Search results for: applied science
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Search results for: applied science

9510 Application of Scoring Rubrics by Lecturers towards Objective Assessment of Essay Questions in the Department of Social Science Education, University of Calabar, Nigeria

Authors: Donald B. Enu, Clement O. Ukpor, Abigail E. Okon


Unreliable scoring of students’ performance by lecturers short-chains students’ assessment in terms of underequipping the school authority with facts as intended by society through the curriculum hence, the learners, the school and the society are cheated because the usefulness of testing is defeated. This study, therefore, examined lecturers’ scoring objectivity of essay items in the Department of Social Science Education, University of Calabar, Nigeria. Specifically, it assessed lecturers’ perception of the relevance of scoring rubrics and its level of application. Data were collected from all the 36 lecturers in the Department (28 members and 8 non-members adjourned to the department), through a 20-item questionnaire and checklist instruments. A case-study design was adopted. Descriptive statistics of frequency counts, weighted means, standard deviations, and percentages were used to analyze data gathered. A mean score of 2.5 and or 60 percent and above formed the acceptance or significant level in decision taking. It was found that lecturers perceived the use of scoring rubrics as a relevant practice to ensure fairness and reliable treatment of examiners scripts particularly in marking essay items and that there is a moderately high level of adherence to the application of scoring rubrics. It was also observed that some criteria necessary for the scoring objectivity of essay items were not fully put in place in the department. It was recommended strongly that students’ identities be hidden while marking and that pre-determined marking scheme should be prepared centrally and strictly adhered to during marking and recording of scores. Conference marking should be enforced in the department.

Keywords: essay items, objective scoring, scorers reliability, scoring rubrics

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9509 The Importance of Value Added Services Provided by Science and Technology Parks to Boost Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Turkey

Authors: Faruk Inaltekin, Imran Gurakan


This paper will aim to discuss the importance of value-added services provided by Science and Technology Parks for entrepreneurship development in Turkey. Entrepreneurship is vital subject for all countries. It has not only fostered economic development but also promoted innovation at local and international levels. To foster high tech entrepreneurship ecosystem, Technopark (Science and Technology Park/STP) concept was initiated with the establishment of Silicon Valley in the 1950s. The success and rise of Silicon Valley led to the spread of technopark activities. Developed economies have been setting up projects to plan and build STPs since the 1960s and 1970s. To promote the establishment of STPs, necessary legislations were made by Ministry of Science, Industry, and Technology in 2001, Technology Development Zones Law (No. 4691) and it has been revised in 2016 to provide more supports. STPs’ basic aim is to provide customers high-quality office spaces with various 'value added services' such as business development, network connections, cooperation programs, investor/customers meetings and internationalization services. For this aim, STPs should help startups deal with difficulties in the early stages and to support mature companies’ export activities in the foreign market. STPs should support the production, commercialization and more significantly internationalization of technology-intensive business and foster growth of companies. Nowadays within this value-added services, internationalization is very popular subject in the world. Most of STPs design clusters or accelerator programs in order to support their companies in the foreign market penetration. If startups are not ready for international competition, STPs should help them to get ready for foreign market with training and mentoring sessions. These training and mentoring sessions should take a goal based approach to working with companies. Each company has different needs and goals. Therefore the definition of ‘success' varies for each company. For this reason, it is very important to create customized value added services to meet the needs of startups. After local supports, STPs should also be able to support their startups in foreign market. Organizing well defined international accelerator program plays an important role in this mission. Turkey is strategically placed between key markets in Europe, Russia, Central Asia and the Middle East. Its population is young and well educated. So both government agencies and the private sectors endeavor to foster and encourage entrepreneurship ecosystem with many supports. In sum, the task of technoparks with these and similar value added services is very important for developing entrepreneurship ecosystem. The priorities of all value added services are to identify the commercialization and growth obstacles faced by entrepreneurs and get rid of them with the one-to-one customized services. Also, in order to have a healthy startup ecosystem and create sustainable entrepreneurship, stakeholders (technoparks, incubators, accelerators, investors, universities, governmental organizations etc.) should fulfill their roles and/or duties and collaborate with each other. STPs play an important role as bridge for these stakeholders & entrepreneurs. STPs always should benchmark and renew services offered to how to help the start-ups to survive, develop their business and benefit from these stakeholders.

Keywords: accelerator, cluster, entrepreneurship, startup, technopark, value added services

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9508 Didactic Suitability and Mathematics Through Robotics and 3D Printing

Authors: Blanco T. F., Fernández-López A.


Nowadays, education, motivated by the new demands of the 21st century, acquires a dimension that converts the skills that new generations may need into a huge and uncertain set of knowledge too broad to be entirety covered. Within this set, and as tools to reach them, we find Learning and Knowledge Technologies (LKT). Thus, in order to prepare students for an everchanging society in which the technological boom involves everything, it is essential to develop digital competence. Nevertheless LKT seems not to have found their place in the educational system. This work is aimed to go a step further in the research of the most appropriate procedures and resources for technological integration in the classroom. The main objective of this exploratory study is to analyze the didactic suitability (epistemic, cognitive, affective, interactional, mediational and ecological) for teaching and learning processes of mathematics with robotics and 3D printing. The analysis carried out is drawn from a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) project that has the Pilgrimage way to Santiago de Compostela as a common thread. The sample is made up of 25 Primary Education students (10 and 11 years old). A qualitative design research methodology has been followed, the sessions have been distributed according to the type of technology applied. Robotics has been focused towards learning two-dimensional mathematical notions while 3D design and printing have been oriented towards three-dimensional concepts. The data collection instruments used are evaluation rubrics, recordings, field notebooks and participant observation. Indicators of didactic suitability proposed by Godino (2013) have been used for the analysis of the data. In general, the results show a medium-high level of didactic suitability. Above these, a high mediational and cognitive suitability stands out, which led to a better understanding of the positions and relationships of three-dimensional bodies in space and the concept of angle. With regard to the other indicators of the didactic suitability, it should be noted that the interactional suitability would require more attention and the affective suitability a deeper study. In conclusion, the research has revealed great expectations around the combination of teaching-learning processes of mathematics and LKT. Although there is still a long way to go in terms of the provision of means and teacher training.

