Search results for: scientific data mining
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 27057

Search results for: scientific data mining

25737 Vital Pulp Therapy: The Minimally Invasive Endodontic Therapy for Mature Permanent Teeth

Authors: Fadwa Chtioui


Vital Pulp Therapy (VPT) is nowadays challenging the deep-rooted dogma of root canal treatment, being the only therapeutic option for permanent teeth diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis or carious pulp exposure. Histologic and clinical research has shown that compromised dental pulp can be treated without the full removal or excavation of all healthy pulp, and the outcome of the partial or full pulpotomy followed by a Tricalcium-Silicate-based dressing seems to show promising results in maintaining pulp vitality and preserving affected teeth in the long term. By reviewing recent advances in the techniques of VPT and their clinical effectiveness and safety in permanent teeth with irreversible Pulpitis, this work provides a new understanding of pulp pathophysiology and defense mechanisms and will reform dental practitioners' decision-making in treating irreversible pulpits from root canal therapy to vital pulp therapy by taking advantage of the biological effects of Tricalcium Silicate materials. Biography of presenting author: Fadwa Chitoui graduated from the school of Dental Medicine of Monastir, Tunisia, in 2015. After getting her DDS degree with honors, she earned her Postgraduate master's Degree in Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry from her Faculty. Since 2021, she has Started her own private and specialized practice based in the capital Tunis. She enjoys the sphere of associative life, worked with national and international associations, and got engaged in scientific dental research, whereby she tailored her passion for her field of specialty towards broadening her knowledge and ambitions, holding conferences and workshops nationally and internationally and publishing scientific articles in several journals.

Keywords: irreversible pulpitis, permanenet teeth, vital pulp therapy, pulpotomy

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25736 Life Cycle Datasets for the Ornamental Stone Sector

Authors: Isabella Bianco, Gian Andrea Blengini


The environmental impact related to ornamental stones (such as marbles and granites) is largely debated. Starting from the industrial revolution, continuous improvements of machineries led to a higher exploitation of this natural resource and to a more international interaction between markets. As a consequence, the environmental impact of the extraction and processing of stones has increased. Nevertheless, if compared with other building materials, ornamental stones are generally more durable, natural, and recyclable. From the scientific point of view, studies on stone life cycle sustainability have been carried out, but these are often partial or not very significant because of the high percentage of approximations and assumptions in calculations. This is due to the lack, in life cycle databases (e.g. Ecoinvent, Thinkstep, and ELCD), of datasets about the specific technologies employed in the stone production chain. For example, databases do not contain information about diamond wires, chains or explosives, materials commonly used in quarries and transformation plants. The project presented in this paper aims to populate the life cycle databases with specific data of specific stone processes. To this goal, the methodology follows the standardized approach of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), according to the requirements of UNI 14040-14044 and to the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook guidelines of the European Commission. The study analyses the processes of the entire production chain (from-cradle-to-gate system boundaries), including the extraction of benches, the cutting of blocks into slabs/tiles and the surface finishing. Primary data have been collected in Italian quarries and transformation plants which use technologies representative of the current state-of-the-art. Since the technologies vary according to the hardness of the stone, the case studies comprehend both soft stones (marbles) and hard stones (gneiss). In particular, data about energy, materials and emissions were collected in marble basins of Carrara and in Beola and Serizzo basins located in the province of Verbano Cusio Ossola. Data were then elaborated through an appropriate software to build a life cycle model. The model was realized setting free parameters that allow an easy adaptation to specific productions. Through this model, the study aims to boost the direct participation of stone companies and encourage the use of LCA tool to assess and improve the stone sector environmental sustainability. At the same time, the realization of accurate Life Cycle Inventory data aims at making available, to researchers and stone experts, ILCD compliant datasets of the most significant processes and technologies related to the ornamental stone sector.

Keywords: life cycle assessment, LCA datasets, ornamental stone, stone environmental impact

Procedia PDF Downloads 233
25735 The Legal Procedure of Attestation of Public Servants

Authors: Armen Yezekyan


The main purpose of this research is to comprehensively explore and identify the problems of attestation of the public servants and to propose solutions for these issues through deeply analyzing laws and the legal theoretical literature. For the detailed analysis of the above-mentioned problems we will use some research methods, the implementation of which has a goal to ensure the objectivity and clarity of scientific research and its results.

Keywords: attestation, attestation commission, competition commission, public servant, public service, testing

Procedia PDF Downloads 414
25734 The Intense Fascination of Ancient Egypt: A Cross-Cultural Phenomenological Study

Authors: Patrick Andrew McCoy


The intense fascination with ancient Egypt has persisted for thousands of years and across cultures globally, known popularly as Egyptomania,’ ‘Tutmania,’ ‘Mummymania,’ and ‘Orientalism. A review of the literature indicates psychological themes for its behavior are curiosity, escapism, existentialism, religiosity and spirituality, and cultural, racial, and ethnic identity. A mixed-methods study is initiated with established tools to explore these themes and discover additional motivators. Objectives: The purpose of the study is to explore the themes underlying the intense fascination of ancient Egypt. The abstract themes of the fascination of ancient Egypt are cross-cultural phenomena that motivate people in their interactions with other cultures. These interactions have both been beneficial and combative. Methodology: A mixed methods research study is designed where quantitative (QUAN) survey of participants’ strong fascination with ancient Egypt, within psychological themes derived from a review of the literature. The qualitative (QUAL) survey consists of open-ended questions to explore participants’ exposure to ancient Egypt that may have influenced their fascination and their behaviors resulting from the phenomenon. The themes are explored in QUAN data and QUAL data to discover what themes are established and inferred the psychological motivations of the phenomenon. Main Contributions: This study will provide more information on several scientific disciplines, including psychology, anthropology, Egyptology, and tourism. This study seeks to benefit the tourism industry for not only in Egypt but hopefully with generalizability of cultural tourist industries in other countries.

