Search results for: contaminated sediment
927 Analysis of Process Methane Hydrate Formation That Include the Important Role of Deep-Sea Sediments with Analogy in Kerek Formation, Sub-Basin Kendeng, Central Java, Indonesia
Authors: Yan Bachtiar Muslih, Hangga Wijaya, Trio Fani, Putri Agustin
Demand of Energy in Indonesia always increases 5-6% a year, but production of conventional energy always decreases 3-5% a year, it means that conventional energy in 20-40 years ahead will not able to complete all energy demand in Indonesia, one of the solve way is using unconventional energy that is gas hydrate, gas hydrate is gas that form by biogenic process, gas hydrate stable in condition with extremely depth and low temperature, gas hydrate can form in two condition that is in pole condition and in deep-sea condition, wherein this research will focus in gas hydrate that association with methane form methane hydrate in deep-sea condition and usually form in depth between 150-2000 m, this research will focus in process of methane hydrate formation that is biogenic process and the important role of deep-sea sediment so can produce accumulation of methane hydrate, methane hydrate usually will be accumulated in find sediment in deep-sea environment with condition high-pressure and low-temperature this condition too usually make methane hydrate change into white nodule, methodology of this research is geology field work and laboratory analysis, from geology field work will get sample data consist of 10-15 samples from Kerek Formation outcrops as random for imagine the condition of deep-sea environment that influence the methane hydrate formation and also from geology field work will get data of measuring stratigraphy in outcrops Kerek Formation too from this data will help to imagine the process in deep-sea sediment like energy flow, supply sediment, and etc, and laboratory analysis is activity to analyze all data that get from geology field work, the result of this research can used to exploration activity of methane hydrate in another prospect deep-sea environment in Indonesia.Keywords: methane hydrate, deep-sea sediment, kerek formation, sub-basin of kendeng, central java, Indonesia
Procedia PDF Downloads 463926 Isolation and Molecular Identification of Phenol Tolerating Bacteria from Petroleum Contaminated Sites
Authors: S. M. Dankaka, N. Abdullahi
Context: This research was conducted to isolate and identify phenol-tolerant bacteria from petroleum-contaminated sites in the northwestern part of Nigeria. Research Aim: The aim of this study was to identify bacteria with the ability to tolerate different phenol concentrations. Methodology: Samples were obtained from different petroleum-contaminated sites, and bacteria were cultured, followed by morphological, microscopic, and molecular identification. Isolates were grown on phenol-tolerant nutrient agar. The tolerant ability of the isolates was observed at 500 mg/L, 1000 mg/L, and 1500 mg/L concentrations of phenol. Findings: Two bacteria species (NWPK and NWPKD) were obtained. The total viable counts of phenol-utilizing bacteria from NWPK and NWPKD were 2.71x10⁷ and 4.0x10⁶ cfu/g, respectively. The NWPK showed its capacity to tolerate phenol at 2.3x10⁷, 2.5x10⁷, and 1.0x10⁷ cfu/g of 500, 1000, and 1500 mg/L of phenol concentration, respectively, while NWPKD tolerance ability was 1.5x10⁷, 3.8x10⁷ and 1.0x10⁷ cfu/g of 500, 1000 and 1500 mg/L of phenol respectively. The isolates were identified as Citrobacter and Acinetobacter species, respectively, based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Conclusion: The study found that these isolates showed the ability to withstand and survive high phenol concentrations in the environment.Keywords: phenol tolerance, bacteria, petroleum contaminated sites, 16S rRNA
Procedia PDF Downloads 92925 Improving the Performance of DBE Structure in Pressure Flushing Using Submerged Vanes
Authors: Sepideh Beiramipour, Hadi Haghjouei, Kourosh Qaderi, Majid Rahimpour, Mohammad M. Ahmadi, Sameh A. Kantoush
Reservoir sedimentation is one of the main challenges by which the reservoir behind the dam is filled with sediments transferred through the river flow. Pressure flushing method is an effective way to drain the deposited sediments of the reservoirs through the bottom outlet. So far, several structural methods have been proposed to increase the efficiency of pressure flushing. The aim of this study is to increase the performance of Dendritic Bottomless Extended (DBE) structure on the efficiency of pressurized sediment flushing using submerged vanes. For this purpose, the physical model of the dam reservoir with dimensions of 7.5 m in length, 3.5 m in width, and 1.8 m in height in the hydraulic and water structures research laboratory of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman was used. In order to investigate the influence of submerged vanes on the performance of DBE structure in pressure flushing, the best arrangement and geometric parameters of the vanes were selected and combined with the DBE structure. The results showed that the submerged vanes significantly increased the performance of the DBE structure so that the volume of the sediment flushing cone with the combination of two structures increased by 3.7 times compared to the DBE structure test.Keywords: dendritic bottomless extended structure, flushing efficiency, sedimentation, sediment flushing
Procedia PDF Downloads 223924 Bioremediation Influence on Shear Strength of Contaminated Soils
Authors: Tawar Mahmoodzadeh
Today soil contamination is an unavoidable issue; Irrespective of environmental impact, which happens during the soil contaminating and remediating process, the influence of this phenomenon on soil has not been searched thoroughly. In this study, unconfined compression and compaction tests were done on samples, contaminated and treated soil after 50 days of bio-treatment. The results show that rising in the amount of oil, cause decreased optimum water content and maximum dry density and increased strength. However, almost 65% of this contamination terminated by using a Bioremer as a bioremediation agent.Keywords: oil contamination soil, shear strength, compaction, bioremediation
Procedia PDF Downloads 155923 Phytoremediation Potenciality of ‘Polypogon monspeliensis L. in Detoxification of Petroleum-Contaminated Soils
Authors: Mozhgan Farzami Sepehr, Farhad Nourozi
