Search results for: human factors validation
10 Design and Construction of a Solar Dehydration System as a Technological Strategy for Food Sustainability in Difficult-to-Access Territories
Authors: Erika T. Fajardo-Ariza, Luis A. Castillo-Sanabria, Andrea Nieto-Veloza, Carlos M. Zuluaga-Domínguez
The growing emphasis on sustainable food production and preservation has driven the development of innovative solutions to minimize postharvest losses and improve market access for small-scale farmers. This project focuses on designing, constructing, and selecting materials for solar dryers in certain regions of Colombia where inadequate infrastructure limits access to major commercial hubs. Postharvest losses pose a significant challenge, impacting food security and farmer income. Addressing these losses is crucial for enhancing the value of agricultural products and supporting local economies. A comprehensive survey of local farmers revealed substantial challenges, including limited market access, inefficient transportation, and significant postharvest losses. For crops such as coffee, bananas, and citrus fruits, losses range from 0% to 50%, driven by factors like labor shortages, adverse climatic conditions, and transportation difficulties. To address these issues, the project prioritized selecting effective materials for the solar dryer. Various materials, recovered acrylic, original acrylic, glass, and polystyrene, were tested for their performance. The tests showed that recovered acrylic and glass were most effective in increasing the temperature difference between the interior and the external environment. The solar dryer was designed using Fusion 360® software (Autodesk, USA) and adhered to architectural guidelines from Architectural Graphic Standards. It features up to sixteen aluminum trays, each with a maximum load capacity of 3.5 kg, arranged in two levels to optimize drying efficiency. The constructed dryer was then tested with two locally available plant materials: green plantains (Musa paradisiaca L.) and snack bananas (Musa AA Simonds). To monitor performance, Thermo hygrometers and an Arduino system recorded internal and external temperature and humidity at one-minute intervals. Despite challenges such as adverse weather conditions and delays in local government funding, the active involvement of local producers was a significant advantage, fostering ownership and understanding of the project. The solar dryer operated under conditions of 31°C dry bulb temperature (Tbs), 55% relative humidity, and 21°C wet bulb temperature (Tbh). The drying curves showed a consistent drying period with critical moisture content observed between 200 and 300 minutes, followed by a sharp decrease in moisture loss, reaching an equilibrium point after 3,400 minutes. Although the solar dryer requires more time and is highly dependent on atmospheric conditions, it can approach the efficiency of an electric dryer when properly optimized. The successful design and construction of solar dryer systems in difficult-to-access areas represent a significant advancement in agricultural sustainability and postharvest loss reduction. By choosing effective materials such as recovered acrylic and implementing a carefully planned design, the project provides a valuable tool for local farmers. The initiative not only improves the quality and marketability of agricultural products but also offers broader environmental benefits, such as reduced reliance on fossil fuels and decreased waste. Additionally, it supports economic growth by enhancing the value of crops and potentially increasing farmer income. The successful implementation and testing of the dryer, combined with the engagement of local stakeholders, highlight its potential for replication and positive impact in similar contexts.Keywords: drying technology, postharvest loss reduction, solar dryers, sustainable agriculture
Procedia PDF Downloads 339 Examining Language as a Crucial Factor in Determining Academic Performance: A Case of Business Education in Hong Kong
Authors: Chau So Ling
I.INTRODUCTION: Educators have always been interested in exploring factors that contribute to students’ academic success. It is beyond question that language, as a medium of instruction, will affect student learning. This paper tries to investigate whether language is a crucial factor in determining students’ achievement in their studies. II. BACKGROUND AND SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY: The issue of using English as a medium of instruction in Hong Kong is a special topic because Hong Kong is a post-colonial and international city which a British colony. In such a specific language environment, researchers in the education field have always been interested in investigating students’ language proficiency and its relation to academic achievement and other related educational indicators such as motivation to learn, self-esteem, learning effectiveness, self-efficacy, etc. Along this line of thought, this study specifically focused on business education. III. METHODOLOGY: The methodology in this study involved two sequential stages, namely, a focus group interview and a data analysis. The whole study was directed towards both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The subjects of the study were divided into two groups. For the first group participating in the interview, a total of ten high school students were invited. They studied Business Studies, and their English standard was varied. The theme of the discussion was “Does English affect your learning and examination results of Business Studies?” The students were facilitated to discuss the extent to which English standard affected their learning of Business subjects and requested to rate the correlation between English and performance of Business Studies on a five-point scale. The second stage of the study involved another group of students. They were high school graduates who had taken the public examination for entering