Keywords: 3D printing, didactic suitability, educational design, robotics

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9507 Clustering of Association Rules of ISIS & Al-Qaeda Based on Similarity Measures

Authors: Tamanna Goyal, Divya Bansal, Sanjeev Sofat


In world-threatening terrorist attacks, where early detection, distinction, and prediction are effective diagnosis techniques and for functionally accurate and precise analysis of terrorism data, there are so many data mining & statistical approaches to assure accuracy. The computational extraction of derived patterns is a non-trivial task which comprises specific domain discovery by means of sophisticated algorithm design and analysis. This paper proposes an approach for similarity extraction by obtaining the useful attributes from the available datasets of terrorist attacks and then applying feature selection technique based on the statistical impurity measures followed by clustering techniques on the basis of similarity measures. On the basis of degree of participation of attributes in the rules, the associative dependencies between the attacks are analyzed. Consequently, to compute the similarity among the discovered rules, we applied a weighted similarity measure. Finally, the rules are grouped by applying using hierarchical clustering. We have applied it to an open source dataset to determine the usability and efficiency of our technique, and a literature search is also accomplished to support the efficiency and accuracy of our results.

Keywords: association rules, clustering, similarity measure, statistical approaches

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9506 Predicting Polyethylene Processing Properties Based on Reaction Conditions via a Coupled Kinetic, Stochastic and Rheological Modelling Approach

Authors: Kristina Pflug, Markus Busch


Being able to predict polymer properties and processing behavior based on the applied operating reaction conditions in one of the key challenges in modern polymer reaction engineering. Especially, for cost-intensive processes such as the high-pressure polymerization of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) with high safety-requirements, the need for simulation-based process optimization and product design is high. A multi-scale modelling approach was set-up and validated via a series of high-pressure mini-plant autoclave reactor experiments. The approach starts with the numerical modelling of the complex reaction network of the LDPE polymerization taking into consideration the actual reaction conditions. While this gives average product properties, the complex polymeric microstructure including random short- and long-chain branching is calculated via a hybrid Monte Carlo-approach. Finally, the processing behavior of LDPE -its melt flow behavior- is determined in dependence of the previously determined polymeric microstructure using the branch on branch algorithm for randomly branched polymer systems. All three steps of the multi-scale modelling approach can be independently validated against analytical data. A triple-detector GPC containing an IR, viscosimetry and multi-angle light scattering detector is applied. It serves to determine molecular weight distributions as well as chain-length dependent short- and long-chain branching frequencies. 13C-NMR measurements give average branching frequencies, and rheological measurements in shear and extension serve to characterize the polymeric flow behavior. The accordance of experimental and modelled results was found to be extraordinary, especially taking into consideration that the applied multi-scale modelling approach does not contain parameter fitting of the data. This validates the suggested approach and proves its universality at the same time. In the next step, the modelling approach can be applied to other reactor types, such as tubular reactors or industrial scale. Moreover, sensitivity analysis for systematically varying process conditions is easily feasible. The developed multi-scale modelling approach finally gives the opportunity to predict and design LDPE processing behavior simply based on process conditions such as feed streams and inlet temperatures and pressures.

Keywords: low-density polyethylene, multi-scale modelling, polymer properties, reaction engineering, rheology

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9505 Measurement Technologies for Advanced Characterization of Magnetic Materials Used in Electric Drives and Automotive Applications

Authors: Lukasz Mierczak, Patrick Denke, Piotr Klimczyk, Stefan Siebert


Due to the high complexity of the magnetization in electrical machines and influence of the manufacturing processes on the magnetic properties of their components, the assessment and prediction of hysteresis and eddy current losses has remained a challenge. In the design process of electric motors and generators, the power losses of stators and rotors are calculated based on the material supplier’s data from standard magnetic measurements. This type of data does not include the additional loss from non-sinusoidal multi-harmonic motor excitation nor the detrimental effects of residual stress remaining in the motor laminations after manufacturing processes, such as punching, housing shrink fitting and winding. Moreover, in production, considerable attention is given to the measurements of mechanical dimensions of stator and rotor cores, whereas verification of their magnetic properties is typically neglected, which can lead to inconsistent efficiency of assembled motors. Therefore, to enable a comprehensive characterization of motor materials and components, Brockhaus Measurements developed a range of in-line and offline measurement technologies for testing their magnetic properties under actual motor operating conditions. Multiple sets of experimental data were obtained to evaluate the influence of various factors, such as elevated temperature, applied and residual stress, and arbitrary magnetization on the magnetic properties of different grades of non-oriented steel. Measured power loss for tested samples and stator cores varied significantly, by more than 100%, comparing to standard measurement conditions. Quantitative effects of each of the applied measurement were analyzed. This research and applied Brockhaus measurement methodologies emphasized the requirement for advanced characterization of magnetic materials used in electric drives and automotive applications.

Keywords: magnetic materials, measurement technologies, permanent magnets, stator and rotor cores

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9504 Generalization of Clustering Coefficient on Lattice Networks Applied to Criminal Networks

Authors: Christian H. Sanabria-Montaña, Rodrigo Huerta-Quintanilla


A lattice network is a special type of network in which all nodes have the same number of links, and its boundary conditions are periodic. The most basic lattice network is the ring, a one-dimensional network with periodic border conditions. In contrast, the Cartesian product of d rings forms a d-dimensional lattice network. An analytical expression currently exists for the clustering coefficient in this type of network, but the theoretical value is valid only up to certain connectivity value; in other words, the analytical expression is incomplete. Here we obtain analytically the clustering coefficient expression in d-dimensional lattice networks for any link density. Our analytical results show that the clustering coefficient for a lattice network with density of links that tend to 1, leads to the value of the clustering coefficient of a fully connected network. We developed a model on criminology in which the generalized clustering coefficient expression is applied. The model states that delinquents learn the know-how of crime business by sharing knowledge, directly or indirectly, with their friends of the gang. This generalization shed light on the network properties, which is important to develop new models in different fields where network structure plays an important role in the system dynamic, such as criminology, evolutionary game theory, econophysics, among others.

