Search results for: multivariate distribution theory
9451 Cognitive Theory and the Design of Integrate Curriculum
Authors: Bijan Gillani, Roya Gillani
The purpose of this paper is to propose a pedagogical model where engineering provides the interconnection to integrate the other topics of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The author(s) will first present a brief discussion of cognitive theory and then derive an integrated pedagogy to use engineering and technology, such as drones, sensors, camera, iPhone, radio waves as the nexus to an integrated curriculum development for the other topics of STEM. Based on this pedagogy, one example developed by the author(s) called “Drones and Environmental Science,” will be presented that uses a drone and related technology as an appropriate instructional delivery medium to apply Piaget’s cognitive theory to create environments that promote the integration of different STEM subjects that relate to environmental science.Keywords: cogntive theories, drone, environmental science, pedagogy
Procedia PDF Downloads 5769450 To Explore the Process of Entrepreneurial Opportunity in China Cultural and Creative Industries: From the Perspective of Institutional Theory
Authors: Jiaoya Huang, Jianghong Liu
This paper endeavors to comprehend and scrutinize the entrepreneurial development process within Chinese cultural and creative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as the factors that impinge on entrepreneurs' recognition and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities from the vantage point of institutional theory. The study is centered around three key research questions: namely, the drivers and impediments for entrepreneurs to identify opportunities within three prominent Chinese cultural and creative regions and the influence of institutional facets on the exploitation and recognition of opportunities within the cultural industry. Adopting a qualitative interpretivist research paradigm, a comparative multiple case study design is utilized. Semi-structured interviews will be carried out with founders and mid-level professionals of SMEs in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, which are chosen in accordance with specific criteria. The data will be analyzed through an inductive thematic approach. Anticipatedly, this research will contribute to bridging the research gap in the nexus between institutional theory and entrepreneurial opportunities within the context of cultural and creative industries.Keywords: entrepreneurial opportunities, cultural and creative industries, institutional theory, Chinese SMEs
Procedia PDF Downloads 129449 A Theory of Aftercare for Human Trafficking Survivors: A Grounded Theory Analysis of Survivors and Aftercare Providers in South Africa
Authors: Robyn L. Curran, Joanne R. Naidoo, Gugu Mchunu
Along with the increasing awareness of human trafficking, is the acknowledgement that it is no longer just a social problem but also a significant public health problem that requires both increased knowledge and the specialist equipping of aftercare providers such as nurses who care for human trafficking survivors. Current discourse regarding aftercare of human trafficking survivors, is that approaches do not clearly explain the function or content of aftercare and what aftercare entails. Although psychological and medical aftercare are emphasized as important components, little practical attention is devoted to what these components actually involve and the effectiveness of current practice in aftercare. Review of the literature on the processes that take place from aftercare to empowerment, revealed the need for emphasis to be placed on the voices of survivors concerning their liberation from oppression. The aim of the study was to develop a theory for aftercare of human trafficking survivors, through analyzing the experiences of survivors and aftercare providers in shelters in three provinces in South Africa. Through using a Straussian grounded theory approach, the researcher developed a theory to inform care of human trafficking survivors in low resource settings using the voice of the survivors and those experienced in direct care of human trafficking survivors. Four human trafficking survivors and three aftercare providers from three shelters in three provinces in South Africa were individually interviewed in order for the theory to emerge. The findings of the study elicited a theoretical model of the renewed self, and the conditions that facilitate this process in care of human trafficking survivors. The process that human trafficking survivors navigate to empowerment require mutual collaboration of the aftercare provider and survivor as the survivor awakens vision, confronts reality, re-salvages autonomy and liberates self. Psychological resilience of the survivor facilitates the transition to renewed self. The recommendations of this study may improve the nursing care provided to human trafficking survivors and equip professionals with knowledge and skills to promote the process of renewing self for survivors.Keywords: aftercare, aftercare providers, grounded theory, human trafficking survivors
Procedia PDF Downloads 2779448 A Grounded Theory on Marist Spirituality/Charism from the Perspective of the Lay Marists in the Philippines