Keywords: cross-cultural psychology, international psychology, mixed-methods, identity, ancient Egypt, phenomenology, escapism, curiosity, existentialism, religiosity, spirituality

Procedia PDF Downloads 130
25733 Effects of pH, Load Capacity and Contact Time in the Sulphate Sorption onto a Functionalized Mesoporous Structure

Authors: Jaime Pizarro, Ximena Castillo


The intensive use of water in agriculture, industry, human consumption and increasing pollution are factors that reduce the availability of water for future generations; the challenge is to advance in sustainable and low-cost solutions to reuse water and to facilitate the availability of the resource in quality and quantity. The use of new low-cost materials with sorbent capacity for pollutants is a solution that contributes to the improvement and expansion of water treatment and reuse systems. Fly ash, a residue from the combustion of coal in power plants that is produced in large quantities in newly industrialized countries, contains a high amount of silicon oxides and aluminum oxides, whose properties can be used for the synthesis of mesoporous materials. Properly functionalized, this material allows obtaining matrixes with high sorption capacity. The mesoporous materials have a large surface area, thermal and mechanical stability, uniform porous structure, and high sorption and functionalization capacities. The goal of this study was to develop hexagonal mesoporous siliceous material (HMS) for the adsorption of sulphate from industrial and mining waters. The silica was extracted from fly ash after calcination at 850 ° C, followed by the addition of water. The mesoporous structure has a surface area of 282 m2 g-1 and a size of 5.7 nm and was functionalized with ethylene diamine through of a self-assembly method. The material was characterized by Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS). The capacity of sulphate sorption was evaluated according to pH, maximum load capacity and contact time. The sulphate maximum adsorption capacity was 146.1 mg g-1, which is three times higher than commercial sorbents. The kinetic data were fitted according to a pseudo-second order model with a high coefficient of linear regression at different initial concentrations. The adsorption isotherm that best fitted the experimental data was the Freundlich model.

Keywords: fly ash, mesoporous siliceous, sorption, sulphate

Procedia PDF Downloads 157
25732 A Methodology for Investigating Public Opinion Using Multilevel Text Analysis

Authors: William Xiu Shun Wong, Myungsu Lim, Yoonjin Hyun, Chen Liu, Seongi Choi, Dasom Kim, Kee-Young Kwahk, Namgyu Kim


Recently, many users have begun to frequently share their opinions on diverse issues using various social media. Therefore, numerous governments have attempted to establish or improve national policies according to the public opinions captured from various social media. In this paper, we indicate several limitations of the traditional approaches to analyze public opinion on science and technology and provide an alternative methodology to overcome these limitations. First, we distinguish between the science and technology analysis phase and the social issue analysis phase to reflect the fact that public opinion can be formed only when a certain science and technology is applied to a specific social issue. Next, we successively apply a start list and a stop list to acquire clarified and interesting results. Finally, to identify the most appropriate documents that fit with a given subject, we develop a new logical filter concept that consists of not only mere keywords but also a logical relationship among the keywords. This study then analyzes the possibilities for the practical use of the proposed methodology thorough its application to discover core issues and public opinions from 1,700,886 documents comprising SNS, blogs, news, and discussions.

Keywords: big data, social network analysis, text mining, topic modeling

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25731 Cryptographic Protocol for Secure Cloud Storage

Authors: Luvisa Kusuma, Panji Yudha Prakasa


Cloud storage, as a subservice of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) in Cloud Computing, is the model of nerworked storage where data can be stored in server. In this paper, we propose a secure cloud storage system consisting of two main components; client as a user who uses the cloud storage service and server who provides the cloud storage service. In this system, we propose the protocol schemes to guarantee against security attacks in the data transmission. The protocols are login protocol, upload data protocol, download protocol, and push data protocol, which implement hybrid cryptographic mechanism based on data encryption before it is sent to the cloud, so cloud storage provider does not know the user's data and cannot analysis user’s data, because there is no correspondence between data and user.

Keywords: cloud storage, security, cryptographic protocol, artificial intelligence

Procedia PDF Downloads 358
25730 Decentralized Data Marketplace Framework Using Blockchain-Based Smart Contract

Authors: Meshari Aljohani, Stephan Olariu, Ravi Mukkamala


Data is essential for enhancing the quality of life. Its value creates chances for users to profit from data sales and purchases. Users in data marketplaces, however, must share and trade data in a secure and trusted environment while maintaining their privacy. The first main contribution of this paper is to identify enabling technologies and challenges facing the development of decentralized data marketplaces. The second main contribution is to propose a decentralized data marketplace framework based on blockchain technology. The proposed framework enables sellers and buyers to transact with more confidence. Using a security deposit, the system implements a unique approach for enforcing honesty in data exchange among anonymous individuals. Before the transaction is considered complete, the system has a time frame. As a result, users can submit disputes to the arbitrators which will review them and respond with their decision. Use cases are presented to demonstrate how these technologies help data marketplaces handle issues and challenges.