Keywords: clustering coefficient, criminology, generalized, regular network d-dimensional

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9503 Sensitivity Analysis of Movable Bed Roughness Formula in Sandy Rivers

Authors: Mehdi Fuladipanah


Sensitivity analysis as a technique is applied to determine influential input factors on model output. Variance-based sensitivity analysis method has more application compared to other methods because of including linear and non-linear models. In this paper, van Rijn’s movable bed roughness formula was selected to evaluate because of its reasonable results in sandy rivers. This equation contains four variables as: flow depth, sediment size,bBed form height and bed form length. These variable’s importance was determined using the first order of Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test. Sensitivity index was applied to evaluate importance of factors. The first order FAST based sensitivity indices test, explain 90% of the total variance that is indicating acceptance criteria of FAST application. More value of this index is indicating more important variable. Results show that bed form height, bed form length, sediment size and flow depth are more influential factors with sensitivity index: 32%, 24%, 19% and 15% respectively.

Keywords: sdensitivity analysis, variance, movable bed roughness formula, Sandy River

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9502 The Amount of Conformity of Persian Subject Headlines with Users' Social Tagging

Authors: Amir Reza Asnafi, Masoumeh Kazemizadeh, Najmeh Salemi


Due to the diversity of information resources in the web0.2 environment, which is increasing in number from time to time, the social tagging system should be used to discuss Internet resources. Studying the relevance of social tags to thematic headings can help enrich resources and make them more accessible to resources. The present research is of applied-theoretical type and research method of content analysis. In this study, using the listing method and content analysis, the level of accurate, approximate, relative, and non-conformity of social labels of books available in the field of information science and bibliography of Kitabrah website with Persian subject headings was determined. The exact matching of subject headings with social tags averaged 22 items, the approximate matching of subject headings with social tags averaged 36 items, the relative matching of thematic headings with social tags averaged 36 social items, and the average matching titles did not match the title. The average is 116. According to the findings, the exact matching of subject headings with social labels is the lowest and the most inconsistent. This study showed that the average non-compliance of subject headings with social labels is even higher than the sum of the three types of exact, relative, and approximate matching. As a result, the relevance of thematic titles to social labels is low. Due to the fact that the subject headings are in the form of static text and users are not allowed to interact and insert new selected words and topics, and on the other hand, in websites based on Web 2 and based on the social classification system, this possibility is available for users. An important point of the present study and the studies that have matched the syntactic and semantic matching of social labels with thematic headings is that the degree of conformity of thematic headings with social labels is low. Therefore, these two methods can complement each other and create a hybrid cataloging that includes subject headings and social tags. The low level of conformity of thematic headings with social tags confirms the results of backgrounds and writings that have compared the social tags of books with the thematic headings of the Library of Congress. It is not enough to match social labels with thematic headings. It can be said that these two methods can be complementary.

Keywords: Web 2/0, social tags, subject headings, hybrid cataloging

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9501 Awareness among Medical Students and Faculty about Integration of Artifical Intelligence Literacy in Medical Curriculum

Authors: Fatima Faraz


BACKGROUND: While Artificial intelligence (AI) provides new opportunities across a wide variety of industries, healthcare is no exception. AI can lead to advancements in how the healthcare system functions and improves the quality of patient care. Developing countries like Pakistan are lagging in the implementation of AI-based solutions in healthcare. This demands increased knowledge and AI literacy among health care professionals. OBJECTIVES: To assess the level of awareness among medical students and faculty about AI in preparation for teaching AI basics and data science applications in clinical practice in an integrated medical curriculum. METHODS: An online 15-question semi-structured questionnaire, previously tested and validated, was delivered among participants through convenience sampling. The questionnaire composed of 3 parts: participant’s background knowledge, AI awareness, and attitudes toward AI applications in medicine. RESULTS: A total of 182 students and 39 faculty members from Rawalpindi Medical University, Pakistan, participated in the study. Only 26% of students and 46.2% of faculty members responded that they were aware of AI topics in clinical medicine. The major source of AI knowledge was social media (35.7%) for students and professional talks and colleagues (43.6%) for faculty members. 23.5% of participants answered that they personally had a basic understanding of AI. Students and faculty (60.1%) were interested in AI in patient care and teaching domain. These findings parallel similar published AI survey results. CONCLUSION: This survey concludes interest among students and faculty in AI developments and technology applications in healthcare. Further studies are required in order to correctly fit AI in the integrated modular curriculum of medical education.

Keywords: medical education, data science, artificial intelligence, curriculum

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9500 Students’ Post COVID-19 Experiences with E-Learning Platforms among Undergraduate Students of Public Universities in the Ashanti Region, Ghana

Authors: Michael Oppong, Stephanie Owusu Ansah, Daniel Ofori


The study investigated students’ post-covid-19 experiences with e-learning platforms among undergraduate students of public universities in the Ashanti region of Ghana. The study respectively drew 289 respondents from two public universities, i.e., Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Business School and the Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) Business School in Ghana. Given that the population from the two public universities was fairly high, sampling had to be done. The overall population of the study was 480 students randomly sampled from the two public universities using the sampling ratio given by Alreck and Settle (2004). The population constituted 360 students from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Business School and 120 from the Kumasi Technical University Business School (KsTU). The study employed questionnaires as a data collection tool. The data gathered were 289 responses out of 480 questionnaires administered, representing 60.2%. The data was analyzed using pie charts, bar charts, percentages, and line graphs. Findings revealed that the e-learning platforms were still useful. However, the students used it on a weekly basis post-COVID-19, unlike in the COVID-19 era, where it was used daily. All other academic activities, with the exception of examinations, are still undertaken on the e-learning platforms; however, it is underutilized in the post-COVID-19 experience. The study recommends that universities should invest in infrastructure development to enable all academic activities, most especially examinations, to be undertaken using the e-learning platforms to curtail future challenges.