Authors: Nino M. Pizarro
To the author’s knowledge, despite the written documents about Marist spirituality/charism, nothing has been done concerning a clear theoretical framework that highlights Marist spirituality/charism from the perspective or lived experience of the lay Marists of St. Marcellin Champagnat. The participants of the study are the lay Marist - educators who are from Marist Schools in the Philippines. Since the study would like to find out the respondents’ own concepts and meanings about Marist spirituality/charism, qualitative methodology is considered the approach to be used in the study. In particular, the study will use the qualitative methods of Barney Glaser. The theory will be generated systematically from data collection, coding and analyzing through memoing, theoretical sampling, sorting and writing and using the constant comparative method. The data collection method that will be employed in this grounded theory research is the in-depth interview that is semi-structured and participant driven. Data collection will be done through snowball sampling that is purposive. The study is considering to come up with a theoretical framework that will help the lay Marists to deepen their understanding of the Marist spirituality/charism and their vocation as lay partners of the Marist Brothers of the Schools.Keywords: grounded theory, Lay Marists, lived experience, Marist spirituality/charism
Procedia PDF Downloads 3119447 Optimized Real Ground Motion Scaling for Vulnerability Assessment of Building Considering the Spectral Uncertainty and Shape
Authors: Chen Bo, Wen Zengping
Based on the results of previous studies, we focus on the research of real ground motion selection and scaling method for structural performance-based seismic evaluation using nonlinear dynamic analysis. The input of earthquake ground motion should be determined appropriately to make them compatible with the site-specific hazard level considered. Thus, an optimized selection and scaling method are established including the use of not only Monte Carlo simulation method to create the stochastic simulation spectrum considering the multivariate lognormal distribution of target spectrum, but also a spectral shape parameter. Its applications in structural fragility analysis are demonstrated through case studies. Compared to the previous scheme with no consideration of the uncertainty of target spectrum, the method shown here can make sure that the selected records are in good agreement with the median value, standard deviation and spectral correction of the target spectrum, and greatly reveal the uncertainty feature of site-specific hazard level. Meanwhile, it can help improve computational efficiency and matching accuracy. Given the important infection of target spectrum’s uncertainty on structural seismic fragility analysis, this work can provide the reasonable and reliable basis for structural seismic evaluation under scenario earthquake environment.Keywords: ground motion selection, scaling method, seismic fragility analysis, spectral shape
Procedia PDF Downloads 2959446 The Effects of Distribution Channels on the Selling Prices of Hotels in Time of Crisis
Authors: Y. Yılmaz, C. Ünal, A. Dursun
Distribution channels play significant role for hotels. Direct and indirect selling options of hotel rooms have been increased especially with the help of new technologies, i.e. hotel’s own web sites and online booking sites. Although these options emerged as tools for diversifying the distribution channels, vast number of hotels -mostly resort hotels- is still heavily dependent upon international tour operators when selling their products. On the other hand, hotel sector is so vulnerable against crises. Economic, political or any other crisis can affect hotels very badly and so it is critical to have the right balance of distribution channel to avoid the adverse impacts of a crisis. In this study, it is aimed to search the impacts of a general crisis on the selling prices of hotels which have different weights of distribution channels. The study was done in Turkey where various crises occurred in 2015 and 2016 which had great negative impacts on Turkish tourism and led enormous occupancy rate and selling price reductions. 112 upscale resort hotel in Antalya, which is the most popular tourism destination of Turkey, joined to the research. According to the results, hotels with high dependency to international tour operators are more forced to reduce their room prices in crisis time compared to the ones which use their own web sites more. It was also found that the decline in room prices is limited for hotels which are working with national tour operators and travel agencies in crisis time.Keywords: marketing channels, crisis, hotel, international tour operators, online travel agencies
Procedia PDF Downloads 3209445 Rhetoric and Renarrative Structure of Digital Images in Trans-Media
