Search results for: proportional representation
915 Sparsity Order Selection and Denoising in Compressed Sensing Framework
Authors: Mahdi Shamsi, Tohid Yousefi Rezaii, Siavash Eftekharifar
Compressed sensing (CS) is a new powerful mathematical theory concentrating on sparse signals which is widely used in signal processing. The main idea is to sense sparse signals by far fewer measurements than the Nyquist sampling rate, but the reconstruction process becomes nonlinear and more complicated. Common dilemma in sparse signal recovery in CS is the lack of knowledge about sparsity order of the signal, which can be viewed as model order selection procedure. In this paper, we address the problem of sparsity order estimation in sparse signal recovery. This is of main interest in situations where the signal sparsity is unknown or the signal to be recovered is approximately sparse. It is shown that the proposed method also leads to some kind of signal denoising, where the observations are contaminated with noise. Finally, the performance of the proposed approach is evaluated in different scenarios and compared to an existing method, which shows the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of order selection as well as denoising.Keywords: compressed sensing, data denoising, model order selection, sparse representation
Procedia PDF Downloads 484914 Fast Robust Switching Control Scheme for PWR-Type Nuclear Power Plants
Authors: Piyush V. Surjagade, Jiamei Deng, Paul Doney, S. R. Shimjith, A. John Arul
In sophisticated and complex systems such as nuclear power plants, maintaining the system's stability in the presence of uncertainties and disturbances and obtaining a fast dynamic response are the most challenging problems. Thus, to ensure the satisfactory and safe operation of nuclear power plants, this work proposes a new fast, robust optimal switching control strategy for pressurized water reactor-type nuclear power plants. The proposed control strategy guarantees a substantial degree of robustness, fast dynamic response over the entire operational envelope, and optimal performance during the nominal operation of the plant. To improve the robustness, obtain a fast dynamic response, and make the system optimal, a bank of controllers is designed. Various controllers, like a baseline proportional-integral-derivative controller, an optimal linear quadratic Gaussian controller, and a robust adaptive L1 controller, are designed to perform distinct tasks in a specific situation. At any instant of time, the most suitable controller from the bank of controllers is selected using the switching logic unit that designates the controller by monitoring the health of the nuclear power plant or transients. The proposed switching control strategy optimizes the overall performance and increases operational safety and efficiency. Simulation studies have been performed considering various uncertainties and disturbances that demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed switching control strategy over some conventional control techniques.Keywords: switching control, robust control, optimal control, nuclear power control
Procedia PDF Downloads 137913 Ontology-Driven Generation of Radiation Protection Procedures
Authors: Chamseddine Barki, Salam Labidi, Hanen Boussi Rahmouni
In this article, we present the principle and suitable methodology for the design of a medical ontology that highlights the radiological and dosimetric knowledge, applied in diagnostic radiology and radiation-therapy. Our ontology, which we named «Onto.Rap», is the subject of radiation protection in medical and radiology centers by providing a standardized regulatory oversight. Thanks to its added values of knowledge-sharing, reuse and the ease of maintenance, this ontology tends to solve many problems. Of which we name the confusion between radiological procedures a practitioner might face while performing a patient radiological exam. Adding to it, the difficulties they might have in interpreting applicable patient radioprotection standards. Here, the ontology, thanks to its concepts simplification and expressiveness capabilities, can ensure an efficient classification of radiological procedures. It also provides an explicit representation of the relations between the different components of the studied concept. In fact, an ontology based-radioprotection expert system, when used in radiological center, could implement systematic radioprotection best practices during patient exam and a regulatory compliance service auditing afterwards.Keywords: knowledge, ontology, radiation protection, radiology
Procedia PDF Downloads 315912 A Review of the Literature on Factors Impacting Women’s Retention in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics: A Critical Analysis of Nigeria and Georgia
Authors: Josephine O. Okocha, Ifeanyi Adigwe
This research aims to examine the factors impacting women's retention in STEM in Nigeria and Georgia. In a bid to come up with strategies to enhance women’s participation in STEM, this study identifies and juxtaposes the factors impacting the retention of women in STEM and how they vary from one country to another are discussed. This study adopted the literature review method to perform the critical analysis. A total of 76 papers were retrieved from the Scopus database and were published between 2018 and 2023. Only 12 papers met the criteria for inclusion in the analysis. The findings reveal that the factors impacting women’s retention in STEM include funding (NGOs and government agencies), scholarship, specialized recruitment, mentoring, the establishment of women-only higher institutions, creating a balanced work and family environment, combating stereotypes, and enabling policies and laws. The paper highlights some key recommendations to help improve the retention of women in STEM in Africa and Nigeria in particular.Keywords: STEM, women, retention, career, Nigeria, Georgia, women’s retention, women representation
