Search results for: e-content producing algorithm
3790 Optimum Dimensions of Hydraulic Structures Foundation and Protections Using Coupled Genetic Algorithm with Artificial Neural Network Model
Authors: Dheyaa W. Abbood, Rafa H. AL-Suhaili, May S. Saleh
A model using the artificial neural networks and genetic algorithm technique is developed for obtaining optimum dimensions of the foundation length and protections of small hydraulic structures. The procedure involves optimizing an objective function comprising a weighted summation of the state variables. The decision variables considered in the optimization are the upstream and downstream cutoffs length sand their angles of inclination, the foundation length, and the length of the downstream soil protection. These were obtained for a given maximum difference in head, depth of impervious layer and degree of anisotropy.The optimization carried out subjected to constraints that ensure a safe structure against the uplift pressure force and sufficient protection length at the downstream side of the structure to overcome an excessive exit gradient. The Geo-studios oft ware, was used to analyze 1200 different cases. For each case the length of protection and volume of structure required to satisfy the safety factors mentioned previously were estimated. An ANN model was developed and verified using these cases input-output sets as its data base. A MatLAB code was written to perform a genetic algorithm optimization modeling coupled with this ANN model using a formulated optimization model. A sensitivity analysis was done for selecting the cross-over probability, the mutation probability and level ,the number of population, the position of the crossover and the weights distribution for all the terms of the objective function. Results indicate that the most factor that affects the optimum solution is the number of population required. The minimum value that gives stable global optimum solution of this parameters is (30000) while other variables have little effect on the optimum solution.Keywords: inclined cutoff, optimization, genetic algorithm, artificial neural networks, geo-studio, uplift pressure, exit gradient, factor of safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 3253789 Learning Grammars for Detection of Disaster-Related Micro Events
Authors: Josef Steinberger, Vanni Zavarella, Hristo Tanev
Natural disasters cause tens of thousands of victims and massive material damages. We refer to all those events caused by natural disasters, such as damage on people, infrastructure, vehicles, services and resource supply, as micro events. This paper addresses the problem of micro - event detection in online media sources. We present a natural language grammar learning algorithm and apply it to online news. The algorithm in question is based on distributional clustering and detection of word collocations. We also explore the extraction of micro-events from social media and describe a Twitter mining robot, who uses combinations of keywords to detect tweets which talk about effects of disasters.Keywords: online news, natural language processing, machine learning, event extraction, crisis computing, disaster effects, Twitter
Procedia PDF Downloads 4803788 Prevention of Road Accidents by Computerized Drowsiness Detection System
Authors: Ujjal Chattaraj, P. C. Dasbebartta, S. Bhuyan
This paper aims to propose a method to detect the action of the driver’s eyes, using the concept of face detection. There are three major key contributing methods which can rapidly process the framework of the facial image and hence produce results which further can program the reactions of the vehicles as pre-programmed for the traffic safety. This paper compares and analyses the methods on the basis of their reaction time and their ability to deal with fluctuating images of the driver. The program used in this study is simple and efficient, built using the AdaBoost learning algorithm. Through this program, the system would be able to discard background regions and focus on the face-like regions. The results are analyzed on a common computer which makes it feasible for the end users. The application domain of this experiment is quite wide, such as detection of drowsiness or influence of alcohols in drivers or detection for the case of identification.Keywords: AdaBoost learning algorithm, face detection, framework, traffic safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 1573787 Integrated Location-Allocation Planning in Multi Product Multi Echelon Single Period Closed Loop Supply Chain Network Design
Authors: Santhosh Srinivasan, Vipul Garhiya, Shahul Hamid Khan
Environmental performance along with social performance is becoming vital factors for industries to achieve global standards. With a good environmental policy global industries are differentiating them from their competitors. This paper concentrates on multi stage, multi product and multi period manufacturing network. Single objective mathematical models for a total cost for the entire forward supply chain and reverse chain are considered. Here five different problems are considered by varying the number of facilities for illustration. M-MOGA, Shuffle Frog Leaping algorithm (SFLA) and CPLEX are used for finding the optimal solution for the mathematical model.Keywords: closed loop supply chain, genetic algorithm, random search, multi period, green supply chain