In a greenhouse study, decontamination capacity of the species Polypogon monspoliensis, for detoxification of petroleum-polluted soils caused by sewage and waste materials of Tehran Petroleum Refinery. For this purpose, the amount of total oil and grease before and 45 days after transplanting one-month-old seedlings in the soils of five different treatments in which pollution-free agricultural soil and contaminated soil were mixed together with the weight ratio of respectively 1 to 9 (% 10), 2 to 8 (%20), 3 to 7 (%30) , 4 to 6 (%40), and 5 to 5 (%50) were evaluated and compared with the amounts obtained from control treatment without vegetation, but with the same concentration of pollution. Findings demonstrated that the maximum reduction in the petroleum rate ,as much as 84.85 percent, is related to the treatment 10% containing the plant. Increasing the shoot height in treatments 10% and 20% as well as the root dry and fresh weight in treatments 10% , 20% , and 30% shows that probably activity of more rhizosphere microorganisms of the plant in these treatments has led to the improvement in growth of plant organs comparing to the treatments without pollution.Keywords: phytoremediation, total oil and grease, rhizosphere, microorganisms, petroleum-contaminated soil
Procedia PDF Downloads 409922 Effect of Contaminants on the Behavior of Shallow Foundations
Authors: Ghazal Horiat, Alireza Hajiani Bushehrian
leakage of contamination from fuel or oil reservoirs can alter the geotechnical properties of the soil under their foundation and finally affect their performance in their service life. This article investigates the behavior of shallow foundations on the soil contaminated with diesel and kerosene using the Plaxis Tunnel3D V1.2 software. The information required for the numerical modeling in the paper was obtained from a similar experimental study. The present study seeks to compare the behavior of square foundations on sandy soil without contamination and the soil contaminated with different percentages of diesel and crude oil. The study was conducted on a small square foundation. The depth of the contamination was assumed constant, and the soil was evaluated with four different percentages of both contaminants. The results of analyses were plotted and assessed in the form of load-displacement curves for the foundation. The results indicate reduced bearing capacity of the foundation with the rise in the contamination percentage.Keywords: bearing capacity, contaminated soils, shallow foundations, 3D numerical analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 144921 Statistical Modeling and by Artificial Neural Networks of Suspended Sediment Mina River Watershed at Wadi El-Abtal Gauging Station (Northern Algeria)
Authors: Redhouane Ghernaout, Amira Fredj, Boualem Remini
Suspended sediment transport is a serious problem worldwide, but it is much more worrying in certain regions of the world, as is the case in the Maghreb and more particularly in Algeria. It continues to take disturbing proportions in Northern Algeria due to the variability of rains in time and in space and constant deterioration of vegetation. Its prediction is essential in order to identify its intensity and define the necessary actions for its reduction. The purpose of this study is to analyze the concentration data of suspended sediment measured at Wadi El-Abtal Hydrometric Station. It also aims to find and highlight regressive power relationships, which can explain the suspended solid flow by the measured liquid flow. The study strives to find models of artificial neural networks linking the flow, month and precipitation parameters with solid flow. The obtained results show that the power function of the solid transport rating curve and the models of artificial neural networks are appropriate methods for analysing and estimating suspended sediment transport in Wadi Mina at Wadi El-Abtal Hydrometric Station. They made it possible to identify in a fairly conclusive manner the model of neural networks with four input parameters: the liquid flow Q, the month and the daily precipitation measured at the representative stations (Frenda 013002 and Ain El-Hadid 013004 ) of the watershed. The model thus obtained makes it possible to estimate the daily solid flows (interpolate and extrapolate) even beyond the period of observation of solid flows (1985/86 to 1999/00), given the availability of the average daily liquid flows and daily precipitation since 1953/1954.Keywords: suspended sediment, concentration, regression, liquid flow, solid flow, artificial neural network, modeling, mina, algeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 104920 Studies of Rule Induction by STRIM from the Decision Table with Contaminated Attribute Values from Missing Data and Noise — in the Case of Critical Dataset Size —
Authors: Tetsuro Saeki, Yuichi Kato, Shoutarou Mizuno
STRIM (Statistical Test Rule Induction Method) has been proposed as a method to effectively induct if-then rules from the decision table which is considered as a sample set obtained from the population of interest. Its usefulness has been confirmed by simulation experiments specifying rules in advance, and by comparison with conventional methods. However, scope for future development remains before STRIM can be applied to the analysis of real-world data sets. The first requirement is to determine the size of the dataset needed for inducting true rules, since finding statistically significant rules is the core of the method. The second is to examine the capacity of rule induction from datasets with contaminated attribute values created by missing data and noise, since real-world datasets usually contain such contaminated data. This paper examines the first problem theoretically, in connection with the rule length. The second problem is then examined in a simulation experiment, utilizing the critical size of dataset derived from the first step. The experimental results show that STRIM is highly robust in the analysis of datasets with contaminated attribute values, and hence is applicable to realworld data.Keywords: rule induction, decision table, missing data, noise
Procedia PDF Downloads 396919 Performance Evaluation of Filtration System for Groundwater Recharging Well in the Presence of Medium Sand-Mixed Storm Water
Authors: Krishna Kumar Singh, Praveen Jain