Procedia PDF Downloads 73911 Biodegradable and Bioactive Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering
Authors: A. M. Malagon Escandon, J. A. Arenas Alatorre, C. P. Chaires Rosas, N. A. Vazquez Torres, B. Hernandez Tellez, G. Pinon Zarate, M. Herrera Enriquez, A. E. Castell Rodriguez
The current approach to the treatment of bone defects involves the use of scaffolds that provide a biological and mechanically stable niche to favor tissue repair. Despite the significant progress in the field of bone tissue engineering, several main problems associated are attributed to giving a low biodegradation degree, does not promote osseointegration and regeneration, if the bone is not healing as well as expected or fails to heal, will not be given a proper ossification or new bone formation. The actual approaches of bone tissue regeneration are directed to the use of decellularized native extracellular matrices, which are able of retain their own architecture, mechanic properties, biodegradability and promote new bone formation because they are capable of conserving proteins and other factors that are founded in physiological concentrations. Therefore, we propose an extracellular matrix-based bioscaffolds derived from bovine cancellous bone, which is processed by decellularization, demineralization, and hydrolysis of the collagen protein, these protocols have been successfully carried out in other organs and tissues; the effectiveness of its biosafety has also been previously evaluated in vivo and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved. In the specific case of bone, a more complex treatment is needed in comparison with other organs and tissues because is necessary demineralization and collagen denaturalization. The present work was made in order to obtain a temporal scaffold that succeed in degradation in an inversely proportional way to the synthesis of extracellular matrix and the maturation of the bone by the cells of the host.Keywords: bioactive, biodegradable, bone, extracellular matrix-based bioscaffolds, stem cells, tissue engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 158910 Image Retrieval Based on Multi-Feature Fusion for Heterogeneous Image Databases
Authors: N. W. U. D. Chathurani, Shlomo Geva, Vinod Chandran, Proboda Rajapaksha
Selecting an appropriate image representation is the most important factor in implementing an effective Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system. This paper presents a multi-feature fusion approach for efficient CBIR, based on the distance distribution of features and relative feature weights at the time of query processing. It is a simple yet effective approach, which is free from the effect of features' dimensions, ranges, internal feature normalization and the distance measure. This approach can easily be adopted in any feature combination to improve retrieval quality. The proposed approach is empirically evaluated using two benchmark datasets for image classification (a subset of the Corel dataset and Oliva and Torralba) and compared with existing approaches. The performance of the proposed approach is confirmed with the significantly improved performance in comparison with the independently evaluated baseline of the previously proposed feature fusion approaches.Keywords: feature fusion, image retrieval, membership function, normalization
Procedia PDF Downloads 347909 Data Gathering and Analysis for Arabic Historical Documents
Authors: Ali Dulla
This paper introduces a new dataset (and the methodology used to generate it) based on a wide range of historical Arabic documents containing clean data simple and homogeneous-page layouts. The experiments are implemented on printed and handwritten documents obtained respectively from some important libraries such as Qatar Digital Library, the British Library and the Library of Congress. We have gathered and commented on 150 archival document images from different locations and time periods. It is based on different documents from the 17th-19th century. The dataset comprises differing page layouts and degradations that challenge text line segmentation methods. Ground truth is produced using the Aletheia tool by PRImA and stored in an XML representation, in the PAGE (Page Analysis and Ground truth Elements) format. The dataset presented will be easily available to researchers world-wide for research into the obstacles facing various historical Arabic documents such as geometric correction of historical Arabic documents.Keywords: dataset production, ground truth production, historical documents, arbitrary warping, geometric correction
Procedia PDF Downloads 169908 Unsupervised Text Mining Approach to Early Warning System
Authors: Ichihan Tai, Bill Olson, Paul Blessner
Traditional early warning systems that alarm against crisis are generally based on structured or numerical data; therefore, a system that can make predictions based on unstructured textual data, an uncorrelated data source, is a great complement to the traditional early warning systems. The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) Volatility Index (VIX), commonly referred to as the fear index, measures the cost of insurance against market crash, and spikes in the event of crisis. In this study, news data is consumed for prediction of whether there will be a market-wide crisis by predicting the movement of the fear index, and the historical references to similar events are presented in an unsupervised manner. Topic modeling-based prediction and representation are made based on daily news data between 1990 and 2015 from The Wall Street Journal against VIX index data from CBOE.Keywords: early warning system, knowledge management, market prediction, topic modeling.
