Search results for: hybrid lattice Boltzmann method
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 20428

Search results for: hybrid lattice Boltzmann method

19948 Renewable Energy System Eolic-Photovoltaic for the Touristic Center La Tranca-Chordeleg in Ecuador

Authors: Christian Castro Samaniego, Daniel Icaza Alvarez, Juan Portoviejo Brito


For this research work, hybrid wind-photovoltaic (SHEF) systems were considered as renewable energy sources that take advantage of wind energy and solar radiation to transform into electrical energy. In the present research work, the feasibility of a wind-photovoltaic hybrid generation system was analyzed for the La Tranca tourist viewpoint of the Chordeleg canton in Ecuador. The research process consisted of the collection of data on solar radiation, temperature, wind speed among others by means of a meteorological station. Simulations were carried out in MATLAB/Simulink based on a mathematical model. In the end, we compared the theoretical radiation-power curves and the measurements made at the site.

Keywords: hybrid system, wind turbine, modeling, simulation, validation, experimental data, panel, Ecuador

Procedia PDF Downloads 245
19947 Optimal Planning and Design of Hybrid Energy System for Taxila University

Authors: Habib Ur Rahman Habib


Renewable energy resources are being realized as suitable options in hybrid energy planning for on-grid and micro grid. In this paper, operation, planning and optimal design of on-grid distributed energy resources based hybrid system are investigated. The aim is to minimize the cost of the overall energy system keeping in view the environmental emission and minimum penetration of conventional energy resources. Seven grid connected different case studies including diesel only, diesel-renewable based, and renewable based only are designed to perform economic analysis, operational planning and emission. Sensitivity analysis is implemented to investigate the impact of different parameters on the performance of energy resources.

Keywords: data management, renewable energy, distributed energy, smart grid, micro-grid, modeling, energy planning, design optimization

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19946 On the Cluster of the Families of Hybrid Polynomial Kernels in Kernel Density Estimation

Authors: Benson Ade Eniola Afere


Over the years, kernel density estimation has been extensively studied within the context of nonparametric density estimation. The fundamental components of kernel density estimation are the kernel function and the bandwidth. While the mathematical exploration of the kernel component has been relatively limited, its selection and development remain crucial. The Mean Integrated Squared Error (MISE), serving as a measure of discrepancy, provides a robust framework for assessing the effectiveness of any kernel function. A kernel function with a lower MISE is generally considered to perform better than one with a higher MISE. Hence, the primary aim of this article is to create kernels that exhibit significantly reduced MISE when compared to existing classical kernels. Consequently, this article introduces a cluster of hybrid polynomial kernel families. The construction of these proposed kernel functions is carried out heuristically by combining two kernels from the classical polynomial kernel family using probability axioms. We delve into the analysis of error propagation within these kernels. To assess their performance, simulation experiments, and real-life datasets are employed. The obtained results demonstrate that the proposed hybrid kernels surpass their classical kernel counterparts in terms of performance.

Keywords: classical polynomial kernels, cluster of families, global error, hybrid Kernels, Kernel density estimation, Monte Carlo simulation

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19945 Hybrid Advanced Oxidative Pretreatment of Complex Industrial Effluent for Biodegradability Enhancement

Authors: K. Paradkar, S. N. Mudliar, A. Sharma, A. B. Pandit, R. A. Pandey


The study explores the hybrid combination of Hydrodynamic Cavitation (HC) and Subcritical Wet Air Oxidation-based pretreatment of complex industrial effluent to enhance the biodegradability selectively (without major COD destruction) to facilitate subsequent enhanced downstream processing via anaerobic or aerobic biological treatment. Advanced oxidation based techniques can be less efficient as standalone options and a hybrid approach by combining Hydrodynamic Cavitation (HC), and Wet Air Oxidation (WAO) can lead to a synergistic effect since both the options are based on common free radical mechanism. The HC can be used for initial turbulence and generation of hotspots which can begin the free radical attack and this agitating mixture then can be subjected to less intense WAO since initial heat (to raise the activation energy) can be taken care by HC alone. Lab-scale venturi-based hydrodynamic cavitation and wet air oxidation reactor with biomethanated distillery wastewater (BMDWW) as a model effluent was examined for establishing the proof-of-concept. The results indicated that for a desirable biodegradability index (BOD: COD - BI) enhancement (up to 0.4), the Cavitation (standalone) pretreatment condition was: 5 bar and 88 min reaction time with a COD reduction of 36 % and BI enhancement of up to 0.27 (initial BI - 0.17). The optimum WAO condition (standalone) was: 150oC, 6 bar and 30 minutes with 31% COD reduction and 0.33 BI. The hybrid pretreatment (combined Cavitation + WAO) worked out to be 23.18 min HC (at 5 bar) followed by 30 min WAO at 150oC, 6 bar, at which around 50% COD was retained yielding a BI of 0.55. FTIR & NMR analysis of pretreated effluent indicated dissociation and/or reorientation of complex organic compounds in untreated effluent to simpler organic compounds post-pretreatment.