Keywords: blockchain, data, data marketplace, smart contract, reputation system

Procedia PDF Downloads 159
25729 Reading Out of Curiosity: Making Undergraduates Competent in English

Authors: Ruwan Gunawardane


Second language teaching and learning is a complex process in which various factors are identified as having a negative impact on the competency in English among undergraduates of Sri Lanka. One such issue is the lack of intrinsic motivation among them to learn English despite the fact that they all know the importance of English. This study attempted to ascertain how the intrinsic motivation of undergraduates to learn English can be improved through reading out of curiosity. Humans are curious by nature, and cognitive psychology says that curiosity facilitates learning, memory, and motivation. The researcher carried out this study during the closure of universities due to the outbreak of the coronavirus through ‘Online Reading Café’, an online reading programme introduced by himself. He invited 1166 students of the Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, to read 50 articles taken from CNN and the BBC and posted at least two to three articles on the LMS of the faculty almost every day over a period of 23 days. The themes of the articles were based on the universe, exploration of planets, scientific experiments, evolution, etc., and the students were encouraged to collect as many words, phrases, and sentence structures as possible while reading and to form meaningful sentences using them. The data obtained through the students’ feedback was qualitatively analyzed. It was found that these undergraduates were interested in reading something out of curiosity, due to which intrinsic motivation is enhanced, and it facilitates competence in L2.

Keywords: English, competence, reading, curiosity

Procedia PDF Downloads 138
25728 Manodharmam: A Scientific Methodology for Improvisation and Cognition in Carnatic Music

Authors: Raghavi Janaswamy, Saraswathi K. Vasudev


Music is ubiquitous in human lives. Ever since the fetus hears the sound inside the mother’s womb and later upon birth, the baby experiences alluring sounds, the curiosity of learning emanates and evokes exploration. Music is an education than mere entertainment. The intricate balance between music, education, and entertainment has well been recognized by the scientific community and is being explored as a viable tool to understand and improve human cognition. There are seven basic swaras (notes) Sa, Ri, Ga, Ma, Pa, Da, and Ni in the Carnatic music system that are analogous to C, D, E, F, G, A, and B of the western system. The Carnatic music builds on the conscious use of microtones, gamakams (oscillation), and rendering styles that evolved over centuries and established its stance. The complex but erudite raga system has been designed with elaborate experiments on srutis (musical sounds) and human perception abilities. In parallel, ‘rasa’- the emotions evoked by certain srutis and hence the ragas been solidified along with the power of language in combination with the musical sounds. The Carnatic music branches out as Kalpita sangeetam (pre-composed music) and Manodharma sangeetam (improvised music). This article explores the Manodharma sangeetam and its subdivisions such as raga alapana, swara kalpana, neraval, and ragam-tanam-pallavi (RTP). The intrinsic mathematical strategies in it’s practice methods toward improvising the music have been explored in detail with concert examples. The techniques on swara weaving for swara kalpana rendering and methods on the alapana development are also discussed at length with an emphasis on the impact on the human cognitive abilities. The articulation of the outlined conscious practice methods not only helps to leave a long-lasting melodic impression on the listeners but also onsets cognitive developments.

Keywords: Carnatic, Manodharmam, music cognition, Alapana

Procedia PDF Downloads 204
25727 Enhancing Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Uptake and Continuation among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Busia District East Central Uganda

Authors: Jameson Mirimu, Edward Mawejje, Ibra Twinomujuni


Introduction: Adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) are a vulnerable category whose risk of acquiring HIV is 20 times compared to the general population accounting for 25% of the new infections. Despite proven scientific evidence of preventing HIV acquisition, Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PreP) is less used as one of the biomedical interventions among the AGYW. By 2020, only 31000-32000 of the targeted 90,000 persons in Uganda enrolled on Oral PreP LPHS-EC project employed a combination of Expanded Peer Outreach Approach (EPOA) and Effective client follow-up to increase PreP initiation (PrEP_NEW) and continuation for more than three months (PrEP_CT). Method: Quantitatively, data from National Key population Combination tracker retrospectively analyzed by M&E, focused group discussion with AGYWs and Health care workers to identify barriers. Barriers found; hesitancy of AGYW, misconceptions about Oral PrEP, inadequate knowledge and skills in handling adolescent and Data quality issues. To address the mentioned barriers, youth friendly corners initiated in study sites, identified PrEP Champions among the AGYW, oral PrEP dialogues, group Antenatal counselling, CQI Projects initiated, weekly perfomance meetings to track performance. Results: Routine program data review PrEP_NEW and PrEP_CT increased from 5% (4/80) and 4% (2/54), respectively, in July 2022 to 90% (72/80) and 79% (43/54) respectively for PrEP_NEW and PrEP_CT at the end of March 2023. Lessons Learnt: Demystifying misconception about oral Prep through provision of adequate information by involving health care workers through skills enhancement, CQI projects are critical intervention. Conclusion: With improved safe spaces, skills enhancement of health workers, stakeholders’ engagement through Oral Prep dialogues is critical in improving PreP uptake and continuity among the AGYWS.

Keywords: prep, uptake, continuation, AGYW

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25726 A Research Review on the Presence of Pesticide Residues in Apples Carried out in Poland in the Years 1980-2015

Authors: Bartosz Piechowicz, Stanislaw Sadlo, Przemyslaw Grodzicki, Magdalena Podbielska