Procedia PDF Downloads 340907 Pilot Study of the Psychometric Properties of the Test of Predisposition towards the Bullying
Authors: Rosana Choy, Fabiola Henostroza
Actual theory suggests social-ecological factors as the main framework of bullying. Most previous research in this phenomenon is focused on the identification of bullying attitudes and conducts in puberty and adolescence periods. For this reason, this study is considered as a contribution to the existing knowledge in measuring matters, because of its non-traditional way of evaluation (graphic items), and because of its approach to a distinctive age group, children from 7 to 9 years-old, not regularly examined in current studies in this field. The research used a transversal descriptive investigation design for the development of a graphic test for bullying predisposition. The process began with the operationalization of the variable bullying predisposition, the structuring of the factors and variable indicators of a pilot instrument, evaluation by experts of the items representation, and finally it continued with the test application to children of two types of regular school population in Lima-Peru: private and public schools. The reliability level was 0.85 and the validity of the test corroborated the three-factor structure proposed by the researchers.Keywords: bullying, graphic test, reliability, validity
Procedia PDF Downloads 267906 An Estimating Equation for Survival Data with a Possibly Time-Varying Covariates under a Semiparametric Transformation Models
Authors: Yemane Hailu Fissuh, Zhongzhan Zhang
An estimating equation technique is an alternative method of the widely used maximum likelihood methods, which enables us to ease some complexity due to the complex characteristics of time-varying covariates. In the situations, when both the time-varying covariates and left-truncation are considered in the model, the maximum likelihood estimation procedures become much more burdensome and complex. To ease the complexity, in this study, the modified estimating equations those have been given high attention and considerations in many researchers under semiparametric transformation model was proposed. The purpose of this article was to develop the modified estimating equation under flexible and general class of semiparametric transformation models for left-truncated and right censored survival data with time-varying covariates. Besides the commonly applied Cox proportional hazards model, such kind of problems can be also analyzed with a general class of semiparametric transformation models to estimate the effect of treatment given possibly time-varying covariates on the survival time. The consistency and asymptotic properties of the estimators were intuitively derived via the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. The characteristics of the estimators in the finite sample performance for the proposed model were illustrated via simulation studies and Stanford heart transplant real data examples. To sum up the study, the bias for covariates has been adjusted by estimating density function for the truncation time variable. Then the effect of possibly time-varying covariates was evaluated in some special semiparametric transformation models.Keywords: EM algorithm, estimating equation, semiparametric transformation models, time-to-event outcomes, time varying covariate
Procedia PDF Downloads 155905 Gender-Based Violence Public Art Projects: An Analysis of the Value of Including Social Justice Topics in Tertiary Courses
Authors: F. Saptouw
This paper will examine the value of introducing social justice issues into the tertiary fine art curriculum at a first-year level. The paper will present detail of the conceptual impetus and the logistics related to the execution of a collaborative teaching project. The cohort of students was registered for the Fine Art Foundation course at the Michaelis School of Fine Art at the University of Cape Town. The course is dedicated to the development of critical thinking, communication skills, and varied approaches to knowledge construction within the first-year cohort. A core component of the course is the examination of the representation of gender, identity, politics, and power. These issues are examined within a range of public and private representations like art galleries, museum spaces, and contemporary popular culture. This particular project was a collaborative project with the Office of Inclusivity and Change, and the project leaders were Fabian Saptouw and Gabriel Khan. The paper will conclude by presenting an argument for the importance of such projects within the tertiary environment.Keywords: art, education, gender-based violence, social responsiveness
Procedia PDF Downloads 140904 Experimental Evaluation of Succinct Ternary Tree
Authors: Dmitriy Kuptsov
Tree data structures, such as binary or in general k-ary trees, are essential in computer science. The applications of these data structures can range from data search and retrieval to sorting and ranking algorithms. Naive implementations of these data structures can consume prohibitively large volumes of random access memory limiting their applicability in certain solutions. Thus, in these cases, more advanced representation of these data structures is essential. In this paper we present the design of the compact version of ternary tree data structure and demonstrate the results for the experimental evaluation using static dictionary problem. We compare these results with the results for binary and regular ternary trees. The conducted evaluation study shows that our design, in the best case, consumes up to 12 times less memory (for the dictionary used in our experimental evaluation) than a regular ternary tree and in certain configuration shows performance comparable to regular ternary trees. We have evaluated the performance of the algorithms using both 32 and 64 bit operating systems.Keywords: algorithms, data structures, succinct ternary tree, per- formance evaluation