Keywords: hybrid, hydrodynamic cavitation, wet air oxidation, biodegradability index

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19944 Useful Characteristics of Pleurotus Mushroom Hybrids

Authors: Suvalux Chaichuchote, Ratchadaporn Thonghem


Pleurotus mushroom is one of popular edible mushrooms in Thailand. It is much favored by consumers due to its delicious taste and high nutrition. It is commonly used as an ingredient in several dishes. The commercially cultivated strain grown in most farms is the Pleurotus sp., Hed Bhutan, that is widely distributed to mushroom farms throughout the country and can be cultivated almost all year round. However, it demands different cultivated strains from mushroom growers, therefore, the improving mushroom strains should be done to their benefits. In this study, we used a di-mon mating method to hybrid production from Hed Bhutan (P-3) as dikaryon material and monokaryotic mycelium were isolated from basidiospores of other three Pleurotus sp. by single spore isolation. The 3 hybrids: P-3XSA-6, P-3XSB-24 and P-3XSE-5 were recognized from the 12 hybridized successfully. They were appropriate hybridized in terms of fruiting body performance in the three time cycles of cultivation such as the number of days until growing, time for pinning, color and shape of fruiting bodies and yield. For genetic study, genomic DNAs of both Hed Bhutan (P-3) and three hybrids were extracted. A couple of primer ITS1 and ITS4 were used to amplify the gene coding for ITS1, ITS2 and 5.8S rRNA. The similarities between these amplified genes and databases of DNA revealed that Hed Bhutan (P-3) was the Pleurotus pulmonarius as well as P-3XSA-6, P-3XSB-24 and P-3XSE-5 hybrids. Furthermore, Hed Bhutan (P3) and three hybrids were distributed to 3 small-scale farms, with mushroom farming experience, in the countryside. To address this, one hundred and twenty mushroom bags of each strain were supplied to them. The findings, by interview, indicated two mushroom farmers were satisfied with P-3XSA-6 hybrid and P-3XSB-24 hybrid, thanks to their simultaneous fruiting time and good yield. While the other was satisfied with P-3XSB-24 hybrid due to its good yield and P-3XSE-5 hybrids thanks to its gradually fruiting body, benefiting in frequent harvest. Overall, farmers adopted all hybrids to grow as commercially cultivated strains as well as Hed Bhutan (P-3) strain.

Keywords: dikaryon, monokaryon, pleurotus, strain improvement

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19943 The Effect of Surface Wave on the Performance Characteristic of a Wave-Tidal Integral Turbine Hybrid Generation System

Authors: Norshazmira Mat Azmi, Sayidal El Fatimah Masnan, Shatirah Akib


More than 70% of the Earth is covered by oceans, which are considered to possess boundless renewable energy, such as tidal energy, tidal current energy, wave energy, thermal energy, and chemical energy. The hybrid system help in improving the economic and environmental sustainability of renewable energy systems to fulfill the energy demand. The concept of hybridizing renewable energy is to meet the desired system requirements, with the lowest value of the energy cost. This paper propose a hybrid power generation system suitable for remote area application and highlight the impact of surface waves on turbine design and performance, and the importance of understanding the site-specific wave conditions.

Keywords: marine current energy, tidal turbines, wave turbine, renewable energy, surface waves, hydraulic flume experiments, instantaneous wave phase

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19942 A High-Level Co-Evolutionary Hybrid Algorithm for the Multi-Objective Job Shop Scheduling Problem

Authors: Aydin Teymourifar, Gurkan Ozturk


In this paper, a hybrid distributed algorithm has been suggested for the multi-objective job shop scheduling problem. Many new approaches are used at design steps of the distributed algorithm. Co-evolutionary structure of the algorithm and competition between different communicated hybrid algorithms, which are executed simultaneously, causes to efficient search. Using several machines for distributing the algorithms, at the iteration and solution levels, increases computational speed. The proposed algorithm is able to find the Pareto solutions of the big problems in shorter time than other algorithm in the literature. Apache Spark and Hadoop platforms have been used for the distribution of the algorithm. The suggested algorithm and implementations have been compared with results of the successful algorithms in the literature. Results prove the efficiency and high speed of the algorithm.

Keywords: distributed algorithms, Apache Spark, Hadoop, job shop scheduling, multi-objective optimization

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19941 Hybrid Risk Assessment Model for Construction Based on Multicriteria Decision Making Methods

Authors: J. Tamosaitiene


The article focuses on the identification and classification of key risk management criteria that represent the most important sustainability aspects of the construction industry. The construction sector is one of the most important sectors in Lithuania. Nowadays, the assessment of the risk level of a construction project is especially important for the quality of construction projects, the growth of enterprises and the sector. To establish the most important criteria for successful growth of the sector, a questionnaire for experts was developed. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the expert judgement method and other multicriteria decision making (MCDM) methods were used to develop the hybrid model. The results were used to develop an integrated knowledge system for the measurement of a risk level particular to construction projects. The article presents a practical case that details the developed system, sustainable aspects, and risk assessment.