Keywords: e-learning platform, undergraduate students, post-COVID-19 experience, public universities

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9499 Convolutional Neural Network and LSTM Applied to Abnormal Behaviour Detection from Highway Footage

Authors: Rafael Marinho de Andrade, Elcio Hideti Shiguemori, Rafael Duarte Coelho dos Santos


Relying on computer vision, many clever things are possible in order to make the world safer and optimized on resource management, especially considering time and attention as manageable resources, once the modern world is very abundant in cameras from inside our pockets to above our heads while crossing the streets. Thus, automated solutions based on computer vision techniques to detect, react, or even prevent relevant events such as robbery, car crashes and traffic jams can be accomplished and implemented for the sake of both logistical and surveillance improvements. In this paper, we present an approach for vehicles’ abnormal behaviors detection from highway footages, in which the vectorial data of the vehicles’ displacement are extracted directly from surveillance cameras footage through object detection and tracking with a deep convolutional neural network and inserted into a long-short term memory neural network for behavior classification. The results show that the classifications of behaviors are consistent and the same principles may be applied to other trackable objects and scenarios as well.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, behavior detection, computer vision, convolutional neural networks, LSTM, highway footage

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9498 Countercyclical Capital Buffer in the Polish Banking System

Authors: Mateusz Mokrogulski, Piotr Śliwka


The aim of this paper is the identification of periods of excessive credit growth in the Polish banking sector in years 2007-2014 using different methodologies. Due to the lack of precise guidance in CRD IV regarding methods of calculating the credit gap and related deviations from the long-term trends, a few filtering methods are applied, e.g. Hodrick-Prescott and Baxter-King. The solutions based on the switching model are also proposed. The next step represent computations of both the credit gap, and the counter cyclical capital buffer (CCB) rates on a quarterly basis. The calculations are carried out for the entire banking sector in Poland, as well as for its components (commercial and co-operative banks), and different types of loans. The calculations show vividly that in the analysed period there were the times of excessive credit growth. However, the results are different for the above mentioned sub-sectors. Of paramount importance here are mortgage loans, where the outcomes are distorted by high exchange rate fluctuations. The research on the CCB is now going to gain popularity as the buffer will soon become one of the tools of the macro prudential policy under CRD IV. Although the presented method is focused on the Polish banking sector, it can also be applied to other member states. Especially to the Central and Eastern European countries, that are usually characterized by smaller banking sectors compared to EU-15.

Keywords: countercyclical capital buffer, CRD IV, filtering methods, mortgage loans

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9497 Prime Mover Sizing for Base-Loaded Combined Heating and Power Systems

Authors: Djalal Boualili


This article considers the problem of sizing prime movers for combined heating and power (CHP) systems operating at full load to satisfy a fraction of a facility's electric load, i.e. a base load. Prime mover sizing is examined using three criteria: operational cost, carbon dioxide emissions (CDE), and primary energy consumption (PEC). The sizing process leads to consider ratios of conversion factors applied to imported electricity to conversion factors applied to fuel consumed. These ratios are labelled RCost, R CDE, R PEC depending on whether the conversion factors are associated with operational cost, CDE, or PEC, respectively. Analytical results show that in order to achieve savings in operational cost, CDE, or PEC, the ratios must be larger than a unique constant R Min that only depends on the CHP components efficiencies. Savings in operational cost, CDE, or PEC due to CHP operation are explicitly formulated using simple equations. This facilitates the process of comparing the tradeoffs of optimizing the savings of one criterion over the other two – a task that has traditionally been accomplished through computer simulations. A hospital building, located in Chlef, Algeria, was used as an example to apply the methodology presented in this article.

Keywords: sizing, heating and power, ratios, energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions

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9496 Development of Combined Cure Type for Rigid Pavement with Reactive Powder Concrete

Authors: Fatih Hattatoglu, Abdulrezzak Bakiş


In this study, fiberless reactive powder concrete (RPC) was produced with high pressure and flexural strength. C30/37 concrete was chosen as the control sample. In this study, 9 different cure types were applied to fiberless RPC. the most suitable combined cure type was selected according to the pressure and flexure strength. Pressure and flexural strength tests were applied to these samples after curing. As a result of the study, the combined cure type with the highest pressure resistance was obtained. The highest pressure resistance was achieved with consecutive standard water cure at 20 °C for 7 days – hot water cure at 90 °C for 2 days - drying oven cure at 180 °C for 2 days. As a result of the study, the highest pressure resistance of fiberless RPC was found as 123 MPa with water cure at 20 °C for 7 days - hot water cure at 90 °C for 2 days - drying oven cure at 180 °C for 2 days; and the highest flexural resistance was found as 8.37 MPa for the same combined cure type.

Keywords: combined cure, flexural test, reactive powder concrete (RPC), rigid pavement, pressure test

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9495 New Teaching Tools for a Modern Representation of Chemical Bond in the Course of Food Science

Authors: Nicola G. G. Cecca


In Italian IPSSEOAs, high schools that give a vocational education to students that will work in the field of Enogastronomy and Hotel Management, the course of Food Science allows the students to start and see food as a mixture of substances that they will transform during their profession. These substances are characterized not only by a chemical composition but also by a molecular structure that makes them nutritionally active. But the increasing number of new products proposed by Food Industry, the modern techniques of production and transformation, the innovative preparations required by customers have made many information reported in the most wide spread Food Science textbooks not up-to-date or too poor for the people who will work in catering sector. Often Authors offer information aged to Bohr’s Atomic Model and to the ‘Octet Rule’ proposed by G.N. Lewis to describe the Chemical Bond, without giving any reference to new as Orbital Atomic Model and Molecular Orbital Theory that, in the meantime, start to be old themselves. Furthermore, this antiquated information precludes an easy understanding of a wide range of properties of nutritive substances and many reactions in which the food constituents are involved. In this paper, our attention is pointed out to use GEOMAG™ to represent the dynamics with which the chemical bond is formed during the synthesis of the molecules. GEOMAG™ is a toy, produced by the Swiss Company Geomagword S.A., pointed to stimulate in children, aged between 6-10 years, their fantasy and their handling ability and constituted by metallic spheres and metallic magnetic bars coated by coloured plastic materials. The simulation carried out with GEOMAG™ is based on the similitude existing between the Coulomb’s force and the magnetic attraction’s force and in particular between the formulae with which they are calculated. The electrostatic force (F in Newton) that allows the formation of the chemical bond can be calculated by mean Fc = kc q1 q2/d2 where: q1 e q2 are the charge of particles [in Coulomb], d is the distance between the particles [in meters] and kc is the Coulomb’s constant. It is surprising to observe that the attraction’s force (Fm) acting between the magnetic extremities of GEOMAG™ used to simulate the chemical bond can be calculated in the same way by using the formula Fm = km m1 m2/d2 where: m1 e m2 represent the strength of the poles [A•m], d is the distance between the particles [m], km = μ/4π in which μ is the magnetic permeability of medium [N•A-2]. The magnetic attraction can be tested by students by trying to keep the magnetic elements of GEOMAG™ separate by hands or trying to measure by mean an appropriate dynamometric system. Furthermore, by using a dynamometric system to measure the magnetic attraction between the GEOMAG™ elements is possible draw a graphic F=f(d) to verify that the curve obtained during the simulation is very similar to that one hypnotized, around the 1920’s by Linus Pauling to describe the formation of H2+ in according with Molecular Orbital Theory.