Apples are popular fruits. They are eaten freshly and/or after processing. For instance Golden Delicious is an apple variety commonly used in production of foods for babies and toddlers. It is no wonder that complex analyses of the pesticide residue levels in those fruits have been carried out since eighties, and continued for the next years up to now. The results obtained were presented, usually as a teamwork, at the scientific sessions organised by the (IOR) Institute of Plant Protection-National Research Institute in Poznań and published in Scientific Works of the Institute (now Progress in Plant Protection/ Postępy w Ochronie Roślin) or Journal of Plant Protection Research, and in many non-periodical publications. These reports included studies carried out by IOR Laboratories in Poznań, Sośnicowice, Rzeszów and Bialystok. First detailed studies on the presence of pesticide residues in apple fruits by the laboratory in Rzeszów were published in 1991 in the article entitled 'The presence of pesticides in apples of late varieties from the area of south-eastern Poland in the years 1986-1989', in Annals of National Institute of Hygiene in Warsaw. These surveys gave the scientific base for business contacts between the Polish company Alima and the American company Gerber. At the beginning of XXI century, in Poland, systematic and complex studies on the deposition of pesticide residues in apples were initiated. First of all, the levels of active ingredients of plant protection products applied against storage diseases at 2-3 weeks before the harvest were determined. It is known that the above mentioned substances usually generate the highest residue levels. Also, the assessment of the fungicide residues in apples during their storage in controlled atmosphere and during their processing was carried out. Taking into account the need of actualisation the Maximum Residue Levels of pesticides, in force in Poland and in other European countries, and rationalisation of the ways of their determination, a lot of field tests on the behaviour of more important fungicides on the mature fruits just before their harvesting, were carried out. A rate of their disappearance and mathematical equation that showed the relationship between the residue level of any substance and the used dose, have been determined. The two parameters have allowed to evaluate the Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) of pesticides, which were in force at that time, and to propose a coherent model of their determination in respect to the new substances. The obtained results were assessed in terms of the health risk for adult consumers and children, and to such determination of terms of treatment that mature apples could meet the rigorous level of 0.01 mg/kg.

Keywords: apple, disappearance, health risk, MRL, pesticide residue, research

Procedia PDF Downloads 275
25725 Corpus Stylistics and Multidimensional Analysis for English for Specific Purposes Teaching and Assessment

Authors: Svetlana Strinyuk, Viacheslav Lanin


Academic English has become lingua franca for international scientific community which stimulates universities to introduce English for Specific Purposes (EAP) courses into curriculum. Teaching L2 EAP students might be fulfilled with corpus technologies and digital stylistics. A special software developed to reach the manifold task of teaching, assessing and researching academic writing of L2 students on basis of digital stylistics and multidimensional analysis was created. A set of annotations (style markers) – grammar, lexical and syntactic features most significant of academic writing was built. Contrastive comparison of two corpora “model corpus”, subject domain limited papers published by competent writers in leading academic journals, and “students’ corpus”, subject domain limited papers written by last year students allows to receive data about the features of academic writing underused or overused by L2 EAP student. Both corpora are tagged with a special software created in GATE Developer. Style markers within the framework of research might be replaced depending on the relevance and validity of the result which is achieved from research corpora. Thus, selecting relevant (high frequency) style markers and excluding less relevant, i.e. less frequent annotations, high validity of the model is achieved. Software allows to compare the data received from processing model corpus to students’ corpus and get reports which can be used in teaching and assessment. The less deviation from the model corpus students demonstrates in their writing the higher is academic writing skill acquisition. The research showed that several style markers (hedging devices) were underused by L2 EAP students whereas lexical linking devices were used excessively. A special software implemented into teaching of EAP courses serves as a successful visual aid, makes assessment more valid; it is indicative of the degree of writing skill acquisition, and provides data for further research.

Keywords: corpus technologies in EAP teaching, multidimensional analysis, GATE Developer, corpus stylistics

Procedia PDF Downloads 202
25724 Predictive Modelling Approach to Identify Spare Parts Inventory Obsolescence

Authors: Madhu Babu Cherukuri, Tamoghna Ghosh


Factory supply chain management spends billions of dollars every year to procure and manage equipment spare parts. Due to technology -and processes changes some of these spares become obsolete/dead inventory. Factories have huge dead inventory worth millions of dollars accumulating over time. This is due to lack of a scientific methodology to identify them and send the inventory back to the suppliers on a timely basis. The standard approach followed across industries to deal with this is: if a part is not used for a set pre-defined period of time it is declared dead. This leads to accumulation of dead parts over time and these parts cannot be sold back to the suppliers as it is too late as per contract agreement. Our main idea is the time period for identifying a part as dead cannot be a fixed pre-defined duration across all parts. Rather, it should depend on various properties of the part like historical consumption pattern, type of part, how many machines it is being used in, whether it- is a preventive maintenance part etc. We have designed a predictive algorithm which predicts part obsolescence well in advance with reasonable accuracy and which can help save millions.

Keywords: obsolete inventory, machine learning, big data, supply chain analytics, dead inventory

Procedia PDF Downloads 319
25723 Research on Internet Attention of Tourism and Marketing Strategy in Northeast Sichuan Economic Zone in China Based on Baidu Index

Authors: Chuanqiao Zheng, Wei Zeng, Haozhen Lin


As of March 2020, the number of Chinese netizens has reached 904 million. The proportion of Internet users accessing the Internet through mobile phones is as high as 99.3%. Under the background of 'Internet +', tourists have a stronger sense of independence in the choice of tourism destinations and tourism products. Tourists are more inclined to learn about the relevant information on tourism destinations and other tourists' evaluations of tourist products through the Internet. The search engine, as an integrated platform that contains a wealth of information, is highly valuable to the analysis of the characteristics of the Internet attention given to various tourism destinations, through big data mining and analysis. This article uses the Baidu Index as the data source, which is one of the products of Baidu Search. The Baidu Index is based on big data, which collects and shares the search results of a large number of Internet users on the Baidu search engine. The big data used in this article includes search index, demand map, population profile, etc. The main research methods used are: (1) based on the search index, analyzing the Internet attention given to the tourism in five cities in Northeast Sichuan at different times, so as to obtain the overall trend and individual characteristics of tourism development in the region; (2) based on the demand map and the population profile, analyzing the demographic characteristics and market positioning of the tourist groups in these cities to understand the characteristics and needs of the target groups; (3) correlating the Internet attention data with the permanent population of each province in China in the corresponding to construct the Boston matrix of the Internet attention rate of the Northeast Sichuan tourism, obtain the tourism target markets, and then propose development strategies for different markets. The study has found that: a) the Internet attention given to the tourism in the region can be categorized into tourist off-season and peak season; the Internet attention given to tourism in different cities is quite different. b) tourists look for information including tour guide information, ticket information, traffic information, weather information, and information on the competing tourism cities; with regard to the population profile, the main group of potential tourists searching for the keywords of tourism in the five prefecture-level cities in Northeast Sichuan are youth. The male to female ratio is about 6 to 4, with males being predominant. c) through the construction of the Boston matrix, it is concluded that the star market for tourism in the Northeast Sichuan Economic Zone includes Sichuan and Shaanxi; the cash cows market includes Hainan and Ningxia; the question market includes Jiangsu and Shanghai; the dog market includes Hubei and Jiangxi. The study concludes with the following planning strategies and recommendations: i) creating a diversified business format that integrates cultural and tourism; ii) creating a brand image of niche tourism; iii) focusing on the development of tourism products; iv) innovating composite three-dimensional marketing channels.