Keywords: risk, system, model, construction

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19940 HcDD: The Hybrid Combination of Disk Drives in Active Storage Systems

Authors: Shu Yin, Zhiyang Ding, Jianzhong Huang, Xiaojun Ruan, Xiaomin Zhu, Xiao Qin


Since large-scale and data-intensive applications have been widely deployed, there is a growing demand for high-performance storage systems to support data-intensive applications. Compared with traditional storage systems, next-generation systems will embrace dedicated processor to reduce computational load of host machines and will have hybrid combinations of different storage devices. The advent of flash- memory-based solid state disk has become a critical role in revolutionizing the storage world. However, instead of simply replacing the traditional magnetic hard disk with the solid state disk, it is believed that finding a complementary approach to corporate both of them is more challenging and attractive. This paper explores an idea of active storage, an emerging new storage configuration, in terms of the architecture and design, the parallel processing capability, the cooperation of other machines in cluster computing environment, and a disk configuration, the hybrid combination of different types of disk drives. Experimental results indicate that the proposed HcDD achieves better I/O performance and longer storage system lifespan.

Keywords: arallel storage system, hybrid storage system, data inten- sive, solid state disks, reliability

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19939 Structural Behaviour of Small-Scale Fibre-Filled Steel Tubular Planar Frames

Authors: Sadaf Karkoodi, Hassan Karampour


There is a growing interest in the construction industry towards hybrid systems. The hybrid systems use construction materials such as timber, steel, and concrete smartly, can be prefabricated, and are cost-effective and sustainable solutions to an industry targeting reduced carbon footprint. Moreover, in case of periodical shortage in timber resources, reusable and waste wood such as fibres can be used in the hybrid modules, which facilitates the circular economy. In this research, a hybrid frame is proposed and experimentally validated by introducing dried wood fibre products inside cold-formed steel square hollow sections without using any adhesives. As such, fibre-filled steel tubular (FFST) columns, beams, and 2D frames are manufactured and tested. The results show that the FFST columns have stiffness and strength 44% and 55% higher than cold-formed steel columns, respectively. The bearing strength of the FFST beams shows an increase of 39.5% compared to steel only. The flexural stiffness and strength of the FFST beams are 8.5% and 28% higher than the bare steel beams, respectively. The FFST frame depicted an 18.4% higher ultimate load capacity than the steel-only frame under a mid-point concentrated load. Moreover, the FFST beam-to-column bolted connection showed high ductile performance. The initial results and the proposed simple manufacturing process suggest that the proposed FFST concept can be upscaled and used in real structures.

Keywords: wood fibre, reusing wood, fibre-filled steel, hybrid construction

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19938 Creep Behaviour of Asphalt Modified by Waste Polystyrene and Its Hybrids with Crumb Rubber and Low-Density Polyethylene

Authors: Soheil Heydari, Ailar Hajimohammadi, Nasser Khalili


Polystyrene, being made from a monomer called styrene, is a rigid and easy-to mould polymer that is widely used for many applications, from foam packaging to disposable containers. Considering that the degradation of waste polystyrene takes up to 500 years, there is an urgent need for a sustainable application for waste polystyrene. This study evaluates the application of waste polystyrene as an asphalt modifier. The inclusion of waste plastics in asphalt is either practised by the dry process or the wet process. In the dry process, plastics are added straight into the asphalt mixture and in the wet process, they are mixed and digested into bitumen. In this article, polystyrene was used as an asphalt modifier in a dry process. However, the mixing process is precisely designed to make sure that the polymer is melted and modified in the binder. It was expected that, due to the rigidity of polystyrene, it will have positive effects on the permanent deformation of the asphalt mixture. Therefore, different mixtures were manufactured with different contents of polystyrene and Marshall specimens were manufactured, and dynamic creep tests were conducted to evaluate the permanent deformation of the modification. This is a commonly repeated loading test conducted at different stress levels and temperatures. Loading cycles are applied to the AC specimen until failure occurs; with the amount of deformation constantly recorded the cumulative, permanent strain is determined and reported as a function of the number of cycles. Also, to our best knowledge, hybrid mixes of polystyrene with crumb rubber and low-density polyethylene were made and compared with a polystyrene-modified mixture. The test results of this study showed that the hybrid mix of polystyrene and low-density polyethylene has the highest resistance against permanent deformation. However, the polystyrene-modified mixture outperformed the hybrid mix of polystyrene and crumb rubber, and both demonstrated way lower permanent deformation than the unmodified specimen.

Keywords: permanent deformation, waste plastics, polystyrene, hybrid plastics, hybrid mix, hybrid modification, dry process

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19937 Hybrid Fixation in Management of Proximal Diaphyseal Forearm Bone Fractures in Children

Authors: Tarek Aly


Introduction: Maintenance of the length, providing rotational stability, and preserving functional range of forearm motion is the mainstay of both bone forearm fractures treatment. Conservative treatment in older children may lead to malunion with poor remodeling capacity. Recent studies emphasized that the rate of complications with IM nailing was obviously increased in old children. Open reduction and internal fixation have been criticized for the amount of soft tissue dissection and periosteal stripping needed for fixation and excessive scar formation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anatomical and functional outcomes of hybrid fixation in the treatment of closed proximal radius and ulna fractures in adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age. Patients and Methods: 30 cases of diaphyseal both bone forearm fractures treated with hybrid fixation (Nail radius – Plate ulna) and were available for a follow-up period of fewer than 24 months. Results: Clinically, 72% of cases had an excellent function, 22% had a good function, 4% had a fair function, and 2% had a poor function. Radiologically, signs of the union had appeared in the radius 2weeks earlier than in the ulna in 55% of cases. Conclusion: A hybrid fixation technique in adolescent proximal both-bones forearm fractures could be a viable option in managing these injuries.