Keywords: chemical bond, molecular orbital theory, magnetic attraction force, GEOMAG™

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9494 Wear Behavior of Commercial Aluminium Engine Block and Piston under Dry Sliding Condition

Authors: Md. Salim Kaiser


In the present work, the effect of load and sliding distance on the performance tribology of commercially used aluminium-silicon engine block and piston was evaluated at ambient conditions with humidity of 80% under dry sliding conditions using a pin-on-disc with two different loads of 5N and 20N yielding applied pressure of 0.30MPa and 1.4MPa, respectively, at sliding velocity of 0.29ms-1 and with varying sliding distance ranging from 260m-4200m. Factors and conditions that had significant effect were identified. The results showed that the load and the sliding distance affect the wear rate of the alloys and the wear rate increased with increasing load for both the alloys. Wear rate also increases almost linearly at low loads and increase to a maximum then attain a plateau with increasing sliding distance. For both applied loads, the piston alloy showed the better performance due to higher Ni and Mg content. The worn surface and wear debris was characterized by optical microscope, SEM and EDX analyzer. The worn surface was characterized by surface with shallow grooves at loads while the groove width and depth increased as the loads increases. Oxidative wear was found to be the predominant mechanisms in the dry sliding of Al-Si alloys at low loads

Keywords: wear, friction, gravimetric analysis, aluminium-silicon alloys, SEM, EDX

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9493 Psychological Biases as Obstacles to Environmental Communication

Authors: De Biase Ilaria, Della Rocca Mattia


Our work aims to highlight the role played by cognitive biases in the reception of environmental information, including scientific communication from expert to the lay public, especially in relationship with environmental data coming from biological and biotechnological recording. Some alternative strategies are suggested in order to maximize public awareness on environmental changes.

Keywords: science communication, environment and psychology, cognitive biases, environmental awareness

Procedia PDF Downloads 114
9492 Semantic Preference across Research Articles: A Corpus-Based Study of Adjectives in English

Authors: Valdênia Carvalho e Almeida


The goal of the present study is to investigate the semantic preference of the most frequent adjectives in research articles through a corpus-based analysis of texts published in journals in Applied Linguistics (AL). The corpus used in this study contains texts published in the period from 2014 to 2018 in the three journals: Language Learning and Technology; English for Academic Purposes, and TESOL Quaterly, totaling more than one million words. A corpus-based analysis was carried out on the corpus to identify the most frequent adjectives that co-occurred in the three journals. By observing the concordance lines of the adjectives and analyzing the words they associated with, the semantic preferences of each adjective were determined. Later, the AL corpus analysis was compared to the investigation of the same adjectives in a corpus of Chemistry. This second part of the study aimed to identify possible differences and similarities between the two corpora in relation to the use of the adjectives in research articles from both areas. The results show that there are some preferences which seem to be closely related not only to the academic genre of the texts but also to the specific domain of the discipline and, to a lesser extent, to the context of research in each journal. This research illustrates a possible contribution of Corpus Linguistics to explore the concept of semantic preference in more detail, considering the complex nature of the phenomenon.

Keywords: applied linguistics, corpus linguistics, chemistry, research article, semantic preference

Procedia PDF Downloads 185
9491 The Effect of Data Integration to the Smart City

Authors: Richard Byrne, Emma Mulliner


Smart cities are a vision for the future that is increasingly becoming a reality. While a key concept of the smart city is the ability to capture, communicate, and process data that has long been produced through day-to-day activities of the city, much of the assessment models in place neglect this fact to focus on ‘smartness’ concepts. Although it is true technology often provides the opportunity to capture and communicate data in more effective ways, there are also human processes involved that are just as important. The growing importance with regards to the use and ownership of data in society can be seen by all with companies such as Facebook and Google increasingly coming under the microscope, however, why is the same scrutiny not applied to cities? The research area is therefore of great importance to the future of our cities here and now, while the findings will be of just as great importance to our children in the future. This research aims to understand the influence data is having on organisations operating throughout the smart cities sector and employs a mixed-method research approach in order to best answer the following question: Would a data-based evaluation model for smart cities be more appropriate than a smart-based model in assessing the development of the smart city? A fully comprehensive literature review concluded that there was a requirement for a data-driven assessment model for smart cities. This was followed by a documentary analysis to understand the root source of data integration to the smart city. A content analysis of city data platforms enquired as to the alternative approaches employed by cities throughout the UK and draws on best practice from New York to compare and contrast. Grounded in theory, the research findings to this point formulated a qualitative analysis framework comprised of: the changing environment influenced by data, the value of data in the smart city, the data ecosystem of the smart city and organisational response to the data orientated environment. The framework was applied to analyse primary data collected through the form of interviews with both public and private organisations operating throughout the smart cities sector. The work to date represents the first stage of data collection that will be built upon by a quantitative research investigation into the feasibility of data network effects in the smart city. An analysis into the benefits of data interoperability supporting services to the smart city in the areas of health and transport will conclude the research to achieve the aim of inductively forming a framework that can be applied to future smart city policy. To conclude, the research recognises the influence of technological perspectives in the development of smart cities to date and highlights this as a challenge to introduce theory applied with a planning dimension. The primary researcher has utilised their experience working in the public sector throughout the investigation to reflect upon what is perceived as a gap in practice of where we are today, to where we need to be tomorrow.