Keywords: Baidu Index, big data, internet attention, tourism

Procedia PDF Downloads 123
25722 Discussion on Big Data and One of Its Early Training Application

Authors: Fulya Gokalp Yavuz, Mark Daniel Ward


This study focuses on a contemporary and inevitable topic of Data Science and its exemplary application for early career building: Big Data and Leaving Learning Community (LLC). ‘Academia’ and ‘Industry’ have a common sense on the importance of Big Data. However, both of them are in a threat of missing the training on this interdisciplinary area. Some traditional teaching doctrines are far away being effective on Data Science. Practitioners needs some intuition and real-life examples how to apply new methods to data in size of terabytes. We simply explain the scope of Data Science training and exemplified its early stage application with LLC, which is a National Science Foundation (NSF) founded project under the supervision of Prof. Ward since 2014. Essentially, we aim to give some intuition for professors, researchers and practitioners to combine data science tools for comprehensive real-life examples with the guides of mentees’ feedback. As a result of discussing mentoring methods and computational challenges of Big Data, we intend to underline its potential with some more realization.

Keywords: Big Data, computation, mentoring, training

Procedia PDF Downloads 363
25721 Changing Geomorphosites in a Changing Lake: How Environmental Changes in Urmia Lake Have Been Driving Vanishing or Creating of Geomorphosites

Authors: D. Mokhtari


Any variation in environmental characteristics of geomorphosites would lead to destabilisation of their geotouristic values all around the planet. The Urmia lake, with an area of approximately 5,500 km2 and a catchment area of 51,876 km2, and to which various reasons over time, especially in the last fifty years have seen a sharp decline and have decreased by about 93 % in two recent decades. These variations are not only driving significant changes in the morphology and ecology of the present lake landscape, but at the same time are shaping newly formed morphologies, which vanished some valuable geomorphosites or develop into smaller geomorphosites with significant value from a scientific and cultural point of view. This paper analyses and discusses features and evolution in several representative coastal and island geomorphosites. For this purpose, a total of 23 geomorphosites were studied in two data series (1963 and 2015) and the respective data were compared and analysed. The results showed, The total loss in geomorphosites area in a half century amounted to a loss of more than 90% of the valuable geomorphosites. Moreover, the comparison between the mean yearly value of coastal area lost over the entire period and the yearly average calculated for the shorter period (1998-2014) clearly indicates a pattern of acceleration. This acceleration in the rate of reduction in lake area was seen in most of the southern half of the lake. In the region as well, the general water-level falling is not only causing the loss of a significant water resource, which is followed by major impact on regional ecosystems, but is also driving the most marked recent (last century) changes in the geotouristic landscapes. In fact, the disappearance of geomorphosites means the loss of tourism phenomenon. In this context attention must be paid to the question of conservation. The action needed to safeguard geomorphosites includes: 1) Preventive action, 2) Corrective action, and 3) Sharing knowledge.

Keywords: geomorphosite, environmental changes, changing lake, Urmia lake, northwest of Iran

Procedia PDF Downloads 378
25720 Enriching Interaction in the Classroom Based on Typologies of Experiments and Mathematization in Physics Teaching

Authors: Olga Castiblanco, Diego Vizcaíno


Changing the traditional way of using experimentation in science teaching is quite a challenge. This research results talk about the characterization of physics experiments, not because of the topic it deals with, nor depending on the material used in the assemblies, but related to the possibilities it offers to enrich interaction in the classroom and thereby contribute to the development of scientific thinking skills. It is an action-research of type intervention in the classroom, with four courses of Physics Teaching undergraduate students from a public university in Bogotá. This process allows characterizing typologies such as discrepant, homemade, illustrative, research, recreational, crucial, mental, and virtual experiments. Students' production and researchers' reports on each class were the most relevant data. Content analysis techniques let to categorize the information and obtain results on the richness that each typology of experiment offers when interacting in the classroom. Results show changes in the comprehension of new teachers' role, far from being the possessor and transmitter of the truth. Besides, they understand strategies to engage students effectively since the class advances extending ideas, reflections, debates, and questions, either towards themselves, their classmates, or the teacher.

Keywords: physics teacher training, non-traditional experimentation, contextualized education, didactics of physics

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25719 Towards a Secure Storage in Cloud Computing

Authors: Mohamed Elkholy, Ahmed Elfatatry


Cloud computing has emerged as a flexible computing paradigm that reshaped the Information Technology map. However, cloud computing brought about a number of security challenges as a result of the physical distribution of computational resources and the limited control that users have over the physical storage. This situation raises many security challenges for data integrity and confidentiality as well as authentication and access control. This work proposes a security mechanism for data integrity that allows a data owner to be aware of any modification that takes place to his data. The data integrity mechanism is integrated with an extended Kerberos authentication that ensures authorized access control. The proposed mechanism protects data confidentiality even if data are stored on an untrusted storage. The proposed mechanism has been evaluated against different types of attacks and proved its efficiency to protect cloud data storage from different malicious attacks.