The misreading theory of Harold Bloom provides a new diachronic perspective as an approach to the consistency between rhetoric of digital technology, dynamic movement of digital images and uncertain meaning of text. Reinterpreting the diachroneity of 'intertextuality' in the context of misreading theory extended the range of the 'intermediality' of transmedia to the intense tension between digital images and symbolic images throughout history of images. With the analogy between six categories of revisionary ratios and six steps of digital transformation, digital rhetoric might be illustrated as a linear process reflecting dynamic, intensive relations between digital moving images and original static images. Finally, it was concluded that two-way framework of the rhetoric of transformation of digital images and reversed served as a renarrative structure to revive static images by reconnecting them with digital moving images.Keywords: rhetoric, digital art, intermediality, misreading theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 2589444 Extraction of Strontium Ions through Ligand Assisted Ionic Liquids
Authors: Pradeep Kumar, Abhishek Kumar Chandra, Ashok Khanna
Extraction of Strontium by crown ether (DCH18C6) hasbeen investigated in [BMIM][TF2N] Ionic Liquid (IL) giving higher extraction ~98% and distribution ratio as compared to other organic solvents (Dodecane, Hexane, & Isodecyl alcohol + Dodecane). Distribution ratio of Sr in IL at 0.15M DCH18C6 indicates an enhancement of 20000, 2000, 500 times over Dodecane, Hexane and 5% Isodecyl Alcohol + 95 % Dodecane at 0.01M aqueous acidity respectively. In presence of IL, Sr extraction decreases with increase in HNO3 concentration in aqueous phase whereas opposite trend was observed with organic solvents.Extraction of Sr initially increases with increase in DCH18C6 concentration in IL, finally reaching an asymptotic constant.Keywords: distribution ratio, ionic liquid, ligand, organic solvent, stripping
Procedia PDF Downloads 4449443 Order vs. Justice: The Cases of Libya and Syria from the Perspective of the English School Theory
Authors: A. Gün Güneş
This study aims to explicate the functionality of the responsibility to protect (R2P) in terms of order and justice within the context of the main traditions of the English School theory. The conflicts in Libya and Syria and the response of the international society to these crises are analyzed in the pluralism-solidarism dichotomy of the English School. In this regard, the intervention under R2P in Libya exemplifies the solidaristic side emphasizing justice, while the non-intervention in Syria exemplifies the pluralistic side emphasizing order. This study discusses the cases of Libya and Syria on the basis of Great Powers.Keywords: English school theory, international society, order, justice, responsibility to protect
Procedia PDF Downloads 4369442 Assessing Vertical Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Westleigh Soil under Shrub Encroached Rangeland, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Authors: Abel L. Masotla, Phesheya E. Dlamini, Vusumuzi E. Mbanjwa
Accurate quantification of the vertical distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) in relation to land cover transformations, associated with shrub encroachment is crucial because deeper lying horizons have been shown to have greater capacity to sequester SOC. Despite this, in-depth soil carbon dynamics remain poorly understood, especially in arid and semi-arid rangelands. The objective of this study was to quantify and compare the vertical distribution of soil organic carbon stocks (SOCs) in shrub-encroached and open grassland sites. To achieve this, soil samples were collected vertically at 10 cm depth intervals under both sites. The results showed that SOC was on average 19% and 13% greater in the topsoil and subsoil respectively, under shrub-encroached grassland compared to open grassland. In both topsoil and subsoil, lower SOCs were found under shrub-encroached (4.53 kg m⁻² and 3.90 kgm⁻²) relative to open grassland (4.39 kgm⁻² and 3.67 kgm⁻²). These results demonstrate that deeper soil horizon play a critical role in the storage of SOC in savanna grassland.Keywords: savanna grasslands, shrub-encroachment, soil organic carbon, vertical distribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 1419441 Pressure Distribution, Load Capacity, and Thermal Effect with Generalized Maxwell Model in Journal Bearing Lubrication
Authors: M. Guemmadi, A. Ouibrahim
This numerical investigation aims to evaluate how a viscoelastic lubricant described by a generalized Maxwell model, affects the pressure distribution, the load capacity and thermal effect in a journal bearing lubrication. We use for the purpose the CFD package software completed by adapted user define functions (UDFs) to solve the coupled equations of momentum, of energy and of the viscoelastic model (generalized Maxwell model). Two parameters, viscosity and relaxation time are involved to show how viscoelasticity substantially affect the pressure distribution, the load capacity and the thermal transfer by comparison to Newtonian lubricant. These results were also compared with the available published results.Keywords: journal bearing, lubrication, Maxwell model, viscoelastic fluids, computational modelling, load capacity
Procedia PDF Downloads 5429440 'Freud and Jung: Dissenting Friends'; An Analysis of the Foundations of the Psychoanalytical Theory in Theirs Letters
Authors: Laurence Doremus