Keywords: data, planning, policy development, smart cities

Procedia PDF Downloads 312
9490 Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence: Advancements and Ethical Considerations in Psychological and Behavioral Sciences

Authors: Nayer Mofidtabatabaei


Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have transformed various fields, including psychology and behavioral sciences. This paper explores the diverse ways in which AI is applied to enhance research, diagnosis, therapy, and understanding of human behavior and mental health. We discuss the potential benefits and challenges associated with AI in these fields, emphasizing the ethical considerations and the need for collaboration between AI researchers and psychological and behavioral science experts. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained prominence in recent years, revolutionizing multiple industries, including healthcare, finance, and entertainment. One area where AI holds significant promise is the field of psychology and behavioral sciences. AI applications in this domain range from improving the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment to understanding complex human behavior patterns. This paper aims to provide an overview of the various AI applications in psychological and behavioral sciences, highlighting their potential impact, challenges, and ethical considerations. Mental Health Diagnosis AI-driven tools, such as natural language processing and sentiment analysis, can analyze large datasets of text and speech to detect signs of mental health issues. For example, chatbots and virtual therapists can provide initial assessments and support to individuals suffering from anxiety or depression. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Diagnosis AI algorithms can assist in early ASD diagnosis by analyzing video and audio recordings of children's behavior. These tools help identify subtle behavioral markers, enabling earlier intervention and treatment. Personalized Therapy AI-based therapy platforms use personalized algorithms to adapt therapeutic interventions based on an individual's progress and needs. These platforms can provide continuous support and resources for patients, making therapy more accessible and effective. Virtual Reality Therapy Virtual reality (VR) combined with AI can create immersive therapeutic environments for treating phobias, PTSD, and social anxiety. AI algorithms can adapt VR scenarios in real-time to suit the patient's progress and comfort level. Data Analysis AI aids researchers in processing vast amounts of data, including survey responses, brain imaging, and genetic information. Privacy Concerns Collecting and analyzing personal data for AI applications in psychology and behavioral sciences raise significant privacy concerns. Researchers must ensure the ethical use and protection of sensitive information. Bias and Fairness AI algorithms can inherit biases present in training data, potentially leading to biased assessments or recommendations. Efforts to mitigate bias and ensure fairness in AI applications are crucial. Transparency and Accountability AI-driven decisions in psychology and behavioral sciences should be transparent and subject to accountability. Patients and practitioners should understand how AI algorithms operate and make decisions. AI applications in psychological and behavioral sciences have the potential to transform the field by enhancing diagnosis, therapy, and research. However, these advancements come with ethical challenges that require careful consideration. Collaboration between AI researchers and psychological and behavioral science experts is essential to harness AI's full potential while upholding ethical standards and privacy protections. The future of AI in psychology and behavioral sciences holds great promise, but it must be navigated with caution and responsibility.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, psychological sciences, behavioral sciences, diagnosis and therapy, ethical considerations

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9489 Evaluation of Condyle Alterations after Orthognathic Surgery with a Digital Image Processing Technique

Authors: Livia Eisler, Cristiane C. B. Alves, Cristina L. F. Ortolani, Kurt Faltin Jr.


Purpose: This paper proposes a technically simple diagnosis method among orthodontists and maxillofacial surgeons in order to evaluate discrete bone alterations. The methodology consists of a protocol to optimize the diagnosis and minimize the possibility for orthodontic and ortho-surgical retreatment. Materials and Methods: A protocol of image processing and analysis, through ImageJ software and its plugins, was applied to 20 pairs of lateral cephalometric images obtained from cone beam computerized tomographies, before and 1 year after undergoing orthognathic surgery. The optical density of the images was analyzed in the condylar region to determine possible bone alteration after surgical correction. Results: Image density was shown to be altered in all image pairs, especially regarding the condyle contours. According to measures, condyle had a gender-related density reduction for p=0.05 and condylar contours had their alterations registered in mm. Conclusion: A simple, viable and cost-effective technique can be applied to achieve the more detailed image-based diagnosis, not depending on the human eye and therefore, offering more reliable, quantitative results.

Keywords: bone resorption, computer-assisted image processing, orthodontics, orthognathic surgery

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9488 Artificial Law: Legal AI Systems and the Need to Satisfy Principles of Justice, Equality and the Protection of Human Rights

Authors: Begum Koru, Isik Aybay, Demet Celik Ulusoy


The discipline of law is quite complex and has its own terminology. Apart from written legal rules, there is also living law, which refers to legal practice. Basic legal rules aim at the happiness of individuals in social life and have different characteristics in different branches such as public or private law. On the other hand, law is a national phenomenon. The law of one nation and the legal system applied on the territory of another nation may be completely different. People who are experts in a particular field of law in one country may have insufficient expertise in the law of another country. Today, in addition to the local nature of law, international and even supranational law rules are applied in order to protect basic human values and ensure the protection of human rights around the world. Systems that offer algorithmic solutions to legal problems using artificial intelligence (AI) tools will perhaps serve to produce very meaningful results in terms of human rights. However, algorithms to be used should not be developed by only computer experts, but also need the contribution of people who are familiar with law, values, judicial decisions, and even the social and political culture of the society to which it will provide solutions. Otherwise, even if the algorithm works perfectly, it may not be compatible with the values of the society in which it is applied. The latest developments involving the use of AI techniques in legal systems indicate that artificial law will emerge as a new field in the discipline of law. More AI systems are already being applied in the field of law, with examples such as predicting judicial decisions, text summarization, decision support systems, and classification of documents. Algorithms for legal systems employing AI tools, especially in the field of prediction of judicial decisions and decision support systems, have the capacity to create automatic decisions instead of judges. When the judge is removed from this equation, artificial intelligence-made law created by an intelligent algorithm on its own emerges, whether the domain is national or international law. In this work, the aim is to make a general analysis of this new topic. Such an analysis needs both a literature survey and a perspective from computer experts' and lawyers' point of view. In some societies, the use of prediction or decision support systems may be useful to integrate international human rights safeguards. In this case, artificial law can serve to produce more comprehensive and human rights-protective results than written or living law. In non-democratic countries, it may even be thought that direct decisions and artificial intelligence-made law would be more protective instead of a decision "support" system. Since the values of law are directed towards "human happiness or well-being", it requires that the AI algorithms should always be capable of serving this purpose and based on the rule of law, the principle of justice and equality, and the protection of human rights.