Procedia PDF Downloads 163903 Labour Productivity Measurement and Control Standards for Hotels
Authors: Kristine Joy Simpao
Improving labour productivity is one of the most enthralling and challenging aspects of managing hotels and restaurant business. The demand to secure countless productivity became an increasingly pivotal role of managers to survive and sustain the business. Besides making business profitable, they are in the doom to make every resource to become productive and effective towards achieving company goal while maximizing the value of organization. This paper examines what productivity means to the services industry, in particular, to the hotel industry. This is underpinned by an investigation of the extent of practice of respondent hotels to the labour productivity aspect in the areas of materials management, human resource management and leadership management and in a way, computing the labour productivity ratios using the hotel simple ratios of productivity in order to find a suitable measurement and control standards for hotels with SBMA, Olongapo City as the locale of the study. The finding shows that hotels labour productivity ratings are not perfect with some practices that are far below particularly on strategic and operational decisions in improving performance and productivity of its human resources. It further proves of the no significant difference ratings among the respondent’s type in all areas which indicated that they are having similar perception of the weak implementation of some of the indicators in the labour productivity practices. Furthermore, the results in the computation of labour productivity efficiency ratios resulted relationship of employees versus labour productivity practices are inversely proportional. This study provides a potential measurement and control standards for the enhancement of hotels labour productivity. These standards should also contain labour productivity customized for standard hotels in Subic Bay Freeport Zone to assist hotel owners in increasing the labour productivity while meeting company goals and objectives effectively.Keywords: labour productivity, hotel, measurement and control, standards, efficiency ratios, practices
Procedia PDF Downloads 318902 A Stochastic Diffusion Process Based on the Two-Parameters Weibull Density Function
Authors: Meriem Bahij, Ahmed Nafidi, Boujemâa Achchab, Sílvio M. A. Gama, José A. O. Matos
Stochastic modeling concerns the use of probability to model real-world situations in which uncertainty is present. Therefore, the purpose of stochastic modeling is to estimate the probability of outcomes within a forecast, i.e. to be able to predict what conditions or decisions might happen under different situations. In the present study, we present a model of a stochastic diffusion process based on the bi-Weibull distribution function (its trend is proportional to the bi-Weibull probability density function). In general, the Weibull distribution has the ability to assume the characteristics of many different types of distributions. This has made it very popular among engineers and quality practitioners, who have considered it the most commonly used distribution for studying problems such as modeling reliability data, accelerated life testing, and maintainability modeling and analysis. In this work, we start by obtaining the probabilistic characteristics of this model, as the explicit expression of the process, its trends, and its distribution by transforming the diffusion process in a Wiener process as shown in the Ricciaardi theorem. Then, we develop the statistical inference of this model using the maximum likelihood methodology. Finally, we analyse with simulated data the computational problems associated with the parameters, an issue of great importance in its application to real data with the use of the convergence analysis methods. Overall, the use of a stochastic model reflects only a pragmatic decision on the part of the modeler. According to the data that is available and the universe of models known to the modeler, this model represents the best currently available description of the phenomenon under consideration.Keywords: diffusion process, discrete sampling, likelihood estimation method, simulation, stochastic diffusion process, trends functions, bi-parameters weibull density function
Procedia PDF Downloads 309901 A Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of the Representation of International Women’s Day in Algerian Print Media from 2003
Authors: Taoues Aimeur
The present study is the first comparative study of discourses surrounding women on International Women’s Day in French-language newspapers and Arabic-language newspapers in Algeria. It aims at critically examining the way women are positioned on International Women’s Day in four Algerian newspapers by focusing on the post-civil war era in Algeria (2003 till the present time). This is by applying Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis to question representations of women in the selected newspapers by revealing the gender ideologies embedded in their linguistic and visual discourses. The Francophone newspapers chosen for the present research are El Watan and Liberté. As for the Arabophone ones, El Khabar and Echorouk have been selected. The results of the study would help build an understanding of the meanings of gender that are embedded in the discourses of the selected news outlets which differ both linguistically and ideologically.Keywords: Arabic-language newspapers, Critical Discourse Analysis, discourses, French-language newspapers, gender, International Women’s Day