universities. A database containing their public examination results for different subjects has been obtained for the purpose of statistical analysis. Hypotheses were tested and evidence was obtained from the focus group interview to triangulate the findings. V. MAJOR FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION: By sharing of personal experience, the discussion of focus group interviews indicated that higher English standards could help the students achieve better learning and examination performance. In order to end the interview, the students were asked to indicate the correlation between English proficiency and performance of Business Studies on a five-point scale. With point one meant least correlated, ninety percent of the students gave point four for the correlation. The preliminary results illustrated that English plays an important role in students’ learning of Business Studies, or at least this was what the students perceived, which set the hypotheses for the study. After conducting the focus group interview, further evidence had to be gathered to support the hypotheses. The data analysis part tried to find out the relationship by correlating the students’ public examination results of Business Studies and levels of English standard. The results indicated a positive correlation between their English standard and Business Studies examination performance. In order to highlight the importance of the English language to the study of Business Studies, the correlation between the public examination results of other non-business subjects was also tested. Statistical results showed that language does play a role in affecting students’ performance in studying Business subjects than the other subjects. The explanation includes the dynamic subject nature, examination format and study requirements, the specialist language used, etc. Unlike Science and Geography, students in their learning process might find it more difficult to relate business concepts or terminologies to their own experience, and there are not many obvious physical or practical activities or visual aids to serve as evidence or experiments. It is well-researched in Hong Kong that English proficiency is a determinant of academic success. Other research studies verified such a notion. For example, research revealed that the more enriched the language experience, the better the cognitive performance in conceptual tasks. The ability to perform this kind of task is particularly important to students taking Business subjects. Another research was carried out in the UK, which was geared towards identifying and analyzing the reasons for underachievement across a cohort of GCSE students taking Business Studies. Results showed that weak language ability was the main barrier to raising students’ performance levels. It seemed that the interview result was successfully triangulated with data findings. Although education failure cannot be restricted to linguistic failure and language is just one of the variables to play in determining academic achievement, it is generally accepted that language does affect students’ academic performance. It is just a matter of extent. This paper provides recommendations for business educators on students’ language training and sheds light on more research possibilities in this area.Keywords: academic performance, language, learning, medium of instruction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1228 Acute Severe Hyponatremia in Patient with Psychogenic Polydipsia, Learning Disability and Epilepsy
Authors: Anisa Suraya Ab Razak, Izza Hayat
Introduction: The diagnosis and management of severe hyponatremia in neuropsychiatric patients present a significant challenge to physicians. Several factors contribute, including diagnostic shadowing and attributing abnormal behavior to intellectual disability or psychiatric conditions. Hyponatraemia is the commonest electrolyte abnormality in the inpatient population, ranging from mild/asymptomatic, moderate to severe levels with life-threatening symptoms such as seizures, coma and death. There are several documented fatal case reports in the literature of severe hyponatremia secondary to psychogenic polydipsia, often diagnosed only in autopsy. This paper presents a case study of acute severe hyponatremia in a neuropsychiatric patient with early diagnosis and admission to intensive care. Case study: A 21-year old Caucasian male with known epilepsy and learning disability was admitted from residential living with generalized tonic-clonic self-terminating seizures after refusing medications for several weeks. Evidence of superficial head injury was detected on physical examination. His laboratory data demonstrated mild hyponatremia (125 mmol/L). Computed tomography imaging of his brain demonstrated no acute bleed or space-occupying lesion. He exhibited abnormal behavior - restlessness, drinking water from bathroom taps, inability to engage, paranoia, and hypersexuality. No collateral history was available to establish his baseline behavior. He was loaded with intravenous sodium valproate and leveritircaetam. Three hours later, he developed vomiting and a generalized tonic-clonic seizure lasting forty seconds. He remained drowsy for several hours and regained minimal recovery of consciousness. A repeat set of blood tests demonstrated profound hyponatremia (117 mmol/L). Outcomes: He was referred to intensive care for peripheral intravenous infusion of 2.7% sodium chloride solution with two-hourly laboratory monitoring of sodium concentration. Laboratory monitoring identified dangerously rapid correction of serum sodium concentration, and hypertonic saline was switched to a 5% dextrose solution to reduce the risk of acute large-volume fluid shifts from the cerebral intracellular compartment to the extracellular compartment. He underwent urethral catheterization and produced 8 liters of urine over 24 hours. Serum sodium concentration remained stable after 24 hours of correction fluids. His