Procedia PDF Downloads 3933786 Batch-Oriented Setting Time`s Optimisation in an Aerodynamic Feeding System
Authors: Jan Busch, Maurice Schmidt, Peter Nyhuis
The change of conditions for production companies in high-wage countries is characterized by the globalization of competition and the transition of a supplier´s to a buyer´s market. The companies need to face the challenges of reacting flexibly to these changes. Due to the significant and increasing degree of automation, assembly has become the most expensive production process. Regarding the reduction of production cost, assembly consequently offers a considerable rationalizing potential. Therefore, an aerodynamic feeding system has been developed at the Institute of Production Systems and Logistics (IFA), Leibniz Universitaet Hannover. In former research activities, this system has been enabled to adjust itself using genetic algorithm. The longer the genetic algorithm is executed the better is the feeding quality. In this paper, the relation between the system´s setting time and the feeding quality is observed and a function which enables the user to achieve the minimum of the total feeding time is presented.Keywords: aerodynamic feeding system, batch size, optimisation, setting time
Procedia PDF Downloads 2583785 A Heuristic Approach for the General Flowshop Scheduling Problem to Minimize the Makespan
Authors: Mohsen Ziaee
Almost all existing researches on the flowshop scheduling problems focus on the permutation schedules and there is insufficient study dedicated to the general flowshop scheduling problems in the literature, since the modeling and solving of the general flowshop scheduling problems are more difficult than the permutation ones, especially for the large-size problem instances. This paper considers the general flowshop scheduling problem with the objective function of the makespan (F//Cmax). We first find the optimal solution of the problem by solving a mixed integer linear programming model. An efficient heuristic method is then presented to solve the problem. An ant colony optimization algorithm is also proposed for the problem. In order to evaluate the performance of the methods, computational experiments are designed and performed. Numerical results show that the heuristic algorithm can result in reasonable solutions with low computational effort and even achieve optimal solutions in some cases.Keywords: scheduling, general flow shop scheduling problem, makespan, heuristic
Procedia PDF Downloads 2073784 Solving Directional Overcurrent Relay Coordination Problem Using Artificial Bees Colony
Authors: M. H. Hussain, I. Musirin, A. F. Abidin, S. R. A. Rahim
This paper presents the implementation of Artificial Bees Colony (ABC) algorithm in solving Directional OverCurrent Relays (DOCRs) coordination problem for near-end faults occurring in fixed network topology. The coordination optimization of DOCRs is formulated as linear programming (LP) problem. The objective function is introduced to minimize the operating time of the associated relay which depends on the time multiplier setting. The proposed technique is to taken as a technique for comparison purpose in order to highlight its superiority. The proposed algorithms have been tested successfully on 8 bus test system. The simulation results demonstrated that the ABC algorithm which has been proved to have good search ability is capable in dealing with constraint optimization problems.Keywords: artificial bees colony, directional overcurrent relay coordination problem, relay settings, time multiplier setting
Procedia PDF Downloads 3303783 Designing an Intelligent Voltage Instability System in Power Distribution Systems in the Philippines Using IEEE 14 Bus Test System
Authors: Pocholo Rodriguez, Anne Bernadine Ocampo, Ian Benedict Chan, Janric Micah Gray
The state of an electric power system may be classified as either stable or unstable. The borderline of stability is at any condition for which a slight change in an unfavourable direction of any pertinent quantity will cause instability. Voltage instability in power distribution systems could lead to voltage collapse and thus power blackouts. The researchers will present an intelligent system using back propagation algorithm that can detect voltage instability and output voltage of a power distribution and classify it as stable or unstable. The researchers’ work is the use of parameters involved in voltage instability as input parameters to the neural network for training and testing purposes that can provide faster detection and monitoring of the power distribution system.Keywords: back-propagation algorithm, load instability, neural network, power distribution system
Procedia PDF Downloads 4363782 Networked Implementation of Milling Stability Optimization with Bayesian Learning
Authors: Christoph Ramsauer, Jaydeep Karandikar, Tony Schmitz, Friedrich Bleicher