Freud as the builder of psychoanalysis as a discipline had created the science with Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), a psychiatry specialist from Zurich who was very important in the Freudian theory. The knowledge about the foundation of psychoanalysis is often focused on the influence of the works from Breuer or Charcot in the Freudian praxis, at least at the beginning of his career, and Jung's influence is often under-estimated. The paper focuses on the importance of the Jungian contributions in Freud's theories at the beginning of the creation of the discipline in the 1910s. We often meet Jungian schools on the first hand and Freudian schools, on the other hand in the academic field, but the Freudian field has to admit the importance of the Jungian theories in Freudian science. And also, the dialectical energy which appears in the letters exchanged between both of the fathers of psychoanalysis is important to understand the foundations of Freud Theory. That's why the paper will analyze in detail the correspondence between them in an epistemological and historical approach. Effectively the letters were translated and published (in French but also in English and other languages) lately in history and are still not well knew by the researchers in the psychoanalytical field. We well explain how Freud was helped by Jung despite his desire to build the theory. We analyze how the second topic named 'unconscious, preconscious, and conscious', is the result of the first topic that Jung built with Freud. The paper is a contribution to the knowledge we should have about the intense friendship between the two protagonists.Keywords: Carl Gustav Jung, correspondence, Freud's letters, psychoanalytic theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 1499439 Secure Optical Communication System Using Quantum Cryptography
Authors: Ehab AbdulRazzaq Hussein
Quantum cryptography (QC) is an emerging technology for secure key distribution with single-photon transmissions. In contrast to classical cryptographic schemes, the security of QC schemes is guaranteed by the fundamental laws of nature. Their security stems from the impossibility to distinguish non-orthogonal quantum states with certainty. A potential eavesdropper introduces errors in the transmissions, which can later be discovered by the legitimate participants of the communication. In this paper, the modeling approach is proposed for QC protocol BB84 using polarization coding. The single-photon system is assumed to be used in the designed models. Thus, Eve cannot use beam-splitting strategy to eavesdrop on the quantum channel transmission. The only eavesdropping strategy possible to Eve is the intercept/resend strategy. After quantum transmission of the QC protocol, the quantum bit error rate (QBER) is estimated and compared with a threshold value. If it is above this value the procedure must be stopped and performed later again.Keywords: security, key distribution, cryptography, quantum protocols, Quantum Cryptography (QC), Quantum Key Distribution (QKD).
Procedia PDF Downloads 4079438 The Search for the Self in Psychotherapy: Findings from Relational Theory and Neuroanatomy
Authors: Harry G. Segal
The idea of the “self” has been essential ever since the early modern period in western culture, especially since the development of psychotherapy, but advances in neuroscience and cognitive theory challenge traditional notions of the self. More specifically, neuroanatomists have found no location of “the self” in the brain; instead, consciousness has been posited to be a rapid combination of perception, memory, anticipation of future events, and judgment. In this paper, a theoretical model is presented to address these neuroanatomical findings and to revise the historical understanding of “selfhood” in the practice of psychotherapy.Keywords: the self, psychotherapy, the self and the brain
Procedia PDF Downloads 1069437 Investigating Gender Differences in M-Learning Gameplay Adoption
Authors: Chih-Ping Chen
Despite the increasing popularity of and interest in mobile games, there has been little research that evaluates gender differences in users’ actual preferences for mobile game content, and the factors that influence entertainment and mobile-learning habits. To fill this void, this study examines different gender users’ experience of mobile English learning game adoption in order to identify the areas of development in Taiwan, using Uses and Gratification Theory, Expectation Confirmation Theory and experiential value. The integration of these theories forms the basis of an extended research concept. Users’ responses to questions about cognitive perceptions, confirmation, gratifications and continuous use were collected and analyzed with various factors derived from the theories.Keywords: expectation confirmation theory, experiential value, gender difference, mobile game, uses and gratification
Procedia PDF Downloads 3319436 A Source Point Distribution Scheme for Wave-Body Interaction Problem
Authors: Aichun Feng, Zhi-Min Chen, Jing Tang Xing