The collection of storm water runoff and forcing it into the groundwater is the need of the hour to sustain the ground water table. However, the runoff entraps various types of sediments and other floating objects whose removal are essential to avoid pollution of ground water and blocking of pores of aquifer. However, it requires regular cleaning and maintenance due to the problem of clogging. To evaluate the performance of filter system consisting of coarse sand (CS), gravel (G) and pebble (P) layers, a laboratory experiment was conducted in a rectangular column. The effect of variable thickness of CS, G and P layers of the filtration unit of the recharge shaft on the recharge rate and the sediment concentration of effluent water were evaluated. Medium sand (MS) of three particle sizes, viz. 0.150–0.300 mm (T1), 0.300–0.425 mm (T2) and 0.425–0.600 mm of thickness 25 cm, 30 cm, and 35 cm respectively in the top layer of the filter system and having seven influent sediment concentrations of 250–3,000 mg/l were used for the experimental study. The performance was evaluated in terms of recharge rates and clogging time. The results indicated that 100 % suspended solids were entrapped in the upper 10 cm layer of MS, the recharge rates declined sharply for influent concentrations of more than 1,000 mg/l. All treatments with a higher thickness of MS media indicated recharge rate slightly more than that of all treatment with a lower thickness of MS media respectively. The performance of storm water infiltration systems was highly dependent on the formation of a clogging layer at the filter. An empirical relationship has been derived between recharge rates, inflow sediment load, size of MS and thickness of MS with using MLR.Keywords: groundwater, medium sand-mixed storm water filter, inflow sediment load
Procedia PDF Downloads 392918 Phytotreatment of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Contaminated Soil by Chromolaena odorata L. King and Robinson
Authors: R. O. Anyasi, H. I. Atagana
In this study, phytoextraction ability of a weed on Aroclor 1254 was studied under greenhouse conditions. Chromolaena odorata plants were transplanted into soil containing 100, 200, and 500 ppm of Aroclor in 1L pots. The experiments were watered daily at 70 % moisture field capacity. Parameters such as fully expanded leaves per plant, shoot length, leaf chlorophyll content as well as root length at harvest were measured. PCB was not phytotoxic to C. odorata growth but plants in the 500 ppm treatment only showed diminished growth at the sixth week. Percentage increases in height of plant were 45.9, 39.4 and 40.0 for 100, 200 and 500 ppm treatments respectively. Such decreases were observed in the leaf numbers, root length and leaf chlorophyll concentration. The control sample showed 48.3 % increase in plant height which was not significant from the treated samples, an indication that C. odorata could survive such PCB concentration and could be used to remediate contaminated soil. Mean total PCB absorbed by C. odorata plant was between 6.40 and 64.60 ppm per kilogram of soil, leading to percentage PCB absorption of 0.03 and 17.03 % per kilogram of contaminated soil. PCBs were found mostly in the root tissues of the plants, and the Bioaccumulation factor were between 0.006-0.38. Total PCB absorbed by the plant increases as the concentration of the compound is increased. With these high BAF ensured, C. odorata could serve as a promising candidate plant in phytoextraction of PCB from a PCB-contaminated soil.Keywords: phytoremediation, bioremediation, soil restoration, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), biological treatment, aroclor
Procedia PDF Downloads 382917 Assessment of Trace Metal Concentration of Soils Contaminated with Carbide in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria
Authors: O.M. Agbogidi, I.M. Onochie
An investigation was carried out on trace metal concentration of soils contaminated with carbide in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria in 2014 with a view to providing baseline formation on their status relative to the control plants and to the tolerable limits recommended by World standard bodies including WHO and FAO. The metals were analyzed using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer which showed an elevated level when compared with the control plots. High level of metals including Fe, Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Ni, Cr and arsenic were recorded and these values were significantly different (P<0.05) from values obtained from the control plots. These results are indicative of the fact that carbide polluted soil had higher level of trace metals and because these metals are non-biodegradable elements in the ecosystem, a rise to their lethal levels in food chains is envisaged due to the interdependency of plants and animals stemming from soil-water organisms interrelationship.Keywords: bio-concentration, carbide contaminated soils, heavy metals, trace metals
Procedia PDF Downloads 275916 Pollution Assessment and Potential Ecological Risk of Some Traces Metals in the Surface Sediments of the Gulf of Tunis, North Tunisia
Authors: Haïfa Ben Mna, Ayed Added
To evaluate the trace metals contamination status in the Gulf of Tunis, forty one sediment samples were analyzed using different approaches. According to certain contamination and ecological risk indices (Contamination Factor, Geoaccumulation index and Ecological risk index), Hg has the highest contamination level while pollution by Ni, Pb, Cd and Cr was absent. The highest concentrations of trace metals were found in sediments collected from the offshore and coastal areas located opposite the main exchange points with the gulf particularly, the Mejerda and Meliane Rivers, the Khalij Channel, Ghar El Melh and El Malah lagoons, Tunis Lake and Sebkhat Ariana. However, further ecological indices (Potential ecological risk index, Toxic unit and Mean effect-range median quotient) and comparison with sediment quality guidelines suggest that in addition to Mercury, Cr, Pb and Ni concentrations are detrimental to biota in both the offshore and areas near to the exchange points with the gulf. Moreover, in these areas the results from sequential extraction and individual contamination factor calculation pointed to the mobility and bioavailability of Cr, Pb and Ni.Keywords: sediment, trace metals, contamination assessment, ecological risk, Tunis gulf
Procedia PDF Downloads 84915 Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)
Authors: Violina R. Angelova, Mariana N. Perifanova-Nemska, Galina P. Uzunova, Elitsa N. Kolentsova
Comparative research has been conducted to allow us to determine the accumulation of heavy metals (Pb, Zn and Cd) in the vegetative and reproductive organs of safflower, and to identify the possibility of its growth on soils contaminated by heavy metals and efficacy for phytoremediation. The experiment was performed on an agricultural field contaminated by the Non-Ferrous-Metal Works (MFMW) near Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The experimental plots were situated at different distances (0.1, 0.5, 2.0, and 15 km) from the source of pollution. The contents of heavy metals in plant materials (roots, stems, leaves, seeds) were determined. The quality of safflower oils (heavy metals and fatty acid composition) was also determined. The quantitative measurements were carried out with inductively-coupled plasma (ICP). Safflower is a plant that is tolerant to heavy metals and can be referred to the hyperaccumulators of lead and cadmium and the accumulators of zinc. The plant can be successfully used in the phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soils. The processing of safflower seeds into oil and the use of the obtained oil will greatly reduce the cost of phytoremediation.Keywords: heavy metals, accumulation, safflower, polluted soils, phytoremediation