Procedia PDF Downloads 200900 Studying the Establishment of Knowledge Management Background Factors at Islamic Azad University, Behshahr Branch
Authors: Mohammad Reza Bagherzadeh, Mohammad Hossein Taheri
Knowledge management serves as one of the great breakthroughs in information and knowledge era and given its outstanding features, successful organizations tends to adopt it. Therefore, to deal with knowledge management establishment in universities is of special importance. In this regard, the present research aims to shed lights on factors background knowledge management establishment at Islamic Azad University, Behshahr Branch (Northern Iran). Considering three factors information technology system, knowledge process system and organizational culture as a fundamental of knowledge management infrastructure, foregoing factors were evaluated individually. The present research was conducted in descriptive-survey manner and participants included all staffs and faculty members, so that according to Krejcie & Morgan table a sample size proportional to the population size was considered. The measurement tools included survey questionnaire whose reliability was calculated to 0.83 according to Cronbachs alpha. To data analysis, descriptive statistics such as frequency and its percentage tables, column charts, mean, standard deviation and as for inferential statistics Kolomogrov- Smirnov test and single T-test were used. The findings show that despite the good corporate culture as one of the three factors background the establishment of the knowledge management at Islamic Azad University Behshahr Branch, other two ones, including IT systems, and knowledge processes systems are characterized with adverse status. As a result, these factors have caused no necessary conditions for the establishment of Knowledge Management in the university provided.Keywords: knowledge management, information technology, knowledge processes, organizational culture, educational institutions
Procedia PDF Downloads 523899 Applying Hybrid Graph Drawing and Clustering Methods on Stock Investment Analysis
Authors: Mouataz Zreika, Maria Estela Varua
Stock investment decisions are often made based on current events of the global economy and the analysis of historical data. Conversely, visual representation could assist investors’ gain deeper understanding and better insight on stock market trends more efficiently. The trend analysis is based on long-term data collection. The study adopts a hybrid method that combines the Clustering algorithm and Force-directed algorithm to overcome the scalability problem when visualizing large data. This method exemplifies the potential relationships between each stock, as well as determining the degree of strength and connectivity, which will provide investors another understanding of the stock relationship for reference. Information derived from visualization will also help them make an informed decision. The results of the experiments show that the proposed method is able to produced visualized data aesthetically by providing clearer views for connectivity and edge weights.Keywords: clustering, force-directed, graph drawing, stock investment analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 302898 The Economic Implications of Cryptocurrency and Its Potential to Disrupt Traditional Financial Systems as a Store of Value
Authors: G. L. Rithika, Arvind B. S., Akash R., Ananda Vinayak, Hema M. S.
Cryptocurrencies were first launched in the year 2009 and have been a great asset to own. Cryptocurrencies are a representation of a completely distinct decentralization model for money. They also contribute to the elimination of currency monopolies and the liberation of money from control. The fact that no government agency can determine a coin's value or flow is what cryptocurrency advocates believe makes them safe and secure. The aim of this paper is to analyze the economic implications of cryptocurrency and how it would disrupt traditional financial systems. This paper analyses the growth of Cryptocurrency over the years and the potential threats of cryptocurrency to financial systems. Our analysis shows that although the DeFi design, like the traditional financial system, may have the ability to lower transaction costs, there are multiple layers where rents might build up because of endogenous competition limitations. The permissionless and anonymous design of DeFi poses issues for ensuring tax compliance, anti-money laundering laws and regulations, and preventing financial misconduct.Keywords: cryptocurrencies, bitcoin, blockchain technology, traditional financial systems, decentralisation, regulatory framework
Procedia PDF Downloads 52897 Preparation on Sentimental Analysis on Social Media Comments with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Gated Recurrent Unit and Model Glove in Portuguese
Authors: Leonardo Alfredo Mendoza, Cristian Munoz, Marco Aurelio Pacheco, Manoela Kohler, Evelyn Batista, Rodrigo Moura
Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques are increasingly more powerful to be able to interpret the feelings and reactions of a person to a product or service. Sentiment analysis has become a fundamental tool for this interpretation but has few applications in languages other than English. This paper presents a classification of sentiment analysis in Portuguese with a base of comments from social networks in Portuguese. A word embedding's representation was used with a 50-Dimension GloVe pre-trained model, generated through a corpus completely in Portuguese. To generate this classification, the bidirectional long short-term memory and bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) models are used, reaching results of 99.1%.Keywords: natural processing language, sentiment analysis, bidirectional long short-term memory, BI-LSTM, gated recurrent unit, GRU
Procedia PDF Downloads 160896 Annotation Ontology for Semantic Web Development
Authors: Hadeel Al Obaidy, Amani Al Heela
The main purpose of this paper is to examine the concept of semantic web and the role that ontology and semantic annotation plays in the development of semantic web services. The paper focuses on semantic web infrastructure illustrating how ontology and annotation work to provide the learning capabilities for building content semantically. To improve productivity and quality of software, the paper applies approaches, notations and techniques offered by software engineering. It proposes a conceptual model to develop semantic web services for the infrastructure of web information retrieval system of digital libraries. The developed system uses ontology and annotation to build a knowledge based system to define and link the meaning of a web content to retrieve information for users’ queries. The results are more relevant through keywords and ontology rule expansion that will be more accurate to satisfy the requested information. The level of results accuracy would be enhanced since the query semantically analyzed work with the conceptual architecture of the proposed system.Keywords: semantic web services, software engineering, semantic library, knowledge representation, ontology
Procedia PDF Downloads 174895 Real Time Ultrasoft Transverse Photons Self Energy at Next To-Leading Order in Hot Scalar Quantum Electrodynamics
Authors: Karima Bouakaz, Amel Youcefi, Abdessamad Abada
We determine a compact analytic expression for the complete next-to-leading contribution to the retarded transverse photons self-energy in the context of hard-thermal-loop summed perturbation of massless quantum electrodynamics (QED) at high temperature to calculate the next-to-leading order dispersion relations for slow-moving transverse photons at high temperature scalar quantum electrodynamics (Scalar QED), using the real time formalism (RTF) in physical representation. We derive the analytic expressions of hard thermal loop (HTL) contributions to propagators and vertices to determine the expressions of the effective propagators and vertices in RTF that contribute to the complete next-to leading order contribution of retarded transverse photons self-energy.Keywords: hard thermal loop, hot scalar QED, NLO computations, soft transverse photons
Procedia PDF Downloads 82894 Effect of High-Energy Ball Milling on the Electrical and Piezoelectric Properties of (K0.5Na0.5)(Nb0.9Ta0.1)O3 Lead-Free Piezoceramics
Authors: Chongtham Jiten, K. Chandramani Singh, Radhapiyari Laishram
Nanocrystalline powders of the lead-free piezoelectric material, tantalum-substituted potassium sodium niobate (K0.5Na0.5)(Nb0.9Ta0.1)O3 (KNNT), were produced using a Retsch PM100 planetary ball mill by setting the milling time to 15h, 20h, 25h, 30h, 35h and 40h, at a fixed speed of 250rpm. The average particle size of the milled powders was found to decrease from 12nm to 3nm as the milling time increases from 15h to 25h, which is in agreement with the existing theoretical model. An anomalous increase to 98nm and then a drop to 3nm in the particle size were observed as the milling time further increases to 30h and 40h respectively. Various sizes of these starting KNNT powders were used to investigate the effect of milling time on the microstructure, dielectric properties, phase transitions and piezoelectric properties of the resulting KNNT ceramics. The particle size of starting KNNT was somewhat proportional to the grain size. As the milling time increases from 15h to 25h, the resulting ceramics exhibit enhancement in the values of relative density from 94.8% to 95.8%, room temperature dielectric constant (εRT) from 878 to 1213, and piezoelectric charge coefficient (d33) from 108pC/N to 128pC/N. For this range of ceramic samples, grain size refinement suppresses the maximum dielectric constant (εmax), shifts the Curie temperature (Tc) to a lower temperature and the orthorhombic-tetragonal phase transition (Tot) to a higher temperature. Further increase of milling time from 25h to 40h produces a gradual degradation in the values of relative density, εRT, and d33 of the resulting ceramics.Keywords: perovskite, dielectric, ceramics, high-energy milling
Procedia PDF Downloads 325893 A Real Time Expert System for Decision Support in Nuclear Power Plants
Authors: Andressa dos Santos Nicolau, João P. da S.C Algusto, Claudio Márcio do N. A. Pereira, Roberto Schirru
In case of abnormal situations, the nuclear power plant (NPP) operators must follow written procedures to check the condition of the plant and to classify the type of emergency. In this paper, we proposed a Real Time Expert System in order to improve operator’s performance in case of transient or accident with reactor shutdown. The expert system’s knowledge is based on the sequence of events (SoE) of known accident and two emergency procedures of the Brazilian Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) NPP and uses two kinds of knowledge representation: rule and logic trees. The results show that the system was able to classify the response of the automatic protection systems, as well as to evaluate the conditions of the plant, diagnosing the type of occurrence, recovery procedure to be followed, indicating the shutdown root cause, and classifying the emergency level.Keywords: emergence procedure, expert system, operator support, PWR nuclear power plant