GCS recovered to baseline after 48 hours with improvement in behavior -he engaged with healthcare professionals, understood the importance of taking medications, admitted to illicit drug use and drinking massive amounts of water. He was transferred from high-dependency care to ward level and was initiated on multiple trials of anti-epileptics before achieving seizure-free days two weeks after resolution of acute hyponatremia. Conclusion: Psychogenic polydipsia is often found in young patients with intellectual disability or psychiatric disorders. Patients drink large volumes of water daily ranging from ten to forty liters, resulting in acute severe hyponatremia with mortality rates as high as 20%. Poor outcomes are due to challenges faced by physicians in making an early diagnosis and treating acute hyponatremia safely. A low index of suspicion of water intoxication is required in this population, including patients with known epilepsy. Monitoring urine output proved to be clinically effective in aiding diagnosis. Early referral and admission to intensive care should be considered for safe correction of sodium concentration while minimizing risk of fatal complications e.g. central pontine myelinolysis.Keywords: epilepsy, psychogenic polydipsia, seizure, severe hyponatremia
Procedia PDF Downloads 1237 Evaluation of Academic Research Projects Using the AHP and TOPSIS Methods
Authors: Murat Arıbaş, Uğur Özcan
Due to the increasing number of universities and academics, the fund of the universities for research activities and grants/supports given by government institutions have increased number and quality of academic research projects. Although every academic research project has a specific purpose and importance, limited resources (money, time, manpower etc.) require choosing the best ones from all (Amiri, 2010). It is a pretty hard process to compare and determine which project is better such that the projects serve different purposes. In addition, the evaluation process has become complicated since there are more than one evaluator and multiple criteria for the evaluation (Dodangeh, Mojahed and Yusuff, 2009). Mehrez and Sinuany-Stern (1983) determined project selection problem as a Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) problem. If a decision problem involves multiple criteria and objectives, it is called as a Multi Attribute Decision Making problem (Ömürbek & Kınay, 2013). There are many MCDM methods in the literature for the solution of such problems. These methods are AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), ANP (Analytic Network Process), TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution), PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation), UTADIS (Utilities Additives Discriminantes), ELECTRE (Elimination et Choix Traduisant la Realite), MAUT (Multiattribute Utility Theory), GRA (Grey Relational Analysis) etc. Teach method has some advantages compared with others (Ömürbek, Blacksmith & Akalın, 2013). Hence, to decide which MCDM method will be used for solution of the problem, factors like the nature of the problem, types of choices, measurement scales, type of uncertainty, dependency among the attributes, expectations of decision maker, and quantity and quality of the data should be considered (Tavana & Hatami-Marbini, 2011). By this study, it is aimed to develop a systematic decision process for the grant support applications that are expected to be evaluated according to their scientific adequacy by multiple evaluators under certain criteria. In this context, project evaluation process applied by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) the leading institutions in our country, was investigated. Firstly in the study, criteria that will be used on the project evaluation were decided. The main criteria were selected among TÜBİTAK evaluation criteria. These criteria were originality of project, methodology, project management/team and research opportunities and extensive impact of project. Moreover, for each main criteria, 2-4 sub criteria were defined, hence it was decided to evaluate projects over 13 sub-criterion in total. Due to superiority of determination criteria weights AHP method and provided opportunity ranking great number of alternatives TOPSIS method, they are used together. AHP method, developed by Saaty (1977), is based on selection by pairwise comparisons. Because of its simple structure and being easy to understand, AHP is the very popular method in the literature for determining criteria weights in MCDM problems. Besides, the TOPSIS method developed by Hwang and Yoon (1981) as a MCDM technique is an alternative to ELECTRE method and it is used in many areas. In the method, distance from each decision point to ideal and to negative ideal solution point was calculated by using Euclidian Distance Approach. In the study, main criteria and sub-criteria were compared on their own merits by using questionnaires that were developed based on an importance scale by four relative groups of people (i.e. TUBITAK specialists, TUBITAK managers, academics and individuals from business world ) After these pairwise comparisons, weight of the each main criteria and sub-criteria were calculated by using AHP method. Then these calculated criteria’ weights used as an input in TOPSİS method, a sample consisting 200 projects were ranked on their own merits. This new system supported to opportunity to get views of the people that take part of project process including preparation, evaluation and implementation on the evaluation of academic research projects. Moreover, instead of using four main criteria in equal weight to evaluate projects, by using weighted 13 sub-criteria and decision point’s distance from the ideal solution, systematic decision making process was developed. By this evaluation process, new approach was created to determine importance of academic research projects.Keywords: Academic projects, Ahp method, Research projects evaluation, Topsis method.