Keywords: hyprid fixation, both bones, forearm, fractures

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19936 Synthesis and Properties of Poly(N-(sulfophenyl)aniline) Nanoflowers and Poly(N-(sulfophenyl)aniline) Nanofibers/Titanium dioxide Nanoparticles by Solid Phase Mechanochemical and Their Application in Hybrid Solar Cell

Authors: Mazaher Yarmohamadi-Vasel, Ali Reza Modarresi-Alama, Sahar Shabzendedara


Purpose/Objectives: The first purpose was synthesize Poly(N-(sulfophenyl)aniline) nanoflowers (PSANFLs) and Poly(N-(sulfophenyl)aniline) nanofibers/titanium dioxide nanoparticles ((PSANFs/TiO2NPs) by a solid-state mechano-chemical reaction and template-free method and use them in hybrid solar cell. Also, our second aim was to increase the solubility and the processability of conjugated nanomaterials in water through polar functionalized materials. poly[N-(4-sulfophenyl)aniline] is easily soluble in water because of the presence of polar groups of sulfonic acid in the polymer chain. Materials/Methods: Iron (III) chloride hexahydrate (FeCl3∙6H2O) were bought from Merck Millipore Company. Titanium oxide nanoparticles (TiO2, <20 nm, anatase) and Sodium diphenylamine-4-sulfonate (99%) were bought from Sigma-Aldrich Company. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles paste (PST-20T) was prepared from Sharifsolar Co. Conductive glasses coated with indium tin oxide (ITO) were bought from Xinyan Technology Co (China). For the first time we used the solid-state mechano-chemical reaction and template-free method to synthesize Poly(N-(sulfophenyl)aniline) nanoflowers. Moreover, for the first time we used the same technique to synthesize nanocomposite of Poly(N-(sulfophenyl)aniline) nanofibers and titanium dioxide nanoparticles (PSANFs/TiO2NPs) also for the first time this nanocomposite was synthesized. Examining the results of electrochemical calculations energy gap obtained by CV curves and UV–vis spectra demonstrate that PSANFs/TiO2NPs nanocomposite is a p-n type material that can be used in photovoltaic cells. Doctor blade method was used to creat films for three kinds of hybrid solar cells in terms of different patterns like ITO│TiO2NPs│Semiconductor sample│Al. In the following, hybrid photovoltaic cells in bilayer and bulk heterojunction structures were fabricated as ITO│TiO2NPs│PSANFLs│Al and ITO│TiO2NPs│PSANFs /TiO2NPs│Al, respectively. Fourier-transform infrared spectra, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), ultraviolet-visible spectra, cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrical conductivity were the analysis that used to characterize the synthesized samples. Results and Conclusions: FE-SEM images clearly demonstrate that the morphology of the synthesized samples are nanostructured (nanoflowers and nanofibers). Electrochemical calculations of band gap from CV curves demonstrated that the forbidden band gap of the PSANFLs and PSANFs/TiO2NPs nanocomposite are 2.95 and 2.23 eV, respectively. I–V characteristics of hybrid solar cells and their power conversion efficiency (PCE) under 100 mWcm−2 irradiation (AM 1.5 global conditions) were measured that The PCE of the samples were 0.30 and 0.62%, respectively. At the end, all the results of solar cell analysis were discussed. To sum up, PSANFLs and PSANFLs/TiO2NPs were successfully synthesized by an affordable and straightforward mechanochemical reaction in solid-state under the green condition. The solubility and processability of the synthesized compounds have been improved compared to the previous work. We successfully fabricated hybrid photovoltaic cells of synthesized semiconductor nanostructured polymers and TiO2NPs as different architectures. We believe that the synthesized compounds can open inventive pathways for the development of other Poly(N-(sulfophenyl)aniline based hybrid materials (nanocomposites) proper for preparing new generation solar cells.

Keywords: mechanochemical synthesis, PSANFLs, PSANFs/TiO2NPs, solar cell

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19935 Portfolio Optimization under a Hybrid Stochastic Volatility and Constant Elasticity of Variance Model

Authors: Jai Heui Kim, Sotheara Veng


This paper studies the portfolio optimization problem for a pension fund under a hybrid model of stochastic volatility and constant elasticity of variance (CEV) using asymptotic analysis method. When the volatility component is fast mean-reverting, it is able to derive asymptotic approximations for the value function and the optimal strategy for general utility functions. Explicit solutions are given for the exponential and hyperbolic absolute risk aversion (HARA) utility functions. The study also shows that using the leading order optimal strategy results in the value function, not only up to the leading order, but also up to first order correction term. A practical strategy that does not depend on the unobservable volatility level is suggested. The result is an extension of the Merton's solution when stochastic volatility and elasticity of variance are considered simultaneously.