A two-dimensional linear wave-body interaction problem can be solved using a desingularized integral method by placing free surface Rankine sources over calm water surface and satisfying boundary conditions at prescribed collocation points on the calm water surface. A new free-surface Rankine source distribution scheme, determined by the intersection points of free surface and body surface, is developed to reduce numerical computation cost. Associated with this, a new treatment is given to the intersection point. The present scheme results are in good agreement with traditional numerical results and measurements.Keywords: source point distribution, panel method, Rankine source, desingularized algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 3659435 Ground Short Circuit Contributions of a MV Distribution Line Equipped with PWMSC
Authors: Mohamed Zellagui, Heba Ahmed Hassan
This paper proposes a new approach for the calculation of short-circuit parameters in the presence of Pulse Width Modulated based Series Compensator (PWMSC). PWMSC is a newly Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) device that can modulate the impedance of a transmission line through applying a variation to the duty cycle (D) of a train of pulses with fixed frequency. This results in an improvement of the system performance as it provides virtual compensation of distribution line impedance by injecting controllable apparent reactance in series with the distribution line. This controllable reactance can operate in both capacitive and inductive modes and this makes PWMSC highly effective in controlling the power flow and increasing system stability in the system. The purpose of this work is to study the impact of fault resistance (RF) which varies between 0 to 30 Ω on the fault current calculations in case of a ground fault and a fixed fault location. The case study is for a medium voltage (MV) Algerian distribution line which is compensated by PWMSC in the 30 kV Algerian distribution power network. The analysis is based on symmetrical components method which involves the calculations of symmetrical components of currents and voltages, without and with PWMSC in both cases of maximum and minimum duty cycle value for capacitive and inductive modes. The paper presents simulation results which are verified by the theoretical analysis.Keywords: pulse width modulated series compensator (pwmsc), duty cycle, distribution line, short-circuit calculations, ground fault, symmetrical components method
Procedia PDF Downloads 5009434 Spatial Emission of Ions Produced by the APF Plasma Focus Device
Authors: M. Habibi
The angular distribution of ion beam emission from the APF plasma focus device (15kV, 40μf, 115nH) filled with nitrogen gas has been examined through investigating the effect of ion beams on aluminum thin foils in different angular positions. The samples are studied in different distances from the anode end with different shots. The optimum pressure that would be obtained at the applied voltages of 12kV was 0.7 torr. The ions flux declined as the pressure inclined and the maximum ion density at 0.7 torr was about 10.26 × 1022 ions/steradian. The irradiated foils were analyzed with SEM method in order to study their surface and morphological changes. The results of the analysis showed melting and surface evaporation effects and generation of some cracks in the specimens. The result of ion patterns on the samples obtained in this study can be useful in determining ion spatial distributions on the top of anode.Keywords: plasma focus, spatial distribution, high energy ions, ion angular distribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 4599433 An Adaptive Controller Method Based on Full-State Linear Model of Variable Cycle Engine
Authors: Jia Li, Huacong Li, Xiaobao Han
Due to the more variable geometry parameters of VCE (variable cycle aircraft engine), presents an adaptive controller method based on the full-state linear model of VCE and has simulated to solve the multivariate controller design problem of the whole flight envelops. First, analyzes the static and dynamic performances of bypass ratio and other state parameters caused by variable geometric components, and develops nonlinear component model of VCE. Then based on the component model, through small deviation linearization of main fuel (Wf), the area of tail nozzle throat (A8) and the angle of rear bypass ejector (A163), setting up multiple linear model which variable geometric parameters can be inputs. Second, designs the adaptive controllers for VCE linear models of different nominal points. Among them, considering of modeling uncertainties and external disturbances, derives the adaptive law by lyapunov function. The simulation results showed that, the adaptive controller method based on full-state linear model used the angle of rear bypass ejector as input and effectively solved the multivariate control problems of VCE. The performance of all nominal points could track the desired closed-loop reference instructions. The adjust time was less than 1.2s, and the system overshoot was less than 1%, at the same time, the errors of steady states were less than 0.5% and the dynamic tracking errors were less than 1%. In addition, the designed controller could effectively suppress interference and reached the desired commands with different external random noise signals.Keywords: variable cycle engine (VCE), full-state linear model, adaptive control, by-pass ratio
Procedia PDF Downloads 3189432 Information and Cooperativity in Fiction: The Pragmatics of David Baboulene’s “Knowledge Gaps”