Machining stability is an important limitation to discrete part machining. In this work, a networked implementation of milling stability optimization with Bayesian learning is presented. The milling process was monitored with a wireless sensory tool holder instrumented with an accelerometer at the Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria. The recorded data from a milling test cut is used to classify the cut as stable or unstable based on the frequency analysis. The test cut result is fed to a Bayesian stability learning algorithm at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. The algorithm calculates the probability of stability as a function of axial depth of cut and spindle speed and recommends the parameters for the next test cut. The iterative process between two transatlantic locations repeats until convergence to a stable optimal process parameter set is achieved.Keywords: machining stability, machine learning, sensor, optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2083781 Enforcement against Illegal Logging: Issues and Challenges
Authors: Muhammad Nur Haniff Mohd Noor, Rokiah Kadir, Suriyani Muhamad
Sustainable forest management and forest protection can be hampered by illegal logging. Illegal logging is not uncommon in many wood-producing countries. Hence, law enforcement, especially in timber-producing countries, is crucial in ensuring compliance with forestry related regulations, as well as confirming that all parties obey the rules and regulations prescribed by the authorities. However, enforcement officers are encountering various challenges and difficulties which have undermined the enforcement capacity and efficiency. The appropriate policy responses for these issues are important to resolve the problems in the long term and empowering enforcement capacity to meet future challenges of forest law enforcement. This paper is written according to extensive review of the articles and publications by The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Chatham House and The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Subsequently, various books and journal articles are reviewed to gain further insight towards enforcement issues and challenges. This paper identifies several issues which consist of (1) insufficient enforcement capacity and resources (2) lack of coordination between various enforcement agencies, (3) corruption in the government and private sectors and (4) unclear legal frameworks related to the forestry sector. Next, this paper discusses appropriate policy responses to address each enforcement challenges according to various publications. This includes specific reports concerning forest law enforcement published by international forestry-related organizations. Therefore, lack of resources, inadequate synchronization between agencies, corruption, and legal issues present challenges to enforcement officers in their daily routines. Recommendations regarding proper policy responses to overcome the issues are of great importance in assisting forest authorities in prioritizing their resources appropriately.Keywords: corruption, enforcement challenges, enforcement capacity, forest law enforcement, insufficient agency coordination, legislative ambiguity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1873780 Clinical Validation of an Automated Natural Language Processing Algorithm for Finding COVID-19 Symptoms and Complications in Patient Notes
Authors: Karolina Wieczorek, Sophie Wiliams
Introduction: Patient data is often collected in Electronic Health Record Systems (EHR) for purposes such as providing care as well as reporting data. This information can be re-used to validate data models in clinical trials or in epidemiological studies. Manual validation of automated tools is vital to pick up errors in processing and to provide confidence in the output. Mentioning a disease in a discharge letter does not necessarily mean that a patient suffers from this disease. Many of them discuss a diagnostic process, different tests, or discuss whether a patient has a certain disease. The COVID-19 dataset in this study used natural language processing (NLP), an automated algorithm which extracts information related to COVID-19 symptoms, complications, and medications prescribed within the hospital. Free-text patient clinical patient notes are rich sources of information which contain patient data not captured in a structured form, hence the use of named entity recognition (NER) to capture additional information. Methods: Patient data (discharge summary letters) were exported and screened by an algorithm to pick up relevant terms related to COVID-19. Manual validation of automated tools is vital to pick up errors in processing and to provide confidence in the output. A list of 124 Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED) Clinical Terms has been provided in Excel with corresponding IDs. Two independent medical student researchers were provided with a dictionary of SNOMED list of terms to refer to when screening the notes. They worked on two separate datasets called "A” and "B”, respectively. Notes were screened to check if the correct term had been picked-up by the algorithm to ensure that negated terms were not picked up. Results: Its implementation in the hospital