Keywords: asymptotic analysis, constant elasticity of variance, portfolio optimization, stochastic optimal control, stochastic volatility

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19934 Evaluation of Hybrid Viscoelastic Damper for Passive Energy Dissipation

Authors: S. S. Ghodsi, M. H. Mehrabi, Zainah Ibrahim, Meldi Suhatril


This research examines the performance of a hybrid passive control device for enhancing the seismic response of steel frame structures. The device design comprises a damper which employs a viscoelastic material to control both shear and axial strain. In the design, energy is dissipated through the shear strain of a two-layer system of viscoelastic pads which are located between steel plates. In addition, viscoelastic blocks have been included on either side of the main shear damper which obtains compressive strains in the viscoelastic blocks. These dampers not only dissipate energy but also increase the stiffness of the steel frame structure, and the degree to which they increase the stiffness may be controlled by the size and shape. In this research, the cyclical behavior of the damper was examined both experimentally and numerically with finite element modeling. Cyclic loading results of the finite element modeling reveal fundamental characteristics of this hybrid viscoelastic damper. The results indicate that incorporating a damper of the design can significantly improve the seismic performance of steel frame structures.

Keywords: cyclic loading, energy dissipation, hybrid damper, passive control system, viscoelastic damper

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19933 A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network for Wind Profile Estimation

Authors: M. Saiful Islam, M. Mohandes, S. Rehman, S. Badran


Increasing necessity of wind power is directing us to have precise knowledge on wind resources. Methodical investigation of potential locations is required for wind power deployment. High penetration of wind energy to the grid is leading multi megawatt installations with huge investment cost. This fact appeals to determine appropriate places for wind farm operation. For accurate assessment, detailed examination of wind speed profile, relative humidity, temperature and other geological or atmospheric parameters are required. Among all of these uncertainty factors influencing wind power estimation, vertical extrapolation of wind speed is perhaps the most difficult and critical one. Different approaches have been used for the extrapolation of wind speed to hub height which are mainly based on Log law, Power law and various modifications of the two. This paper proposes a Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) based hybrid model, namely GA-NN for vertical extrapolation of wind speed. This model is very simple in a sense that it does not require any parametric estimations like wind shear coefficient, roughness length or atmospheric stability and also reliable compared to other methods. This model uses available measured wind speeds at 10m, 20m and 30m heights to estimate wind speeds up to 100m. A good comparison is found between measured and estimated wind speeds at 30m and 40m with approximately 3% mean absolute percentage error. Comparisons with ANN and power law, further prove the feasibility of the proposed method.

Keywords: wind profile, vertical extrapolation of wind, genetic algorithm, artificial neural network, hybrid machine learning

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19932 Exploring 21st Century Ecolinguistics: Navigating Hybrid Identities in a Changing World

Authors: Dace Aleksandraviča


The paper presents a theoretical exploration of the emerging field of 21st-century ecolinguistics, which examines the multi-faceted relationship between language, ecology, and identity in our rapidly changing global landscape. In an era characterized by unprecedented linguistic and cultural hybridity, understanding the interplay between language and environment is paramount. This paper delves into the concept of hybrid identities, examining how individuals negotiate their linguistic and cultural affiliations within diverse ecological contexts based on relevant prior contributions in the field. Drawing upon interdisciplinary perspectives from linguistics, environmental studies, and cultural studies, the research investigates the ways in which language shapes and is shaped by environmental realities. The abstract underscores the importance of ecolinguistic approaches in fostering environmental stewardship and promoting sustainable practices. By acknowledging the intrinsic link between language, culture, and ecology, it becomes possible to cultivate a deeper appreciation for linguistic diversity and empower individuals to navigate their hybrid identities in a rapidly changing world. In line with that, the paper hopes to contribute to the growing body of literature on ecolinguistics and offer insights into how language can serve as a tool for both environmental conservation and cultural revitalization.

Keywords: ecolinguistics, hybrid identities, language, globalization

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19931 Rethinking the Role of Small States in the Hybrid Era: Shifts in the Cypriot Foreign and Defence Policies, 2004-2019

Authors: Constantinos Adamides, Petros Petrikkos


In the era of growing hybrid threats, small states find themselves in need to re-evaluate existing foreign and defense policies. The pressure to establishing or maintain a status of a reliable partner in the community in which they belong to, vis-à-vis their multilateral relations with other organisations and entities, small states may need to shift their policies in the field to accommodate security needs that are not only pertinent to their security, but also to that of the organisations (bloc) in which they interact. Unlike potential shortcomings in a small state’s mainstream security and defence framework where the threat would be limited to the state itself, in more contemporary times with dominating hybrid threats, the small states’ security shortcomings may also become a security problem for the bloc in which these states belong to. An indicative example is small states like Cyprus and Malta, which belong and 'interact' in the European Union. As a result, the nature of hybrid threats can be utilised to hurt bigger states in a bloc by exploiting the small states’ vulnerabilities and security gaps. Inevitably, both the defensive and foreign policy collaborations of small states with bigger states have been and are constantly re-evaluated to tackle and prevent such problems. In essence, the goal of this ‘re-evaluation’ aims to achieve a twofold goal: The first is the small states’ quest to appear as a reliable partner within the bloc, while the second is to avoid being the weakest security link in the bloc’s defence against hybrid threats. Indeed, the hybrid arena is a security area where they can excel in the bloc, despite the potential and expected conventional military deficiencies. This new environment prompts us to think security from the perspective of small states differently and in relation to their role as members or big organisations. The paper focuses on the case of Cyprus following its accession to the European Union and examines how a country that has had a very focused security orientation –not least due to its ongoing security problems– altered its foreign and defence policies within the European Union to ensure compliance with the rest of the bloc, while at the same time maximizing its role as a security player. Specifically, it examines the methods through which the country shifted its policies as well as the challenges and opportunities that emerged from these security shifts.

