Search results for: Manashjit Gogoi
10 Quantum Dot Biosensing for Advancing Precision Cancer Detection
Authors: Sourav Sarkar, Manashjit Gogoi
In the evolving landscape of cancer diagnostics, optical biosensing has emerged as a promising tool due to its sensitivity and specificity. This study explores the potential of CdS/ZnS core-shell quantum dots (QDs) capped with 3-Mercaptopropionic acid (3-MPA), which aids in the linking chemistry of QDs to various cancer antibodies. The QDs, with their unique optical and electronic properties, have been integrated into the biosensor design. Their high quantum yield and size-dependent emission spectra have been exploited to improve the sensor’s detection capabilities. The study presents the design of this QD-enhanced optical biosensor. The use of these QDs can also aid multiplexed detection, enabling simultaneous monitoring of different cancer biomarkers. This innovative approach holds significant potential for advancing cancer diagnostics, contributing to timely and accurate detection. Future work will focus on optimizing the biosensor design for clinical applications and exploring the potential of QDs in other biosensing applications. This study underscores the potential of integrating nanotechnology and biosensing for cancer research, paving the way for next-generation diagnostic tools. It is a step forward in our quest for achieving precision oncology.Keywords: quantum dots, biosensing, cancer, device
Procedia PDF Downloads 569 Sovereign State System in the Era of Globalisation: An Appraisal
Authors: Dilip Gogoi
This paper attempts to explore the notion of sovereign state system, its emergence and legitimization by the treaty of Westphalia, 1648 in Europe and examines how the very notion of sovereign state is subject to changes in the later part of the 20th century both politically and economically in the wake of globalisation. The paper firstly traces the tradition of Westphalian sovereign state system which influenced the dominant understanding about sovereign state system till mid 20th century. Secondly, it explores how the notion of sovereign nation state is subjected to change in the post World War II specially in the context of universal acceptance of human rights and right to intervene in internal affairs of a sovereign state to protect the same, the decolonization and legitimization of the principle of self determination and through the experience of European Integration. Thirdly, it analyses how globalisation drives certain fundamental changes and poses challenges to the sovereign state system. The concluding part of the paper argues that sovereign state system is relevant and will continue to be relevant although it needs to redefine its role in the changing global environment.Keywords: Westphalia, sovereignty, nation-state system, intervention, globalisation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4448 PSS®E Based Modelling, Simulation and Synchronous Interconnection of Eastern Grid and North-Eastern Regional Grid of India
Authors: Toushik Maiti, Saibal Chatterjee, Kamaljyoti Gogoi, Arijit Basuray
Eastern Regional(ER) Grid and North Eastern Regional (NER) Grid are two major grids of Eastern Part of India. Both of the grid consists of voltage level 765kV, 400 kV, 220 kV and numerous buses at lower voltage range. Eastern Regional Grid and North Eastern Regional Grid are not only connected among themselves but are also connected to various other grids of India. ER and NER Grid having various HVDC lines or back to back systems which form the total network. The studied system comprises of 340 buses of different voltage levels and transmission lines running over a length of 32089 km. The validation of load flow has been done using IEEE STANDARD 30 bus system. The power flow simulation analysis has been performed after synchronizing both the Eastern Grid and North-Eastern Regional Grid of India using Power System Simulators for Engineering (PSS®E) Important inferences has been drawn from the study.Keywords: HVDC, load flow, PSS®E, unsymmetrical and symmetrical faults
Procedia PDF Downloads 3837 Gene Expression Profile Reveals Breast Cancer Proliferation and Metastasis
Authors: Nandhana Vivek, Bhaskar Gogoi, Ayyavu Mahesh