Authors: Cara DiGirolamo
In his 2017 Ph.D. thesis, script doctor David Baboulene presented a theory of fiction in which differences in the knowledge states between participants in a literary experience, including reader, author, and characters, create many story elements, among them suspense, expectations, subtext, theme, metaphor, and allegory. This theory can be adjusted and modeled by incorporating a formal pragmatic approach that understands narrative as a speech act with a conversational function. This approach requires both the Speaker and the Listener to be understood as participants in the discourse. It also uses theories of cooperativity and the QUD to identify the existence of implicit questions. This approach predicts that what an effective literary narrative must do: provide a conversational context early in the story so the reader can engage with the text as a conversational participant. In addition, this model incorporates schema theory. Schema theory is a cognitive model for learning and processing information about the world and transforming it into functional knowledge. Using this approach can extend the QUD model. Instead of describing conversation as a form of information gathering restricted to question-answer sets, the QUD can include knowledge modeling and understanding as a possible outcome of a conversation. With this model, Baboulene’s “Knowledge Gaps” can provide real insight into storytelling as a conversational move, and extend the QUD to be able to simply and effectively apply to a more diverse set of conversational interactions and also to narrative texts.Keywords: literature, speech acts, QUD, literary theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 199431 Biaxial Fatigue Specimen Design and Testing Rig Development
Authors: Ahmed H. Elkholy
An elastic analysis is developed to obtain the distribution of stresses, strains, bending moment and deformation for a thin hollow, variable thickness cylindrical specimen when subjected to different biaxial loadings. The specimen was subjected to a combination of internal pressure, axial tensile loading and external pressure. Several axial to circumferential stress ratios were investigated in detail. The analytical model was then validated using experimental results obtained from a test rig using several biaxial loadings. Based on the preliminary results obtained, the specimen was then modified geometrically to ensure uniform strain distribution through its wall thickness and along its gauge length. The new design of the specimen has a higher buckling strength and a maximum value of equivalent stress according to the maximum distortion energy theory. A cyclic function generator of the standard servo-controlled, electro-hydraulic testing machine is used to generate a specific signal shape (sine, square,…) at a certain frequency. The two independent controllers of the electronic circuit cause an independent movement to each servo-valve piston. The movement of each piston pressurizes the upper and lower sides of the actuators alternately. So, the specimen will be subjected to axial and diametral loads independent of each other. The hydraulic system has two different pressures: one pressure will be responsible for axial stress produced in the specimen and the other will be responsible for the tangential stress. Changing the two pressure ratios will change the stress ratios accordingly. The only restriction on the maximum stress obtained is the capacity of the testing system and specimen instability due to buckling.Keywords: biaxial, fatigue, stress, testing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1309430 Understanding Personal Well-Being among Entrepreneurial Breadwinners: Bibliographic and Empirical Analyses of Relative Resource Theory
Authors: E. Fredrick Rice
Over the past three decades, a substantial body of academic literature has asserted that the pressure to maintain household income can negatively affect the personal well-being of breadwinners. Given that scholars have failed to thoroughly explore this phenomenon with breadwinners who are also business owners, theory has been underdeveloped in the entrepreneurial context. To identify the most appropriate theories to apply to entrepreneurs, the current paper utilized two approaches. First, a comprehensive bibliographic analysis was conducted focusing on works at the intersection of breadwinner status and well-being. Co-authorship and journal citation patterns highlighted relative resource theory as a boundary spanning approach with promising applications in the entrepreneurial space. To build upon this theory, regression analysis was performed using data from the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics (PSED). Empirical results showed evidence for the effects of breadwinner status and household income on entrepreneurial well-being. Further, the findings suggest that it is not merely income or job status that predicts well-being, but one’s relative financial contribution compared to that of one’s non-breadwinning organizationally employed partner. This paper offers insight into how breadwinner status can be studied in relation to the entrepreneurial personality.Keywords: breadwinner, entrepreneurship, household income, well-being.