Keywords: Cyprus, defence, foreign policy, hybrid threats, ontological security, small states

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19930 A Hybrid Approach for Thread Recommendation in MOOC Forums

Authors: Ahmad. A. Kardan, Amir Narimani, Foozhan Ataiefard


Recommender Systems have been developed to provide contents and services compatible to users based on their behaviors and interests. Due to information overload in online discussion forums and users diverse interests, recommending relative topics and threads is considered to be helpful for improving the ease of forum usage. In order to lead learners to find relevant information in educational forums, recommendations are even more needed. We present a hybrid thread recommender system for MOOC forums by applying social network analysis and association rule mining techniques. Initial results indicate that the proposed recommender system performs comparatively well with regard to limited available data from users' previous posts in the forum.

Keywords: association rule mining, hybrid recommender system, massive open online courses, MOOCs, social network analysis

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19929 Hybrid Heat Pump for Micro Heat Network

Authors: J. M. Counsell, Y. Khalid, M. J. Stewart


Achieving nearly zero carbon heating continues to be identified by UK government analysis as an important feature of any lowest cost pathway to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Heat currently accounts for 48% of UK energy consumption and approximately one third of UK’s greenhouse gas emissions. Heat Networks are being promoted by UK investment policies as one means of supporting hybrid heat pump based solutions. To this effect the RISE (Renewable Integrated and Sustainable Electric) heating system project is investigating how an all-electric heating sourceshybrid configuration could play a key role in long-term decarbonisation of heat.  For the purposes of this study, hybrid systems are defined as systems combining the technologies of an electric driven air source heat pump, electric powered thermal storage, a thermal vessel and micro-heat network as an integrated system.  This hybrid strategy allows for the system to store up energy during periods of low electricity demand from the national grid, turning it into a dynamic supply of low cost heat which is utilized only when required. Currently a prototype of such a system is being tested in a modern house integrated with advanced controls and sensors. This paper presents the virtual performance analysis of the system and its design for a micro heat network with multiple dwelling units. The results show that the RISE system is controllable and can reduce carbon emissions whilst being competitive in running costs with a conventional gas boiler heating system.

Keywords: gas boilers, heat pumps, hybrid heating and thermal storage, renewable integrated and sustainable electric

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19928 Seismic Performance Evaluation of Structures with Hybrid Dampers Based on FEMA P-58 Methodology

Authors: Minsung Kim, Hyunkoo Kang, Jinkoo Kim


In this study, a hybrid energy dissipation device is developed by combining a steel slit plate and friction pads to be used for seismic retrofit of structures, and its effectiveness is investigated by comparing the life cycle costs of the structure before and after the retrofit. The seismic energy dissipation capability of the dampers is confirmed by cyclic loading tests. The probabilities of reaching various damage states are obtained by fragility analysis, and the life cycle costs of the model structures are computed using the PACT (Performance Assessment Calculation Tool) program based on FEMA P-58 methodology. The fragility analysis shows that the probabilities of reaching limit states are minimized by the seismic retrofit with hybrid dampers and increasing column size. The seismic retrofit with increasing column size and hybrid dampers results in the lowest repair cost and shortest repair time. This research was supported by a grant (13AUDP-B066083-01) from Architecture & Urban Development Research Program funded by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Korean government.

Keywords: FEMA P-58, friction dampers, life cycle cost, seismic retrofit

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19927 A Hybrid Distributed Algorithm for Multi-Objective Dynamic Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem

Authors: Aydin Teymourifar, Gurkan Ozturk


In this paper, a hybrid distributed algorithm has been suggested for multi-objective dynamic flexible job shop scheduling problem. The proposed algorithm is high level, in which several algorithms search the space on different machines simultaneously also it is a hybrid algorithm that takes advantages of the artificial intelligence, evolutionary and optimization methods. Distribution is done at different levels and new approaches are used for design of the algorithm. Apache spark and Hadoop frameworks have been used for the distribution of the algorithm. The Pareto optimality approach is used for solving the multi-objective benchmarks. The suggested algorithm that is able to solve large-size problems in short times has been compared with the successful algorithms of the literature. The results prove high speed and efficiency of the algorithm.