Procedia PDF Downloads 264914 Spatial Distribution of Natural Radionuclides in Soil, Sediment and Waters in Oil Producing Areas in Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
Authors: G. O. Avwiri, E. O. Agbalagba, C. P. Ononugbo
Activity concentrations of natural radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th and 40K) in the soil, sediment and water of oil producing communities in Delta and Rivers States were determined using γ-ray spectrometry. The mean soil/sediment activity concentration of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in onshore west in Delta state is 40.2±5.1Bqkg-1, 29.9±4.2Bqkg-1 and 361.5±20.0Bqkg-1 respectively, the corresponding values obtained in onshore east1 of Rivers state is 20.9±2.8Bqkg-1, 19.4±2.5Bqkg-1and 260.0±14.1Bqkg-1 respectively. While the mean activity concentration of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in onshore east2 of Rivers state is 29.3±3.5Bqkg-1, 21.6±2.6Bqkg-1 and 262.1±14.6Bqkg-1 respectively. These values obtained show enhanced NORMs but are well within the world range. All the radiation hazard indices examined in soil have mean values lower than their maximum permissible limits. In drinking water, the obtained average values of226Ra, 228Ra and 40K is 8.4±0.9, 7.3±0.7 and 29.9±2.2Bql-1 respectively for well water, 4.5±0.6, 5.1±0.4 and 20.9±2.0Bql-1 respectively for borehole water and 11.3±1.2, 8.5±0.7 and 32.4±3.7Bql-1 respectively for river water in onshore west. For onshore east1, average activity concentration of 226Ra, 228Ra and 40K is 8.3±1.0, 8.6±1.1 and 39.6±3.3Bql-1 respectively for well water, 3.8±0.8, 4.9±0.6 and 35.7±4.1Bql-1 respectively for borehole water and 5.5±0.8, 5.4±0.7 and 36.9±3.8Bql-1 respectively for river water. While in onshore east2 average value of 226Ra, 228Ra and 40K is 10.1±1.1, 8.3±1.0 and 50.0±3.9Bql-1 respectively for well water, 4.7±0.9, 4.0±0.4 and 28.8±3.0Bql-1 respectively for borehole water and 7.7±0.9, 6.1±0.8 and 27.1±2.9Bql-1 respectively for river water and the average activity concentrations in the produced water226Ra, 228Ra and 40K is 5.182.14Bql-1, 6.042.48Bql-1 and 48.7813.67Bql-1 respectively. These values obtained are well above world average values of 1.0, 0.1 and 10Bql-1 for 226Ra, 228Ra and 40K respectively, those of the control site values and most reported values around the world. Though the hazard indices (Raeq, Hex, Hin) examined in water is still within the tolerable level, the committed effective dose estimated are above ICPR 0.1 mSvy-1 permissible limits. The overall results show that soil and sediment in the area are safe radiologically, but the result indicates some level of water pollution in the studied area.Keywords: radioactivity, soil, sediment and water, Niger Delta, gamma detector
Procedia PDF Downloads 283913 An Innovative Equipment for ICU Infection Control
Authors: Ankit Agarwal
Background: To develop a fully indigenous equipment which is an innovation in critical care, which can effectively scavenge contaminated ICU ventilator air. Objectives: Infection control in ICUs is a concern the world over. Various modalities from simple hand hygiene to costly antibiotics exist. However, one simple and scientific fact has been unnoticed till date, that the air exhaled by patients harboring MDR and other microorganisms, is released by ventilators into ICU atmosphere itself. This increases infection in ICU atmosphere and poses risk to other patients. Material and Methods: Some parts of the ventilator are neither disposable nor sterilizable. Over time, microorganisms accumulate in ventilator and act as a source of infection and also contaminate ICU air. This was demonstrated by exposing microbiological culture plates to air from expiratory port of ventilator, whereby dense growth of pathogenic microorganisms was observed. The present prototype of the equipment is totally self-made. It has a mechanism of controlled negative pressure, active and passive systems and various alarms and is versatile to be used with any ventilator. Results: This equipment captures the whole of contaminated exhaled air from the expiratory port of the ventilator and directs it out of the ICU space. Thus, it does not allow contaminated ventilator air to release into the ICU atmosphere. Therefore, there is no chance of exposure of other patients to contaminated air. Conclusion: The equipment is first of its kind the world over and is already under patent process. It has rightly been called ICU Ventilator Air Removal System (ICU VARS). It holds a chance that this technique will gain widespread acceptance shall find use in all the ventilators in most of the ICUs throughout the world.Keywords: innovative, ICU Infection Control, microorganism, negative pressure
Procedia PDF Downloads 352912 Alexandrium pacificum Cysts Distribution in One North African Lagoon Ecosystem
Authors: M. Fertouna Bellakhal, M. Bellakhal, A. Dhib, A. Fathalli, S. Turki, L. Aleya
Study of dinoflagellate cysts is a precious tool to get information about environment and water quality in many aquatic ecosystems. The distribution of Alexandrium pacificum cysts, in Bizerta lagoon located in North of Tunisia, was made based on sediment samples analysis from 123 equidistant stations delimiting 125 km² surfaces. Sediment characteristics such as percentage of water, organic matter, and particle size were analyzed to determine the factors that influence the distribution of this dinoflagellate. In addition, morphological examination and ribotyping of vegetative forms from microalgal cultures made from cyst germination confirmed the identity of the species attributed to A. pacificum. A correlation between the abundance of A. pacificum cysts and the percentage of water and sediment organic matter was recorded. In addition, the sedimentary fraction < 63μm was found to be potentially favorable for the installation and initiation of the Alexandrium pacificum efflorescence at the Bizerte lagoon. The mapping of cysts in this aquatic ecosystem has also allowed us to define distinct areas with specific abundance with closed relationship with shellfish aquaculture stations located within the lagoon.Keywords: Alexandrium pacificum, cysts, Dinoflagellate, microalgal culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 149911 Modeling the Downstream Impacts of River Regulation on the Grand Lake Meadows Complex using Delft3D FM Suite