Keywords: access control, data integrity, data confidentiality, Kerberos authentication, cloud security

Procedia PDF Downloads 335
25718 CompPSA: A Component-Based Pairwise RNA Secondary Structure Alignment Algorithm

Authors: Ghada Badr, Arwa Alturki


The biological function of an RNA molecule depends on its structure. The objective of the alignment is finding the homology between two or more RNA secondary structures. Knowing the common functionalities between two RNA structures allows a better understanding and a discovery of other relationships between them. Besides, identifying non-coding RNAs -that is not translated into a protein- is a popular application in which RNA structural alignment is the first step A few methods for RNA structure-to-structure alignment have been developed. Most of these methods are partial structure-to-structure, sequence-to-structure, or structure-to-sequence alignment. Less attention is given in the literature to the use of efficient RNA structure representation and the structure-to-structure alignment methods are lacking. In this paper, we introduce an O(N2) Component-based Pairwise RNA Structure Alignment (CompPSA) algorithm, where structures are given as a component-based representation and where N is the maximum number of components in the two structures. The proposed algorithm compares the two RNA secondary structures based on their weighted component features rather than on their base-pair details. Extensive experiments are conducted illustrating the efficiency of the CompPSA algorithm when compared to other approaches and on different real and simulated datasets. The CompPSA algorithm shows an accurate similarity measure between components. The algorithm gives the flexibility for the user to align the two RNA structures based on their weighted features (position, full length, and/or stem length). Moreover, the algorithm proves scalability and efficiency in time and memory performance.

Keywords: alignment, RNA secondary structure, pairwise, component-based, data mining

Procedia PDF Downloads 459
25717 Application of Latent Class Analysis and Self-Organizing Maps for the Prediction of Treatment Outcomes for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Authors: Ben Clapperton, Daniel Stahl, Kimberley Goldsmith, Trudie Chalder


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a condition characterised by chronic disabling fatigue and other symptoms that currently can't be explained by any underlying medical condition. Although clinical trials support the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), the success rate for individual patients is modest. Patients vary in their response and little is known which factors predict or moderate treatment outcomes. The aim of the project is to develop a prediction model from baseline characteristics of patients, such as demographics, clinical and psychological variables, which may predict likely treatment outcome and provide guidance for clinical decision making and help clinicians to recommend the best treatment. The project is aimed at identifying subgroups of patients with similar baseline characteristics that are predictive of treatment effects using modern cluster analyses and data mining machine learning algorithms. The characteristics of these groups will then be used to inform the types of individuals who benefit from a specific treatment. In addition, results will provide a better understanding of for whom the treatment works. The suitability of different clustering methods to identify subgroups and their response to different treatments of CFS patients is compared.

Keywords: chronic fatigue syndrome, latent class analysis, prediction modelling, self-organizing maps

Procedia PDF Downloads 226
25716 Content Analysis of Video Translations: Examining the Linguistic and Thematic Approach by Translator Abdullah Khrief on the X Platform

Authors: Easa Almustanyir


This study investigates the linguistic and thematic approach of translator Abdullah Khrief in the context of video translations on the X platform. The sample comprises 15 videos from Khrief's account, covering diverse content categories like science, religion, social issues, personal experiences, lifestyle, and culture. The analysis focuses on two aspects: language usage and thematic representation. Regarding language, the study examines the prevalence of English while considering the inclusion of French and German content, highlighting Khrief's multilingual versatility and ability to navigate cultural nuances. Thematically, the study explores the diverse range of topics covered, encompassing scientific, religious, social, and personal narratives, underscoring Khrief's broad subject matter expertise and commitment to knowledge dissemination. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative data analysis with qualitative content analysis. Statistical data on video languages, presenter genders, and content categories are analyzed, and a thorough content analysis assesses translation accuracy, cultural appropriateness, and overall quality. Preliminary findings indicate a high level of professionalism and expertise in Khrief's translations. The absence of errors across the diverse range of videos establishes his credibility and trustworthiness. Furthermore, the accurate representation of cultural nuances and sensitive topics highlights Khrief's cultural sensitivity and commitment to preserving intended meanings and emotional resonance.

Keywords: audiovisual translation, linguistic versatility, thematic diversity, cultural sensitivity, content analysis, mixed-methods approach

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25715 A Proposed Optimized and Efficient Intrusion Detection System for Wireless Sensor Network

Authors: Abdulaziz Alsadhan, Naveed Khan


In recent years intrusions on computer network are the major security threat. Hence, it is important to impede such intrusions. The hindrance of such intrusions entirely relies on its detection, which is primary concern of any security tool like Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Therefore, it is imperative to accurately detect network attack. Numerous intrusion detection techniques are available but the main issue is their performance. The performance of IDS can be improved by increasing the accurate detection rate and reducing false positive. The existing intrusion detection techniques have the limitation of usage of raw data set for classification. The classifier may get jumble due to redundancy, which results incorrect classification. To minimize this problem, Principle Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) can be applied to transform raw features into principle features space and select the features based on their sensitivity. Eigen values can be used to determine the sensitivity. To further classify, the selected features greedy search, back elimination, and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) can be used to obtain a subset of features with optimal sensitivity and highest discriminatory power. These optimal feature subset used to perform classification. For classification purpose, Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) used due to its proven ability in classification. The Knowledge Discovery and Data mining (KDD’99) cup dataset was considered as a benchmark for evaluating security detection mechanisms. The proposed approach can provide an optimal intrusion detection mechanism that outperforms the existing approaches and has the capability to minimize the number of features and maximize the detection rates.

