life. Therefore, in this article, it has been tried to introduce mobile potentials in receive and transmit News and Information. As it follows, among the numerous capabilities of current mobile phones features such as sending text, photography, sound recording, filming, and Internet connectivity could indicate the potential of this medium of communication in the process of sending and receiving information. So that nowadays, mobile journalism as an important component of citizen journalism Has a unique role in information dissemination.Keywords: mobile, informing, receiving information, mobile journalism, citizen journalism
Procedia PDF Downloads 41011776 Teacher’s Self-Efficacy and Self-Perception of Teaching Professional Competences
Authors: V. Biasi, A. M. Ciraci, G. Domenici, N. Patrizi
We present two studies centered on the teacher’s perception of self-efficacy and professional competences. The first study aims to evaluate the levels of self-efficacy as attitude in 200 teachers of primary and secondary schools. Teacher self-efficacy is related to many educational outcomes: such as teachers’ persistence, enthusiasm, commitment and instructional behavior. High level of teacher self-efficacy beliefs enhance student motivation and pupil’s learning level. On this theoretical and empirical basis we are planning a second study oriented to assess teacher self-perception of competences that are linked to teacher self-efficacy. With the CDVR Questionnaire, 287 teachers graduated in Education Sciences in e-learning mode, showed an increase in their self-perception of didactic-evaluation and relational competences and an increased confidence also in their own professionalism.Keywords: teacher competence, teacher self-efficacy, selfperception, self-report evaluation
Procedia PDF Downloads 52311775 Determination of the Knowledge Level of Healthcare Professional's Working at the Emergency Services in Turkey about Their Approaches to Common Forensic Cases
Authors: E. Tuğba Topçu, Ebru E. Kazan, Erhan Büken
Emergency nurses are the first health care professional to generally observe the patients, communicate patients’ family or relatives, touch the properties of patients and contact to laboratory sample of patients. Also, they are the encounter incidents related crime, people who engage in violence or suspicious injuries frequently. So, documentation of patients’ condition came to the hospital and conservation of evidence are important in the inquiry of forensic medicine. The aim of the study was to determine the knowledge level of healthcare professional working at the emergency services regarding their approaches to common forensic cases. The study was comprised of 404 healthcare professional working (nurse, emergency medicine technician, health officer) at the emergency services of 6 state hospitals, 6 training and 6 research hospitals and 3 university hospitals in Ankara. Data was collected using questionnaire form which was developed by researches in the direction of literature. Questionnaire form is comprised of two sections. The first section includes 17 questions related demographic information about health care professional and 4 questions related Turkish laws. The second section includes 43 questions to the determination of knowledge level of health care professional’s working in the emergency department, about approaches to frequently encountered forensic cases. For the data evaluation of the study; Mann Whitney U test, Bonferroni correction Kruskal Wallis H test and Chi Square tests have been used. According to study, it’s said that there is no forensic medicine expert in the foundation by 73.4% of health care professionals. Two third (66%) of participants’ in emergency department reported daily average 7 or above forensic cases applied to the emergency department and 52.1% of participants did not evaluate incidents came to the emergency department as a forensic case. Most of the participants informed 'duty of preservation of evidence' is health care professionals duty related forensic cases. In result, we determinated that knowledge level of health care professional working in the emergency department, about approaches to frequently encountered forensic cases, is not the expected level. Because we found that most of them haven't received education about forensic nursing.Postgraduates participants, educated health professional about forensic nursing, staff who applied to sources about forensic nursing and staff who evaluated emergency department cases as forensic cases have significantly higher level of knowledge. Moreover, it’s found that forensic cases diagnosis score is the highest in health officer and university graduated. Health care professional’s deficiency in knowledge about forensic cases can cause defects in operation of the forensic process because of mistakes in collecting and conserving of evidence. It is obvious that training about the approach to forensic nursing should be arranged.Keywords: emergency nurses, forensic case, forensic nursing, level of knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 29511774 Examining the Effects of Exercise and Healthy Diet on Certain Blood Parameter Levels, Oxidative Stress and Anthropometric Measurements in Slightly Overweight Women
Authors: Nezihe Şengün, Ragip Pala
To prevent overweight and obesity, individuals need to consume food and beverages according to their nutritional needs, engage in regular exercises, and regularly monitor their body weight. This study aimed to examine the effects of exercise, diet, or combined intervention on changes in blood lipid parameters (total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides) and the level of malondialdehyde (MDA), a marker of oxidative stress, in parallel with the increase in body weight due to poor nutrition and sedentary lifestyle conditions. The study included a total of 48 female students aged 18-28 years with a BMI between 25.0 and 29.9 kg/m². They were divided into four groups: control (C), exercise (Ex), diet (D), and exercise+diet (Ex+D). Those in the exercise groups received aerobic exercises at 60-70% intensity (10 minutes warm-up, 30 minutes running, 10 minutes cool-down), while those in the diet groups were provided with a diet program based on the calculation of energy needs considering basal metabolic rate, physical activity level, age, and BMI. The students’ body weight, body fat mass, Body Mass Index (BMI), and waist-hip ratios were measured at the beginning (day 1) and end (day 60) of the 8-week intervention period. Their total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and MDA levels were evaluated and analyzed, considering a statistical significance level of p<0.05. As a result, female students in the Ex+D group had the largest difference in body weight, body fat mass, BMI, and waist-hip ratios, and this difference was statistically significant. Except for those in the C group, those in the other groups experienced a decrease in their total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels and an increase in their HDL cholesterol levels. The decrease in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels was statistically significant for those in the D group, and the increase in HDL cholesterol level was statistically significant for those in the Ex+D group (p<0.05). A decrease in MDA level was found in all groups except those in the C group, and this decrease was significantly higher in the Ex group. In conclusion, our study revealed that the most effective way to achieve weight loss is through a combination of exercise and diet. The application of Ex+D is considered to balance blood lipid levels and suppress oxidative stress.Keywords: obesity, exercise, diet, body mass index, blood lipids
Procedia PDF Downloads 8111773 The Influence of Concrete Pictorial Abstract Teaching Approach on Students' Concepts Understanding and Retention in Mathematics in Rwandan Lower Secondary Schools
Authors: Emmanuel Iyamuremye, Irenee Ndayambaje
This study investigated the influence of Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) teaching approach on mathematics achievement based on a sample of eighth-grade students (N = 10,345) from the Rwandan Lower Secondary School quasi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test control group of 2019 (RLSQES19). Key aspects studied included mathematics concept understanding and mathematics concept retention and how these are influenced by teacher's teaching approach. Specifically, the study aimed to a.) investigate students' concept understanding and concept retention in mathematics when exposed to CPA approach and to those exposed to non-CPA approach before and after the intervention, and b.) ascertain the significant difference between the performance of the students exposed to CPA approach and those exposed to non-CPA approach in terms of post-test scores and retention test scores. Two groups (control and experimental) undergone pre-test, post-test, and retention test. The assignment of control and experimental group among senior two classes from 10 schools was done randomly. The materials used to determine the performance of the students is a teacher-made test. Descriptive statistics and ANCOVA were used for the analysis of the study. For determining the improvement in concept understanding of mathematics, Hakes methods of calculating gain were used to analyze the pre-test and post test score. The level of performance of the two groups in the pre-test is below average level. During the post-test and retention test, the performance of students in non-CPA group is on average level, and students in CPA group are on above average level. Hakes methods of calculating gain revealed higher significant performance in the post-test and retention test of CPA group of students than non-CPA group of students.Keywords: concept understanding, concept retention, performance, teaching approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 12711772 Path loss Signals Determination in a Selected Buildings in Kazaure
Authors: Musefiu Aderinola, F. A. Amuda
Outages of GSM signals may be experienced at some indoor locations even when there are strong outdoor receptions. This is often traced to the building penetration loss, which account for increased attenuation of received GSM signals level when a mobile signal device is moved indoor from outdoor. In this work, measurement of two existing GSM operators signal level were made outside and inside two selected buildings- mud and block which represent the prevalent building types in Kazaure, Jigawa State, Nigeria. A gionee P2 mobile phone with RF signal tracker software installed in it was used and the result shows that an average loss of 10.62dBm and 4.25dBm for mud and block buildings respectively.Keywords: penetration loss, outdoor reception, Gionee P2, RF signal tracker, mud and block building
Procedia PDF Downloads 30211771 Arteriosclerosis and Periodontitis: Correlation Expressed in the Amount of Fibrinogen in Blood
Authors: Nevila Alliu, Saimir Heta, Ilma Robo, Vera Ostreni
Periodontitis as an oral pathology caused by specific bacterial flora functions as a focal infection for the onset and aggravation of arteriosclerosis. These two distant pathologies, since they affect organs at a distance from each other, communicate with each other with correlation at the level of markers of inflammation in the blood. Fluctuations in the level of fibrinogen in the blood, depending on the active or passive phase of the existing periodontitis, affect the promotion of arteriosclerosis. The study is of the review type to analyze the effect of non-surgical periodontal treatment on fluctuations in the level of fibrinogen in the blood. The reduction of fibrinogen levels in the blood after non-surgical periodontal treatment of periodontitis in the patient's cavity is visible data and supported by literature sources. Also, the influence of a high amount of fibrinogen in the blood on the occurrence of arteriosclerosis is also another important data that again relies on many sources of literature. Conclusions: Thromboembolism and arteriosclerosis, as risk factors expressed in clinical data, have temporary bacteremia in the blood, which can occur significantly and often between phases of non-surgical periodontal treatment of periodontitis, treatments performed with treatment phases and protocols of predetermined treatment. Arterial thromboembolism has a significant factor, such as high levels of fibrinogen in the blood, which are significantly reduced during the period of non-surgical periodontal treatment.Keywords: fibrinogen, refractory periodontitis, atherosclerosis, non-surgical, periodontal treatment
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