Authors: Jaime Leavitt, Katy Haralampides
Numerical modelling has been used to investigate the long-term impact of a large dam on downstream wetland areas, specifically in terms of changing sediment dynamics in the system. The Mactaquac Generating Station (MQGS) is a 672MW run-of-the-river hydroelectric facility, commissioned in 1968 on the mainstem of the Wolastoq|Saint John River in New Brunswick, Canada. New Brunswick Power owns and operates the dam and has been working closely with the Canadian Rivers Institute at UNB Fredericton on a multi-year, multi-disciplinary project investigating the impact the dam has on its surrounding environment. With focus on the downstream river, this research discusses the initialization, set-up, calibration, and preliminary results of a 2-D hydrodynamic model using the Delft3d Flexible Mesh Suite (successor of the Delft3d 4 Suite). The flexible mesh allows the model grid to be structured in the main channel and unstructured in the floodplains and other downstream regions with complex geometry. The combination of grid types improves computational time and output. As the movement of water governs the movement of sediment, the calibrated and validated hydrodynamic model was applied to sediment transport simulations, particularly of the fine suspended sediments. Several provincially significant Protected Natural Areas and federally significant National Wildlife Areas are located 60km downstream of the MQGS. These broad, low-lying floodplains and wetlands are known as the Grand Lake Meadows Complex (GLM Complex). There is added pressure to investigate the impacts of river regulation on these protected regions that rely heavily on natural river processes like sediment transport and flooding. It is hypothesized that the fine suspended sediment would naturally travel to the floodplains for nutrient deposition and replenishment, particularly during the freshet and large storms. The purpose of this research is to investigate the impacts of river regulation on downstream environments and use the model as a tool for informed decision making to protect and maintain biologically productive wetlands and floodplains.Keywords: hydrodynamic modelling, national wildlife area, protected natural area, sediment transport.
Procedia PDF Downloads 11910 Assesment of the Economic Potential of Lead Contaminated Brownfield for Growth of Oil Producing Crop Like Helianthus annus (Sunflower)
Authors: Shahenaz Sidi, S. K. Tank
When sparsely used industrial and commercial facilities are retired or abandoned, one of the biggest issues that arise is what to do with the remaining land. This land, referred to as a ‘Brownfield site’ or simply ‘Brownfield’ is often contaminated with waste and pollutants left behind by the defunct industrial facilities and factories that stand on the land. Phytoremediation has been proved a promising greener and cleaner technology in remediating the land unlike other chemical excavation methods. Helianthus annus is a hyper accumulator of lead. Helianthus annus can be used for remediation procedures in metal contaminated soils. It is a fast-growing crop which would favour soil stabilization. Its tough leaves and stems are rarely eaten by animals. The seeds (actively eaten by birds) have very low concentrations of potentially toxic elements, and represent low risk for the food web. The study is conducted to determine the phytoextraction potentials of the plant and the eventual seed harvesting and commercial oil production on remediated soil.Keywords: Brownfield, phytoextraction, helianthus, oil, commercial
Procedia PDF Downloads 338909 Electroremediation of Saturated and Unsaturated Nickel-Contaminated Soils
Authors: Waddah Abdullah, Saleh Al-Sarem
Electrokinetic remediation was undoubtedly proven to be one of the most efficient techniques used to clean up soils contaminated with polar charged contaminants (such as heavy metals) and non-polar organic contaminants. It can be efficiently used to clean up low permeability mud, wastewater, electroplating wastes, sludge, and marine dredging. This study presented and discussed the results of electrokinetic remediation processes to clean up soils contaminated with nickel. Two types of electrokinetics cells were used: an open cell and an advanced cylindrical cell. Two types of soils were used for this investigation; the Azraq green clay which has very low permeability taken from the eastern part of Jordan (city of Azraq) and a sandy soil having, relatively, very high permeability. The clayey soil was spiked with 500 ppm of nickel, and the sandy soil was spiked with 1500 ppm of nickel. Fully saturated and partially saturated clayey soils were used for the clean-up process. Clayey soils were tested under a direct current of 80 mA and 50 mA to study the effect of the electrical current on the remediation process. Chelating agent (Na-EDTA), disodium ethylene diamine tetraacetatic acid, was used in both types of soils to enhance the electroremediation process. The effect of carbonates presence in the contaminated soils, also, was investigated by use of sodium carbonate and calcium carbonate. pH changes in the anode and the cathode compartments were controlled by use of buffer solutions. The results of the investigation showed that for the fully saturated clayey soil spiked with nickel had an average removal efficiency of 64%, and the average removal efficiency was 46% for the unsaturated clayey soil. For the sandy soil, the average removal efficiency of Nickel was 90%. Test results showed that presence of carbonates in the remediated soils retarded the clean-up process of nickel-contaminated soils (removal efficiency was reduced from 90% to 60%). EDTA enhanced decontamination of nickel contaminated clayey and sandy soils with carbonates was studied. The average removal efficiency increased from 60% (prior to using EDTA) to more than 90% after using EDTA.Keywords: buffer solution, EDTA, electroremediation, nickel removal efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 185908 Effects of Watershed Erosion on Stream Channel Formation
Authors: Tiao Chang, Ivan Caballero, Hong Zhou