Procedia PDF Downloads 1729429 Extending the Theory of Planned Behaviour to Predict Intention to Commute by Bicycle: Case Study of Mexico City
Authors: Magda Cepeda, Frances Hodgson, Ann Jopson
There are different barriers people face when choosing to cycle for commuting purposes. This study examined the role of psycho-social factors predicting the intention to cycle to commute in Mexico City. An extended version of the theory of planned behaviour was developed and utilized with a simple random sample of 401 road users. We applied exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and after identifying five factors, a structural equation model was estimated to find the relationships among the variables. The results indicated that cycling attributes, attitudes to cycling, social comparison and social image and prestige were the most important factors influencing intention to cycle. Although the results from this study are specific to Mexico City, they indicate areas of interest to transportation planners in other regions especially in those cities where intention to cycle its linked to its perceived image and there is political ambition to instigate positive cycling cultures. Moreover, this study contributes to the current literature developing applications of the Theory of Planned Behaviour.Keywords: cycling, latent variable model, perception, theory of planned behaviour
Procedia PDF Downloads 3549428 A Novel Approach for the Analysis of Ground Water Quality by Using Classification Rules and Water Quality Index
Authors: Kamakshaiah Kolli, R. Seshadri
Water is a key resource in all economic activities ranging from agriculture to industry. Only a tiny fraction of the planet's abundant water is available to us as fresh water. Assessment of water quality has always been paramount in the field of environmental quality management. It is the foundation for health, hygiene, progress and prosperity. With ever increasing pressure of human population, there is severe stress on water resources. Therefore efficient water management is essential to civil society for betterment of quality of life. The present study emphasizes on the groundwater quality, sources of ground water contamination, variation of groundwater quality and its spatial distribution. The bases for groundwater quality assessment are groundwater bodies and representative monitoring network enabling determination of chemical status of groundwater body. For this study, water samples were collected from various areas of the entire corporation area of Guntur. Water is required for all living organisms of which 1.7% is available as ground water. Water has no calories or any nutrients, but essential for various metabolic activities in our body. Chemical and physical parameters can be tested for identifying the portability of ground water. Electrical conductivity, pH, alkalinity, Total Alkalinity, TDS, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, and Sulphate of the ground water from Guntur district: Different areas of the District were analyzed. Our aim is to check, if the ground water from the above areas are potable or not. As multivariate are present, Data mining technique using JRIP rules was employed for classifying the ground water.Keywords: groundwater, water quality standards, potability, data mining, JRIP, PCA, classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 4319427 Methods for Solving Identification Problems
Authors: Fadi Awawdeh
In this work, we highlight the key concepts in using semigroup theory as a methodology used to construct efficient formulas for solving inverse problems. The proposed method depends on some results concerning integral equations. The experimental results show the potential and limitations of the method and imply directions for future work.Keywords: identification problems, semigroup theory, methods for inverse problems, scientific computing
Procedia PDF Downloads 4829426 Multimedia Data Fusion for Event Detection in Twitter by Using Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory
Authors: Samar M. Alqhtani, Suhuai Luo, Brian Regan
Data fusion technology can be the best way to extract useful information from multiple sources of data. It has been widely applied in various applications. This paper presents a data fusion approach in multimedia data for event detection in twitter by using Dempster-Shafer evidence theory. The methodology applies a mining algorithm to detect the event. There are two types of data in the fusion. The first is features extracted from text by using the bag-ofwords method which is calculated using the term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF). The second is the visual features extracted by applying scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT). The Dempster - Shafer theory of evidence is applied in order to fuse the information from these two sources. Our experiments have indicated that comparing to the approaches using individual data source, the proposed data fusion approach can increase the prediction accuracy for event detection. The experimental result showed that the proposed method achieved a high accuracy of 0.97, comparing with 0.93 with texts only, and 0.86 with images only.Keywords: data fusion, Dempster-Shafer theory, data mining, event detection
