Search results for: real estate price
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 6329

Search results for: real estate price

5279 Head-Mounted Displays for HCI Validations While Driving

Authors: D. Reich, R. Stark


To provide reliable and valid findings when evaluating innovative in-car devices in the automotive context highly realistic driving environments are recommended. Nowadays, in-car devices are mostly evaluated due to driving simulator studies followed by real car driving experiments. Driving simulators are characterized by high internal validity, but weak regarding ecological validity. Real car driving experiments are ecologically valid, but difficult to standardize, more time-robbing and costly. One economizing suggestion is to implement more immersive driving environments when applying driving simulator studies. This paper presents research comparing non-immersive standard PC conditions with mobile and highly immersive Oculus Rift conditions while performing the Lane Change Task (LCT). Subjective data with twenty participants show advantages regarding presence and immersion experience when performing the LCT with the Oculus Rift, but affect adversely cognitive workload and simulator sickness, compared to non-immersive PC condition.

Keywords: immersion, oculus rift, presence, situation awareness

Procedia PDF Downloads 190
5278 Adaption Model for Building Agile Pronunciation Dictionaries Using Phonemic Distance Measurements

Authors: Akella Amarendra Babu, Rama Devi Yellasiri, Natukula Sainath


Where human beings can easily learn and adopt pronunciation variations, machines need training before put into use. Also humans keep minimum vocabulary and their pronunciation variations are stored in front-end of their memory for ready reference, while machines keep the entire pronunciation dictionary for ready reference. Supervised methods are used for preparation of pronunciation dictionaries which take large amounts of manual effort, cost, time and are not suitable for real time use. This paper presents an unsupervised adaptation model for building agile and dynamic pronunciation dictionaries online. These methods mimic human approach in learning the new pronunciations in real time. A new algorithm for measuring sound distances called Dynamic Phone Warping is presented and tested. Performance of the system is measured using an adaptation model and the precision metrics is found to be better than 86 percent.

Keywords: pronunciation variations, dynamic programming, machine learning, natural language processing

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5277 Optimized Scheduling of Domestic Load Based on User Defined Constraints in a Real-Time Tariff Scenario

Authors: Madia Safdar, G. Amjad Hussain, Mashhood Ahmad


One of the major challenges of today’s era is peak demand which causes stress on the transmission lines and also raises the cost of energy generation and ultimately higher electricity bills to the end users, and it was used to be managed by the supply side management. However, nowadays this has been withdrawn because of existence of potential in the demand side management (DSM) having its economic and- environmental advantages. DSM in domestic load can play a vital role in reducing the peak load demand on the network provides a significant cost saving. In this paper the potential of demand response (DR) in reducing the peak load demands and electricity bills to the electric users is elaborated. For this purpose the domestic appliances are modeled in MATLAB Simulink and controlled by a module called energy management controller. The devices are categorized into controllable and uncontrollable loads and are operated according to real-time tariff pricing pattern instead of fixed time pricing or variable pricing. Energy management controller decides the switching instants of the controllable appliances based on the results from optimization algorithms. In GAMS software, the MILP (mixed integer linear programming) algorithm is used for optimization. In different cases, different constraints are used for optimization, considering the comforts, needs and priorities of the end users. Results are compared and the savings in electricity bills are discussed in this paper considering real time pricing and fixed tariff pricing, which exhibits the existence of potential to reduce electricity bills and peak loads in demand side management. It is seen that using real time pricing tariff instead of fixed tariff pricing helps to save in the electricity bills. Moreover the simulation results of the proposed energy management system show that the gained power savings lie in high range. It is anticipated that the result of this research will prove to be highly effective to the utility companies as well as in the improvement of domestic DR.

Keywords: controllable and uncontrollable domestic loads, demand response, demand side management, optimization, MILP (mixed integer linear programming)

Procedia PDF Downloads 303
5276 An ALM Matrix Completion Algorithm for Recovering Weather Monitoring Data

Authors: Yuqing Chen, Ying Xu, Renfa Li


The development of matrix completion theory provides new approaches for data gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). The existing matrix completion algorithms for WSN mainly consider how to reduce the sampling number without considering the real-time performance when recovering the data matrix. In order to guarantee the recovery accuracy and reduce the recovery time consumed simultaneously, we propose a new ALM algorithm to recover the weather monitoring data. A lot of experiments have been carried out to investigate the performance of the proposed ALM algorithm by using different parameter settings, different sampling rates and sampling models. In addition, we compare the proposed ALM algorithm with some existing algorithms in the literature. Experimental results show that the ALM algorithm can obtain better overall recovery accuracy with less computing time, which demonstrate that the ALM algorithm is an effective and efficient approach for recovering the real world weather monitoring data in WSN.