Keywords: AI and law, artificial law, protection of human rights, AI tools for legal systems

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9487 A Literature Review of Precision Agriculture: Applications of Diagnostic Diseases in Corn, Potato, and Rice Based on Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Carolina Zambrana, Grover Zurita


The food loss production that occurs in deficient agricultural production is one of the major problems worldwide. This puts the population's food security and the efficiency of farming investments at risk. It is to be expected that this food security will be achieved with the own and efficient production of each country. It will have an impact on the well-being of its population and, thus, also on food sovereignty. The production losses in quantity and quality occur due to the lack of efficient detection of diseases at an early stage. It is very difficult to solve the agriculture efficiency using traditional methods since it takes a long time to be carried out due to detection imprecision of the main diseases, especially when the production areas are extensive. Therefore, the main objective of this research study is to perform a systematic literature review, of the latest five years, of Precision Agriculture (PA) to be able to understand the state of the art of the set of new technologies, procedures, and optimization processes with Artificial Intelligence (AI). This study will focus on Corns, Potatoes, and Rice diagnostic diseases. The extensive literature review will be performed on Elsevier, Scopus, and IEEE databases. In addition, this research will focus on advanced digital imaging processing and the development of software and hardware for PA. The convolution neural network will be handling special attention due to its outstanding diagnostic results. Moreover, the studied data will be incorporated with artificial intelligence algorithms for the automatic diagnosis of crop quality. Finally, precision agriculture with technology applied to the agricultural sector allows the land to be exploited efficiently. This system requires sensors, drones, data acquisition cards, and global positioning systems. This research seeks to merge different areas of science, control engineering, electronics, digital image processing, and artificial intelligence for the development, in the near future, of a low-cost image measurement system that allows the optimization of crops with AI.

Keywords: precision agriculture, convolutional neural network, deep learning, artificial intelligence

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9486 Deep Cryogenic Treatment With Subsequent Aging Applied to Martensitic Stainless Steel: Evaluation of Hardness, Tenacity and Microstructure

Authors: Victor Manuel Alcántara Alza


The way in which the application of the deep cryogenic treatment DCT(-196°C) affects, applied with subsequent aging, was investigated, regarding the mechanical properties of hardness, toughness and microstructure, applied to martensitic stainless steels, with the aim of establishing a different methodology compared to the traditional DCT cryogenic treatment with subsequent tempering. For this experimental study, a muffle furnace was used, first subjecting the specimens to deep cryogenization in a liquid Nitrogen bath/4h, after being previously austenitized at the following temperatures: 1020-1030-1040-1050 (°C) / 1 hour; and then tempered in oil. A first group of cryogenic samples were subjected to subsequent aging at 150°C, with immersion times: 2.5 -5- 10 - 20 - 50 – 100 (h). The next group was subjected to subsequent tempering at temperatures: 480-500-510-520-530-540 (°C)/ 2h. The hardness tests were carried out under standards, using a Universal Durometer, and the readings were made on the HRC scale. The Impact Resistance tests were carried out in a Charpy machine following the ASTM E 23 – 93ª standard. Measurements were taken in joules. Microscopy was performed at the optical level using a 1000X microscope. It was found: For the entire aging interval, the samples austenitized at 1050°C present greater hardness than austenitized at 1040°C, with the maximum peak aged being at 30h. In all cases, the aged samples exceed the hardness of the tempered samples, even in their minimum values. In post-tempered samples, the tempering temperature hardly have effect on the impact strength of material. In the Cryogenic Treatment: DCT + subsequent aging, the maximum hardness value (58.7 HRC) is linked to an impact toughness value (54J) obtained with aging time of 39h, which is considered an optimal condition. The higher hardness of steel after the DCT treatment is attributed to the transformation of retained austenite into martensite. The microstructure is composed mainly of lath martensite; and the original grain size of the austenite can be appreciated. The choice of the combination: Hardness-toughness, is subject to the required service conditions of steel.

Keywords: deep cryogenic treatment; aged precipitation; martensitic steels;, mechanical properties; martensitic steels, hardness, carbides precipitaion

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9485 Analysis of Genomics Big Data in Cloud Computing Using Fuzzy Logic

Authors: Mohammad Vahed, Ana Sadeghitohidi, Majid Vahed, Hiroki Takahashi


In the genomics field, the huge amounts of data have produced by the next-generation sequencers (NGS). Data volumes are very rapidly growing, as it is postulated that more than one billion bases will be produced per year in 2020. The growth rate of produced data is much faster than Moore's law in computer technology. This makes it more difficult to deal with genomics data, such as storing data, searching information, and finding the hidden information. It is required to develop the analysis platform for genomics big data. Cloud computing newly developed enables us to deal with big data more efficiently. Hadoop is one of the frameworks distributed computing and relies upon the core of a Big Data as a Service (BDaaS). Although many services have adopted this technology, e.g. amazon, there are a few applications in the biology field. Here, we propose a new algorithm to more efficiently deal with the genomics big data, e.g. sequencing data. Our algorithm consists of two parts: First is that BDaaS is applied for handling the data more efficiently. Second is that the hybrid method of MapReduce and Fuzzy logic is applied for data processing. This step can be parallelized in implementation. Our algorithm has great potential in computational analysis of genomics big data, e.g. de novo genome assembly and sequence similarity search. We will discuss our algorithm and its feasibility.

Keywords: big data, fuzzy logic, MapReduce, Hadoop, cloud computing

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9484 Principles to Design Urbanism in Cinema; An Aesthetic Study on Identity and Representation of a City in a Movie