Procedia PDF Downloads 5916 Navigating the Nexus of HIV/AIDS Care: Leveraging Statistical Insight to Transform Clinical Practice and Patient Outcomes
Authors: Nahashon Mwirigi
The management of HIV/AIDS is a global challenge, demanding precise tools to predict disease progression and guide tailored treatment. CD4 cell count dynamics, a crucial immune function indicator, play an essential role in understanding HIV/AIDS progression and enhancing patient care through effective modeling. While several models assess disease progression, existing methods often fall short in capturing the complex, non-linear nature of HIV/AIDS, especially across diverse demographics. A need exists for models that balance predictive accuracy with clinical applicability, enabling individualized care strategies based on patient-specific progression rates. This study utilizes patient data from Kenyatta National Hospital (2003–2014) to model HIV/AIDS progression across six CD4-defined states. The Exponential, 2-Parameter Weibull, and 3-Parameter Weibull models are employed to analyze failure rates and explore progression patterns by age and gender. Model selection is based on Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) to identify models best representing disease progression variability across demographic groups. The 3-Parameter Weibull model emerges as the most effective, accurately capturing HIV/AIDS progression dynamics, particularly by incorporating delayed progression effects. This model reflects age and gender-specific variations, offering refined insights into patient trajectories and facilitating targeted interventions. One key finding is that older patients progress more slowly through CD4-defined stages, with a delayed onset of advanced stages. This suggests that older patients may benefit from extended monitoring intervals, allowing providers to optimize resources while maintaining consistent care. Recognizing slower progression in this demographic helps clinicians reduce unnecessary interventions, prioritizing care for faster-progressing groups. Gender-based analysis reveals that female patients exhibit more consistent progression, while male patients show greater variability. This highlights the need for gender-specific treatment approaches, as men may require more frequent assessments and adaptive treatment plans to address their variable progression. Tailoring treatment by gender can improve outcomes by addressing distinct risk patterns in each group. The model’s ability to account for both accelerated and delayed progression equips clinicians with a robust tool for estimating the duration of each disease stage. This supports individualized treatment planning, allowing clinicians to optimize antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimens based on demographic factors and expected disease trajectories. Aligning ART timing with specific progression patterns can enhance treatment efficacy and adherence. The model also has significant implications for healthcare systems, as its predictive accuracy enables proactive patient management, reducing the frequency of advanced-stage complications. For resource limited providers, this capability facilitates strategic intervention timing, ensuring that high-risk patients receive timely care while resources are allocated efficiently. Anticipating progression stages enhances both patient care and resource management, reinforcing the model’s value in supporting sustainable HIV/AIDS healthcare strategies. This study underscores the importance of models that capture the complexities of HIV/AIDS progression, offering insights to guide personalized, data-informed care. The 3-Parameter Weibull model’s ability to accurately reflect delayed progression and demographic risk variations presents a valuable tool for clinicians, supporting the development of targeted interventions and resource optimization in HIV/AIDS management.Keywords: HIV/AIDS progression, 3-parameter Weibull model, CD4 cell count stages, antiretroviral therapy, demographic-specific modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 145 A Study on the Use Intention of Smart Phone
Authors: Zhi-Zhong Chen, Jun-Hao Lu, Jr., Shih-Ying Chueh
Based on Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), the study investigates people’s intention on using smart phones. The study additionally incorporates two new variables: 'self-efficacy' and 'attitude toward using'. Samples are collected by questionnaire survey, in which 240 are valid. After Correlation Analysis, Reliability Test, ANOVA, t-test and Multiple Regression Analysis, the study finds that social impact and self-efficacy have positive effect on use intentions, and the use intentions also have positive effect on use behavior.Keywords: [1] Ajzen & Fishbein (1975), “Belief, attitude, intention and behavior: An introduction to theory and research”, Reading MA: Addison-Wesley. [2] Bandura (1977) Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioural change. Psychological Review , 84, 191–215. [3] Bandura( 1986) A. Bandura, Social foundations of though and action, Prentice-Hall. Englewood Cliffs. [4] Ching-Hui Huang (2005). The effect of Regular Exercise on Elderly Optimism: The Self-efficacy and Theory of Reasoned Action Perspectives.(Master's dissertation, National Taiwan Sport University, 2005).National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan。 [5] Chun-Mo Wu (2007).The Effects of Perceived Risk and Service Quality on Purchase Intention - an Example of Taipei City Long-Term Care Facilities. (Master's dissertation, Ming Chuan University, 2007).National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan. [6] Compeau, D.R., and Higgins, C.A., (1995) “Application of social cognitive theory to training for computer skills.”, Information Systems Research, 6(2), pp.118-143. [7] computer-self-efficacy and mediators of the efficacy-performance relationship. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 62, 737-758. [8] Davis et al(1989), “User acceptance of computer technology: A comparison of two theoretical models ”, Management Science, 35(8), p.982-1003. [9] Davis et al(1989), “User acceptance of computer technology:A comparison of two theoretical models ”, Management Science, 35(8), p.982-1003. [10] Davis, F.D. (1989). Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and User Acceptance of Information Technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-340。 [11] Davis. (1989). Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319–340. doi:10.2307/249008 [12] Johnson, R. D. (2005). An empirical investigation of sources of application-specific [13] Mei-yin Hsu (2010).The Study on Attitude and Satisfaction of Electronic Documents System for Administrators of Elementary Schools in Changhua County.(Master's dissertation , Feng Chia University, 2010).National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan. [14] Ming-Chun Hsieh (2010). Research on Parents’ Attitudes Toward Electronic Toys: The case of Taichung City.(Master's dissertation, Chaoyang University of Technology,2010).National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan. [15] Moon and Kim(2001). Extending the TAM for a World-Wide-Web context, Information and Management, v.38 n.4, p.217-230. [16] Shang-Yi Hu (2010).The Impacts of Knowledge Management on Customer Relationship Management – Enterprise Characteristicsand Corporate Governance as a Moderator.(Master's dissertation, Leader University, 2010)。National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan. [17] Sheng-Yi Hung (2013, September10).Worldwide sale of smartphones to hit one billion IDC:Android dominate the market. ETtoday. Retrieved data form the available protocol:2013/10/3. [18] Thompson, R.L., Higgins, C.A., and Howell, J.M.(1991), “Personal Computing: Toward a Conceptual Model of Utilization”, MIS Quarterly(15:1), pp. 125-143. [19] Venkatesh, V., M.G. Morris, G.B. Davis, and F. D. Davis (2003), “User acceptance of information technology: Toward a unified view, ” MIS Quarterly, 27, No. 3, pp.425-478. [20] Vijayasarathy, L. R. (2004), Predicting Consumer Intentions to Use On-Line Shopping: The Case for an Augmented Technology Acceptance Model, Information and Management, Vol.41, No.6, pp.747-762. [21] Wikipedia - smartphone (。 [22] Wu-Minsan (2008).The impacts of self-efficacy, social support on work adjustment with hearing impaired. (Master's dissertation, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2008).National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan. [23] Yu-min Lin (2006). The Influence of Business Employee’s MSN Self-efficacy On Instant Messaging Usage Behavior and Communicaiton Satisfaction.(Master's dissertation, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2006).National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan.
Procedia PDF Downloads 4114 “MaxSALIVA-II” Advancing a Nano-Sized Dual-Drug Delivery System for Salivary Gland Radioprotection, Regeneration and Repair in a Head and Neck Cancer Pre-Clinical Murine Model
Authors: Ziyad S. Haidar
Background: Saliva plays a major role in maintaining oral, dental, and general health and well-being; where it normally bathes the oral cavity acting as a clearing agent. This becomes more apparent when the amount and quality of saliva are significantly reduced due to medications, salivary gland neoplasms, disorders such as Sjögren’s syndrome, and especially ionizing radiation therapy for tumors of the head and neck, the 5th most common malignancy worldwide, during which the salivary glands are included within the radiation field/zone. Clinically, patients affected by salivary gland dysfunction often opt to terminate their radiotherapy course prematurely as they become malnourished and experience a significant decrease in their QoL. Accordingly, the formulation of a radio-protection/-prevention modality and development of an alternative Rx to restore damaged salivary gland tissue is eagerly awaited and highly desirable. Objectives: Assess the pre-clinical radio-protective effect and reparative/regenerative potential of layer-by-layer self-assembled lipid-polymer-based core-shell nanocapsules designed and fine-tuned for the sequential (ordered) release of dual cytokines, following a single local administration (direct injection) into a murine sub-mandibular salivary gland model of irradiation. Methods: The formulated core-shell nanocapsules were characterized by physical-chemical-mechanically pre-/post-loading with the drugs, followed by optimizing the pharmaco-kinetic profile. Then, nanosuspensions were administered directly into the salivary glands, 24hrs pre-irradiation (PBS, un-loaded nanocapsules, and individual and combined vehicle-free cytokines were injected into the control glands for an in-depth comparative analysis). External irradiation