Procedia PDF Downloads 4119425 Investigation of the Stability and Spintronic Properties of NbrhgeX (X= Cr, Co, Mn, Fe, Ni) Using Density Functional Theory
Authors: Shittu Akinpelu, Issac Popoola
The compound NbRhGe has been predicted to be a semiconductor with excellent mechanical properties. It is an indirect band gap material. The potential of NbRhGe for non-volatile data storage via element addition is being studied using the Density Functional Theory (DFT). Preliminary results on the electronic and magnetic properties are suggestive for their application in spintronic.Keywords: half-metals, Heusler compound, semiconductor, spintronic
Procedia PDF Downloads 1709424 Landscape Genetic and Species Distribution Modeling of Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)
Authors: Masoud Sheidaei, Fahimeh Koohdar
Date palms are economically important tree plants with high nutrition and medicinal values. More than 400 date palm cultivars are cultivated in many regions of Iran, but no report is available on landscape genetics and species distribution modeling of these trees from the country. Therefore, the present study provides a detailed insight into the genetic diversity and structure of date palm populations in Iran and investigates the effects of geographical and climatic variables on the structuring of genetic diversity in them. We used different computational methods in the study like, spatial principal components analysis (sPCA), redundancy analysis (RDA), latent factor mixed model (LFMM), and Maxent and Dismo models of species distribution modeling. We used a combination of different molecular markers for this study. The results showed that both global and local spatial features play an important role in the genetic structuring of date palms, and the genetic regions associated with local adaptation and climatic variables were identified. The effects of climatic change on the distribution of these taxa and the genetic regions adaptive to these changes will be discussed.Keywords: adaptive genetic regions, genetic diversity, isolation by distance, populations divergence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1119423 A Double Acceptance Sampling Plan for Truncated Life Test Having Exponentiated Transmuted Weibull Distribution
Authors: A. D. Abdellatif, A. N. Ahmed, M. E. Abdelaziz
The main purpose of this paper is to design a double acceptance sampling plan under the time truncated life test when the product lifetime follows an exponentiated transmuted Weibull distribution. Here, the motive is to meet both the consumer’s risk and producer’s risk simultaneously at the specified quality levels, while the termination time is specified. A comparison between the results of the double and single acceptance sampling plans is conducted. We demonstrate the applicability of our results to real data sets.Keywords: double sampling plan, single sampling plan, producer’s risk, consumer’s risk, exponentiated transmuted weibull distribution, time truncated experiment, single, double, Marshal-Olkin
Procedia PDF Downloads 4889422 Examination of the Influence of the Near-Surface Geology on the Initial Infrastructural Development Using High-Resolution Seismic Method
Authors: Collins Chiemeke, Stephen Ibe, Godwin Onyedim
This research work on high-resolution seismic tomography method was carried out with the aim of investigating how near-surface geology influences the initial distribution of infrastructural development in an area like Otuoke and its environs. To achieve this objective, seismic tomography method was employed. The result revealed that the overburden (highly-weathered layer) thickness ranges from 27 m to 50 m within the survey area, with an average value of 37 m. The 3D surface analysis for the overburden thickness distribution within the survey area showed that the thickness of the overburden is more in regions with less infrastructural development, and least in built-up areas. The range of velocity distribution from the surface to within a depth of 5 m is about 660 m/s to 1160 m/s, with an average value of 946 m/s. The 3D surface analysis of the velocity distribution also revealed that the areas with large infrastructural development are characterized with large velocity values compared with the undeveloped regions that has average low-velocity values. Hence, one can conclusively say that the initial settlement of Otuoke and its environs and the subsequent infrastructural development was influenced by the underlying near surface geology (rigid earth), among other factors.Keywords: geology, seismic, infrastructural, near-surface
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