Keywords: wireless sensor network, matrix completion, singular value thresholding, augmented Lagrange multiplier

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5275 Effect of Different Diesel Fuels on Formation of the Cavitation Phenomena

Authors: Mohammadreza Nezamirad, Sepideh Amirahmadian, Nasim Sabetpour, Azadeh Yazdi, Amirmasoud Hamedi


Cavitation inside the diesel injector nozzle is investigated numerically in this study. Reynolds Stress Navier Stokes set of equations (RANS) are utilized to investigate flow behavior inside the nozzle numerically. Moreover, K-ε turbulent model is found to be a better approach comparing to K-ω turbulent model. Winklhofer rectangular shape nozzle is also simulated in order to verify the current numerical scheme, and with, mass flow rate approach, the current solution is verified. Afterward, a six-hole real-size nozzle was simulated, and it was found that among different fuels used in this study with the same condition, diesel fuel provides the largest length of cavitation. Also, it was found that at the same boundary condition, RME fuel leads to the highest value of discharge coefficient and mass flow rate.

Keywords: cavitation, diesel fuel, CFD, real size nozzle, discharge coefficient

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5274 A Real-Time Moving Object Detection and Tracking Scheme and Its Implementation for Video Surveillance System

Authors: Mulugeta K. Tefera, Xiaolong Yang, Jian Liu


Detection and tracking of moving objects are very important in many application contexts such as detection and recognition of people, visual surveillance and automatic generation of video effect and so on. However, the task of detecting a real shape of an object in motion becomes tricky due to various challenges like dynamic scene changes, presence of shadow, and illumination variations due to light switch. For such systems, once the moving object is detected, tracking is also a crucial step for those applications that used in military defense, video surveillance, human computer interaction, and medical diagnostics as well as in commercial fields such as video games. In this paper, an object presents in dynamic background is detected using adaptive mixture of Gaussian based analysis of the video sequences. Then the detected moving object is tracked using the region based moving object tracking and inter-frame differential mechanisms to address the partial overlapping and occlusion problems. Firstly, the detection algorithm effectively detects and extracts the moving object target by enhancing and post processing morphological operations. Secondly, the extracted object uses region based moving object tracking and inter-frame difference to improve the tracking speed of real-time moving objects in different video frames. Finally, the plotting method was applied to detect the moving objects effectively and describes the object’s motion being tracked. The experiment has been performed on image sequences acquired both indoor and outdoor environments and one stationary and web camera has been used.

Keywords: background modeling, Gaussian mixture model, inter-frame difference, object detection and tracking, video surveillance

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5273 Beyond Typical Textbooks: Adapting Authentic Materials for Engaged Learning in the ELT Classroom

Authors: Fatemeh Miraki


The use of authentic materials in English Language Teaching (ELT) has become increasingly prominent as educators recognize the value of exposing learners to real-world language use and cultural contexts. The integration of authentic materials in ELT aligns with the understanding that language learning is most effective when situated within authentic contexts (Richards & Rodgers, 2001). Tomlinson (1998) highlights the significance of authentic materials in ELT by research indicating that they offer learners exposure to genuine language use and cultural contexts. Tomlinson's work emphasizes the importance of creating meaningful learning experiences through the use of authentic materials. Research by Dörnyei (2001) underscores the potential of authentic materials to enhance students' intrinsic motivation through their relevance to real-life language use. The goal of this review paper is to explore the use of authentic materials in English Language Teaching (ELT) and its impact on language learning. It also discusses best practices for selecting and integrating such authentic materials into ELT curriculum, highlighting the benefits and challenges of using authentic materials to enhance student engagement, motivation, and language proficiency. Drawing on current research and practical examples, this paper provides insights into how teachers can effectively navigate the world of authentic materials to create dynamic and meaningful learning experiences for 21st century ELT learners. The findings of this study advocates for a shift towards embracing authentic materials within the ELT classroom, acknowledging their profound impact on language proficiency, intercultural competence, and learner engagement. It showed the transformative potential of authentic materials, educators can undergo a vibrant and immersive language learning experience, enriched with real-world application and cultural authenticity.

Keywords: authentic materials, ELT Classroom, ELT curriculum, students’ engagement

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5272 Overexpression of CAS8 Enhances Necroptosis and Metastasis in Iranian Sporadic Colorectal Cancer

Authors: Sayed Ali Garossi, Azar Heidarizadi, Shahla Mohammad Ganji


Context: Colorectal cancer is the second type of cancer-related mortality globally. Expression of cas8 (caspase 8) is closely connected to growth and metastasis of colorectal cancer.Cas8/Rip1 plays a vital role in the apoptosis pathway and resistance to chemotherapy. The aim of the present study is to investigate the pattern of gene expression in colorectal cancer and compare the differences using Real-Time PCR to find a potential biomarker candidate for colorectal cancer. Methodology: This study conducted real-time PCR to evaluate gene expression of Cas8 in colorectal cancer patients. The gene-specific primer sequences exon–exon junction was designed by OLIGO7 software for the expression of the gene under investigation. Forty-six patient samples without any chemotherapy were selected, including tumoral tissue and adjacent normal tissue samples. The age of the patients was 50 and the size of the tumors was 5.5 cm. The categories were before and after age 50. Findings: Here, we found that Caspase 8 was overexpressed in CRC tissues compared to corresponding adjacent colon tissues (Cas8: 5.2 vs. 1 ratio); high expression of Cas8 was associated with poor overall survival and independent risk factors for the prognosis of CRC patients. Conclusion: In conclusion, our study pioneered the reporting of high Casp8 expression as a predictor of poor prognosis and chemical resistance in CRC patients.Cas8 overexpression suppressed Cas 8 / Rip1-dependent apoptosis and activated the proliferation of tumor cells by activating necroptosis. The necroptosis pathway has also emerged as a new approach to anti-tumor in cancer treatment.