Keywords: Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Principle Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Local Binary Pattern (LBP), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)

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25714 From Parchment to Pixels: Digital Preservation for the Future

Authors: Abida Khatoon


This study provides an overview of ancient manuscripts, including their historical significance, current digital preservation methods, and the challenges we face in safeguarding these invaluable resources. India has a long-standing tradition of manuscript preservation, with texts that span a wide range of subjects, from religious scriptures to scientific treatises. These manuscripts were written on various materials, including palm leaves, parchment, metal, bark, wood, animal skin, and paper. These manuscripts offer a deep insight into India's cultural and intellectual history. Ancient manuscripts are crucial historical records, providing valuable insights into past civilizations and knowledge systems. As these physical documents become increasingly fragile, digital preservation methods have become essential to ensure their continued accessibility. Digital preservation involves several key techniques. Scanning and digitization create high-resolution digital images of manuscripts, while reprography produces copies to reduce wear on originals. Digital archiving ensures proper storage and management of these digital files, and preservation of electronic data addresses modern formats like web pages and emails. Despite its benefits, digital preservation faces several challenges. Technological obsolescence, data integrity issues, and the resource-intensive nature of the process are significant hurdles. Securing adequate funding is particularly challenging due to high initial costs and ongoing expenses. Looking ahead, the future of digital preservation is promising. Advancements in technology, increased collaboration among institutions, and the development of sustainable funding models will enhance the preservation and accessibility of these important historical documents.

Keywords: preservation strategies, Indian manuscript, cultural heritage, archiving

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25713 Understanding the Semantic Network of Tourism Studies in Taiwan by Using Bibliometrics Analysis

Authors: Chun-Min Lin, Yuh-Jen Wu, Ching-Ting Chung


The formulation of tourism policies requires objective academic research and evidence as support, especially research from local academia. Taiwan is a small island, and its economic growth relies heavily on tourism revenue. Taiwanese government has been devoting to the promotion of the tourism industry over the past few decades. Scientific research outcomes by Taiwanese scholars may and will help lay the foundations for drafting future tourism policy by the government. In this study, a total of 120 full journal articles published between 2008 and 2016 from the Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies (JTSL) were examined to explore the scientific research trend of tourism study in Taiwan. JTSL is one of the most important Taiwanese journals in the tourism discipline which focuses on tourism-related issues and uses traditional Chinese as the study language. The method of co-word analysis from bibliometrics approaches was employed for semantic analysis in this study. When analyzing Chinese words and phrases, word segmentation analysis is a crucial step. It must be carried out initially and precisely in order to obtain meaningful word or word chunks for further frequency calculation. A word segmentation system basing on N-gram algorithm was developed in this study to conduct semantic analysis, and 100 groups of meaningful phrases with the highest recurrent rates were located. Subsequently, co-word analysis was employed for semantic classification. The results showed that the themes of tourism research in Taiwan in recent years cover the scope of tourism education, environmental protection, hotel management, information technology, and senior tourism. The results can give insight on the related issues and serve as a reference for tourism-related policy making and follow-up research.

Keywords: bibliometrics, co-word analysis, word segmentation, tourism research, policy

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25712 Destruction of Coastal Wetlands in Harper City-Liberia: Setting Nature against the Future Society

Authors: Richard Adu Antwako


Coastal wetland destruction and its consequences have recently taken the center stage of global discussions. This phenomenon is no gray area to humanity as coastal wetland-human interaction seems inevitably ingrained in the earliest civilizations, amidst the demanding use of its resources to meet their necessities. The severity of coastal wetland destruction parallels with growing civilizations, and it is against this backdrop that, this paper interrogated the causes of coastal wetland destruction in Harper City in Liberia, compared the degree of coastal wetland stressors to the non-equilibrium thermodynamic scale as well as suggested an integrated coastal zone management to address the problems. Literature complemented the primary data gleaned via global positioning system devices, field observation, questionnaire, and interviews. Multi-sampling techniques were used to generate data from the sand miners, institutional heads, fisherfolk, community-based groups, and other stakeholders. Non-equilibrium thermodynamic theory remains vibrant in discerning the ecological stability, and it would be employed to further understand the coastal wetland destruction in Harper City, Liberia and to measure the coastal wetland stresses-amplitude and elasticity. The non-equilibrium thermodynamics postulates that the coastal wetlands are capable of assimilating resources (inputs), as well as discharging products (outputs). However, the input-output relationship exceedingly stretches beyond the thresholds of the coastal wetlands, leading to coastal wetland disequilibrium. Findings revealed that the sand mining, mangrove removal, and crude dumping have transformed the coastal wetlands, resulting in water pollution, flooding, habitat loss and disfigured beaches in Harper City in Liberia. This paper demonstrates that the coastal wetlands are converted into developmental projects and agricultural fields, thus, endangering the future society against nature.

Keywords: amplitude, crude dumping, elasticity, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, wetland destruction

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25711 Ontological Modeling Approach for Statistical Databases Publication in Linked Open Data

Authors: Bourama Mane, Ibrahima Fall, Mamadou Samba Camara, Alassane Bah


At the level of the National Statistical Institutes, there is a large volume of data which is generally in a format which conditions the method of publication of the information they contain. Each household or business data collection project includes a dissemination platform for its implementation. Thus, these dissemination methods previously used, do not promote rapid access to information and especially does not offer the option of being able to link data for in-depth processing. In this paper, we present an approach to modeling these data to publish them in a format intended for the Semantic Web. Our objective is to be able to publish all this data in a single platform and offer the option to link with other external data sources. An application of the approach will be made on data from major national surveys such as the one on employment, poverty, child labor and the general census of the population of Senegal.