Streams carry water and sediment naturally by maintaining channel dimensions, pattern, and profile over time. Watershed erosion as a natural process has occurred to contribute sediment to streams over time. The formation of channel dimensions is complex. This study is to relate quantifiable and consistent channel dimensions at the bankfull stage to the corresponding watershed erosion estimation by the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). Twelve sites of which drainage areas range from 7 to 100 square miles in the Hocking River Basin of Ohio were selected for the bankfull geometry determinations including width, depth, cross-section area, bed slope, and drainage area. The twelve sub-watersheds were chosen to obtain a good overall representation of the Hocking River Basin. It is of interest to determine how these bankfull channel dimensions are related to the soil erosion of corresponding sub-watersheds. Soil erosion is a natural process that has occurred in a watershed over time. The RUSLE was applied to estimate erosions of the twelve selected sub-watersheds where the bankfull geometry measurements were conducted. These quantified erosions of sub-watersheds are used to investigate correlations with bankfull channel dimensions including discharge, channel width, channel depth, cross-sectional area, and pebble distribution. It is found that drainage area, bankfull discharge and cross-sectional area correlates strongly with watershed erosion well. Furthermore, bankfull width and depth are moderately correlated with watershed erosion while the particle size, D50, of channel bed sediment is not well correlated with watershed erosion.Keywords: watershed, stream, sediment, channel
Procedia PDF Downloads 288907 A World Map of Seabed Sediment Based on 50 Years of Knowledge
Authors: T. Garlan, I. Gabelotaud, S. Lucas, E. Marchès
Production of a global sedimentological seabed map has been initiated in 1995 to provide the necessary tool for searches of aircraft and boats lost at sea, to give sedimentary information for nautical charts, and to provide input data for acoustic propagation modelling. This original approach had already been initiated one century ago when the French hydrographic service and the University of Nancy had produced maps of the distribution of marine sediments of the French coasts and then sediment maps of the continental shelves of Europe and North America. The current map of the sediment of oceans presented was initiated with a UNESCO's general map of the deep ocean floor. This map was adapted using a unique sediment classification to present all types of sediments: from beaches to the deep seabed and from glacial deposits to tropical sediments. In order to allow good visualization and to be adapted to the different applications, only the granularity of sediments is represented. The published seabed maps are studied, if they present an interest, the nature of the seabed is extracted from them, the sediment classification is transcribed and the resulted map is integrated in the world map. Data come also from interpretations of Multibeam Echo Sounder (MES) imagery of large hydrographic surveys of deep-ocean. These allow a very high-quality mapping of areas that until then were represented as homogeneous. The third and principal source of data comes from the integration of regional maps produced specifically for this project. These regional maps are carried out using all the bathymetric and sedimentary data of a region. This step makes it possible to produce a regional synthesis map, with the realization of generalizations in the case of over-precise data. 86 regional maps of the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Indian Ocean have been produced and integrated into the world sedimentary map. This work is permanent and permits a digital version every two years, with the integration of some new maps. This article describes the choices made in terms of sediment classification, the scale of source data and the zonation of the variability of the quality. This map is the final step in a system comprising the Shom Sedimentary Database, enriched by more than one million punctual and surface items of data, and four series of coastal seabed maps at 1:10,000, 1:50,000, 1:200,000 and 1:1,000,000. This step by step approach makes it possible to take into account the progresses in knowledge made in the field of seabed characterization during the last decades. Thus, the arrival of new classification systems for seafloor has improved the recent seabed maps, and the compilation of these new maps with those previously published allows a gradual enrichment of the world sedimentary map. But there is still a lot of work to enhance some regions, which are still based on data acquired more than half a century ago.Keywords: marine sedimentology, seabed map, sediment classification, world ocean
Procedia PDF Downloads 232906 Mathematical Model for Flow and Sediment Yield Estimation on Tel River Basin, India
Authors: Santosh Kumar Biswal, Ramakar Jha
Soil erosion is a slow and continuous process and one of the prominent problems across the world leading to many serious problems like loss of soil fertility, loss of soil structure, poor internal drainage, sedimentation deposits etc. In this paper remote sensing and GIS based methods have been applied for the determination of soil erosion and sediment yield. Tel River basin which is the second largest tributary of the river Mahanadi laying between latitude 19° 15' 32.4"N and, 20° 45' 0"N and longitude 82° 3' 36"E and 84° 18' 18"E chosen for the present study. The catchment was discretized into approximately homogeneous sub-areas (grid cells) to overcome the catchment heterogeneity. The gross soil erosion in each cell was computed using Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). Various parameters for USLE was determined as a function of land topography, soil texture, land use/land cover, rainfall, erosivity and crop management and practice in the watershed. The concept of transport limited accumulation was formulated and the transport capacity maps were generated. The gross soil erosion was routed to the catchment outlet. This study can help in recognizing critical erosion prone areas of the study basin so that suitable control measures can be implemented.Keywords: Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), GIS, land use, sediment yield,
Procedia PDF Downloads 308905 Assessment of Trace Metals Contamination in Surficial and Core Sediments from Ghannouch- Gabes Coastline, Impact of Phosphogypsum Discharge, Southeastern of Tunisia, Mediterranean Sea: Geochemical and Mineralogical Approaches
Authors: Rim Ben Amor, Myriam Abidi, Moncef Gueddari