began on March 31, 2020, and the first EHR-derived extract was generated for use in an audit study on June 04, 2020. The dataset has contributed to large, priority clinical trials (including International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium (ISARIC) by bulk upload to REDcap research databases) and local research and audit studies. Successful sharing of EHR-extracted datasets requires communicating the provenance and quality, including completeness and accuracy of this data. The results of the validation of the algorithm were the following: precision (0.907), recall (0.416), and F-score test (0.570). Percentage enhancement with NLP extracted terms compared to regular data extraction alone was low (0.3%) for relatively well-documented data such as previous medical history but higher (16.6%, 29.53%, 30.3%, 45.1%) for complications, presenting illness, chronic procedures, acute procedures respectively. Conclusions: This automated NLP algorithm is shown to be useful in facilitating patient data analysis and has the potential to be used in more large-scale clinical trials to assess potential study exclusion criteria for participants in the development of vaccines.Keywords: automated, algorithm, NLP, COVID-19
Procedia PDF Downloads 1023779 Automatic LV Segmentation with K-means Clustering and Graph Searching on Cardiac MRI
Authors: Hae-Yeoun Lee
Quantification of cardiac function is performed by calculating blood volume and ejection fraction in routine clinical practice. However, these works have been performed by manual contouring,which requires computational costs and varies on the observer. In this paper, an automatic left ventricle segmentation algorithm on cardiac magnetic resonance images (MRI) is presented. Using knowledge on cardiac MRI, a K-mean clustering technique is applied to segment blood region on a coil-sensitivity corrected image. Then, a graph searching technique is used to correct segmentation errors from coil distortion and noises. Finally, blood volume and ejection fraction are calculated. Using cardiac MRI from 15 subjects, the presented algorithm is tested and compared with manual contouring by experts to show outstanding performance.Keywords: cardiac MRI, graph searching, left ventricle segmentation, K-means clustering
Procedia PDF Downloads 4003778 Lateral Control of Electric Vehicle Based on Fuzzy Logic Control
Authors: Hartani Kada, Merah Abdelkader
Aiming at the high nonlinearities and unmatched uncertainties of the intelligent electric vehicles’ dynamic system, this paper presents a lateral motion control algorithm for intelligent electric vehicles with four in-wheel motors. A fuzzy logic procedure is presented and formulated to realize lateral control in lane change. The vehicle dynamics model and a desired target tracking model were established in this paper. A fuzzy logic controller was designed for integrated active front steering (AFS) and direct yaw moment control (DYC) in order to improve vehicle handling performance and stability, and a fuzzy controller for the automatic steering problem. The simulation results demonstrate the strong robustness and excellent tracking performance of the control algorithm that is proposed.Keywords: fuzzy logic, lateral control, AFS, DYC, electric car technology, longitudinal control, lateral motion
Procedia PDF Downloads 6123777 Bi-Criteria Vehicle Routing Problem for Possibility Environment
Authors: Bezhan Ghvaberidze
A multiple criteria optimization approach for the solution of the Fuzzy Vehicle Routing Problem (FVRP) is proposed. For the possibility environment the levels of movements between customers are calculated by the constructed simulation interactive algorithm. The first criterion of the bi-criteria optimization problem - minimization of the expectation of total fuzzy travel time on closed routes is constructed for the FVRP. A new, second criterion – maximization of feasibility of movement on the closed routes is constructed by the Choquet finite averaging operator. The FVRP is reduced to the bi-criteria partitioning problem for the so called “promising” routes which were selected from the all admissible closed routes. The convenient selection of the “promising” routes allows us to solve the reduced problem in the real-time computing. For the numerical solution of the bi-criteria partitioning problem the -constraint approach is used. An exact algorithm is implemented based on D. Knuth’s Dancing Links technique and the algorithm DLX. The Main objective was to present the new approach for FVRP, when there are some difficulties while moving on the roads. This approach is called FVRP for extreme conditions (FVRP-EC) on the roads. Also, the aim of this paper was to construct the solving model of the constructed FVRP. Results are illustrated on the numerical example where all Pareto-optimal solutions are found. Also, an approach for more complex model FVRP with time windows was developed. A numerical example is presented in which optimal routes are constructed for extreme conditions on the roads.Keywords: combinatorial optimization, Fuzzy Vehicle routing problem, multiple objective programming, possibility theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 4893776 An Integration of Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization to Forecast Transport Energy Demand