at an elevated dose of 18Gy was exposed to the head-and-neck region of C57BL/6 mice. Salivary flow rate (un-stimulated) and salivary protein content/excretion were regularly assessed using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (3-month period). Histological and histomorphometric evaluation and apoptosis/proliferation analysis followed by local versus systemic bio-distribution and immuno-histochemical assays were then performed on all harvested major organs (at the distinct experimental end-points). Results: Monodisperse, stable, and cytocompatible nanocapsules capable of maintaining the bioactivity of the encapsulant within the different compartments with the core and shell and with controlled/customizable pharmaco-kinetics, resulted, as is illustrated in the graphical abstract (Figure) below. The experimental animals demonstrated a significant increase in salivary flow rates when compared to the controls. Herein, salivary protein content was comparable to the pre-irradiation (baseline) level. Histomorphometry further confirmed the biocompatibility and localization of the nanocapsules, in vivo, into the site of injection. Acinar cells showed fewer vacuoles and nuclear aberration in the experimental group, while the amount of mucin was higher in controls. Overall, fewer apoptotic activities were detected by a Terminal deoxynucleotidyl Transferase (TdT) dUTP Nick-End Labeling (TUNEL) assay and proliferative rates were similar to the controls, suggesting an interesting reparative and regenerative potential of irradiation-damaged/-dysfunctional salivary glands. The Figure below exemplifies some of these findings. Conclusions: Biocompatible, reproducible, and customizable self-assembling layer-by-layer core-shell delivery system is formulated and presented. Our findings suggest that localized sequential bioactive delivery of dual cytokines (in specific dose and order) can prevent irradiation-induced damage via reducing apoptosis and also has the potential to promote in situ proliferation of salivary gland cells; maxSALIVA is scalable (Good Manufacturing Practice or GMP production for human clinical trials) and patent-pending.Keywords: cancer, head and neck, oncology, drug development, drug delivery systems, nanotechnology, nanoncology
Procedia PDF Downloads 803 “MaxSALIVA”: A Nano-Sized Dual-Drug Delivery System for Salivary Gland Radioprotection and Repair in Head and Neck Cancer
Authors: Ziyad S. Haidar
Background: Saliva plays a major role in maintaining oral and dental health (consequently, general health and well-being). Where it normally bathes the oral cavity and acts as a clearing agent. This becomes more apparent when the amount and quality of salivare significantly reduced due to medications, salivary gland neoplasms, disorders such as Sjögren’s syndrome, and especially ionizing radiation therapy for tumors of the head and neck, the fifth most common malignancy worldwide, during which the salivary glands are included within the radiation field or zone. Clinically, patients affected by salivary gland dysfunction often opt to terminate their radiotherapy course prematurely because they become malnourished and experience a significant decrease in their quality of life. Accordingly, the development of an alternative treatment to restore or regenerate damaged salivary gland tissue is eagerly awaited. Likewise, the formulation of a radioprotection modality and early damage prevention strategy is also highly desirable. Objectives: To assess the pre-clinical radio-protective effect as well as the reparative/regenerative potential of layer-by-layer self-assembled lipid-polymer-based core-shell nanocapsules designed and fine-tuned in this experimental work for the sequential (ordered) release of dual cytokines, following a single local administration (direct injection) into a murine sub-mandibular salivary gland model of irradiation. Methods: The formulated core-shell nanocapsules were characterized by physical-chemical-mechanically pre-/post-loading with the drugs (in solution and powder formats), followed by optimizing the pharmaco-kinetic profile. Then, nanosuspensions were administered directly into the salivary glands, 24hrs pre-irradiation (PBS, un-loaded nanocapsules, and individual and combined vehicle-free cytokines were injected into the control glands for an in-depth comparative analysis). External irradiation at an elevated dose of 18Gy (revised from our previous 15Gy model) was exposed to the head-and-neck region of C57BL/6 mice. Salivary flow rate (un-stimulated) and salivary protein content/excretion were regularly assessed using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (3-month period). Histological and histomorphometric evaluation and apoptosis/proliferation analysis followed by local versus systemic bio-distribution and immuno-histochemical assays were then performed on all harvested major organs (at the distinct experimental end-points). Results: Monodisperse, stable, and cytocompatible nanocapsules capable of maintaining the bioactivity of the encapsulant within the different compartments with the core and shell and with controlled/customizable pharmaco-kinetics, resulted, as is illustrated in the graphical abstract (Figure) below. The experimental animals demonstrated a significant increase in salivary flow rates when compared to the controls. Herein, salivary protein content was comparable