Keywords: Cas8, necroptosis, apoptosis, Real-Time PCR

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5271 Climate Safe House: A Community Housing Project Tackling Catastrophic Sea Level Rise in Coastal Communities

Authors: Chris Fersterer, Col Fay, Tobias Danielmeier, Kat Achterberg, Scott Willis


New Zealand, an island nation, has an extensive coastline peppered with small communities of iconic buildings known as Bachs. Post WWII, these modest buildings were constructed by their owners as retreats and generally were small, low cost, often using recycled material and often they fell below current acceptable building standards. In the latter part of the 20th century, real estate prices in many of these communities remained low and these areas became permanent residences for people attracted to this affordable lifestyle choice. The Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust (BRCT) is an organisation that recognises the vulnerability of communities in low lying settlements as now being prone to increased flood threat brought about by climate change and sea level rise. Some of the inhabitants of Blueskin Bay, Otago, NZ have already found their properties to be un-insurable because of increased frequency of flood events and property values have slumped accordingly. Territorial authorities also acknowledge this increased risk and have created additional compliance measures for new buildings that are less than 2 m above tidal peaks. Community resilience becomes an additional concern where inhabitants are attracted to a lifestyle associated with a specific location and its people when this lifestyle is unable to be met in a suburban or city context. Traditional models of social housing fail to provide the sense of community connectedness and identity enjoyed by the current residents of Blueskin Bay. BRCT have partnered with the Otago Polytechnic Design School to design a new form of community housing that can react to this environmental change. It is a longitudinal project incorporating participatory approaches as a means of getting people ‘on board’, to understand complex systems and co-develop solutions. In the first period, they are seeking industry support and funding to develop a transportable and fully self-contained housing model that exploits current technologies. BRCT also hope that the building will become an educational tool to highlight climate change issues facing us today. This paper uses the Climate Safe House (CSH) as a case study for education in architectural sustainability through experiential learning offered as part of the Otago Polytechnics Bachelor of Design. Students engage with the project with research methodologies, including site surveys, resident interviews, data sourced from government agencies and physical modelling. The process involves collaboration across design disciplines including product and interior design but also includes connections with industry, both within the education institution and stakeholder industries introduced through BRCT. This project offers a rich learning environment where students become engaged through project based learning within a community of practice, including architecture, construction, energy and other related fields. The design outcomes are expressed in a series of public exhibitions and forums where community input is sought in a truly participatory process.

Keywords: community resilience, problem based learning, project based learning, case study

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5270 The Relationship between Renewable Energy, Real Income, Tourism and Air Pollution

Authors: Eyup Dogan


One criticism of the energy-growth-environment literature, to the best of our knowledge, is that only a few studies analyze the influence of tourism on CO₂ emissions even though tourism sector is closely related to the environment. The other criticism is the selection of methodology. Panel estimation techniques that fail to consider both heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence across countries can cause forecasting errors. To fulfill the mentioned gaps in the literature, this study analyzes the impacts of real GDP, renewable energy and tourism on the levels of carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions for the top 10 most-visited countries around the world. This study focuses on the top 10 touristic (most-visited) countries because they receive about the half of the worldwide tourist arrivals in late years and are among the top ones in 'Renewables Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI)'. By looking at Pesaran’s CD test and average growth rates of variables for each country, we detect the presence of cross-sectional dependence and heterogeneity. Hence, this study uses second generation econometric techniques (cross-sectionally augmented Dickey-Fuller (CADF), and cross-sectionally augmented IPS (CIPS) unit root test, the LM bootstrap cointegration test, and the DOLS and the FMOLS estimators) which are robust to the mentioned issues. Therefore, the reported results become accurate and reliable. It is found that renewable energy mitigates the pollution whereas real GDP and tourism contribute to carbon emissions. Thus, regulatory policies are necessary to increase the awareness of sustainable tourism. In addition, the use of renewable energy and the adoption of clean technologies in tourism sector as well as in producing goods and services play significant roles in reducing the levels of emissions.