Keywords: Semantic Web, linked open data, database, statistic

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25710 How Holton’s Thematic Analysis Can Help to Understand Why Fred Hoyle Never Accepted Big Bang Cosmology

Authors: Joao Barbosa


After an intense dispute between the big bang cosmology and its big rival, the steady-state cosmology, some important experimental observations, such as the determination of helium abundance in the universe and the discovery of the cosmic background radiation in the 1960s were decisive for the progressive and wide acceptance of big bang cosmology and the inevitable abandonment of steady-state cosmology. But, despite solid theoretical support and those solid experimental observations favorable to big bang cosmology, Fred Hoyle, one of the proponents of the steady-state and the main opponent of the idea of the big bang (which, paradoxically, himself he baptized), never gave up and continued to fight for the idea of a stationary (or quasi-stationary) universe until the end of his life, even after decades of widespread consensus around the big bang cosmology. We can try to understand this persistent attitude of Hoyle by applying Holton’s thematic analysis to cosmology. Holton recognizes in the scientific activity a dimension that, even unconscious or not assumed, is nevertheless very important in the work of scientists, in implicit articulation with the experimental and the theoretical dimensions of science. This is the thematic dimension, constituted by themata – concepts, methodologies, and hypotheses with a metaphysical, aesthetic, logical, or epistemological nature, associated both with the cultural context and the individual psychology of scientists. In practice, themata can be expressed through personal preferences and choices that guide the individual and collective work of scientists. Thematic analysis shows that big bang cosmology is mainly based on a set of themata consisting of evolution, finitude, life cycle, and change; the cosmology of the steady-state is based on opposite themata: steady-state, infinity, continuous existence, and constancy. The passionate controversy that these cosmological views carried out is part of an old cosmological opposition: the thematic opposition between an evolutionary view of the world (associated with Heraclitus) and a stationary view (associated with Parmenides). Personal preferences seem to have been important in this (thematic) controversy, and the thematic analysis that was developed shows that Hoyle is a very illustrative example of a life-long personal commitment to some themata, in this case to the opposite themata of the big bang cosmology. His struggle against the big bang idea was strongly based on philosophical and even religious reasons – which, in a certain sense and in a Holtonian perspective, is related to thematic preferences. In this personal and persistent struggle, Hoyle always refused the way how some experimental observations were considered decisive in favor of the big bang idea, arguing that the success of this idea is based on sociological and cultural prejudices. This Hoyle’s attitude is a personal thematic attitude, in which the acceptance or rejection of what is presented as proof or scientific fact is conditioned by themata: what is a proof or a scientific fact for one scientist is something yet to be established for another scientist who defends different or even opposites themata.

Keywords: cosmology, experimental observations, fred hoyle, interpretation, life-long personal commitment, Themata

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25709 Efficacy of Computer Mediated Power Point Presentations on Students' Learning Outcomes in Basic Science in Oyo State, Nigeria

Authors: Sunmaila Oyetunji Raimi, Olufemi Akinloye Bolaji, Abiodun Ezekiel Adesina


The lingering poor performance of students in basic science spells doom for a vibrant scientific and technological development which pivoted the economic, social and physical upliftment of any nation. This calls for identifying appropriate strategies for imparting basic science knowledge and attitudes to the teaming youths in secondary schools. This study, therefore, determined the impact of computer mediated power point presentations on students’ achievement in basic science in Oyo State, Nigeria. A pre-test, posttest, control group quazi-experimental design adopted for the study. Two hundred and five junior secondary two students selected using stratified random sampling technique participated in the study. Three research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. Two evaluative instruments – Students’ Basic Science Attitudes Scale (SBSAS, r = 0.91); Students’ Knowledge of Basic Science Test (SKBST, r = 0.82) were used for data collection. Descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics of ANCOVA, scheffe post-hoc test were used to analyse the data. The results indicated significant main effect of treatment on students cognitive (F(1,200)= 171.680; p < 0.05) and attitudinal (F(1,200)= 34.466; p < 0.05) achievement in Basic science with the experimental group having higher mean gain than the control group. Gender has significant main effect (F(1,200)= 23.382; p < 0.05) on students cognitive outcomes but not significant for attitudinal achievement in Basic science. The study therefore recommended among others that computer mediated power point presentations should be incorporated into curriculum methodology of Basic science in secondary schools.

Keywords: basic science, computer mediated power point presentations, gender, students’ achievement

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25708 The Role of Data Protection Officer in Managing Individual Data: Issues and Challenges

Authors: Nazura Abdul Manap, Siti Nur Farah Atiqah Salleh


For decades, the misuse of personal data has been a critical issue. Malaysia has accepted responsibility by implementing the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act 2010 to secure personal data (PDPA 2010). After more than a decade, this legislation is set to be revised by the current PDPA 2023 Amendment Bill to align with the world's key personal data protection regulations, such as the European Union General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Among the other suggested adjustments is the Data User's appointment of a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to ensure the commercial entity's compliance with the PDPA 2010 criteria. The change is expected to be enacted in parliament fairly soon; nevertheless, based on the experience of the Personal Data Protection Department (PDPD) in implementing the Act, it is projected that there will be a slew of additional concerns associated with the DPO mandate. Consequently, the goal of this article is to highlight the issues that the DPO will encounter and how the Personal Data Protection Department should respond to this subject. The study result was produced using a qualitative technique based on an examination of the current literature. This research reveals that there are probable obstacles experienced by the DPO, and thus, there should be a definite, clear guideline in place to aid DPO in executing their tasks. It is argued that appointing a DPO is a wise measure in ensuring that the legal data security requirements are met.

Keywords: guideline, law, data protection officer, personal data

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