to the pre-irradiation (baseline) level. Histomorphometry further confirmed the biocompatibility and localization of the nanocapsules, in vivo, into the site of injection. Acinar cells showed fewer vacuoles and nuclear aberration in the experimental group, while the amount of mucin was higher in controls. Overall, fewer apoptotic activities were detected by a Terminal deoxynucleotidyl Transferase (TdT) dUTP Nick-End Labeling (TUNEL) assay and proliferative rates were similar to the controls, suggesting an interesting reparative and regenerative potential of irradiation-damaged/-dysfunctional salivary glands. The Figure below exemplifies some of these findings. Conclusions: Biocompatible, reproducible, and customizable self-assembling layer-by-layer core-shell delivery system is formulated and presented. Our findings suggest that localized sequential bioactive delivery of dual cytokines (in specific dose and order) can prevent irradiation-induced damage via reducing apoptosis and also has the potential to promote in situ proliferation of salivary gland cells; maxSALIVA is scalable (Good Manufacturing Practice or GMP production for human clinical trials) and patent-pending.Keywords: saliva, head and neck cancer, nanotechnology, controlled drug delivery, xerostomia, mucositis, biopolymers, innovation
Procedia PDF Downloads 882 “SockGEL/PLUG” Injectable Smart/Intelligent and Bio-Inspired Sol-Gel Nanomaterials for Simple and Complex Oro-Dental and Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Interventional Applications
Authors: Ziyad S. Haidar
Millions of teeth are removed annually, and dental extraction is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures globally. Whether due to caries, periodontal disease or trauma, exodontia and the ensuing wound healing and bone remodeling processes of the resultant socket (hole in the jaw bone) usually result in serious deformities of the residual alveolar osseous ridge and surrounding soft tissues (reduced height/width). Such voluminous changes render the placement of a proper conventional bridge, denture or even an implant-supported prosthesis extremely challenging. Further, most extractions continue to be performed with no regard for preventing the onset of alveolar osteitis (also known as dry socket, a painful and difficult-to-treat/-manage condition post-exodontia). Hence, such serious resorptive morphological changes often result in significant facial deformities and a negative impact on the overall Quality of Life (QoL) of patients (and oral health-related QoL), alarming, particularly for the geriatric with compromised healing and in light of the thriving longevity statistics. Opportunity: Despite advances in tissue/wound grafting, serious limitations continue to exist, including efficacy and clinical outcome predictability, cost, treatment time, expertise and risk of immune reactions. For cases of dry sockets, specifically, the commercially-available and often-prescribed home remedies are highly lacking. Indeed, most are not recommended for use anymore. Alveogyl is a fine example. Hence, there is a great market demand and need for alternative solutions. Solution: Herein, SockGEL/PLUG (patent pending), an all-natural, drug-free and injectable stimuli-responsive hydrogel, was designed, formulated, characterized and evaluated as an osteogenic, angiogenic, anti-microbial and pain-soothing suture-free intra-alveolar dressing, safe and efficacious for use in several oro-dental and cranio-maxillo-facial interventional applications; for example: in fresh dental extraction sockets, immediately post-exodontia. It is composed of FDA-approved, biocompatible and biodegradable polymers, self-assembled electro-statically to formulate a scaffolding matrix to (a) prevent the onset of alveolar osteitis via securing the fibrin-clot in situ and protecting/sealing the socket from contamination/infection; and (b) endogenously promote/accelerate wound healing and bone remodeling to preserve the volume of the alveolus. Findings: The intrinsic properties of the SockGEL/PLUG hydrogel were evaluated physico-chemico-mechanically for safety (cell viability), viscosity, rheology, bio-distribution and essentially, capacity to induce wound healing and osteogenesis (small defect, in vivo) without any signaling cues from exogenous cells, growth factors or drugs. The performed animal model of cranial critical-sized and non-vascularized bone defects shall provide vitally critical insights into the role and mechanism of the employed natural bio-polymer blend and gel product in endogenous reparative regeneration of soft tissues and bone morphogenesis. Alongside, the fine-tuning of our modified formulation method will further tackle appropriateness, reproducibility, scalability, ease and speed in producing stable, biodegradable and sterilizable stimuli (thermo-sensitive and photo-responsive) matrices (3-dimensional interpenetrating yet porous polymeric network) suitable for an intra-socket application, and beyond. Conclusions and Perspective: Findings are anticipated to provide sufficient evidence to translate into pilot clinical trials and validate the bionanomaterial before engaging the market for feasibility, acceptance and cost-effectiveness studies. The SockGEL/PLUG platform is patent pending: SockGEL is a bio-inspired drug-free hydrogel; SockPLUG is a drug-loaded hydrogel designed for complex indications.Keywords: hydrogel, injectable, dentistry, craniomaxillofacial complex, bioinspired, nanobiotechnology, biopolymer, sol-gel, stimuli-responsive, matrix, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine
Procedia PDF Downloads 751 Detailed Degradation-Based Model for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Long-Term Performance
Authors: Mina Naeini, Thomas A. Adams II
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) feature high electrical efficiency and generate substantial amounts of waste heat that make them suitable for integrated community energy systems (ICEs). By harvesting and distributing the waste heat through hot water pipelines, SOFCs can meet thermal demand of the communities. Therefore, they can replace traditional gas boilers and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Despite these advantages of SOFCs over competing power generation units, this technology has not been successfully commercialized in large-scale to replace traditional generators in ICEs. One reason is that SOFC performance deteriorates over long-term operation, which makes it difficult to find the proper sizing of the cells for a particular ICE system. In order to find the optimal sizing and operating conditions of SOFCs in a community, a proper knowledge of degradation mechanisms and effects of operating conditions on SOFCs long-time performance is required. The simplified SOFC models that exist in the current literature usually do not provide realistic results since they usually underestimate rate of performance drop by making too many assumptions or generalizations. In addition, some of these models have been obtained from experimental data by curve-fitting methods. Although these models are valid for the range of operating conditions in which experiments were conducted, they cannot be generalized to other conditions and so have limited use for most ICEs. In the present study, a general, detailed degradation-based model is proposed that predicts the performance of conventional SOFCs over a long period of time at different operating conditions. Conventional SOFCs are composed of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) as electrolyte, Ni-cermet anodes, and LaSr₁₋ₓMnₓO₃ (LSM) cathodes. The following degradation processes are considered in this model: oxidation and coarsening of nickel particles in the Ni-cermet anodes, changes in the pore radius in anode, electrolyte, and anode electrical conductivity degradation, and sulfur poisoning of the anode compartment. This model helps decision makers discover the optimal sizing and operation of the cells for a stable, efficient performance with the fewest assumptions. It is suitable for a wide variety of applications. Sulfur contamination of the anode compartment is an important cause of performance drop in cells supplied with hydrocarbon-based fuel sources. H₂S, which is often added to hydrocarbon fuels as an odorant, can diminish catalytic behavior of Ni-based anodes by lowering their electrochemical activity and hydrocarbon conversion properties. Therefore, the existing models in the literature for H₂-supplied SOFCs cannot be applied to hydrocarbon-fueled SOFCs as they only account for the electrochemical activity reduction. A regression model is developed in the current work for sulfur contamination of the SOFCs fed with hydrocarbon fuel sources. The model is developed as a function of current density and H₂S concentration in the fuel. To the best of authors' knowledge, it is the first model that accounts for impact of current density on sulfur poisoning of cells supplied with hydrocarbon-based fuels. Proposed model has wide validity over a range of parameters and is consistent across multiple studies by different independent groups. Simulations using the degradation-based model illustrated that SOFCs voltage drops significantly in the first 1500 hours of operation. After that, cells exhibit a slower degradation rate. The present analysis allowed us to discover the reason for various degradation rate values reported in literature for conventional SOFCs. In fact, the reason why literature reports very different degradation rates, is that literature is inconsistent in definition of how degradation rate is calculated. In the literature, the degradation rate has been calculated as the slope of voltage versus time plot with the unit of voltage drop percentage per 1000 hours operation. Due to the nonlinear profile of voltage over time, degradation rate magnitude depends on the magnitude of time steps selected to calculate the curve's slope. To avoid this issue, instantaneous rate of performance drop is used in the present work. According to a sensitivity analysis, the current density has the highest impact on degradation rate compared to other operating factors, while temperature and hydrogen partial pressure affect SOFCs performance less. The findings demonstrated that a cell running at lower current density performs better in long-term in terms of total average energy delivered per year, even though initially it generates less power than if it had a higher current density. This is because of the dominant and devastating impact of large current densities on the long-term performance of SOFCs, as explained by the model.Keywords: degradation rate, long-term performance, optimal operation, solid oxide fuel cells, SOFCs
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