Keywords: air pollution, tourism, renewable energy, income, panel data

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5269 Effective Financial Planning: A Study of Comprehensive Retirement Planning for Financial Independence

Authors: Stanley Yap, Chong Wei Ying, Leow Hon Wei


Purpose: In Malaysia, an effective financial planning is vital to accumulate wealth and financial independence. However, retirees are required to resume working due to insufficient pension fund. This study examines how the financial decision in retirement planning is being made based on the net worth from the household. Design/methodology/approach: This study uses financial data from a married working couple with children to evaluate their composition of financial position. Numerous financial methods are made pertaining to net worth analysis, insurance needs analysis, investment portfolio rebalancing, estate planning, education planning and retirement planning to enhance the financial decision. Findings: Our results show, firstly, financial planning is essential to achieve financial independence; secondly, insurance needs, education and retirement funding are the most significant for household. Thirdly, current resources are critical to maintain family lifestyle after retirement, emergency funds for critical illness, and the long term children education funding. Practical implications: Refer to the findings, sufficient net worth is priority in financial planning. Different suggestions for household include reduction of unnecessary expenses, re-allocate of cash flow, adequate insurance coverage and re-balancing of investment portfolios to accumulate wealth. It is a challenge to obtain financial independence, hence, there is a need to increase the literature on financial planning. Originality/value: To the best of our knowledge, this is the important paper that uses financial information from household to provide solutions to enhance the efficiency of financial planning industry.

Keywords: net worth, financial planning, wealth and financial independence, retirement planning

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5268 Low-Cost Parking Lot Mapping and Localization for Home Zone Parking Pilot

Authors: Hongbo Zhang, Xinlu Tang, Jiangwei Li, Chi Yan


Home zone parking pilot (HPP) is a fast-growing segment in low-speed autonomous driving applications. It requires the car automatically cruise around a parking lot and park itself in a range of up to 100 meters inside a recurrent home/office parking lot, which requires precise parking lot mapping and localization solution. Although Lidar is ideal for SLAM, the car OEMs favor a low-cost fish-eye camera based visual SLAM approach. Recent approaches have employed segmentation models to extract semantic features and improve mapping accuracy, but these AI models are memory unfriendly and computationally expensive, making deploying on embedded ADAS systems difficult. To address this issue, we proposed a new method that utilizes object detection models to extract robust and accurate parking lot features. The proposed method could reduce computational costs while maintaining high accuracy. Once combined with vehicles’ wheel-pulse information, the system could construct maps and locate the vehicle in real-time. This article will discuss in detail (1) the fish-eye based Around View Monitoring (AVM) with transparent chassis images as the inputs, (2) an Object Detection (OD) based feature point extraction algorithm to generate point cloud, (3) a low computational parking lot mapping algorithm and (4) the real-time localization algorithm. At last, we will demonstrate the experiment results with an embedded ADAS system installed on a real car in the underground parking lot.

Keywords: ADAS, home zone parking pilot, object detection, visual SLAM

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5267 Mobile Crowdsensing Scheme by Predicting Vehicle Mobility Using Deep Learning Algorithm

Authors: Monojit Manna, Arpan Adhikary


In Mobile cloud sensing across the globe, an emerging paradigm is selected by the user to compute sensing tasks. In urban cities current days, Mobile vehicles are adapted to perform the task of data sensing and data collection for universality and mobility. In this work, we focused on the optimality and mobile nodes that can be selected in order to collect the maximum amount of data from urban areas and fulfill the required data in the future period within a couple of minutes. We map out the requirement of the vehicle to configure the maximum data optimization problem and budget. The Application implementation is basically set up to generalize a realistic online platform in which real-time vehicles are moving apparently in a continuous manner. The data center has the authority to select a set of vehicles immediately. A deep learning-based scheme with the help of mobile vehicles (DLMV) will be proposed to collect sensing data from the urban environment. From the future time perspective, this work proposed a deep learning-based offline algorithm to predict mobility. Therefore, we proposed a greedy approach applying an online algorithm step into a subset of vehicles for an NP-complete problem with a limited budget. Real dataset experimental extensive evaluations are conducted for the real mobility dataset in Rome. The result of the experiment not only fulfills the efficiency of our proposed solution but also proves the validity of DLMV and improves the quantity of collecting the sensing data compared with other algorithms.

Keywords: mobile crowdsensing, deep learning, vehicle recruitment, sensing coverage, data collection

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5266 An Approach on Robust Multi Inversion of a Nonlinear Model for an Omni-Directional Mobile

Authors: Fernando P. Silva, Valter J. S. Leite, Erivelton G. Nepomuceno


In this paper, a nonlinear controller design for an omnidirectional mobile is presented. The robot controller consists of an inner-loop controller and an outer-loop controller, the first is designed using state feedback (robust allocation) and the second controller is designed based on Robust Multi Inversion (RMI) approach. The objective of RMI controller is rendering the robust inversion of the dynamic, when the model is affected by uncertainties. A model nonlinear MIMO of an omni-directional robot (small-league of Robocup) is used to simulate the RMI approach. The parameters of linear and nonlinear model are varied to cause modelling uncertainties among the model and the real model (real system) generating an error in inner-loop controller signal that must be compensated by RMI controller. The simulation test results show that the RMI is capable of compensating the uncertainties and keep the system stable and controlled under uncertainties.