Authors: N. R. Badurally Adam, S. R. Monebhurrun, M. Z. Dauhoo, A. Khoodaruth
Transport energy demand is vital for the economic growth of any country. Globalisation and better standard of living plays an important role in transport energy demand. Recently, transport energy demand in Mauritius has increased significantly, thus leading to an abuse of natural resources and thereby contributing to global warming. Forecasting the transport energy demand is therefore important for controlling and managing the demand. In this paper, we develop a model to predict the transport energy demand. The model developed is based on a system of five stochastic differential equations (SDEs) consisting of five endogenous variables: fuel price, population, gross domestic product (GDP), number of vehicles and transport energy demand and three exogenous parameters: crude birth rate, crude death rate and labour force. An interval of seven years is used to avoid any falsification of result since Mauritius is a developing country. Data available for Mauritius from year 2003 up to 2009 are used to obtain the values of design variables by applying genetic algorithm. The model is verified and validated for 2010 to 2012 by substituting the values of coefficients obtained by GA in the model and using particle swarm optimisation (PSO) to predict the values of the exogenous parameters. This model will help to control the transport energy demand in Mauritius which will in turn foster Mauritius towards a pollution-free country and decrease our dependence on fossil fuels.Keywords: genetic algorithm, modeling, particle swarm optimization, stochastic differential equations, transport energy demand
Procedia PDF Downloads 3703775 Event Extraction, Analysis, and Event Linking
Authors: Anam Alam, Rahim Jamaluddin Kanji
With the rapid growth of event in everywhere, event extraction has now become an important matter to retrieve the information from the unstructured data. One of the challenging problems is to extract the event from it. An event is an observable occurrence of interaction among entities. The paper investigates the effectiveness of event extraction capabilities of three software tools that are Wandora, Nitro and SPSS. We performed standard text mining techniques of these tools on the data sets of (i) Afghan War Diaries (AWD collection), (ii) MUC4 and (iii) WebKB. Information retrieval measures such as precision and recall which are computed under extensive set of experiments for Event Extraction. The experimental study analyzes the difference between events extracted by the software and human. This approach helps to construct an algorithm that will be applied for different machine learning methods.Keywords: event extraction, Wandora, nitro, SPSS, event analysis, extraction method, AFG, Afghan War Diaries, MUC4, 4 universities, dataset, algorithm, precision, recall, evaluation
Procedia PDF Downloads 5983774 Optimization of Electrocoagulation Process Using Duelist Algorithm
Authors: Totok R. Biyanto, Arif T. Mardianto, M. Farid R. R., Luthfi Machmudi, kandi mulakasti
The main objective of this research is optimizing the electrocoagulation process design as a post-treatment for biologically vinasse effluent process. The first principle model with three independent variables that affect the energy consumption of electrocoagulation process i.e. current density, electrode distance, and time of treatment process are chosen as optimized variables. The process condition parameters were determined with the value of pH, electrical conductivity, and temperature of vinasse about 6.5, 28.5 mS/cm, 52 oC, respectively. Aluminum was chosen as the electrode material of electrocoagulation process. Duelist algorithm was used as optimization technique due to its capability to reach a global optimum. The optimization results show that the optimal process can be reached in the conditions of current density of 2.9976 A/m2, electrode distance of 1.5 cm and electrolysis time of 119 min. The optimized energy consumption during process is 34.02 Wh.Keywords: optimization, vinasse effluent, electrocoagulation, energy consumption
Procedia PDF Downloads 4703773 Minimization of Propagation Delay in Multi Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Network
Authors: Purva Joshi, Rohit Thanki, Omar Hanif
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are becoming increasingly important in various industrial applications and sectors. Nowadays, a multi UAV network is used for specific types of communication (e.g., military) and monitoring purposes. Therefore, it is critical to reducing propagation delay during communication between UAVs, which is essential in a multi UAV network. This paper presents how the propagation delay between the base station (BS) and the UAVs is reduced using a searching algorithm. Furthermore, the iterative-based K-nearest neighbor (k-NN) algorithm and Travelling Salesmen Problem (TSP) algorthm were utilized to optimize the distance between BS and individual UAV to overcome the problem of propagation delay in multi UAV networks. The simulation results show that this proposed method reduced complexity, improved reliability, and reduced propagation delay in multi UAV networks.Keywords: multi UAV network, optimal distance, propagation delay, K - nearest neighbor, traveling salesmen problem