Procedia PDF Downloads 333892 Origin of Hydrogen Bonding: Natural Bond Orbital Electron Donor-Acceptor Interactions
Authors: Mohamed Ayoub
We perform computational investigation using density functional theory, B3LYP with aug-cc-pVTZ basis set followed by natural bond orbital analysis (NBO), which provides best single “natural Lewis structure” (NLS) representation of chosen wavefunction (Ψ) with natural resonance theory (NRT) to provide an analysis of molecular electron density in terms of resonance structures (RS) and weights (w). We selected for the study a wide range of gas phase dimers (B…HA), with hydrogen bond dissociation energies (ΔEB…H) that span more than two orders of magnitude. We demonstrate that charge transfer from a donor Lewis-type NBO (nB:) to an acceptor non-Lewis-type NBO (σHA*) is the primary cause for H-bonding not classical electrostatic (dipole-dipole or ionic). We provide a variety of structure, and spectroscopic descriptors to support the conclusion, such as IR frequency shift (ΔνHA), H-bond penetration distance (ΔRB..H), bond order (bB..H), charge-transfer (CTB→HA) and the corresponding donor-acceptor stabilization energy (ΔE(2)).Keywords: natural bond orbital, hydrogen bonding, electron donor, electron acceptor
Procedia PDF Downloads 439891 Performance-Based Quality Evaluation of Database Conceptual Schemas
Authors: Janusz Getta, Zhaoxi Pan
Performance-based quality evaluation of database conceptual schemas is an important aspect of database design process. It is evident that different conceptual schemas provide different logical schemas and performance of user applications strongly depends on logical and physical database structures. This work presents the entire process of performance-based quality evaluation of conceptual schemas. First, we show format. Then, the paper proposes a new specification of object algebra for representation of conceptual level database applications. Transformation of conceptual schemas and expression of object algebra into implementation schema and implementation in a particular database system allows for precise estimation of the processing costs of database applications and as a consequence for precise evaluation of performance-based quality of conceptual schemas. Then we describe an experiment as a proof of concept for the evaluation procedure presented in the paper.Keywords: conceptual schema, implementation schema, logical schema, object algebra, performance evaluation, query processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 293890 Awareness on Department of Education’s Disaster Risk Reduction Management Program at Oriental Mindoro National High School: Basis for Support School DRRM Program
Authors: Nimrod Bantigue
The Department of Education is continuously providing safe teaching-learning facilities and hazard-free environments to the learners. To achieve this goal, teachers’ awareness of DepEd’s DRRM programs and activities is extremely important; thus, this descriptive correlational quantitative study was conceptualized. This research answered four questions on the profile and level of awareness of the 153 teacher respondents of Oriental Mindoro National High School for the academic year 2018-2019. Stratified proportional sampling was employed, and both descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized to treat data. The findings revealed that the majority of the teachers at OMNHS are female and are in the age bracket of 20-40. Most are married and pursue graduate studies. They have moderate awareness of the Department of Education’s DRRM programs and activities in terms of assessment of risks activities, planning activities, implementation activities during disaster and evaluation and monitoring activities with 3.32, 3.12, 3.40 and 3.31 as computed means, respectively. Further, the result showed a significant relationship between the profile of the respondents such as age, civil status and educational attainment and the level of awareness. On the contrary, sex does not have a significant relationship with the level of awareness. The Support School DRRM program with Utilization Guide on School DRRM Manual was proposed to increase, improve and strengthen the weakest areas of awareness rated in each DRRM activity, such as assessment of risks, planning, and implementation during disasters and monitoring and evaluation.Keywords: awareness, management, monitoring, risk reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 220889 Preparation A Software Architecture Tool with Support to All of Architectural Concepts Title
Authors: Adel Smeda, Badr Najep
Software architecture is a method of describing the architecture of a software system at a high level of abstraction. It represents a common abstraction of a system that stakeholders can use as a basis for mutual understanding, negotiation, consensus, and communication. It also manifests the earliest design decisions about a system, and these early bindings carry weight far out of proportion to their individual gravity with respect to the system's remaining development, its deployment, and its maintenance life, therefore it is the earliest point at which design decisions governing the system to be built can be analyzed. In this paper, we present a tool to model the architecture of software systems. It represents the first method by which system defects can be detected, and provide a clear representation of a system’s components and interactions at a high level of abstraction. It can be distinguished from other tools by its support to all software architecture elements. The tool is built using 2010. We used this tool to describe two well know systems, i.e. Capitalize and Client/Server, and the descriptions we obtained support all architectural elements of the two systems.Keywords: software architecture, architecture description languages, modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 467888 Authenticity and Performance in Political Leadership: Social Media’s Role in Shaping Public Perceptions