Keywords: robust multi inversion, omni-directional robot, robocup, nonlinear control

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5265 Bridging the Gap between Problem and Solution Space with Domain-Driven Design

Authors: Anil Kumar, Lavisha Gupta


Domain-driven design (DDD) is a pivotal methodology in software development, emphasizing the understanding and modeling of core business domains to create effective solutions. This paper explores the significance of DDD in aligning software architecture with real-world domains, with a focus on its application within Siemens. We delve into the challenges faced by development teams in understanding domains and propose DDD as a solution to bridge the gap between problem and solution spaces. Key concepts of DDD, such as Ubiquitous Language, Bounded Contexts, Entities, Value Objects, and Aggregates, are discussed, along with their practical implications in software development. Through a real project example in the automatic generation of hardware and software plant engineering, we illustrate how DDD principles can transform complex domains into coherent and adaptable software solutions, echoing Siemens' commitment to excellence and innovation.

Keywords: domain-driven design, software architecture, ubiquitous language, bounded contexts, entities, value objects, aggregates

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5264 Parabolic Impact Law of High Frequency Exchanges on Price Formation in Commodities Market

Authors: L. Maiza, A. Cantagrel, M. Forestier, G. Laucoin, T. Regali


Evaluation of High Frequency Trading (HFT) impact on financial markets is very important for traders who use market analysis to detect winning transaction opportunity. Analysis of HFT data on tobacco commodity market is discussed here and interesting linear relationship has been shown between trading frequency and difference between averaged trading prices above and below considered trading frequency. This may open new perspectives on markets data understanding and could provide possible interpretation of Adam Smith invisible hand.

Keywords: financial market, high frequency trading, analysis, impacts, Adam Smith invisible hand

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5263 The Potential of 48V HEV in Real Driving Operation

Authors: Mark Schudeleit, Christian Sieg, Ferit Küçükay


This publication focuses on the limits and potentials of 48V hybrid systems, which are especially due to the cost advantages an attractive alternative, compared to established high volt-age HEVs and thus will gain relevant market shares in the future. Firstly, at market overview is given which shows the current known 48V hybrid concepts and demonstrators. These topologies will be analyzed and evaluated regarding the system power and the battery capacity as well as their implemented hybrid functions. The potential in fuel savings and CO2 reduction is calculated followed by the customer-relevant dimensioning of the electric motor and the battery. For both measured data of the real customer operation is used. Subsequently, the CO2 saving potentials of the customer-oriented dimensioned powertrain will be presented for the NEDC and the customer operation. With a comparison of the newly defined drivetrain with existing 48V systems the question can be answered whether current systems are dimensioned optimally for the customer operation or just for legislated driving cycles.

Keywords: 48V hybrid systems, market comparison, requirements and potentials in customer operation, customer-oriented dimensioning, CO2 savings

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5262 An Industrial Wastewater Management Using Cloud Based IoT System

Authors: Kaarthik K., Harshini S., Karthika M., Kripanandhini T.


Water is an essential part of living organisms. Major water pollution is caused due to contamination of industrial wastewater in the river. The most important step in bringing wastewater contaminants down to levels that are safe for nature is wastewater treatment. The contamination of river water harms both humans who consume it and the aquatic life that lives there. We introduce a new cloud-based industrial IoT paradigm in this work for real-time control and monitoring of wastewater. The proposed system prevents prohibited entry of industrial wastewater into the plant by monitoring temperature, hydrogen power (pH), CO₂ and turbidity factors from the wastewater input that the wastewater treatment facility will process. Real-time sensor values are collected and uploaded to the cloud by the system using an IoT Wi-Fi Module. By doing so, we can prevent the contamination of industrial wastewater entering the river earlier, and the necessary actions will be taken by the users. The proposed system's results are 90% efficient, preventing water pollution due to industry and protecting human lives.

Keywords: sensors, pH, CO₂, temperature, turbidity

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5261 The Moderation Effect of Financial Distress on the Relationship Between Market Power and Earnings Management of Firms

Authors: Shazia Ali, Yves Mard, Éric Severin


To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to have analyzed the impact of a) firm-specific product-market power and b) industry competition on earnings management behavior of European firms in distress versus healthy years while controlling for firm-level characteristics. We predicted a significant relationship between firms’ product market power and earnings management tools and their trade-off under the moderation effect of financial distress. We found that the firm-level market power hereinafter referred to as MP (proxied by the industry-adjusted Lerner Index) is positively associated with both real and accrual earnings management. However, MP is associated with a higher level of real earnings management compared to accrual earnings management in distress years compared to healthy years. On the other hand, industry product market power (representing low competition and proxied by the inverse of the total number of firms in an industry hereinafter referred to as NUMB) and firms product market power (proxied by firm market share hereinafter referred to as MS) are associated with lower inflationary accruals and higher deflationary accruals respectively. On the other hand, they are found to be linked with higher real earnings management in distress versus healthy years. When we divided the sample into small and big firms based on their respective industry-year median total assets, we found that all three measures of industry competition (Industry Median Lerner Index (hereinafter referred to as IMLI), NUMB, and Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (hereinafter referred to as HHI) indicate that small firms in low-competitive industries in financial distress are more likely to inflate their earnings through discretionary accruals. While big firms in this situation are more likely to lower the use of both inflationary and deflationary discretionary accruals as indicated by IMLI and HHI and trade-off accruals earnings management for real earnings management as indicated by NUMB. Moreover, IMLI and HHI did not show any interesting results when we divided the sample based on the firm Lerner Index/Market Power. However, the distressed firms with high market power (MP>industry median) are found to engage in income-decreasing discretionary accruals in low-competitive industries (high NUMB). Whereas firms with low market power in the same industry use downward discretionary accruals but inflate income using real activities (abnCFO). Our findings are robust across alternate measures of discretionary accruals and financial distress, such as the Altman Z-Score. The finding of the study is valuable for accounting standard setters, competition authorities, policymakers, and investors alike to help in informed decision-making.