Procedia PDF Downloads 2053772 Distributed System Computing Resource Scheduling Algorithm Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
Authors: Yitao Lei, Xingxiang Zhai, Burra Venkata Durga Kumar
As the quantity and complexity of computing in large-scale software systems increase, distributed system computing becomes increasingly important. The distributed system realizes high-performance computing by collaboration between different computing resources. If there are no efficient resource scheduling resources, the abuse of distributed computing may cause resource waste and high costs. However, resource scheduling is usually an NP-hard problem, so we cannot find a general solution. However, some optimization algorithms exist like genetic algorithm, ant colony optimization, etc. The large scale of distributed systems makes this traditional optimization algorithm challenging to work with. Heuristic and machine learning algorithms are usually applied in this situation to ease the computing load. As a result, we do a review of traditional resource scheduling optimization algorithms and try to introduce a deep reinforcement learning method that utilizes the perceptual ability of neural networks and the decision-making ability of reinforcement learning. Using the machine learning method, we try to find important factors that influence the performance of distributed system computing and help the distributed system do an efficient computing resource scheduling. This paper surveys the application of deep reinforcement learning on distributed system computing resource scheduling proposes a deep reinforcement learning method that uses a recurrent neural network to optimize the resource scheduling, and proposes the challenges and improvement directions for DRL-based resource scheduling algorithms.Keywords: resource scheduling, deep reinforcement learning, distributed system, artificial intelligence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1133771 Seroprevalence and Potential Risk Factors of Bovine Brucellosis under Diverse Production Systems in Central Punjab, Paksitan
Authors: A. Khan, I. Khan, M. Younus, S. E. Haque, U. Waheed, H. Neubauer, A. A. Anjum, S. A. Muhammad, A. Idrees T. Abbas, S. Raza, M. A. Ali, M. Farooq, M. Mahmood, A. Hussain, H. Danish, U. Tayyab, M. Zafar, M. Aslam.
Brucellosis is one of the major problems of milk producing animals in our country which deteriorate the health of livestock. It is a disease of zoonotic significance which is capable of producing disease in humans leading to infertility, orchitis, abortions, and synovitis. In this particular study, milk and serum samples of cattle and buffalo (n=402) were collected from different districts of Punjab including Narowal, Gujranwala and Gujrat. Milk samples were analyzed by Milk Ring Test (MRT), while serum samples were tested through Rose Bengal Plate agglutination Test (RBPT) and Indirect Enzyme Linked Immunosorbant Assay (i-ELISA). The sample tested with MRT were 9.5% positive, including cattle 9.6% and buffalo 9.3%. While using the RBPT test for the detection of serum samples and for screening purpose it was observed that 16.4% animals were seropositive, cattle were 18.8% and buffalo were 13.9% seropositive. The higher prevalence of brucellosis indicates the danger of the disease to human population. The serum samples positive by RBPT were further confirmed by the use of most specific and sensitive serological test known as i-ELISA. 11.4% animals were confirmed as seropositive by i-ELISA including cattle 13.5% seropositive and buffalo 9.3%. The results indicated high seroprevalence of brucellosis in cattle as compared to buffalos. Different risk factors were also studied to know the association between disease and their spread. Advanced age, larger herds, history of abortion and pregnancy of the animals is considered to be the important factors for the prevalence and spread of the hazardous zoonotic disease. It is a core issue of developing countries like Pakistan and has major public health impact.Keywords: humans, bovines, infertility, orchitis, abortions, seroprevalence, brucellosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4873770 Toxicity of Bisphenol-A: Effects on Health and Regulations
Authors: Tuğba Özdal, Neşe Şahin Yeşilçubuk
Bisphenol-A (BPA) is one of the highest volume chemicals produced worldwide in the plastic industry. This compound is mostly used in producing polycarbonate plastics that are often used for food and beverage storage, and BPA is also a component of epoxy resins that are used to line food and beverage containers. Studies performed in this area indicated that BPA could be extracted from such products while they are in contact with food. Therefore, BPA exposure is presumed. In this paper, the chemical structure of BPA, factors affecting BPA migration to food and beverages, effects on health, and recent regulations will be reviewed.Keywords: BPA, health, regulations, toxicity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3413769 Integrated Model for Enhancing Data Security Performance in Cloud Computing