Breast cancer metastasis plays a key role in cancer progression and fatality. The present study examines the potential causes of metastasis in breast cancer by investigating the novel interactions between genes and their pathways. The gene expression profile of GSE99394, GSE1246464, and GSE103865 was downloaded from the GEO data repository to analyze the differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Protein-protein interactions, target factor interactions, pathways and gene relationships, and functional enrichment networks were investigated. The proliferation pathway was shown to be highly expressed in breast cancer progression and metastasis in all three datasets. Gene Ontology analysis revealed 11 DEGs as gene targets to control breast cancer metastasis: LYN, DLGAP5, CXCR4, CDC6, NANOG, IFI30, TXP2, AGTR1, MKI67, and FTH1. Upon studying the function, genomic and proteomic data, and pathway involvement of the target genes, DLGAP5 proved to be a promising candidate due to it being highly differentially expressed in all datasets. The study takes a unique perspective on the avenues through which DLGAP5 promotes metastasis. The current investigation helps pave the way in understanding the role DLGAP5 plays in metastasis, which leads to an increased incidence of death among breast cancer patients.Keywords: genomics, metastasis, microarray, cancer
Procedia PDF Downloads 986 Interaction between Breathiness and Nasality: An Acoustic Analysis
Authors: Pamir Gogoi, Ratree Wayland
This study investigates the acoustic measures of breathiness when coarticulated with nasality. The acoustic correlates of breathiness and nasality that has already been well established after years of empirical research. Some of these acoustic parameters - like low frequency peaks and wider bandwidths- are common for both nasal and breathy voice. Therefore, it is likely that these parameters interact when a sound is coarticulated with breathiness and nasality. This leads to the hypothesis that the acoustic parameters, which usually act as robust cues in differentiating between breathy and modal voice, might not be reliable cues for differentiating between breathy and modal voice when breathiness is coarticulated with nasality. The effect of nasality on the perception of breathiness has been explored in earlier studies using synthesized speech. The results showed that perceptually, nasality and breathiness do interact. The current study investigates if a similar pattern is observed in natural speech. The study is conducted on Marathi, an Indo-Aryan language which has a three-way contrast between nasality and breathiness. That is, there is a phonemic distinction between nasals, breathy voice and breathy-nasals. Voice quality parameters like – H1-H2 (Difference between the amplitude of first and second harmonic), H1-A3 (Difference between the amplitude of first harmonic and third formant, CPP (Cepstral Peak Prominence), HNR (Harmonics to Noise ratio) and B1 (Bandwidth of first formant) were extracted. Statistical models like linear mixed effects regression and Random Forest classifiers show that measures that capture the noise component in the signal- like CPP and HNR- can classify breathy voice from modal voice better than spectral measures when breathy voice is coarticulated with nasality.Keywords: breathiness, marathi, nasality, voice quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 965 Study of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere during Sudden Stratospheric Warming Episodes
Authors: Jinee Gogoi, Som K. Sharma, Kalyan Bhuyan
The atmospheric layers are coupled to each other with the different dynamical, electrical, radiative and chemical processes. A large scale thermodynamical phenomenon in winter polar regions which affects the middle atmosphere vigorously is Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW). Two major SSW events were occurred during 1998-1999; one in December 1998 which is associated with vortex displacement and another in February- March 1999 associated with vortex splitting. Lidar study of these two major events from Mt. Abu (24.36⁰N, 72.45⁰E, ~1670 m amsl) has shown that though SSWs are mostly observed over high and mid latitudes, their effects can also be seen over India. We have studied ionospheric variations (primarily fₒF₂, h’F and hpF₂) over Ahmedabad (23.1⁰N, 72.58⁰E) during these events. Ionospheric disturbances have been found after four-five days of peak temperature. An increase (decrease) in critical frequency (fₒF₂) during morning (afternoon) has been noticed which may be in response to the updrift (down drift). Effects are stronger during displacement event (1998) than during the splitting event (1999). We have also studied some recent events occurred during 2006 (January), 2009 (January) and 2013 (January) using temperature data from Sounding of Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) satellite. Though some modeling work supports the hypothesis that planetary waves are responsible for atmosphere-ionosphere coupling, there is still more significant works to do to understand how exactly the coupling can take place.Keywords: sudden stratospheric warming (SSW), polar vortex, ionosphere, critical frequency
Procedia PDF Downloads 2494 The Study of Power as a Pertinent Motive among Tribal College Students of Assam
Authors: K. P. Gogoi