Keywords: financial distress, earnings management, market competition

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5260 Implementing Contextual Approach to Improve EFL Learners’ English Speaking Skill

Authors: Samanik


This writing is correlated with English teaching material development, Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL). CTL is believed to facilitate students with real world challenge. Contextual Teaching and Learning is identified as a promising strategy that actively engages students and promotes skills development. It is based on the notion that learning can only occur when students are able to connect between content and context. It also helps teachers link between the materials taught with real-world situations and encourage students to make connection between the knowledge possessed by its application. Besides, it directs students to be critical and analytical. In accordance, this paper looks for the opportunity to improve EFL learners’ English speaking skill through tour guide presentation. A single case study will be conducted to highlight EFL learners’ experience of doing tour guide presentation in the English class room setting. The writer assumes that CLT will contribute positively to EFL learners’ English speaking skill.

Keywords: English speaking skill, contextual teaching learning, tour guide presentation

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5259 A Study on the Establishment of Performance Evaluation Criteria for MR-Based Simulation Device to Train K-9 Self-Propelled Artillery Operators

Authors: Yonggyu Lee, Byungkyu Jung, Bom Yoon, Jongil Yoon


MR-based simulation devices have been recently used in various fields such as entertainment, medicine, manufacturing, and education. Different simulation devices are also being developed for military equipment training. This is to address the concerns regarding safety accidents as well as cost issues associated with training with expensive equipment. An important aspect of developing simulation devices to replicate military training is that trainees experience the same effect as training with real devices. In this study, the criteria for performance evaluation are established to compare the training effect of an MR-based simulation device to that of an actual device. K-9 Self-propelled artillery (SPA) operators are selected as training subjects. First, MR-based software is developed to simulate the training ground and training scenarios currently used for training SPA operators in South Korea. Hardware that replicates the interior of SPA is designed, and a simulation device that is linked to the software is developed. Second, criteria are established to evaluate the simulation device based on real-life training scenarios. A total of nine performance evaluation criteria were selected based on the actual SPA operation training scenarios. Evaluation items were selected to evaluate whether the simulation device was designed such that trainees would experience the same effect as training in the field with a real SPA. To eval-uate the level of replication by the simulation device of the actual training environments (driving and passing through trenches, pools, protrusions, vertical obstacles, and slopes) and driving conditions (rapid steering, rapid accelerating, and rapid braking) as per the training scenarios, tests were performed under the actual training conditions and in the simulation device, followed by the comparison of the results. In addition, the level of noise felt by operators during training was also selected as an evaluation criterion. Due to the nature of the simulation device, there may be data latency between HW and SW. If the la-tency in data transmission is significant, the VR image information delivered to trainees as they maneuver HW might not be consistent. This latency in data transmission was also selected as an evaluation criterion to improve the effectiveness of the training. Through this study, the key evaluation metrics were selected to achieve the same training effect as training with real equipment in a training ground during the develop-ment of the simulation device for military equipment training.

Keywords: K-9 self-propelled artillery, mixed reality, simulation device, synchronization

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5258 Identification of How Pre-Service Physics Teachers Understand Image Formations through Virtual Objects in the Field of Geometric Optics and Development of a New Material to Exploit Virtual Objects

Authors: Ersin Bozkurt


The aim of the study is to develop materials for understanding image formations through virtual objects in geometric optics. The images in physics course books are formed by using real objects. This results in mistakes in the features of images because of generalizations which leads to conceptual misunderstandings in learning. In this study it was intended to identify pre-service physics teachers misunderstandings arising from false generalizations. Focused group interview was used as a qualitative method. The findings of the study show that students have several misconceptions such as "the image in a plain mirror is always virtual". However a real image can be formed in a plain mirror. To explain a virtual object's image formation in a more understandable way an overhead projector and episcope and their design was illustrated. The illustrations are original and several computer simulations will be suggested.