The purpose of the present study is to assess the level and the distribution of CaO, SO3, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn incore sediments of Ghannouch-Gabes coast, Gulf of Gabes, Tunisian Mediterranean coast. The XRD analyses indicate that the sediments of Ghannouch-Gabes coast are mainly composed of quartz, calcite, gypsum and fluorine reflecting the impact of the phosphate fertilizer industrial waste. The vertical distribution of surface sediments shows for all the elements analyzed, that the area located between the commercial and the fishing port of Gabes, is the most polluted zone, where the two harbors acted as barriers and limited the dispersion of phosphogypsum discharge. The abundance order of metals was found to be Zn > Cd > Cu >Pb and that the highest levels of heavy metals were found in the uppermost segment of the sediment core compared to lower depth subsurface due to a continuous input of PG release and showed that the area between the two harbor suffered from several types of pollutants compared to reference core C1, collected from non-industrialized area. The level of pollution was evaluated using contamination factor (Cf), pollution load index (PLI) and the geoaccumulation index (Igeo). The obtained results of Igeo allowed us to distinguish that the area between the commercial harbor of Ghannouch and the fishing harbor of Gabes is the most polluted where sediments are strongly contaminated for Pb, Cu and Cd. The pollution load index (PLI) of all sediments collected classified them as "polluted". According to contamination factor (Cf), the sediments can be considered as ‘considerable’ to ‘very high’ contaminated for Pb, ‘very high to moderate’ for Cd, ‘ moderate’ for Zn, between ‘moderate’ and ‘considerable’ for Cu. Statistical analyses show that heavy metals, fluoride, calcium and sulphate are resulting from the same anthropogenic origin. The metallic pollution status of sediments of Ghanouch -Gabes coast is worrying and requires a serious intervention.Keywords: trace metals, phosphogypsum, core sediments, accumulation factor, contamination factor
Procedia PDF Downloads 142904 Modeling of Bed Level Changes in Larak Island
Authors: Saeed Zeinali, Nasser Talebbeydokhti, Mehdi Saeidian, Shahrad Vosough
In this article, bathymetry changes have been studied as a case study for Larak Island, located in The South of Iran. The advanced 2D model of Mike21 has been used for this purpose. A simple procedure has been utilized in this model. First, the hydrodynamic (HD) module of Mike21 has been used to obtain the required output for sediment transport model (ST module). The ST module modeled the area for tidal currents only. Bed level changes are resulted by series of modeling for both HD and ST module in 3 months time step. The final bathymetry in each time step is used as the primary bathymetry for next time step. This consecutive procedure been continued until bathymetry for the year 2020 is obtained.Keywords: bed level changes, Larak Island, hydrodynamic, sediment transport
Procedia PDF Downloads 267903 Surface Sediment Quality Assessment in a Coastal Lagoon (NW Adriatic Sea) Based on SEM-AVS Analysis
Authors: Roberta Guerra, Juan Pablo Pozo Hernandez
Surface sediments from the coastal lagoon of Pialassa Piomboni in the NW Adriatic Sea were collected and analysed and the potential ecological risks in the area were assessed based on the acid-volatile sulphide (AVS) model. The AVS levels are between 0.03 and 8.8 µmol g-1, with the average at 3.1 µmol g-1. The simultaneously extracted metals (∑SEM), which is the molar sum of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn, range from 0.3 to 6.6 µmol g-1, with the average at 1.7 µmol g-1. Most of the high ∑SEM concentrations are located in the southern area of the lagoon. [SEM]Zn had the comparatively high mean concentration (1.4 µmol g-1), and a maximum value of 6.1 µmol g-1, respectively. Concentrations of [SEM]Cd, [SEM]Cu, [SEM]Ni, and [SEM]Pb were consistently lower, with maximum values of 0.007 µmol g-1, 1.4 µmol g-1, 0.3 µmol g-1 and 0.2 µmol g-1, respectively. Compared to other metals, [SEM]Zn was the dominant component in all samples and accounted for approximately 31 - 93% of the ∑SEM, whereas the contribution of Cd – the most toxic metal studied – to ∑SEM was no more than 1%. According to the USEPA evaluation method, the sediment samples can be divided into the three following categories: category 1, adverse biological effects on aquatic life may be expected when ([SEM]–[AVS])/fOC > 3000; category 2, adverse effects on aquatic life are uncertain when ([SEM]–[AVS])/fOC = 130 to 3,000; and category 3, no indication of adverse effects when ([SEM]–[AVS])/fOC < 130. Most of the surface sediments of the Pialassa Piomboni lagoon (>90%) had no adverse biological effects according to the criterion proposed by the USEPA; while adverse effects were uncertain in few stations (~2%).Keywords: sediment quality, heavy metals, coastal lagoon, bioavailability, SEM, AVS
Procedia PDF Downloads 406902 Geochemical Approach of Rare Earth Element Distribution: A Case Study from Lake Acigol, Denizli, Turkey
Authors: M. Budakoglu, M. Karaman, A. Abdelnasser, D. Kiran, M. Kumral
About 50 mg lake sediment was digested in two steps. While first stage was completed with 6 ml 37% HCl, 2 ml 65% HNO3 and 1 ml 38-40% HF in an pressure and temperature controlled Teflon beaker using Berghoff Microwave™ at average 135°C, digestion procedure was completed with the addition of 6 ml 5% boric acid solution. REE contents of sediment samples were determined by Perkin Elmer DRC II ICP-MS in Geochemistry Research Laboratories (JAL/GRL) of Faculty of Mines, Istanbul Technical University. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of Lake Acıgöl sediments show generally high abundance of REE compared to chondritic concentrations, with particular enrichment in LREE [(La/Lu)N = 4.85-19.90], [(La/Lu)N = 7.09-15.14], [(La/Lu)N = 9.42-15.52] and [(La/Lu)N = 7.69-15.63] for the surface sediment and 0-10 cm-, 10-20 cm- and 20-30 cm-subsurface sediments respectively. Also these samples showed flat HREE normalized to chondrite as (La/Sm)N ranging from 2.98 to 4.8 for surface sediments and for subsurface sediments from 3.28 to 3.97 (0-10 cm), 3.57 to 3.94 (10-20 cm) and 3.36 to 3.94 (20-30 cm) while (Gd/Yb)N ranging from 2.14 to 2.93, from 2.03 to 2.76, from 2.26 to 2.79 and from 2.05 to 2.76 from the surface and subsurface sediments respectively. Moreover, their REE profiles are similar to profiles of the continental collision basin (CCB) with negative Eu anomalies. In addition, their REE patterns illustrate generally low abundance of REE compared to concentrations of NASC, PAAS and UCC with very slight enrichment of LREE and positive Eu* anomalies. Therefore there is no comparable between our samples of surface and subsurface sediments and these types of international sediments.Keywords: chondrite-normalized REE patterns, hypersaline lake, surface sediments, subsurface sediments, Lake Acıgöl, Turkey
Procedia PDF Downloads 521901 Phytoremediation: An Ecological Solution to Heavy-Metal-Polluted Soil
Authors: Nasreen Jeelani, Huining Shi , Di An, Lu Xia, Shuqing An