The current research study investigates the motivational pattern viz Power motivation among the tribal college students of Assam. The sample consisted of 240 college students (120 tribal and 120 non-tribal) ranging from 18-24 years, 60 males and 60 females for both tribal’s and non-tribal’s. Attempts were made to include all the prominent tribes of Assam viz. Thematic Apperception Test, Power motive Scale and a semi structured interview schedule were used to gather information about their family types, parental deprivation, parental relations, social and political belongingness. Mean, Standard Deviation, and t-test were the statistical measures adopted in this 2x2 factorial design study. In addition to this discriminant analysis has been worked out to strengthen the predictive validity of the obtained data. TAT scores reveal significant difference between the tribal’s and non-tribal on power motivation. However results obtained on gender difference indicates similar scores among both the cultures. Cross validation of the TAT results was done by using the power motive scale by T. S. Dapola which confirms the results on need for power through TAT scores. Power motivation has been studied in three directions i.e. coercion, inducement and restraint. An interesting finding is that on coercion tribal’s score high showing significant difference whereas in inducement or seduction the non-tribal’s scored high showing significant difference. On the other hand on restraint no difference exists between both cultures. Discriminant analysis has been worked out between the variables n-power, coercion, inducement and restraint. Results indicated that inducement or seduction (.502) is the dependent measure which has the most discriminating power between these two cultures.Keywords: power motivation, tribal, social, political, predictive validity, cross validation, coercion, inducement, restraint
Procedia PDF Downloads 4863 Standard Protocol Selection for Acquisition of Breast Thermogram in Perspective of Early Breast Cancer Detection
Authors: Mrinal Kanti Bhowmik, Usha Rani Gogoi Jr., Anjan Kumar Ghosh, Debotosh Bhattacharjee
In the last few decades, breast thermography has achieved an average sensitivity and specificity of 90% for breast tumor detection. Breast thermography is a non-invasive, cost-effective, painless and radiation-free breast imaging modality which makes a significant contribution to the evaluation and diagnosis of patients, suspected of having breast cancer. An abnormal breast thermogram may indicate significant biological risk for the existence or the development of breast tumors. Breast thermography can detect a breast tumor, when the tumor is in its early stage or when the tumor is in a dense breast. The infrared breast thermography is very sensitive to environmental changes for which acquisition of breast thermography should be performed under strictly controlled conditions by undergoing some standard protocols. Several factors like air, temperature, humidity, etc. are there to be considered for characterizing thermal images as an imperative tool for detecting breast cancer. A detailed study of various breast thermogram acquisition protocols adopted by different researchers in their research work is provided here in this paper. After going through a rigorous study of different breast thermogram acquisition protocols, a new standard breast thermography acquisition setup is proposed here in this paper for proper and accurate capturing of the breast thermograms. The proposed breast thermogram acquisition setup is being built in the Radiology Department, Agartala Government Medical College (AGMC), Govt. of Tripura, Tripura, India. The breast thermograms are captured using FLIR T650sc thermal camera with the thermal sensitivity of 20 mK at 30 degree C. The paper is an attempt to highlight the importance of different critical parameters of breast thermography like different thermography views, patient preparation protocols, acquisition room requirements, acquisition system requirements, etc. This paper makes an important contribution by providing a detailed survey and a new efficient approach on breast thermogram capturing.Keywords: acquisition protocol, breast cancer, breast thermography, infrared thermography
Procedia PDF Downloads 3982 Nutritional Potential and Traditional Uses of High Altitude Wild Edible Plants in Eastern Himalayas, India
Authors: Hui Tag, Jambey Tsering, Pallabi Kalita Hui, Baikuntha Jyoti Gogoi, Vijay Veer