Keywords: computer simulations, geometric optics, physics education, students' misconceptions in physics

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5257 Co-Integrated Commodity Forward Pricing Model

Authors: F. Boudet, V. Galano, D. Gmira, L. Munoz, A. Reina


Commodities pricing needs a specific approach as they are often linked to each other and so are expectedly doing their prices. They are called co-integrated when at least one stationary linear combination exists between them. Though widespread in economic literature, and even if many equilibrium relations and co-movements exist in the economy, this principle of co-movement is not developed in derivatives field. The present study focuses on the following problem: How can the price of a forward agreement on a commodity be simulated, when it is co-integrated with other ones? Theoretical analysis is developed from Gibson-Schwartz model and an analytical solution is given for short maturities contracts and under risk-neutral conditions. The application has been made to crude oil and heating oil energy commodities and result confirms the applicability of proposed method.

Keywords: co-integration, commodities, forward pricing, Gibson-Schwartz

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5256 Optimizing Data Integration and Management Strategies for Upstream Oil and Gas Operations

Authors: Deepak Singh, Rail Kuliev


The abstract highlights the critical importance of optimizing data integration and management strategies in the upstream oil and gas industry. With its complex and dynamic nature generating vast volumes of data, efficient data integration and management are essential for informed decision-making, cost reduction, and maximizing operational performance. Challenges such as data silos, heterogeneity, real-time data management, and data quality issues are addressed, prompting the proposal of several strategies. These strategies include implementing a centralized data repository, adopting industry-wide data standards, employing master data management (MDM), utilizing real-time data integration technologies, and ensuring data quality assurance. Training and developing the workforce, “reskilling and upskilling” the employees and establishing robust Data Management training programs play an essential role and integral part in this strategy. The article also emphasizes the significance of data governance and best practices, as well as the role of technological advancements such as big data analytics, cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). To illustrate the practicality of these strategies, real-world case studies are presented, showcasing successful implementations that improve operational efficiency and decision-making. In present study, by embracing the proposed optimization strategies, leveraging technological advancements, and adhering to best practices, upstream oil and gas companies can harness the full potential of data-driven decision-making, ultimately achieving increased profitability and a competitive edge in the ever-evolving industry.

Keywords: master data management, IoT, AI&ML, cloud Computing, data optimization

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5255 Real-Time Neuroimaging for Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients

Authors: Gerhard Gritsch, Ana Skupch, Manfred Hartmann, Wolfgang Frühwirt, Hannes Perko, Dieter Grossegger, Tilmann Kluge


Rehabilitation of stroke patients is dominated by classical physiotherapy. Nowadays, a field of research is the application of neurofeedback techniques in order to help stroke patients to get rid of their motor impairments. Especially, if a certain limb is completely paralyzed, neurofeedback is often the last option to cure the patient. Certain exercises, like the imagination of the impaired motor function, have to be performed to stimulate the neuroplasticity of the brain, such that in the neighboring parts of the injured cortex the corresponding activity takes place. During the exercises, it is very important to keep the motivation of the patient at a high level. For this reason, the missing natural feedback due to a movement of the effected limb may be replaced by a synthetic feedback based on the motor-related brain function. To generate such a synthetic feedback a system is needed which measures, detects, localizes and visualizes the motor related µ-rhythm. Fast therapeutic success can only be achieved if the feedback features high specificity, comes in real-time and without large delay. We describe such an approach that offers a 3D visualization of µ-rhythms in real time with a delay of 500ms. This is accomplished by combining smart EEG preprocessing in the frequency domain with source localization techniques. The algorithm first selects the EEG channel featuring the most prominent rhythm in the alpha frequency band from a so-called motor channel set (C4, CZ, C3; CP6, CP4, CP2, CP1, CP3, CP5). If the amplitude in the alpha frequency band of this certain electrode exceeds a threshold, a µ-rhythm is detected. To prevent detection of a mixture of posterior alpha activity and µ-activity, the amplitudes in the alpha band outside the motor channel set are not allowed to be in the same range as the main channel. The EEG signal of the main channel is used as template for calculating the spatial distribution of the µ - rhythm over all electrodes. This spatial distribution is the input for a inverse method which provides the 3D distribution of the µ - activity within the brain which is visualized in 3D as color coded activity map. This approach mitigates the influence of lid artifacts on the localization performance. The first results of several healthy subjects show that the system is capable of detecting and localizing the rarely appearing µ-rhythm. In most cases the results match with findings from visual EEG analysis. Frequent eye-lid artifacts have no influence on the system performance. Furthermore, the system will be able to run in real-time. Due to the design of the frequency transformation the processing delay is 500ms. First results are promising and we plan to extend the test data set to further evaluate the performance of the system. The relevance of the system with respect to the therapy of stroke patients has to be shown in studies with real patients after CE certification of the system. This work was performed within the project ‘LiveSolo’ funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) (project number: 853263).