Authors: Amani A. Saad, Ahmed A. El-Farag, El-Sayed A. Helali
Cloud computing is an important and promising field in the recent decade. Cloud computing allows sharing resources, services and information among the people of the whole world. Although the advantages of using clouds are great, but there are many risks in a cloud. The data security is the most important and critical problem of cloud computing. In this research a new security model for cloud computing is proposed for ensuring secure communication system, hiding information from other users and saving the user's times. In this proposed model Blowfish encryption algorithm is used for exchanging information or data, and SHA-2 cryptographic hash algorithm is used for data integrity. For user authentication process a user-name and password is used, the password uses SHA-2 for one way encryption. The proposed system shows an improvement of the processing time of uploading and downloading files on the cloud in secure form.Keywords: cloud Ccomputing, data security, SAAS, PAAS, IAAS, Blowfish
Procedia PDF Downloads 4793768 Saliency Detection Using a Background Probability Model
Authors: Junling Li, Fang Meng, Yichun Zhang
Image saliency detection has been long studied, while several challenging problems are still unsolved, such as detecting saliency inaccurately in complex scenes or suppressing salient objects in the image borders. In this paper, we propose a new saliency detection algorithm in order to solving these problems. We represent the image as a graph with superixels as nodes. By considering appearance similarity between the boundary and the background, the proposed method chooses non-saliency boundary nodes as background priors to construct the background probability model. The probability that each node belongs to the model is computed, which measures its similarity with backgrounds. Thus we can calculate saliency by the transformed probability as a metric. We compare our algorithm with ten-state-of-the-art salient detection methods on the public database. Experimental results show that our simple and effective approach can attack those challenging problems that had been baffling in image saliency detection.Keywords: visual saliency, background probability, boundary knowledge, background priors
Procedia PDF Downloads 4303767 Effectiveness of Earthing System in Vertical Configurations
Authors: S. Yunus, A. Suratman, N. Mohamad Nor, M. Othman
This paper presents the measurement and simulation results by Finite Element Method (FEM) for earth resistance (RDC) for interconnected vertical ground rod configurations. The soil resistivity was measured using the Wenner four-pin Method, and RDC was measured using the Fall of Potential (FOP) method, as outlined in the standard. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is employed to interpret the soil resistivity to that of a 2-layer soil model. The same soil resistivity data that were obtained by Wenner four-pin method were used in FEM for simulation. This paper compares the results of RDC obtained by FEM simulation with the real measurement at field site. A good agreement was seen for RDC obtained by measurements and FEM. This shows that FEM is a reliable software to be used for design of earthing systems. It is also found that the parallel rod system has a better performance compared to a similar setup using a grid layout.Keywords: earthing system, earth electrodes, finite element method, genetic algorithm, earth resistances
Procedia PDF Downloads 1103766 TMBCoI-SIOT: Trust Management System Based on the Community of Interest for the Social Internet of Things
Authors: Oumaima Ben Abderrahim, Mohamed Houcine Elhedhili, Leila Saidane
In this paper, we propose a trust management system based on clustering architecture for the social internet of things called TMBCO-SIOT. The proposed model integrates numerous factors such as direct and indirect trust; transaction factor; precaution factor; and social modeling of trust. The novelty of our approach can be summed up in two aspects. The first aspect concerns the architecture based on the community of interest (CoT) where each community is headed by an administrator (admin). However, the second aspect is the trust management system that tries to prevent On-Off attacks and mitigates dishonest recommendations using the k-means algorithm and guarantor things. The effectiveness of the proposed system is proved by simulation against malicious nodes.Keywords: IoT, trust management system, attacks, trust, dishonest recommendations, K-means algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 2133765 Mixtures of Length-Biased Weibull Distributions for Loss Severity Modelling
Authors: Taehan Bae