Keywords: distributed algorithms, apache-spark, Hadoop, flexible dynamic job shop scheduling, multi-objective optimization

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19926 Characterization of N+C, Ti+N and Ti+C Ion Implantation into Ti6Al4V Alloy

Authors: Xingguo Feng, Hui Zhou, Kaifeng Zhang, Zhao Jiang, Hanjun Hu, Jun Zheng, Hong Hao


TiN and TiC films have been prepared on Ti6Al4V alloy substrates by plasma-based ion implantation. The effect of N+C and Ti+N hybrid ion implantation at 50 kV, and Ti+C hybrid ion implantation at 20 kV, 35 kV and 50 kV extraction voltages on mechanical properties at a dose of 2×10¹⁷ ions / cm² was studied. The chemical states and microstructures of the implanted samples were investigated using X-ray photoelectron (XPS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD), together with the mechanical and tribological properties of the samples were characterized using nano-indentation and ball-on-disk tribometer. It was found that the modified layer by Ti+C implanted at 50 kV was composed of mainly TiC and Ti-O bond and the layer of Ti+N implanted at 50 kV was observed to be TiN and Ti-O bond. Hardness tests have shown that the hardness values for N+C, Ti+N, and Ti+C hybrid ion implantation samples were much higher than the un-implanted ones. The results of wear tests showed that both Ti+C and Ti+N ion implanted samples had much better wear resistance compared un-implanted sample. The wear rate of Ti+C implanted at 50 kV sample was 6.7×10⁻⁵mm³ / N.m, which was decreased over one order than unimplanted samples.

Keywords: plasma ion implantation, x-ray photoelectron (XPS), hardness, wear

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19925 Efficient Backup Protection for Hybrid WDM/TDM GPON System

Authors: Elmahdi Mohammadine, Ahouzi Esmail, Najid Abdellah


This contribution aims to present a new protected hybrid WDM/TDM PON architecture using Wavelength Selective Switches and Optical Line Protection devices. The objective from using these technologies is to improve flexibility and enhance the protection of GPON networks.

Keywords: Wavlenght Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network (WDM-PON), Time Division Multiplexed PON (TDM-PON), architecture, Protection, Wavelength Selective Switches (WSS), Optical Line Protection (OLP)

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19924 Topology Optimization of the Interior Structures of Beams under Various Load and Support Conditions with Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization Method

Authors: Omer Oral, Y. Emre Yilmaz


Topology optimization is an approach that optimizes material distribution within a given design space for a certain load and boundary conditions by providing performance goals. It uses various restrictions such as boundary conditions, set of loads, and constraints to maximize the performance of the system. It is different than size and shape optimization methods, but it reserves some features of both methods. In this study, interior structures of the parts were optimized by using SIMP (Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization) method. The volume of the part was preassigned parameter and minimum deflection was the objective function. The basic idea behind the theory was considered, and different methods were discussed. Rhinoceros 3D design tool was used with Grasshopper and TopOpt plugins to create and optimize parts. A Grasshopper algorithm was designed and tested for different beams, set of arbitrary located forces and support types such as pinned, fixed, etc. Finally, 2.5D shapes were obtained and verified by observing the changes in density function.

Keywords: Grasshopper, lattice structure, microstructures, Rhinoceros, solid isotropic material with penalization method, TopOpt, topology optimization

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19923 Half Model Testing for Canard of a Hybrid Buoyant Aircraft

Authors: Anwar U. Haque, Waqar Asrar, Ashraf Ali Omar, Erwin Sulaeman, Jaffer Sayed Mohamed Ali


Due to the interference effects, the intrinsic aerodynamic parameters obtained from the individual component testing are always fundamentally different than those obtained for complete model testing. Consideration and limitation for such testing need to be taken into account in any design work related to the component buildup method. In this paper, the scaled model of a straight rectangular canard of a hybrid buoyant aircraft is tested at 50 m/s in IIUM-LSWT (Low-Speed Wind Tunnel). Model and its attachment with the balance are kept rigid to have results free from the aeroelastic distortion. Based on the velocity profile of the test section’s floor; the height of the model is kept equal to the corresponding boundary layer displacement. Balance measurements provide valuable but limited information of the overall aerodynamic behavior of the model. Zero lift coefficient is obtained at -2.2o and the corresponding drag coefficient was found to be less than that at zero angles of attack. As a part of the validation of low fidelity tool, the plot of lift coefficient plot was verified by the experimental data and except the value of zero lift coefficient, the overall trend has under-predicted the lift coefficient. Based on this comparative study, a correction factor of 1.36 is proposed for lift curve slope obtained from the panel method.

Keywords: wind tunnel testing, boundary layer displacement, lift curve slope, canard, aerodynamics

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19922 Real-Time Hybrid Simulation for a Tuned Liquid Column Damper Implementation

Authors: Carlos Riascos, Peter Thomson


Real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) is a modern cyber-physical technique used for the experimental evaluation of complex systems, that treats the system components with predictable behavior as a numerical substructure and the components that are difficult to model as an experimental substructure. Therefore it is an attractive method for evaluation of the response of civil structures under earthquake, wind and anthropic loads. Another practical application of RTHS is the evaluation of control systems, as these devices are often nonlinear and their characterization is an important step in the design of controllers with the desired performance. In this paper, the response of three-story shear frame controlled by a tuned liquid column damper (TLCD) and subject to base excitation is considered. Both passive and semi-active control strategies were implemented and are compared. While the passive TLCD achieved a reduction of 50% in the acceleration response of the main structure in comparison with the structure without control, the semi-active TLCD achieved a reduction of 70%, and was robust to variations in the dynamic properties of the main structure. In addition, a RTHS was implemented with the main structure modeled as a linear, time-invariant (LTI) system through a state space representation and the TLCD, with both control strategies, was evaluated on a shake table that reproduced the displacement of the virtual structure. Current assessment measures for RTHS were used to quantify the performance with parameters such as generalized amplitude, equivalent time delay between the target and measured displacement of the shake table, and energy error using the measured force, and prove that the RTHS described in this paper is an accurate method for the experimental evaluation of structural control systems.