Keywords: real-time EEG neuroimaging, neurofeedback, stroke, EEG–signal processing, rehabilitation

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5254 Active Learning in Engineering Courses Using Excel Spreadsheet

Authors: Promothes Saha


Recently, transportation engineering industry members at the study university showed concern that students lacked the skills needed to solve real-world engineering problems using spreadsheet data analysis. In response to the concerns shown by industry members, this study investigated how to engage students in a better way by incorporating spreadsheet analysis during class - also, help them learn the course topics. Helping students link theoretical knowledge to real-world problems can be a challenge. In this effort, in-class activities and worksheets were redesigned to integrate with Excel to solve example problems using built-in tools including cell referencing, equations, data analysis tool pack, solver tool, conditional formatting, charts, etc. The effectiveness of this technique was investigated using students’ evaluations of the course, enrollment data, and students’ comments. Based on the data of those criteria, it is evident that the spreadsheet activities may increase student learning.

Keywords: civil, engineering, active learning, transportation

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5253 Low-Noise Amplifier Design for Improvement of Communication Range for Wake-Up Receiver Based Wireless Sensor Network Application

Authors: Ilef Ketata, Mohamed Khalil Baazaoui, Robert Fromm, Ahmad Fakhfakh, Faouzi Derbel


The integration of wireless communication, e. g. in real-or quasi-real-time applications, is related to many challenges such as energy consumption, communication range, latency, quality of service, and reliability. To minimize the latency without increasing energy consumption, wake-up receiver (WuRx) nodes have been introduced in recent works. Low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) are introduced to improve the WuRx sensitivity but increase the supply current severely. Different WuRx approaches exist with always-on, power-gated, or duty-cycled receiver designs. This paper presents a comparative study for improving communication range and decreasing the energy consumption of wireless sensor nodes.

Keywords: wireless sensor network, wake-up receiver, duty-cycled, low-noise amplifier, envelope detector, range study

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5252 A Hybrid Derivative-Free Optimization Method for Pass Schedule Calculation in Cold Rolling Mill

Authors: Mohammadhadi Mirmohammadi, Reza Safian, Hossein Haddad


This paper presents an innovative solution for complex multi-objective optimization problem which is a part of efforts toward maximizing rolling mill throughput and minimizing processing costs in tandem cold rolling. This computational intelligence based optimization has been applied to the rolling schedules of tandem cold rolling mill. This method involves the combination of two derivative-free optimization procedures in the form of nested loops. The first optimization loop is based on Improving Hit and Run method which focus on balance of power, force and reduction distribution in rolling schedules. The second loop is a real-coded genetic algorithm based optimization procedure which optimizes energy consumption and productivity. An experimental result of application to five stand tandem cold rolling mill is presented.

Keywords: derivative-free optimization, Improving Hit and Run method, real-coded genetic algorithm, rolling schedules of tandem cold rolling mill

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5251 Engineering the Human Mind: Social Engineering Attack Using Kali Linux

Authors: Joy Winston James, Abdul Kadher Jilani


This review article provides a comprehensive overview of social engineering attacks, specifically those executed through the Kali Linux operating system. It aims to present an in-depth analysis of the background and importance of social engineering in cybersecurity, the tools, and techniques used in these attacks, real-world case studies that demonstrate their effectiveness, and ethical considerations that need to be taken into account while using them. The article highlights the Kali Linux tools that are commonly used in social engineering attacks, including SET, Metasploit, and BeEF, and discusses techniques such as phishing, pretexting, and baiting that are crucial in conducting successful social engineering attacks. It further explores real-world case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of these techniques, emphasizing the importance of implementing effective countermeasures to reduce the risk of successful social engineering attacks. Moreover, the article sheds light on ethical considerations that need to be taken into account while using social engineering tools, emphasizing the importance of using them ethically and legally. Finally, the article provides potential countermeasures such as two-factor authentication, strong password policies, and regular security audits to help individuals and organizations better protect themselves against this growing threat. By understanding the tools and techniques used in social engineering attacks and implementing appropriate countermeasures, individuals and organizations can minimize the risk of successful social engineering attacks and improve their cybersecurity posture. To illustrate the effectiveness of social engineering attacks, we present real-world case studies that demonstrate how easily individuals and organizations can fall prey to these attacks. We also discuss ethical considerations that must be taken into account while using social engineering tools, emphasizing the need for responsible and legal use of these tools.

Keywords: pen testing, hacking, Kali Linux, social engineering

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5250 Time-Series Load Data Analysis for User Power Profiling

Authors: Mahdi Daghmhehci Firoozjaei, Minchang Kim, Dima Alhadidi


In this paper, we present a power profiling model for smart grid consumers based on real time load data acquired smart meters. It profiles consumers’ power consumption behaviour using the dynamic time warping (DTW) clustering algorithm. Due to the invariability of signal warping of this algorithm, time-disordered load data can be profiled and consumption features be extracted. Two load types are defined and the related load patterns are extracted for classifying consumption behaviour by DTW. The classification methodology is discussed in detail. To evaluate the performance of the method, we analyze the time-series load data measured by a smart meter in a real case. The results verify the effectiveness of the proposed profiling method with 90.91% true positive rate for load type clustering in the best case.

Keywords: power profiling, user privacy, dynamic time warping, smart grid

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