Authors: Dorsa Moayedi


‘The Cities’ and Cinema have a history going as far back as silent films; however, the standards of picturing a city in a film are somewhat vague. ‘Genius Loci’ of a city can be easily described with parameters that architects have detected; nevertheless, the genius loci of an ‘urban movie’ is untouched. Cities have been among the provocative matters that pushed filmmakers to ponder upon them and to picture them along with their urban identity thoroughly in their artworks, though the impacts of the urban life on the plot and characters is neglected, and so a city in a movie is usually restricted to ‘the place where the story happens’. Cities and urban life are among those that are in constant change and ongoing expansion; therefore, they are always fresh and ready to challenge people with their existence. Thus, the relationship between the city and cinema is metamorphic, though it could be defined and explored. The dominant research on the idea of urbanism has been conducted by outstanding scholars of architecture, like Christian Norberg-Schulz, and the studies on Cinema have been done by theorists of cinema, like Christian Metz, who have mastered defining their own realm; still, the idea to mingle the domains to reach a unified theory which could be applied to ‘urban movies’ is barely worked on. In this research, we have sought mutual grounds to discuss ‘urbanism in cinema,’ the grounds that cinema could benefit from and get to a more accurate audio-visual representation of a city, in accordance with the ideas of Christopher Alexander and the term he coined ‘The Timeless Way of Building.’ We concentrate on movies that are dependent on urban life, mainly those that possess the names of cities, like ‘Nashville (1975), Manhattan (1979), Fargo (1996), Midnight in Paris (2011) or Roma (2018), according to the ideas of urban design and narratives of cinema. Contrary to what has often been assumed, cinema and architecture could be defined in line with similar parameters, and architectural terms could be applied to the research done on movies. Our findings indicate that the theories of Christopher Alexander can best fit the paradigm to study an ‘Urban Movie’, definitions of a timeless building, elaborate on the characteristics of a design that could be applied to definitions of an urban movie, and set a prototype for further filmmaking regarding the urban life.

Keywords: city, urbanism, urban movies, identity, representation

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9483 Meanings and Concepts of Standardization in Systems Medicine

Authors: Imme Petersen, Wiebke Sick, Regine Kollek


In systems medicine, high-throughput technologies produce large amounts of data on different biological and pathological processes, including (disturbed) gene expressions, metabolic pathways and signaling. The large volume of data of different types, stored in separate databases and often located at different geographical sites have posed new challenges regarding data handling and processing. Tools based on bioinformatics have been developed to resolve the upcoming problems of systematizing, standardizing and integrating the various data. However, the heterogeneity of data gathered at different levels of biological complexity is still a major challenge in data analysis. To build multilayer disease modules, large and heterogeneous data of disease-related information (e.g., genotype, phenotype, environmental factors) are correlated. Therefore, a great deal of attention in systems medicine has been put on data standardization, primarily to retrieve and combine large, heterogeneous datasets into standardized and incorporated forms and structures. However, this data-centred concept of standardization in systems medicine is contrary to the debate in science and technology studies (STS) on standardization that rather emphasizes the dynamics, contexts and negotiations of standard operating procedures. Based on empirical work on research consortia that explore the molecular profile of diseases to establish systems medical approaches in the clinic in Germany, we trace how standardized data are processed and shaped by bioinformatics tools, how scientists using such data in research perceive such standard operating procedures and which consequences for knowledge production (e.g. modeling) arise from it. Hence, different concepts and meanings of standardization are explored to get a deeper insight into standard operating procedures not only in systems medicine, but also beyond.

Keywords: data, science and technology studies (STS), standardization, systems medicine

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9482 Sainte Sophie Landfill: Field-Scale Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Mechanical Characteristics

Authors: Wameed Alghazali, Shawn Kenny, Paul J. Van Geel


Settlement of municipal solid waste (MSW) in landfills can be represented by mechanical settlement, which is instantaneous and time-dependent creep components, and biodegradation-induced settlement. Mechanical settlement is governed by the physical characteristics of MSW and the applied overburden pressure. Several research studies used oedometers and different size compression cells to evaluate the primary and mechanical creep compression indices/ratios. However, MSW is known for its heterogeneity, which means data obtained from laboratory testing are not necessary to be a good representation of the mechanical response observed in the field. Furthermore, most of the laboratory tests found in the literature were conducted on shredded samples of MSW to obtain specimens that are suitable for the testing setup. It is believed that shredding MSW samples changes the physical and mechanical properties of the waste. In this study, settlement field data was collected during the filling stage of Ste. Sophie landfill was used to estimate the primary and mechanical creep compression ratios. The field results from Ste. Sophie landfill indicated that both the primary and mechanical creep compression ratios of MSW are not constants but decrease with the increase in the applied vertical stress.

Keywords: mechanical creep compression ratio, municipal solid waste, primary compression ratio, stress level

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9481 The Role of Entrepreneur University in the Development of Entrepreneurship Education

Authors: Ramin Tafazzoli, Rahime Zamanfashami, Amir Mohagheghzadeh


Entrepreneurship is the driving engine of countries’ economic development and has a determinant role in the economic, social and cultural improvement of the societies. Entrepreneurship and its impact on countries’ destiny, result in the planner and policy makers’ attempts to explore and extend it in various aspects. These days, all countries follow their social capital development and human resource quality improvement to achieve the strategic national objectives, economic growth, value creation, cultural dynamism, civil excellence and social solidarity, pursuing the sustainable development based on innovation, entrepreneurial technology , knowledge management and knowledge-focused in various levels and areas. Because of the rapid economic and cultural changes in recent decades and also the emerged need for reinforcing the knowledge-based structures and wealth generation via knowledge, a convenient infrastructure is strongly required for generating science and technology. Devoting attention to entrepreneurship and training and fostering the students who have the essential abilities and skills for creating a suitable business unit, is one of the duties of each university. New expectations necessitate that universities in the development trend by way of entrepreneurship, play a prominent role. Since, higher education has an important role in training and fostering the specialist human resource in the society, attention to the academic entrepreneurship help to develop this issue better. The higher education, relying on its core mission (training and researching) be expected to help the path where exploit and apply the created capabilities and also to cause the development in the society. In this term, the higher education play an essential role to expanse and extent the entrepreneurial concepts by establishing the entrepreneurship universities. Therefore, it is necessary to constitute and establish the entrepreneurship university to solve the problems and improve the development trend. The entrepreneurial courses follow the objectives such as: informing, creating culture, entrepreneurial morality, technical knowledge, entrepreneurial skills transferring, preparing the audiences or researching, job creation, business establishing and its preservation. According to the vision 1404 of Islamic republic of Iran in which the society has to include the advanced knowledge in the field of technology and science generation and also economic growth. In this essay, we investigate the entrepreneurship concepts, entrepreneurship university characteristics, entrepreneurship organizations values, entrepreneurship education process, meanwhile paying attention to that fact which the university can play an essential role in entrepreneurs training by education, culture and science. At the end, we present some suggestion and some solution for obstacles, emphasizing on the vision.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneur university, higher education, university

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