In this paper, a class of length-biased Weibull mixtures is presented to model loss severity data. The proposed model generalizes the Erlang mixtures with the common scale parameter, and it shares many important modelling features, such as flexibility to fit various data distribution shapes and weak-denseness in the class of positive continuous distributions, with the Erlang mixtures. We show that the asymptotic tail estimate of the length-biased Weibull mixture is Weibull-type, which makes the model effective to fit loss severity data with heavy-tailed observations. A method of statistical estimation is discussed with applications on real catastrophic loss data sets.Keywords: Erlang mixture, length-biased distribution, transformed gamma distribution, asymptotic tail estimate, EM algorithm, expectation-maximization algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 2243764 Robust Fault Diagnosis for Wind Turbine Systems Subjected to Multi-Faults
Authors: Sarah Odofin, Zhiwei Gao, Sun Kai
Operations, maintenance and reliability of wind turbines have received much attention over the years due to rapid expansion of wind farms. This paper explores early fault diagnosis scale technique based on a unique scheme of a 5MW wind turbine system that is optimized by genetic algorithm to be very sensitive to faults and resilient to disturbances. A quantitative model based analysis is pragmatic for primary fault diagnosis monitoring assessment to minimize downtime mostly caused by components breakdown and exploit productivity consistency. Simulation results are computed validating the wind turbine model which demonstrates system performance in a practical application of fault type examples. The results show the satisfactory effectiveness of the applied performance investigated in a Matlab/Simulink/Gatool environment.Keywords: disturbance robustness, fault monitoring and detection, genetic algorithm, observer technique
Procedia PDF Downloads 3813763 Reconfigurable Efficient IIR Filter Design Using MAC Algorithm
Authors: Rajesh Mehra
In this paper an IIR filter has been designed and simulated on an FPGA. The implementation is based on MAC algorithm which uses multiply-and-accumulate operations IIR filter design implementation. Parallel Pipelined structure is used to implement the proposed IIR Filter taking optimal advantage of the look up table of the FPGA device. The designed filter has been synthesized on DSP slice based FPGA to perform multiplier function of MAC unit. The DSP slices are useful to enhance the speed performance. The developed IIR filter is designed and simulated with MATLAB and synthesized with Xilinx Synthesis Tool (XST), and implemented on Virtex 5 and Spartan 3 ADSP FPGA devices. The IIR filter implemented on Virtex 5 FPGA can operate at an estimated frequency of 81.5 MHz as compared to 40.5 MHz in case of Spartan 3 ADSP FPGA. The Virtex 5 based implementation also consumes less slices and slice flip flops of target FPGA in comparison to Spartan 3 ADSP based implementation to provide cost effective solution for signal processing applications.Keywords: butterworth, DSP, IIR, MAC, FPGA
Procedia PDF Downloads 3603762 Use of Interpretable Evolved Search Query Classifiers for Sinhala Documents
Authors: Prasanna Haddela
Document analysis is a well matured yet still active research field, partly as a result of the intricate nature of building computational tools but also due to the inherent problems arising from the variety and complexity of human languages. Breaking down language barriers is vital in enabling access to a number of recent technologies. This paper investigates the application of document classification methods to new Sinhalese datasets. This language is geographically isolated and rich with many of its own unique features. We will examine the interpretability of the classification models with a particular focus on the use of evolved Lucene search queries generated using a Genetic Algorithm (GA) as a method of document classification. We will compare the accuracy and interpretability of these search queries with other popular classifiers. The results are promising and are roughly in line with previous work on English language datasets.Keywords: evolved search queries, Sinhala document classification, Lucene Sinhala analyzer, interpretable text classification, genetic algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 1143761 Application of Neural Networks to Predict Changing the Diameters of Bubbles in Pool Boiling Distilled Water
Authors: V. Nikkhah Rashidabad, M. Manteghian, M. Masoumi, S. Mousavian, D. Ashouri
In this research, the capability of neural networks in modeling and learning complicated and nonlinear relations has been used to develop a model for the prediction of changes in the diameter of bubbles in pool boiling distilled water. The input parameters used in the development of this network include element temperature, heat flux, and retention time of bubbles. The test data obtained from the experiment of the pool boiling of distilled water, and the measurement of the bubbles form on the cylindrical element. The model was developed based on training algorithm, which is typologically of back-propagation type. Considering the correlation coefficient obtained from this model is 0.9633. This shows that this model can be trusted for the simulation and modeling of the size of bubble and thermal transfer of boiling.Keywords: bubble diameter, heat flux, neural network, training algorithm
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