Heavy metals contamination in aquatic ecosystem is a major environmental problem since its accumulation along the food chain pose public health risk. The concentration of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) in soil and plants species collected from different streams of Suoxu River, China was investigated. This aim was to define the level of pollutants in Suoxu River, find which plant species exhibits the greatest accumulation and to evaluate whether these species could be useful for phytoremediation. While total soil Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn concentrations varied, respectively, from 0.09 to 0.23 , 58.6 to 98, 9.72 to 80.5, 15.3 to 41, 15.2 to 27.3 and 35 to 156 (mg-kg-1), those in plants ranged from 0.035 to 0.49, 2.91 to 75.6, 4.79 to 32.4, 1.27 to 16.1, 0.62 to10.2, 18.9 to 84.6 (mg-kg-1), respectively. Based on BCFs and TFs values, most of the studied species have potential for phytostabilization. The plants with most effective in the accumulation of metals in shoots are Phragmatis australis (TF=2.29) and Iris tectorum (TF =2.07) for Pb. While Chenopodium album, (BCF =3.55), Ranunculus sceleratus, (BCF= 3.0), Polygonum hydropiper (BCF =2.46) for Cd and Iris tectorum (BCF=2.0) for Cu was suitable for phytostabilization. Among the plant species screened for Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn, most of the species were efficient to take up more than one heavy metal in roots. Our study showed that the native plant species growing on contaminated sites may have the potential uses for phytoremediation.Keywords: heavy metals, huaihe river catchments, sediment, plants
Procedia PDF Downloads 362900 Removal of Chromium (VI) from Contaminated Synthetic Groundwater Using Functionalized Carbon Nanomaterials Modified with Zinc and Potassium
Authors: P. D. Ibikunle, D. O. Bala, A. P. Olawolu, A. A. Adebayo
Chromium has been discovered as a significant contributor to water pollution that causes cancer. Modified carbon nanotubes' (CNTs) potential as an adsorbent hasn't been thoroughly investigated. The study aimed at investigating the potentials of various functionalized carbon nanomaterials for Cr (VI) removal from contaminated synthetic groundwater. Functionalized carbon nanomaterials with layered and tube-like structures were designed based on thermal (KOH-activated micrographite sheets) and impregnation methods by anchoring K and Zn on carbon nanotubes (CNTs), respectively for the removal of Cr (VI) from contaminated synthetic groundwater. Zinc acetate modified carbon nanotubes (Zn-CNTs) and potassium hydroxide modified carbon nanotubes (K-CNTs) exhibited greater adsorption capacity for the Cr (VI) adsorbate compared to KOH-activated graphite (AC-1 and AC-0). Maximum removal efficiency for both adsorbents occurred at pH 2. Omu Aran Hand dug wells can therefore be treated with K–CNTs, since the experimental outcomes showed that CNTs adsorbent could operate well in a range of the experimental scenarios.Keywords: carbon nanotubes, Chromium (VI), adsorption, water treatment, graphitic carbon, kinetics
Procedia PDF Downloads 40899 Effect of Fiddler Crab Burrows on Bacterial Communities of Mangrove Sediments
Authors: Mohammad Mokhtari, Gires Usup, Zaidi Che Cob
Bacteria communities as mediators of the biogeochemical process are the main component of the mangrove ecosystems. Crab burrows by increasing oxic-anoxic interfaces and facilitating the flux rate between sediment and tidal water affect biogeochemical properties of sediments. The effect of fiddler crab burrows on the density and diversity of bacteria were investigated to elucidate the effect of burrow on bacterial distribution. Samples collected from the burrow walls of three species of fiddler crabs including Uca paradussumieri, Uca rosea, and Uca forcipata. Sediment properties including grain size, temperature, Redox potential, pH, chlorophyll, water and organic content were measured from the burrow walls to assess the correlation between environmental variables and bacterial communities. Bacteria were enumerated with epifluorescence microscopy after staining with SYBR green. Bacterial DNA extracted from sediment samples and the community profiles of bacteria were determined with Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP). High endemism was observed among bacterial communities. Among the 152 observed OTU’s, 22 were found only in crab burrows. The highest bacterial density and diversity were recorded in burrow wall. The results of ANOSIM indicated a significant difference between the bacterial communities from the three species of fiddler crab burrows. Only 3% of explained bacteria variability in the constrained ordination model of CCA was contributed to depth, while much of the bacteria’s variability was attributed to coarse sand, pH, and chlorophyll content. Our findings suggest that crab burrows by affecting sediment properties such as redox potential, pH, water, and chlorophyll content induce significant effects on the bacterial communities.Keywords: bioturbation, canonical corresponding analysis, fiddler crab, microbial ecology
Procedia PDF Downloads 157898 An Experimental Approach of the Reuse of Dredged Sediments in a Cement Matrix by Physical and Heat Treatment
Authors: Mahfoud Benzerzour, Mouhamadou Amar, Nor-edine Abriak
In this study, a sediment was used as a secondary raw material in cement substitution with prior treatment. The treatment adopted is a physical treatment involving grinding and separation to obtain different fractions, using a dry method (1 mm, 250µm, 120µm) and washing method (250µm and 120µm). They were subsequently heat treated at temperatures of 650°C, 750°C and 850°C for 1 hour and 3 hours, in order to enable chemical activation by decarbonation or by pozzolanic activation of the material. Different characterization techniques were performed. The determination of main physical and chemical characteristics was obtained through multiple tests: particle size distribution, specific density, the BET surface area, the initial setting time and hydration heat calorimetry Langavant. The chemical tests include: ATG analysis, X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) which were used to quantify the fractions, phases and chemical elements present. Compression tests were performed conforming NF EN 196-1 French standard, over terms of 7 days - 14 days - 28 days and 60 days on all formulated mortars: reference mortar based on 100% CEM I 52.5N binder and cement substituted mortars with 8% and 15% by treated sediment. This clearly evidenced contribution due to the chemical activity which was confirmed by calorimetry monitoring and strength investigation.Keywords: sediment, characterization, grinding, heat treatment, substitution
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