The food security issues and its relevance in High Mountain regions of the world have been often neglected. Wild edible plants have been playing a major role in livelihood security among the tribal Communities of East Himalayan Region of the world since time immemorial. The Eastern Himalayan Region of India is one of the mega diverse regions of world and rated as top 12th Global Biodiversity Hotspots by IUCN and recognized as one of the 200 significant eco-regions of the Globe. The region supports one of the world’s richest alpine floras and about one-third of them are endemic to the region. There are at least 7,500 flowering plants, 700 orchids, 58 bamboo species, 64 citrus species, 28 conifers, 500 mosses, 700 ferns and 728 lichens. The region is the home of more than three hundred different ethnic communities having diverse knowledge on traditional uses of flora and fauna as food, medicine and beverages. Monpa, Memba and Khamba are among the local communities residing in high altitude region of Eastern Himalaya with rich traditional knowledge related to utilization of wild edible plants. The Monpas, Memba and Khamba are the followers Mahayana sect of Himalayan Buddhism and they are mostly agrarian by primary occupation and also heavily relaying on wild edible plants for their livelihood security during famine since millennia. In the present study, we have reported traditional uses of 40 wild edible plant species and out of which 6 species were analysed at biochemical level for nutrients contents and free radical scavenging activities. The results have shown significant free radical scavenging (antioxidant) activity and nutritional potential of the selected 6 wild edible plants used by the local communities of Eastern Himalayan Region of India.Keywords: East Himalaya, local community, wild edible plants, nutrition, food security
Procedia PDF Downloads 2641 Application of Multilinear Regression Analysis for Prediction of Synthetic Shear Wave Velocity Logs in Upper Assam Basin
Authors: Triveni Gogoi, Rima Chatterjee
Shear wave velocity (Vs) estimation is an important approach in the seismic exploration and characterization of a hydrocarbon reservoir. There are varying methods for prediction of S-wave velocity, if recorded S-wave log is not available. But all the available methods for Vs prediction are empirical mathematical models. Shear wave velocity can be estimated using P-wave velocity by applying Castagna’s equation, which is the most common approach. The constants used in Castagna’s equation vary for different lithologies and geological set-ups. In this study, multiple regression analysis has been used for estimation of S-wave velocity. The EMERGE module from Hampson-Russel software has been used here for generation of S-wave log. Both single attribute and multi attributes analysis have been carried out for generation of synthetic S-wave log in Upper Assam basin. Upper Assam basin situated in North Eastern India is one of the most important petroleum provinces of India. The present study was carried out using four wells of the study area. Out of these wells, S-wave velocity was available for three wells. The main objective of the present study is a prediction of shear wave velocities for wells where S-wave velocity information is not available. The three wells having S-wave velocity were first used to test the reliability of the method and the generated S-wave log was compared with actual S-wave log. Single attribute analysis has been carried out for these three wells within the depth range 1700-2100m, which corresponds to Barail group of Oligocene age. The Barail Group is the main target zone in this study, which is the primary producing reservoir of the basin. A system generated list of attributes with varying degrees of correlation appeared and the attribute with the highest correlation was concerned for the single attribute analysis. Crossplot between the attributes shows the variation of points from line of best fit. The final result of the analysis was compared with the available S-wave log, which shows a good visual fit with a correlation of 72%. Next multi-attribute analysis has been carried out for the same data using all the wells within the same analysis window. A high correlation of 85% has been observed between the output log from the analysis and the recorded S-wave. The almost perfect fit between the synthetic S-wave and the recorded S-wave log validates the reliability of the method. For further authentication, the generated S-wave data from the wells have been tied to the seismic and correlated them. Synthetic share wave log has been generated for the well M2 where S-wave is not available and it shows a good correlation with the seismic. Neutron porosity, density, AI and P-wave velocity are proved to be the most significant variables in this statistical method for S-wave generation. Multilinear regression method thus can be considered as a reliable technique for generation of shear wave velocity log in this study.Keywords: Castagna's equation, multi linear regression, multi attribute analysis, shear wave logs
Procedia PDF Downloads 232