Authors: Simbarashe Nzvere
In an era dominated by digital communication, social media has become a powerful tool for political leaders to connect with the public, shape their narratives, and influence perceptions. With this much performance from political leaders, this paper will explore the dichotomy between authenticity and performance in the digital personas of political leaders. By examining how leaders craft their image on platforms such as X (Formerly Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, and Linked In, this study investigates whether these portrayals align with their true character or represent a strategic facade designed to resonate with target audiences. Utilizing case studies and content analysis, the research delves into the methods leaders employ to construct their online identities, the role of digital marketing teams in shaping these images, and the implications for public trust and political engagement. The findings highlight the complex interplay between genuine representation and strategic branding, offering insights into how social media reshapes political leadership in the 21st century.Keywords: political leadership, social media, authenticity, public perceptions, digital persona
Procedia PDF Downloads 8887 Suppressing Vibration in a Three-axis Flexible Satellite: An Approach with Composite Control
Authors: Jalal Eddine Benmansour, Khouane Boulanoir, Nacera Bekhadda, Elhassen Benfriha
This paper introduces a novel composite control approach that addresses the challenge of stabilizing the three-axis attitude of a flexible satellite in the presence of vibrations caused by flexible appendages. The key contribution of this research lies in the development of a disturbance observer, which effectively observes and estimates the unwanted torques induced by the vibrations. By utilizing the estimated disturbance, the proposed approach enables efficient compensation for the detrimental effects of vibrations on the satellite system. To govern the attitude angles of the spacecraft, a proportional derivative controller (PD) is specifically designed and proposed. The PD controller ensures precise control over all attitude angles, facilitating stable and accurate spacecraft maneuvering. In order to demonstrate the global stability of the system, the Lyapunov method, a well-established technique in control theory, is employed. Through rigorous analysis, the Lyapunov method verifies the convergence of system dynamics, providing strong evidence of system stability. To evaluate the performance and efficacy of the proposed control algorithm, extensive simulations are conducted. The simulation results validate the effectiveness of the combined approach, showcasing significant improvements in the stabilization and control of the satellite's attitude, even in the presence of disruptive vibrations from flexible appendages. This novel composite control approach presented in this paper contributes to the advancement of satellite attitude control techniques, offering a promising solution for achieving enhanced stability and precision in challenging operational environments.Keywords: attitude control, flexible satellite, vibration control, disturbance observer
Procedia PDF Downloads 87886 Finding Optimal Operation Condition in a Biological Nutrient Removal Process with Balancing Effluent Quality, Economic Cost and GHG Emissions
Authors: Seungchul Lee, Minjeong Kim, Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Jeong Tai Kim, ChangKyoo Yoo
It is hard to maintain the effluent quality of the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) under with fixed types of operational control because of continuously changed influent flow rate and pollutant load. The aims of this study is development of multi-loop multi-objective control (ML-MOC) strategy in plant-wide scope targeting four objectives: 1) maximization of nutrient removal efficiency, 2) minimization of operational cost, 3) maximization of CH4 production in anaerobic digestion (AD) for CH4 reuse as a heat source and energy source, and 4) minimization of N2O gas emission to cope with global warming. First, benchmark simulation mode is modified to describe N2O dynamic in biological process, namely benchmark simulation model for greenhouse gases (BSM2G). Then, three types of single-loop proportional-integral (PI) controllers for DO controller, NO3 controller, and CH4 controller are implemented. Their optimal set-points of the controllers are found by using multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA). Finally, multi loop-MOC in BSM2G is implemented and evaluated in BSM2G. Compared with the reference case, the ML-MOC with the optimal set-points showed best control performances than references with improved performances of 34%, 5% and 79% of effluent quality, CH4 productivity, and N2O emission respectively, with the decrease of 65% in operational cost.Keywords: Benchmark simulation model for greenhouse gas, multi-loop multi-objective controller, multi-objective genetic algorithm, wastewater treatment plant
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