Keywords: structural control, hybrid simulation, tuned liquid column damper, semi-active sontrol strategy

Procedia PDF Downloads 299
19921 Solving Ill-Posed Initial Value Problems for Switched Differential Equations

Authors: Eugene Stepanov, Arcady Ponosov


To model gene regulatory networks one uses ordinary differential equations with switching nonlinearities, where the initial value problem is known to be well-posed if the trajectories cross the discontinuities transversally. Otherwise, the initial value problem is usually ill-posed, which lead to theoretical and numerical complications. In the presentation, it is proposed to apply the theory of hybrid dynamical systems, rather than switched ones, to regularize the problem. 'Hybridization' of the switched system means that one attaches a dynamic discrete component ('automaton'), which follows the trajectories of the original system and governs its dynamics at the points of ill-posedness of the initial value problem making it well-posed. The construction of the automaton is based on the classification of the attractors of the specially designed adjoint dynamical system. Several examples are provided in the presentation, which support the suggested analysis. The method can also be of interest in other applied fields, where differential equations contain switchings, e.g. in neural field models.

Keywords: hybrid dynamical systems, ill-posed problems, singular perturbation analysis, switching nonlinearities

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19920 Hybrid Bee Ant Colony Algorithm for Effective Load Balancing and Job Scheduling in Cloud Computing

Authors: Thomas Yeboah


Cloud Computing is newly paradigm in computing that promises a delivery of computing as a service rather than a product, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices as a utility (like the electricity grid) over a network (typically the Internet). As Cloud Computing is a newly style of computing on the internet. It has many merits along with some crucial issues that need to be resolved in order to improve reliability of cloud environment. These issues are related with the load balancing, fault tolerance and different security issues in cloud environment.In this paper the main concern is to develop an effective load balancing algorithm that gives satisfactory performance to both, cloud users and providers. This proposed algorithm (hybrid Bee Ant Colony algorithm) is a combination of two dynamic algorithms: Ant Colony Optimization and Bees Life algorithm. Ant Colony algorithm is used in this hybrid Bee Ant Colony algorithm to solve load balancing issues whiles the Bees Life algorithm is used for optimization of job scheduling in cloud environment. The results of the proposed algorithm shows that the hybrid Bee Ant Colony algorithm outperforms the performances of both Ant Colony algorithm and Bees Life algorithm when evaluated the proposed algorithm performances in terms of Waiting time and Response time on a simulator called CloudSim.

Keywords: ant colony optimization algorithm, bees life algorithm, scheduling algorithm, performance, cloud computing, load balancing

Procedia PDF Downloads 630
19919 Extraction and Analysis of Anthocyanins Contents from Different Stage Flowers of the Orchids Dendrobium Hybrid cv. Ear-Sakul

Authors: Orose Rugchati, Khumthong Mahawongwiriya


Dendrobium hybrid cv. Ear-Sakul has become one of the important commercial commodities in Thailand agricultural industry worldwide, either as potted plants or as cut flowers due to the attractive color produced in flower petals. Anthocyanins are the main flower pigments and responsible for the natural attractive display of petal colors. These pigments play an important role in functionality, such as to attract animal pollinators, classification, and grading of these orchids. Dendrobium hybrid cv. Ear-Sakul has been collected from local area farm in different stage flowers (F1, F2-F5, and F6). Anthocyanins pigment were extracted from the fresh flower by solvent extraction (MeOH–TFA 99.5:0.5v/v at 4ºC) and purification with ethyl acetate. The main anthocyanins components are cyanidin, pelargonidin, and delphinidin. Pure anthocyanin contents were analysis by UV-Visible spectroscopy technique at λ max 535, 520 and 546 nm respectively. The anthocyanins contents were converted in term of monomeric anthocyanins pigment (mg/L). The anthocyanins contents of all sample were compared with standard pigments cyanidin, pelargonidin and delphinidin. From this experiment is a simple extraction and analysis anthocyanins content in different stage of flowers results shown that monomeric anthocyanins pigment contents of different stage flowers (F1, F2-F5 and F6 ): cyanidin – 3 – glucoside (mg/l) are 0.85+0.08, 24.22+0.12 and 62.12+0.6; Pelargonidin 3,5-di- glucoside(mg/l) 10.37+0.12, 31.06+0.8 and 81.58+ 0.5; Delphinidin (mg/l) 6.34+0.17, 18.98+0.56 and 49.87+0.7; and the appearance of extraction pure anthocyanins in L(a, b): 2.71(1.38, -0.48), 1.06(0.39,-0.66) and 2.64(2.71,-3.61) respectively. Dendrobium Hybrid cv. Ear-Sakul could be used as a source of anthocyanins by simple solvent extraction and stage of flowers as a guideline for the prediction amount of main anthocyanins components are cyanidin, pelargonidin, and delphinidin could be application and development in quantities, and qualities with the advantage for food pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

Keywords: analysis, anthocyanins contents, different stage flowers, Dendrobium Hybrid cv. Ear-Sakul

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